François Lenormant & Elizabeth Chevallier, A Manual of The Ancient History of The East
François Lenormant & Elizabeth Chevallier, A Manual of The Ancient History of The East
François Lenormant & Elizabeth Chevallier, A Manual of The Ancient History of The East
Sub-Librarian of the Jinfierinl Institute of P'rciuir
E. chp:vallier,
Metitber of the Royal Asiatic Society.
Preface ix
CiiAr. III. The Great Conquerors of the New Em-
pire— Foreign Influence of Egyi'T.
Section I. Eighteenth Dynasty — First Successors of
Ahmes — Seventeentli Century n.c 226
,, II. Continuation of tlic Eighteenth Dynasty
Thothmes III 229
,, III.Last Kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty Re- —
hgious Troubles 236
,, IV. Commencement of the Nineteenth Dynasty
.Seti I. —
Fifteenth Century B.C 240
,, V. Ramses II. (Sesostris) 245
,, VI. End of the Nineteenth Dynasty Foreign —
Invasions The Exodus 259
,, VII. Commencement of the Twentietli Dynasty
Ramses III 264
— —
Nimrod The First Cushite Empire ... 347
,, IV. Dynasties of the Chalda;an Empire according
to Berosus 351
,, V. Royal Names supplied by the Inscriptions ... 353
,, VI. Monuments of the Primitive Chaldean Empire 357
,, VII. Period of Egyptian Preponderance and of the
Arab Kings 360
— —
»5 V. Religion 452
VI. Arts 456
Chap. V.— The New Chaldean Empire.
Section I. Survey of the History of Babylon under the
Supremacy of the Assyrians 468
,, Nabopolassar
II. 472
,, III. Nebuchadnezzar 476
V. The Successors of Nebuchadnezzar —Fall of
the Babylonian Empire 4S7
Index 509
List of Scripture Texts Quoted 533
List OF Passages from Herodotus Quoted 535
The one great fact of the last fifty years in the scientific world has
certainly been the revival of historical studies, and especially that con-
quest which has been achieved of the ancient past of the East by
modem criticism, which has been alile to throw light into the darkest
immense tract
that in this of country, lying between the Nile and the
Indus, there had once been great centres of civilisation —monarchies
embracing vast territories and innumerable tribes; capitals more exten-
sive than our modern western sumptuous as those
capitals; palaces as
of our own kings, on which, as some vague traditions said, their proud
builders had inscribed the pompous history of their deeds. It was also
have been and siill are furnished by the burial places of Etruria, of
Greece, of C'yrcnc, ami of the Crimea, constitute an immense field of
research unknown lifty years atjo, and whicli has prodigiously extended
the horizon of science.
But these advances in the domain of the classical world are nothing
when compared with the new worlds suddenly revealed to our eyes;
with Egypt, openeil up to us first by the French, and which has sup-
plied remains to fdl the museums of Europe, and initiate us into the
minutest details of the oldest civilisation of the world ; with Assyria,
whose monuments, discovered also by a frenchman, have been disin-
terred from the grave where they have lain for more than 2,000 years,
and open to our view an art and culture of which but the faintest
great rock, sculptured bas-reliefs, and the tombs of the kings of the
family of Midas ; Arabia contributes to science ancient monuments of
times anterior to Islamism, texts engraven by pilgi-ims on the rocks of
Sinai, and the numerous inscriptions which abound in Yemen. Nor
let Persia be forgotten with the remains of Achaemenian and
its kings,
Sassanian. Nor India, where our knowledge has been entirely renewed
by the study of the Vedas. But it is not only the length of the coui'se
that has been increased, the progress of science has been so great that
its domain is now also widely extended. Everywhere, by new routes,
enterprising and successful pioneers have pushed their researches, and
thrown light into the darkest recesses. Europe in our age takes definite
possession of the world. What is true of the events of tlie day, is also
true in the region of learning ; science regains possession of the ancient
world, and of ages long forgotten.
This resuscitation of the earliest epochs of civilisation commenced
with Eg)'pt. The hand of Champollion has torn down the veil
which concealed mysterious Egypt from our eyes, and has added
lustre to the name of France by the greatest discovery of our age.
Thanks to him, we have at last the key to the enigma of the Hiero-
glyphs. And henceforth we may tread boldly on solid and well-known
4,000 years. The art of the Pharaohs has been appi'eciated in all its
diverse forms, architecture, sculpture, painting; and the law which
governed the inspiration of Egyptian genius has been discovered. Their
religion, under its double character, sacerdotal and popular, has been
studied, and it has been proved that under the strange and confused
symbolism which ordained the worship of animals, was hidden a pro-
found theology, which inits conceptions embraced the entire universe,
and was based on the grand idea of the unity of God, the vague and
faint echo of a primitive revelation. We can also form an estimate of
the state of science in this famous nation. The most important frag-
ments of its literature have been translated into modern languages, and
in style closely resemble the Bible. In a word, Egypt has completely
resumed its place in positive history, and we can now relate its annals
on the authority of original and contemporary documents exactly as we
relate the history of any modem nation.
The resurrection of Assyria has been, if possible, yet more extra-
ordinary. Nineveh and Babylon have not, like Thebes, left gigantic
ruins above the surface of the ground. Shapeless masses of rubbish,
now crumbled into mounds, are all that remain for travellers to see.
One might then readily have believed that the last vestiges of the great
Mesopotamian civilisation had for ever perished, Mr. when the spades of
Botta's excavators, and subsequently those of Mr. Layard and Mr.
Loftus, opened to the light those majestic sculptures which we admire at
the Louvre and the BritishMuseum guarantees of discoveries still more
splendid furniture, and rich vases. There are their battles, the be-
leaguered cities, the war machines that shook the ramparts.
Innumerable inscriptions cover tlie walls of the Assyrian edifices
that have been laid bare by excavations. They are written in those
strange cuneiform characters so complicated as to seem likely to baffle
But there is no philological mystery that
the sagacity of interpreters.
can defy the methods of modern science. The sacred wiiting of
Nineveh and Babylon has been, like that of Egypt, compelled to give
up its secrets. The learned labours of Sir Henry Rawlinson, Dr.
Hincks, and, above all, of M. Oppcrt, have given us the key to the
graphic system in use on the banks of the Euphrates and Tigris. We
read now —following an established principle —the annals of the kings
of Assyria and Babylon, engraved on alabaster or impressed on clay,
for the instruction of posterity. We read the accounts they themselves
have given of their wars, their conquests, their craellies. We there
decipher the official Assyrian version of events of which the Bible, in
the Books of Kings, gives us the Jewish version; and the comparison of
the two, places in the clearest light the incomparable veracity of the
Sacred Volume.
These discoveries in Assyrian antiquity have thrown invaluable and
most unexpected light on the origin and progress of civilisation. It was
impossible that such brilliant culture shoidd remain imprisoned in the
narrow limits of Assyria. And so we find, in fact, that the influence of
Assyrian art and civilisation followed everywhere the conquering Nine-
vite amis. To the east and north she made her influence felt in Media
and Persia, where, combining with the subtle and delicate genius of the
Persians under the Achssmenians, she gave birth to the marvellous
creations of Persepolis. The origin of Grecian art, vainly sought in
Egypt, is found at Nineveh. Assyrian influence penetrated into Syria,
Asia Minor and the Islands of the MediteiTanean ; through the C^'-'^ek
cities of the coast it found its way into the heart of the Hellenic tribes.
The early Greek sculptors thus received the inspirations and precepts of
sculptors of the Assyrian school, who approached them step by step,
and selected Asiatic works for their models. From Asia Minor this in-
fluence passed with the Lydian colonists into Italy, where it formed the
base of the development of the Etruscan civilisation, while this, in its tum,
have left us of nations whose languages they did not know, and of an
historical tradition probably already falsified when they gathered the
few fragments which they have preserved. Nevertheless, we both may
and ought still to speak with respect of tJTC accuracy with which
Herodotus has related what was told him by the Egyptians and Persians,
and with sympathy for the zeal which Diodorus Siculus has shown for
learned researches. We are also bound to accept those traces of
manners and customs which they have collected. But to reproduce as
a whole the facts which they ixlate, and to give them as an account of
the chain of principal events in Egyptian or in Assyrian History, is not
to give a summary of that history suitable for young people, for it
this style that the great majority of our historical works speak even now
on the subject of Egypt and Assyria. The absolute necessity of the
reform of which we speak must, therefore, be olivious to every one.
There is no one master of science but has loudly proclaimed it, and the
opinion is becoming general. But the historical' archaeological sciences
now require popular works, manuals such as have been produced in great
quantities for the physical sciences, and have carried ideas into every
grade of society.
Tlie results of the wonderful progress in antiquities and Oriental
philology during the last fifty years have not been sufllcienlly commu-
nicated to the general public. They have to be sought out in special,
brought together and clearly expressed, all the facts which science is
they are not so for men of the world and professors, to whom they do
not supply sufficient means for rectifying previous impressions. It is but
too easily perceived that the authors have but partly studied the sciences,
—the results of which they profess to give — that their knowledge on some
points is second-hand, and not always from the best sources. More-
over, these books have been published several years ; science has
advanced in the meanwhile, and they are now out of date.
We hope we may state confidently tliat the reader will find in the
present Manual a complete rhwne of the state of knowledge at the pre-
sent time —
saving only those imperfections which no man and ourselves —
less than any other, can hope to avoid. The science whose resvalts I
have set forth is one in which an illustrious fatlier, wliose labours I
attempt to continue, has educated me, and which forms the aim and
occupation of my life. There is no one branch comprised in the pre-
sent publication to which I have not devoted direct and profound study.
In the history of every nation, we have taken as guides those
authorities who command the greatest respect, those whose opinions
give law to the learned world. For that of the Israelites during the
periods of the Judges and of the Kings, in all cases where the interpreta-
tion of Egyptian and Assyrian inscriptions has not given new and
unexpected light, our guides have been iM. Munl'C, removed far too early
from those Biblical studies in which he was an acknowledged master in
our country, and M. Ewald, in whose writings so many brilliant flashes
of genius and profound poetic sentiment shine out among ideas
often rash and capricious. For Egypt, we have followed the traces
of the disciples of Champollion, of De Ronge and Mariette, in France ;
Lepsius and Brugsch, in Germany and Birch, in England.
; But
chiefly we have used the great Histoire d'Egypt of M. Brugsch, and
still more the excellent abridgment composed by M. Mariette, for the
mentator of the Zend Avesta, Wcstergaard, and, finally, M. Oppert, are
llic authorities to whom we have had recourse on the subject of the
antiquities, doctrines, and institutions of Persia. Lastly, as to Phoe-
nicia, the admirable studies of Morris have been, naturally, our starting-
point ; but we have amiilificd or modified his results with the assistance
of the writings of tiie Dukede
Luynes, M. Munk, M. de Saulcy, Dr. A.
Levy of Breslau, and theCount de Vogue. The summary, then, of
the works of the mastere of science, of the conquests of European learn-
ing during the last fifty years in the field of Oriental literature, forms
the founilation of our book, and constitutes its chief value ; but, in
these studies, which are peculiarly our own, it has been impossible to
confine ourselves to the mere part of a copyist. Li this Manual will be
found a large mass of personal researches, and also some assertions for
which we must be held personally responsible. But we have at least
always taken care to indicate our own hypotheses and individual
opinions. One last word on the principles and ideas which are reflected
on every page of this book.
I am a Christian, and proclaim it loudly ; but my faith fears none of
the discoveries of criticism when they are true. A son of the Church,
submissive in all things necessary, I for that very reason claim from
her with even greater ardour the rights of scientific liberty. And it is
for libertyand for the dignity of man. Thus it is that I have a horror
of despotism and oppression, that I have no admiration for those great
scourges of humanity, called conquerors — those men whom the materialist
historian elevates to the honours of an apotheosis —be they called
Sesostris, Sennacherib, Nebuchadnezzar, Caesar, Louis XIV., or
Napoleon. Thus, above all, it is that I am almost invincibly attached
to the doctrine of the constant and unlimited progress of humanity —
doctrine unknown to paganism, a doctrine born of Christianity, and
whose whole law is found in the words of the evangelist, "Be ye
Perfect. "
tion the Manual met with from men of the higliest authority on the
subject of historical study the encouragement which such men as Guizot,
Mignet, Vitet, and Guigniaut have given to my attempt to introduce to
the general public, and for educational purposes, the results of those
discoveries in Oriental Archccology which have in the last fifty years
entirely remodelled Ancient History.
The Work, too, has been honoured by the award of the prize of the
Academic Fran^aise, and is thus stamped with the approval of the
highest possible authority.
In England the Work was most favourably received, and in some
reviews the publication of an English translation was recommended.
Such encouragement imposed on me the duty of leaving nothing un-
done that may render my Book as deserving as possible of the approval
it had met with; to revise it carefully, and to correct and complete it as
far as possible.
This I have endeavoured to do in the present Edition, which has been
entirely revised, in many parts re-written, and so extended as to be
much larger than the original work, from which it differs considerably
in some respects, to which it is desirable I should refer.
In the first place, I have deferred to the opinion expressed by many
persons, that the absence of references to authorities was a serious defect
as the reader was unable to refer to original works, and to verify the
statements made in the Book. It was, however, found impossible in
every case to refer to authorities in notes, as the size of the book would
have been enormously increased; I have therefore confined myself,
except for very inijiortant facts, to prefixing to eacli chapter a list of
every book from which information has been drawn.
The chief fault, liowcvcr, found witli tlie " Manuel d'Histoire
Ancicnno dc TOricnt " in its original fomi was, tlial il had no distinctly
defined cliaracter; that it was neither a book entirely suited to pupils,
nor perfectly fitted for teachers. Some parts, the first chapter for
instance, were too elementary, and others too much in detail and too
scientific, to be comprehended by children. This fault I have endeavoured
the other, events arising from ordinary and natural causes apart from this
supernatural interference. In writing Sacred History, it would be
natural to give prominence to this Divine government of Israel ; but
in introducing the Israelites into a picture of the whole civilisation of
Ancient Asia, it was necessary to look more at the merely human aspect
of their history, without, however, for a moment losing sight of the
entii-ely exceptional character of that history.
The Third Book, on Egypt, has been only slightly modified. Some
few additions have been made, amongst others, a short analysis of the
Funereal Ritual, or Book of the Dead ; and a few errors have been
The Seventh and Eighth Books are entirely new, the nations of whom
they treat were not mentioned in the original editions. The Seventh
Book contains the History of Ancient Arabia, considered chiefly with
reference to its intermediate position between the civilisations of India
and of Western Asia; it is founded on the admirable work of M.
Caussin de Percival, on the History of the Arabs previous to the rise of
Islamism, and on the newly ascertained facts from the monumental
texts of Egypt and Assyria, as well as from the ancient inscriptions of
The absence of any history of India in my original work was uni-
versally regarded as an omission, as leaving a vacant space requiring to
be filled. India no doubt had no political relations with Western Asia,
but was, nevertheless, not entirely isolated from the nations bordering
on the Mediterranean. From the time of Darius that country was
brought into relations with Persia, and from the time of Alexander
with Greece; moreover, Arian India exercised too great an influence on
the progress of the human mind in periods of remote antiquity to permit
us to omit her entirely in a general view of the great ancient civilisa-
tions of Asia.
I could not but acknowledge the justice of this criticism; and the
History of India forms the Eighth Book of this Manual —a book a
little longer than the others on account of the importance of the subject,
and founded on the successive labours of Sir W. Jones, Colebrooke,
Schlegel, Eugene Burnouf, Lassen, Max Mliller, and Weber.
With India I have ended. I was urged to add a chapter on the early
Annals of Cliina ; hut in the first place I have not considered myself
competent to deal with the subject; and in the second, it appeared to
me thatChina has always been so completely isolated from the rest of
the world that it could claim no place in a book on the subject of
and in one or two instances includes discoveries made too late for inser-
tion in the Frcncli work.
S>tudenfs Manual of Oriental History.
gaps which appear in the Bible story, leave open a veiy large field for
scientific Our high respect for the authority of the sacred
books must prevent us from seeking in them what they were not
intended to contain, what never entered the minds of those who wrote
under the divine inspiration. Moses has never pretended to write
a complete histoiy of primitive man, and certainly not of the origin and
progi-ess of material civilisation. He has confined himself to recording
a few of the essential and principal features of that history, in a form
suitable to the people whom he addressed. His object has been to
elucidate the descent of the Patriarchs who were chosen by God to
presene, from age to age, the primitive revelations, and above all, to
show, in opposition to the monstrous cosmogonies of the nations who
surrounded the Hebrews, those great tniths which idolatiy had obscured,
the creation of the world from nothing by the mere will of an Almighty
being, the unity of the human race spnmg from one couple, the fall of
that race, the origin of evil in the world, the promise of a Redeemer,
and, finally, the constant interference of Providence in the affairs of
the world.
2. The and its agreement with the discoveries
story of creation itself,
of the natural sciences, are things beyond the scope of our work. It is
only from the moment when God, having created the world and all the
beings which inhabit it, put the seal to his work by creating man, that
we shall take up the stoiy of the first book of the Bible, " Genesis," so
called in Europe, from a Greek word, which signifies "beginning,"
because this book commences with the history of the creation of the
Universe. " God said, Let us make man in our image, after our like-
ness and: let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over
the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over
every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created
man in his own image, in the image of God created he him ; male and
female created he them." " And the Lord God formed man of the dust
of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life ; and
man became a living soul."
The story of the fall of the first human pair immediately succeeds
that of their creation. The father of all mankind, Adam (whose
name in the Semitic languages means "Man" /ar excellence), created
by God in a state of absolute innocence and happiness, disobeyed
the Lord by his presumption in the delicious gardens of Eden where
he had at first been placed, and this disobedience condemned him
and his race to pain, grief, and death. God had created him for work,
as the inspired book expressly says, but it was in expiation of his
fall that his work became painful and difficult. "In the sweat of thy
face shalt thou eat bread," said the Lord to him, and this condemnation
stillrests upon all men.
This is how the book of Genesis recounts the temptation and fall,
the consequences of which have fallen on all the descendants of our
first parents : —
" Now the serpent was more subtile than any beast
of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the
woman. Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the
garden. And the woman said unto the serpent. We may eat of the
frmt of the trees of the garden : but of the fruit of the tree which is in
the midst of the garden (the tree of the knowledge of good and
e\il) God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it,
lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman. Ye shall not surely
die : for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your
eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
chronology for the early epochs of man's existence, neither for that
which extends from the creation to the deluge, nor for that which
reaches from the deluge to the call of Abraham The dates which
commentators have attempted to fix are purely arbitrary, and have
no dogmatic authority. They belong to the domain of historical
hypothesis, and one might mention a hundred attempts to make the
calculation, each with a different result. What alone the sacred books
state, in which science is in complete agreement with them, is that the
appearance of man on the earth (however remote the date may be) is
B 2
recent, when contrasted witli llic innncnsc (himtion of llic geological
periods of creation ; and that llic anli([iiity of many thousands of years,
which some peojile, as for instance the J'^gyptians, Chaldaans, Indians
and Chinese, have self-complacently claimed in their mythological
traditions, is entirely fabulous.
Equally useless, equally devoid of solid foundation, as are these calcu-
lations regardingthe date of man's creation, would be the attempt to deter-
mine from the Bible the exact place of the cradle of our species, or of the
garden of Eden. The sacred story furnishes no precise indications on
that point. The most learned and orthodox commentators of the holy
books have left the question undecided. Everything bids us imitate their
reserve and hold the common opinion which places in Asia the origin of
the first human family, and the source of all civilisation.
4. Adam and Eve (Chavah) the first human couple who came from
the hands of God, had two sons, Cain and Abel (Habel).*
They led, the one an agricultural, the other a pastoral life, the origin
of which modes of life the Bible thus places at the very first footstep of
humanity. Cain killed his brother Abel, being jealous of the blessings
with which the Lord had recompensed his piety, but became an exile
in the despair of his remorse, and retired with his family to the east of
Eden, where he built the first city, which after the name of his first-
born he called "Enoch." God had created man with gifts of mind
and body fitted to enable him to accomplish the object of his existence,
and consequently to form regular and civilised societies. The book of
Genesis attributes to the family of Cain the first invention of the indus-
trial arts. To Enoch, son of Cain, was born, it is said, in the fourth
generation, Lamech, who in his turn had many sons. Jabal, "the father,
of such as dwell in tents and of such as have cattle ;" Jubal the in-
ventor of music, Tubalcain the discoverer of the art of casting and
working in metals, and lastly a daughter Naamah, inventor of that of
spinning the wool of the flocks, and weaving the thread into cloth.
(This last tradition is not found in the Bible, but is mentioned in the
Jerusalem Talmud as a very ancient Jewish legend.)
whom God had given to his parents in place of the much loved son
they had lost.
fold, trulyLamech seventy and sevenfold.'
5. Adam had a third son named Seth, and God
afterwards gave him
a great many more children. Seth lived 912 years and had a numerous
family, who, whilst all other men gave themselves up to idolatry and
vice of every kind, preserved faithfully, down to the time of the deluge,
those religious traditions of the primitive revelation, which after that
event passed into the race of Shem.
The descendants of Seth were Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared,
Enoch, who walked with God 365 years, and "was not, for God took
him," Methuselah who of all men lived the longest life, 969 years,
Lamech, and lastly Noah, who was the father of Shem, Ham and
Japhet. Each of these three was the head of a numerous family.
up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth and the waters pre-
; . .
vailed exceedingly upon the earth, and all the high hills that were
waters prevail, and the mountains .were covered. And all flesh died
that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast,
and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every
man. All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in
the dry land died Noah only remained alive, and
. . .
they that were
homme parce qu'il m'avait blesse, un jeune homme parce qu'il m'avait
fait une plaie. Cain sera venge soixante et dix fois et Lamech septante
fois sept fois." Tr.
with him in tlic ark. And the waters prevailed upon tlie earlli an
hunilrcd and fifty ilays " (Gen. vii. il, 12, 17, 19—24).
There are some observations which it is in the liighesl degree important
to make on this narrative. The distinction between clean and uticlcan
animals proves that the species taken into the ark were only those useful to
man, and capable of domestication, for to these only, does the division
into two such classes, apply among the Hebrews. The manner in which
the deluge was brought about, an idea quite distinct from the fact itself,
is related in accordance with the crude notions on physical science
which were current with the contemporaries of Moses ; and here the
wise words of one of the most eminent catholic theologians of Germany,
Dr. Reusch, are particularly applicable, "God gave to the writers of
the Bible a supernatural inspiration, but the object for which this
supernatural inspiration was given was, as in all revelation, the teaching
of religious truth, not of secular science; and we may, without trenching
on the respect due to these sacred writers, without weakening the truth
of divine inspiration, freely admit that in secular, and consequently in
physical science, these writers were not above the level of their contem-
poraries ; and of their
that they were liable to the errors of their time
nation . Moses was not raised by revelation above the intellectual
. .
level of his time and further, nothing proves to us that it was possible
face of the earth ;" "and all countries came to Egypt for to buy corn
(Gen. xli. 56, 57). "This day will I begin to put the dread of thee
and the fear of thee upon the nations that are under the whole heaven "
(Deut. ii. 25).
It is quite clear that the expressions in these last three passages are
not to be understood literally, that Moses did not intend to convey the
idea that Joseph's famine extended to China, or that the red men of
America were to be in fear of the Jews. And we may without violence
to the sacred text extend the same limited interpretation to the account
of the deluge. We" shall see as we proceed whether the limitation
should be carried even farther.
2. "And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the
cattle that was with him in the ark, and God made a wind to pass over
the earth, and the waters assuaged. The fountains also of the deep and
the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was
restrained and the waters returned from off the earth continually and
; :
after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated.
And the ark rested upon the mountains of Ararat
. . . And it . . .
came to pass at the end of forty days that Noah opened the window
of the ark which he had made and he sent forth a raven, which went
forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth. Also
he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated from oft
the face of the ground but the dove found no rest for the sole of her
foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the
face of the whole earth then he put forth his hand, and took her, and
pulled her in unto him into the ark. And he stayed yet other seven
days ; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark and the dove ;
came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive ler.f
pluckt off. So Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the
earth " (Gen. viii. i — 4, 10).*
On quitting the ark with his three sons, Shem, Ham and Japhet, and
their wives, Noah sacrificed to the Lord, who made a covenant with
him and his race, and commenced to cultivate the earth. His posterity
was very numerous, for he lived three hundred and fifty years after the
deluge, and died at the age of nine hundred and fifty years.
of man was much shortened, and as a rule did not exceed our present
average. Shem, nevertheless, (and probably also his brothers) lived on
during many centuries ; and according to the testimony of Holy Scrip-
ture, the family whence Abraham sprung (thanks no doubt to the tem-
perate habits of patriarchal life) enjoyed up to his time far more than
the ordinary length of human life.
2. All men being of one family still used the same language. Some
generations after the deluge the mass of the descendants of Noah, who
had become very numerous, had fixed their dwellings on the immense
plains watered by the Tigris and Euphrates, in the countiy originally
called Shinar, that is in the Semitic idiom, "the land of the two
rivers." Proud of their numbers and strength, they believed themselves
all powerful, and their insolent audacity led them to defy God himself.
* On the Bible narrative of the Deluge and its relations with the
facts of science, see the recent essay of the Abbe Lambert, Le Deluge
Mosaiq2u\ Hiistoire, et la geologic. Paris, 1868.
"They said one to anotlici-, 'Go to, let us build us a city and a tower
whose lop may reach unto heaven,'" (Gen. xi. 4). But (lod puuislied
their |irideby confusint^ tlieir laiii^uage. No longer al)Ie to understand
one another, they were conipelleil to dis]ierse, each family or group of
families, carrying with it the new language, from that time to become
its own, and whence the itiioms, science now attempts to classify accord-
ing to their analogies, are descended. Thus were formed the three great
raceswho have peopled the world —the children of Ham in parts of Asia
and in Africa, of Shem in Asia, and of Japhet in Europe. Tlic Tower
remained unfinished, and was called Babel, that is, "confusion," on
account of the confusion of languages which took place there.
The confusion of tongues and general dispersion of mankind are
tobe placed, according to the natural sense of a passage in Scripture
which has afforded much exercise to the sagacity of commentators, in
the time of Peleg the fifth from Shem, and about the time of his birth,
because that name, which means division, was given him in commemo-
ration of that event. Nothing, however, in the Bible forbids us to
suppose that some families had already separated themselves from the
mass of the descendants of Noah, and had gone to a distance and formed
colonies apart from the common centre, while the gi^eater number of
the families destined to repeople the earth still remained vmited.
said, the most complete and authentic fomi of a grand primitive tradi-
lator has faithfully reproduced the ancient memories preserved from age
to age among the Patriarchs, and, Ijy a special dispensation of Provi-
dence, favoured by the isolated and nomadic life led by the family of
Abraham, less corrupted among them than among the sun-ounding
nations. He has, assisted by the light of inspiration, restored their true
character to facts elsewhere frequently obscured by polytheism and
idolatry ; but, as St. Augustine has said, without attempting to make
the Hebrews a nation of scholars, either in ancient histoiy, or in physics
and geology. Let us now seek in various parts of the world, among
people spread over the most distant latitudes, the scattered fragments ot
this primitive tradition, which the Mosaic narrative has taught us how
to piece together.
We shall find in one place or another all its essential features, even
those parts of the tradition that are difficult to understand literally,
and when savage nations are in question, who have no books, to admit
only such as have been collected by witnesses worthy of entire belief,
and prior to the arrival of any missionary.
2. And first, among many people, we find the idea that man was
formed of the dust of the earth. The Greeks in their legends repre-
sented Prometheus as playing the part of a demiurgus or secondary
Creator, who moulded from clay the first individuals of our species, and
gave them life by means of the fire which he stole from heaven. In
the cosmogony of Peru the first man created by the Divine power was
called Alpa Camasca " animated earth." Among the tribes of North
America, the Mandans believed that the Great Spirit fonned two
figures of clay, which he dried and animated by the breath of his
mouth, the one received the name of the " first man," the other that of
"companion." The great God of Otaheite " Toeroa " made man of
red c.-wth; nud llie Dyacks of Borneo, stubhornly opposed to nil Moslem
iiilhiLMices, repeated from j^eneration lo generation, that man had lieen
formed of earth.
The religion of Zoroaster is the only one among the elaborate re-
whieh admits the creation of man by
ligious sy.slems of the ancient worUI
the exercise of the almighty power of a iicrsonal tlod, distinct from
primordial matter. Tiie fundamental ideas of the pantheistic and
emanative theories which were the l)asis of all religion in Chakhva and
in Egypt, as well as in India, left everything uncertain as to the creation
of mankind.
Men, as well as all other created beings, were supposed to have
issued from the very substance of the Deity —a substance hardly dis-
tinguished from the matter of the world and they came into being
spontaneously, as successive emanations were developed, not by a free
and predetennined action of creative will and those who held this
world, preserved the idea of the original sin and of the fall of the human
race. The sacred book called Bundehesh contains a story of the temp-
tation of the first human pair, almost exactly like that of the Bilile, in
which all the essential features are found, even to that of the tempter
having assumed the form of a serpent and nevertheless it is no more
possible that the Bundehesh has borrowed from the Bible, than the
Bible from Zoroastrian religion. We shall give this story further on in
and from which it has first tried to escape. And so, everywhere, the
primitive tradition as to the first step of humanity has been the first to
be obliterated. As soon as men have felt the sentiment of pride arise,
which their progress in civilisation, their conquests in the material
world, inspired, they cast off that All religious philosophy
which has arisen beyond the limits of the revelation preserved among
the chosen people, has rejected the doctrine of the fall. And, indeed,
how was it possible for such a doctrine to agree with the dreams of
pantheism and of emanation. And thus the tradition of the fall of our
first parents has not been preserved beyond the Zoroastrians and the
Mosaic narrative, except among some savage nations whose miserable
condition hail made them still feel all the consequences of the fall.
Thus the inhabitants of the Caroline Islands, in the legends which the
first European navigators collected from them, said, " In the beginning
there was no death, but a certain Erigiregers, who was one of the evil
spirits, one of the Elus Melabut, and who was aggrieved by the happi-
ness of mankind, contrived to get for them a sort of death from which
they should wake no more."*
The Hottentots also said that "their first parents had committed so
great a fault, and so grievously offended the supreme God, that he had
cursed both them and their posterity, "t
3. But if the doctrine of original sin and of the fall is, of all the facts
in the Mosaic narrative, the one least found among the traditions of
other nations — if this is the point where the Christian should recognise
most marks of divine inspiration as bearing most directly on
clearly the
the instruction which Holy Scripture is designed to give us, as to our
origin, our destiny, and our duties —
the circumstances with which Moses
relates the fault which brought about that fall, are nevertheless found
divested indeed of all meaning, without moral signification, and inter-
mixed with entirely material ideas, in the most ancient legends of many
people. It is in fact impossible not to recognise a close connection in
their origin, between the forms though not between the ideas, of the
biblical tradition of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and a
series of ancient myths common to all the branches of the Arian race,
to which a learned German, Adalbert Kuhn, has devoted a book of the
highest interest. J
Wespeak of those containing the idea of the discovery of the use
of and of the water of life they are found in their most ancient
fire, ;
state in the Vedas they have passed, more or less modified by the
of man, and also the material symbol of intelligence ; from its leaves
distils the water of life. The gods have reserved for themselves the
possession of fire ; it falls sometimes to the earth as lightning, but
man cannot produce it for himself. He, who like the Greek Pro-
metheus, discovers the means of producing fire artificially and gives
form evidently preserved among the Hebrews, the same form as among
the Arian nations, —
in spite of the alteration in sense but he restored —
to it its true meaning, and caused it to reassume its solemnly instructive
4. we have been advancing on uncertain ground and in con-
So far
stant danger of falling into error. The lights of the primitive traditions
which we have been able to catch from right and left, have been so few
and far between, that it would ha%e been wiser not to tread that road,
had we not been sure of soon entering on a plainer path. But we have
now In place of a few isolated tales, scattered
reached solid ground.
links of a chain is likely to be contested, we now come
whose unity
suddenly on a multitude of concordant proofs, which, coming from the
four winds of heaven, arrange themselves so as to put beyond doubt
that these stories were identical in the early ages of the world.
In the number given by the Bible for the antediluvian patriarchs, we
have the first instanceof a striking agreement with the traditions of various
nations. Ten are mentioned in the Book of Genesis, and a remarkable
concidence gives the same number, ten, in the legends of a great number
of people, for those primitive ancestors whose history is lost in a mist of
fable. To whatever epoch they carry back these ancestors, whether
before or after the deluge, whether the mythical or historical character
number ten,
prevails in the picture, they are constant to this sacred
which some have vainly attempted to connect with the speculations of
later religious philosophers, on the mystical value of numbers. In
Chaldsea, Berosus enumerates ten antediluvian kings, of whom we shall
count ten emperors, partakers of the divine nature, before the dawn of
historical times. And finally, not to multiply instances, the Germans
and Scandinavians believed in the ten ancestors of Odin, and the Arabs
in the ten mythical kings of the Adites, the primordial people of their
peninsula. Such an agreement cannot be accidental, and must lead us
back to a common origin for all these traditions.
among all the great races of the human species, with one important
exception, the black race, among whom no trace of the tradition has
been found, either among the African tribes or the populations of
Polynesia. This absolute silence of a whole race as to the memory of
an event so important, in the face of the unanimous voice of all others,
is a fact which science should carefully note, for it may involve most
important consequences.
Faithful to the plan which we have laid down, we shall pass in
review the chief traditions of the deluge, collected from the various
branches of humanity. Their agreement with the Bible narrative, will
clearly prove their original unity, and we shall see that the tradition is
one of those which date from before the confusion of tongues; that it
goes back to the earliest ages of the world, and can be nothing but
an account of a real and well-authenticated fact.
But we must first eliminate some legends which have been erroneously
connected with the Biblical Deluge, whose essential features however
compel sound criticism to reject them. They refer to merely local pheno-
mena, of an historical date, relatively very near our own. Doubtless
the tradition of a great primitive cataclysm may have been confused with
these stories, and have led to the exaggeration of their importance ; but
the characteristic features of the recital given by Moses are not found in
them, and this fact clearly shows, even under the legendary form of the
traditions, and local character. To class traditions of
their restricted
with those which really refer to the deluge, would be to
this nature
weaken rather than strengthen the argument to be drawn from the
concurrence of the latter.
of the Muyscas tribe, taught them the worship of the sun, and died.
2. Of all the true traditions relative to the great deluge, by far the
anyone who compares the two narratives, that they were one up to the
time when Abraham went out from among the Chaldseans, to journey to
Palestine. But in the Chaldcean cosmogony, the tradition embodies no
moral lesson, as does the Bible narrative. The deluge is but an acci-
dental event, a sort of fatal accident in the history of the world, in
place of being a punishment sent for the sins of mankind. The man
chosen by heaven to escape the deluge is called by Berosus, Xisuthrus, a
name the original fomi of which we do not know, and therefore cannot
guess its meaning. The Chaldaean legend adds one be incident, not to
found in the Bible: — Xisuthrus, warned
by the gods of the approaching
deluge, buried at Sippara, the city of the Sun, tables, on which were
engraven the revelation of the mysteries of the origin of the world, and
of religious ordinances. His children dug them up after the deluge,
and they became the basis of the sacerdotal institutions of Chalda^a.
On the other hand, the original monuments and texts of Egypt, amidst
all their speculations on the cosmogony, do not contain one single, even
distant, allusion, to the recollection of a deluge. It is true that the
religious theories of the Egyptians said much more on the origin of the
Universe, and of celestial bodies, than of the creation, and the early days
of the human race. According to a passage in Manetho, open however to
much suspicion as interpolated, Thoth or Hermes Trismegistus, had
himself inscribed on tablets, before the deluge, in hieroglyphics and in
the sacred tongue, the elements of all knowledge. After the deluge, the
second Thoth translated the contents of these tablets into the vulgar
tongue. This is the only allusion to the deluge which can be iM<xluced
from an Egyptian source. Manetho has no mention of it in his
Dynasties, the only authentic part of his work we now possess. The
absence of this tradition from among the myths of the Pharaonic reli-
gion, rendersit probable that this was only a recent foreign introduction,
and, without doubt, of Asiatic and Chaldsean origin. So the Siriadic
land where, according to the passage in question, the columns of hiero-
glyphics were placed, may no other than Chaldsea.
well have been
This tradition, though not found was current as a popular
in the Bible,
tale among the Jews at the commencement of the Christian era— a cir-
cumstance which confirms our supposition, as the Hebrew people may
have received it during the Babylonian capti\aty. Josephus tells us
that the patriarch Seth, unwilling that the wisdom and astronomical
discoveries of the ancients should perish in the double destruction of the
world, by fire and by water, which Adam had predicted, set up two
pillars, one of brick the other of stone, on which were engraven records
of this wisdom, and which still remained in the land of " Siriad."*
Thetradition of the deluge, in less exact confonnity indeed with the
Mosaic record than that of Chald?ea, but still preserving all essential
points, and clearly characteristic, exists in the most ancient recollec-
tions of all the branches of the Arian or Japhetic race, without excep-
tion. We
shall give the versions peculiar to the Indians, Iranians, to
the Celts and Slavonians in the chapter on the primitive Arians, on
their organisation and religious ideas. The importance of the tradition
of the deluge among all the Arian people, is the greater when we re-
member that the name of "Noah," unlike those of the other primitive
patriarchs, bears no appropriate meaning in any of the Semitic idioms,
and appears to derive its origin from some one of the languages of the Arian
stock. Its fundamental root is Na, to which, in all the languages of
the latter race, is attached the meaning of water— vaav, to flow, vafia
water, vtjxav, to swim ; Nympha, Neptunus, water deities. Nix,
Nick, the Undine of the northern races. It seems then to have been
applied by tradition, precisely on account of the deluge, to tliat righteous
man who was spared by the Divine will, and may consequently be
Jos. An^., I, 2, 3.
professing to be the place where the ark rested. the history of
Noah, with liis name, was inscribed on certain medals which issued
from the mint of Apamea in the third century of our era, when Christian
ideas had spread over all the Roman world, and began to infuse them-
selves into the minds of those even who remained attached to Paganism.
3. " It is a fact well worthy of remark," says M. Maury, "to meet
in America with traditions relative to the deluge, infinitely closer to
those of the Bible and the Chaldrean religion than those of any people
of the ancient world. We can hardly admit that the emigrations which
certainly took place from Asia into Northern America, by the Kurile
and Aleutian Islands, and which have taken place again in our own
days, could have carried such remembrances, for no trace of them has
been found among the Mongolian and Siberian populations,! who mixed
with the aborigines of the New World. .No doubt some American
nations, the Mexicans and Peruvians, had attained, at the time of the
Spanish conqviest, to a very advanced social state. But that civilisation
had its own peculiar and distinctive character, and seems to have
developed itself on the soil where it flourished. Many very simple
inventions, such as scales, for example, were unknown to these nations,
and this fact proves that they derived their knowledge neither from
India nor Japan. The attempts which have been made to discover in
Asia, among the Buddhists, the origin of Mexican civilisation, have not
as yet led to any satisfactory conclusion. Moreover, had Buddhism
penetrated into America, which seems at least doubtful, it could not
have carried with it a story not to be found in its books. The cause of
the likeness of the diluvian traditions of the people of the New World to
those of the Bible, remains stillan unexplained fact." This avowal,
from the pen of a man of immense learning, and who, in the very book
whence we borrow our quotation, attempts to destroy the authority of
the Mosaic narrative of the deluge, is doubly valuable. J
But to us this fact, inexplicable to M. Maury, is capable of a very
* SuiD. V. 'NavvaKog.
t The tradition of the Deluge is nevertheless found very distinctly
among the Calmucs Malte Brun, Precis de Geographic, vol. Ix.
simple, and the only possible explanation. It clearly proves that the
vessel with his wife, his children, and many animals, and such seeds as
were necessary for the subsistence of mankind. When the Great Spirit
Tezcatlicopa ordered the waters to subside, Tezpi sent out of the ark a
vulture. That bird, which lived on dead bodies, did not come back, on
account of the great number of corpses scattered on the recently dried
earth. Tezpi sent other birds, among whom the humming bird alone
As they did not exist in a written form tliey were not secure from
foreign influence ; they were collected only in later times, when the
tribes had long been in contact with Europeans, and when many an
adventurer who had lived among them might have introduced new
elements into their traditions. These tales, nevertheless, are worthy of
mention, but must be received with some reserve. In the songs of the
inhabitants of New California there is mentioned a far distant time
when the sea bed and covered the earth. All men and all
left its
in their rude legends that all mankind had been destroyed by a deluge,
and that then God, to repeople the earth, had changed animals into men.
The traveller Henry repeats a tradition which he had heard from the
Indians of the lakes. Formerly the Father of the Indian tribes lived
towards the rising sun. Having been warned by a dream that a deluge
was coming to destroy the earth, he constructed a raft on which he
saved himself with his family, and all the animals. He floated thus
many months on the water. The animals, which then had the power
of speech, complained aloud and murmured against him. At last a
new earth appeared, and he stepped down on it with all the creatures,
who thenceforward lost the power of speech as a punishment for their
murmurs against their preserver. %
Mr. Catlin thinks he has found, in the great American tribe the Man-
dans, traditions entirely analogous to those of the Bible, especially a
remembrance of sending out the dove, and of the exit from the ark.
Resemblances of the same kind have been pointed out by other travellers,
but they are too vague to enable us to rely on the details with which
the narrators have suiTOunded them. In the Polynesian islands the
diluvian tradition is not found among the black or Australian race, but
among the Polynesians, originally an Asiatic people, it is met with,
mixed up with incidents borrowed from the ravages of high tides, which
are among the most constant plagues of those islands. The most
I. The place where the Bible narrative states that the ark rested after
the deluge, the starting point for the sons of Noah, is mount Ararat.
From a remote time this name has been moun-
applied to the highest
tain in the Armenian range, which in the course of the various migra-
tions of which that country has been the scene has received the name
of Ararat, after having been called Mount Masis by the indigenous
inhabitants. The greater number of the interpreters of Scripture have
taken this view, but others in the early days of the Christian era pre-
ferred to follow the Chaldeean tradition, after Berosus, who placed the
descent of Xisuthrus in another part of the same range, at the Gordinean
(Kurdish) Mountains.
Nevertheless, if we attentively examine the sacred text, it is impossible
to admit that Moses thought that the Ararat of the deluge was situated
in —
Armenia in fact a few verses further on it is distinctly said that it
was " as they journed from the east" that the descendants of Noah
arrived at the plains of Shinar. This compels us, in searching for the
high land on which the ark rested, to seek it in the chain of the Hindoo
Koosh, or perhaps rather in the mountains where we find the sources of
the Indus. This, too, is exactly the point to which the traditions of
the Indians and Persians converge —the traditions of those two great
ancient nations who have preserved the clearest and most circumstantial
recollections of the primitive ages.
2. In all the legends of India, the oriijin of mankind is placed at
Mount Merou — the abode of the Gods —the pillar that nnites heaven
with earth. Merou is situated north, even with reference to the
primitive location of the Indian Arian tribes in the Punjaub and on
the Upper Indus. This is not a fabulous mountain, unknown to
terrestrial geot^rajihy. Baron Eckstein has proved that it actually
exists, and is situated near the "Serica" of the ancients or the south- —
west of Thibet.
But the indications of the Iranians are still more precise, still more in
agreement with those of the Bible, because as these people have not
migrated so far as others, the tradition of the primitive cradle has not
assumed for them so misty a fonn. The invaluable enumeration ot
the successive halting places of this race, which is contained in the
most ancient chapters of the books attributed to Zoroaster, characterises
"Aryanem Vaedjo,"* the original "starting point " of mankind, and
particularly of the Iranians as a northern region cold and mountainous
whence the Persian race descended southward towards Sogdiana.
There is the centre of the world, the Holy Mountain Berezat of the
Zend Avesta, the Alboraj of the modem Persians, from whose side
flows the not less sacred river, Arvand, whose waters gave drink to the
first men. The illustrious Eugene Burnouf has shown in a perfectly
convincing manner that the Berezat is the Bolor or Belourtagh, and
that the Arvand is the Jaxartes.f
names Berezat and Arvand have been attached in
It is true that the
later times to we find them applied
mountains and rivers far from Bactria,
successively to mountains and rivers in Persia, Media, Mesopotamia,
Syria, and Asia Minor, and with no little surprise we recognise them in
the classical names of the " Orontes " of Syria, and the " Berecynthus
of Phrygia. But this is the efifect of the displacement all the
localities of legendary geography underwent in the early ages.
carried with them in their migrations those ancient names to which
their ancient traditions were attached, and bestowed them anew on
the mountains and rivers they found in the countries where they
settled. This happened to the name of Ararat. M. Obry has shown
that the mountain which the Japhetic tribes regarded as the sacred
cradle of humanity originally bore in their traditions the name of
Aryaratha, the origin of that of Ararat, and that it was only in later
times that the Armenians in their migration transported the name to
popular traditions are agreed that the mountain mass of Little Bokhara
and Western Thibet was the place whence the human race issued.
There the largest rivers of Asia, the Indus, the Oxus, and the Jaxartes,
take their rise ; the culminating points are the Belourtagh, and the vast
plateau of Pamir, so fitted for sustaining the primitive populations while
still in a pastoral condition, and whose name in its primitive form was
Upa Merou, the land of the summit of Merou. To this locality, too,
place there also the cradle of antediluvian man. Among the Indians,
men it, descended from Mount Merou.
before the deluge like those after
There is found the Outtara Kourou, the true terrestrial paradise. There
also we are led by the Greek paradisiacal myth of the Meropes, the
people of Merou. The Persians described the " Aryanem Vaedjo,"
situated on Mount Berezat, as a paradise exactly resembling that of the
book of Genesis, until the day when the fall of our first parents and the
wickedness of Ahriman the spirit of evil, transformed it into an abode
of insupportable cold. The name also of Eden has been applied at one
time to this region, for it is clearly found in the name of the kingdom of
Oudyana, or " the garden," near Cashmere, watered by four rivers pre-
cisely as was the Mosaic Eden.
It is certain that two of the rivers of Paradise, in the Bible narrative,
are two which take their rise in the mountain mass
of the largest rivers
of Belourtagh and Pamir, the one to the north, the other to the south.
Gihon is the Oxus, still called Djihoun by the people on its banks.
In Pison we must recognise the Upper Indus, and the land of
Havilah, rich in gold and precious stones, which it "compassed,"
seems to be the country of Darada, near Cashmere, so celebrated for its
riches. But must we conclude with some scholars the absolute identity
of the Biblical Eden with the Outtara Kourou and the Aryanem
inspired Hebrew legislator most probably thought that our species first
saw the light.
most ancient recollections of the Chaldasans, and was one of the national
traditions of the Armenians, who had received it from the civilised
nations inhabiting the Tigro-Euphrates basin. Berosus gives the stoiy
in a form almost identical with that of the Bible, which will be found
further on in the chapter on the Baljylonians.
2. As far as the Chaldseans are concerned, though the tradition itself
remained immutable, its locality was not always the same. A very
valuable gloss, introduced by the LXX. into the text of the Prophet
Isaiah,* leads us to suppose that one version of the story placed the
that the inhabitants of the country still call " Birs Nimrod," "the
mass of sun-dried bricks which have crumbled away into niinous heaps.
2. The decipherment of the cuneiform inscriptions has given us an
etymology for the name of Babel different from that which seems to
follow from the Bible text that is —
Bab-ilu, "The gate of the god Ilu."
The derivation Babylon, "confusion," is the result of an alliteration
.inspired by the legend told of the place. But, on the other hand, our
knowledge of the Assyrian tongue has revealed that the name " Bor-
sippa" meant, in that idiom, "the tower of tongues." Babylon is
often designated in the cuneiform texts by a symbolical name, ideo-
graphically written, meaning "the town of the root of languages."
Borsippa by another meaning "the town of the dispersion of tribes."
These names seem almost like medals struck to commemorate the
ancient tradition of the plains of Shinar.
Thus far we have been listening to the great voice of humanity, re-
lating, in both sacred and profane tradition, the memories it has
retained of its early ages. We must now address ourselves to an
enquiry of an entirely different nature, in order to gather all possible
information as to the actual conditions of man's primitive existence.
The stones are now about to speak. We shall ask the successive
layers which compose our soil to give up the secrets which lie hid in
them. We shall carefully examine the material traces left by the passage
of races long anterior to history, and thus place by the side of general
facts transmitted by tradition, numerous details of the life of the first
men, as well as of the successive phases of their material progress.
We avail ourselves of an entirely new science which as yet has not
existed twenty years, called "prehistoric archseology. " It is, like
all sciences which are still in their infancy, presumptuous, and claims,
at any rate in the case of some of its adepts, to overturn tradition, to
abolish all and to be the only exponent of the problem of our
origin. These are bold pretensions which will never be realised.
Without aiming so high, the new science, within the limits of the pos-
sible, has a part to play sufficiently great and brilliant to satisfy its
leaves great gaps, and many problems without solution. There is too
often a desire to establish a system, and many scholars hasten to build
theories on an insufficient amount of observations, finally, all the
facts of this science are not yet established with perfect certainty.
But in spite of these imperfections, inevitable in a study so recently com-
menced, the science of the archaeological vestiges of primitive humanity
has taken rank among the positive sciences. It has already brought
3. Such was the aspect of our countries, such were the rigorous con-
ditions which the climate and the monstrous animals still remaining
imposed on the existence of man on his first appearance. The bones of
the animals we have mentioned are found associated with chipped
flints, and other stone implements, evidencing the rudest workmanship,
and the most rudimentary social state, in the sand and fluviatile gravels
of the counties of Suffolk and Bedford, and in the transported beds of the
valleys of the Somme and Oise, and in the sand of the Champ de Mars
at Paris. Of this age also seem to be the bone caverns of the Pyrenees,
which are from 150 to 250 metres above the present level of the valleys,
and some grottoes in Perigord, that of Moustier for example, where the
worked flints resemble those found at Saint Acheul and Abbeville.
The arms and utensils of this primitive age are for the most part pointed
axes of flint, formed by breaking off large splinters. We can easily see
that these flints, whose white coating proves their great antiquity,
were intended to cut, to cleave, and to pierce. When the points
are sharpened it has been by striking off smaller chips. Some of these
stones are scrapers, which were used, no doubt, to clean the inside of
the skins which the savages of the first stone age used as a defence
against the cold.
We may even form a pretty correct idea of their mode of life. The
cultivation of the soil and domestication of animals were unknown ;
they wandered in the forest, and inhabited natural caverns in the
mountains. Those who dwelt by the sea shore lived on fish, which
they harpooned among the rocks, and on shell fish the inland people
subsistedon tlio flesh of animals killed by stone weapons. This is
proved by the accumulation of animal bones in the caves, some
of which still bear marks of the instrument used to cut off the flesh.
But the men of this epoch did not confine themselves to eating the flesh
of ruminant, hoofed, pachydermatous, or even carnivorous animals ;
they were very fond of the marrow, as the long bones are almost con-
stantly found to be cracked. This is a taste which has been noticed
among most savages. The men, therefore, whose traces are found in
the quaternary deposits, were savages little above the level of those
now inhabiting the Andaman Islands, or New Caledonia. Their life
was profoundly miserable, but still they were men even in their abject ;
state the divine spark was still in them. Already man was in posses-
sion of fire, that primordial and wonderful discovery which places a
gulf between him and even the most sagacious animal. Let us not
forget also that even the most rudimentary inventions require the
exercise of the greatest intelligence, as being the first, without precedent
or pattern. In the earliest days of mankind it required a greater exer-
cise of genius to contrive the cutting out of a rude stone hatchet, such
as we find in the sand of the fluviatile alluvium, than
it does in our days
vora. The mammoth and rhinoceros still existed, but were gradually
becoming extinct. The reindeer abounded in the South of France in
vast herds, which roamed in the pastures of the forests. The men of
this second epoch used bones and the horns of animals, as well as stone,
and their utensils were better formed. All the objects dug up in the
grottoes of Perigord and Angoumoise proved that our species had made
great progress in the manufacture of tools and utensils. Their arrows
are barbed. Some flints are notched, so as to form a sort of saw. Orna-
ments nxerely for show are found made many
of teeth and flints. In
grottoes have been found phalangal bones of ruminant animals hollowed
and pierced with a hole evidently intended to serve -as whistles, for
which purpose they can even now be used. But the men who in these
caves led the life of Troglodytes, not only managed to cut with facility,
they succeeded also with stone tools in carving and engraving ivory and
reindeer's horn, as is proved by numerous specimens. Finally, it is
most remarkable that they had already the instinct of design, and drew
with the point of flint on slate, ivory, or horn, the pictures of the
ing traces of polish. The quaternary- alhivium and the caverns of that
age do not supply polished stone a.xes of flint, serpentine, nephrite, and
obsidian these are found in the peat pits, and in mounds, doubtless of
great antiquity, but which are raised above the level of the soil ; in
sepulchres very ancient, but later than the commencement of our geolo-
gical period, and in some entrenched camps, at a later time occupied
by the Romans. They have been found by thousands nearly all over
France, in Belgium, Switzerland, England, in Italy, Greece, Spain,
Germany and Scandinavia.
We must not suppose, however, that an abrupt and sudden change
separated the "reindeer age" from the "polished stone age." They
passed from one to the other by successive gradations, which proves
that the new period of the development of human industry was the
result of slow and continued progress. Modem geology has noticed
an exactly parallel fact, that the transition from the quaternary to
the present geological period was not sudden and violent, but gradual.
It was the result of successive and local phenomena, which gave our
continents their present form, and changed though by slow degrees the
climate so as to lead to the extinction or drive to northern latitudes some
species of animals.
2. The axes of the polished stone period differ in fomi from those
of the Archasolithic epoch, which are sharpened almost to a point,
whereas those of the later age have a broad cutting edge. Some of
the axes of this period had handles of stag's horn, or of wood, whilst
others seem to have been held in the hand itself, and to have been used
as knives or saws, for bone, hom, or wood. With that exception the
nature of the weapons and utensils is the same in both ages, the only
human family to which these people belonged, but they are at present
premature, and without solid foundation.
It is not only in France and in England that monuments of this kind
have been found. They have been observed in Syria, in Algeria, and
even in Hindustan. Axes and knives of flint, obsidian, and compact
quartz, which have been taken from the tombs of Attica, Boeotia, Achaia,
and of the Cyclades, are identical with similar weapons found on the soil
of France those which have been found in the various provinces of Russia
are exactly of the same type. Scandinavia has its Dolmens, its funeral
mounds, which present a complete analogy to those of France. The bodies
have been buried in the tomb without being burned bronze is found even
stone tools was more prolonged there than in any other part of Europe,
so that human industry had more time to perfect the work ; secondly, the
flint found there is of superior quality, and fractures more readily than
that of other countries.
4. Again, Scandinavia has opened to the study of science other
most curious deposits of the same phase in the histoiy of man. On the
coasts of Denmark, Sweden and Norway, in various places, considerable
quantities of shells of oysters and of other eatable mollusca are found.
These deposits have not been brought together by the waves they are ;
polished stone and bone only have been found. In form and workman-
ship, these much resemble the objects furnished by the Dolmens and
peat pits of France, Great Britain, Belgium and Scandinavia, only they
are in greater variety. The animals whose bones have been dredged up
from under the lake villages are the same as still inhabit Switzerland
brown bears, badgers, aurochs, pole-cats, otters, wolves, dogs, foxes, wild
cats, beavers, wild boars, pigs, goats, sheep. The elk, the urus, the auroch
only are wanting among the present fauna of the country, but we know
from written testimony that they were found there at the commencement
of the Christian Thus the lake villages clearly characterise in Western
Europe the close of the Neolithic age, and the people who had built
them continued stiU to live there up to the time when they first
learned the use of metals from more advanced nations. The collection
of objects which the Swiss savants have obtained from their sites prove
also in many ways that even in most ancient times there was a real
civilisation. Pottery was still hand-made, but attained to a great
variety of forms, and exhibited some taste in ornament. The largest
vases served for storing grain forwinter— and wheat, barley, oats, peas,
and lentiles, have been recovered in them. The inhabitants of the
lake villages were therefore given to agriculture, an art absolutely
unknown to the men whose remains are preserved in the caves of
Perigord. They domesticated animals, and they knew the use of the
miU. Finally, in the lake villages of the earliest age shreds of stuffs
have been met with, which prove that, no longer content with skins as
clothing, men even then knew how to spin and weave the threads of
through the three stages of the age of stone, and its traces have every-
where been found. But, though each people and each country present
to the observer the same succession of three ages, corresponding to
three periods of social development, we should greatly err were we to
suppose that these different people passed through these stages at the
same time. There is no necessary synchronism between these three
stages in different parts of the world the stone age is not an epoch
Europe the Dolmens of the age of stone were first constructed, the
people of Asia had for centuries been in possession of bronze, iron, and
all the secrets of a very advanced material civilisation. In fact, the use
of metals in Egypt, Chaldtea, and China can be traced back to a very
remote antiquity.
As we have already seen, the Biblical tradition mentions a son
of the patriarch Lamech, Tubalcain, as the first who worked in copper
and iron, a statement which carries back the use of metals amont,'
some races for more than one thousand years before the deluge.
The knowledge of the art no doubt spread at first slowly, and for
economy's sake to use for some time the old utensils to which they were
accustomed. Among most half-savage tribes who know the art of
working metals, as do the negroes, the process even in the tribe itself is
forests of the still desert world, although they started from centres
where some families had already learned to work in metals, knew
themselves only how to make stone implements, and carried with them
no remembrance of the arts of their original and far distant establish-
ments. There is therefore no necessary contradiction to the Bible
narrative, which dates the first discovery of metallurgic art before the
deluge in the fact that the red race of America, which certainly did not
Africa, among the black race, where the use of bronze seems never to
have prevailed, and where the nature of the minerals of the country
permitted them to arrive at once at the production of iron, —
the third in
America, among the red races.
There has even occurred in certain cases, and under exceptional
circumstances, a return to the use of stone by people who, at the time
of their emigration, were aware of the use of metals, but had not
entirelyabandoned the usages of a previous state of civilisation. This
seems have been the case with the Polynesian race. These people,
as has been proved by the valuable researches of M. de Quatrefages,
were originally Malays, and so far as we can approximately dctennine
the date of their first emigration, it occurred in comparatively modem
times, when we know from positive proof that the fabrication and use
of metals were generally known among the Malay Islands, but without
having entirely superseded the employment of stone utensils. But the
islands where the ancestors of the Polynesians first established them-
selves, in the neighbourhood of Otaheite, and v/here they multiplied
for many ages before spreading over the rest of the Australasian Archi-
pelago, contained no metallic veins in their soil. The secret of metal-
lurgy, even supposing that some of the emigrants possessed it, was in a
few generations lost for want of use, and no recollection was preserved
but of the stone which they had occasion to use every day. So the
swarms of the Polynesian race remained in the " stone age," even when
they came to establish themselves, as in New Caledonia, in countries
abounding in metals.
3. These remarks on the impossibility of considering the "stone
age " as an historical epoch, at a fixed time, the same for all countries,
are applicable to the present geological period, particularly to the
Neolithic or " polished stone " age, certainly very short, and which
perhaps did not occur at all among people who learned early to
work metals ; whilst, on the contrary, among other races it has lasted
thousands of years. But they do not apply to the Archseolithic age,
corresponding to the quaternary period. The changes in the climate of
the globe, and in the elevation of the continents, mark positive and
synchronous epochs in time with determinable limits, although it is not
possible to estimate their duration either in years or in ages.
The glacial period Western Europe, in Asia, and
was simultaneous in
in America. Those conditions of climate and of the superabundance of
water which immediately succeeded it, and in the midst of which we find
the most ancient vestiges of mankind, were common to the whole northern
hemisphere, and had ceased to exist ^hadbeen replaced by the present
conditions in the most ancient times to which we can follow back
the civilisation of Egypt or Chaldasa. Geological remains do not
permit us to suppose and this simple argument is a sufficient one
— that our countries can have been still in that condition of climate
peculiar to the age of the great pachyderms and of the reindeei", when
Asia had arrived at the state in which it now is. The quaternary
period was simultaneous on the whole surface of the globe. But we
i-epeat, the change of climate and of the fauna is anterior to all re-
follows that the remains of human industry which are found in tile
quaternary beds and in caverns of the same epoch, whether in France
or in the Himalayas, certainly belong to primitive humanity, to the
most ancient ages of the existence of man on the earth. They throw
direct light on the mode of life of primitive man, whilst it is only by
analogy that we can draw from the remains of the Neolithic epoch infor-
mation as to ages really primordial, just as we may do from the study
of the life of nations who are still leading a savage life.
however, need not trouble the mind of any Christian, for the more or
less exact transcription of a number must not be confounded with the
question of the Divine inspiration, which has given Holy Scripture to
teach man his origin, his way, his duty, and his end. Moreover,
besides the want of certainty as to the original reading of the numbers
given in the Bible for the existence of each of the Patriarchs from
Noah to Abraliam, the genealogy of these Patriarchs can be considered
by a good critic only as having the same character as the genealogies
habitually preserved among Semitic people — among the Arabs for
instance —which establish direct affiliation by the enumeration of the
most remarkable personages, omitting many intermediate steps.
These decisive arguments prove that there is no real Biblical chrono-
logy, and therefore no contradiction between that chronology and the
discoveries of science. However distant may be the date to which
researches on fossil man may one day carry back the existence of the
human race (as well as the Egyptian monuments, even now incompatible
with the number of 4,000 years hitherto generally accepted), the narrative
of the sacred books will be neither shaken nor contradicted, for it assigns
no positive date, either for tlie creation of man or for the deluge. All
that the Bible expressly says is, that man was the last creature whom
God placed on the earth, and this the discoveries of science, far from
denying, confirm in the clearest manner.
But while we admit that religion need not limit the freedom of
scientific speculations as to the antiquity of man, we are bound to
may be, fixed by disobedience, that original fault which changed the
condition of man and condemned him to painful toil, to sorrow, and
Nothing, however, can be more instructive for the Christian who
sees them by the light of sacred tradition, than the facts brought to
light by geological discoveries among the quaternary deposits. The
condemnation pronounced by the Divine anger is imprinted in a striking
manner on the hard and toilsome life which it is evident that the tribes
scattered on the surface of the earth then led, under the conditions of
climate of that epoch, and in the midst of formidable animals against
whom it was necessary every moment to defend their lives. It seems
that the weight of that sentence fell then, immediately after the fall,
more heavily upon our race than it has since done. Antl when science
shows us the first men who came to our countries, living in the midst of
ice, under conditions of climate analogous to those under which the
Esquimaux now live, —
conditions which up till then had not been pro-
duced in the temperate zone, and which have not since appeared there,
—we are naturally led to recall the ancient Persian tradition, in complete
agreement with the statements of the Bilile, on the subject of the fall
of mankind through the fault of their first ancestor, which places in tlie
first rank among the punishments wliich followed that fault, as well as
which are the sublime heritage of our species. He had high aspirations,
noble instincts, in entire contrast with merely savage life. He believed
in a future state. He was already a thinking, an inventive being ; and
that impassable gidf which the possession of a soul has fixed between
him and those animals who most nearly approach him in organisation,
was then as wide as it ever was to be. Finally, we must not forget that
we have as yet found traces only of thinly scattered tribes who had
launched out into the midst of forests and deserts, who lived by hunting
and fishing, at an enormous distance from the cradle of humanity,
round which were still concentrated the chief settlements of the children
of Adam. Thus though these first adventurous explorers of the " wide,
wide world " were ignorant of agriculture, and had no domesticated
animals, we must not absolutely conclude that the agricultural and
pastoral modes of life did not exist in the more compactly grouped
settlements, naturally more advanced, which had not left their original
habitations. There exists, then, nothing to contradict the Bible state-
ment, which mentions Cain and Abel, the one a cultivator of the soil,
expressly says of Adam and Eve. For arms and utensils they had only
rudely cut stones; and the Bible names the first worker in metal six
generations after Adam, and we know how many centuries these ante-
diluvian generations represent in the Bible narrative. The facts col-
lected by prehistoric Archasology prove that the progi'ess of material
civilisation is the special work of man, and the result of successive in-
ventions. Our Pagan cosmogonies,
sacred tradition does not, like the
assert that the arts of civilisation mankind
were supernaturally taught to
by special revelation from heaven it represents them
; as purely human
inventions, and names their authors shows the gradual
progress of our
species to be the work of the free hand of man, fulfilling, most often
unconsciously, the plans of Divine Providence.
4. Tke Deluge. —
This point is the only one on which there is, we
must acknowledge, a serious difficulty. There is however no radical and
irreconcilable contradiction between the Bible narrative and geological
facts but there is a problem, the key to which has not yet been found,
and on this we can but speculate, the place of the Mosaic Deluge,
among the phenomena which our earth witnessed during the quaternaiy
It now been proved, in a manner rendering discussion impossible,
that no one of the three chief deposits constituting the quaternary
strata have, as a merely superficial observation had led geologists
to suppose, been produced by a great universal cataclysm, such as
the deluge must have been, if we understand the expressions of
the Bible literally. These different deposits are the results of partial
and local deluges,produced by similar conditions of climate suc-
cessively m all parts of the earth, but which have not affected the
whole surface, their effects never being visible more than 300 metres
above the actual level of the sea. It is true that if the interpretation
now generally received, which makes the flood universal, as to man
and the regions which he inhabited, not as to the whole surface of the
globe, be admitted, these statements of science will not raise any insur-
mountable difficulties for exegesis, because any one of the partial
deluges, so frequent during the quaternary period, would fulfil the con-
ditions of the delugewhich chastised the iniquities of the human race.
But this is how the difficult problem arises. On one hand we have the
Bible narrative, supported by the universal tradition of all races of
mankind, with one exception, proclaiming the gi^eat fact of the deluge.
On the other, geological discoveries show man already spread over
nearly the whole surface of the earth in the time of the great camivora
and pachydermata of extinct species ; since which no trace can be
found of a cataclysm so universal as to destroy all mankind. Moreover,
no violent interruption is found since this epoch in the course of the
progress of humanity, which advances step by step towards perfection ;
and the species of animals, then living but now extinct, disappeared
gradually and by slow degrees. Neither of these propositions can be
disproved, and it is therefore necessary to attempt to reconcile them.
But we must repeat that the definite solution has not yet been found,
we can but suggest hypotheses. Three seem possible. We shall
explain them carefully, without pronouncing in favour of either, and
without attributing to them a certainty which they cannot claim.
Tlie fust coiisists in throwing back the probaljle date of tlie deluge, and
regarding it as anterior to the quaternary epoch. The absence of precise
chronology between the deluge and the time of Abraham
in the Bible
renders this possible. This hypothesis rests on the vestiges of tlie exist-
ence of man, which scholars of great merit, M. Desnoyers and the Abbe
.Bourgeois, think they have found in the uppe'- beds of the tertiary strata,
but which, though probable, nevertheless require farther confirmation.
If man had already appeared in our countries at the close of the tertiary
geological period, a sudden, entire, and prolonged interruption separates
these primeval men from those of the quaternary epoch. The Mosaic
deluge may then be identified with that immense irruption of waters
over great part of Europe and Asia which closed the tertiary period,
and produced what geologists know as the northern erratic block phe-
nomena, when floating icebergs carried over all parts of England, the
plains of Germany, and Russia, enormous boulders brought from the
neighbourhood of the Pole.
The second hypothesis is that which has been recently supported by
the Abbe Lambert.^ It consists in regarding the universality of the
show that he speaks of one single family, not yet divided into different
nations, Goim ?
But this division was already known to the human
" The author, in the 4th chapter of Genesis, has shown the race of
Cain, living and multiplying, separated from the race of Seth both by
distance and by religion and manners. This family was not then in
the Adamite unity, it was really a people distinct from the race of Seth.
