Complete Module Ed 1
Complete Module Ed 1
Complete Module Ed 1
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
analyze the basic concepts on human development;
apply the knowledge about human development in teaching and learning situation;
appreciate your parents effort in guiding you throughout your development process.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
During infancy, the greatest growth always occurs at the top. This means that
improvement in structure and function come first in the head region, then in the trunk, and last
in the leg region. This is from head to toe pattern of development as illustrated in this picture.
Comparing the two pictures, it shows that the children at picture number one grow in a
peaceful and loving family. Probably her development is faster and favorably compare to the
child in the picture number two because development varies depending on the heredity and
Principle3-Development takes place gradually.
While some changes occur in the flash of insight, more often it takes weeks, months, or
year for a person to undergo changes that result in the display of developmental
characteristics. Development cannot happen overnight.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
It is slow and gradual like what illustrated in this picture. It takes years before an
individual reach each developmental stage. In this picture it takes years before an infant will
develop into a toddler, teen and adult. Development will not happen with just a blink of an eye
or overnight. We grow and develop gradually.
Principle 4- Development as a process is complex because it is the product of
biological,cognitive and socio-emotional processes(Santrock,2002).
Biological processes involve changes in the individual’ s physical nature. Your brains
develop, you will gain weight and height. You will experiences hormonal changes
during puberty. All of these changes happen in your body is an example of biological
process of development.
Cognitive process involves changes in individual thought, intelligence and language.
When you were an infant what you utter are just sounds, then you learn to utter a
word, the word become phrase, the phrase become sentence until you learn to
incorporate the things you have learned to your language. You eventually learn to
memorize a poem, solve complex math problems and to play games like chess which
uses your cognitive ability. These developments involve your cognitive aspect of
Socio-emotional process involves changes in the individual’ s relationship with other
people, changes in emotions and personality. When you were a baby you were very
attached to your mother, then your playmates came during your school age, the
attachment lessen. Now that you are teenager or young adult, your favorite companion
are your friends and peers. Then maybe time will come that you will fall for someone
and started a family, your attachment will shift to your own family. Some of you might
experience betrayal and will choose to grow old alone. All of these changes belongs to
the socio-emotional process of development.
These biological, cognitive and socio-emotional process are inextricably intertwined.
While the processes are studied separately, the effect of one process or factor on a
person’s development is not isolated from the other processes. For example, if
someone is undernourished because he/she has a poor and troubled family, they could
be emotionally troubled as well and may result to his/her poor performance in school.
See how a biological process, affects the cognitive process in which in turn, affects the
socio-emotional process.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
adolescence, little or no change in adulthood and decline in old age, your approach to human
development is traditional.
In contrast if you believe that even in adulthood developmental change takes place as it
does during childhood. That there is no dominant stage of development, your approach is
lifespan. When we say life span meaning from the moment you were born until the time of your
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this module, you should be able to take an informed stand/position on the three
(3) issues on development.
Each of us has his/her own way of looking at our own and other people’s development. These
paradigms of human development while obviously lacking in scholastic vigor, provide us with a
conceptual framework for understanding ourselves and others. Scholars have come up with
their own models of human development. Back up bysolid research, theytake stand on issues
on human development.
1. Nature versus Nurture
The degree to which human behavior is determined by genetics/biology (nature) or learned
through interacting with the environment (nurture).
Behavior is caused by innate characteristics.
The physiological/biological characteristics we are born with.
Behavior is therefore determined by biology.
Also, a Determinist view- suggests all behavior is determined by hereditary
factors: Inherited characteristics, or genetic make-up we are born with.
All possible behaviors are said to be present from conception.
Genes provide the blueprint for all behaviors; some present from birth, others
pre-programmed to emerge with age.
Is a developmental approach: E.g. Piaget: children’s thought processes
change at predetermined age-related stages changes in age are related to
changes in behavior?
An individual’s behavior is determined by the environment- the things people
teach them, the things they observe, and because of the different situations
they are in.
Also, a determinist view- proposes all human behavior is the result of
interactions with the environment.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Several theories have been developed used to research child development. These
theories are used to explain child development. The theories are important because they
propose ideas or explanations to describe development and to predict kinds of behaviors.
Teachers are ought to study these theories to understand child and adolescent behaviors in
the teaching field. Let me discuss the theories of development.
“Sigmund Freud believed that people are born with biological drives that must be redirected to
make it possible to live in a society” (Papalia et. Al, 2008). He proposed that development
happens throughout five stages in a child’s life.
Sigmund Freud believed that behavior and personality were derived from the constant
And unique interaction of conflicting psychological forces that operate at three levels of
awareness. He believed that each of these parts of the mind plays an important role in
influencing behavior.
Conscious is a level of mental life that are directly available to us. The awareness of our
own mental process (Thoughts/ feelings).
Preconscious consists of facts stored in a part of the brain, which are not conscious but
are available for possible use in the future (E.g. A person will never think of her home
address at that moment, but when her friend ask for it, she can easily recall it).
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Unconscious it contains all the urges or instinct that are beyond our awareness but it
affects our expression, feeling, action (E.g. Slip of tongue, dreams, wishes).
According to Freud, our personality develops from the interactions among what he
proposed as the three fundamental structures of the human mind: the id, ego, and superego.
Conflicts among these three structures, and our efforts to find balance among what each of
them “desires,” determines how we behave and approach the world. What balance we strike in
any given situation determines how we will resolve the conflict between two overarching
behavioral tendencies: our biological aggressive and pleasure-seeking drives vs. our
socialized internal control over those drives.
Conflict within the mind: According to Freud, the job of the ego is to balance the
aggressive/pleasure-seeking drives of the id with the moral control of the superego.
a.) The Id
The id, the most primitive of the three structures, is concerned with instant gratification
of basic physical needs and urges. It operates entirely unconsciously (outside of conscious
thought). For example, if your id walked past a stranger eating ice cream, it would most likely
take the ice cream for itself. It doesn’t know, or care, that it is rude to take something belonging
to someone else; it would care only that you wanted the ice cream.
b.)The Superego
The superego is concerned with social rules and morals—similar to what many people
call their ” conscience ” or their “moral compass.” It develops as a child learns what their
culture considers right and wrong. If your superego walked past the same stranger, it would
not take their ice cream because it would know that that would be rude. However, if both your
id and your superego were involved, and your id was strong enough to override your
superego’s concern, you would still take the ice cream, but afterward you would most likely feel
guilt and shame over your actions.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
In contrast to the instinctual id and the moral superego, the ego is the rational,
pragmatic part of our personality. It is less primitive than the id and is partly conscious and
partly unconscious. It’s what Freud considered to be the “self,” and its job is to balance the
demands of the id and superego in the practical context of reality. So, if you walked past the
stranger with ice cream one more time, your ego would mediate the conflict between your id (“I
want that ice cream right now”) and superego (“It’s wrong to take someone else’s ice cream”)
and decide to go buy your own ice cream. While this may mean you have to wait 10 more
minutes, which would frustrate your id, your ego decides to make that sacrifice as part of the
compromise– satisfying your desire for ice cream while also avoiding an unpleasant social
situation and potential feelings of shame.
Freud believed that the id, ego, and superego are in constant conflict and that adult
personality and behavior are rooted in the results of these internal struggles throughout
childhood. He believed that a person who has a strong ego has a healthy personality and that
imbalances in this system can lead to neurosis (what we now think of as anxiety and
depression) and unhealthy behaviors.
Defense Mechanism
Projection Involves individuals attributing their You might hate someone, but
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
During the five psychosexual stages, which are the oral, anal, phallic, latent, and
genital stages, the erogenous zone associated with each stage serves as a source of
The psychosexual energy, or libido, was described as the driving force behind
Each stage of development is marked by conflicts that can help build growth or
stifle development, depending upon how they are resolved. If these psychosexual
stages are completed successfully, a healthy personality is the result.
If certain issues are not resolved at the appropriate stage, fixations can occur. A
fixation is a persistent focus on an earlier psychosexual stage. Until this conflict is
resolved, the individual will remain "stuck" in this stage. A person who is fixated at the
oral stage, for example, may be over-dependent on others and may seek oral
stimulation through smoking, drinking, or eating.
During the oral stage, the infant's primary source of interaction occurs through
the mouth, so the rooting and sucking reflex is especially important. The mouth is vital
for eating, and the infant derives pleasure from oral stimulation through gratifying
activities such as tasting and sucking.
Because the infant is entirely dependent upon caretakers (who are responsible
for feeding the child), the child also develops a sense of trust and comfort through this
oral stimulation.
The primary conflict at this stage is the weaning process--the child must become
less dependent upon caretakers. If fixation occurs at this stage, Freud believed the
individual would have issues with dependency or aggression. Oral fixation can result in
problems with drinking, eating, smoking, or nail-biting.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
According to Freud, success at this stage is dependent upon the way in which
parents approach toilet training. Parents who utilize praise and rewards for using the
toilet at the appropriate time encourage positive outcomes and help children feel
capable and productive.
Freud believed that positive experiences during the toilet training stage serve as
the basis for people to become competent, productive, and creative adults.
