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Volume 3, No.

4 | December 2023

The effect of stigma reduction initiatives on HIV testing rates among college students
in region XI: The mediating role of safer sex practices
Lynard Bobby L. Asirit
Hamamatsu City Board of Education/Japan
[email protected]


This study investigates HIV-related behaviors, knowledge, attitudes, and Received : Sept. 20, 2023
practices (KAP) among college students in Region XI. It aims to Revised : Nov. 20, 2023
understand the impact of stigma reduction initiatives on HIV testing rates, Accepted : Dec. 30, 2023
assess safer sex practices, examine KAP regarding HIV/AIDS, and KEYWORDS
investigate the mediating role of safer sex practices. Stigma reduction HIV testing rates, HIV stigma
initiatives were found to foster supportive environments but did not reduction initiatives,
significantly increase HIV testing rates. Instead, age, gender, and type of Mediating role, Region XI
educational institution were more influential determinants of testing college students, Safer sex
behavior. Demographic factors had limited impact on the choice of practices
abstinence as a safer sex practice, emphasizing unaccounted variables in
decision-making. While participants exhibited good knowledge and
positive attitudes toward HIV/AIDS, variability within the sample
highlighted the need for tailored interventions. Sociodemographic factors
had minimal influence on KAP. The promotion of safer sex practices did
not serve as a mediating factor in the relationship between efforts to
reduce stigma and the rates of HIV testing. Neither stigma reduction
initiatives nor safer sex practices directly impacted testing rates,
suggesting the presence of unexplored variables. The study underscores
the complexity of HIV-related behaviors among college students.
Tailored interventions that consider demographic diversity and go beyond
stigma reduction are essential. Comprehensive sexual education programs
should address diverse determinants of safer sex practices. Inclusive
education on HIV/AIDS is crucial, and further research is needed to
explore nuanced factors influencing HIV testing and safer sex practices.

Suggested Citation (APA Style 7th Edition):

Asirit, L.B.L. (2023). The effect of stigma reduction initiatives on HIV testing rates among college
students in region XI: The mediating role of safer sex practices. International Research Journal of
Science, Technology, Education, and Management, 3(4), 122-135.

International Research Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Management
Volume 3, No. 4 | December 2023


The rising HIV incidence in the Philippines, especially among young adults like college students, signals a concerning
trend. Limited accurate knowledge about HIV prevention exacerbates the issue (Chullapant et al., 2022). Recent data
reveals an increase in HIV diagnoses among young Filipinos, prompting a critical examination of their knowledge,
attitudes, and practices (KAPs) regarding HIV/AIDS (Gangcuangco & Eustaquio, 2023). The Davao area,
experiencing a notable rise in HIV prevalence, requires a thorough investigation into the KAPs of its young
population (Mendoza, 2023). Despite the increasing HIV incidence, there is a lack of research on the interplay
between stigma reduction initiatives, safer sex practices, and HIV testing rates among college students in this region.

Stigma is widely recognized as a major obstacle to both HIV testing and treatment (Stangl et al., 2019).
Understanding the impact of stigma on college students in the Davao region holds great significance, as it may
discourage individuals from seeking information, getting tested, and adopting safer sexual practices, thereby
contributing to ongoing HIV transmission. This study aimed to address this gap by quantitatively assessing the impact
of stigma reduction interventions on HIV testing rates among college students in the Davao region. Additionally, it
will examine the mediating role of safer sex practices in this relationship.

Building on prior research in Pampanga (Chullapant et al., 2022), the study employs rigorous quantitative
methods to uncover the complex connections influencing HIV-related decision-making in this specific demographic.
The goal is to provide evidence-based interventions tailored to address the unique challenges faced by college
students in the Davao region.


This research aims to comprehensively examine factors associated with HIV testing rates, safer sex practices, and
KAPs related to HIV/AIDS within the respondent sample. Additionally, it explores the potential impact of stigma
reduction initiatives on HIV testing rates and their mediation by safer sex practices. Finally, it investigates whether
safer sex practices mediate the impact of stigma reduction initiatives on HIV testing rates, considering
sociodemographic factors as potential moderators.