Why, if this distinct people were comprised m the punishment of the
deluge, did not the author say so ? Why did he not in any way imply
it ? The crime which brought the deluge on mankind, as the author tells
us,was an excess of corruption, of depravity, in Ihe sons of "Jehovah,"*
his worshippers. Thus those who knew Jehovah, who invoked his
name, were the cause of the deluge. The descendants of Cain did
not know Jehovah, they never called on His name, for " Cain went out
in his time this famous difficulty was the subject of many contro-
For Linguistic Science: Michaelis, De P influence des opinions stir Ic Ian-
gage, Bremen, 1762. —
Adelung, Mithridates, Berlin, 1806-1817.
Bopp, Grammaire comparee des langues Indo-Etovpecnncs, (Breal's
translation), Paris, 1865-67. —
Balbi, Atlas cthnographique du Globe,
Paris, 1826. — Kapp, Versuch einer Physiologic der Sprache, Stuttgard,
1836. — Pott, Etymologische Forschungen, Lemgo, 1833-6. Neve, —
— —
I. Sacred tradition teaches us that the whole human race and all its
varieties descend from one single original pair. Divine inspiration
alone could pronounce in a definite and precise manner on a point of
such primary importance in a religious, as well as in a philosophical,
point of view ; for in this is involved the fundamental doctrine of Chris-
tianity, —redemption. Human knowledge cannot venture on positive
assertions in a matter such as this, which is too deep for research. It
is only by induction that reason can trace the human race back to an
original couple ; the only result its investigations have attained is to
demonstrate the fact, that all the varieties of mankind belong to one
single species, which almost necessarily supposes one single couple for
its original authors.
There are now two schools of naturalists devoted to the study of the
physical organisation of man ; the one admits, in conformity with
sacred tradition, the unity of the human race ; the other supposes
that many species of men appeai^ed, and in different places, but the
authorities of the latter persuasion are not agreed as to the number
of these species, which are variously stated from two to sixteen.
The two theories are called Monogenistic and Polygenistic. The
professors of the latter opinion follow as a rule preconceived philo-
sophical ideas, and are really less naturalists, than enemies to Bible
doctrines. All scholars who have approached the subject without
opinions formed beforehand, and investigated it apart from other con-
siderations, according to the laws of scientific method and with the
assistance of observation, have decidedly pronounced, as the result of
their studies, for the Monogenistic theory. The proofs which permit
science to affirm and demonstrate the unity of the human species have
been recently admirably collected by M. de Qua'trefages, the most
eminent anthropologist of France, and having profited by recent dis-
to the same laws as all other organic beings. When man therefore
exhibits phenomena which cannot be solved by considering him alone,
we must question animals and even vegetables, and argue up from them
to him. By this method we may manner the
establish in a scientific
unity of our species. But first, it is necessary to define what is meant
by " species." " A species is an assemblage of individuals more or less
like each other, who are descended, or may be considered as descended,
from one single by an uninterrupted succession of
primitive pair
families." Individuals who differ in a marked manner fi-om the general
type are "varieties." A "race" is a variety which has been propa-
gated by parentage. The characters peculiar to each of the human
races must not be considered as characters of " species;" for the varia-
tionswhich we observe in one species among animals, especially among
domestic animals, and which even affect the most essential parts of
the skeleton, are much more considerable than those separating the
white man from the negro, the two most widely differing types of
humanity. Moreover, it is not possible to establish a well defined
separation between the different races of men, which graduate insensibly
one into the other. Now when we look at species of animals, however
near they may be to each other, we may fix on one or more characteristics
absent in one, present in the other, and clearly distinguishing them ;
and this is never the case with races. These characteristics so assimilate,
that even when they are numerous we can hardly say which one is really
the distinguishing trait. If we study " crosses," they reveal in their
turn the fundamental difference between a species and a race. A cross
A race, as we have said, is a variety \\hich is propagated. The
action of the conditions of existence in the midst of which an animal
is developed, is chief among the causes tending to produce in a
species, varieties, and originate a race. These influences of climate,
soil, and mode of life, are very evidently those which have given rise
to the different races of mankind. It is true that we no longer see the
same causes bring about the same effects on the Europeans who
emigrate in our times. But this is because civilised man knows so well
how to defend himself against the effects of the climate in which he
resides. This is his constant care, even in the native country of his
race; as an emigrant his precautions are redoubled. The inhabitant of
the temperate zone who goes to Siberia takes every care to keep himself
warm. In India or Senegal he uses every means to escape the heat,
and succeeds to a very great extent. Everywhere he canies with him
manners, customs, and practices, that become part of the atmosphere in
which he lives, and tend to diminish the effect of the change. Never-
theless these precautions are in some degree useless. Man in spite of
all is, to some e.xtent, affected by the new climate and new country
globe, and the comparison of their types, with the physical and social con-
ditions by which each is surrounded. " All traditions concur in placing
the formation of the white race, thatis of the race most elevated in the
type of humanity.
" On the opposite coast of Africa, at distances still gi-eater from the
cradle of the white race, degeneration proceeds even more rapidly. The
Berber races of the Sahara, are certainly descended from a wliite stock,
but amongst them we find the first commencement of the change that
has taken place in Soudan. Tiic head is elongated, the mouth forms a
salient projection, the limbs are thin and ill-proportioned, and the colour
of the skin is darkened. The Fellatah of the Soudan is already a
negro, but a negro whose face denotes intelligence. This remnant of
nobility in the features disappears among the blacks of Senegambia,
and is replaced by an increase of ugliness. The negro of Congo gives
us the pure type of his race — forehead low and receding, lower jaw
prominent, lips thick, nose flat, hair woolly, occiput large, intel-
race but their eyes are generally less oblique, their skin is not so
New World, far from being an exception to the law which shows us
the human race most perfect where the climatic conditions are most
favourable, does in fact only confirm it. America has its temperate
regions situated farther south than Europe, because the continent is
colder ; the mountain chain, traversing it like a backbone, forms a
succession of elevated plateaus. It is in fact in Mexico and Peru, that
is, in the countries which, on account of their elevation, possess those
1 The
numerous varieties of the human species whose geographical
distribution we have described, divide into four principal races, four
great types, which comprise secondary and mixed races, each of them
including a certain number, first of families, and then of nations. These
four races are :
2. The negroes of the most characteristic type have the skull elon-
gated and narrow, especially at the temples. The upper jaw bone
projects forward, after the fashion called by naturalists prognathism, and
gives rise to the most striking traits of the black face, the slightly pro-
jecting nose, broad at the base of the nostrils, and the exaggerated
general very scanty, as is the case also with the various mammalia of the
Negro country. With some peculiarities in the form of the body, and a
perceptible curve of the legs, these are the essential and distinctive
characteristics of the black race, much more so than colour, as there
are some people of white race, such as the Abyssinians, to whom
long residence in equatorial Africa has given an equally dark coloured
The skull of the yellow race isrounded in form, the oval of the head is
larger than with Europeans. The cheek bones are very projecting, the
cheeks rise towards the temples, so that the outer corners of the eyes are
elevated, the eyelids seem half closed. The forehead is flat above the
eyes. The bridge of the nose flat, the chin short, the ears dispro-
portionately large, and projecting from the head. The colour of the
skin is generally yellow, and in some branches turns to brown. ••
is little hair on the body, beard is rare, the hair of the head is coarse and,
like the eyes, almost always black.
We have already mentioned the principal features which distinguish
the red man's face in skeleton he is very like the white.
; He is dis-
tinguished by his colour, always reddish brown, or approaching to
copper, more or less deep in tone, and by the scarcity of hair, for all
American races have scanty and short hair, and are beardless.
As for our white race, it is, above all, characterised by the beauty of the
oval which forms the head. The eyes are horizontal, with more or less
widely opened lids ; the nose rather projects than is large, the mouth
small or moderately pierced, the lips thin : the beard is ample, the
hair long, smooth, or curled, and its colour variable. The skin is of a
rosy white, with more or less transparency, according to the climate,
habits, or temperament. Morally and intellectually the M'hite race has
a marked superiority over all others. In the nations of this race, we
find, from remote antiquity, the greatest development of civilisation and
the most progressive tendencies.
3. It would be most interesting if we could determine, among these
four types of humanity, —and, in the most ancient times to which history
and the monuments of civilisation go back, they are found as distinct as
they are to-day ; —
which is the most ancient, and whether either of
them can claim to represent, with any certainty, the primitive man.
Unfortunately a question science is unable positively to answer.
tliis is
were to some extent prognathic, and their colour was not black. The
anatomical trait of prognathism, especially of the upper jaw, exists in
all the families of the black race, and is not less apparent among part of
the yellow race. A decided tendency in that direction is seen in the
Ugro-finnish races. It frequently appears in isolated individuals of the
purest branches of the white race. Those remains of human heads
which have, been recovered from caverns of the close of the
at present,
quatemai-y period, are decidedly prognatliic. " Eveiy thing seems to
indicate," says M. de Quatrefages, "that this characteristic must have
existed in the first We are enabled to be more
ancestors of mankind."
positive on the next point, that the fii-st ancestors of our species were
not black the darkened colour of the skin, the excessive development
world at the time when the Patriarch left the banks of the Euphrates,
that is about 2,000 years before the Christian Era.
We see that, of the three great races who separated after the con-
fusion of tongues, the Hamites were the first to leave the common
centre of the human race, and that they spread themselves over a vast
extent of territory, and founded the earliest monarchies. Amongst
them material civilisation made at first the most rapid progress. But
Noah had laid a curse on his son Ham for having been wanting in
filial respect, and for having exposed him to derision during a fit of
drunkenness. "A servant of servants shall he be to his brethren " had
been the sentence, and the curse has been fulfilled in all its complete-
ness. The Empires founded by the Hamites soon came in contact
with the two other races, who, in the contest which ensued, were
victorious, and dispossessed the original inhabitants of the coun-
tries they had occupied. The Semites replaced them in Chaldsea,
Assyria, Palestine, and Arabia the Arian race in India and Persia.
preponderating influence also was that of the race of Asshur, but the
mass of the population seems to have remained Hamitic, of the Cushite
branch, which had fonned the primitive empire of Nimrod, itself also
containing a mixture of other elements.
The book of Genesis next mentions Arphaxad, whose name means
"border of the Chaldoeans," or rather "neighbourhood of the Chal-
daeans." This name, like the greater number of those given to the
grandsons of Noah, is rather the geographical designation of the
country where he founded a settlement, than the proper name of the
individual. It determines the localities which were inhabited in
the first age after the deluge, by those nearly related families, who, in
later times, became the parent stock of the Hebrews and Arabs. In
fact, among the descendants of Arphaxad we find Eber, the direct
Syria,whose most ancient and important city was Damascus and 3rd. ;
Aram Zobah, or the region in which in later times was formed the
kingdom of Palmyra.
The group of Semitic nations, whose chief representatives in our
days are the Arabs and the Jews, present a purer and handsomer
type of the white race than any of the Hamitic nations ; the beard is
fuller, the complexion clearer though still dark, the stature loftier,
with a spare habit of body. The face is generally long and thin,
the forehead rather low, the nose aquiline, the mouth and chin receding,
so as to give a rounded rather than a straight profile, the eyes sunken,
black and bright.
Race of\ Japhet. The name of this youngest born of the sons of
Noah, signifies " extension," because that his posterity was to occupy
an immense extent of country. His family remained longest united, and
was the last to leave the neighbourhood of the place where Noah had
fixed his residence after the deluge. The book of Genesis gives the
on the northern coast of the Euxine, and north of Greece. From these
were in due course of time to spring a people well known to the Greek
and Roman historians, as Cimmerians, Cimbri, or Kymry, who were
for ages the terror of Asia and Europe, and who even made Rome
tremble at the summit of her power. Three sons of Gomer are
mentioned: Ashkenaz, whose name seems composed of the Gothic roots
As chunis, "the race of Ases," and which represents the Germanic
and Scandinavian nations not yet separated, and inhabiting a limited
district to the north-cast of the Black Sea ; Riphath, that is, the group
of Celts or Gauls, then established in their first European settlement on
the Riphaean mountains the present Carpathians, before entering on
their last migration towards the France of our days ; and lastly,
Togarmah, in whom tradition has always recognised the Ai'inenians.
That Madai is synonymous with the Medes is certain. He represents
the great Iranian family which holds so important a place among the
Japhetic and Arian populations. The identity of Tubal and the Tiba-
reni is equally well established; these people as late as the classical ages
Hellas, that is, Greece. Dodanim personifies the Pelasgic race of the
Bactrians, and the higher castes of India. These last nations, known
by the collective name ol "Arians," remained for a long time con-
centrated in the countries watered by the Oxus and Jaxartes, tliat is in
Bactria and Sogdiana, the region which was the original dwelling of
the whole race. Thence one branch directed its course to the south,
crossed the Hindoo Koosh, and penetrated into India, destroying or
subjugating the earlier Hamitic population. The other established
itself in the country which lies between the Caspian Sea and the Tigris,
also the dominant race of the world which day by day advances toward
universal sovereignty.
5. There is one of the sons of Japhet of whom we have not yet
intention, though we may not be able to explain it. Those who sup-
pose that the inspired author believed that the deluge was not universal
as to all the then formed branches of the human species, that there were
tribes, besides the family of Noah, who escaped the flood, find in this
fact one of their most specious arginrients. The text of the Bible, how-
ever, has nothing expressly opposed to the supposition that Noah might
have had, after the deluge, other sons besides Shem, Ham and Japhet,
from whom might have sprung the races which do not appear in the
genealogy of these three personages. It does not, as we have already
any way oppose the hypothesis that some families sprung from
said, in
the three Noachian patriarchs may have left the common centre of
humanity before the building of the Tower of Babel, and the confusion
of tongues, and may have given birth to those great races who, becoming
developed in absolute isolation, have assumed a perfectly distinct phy-
siognomy and have remained shut out from the history of the rest of
mankind. In the table of affihation in the loth chapter of Genesis,
Moses has professed only to include those nations who after having
lived together, speaking the same language, were in the land of Shinar,
takes for the object of its investigations, languages as they now exist,
and does not attempt to trace back their origin beyond the region of
positive fact.
The questions of primary origin, by revelation, by voluntary agree-
ment among mankind, or by the necessary and spontaneous effect of
their organisation, so much debated among philosophers, do not belong
to this science ; if at any time it does approach this problem, it is merely
as a corollai-y to its observations. We have not, unfortunately, space to
give to this subject aU the development it deserves. We cannot even
attempt a complete sketch, however rapid, but can only indicate the
chief points of interest. We
must confine ourselves to enumerating in
few words the principal families of the idioms spoken on the earth, and
afterwards adding some details as to the most perfect languages, those
most advanced in their development, those also which have had most
effect on civilisation —
for in no others is there any literature worthy of
tlie name —that is tlie inflected languages of the Semitic, and of the
Japhetic, or Indo-European nations.
2, Ever since man began to speak, that is, ever since he began to
exist, the languages of various races have passed through innumerable
modifications, caused by the progress of knowledge among those by
whom they were spoken, by intercommunication, and by the reciprocal
influence of one idiom on another. It is therefore as impossible to trace
of the language of the first men. This study has enabled a celebrated
philologist, Jacob Grimm,* to trace the following sketch of what primi-
tive language must have been. " Language on its first appearance was
simple, without artificial processes, full of life and the energy of youth.
All the words were short, monosyllabic, generally formed of short
vowels and simple consonants. Words were joined and agglomerated in
speech, like blades of grass in turf All its conceptions resiUted from
perception, from clear intuition, forming one thought, and becoming in
its turn the starting point for a host of other equally simple ideas. The
connections between the words and the ideas were simple, but were
frequently disfigured by the addition of unnecessary words. At each
progressive step, spoken language assumed more fulness and flexi-
bility, but was still wanting in rhythm and harmony. Thought had
not as yet become fixed, and therefore primitive speech could leave no
monument of its existence." The languages that emerged from this
primitive idiom underwent modifications in accordance with fixed
laws, in the same way as all other natural phenomena. Comparative
philology has been enabled to discover the most essential of these laws,
and tlie varying effects in the different languages, tlie development of
which they have governed.
" Three distinct epochs maik the history of language the mono- :
syllabic, the agglutinative, and the inflected. Not that all languages
have necessarily passed through these three phases, but because the
idioms belonging to the last epoch, that of inflexion, bear the marks
of a more developed organisation than those of the intermediate epoch
corresponding to that of agglutination ; these latter languages being
themselves better organised than the monosyllabic tongues. Among
all languages, ancient and modern, some have passed through the three
phases, others have been arrested in their development. Thus agglu-
tination includes the monosyllabic state, and inflection includes both
the agglutinative and the monosyllabic states. Exactly as among species
of animals, some remain as elementary organisms, whilst othere progress
during the period of gestation from that organism, to a higher and more
developed organisation." A. AL\ury.
3. JNIonosyllabic languages consist only of simple words, expressed
by one single emission of the voice. These words are both substantives
and verbs ; they express the notion, the idea, independently of the
employment, namely, the way in which the word is put into relation
with other words, indicating its categorical sense in the phrase.
The majority of the languages of the yellow race have stopped at
this stage of development. The ancient Chinese perhaps the best
the regions of the Oural and Altai, such as the Ostiak and the Samoiede.
Finally, the Tartar branch, properly so called, spoken
by the northern
people of the yellow race, Mongols and Tongouses. We might add a
fourth branch, formed by the Japanese and Corean, which have also
sprung from the same source. The Dravidian family is composed of
the languages of the southern part of Hindustan, the principal being
the Tamil, the Telinga, and the Canarese.
The Tartaro-finnish presents a state of language slightly more advanced
than that of the Dravidian family. The roots are generally of two
syllables, accented on the first ; but in this dissyllable we find the unmis-
takable trace of the primitive monosyllable that still exists in the
roots of the Dravidian family. These last languages are more harmo-
nious, and, compared with them, tlie Tartaro-finnish tongues are hard
and roughened, so to speak, by the cold of the countries where they
are spoken, alDOve all the Magyar. The Finnish only is an exception ;
it equals in softness and harmony the most musical of the languages of
4. Inflected languages are peculiar to the white race, and are those
which have attained to the highest degree of development. They result
from the most complete progress of thought and civilisation :
since the difference between the substantive and the pronoun had only
just commenced. In the inflected languages, the personal terminations
of the verb have no doubt a visible connection with the pronoun, but
the forms of the inflected verljs are fundamentally distinguished from all
others. In this case an energetic force has formed that indissoluble
thing which we call '
a word, and in this we cannot mistake the respec-
great difficulty, in the inflexible fomi which the elements of the vocabu-
laiy have now assumed. The idioms temied Semitic are essentially
analytical instead of rendering the complex element of speech in its
owing to the influence of the race who preceded and mixed with them ?
We may, moreover, from a purely linguistic point of view, form, among
t|ie Semitic family, a group of languages composed of the Assyrian,
Himyaritic, and Ghez, which we may call the Cushite group, marked
by certain features peculiar to these three idioms, and unknown to the
and Mr. Stuart Poole, that the Nilotic langviages spring from the same
stock as the Semitic, and form with them one single class divided into
two families. One language was originally common to the sons of
Shem and of Ham. But the Egyptian and its allied idioms were first
separated from the main stem, and in a less perfect state of develop-
ment. In this separate state of existence they became, as it were,
stereotyped by the fixed standard of the monuments of Egj^pt, whilst the
Cushite languages of Asia, of the Canaanites, and Semitic people, con-
tinued to progress, arrived at a state of greater perfection, and assumed
the character of a distinct family.
From the earliest times known to history the Arian languages have
been essentially synthetic ; the words are placed in a sentence accord-
ing to the system of construction, for which the Latin is our type.
Our Neo-Latin and English idioms have in modern times sprung
from this consequence of the necessity for
family of languages, in
lary has but a small number of words in common and moreover this —
small common base may result from the identity of the method em.-
ployed by both languages in their origin, that is, the onomatopoetic.
It would nevertheless be exaggeration to assume it as impossible that
these two linguistic families were originally sisters. Philologers of
high authority have pronounced that the Arian tongues were produced
by the modifying influence of the Semitic on the Turanian languages.
Without prejudging anything as to the reciprocal affiliation, more or
less direct, of the Indo-European idioms, an affiliation which pre-
sents serious difficulties, we may divide them into six gi-oups ist. : —
the Indian ; 2nd. Iranian ;
3rd. Pelasgic or Greco-Latin ;
4th. Sla-
vonian ;
5th. Germanic ; and 6th. Celtic.
2. The Sanscrit forms the base of the Indian group ; it is the sacred
and scientific language of the Brahmins. Spoken for more than twenty
centuries, it still lives as language, and
it must, from so long
a literary
an existence, have become the most perfect type of an inflected
language, as the meaning of the name which the Indians have given it
signifies, Sansciita, that is, "that which is complete in itself." This
sonorous language, so rich in articulations, rendered so flexible by im-
provised poetry, is called by those who write it, " the language of the
gods," and its alphabet "writing of the gods" deva nugciri. The
language that we may consider the eldest daughter of the Sanscrit,
is the Pali, once spoken on the east of Hindustan, and now become the
learned and religious language of the Buddhists of Ceylon, of Madura
About the time of the Sassanians the Persian language had already
undergone great alterations, and still further modifications followed the
Moslem invasion. The Parsee was then formed, the connecting
link between the idiom of the Achsemenians and the modem Persian.
This coming from the province of Ears, has been handed down by
idioms, the Affghan or Pushtoo, the Belochee, the Kurdish, the Arme-
nian with its rich literature, which has flourished for fourteen centuries,
and its many existing vulgar dialects, and finally the Ossitinian, spoken
by a small nation dwelling in the centre of the chain of the Caucasus.
The Pehlvi has been produced by a mixture of Semitic and Iranian
elements ; the grammar is Arama;an, the vocabulary Persic. It was
used at the court of the Sassanian kings and one of the books
first ;
characterises it, for Greece and Italy were first peopled by one common
race, the Pelasgi, whose idiom seems to have been tlie source of both
Greek and Latin. The first of these languages is not in reality the mother
of the otlier, as lias been believed they are two sisters, and if we must
the Sabine, which originally furnished many Latin words, the Um-
brian, the Oscan spoken in Campania, the Messapian, and lapygian.
The Etruscan, we know only from a small number of words, and it
seems to have been a separate branch of the Pelasgic stem. The pre-
sent language of the Albanians, although now very much mixed with
Greek and Slavonic M'ords, seems to be one of the least altered of
those derived from the Pelasgic. In many of its forms it seems to point
to a grammatical system nearer the Sanscrit than even the Greek."
A. Maury.
The decomposition of the Latin during the middle ages, gave birth
to the present languages of Southern Europe, grouped together
under the common name of " Neo-Latin." The Italian, French, Pro-
vencal, Spanish, Portugiiese, the language of the Grisons, and the
Rouman of the Danubian Principalities.
5. The group of Lettic and Slavonic languages resembles very
closely the Indian and Iranian languages. The genius of the primitive
Ariac is remarkably conspicious in them this group is divided into ;
two branches, the Lettic and Slavonian properly so called. The first
belongs to a period less advanced than the second. The Lithuanian
substantive has, for example, only two genders, whilst the Slavonic has
three. The Slavonic conjugation is also superior to the Lithuanian,
in which the third person of the singular, dual and plural are not dis-
tinguished. The branch comprises first the Lithuanian, of
all the spoken languages of Europe approaching nearest to the Sanscrit;
state of langiiage, and which has been earned from the neighbourhood
of the Oural to the banks of the Danube, where it is gradually disap-
pearing. Tbe Russian, whose domain has been so prodigiously
extended by conquest, and which is supplanting by degrees the Uralo-
finnish and Tartar idioms ; and finally the Servian, spoken between the
Adriatic Sea and the Danube.
The Western Slavonic idioms are the Polish, the Tschekh or Bohe-
mian, the Sorabian or Wendish, of Lower Lusatia, to which we must
add some languages rooted out many ages ago by the German, such as
the Cachoub of Lauenburg, the Polab and the Obotrite of the banks of
the Elbe. Generally speaking, these idioms are harsher, less harmonious,
and more fiill of consonants than those of the eastern branch, parti-
cularly the Tschekh.
6. " The vast family of Gennanic languages, which has by degrees
supplanted the Slavonic, embraces at present a great number of idioms,
successors of others of the same family, now entirely lost. All these
languages are distinguished by common characteristics springing from
the Ariac gi-ammar by regular and graduated alterations. One of
the most celebrated of German Philologists —whose labours have made
him ahnost a legislator in the comparative grammar of the German
languages —Jacob Grimm—has distinguished four fundamental charac-
teristics in this family. First, the tendency of the vowel to soften in
pronunciation, to indicate a modification in the meaning or employ-
ment of a word. Secondly, the transformation of one consonant into
another of the same class, softer, stronger, or aspirated. Thirdly, the
existence of strong and weak conjugations, that is, conjugations in which
the radical vowel changes according to certain rules, and of conjugations
whereit remains invariable." A. Maury.—
The Germanic languages form two branches, Gothic and Gcnnan.
We know the ancient Gothic only by a small number of written remains,
among which we must place in the first rank the fragments of the
in France and the British Isles, are, of all the Indo-European languages,
the furthest westward from the primitive settlements of man, and are
also the most altered. These idioms doubtless do recall the Sanscrit
grammar, but have no general resemblance to that language. Follow-
ing the laws of the permutation of consonants, that we mentioned when
speaking of the German languages, we may carry back the Celtic
vocabularies to the Sanscrit and Ariac but the grammatical forms have
been so altered that it is often difficult to attach them, at any rate directly,
to the ordinary types of the Indo-European family. The Gaulish has
disappeared, supplanted by the Latin ; there only remain a few inscrip-
tions still imperfectly explained. The Celtic idioms which are still
living, are classed in two groups, Cymric or Breton, and Gallic or
Gselic. The first embraces the Cymric properly so called, or the
Welsh, the language still used in a great part of Wales, and the Cornish,
which up to the last century remained in use in the county of Cornwall
finally, the Armorican or Breton, in general use in France in the Depart-
ments of the Cotes du Nord, Finistere, Morbihan and part of Loire
Inferieure. To the second belong the Irish, the Gffilic properly so
called, or Erse, spoken in the Highlands of Scotland, and lastly, the
Manx or dialect of the Isle of Man.
The hasty view we have taken of the races of mankind and the
various families of languages, has led us insensibly far from the primitive
days of humanity to our own times. And thus M'e find ourselves led
away from the history of ancient Oriental civilisation, to which these
enquiries were nevertheless a necessary introduction. We now return
to our proper subject, not again to deviate from it.
: — ——
BOOK 11.
Section I. Abraham.
I. By degrees the various nations of the human race forgot the great
traditions of their primitive history, or rather, they preserved the recol-
lection only of some detached facts which, as time went on, became mixed
up with purely imaginative stoi"ies. The idea of the existence of God
was gradually obscured in their minds, and idolatry established itself
all over the world.
"Man and passion," says Bossuet, " had neverthe-
drovATied in lust
less preserved a vague idea of the Divine power, which maintained itself
by its own inherent force, but which, eclipsed by objects apparent to
the senses, led him to worship all objects displaying activity and power.
Thus the sun and the stars, that made their influence felt from such a
distance, fire, and the elements whose effects were so universal, were the
earliest objects of public worship."
To arrest the progress of so great an evil and to prevent its final
triumph, which would have eliminated from the world the true concep-
tion of the Divinity, God in His great power and infinite mercy chose
one family out of that race of Shem on whom the second father of the
human race, Noah, had invoked special blessings and, calling it to a ;
dence was in the city of Ur, called also Calneh, the Mugheir of our
time, the ruins of wliich have been explored by the English traveller
Loftus.* He had three sons, Abram, Nahor, and Haran. The last
died in his father's lifetime, whilst the family still dwelt in their original
habitation, and left a son named Lot. The sterility of the country
where they lived rendering it unsuited to a race entirely given to
pastoral life, induced Terah to change his residence and to migrate
with all his family to the northern countries. He came to the town of
Haran in the north of Mesopotamia, settled there, and died at the age
of 205 years.
Then God revealed His mission to Abram, the destiny by which he
was to become the " father of the faithful." He was then 65 years
old, and his father did not die till 60 years later. " Get thee out of
thy countiy, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house," said
the Lord to him, "unto a land that I will show thee and I will make of ;
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee; and
in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed " (Gen. xii. i 3). The —
popular traditions of the Jews and Arabs, which appear here to rest on
an ancient foundation, add that this emigration was rendered necessary
in consequence of the dangers which threatened the pious Abram in the
midst of idolatrous populations, and even in the house of his father, a
zealous worshipper of false gods.t The historian Josephus, the echo of
the legends of the Synagogue, says that the inhabitants of the region of
Haran took up arms against him, and wished to punish him for the
contempt with which he had treated their divinities. We may also
connect this event with the Elamite conquest that occurred about this
time, and as we shall show in the fourth book, affected the whole basin
of the Euphrates and Tigris.
3. Abram obeyed the commands of the Lord. Leaving in Haran
* In identifying the ruins now called " Mugheir," with both Ur and
Calneh, the author differs from Sir H. Rawlinson and other English
authorities, who believe Mugheir to represent Ur, and Calneh to be found
at Nipur. (See Professor Rawlinson's Five Great Monarchies, vol. i. 20.)
The reasons which have led the author to this conclusion are, that Ur
must have been one of the cities of the primitive Chalda;an tetrapolis
(Gen. X. 10), and that no other name in the list but Calneh can stand
for Ur. Also, that the ideographic name of Ur in the cuneiform inscrip-
tions means " dwelling of Oannes ;" and that the name Calneh is a
corruption of " Hekal Anu," with the same meaning. Tr.
t Jo.s. Ant. I., vii. 2; Koran, ch. xxi. "The Prophets;" xxix.
" The Spider ;" vi. "Cattle."
his fixther, and Nahor his brother, he departed, directing his course to
the south with Sarai his wife, Lot, his brother's son, and all that were
his ; he thus passed over the Euphrates, traversed Syria, and arrived at
last in the country of Canaan (in after times Judsca), which name signi-
fied " the low countiy," in opposition to Aram, or the elevated dis-
trict. It was then entirely occupied by Canaanitish tribes of the race
of Ham, who had built cities, and lived in settled habitations, allowing
the nomadic tribes of the Shemites to wander about, feeding their flocks
in the pastures adjacent to the cities, just as in the present day the
Bedouin tribes wander even up to the gates of tlie cities of Syria and
Palestine. Arrived in the land of Canaan, Abram (Gen. xii. 6, 7), in
the district of Sichem, had a vision in wliicli God announced to liim that
the whole of that land should one day belong to his seed. He then built
an altar to the Lord who had appeared to him, and also another between
Bethel and Hai, in the place where he had pitched his tents, in the rich
pastures of the lower Jordan, and after having called there upon the
name of the Lord, he pursued his course towards the south.
A famine obliged him to go to Egypt and sojourn there some time
(Gen. xii. 10, seq.) Fearing lest his wife Sarai, who was very beautiful,
should be taken from him, and that he himself should be subjected to
violence, he asked her to pass herself off for a sister, whose natural
protector he would be. The king, whom the Bible designates (as it
does all Egyptian kings mentioned in the books of Genesis and Exodus),
only by his title Pharaoh (in Egyptian Pir aa), having heard of the
beauty of Sarai, sent for her to the palace ; he treated Abram with
great distinction, and made him handsome presents of slaves and cattle.
But, stopped in his project by a Divine chastisement, and having
learned that Sarai was the wife of Abram, he restored her to her husband,
and sent them out of the country with all that they had.
4. Abram returned, still accompanied by Lot, his brother's son, to
the place of his former encampment between Bethel and Hai. Abram
and Lot led a life similar in every respect to that of the Arab Sheikh of
our days. A crowd of hereditary servants wandered as they now do,
going from one pasture ground to another as soon as the first was
exhausted, with the flocks and herds of their masters, or rather of their
lords, for each patriarchal family formed a small nomadic state in which,
in all probability, the shepherds were bound to the chief of the tribe by
ties of relationship more or less distant (Gen. xiii. i, seq.]. The great
number of the and herds of the uncle and nephew rendered it
difficult to feed them together, their servants began to quarrel on the
lo, seq.) This plain was in the immediate vicinity of Sodom, the chief
of the five confederate cities, built round the inland sea; the four others
were Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboim, and Segor, or Zoar. Their inhabitants
seem to have been of Canaanitish blood but they were horribly corrupt,
leaving his flocks and herds in the Ghor (Gen. xiii. 14). After the
departure of his nephew, Abram had another vision, in which God
renewed to him the promise of an innumerable posterity, to whom the
whole surrounding country should belong. He then came and dwelt in
the grove of Mamre, near Hebron, a city then occupied by the Hittites,
a Canaanitish race. He there built another altar to Jehovah.
5. In the meanwhile, Chedorlaomer, king of Elam, that is of Susiana,
had conquered the valley of the Jordan, and brought into subjection to
his sceptre the five towns of the borders of the Dead Sea, that is, the
country where Lot had settled (Gen. xiv. i, seq.). Twelve years he
remained their master; but in the thirteenth year, the petty kings of that
region, seeing that Chedorlaomer was occupied by wars in the north
of Arabia, thought they could thro\^' off the yoke. But the Elamite
king came against them with his vassals, Amraphel, king of Shinar,
Arioch, king of Ellasar, and Thargal, king of nations, or of the nomadic
The battle took place in the vale of Siddim, on the borders of the
Dead Sea, where were many wells of bitumen. The people of the
country were routed. Sodom, Gomorrah, and the three other cities
were pillaged, and Lot was led away captive. Of this Abram was in-
formed by a fugitive. He was at the time living at Mamre, and was
in alliance with the Canaanitish prince of the country. With his ally
and the two brothers of that prince, and all his own servants, he com-
menced the pursuit of the enemy, who had begun to retreat. He over-
took them northern extremity of Palestine, at the place where, in
at the
later times, was built the city of Dan. Attacking them by night, he
gained the victory. The four kings were pursued to the neighbourhood
of Damascus. Lot was rescued, and all the booty retaken. It was on
this occasion that Abram received the blessing of Melchizedek, king of
Salem, priest of the most high God, whose tribe, no doubt of Semitic
origin, was one of the very few who in their pastoral life had been able
house is mine heir." "Look now towards heaven," was the reply,
" and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them and he said unto
and Sarah ninety years. Without doubt, as we have already said, the
life of men who led the active and frugal life of the patriarchs was still
much longer than that of their contemporaries but it was much more ;
brief than life had been before the Deluge and at the age to which
Abraham and his wife had arrived, all natural appearances were against
their having children. One day three strangers presented themselves
before the tent of Abraham, who entreated them to enter, and hastened
to fulfil towards them the duties of hospitality. They revealed them-
selves then to him as angels of God, and repeated the promise that
next year Sarah should have a son. The aged woman, who from inside
the tent heard this prediction, could not help laughing, but was blamed
by the angels for doubting the Divine power which could perform in her
a miracle (Gen. xx. i, seq.).
king of that country, named Abimelech, beside a well which was called,
in memory of the circumstance, Beersheba (the Well of the Oath). It
was in that country that, in accordance with the promise of the messen-
Sarah brought into the world a son, \\lio received the name of
Hebrew word " Yitschak " (laughing), for, said Sarah,
Isaac, from the
"God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear me will laugh with
me." At a feast wliicli Abraham made on the occasion of the weaning
of Isaac, Sarah saw a mocking smile on the face of Ishmael, son of
Hagar, and again she demanded the banishment of the servant and of
her son. Hagar and Ishmael wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba,
and they were on the point of dying with thirst, when a voice from
heaven consoled and encouraged them. A fountain appeared before
their eyes, and they slaked their thirst.
Ishmael gi-ew up in exile and became a practised archer, and his
mother took him a wife out of the land of Egypt. He became the
head of the second race of Nomadic Arabs, who mixed with the first
tribes sprung from Joktan, over whom in course of time they gained
the supremacy. The most illustrious of all tlie Arab tribes directly
descended from Ishmael was that of the Koreish, who inhabited Mecca,
and possessed there the famous sanctuary of the Caabah, traditionally
said to have been built by Ishmael and Abraham. From this tribe
spi"uug Mahomet.
10. Abraham returned towards the north, and remained many years
settled at Mamre. Therewas tliat his faitli was put to its most
severe test God commanded him to offer up his son Isaac in sacrifice.
Though his heart was torn with grief, he, nevertheless, did not hesitate
to obey and when he was aheady on the point of consummating
this cruel sacrifice, he was stayed by a voice from on high, telling him
that God was satisfied with this proof of his obedience. At the
same moment he saw behind him a ram, which he took and offered up
in the stead of his son (Gen. xxii. i, set/.). A short time afterwards
Sarah died, at the age of one hundred and twenty-seven years. Abraham
bought from the Hittites of Hebron, then called Kirjath Arba, a
sepulchral cave near tliat city, to make it his family tomb, and there
buried the body of Sarah.
I. "When Abraham found himself old, and perceived that his end
approached, he wished to get a wife for his son Isaac, that he might
become the progenitor of the chosen jjcoplc. Unwilling to form an
alliance with the daughters of the Canaanites, he sent his steward
Ehezer to Mesopotamia, to choose for Isaac a wife from his own
* The first European who entered this jNIosque, which had been for
centuries closed against all Christians, was H. R. H. the Prince of
Wales. A
most interesting account of the visit is given by Dean
Stanley in his Lectures ojt the Jewish Church. Tr. —
— ;
the example of Abraham, was not willing that the heir of his race
should marry a Canaanitish woman. During his flight, Jacob had at
Luz that famous vision in which he saw a ladder, above it stood
Jehovah, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it
(Genesis xxviii. 10). In memory of this event, he named the place
Bethel (House of God,) which name was continued by his descendants.
3. Having crossed the Euphrates, Jacob met the shepherds of Haran,
who showed him Rachel (the sheep), one of the daughters of Laban,
who herself fed her father's flocks. Jacob made himself known, and
was received in a most friendly manner by Laban but he would not
give him his daughter Rachel until he had served him fourteen years,
and had married Leah, Rachel's elder sister. Jacob had twelve sons,
Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtaii,Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebu-
Ion, Joseph, and Benjamin, who were the ancestors of the twelve tribes of
Israel, and one daughter named Dinah. Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah,
Issachar, Zebulon and Dinah were born of Leah ; Dan and Naphtali, of
Bilhah, the handmaid of Rachel; Gad and Asher, of Zilpah, the handmaid
of Leah ; and at the last, the youngest, Joseph and Benjamin, of Rachel
herself, who had been barren for many years. After a long sojourn
with Laban, Jacob determined at last to return to his father, who was
still alive ;he became reconciled with Esau, who abandoned to him the
possession and exclusive enjoyment of the pastures of the land of
Canaan, and retired with his own people to Mount Seir, now Esh Sherah*
to the north of the Elanitic gulf, where he became the founder of the
Idumean or Edomite nation. One circumstance in the Bible narrative,
as to this return of Jacob, shows us that idolatry existed in the house of
I^aban, as we have before seen was the case in that of his ancestor
Terah. It is also during this journey that the Book of Genesis places
* The northern part is now called Jebal ; the southern, Esh Sherah
the latter name means merely "district," and has no comiection with
the Hebrew word Seir, " the hairy." Tk.
the mysterious wrestling of Jacob with the angel, whence he obtained
the name of Israel (one who has fought with God), a name borne only
by his heirs, who called themselves children of Israel, or Israelites.
4. Very severe trials awaited Jacob after his return to the land of
. Canaan. Shechem, son of Hamor, prince of the Shechemites, carried off
and outraged his daughter Dinah. He afterwards asked her in marriage,
but the sons of Jacob conspired to take a terril^le vengeance on all the
Shechemites. They appeared to consent to the marriage, under con-
ditionswhich facilitated a treacherous attack which Simeon and Levi
made on the city, when they killed all the men ; the other sons of Jacob
then pillaged the city, and carried off the women and children, and
flocks and herds. Jacob was much grieved at this event, and re-
proached them severely for their atrocious conduct and perfidy. The
whole family left the district of Shechem, where they no longer
believed themselves safe. At Ephrath, in later times called Bethle-
hem, Jacob had the misfortime to lose Rachel, who died in giving birth
to a second son, Benjamin. Her tomb is still sliowoi in the neighbour-
hood of Bethlehem. Jacob then repaired to Mamre, where his father
Isaac still lived, and continued to live, to the age of one hundred and
eighty years. He therefore must have been a witness of the incident
which we have now to relate, and of the grief of his son Jacob.
5. Joseph, Rachel's eldest son, was regarded with peculiar affection
by his father, who showed him frequent marks of tenderness, and
seemed disposed to transfer to him the privileges which, by right of
birth, belonged to the sons of Leah. Moreover, the three elder sons of
Jacob had, by serious misconduct, incurred their father's anger. Joseph,
beloved by his father, but regarded almost as an enemy by his brothers,
brought accounts to Jacob of all the evil doings of his elder brothers.
Attaching in his childhood great importance to dreams, in which he
seemed to read the future, Joseph did not hesitate to relate to his
brothers some of his nightly visions which seemed to presage for him a
brilliant career. His brothers conceived mortal hatred for him, and
conspired to bring about his ruin. One day Jacob sent Joseph to see
his brethren, who were feeding their flocks in the neighbourhood of
Shechem. Seeing him alone, they formed the plan of killing him ;
nevertheless, Reuben, the eldest, upon whom the chief weight of respon-
sibility would have fallen, tried to save Joseph, and managed to persuade
his brothers to put the lad into a dry well, whence he himself intended
afterwards to release him. But, in his temporary absence, a caravan of
Midianitish merchants passed on their way to Egypt. Judah persuaded
his brothers to sell Joseph to these men, who in their turn sold him to
Potiphar, or Petephra (belonging to the sun), an officer of the army of a
king of Egypt, whom Holy Scripture designates only by his title of
Pharaoh. The elder sons of Jacob made then- fatlier beUeve that some
wild beast had devoured Joseph.
— —
kine, and seven withered ears of corn, which eat up seven fat kine, and
seven full ears of com, was much disturbed, and desired that the vision
should be interpreted to him. The chief butler then remembered the
Hebrew slave who had so truly predicted his own and his companion's
fate. Joseph was brought out of prison and presented to the king, and
informed him that seven years of famine should succeed seven years
of plenty. Let us here remark, in passing, that the number of years
seven must not be taken literally. The number seven was used by
the Egyptians as an indeterminate number the vision of seven fat and
seven lean kine would the more naturally present itself to the mind of
the king, because the "seven cows belonging to the divine bull " were
among the most important symbols of Egyptian Paganism.* And also
in an Egyptian inscription, dating from the twelfth dynasty (we shall
explain this expression in our Third Book), and, consequently, many
centuries older than Joseph, the governor of a province boasts of having
provided granaries to meet the wants of seven years ; that is, granaries
capable of supplying many successive years of scarcity.
2. Egypt, at the time when Joseph was taken there, was divided into
two kingdoms, in consequence of events which we shall relate in our
Third Book, in the history of that country. had its own native-bom
princes only in the Thebaid. Lower Egypt had been occupied for
many centuries by invaders of Canaanitish race, known by the name of
Shepherds, who had at last adopted Egyptian manners, and had estab-
lished a dynasty of princes of their own blood. It was before one of
as the Bible tells us, Asenath, that is, " the precious Neith." Neith
was an Egyptian goddess. By this marriage Joseph had two sons,
Manasseh and Ephraim.
Joseph collected, in public granaries constructed for the purpose,
then that his brothers came, sent by Jacob into Egypt to buy food. At
their second visit, he made himself known to them, forgave them, and
invited all his family to reside in Egypt. In this he only put in
practice the common policy of the Pharaohs, which had always been to
attract the tribes of Palestine and Syria as colonists, into the land of
Delta, in order that a scientific system of agiiculture might gradually
and laboriously reclaim the marsh land. And this policy, which had
been that of the indigenous sovereigns, was to a still greater degree that
of the Shepherd Kings, whose gi'eatest interest was to establish in their
states a non-Egyptian element, to assure themselves of support against
a national reaction.
4. Jacob, with all that were his, accepted the invitation of Joseph.
He was then 130 years old. Pharaoh received them with favour, and
established them in the land of Goshen, which we believe to have been
the territory around the present city of Belbeis, on the frontier line of
the Delta and the desert, N.N.E. of Memphis, and of the modern city of
Cairo. There Jacob died, seventeen years after his settlement. On his
death-bed he blessed his sons, and declared that the inheritance of the
Divine promises to the race of Abraham, and the position of head of the
before his death, took an oath of such of his brethren as sui-\-ived him,
that his embalmed body should be carried up into the land of Canaan
when the children of Israel left Egypt.
the race of Israel, represented among them the authority of the Egyp-
tian government, and were personally responsible for the collection of
the imposts laid on the Hebrew colony.
2. Nevertheless, the life of the Israelites in Egypt was far from being
at all times as as it had been at first. Great revolutions had taken
place in the country, which we shall relate in detail when we come to
treat of Egypt. The stranger kings had been driven out of Lower Egj^pt;
the unity of the country and its full independence had been re-esta-
blished a native dynasty, a glorious dynasty, warlike and victorious,
had mounted the throne. These kings appear to have left tlie IIel)rews
in peace, and even to have favoured them. It even seems that the
children of Israel were concerned on several occasions in the early
Asiatic campaigns of that dynasty, and had taken advantage of that
circumstance to attempt to make settlements in the land promised to
their race —attempts which failed. Thus mention is made of an expedi-
tion of the sons of Ephraim against the people of Oath, whose cattle
they tried to drive off, but who slew them (i Chron. vii. 21). A
daughter of Ephraim built several cities in the land of -Canaan (i Chron.
vii. 24). Lastly, it is mentioned, that the family of Shelah, son of
Judah, had made conquests on the territoiy of Moab (i Chron. iv.
21, 22).
But some time afterwards, in consequence of disturbances, which,
as we shall see further on, were not quite free from
it is possible
Israelitish influence,* another new dynasty, that which counts in
Egyptian history as the Nineteenth, came into power. Another '
king," says Scripture, " arose, who knew not Joseph." The services he
had rendered were forgotten the sons of Jacob, regarded as dangerous
because of their number and their origin, were exposed to the most
unjust and cruel persecutions. The Pharaoh, who commenced to per-
secute them with the view of reducing their power, was called Ramses,
as we know from documents of Egyptian origin. He was a warlike
prince, and at the same time an implacable despot and tyrant. He
overburdened the Israelites with work, and employed them under task-
masters in all the rough operations of the building of cities. It was the
of Amram and Jochebed, both of the tribe of Levi, who had already had
two children, a son named Aaron and a daughter named Miriam. His
mother hid him three months. At last, no longer able to conceal his
existence, she exposed him on the bank of the river in an ark, covered
with bitumen and pitch. The daughter of Pharaoh, whom the historian
Josephus calls Thermouthis (in Egyptian T-ouer-maut, " the great
mjther "), going down to bathe, saw the ark and rescued the child, for
whom Jochebed offered herself as nurse. She gave him the name of
Moses, which means "drawn Afterwards, when
out of the water."
the child was grown, the mother brought him back to the princess, who
caused him to be educated at court. Holy Scripture says nothing about
the youth of Moses and his education but we may, with a certain
been promised by the Divine voice in the burning bush, and who, more
eloquent than himself, was to be the interpreter of inspirations from on
high, to the Hebrews and to the king of Egypt. They returned at once
to Egj'pt, and after having assembled the chiefs of the tribes of Israel,
to encourage them and ensure their obedience, they presented them-
selves before Pharaoh. Although they had only demanded for their
countrymen leave to go and sacrifice in the desert, their request was
contemptuously refused, and far from permitting the least relaxation to
the people of Israel, the labours imposed on them were increased.
Then God, by the ministry of Moses and Aaron, inflicted on the country
the various scourges so well known by the name of the plagues of
Egypt. The evils which then were sent to afflict the valley of the Nile
and terrify the Egyptians are thus enumerated in the Bible : —
1st. The
waters of the Nile became red like blood, and the river stank, so that
the Egyptians digged round about the river for water to drink. 2nd.
Frogs multiplied so as to cover all the land, and to become an insupport-
able nuisance to the people. 3rd. Clouds of lice tormented both men
and beasts. 4th. .Swarms of noxious insects infested the houses and
fields, and damaged the harvests. 5th. An epizootic disease carried
off the greater part of the cattle. 6th. Boils broke out on the bodies
both of man and beast. 7th. A terrible hailstorm, accompanied by
At last, tlie death of the first-bom throughout his kingdom, and of his
own son, broke his resolution, and he allowed Israel to go. On the
night of their departure, Moses instituted, in memory of that event, the
feast of the Hebrews amounted then to 600,000 adult
Passover ; the
men, without counting women and children. They all set out under
the leadership of Moses.
7. Their march was necessarily very slow, they were three days in
gaining the banks of the Red Sea, by a route and by stations which are
ditlficult now to determine precisely. Pharaoh, changing his mind, and
regretting the permission which he had given them to depart, pursued
after them with 600 war chariots, and a great mass of infantiy. He
overtook them on the sea shore. The Hebrews had before them on the
east the sea, to the right and left inaccessible mountains, and behind
them they saw the Egj'ptian army. Without miraculous assistance
they w-ere lost. Already they had abandoned themselves to despair,
when Moses promised them, on behalf of the Almighty, a wonderful
deliverance. When night came on, Moses stretched out his hand over
the sea, a \-iolent tempest from the east began to blow, separated the
waters of the gulf at the place where the Israelites were encamped, and
opened a passage in the midst of the waters, which were rolled back on
each side. The Hebrews at once entered the road thus miraculously
opened, and the whole night was occupied in the passage, which took
place probably in the neighbourhood of Mount Attaka. The exact
spot it is now impossible to identify, but as the Red Sea at this period
probably extended many miles north of the present head of the Gulf of
Suez (the tongue of the Egyptian Sea (Is. xi. 15), which has been dried
up), and was much narrower to the north than to the south of Suez,
the balance of probability seems in favour of Israel having crossed the
sea at this narrower part.
The Egyptians ventured to follow the fugitives into the bed of the
gulf, with their chariots and horses, but the chariot wheels could not
roll, and the advance was very difficult. When morning appeared,
Moses again extended his hand over the sea. At once the east wind
ceased to blow, and the "sea returned to his strength," and cut off the
retreat of the Egyptian army, which was swallowed up by the waves.
It generally added that Pharaoh perished in the waters with his
or give any ground for, such an assertion. The army, no^ the king, was
engulfed and, in fact, we shall see in the chapter on the History of
Egypt that the Pharaoh Merenphtah survived this disaster, and died in
his bed.
In this way only could faith in the God of their fathers, so long forgotten
in this slavery, be re-awakened among them. It was only in this way that
it was possible for Moses to form a new people, obedient to the Divine
will, to give them laws, to subject them to discipline, and to put them in
a condition, not only to conquer the land which the Lord had promised
them, but to establish themselves there, so as to be able to fulfil the
sublime destiny to which Providence had called them. Such were the
reasons which decided Moses, guided by Divine inspiration, to lead the
children of Israel into the desert of Sinai; to avoid, as much as possible,
any rencontre with hostile nations keep them there as long as was
; to
necessary for the establishment of the law and the complete organisa-
tion of the nation ; and, finally, them to the south-eastern
to lead
frontier of Palestine, which was not covered by Egyptian fortresses.
2. The enterprise offered, moreover, enoimous difficulties and the
constant and direct aid of Providence could alone ensure its success.
We have already stated what was the number of the Hebrews at the
time of the Exodus. But they were not alone the Bible tells us that
and the Israelites, when they saw it, said, "These be thy gods, O
Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt." Aaron
built an altar, and offered victims to this abominable idol. Moses
interceded with the Lord, that this impious and faithless people should
not be annihilated but, in the transport of his indignation, he threw
down and broke on the ground the tables of stone on which God himself
had written the Law. He cast the idol into the fire, and sent the tribe
of Levi to fall on those rel:>els against the Divine Law— the law of the
nation itself, that God had miraculously freed, and almost, as it were,
created. A great number fell by the sword. Other tables of stone
were made by Moses, by the Lord's command, and the Ten Command-
ments were written on them afresh.
the Hebrew people the essential principles of faith, laws and morality,
the forms of worship, political and civil institutions, which were to make
them a separate people among the nations of the ancient world. But
it is at least necessary to explain here, as briefly as possible, its funda-
mental principles and most essential provisions.
The Mosaic Law presents the spectacle, unique in the history of the
world, of a legislation which was complete from the origin of a nation,
and subsisted for long ages. In spite of frequent infractions, it
He was in the literal sense of the word their Sovereign ; and all
custom of Asia), the pmiishment of a father did not entail that of the
children (Deut. xxiv. 16). But idolatiy, whicli in these countries, as
in every or nearly every other, was indissolubly connected with
frightful debauchery —
idolatry, which was both an affront to the
Divinity itself and also a formal attack on the con.stitution of the
nation and on the essential condition of its unity, was punished with
death (Deut. xiii. 9 xvii. 2—5). The same punishment was also decreed
for divination (Lev. xx. 7), another form of idolatry, for incest and
•unnatural crimes, for rebellion of a son against his father (Deut. xxi.
18, sea.), for stealing and selling as a slave a free man (Ex. xxi. 16;
Deut. xxiv. 7), and for infidelity in a betrothed or married
Moreover, the influence of the almost barbarous manners and customs
of the Israelites are veiy apparent in some of the penal laws.
By the side of most equitable regulations as to theft and loss, there
are others of most implacable severity —such as the law of retaliation
applied to malicious or accidental wounding — " eye for eye, tooth for
tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot " (Ex. xxi. 24 ; Lev. xxiv. 20).
A terrible law, but one which possibly in its administration may have
been commuted for a pecuniary fine. The murderer, on the same
principle, was punished with death but here the ancient rule admitted
these terrible reprisals and ; the situations of the towns, the facilities of
approach to them, directions placed at the cross roads, all contributed
to facilitate the escape of the fugitive. On his arrival within the gate
their beneficent wisdom, must have often recalled to the Israelite the
direct and special gift which God had given him, in employing his
nation to chastise the corruption of the Canaanites, and giving him
possession of their territories. Not only was the tenth part of the
produce (Lev. xxvii. 26 34; Numb, xviii. 21), a sort of tax levied in
the name of God himself as Sovereign of the Hebrew people, set
apart for the support of the Levites, who were excluded by law from
all share in the possession of the land, and had only certain cities set
apart for them with town lands, but every seventh or
a small extent of
Sabbatical year and the natural produce without
the land rested,
cultivation was shared with servants and strangers (Lev. xxv. i 7). —
The year of Jubilee too, that is the fiftieth year, or more correctl)', the
seventh Sabbatical }'ear (representing the fiftieth, including the year
from M'hich the calculation started, according to the usage of most
ancient people), was to put each family again in possession of the
inheritance that had been assigned to it at the time of the conquest
(Lev. xxv. 8 — 17). Thus the sale of landed property could only be
an assignment for the number of years which had to run to the next
year of Jubilee ; so that improvidence, prodigality, or the bad conduct
of a father, could only temporarily injure the prospects of his family.
At the end of a fixed term they recovered their former competence,
and this without injury to the rights of anyone. Neither could the
father exercise the power of life and death over his children, as among
the Romans (Deut. xxi. 18—21).
5. But the Sabbatical years and years of Jubilee had yet another
intent and still higher aim —
they restored liberty to all Hebrew slaves
(Lev. xxv. 40). The
among the Israelites was not in the
lot of a slave
least like was among the most polished of ancient European
what it
nations. The Law of Moses punished with death the master v/ho mur-
dered his slave (Ex. xxi. 20), and freed, without any indemnity, the
slave wounded by his master (Ex. xxi. 26). The rest of the Sabbath,
and of the feasts, belonged to him as much as to the free man. " That
thy man-servant and thy maid-servant," said the law, "may rest as
well as thou ;" and it added this touching reason, " Remember that
thou wast a .servant in the land of Egypt" (Deut. v. 14, 15; xv. 15;
xvi. 12 ; xxiv. 18, 22). But this servitude, thus lightened, and which
could only arise from punishment for a crime, or for payment of a debt
by the labour of a family otherwise insolvent this servitude could not —
in any case exist longer than six years, because on the seventh year, by
which, it seems, we must understand the vSabbatical year (Deut. xv.
12 —
18), the Israelite slave recovered his liberty, unless he refused it
himself, in which case the servitude was prolonged to the next Jubilee.
It is true that foreign slaves were excluded from this beneficent
35 37), as people leading an agricultural life, each with his own little
property would not borrow for speculation, but from necessity. Now
to wish capital to produce interest when, far from being productive in
the hands of the borrower, it was itself consumed for the wants of his
family, would be to desire to make a living out of the property of the
unfortunate, to traffic in his misfortune. In such a case, interest, how-
ever small its amount, is detestable usuiy. The pledge was the object
of delicate and affecting regulations (Deut. xxiv. 10 — 13, 17)
— " When
thou dost lend thy brother anything, thou shalt not go into his house to
fetch his pledge. Thou shalt stand abroad, and the man to whom thou
dost lend shall bring out the pledge abroad to thee. And if the man
be poor, thou shalt not sleep with his pledge. In any case, thou shalt
deliver him the pledge again when the sun goeth down, that he may
sleep in his own raiment and bless thee ; and it shaM be righteousness
rmto thee before the Lord thy God Thou, shalt not take a widow's
raiment to pledge."
7. "The most perfect charity was also prescribed to the Israelites
towards strangers, contraiy to the customs of all other ancient people.
The stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born
among you,' said the law, 'and thou shalt love him as thyself; for
ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.' They had a share of the
tithes, and, equally with the widow and orphan, had the right of glean-
ing ; a right formally established by law. Jewish legislation was
essentially partial to the poor ; it forbade usury, commanded alms-
giving, prescribed kindness even towards animals, and admitted the
stranger to the Temple and Whatever was abased and
trodden down by the ancient world, was elevated by the Mosaic Law.
In the society it founded, the foreigner was no longer an enemy the ;
slave was still a man and woman, seated honourably by the side of
the head of the family, was there treated with equal consideration. "
Temple, in which worsliip might for the future be performed for the
whole nation.
Aaron and his four sons were designated as the priests of tliis worship ;
and the duty of assisting them in their functions was assigned to the
entire tribe of Levi, as a recompense for the devotion they had
manifested for the cause of Divine unity. On an appeal which Moses
made to the generosity of the nation, materials metals, and other —
valuables— necessary for the construction of the Tabernacle (for so it is
customary to call this portable Temple), the altars, sacred vessels, etc.,
made of wood and covered with gold, on which were placed, every
sabbath day, twelve loaves of unleavened bread offered by the twelve
tribes; the famous golden candlestick with seven branches; and, finally,
the small portable altar of wood covered witli golden plates, on which
incense was burned. I'he table of shew-bread and the seven-branched
candlestick are represented on the arch of Titus at Rome, among the
trophies brought from Jerusalem after the capture of that city by the
Romans. There is also, in several Egyptian monuments, a represen-
tation of a talkie of offerings, from whicli it appears that the talile of
shew-bread was copied.
The Holy of Holies, into which the High Priest and Moses had
alone the right to enter, and that only on certain fixed days, contained
nothing but the " Ark of the Covenant " —
the symbol of the covenant
made between God and His chosen people. It was of very durable
wood covered with plates of gold. The description given in the Book
of Exodus is very obscure and incomplete, but everything seems to
"show that the Ark was made on the model of the Naos, or portable
wooden chapels, which the sanctuary of every Egyptian Temple con-
tained,and which their bas-reliefs often represent.
In the Naos, or Egyptian Arks, whose doors were always shut, was
enclosed the image, hidden from profane eyes, of the Deity, to whom
each was conseciated, and who was supposed to reside there. In the
Ark of the Mosaic Tabernacle there was no image of that kind, for the
Law, to avoid the clanger of idolatry, forbade the representation of God
under any visible and material figure whatever. Moses had placed
there the two stone tables of the Decalogue, as if they were the deed of
the compact between God and the Israelites. The two emblematical
figures which covered the Ark with their extended wings, and which the
Bible calls Chentbim, must have been, from their name, which means
bulls, and from some passages which attribute to them a human face
and wings, related to those winged human-headed bulls whose gigantic
images have been found at the doors of all the palaces of Assyria. An
additional proof of this fact is found in the employment of the word
Kinib, in veiy many Assyrian texts, to designate these winged bulls,
and, in an extended sense, the gateways which they ornamented.
One is often astonished at the magnificence of the Tabernacle,
as it is described in the Book of Exodus; and, above all, at the
amount of work in metal which had been executed for it. Such
works cannot be produced by a nation of nomadic shepherds, wander-
ing about in tents. They require perfect apparatus and fixed and
extensive establishments. Anti-religious criticism has been quick
to draw occasion from this difficulty to tax the Sacred Volume with
exaggeration and even with falsehood, and to say that the works of the
Tabernacle should be consigned to the domain of fable. But now these
specious objections fall before the progress of knowledge, and the tnith-
fulness of the Divine Book is as clearly apparent in this as in all its
other statements.
The most recent explorers of Arabia Petroea, the Count de Labord,
M. Lepsius, and M. Lottin de Laval, have found in the mountain
range of Sinai, near the place where the Hebrews sojourned under the
leading of Moses during the two yeaiis which were employed in the
— — ;
important copper mines worked by the Egyptians from the time of their
oldest dynasties ; and the ruins are still perfectly recognisable of vast
metallurgic factories w hich they had established there. Inscriptions
abound in these ruins.
It seems, then, quite clear, that the Israelites when at Sinai, and
wishing to manufacture the vessels required in their worship, took
possession of the workshops of Wady Mogharah, and very probably
made the Egyptian workmenunder the direction of the two
nomadic life traversed the Desert to which the Arabs have given the
name of El Tyh, or Tyh Beni Israel (wanderings of the children of
Israel), going from north to south as far as Eziongeber, on the Elanitic
Gulf, and returning thence northward to Kadesh Barnea. Thev do not
appear to liave been troul>led there by attacks of any kind. This long
space of time passed away without any incidents sufhcienlly remaikable
to deserve being handed down to posterity. At least the historical docu-
ments of the Tentateuch only relate one event of this period of any
importance —the revolt e.xcited by the Levite Korah, the cause of
which is attributed to the privileges of the priesthood given to Aaron
and his family. We know what was the Divine punishment that
fell on Korah and his principal accomplices. The people having
thought this chastisement too severe, God punished their murmurs by a
pestilence which carried off very many victims.
4- At the commencement of the fortieth year after the Exodus,
Aaron, the brother of Moses, died at Masera, in Mount Hor. He was
then 123 years old, and the high priesthood was transmitted to his son
Eleazar. The entry to the Promised Land was refused to him, as well
as to Moses, by a Divine decree, because they had wavered in their faith
when God had commanded them to speak to the rock in Kadesh to
give water to His people. Mount Hor is on the frontier of the country
then occupied by the Edomites, descendants of Esau, from whom Moses
requested a free passage, appealing to the memory of their common
origin, and to the visible marks of the Divine protection with which
God had favoured the Israelites. The legislator, in fact, feeling his
end approaching, wished to secure the completion of the work of his
life, by himself conducting the people to the left bank of the Jordan,
where the borders of Canaan were defended only by that river, which
was fordable in many places.
In asking a passage across Idumsca, Moses had promised that the
Hebrews should not stray from the highway, and that the people
should pay even for the water that they drank. The Edomites refused;
and thus the Hebrews, who were forbidden by God to fight against their
brethren, were obliged to turn away to the south-east, as far as the head
of the Elanitic Gulf, and then again to turn to the north. Attacked
on their march by the Canaanites of Arad, they were at first van-
quished, but afterwards gained a brilliant victory. The Edomites
permitted them to defile past their territories without disturbing them.
God also forbade the Hebrews to attack the Moabites and Ammon-
ites, descendants of Lot. They followed the skirt of the desert as far
as the torrent of Zared (now Wady Karak), and then came to that of
Amon, which formed the frontier of the Moabites, and ot the Amorites,
a Canaanitish nation. The brook Amon runs into the Dead Sea,
towards the middle of the eastern bank of that sea ; and the brook
Zared also on the same side, more to the south.
— —
that river has its source —that is, of all the country called by the
Greeks in later times Peraea (the countiy beyond the river).
for defence against them with the chiefs of the JMidianites. Behoving
themselves, however, too weak to attack the Hebrews, the alhes called
in from the countiy of the Ammonites a famous diviner, named Balaam,
to lay a curse on these redoubtable enemies, and devote them to an evil
end. This scheme having failed of success, they invited the Hebrews
to the sacrifices of Baal Peor their god.
The immoral and voluptuous worship of that idol seduced a great
munber of Israelites. Zimri, the chief of a family of the tribe of
Simeon, dared to pass before Moses with the daughter of a Midianitish
prince. They were both slain on the spot by Phinehas, son of Eleazar
the high priest. Moses was obliged to show the most terrible severity; he
ordered the judges to punish all the guilty with death. A war of ex-
termination was at once commenced against the Midianites. Moses
entrusted the command to Phinehas, who with 12,000 men attacked
the enemy, and made great slaughter.* Phinehas did not take posses-
sion of the Miclianite territory, he contented himself with devastating
the country, and returned to the camp with an immense booty.
They then took a census of the families of Israel ; the result showed
601,730 men fit to bear arms. New precepts were added to the law of
the Hebrews, and Joshua was designated by God as the successor of
Moses ; but with the command to consult the high priest Eleazar as
to the designs he might wish to adopt.
Reuben and Gad, rich and herds, and charmed with the
in flocks
abundance of pasture which the country they had just conquered
afforded, begged Moses to allow them to settle there. Moses re-
proached them, for thus sowing discouragement among the people ;
but these two tribes having promised to take part in the battles for the
conquest of Canaan, without claiming any other part of the territory,
the legislator gave his consent. The two tribes then established them-
tribes crossed the Jordan, whose waters opened of their own accord for
their passage, and attacked Jericho, the walls of which, to follow the
expressions of the Bible, fell down at the sound of the trumpets of
Israel. The inhabitants of Ai (a city situated to the eastward, and
near Bethel), drawn into an ambuscade, soon succumbed in their turn.
Immediately after this double success, which gave them the keys of
Canaan and proved their moral superiority, the Hebrews advanced to
the heart of the country, to Shechem, which they seem to have carried
without a blow. Joshua built on Mount Ebal, as a monument of the
conquest, a great altar, on which was engraven a summary of the law
of Moses.*
In the meanwhile, the kings of the different Canaanite tribes began
to recover from the stupor into which they had at first been thrown l)y
the invasion. A general coalition was formed against the Heljrews.
The Hittites of the south (for there were others much more powerful in
the valley of the Orontes and at the foot of Mount Amanus, who re-
mained indifferent to the events in Palestine), the Jebusites, the Amor-
ites of this side Jordan, who inhabited the mountains, the Canaan-
ites properly so called, who lived on the plains bordering the sea and
the river, combined together to give them battle.
2. The Hivites of Cibeon having made a separate peace on veiy ad-
of this victory that the Bible, quoting as it distinctly says a song from
a collection of ancient poetry, the Book of Jasher, uses the poetical
expression of the sun standing still to give Israel time to destroy the
Canaanites.* '
Adam, that is beside Zaretan " (Josh. iii. 16). " The expression that '
ordinary hailstones ; and the Talmudists believed that they were still
to be seen. The passages are quoted at length in Dr. Lightfoot's
HorcE Hehraica:, etc. London, 1584.
If it be admitted that these events were brought about by agencies in
the ordinary course of nature, they are not in any way less miraculous, as
they occurred at the exact time when required, to help the chosen people,
and even, in two instances, were promised to them beforehand. Tr.
returned to occupy. them, and that the soil conquered on this side
Jordan was parted among the others by twenty-one commissioners. In
the south-east there remained independent, Gaza, Gath, Ashdod,
Ascalon, and Ekron that
; is, the five cities which soon after came into
the possession of the Philistines,* but which were at first, even at the
time of the conquest, a refuge for the Anakim, driven from their
mountains. The Jebusites retained Jerusalem in the territory which
the tribe of Judah received, from the desert of Paran and the frontiers of
Edom, the Dead Sea and the mouth of the Jordan, to the Mediterranean
near Ekron. large number still remained in the
Of the Canaanites a
domains of Ephraim, and in lands which the half-tribes of Manasseh
obtained on this side Jordan.