However, not all parents provide the support and encouragement that children need
during this stage. Some parents punish, ridicule, or shame a child for accidents.
If parents are too strict or begin toilet training too early, Freud believed that an
anal-retentive personality develops in which the individual is stringent, orderly, rigid, and
Freud also believed that boys begin to view their fathers as a rival for the
mother’s affections. The Oedipus complex describes these feelings of wanting to
possess the mother and the desire to replace the father. However, the child also fears
that he will be punished by the father for these feelings, a fear Freud termed castration
The term Electra complex has been used to describe a similar set of feelings
experienced by young girls. Freud, however, believed that girls instead experience
penis envy.
Eventually, the child begins to identify with the same-sex parent as a means of
vicariously possessing the other parent. For girls, however, Freud believed that penis
envy was never fully resolved and that all women remain somewhat fixated on this
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
The development of the ego and superego contribute to this period of calm. The
stage begins around the time that children enter into school and become more
concerned with peer relationships, hobbies, and other interests.
The latent period is a time of exploration in which the sexual energy repressed or
dormant. This energy is still present, but it is sublimated into other areas such as
intellectual pursuits and social interactions. This stage is important in the development
of social and communication skills and self-confidence.
As with the other psychosexual stages, Freud believed that it was possible for
children to become fixated or "stuck" in this phase. Fixation at this stage can result in
immaturity and an inability to form fulfilling relationships as an adult.
Where in earlier stages the focus was solely on individual needs, interest in the
welfare of others grows during this stage. The goal of this stage is to establish a
balance between the various life areas.
If the other stages have been completed successfully, the individual should now
be well-balanced, warm, and caring.
Unlike the many of the earlier stages of development, Freud believed that the
ego and superego were fully formed and functioning at this point. Younger children are
ruled by the id, which demands immediate satisfaction of the most basic needs and
Teens in the genital stage of development are able to balance their most basic
urges against the need to conform to the demands of reality and social norms.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
summarize the Erikson’s 8 stages of development;
compare and contrast Piaget’s cognitive developmental theory to Erikson’s
psychosocial theory of development;
cite the importance of Erikson’s theory of development in teaching and learning
1. Psychosocial (“psycho‟ relating to the mind, brain, personality, etc. and „social‟
which means the external relationships and environment). Biopsychosocial, in which
“bio” refers to life as in biological.
2. The theory is a basis for broad or complex discussion and analysis of personality
and behavior, and also facilitating personal development – of self and others. It can
help the teacher in becoming more knowledgeable and at the same time
understanding of the various environmental factors that affect his own and his
students‟ personality and behavior.
3. If a stage is managed well, we carry away a certain virtue or psychosocial strength
which will help us through the rest of the stages of our lives.
4. Malignancy – it involves too little of the positive and too much of the negative
aspects of the tasks, such as a person who can’t trust others.
5. Maladaptation – is not quite as bad and involves too much of the positive and too
little of the negative such as a person who trusts too much.
6. Mutuality – reflects the effect of generation on each other, especially among families,
and particularly between parents and children and grandchildren.
7. Generativity – actually a named disposition with one of the crisis stages
(Generativity v Stagnation, stage seven), reflects the significant relationship between
adults and the best interest of children - one’s own children, and in a way everyone
else’s children – the next generation, and all the following generation.
The goal is to develop trust without completely eliminating the capacity for
mistrust. If the primary caregivers, like the parents can give the baby a sense of
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
familiarity, consistency, and continuity, then the baby will develop the feeling that the
world is a safe place to be, that people are reliable and loving.
Please understand that parents should have to be perfect. In fact, parents who
are overly protective of the child will lead the child into maladaptive tendency which
Erikson calls sensory maladjustment: Overly trusting, even gullible, this person cannot
believe anyone would mean them harm, and will use all the defenses at their command
to find an explanation or excuse for the person who did him wrong. Worse, if balance is
tipped way on mistrust side. They will develop the malignant tendency of withdrawal,
characterized by depression, paranoia, and possibly psychosis.
If the proper balance is achieved, the child will develop the virtue of Hope.
In this stage Erikson believes that the child may develops a sense of doubt and
shame manifested in feelings of worthless and incompetence if the parents discourage
them in trying to do something on their own. We should keep in mind that even
something as innocent as laughing at the toddler’s efforts can lead the child to feel
deeply ashamed and to doubt his or her abilities. Unrestricted freedom or having no
sense of limit will also lead to shame and doubt.
Nevertheless, a little shame and doubt is not only inevitable, but beneficial.
Without it, the child will develop a maladaptive tendency Erikson calls impulsiveness, a
sort of shameless willfulness that leads you, in a later childhood and even adulthood, to
jump into things without proper consideration of your abilities. But too much shame and
doubt will lead to malignant tendency called compulsiveness: feels as if their entire
being rides on everything they do, and so everything must be done perfectly.
If you get the proper, positive balance of autonomy and shame and doubt, you
will develop the virtue of willpower or determination.
In this stage the child begins to explore his social and physical worlds
discovering what he can accomplish. The task is to learn initiative without too much
guilt. Erikson refers to this as a time for developing a sense of initiative or a positive
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
attitude of personal accomplishment. At this time, the child gradually becomes aware of
the various social roles presented by his environment. In Erikson’s view, the basic
influence during this period is the child’s families who can help him learn to be
responsible for his behavior and actions. Erikson also includes Oedipal experience in
this stage.
Too much initiative and too little guilt means a maladaptive tendency Erik calls
ruthlessness. To be heartless or unfeeling or be “without mercy”. Sociopathy is the
extreme form of ruthlessness. Too much guilt will lead to inhibition. The inhibited person
will not try things because “nothing ventured, nothing lost” and, particularly, nothing to
feel guilty about.
A good balance leads to the psychosocial strengths of purpose or courage.
The task is to develop a capacity for industry while avoiding an excessive sense
of inferiority. The child’s world broadens technical skills are learned and feelings of
competence, enlarged. Children enter new world of the neighborhood and the school. In
Erikson’s view, when children come to believe that they cannot achieve according to
their school, family, or peers, their sense of mastery will give way to personal inferiority.
Thus, they become incapable of facing the transitory adolescent years which lie directly
ahead. Parents must encourage, teachers must care, peers must accept.
Too much industry will lead to narrow virtuosity. We see this in children who
aren’t allowed to “be children” the ones that parents or teachers push into one area of
competence, without allowing the development of broader interests. Too much inferiority
will lead to inertia. This includes all of us who suffer from the “inferiority complexes”
Alfred Adler talked about.
A happier thing is to develop the right balance of industry and inferiority – that is,
mostly industry with just a touch of inferiority to keep us sensibly humble. Then we have
the virtue called competency.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
The task during adolescence is to achieve identity and avoid role confusion. Ego
identity, according to Erikson, is characterized by an identity – formation crisis. The
question “Who am I and what can I do when I become an adult?” confronts the
adolescent. His struggle is based not only on societal demands as an emerging adult,
but also on the pubescent age. Since an adolescent spends more time with his friend,
the peer group now becomes an essential source of general rules of behavior.
If the child developed too much ego identity it will lead to malignant tendency
fanaticism. A fanatic believes that his way is the only way. But a person who lack of
identity will to repudiation. To repudiate is to reject. They reject their membership in the
world of adults and, even more, they reject their need for an identity.
If you successfully negotiate this stage, you will have the virtue Erikson called fidelity.
Erik calls the maladaptive form promiscuity, referring particularly to the tendency
to become intimate too freely, too easily, and without any depth to your intimacy. The
malignancy he calls exclusion, which refers to the tendency to isolate oneself from love,
friendship, and community, and to develop a certain hatefulness in compensation.
If you successfully negotiate this stage, you will instead carry with you for the rest
of your life the virtue Erikson calls love.
The middle years of stage comprise the productive years of adulthood. In this
stage, the individual’s productivity is gauged by his contributions to his family and to
society. According to Erikson, the person who fails to develop this sense of generativity
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
becomes preoccupied instead with his personal needs and interests with his personal
needs and interests or both with a sense of self-absorption or stagnation.
But if you are successfully at this stage, you will have a capacity for caring that
will serve you through the rest of your life.
In the last stage, a person comes to terms with the temporal limits of his life (late
adulthood). It is the fulfillment and culmination. In Erikson’s view, it is the achievement
of a sense of integrity resulting from identification with mankind. If a person, however,
develops an attitude of regret and fear of the end of life, then a sense of despair
emerges instead.
Someone who approaches death without fear has the strength Erikson calls wisdom.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
summarize the Piaget’s stages of development;
compare Piaget’s theory the theories of Freud and Erikson;
design learning activities to the learners’ cognitive stage.
Assimilation. The process of fitting new experience into an existing created schema.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
The first stage corresponds from birth to infancy. This is the stage when a
child who is initially reflexive in grasping, sucking and reaching becomes
more organized in his movement and activity.
The term sensori-motor focuses on the prominence of the senses and
muscle movement through which the infant comes to learn about himself and
the world.
In working with children in the sensori-motor stage, teachers should aim to
provide a rich and stimulating environment with appropriate objects to play
Object Permanence- This is the ability of the child to know that an object still
exist even when out of sight. This ability is attained in the sensory motor
The preoperational stage covers from about two to seven years old, roughly
corresponding to the preschool years.
