Bio Module Cell Structure and Function

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General Biology
Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Title: Cell Structure and

General Biology
Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Cell Structure and Function
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the nature of Biology. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different
learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of
students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But
the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook
you are now using.

The module is divided into two lessons, namely:

 Lesson 1 – Cell Structure and Functions
 Lesson 2- Cell Analogy

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. identify the different organelles within a cell
2. describe the structure and function of cellular organelles
3. explain and give analogies related to the parts and function of the cell

n Cell Structure and
1 Function

Roles to Rules; Structure to function

All of the life processes of a living cell involve transformation of energy

and matter. The source of this life energy is the molecules undergoing chemical
activities within the cell. A living cell performs the following life processes:
1. Nutrition is the process by which cells obtain food molecules to
support their other activities.
2. Digestion is the process by which food particles are broken down into
smaller soluble units suitable for cell use with the help of enzymes.
3. Absorption is the process by which cells absorb water, minerals and
other materials essential to life from their environment.
4. Biosynthesis is the process by which all cells organize complex
chemicals from simple building units or substances.
5. Excretion is the process by which by-products of all cell activities
which are not needed for further cell functioning are eliminated.
6. Egestion is the process by which insoluble, non-digested particles are
eliminated by the cell.
7. Secretion is the process by which substances that are synthesized by
the cells are expelled from the membrane. This elimination process helps in the
functioning of the body.
8. Movement is a process which includes the locomotion of cell by means
of special structures like cilia or flagella.
9. Irritability is the process by which cells respond or react to external
factors or conditions around them. Cells can alter their functions in response to
changes their environment.
10. Respiration is the process of breaking down food molecules into
chemical energy needed by all cells in order to function.
11. Reproduction is a process by which a cell copies or replicates its DNA
and increases its number by cell division. It gives rise to new cells as a result,
organisms grow.

Note that all these life processes are made possible through the
organelles working together as a team. Lets’ find out below what these
organelles are:

What’s New

Together Everybody Achieves More!!

All the cellular organelles are functioning well in order to support life. There is no least
or more important part because all are equally essential. Everybody will suffer even if one
organelle fails to perform its function.
It’s like you and me, we have different roles but all roles are needed to keep life
possible. Much like in your family, each member need each other in order to survive, you need
your parents much as your parents needs you. The parts and function of the cell is like a TEAM.

Bible Connection!
“Luke 11:17
“Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided
against itself will fall”

Home Connection!
In our family, our parents are the nucleus and in order to keep the family
intact, children must obey their parents and do the task required to them
and that is to study hard and in doing that harmonious relationship within
the family will happen.

Let’s check the details of the cellular parts and function below:

What is It


All Organisms are composed of cells, and these cells have specific structure within
them that allow them to carry out their functions. These structures are called organelles. The
fine details of the cell(which may revealed by an electron microscope) is called cell’s
ultrastructure. CELL is the basic structural unit of all known is the smallest unit of
life, and it is often called the building blocks of life
Functions of the CELL
1. Provide structure and support
2. Facilitate growth through mitosis
3. Allow passive and active transport
4. Produce energy
5. Create metabolic reaction and aid in reproduction
Organelles perform different functions within the cell. This is called division of labor.


Parts of the cell:

Cell wall- helps in protecting the plasma membrane and plays a vital role in supporting
and protecting the cell. It is a thick outer layer made of cellulose that gives its shape.
Cell membrane –is a double layer, thin barrier, surrounding the cell to control the entry
and the exit of certain substances. AKA Plasma Membrane. It facilitate the movement
of molecules inside and outside the plant or animal cell. It allows only chosen
substances to enter or leave cell which can protect the cell from harmful substances
Cytoplasm- cell organelles separate from each Other. This helps to keep the stability of
the cell which contains semi-fluid translucent substance known as cytosol. Cytoplasm
is the site where many vital biochemical reactions take place. It is a viscous fluid or
jelly like material where organelles are embedded. Its jelly like feature secures the
organelles in plants and animals so that they remain in place.