The country which was thus given to the descendants of Joseph was
from the Jordan near Jericho, to the sea near Gaza. The land of Ephraim
extended northwards, but was south of the portion of Manasseh. Higher
up was Asher to the east, Issachar, in whose territory were some
in Gen. xxvi., in Isaac's time at the time of the Exodus, Ex. xiii. 17,
and who had assisted in the conquest, the Hebrews maintained their
respect for the law and for the worship of Jehovah. In conformity
with the last injunctions of Joshua, some of the tribes recommenced
hostilities, either to make new conquests, or to re-conquer cities cap-
tured at the first invasion, but which the Canaanites had been able
Ramses III., campaigns which took place at this time and touched only
the sea coast of Palestine, have no place in the history of the Hebrews.
In the Egyptian inscriptions which give accounts of these wars, there
is no reference to the children of Israel, and at the same time the Book
of Judges makes no mention of the passage of the Egyptian armies.
2. A messenger of the Divine will came to announce to the Hebrews
the fatal consequences of their weakness (Judg. ii. l). The people
admitted the truth of all that was said by the man of God, but they
could only answer the appeal by their tears. The Canaanites became
more and more dangerous by their material force, which was not yet
broken, still more by their religious worship so seductive to the senses,
and also by their corrupt manners. The old men who had surrounded
Joshua died off one by one; from the good old days of warlike spirit and
religious enthusiasm there only survived the High Priest, Phinehas,
whose aged arm could no longer avenge, as once it did, insults to
the laws and name of Jehovah, and who was not capable of maintaining
the political and religious unity of the tribes, and of preserving them
from anarchy.
Idolatry and the corruption of manners increased from day to day
with no head and no common centre, the tribes became estranged from
one another, and their mutual indifference threatened to grow into
hostility. Two events recounted in the Book of Judges, and which we
massacre of its inhabitants, who had remained quiet during these events,
in order to give their daughters to the survivors of the tribe of Benjamin,
and thus enable the tribe torecover itself— these all are actions unworthy
of an organised community living under a regular government and
civilised laws.
"In Book of Judges (xxi. 25), after having
those days," says the
related two horrible incidents,
these there was no king in Israel
every man did that which was right in his own eyes ;" all united politi-
cal life had in fact ceased with the life of Joshua no central authority ;
any longer existed. The Israelites had no other government than the
separate tribal authorities. The tribe was divided into houses, the
house into families, each comprising many individuals ; each one of
these divisions had its own chiefs, princes of tribes, of houses, of
families. would have been vain to seek for any national insti-
But it
tution besides the sacerdotal body, and this had no real and political
power. Under such a system the bonds of nationality must soon
have relaxed, and the tribes become estranged from each other. Two
things only could and would have pi-eserved the unity of the people ;
first, the unity of belief and worship, which brought all the tribes round
rounded on all sides by hostile nations. But these purely moral bonds
were not sufficiently strong for a people like the Hebrews, and we shall
soon see how slight was the power they preserved.
3. Enjoying the sweets of peace, the Hebrews allied themselves with
the Canaanites, and neglected more and more the national sanctuary
at Shiloh, and soon they did not fear even to give themselves over
to the worship of Baal, Ashtaroth, and all the Phoenician divinities.
That patriotic feeling, which should always have been strengthened by
even the will to revive religious feeling and the love of the Mosaic
institutions, and after his death the people fell back again into anarchy.
During many centuries there were continual vicissitudes of reverses
and prosperity, of anarchy and absolute government but the institu- ;
tions given to Israel at Sinai were no longer thought of. This period
is usually termed that of the "Judges," a word intended as a translation
of the Hebrew title given to those temporary liberators who became
by their exploits the first magistrates of the nation, or more frequently
of a part only of the nation. But the word is very ill chosen, for it in
no way gives an exact idea of the functions and powers of the men to
whom it is applied. It would be much better to employ here the Hebrew
word itself, and to name the so-called judges (whose authority was in
no way judicial), the Suffetes of Israel ; for this name, Suffete, is set
apart in Roman history as the designation of the first magistrates of the
Carthaginian Republic, whose was the same- and their powers similar
to those of these magistrates of Israel. For our part this is the desig-
nation to which we shall give the preference.
4. It was in the lifetime of the very generation which followed the
extended always to all the people of Israel. That is a point long since
cleared up ; and if there are still difficulties left for science, it is only
when she attempts to determine exactly the geographical limits of each
of these invasions and their relative dates. As for that of Chushan, I
see no motive to limit it, as some critics do, to the countries east ot
Jordan, to which this king would first have come. Besides that, it will
not in any way embarrass the chronology to enter these eight years of
servitude and forty of repose in the general history of the Jews ; it is
not likely that a people, whose mission was to punish the adhesion of
the tribes of Israel to Phcenician rites, would have failed to invade
"Western Palestine, whence no doubt this worship spread to the
eastern tribes.
5. It is, however, impossible to give a complete historical and, above
all, chronological description of the epoch of the Judges, or Suffetes.
The Book of Judges, whichour only authority for this period, is not
ihe author was far from being tied to an invariable order of time. It
trouble without adequate result. Not only do the First Book of Samuel,
and the First Book of Kings give two absolutely different computations
for the duration of the period of the Judges, but the historian Josephus,
the faithful reporter of the traditions of the Synagogue, has as many as
three different ways of reckoning the same interval of time.
And now that the progress of knowledge in the domain of history
allows us to cherish the hope of being able soon to determine with
that the Amalekites could most easily reach the Promised Land. These
nations must, consequently, have attacked the tribe of Judah ; and,
moreover, the circumstances of the insurrection show that the enemy
was established even in the heart of the country. In fact, Ehud, son
of Gera, of the tribe of Benjamin, having, while presenting the tribute
of his district, killed Eglon, called the people to arms, occupied the
fords of Jordan, which formed the most direct road of communica-
tionbetween Central Palestine and the territory of Moab, and killed
10,000 Moabite soldiers who attempted to regain their country. But
we must not apply to the whole of Palestine the twenty-four years of
repose which were obtained by this exploit.
2. In fact, it is after this success of the Israelites that Scripture
mentions the resistance opposed to the Philistines in the south by
Shamgar, son of Anath, at the head of a body of labourers, armed only
with agricultural implements. About the same time, too, it tells us of
a new servitude, which also must apply to a portion only of the country.
The Canaanites of the north, formerly conquered by Joshua, had again
become very strong, and had retaken the greater part of the country
conquered by the Hebrews. As in the time of Joshua, they had at
their head a king, named Jabin, who resided at Hazor, their principal
city, the gigantic ramparts of which were some years since discovered
ous camels ; they carried off the beasts of the Hebrews ; and, like
clouds of locusts, they ravaged the country, destroyed the crops, and
caused famine. The Israelites were obliged to put their cattle and
the produce of their lands, for safety, into caves of the earth and into
fortified cities. The people then were humbled, and implored the
assistance of God and God, by the voice of an angel, appealed to the
But God did not will that His people should attribute the victory
to the number of combatants. By His command, Gideon put aside 300
men only ; the rest were kept in the rear as an army of reser\'e. The
300 chosen men, divitled into three bodies, surprised by night the camp
of the Midianites they were armed with trumpets, and with torches
enclosed in pitchers wliich they brol<e, crying out, " The sword of the
Lord and of Gideon." The enemy, seized with panic, and seeing an
Israelite in everyone they met, turned their swords against each other.
The men of Naphtali, Asher, and Manasseh pursued them the ;
those who had escaped, and the hostile amiy was exterminated. This
was undoubtedly one of the most complete and decisive victories
which the Hebrews ever gained for, from this day forward, history
the sacrifice only of certain animals, and utterly interdicted human sacri-
fices.* But such horrible immolations were common among the pagan
populations who surrounded the Israelites, and the precepts of the law
had fallen into complete oblivion.
The Ephraimites, who had not taken part in the war, ashamed
of their conduct, laid the blame on Jephthah they reproached him
with not having called them to the battle. The quarrel became serious ;
they came to blows about it with the inhabitants of Gilead, who made
great slaughter among them. The Gileadites, having occupied the
Fords of Jordan during several days, slew all the Ephraimites who
attempted to cross in order to regain their own countiy, and whom they
recognised by certain peculiarities in pronunciation. After six years of
a stormy administration, Jephthah died, and was succeeded by Ibzan
of Bethlehem, Elon of the tribe of Zebulon and lastly, Abdon of
tion, whom the Hebrews should expel from the Promised Land ; they
were not spoken of under Joshua, nor when, just after his death, the
tribe of Judah possessed itself temporarily of the cities of Gaza, Askelon
and Ekron, then held by the Anakim. The first mention of the
Philistines which the Bible contains is on the occasion of the exploit
of Shamgar but they do not seem at that time to have been very
have been their situation at the time of their attempt on the southern-
most tribes of Israel, which Shamgar does not seem to have had much
difficulty in repulsing with some bands of peasants, assembled in haste,
had concentrated itself, when their strength in the interior had been
broken by Joshua. Such small Canaanitish principalities in the interior
* Tacitus expressly says that they came from Crete {Hist. v. 2). The
Philistines are called Cherethites, that is, Cretans, in i Sam. xxx. 14,
Ezekiel xxv. 16, and Zephaniah ii. 5. The geographer Stephen, of
Byzantium, attributes the foundation of Gaza to the mythical Minos,
the personification of the Cretan power and, lastly, the great god of
that city, Marnas, has always been identified with the Cretan Jupiter.
+ Justin, xviii. 3.
from histoiy for half a century, till the time when Tyre had become
sufficiently strong to reclaim the heritage of Sidon. It was about the
same time, after having annihilated in this way the Phoenician power,
that the Philistines attempted to subjugate the people of Israel.
2. When the Ammonites invaded Persea, and there established that
dominion -which was destroyed by Jephthah, they were allied with the
Philistines, who simultaneously entered the territory of the southern
tribes,and imposed on them their yoke, the heavier because the tyranny
of this people was exercised with order and method, in conformity with
wise and regular administi^ative laws. When the northern and eastern
tribes delivered themselves from the Ammonites, and enjoyed a mo-
mentary repose under the government of the three Suffetes, successors
of Jephthah, the Philistines continued to oppress the southern provinces,
and every day their power there became consolidated and extended, in
spite of the resistance of the Israelitish population.
It is this popular resistance which the Book of Judges personifies in
the exploits of Samson, who, as the learned historian of the Philistines,
M. Stark,* has well said, always played in the south of Palestine the
part of the people's defender, offering to the Israelites of these districts
a centre for national resistance, and of unity in a particular locality, but
without succeeding in forming any real political establishment. The
particulars which are told Book of Judges as to his marriage with
in the
Abdon now dead, Eli was elected Judge, or Suffete, by the tribes of
the north and east, who alone remained independent. Those of the
south and west, crushed under the weight of Philistine domination,
looked up to him, and considered him their legitimate chief, though
deprived of his authority by foreign tyranny. This combination of civil
and sacerdotal power in the person of Eli— this return of the Israelite
people to the faith of their fathers, and to the ideas of unity— should
have had most fortunate results. But Eli was not a man capable of at
once saving religion and the state— of re-uniting all Israel, and con-
ducting them to victory. He had none of the genius necessary for so
magnificent a mission. Above all, towards the close of his life, the
deplorable weakness of the high priest for his two sons, Hophni and
Phinehas, undid all the good which he had been able to accomplish,
and much aggravated the evils of the situation of the country. The
sons of Eli profaned the sacred place, perverted the offerings made to
the Lord, and caused all the people to murmur. The high priest
contented himself with addressing to them mild remonstrances. In
vain a prophet announced to Eli that he should be punished for his
weakness, that his family should lose the power which he had not
known how to exercise, and that his two sons should perish. A child,
inspired by God, repeated many times, but without effect, to the unfor-
tunate father the evils hanging over him. This was the young Samuel,
of the tribe of Levi, son of a woman of Ramah, who had been given
in answer to the prayers of his mother, after long-continued barrenness,
and had been brought up in the Tabernacle, where he assisted the high
priest at the sacrificial altar. He it was whom Providence had chosen
to fulfil, at a later date, the mission of liberator.
they decided on restoring to the Israelites the Ark, which was deposited
first at Bethshemesh, one of the Levitical towns, and afterwards at
Kirjath-jearim. But they did not, for all that, give up the power
which their victory had given them over the conquered people. The
battle fought near Aphek had thrown into their hands the entire terri-
tory of the northern tribes, which till then had been secure from them.
The whole of Israel was subdued, deprived of independence, and
grievously oppressed. But this very oppression prepared the way for
their first deliverance, by making all Israel at last comprehend to what
a condition the abandonment of the worship of the true God and of
the precepts of the law had brought them, and by showing them that
no safety was possible but in ranging themselves resolutely on the side
of Jehovah.
5. The servitude lasted twenty years, which Samuel passed in solitude,
preparing himself for the mission to which God called him, and medi-
tating on the means of accomplishing it. When at last he thought
that the time had come, he left his retreat to put himself at the head of
his countrymen, and encourage them to re-conc]uer their independence.
He first exhorted them to abandon idolatry of every kind, to adore only
the God of Abraham and of Moses, who alone was able to deliver them
from the yoke of the Philistines. Seeing the Hebrews sincerely dis-
posed to submit to his guidance, and to fonn themselves into a compact
body round the symbols of the only God, he convoked a general assembly
at Mizpeh, on the territory of Gad, where they were not directly under
the eyes of the Philistines.
Then the representatives of the different tribes confessed aloud that
Israel had sinned
in straying away from the worship of their God, and
as amark of penitence a fast-day was appointed. Then the assembly
solemnly proclaimed Samuel as Suffete of Israel. The Philistines were
enraged at this act of independence on the part of a nation whom they
beheved to be and took the field to chastise the
finally subjugated,
rebels. But God terrified them by a storm, and the Israelites, attacking
them at Mizpeh, overthrew them and put them to flight, killing a very
great number. Profiting immediately by this success, the Hebrews, by
Samuel's advice, themselves took the offensive against the Philistines,
beat them in every encounter, and forced them to restore the towns
which they had taken, and to make a peace veiy advantageous for
Israel, whose independence they were compelled to acknowledge, after
having oppressed them during forty years. The treaty, nevertheless,
left to the Philistines the right of maintaining an armed post at Gibeah,
and another clause provided that the Hebrews of the districts bordering
on the Philistine frontier should be disarmed, so as not to be in a
position to make an attack.
6.While Samuel governed, to use the Bible expression, " the
Philistines came no more into the coasts of Israel, and the hand of the
Lord was against the Philistines." The Canaanitish colonies who
livedamong the tribes of the north, and whom the defeat of the Philis-
tineshad delivered from servitude equally with the Hebrews, lived in
peace among them, and maintained with them friendly and neighbourly
relations. Everything tended then to favour the projects of Samuel,
who could, from that time, work in tranquillity at the restoration of the
tions from among whom almost always the Seers came. Such were the
by Samuel.
institutions established
" The experience of what had passed since the death of Joshua did
not permit him to deceive himself as to the force and stability of a
written law with no other guarantee than the consent of the people,
obtained by the force of circumstances, and without having at the
head of the people men who could make the laws respected. He per-
ceived, also, that the law of Moses needed to be developed and modi-
fied with the progress of the nation, notwithstanding that on the other
hand would be very dangerous
it to touch the letter of the law, pro-
tected by its sacred character. Men, therefore, were needed to
interpret this law, to In-eathe life and soul into the dead letter men ;
who could enter into its true sense, and who could participate, so to
speak, in the inspiration of the legislator; men, finally, who should
devote themselves to constant preaching, who should reproach the
people fearlessly for their shortcomings, and constantly set before them
their duty towards God. This was the aim of Samuel in the organisa-
ami yourj^oodliest young men, and your and put them to his
worlc. He will take and ye shall be his
the tenth of your sheep :
tribe of Judah, for, in very short campaigns, a Icvec en masse was quite
practicable. The enemy, attacked at break of day, was cut to pieces
and entirely destroyed.
Israel, carried away by enthusiasm, would have put to death those
who at first refused to recognise Saul. But he, with a moderation
which did not always distinguish him, would not consent to stain his
victory with such excesses. " There shall not a man," said he, " be put
to death this day for to-day the Lord hath wrought salvation in Israel."
His reign was then solemnly inaugurated at Gilgal by Samuel and the
3. In resigning the power with which he had been hitherto invested,
Samuel by no means renounced all political influence he intended, on
the contrary, to watch over the new sovereign, and to withdraw his pro-
tection the moment the king ceased to be a faithful vassal to Jehovah
and to his law. According to the ideas of Samuel, royalty was but a
permanent and hereditary chieftainship, an especially military authority ;
and all institutions were, in spite of this change, to remain as they had
been before. For a time the new chief of the government continued sub-
missive to the influence of the sanctuary, and Samuel continued to
direct him in his administration. The prophet himselfhad dictated the
new constitution, the conditions of which were reduced to writing, and
deposited in the Tabernacle. In conformity with the spirit of the law,
itwas only permitted to take up arms in the name of the Lord, whose
Ark of the Covenant was in the midst of the camp. The king himself
would be no more than a captain always under arms, without court or
fixed residence —always at the orders of Jeliovali, wliose mouthpiece
Samuel remained.
But Saul did not very long remain submissive to Samuel's orders he ;
The Philistines, torevenge this insult, put an immense army into the
field. Saul called the people to Gilgal for a levy which would enable
him Samuel was to join him there to saciifice
to repulse this invasion.
to the Lord before commencing the campaign. After waiting seven days,
as he had not yet come, Saul, who saw that the people began to get im-
patient, thought the moment favourable for consummating his contem-
plated usurpation of the sacerdotal power. He himself offered sacrifice,
instead of waiting with confidence for the help of the Lord, who had
so offen saved Israel. Soon Samuel arrived. Indignant at the
act of the king, all the significance of which he saw, for it aimed at
establishing the monarchy of Israel on the same basis as heathen
kingdoms, and placing the spiritual at the mercy of the caprice of the
political chief, by giving the latter power in the affairs of the sanctuary,
the prophet reproached_ Saul severely for his contempt of the precepts of
the law.* Speaking in the name of the Lord, he announced to him that
Divine help was withdrawn from him, that his dynasty should not last,
and another royal house should be substituted for his. Saul nevertheless
marched against his enemies, encamped at Michmash but he had not ;
taken time to bring with him the northern tribes, and on his arrival
among those of the south he found himself in a position of great em-
By an arrangement subsisting together with Samuel's treaty, the
Philistineshad for a long time forbidden among these tribes the trades
of armourer and smith, so that the people were disarmed, or at least had
only agricultural implements to fight with, and even for the repair of
these they had to resort to the Philistines. So completely dispirited were
* See Numb. xvi. 40, bearing in mind that Samuel himself was only
a Levite, not of the seed of Aaron. Tr.
they, that they furnished only 600 men to the king for his bold march.
Nevertheless, Jonathan, accompanied only by his armour-bearer, scaled
a post of the Philistines between Michmash and Gibeah. Panic-struck
at this exploit, they, as once did the Midianites, turned their arms
against each other. The Hebrews, great numbers of whom had been
compelled by force to serve with the enemy, abandoned them to rejoin
their countrymen, and those who were concealed in the mountains of
Ephraim sallied out from their retreats. Saul soon found himself at the
head of 10,000 men, and the enemy was pursued as far as Beth-aven.
4. The Philistines having re-entered their own country, Saul, during
the following years, continued his part as a military chieftain, repulsing
with equal success the aggressions of other neighbouring nations, sucli
had ordered him, he carried off as booty the best of the cattle and
other valuables. Agag, king of Amalek, was made prisoner but the ;
and the more so that Saul, tempted by the prospect of getting money,
had entered into negotiations as to the ransom of Agag. Indignant at
this disobedience to the commands of God, and at the cupidity which
endanger the future of the people and their
for a bribe could seriously
security, Samuel went meet Saul at Gilgal, and laid a curse on him
in the name of the Lord, telling him that God rejected him from that
time, and announcing prophetically an evil end for him and for his race.
At the same time, to render impossiljle the scheme for setting free the
king of the Amalekites on ransom, Samuel with his own hand killed
5. I'^roni tliis moment tlie rupture was final and comi)Icte between
Saul on one side, and Samuel, backed by the party who were
the Philistines had been re-kindled. While the two armies were face to
face, a warrior of gigantic stature, named Goliath, a native of the town
of Gath, and sprung from the old race of the Anakim, carne out each
day from the camp of the Philistines to defy Israel. No one was found
who dared to confront this redoubtable warrior. David, armed only
with his sling, had the courage to measure himself with him the first ;
stone slung killed the giant, and David, throwing himself on him, cut
off his head. The Philistines, terrified at the death of their champion,
fled away precipitately, and the Israelites pursued them as far as the
gates of Ekron and Gath, making a great slaughter among their
After this triumph, and some other exploits not less glorious against
the same enemies, Saul gave David the hand of his daughter, and
Jonathan conceived for him an affection to which he was always true.
But jealousy entered the soul of the king when he heard the Israelites
celebrate the victories of David by singing, " Saul has slain his thousands,
and David his ten thousands." From that day he hated him deeply,
and sought out every means to destroy him. Saved on many occasions
by Michal his wife, by Jonathan, and by the high priest Ahimelech,
David, warned by Jonathan, was obliged to flee to the king of Gath,
when he feigned madness to escape the vengeance of the Philistines.
But he did not long remain there ; having assembled a band of some
hundreds of desperadoes, and lived some time in the land of Moab,
he returned to the land of Judah, without, however, stirring up civil
war. Tlie forest of Hareth was his place of refuge. Samuel died at
Ramah, mourned by ail Israel, and at a very great age.
From that time Saul put no restraint on the sanguinary passions
which took possession of him. He began to persecute without inter-
mission and without pity, as friends and partisans of David, the priests,
the Levites, the scliools of the prophets — in a word, all that represented
power of the law.
the authority of religion, and the
He may almost be said in his folly to have declared war against
Jehovah. Having arrested the high priest Ahimelech and the eighty-
five priests who lived with him in the city of Nob, he caused them
new wives, the widow of the rich Nabal, Abigail, who had afforded
him most generous assistance, and Ahinoam of Jezreel ;* whilst Saul,
in contempt of both law and morality, gave his first wife, Michal, to
another husband. At last he was obliged again to retire to Gath, whose
king, Achish, received him favourably, and gave him the city of Ziklag.
There David passed many years, making many incursions against the
Amalekites, and thus, even in his exile, serving the cause of Israel.
7. After some time, the war recommenced between Saul and the
battle in which the Israelites w-ere cut to pieces, and the forebodings of
Samuel were fulfilled. Saul having lost Jonathan and two other of his
sons, fell on his sword, so that he might not die by the hand of the
They were swifter than eagles, they were stronger than lions.
Ye daughters of Israel, weep over Saul,
Who clothed you in scarlet, with other delights.
Who put ornaments of gold on your apparel.
How are the mighty fallen in the midst of battle !
the Hebrew nation, for all the tribes who had supported him now
hastened to recognise David.
The Philistines seem to have shown themselves be at first inclined to
favourable to David during the time of the Themselves em-
civil war.
barrassed by wars against the Syrians, Phoenicians, and other peoples,
they had seen with pleasure divisions lireak out among the Hebrews,
and perhaps believed that David, in remembrance of his exile, and the
hospitality of Achish, intended to make his own people subordinate to
them. But was no longer the same when they saw him unanimously
he commenced his actual reign. From the Jebusites, who were the most
warlike of those colonies, he took their citadel Jebus, in the territory of
the tribe of Benjamin, and changed its name to Jerusalem. On the hill
of Sion was built " the City of David," and this he made the seat of his
power, which had hitherto been at Hebron.
The great number of heroes who surrounded David at the beginning
of his reign,and who for the most part had accompanied him in his
wanderings, augured well for the success of his warlike enterprises.
History has preserved us the names of thirty of these famous men,
some of whom had performed prodigies of valour. The most celebrated
was Joab, a man of ferocious character but of proved courage, and
endowed with those quahties wliich make a leader. The court of
David was also remarkable from its commencement for a certain amount
of luxury in strong contrast with the simplicity of Saul's. David, when
he became master of Jerusalem, liuilt there a magnificent palace, for
which Hiram, king of Tyre, with whom he had contracted an intimate
alliance, sent him cedar-wood from Lebanon, as well as the necessary
workmen and artificers. With regard to his domestic relations, he
imitated the customs of other Oriental sovereigns. At Hebron, the
number of his legitimate wives, without counting Michal, long sepa-
rated from him, amounted to six, one of whom was the daughter of
Talmai, king of Geshur, in Syria. Each of them had borne him a son.
Michal alone had never any children.
Established at Jerusalem, David increased the number of his wives,
and established a harem. This was the first infraction of the law
of Moses (Deut. xvii. 17), but we shall see that in later times his love
for women led the king to commit crimes much more serious. Apart
from this weakness, against which the Mosaic law had not raised
barriers sufficiently strong, David showed himself disposed to be a faith-
ful vassal of Jehovah, in the sense in which Samuel, an interpreter of
the trae spirit of the law, had understood the position of royalty. Two
prophets, disciples of Samuel, were his friends and intimate councillors ;
one was Gad, the other Nathan. These two men, inspired by God,
were distinguished by their noble character, and by the frankness with
which they reproached the king on every occasion with the faults of
his private or public life, and the king always heard them with
3- The reign of David was essentially a warlike one. New successes
against the Philistines put an end to the tribute which some districts
of the southern tribes were still Gath even, and the towns of
its territory were conquered and re-united to the Israelitish kingdom.
It was then that David removed the Ark of the Covenant from the
house of Abinadab at Kirjath-jearim, where it had been deposited
ever since the disasters of the time of Eli, and brought it to Jeru-
salem (after a short stay in the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite),
in solemn procession, depositing it in the Tabernacle which was set
up in the Acropolis of Sion. He intended there to build a magnificent
Temple, worthy of Jehovah, but Nathan dissuaded him, revealing to
him that the duty of constructing the Temple was reserved by Provi-
dence for his successor, and that he, David, should devote himself
entirely to warlike affairs, so as to establish firmly the power of Israel.
He then turned his anns successively against the neighbouring nations.
The Moabites were crushed, and became tributaries. The Syrians of
Zobah. under their king Hadadezer, were in their turn conquered ; those
of Damascus who wished to assist them, were reduced to pay tribute,
and the king of Ilamath, named Toi, the enemy of the prince of Zobah,
sent his own son to congratulate David on his victory. At the other
extremity of the kingdom the power of the Amalekites and IduniKans
was totally broken.
x\n insult offered to David's ambassadors by Hanun, king of the
Ammonites, led to a serious war. Hanun obtained mercenaries from
Syria to reinforce his army. Joab and Abishai his brother, David's
generals, gave them Joab, opposed to the Syrians, gained the
first success, and the Ammonites, seeing their allies routed, took to
flightinto their town. But this defeat provoked a great coalition,
embracing all the people between the Jordan and the Euphrates. David,
however, fearlessly marched against them at the head of his army ;
he vanquished all his enemies, and made himself master of the small
Aram£ean kingdoms of Damascus, Zobah, and Hamath, and subjugated
the Eastern Idum^ans, who met their final defeat in the Valley of
Salt. By these victories, he extended his dominions as far as the
Euphrates. At the same time, towards the south, he took from the
Eastern Idumteans the ports of Eziongeber and Elath (the ^Elana of the
classical geographies,) at the extremity of the Elanitic Gulf, establishing
a communication, by the Red Sea, with the remotest countries of Asia
and Africa. Having obtained these results, David again attacked the
Ammonites Rabbath, their capital, was besieged, and fell after a long
defence. This success was chiefly due to Joab but it seems from his
submit also to the insults of Shimei, a relative of Saul, who cast stones
at him, and overwhelmed him with curses. Nevertheless, all who
remained faithful to David gathered around him, and the king was able
with 20,000 men to offer battle to the rebels in the Forest Ephraim.*
Absalom was defeated and killed by Joab, though David had expressly
directed that the life of his guilty son should be spared.
5. But internal peace was not yet completely secured by this event.
The jealousy of the tribes of Israel against the men of Judah, whom
they accused of wishing to usurp the good gi-aces of the king, and the
animosity of the latter, brought about anew revolt. Sheba, of the tribe
of Benjamin, raised an insurrection among
but Joabthe Israelites ;
470,000 in Judah, and still Levi and Benjamin were not numbered. A
terrible pestilence then came on the land of Israel but it had scarcely ;
lasted three days when God, pitying the misery of his people and the
grief of their king, who humbled himself before Him, stayed the
avenging angel.
6. Another attempt at revolt was made about this time by Adonijah,
one of the king's sons. But David, who intended his crovm to pass to
of state; a general —
commanding the troops; all these carry us far away
from the time when .Saul, already proclaimed king by one part of Israel,
himself drove his own oxen to the field.
But David was not only the author of a political organisation and a
successful general, he was also —and it is his greatest glory — a prophet-
king. He saw and described, with incomparable
far off into the future,
of a Jewish mother, and named like his king, Hiram, whom Solomon
the dyeing of the precious stuffs, purple, and blue and crimson (2 Chron.
ii. 14). Seven years and a half were occupied in the building of this
famous edifice, which was commenced in the fourth year of the reign
of Solomon, and on which the king lavished every sort of oriental
gorgeousness. In the eighth year the dedication was held in the
midst of an immense concourse of people; the Ark of the Covenant
was then placed in the Holy of Holies, the inaccessible place, symbol —
of the impenetrable majesty of God. 22,000 oxen and 120,000
sheep served for a feast to the entire nation convoked to this grand
solemnity. In conformity with the strict spirit of the Mosaic law, it
was forbidden to sacrifice elsewhere " the unity
; of God," says Bossuet,
"was symbolised in the unity of His temple."
The description of the Temple, of its furniture and of its splendours,
fills many chapters of the Book of Kings. From this description M.
de Saulcy and the Count de Vogiic have lately attempted, in very
interesting works, a complete and full description of it. Its foundations,
constructed of gigantic stones, still exist over nearly the whole area of its
site on Mount Moriah. The Temple has contributed
building of the
to the celebrity of the Solomon not less than the marvellous
name of
wisdom God gave him, and which was proved by all his actions,
and all his words, especially in his administration of justice, a wisdom
which the Queen of Sheba, in Southern Arabia, came from a far
country to test and admire, and which the Arabs, in their fertile imagi-
nation, have transformed into a magic power that gave to Solomon
the command of all the Genies.
3. Solomon married an Egyptian princess whom he permitted to
exercise her own religious worship in a small chapel expressly built in
the style of the religious edifices on the banks of the Nile, a chapel
which a happy accident has preserved intact down to our own days in
the village of Siloam, near the gates of Jerusalem. He built for himself
and for her, in the Acropolis of Sion, a very magnificent palace, which
the Bible describes in much detail. He enclosed Jerusalem with strong
walls. He built or enlarged Megiddo, Gezer, and Baalath ; and lastly,
the most skilful, hardy and famous of all ancient navigators. A first
strange wives and concubines, so far forgot the majesty of the Creator
as to serve Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Zidonians, Moloch, " the
abomination of the Ammonites," and to build a temple to Chemosh
" the abomination of the Moabites." Alliance with neighbouring
nations, and toleration of the worship of strange gods, were things
utterly at variance with the calling of Israel and the law of Moses.
The conduct Solomon began very soon to cause great irritation to
Advice and threalenings were not wanting,
a large part of the people.
but he turned a deaf ear to them all. When his fall was complete,
when he had publicly shown himself unfaithful to the Divine precepts,
the punishment of God began to fall on the head of this king, till then
so fortunate and before the tomb
closed on him he saw that the
threats he had despised were already on their way to accomplishment.
he spake 3,000 proverbs and his songs were a thousand and five. And
he spake of trees, from the cedar-tree that is in Lebanon, even unto the
hyssop that springeth out of the wall he spake also of beasts, and of
fowl, and of creeping things, and of fishes " (i Kings iv. 30, set^.). All
these works are lost there remain only the " Proverbs," or a collec-
tion of maxims which bear internal evidence of his authorship, and the
Book called Ecclesiastes, in which all the circumstances, all the plea-
sures of human life are appreciated at their true value, and stamped
with the motto, " All is vanity." This last work is assigned to the king
of Israel with less certainty. The Song of Songs is also attributed to
Solomon, a mystical poem, in which, under the forms of impassioned
love, is figured the longing of the soul after God, an example copied in
later times among the Arabs by some mystic sects of Islam.
— :
at the close of the reign of David we have seen that an insurrection was
attempted, from jealousy of the importance and prerogatives of the tribe
from which the king had sprung.
The symptoms of revolt liecame again apparent, and in a much more
menacing form, in the last years of Solomon. The prophet Ahijah had
clearly announced to that monarch the division of his kingdom. The
enormous expenses which the great works of his reign had entailed tended
to alienate the Northern tribes from those of the South, and to excite a
rupture. Solomon's successor was his son Rehoboam, who was forty-one
years of age. The deputies of the tribes of Israel who came to do homage
to the new king, wishing at the same time to dictate some conditions to
him, and to require a diminution of the burdens of the people, thought
L 2
it better not to present themselves at Jerusalem, and they assembled at
Shechem, the capital of the powerful tribe of Ephraim. They recalled
Jeroboam from Egypt, and put him at their head. Rehoboam was invited
to Shechem, to be proclaimed king, and not in the least suspecting
the trap which was laid for him, he presented himself before the
assembly. Jeroboam spoke in the name of the deputies: "Thy
father," said he to the king, "made our yoke grievous; now, there-
fore, make thou the grievous service of thy father, and his heavy yoke
which he put upon us, lighter, and we will serve thee." Rehoboam
surprised, asked a delay of three days. The old state councillors of
Solomon were unanimous in advising him to give way, but the king
preferred to their counsels the pernicious advice of his young courtiers,
who, playing on his self-love, urged him to resistance.
When, on the third day, Jeroboam and the deputies presented themselves
before him, he haughtily replied, "My father made your yoke heavy, and I
will add to your yoke. My father chastised you with whips, but I will chas-
tise you with scorpions. " Then the people broke out into rebellion, crying
out, " What portion have we in David ... to your tents, O Israel :
see now to thine own house, David " i Kings xii. 2 Chron. x. ). Adoram,
( ,
"who was over the tribute," sent by Rehoboam to calm the popular
tumult, was stoned to death. Rehoboam had barely time to get into
his chariot and fly in all haste to Jerusalem. The tribes of Judah and
Benjamin alone remained faithful to the dynasty of David, whilst the
others proclaimed Jeroboam king. The tribe of Benjamin, which had
peculiar grievances against the house of David, would probably have
joined with the tribes of Israel if its territorial position had not com-
pelled it to hold to Judah. The city of Jerusalem was in fact partly
in the land of Benjamin. Rehoboam attempted to resist ; he assembled
an army of 180,000 men to subdue the seceded tribes, but God caused
him to be told by the prophet Shemaiah that this event was brought
about in the order of His providence, and that the soldiers were not to
fight against their brethren. The army was disbanded, and the separa-
tion was thus consummated.
2. The Bible gives us no detail as to the respective limits of the two
kingdoms formed by this separation. It merely says that the ten tribes
declared for Jeroboam that is, Ephraim, which was at the head of
the movement, Simeon, Dan, Manasseh, Issachar, Asshur, Zebulon,
Naphtali, Reuben, and Gad. The new state, embracing the greater part
of the nation, took by preference the name of Kingdom of Israel, which
had already served in former times to designate the kingdom of Ish-
bosheth. The land of Israel included, then, all Persea with the tribu-
tary countries as far as the Euphrates and the greater part of Palestine
on this side the Jordan. The kingdom of Rehoboam, called the kingdom
of Judah, embraced only Southern Palestine, between Bethel and Beer-
sheba. The king of Judah had, besides, the suzerainty of Idumea and
the land of tlie Philistines, but the whole of the provinces subject to
his sceptre were in extent hardly a fourth part of the kingdom of
The boundaries were not very exactly defined and some frontier;
towns belonging to the tribes of one of the two kingdoms were in fact,
either from the wish of the inhabitants, or the force of circumstances,
found in the power of the other kingdom. Thus, for example, the
towns of Bethel and Rama, although situated in the territory of Benja-
min, belonged to the kingdom of Israel ; but, in return, the southern
cities of Dan, such as Ajalon, formed part of the kingdom of Judah.
As for the towns which in the time of Joshua had been given to the
tribe of Simeon, they all, from their geographical position, fell to the
state of Judah. So then, in reality, as Simeon was one of the ten
tribes who declared for Jeroboam, we must suppose that at any rate a
part of the tribe had emigrated to the north. A passage in the Book of
Chronicles appears in fact to indicate that the Simeonites, after the reign
of David, no longer possessed the towns which had been given them by
Joshua (l Chron. iv. 31). Some remnants of that tribe, who had re-
mained in the land of Judah, emigrated in later times, under Hezekiah,
to the number of 500 families,* towards Mount Seir. A learned Dutch
Orientalist, M. Dozy, has recently devoted a very learned and ingenious
work to proving that they must have gone very far into Arabia, and
have been the founders of the city of Mecca, t
3. The two kingdoms of Israel and Judah remained separate until
the capture of Samaria by the Assyrians and the annihilation of the
Israelitish state. It does not seem that, during the whole of this long
* I Chron. iv. 42. The reading is " men " but there is no doubt
that the emigration of ^oo men would entail the removal of their families.
— Tr.
t Die Israeliten zu Alekhah, Leyden, 1865.
Kingdom ok Judah. Kingdom of Israel.
CoDimeiicoiient of the reign of— Coinniencciiiciil of the reign of —
B.C. B.C.
Rehoboam 978. Jeroboam 978.
A hijam 961.
Asa . . 958.
Baasha 953-
Elah .
Zimri . 9.SI-
Omri .
Ahab . 919.
Jehoshaphat 916.
Ahaziah, or Azaria 899.
Jehoram, or Joram 898.
Jehoram . 891.
Ahaziah . 887.
Athaliah . . . 886. Jehu 886.
Joash or Jehoash 879.
Jehoahaz . . . 858.
Jehoash . . . S42.
Amaziah . 839-
Jeroboam II. . . 827.
Azariah . 810.
InteiTegnum 784 to 773.
Zachariah 773-
Shalhim . • 772.
Manahem .• 772.
Pekahiah . . 761.
Pekah . . .
Jotham 758-
Ahaz . 742. Manahem II. • 742.
Pekah (restored) • 7.i3-
Hoshea . • 730.
Hezekiah 727.
Fall of the Kingdom of Israel 721.
Rehoboam, with such conduct on part of his rival, to show great zeal
for the orthodox Mosaic worship, which alone, even from a human
point of view, could be to him the means of safety. He acted thus for
three years. His however, but too soon, and gave place to
zeal abated,
a culpable by the gradual mtroduction of
indifference, quickly followed
Phoenician idolatry, together with all the abominable debaucheries
which always accompanied it. At the same time, the schismatical
worship of the high places spread in ail parts of the kingdom, even
among those who remained faithful to the doctrine of the unity of God.
Doubtless this worship was addressed to Jehovah ; but the multiplication
of sanctuaries itself was a violation of the precepts of the Law, and
turned away worshipjiers from the one Temple, where alone sacrifice
was permitted to be offered.
The indifference to the national sanctuary and to the Holy City
became so great that, in spite of the fortresses guarding his southern
frontier, Rehoboam could make no resistance to the Egyptian troops,
who, in the fifth year of his reign (970 B.C.), invaded the kingdom of
Judah, probably through the intrigues of Jeroboam, and penetrated
to Jerusalem. Rehoboam trembled in his palace, and the prophet
Shemaiah took advantage of the occasion to reproach the king, before
all his court, for his infidelity towards Jehovah, the cause of this mis-
fortune. The king and all his nobles who surrounded him showed
sincere repentance, and said, "The Lord is righteous." Shemaiah
then reassured them, by telling them thpt this was but a passing storm,
and that they must accept with resignation the chastisement of Heaven
(i Chron. xii. 6). Shishak, king of Eg)'pt, at the head of a numerous
army, entered the capital without striking a blow, and plundered the
treasures of the Temple. But as Shemaiah had announced, he had no
other intent than to humble, and to extort money from the king of
Judah and his army retired when satisfied with their plunder. Re-
Abijam, Jeroboam thought a time when the kingdom was passing from
one hand to another favourable for attempting the conquest of the land
of Judah. From two quarters he prepared to deliver decisive blows,
and he had recourse to a levee en masse of the people. By this means
Jeroboam put under arms 800,000 men, and Abijam 400,000. The
two armies met on the mountains of Ephraim, near the heights of
Samaria. In spite of an ambuscade which Jeroboam set behind the
troops of Judah, they succeeded in possessing themselves of Bethel and
some other Israelitish cities. Abijam, as little zealous as his father for
religion, was guilty of the fault of not profiting by this event to abolish
at Bethel the worship of the golden calf, and the town soon again fell
into the power of Israel. Abijam died after a reign of three years.
His son and successor, Asa, showed from his earliest years great zeal
for the worship of Jehovah. Though still very young, he displayed
great hatred for idolatry he did not even spare his grandmother,
and attempted domineer over him. Asa deprived her of all influence
government. The statue of Ashtaroth, which she
in the affairs of the
had dared to set up at Jerusalem, was burned in the valley of Kidron.
Everywhere the altars of the Canaanitish deities were destroyed, and
the persons consecrated to that shameful worship were expelled from
the land. The only reproach that Scripture addresses to Asa is, that
he allowed the schismatical altars on the high places to remain, in order
to give occupation and means of subsistence to the numerous priests
whom the apostasy of the ten tribeshad induced to return to Judah.
reigning with wisdom and glory, promoted in every shape the national
prosperity. One of his principal cares was the army, which he laboured
to place on an improved footing. Events were soon to show how
prudent and full of foresight his conduct had been. In the fifteenth
year of the reign of Asa (943 B.C.), a formidable invasion menaced the
southern frontiers of Palestine. Zerah, king of Ethiopia,* at the head
of a numerous arniy, recruited amongst the barbarous people of the
Upper Nile, had overrun Egypt. After having subjugated it for the
moment, and carried devastation from south to north throughout its
whole extent, he crossed the river Rhinocorura, and assailed the
kingdom of Judah, hoping to pillage it also, as well as all Syria. Asa
led his army to meet the Ethiopians, and gave them battle in the valley
of Zephathah, near Mareshah. Zerah was vanquished and obliged to
fly, leaving an immense booty to the Jewish soldiers.
disquiet see the constantly increasing power of Asa and his kingdom.
He commenced hostilities against him by fortifying the town of Ramah,
and placing a garrison there, to prevent the people of Israel from com-
municating with the kingdom of Judah and going up to the Temple.
Asa could not permit the establishment of this threatening fortress at a
distance of only two leagues from Jerusalem. He emptied the royal
treasury, and that of the Temple, to purchase the alliance of Ben-
hidri,* king of Syria, who resided at Damascus, and had formed a
considerable state of the Aramaean provinces, formerly sul^ject to David
and Solomon. His offers having been accepted, Ben-hidri invaded the
north of Palestine, penetrating to the neighbourhood of the lake of
Gennesaret, and possessed himself of many important to\\-ns. Asa at
the same time marched on Ramah, took it, and having demolished the
fortifications, already far advanced, employed the materials in con-
structing at Geba and Mizpeh two fortresses, to serve as the bulwarks
of his state against the kingdom of Israel.
But the prophets were by no means pleased to see an alliance con-
cluded with a pagan against the king of Israel, and at the expense of
the sacred treasure.A prophet, named Hanani, bitterly reproached
Asa with leaning on Syria, instead of trusting entirely to the help of
Jehovah, who could have subdued both the Syrians and the Israelites.
The words of the inspired speaker were not without influence on the
people, and led to some trouliles. Asa thought fit to use severity, and
ventured even to cause Hanani to be arrested as a disturber of the
public peace. From this moment to the end of his reign he found
himself exposed to the ill-will of the whole order of prophets, who
looked on him as a tyrant. Nevertheless, in spite of his rupture with
this body, who represented the living and zealous element in the Mosaic
religion, he did not swerve from religious truth, and was always a
faithful servant of His orthodo.xy, and vigilance in repressing
every attempt to introduce the worship of strange gods, procured him a
long succession of years of peaceable reign, and he did not die till
916 B.C., after forty-one years of prosperity, leaving in his son Jeho-
shaphat a worthy successor.
4. During this lime disorder and crime, the just punishment of schism
ment he and his race should be cut off " I will make
for this impiety,
thy house," said he, speaking in the name of the Lord, "like the
house of Jeroboam, the son of Nebat " (i Kings xvi. 2). Asa lived to
witness the accomplishment of this prophecy, and to see a third dynasty
mount the throne established by Jeroboam; for events followed each
other quicl<ly in the land of Israel. Baasha, nevertheless, trans-
mitted the crown to his son Elah, dying, after having reigned nearly
twenty-three years. But Elah succumbed in the second year of
his reign, struck down, like the son of Jeroboam, by the hantl of a
Whilst the troops, commanded by the general-in-chicf (Jniri, were
occupied by a second siege of the town of (iibbethon, then held by the
rhilistines, Zimri, one of the two captains of the war chariots, assassi-
nated King Elah, "as he was drinking himself drunk in the house of
Arza, steward of his house " (i Kings xvi. 9), at Tirzah, then the capital
of Israel. The murderer having seized on the throne, massacred all the
members of the royal family and the prediction of the prophet Jehu
civil war between Omri and Tibni lasted four years, for it makes the
there a city called Samaria. There, ever after, down to the time of the
destruction of the kingdom of Israel by the Assyrians, the residence of
its sovereigns was fixed. The foundation of Samaria is the only fact
worthy of remark which is recorded of the reign of Omri, with the
exception of an unfortunate war against the Syrians, in which he lost
many towns. He governed in the same spirit as his predecessors,
maintaining the schismatical worship established by Jeroboam. He
died at last in the twelfth year of his reign, leaving the throne to his
son Ahab.
and in the persecution of which they were the objects, some of them exhi-
bited such zeal and courage as had never previously been seen among
them, and when occasion offered, they made sanguinary reprisals on
their adversaries. Their chief was the celebrated prophet Elijah, and
at court they had a secret protector in Obadiah, the governor of the
kmg's house. But the mass of the people, undecided or indifferent,
did not give a hearty support to either of the two parties, for which
reason Elijah rc]:)roached them with "halting between two opinions,
and declaring neither for Jehovah nor for Baal. The king Ahab
himself, a man with no energy and no convictions, may be placed in
the front rank of these waverers. At one time he bowed before Baal,
and gave himself up to all the abominations of Canaanitish worship ;
not to accomplish, at any rate to prepare the way for, a revolution, and
to overturn the impious dynasty, which sought to sweep away the very
last traces of the worship of the true God. This man was the prophet
Elijah, the hero of the epoch. Full of fierce enthusiasm, excited by
almost continual Uivine inspiration, he braved, by his constancy and
coui-age, the fury of Jezebel, and frequently made King Ahab tremble,
who, though he detested, could not help respecting him. Like Samuel,
he was inflexible in his purpose, and feared not to show himself stern,
and even cniel, to accomplish what he found to be necessary. Unfor-
tunately, Israel had fallen too low for a complete regeneration to be
possible. Even Elijah never raised his voice against the image worship
ot Bethel and Dan, but directed all his efforts to ensure the triumph ot
the name of Jehovah over the odious Phoenician worship and when at ;
the end of his days he was compelled to leave his work still unfinished,
he chose a successor to continue and complete it.
3. Nevertheless, the throne of Ahab seemed to be strengthened by
some brilliant victories. Ben-hidri, king of Syria, son of the one who
had made war on Baasha and Omri, came, followed by thirty-nine
princes, his vassals or allies, to besiege Samaria, which had become, as
we have said, the capital of the kingdom. The king of Israel humbled
himself before him, and offered to declare himself his vassal ; but
Ben-hidri replied with such insolence, that, by the counsel of the
elders, Ahab resolved on resistance. God told him by a prophet
" Thus saith the Lord, Hast thou seen all this great multitude? behold,
I will deliver it into thine hand this day, that thou mayest know that I
am the Lord." Feeling his faith re-animated in this danger, he ordered
a sally of 7,000 men, who surprising the enemy's camp when they were
in the midst of an orgy, routed them completely.
But the courtiers of the king of Syria, as a salve to their own pride
and that of their master, said to Ben-hidri, "Their gods are gods of
the hills, therefore they are stronger than we ; but let us fight against
them in the plain, be stronger than they."* The
and surely we shall
horses, and war chariots which he had lost, and commenced the cam-
paign the next year witli troops incomjiaraljiy superior in niunbcr to
those of Ahab. But God showed that lie could confound the blas-
phemies of the enemies of Israel. 100,000 Syrians were cut to pieces
under the walls of Aphek, in the plain of Esdraelon, and Ben-hidri
was forced to implore the clemency of the enemy whom he had so in-
solently defied.
Ahab, who could have made the king of Syria a prisoner, did not
even confine himself to setting him Under
the guarantee of
at liberty.
the hands of the family to whom it had lieen assigned at the conquest,
but directed its return at the year of Jubilee.
Naboth, faithful to the spirit of the law, refused to sell the inheritance
of his fathers: at this the king showed himself much aggrieved. Jezebel
having learned the cause of his grief, consoled him by promising to give
him the vineyard of Naboth. She sent orders in the king's name to the
Beth-horon, and even to the very last day of Jewish independence, when
their"hold," Masada, fell before the Romans.
We find, too, that though the Hebrews frequently assembled large
bodies of infantiy, they were never strong in cavalry or war chariots a ;
said he to the king. "Thus saith the Lord, In the place where dogs
licked the l:)lood of Naboth, they shall lick thy blood, even thine."
" Hast thou found me, O mine enemy," said the king. " I have found
thee," replied the prophet, "because thou hast sold thyself to do evil in
the sight of the Lord. Behold, I will bring evil upon thee, and will
make thy house like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, and like
the house of Baasha son of Ahijah, and the dogs shall eat Jezebel by the
wall of Jezreel " (i Kings xxi. 19),
5. The accomplishment of the first part of this prophecy was not long
delayed. Ben-hidri during the three years that had elapsed, since the
treaty of peace had been concluded, after the battle at Aphek, had not
executed its conventions. Ramoth, one of the most important cities of
the land of Gilead or Persea, still remained in the hands of the Syrians.
Ahab showed his intention of recommencing war against the king of
Syria, and taking from him by force the city, he was not willing to sur-
render. At this time Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, who since his acces-
sion to the throne had profited Ijy the blessings of peace to continue his
reforms in religious worship, and in the administration, had visited the
king of Israel, with whom he had allied himself by marriage, his son Jeho-
ram having married Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel. This
was the first time since the separation of the two kingdoms that a king
of Judah showed himself as a friend and ally on the territory of Israel;
and we may well be surprised to find peace between the kingdoms, and
family ties between the courts, of the pious Jehoshaphat and the impious
It is possible that Jehoshaphat hoped to work on the facile character
of Ahab, and lead him to better sentiments. At the moment of march-
ing against the Syrians, Ahab expressed a wish that the king of Judah
should take part in the expedition. Jehoshaphat consented, and promised
the assistance of his troops, on the condition that the king of Israel
should at once consult the prophets. Ahab brought together 400 of
them at the gate of Samaria; they all with one voice declared that he
ought to go to the war, and that the king of Israel should return a
conqueror. But Jehoshaphat distrusted these 400 unajiimous voices; it
did not seem possible that, after so many persecutions, the call of Ahab
could assemble so many true prophets of Jehovah, to speak with sincerity
and independence. At his request Micaiah was sent for, who had not
previously been called, and who announced a terrible disaster, and the
death of Ahab. He nevertheless persisted in marching onRamoth, and
Jehoshaphat accompanied him there. The king of Israel, having learned
that the Syrian officers had received orders to single him out personally
for attack, disguised himself and mixed with the soldiers, whilst Jeho-
shaphat wore his royal robes. The Syrians, taking the latter for the king
of Israel, directed their attack on him, and surrounded him. Jehosha-
phat called for help, but the officers of Ben-hidri discovering their mistake
at once retired. At the same time Ahab was mortally wounded by an
arrow which a soldier had " shot at a venture"; he died at sunset, and
the Israelite army at once retreated. The body of the king was carried
to Samaria, where it was buried. His blood-stained chariot was washed
in the pool at Samaria, and the words of Elijah were accomplished,
that the dogs should lick the blood of Ahab. His son Ahaziah suc-
ceeded him.
6. Jehoshaphat returned to Jerusalem, when the prophet Jehu, son ot
Hanani, blamed him mildly for having lent his help to the impious
Ahab, which he said would have drawn on the king the wrath of Je-
hovah if he had not deserved the mercy of God, by exterminating
idolatry in his kingdom. Jehoshaphat continued to rule over his people
in the same spirit of piety, and to introduce notable improvements in the
administration; he reformed the tribunals in the principal cities of the
kingdom, directing them to observe the greatest impartiality, and he
established at Jerusalem a supreme court of appeal,composed of Priests,
Levites, and heads of families, as the last resort for difficult cases.
After the example of Solomon, Jehoshaphat constructed vessels at
Eziongeber, to recommence commercial expeditions to India, and
especially to the land of Ophir, but he no longer had Phoenicians to
man them, and the vessels being shipwrecked in the very gulf, quite close
to Eziongeber, Jehoshaphat gave up the enterprise, in spite of the
persuasions of Ahaziah, king of Israel, who wished to become his
7. During the short reign of Ahaziah, which lasted hardly a year,
Mesha, king of Moab, who, like his predecessors, had recognised the
suzerainty of the king of Israel, refused to pay his tribute. He had
formerly paid 100,000 lambs and roo,ooo rams, with their wool for the
land of Moab had been at all times rich in flocks and herds, and is so to
this day. A severe fall which Ahaziah had through the railing of the
platform of the palace of Samaria, prevented him from taking measures
for subjecting the Moabites. Brought up in the worship of Baal and
in the superstitions of idolatry, Ahaziah sent messengers to Ekron, in
the land of the Philistines, to enquire of the celebrated oracle of Baal-
zebub what would be the result of his illness. The prophet Elijah,
indignant at this insult to the God of Israel, stopped the messengers of
Ahaziah on their way. " Is it not because there is not a God in Israel,"
said the prophet to them, " that ye go to enquire of Baal-zebub the
God of Ekron ? Now, therefore, thus saith the Lord, Thou shalt not
come down from the bed on which thou art gone up, but shalt surely
die " (2 Kings This in fact soon happened, and as Ahaziah had
i. 3).
the Jewish troops to put them to flight, and to drive them all, in four
days, across the frontier. After this event Jehoshaphat still reigned five
or six years in peace, blessed by his subjects and respected by the neigh-
bouring people ; in the last years of his reign his eldest son Jehoram,
brother-in-law to Jehoram king of Israel (for the two Hebrew kingdoms
had then at head princes of the same name), took part in the
affairs Jehoshaphat died at the age of sixty years
of state as co-regent.
(891 B.C.), his people whom he had led back to the true principles of
religion, and whom he had endowed with useful institutions, placed on
his seven sons their fairest hopes for the future, which but too soon proved
laged the domains of the king, whose sons, with the exception of
one named Jehoahaz, or Ahaziah, perished in the conflict. During this
time serious dangers threatened the capital of the kingdom of Israel.
War had been re-kindled between that kingdom and Damascus. Ben-
hidri laid siege to Samaria; and the city, closely blockaded by the
enemy, was reduced to such a fearful state of famine, that a mother
killed and ate her own child.* Nevertheless, God was willing still to
save the people of Israel and give them a great occasion to call to
mind His wondrous works to themselves as well as to their fathers.
In conformity with a prediction of Elisha, the besieging army, having
heard a miraculous noise, was seized with ]mnic; it fled away in the
darkness of night, and the pillage of the camp by the Israelites at once
restored plenty to Samaria.
10. Elijah, before his disappearance, had announced that the crown
of Israel was to be transferred to Jehu, one of the generals of Ahab
and Jehoram and that of Damascus to Hazael, the chief councillor of
that he shall surely die. " And after having pronounced these words,
the prophet fixed for a long time his eyes on Hazael, with a look full
of sorrow, and his eyes filled with tears. And Hazael said, " Why
weepeth my lord ?" And he answered, "Because I know the evil that
thou wilt do unto the children of Israel their strongholds wilt thou set
on fire, and their young men thou wilt slay with the sword, and wilt
dash their children." And Hazael said, "But what, is thy servant a
dog, that he should do this thing?" And Elisha answered, "The
Eord hath showed me that thou shalt be king over Syria."
The next day Hazael, impatient to realise the prophecy, suffocated
Ben-hidri in his bed, by covering his face with a wet cloth. Having
then mounted the throne of Damascus, he continued hostilities against
was buried out of the sepulchre of the royal family, and refused the
honours due to kings. His son Ahaziah, aged twenty-two years, suc-
ceeded him. Completely controlled by his mother, Athaliah, and by the
advice of his relations of the family of Ahab, he persisted in the impious
course of Jehoram, his father. His maternal uncle, Jehoram, king of Israel,
persuaded him to take part in the new expedition he was about to make
against the king of Syria, again to attempt the re-conquest of
Gilead. Jehoram and Ahaziah went personally to the siege of that
. city. They managed to get possession of Ramoth but king Jehoram
head, hands, and feet ; the rest of her body had been devoured by
dogs, according to the prophecy of EUjah.
Seventy sons of Ahab remained at Samaria ; they were massacred by
the people, and their heads sent to Jezreel. All that remained of
the house of Ahab, all and the
the nobles of his court, his friends,
priests of Baal, perished. The statue of that deity was burnt, and his
temple demolished and " made a draft house." But in spite of his zeal
for Jehovah, Jehu did not even attempt to re-establish His worship in
all its purity he allowed Jeroboam's golden calves to remain.
; The
prophets, satisfied with their victory, and with the chastisement of the
impiety of the royal race, promised continuance to his dynasty; but
they were unable to preserve the kingdom of Israel from the attacks
which menaced it from without, or to preserve for it that power which
it had latterly been on many occasions able to employ, thanks to the
close alliance existing between the two courts of Samaria and Jeni-
at the same time in the
Events, not less sanguinary, had taken place
kingdom of Judah. Ahaziah died at the age of twenty-three years.
As all the sons he left behind hnn were under age, Athaliah, his
mother, found herself legally invested with the government, as their
guardian, with the title of regent. But .she conceived the project of
assuring the perpetuity of her power, and the final triumph of the
worship of Baal at Jerusalem, by the extinction of the house of
David. She did not shrink even from a frightful crime to attain that
object, and caused all her grandsons, children of Ahaziah, to be slain
before her own eyes. .She reigned for six years after that odious act,
and Baal replaced Jehovah in the worship of the city of David.
her body, like that of Jezebel, was trodden under the feet of the horses.
At the same time the people entered the temple of Baal, overturned his
altars, broke in pieces his images, and put Mattan, the high priest of
Baal, to death before the altar.
Jehoash governed during his minority under the advice of the high
who found him a docile pupil, giving good hopes of
priest Jehoiada,
the firm establishment of the national worship. When the king was of
proper age, Jehoiada married him to two wives, by whom he had many
children of both sexes. One of the first cares of the young prince was
the restoration of the Temple of Jerusalem, which had been exposed to
every sort of desecration under the preceding reigns. Jehoash directed
the priests to employ for that purpose the money arising from redemp-
tions and voluntary and that they should also make special col-
* The celebrity of Omri, the founder of Samaria, was such that the
Assyrians believed that all the kings of Israel, as well as Jehu, were
descended from him.
said, to the age of 130 years. The respect which Jehoiada had inspired
was so great, that he was buried in the royal sepulchre. But after the
death of the venerable high priest, the favourers of the Phoenician
worship ventured again to hold up their heads, and Jehoash had the
weakness to show them culpable toleration. It was in vain that the
royal sepulchre.
Amaziah, son of Jehoash, reigned next, for twenty-nine years he ;
is praised for the pardon which, in conformity with the Mosaic law, he
accession was hailed with joy by all the people, calmed the disorders of
parties, and promised Judali a time of good fortune and power. The
young king displayed much attachment to the worship of Jehovah, and
it appears that a prophet, named Zechariah, exercised a most happy
influence over him. In the early years of his reign he secured the
submission of the Idumseans, by retaking and fortifying the city of
Elath, on the Elanitic Gulf. He also made conquests over the Philis-
tines, retook Gath, and even possessed himself of Ashdod, which he
fortified. He subdued lastly the Ammonites, whom he made to pay
tribute, as well as the Arabs of Gurbaal.
In spite of his warlike character, Uzziah did not the less favour the
arts of peace whilst he renewed and augmented the defences of all the
the Syrians, attacked them on their own territory, and made conquests
in the neighbourhood of Damascus and Hamath. It appears even from
a passage in the Book of Kings (2 Kings xiv. 28) that the Israelites occu-
pied these two cities for some time. All the country east of the Jordan,
from Hamath to the Dead Sea, was again brought under the dominion
of the king of Samaria. The prophet Jonah, son of Amittai, of the
tribe of Zebulon, had encouraged king Jeroboam to this war, and pre-
dicted its complete success. This sudden good fortune of the kingdom
of Israel introduced into it riches and luxury, and all the evils of corrupt
society were soon to be seen there. The prophet Amos, a simple
shepherd of Tekoa, in the land of Judah, presented himself at Bethel,
and in language full of energy, boldness, and ardent zeal for truth and
justice, reproached Israel for the worship of the images at Bethel and
Dan, their effeminacy and licentious luxury, and the injustice and oppres-
sion to which they subjected the poor he threatened Jeroboam and the
nobles of Samaria with the anger of heaven, and in the midst of their
careless security he unfolded to them the distant prospect of exile and
death. Already the Assyrian power was menacing, and all Western Asia
trembled at the news of its rapid progress. Amaziah, high priest of
Bethel, desired Jeroboam to put Amos to death ; but the king confined
himself to expelling the prophet from his territories.
7. From this time, especially, the noblest development of prophecy
ment to the Gentiles" (xlii. i). " He shall see of the travail of his
soul and be satisfied by his knowledge shall my righteous servant
not ascend the throne till eleven or twelve years after (773). It is pro-
bable that death of Jeroboam the kingdom of Israel was divided
at the
away" (Hos. iv. I 4). — "They all are hot as an oven, and have
devoured their judges all their
; kings are fallen there is none among
them that calleth upon me" (vii. 7). "They have set up kings, but
not by me : they have made princes, and I knew it not : of their
silver and their gold have they made them idols, that they may be cut
off" (viii. 4). Towards the end of the second year of Pekah (758),
Uzziah, king of Judah, died in the hospital at Jerusalem, to which he had
been compelled to retire, at the age of sixty-eight, and after a reign of
fifty-two years. His son jotham, the regent, succeeded him.
I. Jotham, who at the age of twenty- five years succeeded his father
on the throne of Judah, distinguished himself by his energy and piety,
and his reign was one of the happiest in the annals of Judah. The
Bible nevertheless blames him for having allowed the high places still to
exist, and permitting the people to offer sacrifices there. To the fortifi-
cations erected by his father, he added others as a preparation for the
dangers threatening the land. He restored the Temple, and erected some
important works at Jerusalem. He fought with success against the
Ammonites, and compelled them during three years to pay a considerable
tribute. During this time internal disorders, occasioned by the conflict-
ing claims of many competitors for the throne, continued as violent as
ever in the kingdom of Israel. The Book of Kings assigns eight years
less for the reign of Pekah than the period which elapsed between his
first accession to the throne and his death. But this strange circumstance
is explained by tlic Assyrian inscriptions,* the historical bearing of
which was first pointed out by M. Oppert. It is found that the reign
of Pekah was interrupted for more than seven years; that about 742
he was deposed by a second Menahem, probably a son of Pekahiah,
who was placed on the throne by Tiglath-pileser II., king of Assyria,
to whom he paid tribute as a vassal. In 733 a new revolution de-
throned him and restored Pekah. The latter, openly hostile to the
reign, had formed the project of overturning the throne of the house of
David and installing as king in Jerusalem a certain Ben Tabeal, a
creature of their own,f in order, probably, to oppose a more compact
force to the Assyrians; but the wise measures of Jotham did not permit
them to carry their project into execution. Unfortunately, however,
Jotham died, after a reign of sixteen years, when he was hardly forty-
two years old (742).
2. His son and successor, Ahaz, a young man about twenty years of
ported into Armenia, to tlie banks of tlic river Cyrus* From Syria
Tiglatli-pileser penetrated into the land of Israel, and occupied the
whole of Galilee and Perrea, whence he transported the principal inha-
bitants to Assyria (732). This was the commencement of the captivity
of the ten tribes, and the kingdom of Israel was henceforth confined to
the limits of the small tract around Samaria. Pekah, the king, was
shortly after assassinated, the victim of a conspiracy, at the head of
which was Hoshea, son of lilah, who wished to place himself on the
Ahaz visited the king of Assyria at Damascus, to pay homage as a
vassal. On this occasion, having seen the great altar at Damascus, he
sent the pattern of it to the high priest Urijah at Jerusalem, ordering
him to set up a similar one in the court of the Temple. f The new
charged with idolatrous symbols, replaced that which Solomon
had constructed. Not content with this profanation, Ahaz, on his
return to Jerusalem, set up altars everywhere to .Syrian deities, and
ended by entirely closing the sanctuary of the true God. He had,
however, no cause to congratulate himself on the Assyrian alliance,
which he had so dearly purchased, and he soon found how galling
were the bonds of vassalage he had voluntarily assumed. The
Idumreans made incursions into the territory of Judah, for the purpose
of pillage. At the same time the Philistines, profiting by the weakness
of Ahaz, took some important cities. Ahaz died in the sixteenth year
of his reign (727) though still yoimg, he was not regretted, and was
* Now the Kur, between the Caspian and Black Seas. full de- A
scription of this river and district is given in Sir R. Ker Porter's
Travels, vol. i., 107 113. Tr. —
t The majority of Assyrian altars, however, seem to have been free
from emblems of any kind. Some of them were square, ornamented with
gradines ; others triangular, with circular tops. One of the latter de-
scription, discovered by Mr. Layard, is in the British Museum. Tr.
idolatry, Ilezekiah broke in pieces the brazen serpent wliich Moses had
made to setup in the desert, and which had become the object of
superstitious worship to the people. The first Passover after tlie acces-
sion of Hezekiah was celelirated with extraordinary solemnity; the
king sent messengers to Samaria, and to all that reniaineil of the
kingdom of Judah, to invite the attendance of all who were still
faithful to the law of the Lord. A. small number did come to Jeru-
salem, but the majority of the population insulted and maltreated
Hezekiali's messengers. Completing his reforms, the pious king re-
organised the body of priests and Levites, under the auspices of the
high priest Azariah.
4. During this hour of the kingdom of Samaria was
time the last
fast approaching. "For so it (2 Kings xvii. 7),
was," says Scripture
"that the children of Israel had sinned against the Lord their God,
which had brought them out of the land of Egypt." Ver. 16, 17
"And they left all the commandments of the Lord their God, and
made them molten images, even two calves, and made a grove, and
worshipped all the host of heaven, and served Baal. And they caused
their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire, and used divi-
nation and enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of
the Lord, to provoke him to anger." In vain had the prophets multi-
plied their warnings, Israel had remained deaf to all threats and even ;
the invasion of the king of Assyria, carrying into captivity a part of the
people, had not led the rest of them to repentance.
The day of Divine chastisement, therefore, had at last arrived.