Intelligence at this stage, the child can now make mental representations and
is able to pretend, the child is now ever closer to the symbols. This stage is
highlighted by the following:
Symbolic Function
This is the ability to represent objects and events. A symbol is a thing that
represents something else. A drawing, a written word, or a spoken word comes to be
understood as representing a real object like a real MRT train.
Symbolic function gradually develops in the period between 2 to 7
Example: Riel, a two-year old may pretend that she is drinking from
a glass which is really empty. Though she already pretends the
presence of water, the glass remains to be a glass.
This is the tendency of the child to only see his point of view and to
assume that everyone also has his same point of view.
The child cannot take the perspective of others.
Example: You see this in five year-old boy who buys a toy truck for
his mother’s birthday.
This refers to the tendency of the child to only focus on one aspect
of the thing or event and exclude other aspects.
Example: When a child is presented with two identical glasses with
the same amount of water, the child will say they have the same
amount of water. However, once water from one of the glasses is
transferred to an obviously taller but narrower glass, the child might
say that there is more water in taller glass. The child only focused
or “centered” only one aspect of the new glass, that it is a taller
Pre-operational children still have the inability to reverse their
thinking. They can understand that 2+3 is 5, but cannot understand
that 5-3 is 2.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Transductive reasoning
This refers to the pre-operational child’s type of reasoning that is
neither inductive nor deductive.
Reasoning appears to be from particular to particular i.e., if A
causes B, then B causes A.
Example: Since her mommy comes home everyday around six o’
clock in the evening, when asked why it is already night, the child
will say, “because my mom is already home.”
This stage is characterized by the ability of the child to think logically but only
in terms of concrete objects.
This covers approximately the ages between 8-11 years or the elementary
school years.
The concrete operational stage is marked by the following:
This refers to the ability of the child to perceive the different
features of objects and situations.
No longer is the child focused or limited to one aspect or
dimensions. This allows the child to be more logical when dealing
with concrete objects and situations.
During the stage of concrete operations, the child can now follow
that certain operations can be done in reverse.
For example, they can already comprehend the commutative
property of addition, and that subtraction is the reverse of addition.
They can also understand that a ball of clay shaped into a dinosaur
can again be rolled back into a ball of clay.
This is the ability to know that certain properties of objects like
number, mass, volume, or area do not change even if there is a
change in appearance. Because of the development of the child’s
ability of decentering and also reversibility, the concrete operational
child can now judge rightly that the amount of water in a taller but
narrower container is still the same as when the water was in the
shorter but wider glass.
The children progress to attain conservation abilities gradually
being a pre-conserver, a transitional thinker and then a conserver.
This refers to the ability to order or arrange things in a series based
on one dimension such as weight, volume, or size.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Hypothetical Reasoning
Analogical Reasoning
Deductive Reasoning
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
summarize the stages of moral development;
differentiate the Kohlberg’s Theory from other theories of development
cite how the theory of moral development can be applied to your work as a
teacher later on.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
He based his theory upon research and interviews with groups of young children.
A series of moral dilemmas were presented to these participants and they were also
interviewed to determine the reasoning behind their judgments of each scenario. One of
the best-known stories of Kohlberg’s (1958) concerns a man called Heinz who lived
somewhere in Europe.
Three Levels
(age 4 - 10)
a person is motivated by obedience to authority.
commonly associated with young children
involves little thought about morality.
moral code is shaped by the standards of adults and the consequences of
following or breaking their rules.
(age 10 - 13)
people focus on following social norms and customs.
begin to internalize the moral standards of valued adult role models.
reasoning is based on the norms of the group to which the person belongs
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
(adolescence - adulthood)
people look beyond convention to determine moral norms and appropriate social
judgment is based on self-chosen principles
moral reasoning is based on individual rights and justice.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this Module, you should be able to:
summarize the Vygotsky’s theory of development;
distinguish Vygotsky’s theory from other theories;
explain how scaffolding is useful in teaching a skill.
The key theme of Vygotsky theory is that social interaction plays a very important
role in the cognitive development. He believed that individual development could not be
understood without looking into the social and cultural context within which development
happens. Scaffolding is Vygotsky’s term appropriate assistance given by the teacher to
assist the learner accomplish a task.
When Vygotsky was a young boy, he was educated under a teacher who used the
Socratic method. This method was a systematic question and answer approach that
allowed Vygotsky to examine current thinking and practice higher levels of
understanding. This experience, together with his interest in literature and his work as a
teacher, led him to recognize social interaction and language as two central factors in
cognitive development. his theory became known as the socio-cultural theory of
Social Interaction
Piaget’s theory was more individual, while Vygotsky was more social.
Piaget worked on Piagetian tasks focused on cognitive development
Vygotsky gave more weight on social interactions that contributed to cognitive
Vygotsky emphasized that effective learning happens through participation in
social activities.
Cultural factors
Vygotsky believed that culture played a crucial role on the cognitive development
of children.
Piaget believed that as child matures, he goes through universal stages of
cognitive development.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Opens the door for learners to acquire knowledge that others already have.
Learners can use language to understand and know the world and solve
problems. Language serves as social function but it also has an individual
For Vygotsky this “talking-to-oneself” is an indication of thinking goes on in the
Eventually will lead to private speech, a form of self-talk that guides the child’s
thinking and action.
The support or assistance that the child needs to accomplish a task that he
cannot accomplish alone.
it is not about doing the task while the child watches.
The competent adult is needed to bridge the gap between the learners’ current
skill level and the desired skill level.
When the learner can do the task alone this is called scaffold and fade-away
Scaffolding, when done appropriately can make the child confident and
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Learning outcomes
At the end of this Module, you should be able to:
a. describe each of the layer s of Bronfenbrenner’s Biological Model;
b. identify factors in one’s own life that exerted influence on one’s development;
c. use the biological theory as framework to describe the factors that affect a
child and adolescent development.
This theory presents the child development within the context of relationship
system that comprise the child environment.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Is the layer nearest the child. It comprises structure which the child directly
interacts with. They are called immediate environment.
It includes one’s family, school and neighborhood.
Does the child have strong and nurturing relationships with the parents and the
Are his/her needs met?
The child affected by the parents care and love and child give back the love by
smiling is called bi-directional influences or mutuality.
This layer serves as the relationships between two or more microsystems such
as what is learned at home culturally. They are called connections.
Interactions between the parents and teachers the parents and health services
the community and the church
Environment that affect how one develops that is out of their control. They are
called indirect environment.
workplace, mass media, city government are examples of this system.
Is a large cultural and social structural element of the environment that shape
human development. They are called social and cultural values.
Example: in US students are more independent compared to Asian students.
Big events in the world that help psychologist understand the affect it will impact
in a person’s development through time. They are called Changes Over Time.
Example: A family through a divorce A nation going to war
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this module you will be able to:
summarize the changes occur during the pre-natal development;
explain the stages of pre-natal development;
appreciate the value of life.
All the developmental theories that we discussed dwelt on the developmental
process after birth. None of them was concerned with what development went on before
birth. To make the description of human development complete, it may be good to
understand the beginnings of the child and the adolescent.
That which is the other’s womb is indeed a developing human being. An unborn baby of
eight weeks is not essentially different from one of eighteen weeks or twenty-eight
weeks. From conception the zygote, the embryo and the fetus are undeniably human
To understand better our lesson, please do the following activities:
Film Viewing
Please watch the film “The Silent Scream” in Youtube. Write a 100-word
reflection about the video you have watched and send your output in our google
Video Watching
Watch the video about Stages of Pre-natal Development and the Tetralogy and
Hazards to Pre- Natal Development on this link and take note all the important
After you have watched the video and the film. Answer the following activities
and send your outputs in the google classroom.
A. Give the three stages of pre-natal development and write a brief definition or
explanation about each stages using this graphic organizer
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this module you should be able to:
summarize the physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development of infants
and toddlers;
describe the changes happening in infant and toddlers’ physical, cognitive, and
socio-emotional development;
draw implications of these principles and processes to parenting and caregiving.
We have just traced the developmental process before birth. We shall continue to
trace the developmental process by following the infant or the baby who is just born up
to when he reaches age 2. The period that comes after pre-natal stage is infancy which,
in turn, is followed by toddlerhood. Infancy and toddlerhood span the first
two years of life.
Cephalocaudal and Proximodistal Patterns
As you learned in Unit 1, Module 1, the cephalocaudal trend is the postnatal
growth from conception to 5 months when the head grows more than the body. This
cephalocaudal trend of growth that applies to the development of the fetus also applies
in the first months after birth. Infants learn to use their upper limbs before their lower
limbs. The same pattern occurs in the head area because the top parts of the head the
eyes and the brain - grow faster than the lower parts such as the jaw. The proximodistal
trend is the pre-natal growth from 5 months to birth when the fetus grows from the
inside of the body outwards.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
It's normal for newborn babies to drop 5 to 10 percent of their body weight within
a couple of weeks of birth. That is due tothe baby's adjustment to neonatal
feeding. Once they adjust tosucking, swallowing and digesting, they grow rapidly.
