Army Regulation 600
Army Regulation 600
Army Regulation 600
AR 60087 Retirement Services Program This major revision, dated 6 June 2010-o Requires the standard Army Retiring Soldier Commendation Program Package to be presented to all Soldiers, regardless of component, upon retirement (para 2-2). o Adds policy on the Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan counseling and election, to include plan election options (paras 3-6 through 3-8). o Clarifies the term limits for installation and Army Service Component Command retiree council members (paras 4-2c(2) and 4-2d(2)). o Expands and clarifies the policy for Soldier eligibility in the Career Status Bonus/Reduced Retired Pay Plan (table 7-1). o Adds policy on the Army National Guard retirement services (chap 8). o Adds policy on the U.S. Army Reserve retirement services (chap 9). o Adds a retirement service office at Presidio of Monterey (app B-29). o Makes administrative changes (throughout).
Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 6 June 2010
or waivers to this regulation that are consistent with controlling law and regulations. The proponent may delegate this approval authority, in writing, to a division chief within the proponent agency or its direct reporting unit or field operating agency, in the grade of colonel or the civilian equivalent. Activities may request a waiver to this regulation by providing justification that includes a full analysis of theexpectedbenefitsandmustinclude formalreviewbytheactivityssenior legal officer. All waiver requests will be endorsedbythecommanderorsenior leader of the requesting activity and forwarded through higher headquarters to the policy proponent. Refer to AR 2530 for specific guidance. Army internal control process. This regulation contains internal control provisions and identifies key internal controls that must be evaluated (see appendix C). Supplementation.Supplementationof this regulation and establishment of command and local forms are prohibited without prior approval from the Deputy Chief ofStaff,G1(DAPEHRPRSO),300 ArmyPentagon,Washington,DC 203100300. Suggested improvements. Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recomm endedChangestoPublicationsand Blank Forms) directly to Office of the DeputyChiefofStaff,G1 (DAPEHRPRSO),300Pentagon, Washington, DC 203100300. CommitteeContinuanceApproval. The Department of the Army committee management official concurs in the establishment and/or continuance of the comm ittee(s)outlinedherein.AR151 requires the proponent to justify establishi ng/continuingcommittee(s),coordinate draft publications, and coordinate changes in committee status with the U.S. Army Resources and Programs Agency, Department of the Army Committee Management Office (AARPZX), 2511 Jefferson DavisHighway,TaylorBuilding,13th Floor, Arlington, VA 222023926. Further, if it is determined that an established group identified within this regulation later takes on the characteristics of a committee, as found in the AR 15-1, then the proponent will follow all AR 151 requirements for establishing and continuing the group as a committee. Distribution. This publication is available in electronic media only and is intended for command levels C, D, and E for the Active Army, and D and E for the ArmyNationalGuard/ArmyNational Guard of the United States, and the U.S. Army Reserve.
Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number) Chapter 1 Introduction, page 1 Purpose 11, page 1 References 12, page 1 Explanation of abbreviations and terms 13, page 1 Responsibilities 14, page 1
ContentsContinued Manpower resources 15, page 6 Chapter 2 Retirement Services Program Policy, page 6 Overview 21, page 6 Principles of support 22, page 6 Standards of service 23, page 7 Courtesy 24, page 7 Volunteers 25, page 7 Referrals 26, page 7 Chapter 3 Pre-Retirement Services Policy, page 7 Section I Pre-Retirement, page 7 Pre-retirement briefing policy 31, page 7 Minimum briefing topics 32, page 7 Section II Survivor Benefit Plan, page 8 Survivor Benefit Plan counseling policy 33, page 8 Survivor Benefit Plan election policy 34, page 9 Active duty death Survivor Benefit Plan counseling 35, page 9 Section III Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan, page 10 Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan counseling policy 36, page 10 Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan election policy 37, page 11 Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan election options 38, page 11 Chapter 4 Post-Retirement Services Policy, page 12 Retiree Council Program 41, page 12 Retiree council policy 42, page 12 Annuities for certain military surviving spouses 43, page 13 Chapter 5 Retiree Appreciation Day, page 13 Retiree Appreciation Day overview 51, page 13 Retiree Appreciation Day policy 52, page 13 Chapter 6 Strategic Communication Policy, page 15 Strategic communication 61, page 15 Retiree bulletin overview 62, page 15 Retiree bulletin policy 63, page 15 Safeguarding personal information 64, page 15 Installation and Reserve Component-Retirement Services Office Homepages 65, page 15 Generic e-mail address 66, page 16 Strategic communication for retirement services officers on Army Knowledge Online 67, page 16 Installation strategic communication 68, page 16 Chapter 7 Career Status Bonus/Reduced Retired Pay Plan, page 17
