l12 Loop Antenna
l12 Loop Antenna
l12 Loop Antenna
Nikolova 2012 1
of the Bessel function of the first order J1 ( x) in the general solution for a loop
of constant current. Actually, to make sure that the current has constant
distribution along the loop, a tighter limit must be imposed:
a < 0.03λ , (12.2)
or, C < λ / 5 . A good approximation of a small loop is the infinitesimal loop (or
the infinitesimal magnetic dipole).
The expressions for the field components of an infinitesimal loop of electric
current of area A were already derived in Lecture 3. Here, we give only the far-
field components when the loop’s normal is along the z-axis:
e− jβ r
Eϕ = ηβ ⋅ ( IA) ⋅
2 ⋅ sin θ , (12.3)
4π r
e− jβ r
Hθ = − β ⋅ ( IA) ⋅
2 ⋅ sin θ . (12.4)
4π r
It is obvious that the far-field pattern,
Eϕ (θ ) = sin θ , (12.5)
is identical to that of a z-directed infinitesimal electric dipole. The loop’s field
polarization is orthogonal to that of the dipole. The power pattern is identical to
that of the infinitesimal electric dipole:
F (θ ) = sin 2 θ . (12.6)
Radiated power:
=Π ∫∫ 2η | Eϕ |2 ⋅ r
2 sin θ dθ dϕ ,
ηβ 4 ( IA ) .
Π= (12.7)
Radiation resistance:
8 A
Rr = η π 3 2 . (12.8)
3 λ
In free space, η = 120π Ω, and
Rr ≈ 31171( A / λ 2 ) 2 . (12.9)
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Equation (12.9) gives the radiation resistance of a single loop. If the loop
antenna has N turns, then the radiation resistance increases with a factor of N 2
(because the radiated power increases as I2):
8 A
Rr = η π 3 N 2 . (12.10)
3 λ
The relation in (12.10) provides a handy mechanism to increase Rr and the
radiated power Π . Unfortunately, the losses of the loop antenna also increase
(although only as N ) and this results in low efficiency.
The directivity is the same as that of an infinitesimal dipole:
= π max 1.5 .
D0 4= (12.11)
Π rad
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θ R
a ψ
ϕ y
ϕ′ r′
sin θ cos ϕ ′ .
⇒ cosψ = (12.13)
Now the vector potential integral can be solved for the far zone:
µ e − j β ( r − a sin θ cos ϕ ′)
A ( r ,θ , ϕ ) =
4π ∫ I 0 r
dl (12.14)
where dl = φˆ ′adϕ ′ is the linear element of the loop contour. The current
element changes its direction along the loop and its contribution depends on the
angle between its direction and the respective A component. The problem is
cylindrically symmetrical thus it is appropriate to represent it through the Aϕ
component where A = Aϕ φˆ :
µ e− jβ r
=Aϕ (θ ,ϕ )
( I 0 a)
r ∫ (φˆ ⋅ φˆ ′)e jβ a sin θ cosϕ ′dϕ ′ . (12.15)
⋅ φˆ ′ (xˆ cos ϕ + yˆ sin ϕ ) ⋅ (xˆ cos ϕ ′ + yˆ sin=
φˆ = ϕ ′)
= cos ϕ cos ϕ ′ + sin ϕ sin ϕ ′ = (12.16)
=cos(ϕ − ϕ ′) ϕ =0 =cos ϕ ′,
the vector potential is
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µ e− jβ r
=Aϕ (θ ,0)
( I 0 a)
r ∫ cosϕ ′ ⋅ e jβ a sin θ cosϕ ′dϕ ′ , (12.17)
µ e− jβ rπ 2π
=Aϕ (θ ) ( I 0 a) ∫ cos ϕ ′ ⋅ e j β a sin θ cos ϕ ′
d ϕ ′ + ∫ cos ϕ ′ ⋅ e j β a sin θ cos ϕ ′ dϕ ′ .