Hoshea, the assassin of Pekah, had succeeded in mounting the throne,
three years before the accession of Hezekiah (730) he was a vassal of ;
He signed a treaty with So, and immediately refused his tribute to the
king of Assyria. Shalmaneser, at this news, burst like a thunderbolt
on the land of Israel, seized Hoshea and threw him into prison, occu-
pied the whole country, and laid siege to Samaria, the capital, where
taken, he marched with all speed to the land of the Philistines, there
to meet Shebek, king of Egypt, who, not having been able to come
soon enough to save Israel, entered Palestine at that moment. After
having vanquished him at Raphia, and compelled the Philistine cities
to obedience, the Assyrian conqueror, retracing his steps, penetrated
into Phoenicia, where he took all the cities with the exception of Tyre.
But, occupied by these conquests, he left Hezekiah and the kingdom of
Judah in tranquillity.
and trusting surely in the valour of its soldiers, Judaea was nevertheless
troubled by the intrigues of a party who, instead of seeking safety in
piety and faith in Jehovah, breathed only war, and counted on the
chariots and horses of Egypt, which the prophet pronounced useless,
and even dangerous, to Judah. This party, numbering in its ranks im-
portant personages, and even priests and prophets, misconceived the
true spiritual sense of the religious precepts of the law, and attached
itself almost entirely to outward observances. It abandoned itself to
the indulgence of its passions, violated right, and oppressed the people.
The land, said Isaiah, can never enjoy real happiness till God has
punished these impious people with exemplary chastisement.
2. In spite of the influence which Isaiah exercised over king Heze-
kiah, the party for war at any price, and for an Egyptian alliance,
prevailed at the court of Jerusalem, when in 704 Sargon died, leaving
Babylon separated from his kingdom by a most serious revolt. All the
nations of Palestine thought to find in this change of masters a favour-
able opportunity for throwing off the Assyrian yoke. A general coali-
tion of their princes was organised under the auspices and with the
concurrence of the Ethiopian Shabatok, the Sethos of Herodotus, who
then reigned over Egypt. The petty sovereigns of the cities of Pho;-
nicia, and of the Philistine towns, the kings of Ammon, Moab, and
Edom, all at the same time refused tribute, and allied themselves with.
save his capital and the Temple from the profanation with which
they were menaced by Sennacherib's army, humbled himself before
the king of Assyria, who imposed on him a tribute of 30 talents
of gold and 300 talents of silver. To pay this, Hezekiah cut oft
even the gold which covered the doors of the Temple, probaljly with
the'wish of making the Assyrians believe that his treasury was not
sufficient to pay so considerable a sum, and that nothing more was
possible, for, less than a year after, he was found making a parade of
his treasures before the Babylonian ambassadors. Sennacherib left,
after having received this tribute, to press the siege of the very strong
fortress of Lachish, in the plain country of Judah, which was soon
forced to surrender. At the same time his outpostswere advanced as
far as Pelusium, on the frontiers of Egypt, for he intended to invade that
country after having completed the subjugation of Judaea.
But while encamped before Lachish, Sennacherib conceived the idea
that it would be imprudent, just when he was about to march into Egypt,
which could only wound the hand that should lean on it. " But if ye
say unto me," he added, "We trust in the Lord our God, is it not he
whose high places and whose altars Hezekiah hath taken away, and hath
said to Judah and to Jeresalem, Ye shall worship before this altar in
Jerusalem. Now therefore give pledges to my lord, the king of
Assyria, and I will deliver to thee 2,000 horses if thou be able on thy
part to set riders on them. * * Am
I now come up without the
Lord againrit this place to destroy it? The Lord said to me, Go up
against this land and destroy it." The servants of Hezekiah asked him
to speak in Syriac, so as not to be understood by the people who were
on the wall, but the Assyrian replied that it was precisely to those men
who were in danger of dying of hunger and thirst that his words were
addressed then raising his voice he spoke to the soldiers of Hezekiah
in the Hebrew tongue, saying that their king was deceiving them, and
that he had no power to save them ; that the king of Assyria, on the
other hand, offered them good fortune and tranquillity, and would lead
them away to a land more fertile than their own, and moreover that
Jehovah would no more save them than other gods had saved their own
countries. This speech was listened to in profound silence, Hezekiah
having forbidden any reply.
Hezekiah and the people went into the Temple, with their clothes
rent, to prostrate themselves before Jehovah, and implore His compas-
sion. Isaiah encouraged them, promising them in the name of God a
speedy deliverance. Nevertheless Sennacherib, having taken Lachish,
had encamped at Libnah on his way to Jerusalem. He there learned
kiah a new summons still more imperative than the fomier, and which
left him hardly a few days for consideration. The king read the letter,
and went to the Temple and addressed a fervent prayer to the Lord,
asking Him to avenge the outrage done to His name. Then Isaiah,
filled with Divine inspiration, announced to the king and people that
Jehovah had heard his prayer, and that very soon Sion and Jerusalem
would regard with scorn the humbled pride of Sennacherib, and that he
should not even attempt to besiege Jerusalem. In fact, in the following
night " the angel of the Lord went out, and smote in the camp of the
Assyrians an hundred and four score and five thousand " (2 Kings xix.
35), killed by the plague, which suddenly broke out in the midst of the
army.* With troops thus thinned by disease, Sennacherib could no
longer think of taking Jerusalem, nor of making head against the
numerous and fresh army Tirhakah was bringing up he hastily gave
orders to retreat, and during the remainder of his reign did not again
appear in Palestine. Hezekiah again took possession of his devas-
tated territoiy, and even of a number of the cities of Ephraim formerly
belonging to the kingdom of Israel; and which, throwing off the
Assyrian yoke, gave themselves up to him. As for the Egyptians,
content with being no longer threatened, they do not appear to have
pursued Sennacherib in his retreat, and they allowed him to retain
possession of the land of the Philistines as far as Gaza.
When Herodotus visited Egypt the priests related to him this
miraculous event, which had saved that country as well as the kingdom
of Judah from an Assyrian invasion, only, as was natural, they attributed
the prodigy to the power of their own gods (Her. ii. 141).
4. Judah was delivered from the Assyrians but the army of Seima-
cherib in its retreat had left the plague, as a last scourge, behind it.
Hezekiah was attacked, and his life was despaired of. The pious king
implored the Lord with tears, begging to live long enough to have an
heir who might ensure to the house of David the succession to the
crown. God heard his prayer, and Isaiah was commissioned to announce
left, saith the Lord. And of thy sons that shall issue from thee, which
thou shall beget, they shall take away ; and they shall be eunuchs in the
palace of the king of Babylon." The decisive defeat of Merodach-.
Baladan, only a few months later, did not, moreover, permit Hezekiah
to can-y out the desire which he seems to have had to listen to these
5. Hezekiah passed the rest of his life in profound peace and in
endeavouring to repair the numberless evils which the amiy of Senna-
cherib had left behind it. He amassed, as provision for the future,
great treasures, levied numerous troops, established magazines and
arsenals, and Three years after
rebuilt the fortifications of his cities.
the Assyrian invasion his wife gave he named
him a son, whom
Manasseh, and who appears to have been associated with him on the
throne from the time of his birth, for the Book of Kings counts the
years of his reign from that time (697).
Under the reign of Hezekiah, Hebrew literature, which had declined
since the epoch of Solomon, received a fresh impulse, and this became
the golden age of prophetic poetry. By the side of Isaiah we find, at
the court of the king, the prophet Micah, of Moresheth, near Gath.
Itmost probably was towards the end of the reign of Hezekiah that
Nahum pronounced the sublime prophecy, in which, at the very
moment of the most brilliant prosperity of Nineveh, he announced its
approaching ruin. A passage in the Book of Proverbs (Prov. xxv. i),
gives us to understand that Hezekiah established a sort of academy,
charged with collecting and arranging ancient literary remains, and
especially the proverbs attributed to Solomon. The beautiful poem
composed by Hezekiah after his sickness, entitles the king to be reckoned
among the best poets of the period. Hezckiah died at theage of fifty-
four years, in the forty-first year of his reign (685).* His funeral was
celebrated with great pomp, and amidst the universal regrets of his
6. Manasseh was but twelve years old when he ascended the throne
of his father Hezekiah, 685. The prophet Isaiah was now too old to
exercise a serious influence over the affairs of the country and the
destinies of the young prince. The anti-religious party, who found a
strong support in the evil passions of the masses, and whom Hezekiah
had been able to put down for a time, but not to subdue permanently,
again lifted its head, succeeded in influencing the young king, and gave
the more assiduously that it had to revenge on the
itself up to disorders all
priests and prophets the severe restrictions from which it had suffered,
and wished now to end for ever. It was under the influence of this
party that Manasseh was educated, for in no other way can be explained
the terrible reaction which took place under the son of the pious
Hezekiah. Manasseh combined in himself the impiety of Ahab and
the cruelty of Jezebel. He re-established the worship of Baal and of
Ashtaroth, and even in the courts of the Temple he erected altars
dedicated to the worship of the stars. At the entry of the Temple
were horses and chariots, emblems of the god Baal, considered as the
sun; and the sanctuary was profaned by the abominable mysteries of
Ashtaroth, celebrated by debauchery. Manasseh made his son pass
through the fire in honour of Moloch, and gave himself up to all sorts
of evil and superstitious practices, such as divination and necromancy.
Many prophets ventured to raise their voices against these abominations,
and to predict for Jerusalem and for Manasseh the fate of Samaria
and of the house of Ahab but they were not heeded, and death was
* This date is entirely different from that which we find in all his-
tories up
to this time (697). But the whole chronology of this epoch
needs now to be re-cast, taking as a starting point the date of the
expedition of Sennacherib, definitely fixed by the monuments for the
year 700 B.C. Evidently, when the Book of Kings gives but twenty-
nine years for the reign of Hezekiah, it stops its calculation at the birth
of Manasseh, and his association on his father's throne in 697. It
reckons, also, the years of Manasseh's reign from the same date,
although he did not reign alone, and in reality till 685, when he
was twelve years old, that is fifteen years after the invasion of the
Assyrians, as the Bible expressly says.
wearied l>y his reproaches, caused him to bo sawn asunder l)ct\veon two
Conduct so wicked, of necessity drew down on tlie king of Judah the
punishments which Divine Providence keeps always in reserve for gi'eat
criminals. Esarhaddon, kinjj of Assyria, one of the last of the great
Assyrian conquerors, set on foot an expedition to reduce to obedience'
the revolted Phcenician cities. After having taken and bunit Sidon,
and receiveti the submission of the other cities, he marched on the
kingdom of Judah, defeated the army, took Jerusalem, made Manasseh
prisoner, and confined him at Babylon; there the latter repented of his
conduct, and prayed to God, who heard him. Restored to Jerusalem
after a captivity of some length, by order of Esarhaddon, and re-esta-
blished on the throne, on the condition of recognising the suzerainty of
the Assyrian monarch and paying Jiim tribute, he overthrew the idols,
and re-established the altar of Jehovah. But his repentance was not of
long duration; after a time he recommenced the wicked ways which
had and Jeremiah attests that the end of the
led to his misfortunes,
reign of Manasseh was as full of the same impiety and the same crimes
as the commencement. Manasseh died in 642, at the age of fifty- five
years. His corpse was refused royal sepulture.
7- His son Anion, who succeeded him at the age of twenty-two
Jeremiah and all the poets of the epoch composed lamentations on the
death of king Josiah, which for a long time afterwards were recited on
each anniversaiy of the fatal day of Megiddo.
ceased not to stigmatise in the most energetic terms the tyranny of Je-
hoiakim, the depravity of his courtiers, among whom were to be seen
even men of priestly class, and some who even preached as prophets.
3. In the fourth year of the reign of Jehoiakim, Necho, after having
subjected by degrees the people on this side the Euphrates, thought
himself in a position to undertake the siege of Carchemish. But at this
moment Nebuchadnezzar (Nabukudurussur), Prince Royal of Babylon,
advanced against him at the head of a strong army, whilst his father,
Nabopolassar, was engaged in the capture and destruction of Nineveh,
in alliance with Cyaxares, king of the Medes. A great battle was fought
before Carchemish, and Necho, being defeated, was obliged to retire-
hastily into Egypt, abandoning all his recent conquests. At this time
Habakkuk pronounced his prophecy on the redoubtable power of the
Chaldceans, which threatened to swallow up Judah, and which was to
fall in its turn, after having served as the instrument of the wrath of
In the year following the battle of Carchemish, the Chaldreans ad-
vanced as far as the frontiers of Egypt, and brought all Syria into sub-
jection, without however touching the kingdom of Judah; for they
appeared before Pelusium in two columns, one of which had marched
through the land of the Philistines and the other through Perrea, the
land of the Ammonites and Moabites. The Egyptians no longer dared to
advance beyond their own frontier. In the month of December of that
year, 605, a public fast was proclaimed at Jerusalem to implore the help
of God against the Chaldseans. Jeremiah took advantage of this
occasion to make his secretary, Baruch, read publicly in the court of the
Temple the book of Jehoiakim having heard of it sent
his prophecies.
for, and after having read the roll, burnt it; at the same time he
ordered Jeremiah and Baruch to be arrested and put to death. But they
succeeded in concealing themselves in a safe retreat, which they did not
leave until after the death of Jehoiakim, and where Jeremiah dictated
afresh the words of the book that had been burned, and added to it a
prophecy full of menace to the king.
Jehoiakim nevertheless escaped the danger for the time; Nebuchad-
nezzar having received the news of the death of his father (604), took the
road across the desert to return with all possible haste to Babylon, to be
there proclaimed king, postponing to another time the subjection of
prudent policy, and used all its influence with Zedekiah to induce him
to throw off the Chaldaean yoke, by contracting alliances with the
neighbouring nations and with Egypt. This advice was supported by
the rash counsels which the exiles in Babylon gave in all their letters to
Jerusalem, the effect of which on the minds of the priests and people
Jeremiah took all possible pains to counteract.
In the fourth year of the reign of Zedekiah (595), ambassadors from
the kings of Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre and Sidon, came to Jerusalem,
to attempt to organise a general revolt against the common oppressor.
Jeremiah, fearful of the and preaching
consequences of these conspiracies,
by act as well as by word, sent to each of the ambassadors a yoke of
wood, emblematical of the Babylonian servitude, to signify to them
that all the neighbouring peoples ought patiently to bear that yoke until
the destined hour, not long to be delayed, should arrive to break the
Babylonian power. He showed himself in the courts of the Temple,
bearing the yoke on his shoulders. These speeches of Jeremiah di-
verted Zedekiah for a time from those imprudent projects and the king ;
which the prophet had succeeded in inspiring him. Led away by the
false policy of his councillors, which all the prophets since Isaiah had
combated, he entered into negotiations with Egypt, where Uahprahet
— the Hophra of the Bible, the Apries of the Greeks then reigned. —
Having received the promise of help from him, Zedekiah thought
himself strong enough to throw off the Babylonian yoke, which he had
borne for eight years, and therefore refused his tribute. The Chaldseans
again invaded the kingdom of Judah in 590 B.C., and occupied the
whole country, with the exception of the strong cities of Lachish and
Jerusalem, which, reckoning on the speedy arrival of the Egyptian
troops, prepared for resistance. The siege of Jerusalem commenced in
the days of January, 589. Jeremiah, questioned by order of the
he might die in peace, and rest in the sepulchre of his fathers ; but he
was not heeded. To increase the number of combatants, and to regain
the affections of the people, who were discontented at seeing the king
subject to the exchisive influence of the aristocracy, Zedekiali betliought
himself of the provisions of the Mosaic law, so little observed during
the period of the monarchy, which did not permit a Hebrew to be
detained in slavery for more than six years ; he ordered these regulations
and released all Israelitish slaves.
to be at once put in force,
7. At this time the Egyptian troops entered Judaea to attack the
resisted the Chaldaian army. The tenth year of the reign of Zedekiah
passed away before the besiegers could make a breach. Many houses
were demolished to fortify the walls against the war machines of the
enemy, the approaches of which became more formidaljle every day.
But at last the defenders of Jerusalem, whose courage had not yet for
an instant failed, succumbed to hunger and fatigue. In July, 588 B.C.,
provisions were entirely exhausted in the city, and resistance was no
longer possible. One night, profiting by the fatigue of the defenders,
the Chal(la\ins, without mucli difficulty, penetrated into the city on the
north side. Zedekiah fled away with the remains of his troops by a
postern g^ate giving access to the royal gardens. The fugitives made
towards the Jordan, but the Babylonians pursued and overtook tliem in
the Plains of Jericho. Zedekiah's little troop disbanded, and the unfor-
tunate king was made prisoner, and conducted to Nebuchadnezzar's
head-quarters at Riblah, on the territory of Hamath. Fearful treat-
ment awaited him his young sons, as well as the nobles of Judah who
Isthmus and by the Red Sea, on the south by Nubia, which country the
Nile traverses before it enters Egypt at the Cataracts of Syene, and
lastly, on the west, by deserts containing a few scattered oases, or habit-
able spots, fertilised by fountains. The desert extends almost to the
sea on the north-east of Egypt, as well as along the shores of the
Red Sea.
But, moreover, much of the interior of Egypt itself is desert. Every
part not watered by the annual inundations of the Nile is uninhabitable,
and produces neither corn, nor vegetables, nor trees, nor even grass : no
water is found there ; the very utmost beint; here and there a well, more
or less likely to be found dry, under a constantly burning atmosphere.
In Upper, or Southern, Egypt rain is a phenomenon extremely rare, and
the wliole soil is sand or rock, except in the valley of the Nile, a valley
which, as far as the place —
where the river bifurcates that is, for three-
fourths of the whole length of —
Egypt has not a larger mean width than
four or five leagues,and in some places far less.
Herodotus was then quite right in saying, " All Egypt is the gift of tlie
Nile" (Her. ii. 5). If the course of the Nile were diverted, nothing
would break the arid uniformity of the desert. If the Upper Nile were
intercepted, Egypt would be annihilated. This idea did occur to an
emperor of Abyssinia who lived in the thirteenth centuiy, and in later
times also to the Portuguese Albuquerque. In fact, the Nile throughout
the whole of its lower course has the remarkable peculiarity of receiving
no affluent, and, unlike all other rivers, of diminishing instead of
increasing as it advances, for the water is employed in feeding canals,
and there is nothing to restore what it thus loses.
2. Nearly the whole of the Nile valley is confined between two
thought that it was the ancient bed of a canal, and that the Bolbitine
mouth was artificial 2nd, the Sebennytic, running west of the
itself eastward from the same branch; and finally, the Pelusiac, the
most eastern of all, and which during part of its course is the same as
the Tanitic. These five channels were named from cities situated near
their mouths. A great number of small canals intersected the interior
of Lower Egypt, but the ground there being anything but solid, and much
disturbed by the inundations, the natural or artificial watercourses have
much changed in the lapse of ages, and are still frequently changing.
3. Near the sea, the Nile forms many great lagoons, enclosed by
tongues of earth or sand, and communicating with the Mediterranean
by breaches in the banks. The chief are Lake Menzaleh to the east,
which does not seem very ancient, at the mouth of the Tanitic and
Mendesian branches Lake Boorlos, containing tlie ancient Lake Bonto,
fifteen days later in the Delta; the fall as well as the rise of the water is
later the lower we go down the course of the river. Harvest time is in
March ; operations are easy in a land so fertile and well
all agricultural
find among his anecdotes a few only of really Egyptian origin, such as
we find in greater number in Herodotus, Of all the Greek writers who
have treated of the history of the Pharaohs, there is only one whose
testimony has, since the deciphering of the hieroglyphics, preserved
any great value— a value which increases the more it is compared with
the original monuments we speak of Manetho. Once he was treated
with contempt his veracity was disputed ; the long series of dynasties
he unfolds to our view was regarded as fabulous. Now, all that remains
of his work is the first of all authorities for the reconstruction of the
ancient history of Egypt.
2. Manetho, a priest of the town of Sebennytus, in the Delta, wrote
other books of antiquity, this history has been lost; we possess now a
few fragments only, with the list of all the kings placed by Manctho at
the end of his work —
a list happily preserved in the writings of some
chronologers of the Christian epoch. This list divides into dynasties,
or royal families, all the kings who reigned successively in Egypt down
to the time of For the greater number of dynasties
Manetho records the names of tlje kings, the length of each reign, and
the duration of the dynasty for the others, and the fewer number, he
contents himself with a brief notice of the origin of the royal family,
the number of its kings, and the years during which the family reigned.
We cannot here give the complete lists, in which, moreover, the
names of the kings have frequently been by Greek copyists,
so altered
entirely ignorant of the Egyptian language, that they can be restored
only by the direct study of Egyptian monuments. But we give an abstract
of its chief features in the following table :
3. "Everyone must be struck witli the ciionnous lulal of years to
Ancestors '
cannot be treated as an extract from the royal lists of Egypt.
The compiler, actuated by motives of which we are ignorant, has
taken here and there the names of some kings, sometimes accepting an
entire dynasty, sometimes passing over long periods. It must be ob-
served also that the artist charged with the execution of the Hall con-
ceived the plan from a decorative point of view, without concerning
himself to give everywhere a strictly chronological order to the figures
he introduced. Lastly, unfortunate mutilations (twelve royal names are
missing) have taken from the record preserved at Paris a part of its
importance. It follows, then, that the Hall of Ancestors has not
afforded to science all the help that might have been expected from it.
It has, however, assisted to define more precisely than any other list the
names borne by the kings of the thirteenth dynasty.
" There is another choice of the same kind, made also under the
nspiration of motives beyond our knowledge, offered us by the Tablet '
city, another copy much more perfect, and which supplies nearly all the
vacancies in the first, dated in the reign of Seti I., father and prede-
cessor of Ramses II. This '
Second Tablet of Abydos ' furnishes a
the good things reserved for the dead who had merited eternal life was
to be admitted to the society of kings. Tunar-i is represented as
entering the august assembly fifty-eight kings are there present, those
Herodotus says (Her. ii. 99), " The Priests said that Menes was the
first king of Egypt, and that it was he who raised the dyke which pro-
tects Memphis from the inundations of the Nile. Before his time tlic
river flowed entirely along the sandy range of hills which skirts Egypt
on the side of Lybia. He, however, by banking up the river at the
bend which it forms about a hundred furlongs south of Memphis, laid
the ancient channel dry, while he dug a new course for the stream half-
* * Having thus, by turning the
way between the two lines of hills.
river, made the tract where it used to nm dry land, he proceeded in the
first place to build the city now called Memphis,
* * he also built
the temple of Vulcan (Phtah) which stands within the city, a vast
edifice,very worthy of mention." All classical authors who have
written about Egypt mention the name of Menes, and the monuments
confirm their testimony by also mentioning him as the founder of the
empire. The dyke he constructed still exists under the name of Dyke
of Kosheish, and regulates the course of the water in that region.*
The city built by Menes was called Men-nefer, "the pleasant residence,"
which name the Greeks corrupted into " Memphis."
The direct descendants of Menes form the first dynasty, which,
according to Manetho, reigned 253 years. No monument contemporary
with these princes has come down to us. The immediate successor of
Menes, Teta (the Athothis of Manetho), is mentioned as having built a
302 years. It was also originally from This, and probably related to
the first, for no distinction is made between them in the Turin papyrus.
* The Nile flowed for eleven days with a mixture of honey and
water. Tr.
1* "The Lybians revolted from the Egyptians and submitted through
fear, on a sudden increase of the moon." Manetho (Syncdliis). Tr. —
had long since been brought into use, and the skill of breeders had been
able to produce numerous varieties of each species. The only beast of
burden is the ass neither the horse nor the camel seem to have been as
its existence.
numerous. This was the age of the three Great Pyramids, built by
the three kings, Khufu (the Cheops of Herodotus), Shafra (Chefren),
and Menkara (;\Iycerinus). Khufu was a warlike king the bas-reliefs ;
of Sinai celebrate his victories over the Anu, who harassed the colonies
of Egyptian workmen established on the peninsula for working the
copper mines.* But it is to the Pyramid that he owes the immortality
of his name, which will be remembered as long as man exists. Herodotus
gives us (Her. ii. 124) some details of the construction of this gigantic
monument, mixed up, however, with puerile anecdotes that seem to
belong to an exact and authentic tradition. 100,000 men, who were
und der Sinai Halbinsel, contends that the mines chiefly worked in the
Sinaitic Peninsula by the Egyptians were the Turquoise Mines, recently
rediscovered and worked by our countryman, the late Major Macdonald.
— Tr.
harder, in that the Egyptians had no machinery but ropes and rollers,
and were compelled to drag the stones by main force on causeways, on
an inclined plane, to the required height. The causeway which served
to bring the stone from the quarries of Toora, on the other bank of the
Nile, to thesummit of the Pyramid plateau, still remains, and has been
preserved as in itself alone worthy of the admiration of future genera-
tions. Little less must have been the work of building the Pyramids of
Shafra and Menkera. The science in construction which these monu-
ments exhibit is wonderful, and has never been surpassed. With all
the progress of knowledge, it would be, even in our days, a prol)lem
the Egyptian architects of the fourth
difficult to solve, to construct, as
mystical chapters of the " Funereal Ritual" is said to have been dis-
covered, in an ancient manuscript, during the reign of Menkera, and to
have been published by that king. There is no doubt that these stories
arc only popular and fabulous legends for example, the closing of the
years. Their reigns seem to have been prosperous and peaceable, but we
cannot refer to anyone in particular as distinguished by any remarkable
The private monuments of the time of this dynasty are, like those of
the fourth, very numerous. Near Memphis, particularly at Gizeh and
Sakkarah, excavations have brought to light the tombs of a great
number of personages of high rank at the courts of one or other of the
kings of these dynasties.
4. By the aid of the inscriptions on these tombs science is able
to reconstruct the "Peerage" of Egypt under Khufu, Shafra or
Menkera, as well as under the kings of the Elephantine dynasty. In
those ancient times l*"yy])tinn society was formed (jii an entirely aristo-
cratic basis. It seems that Menes, in estabHshingroyaUy, had been the
chief of a revohition, similar to those in ancient India, which frequently
subjected the Brahmins to the absolute supremacy of the Kchatryas or
warriors. The monuments of the primitive Egyptian dynasties show
us power concentrated in the hands of a small military caste, of an
we may know the numbers of their tlocks, and the heads of cattle
counted by thousands their parks where antelopes, storks, geese of
every species were domesticated and kept. We may even see them in
their elegant villas, surrounded by respectful and obedient vassals, or
rather serfs. We can know the flowers cultivated in their gardens ; see
the troops of dancers and singers maintained in their mansions to supply
amusement. The minutest on
details of their field sports are depicted
these tombs. We were passionately fond both of hunting
see that they
and fishing and for both of these amusements they found as many
perfect, and the glory of reaching that point which can never be sur-
passed was reserved for others.
6. In the decoration of the subterranean tombs of which we speak,
Pepi I. was a warlike kint^ : at this epoch, the cataracts of the Nile,
particularly the secoiul, at Wady Haifa, did not, as they now do, pre-
sent an insurmountable obstacle to navigation, and towards the south
the frontier of E<^ypt was open to the incursions of the Wa-Wa, a
migratory negro people. Pepi reduced these enemies to obedience.
An unknown tribe of southern Bedouins (possibly the present Bis-
charis), were also subdued by the Egyptian arms. Finally, to the
north, the hostile nomadic tribes received from Pepi the chastisement
they had drawn on themselves by their aggressions on Egyptian work-
men engaged in the copper mines, in the Sinaitic Peninsula. We may
remark, in the inscriptions relative to the campaigns of Pepi Merira, a
fact of great importance in the history of the migrations of races : the
negroes are there represented as immediately adjoining the Egyptian
frontier, and we find no trace of the Cushite Ethiopians, whom subse-
quent evidence shows us to have occupied just that part of the Nile
valley, after having driven the negroes southward. When the sixth
dynasty ruled Eg\'pt, the Hamitic race of Cush had not established
itself in Africa, to which country it came no doubt by the Straits of
Bab-el-Mandeb, but still remained in Asia, where it had founded a
powerful empire at Babylon. Pepi Merira was not, moreover, a mere
Avarrior king, he occupied himself in public works. It is proved from
one of his monuments that he opened the route across the desert from
Gheneh in Upper Egypt, to the port of Kosseir on the Red Sea, estab-
lished stations, and dug wells for the benefit of caravans. A second
Pepi, surnamed Nefer-kera (Phiops, M.) is remarkable as having (a
fact unique in histor)') reigned one whole century of the events of this
clusion that the type of the population had been much modified in the
intervalby the introduction of a new element.
But as monumental proofs are absolutely wanting, it would be rash
to affirm that this sudden echpse of Egyptian civilisation, unaccountable
after the sixth dynasty, was not due to one of those almost inexplicable
seasons of weakness occurring sometimes in the life of nations, as well
as of men. That a period of absolute decadence did then occur is
certain, and the primitive civilisation of Egypt tlied with the sixth
dynasty, to be resuscitated in later days.
3. Thus ends that period of nineteen centuries, which modem
scholars know as the " Old Empire." "The spectacle then presented
by Egypt," says M. Mariette, in his excellent history of that countiy.
"is worthy of close attention. At a time when all the rest of the
world was plunged in barbaric darkness, when nations who in later
times were to play so considerable a part in the world's history were
in a savage state, the banks of the Nile were peopled by a wise
eleventh dynasty, we see Egypt awake from her long slumber, all old
traditions appear to be forgotten, the proper names used in ancient
families, the titles of functionaries, the style of writing, and even the
religion all seem new. This, Elephantine, and Memphis, are no longer
the favourite capitals. Thebes for the first time l)ecomes the seat of
sovereign power. Egypt, moreover, has lost a considerable portion of
her territory, and the authority of her legitimate kings hardly extends
beyoiul the liiuilctl distiicl of liic Tlicl);vul. Tlie study of the inonu-
mcnts cuiifinns tliese general views; tlicy are rude, primitive, somotinies
coarse and when we look at them we may well believe that I'^gypt,
cataract and the south of Abyssinia, which was to ancient, what Soudan
is to modern, Egypt. This was " the land of Gush," or Ethiopia.
With no precisely defined boundaries, with no unity of organisation or
territory, Ethiopia was inhabited by numeroufe peoples differing m
origi)! and race, but the bulk of the nation was composed of Cushites
of the race of Ham, w'ho had established themselves there since the
time of the sixth Egyptian dynasty. These Cushites seem to have been,
under the twelfth dynasty, formidable enemies to Egypt ; towards
Ethiopia the forces of the empire at that time marched to oppose the ;
with ploughs constructed like those now in use by the Fellahs of modern
Egypt ; corn is being harvested and trodden out by cattle, who tread
the sheaves under their feet. On another side we see the navigation of
the Nile; large ships being built or loaded ; elegant furniture being made
of precious woods, and garments being prepared. In a long inscription
Ameni himself speaks, and relates the story of his life. As a general
he had made a campaign in Ethiopia, and had been charged with the
protection of the caravans bringing to Coptos across the desert the
gold from the mines. As governor of the province he thus sums up
his administration:
"The whole land was sown from north to south.
Thanks were given me by the king's household for the tribute of large
cattle. Nothing was stolen from my stores. I myself laboured, and
all the province was in full activity. No little child was ever ill-treated,
nor widow oppressed by me. I have never troubled the fisherman,
early ages of the dominion of this new royal family, had lost nothing of
its ancient prosperity, that she still remained mistress of her whole
throws new light on the physical history of the valley of the Nile.
There are at Semneh lofty rocks near the river, bearing, at a height of
seven metres above the present water level, hieroglyphic inscriptions.
Now the translation of these inscriptions proves that the Nile, which
under the eighteenth dynasty was at its present level in the time of the
inundation, under the twelfth and thirteenth dynasties rose seven metres
higher. This enormous change must be attributed to the gradual
wearing away of the granite rock, the natural dam that formerly kept
the upper part of the river at a much higher level, and at one of the
cataracts of the Nile, probably at Semneh, produced falls like those of
Niagara, or of the Rhine near Schaffhausen. At that time the Nile, form-
ing a deep and wide sheet of water above Semneh, must have watered vast
regions, now partly desert, such as Dongolah, Fazoql, Southern Nubia,
and the Isle of Meroe. But the river, by the long continued action of
its waters, wore away piece by piece the natural barrier of rocks opposed
to it, the remains of which even now obstruct the current. In the
same way the Amazon has cut through the living rock the celebrated
defile of Manzeriche; the Danube has, one after the other, drained
its five basins or primitive lakes ; the Rhine has worn a passage
between the Black Forest and the Vosges and lastly, the Niagara,
ceaselessly wearing away the rock over which it falls, recedes insensibly,
at a rate that may be calculated within a few hundred years, towards
Lake Erie, and when it has reached this point, the lake as well as the
famous cataract will cease to exist. The study of the alluvium of the
Nile has revealed the existence of three successive levels. The learned
Sir Gardner Wilkinson, from his geological observations, has fixed the
date of the chief of these changes at from fifteen to seventeen cen-
turies before our era. But as positive monumental statements prove
that the change had already taken place before the expulsion of the
Shepherds, we must ante-date the rupture of the natural barriers of the
Upper Nile three or four centuries, and place it in the interval between
the thirteenth and eighteenth dynasties.
4. All the monuments of the
thirteenth dynasty that we have men-
tioned, proving that dominion extended over the ^^Jlole territory of
of years assigned for its duration differs, the most probable is 184 years.
The thirteenth Theban dynasty, admitting that it was thus partly con-
temporary, would have reigned only 269 years over all Egypt, and the
rest of thetime over the southern provinces alone, and in antagonism
with the rebels of the Delta.
there came, after a surprising manner, men of ignoble birth out of the
eastern parts, and had boldness enough to make an expedition into our
country, and with ease subdued it by force, yet without our hazarding a
battle with them. So when they had gotten those that governed us
under their power, they afterwards burned down our cities and demo-
lished the temples of the gods, and used all the inhabitants after a most
barbarous manner nay, some they slew, and led their children and wives
into slavery. " He adds also, " This whole nation was called Hyksos, that
is, 'shepherd kings'; for in the sacred language Hyk signifies Khig,
and Sos, in llie ordinary dialect, Shepherds." The two words here
given have been found in the hieroglyphic inscriptions the first under
made both the upper and lower regions pay tribute, and left garrisons
in the places most proper for them. He chiefly aimed at securing the
eastern parts, fearing that the Assyrians, then stronger than himself"
(and this, in fact, as we shall see, was precisely at the time of the first
great Chaldean Empire), " would be desirous of that kingdom and
invade it. And as he found in the Tanitic province" (the manuscripts
have, in error, " Saitic ") "a city veiy proper for his purpose, called
Avaris, after an old religious tradition, he rebuilt it, and made it very
king Apepi chose the god Sutekh as his Lord, and did not sei-\'e any
other god in the whole land. He built him a well constructed temple
to last for ever." The chronicle next relates that the Shepherd, Apepi,
learned that the Theban prince, Tiaaken, refused to acknowledge and
worship his god Sutekh, which was equivalent to a formal rejection of
the supremacy previously admitted. Apepi was indignant, and sum-
moned his rebellious vassal. Tiaaken replied to him with contempt.
Armaments were made on both sides, and the war commenced.
2. It was long and sanguinary, and doubtless marked by vicissitudes
•took the road for Syria through the desert. But fearing the power of
the Assyrians, who were then masters of Asia, they built a city in that
country, which is now called Jud?ea, and that large enough to contain
this great number of men, and called it Jerusalem."
Here again the authority of Manetho is confirmed, not in all the
details, it is true, but in the general facts, by the testimony of the
monuments, and by the funeral inscrijjtion of a superior
Egyptian officer, the seamen, who took part in
Ahmes, chief of
the war of liberation. This inscription, of immense historical value,
relates the whole life of this personage, and has been deeply
studied by that eminent Egyptologist, M. de Rouge. "When I
was born in the fortress of Ilithyia " (in Upper Egypt), says the
deceased Ahmes, in his epitaph, "my father was the lieutenant
of the late king, Tiaaken. ...
I was lieutenant in turn with
him in the ship named 'The Calf,' in the time of the late king
Ahmes. ... went to the fleet to the north to fight I had the
I ;
of the king were bestowed on me, and I received a golden collar for
bravery. . The battle was south of the fortress.
. . The . . .
fortress of Tanis was taken, and I carried off a man and two women,
three in all, whom his majesty assigned to me as slaves." The capital
of the Shepherds once taken, the body of the nation passed the isthmus,
and took refuge in Asia, where it rejoined its fellow countrymen, the
Canaanites of Palestine. Some of them, Ahmes permitted to retain
and cultivate a portion of the land of which their ancestors had taken
possession. They formed a foreign colony in the east of Lower Egypt, I
tolerated in the same way as the Israelites. Only they had no Exodus,
and, by a singular coincidence, we find the same people, in those
strangers with robust limbs, grave and elongated faces, who still inhabit
the banks of Lake Menzaleh.
3. Ahmes, seeking for support during this contest against the Asiatic in-
vaders, had turned to the south, and had married an Ethiopian princess,
named Nofre-t-ari, whom the monuments always represent with regular
features and straight nose, but black in colour. This marriage gave rise to
We shall then be able to judge what were tlie facilities and what the
inscriptions always call Shasu. The most important of these, and the
nearest to Egypt, were the Amalekites of the Bible, the Amalika of the
Arabian historians, though this name applied equally to the Edomites,
or Idumseans, and Midianites who are sometimes mentioned among the
Shasu, and even generally to all the nomadic tribes of the desert.
Palestine was entirely in the hands of the Canaanites, who, after the
defeat of the Shepherds, were unable to form a powerful monarchy, but
were in the divided state in which Joshua found them when, a little
later, he conducted the Hebrews into that country. They formed an
almost infinite number of petty principalities; every city had its own
king, often in rivalry with, or hostile to, his neighbours. This state of
division and local isolation made the Canaanites of Palestine an easy
prey to every conqueror, for it hardly permitted them to unite against a
common enemy. But at the same time it rendered a complete and
perfect conquest of the country difficult, for it was necessarily favourable
to partial insurrections, incessantly liable to break out.
The Syrian populations, who, to the north of the Canaanites, occupied
the provinces called in the Bible by the general name of Aram, as far
as the River Euphrates, belonged to the confederation of the Rotennu,
or Retennu, extending beyond the river and embracing all Mesopotamia
(Naharaina). What we have already said of the Cushites may be ap-
plied to this confederation. The Rotennu had no well-defined territory,
nor even a decided unity of race. They already possessed powerful
cities, such as Nineveh and Babylon, but there were still many nomadic
tribes within the ill-defined limits of the confederacy. Their name was
taken from the city of Resen, apparently the most ancient, and originally
the most important, city of Assyria. The germ of the Rotennu con-
federation was formed by the Semitic Assyro-Clialdtean people, who
were not yet welded into a compact monarchy, but were an aggregation
of petty states, each having its own sovereign, and united by ties of a
nature unknown to us. The first great Chaldtean empire, founded many
centuries earlier, and which had exercised authority over the whole
Tigro- Euphrates basin, was in fact at this moment so crippled in power
that the last descendants of its early kings, reduced to the possession of
Babylon, and perhaps even to Erech, the first seat of their power, were
nothing more than mere members of the Rotennu confederacy. With
the Assyro-Chalda;ans, who were at its head, were joinetl in this con-
federation, theAramaeans on both sides of the Euphrates, whom history
shows to have been always friendly to, and in strict alliance with, Assyria.
The mountains to the north of Mesopotamia were inhabited by the
Remenen or Armenians, of Japlietic race.
Finally, west of the Rotennu,
in tlie valley of the Orontes, and the vast space contained between the
left bank of the Fu[ilnates, the Taurus and the sea, that Canaanitish
tribe, apparently always the strongest and most powerful, the Khilas or
very short, was a warlike prince. His successor was his brother,
Thothmes HI.
the incidents of the conquest of the land of Pun, that is, of Yemen,
or Arabia Felix, a country fertile and rich in itself, and which, being
the depot of Indian commerce, was the object of the desires of the
Egyptian monarchy, as the possession of it was necessarily an almost
inexhaustible source of wealth. A copy of these interesting repre-
sentations was to be seen at the Exhibition in Paris of 1867. In
conclusion, Hatasu was a sister worthy of the Thothmes, and oc-
cupies not the lowest place in the series of illustrious sovereigns of
who have left such mighty traces on the soil of
the eighteenth dynasty,
Egypt. For seventeen years, as we have seen, she assumed all the
royal power; but even when her brother, Thothmes III., attained his
majority, she did not retire. As under Thothmes II., she con-
tinued for many years to take part in the government. At length
she died, leaving him whose power she had usurped sole master of
2. Of all the Pharaohs of this age, and perhaps of all Egyptian
history, Thothmes III. is unquestionably the greatest. Under him
Egypt attained to the summit of her power.
In internal affairs, a wise
foresight in administration ensured everywhere order and progress.
Abroad, Egypt became by her victories the arbitress of thj whole
civilised world and according to a poetical expression of the time,
" She placed her frontier where it pleased herself." Her empire ex-
tended over the countries now called Abyssinia, Soudan, Nubia, Syria,
Mesopotamia, Arabia, Kurdistan, and Armenia.
Thothmes III. himself relates in the annals of his reign inscribed
on the walls of the sanctuary of Karnak, that he made his first expe-
dition for conquest in the twenty-second year of his reign, including his
minority. It is undoubtedly difficult, and sometimes impossible, in
spite of the learned labours of Dr. Birch, Dr. Brugsch, and M. de
Rouge, who have specially applied themselves to this long text, to
recognise in our geography the exact equivalent of all the names of
(Jos. xvi. 8; xvii. 9), and flowing across the plam of Esdraelon to the
south of Megiddo. The Annals of Karnak contain here a short pro-
amongst whom are named the king of Nineveh and the king of Asshur,
or Ellasar, now Kilch Sherghat.
4. Four years of perfect peace succeeded these victorious campaigns.
But the Annals of the Temple of Kamak make the wars recommence in
the twenty-ninth year of the reign of Tiiothmes. Until then, the
Egyptian conquerors, desirous of reaching the Euphrates as quickly as
possible, so as to strike at the heart of the power of the Rotennu,
had passed without turning aside to the mountain mass of the two
parallel chains of Lebanon and Anti- Lebanon, containing between them
the fertile plain called by the Egyptians Tsahi, and by classical geo-
graphies Ccele- Syria, or Hollow Syria. Thothmes III. penetrated into
and subdued that country as well as the Phoenician coast to his
sceptre. Wine (doubtless the famous golden wine of Lebanon), wheat,
cattle, honey, and iron, are mentioned among the tribute that he
the Orontes, not far from Emessa, was taken by assault. At the news'
of this success, the Assyrian princes beyond the Euphrates hastened to
renew their submission; the terms used in relating this event in the
great Kamak inscription, show power exercised by
us the nature of the
the Pharaohs over the Asiatic countries they had conquered. " Here
they are bringing the sons and brothers of the chiefs to put them in the
power of the king, and to be led into Egypt. If any one of the chiefs
should die, his majesty. will set^free his successor to occupy the place."
As we see, this was exactly the organisation of the subject kingdoms of
the Roman. Empire. Each country preserved a national gxjvernment
and king, but recognised the supremacy of Pharaoh, paid him tribute,
and furnished to his army a contingent of auxiliary forces. The young
princes were retained as hostages at the court of Thebes, where they
received, doubtless, an entirely Egyptian education, and amongst them
Pharaoh chose, and invested with power, the successors of vassal kings
who died.
In the. thirty-first year of his reign, Thothmes went into Mesopo-
tamia to receive personally the tribute and homage of the Assyro-Chal-
daean kings. On his return to Egypt, he received also tribute from
several African people — ivory, gold dust, ebony, lions' and panthers'
skins. In the following years Thothmes returned again to Mesopo-
taniia, took some prisoners, and set up an inscription to commemorate
— ; ;
people. The results of the naval campaign of Thothmes, and his con-
quests in the basin of the Mediterranean, are chiefly known from an
inscribed monumental stele discovered at Karnak by M. Mariette.
The inscription, which is in poetry, and very biblical in style, has been
translated by M. de Rouge. We quote here a few verses as specimens
of the grand lyrical Egyptian style. Amen, the Supreme god of Thebes,
is speaking:
" Iam come —to thee haveI given to strike do^vn Syrian princes
Under thy they lie throughout the breadth of their country.
Like to the Eord of Light, I made them see thy glory.
Blinding their eyes with light, the earthly image of Amen.
" I am come —
to thee have I given to strike down western nations ;
Cyprus both and the Ases have heard thy name with terror.
Like a strong-horned bull, I made them see thy glory ;
Strong with piercing horns, so that none can stand before him.
" I am come —
to thee have I given to strike down men of the sea-
All the land of the Maten is trembling now before thee !
" I —
am come to thee have I given to strike down island races ;
Tliose in the midst of the sea have heard the voice of thy roaring.
Like an avenger of blood, I made them see thy glory,
When by his victim he stands prepared to strike with his falchion.
*' I —
am come to thee have I given to strike down Lybian archers,
All the isles of the Greeks submit to the force of thy spirit.
Like a lion in prey, I made them see thy glory,
Couched by the corpse he has made down in the rocky valley.
" I am come — tothee have I given to strike down the ends of the
In the grasp of thy hand is the circling zone of waters ;
Like the soaring eagle, I made them see thy glory.
Whose far-seeing eye there is none can hope to escape from."
We see by the inscription on this Theban stele that the fleets of the
great Pharaoh had conquered, first Cyprus and Crete, and had subjected
the southern islands of the Archipelago, a large part of the coasts of
Greece and Asia Minor, and possibly even the south of Italy. It seems
that we ought to infer from the same monument, that the ships of
Thothmes III. were often in the Black Sea, where Herodotus tells us
that the Egyptians had founded a colony at Colchis to work the mines.*
It is probable that the ancestors of the German Ases, who then lived
by the banks of the Masotic Gulf— the descendants of the Askenaz of the
tenth chapter of Genesis— may be recognised in the list of northern
people who paid tribute to the fleet of Thothmes. In another direction
the same fleets had established the sovereignty of Pharaoh over the
whole Lybian coast Monuments of the reign of Thothmes have been
found at Cherchel, in Algeria, and it is far from impossible that they
marked the limit of Egyptian rule on the northern coast of Africa.
6. Other facts show that the supremacy of Thothmes was peaceably
part of what is now Abyssinia, and extends far to tlie west in Soudan.
7. A reign so glorious and prosperous must necessarily have left in
hotep IV. He, in his foreign policy, followed the example of his pre-
and some of his monuments show him standing in his chariot,
and followed by his seven daughters, who fought with him, trampling
under his horses' feet the vanquished Asiatics. But in internal ad-
ministration, the reign facts, which
of this prince presents peculiar
render it one of the most extraordinary episodes in the Pharaonic
annals. His face has nothing of the Egyptian type; and his features
on all the monuments bear the marks of perfect imbecility, such
as must have suljjected him entirely to the influence of anyone who
desired to control him. He v/as probably the first since the founda-
tion of the Egyptian monarchy to touch the religion of the country,
and to attempt to reform, or rather destroy, it entirely, and substitute
another form of worship. In place of the religion, up to that time
unaltered, he wished to establish the worship of one single god,
represented by the Sun's disc, and named Aten, which word has been
•compared, not without some apparently good cause, with the Semitic
Adonai. A regular persecution broke out throughout the whole
empire. The temples of the ancient gods were closed, and their
images, as well as names, everywhere effaced from the monuments,
especially the image and name of Amen, the supreme god of Thebes.
The king himself changed his name, which was compounded of the
name of the proscribed deity, and in place of Amen-hotep called himself
Chu-en-Aten " Glory of the Solar disc." Wishing to make an end of
all the traditions of his ancestors, this reforming king abandoned Thebes,
and built another capital in Upper Egypt, in a place now called Tell-el-
Amama. The ruins of this city, abandoned after his death, have
preserved for us many monuments of his reign, displaying very ad-
vanced and where we see him presiding over the ceremonies of
discord. No
doubt part of the disturbances, of which the monuments
bear traces, must have been contemporary with Har-em-Hcbi, and
have lasted during the whole of his official reign. In that period, we
repeat, there are obscurities still impenetrable in the present state of
knowledge, and which new discoveries alone can dissipate. In the
midst of these obscurities, in the midst of the troubles we have men-
tioned, the eighteenth dynasty terminates with the reign of Har-em-
Hebi, having occupied the throne of Egypt for 241 years, and carried
the glory and power of Egypt to its highest point.
the Pharaohs who sought them out in the valley of the Orontes. The
war was concluded by a treaty between Ramses and Seplul, king ot
the Hittites. Very few passages of arms marked the reign of this
Pharaoh, which was very short. His successor was Seti I., the Sethos
of Greek tradition.
2. Although an inscription in the palace of Medinet Abu at
Thebes describes Seti as the .son of Ramses I., he seems to have
been only his adopted son, and son-in-law. In the Temple of Abydos,
recently uncovered by M. Mariette, it is said of his son, Ramses II.,
that he was "King in the womb of his mother before he was born";
also that Seti governed merely in the stead of his son Ramses, even
before his birth. From such strange and unusual expressions, it seems
certain that Seti I. was a general of repute — —
a soldier of fortune
stranger by birth to the royal family, who, by marriage with the heiress
to the crown, seated himself on the throne ; whilst, from the legitimist
point of view, he was regarded as a regent only, by whom the throne
was preserved for his son Ramses, in whose veins, through his mother,
ran the blood of the ancient kings of the eighteenth dynasty.
Not only was Seti I. a stranger to the royal family, but he seems not
even to have been of pure Egyptian race. Plis features, and those of
his son Ramses, are too handsome, and of a regularity too classical, for
the pure blood of Mizraim ; they denote an origin drawn from another
people. But what is more extraordinary still is, that some indications,
to which it is difticult to refuse belief, show that the strange race from
which descended Seti, and, consequently, all the kings of the nineteenth
dynasty, was that of the Shepherds, who still remained as colonists in the
Delta. Thus only can we explain the surprising conclusion which results
from an inscription discovered by M. Mariette at Tanis. This inscrip-
tion is relative to the re-establishment by Ramses II. of the worship
Now the son of Seti I. gives to King Set-aa-pehti, the founder of the
regulai- dynasty of the Shepherds, the title of "Father," or "An-
cestor," and dates an era from the reign of this prince,
3. Seti surnamed Merenphtah, was one of the greatest and most
king conquered, with their neighbours, the Assyrians, cutting down the
trees in their forests, as if to open a passage for him. The Assyrians
were cut to pieces, and submitted to pay tribute. Great battles were
fought with the Khitas of the north of Syria, and at last the king
returned to Egypt with numerous captives. He was received with
great ceremony at the frontier by the grandees of the empire, and
afterwards he presented his Asiatic prisoners to the god Amen, at
Thebes. The whole of this period of wars the complete " .Setiad "
is depicted in an immense series of sculptures on a most magnificent
Thus the most perfect work of art of this reign is at the same time
an Ifistorical monument of the highest importance, contributing largely
the chief town of the fourteenth nome, or province of Lower Egypt, the
Heliopolis of the Greeks, near the Bitter Lakes.' Pharaoh repulsed
them with ease, and drove them back into the desert; and pursuing
them there, compelled the tribes to submit. In the following year, Seti
repaired in person to Syria al the head of a large army. He seems to
have inet with no resistance in Palestine, where all the petty Canaanitish
princes hastened to pay their tribute and to furnish contingents of
troops. Desirous of first confronting the most menacing danger, instead
of passing on, like his predecessors, to the Euphrates, he marched
against the Khitas, and attacked the southern frontier of their country.
The war at this point was long and desperate; and it seems that the
Egyptians were unable to penetrate far into the enemy's territory.
5. In the south, religious and politiciil troubles had never sliaken the
peaceable possession of Ethiojiia liy the Pharaohs. Scti had therefore
no need to undertake any serious exjiedition in that quarter. He con-
fined himself to sending out from time to time, like iiis predecessors, a
few expeditions, more for slave hunting than war, against the semi-
barbarous populations bordering on Ethiopia, particularly against the
negroes. In the sculptures of a temple near ihe frontiers of Nubia, at
a place now called Radesieh, this king is represented holding a group of
negro prisoners by the hair —a representation intended to express that
the tribes were entirely at his mercy.
On the north-west frontier of Egypt, Scti repulsed the incursions of
the Lybians, and despatched some successful expeditions into their
country. Finally, he reconstructed the Egyptian fleet on the Red Sea
which cruised on the shores of the Pun, or Yemen, where he re-asserted
the supremacy of the Pharaohs, first established by Hatasu.
6. There is nothing to show that Seti I. had occasion to renew his
place in the midst of the desert, a still more important fact is revealed
to us by a monument of another kind. The Hall of
bas-relief in the
Columns Karnak, representing Seti returning from his conquests and
re-entering Egypt, shows us the towns or castles east of the Delta, or
Isthmus of Suez, that he passed on his route. Now one of ihese, Zal
(Heroopolis), is represented on a canal containing crocodiles, and open-
ing into a great mass of water, probably a lake. Dr. Brugsch, the
highest authority on Pharaonic geography, in describing this curious
representation declares that, in his opinion, this is no other than the
famous canal from the Nile to the Red Sea, passing the lake still called
the Crocodile Lake (Thnsah). He reminds us, that in later times the
Greek tradition often confused the two reigns of Seti and of his son;
and we know that Sesostris has passed for the original author of tliat
magnificent enterprise, taken up again and completed in later times by
the Greek kings of Egypt, and, though destroyed by the barljarism of
another age, once more successfully carried out by the genius and
indomitable perseverance of a Frenchman." RoBioti. —
we have said, associated on the throne with his father from his birth,
and even, we may say, before his birth. " Such thou hast been," say
the gods to him in an inscription, " from thy birth; no monument was
erected without thee, and no orderwas executed without thy consent."
Nevertheles he counted the years of his reign only from the death of
Seti and from the time when he became sole master, at the age of about
eighteen or twenty. His reign was one of the longest in the annals of
Egypt he governed alone
; for sixty-seven years.
Among the Pharaohs he is the builder J)ar excellence. It is almost
impossible to find in Egypt a ruin, or an ancient mound, without read-
ing his name.The two magnificent subterranean Temples at Ip^amboul,
in Nubia, the Ramesseum of Thebes, a large part of the temples of
Karnak and Lu.xor, the small temple at Abydos, are all his works he ;
his wars, vvliich gave him the large number of prisoners whom, accord-
ing to Egyptian usage, he employed on these edifices. To these causes
we may add the presence of numerous tribes of foreign races on the
brinks of the Nile, wliom the fertility of tlie soil, and tlie policy of former
kings, had attracted from the jilains of Asia into the Delta. These
foreigners repaid the hospitality Egypt had extended to them by the
workmen whom they furnished for the works on the temples, the con-
struction of cities and the cleansing of canals. In this way we find, in the
Bible story under this same Ramses II., the Israelites employed in the
east of the Delta in the construction of two cities, one called after the
king Ramses (Ex. i. 2).
2. Ramses II. was celebrated in Europe long before our era, long
far as Tanais, and established in the Isthmus, separating the Black Sea
from the Caspian, a colony, the origin of the state of Colchis; passed
into Asia Minor, where he left monuments of his victories;* lastly,
crossing the Bosphorus, he advanced into Thrace, where scarcity of food,
the rigor of the climate, and the difficulties of passage put an end to
his triumphs. At the end of nine years Sesostris returned to his
kingdom, followed by a host of captives, loaded with booty and covered
with glory.
Such is the legend. The reader will have already perceived that it
* Her. 106.
ii. One of these monuments attributed by the legend
to Sesostris,and which Herodotus says that he saw, still remains at
Ninfi, near Smyrna, and the author of this Manual having seen it, can
confidently pronounce that it has no appearance of a work of Egyptian
and more distant provinces of those that have suffered most from
oppression, and think themselves best able to procure their freedom by
force of arms. The accession of Ramses, on the death of his father
Seti, passed off quietly in Asia. The new prince was recognised peace-
ably as far as Mesopotamia, and an inscription of the second year of
his reign, says that his orders were then obeyed there with fidelity.
"But affaii-s were not in the same state on the banks of the Upper Nile.
The south of Ethiopia revolted, and witli this part of the Ethiopians
all the negro tribes who had been sul)ject to the sceptre of the Pharaohs.
It required a long, bloody, and furious war to reduce things to their
former order and subdue the rebels. The walls of the subterranean
temples of Ipsamboul and Beit Walli, in Nubia, are covered with great
sculptured and painted tablets, representing the victories gained by his
Ethiopian viceroys over his revolted subjects on the Upper Nile. On
some of them Ramses is personally represented, and, in fact, to en-
courage his axmy he must have been present with it in one campaign in
the south of Ethiopia in the second or third year of his reign.
4. The embarrassment caused by this revolt of the people of the
Upper Nile drew for some years the attention of the government and
the military forces of Egypt to the south, andj therefore, appeared to the
Khitas, or Hittites, who henceforth were to play the first part in the
affairs of Western Asia, to afford a favourable occasion for recommencing
war and provoking a general insurrection of those Asiatic provinces first
his enemies, who retired slowly before him to make head only on their
own territory, had penetrated as far as Ccele Syria, not far from Kadesh,
and was encamped under the fortress of Shebetun (a place still un-
known), when two Bedouins (Shasu) presented themselves before him.
They said they were sent by their chiefs to join the Egyptian army, and
to bring certain intelligence as to the movements of the Khitas, who
had compelled the tribe to march with them.
They stated that the enemy, alarmed, had retreated towards Aleppo,
where they were concentrating. But this was treachery, false intelli-
gence contrived by the chiefs of the Khitas to cause Pharaoh to fall
into a trap. They, with their numerous allies, had placed themselves
in ambuscade a little to the north-east of Kadesh.
Deceived by the reports of these pretended fugitives, Ramses
marched on without suspicion, accompanied only by his body guard,
whilst the main portion of his army proceeded by the road on
Aleppo, hoping to find the enemy there, when two men, who had been
seized by the king's servants, were led into his presence. Compelled
by blows to speak, they confessed that, far from retreating, the Khitas,
confident in the numbers of their soldiers and allies, among whom were
the people of Mesopotamia and Asia Minor, were close at hand, hoping
to surprise the king. The Egyptian generals, assembled by Ramses,
were much disconcerted at having allowed themselves to be deceived
by the first report, and thus having led the king into so dangerous a
position. Messengers were sent in all haste to recall the army to the
place where the enemy was posted. But before the arrival of the troops
the whole of the Khita forces sallied forth from their ambuscade, and
fell on the small body which accompanied Ramses, hoping to make a
prisoner of Pharaoh.
With the rash courage of youth, Ramses, who was then only twenty-
three years old, rejected with scorn the prudent councils of his officers,
majesty, in the pride of his strength, rising up like the god Month, put
army of the vile Khitas he was alone, no one was with him. ...He
was surrounded by 2, 500 chariots, and the swiftest of the warriors of the
vile Khitas, and of the numerous nations who accompanied them, threw
themselves in his way. Each chariot bore three men, and the king
. . .
had with him neither princes nor generals nor his captains of archers
or of chariots. " In the presence of such a danger the king was for an
instant troubled. He invoked Amen, the great god of Thebes, asking
help, and recalling the pomp with which he had surrounded his worship
and the magnificent temples he had built to him, just as Homer's heroes
reminded Zeus of all the hecatombs they had slain in his honour.
"My archers and horsemen have abandoned me! There is none of
them to fight by my side What, then, is the intention of my father.
Amen? Did I not march at thy word?* Has not tliy mouth
. . .
guided my expeditions, and have not thy councils directed me? Have
not I celebrated magnificent feasts in thy honour, and have not I filled
them, none of them has heard when I called for help. But I prefer
Amen thousands of millions of archers, to millions of horsemen, to
myriads of young heroes all assembled together. The designs of man
are nothing. Amen overrules them."
Here the deity inter\'enes in the midst of the strife, just as in the
Homeric combats ; Amen
has heard the prayer of Ramses, he raises
his sinking courage, gives him strength, and encourages him with these
words: "I am near thee, I am thy father, the Sun, my -hand is with
thee. I will be more to thee than millions of men assembled together.
I am the Lord of hosts, who loves courage ; I have found thy heart
firm, and my heart has rejoiced. My will shall be accomplished. I
will be to them like Baal in his might. The 2,500 chariots, when I
urged on his car. Six times he crossed the ranks of the enemy. Six
times he struck down all who opposed his passage. He then rejoined
his guards, and in severe terms reproached the generals and soldiers
who had abandoned him. He recalled to them all the favours which
he had bestowed upon them all the good he had conferred upon
Egypt from the height of his throne. " Every day," said he, "I sit
in judgment on every complaint made to me." Addressing particularly
the officers charged with the govemment of the province of Syria and
with watching the frontiers, he bitterly reproached them with their
negligence in not getting information as to the movements of the enemy.
Lastly, he reproached them all it with
with their cowardice, contrasting
the courage he himself had shown. "
have displayed my valour, and I
neither footmen nor horsemen went -with me. The whole world has
made way before the strength of my arm; I was alone, no one with me,
neither princes, nor generals, nor chiefs of archers, nor of cavalry. . . .
* The Egyptian
poet, in accordance with the emphatic form very
common the texts of that language, changes the person, and now
puts the words into the king's mouth.
Bucephalus, after tlie horse that had carried him through the wliole
battle, and had several times extricated him from serious danger, These '
(my horses)," he said, " I found with me when I was alone in the midst
of the enemy. ... I will that they shall be fed with grain before the
god Ra (the Sun), every day when I am in my palace, because they
have been with me in the midst of the enemy's army."
During the night the main body of the army arrived. As soon as
day appeared, Ramses re-commenced the battle. It raged with fury,
for the Khitas wished to avenge their bravest officers, and the Egyptians
to wipe away the reproach of cowardice thrown on them by their king.
They burned to efface their shame of the previous day. Very soon the
Hittite army was overcome, the best of their soldiers fell under the blows
of the " Children of the Sun." Ramses again performed prodigies of
valour. " The great lion who marched by his horses fought with him,
rage swelling all his limbs, and whoever approached him was over-
thrown. The king mastered them and killed them, and none could
escape him. Cut to pieces before his horses, their corpses formed one
great bleeding heap."
The king of the Khitas, seeing the flower of his army destroyed, and
the rest flying on all sides, resigned himself to submission to the king
of Egypt, and asked, "Amaun. " He sent a herald, who addressed
Pharaoh, "Son of the Sun the Egyptians and the Khitas are
. . .
slaves beneath thy feet. Ra has given thee dominion over them.
. . Thou mayest massacre thy slaves, they are in thy power, none
of them can resist. Yesterday didst thou airive and kill an infinite
number of them; again to-day thou hast come; do not continue the
massacre. We are prostrate on the earth, ready to execute thy
. . .
the valley of the Orontes to its extremity, and thus penetrated into the
heart of the Khita country, pushing on even further in the direction of
Cilicia and Pisidia. Ramses, during this long war, several times per-
sonally took command of his army in Asia.
whose ramparts are already two other sons of the king preparing to
make an assault.
Hittites. Such was the treaty terminating the war. After fourteen
years of uninterrupted fighting, confined within the bounds of Syria,
the famous Sesostris, far from having subjugated his enemies, recogirised
their independence and the integrity of their territory; a result very
different from the legends of Herodotus and Diodorus Siculus. As a
pledge of the alliance, Ramses receives among his wives a daughter of
king Khitasar, who received an Egyptian name, meaning " Gift of the
great Sun of Justice." To show his good will to the Hittites, he re-
established at Tanis the worship of Sutekh, the national deity of these
people as well as of the Shepherds, and built in his honour one of the
largestand most magnificent temples of Egypt ; whilst Khitasar seems
to have done nothing similar in his country in honour of the gods of
In making this treaty with Ramses, the king of the Hittites had
.separated himself from his allies; he had made no stipulation with
regard to them, and, contented with favourable conditions for himself,
had left them to manage for themselves. The people of Asia Minor,
Pisidians, Lycians, Mysians, Dardanians, retreated peaceably to their
own and were under no apprehension, for the Hittite country
was between them and Egypt. The people of Mesopotamia and of the
countries between Lebanon and the Euphrates, however, -were in no
position to continue the war, and hastened to submit to the king of
Egypt, before he invaded their country. One of the tablets of the
Ramesseum represents Ramses giving investiture to the chiefs of the
Rotennu —that is, of the Aramseans, Assyrians, and Chalda^ans — who
recognised his suzerainty.
The Asiatic conquests of Thothmes and Seti were thus recovered
without the king being obHgecl to cross the Euphrates ; Mesopotamia
again paid tribute, and Egyptian residents were sent to the courts of all
half a century —
peace was preserved in Western Asia, once the scene of
such long and sanguinary wars. Hostilities did not again break out
between the Egyptians and Khitas, and the good understanding between
these rival empires seems to have been uninterrupted. We find no
trace on the monuments of any further revolts in Mesopotamia or Syria;
these countries remained in a state of partial subjection just as they
were at the end of the Hittite war. A papyrus in the British Museum
contains a letter from an Egyptian officer who at this time was sent on
a mission into Phoenicia ; he describes the towns he passed through that
were subject to the sceptre of his master in that country, Gebal, or
Byblos, " the city of mysteries," Berytus, Sidon, Sarepta, and Tyre, at
that time merely a fishing village. Another papyrus in the same collec-
tion contains orders relative to preparations for the march of a body of
troops in the south of Palestine. Segor, or Zoar, the only city that had
survived the destruction of the five doomed cities of the plain of Sodom,
is mentioned in this document.
Having thus reduced the famous conquests of Sesostns to their
tion as the lie plus ultra of Egyptian art — such are the Colossi of Mem-
phis and Ipsambul, but soon the universal oppression which weighed
like a yoke of iron on the whole country dried up the source of the
great art inspiration. All the inventive genius of the country seems to
have been exhausted in gigantic constructions, conceived by boundless
pride. No new generation of artists grew up to replace those who had
been formed under earlier kings. At the end of this reign, the degra-
dation was complete, and in the last days of Ramses, as under his son
Merenphtah, we meet with really barbarous works, and sculptures of
extraordinary coarseness.
10. The and pretentious reign of Ramses-Sesostris
close of this long
was, moreover, a period of decadence in every respect, a time of disasters
but imperfectly known to us, resembling in some respects the end of
the reign of Louis XIV., but without a battle of Denain to gild its last
moments with glory.
The country, enervated by sixty years of unrestrained despotism, and
governed by the feeble hand of an octogenarian king, was in no con-
dition to resist its enemies. But on this occasion the danger did not
come from Asia the invasion was from Northern Africa, and from the
Since the time of Thothmes III., who had possessed the whole coast
of Lybia and the Archipelago, a great change had occurred in the
population of these countries. A fleet, manned by light-haired, Ijlue-
eyed barbarians belonging to the Japhetic or Indo-European race,
had arrived on the African coast, and, driving the old inhabitants of the
Hamite race of Phut into the interior of the country, had fixed their
own residence there. These were the ancestors of the light-haired
people whom the French soldiers found still remaining in the moun-
tains of the Kabyles, the Lybians, properly so called, the Lebu of the
hieroglyphic inscriptions, and the Mashuash, the Maxyans of Hero-
dotus. The Egyptians designated them by the two generic names of
Tamahu, "Northern men," and Tahennu, "men of the mist;" they
were closely allied with, and undoubtedly related to, the Pelasgic
nations, who had just created a naval power, and were dominant in
the Mediterranean, and also to the inhabitants of some of the islands,
such as Sardinia, Sicily, and Crete.