Membrane bound organelles:

Nucleus -is the largest organelle in a cell. It contains a dense structure called the
NUCLEOLUS and it is surrounded by a nuclear envelop, a structure composed of two
membranes, separated by fluid, which contain a number of nuclear pores that can
allow relatively large molecules through it. The nucleus is covered with a membrane
that allows materials to pass in and out. It’s often called the “control center” of the cell
because it contains DNA. The nucleolus is where the ribosomes are formed and this
structure can be found both in plants and animals
Nucleolus- is an important membrane found inside the nucleus. It plays a vital role in
the production of cell’s ribosome.
Golgi apparatus is a stock of membrane-bound flattened sacs and are responsible for the
modification Of protein received for the ER. It receive proteins and other compounds
from the ER. They package these materials and distribute them to the plant and
animal parts of the cell.These proteins are then transported in vesicles around the cell,
Lysosomes- are membrane bound spherical sacs which contain digestive enzyme used to
break down materials such as non-self microorganism engulfed by phagocytes, to
recycle foods

Cell wall is a rigid organelle composed of cellulose that gives plant cell its box-like
shape. The cell wall consist of several distinct layers. The primary cell wall is the outer
layer, it expands as the cell grows. As the plant reaches its full size, a secondary cell
wall develops inside the primary cell wall. This new layer adds strength to the wall. Two
primary cell walls of adjacent cells are separated by another layer, the middle lamella
which is composed of a jelly like polysaccharide
Mitochondria are round double membrane found organelles responsible for aerobic
respiration. Their inner membrane is folded inside to form cristae which are folded in
the matrix- the central part of the mitochondrion. During aerobic respiration, ATP is
produced in the mitochondria. The power house of the cell. They produce much of the
energy a plant or animal cell needs to carry out its functions.
Chromosomes is made up of DNA and stored in the nucleus which contains the instruction
for traits and characteristics.
Chloroplast is found only in plants and are responsible for photosynthesis. Chloroplast
contains 2 fluid separated membranes.
Vesicles- membrane bound sacs that are used to store or transport substances around the
Lysosome are actually vesicles. Lysosomes are vesicles containing digestive enzymes that
digest foreign particles and worn cell parts.
Vacuoles- is the storage area of the cell. Vacuoles store water, food, and waste. Animals
have a very small vacuole while plants as the producers through the process of
photosynthesis have a big central vacuole
Centrosome or microtubule organizing center is a dense area of a cell fluid near the
nucleus.The centrosome contains a pair of centrioles, cylinder formed by parallel
microtubules. A network of microtubules called spindle fiber extends from the
centromere during cell division.
Microvilli are tiny finger like projections of the cell that increase the membrane’s surface area
for more efficient absorption. Cilia are numerous short hair like organelles that propel
materials along a cell’s surface. Vesicles are membranous bubbles that may be formed
by the Golgi apparatus or by the pinching inward of the cell membrane to engulf
external substances.

Non membrane bound organelles

Ribosomes- are small spherical organelles composed of 2 subunits which can be found on
the rough endoplasmic reticulum and also in the cytoplasm, mitochondria and other
places. Ribosomes translate genetic information in the form of mRNA into proteins.
Centrioles are microtubules found next to the nucleus of animal cells and some protists, They
move chromosomes around by forming fibers called spindle during cell division. They
are essential in building cilia and flagella


Bacteria are known for their role

in causing illnesses but there are
also good bacteria. They are
single cellular microscopic
organism. Bacterial cells have
fewer structure compared to
animal and cell, A bacterium a
has a cell wall, a cell membrane
and cytoplasm. The nucleoid
floats freely in the cytoplasm
directs the activities of the ce
Roles to Rules; Structure to function




1 Comparatively small in size Usually larger in size


Often changes shape Cannot change its shape
Plastids are usually absent Plastids are present
Often contains small vacuoles Mature plant cells contains large central
Nucleus usually lies at the center Nucleus lies on one side of the cytoplasm
Centrioles are particularly present Centrioles are normally absent except for
lower plant forms

Lysosomes are always present in animal Lysosomes are rare

Reserve food in the form of glycogen Reserve food in the form of starch
Cannot synthesize all amino acids co Synthesize all amino acids co enzymes and
enzymes and vitamins required by them vitamins required by them
Spindle are formed during cell division is Spindle are formed during cell division is
apiastral anastral
Cytokinesis occurs by construction of Cytokinesis occurs by cell plate method
Animal cell lacking by contractile vacuole Plant cell does not burst if placed in
usually bust if placed in hypotonic solution hypotonic solution due to te presence of cell


Write your answer in half sheet of a paper.

Write P if the organelle can be found in plants only, A if in animals only and B if
found in both plants and animals.

1. Cytoplasm _______________________________________
2. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum ___________________
3. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum __________________
4. Ribosomes _______________________________________
5. Lysosomes _______________________________________
6. Nucleus __________________________________________
7. Nuclear Envelope _________________________________
8. DNA ______________________________________________
9. Plastids ___________________________________________
10. Vacuole __________________________________________
11. Cell wall _________________________________________
12. Mitochondria ____________________________________
13. Centriole ________________________________________
14. Cell Membrane __________________________________
15. Chloroplast ______________________________________

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