4π r 0 π
We apply the following substitution in the second integral: ϕ=′ ϕ ′′ + π . Then,
µ I 0 a e− jβ r π π
Aϕ (θ )
= ∫ cos ϕ ′⋅e j β a sin θ cos ϕ ′ dϕ ′ − ∫ cos ϕ ′′⋅e − j β a sin θ cos ϕ ′′ dϕ ′′ . (12.18)
4π r 0 0
The integrals in (12.18) can be expressed in terms of Bessel functions, which
are defined as
Here, J n ( z ) is the Bessel function of the first kind of order n. From (12.18) and
(12.19), it follows that
µ e− jβ r
Aϕ (θ ) ( I 0 a) π j J1 ( β a sin θ ) − J1 ( − β a sin θ ) . (12.20)
4π r
J n (− z ) =−
( 1) n J n ( z ) , (12.21)
equation (12.20) reduces to
µ e− jβ r
Aϕ (θ ) = j ( I 0 a ) J1 ( β a sin θ ) . (12.22)
2 r
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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
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The small-loop field solution in (12.3)-(12.4) is actually a first-order
approximation of the solution in (12.23). This becomes obvious when the
Bessel function is expanded in series as
1 1
J1 ( β a sin θ ) = ( β a sin θ ) − ( β a sin θ )3 + . (12.24)
2 16
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For small values of the argument ( β a < 1 / 3 ), the first-order approximation is
acceptable, i.e.,
J1 ( β a sin θ ) ≈ ( β a sin θ ) . (12.25)
The substitution of (12.25) in (12.23) yields (12.3)-(12.4).
It can be shown that the maximum of the pattern given by (12.23) is in the
direction θ = 90 for all loops, which have circumference C < 1.84λ .
Here, A = π a 2 is the loop’s area. The integral in (12.26) does not have a closed
form solution. Often, the following transformation is applied:
π 2β a
∫ 1
J 2 ( β a sin θ )sin θ dθ =
βa ∫ J 2 ( x)dx . (12.27)
0 0
The second integral in (12.27) does not have a closed form solution either but it
can be approximated with highly convergent series, e.g.,
2β a ∞
∫ J 2 ( x)dx = 2 ∑ J 2 m +3 (2 β a ) . (12.28)
0 m =0
The radiation resistance of small loops is very small. For example, for
λ / 100 < a < λ / 30 the radiation resistance increases from ≈ 3 × 10−3 up to
Nikolova 2012 8
≈ 0.5 Ω . This is often less than the loss resistance of the loop. That is why
small loop antennas are constructed with multiple turns and on ferromagnetic
cores. Such loop antennas have large inductive reactance, which is
compensated by a capacitor. This is convenient in narrowband receivers, where
the antenna itself is a very efficient filter (together with the tuning capacitor),
which can be tuned for different frequency bands.
Here, ϕ ′ is measured from the feed point. The complete analysis of this general
case will be left out, and only some important results will be given. When the
circumference of the loop approaches λ , the maximum of the radiation pattern
shifts exactly along the loop’s normal. Then, the input resistance of the antenna
is also good (about 50 to 70 Ω). The maximum directivity occurs when
E.A. Wolff, Antenna Analysis, Wiley, New York, 1966.
A. Richtscheid, “Calculation of the radiation resistance of loop antennas with sinusoidal current distribution,” IEEE Trans.
Antennas Propagat., Nov. 1976, pp. 889-891.
J. E. Lindsay, Jr., “A circular loop antenna with non-uniform current distribution,” IRE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-8,
No. 4, July 1960, pp. 439-441.
H. C. Pocklington, “Electrical oscillations in wire,” in Cambridge Phil. Soc. Proc., vol. 9, 1897, pp. 324–332.
J. E. Storer, “Input impedance of circular loop antennas,” Am. Inst. Electr. Eng. Trans., vol. 75, Nov. 1956.
Nikolova 2012 9
C ≈ 1.4λ but then the input impedance is too large. The input resistance and
reactance of the large circular loop are given below.
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(Note: typo in author’s name, read as J. E. Storer)
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The large circular loop is very similar in its performance to the large square
loop. An approximate solution of very good accuracy for the square-loop
antenna can be found in
W.L. Stutzman and G.A. Thiele, Antenna Theory and Design, 2nd Ed., John
Wiley & Sons, New York, 1998.