The fleets of these northern invaders constantly advancing, soon
coasted along Lybia, and towards the end of the reign of Seti began to
threaten Lower Egypt from the west. The fertile plains of the Delta
were the object of their desires. During the first part of the reign of
Ramses, the Egyptian troops succeeded, although with difficulty, in
keeping them back. During his wars in Asia, the king had several
bodies of soldiers recruited among the prisoners of these nations. But
when Ramses had become old, he was no longer able to arrest the
progress of these Japhetic Lybians. The frontiers of the land of
Mizraim were and continual incursions laid waste all Lower
Egypt. The mass of the nation then seized on the fertile lands laid
open to their depredations, and driving back the Eg)'ptian popula-
tion, occupied the whole western part of the Delta. Thus the proud
Sesostris died, leaving a considerable part of the possessions of his
fathers, the very heart of the kingdom, in the hands of barbarians.
and that each warrior had brought his wife and children," thus clearly
showing their intention of making a new settlement. A speech placed
by the composer of the inscription in the mouth of Pharaoh himself,
describes the evils brought by these invaders upon Egypt These '
: '
barbarians are plundering the frontiers; every day these evil men are
violating them; they are robbing. They plunder the ports, they invade
the fields of Egypt, coming by the river they are establishing them-
selves; the days and months pass away and still they remain." The
sufferings of the country are described as even greater than during the
invasion of the Shepherds. " Nothing like this has been seen, even in
the times of the kings of Lower Egypt, when the land of Egypt was in
their power, and misfortune continued, and when the kings of Upper
Egypt had not strength to drive out the strangers.
The barbarians advanced without meeting any serious resistance.
Already Memphis and Heliopolis were reached, and the invading army
had arrived at the city of Paari, in Central Egypt. It was necessary to
stop them at once, if Egypt was to be saved. Merenphtah, who had
taken refuge at Thebes, assembled an army in Upper Egypt. But he
did not venture to expose his person to the consequences of a defeat, by
putting himself at the head of his soldiers. He sent one army under
the command of the surviving generals of his father, whilst he
despatched a second body through the desert into Lybia, to create a
diversion in the rear of the enemy. A great battle took place near
Paari. It lasted six hours, and ended in the complete defeat of the
Lybians and their allies.
The official narrative gives the particulars of the loss of the foreign
invaders ; the very moderation of the numbers proves their correctness,
as is almost always the case with Egyptian computations. The Lybians
had 6,359 killed; the Mashuash, 6,300; the Kehak, another Japhetic
tribe from Northern Africa, 2,362; the Tyrrhenians, 790; the Sicilians,
250; the numbers ol the losses of the Sardinians, Achneans, and La-
conians have been unfortunately destroyed. 9,376 prisoners were made,
and a large booty was found in the enemy's camp, amongst other
things 1,307 head of fat cattle, as well as a large quantity of bronze
arms, found on the field of battle, abandoned by the fugitives, who
were pursued even beyond the frontier, where the fortresses were
restored and the garrisons replaced. Maurmuiu, king of the Lybians,
had disappeared in the battle, \yithout any one being able to say what
had become of him, and the nation elected a new chief, who hastened
to treat with Pharaoh.
Thus was repulsed this formidable invasion, which had covered great
part of Egypt witli ruins. The victory, however, was not so complete
but that Merenphtah was obliged to adopt the expedient of the later
Roman emperors, who, unable to drive the barbarians entirely away,
assigned them lands in the provinces of the empire, after having con-
quered them in battle. The foreign tribes, belonging chiefly to the
Mashuash, who for some time had been settled in the Delta, and had
formed colonies there, were not driven out; they were allowed to
remain in the country on recognising the authority of the Egyptian
king, and they were even permitted to furnish a special body of troops,
who always formed part of the body guard of Pharaoh.
2. A short time after this invasion of the Lybians and Pelasgians we
must place the Exodus of the Israelites. This again was a disastrous
event for Egypt, depriving the country of three million souls, of a hard-
working and useful people, besides the injury caused by the plagues
brought the land by the obstinacy of Pharaoh in resisting the
down on
Divine orders communicated by Moses, and by the destruction of the
flower of his army in the Red Sea. We
shall not here repeat the
story, as it has been given in the Second Book of this Manual. The
official monuments on this subject, as they are on all disasters
are silent
that were not retrieved by subsequent successes. But the Bible nar-
rative bears unmistakable marks of absolute historical truth, and agrees
perfectly with the state of things in Egypt at this period. Thus the
continual coming and going of Moses and Aaron to the presence of
Pharaoh from the land of Goshen, necessarily supposes the residence of
the king at Memphis. Now Merenphtah is precisely the only king of
the nineteenth dynasty who made this second capital of Egypt his
constant residence. We
have already remarked that the Bible does not
in any way say or imply, as has often been supposed, that Pharaoh
perished with his army in the Red Sea. We have shown that the
reverse clearly follows from its language, and, in fact, Merenphtah long
survived the calamities of the Exodus. He reigned thirty years, and
his tomb is to be seen among the royal sepulchres at Thebes.
3. Towards the end of the reign of Merenphtah, another event, very
unfortunate for Egypt, occurred — a new foreign invasion. We know of
it only from Manetho. The narrative has been preserved by Josephus* ;
but, unfortunately, the Jewish historian, with the bad faith so common
with controversialists, has evidently made considerable alterations, in
order to bring in the name of Moses, and to transform this into a story
of tile Exodus of the Israelites, with which the event has no real con-
nection. Nevertheless, in spite of the interpolations of Josephus,
we may distinguish the original features of the story. The king,
Amenophthis (Merenphtah), having brought together into one part of
Egypt all the lepers and unclean persons, to employ them in forced
labour at the quarries, they, to the number of 80,000, revolted, under
the conduct of a priest of Heliopolis, named Osarsiph. Searching
. everywhere for allies, they called to their aid the descendants of the
Shepherds who had retired to Asia, that is, evidently the Khitas, pos-
sessors of a "holy city," made by Josephus, as well as the Cadytis of
Herodotus, to stand for Jerusalem, whilst in reality it ought, as well as
the latter, to be the Kadesh (the holy) of the hieroglyphic inscriptions, the
famous fortress on the banks of the Orontes. The descendants of the
Shepherds answered their call with alacrity. To the number of 200,000
they came to the help of the unclean who had revolted, and threw
themselves into the valley of the Nile. "They practised towards the
inhabitants of Egypt the most cruel and sacrilegious tyranny. Not
only did they burn towns and villages, pillage temples and carry off
the statues of the gods, but they even used the sacred animals for food,
compelling their priests and prophets to kill them themselves, and then,
afterhaving stripped them, drove away the priests." The king did not
consider it possible to resist this invasion, and resolved to allow the
torrent to pass without opposition. He therefore retired into Upper
Egypt with army of 300,000 men, having sent his son and heir
Sethos (Seti), five years old, into Ethiopia, where he found a safe
asylum. Amenophthis (Merenphtah) died soon after, while the in-
vaders were still in the country.
the throne.
Prince Seti, the legitimate heir of Merenphtah, still in Ethiopia,
recognised the royalty of Merenphtah Siphtah, and received from him
the title of Viceroy of the Southern Provinces. But after some time,
Close of the Foitrteetith Century B. C. )
to power. Its founder was called Nekht-Set, and had only a short
reign, undistinguished by any important event.
2. But this insignificant reign was followed by that of a glorious
king, who shed a last radiance on the arms of Egypt on the eve of its
entire decline. Ramses III., son of Nekht-Set, seems, from one of the
titles in his royal ring, to have exercised during the lifetime of his father
3. The first war took place in the fifth year of the reign of Ramses III.
The Lybians of the white race joined with the Takkaro, a people from
the islands or northern shores of the Mediterranean, whose country is
not yet ascertained (possibly Thracians), and who, like the Tyrrhenians,
had a considerable fleet, attacked by land the western frontier of Egypt.
They were repulsed with loss. Unfortunately, the details of the straggle
are unknowai. Three of the immense bas-reliefs at Medinet Abu give
us the chief features, but the inscription accompanying them is so short
that it tells us little or nothing.
4. A very long inscription, however, has been preserved, and, in spite
of deplorable mutilations, contains all the essential points of a narrative
of another war, the most important of the reign of Ramses, which took
place in his ninth year, in Asia. In spite of the successive defeats they
had sustained, the Pelasgic nations of the Mediterranean had not given
up the project of making a settlement in some of the fertile countries
belonging to Egypt. But two disasters, one after the other, had taught
them that there was little hope of success if they disembarked in Lybia
and attacked the western part of the Delta. They resolved therefore to
try a new road, and throw themselves into Syria, where they might find
some support among the determined enemies of Egypt in that country.
An alliance was made between the Khitas on one side, the Pelasgians
and the Lybians, their allies, on the other. It was agreed that the
Khitas should attack the Aramsean provinces, and attempt to get posses-
sion of them, whilst the people from the Mediterranean, arriving by sea,
would land on the coast. Among these last, the Philistines, then settled
in Crete, and the Takkaro seem to have taken the initiative in the
projected expedition, as the Tyrrhenians had done in the time of Meren-
phtah for they furnished the great body of invaders, coming with their
wives and children as though in search of new homes ; the other nations
furnished only aiixiliaiy detachments.
Ramses, warned of the attack of the Khitas, and of the disembarkation
of the first detachment of the invaders from the sea, saw clearly that his
this struggle, as under Ramses II.; and it does not appear that there was
any insurrection in Mesopotamia, for its people are not mentioned
among those then coml:)ined agamsl Egypt. The battle with the Khitas
and their confederates is represented on a bas-relief. It took place in the
country of the Amorites in the valley of the Orontes, probalily before
Kadesh. Victory declared for the Egyptians. Ramses haughtily says
in the long inscription containing the stor}' of the whole campaign, " I
have made these people and their country, as though they had never
existed at all."
.The Khitas beaten and driven back into their own country, Ramses
hastened towards the coast, where the detachment of the northern
nations had disembarked some time before, and was slowly journeying
southward. It was chiefly composed of Philistines, accompanied and
supported by the Mashuash or Maxyans of Africa in great numbers.
The sculptures of Medinet Abu relative to this part of the war show
us that the Philistines were accompanied by their wives and children
riding in rough cars drawn by oxen. It is thus that the Latin writers
describe the march of the Cimbri and Teutones. Attacked by the dis-
ciplined and practised troops of Egypt, this disorganised mass was easily
routed; 12,500 men were killed, the camp was surrounded and carried
by assault, and the whole mass of Philistine invaders had no alternative
but to surrender at discretion.
On the site of this victory, which was the place where the second
detachment of northern invaders were to land, Ramses hastened to build
a fortress, called "The Tower of Ramses." His fleet joined him at that
place. It was numerous, and the inscription says that it "looked like
a strong wall on the waters." Everything was ready to receive the
ships bringing the new army of invaders. These soon arrived with the
Takkaro, who formed the bulk of the second army of invaders, but with
them were a greater number of Sardinians, Lybians, Sicilians, Tyrrhe-
nians, and people from the Peloponnesus, whom the inscriptions at
Medinet Abu no longer call Achocans, but Dardanians, the dynasty of
Danaus having supplanted the Achsean dynasty of Inachus on the
throne of Argos, in the interval between the reign of Merenphtah and
of Ramses III. A gigantic bas-relief shows us the naval battle before
the Tower of Ramses, and the defeat of the allied fleet. The
Egyptian ships manoeuvre both with sail and oar, and the prow of
each ship is decorated with a lion's head. One Takkaro ship is already
sunk, and their fleet is driven between the Egyptian ships and the
shore, whence king Ramses and his infantry shoot a cloud of darts
against the enemy's vessels.
The recital of the great inscription exactly agrees with this picture,
unique among Egyptian monuments. " The vessels were manned from
stem to stern with brave and well-armed warriors. On the shore, the
infantry, the chosen men of the Egyptian army, stood like young Hons
roaring on the mountains. The horsemen eagerly ranged themselves by
the side of their brave captains. The very horses seemed to collect all
god Month; I remained at tlieir head, and they saw the exploits of my
arm. I, king Ramses, bore myself like a hero conscious of his strength,
who stretches out his arm to defend men in the day of slaughter. Those
who approached my frontiers will reap no more in this world, the time
of tlieir souls is reckoned in eternity.'
Egyptians with the Asiatics, the assault of one of the Khita fortresses,
and Ramses marching out to a new war with them. Several engage-
ments in the eleventh and twelfth years of his reign are represented on
the monuments as victories gained over both Asiatics and Lybians.
One inscription states that the southern chiefs can-led their tribute into
Egypt. "I grant," says the god Harmachu to the king, in this text,
" that people who know not Egypt shall come to thee laden with gold,
and every precious stone." In the east, Ramses III.,
silver, lapis lazuli,
having re-established his fleet on the Red Sea, sent it to the coasts of
Yemen, or the land of Pun, and again subjected that country to tribute.
Lastly, the revolts of the tribes of the Upper Nile, of Soudan and
Abyssinia were vigorously repressed.
These military successes were, however, balanced by internal troubles.
The Museum at Turin and the Imperial Library at Paris possess part of
a judicial process relative to a serious conspiracy set on foot in the reign
of Ramses III. The political aim of the plot is not clearly stated in
the documents, but we see that the royal harem took a large part in it.
A great number of the king's concubines, and the eunuchs who guarded
them, were involved in this plot. Magical incantations, "an abomina-
nation to all the gods and all the goddesses," held a prominent place in
— — ;
for the first time finds a sure and fixed starting point, the result of an
astronomical date furnished by the monuments of Medinet Abu. On
the walls of that palace Ramses caused to be engraved a great calendar
of religious festivals. Now the day on which the feast of the Heliacal
rising of the star Sothisf is marked indicates that it was engraven in
* The Egyptians are the rats and the Asiatics the cats.
t The whole chronology of Egypt was regulated by the " Sothic
Cycle," or the periods when the star Sothis, or Sirius the Dog-star —
rose with the sun. Herodotus says (ii. 4), "The Egyptians were the
first to discover the solar year, and to portion out its course into twelve
parts. They obtained this knowledge from the stars. To my mind,
they contrive their year much more cleverly than the Greeks, for these
last intercalate a whole month every other year [Sia rpirov trovg, but
compare Her. i. 32]; but the Eg)'ptians, dividing the year into twelve
months of thirty days each, add every year a space of five days, whereby
the circuit of the seasons is made to return with uniformity."- Raw-
linson's Translation.
It is evident that this year of 365 days would not in the lapse of time
bring back the seasons with uniformity, as the year would be wrong by
one day every four years, and the error would in time entirely reverse
the seasons.
The Egyptians had found by experiment that the Heliacal rising of
Sothis recurred at the end of 1461 years of 365 days, or " vague
years, and that these 1461 years were, in fact, equal to 1460 true, or
Sothic years.
From this cycle the Sothic, or true year of 365^ days, was obtained
and as the vague year is indicated in hieroglyphics by the symbol of the
Abu, fourteen, and possibly more, kings named Ramses continued the
twentieth dynasty for more Uian a century and a half. But they did
not all form a continuous series the lists of Manetho only admit eight
palm branch and sun's disc, so this Sothic or square year {annus
quadratiis) is marked by the palm branch and a square.
The Egyptians also used a lunar year, which agreed with the civil
solar year at each " Apis period " of twenty- five years. They had also
calculated a great Siderial year of 36,525 solar years, or the number of
days in 1 00 Sothic years.
Herodotus says above, that the Egyptian month consisted of thirty
days but from the fact that the month is represented in hieroglyphics
l)y the symbol of the moon, we may infer that in early times they used
a lunar month.
It is remarkable that Moses, in his account of the Deluge, uses this
Egj'ptian month of thirty days, as he makes five months to eciual 150
days (Gen. vii. 11,24; ^iii. 3, 4), although the Jews used the lunar
month. Tr.
None of these numerous kings added any lustre to the name of Ramses.
The timid successors of the hero of Medinet Abu knew not how to
preserve entire the glorious heritage of his traditions. It was in vain
that Ramses III. had by his victories arrested for a moment the
decline of Egypt, for now the full time had come.
Although the monarchy of the Pharaohs still governed Syria, the
subordination of that country became more and more merely nominal.
From prolonged contact with Asiatics, Egypt had, moreover, lost
that unity essential toits power. Semitic words had been admitted
into the language foreign gods had invaded the sanctuaries previously
of one of the gods of Thebes that alone could cure the princess. As
on the first occasion, Ramses consented to the request, and the sacred
ark of one of the gods of Thebes, named Chons, was sent to perform
the miracle requested. The journey was long ; it lasted a year and six
months. At last the Theban god arrived in Mesopotamia, the evil
spirit was conquered, and compelled to leave the body of the young
princess, who immediately recovered her health.
But the story engraven on the stele does not end with this cure. A
god whose mere presence brought such miraculous cures was inex-
pressibly valuable ; and at the risk of a rupture with his powerful ally,
the father of the young princess resolved to keep the ark in his palace.
For three years and nine months the ark of Chons was kept in Meso-
potamia. But at the end of that time this treacherous chief had a
dream. He seemed to see the captive deity fly away towards Egypt
under the form of a golden sparrowhawk, and at the same time he
was suddenly taken ill. The father-in-law of Ramses accepted this
dream as a warning from heaven. He immediately gave orders for
sending back the ark of the god, who in the thirty-third year of the reign
of Ramses returnedto his temple at Thebes.
Whatadds much to the interest of this curious story, related by a
contemporary monument, is, that the event took place but a few years
at most after the adventures of the Ark of the Covenant among the
Philistines, recounted in the Book of Samuel (i Sam. iv., v., vi.). The
two narratives have striking points of contact that can hardly escape
the reader. Ramses XII., as we see by the commencement of this stele,
in the Imperial Library, still in the twelfth century B.C., considered
himself as the legitimate master of Mesopotamia, performed acts of
suzerainty there, and received tribute. But beyond this mark of vassal-
age, the authority of the kings of Egypt over the Asiatic provinces was
from that time merely nominal.
Beyond the Euphrates, they were unable to prevent the formation of
the empire of tlie Assyrians, wliose power, coinmenciny; in tlie ])cginninu
of the fourteenth century, gradually progressed and increased. Even
nearer to their frontier they had allowed the Philistines to j^ossess them-
selves of Gaza, Ashdod, Ascalon, Gath, and Ekron, and thus render
themselves masters of ilie military road, hitherto so carefully guarded,
by which Egypt communicated with Syria and Mesopotamia. They
had not intervened in the quarrels of the Philistines with the Israelites
and Phoenicians, even when the former took and destroyed Sidon; nor
had they interfered when a king of Aramaean Mesopotamia, Cushan-
Kishathaim conquered, for the time, Northern Syria and all Palestine.
A short time only after Ramses XII., the high priest of Amen, Her-
Hor exercised the supreme power; and during that period we find the
last trace of the power of the Pharaohs in Asia.
3. About the same time (in the second half of the twelfth century
B.C.) the power of the Assyrian empire suddenly increased; the kings of
Nineveh began their career as great conquerors, and before long no
authority but theirs was recognised between the Tigris and the Euphrates.
In the interior of Egypt Her-Hor (Horus, the supreme), having united
to his sacerdotal titles those of superintendent of public works and of
generalissimo of the troops, ended by usurping on the monuments the
title and marks of royalty, all the while retaining the high priesthood.
according to the of Manetho, where also are found the few monu-
ments it has left. It seems now proved that it assumed the crown in
that city whilst the last of the Ramses reigned nominally, and the High
Priests of Amen in reality, at Thebes. It was during competitions
between this dynasty and the family of tlie priest, Her-Hor, that David
reigned over Israel, and succeeded in creating for a time a great terri-
second dynasty, called by Manetho Bubastic, is, that in the series of its
kings and in the paternal ancestors of its founder, who are known from
some monuments, nearly all the names are incontestably Asiatic in form,
and especially Assyrian— Nimrod, Tiglath, Uaserken, Nabonasi, Sha-
pheth— and therefore a decisive indication of its origin. Moreover,
from the time of the defeat of the priestly sovereigns of the family of
Her-Hor, the preponderance of Thebes finally ceased. All subsequent
dynasties sprang from Lower Egypt and resided there. Plenceforth the
kings are real Mamelukes, such as those who governed Moslem Egypt
in the Middle Ages; all sprang from bodies of foreign soldiers, whom we
find from this time exclusive!}' employed as body-guards to the sove-
reigns who reigned on the banks of the Nile.
The manner in which the foreign family of the twenty-second dynasty
succeeded to the throne, we know from the monuments. A certain
Uaserken, of Semitic origin, a superior officer in the army, whose family
had previously been connected by marriage with the Theban usurpers
descended from Her-Hor, married the daughter of a king who seems to
have been the last of the Tanitic dynasty. The child born from this
union, Sheshonk, adopted by his maternal grandfather, first governed as
regent of the empire, and finally as king. He was the head of the new
2. Sheshonk, called in the Bible Shishak, gave an asylum at his
court to the fugitive Jeroboam towards the end of the reign of Solomon;
and afterwards, when that personage had put himself at the head of the
ten tribes, Sheshonk, following the same policy and in alliance with
him, invaded the kingdom of Judah. Thus, as we have already seen,
in the fifth year of Rehoboam (973) he entered the land of Judah with
1,200 chariots, 60,000 horsemen, and an immense body of infantry,
Egyptians, Lybians, Ethiopians, and Troglodytes; he penetrated to
Jerusalem and carried off the treasures of the temple, as well as those
of the king. These conquests are recorded on a great bas-relief at
Karnak, dated in the reign of Sheshonk himself, on which are inscribed
the names of 133 cities of the kingdom of Judah taken by the Egyptian
army. The greater part of the names are mentioned in Scripture,
amongst others Ralibith (Jos. xix. 20), Taanach (xii. 21, xvii 11),
Shunem (xix. 18), Rehob (.\ix. 28), Haphraim (.xix. 19), Adoraim
(2 Chron. xi. 9), Mahanaim (Jos. xxi. 38), Gibeon (ix, 3), Bethhoron
(x. 10), Kedemoth (xiii. 18), Ajalon (x. 12), and Megiddo (xii. 21).
still full of obscurity. We have only reason to think that it was in his
Azerch-Amen, king of Ethiopia,
reign, or in that of his successor, that
starting from Napata, invaded Egypt and traversed its whole length to
the mouth of tlie Nile, subjected it for the time to his sceptre, and
penetrated into Palestine at the head of an army of Ethiopians and
Lybians. We have already related [Book II.] how he was conquered
on the territory of the kingdom of Judah by Asa, grandson of Reho-
The defeat of the king of Ethiopia was so complete that he does not
seem even to have attempted to maintain his position in Egypt, but to
5. The
twenty-third dynasty, Tanitic, Hke the twenty-second, consists
of only four kings in Manetho's lists. The names of three are found
on known monuments, one of whom, called Uaserken, like one of the
preceding family, brings us down to the eighth century B.C.; and there
is reason to think that the same system of associating the heir-ap-
parent on the throne during the life of his father, prevailed during this as
well as during the twenty-second dynasty. But the lists of Manetho give
only a very incorrect idea of the history of Egypt at this epoch. At this
period, as in all times of trouble, the Sebennyte priest has only registered
the dynasty considered by him and the authorities he followed to be legiti-
mate; he makes no mention and takes no account of its rivals and com-
petitors. But in reality the age of the twenty-third dynasty was a time
of contention and revolution; the land was divided between rival families,
and full of civil discord. The monuments furnish a certain number of
royal names, necessarily belonging to this epoch, and give us some infor-
mation as to the kings proclaimed in various parts of Egypt in antago-
nism with the sovereigns of Tanis. The existence of several families
who disputed the throne, each possessed of a portion of territory, is,
Egyptians : and they shall fight every one against his brother, and every
one against his neighbour : city against city, and kingdom against king-
dom And tlie Egyptians will I give over into the hand of a
cruel lord ; and a fierceking .shall rule over them The
princes of Zoan [Tanis] arebecome fools, the princes of Noph [Memphis]
are deceived ; they have also seduced Egypt" (Isaiah xix. 2, 4, 13).
The state of complete disorder and anarchy in which Egypt, torn by
conflicting factions, then was, may easily be proved from the long
inscriptionon a stele, discovered by M. Mariette in the ruins of Napata,
erected to commemorate the submission of the whole of Egypt to a
king, named Piankhi, who made the Thebaid a simple province depen-
dant on Ethiopia, and imposed a tribute on Lower Egypt. The
T 2
priests of Amen, even after its retirement into Ethiopia, had retained
many partisans in the priestly city, and during the whole period of
Egyptian history we are now considering, Thebes showed itself better
disposed towards the Ethiopian kings and their pretensions, than
towards the princes who reigned in the Delta. The situation of Lower
Egypt at the moment when Piankhi peaceably entered Thebes, and
took Memphis by force, is known from the stele at Napata. The two
contemporary dynasties alluded to by Isaiah, that of Tanis, registered
by Manetho as legitimate, and that of Memphis, three kings of which
have become known in consequence of the excavations at the Serapeum,
were not the only ones who strove for power. Lower and Middle
Egypt, and especially the Delta, were divided into thirteen petty rival
states, with princes at their head who, for the most part, had come
from the ranks of the Lybian Mashuash guard Janissaries in fact
who by slow degrees had ascended the steps of the throne under the
obscure and inglorious kings of the close of the twenty-second dynasty.
Five only among them bore the title of king. The most powerful at
the time of the invasion of Piankhi were Uaserken of the Tanitic line,
considered legitimate by Manetho, Tafnekht of Sais, the Tnephactus of
Diodonis Siculus, and Pefaabast, who reigned at Heracleopolis in
Middle Egypt. Such a state of anarchy must naturally have made
Egypt an easy prey to the attack of every foreign invader. Thus it
was that Piankhi was enabled without serious obstacles to subject for
the time the whole country, and to hold the southern part and that the
national existence was for some time interrupted by a new invader from
the banks of the Upper Nile.
6. The twenty-fourth Saite dynasty comprised but one king, Boken-
* The syllable ka, terminating the names of all the kings of the
Ethiopian dynasty, was the article in the Cushite language. It may
therefore either be added or omitted. The Egyptian monuments and
the lists of Manetho give, as the name of the conqueror and founder of
the dynasty, Shabaka, or Sabacon, with the article; the Bible trans-
literates from Shaba, or Shava, without the article; in both cases the
name is the same in its essential elements.
battle was fought before Tanis. The Ethiopians were defeated with
enormous loss. When Tahraka received intelligence of the defeat of
his troops, he gave up all idea of holding Memphis, and fled in haste
to Thebes, where he hoped to find a firmer support in the attachment
of the people.
The kings who had retired towards Sais, came to meet Asshur-bani-
pal, and pay their homage. Fle made with them a triumphal entry into
Memphis, and then marched without loss of time into Upper Egypt.
In forty days he arrived at Thebes, where, however, Tahraka did not
venture to await him. The Ethiopian king retreated beyond the
cataracts, and all Egypt was again in the possession of the Assyrians.
Asshur-bani-pal, having re-estahilished the organisation created by
Esarhaddon, and left fresh garrisons in the fortresses, returned to
But he had hardly left the country, when the princes of the Delta,
who had not found any real advantage in exchanging an Ethiopian for
an Assyrian sovereign, conspired to recall Tahraka under the condition
that he should continue them in power. The chiefs were Neclio,
prince of Sais and Memphis, Saretikdairi, prince of Tanis, and
Pakrur, prince of the Arabian nome. The plot was discovered, and
they were arrested, loaded with chains, and conveyed to Nineveh.
There they protested their repentance, and Asshur-bani-pal, no doubt
from policy, forgave them.
During this time a great insurrection had broken out in the Delta.
The Assyrian generals succeeded in quelling it, but only after having
taken by assault Sais, Mendes, Tanis, and Heroopolis. Tahraka had
re-entered Egypt, having again subdued all and
the upper region,
fixed his capital at Marching towards Lower Egypt, he had
blockaded Memphis, and pushed his troops into the Delta, the greater
part of which they occupied, and the Assyrians were almost driven out
of the country.
Asshur-bani-pal now sent Neclio into Egypt with an Assyrian army.
The Saite prince recovered the Delta from the Ethiopians, and installed
S.S local king in Athribis, his son Psammetik, who had then adopted
the Assyrian name Nal:io-sezib-anni. Memphis was then relieved, and
Tahraka reduced to the possession of Upper Egypt, where he soon
after died.
4. Rot- Amen, son-in-law of Tahraka, succeeded him on the thrones
of Thebes and Napata. With all the ardour of youth, he undertook
the expulsion of the Assyrians. He succeeded at first in winning a
Memphis, making the Assyrian garrison prisoners,
great battle, in taking
and even in rendering himself master of the Delta. Necho, taken
prisoner in Memphis, was put to death by Rot-Amen.
But Asshur-bani-pal, having been informed of the misfortunes of his
army in Egypt, undertook a new expedition to that country, as the
Assyrians attached the highest value to its possession, for it appeared
to thein the only guarantee for their supremacy in Syria. The king of
the Arabs, as vassal, furnished the Assyrian army with camels to carry
a supply of water across the desert. The troops of Rot-Amen were
beaten near Pelusium, and the Ethiopian prince then abandoned
Memphis, and Asshur-bani-pal entered that city without strikmg a
blow. The petty kings of the Delta hastened to make their submission
to him.
Asshur-bani-pal then marched on Thebes, and Rot-Amen abandoned
it, although he had hastily erected fortifications for its protection. The
not correspond with the violent and fierce character of the murderer ot
Bokenranf, and that they must be assigned to one of his successors but, ;
leaving out the question whether Bokenranf had not drawn on himself
this terrible punishment, possibly by ordering some cruelties to be
inflicted on Ethiopian prisoners, or whether he was treated by Shabaka
as a rebel vassal, it must be remarked that the works connected with
the inundation of the Nile were works of necessity, and requiring prompt
execution in order to remedy the damage consequent on the conquest.
We see, at Luxor, Shabaka making offerings to the gods of Thebes, in
the same way as a native sovereign, and he and his successors adopted
Egyptian prenomens.
The Greek historians relatet that in the twenty-sixth year of his reign
Tahraka suddenly evacuated Egypt and retired to Ethiopia. This
voluntary retreat of the Ethiopians seems to be a fact, but not as
relating to Tahraka, who died king of Upper Egypt. It must be
Siculus says, " There was then in Egypt an anarchy lasting two years,
during which the people gave themselves up to disorder and intestine
wars. At last twelve of the principal chiefs laid a plot. They met at
Memphis, and, having entered into reciprocal treaties, proclaimed
themselves kings. But at the end of fifteen years the whole power
fell into the hands of one of them."
The two years of complete anarchy following on
chief event of the
the retreat of the Ethiopians is related by an inscription on a stele, dis-
covered by M. Mariette at Napata. The son-in-law of Tahraka having
hcmour, and ])laced them on the right of the army. The military Paste,
wounded in its honour and injured in its interests, emigrated in a'body,
and formed an establishment in Ethiopia. This desertion of 200,000
men, who represented nearly the whole military strength of the country,
must naturally have seriously weakened Egypt. In vain Psammetik
humbled his pride sufficiently to invite their return : they preferred to
remain in Ethiopia. Psammetik then allied himself still more closely with
foreigners,and to ensure the good-will, at any rate, of the sacerdotal
class, he was prodigal in his gifts to the temples of the gods. He
built at Memphis a pylon before the temple of Ptah, and built, or
rather added to, the sacred edifice in which Apis was kept when he ma-
nifested himself. Owing to these works, Egyptian art had one final
renaissance, lasting during the time of the Saite dynasty. It did not
attain to the truthand grandeur of the ancient schools, but, neverthe-
less, produced a great number of beautiful works remarkable for their
exquisite finish. It seems also that at this time a portion of the sacred
and give security to traders; for his predecessors had made Egypt
inaccessible to foreigners, killing some and condemning others to
Desirous of strengthening his dynasty by military glory, Psammetik
wished to imitate the policy of the eighteenth and nineteenth dynasties
in Asiatic countries,and to conquer Syria; for the rich Phoenician
cities, where commerce had for ages accumulated the treasures of the
world, excited his cupidity. But he was arrested at the first step,
5. Necho, his son, continued the war, and at first made more rapid
progress. Near Megiddo, on the ancient battle-field of Thothmes III.,
he conquered the Syrians and Jews commanded by Josiah, king of
Judah, who wished to oppose his progress (609 B.C.), and for the
moment possessed himself of all Syria. But at this time, between the
Tigris and Euphrates, a redoubtable empire had arisen, and had attained
under Nebuchadnezzar I. the highest degree of power. This was the
Chald?eo-Bab) Ionian monarchy. A contest between these two powers,
both claiming supremacy in Asia, was inevitable. The kings of Egypt
and Babylon met on the banks of the Euphrates, near Circesium, or
Carchemish. Necho was overcome and put to flight one single battle
stripped him of all his conquests, and compelled him to retire to Egypt
(604 B.C.).
Foreign wars were not the only occupation of this king. Like his
father, he had devoted himself to the peaceful work of the extension of
Egyptian commerce. Intercourse with foreigners, now become more
common, and rendered more easy by the institution of a new body of
interpreters, had enlarged the king's ideas and inspired him with the
most noble projects, amongst others tliat of re-opening the canal of
Seti I., from the Red Sea to the Nile, obstructed for ages by the sands
of the desert, through the carelessness of the worthless kings of the
twentieth dynasty. The work had thus become as difficult as if under-
taken anew, and Herodotus states* that 120,000 men perished whilst
engaged on it, from epidemics breaking out among the crowds of work-
men but it was never finished. Necho after a few years suddenly
Egyptian, who was behind him, placed a helmet on his head, exclaiming
that he had crowned him king. Ahmes made no objection, and
marched against Uahprahet, who put himself at the head of his mer-
cenaries. The two armies met at Mo-Memphis and commenced battle.
The mercenaries fought with courage, but, outnumbered, they were
defeated. Uahprahet, made prisoner, was conducted to Sais, and con-
fined in the magnificent palace he had inhabited as king. He was at
first treated with generosity ; but the Egyptians, whom the unfortunate
prince had much wounded in their national pride by his preference for
foreigners, required Ahmes to give him up to them. They no sooner
had him in their power than they strangled him.
8. Ahmes, or Amasis, in imitation of the policy of his predecessors,
married the heiress to the rights of the Saite dynasty, the princess
Ankhs-en Ranofrehet, daughter of Psammetik II. At the commence-
ment of his reign the Egyptians, as we learn from Herodotus,* had
but little consideration for him, as he was of obscure parentage; but
he raised himself in their opinion by his prudence and ability: he
compared himself, speaking to a large assembly, to a golden vase,
This king was a clever man, and knew perfectly how to combine
pleasure with a due regard to affairs of state. He said to his friends,*
"Bowmen bend their bows when they wish to shoot, and unbrace them
when shooting is over. Were they always kept strung they would
break, and fail the archer in the time of need. So it is with men. If
they give themselves constantly to serious work, and never indulge
awhile in pastime or sport, they lose their senses and become mad or
moody." According to the testimony of Herodotus, t "the reign of
Amasis was the most prosperous time that Egypt ever saw the river ;
was more liberal to the land, and the land brought forth more abun-
dantly for the service of man than had ever been known before, while
the number of inhabited cities was not less than 20,000." This
numl;er, furnished by the priests, comprised, no doubt, even villages
and hamlets; for under the Persian rule, they were desirous of exag-
gerating the splendour of Egypt before the conquest.
The extensive commerce then carried on by the land of the Pharaohs
with foreigners, and above all with Greece, was one of the principal
causes of the prosperity of the country in the last days of its inde-
pendence. Amasis extended his special protection to the industrious
and active Greek people, and not only permitted them to make a
settlement at Naucratis, but authorised the free exercise of their
religion, and gave them of temples and altars to
sites for the erection
their divinities. The and most celebrated of these temples was
called the Hellenium. It was built by the Greek cities of Asia Minor;
also tells us that the island of Cyprus was conquered and re-united to
Egypt by Amasis.
This magnificent prince was not likely to forget in his liberality the
gods of his own country. The temple of Isis, in the city of Memphis,
in elevation and in the size of the columns; and lastly, the monolithic
chamber which he had made at Elephantine all prove that in his —
reign art had not retrograded since the times of the Psammetiks.
Egyjit, then, in the time of Amasis seems to have been as flourishing
as atany period of her history, though this prosperity but thinly veiled
the decline of public spirit and of national institutions. The Saite
kings hoped to breathe new life into Egypt, to infuse new blood into
the veins of the old monarchy of Menes, by allowing free current to the
liberal ideas already propagated by the Greeks. Unconsciously they
had in this way introduced new elements of decay into the empire of
the banks of the Nile. The basis and safeguard of Egyptian civilisation
was its immutability. Its very foundation consisted in preserving its
traditions intact in spite of the lapse of ages, and thus only could it
last. From the moment that it came in contact with the spirit of
progress, personified in the Greek race and civilisation, it was doomed
to destruction. It could neither enter on a new road contrary to the
letter and spirit of its laws, nor yet continue immovable.
Thus when Greek make itself felt, Egyptian civi-
influence began to
lisation atonce began to decline, and collapsed into a state of death-like
decrepitude. The military caste having almost entirely emigrated, the
nation was disarmed. Foreigners, disliked by the people, were charged
with its defence, and had even been employed in foreign wars and
conquests ending in disaster. The public indignation culminated in
revolt, A bold adventurer had possessed himself of the throne, and
had found the country so committed to these new ways, that he himself
favoured the foreigners, thus contributing to the riches of Egypt, but
also exciting the cupidity of conquerors. When these arrived, Egypt
could oppose to them only a people who had lost all aptitude for arms.
So the son of Amasis, Psammetik
Psammenitus of the Greeks,
III., the
mounted the throne to see, almost immediately on his accession, the
independence of Egypt succumb finally to the attack of the Persians
under Cambyses.
Chief Aictkorities.
For Manners and Organisation:
Social Herodotus, Book II. —
Diodonis Siculus, Book I. —
Caillaud, Rechcrclus sur les Arts el
Metiers de lancienne Egypte, Paris, 1829. Rosellini, Monumejili —
delP Egillo e della Nubia; Monumenti civili, Florence, 1833.
Wilkinson, Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, London,
1847. —The great works of Champollion and Lepsius.
For Language and Writing: —
Champollion, Precis du Syslhne Hiero-
glyphiqiie, i?>2'6.— Gram ma ire Egyptienne,
Paris, Paris, 1836.
Dictionnaire Eg)ptien, Paris, 1841. —
Lepsius, Lettre a M. Rosel-
lini Systeme Hieroglyphique, Rome, 1837.
sur le Grammar, Di^- —
iioitary, and Chrestomathy, by Dr. Birch, in the 5th vol. (2nd ed.)
Bunsen's ''Egypt's Place,'' etc., London, 1868. Briigsch, Scriptura —
A^gyptiornm Demotica, Berlin, 1848. —
Grammaire Demoliipie, Berlin,
1856. Hieroglyphisch Dcmotisches ^orterbuch, Leipzig, i868.
De Rouge, Lettre a M. de Saulcy sur PEcriture Demotique, Paris,
1849. Grammaire Egyptienne, 1st part, Paris, 1867. 7he Journal —
of Egyptian Philology and Archeology of Berlin.
For —
Religion : Champollion, Pantheon Egyptien, Paris, 4°. Birch, —
Gallery of Egyptian Antiquities from the British Museum, London,
1844. —
De Rouge, Notice dcs Monuments Egyptiens die Alusee du
Louvre. —
Memoire sur la Statuette Naophore du Vatican, Paris, 185 1.
— Mariette, Mhnoire sur la mere d' Apis, Paris, 1856. Chabas, —
Hymned Osiris, Paris, 1857. Lepsius, Das Todtenbuch der ^gypter,
Leipzig, 1842. —
De Rouge, Etudes sur le Rituel Eunerairc, Paris,
i860. —
F. Lenormant, Les Livres chez les Egyptie?is, Paris, 1857.
For the Monuments —The volumes on Antiquities, the great French
work, "Description de P Egypte." — Champollion, Lettres ecrites
d'Egypte, Paris, 1833 ; 2nd ed. 1868.— Nestor, L'llote, Lettres d' Egypte,
Paris. Lepsius, Brufe aus ALgypten und ALthiopicn, Berlin, 1852.
The two first volumes of Denkmdler aus Aigypten tend ALthiopien. —
Ampere, Voyage en Egypte, Paris, 1868. Ch. Lenormant, Beaux —
Arts et Voyages, vol. ii.
2. Of
all the classes of Egyptian society tliose of the warriors and
as the gift of the goddess who, when she was on earth, assigned to
them a third part of the kingdom. These estates were free from every
tax (Gen. xlvii. 22) they were generally let for a rent, which was paid
into the treasury of the temple to which the land belonged, and was
employed in the expenses of the worship and on the support of the
priests and their numerous subordinates. These, the classical writers
say, spent nothing of their own property, each of them received a
portion of the sacred food given them ready cooked ; they even had
every day a large quantity of beef and goose flesh ; wine also was given
them, but they were not permitted to eat fish.*
The priests were obliged
to be scrupulously clean in their persons and
clothes. "They
shave the whole body every other day." says Hero-
dotus, and his account quite agrees with the monuments. "Their
dress is entirely of linen, and their shoes of the papyrus plant ; and it
is not lawful for them to wear either dress or shoes of any other material.
They bathe twice every day in cold water, and twice each night,
besides which they observe, so to speak, thousands of ceremonies."
3. After the sacerdotal class, in order of importance came the nrili-
tary. This also enjoyed great privileges. According to Herodotus,
the waiTior class was divided into two bodies, the Calasirians and Her-
motybians. They were distributed in the different nomes of Egypt in
llie following mannerf ; —
The nomes of the Hermotybians were Busiris,
Sais, Chemmis, Papremis, the island called Prosopitis, and half of
Natho: these nomes furnished 160,000 men. The Calasirians occupied
the nomes of Thebes, Bubastis, Aphthis, Tanis, Mendes, Sebennytus,
Pharbsethus, Thmuis, Onuphis, Anysis, Myecphoris, and Athribis
these nomes could, when fully peopled, furnish 250,000 men.
We see, by the designation of the different nomes occupied by the
warrior class, that the facts collected by Herodotus relate to an epoch
when the whole military power of
posterior to the twenty-first dynasty,
Egypt was concentrated in Lower Egypt. In the interior of the Delta
four and a half nomes were then occupied by the Hermotybians, and
twelve others by the Calasirians, and they had each of them only one
in Upper and Central Egypt, that is Chemmis and Thebes. The corps
of foreign origin, who had been settled for many generations in the
Delta, such as the Mashuash, were probably enrolled in one or other of
these lists.
Diodorus, that the latter admits one special class of husbandmen whom
the former excludes. Heeren believes that they are included by Hero-
dotus under the name KaTrrjXoi (tradesmen), and that we must class the
husbandmen among the artisans. The nature of the tenure of landed
property in Egypt authorises this explanation. In fact, as Diodorus
tells us, and the monuments confirm the statement, the whole soil of
Egypt was in the hands of the king, the priests, and the warriors, and the
husbandmen were only serfs attached to the land, who cultivated, paying
a rent, the estates of the privileged classes. They were sold with the
ground, and could not leave the where they lived without the
permission of government. The works pressed
forced labour for public
on them with all its weight. Their position was very like that of the
modern /l//a /is who have no property of their own, and cultivate the
land of Egypt for their sovereign.
The class of shepherds naturally included all who made the care of
cattle their principal occupation. Those who lived in villages and
tended large herds of cattle in the interior of the country must not be
confounded with the nomad shepherds who wandered near the frontiers.
These were generally hated by the Egyptians, Moses and Herodotus
both state. This antipathy, as old as the monarchy,
earliest times of the
and always existing in the east between the inhabitants of cities and
the Nomads or Bedouins, extended also to the foreign settlers in the
marshes of the Delta, most of whom were descended from the
Shepherds of Avaris. These tribes had completely adopted Egyp-
tian manners and customs but as they remained barbarians at
men among them, and whether, when the Pharaohs maintained con-
have been first organised into a body under the Saite kings, when inter-
course with foreigners had assumed a development and an activity un-
known to earlier ages.
I. The
political constitution of Egypt never varied during the whole
of the enonnous period of the duration of the empire of the Pharaohs.
The countiy always remained one united monarchy, the most absolute
probably that has ever existed in the world. Neither changes of
dynasties, nor the struggles of rival competitors for the throne, ever
effected any change. " The Egyptians," says Diodorus Siculus, " respect
and adore their kings as the equals of the gods. The sovereign authority
with which Providence has invested kings, together with the will and the
power to confer benefits, seems to them a manifestation of the deity."
This passage of the Greek historian is in complete accordance with
the facts resulting from the study of themonuments. From the time of
the vei-y oldest dynasties, we find that such an unbounded respect for
royalty existed, that it was transformed into religious worship, and
Pharaoh became the visible god of his subjects. The Egyptian monarchs
were more than sovereign pontiffs, they wex^e real deities. The sacer-
dotal class depended absolutely upon them. The epithet " Son of the
Sun-God " is as a matter of course attached to the name of each
Pharaoh. They " the great God, the good God ";
also styled themselves
they identified themselves with the great deity Horus; for, as one
inscription says, "The king is the image of Ra (the Sun-God) among
the living." A prince in mounting the throne was, so to speak, trans-
figured in the eyes of his subjects. During his lifetime he attained a
complete apotheosis. And this is why he assumed a symbolical and
mysterious name at the time of his coronation. This name is found,
from the earliest epochs, inscribed among the royal titles on a banner
surmounted by a crowned hawk. The king was also called " The Sun,
Lord of Justice, " because from him was believed to emanate all regula-
tions for moral and material order he controlled everything, as the star
Greeks and Romans. But that this regime could have lasted so many
ages, with no sensible modification, proves also that the Egyptians were
thoroughly imbued with the idea that their government was an emana-
tion from the Divine will. A lively religious faith, perverted in this de-
grading way, could alone have reconciled them to such a servile condition.
2. Around this divine king eticjuette must indeed have been rigorous.
Not only were all the public acts of the kings regulated by invariable
rules, but also those of their private daily lives. On awaking in the
morning, the king first received and read dispatches from all parts of
the country, so as to know all that was going on in his empire. Next,
after having bathed and assumed his insignia of royalty, he offered
sacrifice to the gods. The victims were led to the altar, the high priest
stood near the king as his assistant, and in the presence of the people
he prayed with a loud voice to the gods for the health and well-being of
and all good qualities were attributed to him, and nowhere more than
in Egypt was it an established principle that "the king can do no
The popular assemblies to sit in judgment on the deceased king,
spoken of by some Greek authors, are all pure fictions. The king when
dead was as much a god as when living. If in the series of Egyptian
annals we find some kings deprived of burial, and whose names have been
effaced from the monuments, it has not been from any popular judg-
ment, but by order of another king who wished to treat a rival as a
3. The administration of Egypt, from the most ancient times to that
of the Persian conquest, was in the hands of a powerful and numerous
official body wisely constituted, with a hierarchy unsurpassed in the most
bureaucratic countries in the modern world, who constituted the very
large class of scribes. This administration was full of routine, and
its records were kept in the most precise and methodical way. Among
the papyri we now possess are a large number of administrative reports,
and of fragments of registers of public accounts.
The departments administered by the most numerous and well-
organised staff were those of public works, war and of the superintendence
of the revenue of the state. Coined money was unknown, and all
taxes were levied in kind. The land was divided under three heads
according to the nature of its contribution to the state. The canals
(mau) paid tithe in fish; the arable land (uu) in grain; and the
marshes (pehu) in cattle. Statistical records, carefully adapted to all
the changes that took place, contained a list for each district of all tlie
various .sorts names of the proprietors.
of property with the
4. The territory of Egypt Proper was divided, for administrative
purposes, into a certain number of districts, called by the Greeks, Names.
The chief place of each nome was the sanctuary of some divinity; and
each principal temple formed, with the territory belonging to it, a par-
ticular nome, distinguished from the others by its worship and cere-
monies. what Herodotus tells us, and the monuments confirm
This is
his statement. Under the rule of the Greek Ptolemies, the number of
nomes or cantons was thirty-six in Upper Egypt, sixteen in Central and
ten in Lower Egypt. In the time of the Pharaohs, only two regions
were distinguished. Upper and Lower, and each comprised twenty-two
nomes, in all forty-four. Lists have been found on the walls of some
temples, from which we have constructed the following table of the
nomes and of their tutelary deities :
At the hend of each nome was a governor, whom tlie Greeks called
"Nomarch. " The whole administration depended on this officer.
Under the Nomarchs were other magistrates, subordinate to them,
called by the Greeks " Toparchs," who governed smaller districts. A
marked spirit of local jealousy prevailed in these nomes ; they had
frequent quarrels with one another, both political and religious, often
giving rise to revolts and sanguinary struggles.
5. The judicial organisation was almost independent of the royal
power ; the kings themselves only judged cases as a last appeal, but
very rarely, and, as a rule, only in such cases as had some political
bearing. The common and regular administration of justice belonged
to the ordinary tribunals, which were bound strictly to observe the
laws. The sacerdotal class furnished the Egyptian magistracy. The
great cities of Memphis, Heliopolis, and Thebes, where the most
flourishing sacerdotal colleges were situated, supplied most of the judges;
ten came from each. The thirty judges chose from amongst them a
president, and the place he vacated was filled by another judge from
the same city. These magistrates were maintained at the expense
of the royal treasury, and the president enjoyed a large income. All
business was transacted in writing, never viva voce, in order, it was
said, that nothing might excite the feelings of the judge, and thus
prejudice his impartiality. The plaintiff in civil processes, the prosecutor
in criminal cases (for there was no public prosecutor), presented his
complaint in writing, and stated the amount of damage he required, or
the extent of punishment he desired to be inflicted on the accused.
The defendant, or accused, was informed of the demand, or accusation
of the opposite party, and was obliged to make a written defence to
each of its heads. The plaintiff might make one rejoinder, and the
defendant another reply, and the tribunal was then obliged to pro-
nounce judgment in writing, sealed with the seal of the president. This
officer had a gold chain round his neck, from which hung an image of
the goddess Ma (Truth and Justice), distinguished by the attribute of
the ostrich feather on her head. It was necessary for the president to
put on this chain before the sitting could commence. When judgment
was pronounced, the president placed this image of truth on one of the
parties brought into his presence, and the case was concluded. We
possess the proceedings in two Egyptian criminal cases ; the first,
tried by a commission specially appointed by the king, is that of the
conspirators in the reign of Ramses III. the second, tried by the
comprises the two greatest crimes that can be committed, one against
the gods and the other against men. He who saw in the road anyone
struggling with an assassin, or subjected to any violence, and did not
do that he could to help him, was punished with death.
all If he had
reallybeen unable to help, he was obliged to denounce the criminals
and accuse them before the tribunals. If he did not do this, he was
condemned to receive a given number of blows from a stick, and to be
kept without food for three days. Those who made false accusations
were condemned, when discovered, to undergo the punishment of
calumniators. It was directed that every Egyptian should deposit with
was to punish according to the crime and intention of the offender, not
according to his station in life at the same time, the aiTangements
same time those who had been punished in this way were incited
to attempt great actions to recover their former position, whilst if they
had been put have been of no more use to the
to deatli, they could
state. A spy, who had betrayed secret plans to the enemy, was con-
demned to have his tongue cut out. Coiners, makers of false weights
and measures, those who made false scales, those who forged docu-
ments or falsified public records, were condemned to have both hands
cut off. The laws with regard to women were very severe. Whoever
was convicted of "offering violence to a free woman was condemned
to mutilation — for crime included three great evils, insult, corrup-
monuments have recorded of the customs and private life of the Egyp-
tians. The people were at once commercial, afrricultural, and warlike.
The fertile soil of the Nile valley was at all times highly cultivated by
its numerous population and if machinery, properly so called, was at
latter rise from their seats. In a third point, they differ entirely from
all the nations of Greece. Instead of speaking to each other when
they part in the streets, they make an obeisance, dropping the hand to
the knee."
The same author also says, and the study of the monuments com-
pletely confirms his testimony, "The Egyptians are, I believe, next to
the Lybians, the healthiest people in the world. . . . They are
persuaded that every disease to which men are liable is caused by the
substances whereon they feed. They live on bread made of
. . .
will be.'
"Medicine is practised among them on a plan of separation; each
physician treats a single disorder, and no more: thus the country swarms
with medical practitioners, some undertaking to cure diseases of the eye,
others of the head, others again of the teeth, others of the intestines,
and some those which are not local. "§
Care for the body, the desire to guard it after death from all chance
of destruction, was again a subject of serious consideration among the
Egyptians. Thence arose the custom of embalming, growing out of
their religious ideas of the destiny of the soul after death. It was
necessary that the body should be preserved from all injury, from all
corruption, so that the soul might find it uninjured on the day of resur-
rection. Hence the infinite precautions for the preservation of the
corpses — hence the enormous quantity of mummies now in our museums,
and found in all parts of Egypt. The curious description of the _pro-
cesses employed in embalming, differing according to the rank and
fortune of the deceased, maybe read in Herodotus, Book II. 86, 87, 88.
Section V. Writing.
I. The Greeks gave the name of Hieroglyphics, that is, "Sacred
Sculpture," to the national writing of the Egyptians, composed entirely
of pictures of natural objects. Although very inapplicable, this name
has been adopted by modern writers, and has been so completely ac-
cepted and used, that it cannot now be replaced by a more appropriate
appellation. Neither the Greeks nor the Romans, whilst masters of
Egypt, attempted in any way to learn the method of reading this
* Her. ii. 77. t Ibid. ii. 81. J Ibid. ii. 78. § Ibid. ii. 84.
that, as for a long time was believed, the hieroglyphics were a mys-
terious system of writing, reserved exclusively for the priests, who alone
were in possession of the key. Hieroglyphic writing is found every-
where, on the public monuments and on articles of domestic use, in
historical narratives and in the praises of the kings, intended for the
greatest publicity and destined to last to remotest posterity, as well as
in the explanations of the most subtle doctrines of the Egyptian religion.
It would also be very far from the truth to regard hieroglyphics as
always, or even generally, symbolical. No doubt there are symbolical
characters among them, generally easy to understand as also there are,
Power or
'"^^ Moon.
IV. By enigma, hy employing the picture of some physical object
having only a very obscure, very distant, and often entirely conven-
tional connection with the idea to be expressed. By this inevitably very
vague method an ostricli feather signified justice, because the feathers
of that bird were supposed to be all of equal length a palm branch ;
put forth twelve branches, one in each month; a basket woven from
reeds conveyed the ideas of Lord and all, and the urteus serpent was
equally royalty and divijiity.
Lord, All.
To build. Son.
h God, Kine.
i Fire.
^K ^^ To
I Justice, Tnith. T Night,
il Encloses Royal Names.
Names of Enemies.
Articles of Clothing.
Articles of Metal.
YYY Disaster, storm, confusion.
^J"^ Objects in Wood. TTr
5.Besides hieroglyphics, properly so called, the nature of which we
have been endeavouring to explain, the Egyptians used a cursive cha-
racter, called by the Greeks, though inappropriately, the Hieratic.
The characters are abbreviated, and more or less altered hieroglyphics.
In books on papyrus that we now possess
this character nearly all the
are written, as well as the records of accounts and contracts of the
eighteenth and nineteenth dynasty. Lastly, in the seventh century B.C.
(at any rate we do not know an earlier example), a still more abridged
style came into use, named by the Greeks Demotic. Although no
trace whatever of the primitive pictures can be recognised, this system
of writing still contains the same mixture of phonetic and ideographic
characters as the hieroglyphics.
under the protection of Thoth, the god of science, and of the goddess
X 2
Saf, patroness of literature. Unfortunately we now possess but little
monsters and forced a passage, and, elated by his victory, sings on the
spot a song of triumph (Ch. xlii.), likening himself to all the gods,
whose members are made those of his own body. " My hair is like
that of Nu (the firmament) ; my face is like that of Ra (the sun) ; my
eyes like those of Athor (the Egyptian Venus) ;" and so on for eveiy
part of his body. He has even the strength of Set, that is, of Typhon,
for the strife between the good and evil principle is but in appearance ;
in reality they are one and the same, and equally receive the adorations
of the initiated.
After such labours the deceased needs rest ; he stays for a time to
recruit his strength and to satisfy his hunger (Ch. xliii. to Ivi.). He
has escaped great dangers, and has not gone astray in the desert, where
he would have died of hunger and thirst (Ch. li. — liii.). From the
tree of life, the goddess Nu gives him refreshing waters, Avhich in-
vigorate him and enable him to recommence his journey in order to
reach the first gate of heaven (Ch. lix.).
(Ch. Ixxxi.); into the god Ptah (Ch. Ixxxii. ); into a heron (Ch. Ixxxiii.);
into a crane (Ch. Ixxxiv.); into a human-headed bird (Ch. Ixxxv.), the
usual emblem of the soul; into a swallow (Ch. Ixxxvi.); into a serpent
(Ch. Ixxxvii.); and into a crocodile (Ch. Ixxxviii.).
Up to this time the soul of the deceased has been making its
journeys alone ; it has been merely a sort of hSujXop {eidoloii), if we
may be permitted to employ this untranslatable Greek phrase that is, ;
Typhonic powers, lays wait for him on his way, and endeavours by
deceitful words to get him into his boat, so as to mislead him and take
him to the east instead of to the west (Ch. xciii.), his true destination,
and where he ought and
rejoin the sun of the lower world.
to land The
deceased again escapes this new danger he unmasks the perfidy of the
false boatman, and drives him away, overwhelming him with reproaches.
He at last meets the right boat to conduct him to his destination (Ch.
xcvii., xcviii.). But Ijefore getting into it, it is necessary to ascertain if
The rudder. Tell me my name "The enemy of Apis " is thy name.
The rope. Tell me my name "The hair with which Anubis binds
uf) the folds of the wrappers " is thy name ; and so on for twenty-three
questions and answers (Ch. xcix.).
After having thus victoriously passed through this trial, the deceased
embarks, traverses the subterranean river, and lands on the other bank,
when he soon arrives at the Elysian Fields in the valley of Aoura or
Balot (Aahlu or Bat), the position of which the ritual gives in these
terms, " The valley of Balot (abundance), at the east of heaven, is 370
cubits long and 140 cubits broad. There is a crocodile lord of Balot in
the east of that valley in his divine dwelling above the enclosure
(Ch. There is a serpent at the head of that valley thirty cubits
cviii. ).
long, his body six cubits round. In the south is the lake of sacred
principles (Sham) the north is formed by the lake of Primordial
Matter (Rubu) (Ch. cix.). A large picture here shows us this valley
(Ch. ex.), a real subterranean Egypt, intersected by canals, where we
see the " Osiris " occupied in all the operations of agriculture ; pre-
paring the ground, sowing and reaping in the divine an ample
provision of that bread of knowledge he is now to find more necessary
than ever. He has, in fact, arrived at the end of his journey ; he has
before him only but also the most
the last, terrible of all his trials.
Conducted by Anubis (Ch. cxiii. to cxxi.), he traverses the labyrinth,
and by the aid of the clue, guiding them through its windings, at last
penetrates to the judgment-hall where Osiris awaits him seated on his
throne, and assisted by forty-two terrible assessors. There the decisive
sentence is to be pronounced, either admitting the deceased to happi-
ness, or excluding him for ever (Ch. cxxv. ). Then commences a new
interrogatory much more solemn than the former. The deceased is
obliged to give proof of his knowledge he must show that it is great
enough to give him the right to be admitted to share the lot of glorified
spirits. Each of the forty-two judges, bearing a mystical name,
questions him in turn he is obliged to tell each one his name, and
whole life. This is certainly one of the most curious parts of the
Funereal Ritual; Champollion called it the "Negative Confession ;"
it would perhaps be better described by the word "Apology." The
deceased addresses successively each of his judges, and declares for his
I have not smitten men have not treated any person with
])rivily ; I
secrets ; I have not wounded anyone ; I have not put anyone in fear ;
I have not slandered anyone ; I have not let envy gnaw my heart
I have spoken evil, neither of the king, nor my father I have not ;
falsely accused anyone I have not withheld milk from the mouths ol
hungry, drink to the thirsty, and clothes to the naked. " We may well be
astounded on reading these passages, at this high morality, superior to
that of all other ancient people, had been able
that the Egyptians
to build up on such a foundation as that of their religion. Without
doubt it was this clear insight into truth, this tenderness of conscience,
which obtained for the Egyptians the reputation for wisdom, echoed even
by Holy Scripture (i Kings iv. 30 Acts vii. 27). ;
he has never damaged the stones for mooring vessels on the river.
Crimes against rehgion also are mentioned some seem very strange to ;
us, especially when we find them classed with really moral faults. The
deceased has never altered the prayers, nor interpolated them. He
has never touched any of the sacred property, such as flocks and herds,
or fished for the sacred fish in the lakes of the temples ; he has not
stolen offerings from the altar, nor defiled the sacred waters of the Nile.
The Osiris is now fully justified ; his heart has been weighed in the
balance with "truth," and not been found wanting; the forty-two
assessors have pronounced that he possesses the necessary knowledge.
The great Osiris pronounces his sentence, and Thoth, as recorder to the
triljunal, having inscribed it in his book, the deceased at last enters
into bliss.
Here commences the third part of the Ritual, more mystical and
obscure than the others. We see the Osiris, henceforth identified with
the sun, traversing with him, and as him, the various houses of heaven
* In this translation the numbers of the chapters are given for con-
venience of reference from Dr. Birch's translation in Bunsen's Egypt," '
ally to observe whether there was really in Ethiopia what was called
the "table of the sun;" and this he describes (according to the
accounts given to him) as " a meadow in the skirts of the city full of the
boiled flesh of all manner of beasts, which the magistrates are careful to
store with meat every night, and where, whoever likes, may come and
eat during the day. The people of the land say that the earth itself
brings forth the food." The same story is repeated by other classical
writers, and many attempts have been made to explain it. Heeren
(" African Nations," Chap, i., p. 333) supposes it to be a I'eference to
the dumb trading very common on the African coast ; but it seems very
probable that the tale, as related by Herodotus, is derived from this
altar of the sun, from which the "Osiris" was supplied with food
in Hades. Tr.
t Translated by Dr. Brugsch, Sai an Sinsi7i, sive liber Metempsy-
chosis." Berlin, 1831.
— ;
Thoth, the first Hermes Trismegistus, or " thrice greatest," who wrote
all these books by the order of the supreme God. The first Thoth was
the celestial Hermes, or the personification of the divine intelligence.
The second Hermes, who was only an imitation of the first, passed for
the author of all the social institutions of Egypt. He it was who had
organised the Egyptian nation, established religion, regulated the cere-
monies of public worship, and taught men the sciences of astronomy,
numbers, geometry, the use of weights and measures, language and
writing, the fine arts, and, in short, all the arts of civilisation. This
knowledge had been included in the sacred books to the number of
forty- two, and the Egyptian priests, w-ho had the custody of them, were
obliged to know their contents wholly, or m part, according to the
nature of their functions, and their rank in the hierarchy. It seems
most probable that the Funereal Ritual was one of these Hermetic
books. As Osiris was the prototype of kings, so Thoth, or Hermes,
was the type of the priests, the minister of science and religion. He
personified all discoveries made by the members of the sacerdotal class,
of which he was at once the founder and the representative. Thoth, in
fact, was the learned class itself ; that is, according to Egyptian ideas,
the personification of science.
5. We have already given an analysis of the epic poem of Pentaour,
on the exploit of Ramses II. against the Khitas, and quoted a fragment
of a chronicle of the expulsion of the Shepherds. We have also men-
tioned the existence at Turin of a papyrus, containing a complete list of
the kings, with the duration of their reigns. History — sometimes in
the form of a poem, sometimes in that of a chronicle, or chronological
abstract —formed a great part of the literature of ancient Egypt. Un-
we have but very few examples.
The Museum of Turin possesses a fragment of a geographical chart
of the time of Seti I., containing the region of the Nubian gold mines.
Other papyri, chiefly in the British Museum, contain collections of the
letters of celebrated writers, preserved asmodels of style, and in more
than one place interesting to the historian. We have also collections
of literary exercises, analogous to the orations of the Greek or Latin
rhetoricians. As a specimen of this style we quote a fragment on the
fatigues of the profession of arms, written in the time of the gi'eat wars
of the nineteenth dynasty, and arranged in parallel lines in Biblical
" When you receive the verses I have written, may you find the work
of the scribe agreeable.
I wish to depict to you the numberless troubles of an unfortunate officer
of infantiy.
While still quite a youth he is entirely shut up in a barrack,
A tight suit of armour encases his body, the peak of his helmet comes
over his eyes
they had not advanced beyond what a patient and attentive observation
with the naked eye alone could achieve, insufficient even under the clearest
sky to permit the precise moment of the occurrence of every phenomenon
to be noted. Instruments they had none. Moreover, their method
of designating the constellations was different from ours. It was only
in the latter days of their history that they borrowed the zodiac from
the Greeks ; thus the interpretation of the astronomical monuments
belonging to Pharaonic ages becomes exceedingly difficult, and only in
a very few cases have the names of stars been identified with those
known by us. Dr. Brugsch, however, has translated a catalogue of
planetary observations, the precise date of which is unknown.
The Egyptians believed in astrology, and reckoned this fallacious
superstition among the sciences. A papyrus in the British Museum has
been found to contain fragments of an astrological calendar, compiled
under the nineteenth dynasty, and containing for each day a list of
things not to be done, because of the adverse influence of the stars.
sions to sacred myths, so that its use beyond the influence of Egyptian
religion became, as it were, impossible. Literature and science were
but branches of theology. The fine arts were only employed with a
view to religion and the glorification of the gods or deified kings.
The prescriptions of religion were so multiplied, so constantly re-
peated, that it was not possible to exercise a profession to provide for
one's subsistence, or to satisfy one's commonest wants without being
constantly reminded of the laws laid down by the priests. Each
province had its special gods, its peculiar rites, its sacred animals. It
seems that the priestly element had presided even over the distribution
He has not been begotten That He is the only living and true
. . .
the beginnmg who has made all things, and was not Himself
. . .
This sublime idea, the echo of a primitive revelation, has possibly
been tlie secret of the constmction of some of the most curious temples
of Egypt. Thus at least might we be able to explain those great
religious edifices of the primitive ages, without sculptured images',
without idols, such as M. Mariette has discovered near the Pyramids.
Unfortunately the idea was very early obscured and disfigured by the
conceptions of the priests, as well as by the ignorance of the multitude.
The personal idea of God was by degrees confounded with the various
manifestations of His power His attributes and qualities were personi-
people ignorant of the tnie nature of the celestial bodies, such an idea
was by no means strange. The sun, or as the Egyptians called it, Ra,
passed alternately from his stay in darkness, or with the dead, to an
existence in light, or with the living. His life-giving warmth pro-
duced and supported all existence. The sun, then, in the universe was
the general progenitor and father he was the cause of life, but had re-
ceived his life from no one; self-existent, and therefore his own
creator. This symbolism, once admitted, became by degrees more and
more developed, and the imagination of the Egyptians sought in the
succession of solar phenomena, an indication of the several phases
of human existence. Each change in the course of the planet was
regarded as corresponding with a different stage in that existence. Ra,
moreover, was not considered solely as the celestial type of man, who
was born, lived, and died to be born and live again : pagan
like other
nations the Egyptians considered him a supreme deity,
deity, the
because he was the greatest of all the heavenly bodies, and the source
of all light and life. The theological ideas of the Egyptians did not
stop at this; they subdivided him, so to speak, into several deities.
Considered in his different positions, and under his different aspects, he
became in each a different god with distinct name, attributes, and
worship ; in this feature the Egyptian agrees with almost every other
mythology. Thus the sun during the night is Atum ; when shining at
midday, he is Ra ; in his character of the producer and sustainer of
life, he is Kheper. These were the three principal forms of the solar
divinity, but they also imagined many others. As the night precedes
the day, Atum was considered as bom before Ra, and as having at
first alone proceeded from the abyss, or chaos. These three manifes-
tations of solar power were united into a divine triad, the prototype of
a host of other triads composed of deities who personified the various
relations of the sun with nature, and his different influences on cosmic
4. Anthropomorphism, that is, the conception of gods under a
human shape, obtained a place among these early Sabean ideas, and the
Egyptians supposed that the generation of gods was produced in the
same way as the generation of men. This is why they introduced into
their theogony ideas on the respective parts of the sexes in this
mysterious act of nature. Diodorus Siculus says that, in the opinion of
the Egyptians, the father is the sole parent of the child, the mother
merely supplies nourishment. This is the part assigned by their theogony
Thebes by the goddess Maut ; at
to the female principle, personified at
Sais by the goddess Neith, mother of the sun. This principle
represented only purely inert matter the lifeless mass in which genera-
tion took place.
