ABE 65A Laboratory Exercise No. 4 1 FISHPOND HOOOY
ABE 65A Laboratory Exercise No. 4 1 FISHPOND HOOOY
ABE 65A Laboratory Exercise No. 4 1 FISHPOND HOOOY
Design of Fishpond
I. Introduction
Aquaculture in the Philippines has a long history and encompasses a wide variety of species
and farming techniques in a variety of ecosystems. In aquaculture, fishpond design is important
for numerous reasons. It has a direct effect on the success and longevity of fish farming
operations. A well-designed pond enables efficient water quality management, ensuring optimal
oxygenation, waste removal, and nutrient cycling. It promotes fish health and welfare by
preventing disease transmission and overpopulation. Moreover, proper design minimizes
environmental impacts and preserves the integrity of water resources. Efficient pond design
increases operational effectiveness, decreases expenses, and promotes long-term sustainability.
A well-designed fishpond that maximizes productivity while minimizing environmental risks
requires specialized knowledge and adherence to best practices.
Tilapia farming is crucial to the Philippines' aquaculture industry. Due to its adaptability, rapid
growth, and market demand, this species of fish is widely cultivated. Various production systems,
including ponds, cages, and tanks, are utilized throughout the nation for tilapia farming.
Commonly, Nile tilapia and hybridized strains are bred for their enhanced growth rates and
disease resistance. The predominant method is pond culture, which involves the construction of
earthen ponds for the controlled growth of tilapia. Integration with other species and polyculture
systems are frequently utilized to optimize resources. The domestic market values tilapia for its
accessibility, mild flavor, and culinary versatility. Continuous research and development efforts
focusing on breeding, disease management, and sustainable practices are advantageous to the
industry. Tilapia farming contributes to rural development, income generation, food security, and
the overall expansion of the aquaculture industry in the Philippines (Rowena, 2020).
In this laboratory we students are required to design a fishpond based on the chosen fish
species and make a bill of materials of the intended design.
II. Objectives
At the end of the activity, the students must be able to
1. Design a fishpond.
2. Make a Bill of materials of the designed fishpond.
A. Design Process
1. Prepare a bill of materials (estimated cost of the fishpond, you may refer to
Estimates by Fajardo)
2. Indicate what type of material used (example: concrete mixture, AAA mixture).
A. Design Process
General Assumptions
Type of Species Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis
Type of Aquaculture System Semi-Intensive Farming
Size and Shape Rectangular
Water Source Stream
Type of Construction Materials Earthen Pond
Pond Layout Parallel
Construction Method Dug-out
Location Dahilayan (Bukidnon)
Technical Assumptions
Area (ha) 1
Stocking Density ( pcs /m2) 10
Cost of Fingerlings (PhP) 2
Total Initial Number of Fish Stocks 10,000
Project Duration (years) 5
Average Weight at Harvest (kg/pcs) 0.5
Recovery at Harvest (%) 80
Total Number of Harvested Fish 8,500
Stock/Cropping (pcs)
Feed Conversion Ratio 1.3
Number of Crops per year 4
Total Number of Harvested Fish Stock Per 30,000
Year (pcs)
Total Amount of Feeds Used (kg/cropping) 600
Total Amount of Feeds Per Cropping (bags) 24
Total Cost of Feeds (PhP/year) 144,000
Price of Feed (PhP/kg) 60
Total Weight of Fish at Harvest/crop (kg) 5,000
Farm Gate Selling Price (PhP/kg) 100
Gross Sales After Harvest/Crop (PhP) 400,000
Figure 1. Shows the area and topography of the proposed fishpond design in
Dahilayan, Bukidnon.
Figure 7. Shows the left side view of the fishpond facing the water stream.
Based on the tabulated data, the assumptions are for a 5-year farm operation. In addition,
there will be four cycles of production lasting three months each. Since the system of culture is
semi-intensive, ten thousand fingerlings are stocked. Aside from natural food from the pond,
artificial feed was given. The expected survival would be at least 85 percent with a farm selling
price of one hundred pesos per kilogram, and the gross sales per harvest would be four hundred
thousand pesos.
C. Guide Questions
1. How does the volume of the pond affect the population of the fish raised?
The pond volume has several effects on the population of tilapia fish cultured.
The pond volume determines the amount of available living space for the fish. A
larger pond provides more room for tilapia fish to swim and explore, creating a
healthier and less stressful environment. A larger pond typically has a greater
surface area, which allows for better oxygen exchange with the atmosphere.
Oxygen is crucial for the survival and growth of fish as inadequate oxygen leads to
stress, reduced rates, and even fish kills. There is generally a wide ranged amount
of water available in a larger pond to dilute waste products such as excess
nutrients, sediments, and organic matter. In this way, it helps in maintaining better
water quality and can support a more stable and sustainable fish population.
2. How does the wind speed or wind direction affect the orientation of the longer side
of the pond?
The wind speed or direction influences the orientation of the pond's longer
side. First, the wave action, the wind blowing across the surface causes waves,
and their size and direction are affected by it. The waves tend to line with the wind,
creating water movement and possibly pond erosion. This can have a significant
impact on the pond's form and orientation. Wind can also alter the movement of
sediments in a pond by transporting them in the direction of the wind. The
movement of sediment can produce deposition on one side and erosion on the
other. Strong winds can induce surface currents, which can force water to move
in any pattern depending on the wind direction. This can cause the pond's
nutrients, dissolved oxygen, and temperature to be redistributed. Topography and
pond form are two characteristics that can influence the direction of the longer side
of the pond.
Further Reading