Breastfed babies are typically heavier than bottle-fed babies through the first six
months. After six months, breastfed babies usually weigh less than bottle-fed
In general, an infant's length increases by about 30 percent in the first five
A baby's weight usually triples during the first year but slows down in the second
year of life.
Low percentages are not a cause for alarm as long as infants progress along a
natural curve of steady development.
Brain Development
Among the most dramatic changes in the brain in the first two years of life are the
spreading connections of dendrites to each other. (Please watch the video for
brain development)
Myelination or myelinization, the process by which the axons are covered and
insulated by layers of fat cells, begins prenatally and continues after birth. The process
of myelination or myelinization increases the speed at which information travels
through the nervous system.
At birth, the newborn's brain is about 25 percent of its adult weight. By the
second birthday, the brain is about 75% of its adult weight. Shortly after birth, a
baby's brain produces trillions more connections between neurons than it can
possibly use. The brain eliminates connections that are seldom or never used
(Santrock 2002). The infant's brain is literally waiting for experiences determine
how connections are made.
A study on rats conducted by Mark Rosenzweig in 1907 revealed that the brains
of rats that grew up in the enrich environment developed better than the brains of
the animals reared in standard or isolated conditions. The brains of the 'enriched'
animals weighed more, had thicker layers, had more neuronal connections and
had higher levels of neurochemical activity. Such finding implies that enriching
the lives of infants who live in impoverished changes in their development
(Santrock, 2002).
Depressed brain activity has been found in children who grew up in a depressed
environment (Circhetti, 2001, cited by Santrock, 2002).
Motor development
Along this aspect of motor development, infants and toddlers begin for reflexes,
to gross motor skills and fine motor skills.
The newborn has some basic reflexes which are, of course automatic, and serve
as survival mechanisms before they have the opportunity to learn. Many reflexes
which are present at birth will generally subside within a few months as the baby
grows and matures.
There are many different reflexes. Some of the most common reflexes that
babies have are:
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Sucking Reflex: The sucking reflex is initiated when something touches the roof of an
infant's mouth. Infants have a strong sucking reflex which helps to ensure they can latch
unto a bottle or breast. The sucking reflex is very strong in some infants and they may
need to suck on a pacifier for comfort.
Rooting Reflex: The rooting reflex is most evident when an infant's cheek is stroked.
The baby responds by turning his or her head in the direction of the touch and opening
their mouth for feeding.
Gripping Reflex: Babies will grasp anything that is placed in their palm. The strength of
this grip is strong, and most babies can support their entire weight in their grip.
Curling Reflex: When the inner sole of a baby's foot is stroked, the infant respond by
curling his or her toes. When the outer sole of a baby's foot is stroked, the infant will
respond by spreading out their toes.
Galant Reflex: The galant reflex is shown when an infant's middle or lower back is
stroked next to the spinal cord. The baby being will respond by curving his or her body
toward the side which is being stroked.
Tonic Neck Reflex: The tonic neck reflex is demonstrated in infants who are placed on
their abdomens. Whichever side the child's head is facing, the limbs on that side will
straighten, while the opposite limbs will curl. (
Do infants relate information through several senses? In short, are infants capable of
intermodal perception?
Intermodal perception is the ability to relate, connect and integrate information
about two or more sensory modalities such as vision and hearing.
In a study conducted by Spelke and Owsley (1979). it was found out that as early
as at 3 1/2 months old, infants looked more at their mother when they also heard
her voice and longer at their father when they also heard his voice.
This capacity for intermodal perception or ability to connect information coming
through various modes gets sharpened considerably through experience.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Cognitive development in infancy refers to development in the way a baby thinks.
This includes his/ her language, communication and exploration skills. Examples of
cognitive activities include paying attention, remembering, learning to talk interacting
with toys and identifying faces.
Please review our past lesson the Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory.
Focus on sensori-motor stage of cognitive development. It was discussed about how
infant acquire knowledge by schema.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Standards 1: The child is able to plan and organize a simple, familiar activity.
Simply but, socio-motional development has something to do with the
development of a person’s ability to master one’s emotion and the ability to relate to
others. It necessarily includes temperament, attachments and social skills.
Much has been said about the importance of the first three years in human
development. They are so-called the formative years that is why, parents and other
caregivers at this stage of human development play a significant role in the
development of infants and toddlers.
As the poem "Children Learn What They Live" expresses, the kind of home and
school environment that parents and teachers produce determines to a very great
extent the quality of the development of children.
Let us discuss those elements that have something to do with the wholesome
socio-emotional development of children.
For healthy socio-emotional development, the infant needs to establish an
enduring emotional bond characterized by a tendency to seek and maintain
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Another factor related to the infant's socio-emotional development is
temperament. Temperament is a word that "captures the ways that people differ,
even at birth, in such things as their emotional reactions, activity level, attention
span, persistence, and ability to regulate their emotions" (K. Pasek and R.
Golinkoff, 2003). Every baby expresses personality traits we call temperament.
How a child responds emotionally to objects, events, and people is a reflection of
his individual temperament.
Researchers Thomas, Chess, and Birch described nine different temperament
categories (Honig, 2010, Secure Relationships: Nurturing Infant-toddler
Attachments in Early Care Settings.)
These include:
Activity level
Threshold for distress
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Intensity of response
The mood. Some babies are very smiley and cheerful. Although securely
attached emotionally to their teachers, others have a low-key mood and look more
solemn or unhappy.
Child's threshold for distress. Some babies are very sensitive. They become
upset very easily when stressed. Other babies can more comfortably wait when they
need a feeding or some attention.
The rhythmicity of children. Some babies get hungry or sleepy on a
fairly regular and predictable basis. Other babies sleep at varying times,
urinate or have bowel movements at unpredictable times, and get hungry
at different times. They are hard to put on a “schedule.”
The intensity of response in each baby. When a baby's threshold for
distress has been reached, some babies act restless. Others act cranky or
fret just a little. Still others cry with terrific intensity or howl with despair
when they are stressed. They shriek with delight and respond with high
energy when reacting to happy or challenging situations.
Approach to new situations. Some infants are very cautious. They are
wary and fearful of new teachers, being placed in a different crib, or being
taken to visit a new setting. Other infants approach new persons, new
activities, or new play possibilities with zest and enjoyment.
Distraction. Some children can concentrate on a toy regardless of
surrounding bustle or noise in a room. Others are easily distracted.
Adaptability of each child. Some children react to strange or difficult
situations with distress, but recover fairly rapidly. Others adjust to new
situations with difficulty or after a very long period.
Child's attention span. Some children have a long attention span. They
continue with an activity for a fairly long time. Others flit from one activity
to another.
Based on these temperament traits, psychiatrists Alexander Thomas
and Stella Chess studied babies' temperament and clustered
temperaments into 3 basic types: 1) the easy child; 2) the difficult child;
and 3) the slow-to-warm -up child and those that did not fall under any
of the 3 basic types. The easy child" easily readily establishes regular
routines, is generally cheerful, and adapts readily to new experiences.
The "difficult child" is irregular in daily routines, is slow to accept new
experiences and tends to react negatively and intensely to new things
while the "slow-to warm-up-child" shows mild, low-key reactions to
environmental changes, is negative in mood, and adjusts slowly to new
teaching them how to express their emotions, and the degree of acceptability
associated with different
types of emotional behaviors.
Another process that emerges during this stage is social referencing. Infants
begin to recognize the emotions of others, and use this information when reacting to
novel situations and people. As infants explore their world, they generally rely on the
expressions of their mothers or caregivers to determine the safety appropriateness of a
particular endeavor.
Emotional understanding
During this stage of development, toddlers acquire language and are learning to
verbally express their feelings. This ability, rudimentary as it is during early toddlerhood,
is the first step in the development of emotional self-regulation skills.
In infancy, children largely rely on adults to help them regulate their emotional
states. If they are uncomfortable they may be able to communicate this state by crying,
but have little hope of alleviating the discomfort on their own.
In toddlerhood, however, children begin to develop skills to regulate their
emotions with the emergence of language providing an important tool to assist in this
process. Being able to articulate an emotional state in itself has a regulatory effect in
that it enables children to communicate their feelings to a person capable of helping
them manage their
emotional state. Speech also enables children to self-regulate, using soothing language
to talk themselves through difficult situations.
Empathy, a complex emotional response to a situation, also appears in
toddlerhood, usually by age two. The development of empathy requires that
children read others’ emotional cues, understand that other people are entities
distinct from themselves, and take the perspective of another person (put
themselves in the position of another). (Source:
comfort, and affection, an infant learns trust- that others are dependable and reliable. If
they are neglectful, or perhaps even abusive, the infant instead learns mistrust- that the
world is in an undependable, unpredictable, and possibly dangerous place.
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this module you should be able to:
summarize the physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development of
describe the changes happening in preschooler’s physical, cognitive, and socio-
emotional development;
draw implications of these principles in teaching preschoolers.