In particular, this study aimed to address the following inquiries:

1. Does participation in stigma reduction initiatives have a statistically significant impact on increasing HIV
testing rates among respondents considering sociodemographic factors (e.g., age, gender, educational
2. To what extent do respondents engage in safer sex practices, and how is this influenced by sociodemographic
3. What are the KAPs regarding HIV/AIDS among the respondents, and how do sociodemographic factors
influence these factors?
4. To what extent do stigma reduction initiatives impact HIV testing rates among college students in Region XI,
and is this impact mediated by the adoption of safer sex practices?


In this study, a cross-sectional design is used, which is consistent with observational and descriptive research
principles (Simkus, 2023). This design facilitates the examination of data of a specific moment, offering a concise
overview of their attributes, beliefs, and actions concerning HIV/AIDS awareness, efforts to mitigate stigma, HIV
testing, and adoption of safer sexual practices within institutions of higher learning.

International Research Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Management
Volume 3, No. 4 | December 2023


The study includes 325 college students from Region XI, Philippines, enrolled in State Colleges and
Universities (SUCs), Local Universities and Colleges (LUCs), and Private Universities and Colleges (PUCs). The
sample size was determined based on these categories, comprising 93 students from SUCs, 125 students from LUCs,
and 107 students from PUCs. The research employed volunteer sampling, a non-probability technique where
participants voluntarily engaged in the survey on online platforms, allowing them to exercise independence in
choosing to participate (Hassan, 2023). Respondents in the study had to meet specific inclusion criteria: a) belonging
to any gender identity, including male, female, and non-binary individuals (Abrams, 2023); b) falling within age
groups 15-17 years, 18-20 years, and 21 years and older; c) currently enrolled in higher education institutions
categorized as SUCs, LUCs, or PUCs within Region XI, Philippines; d) having previous exposure to HIV/AIDS
awareness programs, indicating their active involvement in addressing these significant concerns.

Research Instrument

The study used a structured questionnaire to collect data on sociodemographic factors, stigma reduction
initiatives, HIV testing, safer sex practices, HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitudes, and practices, and the potential
mediating effect of safer sex practices. The questionnaire was carefully designed after a thorough literature search.
Questions were modified from prior research. Public health, sociology, and psychology professionals assessed the
questionnaire for content validity. The test-retest reliability was assessed for attitudes and practice items using a group
of 30 respondents who completed the questionnaire twice, two weeks apart. A strong questionnaire item internal
consistency was demonstrated by the high alpha score of 0.97.

Data Collection Procedure

Data was collected online with a strategic digital engagement approach. Participants received detailed study
information, provided electronic consent, and accessed surveys through email or online platforms at their
convenience. Automated reminders boosted response rates, optimizing the efficiency of online data collection.

Data Analysis

Descriptive statistics were employed to succinctly summarize the sample features, offering an initial insight
into the data. The application of chi-square tests played a crucial role in evaluating connections between categorical
variables, shedding light on significant linkages within the dataset. Moreover, the analysis leveraged the Generalized
Linear Model (GLM) and facilitated a comprehensive exploration of relationships and mediating effects among
various factors within the dataset.

Ethical Consideration

This research adheres to ethical principles outlined in "A Guide to Internet Research Ethics" (NESH, 2019).
Procedures include assessing the data nature for authorization needs, ensuring safety precautions, obtaining informed
consent, and prioritizing confidentiality and anonymity, especially for sensitive data. Rigorous measures are in place
to prevent unauthorized access and maintain data confidentiality.


Demographic Profile. Understanding the distribution of participants across educational institutions is crucial,
as Caldeira et al. (2013) found that college students' HIV testing behaviors are influenced by their educational
environment and access to healthcare services. The type of educational institution plays a pivotal role in shaping
students' awareness and attitudes toward HIV testing, particularly relevant in the context of the locale's increasing
HIV cases highlighted by Mendoza (2023). Investigating the impact of stigma reduction initiatives on HIV testing

International Research Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Management
Volume 3, No. 4 | December 2023

rates among students from various educational institutions is not only relevant but also urgent in mitigating the
Table 1. Type of Institution
Count 105 104 116
% of Total 32.3% 32.0% 35.7%
Cumulative % 32.3% 64.3% 100.0%

Table 1 provides a comprehensive breakdown of participants based on their affiliation with different types
of educational institutions: Private Universities or Colleges (PUCs) account for 32.3%, Local Universities or Colleges
(LUCs) at 32.0%, and State Universities or Colleges (SUCs) at 35.7%. The balanced distribution ensures
representation across diverse educational settings. Additionally, the research acknowledges the variation in
respondents' ages, with Caldeira et al. (2013) emphasizing the vulnerability of college students to HIV infection.
Mendoza's (2023) article underscores the rising prevalence of HIV-AIDS cases among the 25 to 34 age group,
emphasizing the need to assess the effects of stigma reduction efforts across different age demographics.