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ContentsContinued Section I Introduction, page 17 Scope 71, page 17 Background 72, page 17 Section II Process requests for the Career Status Bonus/Reduced Plan, page 17 Rules for processing requests for a choice under the plan 73, page 17 Steps to process requests for Soldiers eligible to make a choice 74, page 18 Repayment of bonus 75, page 19 Combat zone tax exemption 76, page 19 Chapter 8 Army National Guard Retirement Services, page 19 Section I
Army National Guard, page 19 Scope 81, page 19 Background 82, page 19 Retirement Points Accounting Manager and/or Reserve Component Retirement Service Officer responsibilities 83, page 19 Active Guard Reserve Retirement Manager responsibilities 84, page 19 Pre-retirement briefing 85, page 19 Retirement Points Accounting System 86, page 20 Notification of eligibility for retired pay for non-regular service 87, page 20 Application for retired pay 88, page 20 Reduction of retirement age 89, page 21 Retirement ceremony 810, page 21 Section II Transfer to the Retired Reserve from the Army National Guard, page 21 Eligibility 811, page 21 Involuntary non-regular retirement 812, page 21 Discharge versus Retired Reserve 813, page 21 Separation authority 814, page 21 Change of address to Army Human Resources Command 815, page 22 Extension policy guidance, beyond age 60 816, page 22 Additional references 817, page 22 Chapter 9 U.S. Army Reserve Retirement Services, page 22 Section I U.S. Army Reserve, page 22 Scope 91, page 22 Background 92, page 22 Pre-retirement briefing 93, page 22 Army Reserve non-regular service retirement 94, page 22 Notification of eligibility for retired pay at age 60 95, page 23 Issuance of the 15year letter 96, page 23 Retirement application packet 97, page 23 Reduction of retirement age 98, page 24 Retirement ceremony 99, page 24 Section II Transfer to the Retired Reserve, page 24
AR 60087 6 June 2010 iii
ContentsContinued Eligibility 910, page 24 Involuntary non-regular retirement 911, page 24 Discharge versus Retired Reserve 912, page 24 Separation authority 913, page 25 Change of address to Army Human Resources Command 914, page 25 Extensions policy guidance, beyond age 60 915, page 25 Appendixes A. References, page 26 B. Retirement Services Areas of Responsibility, page 30 C. Internal Control Evaluation Checklist, page 36 Table List Table 11: Pre-retirement/post-retirement services for Active Army and Reserve Component Soldiers, page 5 Table 51: Sequence of events for Retiree Appreciation Day speaker, page 14 Table 71: Processing requests to make a choice under the career status bonus/reduced retired pay plan, page 18 Glossary
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Chapter 1 Introduction
11. Purpose This regulation prescribes the policies for the retirement services and Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) functions of military personnel management (see AR 6008). 12. References Required and related publications and prescribed and referenced forms are listed in appendix A. 13. Explanation of abbreviations and terms Abbreviations and special terms used in this regulation are explained in the glossary. 14. Responsibilities a. Deputy Chief of Staff, G1. The DCS, G1 will
(1) Develop Army retirement services policy for the Active Army and Reserve Components (RCs). (2) Represent Army retirement services at Department of Defense (DOD) level. (3) Review retirement services officer (RSO) programs. (4) Act on behalf of the Secretary of the Army (SA) regarding SBP government error corrections. (5) Coordinate Armywide retirement services programs in the context of other well-being programs. (6) Establish personnel policies relating to retirement services, to include the Chief of Staff, Army Retiree Council (CSA Retiree Council) and SBP. (7) Provide an Army representative to the following advisory councils: (a) The DOD SBP Board. (b) Defense Commissary Agency advisory councils. (c) Army and Air Force Exchange Service retiree councils. (d) Defense Finance and Accounting Service-Cleveland (DFASCL) pay/personnel. (e) Appoint members to convene sessions of the Department of the Army (DA) SBP Board to advise the Chief, Retirement Services prior to the Chiefs adjudication of claims of administrative error of SBP election. b. Chief, National Guard Bureau. The Chief, NGB will (1) Ensure Army National Guard (ARNG) Soldiers are provided retirement benefits as outlined in this regulation and act as the Army Staff (ARSTAF) point of contact for retirement services for the ARNG when it is not in Federal service to ensure program implementation. (2) Publish guidance for retirement services procedures for the ARNG. (3) Ensure Web-based training for the Army National Guard Retirement Counselor Course is updated semiannually and available at the following Web site: (4) Ensure coordination with Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) regarding future policies and program updates/improvements. (5) Ensure retiring Soldiers receive the standard Army Retiring Soldier Commendation Package, in accordance with paragraph 22. (6) Act as the ARSTAF point of contact for ARNG Soldiers not in an active status who request retirement under the provisions of AR 635200 and AR 600824. c. State Adjutant General. The State Adjutant General, Military Personnel Management Officer (MPMO), Joint Force