The preschooler years is commonly known as "the years before formal schooling
begins." It roughly covers 3-5 years of age. Although it is known as the years before
formal school, it is by no way less important than the grade school years. The preschool
years is very important as it lays foundation to later development. At this stage,
preschoolers achieve many developmental milestones. As such, pre-service teachers
who might be interested to teach and care for preschoolers need to be knowledgeable
about them to be truly an intentional and effective teacher.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Gross motor development refers to acquiring skills that involve the large muscles.
These gross motor skills are categorized into three: locomotor, non-locomotor and
manipulative skills.
Locomotor skills are those that involve going from one place to another, like
walking, running, climbing, skipping, hopping, creeping. galloping, and dodging.
Non-locomotor ones are those where the child stays in place, like bending,
stretching, turning and swaying.
Fine motor development refers to acquiring the ability to use the smaller muscles
in the arm, hands and fingers purposefully. Some of the skills included here are picking,
squeezing, pounding, and opening things, holding and using a writing implement. It also
involves self-help skills like using the spoon and fork when eating, buttoning, zipping,
combing and brushing
By the end of the preschool years most children manage to hold a pencil with
their thumb and fingers, draw pictures, write letters, use scissors, do stringing and
threading activities. They can also do self-help skills like eating and dressing up
independently. Significant progress in fine motor skills can be expected of preschoolers
especially if they are aptly supported and appropriate activities are provided for them.
Handedness, or the preference of the use of one hand over the other, is usually
established around 4 years of age. Earlier than this, preschoolers can be observed to
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
do tasks using their hands interchangeably. We can observe a preschooler shifting the
crayon from left to right and back again while working on a coloring activity.
Stage 1. Scribbling stage. This stage begins with large zig-zag lines which later
become circular markings. Soon, discrete shapes are drawn. The child may start to
name his/her drawing towards the end of this stage.
Stage 2. Preschematic stage. May already include early representations (This also
becomes very significant when we discuss about cognitive development). At this point
adults may be able to recognize the drawings. Children at this stage tend to give the
same names to their drawings several times. Drawings usually comprise of a prominent
with basic elements. Later, arms, legs, hands and even facial features are included.
Stage 3. Schematic stage. More elaborate scenes are depicted. Children usually draw
from experience and exposure. Drawings may include houses, trees, the sun and sky
and people. Initially, they may appear floating in air but eventually drawings appear to
follow a ground line. Important to remember is that the preschoolers representations or
drawings does not only involve fine motor skills, but also cognitive skills. Children's
drawings allow us to have a glimpse of how they understand themselves and the world
around them.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Language Development
Young children's understanding sometimes gets ahead of their speech.
As children go through early childhood, their grasp of the rules of language
increases (morphology, semantics. pragmatics).
Symbolic thinking involves language, literacy and dramatic play. Children rapidly
conclude that sounds link together to make words and words represent ideas, people,
and things. Throughout the preschool years, children's language development becomes
increasingly complex in the four main areas:
phonology (speech sounds
semantics (word meaning)
syntax (sentence construction)
and pragmatics (conversation or social uses of language)
As they advance in age and as they continuously interact with people, preschool
children expand rapidly in their vocabulary through fast mapping, a process by which
children absorb the meaning of a new word after hearing it once or twice in
conversation. Preschool children combine syllables into words and words into
sentences in an increasingly sophisticated manner.
From an expanded vocabulary and improved grammar, preschool children learn
to use language successfully in social contexts (pragmatics). With an expanded
vocabulary and improved grammar, grammar, preschool children become skilled
conversationalists and often initiate conversation.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
and decoding data. The preschoolers' attention span lasts longer than that of toddlers.
The child's ability to pay attention changes significantly during the preschool years.
Socio-emotional development is crucial in the preschool years. We hear a lot of
parents and teachers and preschool administrators say that attending preschool is more
for "socialization" than for formal academic learning. There is wisdom in this. During the
preschool years, children learn about their ever widening environment (Remember
Bronfenbrenner?) Preschoolers now discover their new roles outside their home. They
become interested to assert themselves as they relate with other people. A lot of very
important social skills they will learn during the preschool years will help them
throughout life as adults. These skills can even determine the individual's later social
adjustment and
consequent quality of relationships in adult life.
Preschoolers' Initiative
Erikson's view of initiative aptly portrays the emotional and social changes that
happen during the preschool years. Preschoolers deal with the psychological conflict of
initiative versus guilt. Erikson believed that healthy preschoolers develop initiative, the
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
tendency of preschoolers to want to take action and assert themselves. They will learn
to create, invent, pretend, take risks and engage in lively and imaginative activities with
peers. When parents, teachers and other adults support these attempts and provide a
stimulating environment, the preschooler's sense of initiative will grow. On the other
hand, if the adults show overprotection, extreme restriction and criticisms, the
preschooler will develop guilt.
As preschoolers go through the conflict of initiative vs. guilt, they show so much
energy in doing imaginative play activities. Every place becomes a playground to
explore, every single thing an interesting piece to tinker with. Adults sometimes get
exasperated over this behavior and begin to see the preschooler as "naughty or
Some parents and teachers then become overly restrictive, resorting to threats,
intimidation and other scary tactics that disrespect the preschooler just to establish
"control". Consequently, the child may develop excessive guilt. Although a good amount
of guilt helps in making children take responsibility for their behavior, excessive guilt
hampers emotional growth.
The key thing to remember is to apply judicious permissiveness. This involves
setting realistic boundaries that keep preschoolers safe and respectful of self and
others, while allowing them greater opportunity to explore, take risks and to engage in
creative processes. Preschoolers will develop a healthy sense of initiative in an
encouraging and stimulating environment.
Mass media and ICT which include television, movies, the internet, computer
games also offer various images of what it means to be a boy
or girl.
Preschool teachers should think thoroughly on how to present notions of what
boys and girls can do especially in the discussion about occupations or community
1. Unoccupied
The child appears not to be playing but directs his attention on anything that
interests him.
2. Onlooker
The child spends time watching others play. He may talk to them but does not
enter into play with them.
3. Solitary Play
4. Parallel
The child spends time watching others play. Play
He may talk to them but does not
enter into play with them.
The child plays with toys similar to those near him, but only plays beside and not
with them.
5. Associative Play
The child plays with others. There is interaction among them, but no tasks
assignment, rules and regulation are agreed.
6. Cooperative
The child plays with others bound by some agreed upon rules and roles. The goal
is maybe to make something, play a game or act out something.
Friendships in Preschool
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Caregiving Styles
Caregiving styles affect the socio-emotional development of the children.
Caregivers here refer to both parents and teachers and even other adults that care for
the child. Baumrind gave a model that describes the different types of caregiving styles.
This was based on a longitudinal study that looked into the adult authority and the
development of children that Baumrind conducted which began in the 1960's. Decades
later she identified varying degrees of demandingness and responsiveness as
determinants of four styles of caregiving. Marion (2007) expounded on these
determining factors. responsiveness refers to caregiver behaviors that pertain to
expression of affection and communication. It refers to how warm, caring and respectful
the adult is to the child. It involves openness in communication and the willingness to
explain things in ways that the child will understand. Demandingness refers to the level
of control and
expectations. This involves discipline and confrontation strategies.
Authoritative Permissive
high demandingness/ low demandingness/
high responsiveness high responsiveness
Authoritarian Negligent
high demandingness/ low demandingness/ low
low responsiveness responsiveness
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this module you will be able to:
identify the physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional changes occur in primary
give the different milestones in physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional state of
primary schooler.
Middle childhood is the stage when children undergo so many different changes
physically, emotionally, socially and cognitively. This is the stage between 6 to 12 years
old. Children in this stage receive less attention than children in infancy or early
childhood. The support of the family and friends of the child is very important during this
phase of development.
Physical growth during the primary school years is slow but steady. During this stage,
physical development involves: (1) having good muscle control and coordination, (2)
developing eye-hand coordination, (3) having good personal hygiene and (4) being
aware of good safety habits.
height of a little over two inches a year in both boys and girls will introduce them to
many different activities that they can now do with greater accuracy.
Most children will weight gain aaverages about 6.5 pounds a year, have slimmer
appearance compared to their preschool years because of the shifts in accumulation
and location of their body fats. A child's legs are longer and more proportioned to the
body than they were before.
A number of factors could indicate how much a child grows, or how much
changes in the body will take place:
medical conditions
diseases illnesses
Motor Development
Young school-aged children are gaining control over the major muscles of their
bodies. Most children have a good sense of balance. They like testing their muscle
strength and skills. They enjoy doing real-life tasks and activities. They pretend and
fantasize less often because they are more attuned with everything that is happening
around them.
Children in this stage love to move a lot - they run, skip, hop, jump, tumble, roll
and dance. Because their gross motor skills are already developed, they can now
perform activities like catching a ball with one hand, tying their shoelaces, they can
manage zippers and buttons.
Performing unimanual (require the use one hand) and bimanual (require the
use of two hands) activities becomes easier. Children's graphic activities, such as
writing and drawing, are now more controlled but are still developing. They can print
their names and copy simple designs, letters and shapes. They hold pencils, crayons,
utensils correctly with supervision.