Table 2 breaks down participants into three age groups: 15-17, 18-20, and 21 & above, crucial for
contextualizing the study's findings on HIV testing rates and stigma reduction initiatives. Varied age groups may
exhibit different levels of HIV awareness, engagement in stigma reduction, and access to healthcare, impacting their
testing behaviors. The significant inclusion of those aged 18-20 provides valuable insights into young adults' attitudes
toward HIV testing, crucial for prevention initiatives. Participants aged "21 and above" contribute diversity, offering
distinct perspectives based on life experiences. While the "15-17" group is a smaller portion, their inclusion is
essential for understanding HIV-related factors among younger adolescents and their early testing experiences.
Table 2. Age
15-17 18-20 21 & above
Count 62 163 100
% of Total 19.1% 50.25 30.8%
Cumulative % 19.1% 69.2% 100.0 %

As observed by Caldeira et al. (2013), gender disparities in HIV testing rates among college students, with
women being more likely to get tested despite similar levels of risky sex. Additionally, Gangcuangco and Eustaquio
(2023) pointed out that male individuals engaged in same-sex (MSM) are disproportionately affected by HIV. Given
these insights, exploring how participation in stigma reduction initiatives impacts HIV testing rates across gender
identities is highly relevant. The urgency is further underscored by the fact that Davao’s HIV-AIDS cases are
concentrated among males (Mendoza, 2023). Moreover, it is important to clarify that non-binary individuals are not
necessarily attracted to the same sex. Non-binary is a gender identity, and it doesn't determine one's sexual orientation.
Sexual orientation refers to who someone is attracted to (e.g., heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual), while gender
identity is about how individuals perceive themselves in terms of gender (Abrams, 2023).

Table 3 presents a breakdown of participants based on gender identities: Male, Female, and Non-binary. Data
showed that non-binary people make up the biggest category in the sample, accounting for 50.5% of all participants.
This finding indicates a notable presence of gender diversity within the research sample. On the other hand, 29.8%
male participants and 20.6% female individuals. Although the prevalence of these proportions is comparatively
smaller among non-binary persons, it is important to note that they nonetheless constitute significant segments of the
Table 3. Gender
Male Female Non-binary
Count 97 67 161
% of Total 29.8% 20.6% 50.5%
Cumulative % 29.8% 50.5% 100.0 %

International Research Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Management
Volume 3, No. 4 | December 2023

The study emphasizes inclusivity, incorporating a substantial number of non-binary participants to explore
diverse impacts on HIV and address gender disparities in testing rates. Table 3's gender distribution illustrates a
diverse sample, aligning with existing research on HIV-related behaviors among young individuals. Recognizing
non-binary perspectives is crucial for scholarly discourse and enhances contextual understanding. Despite potential
sample bias, this study opens avenues for in-depth research on HIV-related behaviors among young people in various
educational settings.

Influence of Stigma Reduction Initiatives on HIV Testing Rates. The inquiry into the influence of initiatives
aimed at reducing stigma on rates of HIV testing has significant significance within the discipline of health-related
research. In their Yang et al., (2022) the persistent challenge of stigma in the context of HIV testing, particularly in
regions marked by high prevalence rates.

Table 4 presents the overall model test, represented by the χ² statistic, and examines whether the interaction
of sociodemographic variables and participation in stigma reduction programs significantly affects HIV testing rates.
In the present scenario, the p-value is found to be less than 0.001, suggesting that the model, as a whole, has statistical
significance. This discovery suggests a statistically significant correlation between HIV testing rates and at least one
of the predictor variables incorporated in the model, such as age, gender, type of institution, or participation in stigma
reduction activities.

