Notes Ce311statically Determinate Beams

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The term beam refers to a slender bar that carries transverse loading; that is, the applied forces
are perpendicular to the bar.

A concentrated load, such as P, is an approximation of a force that acts over a very small area.
In contrast, a distributed load is applied over a finite area. The intensity w of this loading is
expressed as force per unit length (lb/ft, N/m, etc.). The load distribution may be uniform, or it
may vary with distance along the beam. The weight of the beam is an example of distributed
loading, but its magnitude is usually small compared to the loads applied to the beam.


The determination of the internal force system acting at a given section of a beam is
straightforward: We draw a free-body diagram that exposes these forces and then compute the
In a beam, the internal force system consists of a shear force and a bending moment acting forces using equilibrium equations.
on the cross section of the bar. In the previous chapters, axial and torsional loads often result
in internal forces that are constant in the bar, or over portions of the bar. The study of beams,
however, is complicated by the fact that the shear force and the bending moment usually vary
continuously along the length of the beam.

This chapter is concerned only with the variation of the shear force and the bending moment
under various combinations of loads and types of supports. Knowing the distribution of the shear
force and the bending moment in a beam is essential for the computation of stresses and
deformations. However, the goal of beam analysis is more
involved—we want to determine the shear force V
SUPPORTS AND LOADS and the bending moment M at every cross section
Beams are classified according to their supports. of the beam. To accomplish this task, we must
derive the expressions for V and M in terms of the
SIMPLY SUPPORTED BEAM: CANTILEVER BEAM: distance x measured along the beam.
By plotting these expressions to scale, we obtain
the shear force and bending moment diagrams for
the beam. The shear force and bending moment
diagrams are convenient visual references to the
internal forces in a beam; in particular, they identify
the maximum values of V and M.
`For consistency, it is necessary to adopt sign conventions for applied loading, shear forces, Determine (a) the equations of the shear and bending-moment diagrams for the beam and
and bending moments. We will use the conventions shown in the figure shown, which assume loading shown, (b) the maximum value of the bending moment in the beam.
the following to be positive:
1) External couples that are directed clockwise.
2) Shear forces that tend to rotate a beam element clockwise.
3) Bending moments that tend to bend a beam element concave upward (the beam smiles’’).


The following is a general procedure for obtaining shear force and bending moment diagrams
of a statically determinate beam:
1) Compute the support reactions from the FBD of the entire beam.
2) Divide the beam into segments so that the loading within each segment is continuous.
Thus, the end-points of the segments are discontinuities of loading, including
concentrated loads and couples.
Perform the following steps for each segment of the beam:
1) Introduce an imaginary cutting plane within the segment, located at a distance x from
the left end of the beam, that cuts the beam into two parts.
2) Draw a FBD for the part of the beam lying either to the left or to the right of the cutting
plane, whichever is more convenient. At the cut section, show V and M acting in their
positive directions.
3) Determine the expressions for V and M from the equilibrium equations obtainable from
the FBD.
4) Plot the expressions for V and M for the segment.
Determine (a) the equations of the shear and bending-moment diagrams for the beam and Useful relationships between the loading, shear force, and bending moment can be derived
loading shown, (b) the maximum value of the bending moment in the beam. from the equilibrium equations. These relationships enable us to plot the shear force diagram
directly from the load diagram, and then construct the bending moment diagram from the shear
force diagram. This technique, called the area method, allows us to draw the shear force and
bending moment diagrams without having to derive the equations for V and M.

Construct the shear force and bending moment diagrams for the beam shown by the area
method. Neglect the weight of the beam.
Construct the shear force and Construct the shear force and bending
bending moment diagrams for the moment diagrams for the beam shown
beam shown by the area method. by the area method. Neglect the weight
Neglect the weight of the beam. of the beam.

Construct the shear force and bending moment diagrams for the beam shown by the area Sample Problem #7
method. Neglect the weight of the beam. Construct the shear force and bending
moment diagrams for the beam shown
by the area method. Neglect the weight
of the beam.
1) Determine (a) the equations of the shear and bending-moment diagrams for the beam and
loading shown, (b) the maximum value of the bending moment in the beam.



2) Construct the shear force and bending moment diagrams for the beams shown below by the
area method. Neglect the weight of the beam.



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