Motor development skills include coordination, balance, speed, agility and power
Let us look into the definitions of the different motor skills. Coordination is a
series of movements organized and timed to occur a particular way to bring about a
particular result (Strickland, 2000). The more complex the movement is; the greater
coordination is required. Children develop eye-hand and eye-foot coordination when
they play games and sports. Balance is the child's ability to maintain the equilibrium or
stability of his/her body in different positions. Balance is a basic skill needed especially
in this stage, when children are very active. During this time, children have improved
balancing skills. Static balance is the ability to maintain equilibrium in a fixed position,
like balancing on one foot. Dynamic balance is the ability to maintain equilibrium while
moving (Owens, 2006). Speed is the ability to cover a great distance in the shortest
possible time while agility is one's ability to quickly change or shift the direction of the
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
body. These skills are extremely important in most sports. Power is the ability to perform
a maximum effort in the shortest possible period.
All these motor skills are vital in performing different activities, games and sports.
Development of these skills may spell the difference between success and failure in
future endeavors of the child.
Jean Piaget is the foremost theorist when it comes to cognitive development.
According to him, intelligence is the basic mechanism of ensuring balance in the
relations between the person and the environment. Everything that a person
experiences is a continuous process of assimilations and accommodations. Piaget
described four main periods in cognitive development. For Piaget, intellectual ability is
not the same at different ages.
Concrete operational thinkers, according to Piaget, can already make use of
inductive logic. Inductive logic involves thinking from a specific experience to a general
principle. But at this stage, children have great difficulty in using deductive logic or using
a general principle to determine the outcome of a specific event.
One of the most important developments in this stage is an understanding of
reversibility, or awareness that actions can be reversed. An example of this is being
able to reverse the order of relationships between mental categories. (For example in
arithmetic, 3 + 4 =7 and 7- 4 =3).
Cognitive Milestones
Elementary-aged children encounter developmental milestones. They develop
certain skills within a particular time frame. The skills they learn are in a sequential
manner, meaning they need to understand numbers before they can perform a
mathematical equation. Each milestone that develops is dependent upon the previous
milestone they achieved. Up until age 8, a child learns new skills at a rapid pace. Once
they reach the age of 8, the skills they learn start to level off and it usually is a steady
increase of new skills.
Specifically, young primary school-aged children can tell left from right. They are
able to speak and express themselves develops rapidly. In school, they share about
themselves and their families. During play, they practice using the words and language
they learn in school. They start to understand time and days of the week. They enjoy
rhymes, riddles, and jokes. Their attention span is longer. They can follow more
involved stories. They are learning letters and words. By six, most can read words or
combinations of words.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Information-Processing Skills
Several theorists argue that like the computer, the human mind is a system that
can process information through the application of logical rules and strategies. They
also believe that the mind receives information, performs operations to change its form
and content, stores and locates it and generates responses from it.
The developmental theorist, Erik Erikson, formulated eight stages of man's
psychosocial development. Each stage is regarded as a "psycho-social crisis" which
arises and demands resolution before the next stage can be achieved.
Preschool children belong to the fourth stage of Erikson's psychosocial stage.
Here, children have to resolve the issue on Industry VS. Inferiority.
School Years
In the transition from pre-elementary to primary school, children tend to become
increasingly self-confident and able to cope well with social interactions. They are not
focused on themselves anymore but are also aware of the needs and desires of others.
The issues of fairness and equality become important to them as they learn to care for
people who are not part of their families. Characteristics like loyalty and dependability
are being considered as well as responsibility and kindness.
Building Friendships
"What is a FRIEND? A single soul dwelling in two bodies."-Aristotle
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Making friends is a crucial but very important part of children's social and
emotional growth. As soon as they are able to walk and talk, they will tend to show
natural inclination to be around other children.
Children, during this stage, most likely belong to a peer group. Peer groups are
characterized by children who belong approximately to the same age group and same
social economic status. It is found along the stages of childhood through adolescence.
But for children, until the age of seven or eight, they think of themselves more than that
others. They may play well with groups but may need some time to play alone.
Primary school children prefer to belong to peer groups of the same gender.
Many children will use their surroundings to observe and mingle with other children.
Some will see this as an opportunity to make friends while others remain a bit of a loner.
Antisocial Behavior
Some adult may perceive that some children's behavior towards other children as
antisocial. When children poke, pull, hit or kick other children when they are first
introduced, it is fairly normal. Remember that children at this stage are still forming their
own world views and other children may seem like a curiosity that they need to explore.
Parents and teachers can help children make friends. You can consider the following:
Expose the children to kid-rich environments (e.g. playgrounds, park).
Create a play group in your class and let the children mingle with their
When your children hit other children, remind them that their behavior hurts
Coordinate with the parents and other teachers so that the children will have
greater opportunity to interact with other children.
Once children reach school age, they begin to take pride in their ability to do
things and their capacity to exert effort. They like receiving positive feedback from their
parents and teachers. This becomes a great opportunity for parents and teachers to
encourage positive emotional responses from children by acknowledging their mature,
compassionate behaviors.
After you have read and analyze the module. It is time for you to apply your
knowledge to these activities. Good luck!
List down 5 milestones occur in each developmental areas of primary schooler.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
(Late Childhood)
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this module you should be able to:
summarize the aspects of development occur in primary schooler;
enumerate ways on how teachers can promote creativity in the learning
environment, learning activities and instructional materials.
determine the qualities of family life that affects the development of the child.
Children in their late childhood stage always seem to be in a hurry. They get so
busy with their school work, interacting with their friends, exploring other possible
activities, but this period of physical development seems to take on a leisurely pace. On
the average, girls are generally as much as two (2) years ahead of boys in terms of
physical maturity. Puberty may begin early. Budding breasts for girls which is the initial
sign of puberty. Some girls may also art with their menstrual period as early as 8 and
some as late 13. Many of the bodily structures like the liver, muscles, skeletons, kidneys
and face follow a normal curve of development for both girls and boys. Other structures
like the brain, intestines and other organs and bodily systems mature at their own time,
thus, affecting growth patterns.
Children gain an average of 7 pounds in weight, and average of 2 % inches in
height and an average of an inch in head circumference each year. Children at this
stage have growth spurts. Sudden boost in height and weight, which are usually
accompanied by increase in appetite and food intake. Increase in body fats also occurs
in preparation for the growth that occurs during adolescence. The body fat increase
occurs earlier in girls and is greater in quantity.
Girls appear to be "chubby'" while boys tend to have more lean body mass per
inch of height than girls. These are all normal part of development. These differences in
body composition become very significant during adolescence.
At this stage, children may become very concerned about their physical
appearance. Girls, especially, may become concerned about their weight and decide to
eat less. Boys may become aware of their stature and muscle size and strength. Since
this stage can bring about insecurities, parents and teachers must be very conscious
about their dealings with these children. Appropriate activities must be designed so that
children will be guided into the right direction.
Children must be given opportunities to engage themselves in worthwhile
activities that:
promote healthy growth
give them a feeling of accomplishment
reduce the risk of certain diseases
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
This stage is also characterized by advanced development of their fine and gross
motor skills. Muscle strength and stamina increase as they are offered different physical
activities. Children may become more interested in physical activities where they can
interact with friends and family. Activities which they can share with parents (e.g. biking,
running, playing basketball) show children that exercising can be fun.
Since children in this stage are already in their late childhood, rapid development
of mental skills is evident. According to Jean Piaget, concrete operational thinkers can
now organize thoughts effectively, although, they can only logically perceive the
immediate situation. They can apply what they have learned to situations and events
that they can manipulate.
Thus their reasoning and logical thinking are still very limited. But with proper
guidance and nurturance from parents, teachers and the rest of the community, these
children can easily succeed in their intellectual endeavors.
Reading Development
Children in this stage, is marked by a wide application of word attack. Because of
the presence of previous knowledge, they now have a wide vocabulary. which enables
them to understand the meanings of unknown words through context clues (This is the
"Reading to Learn" Stage in reading development.) They are no longer into the fairy
tales and magic type of stories but are more interested in longer and more complex
reading materials, e:g. fiction books and series books.
Older children have longer and more flexible attention span compared to younger
children. Their span of attention is dependent on how much is required by the given
task. In terms of school work, older children can concentrate and focus more for longer
period of hours especially if they are highly interested in what they are doing.
Children at this stage are open to explore new things. Creativity is innate in
children, they just need a little guidance and support from parents, teachers and people
around them. They are usually at their best when the work is done in small pieces.
Creativity in children in encouraged when the activities:
encourage different responses from each child.
celebrate uniqueness.
break stereotypes.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
need to be an eager participant in children's growth and development.
must understand how to use the children's natural curiosity to
help make the appropriate developmental leaps in their skills and
must create an atmosphere where risks can be taken and discoveries
made while children remain safe.
with other children. They are already used to interacting with different ages and gender.
For many of them, these social networks are not only sources of social support but
also different forms of learning.
Emotional Development
Similar to the other areas of development, children in this stage, show improved
emotional understanding, increased understanding that more than one emotions can be
experienced in a single experience. The may also show greater ability to show, or
conceal emotions, utilize ways to redirect feelings and a capacity for genuine empathy.