Headquarters (JFHQ) will (1) Provide retirement services for current and former ARNG members within available resources. (2) Collaborate with military State and Federal agencies to provide retirement-related benefits, information, and services to current and former ARNG members. (3) Ensure individuals who provide retirement counseling and related actions complete the Web-based ARNG Retirement Counselor Course. d. Chief, Army Reserve. The CAR will (1) Ensure Army Reserve Soldiers are provided retirement benefits as outlined in this regulation and act as the ARSTAF point of contact for retirement services for troop program unit (TPU) Soldiers. The CAR may delegate ARSTAF responsibilities to the Regional Support Command/Mission Support Command commanding generals. (2) Ensure retiring Soldiers receive the standard Army Retiring Soldier Commendation Program Package, in accordance with paragraph 22. e. Commander, U.S. Army Human Resources Command. The Commander, HRC will (1) Act the as the ARSTAF point of contact for retirement services for active duty Soldiers, Individual Ready Reserve, Individual Mobilization Augmentee, Active Guard Reserve, and U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) Soldiers not on active duty who request retirement for active service length of service under AR 635200 or AR 600824.
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(2) Act as the ARSTAF point of contact for the Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP) and SBP for all Army Reserve Soldiers eligible for retired pay at age 60 (see para 98 for reduction of retirement age). (3) Publish guidance for retirement services procedures for the Army Reserve. f. Chief, Army Retirement Services. The Chief, Army Retirement Services (DAPEHRPRSO) will (1) Provide established standards to Headquarters, Installation Management Command (HQ IMCOM) for program oversight to include the Army Retiring Soldier Commendation Program. (2) Ensure that the threefold mission is met (a) Help Soldiers/Families prepare for retirement and a smooth transition. (b) Assist survivors of Soldiers who die on active duty to maximize their survivor benefits. (c) Serve retired Soldiers and their Families and survivors until death. (3) Act on behalf of the SA regarding SBP government error corrections. (4) Ensure that retirement services and SBP activities collaborate with other military and civilian agencies to maximize the use of allocated resources. (5) Monitor and provide technical assistance to ensure that retirement services and SBP programs are accessible, effective, and responsive to the needs of Soldiers and their Families. (6) Oversee a strategic communication program to ensure the success of the mission by communicating that mission to the Army leaders who support the mission, and to the retiring and retired Soldiers and Families who are supported by the mission. (a) Publish three editions per year of Army Echoes, the official bulletin for retired Soldiers and their Families, to maintain and enhance the link between the Active Army and the retired community, and to keep the retired community
(b) Maintain a robust and current retirement services Homepage as part of the DCS, G1 Web site, providing 24/7 support to retiring and retired Soldiers and Families. (c) Maintain a featured Army Knowledge Online (AKO) site for retired Soldiers, in accordance with CSA Retiree Council recommendation. (d) Communicate the mission through news releases and reports. (e) Coordinate the Strategic Communication (STRATCOM) mission at installation level through training of and working with installation RSOs. (f) Support the installation RSO STRATCOM mission not only through personal training but also through the STRATCOM section of the AKO Retirement Services Office site, which will include STRATCOM instruction and pointers, our news releases, online clippings of HQDA and installation RSO articles, requests for input for the Army Echoesnewsletter and some news releases, and STRATCOM ideas shared by other installation RSOs. This online resource will enable new RSOs to hit the ground running not only in STRATCOM, but in all facets of the Retirement Services Office mission. (g) Provide HQDA speakers for installation Retiree Appreciation Day (RAD). (7) Provide administrative support to and funding of the CSA Retiree Council. (8)SpecifyprogramfunctionsthatmustberesourcedbyinstallationBaseOperatio nsInformationSystem (BASOPS) funding in accordance with this regulation (for example, annual RSO/SBP training as needed, retiree bulletin, RAD). (9) Support the HQ IMCOM mission by providing information, guidance, and personnel to educate and train personnel on the responsibilities of installation RSOs. (10) Evaluate and prioritize RSO training needs and coordinate with HQ IMCOM regarding delivery of training. (11) Send DCS, G1 Retirement Services Office subject matter experts (SME) to accompany HQ IMCOM Assessment Teams. (12) Provide counsel to HQ IMCOM on creation of standardized job descriptions for RSOs and input on the development of common levels of support. (13) Review, analyze, and assess information provided by HQ IMCOM regarding RSO programs and the operational circumstances of each installation RSO program. (14) Provide input to HQ IMCOM based on assessments, reviews, and analyses regarding long-term planning and goal-setting. (15) Inform HQ IMCOM of specific operations in need of enhancement regarding this regulation. g. Director, Human Resources Policy Directorate, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G1. The Director, HRPD will ensure that the DCS, G1 Retirement Services Office (DAPEHRPRSO) is allocated adequate resources to accomplish its mission. h. Commander, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command. The Commander, TRADOC will ensure that retirement
