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Interconnect Analysis and

Interconnect Analysis and

Chung-Kuan Cheng
University of California at San Diego

John Lillis
University of Illinois at Chicago

Shen Lin

Norman H. Chang

A Wiley-Interscience Publication


New York ž Chichester ž Weinheim ž Brisbane ž Singapore ž Toronto

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Interconnect analysis and synthesis / Chung-Kuan Cheng . . . [et al.].

p. cm.
ISBN 0-471-29366-0 (cloth : alk. paper)
1. Interface circuits — Computer simulation. 2. Electric network analysis — Data processing.
3. Computer-aided design. I. Cheng, Chung-Kuan.
TK7868.I58I583 2000 99-21918
621.3815 — dc21 CIP
Printed in the United States of America

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Preface xi

Acknowledgments xiii

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Book Organization 2
1.2.1 Models and Analysis 3
1.2.2 Synthesis 3

2 Interconnect Models 5
2.1 Technology Trends 5
2.2 Device and Interconnect Scaling 6
2.2.1 Timing 8
2.2.2 Noise 8
2.2.3 Power 9
2.2.4 Reliability 9
2.3 Interconnect Models 10
2.3.1 Resistors 10
2.3.2 Capacitors 11
2.3.3 Inductors 12
2.3.4 RC Model 13
2.3.5 RLC Model 16

2.4 The Effect of Capacitive Coupling 22

2.4.1 Output Response of Step Input 23
2.4.2 Output Response of Ramp Input 29
2.5 The Effect of Inductive Coupling 30
2.6 Transmission Line Model 33
2.7 Power Dissipation 34
2.8 Interconnect Reliability 34

3 Device Models 39
3.1 Introduction 39
3.2 Device I-V Characteristics 39
3.3 General Format of Device Models 41
3.4 Device Models in Explicit Expression 42
3.5 Device Model Using a Table-Lookup Model 43
3.6 Effective Capacitance Model 45

4 Interconnect Analysis 51
4.1 Introduction 51
4.2 Time Domain Analysis 52
4.2.1 RLC Network Analysis 52
4.2.2 RC Network Analysis 54
4.2.3 Properties of the Matrices 55
4.2.4 Responses in Time Domain 56
4.3 S Domain Analysis 56
4.4 Circuit Reduction via Matrix Approximation 59
4.4.1 Stability and Passivity 65
4.5 Analysis Using Moment Matching 68
4.5.1 Concept of Moments 69
4.5.2 Delay Estimation Using Central Moments 70
4.5.3 Padé Approximation 72
4.5.4 Moment Derivation Using Interconnect Tree 76
4.5.5 Connection between Padé Approximation
and PVL Matrix Approximation 78
4.5.6 Voltage-Time Area of RLC and RC 79
4.5.7 Capacitive Coupling Output with Respect
to Ramp Input 80
4.5.8 Elmore Model (First-Order Moment) Analysis
for Single Tree 81
4.5.9 Layout-Driven Analysis Procedure 83
4.5.10 Output  Model for RC Tree Reduction 84

4.6 Transmission Lines 85

4.6.1 Step Input Response 87
4.6.2 Attenuation, Phase Shift, and Characteristic
Impedance 91
4.6.3 Reflected and Transmitted Waves 94

5 Inductance and Inductive Coupling for On-Chip Interconnect 99

5.1 Introduction 99
5.1.1 Differences in On-Chip Inductance Consideration 101
5.1.2 Spectrum and Significant Frequency of
High-Speed Pulse 105
5.1.3 Inductance Calculation 108
5.1.4 Skin-Effect and Proximity-Effect Resistance
Calculation 116
5.2 On-Chip Inductance Consideration 125
5.2.1 Handling Frequency-Dependent Resistance
and Inductance 125
5.2.2 Worst Case and Inductance Impact on Delay
and Crosstalk 129
5.2.3 When Do We Need to Consider On-Chip Inductance? 139
5.3 On-Chip Design Solutions to Cope with Inductance Effects 145
5.3.1 Dedicated Ground Wires 145
5.3.2 Differential Signals 146
5.3.3 Buffer Insertion 147
5.3.4 Splitting Wires 149
5.3.5 Terminations 153
5.3.6 Continuous Power/Ground Planes 156
5.4 Summary 157

6 Synthesis: Overview and Static Topology Optimization 161

6.1 Introduction 161
6.2 Overview of Interconnect Synthesis 162
6.2.1 Delay Estimators 162
6.2.2 Design Space 164
6.2.3 Problem Formulations 166
6.2.4 Scaling Coefficients 168
6.2.5 Error in Delay Estimators 169
6.3 Optimization of Static Routing Topologies 170
6.3.1 Notational Conventions 170
6.3.2 Formulations 171

6.3.3 Algorithmic Framework 172

6.3.4 Maximizing Required Arrival Time 173
6.3.5 Minimizing Total Capacitance Subject to
Timing Constraints 178
6.3.6 Accounting for Signal Slew 183
6.4 Summary, Discussion, and Further Reading 189
6.5 Exercises 190