There, it is assumed that the total antenna loop is exactly one wavelength and
has a sinusoidal current distribution along the loop’s wire.
x 4
Nikolova 2012 12
5. Equivalent circuit of a loop antenna
Z in′ Z in
Cr - resonance capacitor
Rl - loss resistance of the loop antenna
Rr - radiation resistance
LA - inductance of the loop
Li - inductance of the loop conductor (wire)
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⊗ J1 J 2⊗
When the spacing between the wound wires is very small, the loss resistance
due to the proximity effect might be larger than that due to the skin effect. The
following formula is used to calculate exactly the loss resistance of a loop with
N turns, wire radius b, and loop separation 2c:
Na R p
=Rl Rs + 1 (12.33)
b R0
Rs , Ω, is the surface resistance (see (12.32)),
R p , Ω / m, is the ohmic resistance per unit length due to the proximity
=R0 , Ω / m , is the ohmic resistance per unit length due to the skin
2π b
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The ratio R p / R0 has been calculated for different relative spacings c / b , for
loops with 2 ≤ N ≤ 8 in:
G.N. Smith, “The proximity effect in systems of parallel conductors,” J.
Appl. Phys., vol. 43, No. 5, May 1972, pp. 2196-2203.
The results are shown below:
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The inductance of a square loop with sides a and wire radius b is calculated as
a a
=Lsq 2µ −
π b .
A1 ln 0.774 (12.35)
The inductance of a multi-turn coil is obtained from the inductance of a single-
turn loop multiplied by N 2 , where N is the number of turns.
The inductance of the wire itself is very small and is often neglected. It can
be shown that the DC self-inductance of a straight wire of length l is
Li ⋅l . (12.36)
For a single loop, l = 2π a .
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For resonance to occur at f 0 = ω0 / (2π ) when the capacitor is in parallel with
the loop, the condition
Br = − Bin (12.41)
must be fulfilled. Therefore,
X in
2π f 0Cr = , (12.42)
Rin2 + X in2
1 X in
⇒ Cr = . (12.43)
2π f ( Rin2 + X in2 )
Under resonance, the input impedance Z in′ becomes
1 1 Rin2 + X in2
′ R
in =′
in = = , (12.44)
Gin′ Gin Rin
X in2
⇒ Z in′ = Rin + , Ω. (12.45)
a θi Ei optimal
0 y incidence
x Voc
Nikolova 2012 18
6. Ferrite loops
The radiation resistance and radiation efficiency can be raised by inserting a
ferrite core, which has high magnetic permeability in the operating frequency
band. Large magnetic permeability µ = µ0 µr means large magnetic flux Ψ m ,
and therefore large induced voltage Voc . The radiation resistance of a small loop
was already derived in (12.10) to include the number of turns, and it was shown
that it increases as N 2 . Now the magnetic properties of the loop will be
included in the expression for Rr .
The magnetic properties of a ferrite core depend not only on the relative
magnetic permeability µr of the material it is made of but also on its geometry.
The increase in the magnetic flux is then more realistically represented by the
effective relative permeability (effective magnetic constant) µreff . We show
next that the radiation resistance of a ferrite-core loop is ( µreff ) 2 times larger
than the radiation resistance of the air-core loop of the same geometry. When
we calculated the far fields of a small loop, we made use of the equivalence
between an electric current loop and a magnetic current element:
jωµ ( IA) = I ml . (12.49)
From (12.49) it is obvious that the equivalent magnetic current is proportional
to µ . Then, it should be reminded that the field magnitudes are also
proportional to I m , and therefore they are proportional to µ as well. This
means that the radiated power Π rad is proportional to µ 2 , and therefore the
radiation resistance increases as ( µreff ) 2 .
Finally, we can express the radiation resistance as
8 A
Rr = η0 π 3 N µreff 2 . (12.50)
3 λ
Here, A = π a 2 is the loop area, and η0 = µ0 / ε 0 is the intrinsic impedance of
Some notes are made below with regard to the properties of ferrite cores:
• The effective magnetic constant of a ferrite core is always less than the
magnetic constant of the ferromagnetic material it is made of, i.e.,
µreff < µr . Toroidal cores have the highest µreff , and ferrite-stick cores
have the lowest µreff .
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• The effective magnetic constant is frequency dependent. One has to be
careful when picking the right core for the application at hand.
• The magnetic losses of ferromagnetic materials increase with frequency.
At very high (microwave) frequencies, the magnetic losses are not
negligible. They have to be calculated and represented in the equivalent
circuit of the antenna as a shunt conductance Gm .
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