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services, retirement planning, active duty death survivor benefit, and SBP topics are included in curricula of military schools. i. Commander, Installation Management Command. The Commander, IMCOM, through subordinate regions and garrisons retirement services, will (1) Deliver and enforce the services of the Army Retirement Services Program that includes the management and operation of the Army Retiring Soldier Commendation Program to Department of the Army Standards as outlined in paragraph 22. (2) Assess installations Retirement Services Program execution in coordination with Chief, Army Retirement Services. (3) Provide resources to support execution of the Retirement Services Program (for example, RSO training, program implementation, periodic inspections/visits). (4) Apprise the Chief, Army Retirement Services of information obtained by HQ IMCOM and IMCOM Regional Offices related to installation RSO functions, addressing both long-range strategic planning and immediate operational concerns (that is, curtailment or interruption of major program functions). (5) Ensure sufficient financial resources, staffing and physical facilities are provided at installations to enable RSOs to perform their primary program duties and responsibilities effectively, efficiently, and equitably. Especially important is the regular annual funding for the training of installation RSOs on congressionally directed changes of law regarding benefits and entitlements. (6) Use program policies established and provided by the Chief, Army Retirement Services along with procedures and standards developed by HQ IMCOM to assess the quality and uniformity of services being provided by installation RSOs worldwide. (7) Ensure equitable distribution of BASOPS resources to installations RSO programs, considering serviced populations (that is, pre-/post-retirements, Families, and survivors) region wide, to enable them to provide mandated services that include, but are not limited to (a) Delivery of pre-/post-retirement services (see table 11, below).
(b) Awarding the Army Retiring Soldier Commendation Package to retiring Soldiers in accordance with paragraph 22. (c) Conducting annual RAD events. (d) Mailing the Retiree Bulletin. (e) Supporting an installation retiree council. (8) Ensuring that installation RSO job descriptions and pay grades are standardized. (9) Prior to the effective date of modification of an RSO billet, as a result of a contract, verifying that RSO responsibilities are in compliance with current regulatory guidance and that proposed changes to an installation Retirement Services Office operation, as a result of A76 studies are reported to Chief, Army Retirement Services. j. Garrison commanders. The garrison commanders will (1) Appoint as a minimum, a full-time and an assistant RSO to implement the Retirement Services Program outlined in this regulation and SBP based on Title 10, United States Code, Chapter 73 (10 USC Chapter 73). (2) Position the RSO on the garrison staff to provide high visibility for the retired community. (3) Ensure the RSO reports directly to a principal staff officer not lower than the installations adjutant general. (4) Ensure that retirement services functions are allocated adequate resources to accomplish their missions as developed by the DCS, G1 to include funding of mandatory training on a periodic basis. Also, the issuance of a personalized standard Army Retiring Soldier Commendation Program Package to retiring Soldiers. (5) Ensure that Soldiers, and when present their Families, are informed of the pre-/post-retirement policies outlined in table 11 of this regulation. (6) Establish a retiree council to voice the needs and concerns of retired Soldiers to the garrison commander, the senior commander, the regional director and the ASCC commander. (7) Coordinate with commanders of Army Commands (ACOMs), Army Service Component Commands (ASCCs), Direct Reporting Units (DRUs), satellite installations, tenant or remote units or organizations, and military communities within their jurisdiction to ensure delivery of pre-/post-retirement services (see table 11), including active duty deaths counseling and SBP counseling to eligible Soldiers and their Families. (8) Establish and maintain a generic e-mail address for use by the serviced population in reaching the RSO. (9) Further support the Armys Retirement Services Office program by doing the following: (a) Set a command climate that sends the message retired Soldiers are valued. (b) Know your RSO and ensure your RSO knows of your open door policy. (c) Familiarize yourself with this regulation. (d) Know the cost associated with executing your Retirement Services Office program. (e) Fund and support RSO attendance at DCS, G1 sponsored training workshops. (f) Know your retiree council leadership and encourage periodic office calls by them.