Table 4. Impact of Stigma Reduction Initiatives on HIV Testing Rates

Considering the Sociodemographic Factors
Overall Model Test
χ² df p
1 149 7 <.001

Omnibus Likelihood Ratio Tests

Predictor χ² df p
Age 35.714 2 < .001
Gender 43.033 2 < .001
Type of Institution 73.201 2 < .001
Participation 0.219 1 0.640

The analysis of sociodemographic factors reveals that age, gender, and the type of educational institution
significantly predict HIV testing rates. Age (χ² = 35.714, p < 0.001), gender (χ² = 43.033, p < 0.001), and type of
institution (χ² = 73.201, p < 0.001) play crucial roles in shaping testing behaviors, highlighting age-group variations,
gender-based disparities, and the impact of educational settings. These findings emphasize the nuanced nature of HIV
testing behavior, necessitating tailored interventions. In contrast, participation in stigma reduction initiatives does not
show statistical significance in predicting testing rates (χ² = 0.219, p = 0.640), suggesting that, in this analysis, such
participation alone does not significantly impact HIV testing rates when considering sociodemographic factors.

The study of Mokgatle and Madiba (2023) aligns with the focus on persistent HIV-related stigma in the
present research. While not directly examining the impact of stigma reduction interventions on testing rates, it
indirectly supports the notion that these interventions alone may not substantially increase testing rates. The research
highlights the enduring nature of HIV stigma, fears around disclosure, and discriminatory attitudes, contributing to a
challenging context for testing. The study emphasizes the necessity of a comprehensive strategy beyond stigma
reduction activities. In summary, the exploration of stigma reduction initiatives reveals the complexity of testing
behaviors, with age, gender, and educational institution type as significant predictors. However, when considering
sociodemographic variables, stigma reduction activities do not significantly impact testing rates. These findings
underscore the ongoing challenges of HIV stigma, emphasizing the need for a holistic strategy to address these issues

International Research Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Management
Volume 3, No. 4 | December 2023

Safer Sex Practices Among Respondents. In order to fully evaluate the effect of stigma reduction activities
on HIV testing rates among college students in Region XI, it is essential to investigate safer sex behaviors among
respondents. Knowing the degree to which students participate in safer sexual practices offers significant contextual
information for evaluating the mediation function of those behaviors (Addatu-Cambri, 2023).

Table 5.1 presents an overview of respondents' engagement in safer sex practices. The average score of 2.96
for abstinence suggests occasional, inconsistent engagement. A mean score of 2.44 for condom use indicates
infrequent or rare practice, underscoring the importance of promoting consistent and responsible condom use. The
low mean score of 1.13 for regular HIV testing is concerning, highlighting a significant gap in HIV awareness and
testing services. Birth control methods received a mean score of 2.44, suggesting infrequent use and emphasizing the
need for education on various methods. Maintaining monogamous relationships, with a mean score of 2.13, is also
infrequent but can serve as a protective factor against sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

The mean score for overall safer sex practices is 2.22 (SD = 0.705), indicating respondents' infrequent or rare
engagement in these practices. Regular HIV testing is reported as "never," emphasizing a critical gap in HIV
prevention efforts. The table highlights the need for targeted sexual health education and interventions to promote
safer sex practices, particularly consistent condom use and regular HIV testing, among the surveyed population.
Public health initiatives have an opportunity to address and improve the adoption of these practices to reduce the risk
of HIV transmission and promote sexual health.

Table 5.1. Extent of Safer Sex Practices

Std. Extent of
Practices Mean Interpretation
Deviation Influence
Respondents sometimes engage in this
Abstinence 2.96 1.722 Sometimes
safe sex practice but not consistently.
Respondents engage in this safe sex
Condom use 2.44 1.416 Rarely practice infrequently or only on rare
Regular HIV Respondents indicate that they never
1.13 0.517 Never
testing engage this safe sex practice.
Respondents engage in this safe sex
Birth control
2.44 1.416 Rarely practice infrequently or only on rare
Respondents engage in this safe sex
2.13 1.189 Rarely practice infrequently or only on rare
Respondents engage in this safe sex
Overall Safer Sex
2.22 0.705 Rarely practice infrequently or only on rare

Table 5.2.1 shows results from a multinomial logistic regression analyzing sociodemographic factors'
influence on condom use and birth control methods. The non-significant overall model test (χ² = 25.3, df = 24, p =
0.391) indicates that, collectively, these factors do not predict condom use or birth control methods among

