BS 151 Asssignment 1 (Test 1) Second Draft No Reference

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Findings in this research suggest the use of university essay writing processes in other academic
writings that mounts to students making it in university studies.

Five writing processes are contained in a university essay.


 Outline and Drafting. These processes will seek clarity in:

 Structuring
 Formulation
 Editing


Focus will further be based on processes such as:

 Brainstorming and Analysist. Which will look into:

 Language type
 Analysis


Finally, the discussion rest on the last possess of a university essay which is:

 Research/Referencing. Basing explanations on:

 Evidence
 Body knowledge
 Citation

An overview of the processes of a university essay and its impact to academia.
One of the social domain that has become truly international is academia. Intellectuals, scholars,
researchers just to mention a few exchange ideas, assess and collaborate not only on the basis of
technology that allows instantaneous communication but also through academic pieces of
writing. Given this sad state of an affair, it can be argued that academic writings require the
processes of a university essay in order for students to make it in university studies . It therefore,
therefore, holds true that the processes of university essays are required which mounts to
student’s confidence in approaching academic writings, assignments to be precise, hence making
it in university studies. Outline and Drafting, Brainstorming and Analysis, and
research/referencing are the processes that would be considered in academic pieces of writing.

To begin with, there are substantial discussions of students in the instructional framework of
academics. Specifically, various aspects of academic writing that characterizes instructional
frameworks such as how students analyze genre and how such analysis shape their academic
writings. Therefore, oOutlining and drafting processes collectively are said to provide focus on
refining the details of the subject matter more efficiently thereby making students gain
confidence in approaching academic writings such as assignments. Professor Rumelt.R (2011
p.336) of business and management at Anderson university concluded that “a good strategy
harness and applies great power in structuring and analyzing challenges that might restrict
progress in execution.” Therefore, it is in regards to this study which that explained that the
processes enabled students to conduct stimulated and rational procedures to formulate
frameworks in academic writings. To review, it is further believed that with the use of these
processes, students are able to edit and gauge if there is a need for further information that could
be necessary.

Coupled with research habits and finding information, it is said that students still find challenges
to handle academic work even with the convenience of information available at hand. The
studies of Head and Eisenberg (2010) found that the most difficult part in academic writings
was how to get started. They further explained that defining a topic, narrowing it down and
filtering through irrelevant components was problematic for students. Certainly, with the use the
of brainstorming and analysis processes of university essay writing, students are said to make it
through in university studies. Furthermore, it is with this research that Students will be equipped
with a skill to evaluate and make use of academic language which constitutes formality and
objective tone hence imposing value judgement. Not only Scholars are said to have a clear basis
of understanding on the question subject matter but also overcome numerous challenges to
anxiety that culminate in the sense of achievement in academic endeavors such as assignments.
Finally, Research further explains that students are helped in a way that they are able to find own
ideas on the subject matter and add the knowledge which may have been studied by others.

Furthermore, with the market market-driven environment of today, Academic departments

cannot hope to compete and successfully fulfill its their academic missions in educational
findings in the absence of research and referencing. Therefore, it is with for this reason that
research and referencing processes of a university essay are said to be vital in academic
writing . Employing Meyer's (2006)”s studies in research, he concluded that research
played an important role in clinical care through the discovery of hospital problems which
evidently reviewed the reduction in uncompensated care for chronically mentally ill patients
and facilitating the relationship between hospitals and state public health authorities.

Mostly important, research is said to enables students very own ideas about the subject
matter to be added onto the knowledge which may have been studied by others. It should be
noted that authority to opinions posed through evidence is believed to enable students to
assess the impact and effectiveness in their academic writings for example, essay
examinations. Moreover, further findings explain that student’s citations demonstrate
awareness on the interpretations that others as well as future studies , as well as future
studies, might refute the opinion posed. In line with a famous English essayist, Aldous Huxley
who defines an essay as “a literary device for saying almost everything about almost
everything”, the mixture of different ideas is further said to create both latent and functional
authentic academic writings.
In conclusion, This piece of academic writing sought endeavors to explore on how the use of
university essay writing processes positively contributes to making students confident in
approaching academic writings. It focused further in details on processes such as outlining and
drafting which enabled students to filter out irrelevant components in there writing, structuring
and drawing out understandings on the questions. Apart from this, it further looked at others
processes such as brainstorming, research and referencing and how they granted authority to
their opinions, creditability to their work through citations and assessed their effectiveness which
mounted student’s confidence in approaching academic writings such assignments hence making
them survive university studies.

Head A.J and Eisenberg M.B (2010). Truth be told. University of Washington. USA.

Huxley. A (4th November, 2014) Literary Devices [online] Available from: (Accessed 9th February, 2020)

Meyer R.E (2006). The tripartite mission of academic psychiatry departments and the roles of
the chair: Journal for National center of Biotechnology information, 1042-9670 [online]
Available from:
of-an-academic-psychiatry-department-and-the-roles-of-the-chair/. [Accessed 7 February2020]

Rumelt.R (2011 p.336) Good Strategy, Bad Strategy, 1stEdition, Crown Business Group: New

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