Thus, to borrow the mystical language of the Egyptian priests, the
god had pierced with his dart the serpent Apophis, or Apap, the
personification of the morning mists pierced and dispersed by the first
rays of the sun. This contest of Osiris, or of Horus his son, with
darkness, was very naturally connected with that of good with evil, a
symbol found in all mythologies.
Th-:nce arose a fable, very popular in Egypt, and alluded to by a
great number of monuments evil was personified by one particular
god. Set, or Sutekh, called also sometimes Baal, who was the
supreme god of neighbouring Asiatic nations, and in later times, that
of the Shepherds. The Greek confounded him with their Typhon, and
it was said that Osiris had fallen beneath his blows. Resuscitated by
the prayers and invocations of Isis, his wife, who reunites the features
of Maut, of Neith, and Hathor, this good god found an avenger in his
son Horus. The death of Osiris, the grief of Isis, and the final defeat
of Set, furnish an inexhaustible theme for legendary creations, re-
body again, to give it movement and life, or, to use the language of
the Egyptian mythology, the deceased was to arrive finally at the boat
of the sun, to be received there by Ra the Scarabseus god and to —
shine with a brightness borrowed from him. The tombs and mummy
cases abound with pictures showing the various scenes of this invisible
life. One of the vignettes of the Funereal Ritual represents the
mummy on its bier, the soul or human-headed hawk flying towards it,
moment of his death the deceased was called " The Osiris."
8. In this hasty sketch of the essential and fundamental doctrines of
ancient Egypt we have noticed only the most prominent features, only
the principal personages of the pantheon formed by the sub-division of
the unity of the first principle —
an idea always preserved in the sanc-
tuaries, where combinations more or less ingenious were invented to
reconcile this fact with polytheism. We cannot here enumerate the
secondary personages of the Pharaonic pantheon, as from their number
the list would be too long. In fact, these gods, who weve originally
only attributes and qualities of one sole absolute and eternal being,
and who by degrees were invested with an individual and personal
existence, might be indefinitely multiplied, and undoubtedly popular
superstition did its best to do so. Oftenmany of these personages
proceeded from one single conception, and may be traced back to the
same original. Frequently, when they are studied closely, their ap-
parent differences disappear, and may be identified one with
another; and we may soon arrive at the conclusion that Egyptian
mythology and all the tribe of its gods may be reduced to a very small
number of elements, infinitely diversified in outward expression.
But in the popular and visible religion —in that presented by the out-
ward ceremonies in the temples to the eyes of the people — all these
divine beings were considered as absolutely distinct, and the people
believed them to be so; the priests only and those whom they had
instructed in the secrets of religion knew the true foundation of reli-
of Amen, who was also a form of Amen himself, for in these groups of
divinities the son is always identified with his father. Amen is, how-
ever, the most elevated, the most spiritual form of the deity presented
by the Egyptian priests for the adoration of the crowds in the temples.
He is the invisible and incomprehensible god, his name means "the
hidden"; he is, in fact, the mysterious power who created, preserved,
"and governed the world. An invaluable passage in the Ritual dis-
tinctly represents him as the original and only first principle, the other
divine personages being merely his attributes or emanations. " Amen-
Ra," it is there said (Ch. xvii.), "is the creator of his members; they
become the other gods who are associated with him.
The parent god in the triad of Memphis was Phtah, the second
demiurgus, the personification of creative energy (but inferior in the
scale of emanations to Chnuphis), lord of justice, and regulator of the
worlds, believed in as the author of the visible universe ; his attributes,
however, show entire confiision between the creator and the created,
between the author of order in the world and chaos. His wife was
Pasht, the great goddess of Bubastis, sometimes with a lion's and
sometimes a cat's head, considered to be the avenger of crimes, and
also one of the forms of Maut. The sun was considered her son in
the sanctuary of the old capital of the primitive dynasties.
Month, with the hawk's head, was the terrible and hostile form of
the sun, when his rays strike like arrows and are sometimes fatal. He
was specially worshipped at Hermonthis, with the goddess Ritho his
wife, and Harphre (Horus, the sun), another example of the
their son
identity of the divine father and son.
But of all these triads, the one most closely related to humanity in
external form and worship, although the conception, as we have ;een,
was one of the most exalted, was that of Osiris, Isis, and Horus, who
were the object of universal worship in all parts of Egypt. They were
said to be the issue of the god Set, the personification of the earth, and
of the goddess Nut, the vault of heaven. Osiris, said the tradition,
had manifested himself to men and had reigned in Egypt. The whole
of the legend of his death from the violence of Set, of his resurrection,
and of the vengeance taken by his son Horus on his enemies, was said
to have taken place on earth ; and every city on the banks of the Nile
professed to have been the scene of one of the episodes of this great
10. Symbolism was the very essence of the genius of the Egyptian
nation, and of their religion. The abuse of that tendency produced
the grossest and most monstrous perversion of the external and popular
worship in the land of Mizraim. To symbolise the attributes, the
qualities,and nature of the various deities of their Pantheon, the
Egyptian priests had recourse to animals. The bull, the cow, the ram,
the cat, the ape, crocodile, hippopotamus, hawk, ibis, scaraba;us, and
others, were each emblems of a divine personage. The god was repre-
sented under the figure of that animal, or more often by the strange
conjunction peculiar to Egypt, of the head of the animal with a human
body. But the inhabitants of the banks of the Nile, instinctively averse
to the idolatry of other pagan nations, preferred to pay their worship
to living representatives of their gods rather than to lifeless images of
stone or metal, and they found these representatives in the animals
chosen as emblems of the idea expressed by the conception of each
Hence arose that worship of sacred which appeared .so
strange and ridiculous to Romans. Each of these
the Greeks and
animals was carefully tended during its life in the temple of the god to
whom it was sacred, and after death its body was embalmed. Certain
cities were pecidiarly set apart for each species, for it must not be sup-
posed that every animal of each sacred species was considered sacred.
A kw only were maintained at the expense of the state, and under the
care of the greatest personages. Thus the sacred cats, after having
been embalmed, were carried to Bubastis, the hawks to Buto, the ibis
to Hermojiolis. The same animals, moreover, were not held sacred in
all provinces. The hippopotamus was only worshipped in the Papremis
nome. The inhabitants of Thebes held crocodiles in great veneration
in other places they were hunted.
We repeat that in the original conception, and for those who under-
stood the basis of their religion, these sacred animals were only the
living representatives of the deities, but popular superstition made them
into real gods ; and the worship of these animals was, perhaps, that
part of their religion to which the people were most invincibly attached.
more celebrated than any others, which, from the very com-
rated and
mencement of their worship, v.-ere considered, by a most degrading con-
ception, not merely as representatives but as incarnations of the deity. The
worship of these had been established, it M^as said, by the King Kekeu,
of the second dynasty the bull Mnevis, worshipped at Heliopolis ; the
goat of Mendes, the incarnation of the god Khem, or Min, in whom
was personified in the most brutish manner the reproductive power, and
who then received the special name of Ba-n-ded, "the spirit of the
region of stability," of which the Greeks have made Mendes; and
lastly,the bull Apis, the incarnation of Phtah, whose worship held the
firstrank in the religion of Memphis. Apis was bom of a cow, mys-
teriously impregnated by lightning descending from heaven. He was
to be black, with a white triangle on his forehead, a mark like a half
moon on the back, and a sort of lump or thickening of the skin, in the
form of a scarabseus, under the tongue. Wlien this god died, all Egypt
was in mourning, and solemn lamentations were everywhere made. As
soon as he was manifested anew, the Egyptians put on their richest
clothes, and gave themselves up to the greatest rejoicings.t But the
divine bull was not allowed to live more than a detenmined number of
years, and at the end of that time, if he did not die a natural death, he
was killed ; still, however, they mourned for him.
The dead Apis was embalmed and deposited in the magnificent caves
of the temple, called by the Greeks "the Serapeum," discovered by
M. Mariette. He then became the object of a new worship. By the
very fact of his death, he had become assimilated with Osiris, the god
of the lower world, and received the name of Osir Hapi, converted by
the Greeks into Serapis. Of only secondary importance under the
Pharaohs, the worship of Apis, or Serapis, took a sudden development,
and became of primary importance imder the Ptolemies. Changing
completely its nature and features, it became a mixed worship, made by
the policy of the Lagides, the point of contact between the two nations,
Greek and Egj'ptian.
12. Such, then, was in reality the religion of the Egyptian people, a
strange and almost inextricably confused mixture of sublime truths
(vestiges more or less obliterated of a primitive revelation) witli meta-
physical or cosmological ideas, often confused, always grandiose ; a
refined morality, an abject form of worship, and popular superstitions,
coarse to the last degree. " If you enter a temple," says Clement of
Alexandria, " a priest advances with a solemn air, singing a hymn in
the Egyptian language ; he raises the veil a little to let you see the
god ; and what then do you see ? A cat, a crocodile, a snake, or
some other noxious animal. The god of the Egyptians appears ! . . .
reign of Ramses II. ; and finally the last "renaissance" under the
Saite kings.
Considered as a whole, and without reference to the differences
between various epochs, Eg}'ptian sculpture exhibits a peculiarly
symbolical character, always recalling its original intention —to embody
religious ideas and to be their visible representative. Its birth-place
and broad ; the attitude is stiff, imposing, and fixed ; the legs are
generally parallel and joined ; the feet touch, or rather stand one
before the other in the same direction, and are also exactly parallel ;
the arms hang down by the sides, or are crossed over the breast,
unless they are detach£d sufficiently to hold some attribute, a sceptre,
crux ansata, or a lotus flower : but in this solemn and cabalistic panto-
mime, the figure makes signs rather than gestures ; it is in position
rather than in action; for whatever movement the statue seems about
to make will and followed by no other.
be its last,
nature of the rock did not admit of the execution of finished sculpture,
have had the internal walls covered with plaster and painted. This
painting, however, is entirely sculptural in its character, and executed
quite in the style of a bas-relief. The papyrus manuscripts of the
Funereal Ritual frequently present vignettes designed with the pen with
wonderful freedom, firmness and boldness, and sometimes with a purity
of outline recalling the decorations of Greek vases.
(Chefren), and is the only one still retaining a part of its original outer
casing. The third pyramid is not more than a third of the height of
the first, was found the wooden
but was more highly ornamented ; in it
divided the face into horizontal bands. Advantage has been taken of
one of these divisions to form the mouth. The great Sphinx was the
image of the god Har-ma-chu, the setting sun, a deity of an essentially
funereal character between its two front paws was placed a small
collect the sounds of the past; its eyes, directed to the east, gaze as it
were into the future ; its aspect has a depth, a truth of expression,
irresistibly fascinating to the spectator. In this figure, half statue, half
mountain, we see a wonderful majesty, a grand serenity, and even a
sort of sweetness of expression."
Besides Gizeh, many other localities, at various distances from Mem-
phis, possess pyramids, though smaller. Altogether sixty-seven have
been found, and, in fact, sepulchres of this kind were in use until the
time of the twelfth dynasty. At Gizeh there are nine in all. We find
important groups of them at Zauiet-el-Arrian, and at Abousir, S.S.E. of
Gizeh one in the latter place bears the names of three kings of the
fifth dynasty, who were buried there. At Sakkarah there are also
several pyramids, the largest, built in stages, is, as we have already said,
the oldest monument in Egypt, for it appears to have been the tomb ot
king Kekeu of the second dynasty; another had apparently a very large
platform on the summit, and was the tomb of king Unas, of the fifth
dynasty ; its ruins are nowby the Arabs, Mastabat-el-Earaoun.
Lastly, the village of five of these monuments, the largest
Dashur has
326 feet high ; one of these pyramids is of sun-dried brick, and was the
and the varied windings of the paths across the courts, " says he again,
"excited in me infinite admiration, as I passed from the courts into
chambers, and from the chambers into colonnades, and from the colon-
nades into fresh houses, and again from these into courts unseen before.
The roof was throughout of stone, like the walls, and the walls were
car\'ed all over with figures. Every court was surrounded with a
colonnade, which was built of white stones exquisitely fitted together.
At the comer of the Labyrinth stands a pyramid forty fathoms high,
with large hieroglyphics engraven on it, entered by a subterranean
Twenty-three centuries after Herodotus, on the 25th June, 1843,
M. Lepsius wrote from the ruins of the same monument* — "These
lines are written from the distinctly recognised Labyrinth of Moeris and
of the Dodecarchy, not from the doubtful spot whose identity is still
rom the hitherto more than deficient descriptions even of those w^ho
have removed the laljyrinth hither. An immense cluster of chambers
still remains, and in the centre lies the great square, where the courts
enclose a rectangular place, which is 600 feet long and 500 feet wide. The
fourth side, one of the narrow ones, is bounded by the pyramid, which
lies behind it; it is 300 feet square. . But the chambers lying on
. .
the farther side, especially their southern pomt, where the walls rise
nearly ten feet above the rubbish, and about twenty feet above the base
of the ruins, are to be seen very well, even from this, the eastern side ;
and viewed from the summit of the pyramid, the regular plan of the
whole design lies before one as on a map." The learned traveller found
the name of the builder, Amen-emhe III., inscribed in several places
on the monument,
3. Funereal Grottoes.—" The Egyptians," says Diodorus Sicu-
lus, "called the dwellings of the living, lodgings, because they were
only occupied for a short time ; the tombs, on the contrary, they called
'eternal houses,' because their occupants never left them. This is why
they took so little pains to decorate their houses, whilst they neglected
nothing that could enhance the splendour of their tombs." cannot We
here enumerate and describe the innumerable private rock-tombs, all
decorated with sculpture, to be met with throughout the entire length
of the Nile valley. The most remarkable are those of the neighbour-
hood of Memphis (Gizeh and Sakkarah), those of Beni Hassan in
Central Egypt, and those of Gurnah, the principal necropolis of
Tliebes. But we must at least give a short account of the celebrated
royal tombs of Thebes, described by every antiquarian traveller who
has visited Egypt. These subterranean constructions are almost as
astonishing as the magnificent edifices near them. The most ancient of
the Theban tombs belong to the eleventh dynasty; they are those of
the Entefs, discovered near the village of Drah abu'l Neygah.
At the period these tombs were constructed, the sarcophagus alone
was ornamented. The kings of the twelfth dynasty, although Theban
by origin, appear to have been buried at Fayum, and in the neigh-
bourhood of Memphis, under the Pyramids. The period of decline,
and even disaster, following this has left no great monuments. We
know no sepulchres, either of the Sevek-hoteps nor yet of any of the
Theban princes, who contended with the Shepherds. At Drah abu'l
Neygah has been discovered that of Queen Aah-hotep, mother of
Ahmes. The sepulchres of the valley of Assassif belong to the
eighteenth dynasty, where Amen-hotep III. and Ai, one of the
usurpers towards the close of this period, were buried. It is not, however,
to the time of the eighteenth dynasty, but to the age of the Ramses of
the nineteenth and twentieth, that the most magnificent of the royal
sepulchres of Thebes belong, those of Biban-el-Moluk, called by the
Greeks the Syringes, find reckoned by them among the wonders of
The tomb of Ramses V. is most remarkable, for the long series of
sculptures or paintings adorning a succession of halls or galleries, ex-
cavated in the side of the mountain, and forming the approach to the
Sarcophagus Hall. They are mythological and astronomical scenes,
representing the sun's course, and the rewards or punishments to be
awarded to the soul in a future life. The Sarcophagus Hall, described
in great detail in the letters of Champollion, shows us the course of
the Sun, and the walls are covered with thousands of hieroglyphics.
Among the sixteen tombs of the valley of Biban-el-Moluk, a part only
have their decorations completed throughout their whole extent, and
these belong to princes who had a long reign, for the constraction of
the royal sepulchre was begun at the commencement of the reign, and,
more or less, was accomplished according to the length of time that
the king occupied the throne. When once the corpse was deposited in
the sepulchre, the door was closed, to be re-opened no more.
Among the best furnished and most curious sepulchres we may reckon
those of Seti I. and Ramses III. In the first are represented the
various human races according to Egyptian ideas the sculptures of the
in front of the outer portico, or the second temple, built in the same
direction by Ramses II., but behind the back wall of the first, so that
the total length is about 2000 feet. There is found that Hall of
Columns of Seti I., of which no words can convey a just concep-
covered with various sculptures, now in relief, now sunk, which, however,
were only completed by the successors of the builder (Seti), most of
them, indeed, by his son, Ramses Miamun." *
A series of colonnades of colossal rams of gi^anite, forming avenues,
and of paved roads, connect the buildings of Karnak with those of
Luxor. Here again we meet with an assemblage of monuments of
various dates, to which each generation has contributed a stone. The
most ancient part, the principal temple, is the work of Amen-hotep III.
to the north of this principal temple a gallery of columns leads to
another built by Ramses II., and still covering an area of 4,000 yards.
It is in front of the court before this temple thatRamses set up two
obelisks; one of them now ornaments the Place de la Concorde at
On the left bank of the Nile, not far from the village of Gurnah, is
found a building every part of which recalls Ramses II. and his family;
and therefore called by Champollion "the Ramesseum." It is quite clear
that it was the palace of that prince. It is composed of a suite of
courts surrounded by, or filled with, columns, covered with hieroglyphic
inscriptions, recounting the exploits of the king. A granite colossus,
original condition, but the greater number were reconstructed under the
Ptolemies in conformity with the traditions of the Pharaonic age. At
Abydos the excavations of M. Mariette have brought to light one of
the largest and most beautiful temples of the best period of Egyptian
art, a temple dating from the reign of Seti I. ; it measures 486 feet in
length. The work of
ruins of the sanctuary of Sutekh, at Tanis, the
Ramses II., of Merenphtah, and of Seti II., have been discovered by
the same learned explorer and eleven obelisks, numerous monolithic
granite columns, and colossal steles taken from the ruins, prove that this
building may be ranked almost with the erections of the same epoch at
No monument of Memphis still exists standing : any remains there
may be are hidden under ground. One only of the temples of
this great city has been disinterred — the Serapeum, discovered by
M. Mariette. It contains in its enclosure the sepulchres of the Bulls
Apis, from the time of the nineteenth dynasty to that of the Roman
Before closing this chapter, we must lastly notice in a few words the
numerous buildings of the Pharaonic age to be found on the banks of
the Nile in Nubia, between the first and second cataracts, and especially
the prodigious subterranean temple of Ipsambul, with historical and
religious sculptures covering its walls, and its fa9ade ornamented by four
colossal statues of Ramses II., seated, each sixty-five feet high, and
carved out of the rock. "These more than gigantic masses," says
Charles Lenormant, " are treated in a manner rather grand than
finished, with the exception of the heads, and nothing can be seen for
truth, life and modelling, more perfect than these. Winckelman has
laid down no other rules for that cahn beauty regarded by him as the
highest aim of art. The Ludovisi Juno, one-fourth of tlieir size, does
not excel them in the expression of the whole, or in tlie harmony of
combination of so many parts. Give !)ut movement to these rocks, and
Greek art would be suruassed."
— : : —
I. The immense deserts extending from west to east across the entire
eastern hemisphere of the globe, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Yellow
Sea, intersected on the frontier of Asia and Africa, by the valley
of the Nile, are again broken near their centre by a second oasis, larger
and not less fertile than that of Egypt, in the exact place where the
desert changes its geological character, and from a low plain becomes
an elevated plateau. To the west of this fortunate spot, the solitudes of
Asia and Africa are mere seas of sand, scarcely above, even where not
below, the level of the ocean. To the east, on the contrary, in Persia,
Kirman, Seistan, Chinese Tartary, and Mongolia, the desert consists of
a series of terraced plateaux, from 3,000 to 10,000 feet above the sea
level. The two great rivers, Tigris and Euphrates, form and surround
with their waters this great oasis, called by the ancient Semites
Naharaim, and by the Greeks Mesopotamia; and in the most ancient
narrative of the Bible Shinar. These two rivers, about equal in
volume, take their rise near each other on the sides of the ancient
Mount Niphates (the modern Keleshin); in Armenia they run at first
in exactly opposite directions, and enter the plain at the two extremities
of the chain of Mount Masius (now Karadjeh Dagli), the Tigris to the
east, the Euphrates to the west. From this point they gradually aj)-
proach each other until, in the thirty-fourth degree of latitude, they
z 2
run parallel for thirty leagues, and afterwards unite into one stream, now
called Shat-el-Arab, and flow into the Persian Gulf.
2. By the geological formation of the soil, as well as by the aspect of
the country and its fertility, Mesopotamia is divided into two very dis-
tinct parts, the north and the south, the boundary being where the
rivers begin to run parallel at Hit, on the Euphrates, and Samarah, on
the Tigris. The northern part is divided in two by the river Cha-
boras (the modern Khabur), taking its rise in Mount Masius, running
from north to south, and flowing into the Euphrates at Carchemish,
•separating Assyria on the east from Aramaean Mesopotamia, the
Osrhoene of the Greeks on the west. All the northern part, as we
have said, is one great plain of secondary formation, fertile only where
springs and water- courses are abundant, as in Osrhoene and the neigh-
bourhood of Mount Sinjar; but in the rest of its extent resembling the
neighbouring deserts, and like them, must always have been sterile and
unfit for cultivation. The southern
on the contrary, comprising
Babylonia and Chaldsea, is a still lower plain entirely formed of the
modern alluvium (in the geological sense of the word) of the two
rivers. The distance from one to the other is not more than a day's
journey; and the country has the appearance of an immense prairie,
only needing water to produce enormous harvests. The summer heat
in this region is excessive, even for the east, but the winter is temperate
and pleasant.
The waters of the Euphrates and Tigris rise every year and inundate
the low land, though they do not, like the Nile, deposit fertilising mud;
nevertheless, this natural irrigation, if was
directed and controlled as it
in ancient times, would again make Chaldaea the garden of Asia. Rice
and barley at one time returned an increase of 200 for one but now-a- ;
days that the canals are neglected, the produce is but a tenth of what it
once was. The country has no trees but the date-palm ; this, however,
forms entire forests, sometimes of enormous extent.
3. From this hasty sketch we may see the resemblance of the
natural features of the Tigro-Euphrates Basin to the land of Egypt,
especially as regards Chaldsea, its southern part.* This countiy also
is the gift of the river, a land of incomparable fertility, yielding its fruits
Egypt and Mesopotamia have been the two great centres of civilisation,
whose hands has alternately been placed the dominion of Western Asia.
The Euphrates and the Nile have an easy communication with each
other by roads fit for the passage of great armies. Whenever Egypt
has been governed by an energetic ruler, she has endeavoured to sub-
jugate Mesopotamia, as though an inevitable law forbade the existence
of two rival empires, possessed of equal resources and placed in
analogous circumstances. A Thothmes or a Seti at Thebes, like
a Saladm at Cairo, or a Mehemet Ali at Alexandria, have never pursued
any other object so steadily as to march their troops on the Euphrates,
and attempt the conquest of Mesopotamia. In the same way, when-
ever a strong power has arisen on the banks of the Tigris or the
Euphrates, whether at Bagdad, Babylon, or Nineveh, it has menaced
Egypt and attempted its conquest. The history of Ancient no less
than that of Modern Asia, more than one continuous record of
is little
the building of Babel, the first great city founded after the Deluge, and
two principal elements, two great nations, the Shumir and the Accad,
who lived to the north and to the south of the country. As soon as a
monarchical government was introduced there, the first title of the
sovereigns was " King of the Shumir and Accad," a title preserved in
official documents by the Assyrian and Babylonian kings to the last
days of their empire, though it had then no real meaning. The Accad
occupied the southern districts, and had as their capital a city called
after them, Accad, to be identified apparently with Nipur, the modern
Niffer. The position of the Shumir was more northern they had ;
Tigris and Indus, afterwards conquered by the Iranians, and they also
held the greater part of India. When the Semites on the one hand,
and the Arians on the other, had finished their migrations, and were
finally established, there always remained between them a separating
belt of Turanian people, penetrating like a wedge as far as the Persian
Gulf, and occupying the mountains between Persia and the Tigro-
Euphrates basin.
Media was not, as is often represented, peopled entirely by the
Indo-European race. On the contrary, the greater number of its
people belonged, then as now, to the Turanian race. Even the name
"Media" is a purely Turanian word, Mata signifying "land, country."
This alone would prove, even if other positive indications had not been
found to demonstrate it, that the basis of the population of that country
has always been, dowTi to our days, of the Tartaro-finnish race,
although from an early period the dominant aristocratic class has
been Arian. And it was long before this Turanian Media ceased to
struggle with varying success against the dualism of the religion of
More to the south, the Turanians formed a notable portion of the
population of Susiana, on the left bank of the Tigris in its lower
course, and for a long time their language was predominant there.
This remarkable country, situated on the common boundary of all the
various races of Western Asia, had these several people inextricably
mixed up together on its soil. There were at the same time Elamites
of Semitic race, Susianans proper, and Arphasaeans of the Turanian
family, Uxians, a branch of the Arians, and Cossseans, descendants of
Ham of the Cushite branch, each preserving their distinct nationality,
and living side by side with each other, as do now the various races of
The Turanians of Chaldasa formed the last link of the chain, and
were connected with those of Susiana.
The whence all the Turanian people had spread
primitive centre,
into the world, was towards the east of Lake Aral. There, from very
remote antiquity, they had possessed a peculiar civilisation characterised
by gross Sabeism, peculiarly materialistic tendencies, and complete
want of moral elevation but at the same time an extraordinary deve-
* ii- 3-
with them into the countries they colonised those ot
this civilisation ;
because, in the Chaldrean language the word for God was Aiinap,
Again, the character employed for " ear" is found in other cases with
the pronunciation//, because the Turanians of Chaldsea expressed that
idea by the word Pil (Magyar Fill). The same sign represents " fish,"
and also the syllable ha, because fish was called hal (Finlandish Hal).
Another combined the meaning of "two" and the sound o{ kas,
because in Turanian /-aj meant "two" (Magyar A>/). A third was
employed both to mean " nose," and for the sound ar, because, always
in the same idiom, "nose" was called ar (Magyar Orr). These
examples will suffice, but they might be indefinitely multiplied.
Cuneiform writing is then originally Turanian, and was the principal
contribution of the Shumir to the Babylonian civilisation. Thus this
people are often designated ideographically by a group composed of
two characters, meaning " language " and " arrow," evidently
designating them as the people whose language was written in arrow-
headed or cuneiform characters. Did the Shumir or Chaldoean
Turanians invent this system of writing on the banks of the lower
Tigris, or was it already formed before their final immigration ? I
would be rash perhaps to attempt in the present state of knowledge to
give a decidedly affirmative answer to this question. But whoever
studies the symbols forming the cuneiform writing, and attempts to
trace them back to the objects they originally represented, will find that
the nature of these objects apparently points, as the place where that
system of writing was invented, to a region very different from Chaldasa,
a more northern region, whose fauna and flora were markedly different,
where, for example, neither the lion nor any other large feline
camivora were known, and where there were no palm trees.
6. Are we to suppose that a branch of the Shumir, or Turanians of
the north of Chaldsea, was the dominant tribe there from the beginning,
or that the Chaldteans proper were another Turanian nation, whose
establishment is still surrounded by the greatest obscurity? What is
certain is, that the Chaldasans imposed themselves equally on the two
great constitutional elements of the population of the country, no doubt
by conquest, and that they remained there as a superior and learned
caste, having both sacerdotal and military supremacy. They belonged
neither to the race of Shem, like the Assyrians, nor to the race of
Ham, like the Accad, or Cushites of the Lower Euphrates but they ;
longed at first to the Ilamites of Cushite race. "And Cush," says the
Book "begat Nimrod; he began to
of Genesis, be a mighty one in the
earth. He was Lord wherefore it is said,
a mighty hunter before the ;
Even as Nimrod, the mighty hunter before the Lord. And the be-
ginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calnch,
in the land of Shinar. Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded
Nineveh and the streets of the city (margin), and Calah, and Resen,
between Nineveh and Calah; the same is a great city."
This invaluable passage in the inspired book furnishes us with facts
of the highest importance in the primitive history of Mesopotamia. We
see there, first, Asshur remained there a
that the Semites of the race of
long time mixed with the Cushites of Chaldaea, and did not leave it
until after the commencement of historical times, when they emigrated
to the north, undoubtedly to escape the Cushite dominion, formed a
new state distinct from the first, and founded the Assyrian cities. This
lengthened sojourn together explains why the Assyrians and Babylonians
had the same language and civilisation, in spite of the difference of
their origin.
The Book of Genesis also reveals to us the existence of a Tetrapolis,
or confederation of four cities, who ruled over the rest of the land that
had been the empire of Nimrod. These four cities were, ist, Babylon ;
and are near the first confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates, at some
distance from the river and on its right bank. They all four seem
to have simultaneously held the rank of capitals during the entire time
of the existence of the first Chaldean Empire, and the kings resided
alternately in each. This Tetrapolis, moreover, had a sacred as well as
a political character ; the four cities were, according to Chaldsean ideas,
a representation on earth of the four regions of heaven, or the four
cardinal points, just as in Egypt its two divisions, Upper and Lower,
represented the two hemispheres of the world. Thence arose the term,
"king of the four regions," an essential part of the royal title of the
ancient kings of Chaldrea, and only in later times abandoned by the
Assyrian kings. Instead of four regions, four languages are sometimes
understood ; seems to indicate that there was also a connection
and this
between the number of cities of the Tetrapolis and the constituent
elements of the population of the country.
2. The foundation of the Cushite state of the lower Euphrates was
almost coincident with that of the other branch of the sons of Ham in
Egypt, and with the appearance of the first signs of civilisation on the
banks of the Nile. The fragments of Berosus mention this first
dynasty, said to have consisted of eighty-six kings (and, therefore,
to have existed about fifteen centuries), and the founder is called
Evechous. In the last syllable of this name it seems that we may
recognise that of Cush. Possibly this name, preserved by Berosus, may
be a traditional surname of the chief of the Hamite dynasty, and may
have meant something like son of Cush* just as the name given in the
Book of Genesis to that personage, Nimrod, is a Semitic word, meaning
" Rebel." Evechous, according to Berosus, had for his successor
Chomasbelus the original form of this name Shamash bel, " servant
of the history of the kings who succeeded Nimrod, or of the early times
of Assyria. We may perhaps dimly perceive through the medium of
the more or less fabulous traditions preserved by Berosus, that
Chaldsea and Assyria had at first a separate existence. The Semitic
Assyrians occupied the sterile plains extending south of the mountains
of Armenia, between the Chaboras and the Tigris, as far as Media.
In this district, on the left bank of the river, they founded Nineveh.
Material civilisation with all its refinements seems to have been more
slowly developed among them than in Chaldasa ; inhabiting a country
and a climate less enervating, they remained always less
less fertile,
polished, but at the same time more manly and warlike than their
southern neighbours. All appearances seem to indicate that the
Assyrians did not at first form one united empire, a great monarchy,
but merely a confederation of tribes with essentially military chiefs.
Their principal cities —Nineveh, Resen, Calah, Asshur or Ellasar,+ and
* May not Evechous be the Assyrian Avil Kush, " man of Kush "?
t Sir H. Rawlinson has identified the ruins of Senkereh in Southern
Chaldaea, called in the cuneiform inscriptions Larrak or Larsa, with the
Biblical Ellasar (Gen xiv. i). The author's reason for the identification
in the text is, that the name of the city is written in the inscriptions
with ideographic characters, meaning "City of Asshur," and the
— ;
astronomy took its rise under that clear sky while at the same time on
Thus at a very early date, and undoubtedly long before the time
when the Chaldtean monarchs conquered Assyria by force of arms,
there was, in spite of the diversity of origin, but one nation of mixed
character, the Chaldseo-Assyrians, in the whole extent of the plains
watered by the Tigris and the Euphrates. From this time, however,
this great and numerous nation appears to us as already sometimes
divided into two empires. Nineveh and Babylon were not universally
subject to one sceptre. But an irresistible tendency to union always
appears from time amongst them, and most frequently the two are
character meaning " city" certainly had the sound of ^/, and the group
must therefore have been pronounced Al AssJinr.
The identification of Ellasar with the northern city may perhaps be
supported by the text above quoted. The ruins at Senkereh were
certainly within the land of Shinar, and therefore would probably be
within the dominions of the king of Shinar. The northern Asshur
was far beyond the limits of that kingdom, and the centre of a dis-
trict, and head of a people, whose king was equal in rank and power
to the kings of Shinar and Elam, and to the great chief of the Nomad
tribes. Tr.
towards the west, temporarily subjected the whole of Syria, even as far
as the frontier of Egypt, plundered the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah,
led Lot away captive, and was at last defeated by Abraham.
The name of Chedorlaomer unquestionably belongs to the language
of the Susianian Turanians, and is composed of elements found in
names of a later period in the native inscriptions of the country. With
regard to the name "king o. nations," the Hebrew text has it written
Tidal, and the Greek version of the LXX., Thargal; this last form
seems undoubtedly preferable, as it agi'ees with the form Turgal,
meaning in one of the oldest Turanian idioms found in the cuneiform
inscriptions (the Chaldeean) "great chief" The "nations" over
whom this personage ruled were probably nomadic tribes of Scythians,
or Turanians.
Such are the arguments which have hitherto sufficed to prove that
the third dynasty of Berosus was Elamite or Susianian. But the fact
is now proved by the direct testimony of cuneiform texts, con-
taining the name of the founder of this dynasty and the approximate
date of his reign. Asshur-bani-pal, the last of the Assyrian conquerors,
mentions, in two inscriptions, that he took Susa 1635 years after
Kedornakhunta, king of Elam, had conquered Babylonia. He found
in that city the statues of the gods taken from Erech by Kedornakhunta,
and replaced them in their original position. It was in the year 660 B.C.
that Asshur-bani-pal took Susa. The date, therefore, of the conquest
of Babylon by Kedornakhunta, and the establishment of the Elamite
dynasty in Chaldoea, must have been 2295 B.C.
3. A new dynasty follows this in the lists of Berosus. The dates of
this historian, apparently reliable, and based upon a regular and correct
chronology, place its accession in the year 2017 B.C. This dynasty is
and thus given unfailing waters to the people. ... 1 have dis-
tributed the inhabitants of the land of the Shumir and Accad among
distant cities. I have changed desert plains into well-watered lands.
I have given them fertility and abundance, and made them the abode of
happiness." The inscription from which we quote these passages is the
most ancient text in our possession, and written phonetically in the
Assyrian language, like all the later inscriptions of the kings of Assyria
and Babylon.
The monumental inscriptions of more ancient kings, and even part
of those of Hammurabi himself, are exclusively written in ideographic
characters, and the few grammatical forms written phonetically that are
found in them prove that they were intended to be read in the Tura-
nian Chaldsean, as the others were in the Semitic Assyrian; this
difference of style distinguishing them from texts of later date renders
the ancient inscriptions very difficult to interpret.
1559 B.C.
This is ho\V the Tower of Babel had Ijeen built; and also the most
ancient of the Pyramids of Egypt, that of Sakkarah for instance. This
mode of construction for sacred edifices was connected with the
essentially astronomical character of the original form of the religion of
the Chaldasans. They thus thought to approach nearer to the heavenly
bodies, the objects of public worship and the temples were really ob-
Colonel Taylor enable us, however, to state that the halls were long and
narrow, little better than mere passages, for it was impossible to put any
great weight on vaults built of earth or sun-dried bricks. The inside of
the walls was plastered with a thick coat of mortar; and in this were
fixed cones of coloured terra-cotta, with the base outwards, arranged so
as to produce patterns of lozenges, chevrons, or squares. At short
* Her. i. 170.
Sir R. Ker Porter, and is engraved in his "Travels,"* (this was the
seal of King Ur-Hammu) ; the second, the cylinder of his son Ilgi, now
one of the most valued treasures of the British Museum. In these, art
is the same as in the engraved Babylonian stones of much later days,
equality with each other, none of whom exercised suzerainty over the
others and this confederation extended its influence over Osrhoene, or
tion, and to remain as hostages until the time arrived for their being
installed on the throne. Of course, Pharaoh, as suzerain, reserved to
himself the right of dethroning, and replacing by another, any vassal
prince who revolted or gave cause for suspecting his fidelity. This
was exactly the method employed in later times by the Romans in
dealing with allied kingdoms.
3. It is evident that the campaigns of
Thothmes III. were the
means of overturning the dominion of the Chaldaean dynasty. The
year 1559 B.C., the date assigned by Berosus for the end of this dynasty,
agrees exactly with his reign. We may even regard the year 1559 as
identical with the thirty-first year ofThothmes, the time, as we know
from the inscription on the walls of Karnak, when that king took
Babylon. Berosus says that the Chaldaean prinCes were succeeded by
nine Arab kings, who reigned 245 years; that is, from 1559 to 1314.
Many scholars have attempted to identify these Arab kings with the
Khitas of the Egyptian monuments but, however great may be the
authority of those who propound this, we are unable to admit the identi-
fication. In 1559 B.C. there was no mention of the Khitas, or Hittites,
called Arabian dynasty, and tlie purely Babylonian forms of these names
give rise to serious doubts as to the correctness of the statement. We
may remark that one of them Nabu (the Nabius of
Syncellus) has been found stamped on bricks at Erech and Babylon,
which seem to the learned M. Oppert to belong certainly to the time of
the Arabian kings of Berosus. The British Museum possesses a muti-
lated statue, in black basalt, of king Nabu, and the Louvre has several
inscriptions of the same prince. These monuments certainly belong to
a very ancient period, but the titles of the king differ completely from
those of the monarchs of the primitive epoch; their modesty seems to
indicate a prince who was not an independent sovereign, but merely
the vassal of a more powerful suzerain.
5. To this period also must be attributed a most valuable head in
limestone, bearing traces of having been coloured, which was discovered
at Babylon, and is now in the museum of the Louvre. This head, rudely
worked, but vigorously treated, and very lifelike in type, clearly repre-
sents an Egyptian. There is an evident intention of imitating the style
of Eg\'ptian works, and, moreover, the Pharaonic art at this period of
Eg}-ptian supremacy has left monuments in many parts of the Euphrates
Basin. The Theban conquerors, as their inscriptions tell us, had
already once attempted in vain. In the course of this war we first en-
counter Semiramis, whose name was soon to attain to such great celebrity.
She was the daughter of Derceto, or Atergatis, the goddess of repro-
ductive nature, the chief seat of whose worship was at Ascalon.
Derceto had exposed her child, the fruit of a clandestine amour with a
young mortal, and a shepherd named Simas had found and brought up
Semiramis. Oannes, governor of Syria, had married her for her
beauty, and she had followed him to the royal army in the Bactrian
war. An act of bravery raised her to the rank of queen. Ninus, after
having vanquished the Bactrians in the field, besieged their capital with-
out success, when Semiramis, disguised as a soldier, found means to
scale the wall, and by a signal announced her success to the troops of
Ninus, who then stormed the place. Ninus, astonished at her braveiy,
took her from Oannes and made her his wife ; a short time afterwards
he died, and left her sole mistress of the empire.
" Semiramis, once in possession of supreme power, indulged her
naturally enterprising genius. Desirous of surpassing the glory of all
her predecessors, she conceived the idea of building a city in Chaldasa.
Stnick with the advantages of the situation of Babylon, she wished to
make one of the capitals of the Assyrian empire.
divide the water, cause it to run smoothly past and lessen the pressure
against the massive pillars. On these pillars were laid beams of cedar
and cypress, with large trunks of palm trees, so as to form a platform
thirty feet wide. The queen then built at great cost on either bank of
the river a quay with a wall as broad as that of the city, and i6o stades
long (nearly twenty miles). In front of each end of the bridge she
built a castle flanked by towers, and surrounded by triple walls. Before
the bricks used in these buildings were baked she modelled on them
figures of animals of every kind, coloured to represent living nature.
Semiramis then constructed another prodigious work; she had a huge
basin, or square reservoir, dug in some low ground. When it was
finished, the river was diverted into it, and she at once commenced
building in the dry bed of the river a covered way leading from one
castle to the other. This work was completed in seven days, and the
river then was allowed to return to its bed, and Semiramis could then
pass dry shod under water from one of her castles to the other. She
placed at the two ends of the tunnel gates of bronze, said by Ctesias to
be still in existence in the time of the Persians. Lastly, she built in the
midst of the city the temple of the god Bel.
" Semiramis, after having completed these works in Babylonia, made
an expedition against the Medes, who had revolted. She subjected the
country afresh, and left there an everlasting monument of her presence.
At the foot of Mount Bagistan she built a palace. One of the faces of
the mountain formed of perpendicular rocks of enormous height on
is ;
cost and by enormous works, a plentiful supply of pure water into all
parts of it. For this purpose she tunnelled through Mount Orontes,
and dug a canal, ten feet wide and forty feet deep, communicating with
a lake on the other side of the mountain.
From Media, Semiramis passed on to Persia, and visited all her pos-
sessions in Asia. In Armenia she built, near Lake Van, a city with an
immense palace. Wherever she went, says Ctesias, she pierced moun-
tains, levelled rocks, and constructed large and good roads. In the
plains she constructed artificial hills for the tombs of the generals who
died during the expedition, or for the foundation of her new cities.
such were the enterprise and renown of this queen that, after her
time, according to Strabo, every great work in Asia was popularly attri-
buted to her. Alexander found her name, it is said, inscribed on the
frontiers of Scythia, then considered the extreme verge of the habitable
world. The pretended text of this inscription has been preserved by
Polyoenus. Semiramis herself speaks, and thus expresses herself
"Nature gave me a woman's body, but my deeds have equalled those
of the most valiant men. I ruled the empire of Ninus, which reaches
that no one had approached, so far were they distant. I compelled the
rivers to run where I wished, and directed them to the places where
they were required. I made barren land fertile, by watering it with my
acquainted with traditions, and who had been at Babylon and heard
from the Chaldeans the history of their country. It was at the Persian
court that Ctesias, physician to the king Artaxerxes Mnemon, had
heard by him with implicit faith, and hastened to
this story, received
make it known to his countrymen, as preferable to the statements of
Herodotus. It must be admitted that he was unfortunate in receiving
his information from the Persians, for these people have always been,
and still are (like their neighbours the Indians), incapable of recording
true history. The historical instinct is entirely wanting in the famous
annals engraven on the rocks at Behistun, where Darius records the
days and months of the chief events of his reign, but has forgotten to
mention theyc-ars. The same defect is apparent among the modern
Persians, the only people who have no historian but the poet, and who
have no record of their past history but a "Book of Kings," of an
historical value about equal to that of our middle-age ballads. This
has frequently struck the author when in conversation with Persians
who passed for men of letters in their own country, but who had the
strangest possible ideas as to the history of modern Asia. What could
be the value of statements as to their conquered enemies furnished by a
people who, in their own history, had soon forgotten the great Cyrus,
the founder of their empire, and who represented, as closely related, per-
sonages separated by a distance of seventeen centuries.
5. The legend believed at the court of Persia as to Ninus and
as yet translated ; the author has, however, carefully studied the original
in London, and we now proceed to give an account of the principal
The record unhappily does not commence with the monarchy, and we
therefore do not know its founder ; but the first prince of whom it speaks,
reigned about 1450 B.C., a date not far from that of the establishment of
Assyrian royalty. He was called Asshur-bel-Nishishu, and made a
treaty with Karatadash, king of Babylon. This treaty was confirmed
between his successor, Bushur-Asshur, and Burnaburyash, king of
B B 2
Babylon. tliv tlirone of Nineveh came Asshurubalat, who
Next on
ai>iieais have reigned about 1400 B.C.
to He gave his daughter in
marriage to Ihirnaburyash, and his gi'andson, Karaliardasli, ascended
the throne at Babylon while still quite young. But he was soon assassi-
nated by a certain Nazibugash, wlio usurj^ed tlie throne. Then the
Assyrians made an expedition into Baljyloiiia under the guidance of
Asshurubalat, put Nazibugash to death, and installed Kurigalzu II.,
must, more or less, have depended on the firmness of the hand that held
the reins of supreme power ; the reconquest of some province or other
must constantly have been in hand, for they periodically attempted to
free themselves, the least sign of weakness in the sovereign state giving
the signal for rebellion. Thus, to confine ourselves to the affairs of
Babylonia and Chaldaja — if that great city was so early subjected to the
suzerainty of Nineveh, its submission was at all times imperfect and
precarious. Again and again, in the annals of Assyria, we find tlie
Babylonian princes in revolt, attempting to reconquer their independence,
constantly defeated, and, after each failure, again making preparations
for a new attempt.
There was, moreover, between these vassals and their suzerains a
curious dispute abouttitles, as we see by the monuments. The Ninevite
kings styled themselves " Vicegerents of the Gods " at Babylon, and
they did not wish to permit the princes who reigned in that city to call
themselves sovereigns. These, on their own monuments, always called
themselves "Kings of Babylon"; but at Nineveh they were officially
called only Kings of Kar-Dunyash, or Lower Chaldaea.
But if Tuklat-Samdan, after taking Babylon, permitted a native king
still to occupy the throne, it is evident that he changed the royal family.
have also seen that almost immediately after this date, all supremacy and
even all pretensions to it ceased in consequence of the usurpation of the
high priest, Hcr-Ilor.* The king of Assyria, in whose time tiiis event
occurred, must have been Asshurdayan, son and successor of Adar-
palashir; it is in fact, to the termination of the last vestiges of foreign
dominion, that we must naturally attribute the expressions ajjplied to
him in the inscription where all these kings are mentioned. " He bore
the supreme sceptre, he ennobled the nation of Bel ... he outshone all
who had preceded him." We know, moreover, that this king invaded
Babylonia in order to take revenge for the defeat of his grandfather, and
caused his supreme authority to be recognised in the whole of that
country, whence he brought back immense booty.
His son Mutakkil-Nabu (trusting in Nebo), succeeded him; next
came Asshur-rishishi (Asshur lifts his head) " a powerful king,"
Assyrians had a special magistrate who gave his name to the year, as
did the archons at Athens, and the consuls at Rome ; and we possess
a nearly complete list of these Eponyms, with the names of the kings
with whose reigns they correspond, commencing with Binlikhish II., a
list in cuneifoiTn characters on tablets of baked clay forming part of the
British Museum collection. Binlikhish reigned twenty years, from
956 to 936; his son, Tuklat-Samdan 11., six years, from 935 to 930.
The annals of this last king have not been found, but he is referred to
by his successors as a great wamor
he made one campaign amongst
others towards the sources of the Tigris, in the mountains, and there
set up a stele commemorative of his passage.
2. Although we have no documents of the reign of this king, those
of his son, Asshur-nazirpal (Asshur protects his son), have been found
in abundance. The great palace of Calah (Nimrud), with its magni-
ficent halls decorated with sculptures, the great pyramid, used for astro-
nomical observations, and the consecrated sanctuaiy at the top, explored
by Mr. Layard, was rebuilt by this king; and relics of him have every-
where been found in the monument that was, as he himself said, "the
glory of his name." In all the museums of Europe his bas-reliefs are
to be seen, generally disfigured by a belt of inscription, containing in
all cases the same text running across the figures of the sculpture.
Gigantic human-headed bulls, and not less colossal lions, bear his texts
engraved across their limbs. A stele, now in London, contains the
narrative of his campaigns; the same story, but at greater length, is
found on an immense stone forming the threshold of the temple of
Adar-Samdan, the Assyrian Hercules, at Calah this is the longest :
each other year after year, were directed, like those of his father, some-
times to the north, into Armenia and Pontus sometimes to the cast,
them. I took from them their chariots, their cavalry, their arms, and
I destroyed 20,500 of their soldiers."
munitions of war."
" In my fourteenth year" (892), says the king, in another place, " I
made enumeration of my vast and numberless territories ; I crossed the
Euphrates by a ford with 120,000 men. Then Benhidri of Damascus,
Sakhulina of Hamath, and the twelve kings of the Upper and Lower
Coast, who had assembled their innumerable armies, advanced to meet
me. I fought them and put them to flight ; I captured their chariots,
their cavalry ; I took their .arms. They fled to save their lives.
These Syrian wars had been interrupted 898 and 897, by a dis- in
turbance in Babylon. The and of all
local sovereign of that great city
Chaldiea, Mardukinaddinshu, had been dethroned by his illegitimate
brother, Mardukbelusati. Shalmaneser marched towards the Lower
Euphrates to re-instate Mardukinaddinshu. The war lasted two years,
and the decisive operation was the siege of a town called Gananat, not
at present identified. It was not till the second year of the siege that
Shalmaneser entered Babylon, and dethroned the usurper.
The campaign of Shalmaneser IV. (890) commenced a new
series of wars the king crossed the Zab, or Zabat, to make wai on the
around the Caspian Sea. He did not, however, abandon the western
countries,where he soon found himself opposed by the new king whom
the revohition, arising from the influence of Elisha the prophet, had
placed on the throne of Damascus in the room of Benhidri.
" In my eighteenth campaign " (886), we read on the Nimrud obelisk,
" I crossed the Euphrates for the sixteenth time. Hazael, king of
Damascus, came towards me to give battle. I took from him 1121
The annals of Shalmaneser sayno more after this, either of the king
of Damascus or of Israel. They record, as his twenty-seventh cam-
paign, a great war in Armenia that brought about the submission of all
the districts of that country that still resisted the Assyrian monarch. In
the thirty-first campaign (873), the last mentioned on the obelisk, the
king sent the general-in-chief of his armies, Tartan, again into Armenia
where he gave up to pillage fifty cities, among them Van and during ;
this time he himself went into Media, subjected part of the northern
districts of that country which were in a state of rebellion, chastised the
people in the neighbourhood of Mount Elwand, where in after times
Ecbatana was built, and finally made war on the Scythians of the
Caspian Sea.
2. The official chronology of the Assyrians dates the termination of
the reign of Shalmaneser IV. in 870, the period of his death. But
during the last two years his power was entirely lost, and he was reduced
to the possession of two cities, Nineveh and Calah. His second son,
Asshurdaninpal, in consequence of circumstances unknown to us, raised
the standard of revolt against his father, assumed the royal title, and
was supported by twenty-seven of the most important cities in the
empire. One of the monuments has preserved a list of these cities,
that had joined the revolt of Asshurdaninpal, "With the aid of the great
gods, my masters, I subjected them to my sceptre."
The usurpation of the second son of Shalmaneser, and a civil war of
five years, had introduced many disorders and shaken
into the empire
the fidelity of many provinces. The early years of Shamash-Bin were
occupied in reducing the whole to order. In the narrative which has
been preserved, extending only to his fourth year, we find that the king
overran and chastised with terrible severity Osrhoene or Aramaean
Mesopotamia, where the people had been in rebellion, and reduced to
obedience the mountainous districts, where are the sources of the Tigris
and Euphrates, and finally Armenia proper. In his fourth year he
marched against Mardukbalatirib, king of Babylon, who had taken
advantage of the disorders in Assyria to assert his independence, and
who was supported by the Susianians or Elamites. He completely
defeated him, and compelled him to fly to the desert, killed very many
of his army in the battle, took 200 war-chariots, and made 7)000
prisoners, of whom 5,000 were put to death on the field of battle as an
example. Unfortunately our information ceases at that period, and we
know absolutely nothing of the greater part of the reign of Shamash-
Bin, or of the expeditions to the west of Asia, Syria, and Palestine, that
must have been made after the termination of the campaigns by which
the royal authority was re-established in all the ancient provinces of the
empire. This king remained on the throne until 857. In 859 and 858
he had to repress a great revolt in Babylon and Chaldsea.
4. Binlikhish [or Binnirari] HI., the next king, reigned twenty-nine
years, from 857 to 828. An inscription of his, engi-aved in the first
years of his reign, describing the extent of the empire, says that he
governed on one side From the land of Siluna, toward the rising sun,
base of the statue mentions the wife of the king, and calls her, the
queen Sammuramat ;" this is the only historical Semiramis, the one
mentioned by Herodotus. He places her correctly about a century
and a half before Nitocris, the wife of Nabopolassar, king of Babylon.
" Semiramis," says the father of history, "raised magnificent embank-
ments to restrain the river (Euphrates), which till then used to over*
flow and flood the whole country round Babylon."* But why did
Herodotus, and the Babylonian tradition he has so faithfully reported^
attribute these useful works to the queen, and not to her husband,
Binlikhish ? It was once supposed, as a solution of this problem, that
Sammuramat had governed alone for some time, as queen regnant,
* Her. i. 184.
in 819 ; but the forces of the empire were specially engaged during
many following years, in attempting to hold countries already subdued,
such as Armenia, then in a chronic state of revolt ; the wars in one and
the same province were constant, and occupied some six successive
campaigns (the Armenian war was from S27 to 822), proving that no
decisive results were obtained.
Under Asshur-edil-ilani II., who reigned from 818 to 800, we do not
see any new conquests ; insurrections constantly broke out, and were
no longer confined to the extremities of the emj^ire, they encroached on
the heart of the country, and gradually approached nearer to Nineveh.
The revolutionary spirit increased in the provinces, a great insurrection
became imminent, and was ready to break out on the slightest excuse.
At this period, 804, it is that the British Museum tablet registers, as a
memorable fact in the column of events, "peace in the land." Two
great plagues are also mentioned under this reign, in 811 and 805, and
on the 13th of June, 809 (30 Sivan in the cponomy of Bur-el-salkhi), an
almost total eclipse of the sun visible at Nineveh.
The revolution was not long in coming. Asshurlikhish ascended the
throne in 800, and fixed his residence at Nineveh, instead of Ellasar,
where his predecessor had lived after quitting Nineveh ; he is the Sardan-
apalus of the Greeks, the ever-famous prototype of the voluptuous and
effeminate prince. The tablet in the British Museum only mentions two
expeditions in his reign, both of small importance, in 795 and 794; to
all the other years the only notice is "in the country" proving that
nothing was done, and that all thought of war was abandoned. Sardan-
apalus had entirely given himself up to the orgies of his harem, and
never left his palace walls, entirely renouncing all manly and warlike
habits of life. He had reigned thus for seven years, and discontent
continued to increase ; the desire for independence was spreading in the
subject provinces; the bond of
their obedience each year relaxed still
more, and was nearer breaking, when Arbaces, who commanded the
Median contingent of the army and was himself a Mcdc, chanced to
see in the palace at Nineveh the king, in a female dress, spindle in
c c
hand, hiilii\c; in the retirement of the harem his slothful cowardice and
voluptuous life. He considered that it would be easy to deal with a
prince so degraded, who would be unable to renew the valorous tradi-
tions of his ancestors. The time seemed to him
to have come when the
provinces, held only by might finally throw off tlie
force of arms,
weighty Assyrian yoke. Arbaces communicated his ideas and projects
to the ]irince then entrusted with the government of Bal)ylon, the
Chalchran Phul [Palia?], surnamed Balazu (the terril)le), a name the
Greeks have made into Belesis; he entered into the plot with the willing-
ness to be expected from a Babylonian, one of a nation so frequently
rising in revolt. Arbaces and Balazu consulted with other chiefs, who
commanded contingents of foreign troops, and with the vassal kings of
those countries that aspired to independence; and they all formed the
resolution of overthrowing Sardanapalus. Arbaces engaged to i^aise
the Medes and Persians, whilst Balazu set on foot the insurrection in
Babylon and Chald?ca. At the end of a year the chiefs assembled their
soldiers, to the number of 40,000, in Assyria, under the pretext of
relieving, according to custom, the troops who had served the former
year. When once there, the soldiers broke into open rebellion. The
tablet in the British Museum tells us that the insurrection commenced
at Calah in 792. Immediately after this the confusion became so great
that from this year there was no nomination of an eponym.
3. .Sardanapalus, rudely interrupted in his del:)aucheries by a danger
he had not been able to foresee, showed himself suddenly inspired with
activity and courage he put himself at the head of the native Assyrian
troops who remained faithful to him, met the rebels and gained three
complete victories over them. The confederates already began to
despair of success, when Phul, calling in the aid of superstition to a cause
that seemed lost, declared to them that if they would hold together for
five days more, the gods, whose will he had ascertained by consulting
the stars, would imdoubtedly give them the victory.
In fact, some days afterwards a largebody of troops whom the king
had summoned to his assistance from the provinces near the Caspian
Sea, went over, on their arrival, to the side of the insurgents, and gained
them a victory. Sardanapalus then shut himself up in Nineveh, and
determined to defend himself to the last. The siege continued two years,
for the walls of the city were too strong for the battering machines of
the enemy, who -were compelled to trust to reducing it by famine.
Sardanapalus was under no apprehension, confiding in an oracle declaring
that Nineveh should never be taken until the river became its enemy.
But in the third year rain fell in such abundance that the waters of the
Tigris inundated part of the city and overturned one of its walls for a
distance of twenty stades. Then the king, convinced that the oracle
was accomplished and despairingof any means of escape, to avoid falling
capture of the city by Arbaces and Balazu. All we possess of the first
No inscription of this king has as yet licen found, and the classical
historians do not mention him after the capture of Nineveh. All there-
fore that we know of his reign is the record in the Bible of his invasion
of the kingdom of Israel in 770. Alenahem had ascended the throne
after murdering his predecessor, but tliere was a factious and strong
for during the time of Phul dates were reckoned in the Babylonian
fashion,by the years of his reign.
3. Osrhoene and the north of Syria had been so completely crashed
by the Assyrian conquerors of the tenth and ninth centuries, that they
no longer had any distinct nationality or desire for independence. Mere
dependencies of Nineveh, they changed masters with each revolution in
Assyria, and obeyed whoever reigned there. After the fall of Asshur-
likhish, or Sardanapalus, they were transferred to the rule of Phul; when
the kingdom of Assyria was re-established, they quietly transferred their
allegiance to Tiglath-pileser. The London chronological table informs
very year of his accession this king travelled as far as
us, that in the
the Euphrates to re-establish his authority in the western provinces.
Two years after his accession in 742, Tiglath-pileser, having reduced
to obedience both Babylonia and the country of the Scythian Caspians,
made an expedition into Syria, as his authority had not been recognised
in the south of that country. Eniel, king of Hamath, Rezin, son of Ben-
hidri, king of Damascus, and Pekah, king of Israel, formed a con-
federation against him with Ashariah, son of Tabeal,*whom these princes
had put forward as a pretender to the throne of Judah, in opposition
first to Jotham, and subsequently to Ahaz. The confederates were
defeated, the kingdoms of Hamath and Damascus ravaged, Pekah
was dethroned, and his place filled by Menahem II. Tiglath-pileser
carried everything before him. The city of Arpad alone resisted, and
sustained a siege of three years ; this the king of Assyria left to the
direction of his generals.Before leaving Syria, in 742, he received
from Hystaspes [Gustaspi], king of Commagene, Rezin, king of
Damascus, Menahem, king of Israel, Hiram, king of Tyre, Sibitbaal, king
of Gebal, Urikki, king of Kui (a city in some part of Syria, but not yet
identified), Pisiris, king of Carchemish, and Eniel, king of Hamath.
After his return to Assyria, Tiglath-pileser, to assist in the re-organi-
sation of the administration of the empire, took a census of the popula-
tion. In the same year he conquered the Armenians who had, at the
same time as the Medes, thrown off the burden of Ninevite supremacy,
and his victory is termed a massacre in the tablet in the British Museum.
In 734 Pekah, taking advantage of the war in Armenia, then occupy-
ing the king of Assyria, again possessed himself of the throne, declared
himself independent, and allied himself with Rezin, king of Damascus,
in order to resist the power of Assyria.
Ahaz, king of Judah, threatened by Pekah and Rezin, begged for
help from Tiglath-pileser (2 Kings xvi. 7, 9), who gladly availed him-
self of this pretext to chastise the two kings whom he regarded as rebels.
end of some years, having made an offensive and defensive alliance with
the Ethiopian king, Shabaka, who in 725 became master of Egypt, he
thought himself strong enough to revolt. Shalmaneser, desirous of
putting an end to this rebellion before the Ethiopian conqueror could
have time to fulfil his promises to Hoshea, hastily assembled an army,
and marched on the kingdom of Israel. He captured and imprisoned
Hoshea, and without difficulty, made himself master of the small terri-
tory left by his predecessors to the Israelites, and in December 724
laid siege to Samaria, the capital. This city, the last bulwark of Israelitish
nationality, was defended with desperate energy. Shalmaneser, unable
to take it by storm, resolved to reduce it by blockade, but he did not
live to witness the fall of Samaria. In little more than a year after
that had taken his part. I took Karkar and burnt it to ashes. I took
him prisoner, and caused him to be flayed alive. I killed the chiefs of
the rebels in each city, and destroyed the cities.
" Whilst Iranzu of Van lived, he was submissive and devoted to my
empire, but he died. His subjects placed his son, Aza, on the throne.
Urzaha the Armenian set on foot intrigues with the people of Mount
Mildish (the Niphates of the Greeks), of Zikarta (Median Sagartia), of
Misiandi (the Matieni of classical geography), and with the great men
of Van, and persuaded them to revolt. They abandoned the body of
their master, Aza, on the tops of the mountains. Ullushun of Van, his
brother, whom they put on the throne, made an alliance with Urzaha,
and gave him twenty-two strong places with their garrisons. In the
wrath of my heart I counted all the armies of the god Asshur, and
advanced to attack that country. Ullushun of Van, finding that I was
approaching, came with his troops and occupied a strong position in the
his royal insignia, his golden tiara, his golden throne, his golden parasol,
his golden sceptre, his silver chair ... he escaped in disguise. I
I punished for their faults all the families, and all the men who had
revolted from my government. I reduced the cities to ashes. I undei'-
" Elulaeus reigned thirty-six years; this king, upon the revolt of the
people of Citium, sailed to them, and reduced them to obedience.
Soon after the king of Assyria, at the head of his army, overran all
Phoenicia, but retired when they made their submission. Sidon, Acco,
Paljetyrus, and many other cities revolted from Tyre, and gave them-
selves up to the king of Assyria. When would not submit
the Tyrians
to him, the king returned and made war upon them again, having
received from the other Phoenicians sixty large ships with 800 rowers.
The Tyrians, with only twelve ships, dispersed the enemy's fleet, and
took from them 500 prisoners a very high honour for the Tyrians.
Then the king returned and blockaded tlieir city by land, and inter-
cepted the aqueducts that brought water into it, hoping thus to secure
their sulimission. But the Tyrians, having dug wells inside their city,
resisted five years " (Joseph. Ant., IX. xiv. 2). At the end of this long
and fruitless siege, the Assyrians were compelled to retreat.
Assyrian art were made, and the magnificent palace, entirely the work
of Sargon, uncovered by the labours successively of M. Botta and
M. Victor Place. The best of the sculptures from this place now orna-
ment the Museum of the Louvre. We shall have occasion to mention,
in another part of this work, the ruins of this city and ])alace, completed
in 706. At present we sliall simply quote what Sargon says in his
"Acts." He there gives some details of the construction of some
parts of an Assyrian palace that are of great value.
" At the foot of the Musri, to replace Nineveh, I have built, ac-
cording to the will of the gods and the desire of my heart, a city, called
Dur Sharyukin. Nisroch, Sin, Shamash, Nebo, Ao, Adar, and their
divine wives, who reign eternally in Mesopotamia, have blessed the
mai-vellous splendours, the superb streets, of the city of Dur Sharyukin.
.... I built in the city a palace covered with seal skin, with wood-
work of sandal, ebony, fir, cedar, Cyprus, and pistachio —a palace of
incomparable magnificence for the seat of my royalty. There I . . .
wrote up the glory of the gods. The upper part I built of cedar wood,
I cased the beams with bronze. ... I made a spiral staircase, lil<e that
of the great temple in Syria, called Bethilanni. I sculptui^ed with
works of art stonesfrom the mountain. To decorate the gates, I made
ornaments on the and jambs, and placed above them cross pieces
of gypsum. . My palace contains gold, silver; vases of these two
. .
metals, colours, iron, the produce of various mines, stuffs dyed with
saffron, blue and purple, ambergris, seal skins, pearls, sandal and
ebony wood, horses from Egypt, apes, mules, camels, booty of all
5. In 706 the works at Dur Sharj'ukin were finished, and on the
22nd of the month Tasrit {in October), the solenm ceremony was held
of the consecration of the new city, of its palace and temples. Two
years afterwards, in 704, on the 1 2th of the month Ab (in August),
Sargon was assassinated it is not known by whom, but possibly by
horses that were engaged, turned against him; he escaped alone, and
fled to his palace at Babylon. But I opened his treasure-house, I seized
gold, silver, his furniture, his robes, his wife, his men, his courtiers, his
male and female slaves, his domestics of the palace, his soldiers I ;
brought them out and sold them for slaves. With the aid of Asshur,
my lord, I besieged seventy-nine large strongholds in Chaldgea, and
820 small towns in the neighbourhood. The tribes of Urbi, Aram,
. . .
and Khaldu, who were in the cities of Erech, Nipur, Kish, of Calneh
and Cutha, I brought out and sold for slaves."
The chronological canon of Ptolemy informs us that after this victory
Sennacherib no longer allowed Babylon to be ruled, as his father had
done, by a simple satrap, but placed there a vassal king, named Belibus,
a young Ninevite, who had been brought up in the royal palace.
In his second campaign Sennacherib turned his arms against the
warlike tribes of the north and east, in Armenia, Media, and Albania,
among the Parthians, and in Commagene, and gained signal victories
over them.
2. " In my third campaign I marched towards Syria; Eluli was king
of the .Sidonians. The great renown of my majesty affrighted him,
and he fled to the isles in the midst of the sea and abandoned his
country. The cities of Great Sidon and Lesser Sidon, Betzitti, Sarepta,
Ecdippa, AccQ, the great cities, the citadels, the places of pilgrimage
and devotion, the temples, all had been affrighted by the glory of
Asshur, my master, and gave themselves up to me. I established Eth-
baal on the throne. I imposed on him tribute and the tenth part of his
royal rents.
"Ethbaal of Sidon, Abdilit of Aradus, Mitenti of Ashdod, Peduil
Migron had betrayed the king, Padi, who was inspired by friendship
and zeal for Assyria, and had given him up bound in chains of iron
to Hezekiah of Judah. . . .
"But they were afraid of the kings of Egypt; for the archers,
chariots, and horses of the king of Ethiopia, innumerable in multitude,
assembled and marched against me. Their chiefs formed them in order
of battle, in view of the city of Eltheca [Eltekon, Jos. xv. 59], and in-
spected their men. Adoring Asshur, my master, I fought against
them, and put them to flight. The drivers of the chariots of the king
of Meroe were taken alive by my hand in the midst of the battle. I
besieged and took the cities of Eltheca and Thamna, and carried off
their inhabitants captive.
"Then I returned towards Migi-on ; I deposed the nders and the
dignitaries who had revolted, and killed them ; I hung their bodies on
crosses on the walls of the city. I sold for slaves all the men of the
city who had committed violence and crimes. As for those who had
not committed crimes or faults, and had not despised their masters, I
pardoned them. I brought Padi, their king, out of Jerusalem, and
restored him to the throne of his royalty. I imposed on him the
the city of his power, like a bird in its cage. I invested and blockaded
the fortresses round it ; those who came out of the great gate of the city
* The name given in the text as " Migron " is read by Sir H. Raw-
linson as "Ekron." The word in the Assyrian text is read by the
author as Aingamin, and he regards it impossible to admit the identi-
fication of the name with Ekron. On the one hand may lie urged the
apparently very small importance of Migron, a town barely mentioned
in Scripture, and the certainty that there was a king of Ekron ; on the
other hand, Migron is specially mentioned in the magnificent description
of the advance of the Assyrian army in the loth chapter of Isaiah.
were seized, and made prisoners. I separated the cities I liad ])lundcrcd
from his country, and gave tliom to Mitenti, king of Ashdod, to I'adi,
king of Migron, to Ishmabaal, king of Gaza.