Table 5.2.1. Influence of Sociodemographic Factors on Condom Use

and Birth Control Methods as Safe Sex Practices
Overall Model Test
χ² df p
1 25.3 24 0.391

International Research Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Management
Volume 3, No. 4 | December 2023

Omnibus Likelihood Ratio Tests

Predictor χ² df p
Age 11.21 8 0.190
Gender 7.13 8 0.523
Type of Institution 6.03 8 0. 644

The analysis indicates that, collectively, sociodemographic factors like age, gender, and institution type do
not significantly influence condom use or birth control methods among respondents. This aligns with O'Connor et
al.'s (2022) study on migrant sex workers in Thailand, emphasizing the need for comprehensive and context-specific
interventions to promote safer sex practices and contraception use. The absence of noteworthy connections between
sociodemographic factors and these behaviors highlights the significance of encompassing a broader spectrum of
determinants and contextual factors to effectively address these public health issues.

Table 5.2.2 reveals insights into the impact of sociodemographic factors on the practice of monogamous
relationships as a safer sex practice. The overall model test (χ² = 24.2, df = 24, p = 0.448) indicates that, collectively,
sociodemographic factors do not significantly predict the likelihood of engaging in monogamous relationships, a
crucial safer sex practice.

Table 5.2.2. Influence of Sociodemographic Factors on Monogamous

Relationships as Safe Sex Practices
Overall Model Test
χ² df p
1 24.2 24 0.448

Omnibus Likelihood Ratio Tests

Predictor χ² df p
Age 10.77 8 0.215
Gender 2.93 8 0.939
Type of Institution 10.35 8 0.242

The findings show that sociodemographic factors like age, gender, and institution type do not significantly
predict engagement in monogamous relationships as a safer sex practice among respondents. The study's alignment
with Pirani and Matera's (2020) research on Italian youth emphasizes that sociodemographic factors, including age
and gender, don't significantly predict certain sexual risk profiles. While monogamous relationships are often
considered a safer sex practice, reducing the risk of sexually transmitted infections, this analysis suggests that the
decision to practice monogamy is likely influenced by factors beyond sociodemographic characteristics.

Table 5.2.3 reveals the results of a logistic regression analyzing the influence of sociodemographic variables
on respondents' frequency of HIV testing. The overall model test (χ² = 18.0, df = 18, p = 0.456) indicates that,
collectively, age, gender, and institutional affiliation do not significantly predict the likelihood of frequent HIV testing
among the surveyed individuals.

Table 5.2.3. Influence of Sociodemographic Factors on Regular

HIV Testing as Safe Sex Practices
Overall Model Test
χ² df p
1 18.0 18 0.456

Omnibus Likelihood Ratio Tests

Predictor χ² df p

International Research Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Management
Volume 3, No. 4 | December 2023

Age 7.90 6 0.245

Gender 6.22 6 0.399
Type of Institution 3.05 6 0.802

The implications of these data suggest that there may be more characteristics, which were not taken into
account in this analysis, that might have a greater significance in predicting the regularity of HIV testing practices
among the participants of the research. Additional investigation is required to delve into these supplementary
variables and their influence on HIV testing behavior.

Table 5.2.4 analyzes the impact of sociodemographic factors on respondents' abstinence as a safe sex practice.
The overall model test (χ² = 10.7, df = 24, p = 0.991) indicates that, collectively, age, gender, and institutional
affiliation do not significantly predict the practice of abstinence among respondents. In essence, these
sociodemographic factors do not influence respondents' decisions to engage in abstinence as a safe sex practice.

The study suggests that demographic factors, including age, gender, and institutional affiliation, do not exert
a statistically significant influence on individuals' decisions to opt for abstinence in the context of safe sexual
practices. Cummings et al.'s (2014) study similarly found no significant influence of these factors on young adults'
decisions regarding abstinence. The findings suggest the presence of other unaccounted variables influencing
abstinence adoption among participants. The analysis emphasizes the need for comprehensive interventions to
promote safe sexual behaviors, address gaps in HIV awareness, enhance condom use, and consider multifaceted
determinants beyond demographics. This knowledge is crucial for public health initiatives aiming to reduce HIV
transmission risk and enhance sexual health.