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(g) Attend retiree council meetings or send your representatives, and review subsequent meeting minutes. (h) Support, attend, and welcome/update attendees at your annual RAD. (i) Invite retired Soldiers to applicable installation functions (for example, retirement parades, unit deployments, and homecoming ceremonies). (j) Look for ways to honor retired Soldiers service in front of todays Soldiers. (k) Acknowledge retiree/spouse volunteer contributions and seek additional ways they can serve. Publicize the volunteer program to the retired Soldier/spouse community. (l) Provide the senior commander (SC) with updates on the execution of the Retirement Services Program on the installation. k. Senior commanders. The SCs (including installation commanders, senior mission commanders, and mission commanders, in context of AR 60020) will support the Retirement Services Program and ensure the retired Soldiers and their Family members and survivors remain an integral part and valued members of the Army Family. l. Commanders of overseas Army Service Component Commands. The overseas ASCC commanders will (1) Establish a theater retiree council to voice the concerns of retired Soldiers from the theater strategic level perspective focusing on pending legislation and policy that impacts retired Soldiers living overseas. The ASCC commander has sole responsibility for funding the theater retiree council. (2) When requested, assist the IMCOM regional director and garrison commander in the overseas command with the delivery of retirement services. (3) Evaluate the effectiveness of the Retirement Services Program services provided in-theater and participate, through the supporting IMCOM region, in the prioritization of those services. (4) Establish theater-level policy and provide guidance as appropriate to theater-specific needs of the overseas retiree community. (5) Provide oversight of the strategic level quality of life and retiree concerns. m. Installation retirement services officers. As a minimum, installation RSOs (including those defined in para 14n, below) will (1) Supervise the delivery of the installation Retirement Services Program and the SBP. This includes the personalized ordering of the standard Army Retiring Soldier Commendation Program Package for retiring Soldiers in accordance with paragraph 22. (2) Counsel Soldiers and Family members concerning retirement rights, benefits, and privileges. (3)Conductpre-retirementbriefingsforSoldiersandFamilymembersusingmater ialsfurnishedby
DAPEHRPRSO, in order to prepare them for a smooth transition from active duty to civilian life. (4) Serve as the senior commander/garrison commander (GC) SME on the SBP. Counsel Soldiers and Family members on SBP entitlements; assist Soldiers and Families with all phases of making an SBP election prior to date of retirement, as directed by 10 USC Chapter 73 and on survivor benefits/entitlements associated with active duty deaths. These duties include, but are not limited to, briefing deploying units and Family support groups. (5) Process DD Form 2656 (Data for Payment of Retired Personnel) electronically using TRANSPROC, Installation Support Module. Follow up by mailing the form and supporting documents to the Defense Finance and Accounting ServiceCleveland Center in time to ensure no delay in the start of retired pay. Submit all retirement documents to DFASCL not later than the 10th day of the month of retirement in order to prevent possible delay in retired pay. (6) Use the DFASCL Defense Retired Annuitant System (DRAS) to provide the following services: (a) View a retired Soldiers pay account. (b) View an annuitants pay account. (c) Change allotments. (d) Change beneficiary information. (e) Change a mailing address. (f) Change bank information. (g) Change tax filing and withholding status. (h) Reissue 1099R for tax filing purposes. (i) Request copies of the Retired Account Statement. (j) Ensure Soldiers who first entered military service on or after 1 August 1986, and who reach their 14th year, 6month career mark, are provided written notification and counseled by their installation representative in accordance with the Career Status Bonus/Reduced Retired Pay Plan (CSB/REDUX) (see chap 7). (k) Coordinate with other Government agencies as necessary to resolve problems, provide information and referrals to retired Soldiers and their Families, upon request. (l) Provide monthly statistical data through the respective IMCOM region to comply with established suspense date. Installations not covered by an IMCOM region will report directly to the DCS, G1 Retirement Services Office. (m) With the SC/GC, establish a local retiree council to represent the commands views to those serviced in the