7 Global Routing Topology Synthesis 193

7.1 Introduction 193
7.2 Background and Overview 193
7.2.1 Algorithm Overview 193
7.3 Preliminaries 196
7.3.1 Delay Models 196
7.3.2 Graphs, Trees, and Permutations 197
7.4 Finding High-Quality Sink Permutations 199
7.4.1 Hierarchy Construction and Reorientation 199
7.4.2 Tour Length Minimization 200
7.5 Tree Construction for a Given Permutation 202
7.5.1 Overview 202
7.5.2 Routing for Min-Area: The P-TreeA Algorithm 204
7.5.3 Routing for Performance: The P-TreeAT Algorithm 206
7.5.4 Complexity 209
7.5.5 Heuristic Limitation of cq-Set Size 211
7.6 Experiments 211
7.7 Summary and Comments 216
7.7.1 Speedup Techniques and P-Tree-like Algorithms 217
7.7.2 Delay Model Generalizations 219
7.8 Further Reading 219
7.9 Exercises 220

8 Optimization of Multisource Nets 223

8.1 Introduction 223
8.2 Preliminaries and Formulations 225
8.3 Linear Time Computation of ARD.T/ Under Elmore 227
8.4 The Repeater Insertion Algorithm 229
8.4.1 A Motivational Example 230
8.4.2 Solution Characterization 232
8.4.3 PWL Primitives 232

8.4.4 Solution Dominance 233

8.4.5 The Overall Algorithm 235
8.4.6 Discussion 238
8.5 Summary, Discussion, and Further Reading 238
8.6 Exercises 239

9 Timing-Driven Maze Routing 241

9.1 Introduction 241
9.2 Assumptions 242
9.3 Formulations 243
9.4 Algorithms 245
9.4.1 Dominance 245
9.4.2 A Sink-to-source Algorithm for Bufferless
Constrained Maze Routing 245
9.5 A Label-Setting Refinement 247
9.6 Example 248
9.7 An Algorithm for Formulation 9.2 252
9.8 Incorporating Buffer Insertion 253
9.9 Complexity 254
9.10 Summary and Comments 255
9.11 Exercises 257
Index 259

Our main goal in writing this book was to present a physical-design oriented
perspective on contemporary issues in VLSI interconnect. Of particular interest
was, in one book, to cover both interconnect analysis and synthesis. Because of
the increasing importance of interconnect in modern VLSI systems and the fact
that these fields of research have gained a certain degree of maturity in recent
years, we felt that the time was right for such a book. We hope that we have
succeeded in providing a unique and timely perspective on the topic.
The work presented in this book grew out of research projects initiated at
both the University of California at San Diego and at Hewlett Packard Labs.
Chapters 2 through 4 were developed largely as the product of graduate courses
and research conducted at UCSD by Chung–Kuan Cheng. Chapter 5 embodies
research conducted at HP Labs. Chapters 6 through 9 grew largely out of John
Lillis’ Ph.D. work at UCSD, his later work at UC Berkeley, and continuing work
at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
We want to make clear that the book is by no means intended to be
comprehensive. The absence of coverage of work by other researchers should
by no means diminish their contributions. Several research groups have
made significant contributions in the field and the reader is encouraged to
investigate their works. Key contributors to progress in interconnect–oriented
design automation include Jason Cong and Andrew Kahng (UCLA), Gabriel
Robins (U. Virginia), Majid Sarrafzadeh (NWU), Martin Wong (UT Austin),
Margaret Marek-Sadowska (UCSB), Wayne Dai (UCSC), Larry Pileggi (CMU),
Sachin Sapatnekar (U. Minnesota), Massoud Pedram (USC), Eby Friedman
(U. Rochester), Kurt Antreich (Technical Univ. Munich), Pak Chan (UCSC),


Jun-Dong Cho (Sungkyunkwan Univ.), Cheng-Kok Koh (Purdue), Xianlong

Hong (Tsinghua Univ), Steve Kang (UIUC), C.L. Liu (Tsing Hua Univ.), Tatsuo
Ohtsuki (Waseda), Takayasu Sakurai (Tokyo Univ.), Jacob White (MIT), CK
Wong (Chinese Univ. Hong Kong), and Dian Zhou (UNCC).

We are first and foremost indebted to Professors Ernest S. Kuh of UC Berkeley

and T.C. Hu of UCSD for their inspiration and encouragement of the production
of this book. We also thank Professor Kuh for his thoughts and suggestions for
improving the book. We are grateful to Professor Jiayuan Fang for his review
of the book. We thank Professor Peter Absec for helpful discussions on scaling
trends. Alina Deutch, Den Edelstein, Robert Rosenberg, and their colleagues at
IBM gave us key insights on electro-migration and transmission line issues.
Special acknowledgement is due to Luca Daniel for his critique and detailed
proofreading of the manuscript. Thanks to Frank Liu and Peining Guo for help
on several figures. Lung-Tien Liu was also invaluable as a reviewer.
In the review of Chapter 5, we thank Tony Fourcroy, Lei He, Wayne Greene,
Dan Krueger, Jon Lachman, Ken Lee, Antonio Martinez, Alan Meyer, Tim
Michalka, Ed Miller, Alan Meyer, Eric Fetzer, Dan Robuck, Hans Stork, and
David Quint. We also acknowledge the financial support from various sources
which made this work possible. We thank Bob Grafton of the NSF in this regard.
Support under the California MICRO program matched by AT&T, Cadence,
Fujitsu, LSI, Raytheon, Rockwell, and Xilinx must also be recognized. Chung-
Kuan Cheng thanks Mentor Graphics for support while on leave from UCSD.
Chung-Kuan Cheng thanks his wife Jenny and John Lillis thanks his wife Rebecca
for their support and patience.


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