Another milestone in this stage is the development of the children’s emotional
intelligence (EQ), which involves the ability to monitor feelings of oneself and others and
use this to guide and motivate behavior. Emotional Intelligence has four main areas:
Developing emotional self-awareness
Managing emotions (self-control)
Reading emotions (perspective taking)
Handling emotions (resolve problems)
Building Friendships
As children go through their late childhood, the time they spend in peer
interaction increases. For them, good peer relationships are very important. The
approval and belongingness they receive contribute to the stability and security of their
emotional development. Peer size also increases and less supervision by adults is
required. At this stage, children prefer to belong to same-sex peer groups.
Family support is crucial at this stage which characterized by success and failure.
If children do not find a supportive family when they find their interest (e.g. in hobbies
like riding a bike or playing a musical instrument) they can easily get frustrated. If
families are seen as a primary support system, failures and setbacks become temporary
After you read and analyze this module, I am sure you are ready to answer the
activities that will test what you have learned. You may start now. Good luck!
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
identify the adolescence three aspects of development;
summarize the developments happen in physical, cognitive, and socioemotional
development of adolescence;
share your own developmental experiences at this stage.
Defining Adolescence
The period of adolescence begins with biological changes of puberty and ends
with the role and work of adult life. The specific ages for this period varies from person
to person but distinct phases have been identified. The advent of puberty may come
early for some and late for some others. But everyone goes through these stages.
These stages are:
early adolescence characterized by puberty mostly occurring between
ages 10 and 13;
middle adolescence characterized by identity issues within the ages of 14
and 16; and
late adolescence which marks the transition into adulthood at ages 17 and
Adolescence is a period of transition in terms of physical, cognitive and socio-
emotional changes, physical transition being particularity coupled with sexual
transformation. All the while, the aspect of individuality in adolescent development is
unique to each individual, although there are common issues that depend on race and
culture, inclusive of dependence versus independence, changes in parent-adolescent
relationship, exploration, need for more privacy and idealization of others
Pubertal changes
In all cultures, biological change comprises the major transition from childhood to
early adolescence. This is manifested by a change in physical appearance, a more
rapid rate of development (next to the speed of growth of the fetus in the uterus) known
as growth spurts. The phenomenon commonly results in a feeling of awkwardness and
unfamiliarity with bodily changes,
In addition, alterations in sleeping habits and parent-adolescent relationship may
be experienced accompanying puberty changes. The growth spurts Throughout life, the
growth hormone conditions gradual increases in body size, and weight, but hormone
flooding occurs during adolescence causing an acceleration known as the growth spurt.
Body changes include change in body dimensions (leg length, shoulder width, trunk
length). In particular, spurt in height is ascribed to trunk growth rather than leg growth
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
In girls, the growth spurt generally begins at age 10 reaching its peak at age 1
and-a-half. and decreasing at age 13, while slow continual growth occurs for several
more years. Boys begin their growth spurt later than girls at around age 12, reaching a
peak at 14 and declining at age 15 and-a-half.
At age 16 and 4, girls reach 98 percent of their adult height, while boys do so at
age 17 and ¼. Growth in height is conditioned by stages in bone maturation. The
muscles also grow in terms of size and strength, while a similar spurt occurs for weight,
muscle size, head and face maturation, and especially the development of the
reproductive organs.
Briefly, all the muscular and skeletal dimensions appear to take part in the growth
spurt during adolescence.
Sexual maturity
The series of hormonal changes accompanying puberty is complex. Hormones
are recognized to be powerful and highly specialized chemical substances that interact
with bodily cells. The triggering hormones of the hypothalamus glands on hormones of
the pituitary glands signals the entire process of sexual maturation. During the process,
gonadotropic hormones are secreted by the anterior pituitary, which lies beneath the
base of the brain and are situated approximately at the geometric center of the human
head. Gonads, which are the ovaries in the female and the testis in the male, are then
stimulated by the gonatrotopic hormones, in turn stimulating their own hormones. When
the male testis is stimulated by the gonadotropic hormones, testosterone is secreted,
while estrogen is secreted when the female ovary is stimulated.
Secondary male sex characteristics are stimulated by testosterone, comprised
by the growth of the testis and scrotum (recognized to be the first sign of puberty), penis
and first pubic hair; the capacity for ejaculation, the growth spurt, voice change, facial
hair development/ beard growth, and continuing growth of pubic hair, The acceleration
of the growth of the penis precedes the growth spurt in height. Pubic hair growth
precedes the first appearance ot facial hair growth. Occurring late in puberty, the
lowering of the voice, caused by the enlargement of the larynx and double lengthening
or the vocal cords, is viewed to be the most obvious aspect of adolescent development.
In girls, estrogen secretion triggers the beginning of breast enlargement, the
appearance of pubic hair, the Widening of the hips, a growth spurt, and menarche (First
menstruation). The elevation of the female breast is the first external Sign of puberty in
girls, while the growth of the uterus and vagina accompanies continued enlargement of
the breast. Generally, girls achieve menarche beginning 11 to 11.5 years (5 percent), up
to 12 and 12.5 years (25 percent) and at age 13 (60 percent). There are, however,
differences in reaching menarche in accordance with ethnic differences. Studies show
that African American and European American girls may exhibit secondary sex activities
as early as 8.87 years and 9.96 years; menarche as early as 11.6 years and 12.4
years, respectively.
In contrast with menarche, spermache signals the first sign of puberty and
sexual maturity in boys. At about age 12 or 13, boys experience the enlargement of the
testis and the manufacture of sperms in the scrotum, most likely experiencing their first
ejaculation of semen-a sticky fluid produced by the prostate gland. The need to
discharge semen occurs more or less periodically following pressure caused by the
production of seminal fluid by the prostate gland. Nocturnal emissions or "wet dreams"
occur during sleep often caused by sexual dreams.
Masturbation or manipulation of physical sexual organs is caused by conscious
fantasizing, both among boys and girls. It is important to note that science and religion
differ in their regard to masturbation. Modern medical science sees it as an inevitable
transitional phenomenon among adolescents. On the other hand, religion generally
regards it as gravely sinful, ascribing sin even to sexual fantasies. To view the issue
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
objectively, a guilt complex on the matter is unhealthy to growth. On the other hand,
habitual masturbation is an aberration when it can inhibit the growing adolescent from
confidence in heterosexual (male-female friendship) relationship. In the end, while the
growing youth need not feel guilty about natural sexual urges, they need to be
forewarned about habitually giving in these urges. Outgrowing the acts of masturbation
is wholesome especially during adulthood when males and females need to relate to
each other in a mature relationship.
Instinctively, adolescents become aware of changes in sexuality, thus
undergoing a period of exploration and adjustment. Learners from sectarian (religious
and gender exclusive) schools are more likely to consider sexual openness to be
dangerous, if not sinful. The case is not perceived among non-sectarian or gender
mixed schools, although more dangers exist relating to heterosexual relationship and
early pregnancy among students in non-exclusive schools.
The drug culture, especially in urbanized communities, presents a serious danger
to students who are undergoing the exploratory phase of adolescent development.
girls, physical changes are more dramatic, but perceptions of not being well developed
as compared with their peers can be a cause for timidity or shyness, if not frustration. In
the case of late maturing boys, the slack in growth in body build, strength, motor
performance and coordination may inhibit their performance in curricular and extra-
curricular activities, such as in sports. Being physically weaker, shorter and slimmer
would make them less apt to be outstanding in leadership activities and in sports. On
top of these, late maturing teens are seen by their peers as being more childish, more
inhibited, less independent, less self-assuring, and less worthy of leadership roles.
Meanwhile, teens who develop faster than their peers may be overly conscious
of this phenomenon. It helps to know that early maturing teens undergo a more
intensive growth spurt than late maturing teens. It can be a great plus for boys, who
become bigger than their age, more muscular, more physically attractive and more
athletic. It is obvious that the early maturing teens can gain social advantage, in -
esteem and greater inner poise. But there are also some disadvantages, such as
greater expectation on the part of others, resulting in lessening the experience of
freedom in more steady growth.
Similarly remarkable as the physical changes in the transitional period of
adolescence, are changes in thinking patterns. These changes are marked by the
acquisition of new cognitive skills due to the brain's increasing in weight and refining
synaptic connections (technically known as the corpus collosum) which join and
coordinate the two hemispheres of the brain. Another brain development is the process
of continuous concentration of the brain cells in the prefrontal cortex and related
temporal and parietal areas (technically known as myelination). This second
development covers the brain systems whose executive functions relate to attention,
verbal fluency, language and planning.
Through brain scanning, three peaks in brain maturation have been identified by
neurological scientists and these are at age 12, age 15, and age 18.5, coinciding with
the operational thinking processes of logical reasoning Accompanying brain changes in
cognitive capability, the adolescent begins to acquire spatial awareness and formulate
abstract or general ideas involving numbers, order, and cause-effect. All these changes
propel the adolescent from the world of the sensible and concrete 'thoughts to the world
of the possible and the universal (abstract ideas, such as on the generally good, true
and beautiful).
For Piaget one indication of the presence of formal operational thinking is the
ability of the adolescent thinker for combinational analysis, which is his taking stock of
the effects of several variables in a situation, testing one variable at a time, and not
randomly. An application of a situation which requires combinational analysis laboratory
experiment activity wherein high school students test chemical elements singly
and in combination resulting in an understanding of chemical changes.