"Then tlie fear of my majesty tenificd this Hezelciah of Jmlali; lie
sent away the \vatclimen and guards a\ horn lie had assemliled for the
Pressing his advantage still farther into countries that liad not yet felt
the weight of the Assyrian arms, Sennacherib^ attacked the land of
Dayi, in which we recognise with Sir II. Rawlinson the territory of the
Dahi, mentioned by Herodotus * as one of the Persian tribes. Their
king is called Maniya, a name clearly of Iranian character. " I carried
off," says the king, "the men, the beasts of burden, the cattle, the
sheep ; I destroyed the cities, I demolished them, I reduced them to
4. Some years of peace succeeded these devastating wars, and Sen-
nacherib profited by them to put into execution the project he had con-
ceived of rebuilding Nineveh, and re-establishing it as the capital, after
the example of the great kings of the tenth and ninth centuries. This
famous city had already begun to rise from its ruins, the inhabitants had
returned to settle on its site, but it had not yet recovered its former
prosperity, the ancient capital had become a simple country town.
Sennacherib made it again the Queen of Asiatic cities ; magnificent
enough to rival the splendors of Babylon. " I rebuilt," he says, in an
inscription, "all the edifices of Nineveh, my royal city; I rebuilt the
ancient, I widened the narrower streets ; I made the entire city splendid
as the sun." Dur Sharyukin, by
built his father, lost its importance,
and a large part of its population came to settle at Nineveh. Never-
theless it continued to exist for three centuries later; Xenophon mentions
itunder the name of Mespila, In the midst of his renovated capital,
Sennacherib rebuilt the royal palace " with alabaster and cedar" with
extreme magnificence. The remains of this palace are called by the
present inhabitants of the country Koyundjik. It has been excavated
by Mr. Layard, and the greater part of the sculptures brought to the
British Museum. In building it Sennacherib anticipated a long dura-
tion for his dynasty, and he addressed to his successors, in an inscription,
words which the second destruction of Nineveh, not long after, sup-
plied a bitterly ironical commentary:
"This palace will in course of
time grow old and fall to ruins ; I will that my successors rebuild the
ruins, renew the inscriptions containing my name, restore the paintings,
and cleanse and replace the bas-reliefs. Then may Asshur and Ishtar
hear their prayers. But should anyone erase my writing and my name,
may Asshur, the great god, the father of the gods, treat him as a rebel,
take from him sceptre and throne, and break his sword."
5. But before long it was again necessary to attack Babylon, always
the Euljeus, and the Pasitigris flow before falling into the Tigris.
Thirty-four cities in this district were taken and burnt. "Imade,
says the conqueror, "the smoke of these burning cities rise up to heaven
like one vast sacrifice. Then Kedornakhunta, king of Elam, learned the
capture of his cities and was affrighted. He caused the rest of his men
to enter the lofty citadels to make resistance. He himself abandoned
his capital, Madaktu (the Badaca of classical geographers, on the
Eulaeus), and retired towards Khailda, in the mountains. I ordered an
expedition against Madaktu." But at the moment when this decisive
enterprise was to be attempted, Sennacherib retreated, as the augmies
were unfavourable. Three months afterwards Kedornakhunta died, and
was succeeded by his brother, Ummanmimanu.
6. In 685, Suzub contrived to escape from his prison. He remained
at first for some months in Susiana, and being promised help by the
new king of that country, returned to Babylon.
"The Babylonians," says Sennacherib, "conferred on him the
sovereignty of the Shumir and Accad. He opened the treasure of the
pyramid, the gold and silver of the temples of Bel and Zarpanit ; he
plundered them to give to Ummanmimanu, king of Elam. He said to
him, Prepare your army and organise your forces, march towards
Babylon, and come to our help.' The Susian, whom in a former ex-
pedition I had attacked, and whose towns
had destroyed, gladly
accepted the invitation. lie levied an army, and
taxed his cities,
anxiety with respect to Babylon ; but in the following year Suzub re-
turned once more to that where he was received with enthusiasm.
its walls and houses; I cast them into the sea. I destroyed the place
of its altars. Abdimilkut, king of the city, had fled from my power
even into the midst of the sea. Like a fish I traversed the waves, and
humbled his pride. I carried away all that I could of his treasures :
mountains, and towards the sea of the rising sun (the Caspian)."
It was at the close of this Phoenician campaign that Esarhaddon
attacked the kingdom of Judah. King Manasseh attempted to resist,
but was conquered, made prisoner, and confined some time in Babylon,
But the Assyrian monarch soon restored him, and replaced him on the
throne as a vassal king; his inscriptions register Manasseh as one of his
tributaries. Esarhaddon about the same time completed his colonisa-
tion of the Israelitish territory, establishing there large numbers of
people from Lower Chalda;a and from Elam, reduced to captivity by
his wars.
2. In fact, after two campaigns, briefly related, one in the land of
Van and the other in the neighljourhood of the Black Sea, which
brought about the submission of the Tibareni (Tabal), Mosyna;ci
(Mashnaki), and of the Cimmerians (Gimirrai), who had already crossed
the Caucasus, and commenced their invasions in Asia Minor, Esar-
haddon was obliged to turn his arms against the part of Chald«a bor-
dering on the Persian Gulf in later times called Characene where —
Nabuzirshimtat, second son of Merodach Baladan, had succeeded in
forming a small independent kingdom. The Assyrian king conquered
and dethroned him, and placed his younger brother, Nahid-marduk, in
his place, with the title of vassal king.
But during this time a new revolt occurred in Babylon, under a
certain Shamash-ibni. Not feeling himself strong enough to attempt
to hold that great city, as its fortifications had remained without repairs
selves there, and his third campaign was thus nothing more than a razzia
on an enormous scale. Nevertheless Assyrian supremacy was para-
mount for some time in Lower Egypt, and the kings of the Dodecarchy,
in the Delta paid tribute to Nineveh, whilst the Ethiopians of Piankhi
ruled Upper Egypt.
We have already spoken of the details of this war in our Book on the
History of Egypt. It is the only one of the campaigns of Asshurbanipal
that has as yet been studied by Assyrian scholars a large number of
historical texts of this king, now in the British Museum, have not been
even published ; and we are therefore compelled to mention very briefly
monuments in London, and
the results of a hasty view of the original
of the more profound study of some portions made by M. Oppert.
Phoenicia had revolted at the same time that Rot-Amen invaded
Eg}'pt. After his third campaign on the banks of the Nile, in 666,
Asshurbanipal, on his return to Assyria, chastised his rebellious vassals
who governed the Canaanitish cities.
He first took Accho, next Tyre, admitting to mercy its king, named
Baal. Aradus made a more stubborn resistance, the siege was difficult
and cost many lives; but finally the city was taken, and its king, named
Vakindu, killed himself to avoid falling alive into the conqueror's
hands. Asshurbanipal made prisoners of the eight sons of Yakindu, a
list of whom
he gives; but he allowed Azbaal only, the eldest, to live,
whom he installed as king of Aradus. The other seven were put to
death. Phoenicia thus forcibly brought to obedience, Asshurbanipal
marched on Cilicia, where also a revolt had broken out. A short cam-
paign sufficed to quell the revolt, and the king of the country, as a
mark of submission, gave up his daughter for the harem of the Ninevite
monarch. It is during this war that a widely-spread tradition places the
foundation of the city of Tarsus.
The following year (665), Asshurbanipal was at Nineveh, where he
received an ambassador from Gyges, king of the Lydians, whose
kingdom was invaded by the Cimmerians, and who, not being able to
repulse them unaided, declared himself a vassal of the king of Assyria
to obtain assistance against these formidable enemies. An auxiliary
Assyrian force was sent to him, and by the aid of these troops Gyges
gained a victory, and sent the two principal chiefs of the Cimmerians
prisoners to Nineveh. The supremacy of the Assyrian empire was thus
established over the whole of Asia Minor, as far as the ^gean Sea.
5. But during this time the most formidable storm that had threatened
the Assyrian empire since tlie disaster of Asshurhlihish was impending.
taneously ivl most at all points, in a way that proved a concerted plan;
and imless its progress could be at once arrested before it extended to the
northern provinces, the empire was lost. Asshurbanipal confronted the
danger with energy and coolness, accepting the past as irrevocable he ;
made his submission thus early, it was quite otherwise with his allies,
who appeared resolved to carry on the war, and whom it was necessary
that the king of Assyria should conquer, if he desired to ensure the
tranquillity of his empire. Wishing to encounter the most serious
danger first, Asshurbanipal advanced towards Susiana. Teumman,
with four of his relations, Ummanibi, Tamaritu, Indabibi, and Um-
manaldash, who commanded the four great divisions of the country,
hastily assembled fresh troops, and prepared to invade Chaldsea. He
had afforded refuge in his kingdom to Nabubelshum and his followers,
who had promised him, as soon as his army had passed the frontier, to
raise all the provinces of the Lower Euphrates in insurrection. Asshur-
banipal anticipated his movements, and entered Susiana. After several
engagements of minor importance, a great battle was fought on the
banks of the Ulai (Eulasus) it ended in the defeat of the Susianians.
Teumman and his son, a mere lad, were made prisoners. Asshurbanipal
appeared before Susa, which opened its gates to him, and there installed
on the throne, as an Assyrian vassal, Ummanaldash, who had been
taken prisoner in one of the earlier battles of the campaign, and had
entered the service of the Assyrian king.
Immense sculptured pictures, similar to those that decorate the pylons
of the temples of Egypt, and, like them, containing hundreds of figures,
give us all the details of thi^ successful war; they were brought from
the palace of Koyundjik, and are now in the British Museum. They
contain a complete drama, with the story worked out in the most
complete manner. We
first see the battle that decided the fata of the
exhibited by all the groups, the truth to nature, and the admirable sim-
plicity of the attitudes.
Teumman was decapitated; an inscription, now in the British Mu-
seum, records the event. The war was not, however, concluded, but
raged with gi-eat fury in the mountains of Susiana till the year 661.
Ummanibi, Tamaritu, and Indabibi successively assumed the crown,
and maintained the struggle in the most inaccessible parts of the country;
whilst, under the Assyrian protection, Ummanaldash reigned at Susa.
But all these three chiefs fell in succession on the field of battle there ;
was no longer anyone to head the national resistance, and the authority
of Ummanaldash was recognised throughout the land. Asshurbanipal
retired with his forces into Assyria, considering the war as concluded.
7. Nevertheless, the Assyrian army had hardly re-entered its owii
Mesobatene and the Tigris; next tlie city of Hamanu, in the same
district, but further south. Ummanaldash was with his troops at
Madaktu, the Badaca of the geographers; on learning the
victorious advance of the Assyrians, he became alarmed and took refuge
in Susa. The Assyrian army passed the river Itite, the Choaspes of
the Greeks, without striking a blow, occupied Madaktu, and also Un-
dashi, another city on the same
Thence Asshurbanipal marched
on Susa. Ummanaldash did not venture to await him there, and
retired towards the mountains with the bulk of his army, leaving only
a garrison in the capital. Asshurbanipal took Susa by storm, and
then pushed on in pursuit of Ummanaldash, who retreated before him.
He took the towns of Din, Pidilma, and Bubilu, the exact situation of
which cannot be determined in the present imperfect state of our
knowledge of the ancient geography of Susiana. The Elamite king
then retreated to the mountains of Banun. The Assyrians overtook
him and carried the town of Banun by assault; but he managed
to escape them, together with Nabubelshum, who had not left him.
Then Asshurbanipal, tired of this fruitless pursuit, adopted other
measures to compel the submission of the country and its king. He
returned to Susa, and gave up the city to be pillaged by his troops.
The royal treasures and archives were carried off to Nineveh. The
temples were opened and systematically profaned the statues of the ;
gods, "that no eye had ever seen," as the cylinder in the British
Museum says, were brought out to be sent to Assyria ; and this seems
to show that in the Susianian temples the images of the gods were
placed in a sort of "holy of holies," inaccessible to the mass of wor-
shippers. Asshurbanipal here gives a list of the gods whose statues he
carried off, a list we think it well to repeat, as this is the only ancient
document extant relative to the national Elamite gods. They were . —
Shumud, Bagamar, Parlikira, Amman-kashibar, Ansapata, Ragiba,
Shimgam, Karsha, Kirshamash, Shudami, Aipaksina, Dilala, Panin-
dimri, .Shilagara, Napshu, and Kindakurbu. These strangely-named
gods seem to have presented a great analogy with the gods of Chaldaea
and Assyria, but under totally different names.
When he had thus pillaged and devastated Susa, and destroyed the
temple, where was the oracle consulted by all the Elamite people with
the greatest reverence, Asshurbanipal began to scour the countiy, car-
rying fire and sword on all sides, burning towns and villages and
all the houses, destroying the crops, cutting doM^n the plantations,
slaughtering the flocks and herds, and reducing the populace to slavery.
These frightful devastations went on uninterruptedly for a month and
twenty-five days, and were spread over a great extent of territory. The
terrifiedpeople from all quarters begged for peace. The soldiers who
were with Ummanaldash deserted, in order to make their submission.
He himself entered into negotiations with the Assyrian monarch.
Nabubelshum of Chalda^a, in despair, fearing that he should be given
up, made his armour-bearer kill him. Ummanaldash cut off the head
of the dead man and sent it to the king of Assyria, imploring pardon
for himself. Asshurbanipal received him witli kindness, and having
taken guarantees for his future fidelity, confirmed him in the kingdom
with the title of vassal king.
A small bas-relief from Koyundjik, now in the British Museum,
represents Asshurbanipal banqueting with his queen in the gardens of
the harem at Nineveh. The head of Nabubelshum, salted and dried, is
suspended from one of the trees of the garden facing the king, so that,
during the feast, he might enhance his satisfaction by the view of this
8. The Elamite wars were now ended. The ai-ms of Asshurbanipal
had triumphed in this quarter, and he had come victorious out of a
struggle that had all but overwhelmed the Assyrian empire. But the
revolt still continued in Arabia and Nabathea. The king of Assyria
resolved to reduce these countries to obedience, and to punish the
conduct of the kings. Ywaite, son of Nuray, king of the Arabs, had
taken advantage of the events of the last few years of the rebellion
in Chalda;a and of the war in Susiana to increase enormously the
extent of his states without opposition from the Assyrians ; his two
generals, Aym and Abyate, botli sons of Their, had accomplished this
by their conduct of the war, for we have no indication that the king
himself was present in any one battle ; he had acquired a vast empire,
comprising not only Hedjaz, his hereditary kingdom, but also the greater
part of the Arabian peninsula, the various parts of the Nedjed, Djebel
Shammar, Djof, the desert of Syria, and even the whole western bank of
the lower part of the Euphrates, that which is now called Irak Arabi.
The war commenced in 659, and lasted three years. The first cam-
paign was occupied in the reconquest of Irak Arabi, and in the recapture
of towns one after tlie other. The most important was Hirata, on
histories of the first centuries of the Christian era. In the second cam-
paign, 658, the Assyrian army commenced by crossing the Syrian desert,
and advancing to tlie central plateau of Arabia; the whole of this jjlateau
was overrun, and we shall follow the itinerary of the army in our Book
on the History of the Arabians. A great number of fortified places
were taken in tliese districts, and at last tlic Assyrians penetrated into
Nedjed, to a city called Corassid, where the army awaited the opening
of the third campaign. In this year, 657, Nedjed being completely
subdued, Asshurbanipal attacked Hedjaz, thus striking at the heart of
Asshurbanipal, and flayed alive by the order of that king. Some bas-
reliefs from Koyundjik, now in the British Museum, represent episodes
of this Arabian war, the defeat of a tribe mounted on camels, and the
surprise of an encampment where the warriors are being killed in their
Asshurbanipal returned from Hedjaz into Syria, and on his way chas-
tised the Nabatheans their country was devastated, and their capital
taken by the army that had conquered the Arabs. The king, Mathan,
threw himself at the feet of the Ninevite king, and obtained pardon.
This final act in the great drama, opened by the revolt of Shamulsha-
mugin, was short, and occupied only the latter months of the year 657.
In 655, Asshurbanipal was obliged once more to march his army into
the land of Elam, to repress a revolt against Ummanaldash, who, since
his submission, had remained a faithful vassal to Assyria. We have at
present no information as to the last eight years of his reign.
9. His connection with Lydia, and hissupremacy over the island of
Cyprus, made Asshurbanipal known to the Greeks We have every
reason to believe that he was the warlike and conquering Sardanapalus,
of whom many classical writers speak, carefully distinguishing him from
the voluptuous and effeminate king of the same name, under whom the
first Ninevite empire came to an end.
royal title mistaken for a proper name. The kings of Assyria were in
the habit of styling themselves " I, the king, vicegerent of the god
Asshur," and this title is almost always written ideographically by signs
which, mistaken for phonetics, and read phonetically, would give the
up before thy face keep the munition, watch the way, make thy loins
strong, fortify thy power mightily. For the Lord hath turned away the
excellency of Jacob, as the excellency of Israel: for the emptiers have
emptied them out, and marred their vine branches. The shield of his
mighty men is made red, the valiant men are in scarlet the chariots :
shall be with flaming torches in the day of his preparation, and the fir-
trees shall be terribly shaken. The chariots shall rage in the streets,
they shall justle one against another in the broad ways : they shall
seem like torches, they shall run like the lightnings. He shall recount
his worthies : they shall stumble in their walk ; they shall make haste
to the wall thereof, and the defence shall be prepared. The gates of
the rivers shall be opened, and the palace shall be dissolved. But . . .
Nineveh is of old like a pool of water : yet they shall flee away. Stand,
stand, shall they cry ; but none shall look back. Take ye the spoil of
silver, take the spoil of gold none end of the store and
: for there is
glory out of all the pleasant furniture. She is empty, and void, and
waste and the heart melteth, and the knees smite together, and much
pain is in all loins, and the faces of them all gather blackness. . . .
The lion did tear in pieces enough for his whelps, and strangled for his
lionesses, and filled his holes with prey, and his dens with ravin.
Behold, I am against thee, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will burn her
chariots in the smoke, and the sword shall devour thy young lions and :
I will cut off thy prey from the earth, and the voice of thy messengers
shall no more be heard. . . . And it shall come to pass, that all they
that look upon thee shall flee from thee, and say, Nineveh is laid waste:
who will bemoan her ? whence shall I seek comforters for thee ? . . .
Thy shepherds slumber, O kmg of Assyria : thy nobles shall dwell /;/
grievous ; all that hear the bruit of thee shall clap the hands over thee:
for upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually ? '•
i. 2; ii. I— 13; iii. 7, i^^, I9)-
that the ruins of the capital of Assyria have been discovered, buried
imder the soil that has covered them for 2, 500 years.
called "the Vicegerent of the Gods on earth"; and his authority, thus
emanating from a divine source, was as absolute over the soul as the
The monuments give us an insight into the daily life of the court of
Nineveh; pictures of this nature alternate with scenes in the wars that
raged unceasingly during the whole duration of the monarchy. In his
palace, which was also a citadel, the king was surrounded by a numerous
court, where the chief positions were filled by eunuch.s. Their chief
(Rab-saris), exercised a general supervision over the whole court, and,
like the Kizlar Aga, or chief of the black eunuchs at Constantinople in
our own days, was, next to the sovereign, the first dignitary of the
empire. He followed the king to war, as also did the chief priest and
* Marked K, —
163. The name of the god to whom this prayer was
addressed is unfortunately wanting.
the whole court, including the king's wives, who were carried in carefully-
closed arabas in rear of the army. Among the great ofticers of the
royal household are found also the controller of the palace (Mil-hekal),
the grand cupbearer (Rab-sake), the captain of the guards, who also
discharged the duties of provost-marshal, and of chief of the execu-
tioners. These officers of the palace, employed about the person of the
king and in duties specially connected with him, were also at the same
time the principal officers of state, the heads of the government. With
the minister of state(Milik), the commander-in-chief of the army
(Tartan), and the " governor of the land," a minister of the interior, or
home secretary, they formed a sort of cabinet, to direct the affairs of
the empire under the supreme authority of the king, who was frequently
immersed in the pleasures of his harem, and indifferent to business.
But they did not succeed to their offices by any hereditary title, as in a
feudal monarchy ; they were nominated and removed at the pleasure of
the sovereign, whose caprice frequently led him to seek in the lowest
ranks of the people for persons to fill the highest positions, and then
to humble to the dust in a moment those whom he had exalted to
2. The numerous provinces of the vast Assyrian empire were divided
into two classes, those under governors directly appointed by the king,
and those that were merely in a state of vassalage. We have already
spoken of the organisation of these last, comprising the greater part
of the conquered countries. The vassal states preserved, as the Assy-
rian inscriptions expressly say, their traditional organisation and their
own peculiar laws, only occasionally modified by the suzerain ; their
own royal families remained on the throne, obliged only to recognise
as master the king of kings, to pay him annually a considerable tribute,
and to furnish a large contingent to his armies. We have already
spoken of the extraordinary respect that the kings of Assyria, especially
those of the old empire, showed for the legitimate hereditary succession
to the crown in conquered countries, a feeling that constantly led them
to reinstate on the throne the son and legitimate heir of a vassal king
whose rebellion had been punished with death in its most terrible form.
It was only after a long-continued series of rebellions, after repeated
acts of high treason, that the king of Assyria deprived a tributary pro-
vince of its privileges, and, according to the regular official fornuda,
"treated it like the —
Assyrians" that is, made it a province under the
nile of a governor sent from Nineveh, as Sargon did to the kingdom ot
Israel and attempted to do in Babylon.
The provinces thus governed comprised Assyria itself and some
conquered countries which it was necessary to hold in very close subjec-
tion. They were governed by satraps, or governors, appointed and
recalled by the king, and selected from among the officers of his court
E E 2
tlieir rank varied according to the ini]K)rtance of the province or city
where each governed the four Iiii^diest in station seem to iiave been tlie
where especially the Turanian, mixed it is true with some other and very
diverse elements, was very numerous, and where, as the Assyrian kings
found it most docile, submissive, less desirous of independence than
either the Arian or Japhetic element, they always desired to give it the
preponderance. The Aramaean chancery took charge of all the western
provinces, Phoenicia, the kingdom of Israel, and the Arab tribes, who
spoke dialects differing from the Syriac, but received the decrees of the
king of kings in that language. The Syrian or Aramaean races, in fact,
after having at first energetically resisted the Ninexite conquest in
— —
Osrhoene and the north of Syria, had in the end identified themselves
completely with the great Mesopotamian empire; and in later days
gave to the Babylonians, and also to the Persians, the same support as
they liad done to the Assyrians. The Aramieans thus became the
constant and devoted su]iporters of the great empire in the whole
western part of the Semitic world ; and in these countries an extension
of the effective and military power of Assyria was always accompanied
by an extension of tlie influence of the Aramaean language. When the
kingdoms of Israel and Judah had fallen before the power, the one of
Sargon. the other of Nebuchadnezzar, it required only a few generations
under the yoke of the great empire to make these people forget the
use of the Hebrew, and adopt a Syriac dialect.
4. In the hall of the archives in the palace of Koyundjik a number
of petitions have been found, addressed to the king, and inscribed on
tablets of baked clay. In spite of the servility of the form of address,
these documents prove that the Assyrians, properly so called —the pri-
vileged population of the empire — assumed a certain amount of liberty
in addressing their kings, and telling them the truth plainly. We. give
as an example a translation of a still unpublished tablet * in the British
* Marked K, 538.
5. An institution peculiar to the Assyrian empire, and unknown in
Chalil;va, was that of epouyms — an office precisely analogous to that of
the consuls under the Roman emperors. Each year the king nominated
a magistrate, who had no other duty than to give his name to the
year in the chronological records. The eponym was always selected
from the number of the superior officers of state. The highest officers
of the crown had a right to this honour in regular rotation during the
early years of a reign. Tlie king reserved to himself the first eponymy,
at the first commencement of a new year after his accession. The fol-
lowing year the commander-in-chief of the army was eponym; next the
chief eunuch; after him the minister of stale, and lastly the "governor
of .the country ": this order of rotation evidently gives us the order of
precedence among the superior officers of the Assyrian court. Wlicn
once this series of eponyms by was exhausted, the king made his
choice among the governors of the class. Such at any rate was
the state of things in the first Assyrian empire. Under the second there
was not perhaps so much regularity; the king chose the first year one
from among the officers entitled to hold the eponomy, without even
invariably reserving his own year.
The institution of eponyms, adopted by some countries, like the
kingdom of Saba, in Yemen, in imitation of the Ninevite monarchy,
must have been, like the consulship under the Roman emperors, a last
traditional vestige of a time when the tribes of Assyria had a republican
government, with magistrates elected annually.
6. We have no sufficient data for reconstructing the complete organi-
who formed a nucleus of faithful and reliable soldiery, and the con-
tingents of the vassal principalities. The Assyrians were an essentially
military race, and also the dominant people of the empire, and appear
to have been all, without exception, liable to military service for a
certain number of years; but, unless they entered some permanent corps,
such as the royal guard, they do not seem to have been retained under
arms for any length of time. Each year a new call was made on a
number of men, greater or less, according to circumstances and the
wants of the empire, and distributed over the different provinces in
such a way as not to put a stop to agricultural operations. The numbers
only of the contingents furnished by the vassal kingdoms were fixed
by the central government and the king of each country was re-
of its own In war time the king usually gave the command of
each corps of army to one of the great officers of his court and
his ;
periority but that of offices established by the will, often by the caprice,
of an absolute master. In this empire there was not even an invariable
and well-defined distinction between the Assyrians and the conquered
nations. Men of these nations were often appointed by the royal will
to the most eminent offices; and those high positions at court, that
gave a potential voice in the affairs of the empire, were not always
filled by Assyrians. In this way we find, in later times, the prophet
Daniel, at Babylon, one of the ministers of Nebuchadnezzar, after
having received the Babylonish name of Belteshazzar; and the three
young Israelites, Hananaiah, Misael, and Azariah, after a similar change
of name, were made superintendents of the buildings of the royal city.
torture was applied to wring a confession from the accused, and the
punishment of dealii was almost always inflicted with refinements in
cruelty unknown, for example, in Egypt. Simple decapitation was a
penalty unusually mild; in some cases the victims were crucified, in
others impaled, in others flayed alive. Corpses of criminals were
denied burial, and exposed to be devoured by wild beasts. Eor crimes
less heinous than those deserving death, mutilation of one or more
members, or loss of the eyes, was a common punishment.
We know rather more of their civil laws, as many contracts have
been found for the sale or hire of landed property and slaves ; these
contracts are stamped on tablets of clay, and baked to preserve them.
The oldest of these date from the earliest times of the primitive
Chaldaean empire, in the reign of Sin Said ; the most recent are of the
Greek period, and the names of kings, Seleucus Philopator, Antiochus
Epiphanes, and Demetrius Nicator, may be read on them. Some have
been found relating to all periods during the whole of the long
duration of the Chaldseo-Assyrian civilisation. We learn from them
wi,th how many civil and religious guarantees the possession of landed
property was surrounded in Assyria. It could not be transferred except
by solemn and sacred formula, as well as Ijy a deed registered by a
public oiTlcer, and bearing the signature of a certain number of witnesses.
Wiien it was necessary to deposit a sum of money as security for the
performance of the contract, the deposit was made in the treasury of a
temple, and the priests were present at the execution of the deed. A
carefully-prepared register, in which every change was entered, served
as a state record of the titles to estates, and also as a basis for the
imposition of taxes. Irrigating canals, veiy numerous throughout the
'^ countiy, and the principal source of its agricultural prosperity, entailed
a great number of reciprocal duties and obligations among the land-
holders ; and infringements of these arrangements gave rise to the
majority of civil actions brought before the tribunals of Assyria.
As amongst all ancient nations, not only the goods but the person
of the debtor were answerable for the debt to the creditor. He who
was declared insolvent became the slave of his creditor, who could
either sell him, or use his services; and this slavery was perpetual, for
among the Assyrians there was no law, as among the Hebrews, limiting
to any given number of years the slavery of one who fell into the
power of a pitiless creditor. A portion, therefore, of the slaves in
Assyria was composed of native Assyrians, reduced to that condition
by the inability to pay their debts. The remainder were foreign
prisoners captured in war, and sold by auction, or else brought from
a distance by the slave merchants who flocked to Nineveh and the
large cities. The people of the Caucasus, at that remote epoch, as
now, were in the habit of selling their sons and daughters, who were
specially educated for the purpose. The sale of slaves in Assyria was
surrounded with the same formalities as the sale of landed property; a
formal deed was required and the presence of witnesses. One of these
deeds has been translated and published by M. Oppert.
9. Polygamy was allowed in all ranks of society, but the wealthy
alone could afford to indulge in the practice. The royal harem ranked
as an institution of the state, and was enormously large. The inscrip-
tions found in the interior of the harem of .Sargon, in the palace of
Khorsabad, relating to the dedication of that building, contain the
most extraordinary details, details so strange that it would be impos-
sible to introduce them here. Marriages were placed under the special
protection of the god Nisroch. The wife brought to her husband some
real estate, given her as dowry by her father.
The celebrated Babylonian stone in the Imperial Library at Paris,
known by the name of Cailloux Michaux, contains a deed of gift of
one of these dowry estates, and the proprietorship is placed under the
protection of the most terrible imprecations against all who should
attempt to interfere with it.
1. The Assyrians, who have been very happily termed " the Romans
of Ancient Asia," were a people essentially fierce and warlike. Their
own monuments exhibit them to us as .short in stature, but thickset
and strong, with every appearance of great muscular power the nose ;
prominent and curved, the eyes large, and the face of the most marked
Semitic type.
In character, they may be regarded, both in their virtues and vices,
. as the complete type of the conquering races of Asia. Brave in battle,
but cruel to the last degree ; fond of slaughter and plunder ;
attached and implicitly obedient to their kings haughty, and be- ;
formed one of the nations that Providence seems to raise up for the
purpose of holding for a time other nations in subjection, and of serving
as the instruments for inflicting divine chastisement. The strength
and energy of their nature were such that they were for ages enabled to
resist the enervating influence of the luxury, that, after so many con-
quests,pervaded their cities, where all the wealth of the world was
accumulated and such
; that, after the disaster of Sardanapalus, a half
century sufficed themrecover from its effects, and again, more
on the road to conquest. No other Asiatic
terrible than ever, to enter
people has ever been able so long to preserve military supremacy, and
for so many centuries to escape the enervating influences of its own
success,meeting with such persistent resistance from the nations it con-
quered, and surrounded by such powerful neighbours.
The Assyrians were naturally a highly religious people, and the
worship of their gods held an important place in their daily life.
Without being such absolute devotees as the Egyptians, everything
proves that a feeling of piety existed among them, which, if it had
been conjoined with any other religion than their degrading poly-
theism, would have proved the source of exalted virtues. They were,
moreover, an intelligent as well as a warlike race, and exhibited an
aptitude for varied occupations, and a superiority in widely diff"erent
2. The soil of Assyria was and still is extremely fertile wherever it
this art had been carried to the highest degree of perfection from the
earliest times in the whole of Mesopotamia, as well in Assyria as in
Chaldsea. They had all the best methods of cultivation in full use,
founded both on the customs of remote ages, and on an ingenious and
well-considered theory. No other ancient people made such advances
in the art of agriculture and on many points modern nations have, as
it were, reinvented, but not improved on, the practice of the Babylonians
the Assyrians did not allow one drop of that precious element to be
lost— the main secret in all oriental countries of the fertility of the
3. The industrial arts were not less well developed in Assyria, than
was agriculture. Here again, at any rate in some manufactures, the
Assyrians had been preceded by the Babylonians and had learned from
them. The Assyrian woven stuffs, dyed in brilliant colours, were
celebrated through the whole of the ancient world, especially for the
beautiful embroideries of human or symbolical figures, processions of
animals, divine symbols or flowers w'hich covered them.
In the Assyrian sculptures all the important personages, the king,
and the gods above all, have their garments .decorated with these
famous embroideries and we may from this form an opinion of their
of the ceilings were also cased with sheets of bronze of the same kind.
Vases of bronze were made in great numbers, as well as of gold and
of silver, carefully chased and covered with figures these specimens of
primitive ages. And these were not the only manufactures in common
use among them that were obtained by foreign commerce. Textile
fabrics, dyed purple or blue, came to them from Phaonicia, as well as
some of their glass transparent muslin from Egypt. All the carved
ivory that has been found at present in the ruins of Assyrian palaces,
where it was largely employed in the decoration of furniture, seems to
be of Phtenician work. Assyria, however, exported to the countries
with which she had commercial relations, manufactured produce to the
full value of her imports. If articles evidently of Egyptian manufac-
ture have been found at Nineveh, the sepulchres on the l)anks of the
Nile have equally furnished their explorers with works of Assyrian
manufacture, especially small articles of precious wood, and of enamelled
precisely resembling the djubeh of the eastern people in the present day.
The common people and soldiers used a shorter tunic, reaching only to
the knees, so as to allow them to walk freely. The king, in his robes
of ceremony, wore over all a sort of long mantle or chasuble, worn ob-
liquely over one shoulder and splendidly ornamented and this is also
infantry. Others wore long coats of mail reaching to the feet, with a
conical helmet to which was attached a sort of veil of chain mail, falling
down on the neck and brought round to protect the chin, such as are .
the earliest examples are found in Assyria, must not be forgotten the
great hunting expeditions, where the Ninevite monarchs delighted to
drive numbers of wild beasts together and pierce them with their arrows.
In the immense plains of Assyria, however highly cultivated the land in
general was, there were vast waste places, almost boundless steppes,
where, as irrigation was impossible, there was no cultivation, and con-
sequently no inhabitants. There lions, wild asses, wild bulls, and
ostriches increascil ami nuilliplicil. Xciioplion, wlio prisscil tluoiiL;li the
country with tiie Ten Tiiousand, lolls us this, and the monuments add their
testimony to liis. These animals the king went out to hunt in very
magnificent style, surrounded with all the pomp of a military expedition,
as the Shahs of Persia still do, and as the descendants of the great
Mogul did in the last century in India. Travellers who have been
present at these gigantic chases, as were Tavcrner and Chardin, for
instance, report them as regular butcheries, where animals are killed by
hundreds, but where the king is not exposed to any danger. A large
body of troops, spread as beaters over the plain, ilrive, by their shouts
and all the noise they can possibly make, animals, both savage and
inoffensive, into an enclosure prepared beforehand, and where they are
crowded in enormous numbers. There the prince, safe in ambush and
protected by strong palisades from the efforts of the lions and tigers,
selected at leisure the animals he wished to kill, without being in any
danger from them. It is probable that mailers were arranged in this
way in Assyria. But the flattery of the artists who drew the hunting
scenes with which the monarchs were so fond of decorating the walls of
their palaces, has represented the kings in a much more heroic position.
They are traversing forests and plains in the chariots, with lions roaming
all around them, and they fight face to face with the most formidable
killed wild boars with his bow; he took wild boars alive and trans-
ported them to the city of Ellasar. He shut up 120 lions in the hunting
enclosure; with his great courage he mounted his chariot and stretched
them dead at his feet with his lance. He caught lions in traps. . . .
He fished in the western sea, and in the sea of the rising sun, with
harpoons of iron. In the countries of Ebech, Urashi, Azamari, An-
karna, Pizitu, Kashiyara, the mountains of Assyria and Khana, on the
flanks of the land of Lulumi, and in the mountains where are the
sources of the two rivers (Euphrates and Tigris), he caught wild goals,
chamois, and wild asses."
The king who performed such famous hunting feats was a worthy
successor of Nimrod, of him whose glory it was to be "a mighty
hunter before the Lord."
and Nineveh.
2nd. The Armenian, an Arian or Indo-European language, used by
the Armenian people from the ninth to the tenth century before our
era ; in this are written the numerous cuneiform inscriptions in the
neighbourhood of Van.
3rd. The Susianian, or language of all the inscriptions of Susiana and
Elam, belonging to the Turanian family.
4th. The Median, a Turanian idiom of the Turkish group, spoken in
Media all the official inscriptions of the Achsemenian Persians are
known ; but il has not yet been copied, and is therefore unf(.)itunately not
available for study. In the course of time, l)y a very natural ])rocess,
the pictured representation underwent a Iransforniation in common use,
in exact accordance with the process by which the Egyptian hieratic
writing was formed from the hieroglyphic, and the present Chinese
characters from the pictures originally used. The desire for simplicity
contrilnited to replace the picture by some few lines which, without
exactly copying its form, might serve to recall at any rate its most
peculiar characteristics. The most ancient monumental remains of
Babylonia and Chaldasa are inscribed with this form of writing, pre-
vious to its having assumed the cuneiform character, and this is called
by scholars Hieratic.
From this was formed the true cuneiform writing, distinguished by
the peculiarity of having its letters, whatever may have been their
original shape, composed of a combination of marks like a nail, or
signs of cuneiform writing was used among the Assyrians as one of the
sacred symbols of divine intelligence, but took its origin from their
method of writing. The Assyrians and Babylonians did not write with
pen and ink or pencil on papyrus, prepared skins, or rolls of linen,
nor with a hard point on boards, palm leaves or bark. For want of
other available means they wrote on tablets of soft clay, afterwards
baked when they wanted to preserve them.
Now the special distinguishing element, producing the very singular
appearance of cuneiform writing, the nail, is nothing more than the
mark made in the clay by the triangular stylus used for the purpose ;
many specimens have been found in the ruins of Nineveh. The nail
would also be formed by two blows of the chisel, and was a more easy
and expeditious method of engraving an inscription on stone, than by
sculpturing the entire figure. The original Hieroglyphic writing thus
transformed became simplified by degrees; the picture, the prototype of
each character, was forgotten ; the number of cuneiform marks com-
posing each character was lessened, so that in the end they became
purely conventional combinations.
Thus from the Hieroglyphic picture arose, first the Hieratic writing,
and from this the first form of the cuneiform writing, termed the Archaic.
This, however, itself was very complicated, but became simplified into a
fourth type, the most commonly used of all, in which the greater part
of the Assyrian inscriptions are written, called by scholars the Modern.
Finally even this last, in its daily use, was still more abridged into a
form capable of being written with greater rapidity, called the Cursive
The monumental remains of the primitive Chaldean empire have no
writing except in the Archaic form, apparently the only one then in
use. In the time of the Assyrian kings, however, the period of the
greater number of the monuments that have been preserved, that is,
from the tenth to the seventh century B.C., the Cursive type was used
for the writings on clay, the manuscripts of Chaldtea and Assyria;
and in the monumental inscriptions, either the Archaic or Modem cha-
racter was employed, at the choice of the sculptor ;
just as, among our-
selves, inscriptions are cut sometimes in Gothic, sometimes in Roman,
The Archaic type is the same in all countries where the Anarian
cuneiform \\-riting was in use; the Modern type, on the other hand, pre-
sents very apparent differences in Nineveh, Babylon, and Media.
4. In common with all hieroglyphic writing, the Anarian cuneiform
commenced Ijy a large employment of ideographics, of which very
many vestiges remained to the end of its existence. The signs for
ideas in this writing, like those of the Egyptian system, were doubtless
originally while still hieroglyphics, some figurative, others symbolical.
But there are only a very small number of these signs in the cuneiform
writing which it has been possible to trace back to the ancient figura-
tive representation, such for example as
Sun. Shovel.
The great majority, in the state in which we find them on the monu-
ments, are merely conventional groups, and their meaning can be found
only in an empirical manner.
5. With these ideographics are joined and mixed up, as in the Egj'p-
tian hieroglyphics, phonetic elements representing sounds and composing
the majority of the texts of the Assyrian age, and a minority of those
of the age of the primitive Chaldcean empire. But these phonetics are
not alphabetic, as among the Egyptians; they are syllabic, for none of
the nations who used the Anarian cuneiform writing had attained
philosophical analysis of language sufficient to enable them to decom-
pose the syllable, and to distinguish the mute consonant from the vowel
Number of the
character in
Number of the
character in
lo ,(rt
II £7<
T>. Ills
15 (/a
38 ha
ff ff
Y' -^
33 kha
34 khi
35 khu
36 akh -{
22 ikh
— ukh
39 i^"'- TTE=T
Number of the
character in
N orris's Nineveh. Media.
42 ka
44 kn
tei^ L
12 ak
13 ik Hi
14 ilk
45 ^«
46 li
•<-<> \< ^- fer
48 ///
50 a/
51 //
53 ^il
54 ma Ll
56 »//
55 ''"?
57 mu -4<
Number of the
character in
Nineveh. Media.
58 atn
^^\ r ^II!
60 II m
61 --<^i
65 ail
66 in
69 sa
»> T TTT -T-^m^
70 si
91 S£
I su
31 IS
Number of thi;
character in
N orris's Niiicvcli Media.
32 us
::-M ::-ni
73 pa tt tt l!=
75 pu
5 ap
7 ip
til Mil
8 up
80 qn
81 ra
82 ri
-Til -III^
til -III
85 ar
87 er HI
Number of the
character in
Nineveh. Media.
88 !VT IM
-M :J
90 ska
93 shi
95 shu
92 she
96 shu T
k I
—I %
99 ish
1 00 itsh
lOI ta
104 la
<<> —
19 //
20 lit
NoTK. — English readers will naturally wish to compare this Sylla-
barium that given in the excellent dictionary jjy Mr. Norris
(Assyrian Dictionary, by Edwin Norris, Ph. D., Honorary Secretary of
the J^oyal Asiatic Society, London, 1868) ; and as some differences
will lie founil, the author desires to offer a few remarks on the suljject.
The greater number of these differences are merely variations in the
form of the character, such as are found on very many of the monu-
ments themselves. Only two founts of movable Assyrian type have as
yet been cast in Europe, one used by the Royal Asiatic Society, the
other in the Imprimerie Imperiale at Paris. In the first, the form of
the characters is copied from the Behistun inscrijjtion in the second ;
sive, the author has omitted some simple syllabic characters which are
rarely used, or seem to be interchangeable with others. Thus the
characters numbered in Mr. Norris's list 27,28, zi 29, Z2i; 47, le ;
49 seems to the author a simple variant of 48, and 94 also of 93, and
found only on doubtful copies.
The author has not introduced any diphthongs, and has therefore
omitted No. 25, regarding it not as a simple ;/ but as an. The character
4i.jl'fl, seems also to him a combination of /, (40) and a, (i).
These variations, as will be seen, involve no differences in reading,
and require no explanation ta an experienced Assyriologist. The only
real points of disagreement between the author and Mr. Norris, very
few in number, are as follows :
T and V. That in syllables in which the Jti occurs, that letter may be
replaced by v. That in the characters representing syllables with an
initial consonant and final vowel, one single character is used for all the
articulations of the same class thus, ap and a!> are expressed by the
same sign, as well as ak, ag, aq and at, ad and ath, etc.
6. With but very few exceptions, the ideographic and phonetic values
of the written signs are the same, whether the language employed is
and was then pronounced " Ilu "; as a phonetic it represents the syllable
and is read "abu," but it also stands for the syllable " at."
The explanation of this peculiarity is the foreign origin of this system
of writing. We have already said that science has proved that the
Anarian system of cuneiform writing was invented and introduced into
Mesopotamia by a people of Turanian or Ugro-finnish race, the Shumir,
who were the first inhabitants of a part of Chaldaea. Among these
people the phonetic and ideographic values of the signs were identical;
the one sprung from the other; the pronunciation of each character as a
phonetic was the initial syllable of the word represented by the sign as
was An;w/; ^ ^— \ the syllable af, because the word for father
was Alta. When the system of writing passed from its Turanian
inventors to other nations, Chaldceo-Assyrians, Armenians, Susianians,
and others, they borrowed both the sound and the meaning ; and as in
the languages of the latter people the ideas were expressed by entirely
different words, the concord between sound and meaning was at an end.
7. But the complications of the Anarian cuneiform writing did not
end here. To these difficulties, already sufficiently embarrassing, ot
finding the same character with two directly opposed meanings, at one
time phonetic and at another ideographic, and with no apparent con-
nection between the double employment, must be added the peculiarity
of polypJiony —a fruitful source of difficulty. It consists in the existence
of two or three different phonetic values for the same character. Thus,
noticed in some Egyptian hieroglyphics. This has arisen from the fact
that the ideographic characters, like the words of the spoken language.
sometimes received now tliough cognate meanings, one meaning, for
instance concrete, another abstract— one meaning as a siil)stantive,
anotlier as a verb now these varied meanings frequently corresponded
magniloquent, the diction strong and vigorous, the metaphors bold and
striking, the turn of thought poetic, a sort of epic air distinguishes
the story told to gratify the pride of the monarchs of the Great
2. All the remains known to us of books, properly so called, of
ancient Assyria, were found during Mr. I.ayard's excavations, and come
from the library estaljlished by King Asshurbanipal in one of the halls
of his palace at Nineveh. A curious library, consisting entirely of flat
square tablets of baked clay, having on each side a page of very small
and closely written cuneiform cursive letters, impressed on the clay
while still moist ; each was numbered, and formed a page of a book
composed of a number of such tablets, probably piled one on another
in the library.
The great majority of the tablets still preserved of the library of
Asshurbanipal, and now Museum, contain
the remains of
in the British
an immense grammatical encyclopcedia, treating of the difficulties of
the writing as well as of the language. We find from them that
grammar had become among the Assyrians a very advanced science,
and received much attention from them, the natural and almost inevitable
consequence of the complication of their system of writing, requiring
long and profound study. We find also from a notice appended to one
of the treatises of the Grammatical Encyclopaedia, that the library of the
Ninevite palace was intended by its founder to be a public library
"Palace of Asshurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, to
whom the god Nebo and the goddess Tashmit (the goddess of wisdom)
have given ears to hear, and eyes to see what is the foundation of
government. They have revealed to the kings, my predecessors, this
cuneiform writing, the manifestation of the god Nebo, the god of
supreme intelligence. I have written it upon tablets, I have signed
it, I have placed it in my palace for the instruction of my sub-
The Grammatical Encycloprcdia, compiled by the orders of Asshur-
banipal, was divided into several treatises; we have fragments of
seven :
vogue among the Chaldjeo- Assyrians and it appears that very often no
* Her. i. 197.
tions, seem to have originated with them. The division of the circle
into 360 degrees, and the division of a chord of the circle, equal to the
radius, into sixty equal parts, called degrees ;* the division of those
degrees into sixty minutes, of the minute into sixty seconds, and of the
second into sixty thirds, as well as the invention of the mode of notation
marking these divisions of the degree, are due to the Chaldseo-Assyrians.
To them also is to be attributed the week of seven
institution of the
days, dedicated to the seven planetary bodies worshipped by them as
divine beings, and the order assigned by them to the days has not
changed from time immemorial. Having invented the gnomon, they
were the to divide the day into twenty-four hours, the hour into
sixty minutes, and the minute into sixty seconds. Their great periods
of time were calculated on this scale. The great cycle of 43,200
years, regarded by them as the period of the precession of the
equinoxes, was considered as one day in the life of the universe. It
was divided into twelve "sars," or cosmic hours, each of 3,600 years,
and each subdivided into six ners, of 600 years; the ner again into ten
sosses, or cosmic minutes, of sixty years; and thus the ordinary year
was a second of the great chronological period.
This was all founded on the peculiar method employed by the
Chaldseo- Assyrians in indicating fractions. They invariably divided
unity into sixty equal parts, each such part again divided into sixty,
nations — the decimal and the duodecimal. The number sixty, in fact,
is divisible by all the divisors of ten and of twelve, and is among all
gave the talent of 30 kil. 650 grs. (=67-57 ozs.), the fundamental unit
of weight; and the sexagesimal division of this produced the mina of
510-83 grs. (= 1-13 ozs.), and the drachma of 8-513 grs. (= -019 ozs.).
The greater part of these measures passed from the Tigro-Euphrates
basin to the various neighbouring^ countries of Asia, and even to the
Greeks, preserving often their names, for both fiva and ofioXbg are
Hellenised Assyrian words, losing, however, more or less in the transit
their original character and scientific proportion.
6. Tlie Chaldseo-Assyrians were acquainted with the solar year of
Section V. Religion.
1. Till", skilful explorations of the last twenty-five years in the
countries bordering on the Tigi'is and Euphrates have given us mueh
more correct ideas on the subject of the Assyro-Babylonian mythology
than had been handed "down by the Greeks. Nevertheless many ])oints
still remain in great obscurity as to the religion common with a few
and in the general s]:)irit of its conceptions, of the same character as the
religion of Egypt, and in general as all pagan religions. When we
penetrate beneath the surface of gross polytheism it had acquired from
popular superstition, and revert to the original and higher conceptions,
we shall find the whole based on the idea of the unity of the Deity, the
last relic of the primitive revelation, disfigured by and lost in the
monstrous ideas of Pantheism, confounding the creature with the
Creator, and transforming the Deity into a god-world, whose manifesta-
tions are to be found in all the jihcnomcna of nature. Beneath this
supreme and sole God, this great All, in whom all things are lost and
absorbed, are ranked in an order of emanation, corresponding to their
importance, a whole race of secondary deities, emanations from his very
substance, who are merely personifications of His attributes and mani-
festations. The differences between the various pagan religions — the
same in principle — is chiefly marked by the differences between these
secondaiy divine personages and their reciprocal nature.
Thus, as we have already seen, the imagination of the Egyptians had
been especially struck by the various stages of the daily and yearly
course of the sun in this they saw the most imposing manifestation of
the Deity —
that which best revealed the laws of the government of the
world — and in this they sought their divine personifications. The
Chaldreo-Assyrians, especially devoted to astronomy, saw in the Astral,
and especially in the planetary system, a manifestation of the divine
being. They considered the stars as his true external manifestation,
and in their religious system made them the visible evidence of the
subordinate divine emanations from the substance of the infinite being,
whom they identified with the world, his work.
2. The supreme god, the first and sole principle from whom all other
deities were derived, was Ilu, whose name signifies God par excellence.
Their idea of him was too comprehensive, too vast, to have any deter-
mined external form, or consequently to receive in general the adoration of
the people and from this point of view there is a certain analogy between
Ilu and the Chronos of the Greeks, with whom he was compared by the
latter. In Chaldsea it does not seem that any temple was ever specially
emanation, i)ut were regarded as having, on the contrary, issued the one
from the other, Ao from Oannes and Bel from Ao. Oannes, the
" Lord of the Lower World, the Lord of Darkness," was represented on
the monuments under the strange figure of a man with an eagle's tail,
and for his liead-dress an enormous fish, whose open mouth rises over
his head, while the body covers his shoulders. It is under this form that
5. Below this second triad in the divine hierarchy, and in the order of
emanations, are found the gods of the five planets —Adar (Saturn),
Merodach Nergal (Mars), Ishtar (Venus), and Nebo (Mercury).
The worship of Merodach, though not much cultivated at Nineveh, was
of primary importance at Babylon, where he was regarded as one of the
form, for she is called " the Goddess of Battles, the Queen of Victories,
.she who leads armies to the fight and is the judge of warlike exploits ";
but she has a double form, uniting two characters— one fierce and
sanguinaiy, the other voluptuous for under the names of Zarpanit and
Nana she presides over the reproduction of beings, and over sensual
pleasures; sheis in this last character always represented naked, always
and with the two hands on the chest. Moreover two Ishtars
full face,
were always distinguished, that of Arbela (called also Arbail) and that
of Nineveh, who presided over the two fortnights of the montii.t The
* This is the divinity whose name has hitherto been read as Ninip.
We shall give elsewhere the reasons and proofs of this new reading,
t Hence the common ideographic designation, "The goddess
fifteen." just as .Sin, who presides over the month, is called the "God
plural name of {]\U doulile Islitar, Islitarolh, was the f)ii_q;in of the
I'luvnician Ashtaroth. Nergal, whose image is very uncommon, stands
on the legs of a cock, and carries a sword in his hand. The application
of the name of Mars to his star was quite natural, for the titles he
receives in the inscriptions are "the great hero, the king of fight, the
master of battles, champion of the gods," and also "god of the
7. Such were the great gods of Nineveh and Babylon. Below them
popular superstition believed in an immense number of personifications
of inferior order, of lesser gods, or rather ^em, whom it would be
waste of time to enumerate. We must, however, mention some per-
sonages who are found on the monuments occupying an important
position in the Chaldseo-Assyrian pantheon, and who were evidently
other forms of the gods already named, but whose position has not as
yet been precisely determined. Such is Nisroch, called also Shalman,
the "king of fluids," he who "presides over the course of human
destiny," and who is also the protector of marriages; this is the god
with an eagle's head and large wings, whose image is so common on
the sculptures of the Assyrian palaces. As we have already seen, it
was in the temple of this god at Nineveh that Sennacherib was assas-
sinated by his sons. Possibly we ought to consider this god as another
form of Oannes.
The great gods are often all invoked one after the other at the be-
ginning of the solemn inscriptions of the kings of Assyria. Sargon has
given the names of eight of them on the gates of the city he founded.
" Shamash has conferred on me all I possess," says he, in an inscription,
"Bin gave me good fortune; I have named the great eastern gates after
Shamash and Bin. Bel Dagon laid the foundation of my city, Bilit
Taauth grinds like paint the elements of the world I have named the ;
gi-eat southern gates after Bel Dagon and Bilit Taauth. Oannes
prospers the work of my hand, Ishtar leads armies to battle I have ;
called the great western gates after Oannes and Ishtar. Nisroch
Shalman presides over marriages, the mistress of the gods presides
over births; I have dedicated the great northern gates to Nisroch and
others ; and now a school of art, the very existence and greatness of
which, a short time ago, rested only on the testimony of ancient
authors, is known to every one. It is possible now, with the aid of
the specimens that are to be found in all the large museums of Europe,
and especially in the Louvre and British Museum of the splendid —
works on the subject of Assyrian explorations, published in France and
in England by M. Botta, M. Place, and Mr. Layard, and especially ot
the admirable essays of a P'rench architect, M. Thomas, in M. Place's
work — to sketch the essential characteristics of Assyrian ai'chitecture,
sculpture, and painting.
2. The Assyrians were generally in the habit of piling up large
mounds, or artificial on which to erect temples,
hills, as platforms
palaces, or cities. Nineveh was almost entirely built on artificial
elevations, extending over an immense surface. Its walls were 360
stades in circumference, according to the testimony of one of Senna-
cherib's inscriptions the outer casing was built of bricks, the interior
was composed of earth; and this explains how, when the casing was
removed, the mass of earth crumbled down and mixed with the soil.
The enormous enceinte of the capital of Assyria was quadrilateral in
shape, and may still be recognised, marked by a series of mounds in a
regular line scattered over the plain.
These artificial hills, serving as the base of great edifices, and where
the ruins are still met with in various parts of Assyria, to
buried, are
thenumber of several hundred. Three only have as yet been excavated,
and these contained the palaces of Khorsabad (Dur Sharyukin), Nimnid
(Calah), and Koyundjik (Nineveh).
These palaces, standing on artificial hills, were, from their mode of
construction, in reality each a second artificial hill, erected above the
with rooms excavated in their sides — an arrangement that seems
tohave originated from the nature of their building materials, and also
from the necessity for placing dwellings in an airy situation in such a
hot climate. The soil of Assyria supplied an abundance of stone fit
for building, and also a coarse grey alabaster, very easily sculptured,
but too soft to be used for the walls of gigantic edifices. The Baby-
lonians, the original colonisers of Assyria, had been compelled by the
nature of their soil, entirely composed of alluvial clay, to build all their
very thick mass of earth, so that the rain slu)uid not. penetrate, and the
heat of llie sun should not cause it to crack throughout all its thickness.
From these circumstances arose the essential characteristics and general
aspect of Assyrian architecture, in which the base of a building bore a
greater proportion toits height than even in Egypt.
panelling are the sea-pine, the fir, the cypress, the cedar, the wild
pistachio, ebony, and sandal-wood. No remains of the panelling have
as yet been found, for all the palaces that have been excavated were
destroyed by fire during the disasters that occurred at the end of the
Assyrian empire.
For assemblies too numerous for the great interior halls, the courts,
ornamented all round by gigantic sculptures, were used ; and on such
occasions they were converted into halls by a velum stretched over them.
Slender columns, sometimes of stone, more often of wood covered with
metal, supported jjorticoes of wood painted in brilliant colours, ex-
tending across these courts. These were sometimes made to imitate
palm or other trees, but more often crowned by voluted capitals, the
origin of the Ionic order; sometimes, again, they were surmounted by
metal figures of real or imaginary animals.
All the great gates opening into these courts, and the esplanades
giving access to the principal parts of the building, were ornamented
by colossal statues of winged, human-headed bulls; the faces of these
symbolical figures always look outwards, and the bodies are attached to
the side wall of the gateway. The size of these bulls, always colossal,
vaies according and importance of the gateway where they
to the size
stand. Some scholars have wished to identify these fantastic figures
with the representation of the god Ninip, or Bel Merodach, placed as a
protector at the entrance of the palace. We, however, believe these
Ninevite bulls to be the prototypes of the cherubim of the Ark of the
Covenant, representing no one particular divinity, but being the visible
2mbodiment of an idea analogous to that expressed by the Egyptian
iphinx; symbolising generally a divine protecting and guardian power,
combining both physical force and intelligence, just as tlie symbolical
figure combines the body of the strongest animal with a human head.
These bulls are called Alapi and Kirubi, and the last name, Kirub, is
applied, in an extended sense, to the gateway itself.
Sometimes lions are found in place of bulls, also with wings and
human heads, the prototypes of the Grecian sphinx, a variety of the
same symbol ; these latter are called Nirgalli, in the inscriptions de-
scribing the works of the palace. Lastly, at the gate of one of the
edifices of Nimrud, these emblematical figures are replaced by simple
colossal lions, erect, and in the attitude of fierce and vigilant guardians.
Above these bulls, or the figures which, as we have seen, sometimes
replace them, the great gateways were built with an arched vault, with
architrave outside decorated with enamelled bricks. One of these
arched gateways was discovered entire, with all its decorations, in the
excavations of M. Place at Khorsabad. It would have been brought
into his restorations. Nor is this the only thing that Arabian and
Persian architecture borrowed from Assyrian art, for on looking at the
plates where the accomplished who accompanied M. Place has
restored the exterior of the palace at Khorsabad, we may almost fancy
that they are drawn from modern Arab buildings. The common use of
enamelled pottery for panelling walls in the Persian buildings of the
middle ages originated in Assyria. The employment of cupolas in
Arab and Persian architecture is due to the same source. Positive
proofs were found in the excavations of M. Place that some of the
moderate size were roofed by hemispherical cupolas,
scpiare halls of
formed of "pise," and made in one piece, rising above the level of
the terraces. Several bas-reliefs, moreover, represent these Assyrian
The other halls had either a vaulted, or more probably a flat, roof,
and the inscriptions inform us that the was formed of
ceiling solid
beams, sustaining the weight of the earthen roof. The timber was
generally of resinous wood, as was considered more durable than any
other, such as sea-pine, fir, cypress, or cedar. This last wood was
brought at great expense from the forests of Lebanon and Amanus, and
military expeditions were sometimes made merely for the purpose of
cutting cedars. The projecting beams, as we learn also from, the monu-
ments, were covered with sheets of bronze, no doubt stamped with
figures and ornaments.
The halls must have been lighted by openings in the ceiling, as they
still are in the houses in Annenia, for no trace has yet been found of a
window; moreover, there are halls in the palaces that are surrounded
on all sides by other halls, and therefore could be lighted only from the
roof. But the power of the sun in summer, and the violence of the
rain in winter, precluded the possibility of leaving these skylights en-
tirely open to the air.
believe that I have discovered in the inscrip-
nazirpal, were acquainted with the true arch, built with a key-stone, of
a circular and also of an ogival form. A drain, built in this manner of
burnt brick, has been found leading under the most ancient part of the
palaces of Nimrud.
The courts and halls of Assyrian buildings were paved with larg
palaces have four great gates in their four sides, but none of them is
placed exactly opposite the one to which it ought to correspond.
The general mass of the buildings of the seraglio, or palace, forms a
square, with some few irregularities, very trifling for an Assyrian
building. The principal gateway an
to the north-east gives access to
immense and surrounded on all sides by
court, rectangular in shape,
buildings. Those on three of the faces seem to have been slight, and
to have been lodgings for slaves and for the body-guard of the king
those on the fourth side were the main buildings of the palace. What
is very umisual, lliorc was a jierfectly regular fa9acle, with a gateway,
the most liighly ornaiiieiUcd in all the building, placed exactly in the
In the interior arrangements of this building, the largest of all the
edifices of Khorsabad, there was neither regularity nor symmetry.
Two-thirds to the north-west part of the building was occupied by the
grand reception hall, or selamlik, and its large and sumptuous galleries,
with walls cased with bas-reliefs; one-third to the south-east by the
inhabited apartments, with smaller and less decorated rooms. Passages
opened into two of the sides of the large court ; one on the north-west
led to a square esplanade, or court, occupying the northern angle of the
artificial mound of the palace, in front of a building touching the
The lower platform of the artificial hill built up for the foundation
of the palace of Sargon, was occupied by the khan and by the harem.
This portion of the edifice looked towards the city, and communicated
directly with it. In the midst was the khan properly so called, that
is,an immense square court, surrounded on all its sides by buildings,
grooms, and for the gi-eater nun^Jjer of slaves. It
stables, lodgings for
was approached from the city by two enormous flights of steps, in the
middle of the south-east face of the terrace. An elaborately decorated
passage led, as we have said, from this court of the khan into the
reception-hall of the seraglio
; two small doors also gave direct com-
munication with the inhabited rooms of the palace. To the right of
the immense court we have just mentioned, the khan, was a building of
some extent, with many courts and numerous chambers, forming part
of the offices, or common rooms of the palace.
To continue the use of the names still applied in modem oriental
palaces, so similar to those of Assyria, we must distinguish this from
the khan, and call it the khazneh, or treasury; for there, as the exca-
vations of M. Place have proved, were the stores of provisions and
utensils for the use of the royal household, as well as places of custody
for all the valuables that Sargon, in his dedicatoiy inscription, tells us
he had acquired by force of arms and stored in his palace.
The harem was adjoining the khazneh. It was a building of moderate
extent, containing three courts —
the walls of one of them was covered
with the richest decoration in enamelled bricks ; many long galleries,
intended no doubt for feasts or festivals and lastly, a large number of
rooms for habitation. This harem was shut in as closely as possible; all
communication with the outer world was intercepted, and the women
must have found themselves in a real prison. One single vestibule,
guarded by eunuchs, gave access to it; this had two issues, one com-
municating with the great court of the offices, and was the entry by
which people came in from outside; the other opening on a long narrow
court leading to the inhabited apartments of the seraglio through this
the king had access to his harem without being seen by the puljlic.
Behind the harem was an enormous tower, or pyramid in seven
stages, nearly fifty yards high. Remains of similar constructions have
been found at Nimrud (Calah), and Kileh Sherghat (Elassar) and ;
there seems nq doubt that they were attached to every Assyrian palace,
for the inscriptions frequently mention the one belonging to the palace
at Nineveh. The seven stages, equal in height, and each one smaller
in area than the one beneath were covered with stucco of different
colours, and thus presented to view the colours consecrated to the seven
heavenly bodies, the least important being at the base: white (Venus),
black (Saturn), purple (Jupiter), blue (Mercury), vermilion (Mars),
silver (the moon), and gold (the sun). This was the ancient staged
pyramid of the first Semitic Chaldrean empire, adopted and but slightly
modified by the Assyrians, by giving a rather smaller base and less
difference between the relative sizes of the stages, so as to make it
resemble rather a tower than a pyramid. But buildings of this kind,
called Zikurat, and so frequently mentioned by the kings in their annals
as having been erected by them, were not used in Assyria for temples,
as they had been in Chaldasa under the first empire, and as they con-
tinued to be used in Babylon down to the destraction of the city. The
sanctuary crowning the summit of the Chaldtean pyramids had disap-
peared. The Assyrian Zikurat was simply an observatory, and on its
summit the priestly astrologers, pupils of the Chaldtcans, attempted to
read the future in the stars. Astronomy had, in fact, quickly degenerated
into astrology in Chaldoea ; the belief in the direct infhitnce of the stars
on was one of the most deeply rooted articles of faith
terrestrial affairs
in Babylon, and had passed into Assyria. The Ninevite kings, like
those of Babylon, undertook no enterprise without first consulting the
presages of the stars, and for this purpose they always had within reach,
in their palaces, astrologers and an observatory. We have already seen
that Sennacherib himself says that he gave up an expedition, undertaken
with cvoiy chance of success, and declined a decisive battle when
everything seemed to promise him a victory, because the stars did not
seem favourable. We
have also stated the influence that, according to
tlie monuments, two eclipses exercised, the one on the accession of
Asshurbanipal, the other on that of Sargon.
The royal astrologers kept a constant watch from the height of the
Zikurat on the state of the heavens and the movements of the stars, so as
to interpret them by the aid of the astrological tables so often mentioned
in the inscriptions. They furnished the king with an account of their
"observations ; and some tablets bearing reports of this kind were found
in the archives of the palace of Koyundjik. As an example, one of
them records the observation of the exact day of the spring equinox:
" On the 6th of the month Sivan the day and the night were equal, six
double hours for the day, and six double hours for the night. May
Nebo and Merodach protect my lord the king."
Another on a tablet in the British Museum still unpublished
(marked K., 86) "To the founder of buildings, my lord the king, his
humble servant, Naboiddin, chief astrologer of Nineveli^ May Nebo
and Merodach be propitious to the founder of buildings, my lord the
king. On the 15th of the month we have observed the entry of the
moon into the lunar node and the result. The moon was eclipsed."
Another, in the same collection (marked K., 78), runs thus:
— "To
the king, my lord, his humble servant Ishtar .... chief astrologer of
Arbela peace to my lord the king. May Nebo, Merodach, and Ishtar
Nimrud (for there were two in that palace) were adjoining the Zikurat.
The principal part of these temples, the sanctuary proper, is always a
large hall of great length ; at one of its extremities is a square recess of
the sanctuary, or cella, so that the statue of the god could not be seen
from outside. Some small chambers, for use in the temple service, or
for custody of the sacred utensils, were arranged around the sanctuary,
or cella. Bas-reliefs, representing only religious subjects, decorated the
walls of the latter; on each side of the gateway were lions or bulls,
just as in the palaces. The external walls of the temples were cased
with enamelled bricks.
6. Sculpture had made more progress than any other art in Assyria,
and had developed a distinctive originality of its own. We do not
know what was its state at the commencement of the monarchy, but
four centuries afterwards, under Asshurnazirpal, it still bore unquestion-
able marks of complete archaism —
a rude and barbaric grandeur.
Under Sargon and Sennacherib it had acquired more finish in detail
and facility in execution, but still preserved its grand rough outline its ;
art never knew. The substance on which the Assyrian sculptures are
executed adds still more to this appearance of energy the Assyrians ;
did not use the chisel with facility, and succeeded only when using the
gypseous alabaster, soft enough for slabs for panelling the palaces.
When they attempted to work hard stone, such as basalt, which the
Egyptian artists worked with the finish of a cameo, their work was
exceedingly coarse, as may be seen in the Nimrud obelisk. But this
awkwardness was redeemed by a surprising energy, by a strength full
of grandeur and fire; sometimes they dashed at the stone, and struck out
bold lines; lifelike forms flashed out into light, cut in as with a lion's
Assyrian sculpture excelled more in the representation of animals
than in the human figure. Here, too, its pnnciple was the opposite of
that of the Pharaonic art. The Egyptians, unable
compete with to
nature, who possessed the secret of life, above by
raised themselves
epitomising her. The distinctive features of the animal were put to-
gether and thus exaggerated; the minor details were omitted; and in
this way was produced a sort of very expressive symbol. The whole
family of lions was represented by one single lion, always the same ;
the model was always powerful, the image very grand. In place of
this formidable, laconic, and solemn art, that dealing with great masses
on a grand scale, modelling concisely the distinctive features, the As-
syrians, in the representation of animals, attempted to produce more of
a lifelike picture, sharply cut and shaded, reproducing eveiy possible
detail of nature. Far from giving one single conventional type for each
species, they attempted to give individuality to each figure, depicting
truthfully every action, and, if one may say so, the feeling of the moment.