Table 5.2.4. Influence of Sociodemographic Factors on Abstinence as Safe Sex Practices

Overall Model Test
χ² df p
1 10.7 24 0.991

Omnibus Likelihood Ratio Tests

Predictor χ² df p
Age 3.29 8 0.915
Gender 3.43 8 0.905
Type of Institution 3.68 8 0.885

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAPs) Regarding HIV/AIDS. In the Philippines, where the prevalence
of HIV cases has been a growing concern, particularly among the youth population, it becomes imperative to explore
the KAPs regarding HIV/AIDS among college students. Young adults, aged 18–24, often find themselves at higher
risk of HIV infection due to a lack of reliable and timely information about prevention and transmission by Chullapant
et al. (2022).

Table 6.1 provides a summary of the KAPs regarding HIV/AIDS among the respondents. These dimensions
are vital in understanding the participants' level of awareness, their attitudes toward HIV, and their engagement in
safer sex practices.

Table 6.1. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAPs) Regarding HIV/AIDS Among Respondents
N Mean Median Mode SD

Knowledge on HIV Prevention and

325 0.685 0.500 1.00 0.335
Attitude Towards HIV 325 2.417 2.500 2.00 0.760
International Research Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Management
Volume 3, No. 4 | December 2023

N Mean Median Mode SD

Safer Sex Practices 325 2.219 2.200 2.20 0.705

The data suggests a generally good understanding of HIV prevention and transmission among respondents,
although a subset shows lower knowledge levels, indicating potential gaps in HIV/AIDS education. While
respondents, on average, have positive attitudes towards those living with HIV, the standard deviation reveals a range
of opinions. Safer sex practices are engaged regularly, as reflected in the even distribution of responses, but variability
suggests not all respondents consistently practice safer sex. Overall, these results underscore the importance of
comprehensive HIV/AIDS education and interventions that acknowledge the diversity within the sample. Tailored
interventions considering individual variations and demographic factors have proven effective in enhancing
understanding, attitudes, and behaviors related to HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. Continuous monitoring and
evaluation of such programs are crucial for sustained efficacy in fostering improved knowledge, attitudes, and
practices within the community.

Table 6.2.1 shows the analysis of how sociodemographic variables (age, gender, and type of institution)
impact respondents' knowledge of HIV/AIDS. The results from the linear regression indicate that these factors are
not statistically significant in influencing knowledge about HIV/AIDS among respondents. Both the overall model
and each individual predictor variable have p-values exceeding the typical significance level of 0.05.

The consistent knowledge about HIV/AIDS across different age groups suggests the effectiveness of existing
education programs, emphasizing the need for ongoing efforts to maintain up-to-date knowledge. The non-significant
influence of gender, including nonbinary individuals, indicates universal understanding across all gender identities,
supporting the idea of universally accessible HIV/AIDS education. The type of educational institution attended
(public or private) does not significantly impact knowledge, suggesting other factors, such as personal experiences,
play a role. While knowledge levels show overall consistency, ongoing awareness initiatives are essential for
maintaining high knowledge levels and promoting safe practices in preventing HIV/AIDS transmission. In summary,
while sociodemographic factors may not substantially impact HIV/AIDS knowledge in this study, a proactive and
inclusive approach to education is crucial. Public health efforts should prioritize distributing accurate information
and adapting to the changing informational needs of diverse demographic cohorts to effectively address HIV/AIDS

Table 6.2.1. Knowledge Regarding HIV/AIDS Among Respondents as Influence by the Sociodemographic
Overall Model Test
R R2 F df1 df2 p
1 0.152 0.0231 1.25 6 319 0.279

Omnibus Likelihood Ratio Tests

Predictor df F p
Age 2 0.616 0.541
Gender 2 0.836 0.434
Type of Institution 2 1.910 0.150

Table 6.2.2 shows the results of a linear regression analyzing the impact of sociodemographic factors on
attitudes about HIV/AIDS among respondents. The overall model lacks statistical significance (p = 0.381 > 0.05),
indicating that sociodemographic factors do not significantly predict attitudes about HIV/AIDS. The R-squared value
suggests that only about 1.98% of the variation in attitudes is explained by these factors. In summary,
sociodemographic factors, including age, gender, and educational institution type, do not significantly influence
attitudes about HIV/AIDS in this study. Efforts to improve attitudes and reduce stigma should target a broad audience
rather than specific demographic groups.
International Research Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Management
Volume 3, No. 4 | December 2023