A new thought capacity, known as Hypothetico-Deductive Reasoning, emerges
in the adolescent reasoning from general facts/situations to a particular conclusion. The
school pendulum experiment is an example of deducing from variables and generating
and recognizing a truth, expressed by the transitional process of deriving a conclusion
from a hypothesis.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Scientific evidence shows that while adolescents may obtain the capacity for
formal operational thinking, only experience and education will allow them to actually
practice it. School math and science courses such as in performing Physics-type
problems (balance scales, pendulums, projections of images and shadows, etc,)
certainly help in actualizing formal operational thinking, although only 40 to 50 percent
of adults in Western cultures have shown evidence of success in formal cognitive
thinking processes.
Outside formal operational thinking which can be developed by mathematical and
science studies, the adolescent enters into a new capability which makes him a
Problem-Solving Thinker. This involves identifying problems and seeking new and
creative solutions for them. The problem-finding thinker is one who is able to rethink and
reorganize ideas and ask important questions, even defining totally new problems not
previously seen.
The adolescent may further experience an increase in depth of thought. Thus,
he/she is able to bring what is logically "best" for everyday life, whether or not this may
be the objectively correct solution or response to a situation or problem.
Among the developmental cognitive advances in adolescence is metacognition.
This involves the ability to think above thinking, evidenced by awareness of and
capacity to identify one's own thinking processes or strategies--perception,
comprehension, memory and problem solving.
The knowledge acquired through experience is stored in long term memory and
now becomes more declarative (I know that"), as well as procedural (" know how").
Thus, the learner becomes aware of his/her poor memory, such that the adolescent
may be prodded to muster cognitive capacity to supplement poor memory by employing
a memory aid, for example, a list of things to do and a mnemonic device. The learner
may also spend time with and attention to a material to be learned, demonstrating
higher thinking skills.
Another important information-processing trend is the adolescent's ability to
acquire an increased amount of knowledge and skills along many areas or domains.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Achievement and IQ tests are standard measurements of the leaner’s abilities,
as well as potentials for success in given areas. While IQ tests alone do not measure
the great number of abilities that are part of human intelligence, they are still relatively
good predictors of success in school achievement. Indirectly, IQ tests are a beneficial
instrument in identifying learning deficiencies in leaners. Listed as characteristics of
overachievers are:
Positive self-value (self-esteem, confidence, optimism)
Openness to authority (responsive to expectations of parents and
Positive interpersonal relations (responsive and sensitive to feelings of
Less conflict on the issue of self-autonomy (feels freedom to make right
choices, initiates and leads activities)
Academic orientation (disciplined work habits, high motivation to discover
and learn, interest in study values and varied fields of study)
Goal-orientation (efficiency and energy in organizing, planning setting
target, prioritizing long-term goals over short-term pleasures)
Control over anxiety (well composed and relaxed in performing organized
Individuals whose performance are below the measured IQ levels are labelled
underachievers. In spite of possible potentials to learn and their grades and scores in
the top quarter on measured academic ability, their grades are below their measured
aptitudes for academic achievement. Under achievement becomes more pronounced
with the beginning of adolescent years in high school when class work becomes more
As to types of underachievers, the withdrawn underachievers are described as
having a more pronounced tendency to be passive (their overt behavior being
submissive and docile). They follow the path of no-resistance, not reacting against given
assignments and actually following school regulations. Generally quiet, they tend not to
participate in class activities. Meanwhile, the aggressive underachievers tend to be
talkative, if not disruptive and rebellious.
Parental involvement
There are many theories on underachievement, but generally the influence of
parents appears to be the dominant influence on the adolescent's achievement level,
more than peer group influence. A summary of differences between parents of high
achievers and underachievers will help teacher educators understand the significance
of parental involvement in adolescent learning and involvement in school activities.
Generally, parents of high achievers demonstrate:
Positive attitudes about learning, school, teachers, and intellectual
activities, such as by exposing their children to stimulating books, word
games, wholesome sports, travel, etc.;
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Extracurricular activities
School activities outside the subjects for classroom study are mechanisms for
further development of the adolescent student, allowing the acquisition of new attitudes
(such as discipline and motivation), knowledge (such as of organization, sports, etc.),
and skills (organizing planning time-managing, athletics, etc.).
Extracurricular activities are an avenue for leadership, although there is need to
caution students on devoting more time than necessary to these tasks since their more
important curricular or study work may suffer. For example, joining a stage club may be
so engrossing especially to the artistically bent, such that studies may be neglected
causing lower academic achievement.
During adolescence, the teen shows manifestations of growth as he/she begins
to have friends in school, attends parties, goes to discos and keeps intimate friends with
the same or with the opposite sex. These external manifestations are signs of socio-
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Physical and cognitive developments do not come in isolation, but are
accompanied by growth in self-image and maturation of feelings among adolescents.
The formation of a self-concept is of paramount significance since this relates to
enduring traits that make the person fully human. Inhumanity, as sadly demonstrated by
the egotistic, the cruel and the despotic (think of Herod, Hitler, Stalin, etc.) have caused
much suffering and sadness to mankind in human history.
In early adolescence (10-13 years), the teen begins to acquire a reflective idea of
one's self, not only in terms of the immediate present which younger children also see,
but in terms of their past and their future. During adolescent years, the teen also begins
to see his/her role and importance to society. This development requires self-thought or
introspective thinking along generalized ideas, such as in thinking that one is bright,
flexible, intelligent, etc.
From self-image, there is the all important value known as self-esteem. This is an
appreciation of who one is, regardless of possible limitations or deficiencies in bodily
and mental qualities. In the end, it becomes useless and unhealthy to seriously
compare ourselves with others in self-pity (e.g. not being as good looking or not having
high class grades as the other fellow). One can only think of unlimited number of
personages who are incomparable in physical traits (such as the beautiful people of the
celebrity world) and in intellectual acumen (Aristotle, Einstein, Bill Gates, etc.). Since the
growing youth ordinarily cannot be these people, making CompariSons of self with
others is really a futile exercise.
Developing self-esteem
Some scholars see the roots of self-esteem in the mother-child relationship. Thus,
boys develop a masculine trait in self-esteem since there is more distancing between
mother and son, compared with the closer emotional connection between mother and
daughter. The high involvement and intrusion by mothers in the lives of their daughter
are observed to cause delay in the development of self-individuation among girls. As
girls begin to separate themselves from the matrix of emotional connection with their
mother (7-11 years), they gain strength also and begin self- confidence, trusting their
own feelings and knowledge. They also begin to engage more freely in sports and the
arts with more courage competence and energy. But at age 14 (middle adolescence),
the danger surfaces for girls to lose their assertiveness, as their personality becomes
more self-conscious and deferential, It appears that at this stage development, girls
tend to lose their flexibility, optimism and spirit of adventure. These are useful ideas that
can serve as safeguards to ensure the proper directions for reorienting youths during
their adolescent growth. It does appear, however, that the effects of adolescent
transitions and acquisition of self-esteem are mixed. More important to note are some
established facts, namely:
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Identity issues
The active search which adolescents engage in to try to gain a new
understanding of self along sexual, occupational, religious, political self-image is
referred to as identity issues. This process ushers in a sense of confusion as
adolescents bring together all the things they have learned as sons/daughters, students
and friends and try to make sense of their self-image.
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Moral development
Lawrence Kholberg laid down three stages of
moral reasoning among adolescent:
1. Conventional level
At this stage, the adolescent is able to understand and conform to social
conventions, consider the motives of peers and adults, engage in proper behavior to
please others, and follow the rules of society. The focus of thinking of the teen is
towards mutual expectations, relationships and conformity with others. Instead of
stealing an object, he/she may think of other options to acquire that object, such as by
asking or saving money to buy the thing. Doing good and being good spring from a
desire to be a good person by keeping rules ana respecting authority, summed up in
following the Golden Rule (do unto others what you want others to do unto you).
2. Post-conventional level
At this stage, the adolescent wishes to conform to:
law and order (don't steal because it is against the law)
the social contract (rights such as life and liberty must beupheld to uphold the
welfare of the majority in society), and
Ed 1- The child and adolescent learners and learning principles
Development of guilt
Guilt is a sense of feeling responsible for one's actions, particularly when harm
has been done to oneself or others. On the negative side, guilt can threaten self-image,
such that if one is unable to thresh out guilt feelings, there can be serious problems in
adjusting to normal living. Guilt that causes anxiety and fear can usher in a complexity
of illnesses, ranging from chronic fatigue to escapism (e.g. use of drugs to forget the
guilty feeling).
On the positive side, guilt makes us aware of possible wrongdoing, serving as a
regulator for individuals to be more responsible in upholding esteemed social values.
Inaction to change behavior adds to the initial guilt feelings.
Anticipatory Guilt is felt when the child sees consequences that are detrimental
to oneself or others (e.g. stealing an item may cause others to grieve losing a
prized possession).
Survivor Guilt is experienced when one feels blameworthy regardless of
involvement. (e.g. lingering feeling of baseless guilt).