In this they attained to the highest perfection about the time of Asshur-
banipal ; and in the sculptures of the palace of Koyundjik we may see
inhunting scenes figures of animals such as no other art, not even that
of the Greeks, can sui-pass for expression. We may especially mention
one work, incomparably lifelike —we might almost say touching
true both to the individual and to the type, in a great bas-relief re-
presenting a lion hunt, now in the British Museum, and especially
one figure of a lioness, who has been wounded in the spine by arrows,
and having already lost the use of her hind legs, raises herself painfully
on her forepaws to roar at the hunters, and threaten them with her
open jaws.
7. Assyrian sculpture is seen to least advantage in statuary; its
generally slow and slight, but full of truth and propriety. Under
Sargon and Sennacherib artists were more ambitious they attempted to
represent large scenes and numerous personages, who are more clearly
distinguished, but with no better perspective than in the older sculp-
tures. In all hunting scenes the field of the landscape was very rudely
represented, and they were compelled to indicate the nature of the
country by its characteristic trees and animals, but with the strangest
mistakes in their relative proportions. We see, for instance, in the
water fishes as large as the ships; and in the woods birds half as tall as
the soldiers. The action of the figures is more vigorous and marked
than in the earlier period, and not less true to nature. Lastly, in the
time of Asshurbanipal the bas-relief becomes more conformed to
reality and to the sound principles of art, and the artists renounce all
pretensions to represent scenes on a different level in the landscape
the nature of the place where the scenes of war or hunting occur is
simply indicated by a few trees, drawn with striking truth to nature, or
by some buildings, faithfully sketched, so that there is but little occasion
for mistakes in perspective. There is also an improvement to be
remarked on the preceding period in the life and movement of the
figures, as well as in the grouping and balancing of the different
elements in the composition.
8. All the Assyrian sculptures were brilliantly painted, and the
remains of the colours may still be observed on the bas-reliefs in the
The figures standing out on a ground of uniform colour were not shaded,
but formed by flat colours, surrounded by a broad black or white band,
defniing the and serving exactly the purpose of the lead
surrounding figures in the painted glass of the thirteenth century.
9. An art much cultivated among the Assyrians, and carried to a high
degree of perfection, was engraving on hard stone. It was principally
applied to the manufacture of cylinders for signets, the impression being
taken by rolling them over a soft surface. The subjects engraved on
them were in general of a religious character, assemblages of sacred
symbols, or of images of deities, with one or more persons in the act of
adoration. Some of them represent hunting scenes. The great
majority of these cylinders are evidently ordinary trade goods of very
careless workmanship.
But there are also some carefully executed and
finely engraved dimensions, may be advan-
that, in spite of their small
tageously compared, for beauty of art, to the best specimens of bas-
reliefs from Khorsabad and Koyundjik.
Nipur with a wall called " Nivit Marduk " "the dwelling of Mero- —
dach." Towards the close of the twelfth century he was defeated, and
again reduced to obedience by Adarpalashir, king of Nineveh. His
successor, Nebuchadnezzar [Nabuchudurussur], also revolted against the
Assyrian monarch, Asshurrishishi. Still more important was- the revolt
of Mardukidinakhe (about the eleventh century B.C.) against Tiglath-
pileser I. [Tuklat-pal-ashar]. Having first defeated his suzerain, the
Babylonian prince entered Assyria and sacked the town of Hekali.
Some years after, he in his turn sustained a defeat, and Tiglath-pil«ser
carried Babylon by storm.
The monuments here fail us, and we therefore know northing of whiat
passed in Babylon after the disasters of the Assyrian king, Asshur-
rabamar. It is probable that for a time the city threw off the Ninevite
yoke, and that the first princes of the dynasty of Belkatirassu [or
Bilpasqu], perhaps even its founder, made it their first occupation to
reconquer Baliylonia. We have no documents on the subject of the
wars that brought about this result : all we know is, that the success of
the Assyrians was complete, and the great Chaldosan city was so severely
punished that, for more than a centuiy, it did not again attempt to revolt.
Its princes during this period were in reality only hereditary satraps of
the Ninevite monarch. We
know but one of these satraps, Irib Marduk,
whose name is found on some weights now in the British Museum. But,
in following the history of Assyria, we have seen that Nabubaliddin,
king of Babylon, attempted a revolt, repressed almost before it broke
out, against Asshumazirpal, and that disturbances in Babylon and
Chaldsea broke out with such violence under Shalmaneser IV.
(Shalmanuashir), that he found himself compelled to fortify strongly the
frontier town of Ellasar, and to station a formidable garrison there, in
order to keep the country in check. During the revolt of Asshur-
daninpal and the civil war that ensued, Chaldaea escaped from its
northern masters and proclaimed its independence, placing a certain
Mardiikbalatirib on the throne; and Shamash-Bin, on his accession,
found himself obliged to reconquer his rebellious vassal. Binlikhish III.,
scendant of the old royal family, was proclaimed king, drove out the
Chaldeans, and re-established the authority of Nineveh over the western
provinces, Osrhoene and Syria. But the complete independence of the
kingdom of Babylon, the work of Phul, lasted some time longer before
the Assyrians ventured to attack it.
has preserved a canon of the kings of Babylon, and his statements are
fully confirmed by the monuments.
Nevertheless, after Nabonassar, the kingdom of Babylon fell rapidly
into decay; it was a prey to disorders of which we have but an imperfect
knowledge. The canon of Ptolemy registers at this time four kings in
twelve years, a sufficient indication of a time of troubles and revolutions.
The kings of Assyria, who had become more powerful than ever,
profited by all this to claim again their ancient rights of suzerainty. In
709 B.C. Sargon [Sharyukin], after the bloody battle of Dur-Yakin,
reconquered Babylon and Chaldaea.
From this date the history of the Babylonian state is known only
from its relations, almost always unfortunate, with the Assyrian empire,
— ;
and by its incessant and fruitless revolts. The true national hero of
thisepoch, the indomitable champion of the independence of Babylon,
was Merodach Baladan [Mardukbaliddin], dethroned once by Sargon,
then again on many occasions, in contest M'ith him and with his son,
Semiacherib [Sinakherib], unfailing in his hatred to the Assyrian yoke,
always conquered and always retrieving his disasters, imprisoned by the
kings of Assyria, and always escaping to put himself at the head of the
Babylonians, laying down his arms at last only with his life. Suzub,
son of Gatul, was equally intrepid and persevering. Esarhaddon
[Asshurakhiddin], the fourth son of Sennacherib, was viceroy of
Babylon under his father when he succeeded to the throne of Nineveh
he habitually resided at Babylon, as we have already said, and it was to
that city he carried prisoner Manasseh, king of Judah. Esarhaddon
occupied himself in repairing the more important monuments of
Babylon, much defaced and destroyed during the later wars, especially
during the sack of the city, by order of Sennacherib in 683. He also
designed the plan, and commenced the construction, of the two immense
enclosures, the completion of which was the glory of the reign of
Nebuchadnezzar. After his abdication of the throne of Nineveh in
favour of his son, Asshurbanipal, Esarhaddon still remained for a short
time king of Babylon. At his death, his second son, Shamulshamugin,
succeeded him in that city, but as vassal to Asshurbanipal. We have
already given the details of his revolt, in which he was joined by
Nabubelshum, the grandson of the great Merodach Baladan. But the
two states were afterwards again united, and there was no king of
Babylon, when, about 626, the Chaldrean Nabopolassar was made by
Asshuredililani III., the last king but one of Assyria, governor of
Chaldaea and Babylon, in order to preserve the country from the
barbarians who threatened it.
dignity shall proceed of themselves. Their horses also are swifter than
leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves: and their horse-
men shall spread themselves, and their horsemen shall come from far;
they shall fly as an eagle that hasteth to eat " (Ilab. i. 6 — 8).
Sent to Babylon as satrap or prefect — had for
for Asshuredililani
twenty-two years deprived that proud city of the right of having a
prince of its own, and had made it directly dependent on the throne of
Nineveh Nabopolassar, who without doubt had played his part as
courtier to the Assyrian monarch to obtain this favour, conceived at
once the project of substituting himself for his master, and of freeing
for ever his native country. lie sent an embassy to the king of the
Medes, who was beginning to establish a considerable empire and a
military power of the first rank, by the conquest of all those countries
that had for many centuries formed the northern provinces of the
Assyrian kingdom, penetrating even to Asia Minor. This king was
Cyaxares, as we are told by Herodotus. Eusebius and Syncellus call
him Astyages but this appellation seems to have been, among the
"While the soil from the excavation was being thus used for the
defence of the city, Nitocris engaged also in another undertaking, a
Under the former kings, if a man wanted to pass from one of these
divisions to the other, he had to cross in a boat, which must, it seems
to me, have been very troublesome. Accordingly, while she was
digging the lake, Nitocris bethought herself of turning it to a use
which should at once remove this inconvenience, and enable her to
leave another monument of her reign over Babylon. She gave orders
for the hewing of immense blocks of stone, and when they were ready,
and the basin was excavated, she turned the entire stream of the
Euphrates into the cutting, and thus for a time, while the basin was
filling, the natural channel of the river was left dry. Forthwith she
set to work, and in the first place lined the banks of the stream within
the city with quays of burnt brick, and also bricked the landing-places
opposite the river gates, adopting throughout the same fashion of brick-
work which had been used in the town wall; after which, with the
materials which had been prepared, she built, as near the middle of the
town as possible, a stone bridge, the blocks whereof were bound
together with iron and lead. In the daytime square wooden platforms
were laid along from pier to pier, on which the inhabitants crossed the
stream but at night they were withdrawn, to prevent people passing
from side to side in the dark to commit robberiea When the river had
filled the cutting, and the bridge was finished, the Euphrates was turned
back again into its ancient bed and thus the basin, transformed sud-
denly into a lake, was seen to answer the purpose for which it was
made, and the inhabitants, by help of the basin, obtained the advantage
of a bridge.
4. In 607, Nabopolassar, feeling himself already old and enfeebled,
and seeing also that a serious contest with the Egyptian monarchy had
become imminent on account of the progress of Necho, who, master of
all Syria, already threatened the Euphrates, thought fit to associate
with himself on the throne a younger and more active prince. Nebu-
chadnezzar reigned conjointly with his father during the three succeeding
years, thus giving rise to a double method of computing the dates of
the new reign ; some reckoning from this association, others from the
death of Nabopolassar.
The year 606 was the great epoch in the histoiy of the Chaldaean
monarchy founded by Nabopolassar. From that year it became un-
questionably the sovereign power of Asia, and acquired that supremacy
in war and politics which had belonged first to Egypt, then to Assyria.
This result was due to two great wars waged simultaneously by the
kingdom of Babylon in this year, both terminating in brilliant success.
The Medes having at last succeeded in freeing themselves from their
Scythian invaders, and in regaining their full independence and liberty
of action, Nabopolassar renewed his alliance with Cyaxares, and they
both again undertook the enterprise against Nineveh, which for nineteen
years they had been compelled to postpone. This had become still
more easy, for the Assyrian monarchy had been growing gradually
weaker from that time in the incapable and feeble hands of Assaracus,
and had successively lost every one of its provinces. Nevertheless, at
the last moment, when the united armies of the Babylonians and Medes
presented themselves under the ramparts of Nineveh, the ancient valour
of the Assyrians appeared to revive again. The city resisted with
vigour and obstinacy, a very long siege was required to reduce it, but at
last it was taken and completely destroyed with systematic ferocity.
The The Medes acquired
conquerors divided the territory of Assyria.
the mountainous districts to the north and east, that is to say, the
lesser part of the country. The king of Babylon joined to his
states all the immense plains of the southern region bordering his own
dominions, embracing at once the largest and most fertile parts of
Whilst he was himself occupied in the enterprise against Nineveh,
Nabopolassar confided to his son the more difficult task— the one re-
quiring the most courage and activity the task of arresting the progress
of Necho, who had already commenced the siege of Carchemish, with a
view of seizing the passage of the Euphrates, and re-commencing in
Mesopotamia the conquering expeditions of Thothmes, Seti, and
Ramses. Nebuchadnezzar, at the head of the picked troops of the
Chaldffian army, marched against the Egyptians, and inflicted on
them a crushing defeat under the walls of Carchemish. '
' And the
king of Egypt," says the Bible, "came not again any more out of
his land, for the king of Babylon had taken from the river of Egypt
unto the river Euphrates all that pertained to the king of Egypt"
(2 Kings xxiv. 7).
Nebuchadnezzar pursued his adversary closely, as far as the frontier
of Egypt; but having learned, whilst before Pelusium, that his father
was dead (604), he retraced his steps, to take possession of a throne
that, so recently established, might be shaken by a change of kings.
Under these circumstances, says Berosus, the Babylonian historian, he
put the affairs of Egypt, Syria, and the adjacent countries in order;
and leaving in charge of his trusted generals the numerous prisoners he
had taken, as well as the command of the garrisons left in the con-
I. The defeat of the king of Egypt had prepared the way for the
ruin of the kingdom of Judah, the only part of Palestine that had not
yet submitted to tlie power of the Chaldsean monarchy, and had escaped
the consequences of the battle of Carchemish. Two years after the
death of his father had left him in full possession of power (602),
Nebuchadnezzar, once more in Syria, attacked Jehoiakim, king of
Judah, imposed on him a tribute, and carried to Babylon numerous
hostages, with a part of the sacred vessels of the Temple of Jerusalem.
Three years, however,had not passed before the Hebrew prince again
revolted, counting on the support of the king of Egypt (who in reality
did nothing to assist him), and almost immediately died, leaving all the
consequences of his rebellion to fall on the head of his son, Jehoiachin.
Jehoiachin reigned but three months. Nebuchadnezzar sent an army
against him, and soon himself arrived in Judrea ; and the young king of
Judah was compelled to put himself and all his house into the
hands of his enemy (599). Nebuchadnezzar did not content himself
with these royal captives he entered Jerusalem, despoiled the Temple
and palace of all their treasures, and made prisoners of the bravest
men of the army to the number of 10,000, with a portion of the
artisans, amongst others the smiths and armourers (a precaution dic-
tated by prudence, in order that the country should not be able again
to put itself into an effective state of defence) ; he left, in short, in the
city only the poorest of the people. He carried also Jehoiachin, with
his mother, his wives and his eunuchs, to Babylon, and there shut up
the unfortunate king of Judah closely in prison. Then, affecting to
leave the nation a shadow of independence, he placed on the throne of
Jerusalem, Zedekiah, uncle to the young prince.
The new king, no less infatuated than his predecessors, remained
deaf to the warnings of Jeremiah, who recommended to him a policy
of prudence and submission to the king of Babylon. Having contrived
to arrange a coalition with the king of Egypt and the Phoenician cities,
he believed himself in a position to throw off the yoke, and broke into
open rebellion, by refusing his tribute as a vassal {590). Nebuchad-
nezzar, enraged, marched again on Jerusalem but he was obliged
Chaldtcans returned into Juda;a, took the cities of Lachish and Azekah,
and again appeared before Jerusalem. During eighteen months the
Hebrews in their capital repulsed all attacks, but famine triumphed
over their endurance. The Chalda^ans penetrated through a breach
into the city, whence the king attempted to escape with some of
his .servants towards the Jordan; but he was taken in the plain of
Jericho and carried to the king of Babylon, who put his sons to death
in his presence, put out his eyes, and led him, loaded with chains,
to Babylon (588). A
month afterwards Nebuzaradan, captain of the
guards of the Babylonian king, entered the city, and at once the work
sinated by one of the royal family, named Ishmael. The chief men of
the Jews who still remained in the country, fearing the vengeance of
Nebuchadnezzar, retired to Egypt, where they hoped to find some
security; but Uahprahet, by giving them an asylum, drew down on his
own country the wrath of the Babylonian king. The eastern part of
the Delta was invaded, and given over to the ravages of the Chaldsean
2. The haughty king was not yet satisfied he aspired to
of Babylon ;
and cast a mount against thee, and lift up the buckler against thee.
And he shall set engines of war against thy walls, and with his axes he
shall break down thy towers " (Ezekiel xxvi. 7 9). —
The Tyrians resisted for a long time, with the constancy and obstinacy
they had already shown against Sargon, and the siege of their city
lasted thirteen years. But at last Tyre was carried by assault, by the
king of Babylon in person (574), who treated the Tyrians as he had the
Jews, and carried into Chalda^a the most distinguished families of the
country. The colonies Tyre then possessed on the northern coast of
Africa and in Spain, such as Carthage, not yet independent, and Gades
(now Cadiz), recognised the suzerainty of the conqueror of their mother
country. From this originated the fabulous stories that obtained
credence at a later time, that Nelnicliadnezzar marched at the head of
his legions as far as the columns of Hercules, and that attributed to him
the glory of subjecting to his arms the Iberians of Spain.* Tyre once
taken, Nabuchadnezzar, before returning to Babylon, attacked the
people of Idumca, Moab, and Amnion, who had associated themselves
with the last Jewish attempt at revolt, and compelled them to sub-
mission. He made also a campaign in Arabia, passed victoriously
through Hedjaz and Nedjid, and penetratetl as far as the Sabean
kingdom of Yemen. These wars, predicted by the prophets, terminated
the series of Chaldcean conquests in Western Asia.
3. Once more in his own states, Nebuchadnezzar rendered himself no
lessfamous by his internal administration than by his foreign conquests.
The fortune of war had placed at his disposal immense riches and in-
numerable captives he employed both in the great works of embel-
the city of the same name stands, eight days' journey from Babylon.
Lumps of bitumen are found in great abundance in this river.
* Strabo, XV. p. 687; Joseph., Ant. x. 11, i; Euseb., Prcepar.
Evang. ix. p. 456. The authority for all these passages is the historian
t Her. i. 178, 179, 180, 181.
almost entirely rebuilt the " royal city," situated on the eastern bank of
the Euphrates, where had been the first germ of Babylon in the time of
the Cushitc kings. A new palace was constructed there by his orders,
conceived in the most gigantic proportions, and far more magnificent
than the old one ; we tumuhis called
recognise its position in tlie
and I covered it with chased gold, so that it shone as the day. On the
high hill, where fates were foretold outside the town, was erected the
Altar of Destinies. It was erected in Val Saggatu during the feasts of
the new year. This altar — altar of the sovereignty of Merodach, the
sublime master of the gods — had been made
by a former king in silver
I covered it with pure gold of immense weight.
employed for the I
pure gold the enormous beams of cypress, employed for the woodwork
of the chamber of oracles ; the lower portion of the woodwork I
incrusted with gold, silver, other metals and gems. I had the vault of
in the case of Daniel, who was one of the king's ministers. It was
necessary only, on entering on public functions, to take a Babylonian
name as the mark of a sort of naturalisation.
The walls of the enceinte of Babylon, commenced by Esarhaddon,
were completed by Nebuchadnezzar, and commemorative inscriptions
have been recently found, engraven in order to transmit to posterity the
remembrance of that gigantic work. The exact agreement of the state-
ments they furnish with the descriptions of Herodotus, which we have
already quoted, is remarkable.
" Imgur-bel and Nivit-bel, the great walls of Babylon, T built them
square ... I repaired, with bitumen and bricks, the sides of the
ditches that had been dug. I caused to be put in order the double doors
of bronze, and the railings, and gratings in the great gateways. I enlarged
the streets of Babylon so as to make them wonderful. I applied myself
to the protection of Babylon and Val Saggatu (the pyramid), and on
the most elevated lands, close to the great gate of Ishtar, I constructed
strong fortresses of bitumen and bricks, from the bank of the Euphrates
down to the great gate, the whole extent of the streets. I established
their foundations below the level of the waters. I fortified these walls
with caused Imgur-bel, the great wall of Babylon, the impregnable,
art. I
"I built at Babylon, in honour of the sublime sovereign (Bilit
when all his great works were accomplished, he thought himself a god,
and willed that everyone should fall prostrate before a statue of himself,
which he caused to be made of gold. Three Hebrews resisted him,
and witnessing the miracle by which God preserved them from the
flames, the king of Babylon, says the Bible, rendered homage to the
God of Israel. But his pride was not abated, and one day while he
walked in his palace, the king spake and said, "Is not this great
Babylon, that I house of the kingdom by the might
have built for the
of my power, and for the honour of my majesty ? Then a voice from
heaven said to him, O Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken ; The
kingdom is departed from thee. And they shall drive thee from men,
and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field and they shall :
make thee to eat grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee,
until thou knowthat the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and
giveth it to whomsoever he will " (Dan. iv. 30, secj.). This decree was at
once accomplished ;Nebuchadnezzar, struck with the most abject
madness, fled from the society of men, and, imitating the beasts, tried,
like them, to eat grass ; his person, deprived of all care, and exposed to
the inclemencies of weather, exhibited all the effects of this neglect. A
personage, named Bellabarisruk, of whose origin we know nothing,
and whose son was son-in-law to the king in all probability the Archi-—
Magus, or chief of the Chaldsean caste possessed himself of power,—
possibly as regent of the empire during the incapacity of the sovereign.
An inscription shows, however, that he took the title of king, and thus
consummated a real and complete usurpation. It was not until after
the lapse of seven months that Nebuchadnezzar became himself again,
and was able to reassume the exercise of power. A short time after
this he died, having reigned forty-three years, predicting, says Berosus,
the ruin of the Babylonian empire.
Note. The Jewish historian, Josephus, has misinterpreted the words
of the Bible, and enormously exaggerated the time of Nebuchadnezzar's
madness, prolonging it to seven years. Ani. X. 6.
shalt be no more called tender and delicate. Take the millstones, and
grind meal :uncover thy locks, make bare the leg, uncover the thigh,
pass over the rivers. Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy
shame shall be seen" (Isa. .\lvii. i — 3).
XXV. 27). At the commencement of his reign he " lifted up the head "
of Jehoiakin, king of Judah, and brought him forth out of prison,
where for thirty-seven years he had been left in fetters; gave him a rank
above the other captive kings who were at the capital; admitted him to
his table, and assigned him a pension. But the rest of his reign did
the year of the date of the Ur monument (538), Cyrus, who had
already made himself master of all the rest of Asia, advanced against
him at the head of the Medes and Persians, with the declared resolution
of adding Chaldasa to his dominions.
Nabonahid advanced to meet Cyrus, but sustained a complete defeat;
of death; its gates set open before the ministers of divine justice; and
Cyrus (named by Isaiah, Ilezekiah's contemporary) taking possession of
that proud city, whose capture Jeremiah had described at the period of
its highest power.
so that very niglit he was killed by Darius the Mede, one of the
generals of Cyrus, who having been charged by that prince with the
nocturnal expedition, was rewarded for his success by the government
of Babylon.*
Nabonahid escaped the unfortunate end of liis son ; he did not await
have lasted long, and
in Borsippa a siege, that in all probability would not
surrendered to Cyrus, who sent him into Carmania, where he ended his
days. From tliat time the kingdom of Babylon ceased to exist, though
the ruin of the city was slowly and gradually accomplished.
Babylon continued, under the Persian kings, to be one of the capitals
of their empire. Many times the proud city attempted again to raise
its head, for it did not resign itself easily to the loss of independence
but their revolts served only to draw down on the inhabitants the ven-
geance of the conquerors. During the troubles following the death of
Cambyses (522), a certain Nidintabcl proclaimed himself king there,
giving himself out as Nebuchadnezzar, son of Nabonahid. A Greek
cameo in the Museum at Berlin, of archaic workmanship, carried to
Babylon in the course of commerce, was dedicated by this Nebuchad-
nezzar to one of his gods, as is proved by the cuneiform inscription
engraved round it. Four years later (518), Darius, son of Hystaspes,
could only take Babylon after a siege of twenty months, and by help of
the treason of Zopyrus. The following year saw a new insurrection,
soon put down, by a man called Arakhu, who also passed himself off
as son of Nabonahid. The Babylonians did not take the trouble to
examine into the pretensions of these impostors it was enough that
preceding; it freed Babylon and all Chald;T;a for twenty years from the
Persian yoke. No Persian monuments
are found there in that long
interval. But Darius subdued it at last in 488; and to render any
future revolt of Babylon impossible, he overturned its towers, its walls,
and its immense fortifications. Xerxes, some years after, continued the
work of his father, and regularly pillaged the city, carrying off the
golden statue of Nebo and the treasures of the tomb of Bel Merodach.
Alexander, the conqueror of the Persians, adopted another policy.
Struck with the beauty and the advantages of the situation of Babylon,
he wished to make it rise from its ruins ; but that great man died before
he was able to carry out his plans.
The Seleucidse vv'ished to have a capital built by themselves, and
bearing their name; the)' founded Seleucia on the banks of the Tigris,
and the privileges given to those who came to settle there led to a
general desertion of Babylon. The new capital numbered 600,000
inhabitants. This state of prosperity diil not outlast the time of these
new masters of the East. When the Parthians had seized the empire
of Asia, they did to Seleucia what Seleucus Nicator had done to
Babylon, they founded a new city, Ctesiphon; this in its turn was
superseded by the Arab city of Bagdad, the capital of the Caliphs, still
and perfectly moulded burnt bricks, slabs of marble, and glazed tiles.
The hills of rubbish, marking the sites of the principal edifices, palaces,
hanging gardens, the Pyramid of Bel, the Tower of Tongues, furnish
dens for the wild beasts of the desert. Thus is accomplished to the
letter the prophecy of Isaiah : —
" Behold, I will stir up the Medes
against them, which shall not regard silver and as for gold, they shall
not delight in Their bows also shall dash the young men to pieces
and they shall have no pity on the fruit of the womb their eye shall not ;
Section I. Manners.
1. The Nineveh and of Bal)ylon w^ere one and the
civilisation of
same. Between Assyria and Chalda^a there was complete confcjrmity in
all things fundamental and essential. What we have already said in
the preceding chapter, on the manners, customs, and religion of the
Assyrians, will be equally applicable here and we may confine our-
over that again a short white cloak. They wore the hair carefully
curled, and on the head high-pointed tiaras. The soldiers wore conical
helmets, like those of the Assyrians, breastplates of quilted linen, and
used wooden bucklers. Their offensive arms were wooden maces
studded with iron, lances, and short swords.
Each Babylonian had, as his personal emblem, a walking-stick with
some figure carved on the top, serving as his symbol, or, as we might
say, armorial bearing. Every one had also a seal, usually in shape
of a cylinder. An immense number of these cylinders have been
discovered they bear some mythological symbols, and usually the name
of the owner, of his father, and of the deity under whose protection he
had placed himself These cylinders were kept ready made in shops,
only requiring the name to be filled in, and some have been found
where the name-space is vacant.
2. Herodotus sayst that the Babylonians buried their dead in honey,
a statement rather difficult to understand. Some facts seem to indicate
that they also used oil for this purpose.
Marriages were made once a year at a public festival,! where the
maidens of age to marry were put up to public auction. The beautiful
girls sold for large sums, and this money was employed as a dowry for
the ugly ones. No one could marry his daughter except in this way.
This marriage festival was celebrated in the month Sabat, and the
principal day was the last of the month. They gave to each damsel
they sold for marriage a model of an olive in baked clay, pierced with
a hole so as to be worn round the neck; on this was inscribed her
name, the name of her husband, and the date of the ceremony. Some of
these olives have been found, and as specimens we give the inscriptions
on three now in the Museum of the Louvre. I. " Manutamat, whom
Bakit-Alsi has taken the day of the feast of Sabat, the ninth year of
Merodach Baladan, king of Babylon." 2. " Binit Nisukin, whom
Ha...kan has taken, in the month Sabat, the tenth year of Merodach
Baladan, king of Babylon." 3. " Halalat, whom Marnarih has taken,
in the month Sabat, the eleventh year of Merodach Baladan, king of
The Greek writers* mention, among the peculiarities of the manners
and customs of the Babylonians, one festival in summer, called Sacees,
resembling the Saturnalia at Rome. The slaves for five days took
command of their masters, and one of them, clothed in a royal robe,
received the honours of a sovereign. This, no doubt, is the great festival
mentioned twice by Sargon [Sharyukin], and Esarhaddon [Asshur-
akhiddin], in their inscriptions as peculiar to Babylon, and called
9ak-muku, a name at present unintelligible, and probably borrowed
from the Chalda^o-Turanian language. It is mentioned as falling in
the month Nisan.
had seen tliem at Babylon, " are the most ancient of the Babylonians;
they formed in the state a body resembling the priests in Egypt. Set
apart for following up the worship of the gods, they passed their whole
life in meditation on philosophical subjects, and had acquired a great
more or less elevated rank, in the hierarchy. Some of them were the
sacred scribes, decipherers of writings; others the constructors of horo-
scopes, or interpreters of the stars, magicians who pronounced magical
formulae, conjurors who had power to avert malign influences. Their
power of divination assured them great influence, as it made them, so
to speak, masters of every one's destiny. They usually foretold in
almanacks, a custom that seems to have lasted to our own limes, all
that our common almanacks now predict, —fluctuations in the tempera-
ture, physical phenomena, and The Chaldseans were
historical events.
not confined to Babylon, but were spread over all Babylonia. They
had schools in various places, more or less flourishing: according to
Strabo, that at Borsippa was the most celebrated. That at Orchoe, or
Erech, was also well known, and maintained its reputation down to the
day. One hundred and eleven such stations were reckoned, lierodotus
adds, between Sardis and Susa. This road is still employed by the
caravans between Smyiira and Ispahan.
3. The Euphrates was the natural road for commerce between
Babylon and Armenia and the countries of the Caucasus. Merchandise
was transported, as Herodotus relates,* on round rafts supported by
still used in navigating the Tigris.
inflated skins, like the kclcks These
raftswere abandoned to the current when they arrived at Babylon and
the merchandise had been sold, the skins were emptied of air, and
carried back by land, as well as the wood of the raft.
Great works had been undertaken to facilitate the navigation of the
river; the banks had been raised to keep in the water and prevent it
from overflowing the land canals traversed the country, spreading
* Herod, i , 194,
Tluis the Chaldceans had liccn led in the earliest times from As-
tronomy to Astrology; and tliis pretended science had received a greater
development among them than ever at any time among other people.
"According to them," says Diodorus Siculus, "the stars exercised an
absolute and decisive influence on the birth of men, and determined
their good or evil destiny. Changes in the heavens were thus so many
signs of good or evil fortune for countries and nations, as M'ell as for
kings or individuals. The stars thus became the interpreters of the
divine will, or rather of the decrees of destiny." With such precon-
ceived ideas, their religious opinions necessarily took an astronomical
and astrological form, even more markedly than at Nineveh. The
Chalda;ans supposed the divine hierarchy to be almost exclusively in
relation to the sidereal world. —
Below the two superior triads one of
them essentially creative, the other cosmical and below the deities of
the five planets, they placed twelve councillors of the gods, each of whom
presided over one of the months of the year, and over one of the signs
of the zodiac. To these chief deities were also attached other powers,
and forming essential
distributed in both a scientific and religious order,
elements in the Chaldcean worship. This sidereal pantheism was not
only widely spread in Chaldoea, but had gained ground step by step among
the neighbouring nations, and had become intimately mixed in their
national faith. Thus, according to the testimony of the Book of Kings
(2 Kings xxiii. 5, li), the Israelites, who were frequently brought into
contact with the Babylonians, offered incense to the Sun, the Moon,
the twelve zodiacal signs, and all the host of heaven. We know also
that several of the kings of Judah had dedicated horses to the sun, in
imitation of the Babylonians.
2. Such a system was too learned, too complicated, to satisfy the
gross desires and sensual passions of the multitude. But the forms that
these refined and scientific ideas assumed in the popular worship, indi-
cate to what an extent the primitive Hamitic depravity still tainted the
people of Babylon; whilst on the contrary in Assyria, the Semitic genius
of the people had mvested the same ideas with the most spiritual and
elevated character that they were capable of assuming. Everything
proves that the most unbounded and shameless naturalism played a
great part in the worship of the Babylonians. The stories of profane
historians, the writings of the Hebrew prophets, the national monu-
ments, such as cylinders and engraved stones of various kinds, testify to
taking gold, as it were, for a virgin that loveth to go gay, they make
crowns for the heads of tlieir gods. Sometimes also the priests convey
from their gods gold and silver, and bestow it upon themselves. Yea,
they will give thereof to the common harlots, and deck them as men
with garments, being gods of silver, and gods of gold and wood. . . .
yea, more than for themselves, whereof they cannot see one. They are
as one of the beams of the temple, yet they say their hearts are gnawed
upon by things creeping out of the earth and when they eat them and ;
their clothes, they feel it not. ... As for the things that are sacrificed
unto them, their priests sell and abuse ; in like manner their wives lay
up part thereof in salt ; but unto the poor and impotent they give
nothing of it. . . . The priests also take ofif their garments and clothe
their wives and children. . . . The women also with cords about them
sitting in the ways burn bran for perfume."*
Section V. Cosmogony.
I. The Chaldceans, like all other people, had deeply considered the
problem of the origin of the world, and they had constructed a learned
cosmogony, explained in the books of Oannes. The chief points have
been preserved in the extracts from Berosus given by the Byzantine
We have already seen, in the preceding chapter, that three successive
divine emanations constituted the most exalted triad in the Chaldceo-
Assyrian religion — Oannes, Ao, and Bel — representing the origin of the
material world as an emanation from the substance of the divine being;
first the primordial chaos, uncreated matter, sprung from the sole funda-
mental principle and cause of all tilings; next intelligence, or the word,
that animates and renders it fertile; and lastly the demiurgus, who
arranges and completes the organised universe, mixing himself up with
this universe. We shall see now how the last act of this trilogy, the
birth of the organised universe, its passage from the state of mdetei-mi-
nate existence, or of non-existence zuitk the power of existing (to use the
phrases of that philosophy of Hegel that, in our days, has had recourse
to the conceptions of ancient pagan pantheists t), to the state of deter-
7ninate existence ; its creation, in a word, was symbolically related in the
sacred books, and represented in paintings in the temple of Bel at
Borsippa. The actors in this mythic cosmogony are Bel and his wife,
the personages in the third divine emanation. We shall quote the text of
some fragments of Berosus.
"There was a time in which there existed nothing but darkness, and
an abyss of waters, wherein resided most hideous beings, which were
produced of a twofold principle. There appeared men, some of whom
were furnished with two wings, others with four and with two faces.
They had one body but two heads— the one that of a man, the other of
a woman— and likewise in their several organs both male and female.
Other human figures were to be seen with the legs and horns of goats :
some had horses' feet while others united the hind quarters of a horse
one-half of her he formed the earth, and of the other half the heavens ;
and at the same time destroyed the animals within her. All this (he
says) was an allegorical description of nature. For the whole universe
consisting of moisture, and animals being continually generated therein,
the deity above mentioned took off his own head upon which the other
gods mixed the blood, as it gushed out, with the earth ; and from thence
were formed men. On this account it is that they are rational, and
partake of the divine knowledge. This Belus, by whom they signify
Jupiter, divided the darkness, and separated the heavens from the earth,
and reduced the universe to order. But the animals, not being able to
bear the prevalence of light, died. Belus upon this, seeing a vast space
unoccupied, though by nature fruitful, commanded one of the gods to
take off his head and to mix the blood with the earth; and thence
to form other men and animals, which should be capable of bearing the
air. Belus formed also the stars and the sun and the moon and the
five planets." t
four new manifestations of Oannes, and one of Bel Dagon, each of whom
had left to mankind a book explaining and completing that of the first
wife and daughter and the pilot had obtained the same honour. To
this he added that they should return to Babylonia, and, as it was
ordained, search for the writings at Sippara, which they were to make
known to all mankind moreover, that the place wherein they then
were was the land of Armenia. The rest having heard these words
offered sacrifices to the gods, and taking a circuit journeyed towards
Babylonia. The vessel being thus stranded, some part of it yet remains
in the Gordyaan mountain of Armenia ; and the people scrape off the
bitumen with which it had been coated, and make use of it by way of
— ;
"They say that the first inhabitants of the earth, glorying in their
own strength and and despising the gods, undertook to raise a
tower whose top should reach the sky, in the place in which Babylon
now stands but when it approached the heaven, the winds assisted the
gods and overthrew the work upon its contrivers, and its ruins are said
to be still at Babylon ; and the gods introduced a diversity of tongues
among men, who till that time had all spoken the same language ; and
a war arose between Chronus and Titan. The place in which they built
the tower is now called Babylon, on account of the confusion of tongues,
for confusion is by the Hebrews called Babel." §
* Page 501.
A colossal group
used in Baliylonian monuments, but only for statues.
has been found in the ruins of the palace at Babylon, in the Kasr,
representing a lion devouring a man. This, the only piece of Baby-
lonian sculpture that has been preserved, and apparently occupying a
place of honour in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar, is executed in a
wonderfully rude manner.
M. Lenormant,
Manual of Oriental
M. Lonormnnt,
Aa-hotep, tomb of, and jewels, 225, 333 Addumu, Arab city, taken by Tiglath-
pilcser II., 390; by Esarhaddon, 408
Aaron meets with Moses, 94; makes
golden calf, 98 appointed High Priest,
Adloun (near Tyre), inscription of Ramses
II., 249
103 death, 107
Abyssinia, subdued by ThothmesIII., 230; Tabeal, 172, 389 treats with Assyrians,
revolt repressed by Ramses III., 267. 172, 389; attends court of Tiglath-
Accad, race, 342, 344; city, 348; supre- Pileser at Damascus, 173, 390 Assyrian j
Achseans, invade Egypt and are defeated, Ahaziah succeeds Ahab as king of Israel
260 fall and illness, 161 death, 162 ;
Alor, antediluvian king of Babylon, 502 tham, 171 pay tribute to Sennacherib,
351, 355
Anu, see Cannes
' Ariel,king of Soli tributary to Esarhaddon,
Anugas, city of Rotennu, 249
Ao, or Bin, Assyrian deity, 453 Arioch, king of Ellasar, 82, 252
Apamea, legend about the Ark, 16 Aiistocratic government of Egypt, 208,
Apap, see Apophis 296
Apepi, Shepherd king, the Pharaoh of Ark of Noah, 16 of Xisuthrus, 503 :
Joseph, 8g, 221, 223 Ark of the Covenant, 99, 104 at Shiloh, ;
Aphek, defeat of Hebrews by Philistines 114; taken by the Philistines, 127, 271 ;
Arabs, tradition as to primitive kings, 13; Syrians transported there, 173, 390; Sar-
physical characteristics, 51 language, ; gon's campaign, 394; Sennacherib's wars,
71 subdued by Osortasen I., 214 by
; ; 398 cuneiform writing, 433
Thothmes III., 230 by Uzziah, 168 : ; Armit, city taken by Sargon, 394
expedition of Tiglath-pileser II., 390; of
Army, Hebrew,
158; Egyptian, 291;
Esarhaddon, 405, 406 rebellion of ;
Assyrian, 422 Babylonian, 487 ;
Arbela revolts from Shalmaneser IV., 381 267; untaken by Hebrews, 113 taken ;
512 INDEX.
there, 367; taken by Philistines, 124, 377; conquest of Babylon, Syria, etc.,
272 ; of Covenant there, 127
Ark taken : 378; bronze dishes, 363; palace at Calah,
by Uzziah, 168 by 'I'iglath-pileser II.,
; 377 statue, 377
manic races, 61, 235 228, 360; by Thothmes III., 233, 361;
Asia Minor, coasts subjugated by Thoth- by Amenhotep II., 236; subject to Seti
mes III., 235; people assist Khitas I., 242, 243; revolt against Ramses II.,
against Ramses II., 249 campaigns of ; 248; subject to Ramses II., 266,362 I ;
Assaracus, last king of Assyria kills him- ; Binlikhish; Shalmaneser I.; Tuklat-
self at capture of Nineveh, 416, 472 samdan I.: provinces, 372, 469; revolt of
Belkudurussur, 469; Adarpalashir and, king of Egypt, 209
Ramses XII., 373; Mutakkil-Nabu ;
Asshur-bel-kala, king of Assyria, 376 struction of city, 3S7 Phul and Mena- ;
Asshur-bel-nishi-shu, first king of Assyria ; hem, 170, 172 Tiglath-pileser II. ex- ; ;
Asshur-edililani I., king of Assyria, 376 taken battle of Raphia, 175, 278, 392
Asshur-edililani II., king of Assyria^ 3S5 Gaza taken from Arabia and ; tribute
Egj'pt war in Asia Minor, Karkar, and
Asshur-edililani III., king of Assyria and ;
Babylon defeats Medes, 415, 471 Van, 393 in Armenia capture of Ash- ; ;
Asshur-nadin, son of Sennacherib, king of Media, and Syria, 398 battle with ;
INDEX. 513
great rebellion, 409, 471 Susa taken, ; Baal, worship of by Ahab and Jezebel,
410, 411, 412 war in Arabia, 413 Greek ; ;
157 Ahaziah consults oracle, 161 Atha-
; ;
medicine and magic, 447 Babel, towerof, 7, 22, 341, 482, 504
library, 445 ; ;
Athaliah, daughter of Jezebel, 160 leads ; under Phul, 3S6 Nabonassar, 470 sub- ; ;
Avaris, city of Shepherds, 221, 356 405 works of Esarhaddon, 406 Sha-
; ;
Aza, king of Van, murdered by his sub- erected by, 473 Nebuchadnezzar fall ; ;
Azariah, prophet, encourages Asa, 154 Syria Jerusalem, 187, 476 capture and
; ;
Babylon, cuneiform writing, 433 syllaba- ; Beni-hassan, tombs at, 2t6, 233
rium, 436 sacred books, 444 medicine,
; ;
Benhidri bribed by Asa to invade Israel,
447 buildings, 478
; palaces, gardens,
temples, 365, 478, 482, 4S4 Hiliat, outer ;
roads, 496 rivers, canals, ships, Benjamin, son of Jacob, 87 ; defeat and
495 ; ;
Banun, Susianian city, taken by Asshur- Beyrut, bone caves near, 30 inscription ;
Bellabarisruk, king of Babylon, 488 Black Sea, Egyptian fleet on, 235 Esar- ;
INDEX. 515
Bronze, implements in lake dwellings, 34 ; 229; revolts against Ramses II., 249;
Assyrian work in, 427 Thothmes III. fortifies, 232, 363: de-
stroyed by .Shalmaneser IV., 380 tri-
Bubastis, twenty-second dynasty from, 273 ;
Burial of dead, in Egj-pt, 300, 321 ; in Shalmaneser IV. at, 381 Tiglath-pileser :
Burnaburyash, king of Chalda;a, 354, 355, Caste, in Egypt, 289 ; the various classes,
371. 372. 468 290
Bushmen, physiognomy of, 52 Caste, in Assyria, 423 ; in Babylonia, 493
Bushur Asshur, king of Assyria, 371, 468 Catlin, Mandan traditions, 18
Byblos, Phoenician city, faithful to Ramses Cats, sacred, 325 ; killed by Roman sol-
II., 249 Egyptian officer at, 256 tribute
; ;
dier, 326
to Asshurnazirpal, 378 to Shalmaneser ;
Caucasus, wars of Sargon, 394 ; slaves
IV., 381 ; Sibitbaal king, 389
from, 425
Celts, Japhetic race, 61
Chalaos, mentioned as king of Assyria by
Cadiz, see Gades Moses of Chorene, 371
Cadytis (Kadesh), taken by Necho, 185 n.,
Chaldaea, traditions, 12, 14, 341, 502 fer- ;
tility, 340 inliabitants, 341, 342
; early ;
Calah, insurrection of Phul, 386 one of ; Median dynasty, 351 Ch.aldsean dy- ;
the cities of Tetrapolis, 348, 349 bronze ; nasty, 352, 468 ancient kings, 354 ; ;
Calasyrians, warrior class in Egypt, 291 nasties, 361, 4G8 independence of A.s- ;
5i6 INDEX.
Chu-en Aten (Amenhotep IV.), religious Cutha, taken by Sennacherib, 398 temples ;
385 ;
Congo, negroes 52 of, at, 173, 390; rebels against Sargon, 393
Conosconcoleros, name given by Greeks to Damietta, branch of Nile, 194
Asshurbanipal, 414
Damns, king of Amathus, tributary to
Continents, form of in Quaternary period, Esarhaddon, 407
25 Dan, city defeat of Chedorlaomer there,
INDEX. 517
alliance with
Dur Bilmati, see Sais
takes Jerusalem, 137 ;
141 ;contemporary with Her Hor and Dur Yakin, taken by Sargon, 395, 470
Shamshi-bin, 273, 370; extent of empire,
Dyke of Menes, 203
142, 376
Dynasties of Manetho, list of, 197
Dayi, people; subdued by Sennacherib, 401
Dead, book of the, see Funeral Ritual E.
Dead Sea, fertility of plain, 81 ; destruction Ecdippa, submits to Sennacherib, 398
of cities, 84 Eclipse of sun, 377, 448 of moon, 392, ;
Deluge, human race before, i Biblical ; 194, 195 ; historians, 196 ; dynasties ot
narrative, 5 antiquity of, 16, 43, 44
: ;
Manetho, 197 chronology, 198 monu- ; ;
traditions, 13 seq., 503; traces of, 43 and second dynasties, 203 ; third dynasty,
Denderah, temples at, 336 204 domestic animals and art, 205
Desert belt of Asia and Africa, inter- cratic government, 208 architecture and ;
Djendib, Sheik of Arabs, 380 teenth dynasty; new empire, 226 nations ;
Dog-river, inscription of Ramses II., 249 war with Rotennu Gaza battle at ; ;
Domestic animals of Neolithic period, 32 Africa, 233 ; fleet, 234 ; Ethiopia, 235 ;
Dosche, mount, 235 monuments, 236; Amenhotep II. m
Dravidian race driven from Hindustan, 52 ;
Mesopotamia; Thothmes IV.; Amen-
Turanian, 63 ; languages, 68 ; religion, hotep III.,236; Memnon, 237 Amen- ;
5i8 INDEX.
239; nineteenth dynasty, Ramses I., 240; Elah, king of Israel, succeeds Baasha : is
war with Khitas ; Seti I., 241; Set! assassinated by Zimri, 155
Merenphtah. wars with Remencn, 242 ; Elam, son of Shem, 59. See Susianians
war with Khitas, Amorites, Rotennu ;
Elath taken by David, 139 Solomon's ;
Lybian invasion Merenphtah, 259 war ; ; III., 236 of Amenhotep III., 237
phtah Siphtah, 262; Seti II.; end of Eliakim (Jehoiakim) made king of Judah
nineteenth dynasty, 263 entry of ;
by Necho, 185 submits to Nebuchad-
twentieth dynasty Nekht-set Ram- ; ; Eliezer sent to choose wife for Isaac, 85
ses III., 264; Lybian s Takkaro ; Elijah, the prophet, 157 predicts death of ;
Philistines, 265 war with Khitas Philis- ; ; Ahab and Jezebel, 160 stops messengers ;
271 ; Her Hor in alliance with Ass>Tia, Elisha, the prophet, brings about revolution
272, 373 twenty-second dynasty, 273
; ; in Syria, 163, 381 ; anoints Jehu as king,
Jeroboam flies to Shishak, 146 Shishak ; 163
invades Judea, 152, 274; Azerch Amen EUasar, see Asshur
invades Egypt and Palestine defeated ;
Elon, judge, 122
by Asa, 153, 274 twenty-third dynasty ; ;
Egypt, castes, 289 deification of the king, ; of tribe, 113; defeated by Jephthah, 122
295 organisation, 296
Nomes, 297 ; ;
Ephraim, forest of, 140 n.
Judges, 29S laws, 299 manners and ; ;
Ephrath, or Bethlehem, Rachel dies at, 88
customs, 301 hieroglypics, 302 alpha-; ;
INDEX. 519
in Arabia, Media, and Persia palace at ; Gallas and Abyssinians, physiognomy of,
Nineveh works at Babylon, 406 Cy-
; ; 51
prus expeditions to Egypt, 278, 407
; ; Gambul, Esarhaddon's war, 406
Assyrians driven out, 278 abdicates in ;
Gananat, town taken by Shalmaneser IV.,
favour of Asshurbanipal death, 407 ;
Esneh, temples at, 336 Gardens, hanging, at Babylon, 480
Ethbaal made king of Sidon by Senna-
Gath, remains untaken by Hebrews, 113;
cherib, 39S
taken by Philistines, 124, 172 by Syrians, ;
Psammetik II. ; inscriptions, 286. See Gergesenes join in revolt against Ramses
II., 249
Eulaeus, battle at, 410 Germans, Japhetic race, 62 ; legends, 13
language, 77, 78
Euphrates, course of inundations of, 340
Gerrha, Babylonian trade to, 407
Europe, alterations of white race in, 50
Gezer, built by Solomon, 143
Evechous, founder of Chaldaean monarchy,
Gheneh, road from, to Kos.seir, 211
Evil Merodach, king of Babylon, succeeds Giammu, chief killed by Shalmaneser IV.,
Nebuchadnezzar releases Jehoiakin, ; 379
187, 487 assassinated, 48S ;
Gibeah, destruction of Benjamites, 116 ;
520 INDEX.
Gungmi, king of Chaldsea, 356 in Egypt, 92, 246 Exodus, 95, 261 ; :
Gyges, king of Lydia, sends embassy to cross Jordan, iii, 263; take Jericho and
Asshurbanipal, 408 assists rebellion of ;
Ai monument at Ebal, iii
; battle of ;
merians and killed, 409 cities untaken, 115; idolatry, 98, 115,
116, 121 judges or suffetes, 117 ;
Hanun, king of Gaza, at Damasctjs, 390 He.shbon, tributary to Thothmes III., 324 ;
Haphraim, city taken by Shishak, 274 Hespu or Hesep-ti, king of Egypt, 203
in Egypt, 239. 337 the king who knew ; building the temple, 142 mans Solomon's :
not Joseph, 92 ; papyri, 92 ; oppression fleets, 144 ; sends fleets to Tarshish, 145
INDEX. 521
Hiram, pays tribute to Tiglath-pileser II., Indabibi, Susianian general, 410 ; made
389 king, 411
Hiram the architect, 142 India, early trade with, 144 Solomon's ;
Hirata (Hira), taken by Asshurbanipal, fleets, 145 ; Babylonian trade with, 496
Horus, Eg)T)tian god, 320 Iranians, traditions of, 12, 20; subdued by
Turanians, 343, 504
Hosea, the prophet, 170
Iranzu, king of Van, 393
Hoshea, king of Israel, kills Pekah, 173,
391 revolts
; imprisoned by Shalman-
Ireland, degeneration of population, 50
eser VI., 174, 391 Irib-bin, king of Assyria, 376
Hostages, treatment of by Egj'ptians, 223 Irib-marduk, governor of Babylon, 469
Hottentots, tradition as to fall of man, Irigibel, viceroy of Babylon, 402
II Iron, use of by Negroes, 37
Humbanigash, king of Elam, defeated by
irshu-sin, king of Chaldaea, 354
Sargon, 392 allied with Merodach
161; ofAthaliah, 165; of Jehoram, 162 Baasha, 153; war with Judah invasion ;
defeated by David, 139; revolt from Omri building of Samaria, 156 Ahab,
; ;
Jehoram, 163 ; subdued by Amaziali, 157; Jezebel and Elijah; victory over
167; by Uzziah, i68 ; by Nebuchad- Syrians, 158 treaty, 159
; expedition to ;
166, 381 Jehoahaz Jehoa,sh
victory ; ;
522 INDEX.
Jordan, 173, 390; Hoshea, 173; Egyp- defeated by Syrians vassal to Shalman- ;
tian alliance, 174; invasion of Assyrians, eser IV., 166, 381 death, 167 ;
Ithodagon, king of Paphos, tributary to Shechem, 149 Idolatry, 151 death, 153 ; ;
Jabin, king of Hazor, 112, 119, 120 chadnezzar, 187, 476 revolt and siege, ;
87; Leah and Rachel, 87; name changed, Jezebel, wife of Ahab, 157 murders ;
88 goes to Egypt, 90 death and burial
both, 160 killed by Jehu, 164
at Hebron, 91
Jezreel, Jehoram and Ahaziah killed there
Jair, judge, 121
by Jehu, 164
Jamnia, Sargon crosses sea of, 396 Joab, David's captain, kills Abner, 137 ;
Jehoash, king of Judah saved and made ; go, 221 policy, 90 death, 91
Jotham, regent during illness of Uzziah,
Jehoiachin, king of Judah succeeds ;
168 king restores temple, 171
war ;
Athaliah, 160; succeeds Jehoshaphat, 162; Abijam war with Israel, 152 Asa puts
Jehoram, king of Israel succeeds Ahaziah, ; war with Israel, 154 Jehoshaphat, 155 ; ;
fleet at Ezion Geber, 161
; ;
; 1 ;
INDEX. 523
battle of Me-
Khatti, see Khita
184 Egyptian invasion
; ;
people, 190, 477, 481 remains of people 241 ; war with Ramses 241 war with I., ;
Seti I., 242; treaty of peace, 243, 244;
fly to Egypt, 191 ; Chaldaeans and
revolt against Ramses II,, 248; war,
Elamites settled in country-, 405
250 ;peace, 253 ; renewed war, 254
Judgment, last, Egyptian belief in, 322 peace, 255 assist rebels under Osarsiph,
Judges of Israel, 117; in Egypt, 298; in 262; wars with Hebrews, iii; invade
Assyria, 422 Syria with Lybians,255 defeated before ;
Judges, Book of, 118 ; chronology, 119 Kadesh, 266 tributary to Tiglath-pileser
524 INDEX.
ture, 112; Amaziah assassinated there, Lebanon, trees from in Babylonian temples,
168 Sennacherib at, 177, 178, 400
Laconians invade Egypt, 261 Levi, son of Jacob, 87, 88 Levitical cities, ;
116 114
Laish, capture of,
Libnah, capture of, 112 revolts from ;
Armenian, 75 Assyrian, 70, 72, 3.i2, 346, ; Lot, emigrates with Abram, 81 ; taken
431, 445 P5eloochee, 75
Bengali, 75 ; ;
prisoner, 84
Berber, 73 Bischari, 72 Borussian, 76
Lud, son of Shem, 60
; ; ;
Egyptian, 72, 302 English, 78 Erse, ; ; II., 259; defeat by Merenphtah, 260
78 Esthonian, 68 Etruscan, 76 Fin-
; ; ; attack on Egypt, 265; Tahrakah, victories,
landish, 68, 344 Flemish, 78 Franco- ; ;
278 family of Psammetik
73 Guzerati, 75
; Himyariti, 71, 72 ; ;
74 Indo-European, 73
Iranian, 74 ; ;
76 Lithuanian, 76
; Mahratta, 75 Ma- ; :
70 Sabine, 76
; Samaritan, 70 Samoi- ; ;
ede, 68 Sanscrit, ; 74 Semitic, 70 ;
Mahomet, descended from Ishmael, 85
Servian, 77 Siamese, ,67 Slavonian,
; ; Makkedah, 112
Slavonic, 76, 77 Sorabian, 77
74 ; ; ;
Malays, physiognomy of, 52
Spanish, 76 Susianian, 433 Swabian, ; ;
INDEX. 525
197, 206, 210 Shepherds, 219; Mediterranean, Egyptian fleet on, 234;
Maniya, king of the Dahi, 401 conquest of coasts, 235 navy of Pelasgi, ;
Manna, 97
Megiddo, battle betu-een Egyptians and
Manners and customs of Egi^pt'^ns, 301 ;
Rotennu, 231 capture of city, 232
; ;
of Assyrians, 426 of Babylonians, 492
built by Solomon, 143 death of Ahaziah ;
Manufacturers, Egyptian, 301 ; Assyrian, there, 164 battle, and death of Josiah,
Marah, 97 83 n.
lon, 380
capital under fourth dynasty, 206 monu- ;
Mecca, foundation of, 149
Merenphtah Siphtah succeeds Amen-
Medes, 61 partly Turanian, 343: language,
dethroned by Sennacherib,
i8o, 400
of Esarhaddon,
411; kills himself; his head
Namri, under dominion of Binllkhish III., inundation, 195 ; boats on, 208 cata- ;
tribe, 113
of Rotennu, 227 ; king pays tribute to
Thothmes III., 233, 234; to Amenhotep
Naphtuhim, 202 II., 236 ; to Seti I. ; alliance with
Napshu, Susianian god, 412 Hei-hor; residence of Asshurlikhish,
Naramsin, king of Chaldsea, 355 385 siege, 386
; fall and destruction, ;
Nathan, the prophet, prevents David from 387 rebuilt by Sennacherib his palace,
; ;
Naucratis, Greek colony at, 287 lonians, 415 destruction, 416 name
; ;
23, 480, 482 ; madness and death, 486 Nissha (Nissa), subject to Tiglath-pileser
II., 391
Nebuzaradan destroys Jerusalem, 190, 477
Nitocri.s, wife of Nabopolassar, 473
Necho, prince of Sais, vassal king of
Memphis, 278, 407 sent to Egypt by ;
Nitocris, sec Neitaker
Asshurbanipal, 408 son Psammetik ; Nivit-bcl, wall of Babylon, 482
made king of Athribis made prisoner ;
Noah, 6, 15 family of, 56 ;
head of first Assyrian Triad, 453 temple ; Parthia, subdued by Binlikhish III., 382 ;
Onomatopoeia, 66 genealogy, 40
Ophir, Solomon's fleets at, 145 Peat pits, remains in, 33
Orchoe, see Erech Peduil, king of Ammon, pays tribute to
Orontes, bank of inhabited by Khitas, 240 ;
Sennacherib, 398
Ramses II. at, 254 Asshurnazirpal at, ; Pefaabast, king of Egypt, 276
378_ Pekah, king of Israel, kills Pekahiah, 171 ;
Osarsiph, revolt of, 262 Syrian alliance and war with Judah, 172 ;
Pelasgi, 260
369 subdued by Asshurnazirpal, 378
; ;
Pachnan or Apachnas, Shepherd king, revolt under Arbaces, 386 wars of Esar- ;
Padi, king of Migron or of Ekron ; made 487 ;Cyrus defeats Neriglissar, 488 ;
prisoner by Hezekiah, 176, 399 ; cities defeats Nabonahid and takes Babylon,
of Judah given him, 400 489 ; Darius puts down revolt in Babylon,
Painting, Egyptian, 330 ; Assyrian, 467 490 ; Xerxes plunders city, 491 Seleucia ;
Paradise, Mosaic, situation of, 21 119 ;allied with Ammonites, 125 defeat ;
INDEX. 529
Phoenicians of Aradus join revolt against tian, 208, 290, 291 Assyrian, 422
Phcenix, origin of belief in, 321 Dodecarchy, 282, 283, 409 mercenary ;
inscription, 286
Phraortes, king of Media, invades Assyria ;
Pison, river, 21
Race, definition of, 48
Pithom, built by the Hebrews, 92 Rachel, wife of Jacob, dies near
87 ;
53° INDEX.
Ramses I., king of Egypt, 240 ; campaign and the Jewish prisoners at, 190
against Khilas, 241 Rim-Sin, king of Chalda;a, 355
Ramses II., the king who "knew not Riphath. son of Comer, 61
Joseph," 92 his papyrus, 199 ; surnamed
Ritho, Egyptian goddess, 324
Meriamen, 245 ; Sesostris legends of, ;
of Eden, 21
Ninfi, 247 n. revolt, 248 first campaign,
; ;
Ra-sebek-nefru, queen of Egypt, 214 by Thothmes I., 228, 360 refuse tribute ;
Refrof, great serpent in Egyptian Hades, Sagadatti, king of Mount Mildish, taken
prisoner by Sargon, 394
Refuge, cities of, 100 Sagartia, rebellion against Sargon, 393
Rehob,in Judah, taken by Shishak, 274 Sai, inscriptions at isle of, 235
Rehoboam, son of Solomon, succeeds to Sailors, or Pilots, class of in Egypt, 293
the throne, 147 revolt of the ten tribes,
Sais, receives Assyrian name,
276, 277 ;
Egyptians, 254
tion of Amenhotep IV., 238, 337 ;— of
Assyria polytheism, 425, 452
astral ; Samaria, founded by Omri, 156 ;
character, 452 ;— of Babylon resemble. ;
by Benhidri, 158, 163; subject to
likhish III., 383; besieged by
that of Assyria, 497 Triads, 498 ;— uf ;
anoints Saul, 131 disagreement with ; squares found at, 360 worship of Sha- ;
449 campaign in
178, 179, 39S, 399, 400 ;
Sarah, Hebrew woman petition to As- ; 401 in Cha!da;a and Elam, 402
; in- ;
death on Mount Gilboa, 135, 136; com- Lydians fleet on Red Sea
; artesian ;
parison of government of Saul and well, 244 ; canal, 245 ; tomb, 334
David, 141 Seti II. carried by his father to Ethiopia,
Scales, unknown to aborigines of America, 262 ; invades Egypt long reign, 263 ; ;
16 death, 264
Scandinavians, of Japhetic race, 62 Sevek-hotep, name of kings of thirteenth
dynasty, 217
Scarabaeus, used as passport in Hades, 310
Shabaka, see Shebek
Science and the Bible, 47 Egj'ptian, 317 ; ;
Sebennytic mouth of Nile, 194 Shalmaneser I., king of Assyria, 372, 404
Segor, see Zoar Shalmaneser II., king of Assyria, 376
Seir, mount, 87 n. Shalmaneser III., king of Assyria, 376
Seker-nefer-ke, king of Egypt ; record of Shalmaneser IV., king of Assyria, 379 ;
Seleucia, foundation of, 491 Ahab and Benhidri, 159, 380; war m
Babylonia, 469 in Media, 3S0 defeats ; ;
Scmempses, king of Egypt, 203 Hazael Jehu, 166, 381 war in Armenia ;
Semiramis, legend of, 364. See Sammu- and with Scythians revolt of Asshur- ;
Shamash-ibni excites rebellion in Babylon, listines, 124, 272 pays tribute to Asshur- ;
Egyptian in- ;
Sheba, revolt of, 140 scriptions, 205 copper mines and work- ;
Sheba, queen of, visits Solomon, 143 shops, 105, 205, 211
Shebek (So), Hoshea's alliance with, 174, Sin-baladan, king of Chaldaja, 355
277> ,391 defeated by Assyrians at Singar, tributary to Thothmes III.,
234 ;
Raphia, 175, 277, 393 dethrones Bo- ;
to Seti I., 243 ; to Shalmaneser IV., 380
kenrauf, 277 name, 277 n. ; character, ;
Shebetun, Ramses II. encamped at, 250 Sin-said, king of Chaldsea, 354
tribes meet Rehoboam there, 148 ; forti- Sippara, 353, 354 taken by Tiglath-pileser ;
Shepherd kings of Egypt, 89, 219, 220, expeditions for, 237, 257 among As- ;
Shishak, son of Uaserken, invades Judsea, Soli, king of, tributary to Esarhaddon, 407
274 takes Jerusalem, 152
; Solomon, birth of, 140 succeeds David, ;
Shumir, people of Chaldsea, 342, 344 and Tyre temple, 142 Egyptian wife,
: ;
Shunem, taken by Shishak, 274 against, 146 death, 146 writings, 146
; ; ;
Steel used by the Assyrians, 427 Taanach, in Judah, taken by Shishak, 274
Stick usually carried by Babylonians, 492 Taauth, female form of god Ao, 454, 499.
Stone implements, 27 ; in Chalda;a, 359 ; 501
still in use, 36 Tabeal, son of, see Ashariah
Stone age, all races passed through, 35 ;
Tabernacle, 99, 103, 239 at Shiloh, 114 ;
of, 454
Lybia, 278 attacked and defeated by
Talmis, 235
jugated by Sargon, 392 by Sennacherib, ;
240; revolt against Ramses II., 24°; Tartan, name, 178 duties, 419 :
David, 139; invasion of Tiglath-pilescr ments at, 239 destruction of, 240
534 INDEX.
Temple of Solomon, 142 dedication, 143; ; Tibni, pretender to throne of Israel, 156
plundered by Shishak, 152 by Jehoasli, ;
Tidal, sl'c Thargal
16S ; restored hyjolham, 171 treasures ;
at Amana, 236 at Napata and Soleb, ; Babylonia, 470 invades .Syria, 389
Ramses II., 257 at Ipsambul, 245, 250, ; at Damascus, 172, 173, 390; takes captive
286 at Thebes, 245, 250
; Greek, in ;
Israelites east of Jordan, 173, 390 ;
of, 69
Ummanmimanu, king of Elam, 402 ;
485. 499
Ur-Hammu (Orchamus), 353
Uriah the Hittite, 139
Urijah the prophet, 186
to Tiglath-
Yakindu, king of Aradus, kills himself, 40S
Urikki, king of Kui, tribute
pile.ser II., 389; at Damascus, 390 Yala, king of Hedjaz, 406
Urim, king of Hubisna, at Damascus, 390 Vaman, usurps throne of Ashdod ; flies to
Nulukhi, 394
Urumiyeh, lake, expedition of Tiglath-
Vanbo, city in Arabia taken by As.shur-
pileser I. to, 375
com- banipal, 414
Urzaha, excites revolt in Van, 393 ;
Valpitlam, temple, 485 Ywaitc, king of Arabs, joins revolt of
Valsaggatu, temple, 480. 481, 482 Nabubelshum, 409 defeated, 410; in-
Zebulon, son of Jacob, 87 ; territory of the Zobah, Syrians of defeated by David, 139
tribe of, 113 Zodiac, Assyrian, 448
Zechariah, the prophet, 168 Zoroastrian, religion, 10, 343, 351
Deut. 25 6
Gen. iv. 23, 24 5 ii.
V. 15 lOI
vi. 4 45 14,
8 5 vii. I 113
vii. II,24 6, 269« 3> 4 145
viii. I— 4 269« xiii. 9 100
10 7 XV. 12 — 18 lOI
X. 8, 9, 10 348 xvi. 12 •.. lOI
xi. 4 8 xvii. 2—5 100
xii. 1—3 80 17 138
10 .
81 xxi. 18—21 100, loi
xiii. I 81 xxiii. 20 102
10, 14 82 xxiv. 7, 16 100
xiv. I 82 10 — 13, 17, 18, 22 loi
1 Kings iv. 30 146, 313 Is. XX. I 394
-^•27 145 xxxiii. 21 144
>^i- 2 14s xlii. I 169
xiv. 12
—3 487
liv. 169
xvi. 2, 9 155 Ix. 1—3 170
XX. 34 380
xxi. 30 160 Jer. xxvi. 21 186
xxii. I 380 xxxiv. 17 189
xlvii. I 185
2 Kings i. 3 162
viii. ID 163 Ezek. XXV. 16 124
xiv. 28 169 xxvi. 7—9 477
XV. 19 388
37 I72« Dan. i. 4 494
xvi. 9 389 2
7, ii.
xvii. 7, 16, 17 174 iv. 30 486
29, 31 455, 499 V. 7 494
XIX. 35 179 18 489
xxiii. 5 — II 498
xxiv. 7 475 Apocryphal Bel & Dragon
XXV. 27 4S7 3&23 483
Is. vii. I —
6 172, 389 Matt. xix. 8 99
X. 9 22
28 seq 399 Mark. x. 4 99
xi; 15 95
xiii. 17 — 22 491 Acts vii. 27 313
xix. 2, 4, 13 275
Book I. Chap. 32 268 Book II. Chap. 104. 235
,, 178 478 106. 247
i79--358> 478 135- 301
180 478 136. 21 :>' 300
,, 181... 47S, 483 137- 277, 281
,. 182 483 139- 281
„ 184 383 141. 179
„ 185 473 151- 283
„ 186 473 158. 285
192... 496, 497 159- 185
194. 496 164. 289
195- 492 165. 291
196. 492 166. 291
197. 447 168. 292
198. 492 172. 286
200. 493 173- 288
201. 35 177- 28 /) 299
215- 35 178. 2S7
216. 35 182. 28 7
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