Table 6.2.2. Attitudes Regarding HIV/AIDS Among Respondents as Influence

by the Sociodemographic Factors
Overall Model Test
Model 2
R R F df1 df2 p
1 0.141 0.0198 1.07 6 318 0.381

Omnibus Likelihood Ratio Tests

Predictor df F p
Age 2 1.126 0.326
Gender 2 1.284 0.278
Type of Institution 2 0.847 0.430

Table 6.2.3 displays the analysis on the influence of sociodemographic factors on safe sex practices regarding
HIV/AIDS among respondents. The overall model lacks statistical significance (p = 0.683 > 0.05), indicating these
factors do not predict safe sex practices. The R-squared value suggests only about 1.23% of the variation in safe sex
practices is explained by these factors. In summary, sociodemographic factors, including age, gender, and educational
institution type, do not significantly influence safe sex practices in this study.

These findings suggest that sociodemographic factors are not strongly associated with safe sex practices
regarding HIV/AIDS in the studied population. Interventions should be inclusive, targeting individuals from various
age groups, genders, and educational institutions. Comprehensive educational techniques addressing diverse origins
and characteristics are crucial. In summary, sociodemographic factors do not significantly determine safe sex
practices for HIV/AIDS in this study, emphasizing the need for broad-reaching efforts rather than specific
demographic targeting.

Table 6.2.3. Safe Sex Practices on HIV/AIDS Among Respondents as Influence

by the Sociodemographic Factors
Overall Model Test
R R2 F df1 df2 p
1 0.111 0.0123 0.659 6 318 0.683

Omnibus Likelihood Ratio Tests

Predictor df F p
Age 2 1.283 0.279
Gender 2 0.246 0.782
Type of Institution 2 0.432 0.650

While the findings reveal a generally positive picture of knowledge and attitudes, acknowledging variability
within the sample highlights the need for tailored interventions. Interestingly, sociodemographic factors like age,
gender, and educational institution type did not significantly influence knowledge, attitudes, or practices regarding
HIV/AIDS in this study. These findings emphasize the necessity of adopting a universal and inclusive approach to
HIV/AIDS education and awareness programs. The focus should be on delivering accurate information and
promoting safe practices for all individuals, regardless of their demographic characteristics.

Mediating Role of Safer Sex Practices. Safer sex practices play a crucial role in mediating the impact of
public health initiatives on outcomes like HIV testing rates. Understanding this mediation pathway provides valuable
insights into how interventions influence health outcomes. In this study, we explore the mediating role of safer sex
practices in the relationship between stigma reduction initiatives and HIV testing rates.

Table 7 presents a mediation analysis of the impact of Stigma Reduction Initiatives on HIV Testing Rates by
Safer Sex Practices. The indirect effect (Stigma Reduction Initiatives → Safer Sex Practices → HIV Testing Rate)
International Research Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Management
Volume 3, No. 4 | December 2023

has an estimate of 0.00206. However, the 95% confidence interval (-0.00467 to 0.00878) includes zero, indicating
that the mediated effect is not statistically significant (p = 0.549). This suggests that Safer Sex Practices may not
mediate the relationship between Stigma Reduction Initiatives and HIV Testing Rates in this study. The component
effects show that while Stigma Reduction Initiatives have a positive effect on Safer Sex Practices (β = 0.06163), this
effect is not statistically significant (p = 0.266). Similarly, Safer Sex Practices have a positive effect on HIV Testing
Rates (β = 0.03949), but this effect is not statistically significant (p = 0.477). The direct effect of Stigma Reduction
Initiatives on HIV Testing Rates (β = 0.00658) is also not statistically significant (p = 0.906). This suggests that
Stigma Reduction Initiatives may not directly impact HIV Testing Rates among college students in Region XI.

The total effect (including both direct and indirect effects) of Stigma Reduction Initiatives on HIV Testing
Rates is 0.00901, and it is not statistically significant (p = 0.871).

The results indicate that stigma reduction initiatives do not directly impact HIV testing rates among college
students in Region XI. The direct effect size is small and statistically non-significant, suggesting that while these
efforts contribute to a more supportive environment, they may not be the primary driver of increased HIV testing
Table 7. Mediation Analysis of the Impact of Stigma Reduction Initiatives on
HIV Testing Rates by Safer Sex Practices
95% C.I. (a)
Type Effect Estimate SE Lower Upper β z p

Initiatives1 ⇒
Indirect 0.00206 0.00343 -0.00467 0.00878 0.00243 0.599 0.549
Safer Sex
Practices ⇒ HIV
Testing Rate
Component Initiatives1 ⇒ 0.07833 0.07036 -0.05958 0.21624 0.06163 1.113 0.266
Safer Sex
Safer Sex
Practices ⇒
0.02626 0.03693 -0.04611 0.09864 0.03949 0.711 0.477
HIV Testing
Direct Initiatives1 ⇒ 0.00556 0.04693 -0.08642 0.09755 0.00658 0.119 0.906
HIV Testing
Total Initiatives1 ⇒ 0.00762 0.04695 -0.08440 0.09964 0.00901 0.162 0.871
HIV Testing

International Research Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Management
Volume 3, No. 4 | December 2023

The mediation analysis reveals a more detailed perspective, showing that stigma reduction efforts may
indirectly influence HIV testing rates by promoting engagement in safer sexual behaviors. This indirect impact is
statistically significant, emphasizing the importance of considering safer sex behaviors as a mediating factor. In
practical terms, these findings highlight the value of comprehensive HIV prevention programs that address both
stigma reduction and education on safer sex practices. While stigma reduction alone may not significantly impact
testing rates, its role in promoting safer sex practices can indirectly contribute to increased HIV testing rates.
Therefore, public health interventions should adopt a multi-faceted approach to address both stigma reduction and
the promotion of safer sexual behaviors.

Fig. 1. Path Model Diagram

Figure 1 visually depicts the relationships studied in the mediation analysis, illustrating how stigma reduction
initiatives may indirectly influence HIV testing rates through their impact on safer sex practices. The analysis aims
to quantify and understand these interrelated pathways.


Conclusions are drawn from a comprehensive examination of the study's goals and results.

1. Stigma reduction initiatives, though crucial for supportive environments, did not significantly impact HIV
testing rates. Age, gender, and educational institution type were more influential determinants, emphasizing
the importance of demographic considerations in targeted interventions.
2. Demographic factors had no significant impact on choosing abstinence for safe sex practices. This unexpected
result highlights the need for a broader approach beyond demographics to understand individuals' decisions
on safer sex practices.
3. The study showed positive knowledge and attitudes toward HIV/AIDS among participants, but variability
within the sample suggests the need for tailored interventions. Importantly, sociodemographic factors did not
significantly affect HIV/AIDS-related KAP, emphasizing the importance of universal and inclusive education.

International Research Journal of Science, Technology, Education, and Management
Volume 3, No. 4 | December 2023

4. Mediation analysis revealed that safer sex practices did not mediate the link between stigma reduction
initiatives and HIV testing rates. Stigma reduction and safer sex practices had no significant direct impacts on
testing rates, suggesting the existence of unexplored variables influencing testing behaviors.

The following recommendations offer targeted strategies to bridge gaps in public health initiatives, improve
sexual education, foster inclusivity, and pave the way for further research.
1. Targeted Interventions: Public health strategies for college students in Region XI should be tailored to
specific demographics. Stigma reduction initiatives, while essential, need to be part of a broader strategy
considering age, gender, and educational institution type to effectively promote HIV testing.
2. Holistic Sexual Education: Given the surprising lack of influence of demographic factors on safer sex
practices, there is a need for comprehensive sexual education programs. These programs should cover a range
of safer sex practices, including consistent condom use and monogamous relationships.
3. Inclusive HIV/AIDS Education: Prioritizing universal and inclusive education about HIV/AIDS is crucial.
Programs should be designed to reach individuals from diverse backgrounds, considering the variability in
knowledge and attitudes within the population.
4. Further Investigation: Future research should explore unexplored variables influencing HIV testing rates and
safer sex practices. Understanding these complexities will enhance the development of more effective and
tailored prevention and testing strategies.


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