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RSOs area of responsibility (see app B). Establish subordinate or regional retiree councils, as needed, to support populations residing in widespread geographic areas. (n) Ensure that local retiree council members are informed through the chairperson of the council on matters affecting retired Soldiers/annuitants and solicit their support as needed. (o) Write, publish, and mail, by regular post and e-mail, a retiree bulletin at least annually for all retired Soldiers and surviving spouses residing within their area of responsibility (see app B). (p) In conjunction with the servicing legal assistance office, counsel active and retired Soldiers and their spouses on the Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection Act (USFSPA). (q) Assist eligible survivors with all actions relative to applications for Federal benefits, to include but not limited to SBP and Annuities for Certain Military Surviving Spouses (ACMSS). Follow up with the appropriate agencies to ensure the timely start of correct benefits (see para 43). (r) Attend HQDA-sponsored RSO and SBP counselor training. (s) Assist retired Soldiers with applications for Federal benefits, to include but not limited to combat-related special compensation (CRSC). Follow up with the appropriate agencies to ensure the timely start of correct benefits. (t) Maintain a presence on the installations Homepage that provides up-to-date retirement related information and a link to the Chief, Army Retirement Services Web site and a link and/or reference to the installation retiree council. Ensure the link to your RSO information is readily apparent on the main page of the installation Homepage. (u) Acquire and maintain access to the Retirement Services Office organizational site on the AKO. (v) Service the Army population (Active Army and reserve) in their geographic area of responsibility in each of the following categories: 1. Active duty retiring Soldiers and their spouses those who have submitted retirement requests. 2. The survivors of Soldiers who die on active duty. 3. Retiring RC Soldiers and their spouses those who have completed 20 qualifying years but are not yet age 60 (also known as gray area retired Soldiers). 4. All retired Soldiers and their spouses. 5. Surviving spouses annuitants and non-annuitants. n. Commanders. The commanders of Army Commands, ASCCs, DRUs, satellite installations, remote units or organizations, and military communities will appoint on orders an individual to coordinate delivery of retirement services (see table 11) and SBP policies and procedures (see paras 32 and 33) to eligible Soldiers and their Families with the nearest Army installation when not serviced by a garrison RSO.
Table 11 Pre-retirement/post-retirement services for Active Army and Reserve Component Soldiers Pre-retirement services Coordinate, conduct, and facilitate detailed pre-retirement and SBP briefings for all retiring Soldiers (Note: Spouses are highly encouraged to attend). Counsel Soldiers and Family members concerning retirement rights, benefits, and privileges. Conduct individual SBP counseling for all retiring Soldiers and their Family members. Conduct individual RCSBP counseling for all RC Soldiers, and their Family members within 60 days after receipt of the Notification of
Eligibility for Retired Pay at Age 60 (20year letter). Assist retiring RC Soldiers and Family members with completion of the DD Form 26565 (Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP) Election Certificate), upon receipt of the Notification of Eligibility for Retired Pay (20year letter). Return completed form to HRCSTL within 90 days of receipt. Conduct individual pre-retirement briefings as needed. Assist retiring Soldiers and Family members with completion of DD Form 2656 and DD Form 26561 (Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) Election Statement for Former Spouses Coverage), if applicable. Assist retiring RC Soldiers and Family members with completion of the retirement application to include DD Form 108 (Application for Retired Pay Benefits), DD Form 2656, SF Form 1199A (Direct Deposit Sign-up Form), and DD Form 26565, if the RC Soldier deferred RCSBP election to age 60. Completed packet must be returned to HRC at least 9 months prior to reaching age 60. Process the DD Form 2656 electronically using TRANSPROC (transition processing) to DFASCL. Provide CSB/REDUX retirement pay option counseling and processing of the CSB/REDUX pay option election form, DD Form 2839 (Career Status Bonus Election) (if assigned as the installation CSB/REDUX point of contact). Provide information related to pre-retirement, such as retirement application processing, retirement orders, DD Form 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty) processing, and final outprocessing procedures. Post-retirement services
15. Manpower resources The Manpower Staffing Standards System Military Personnel Division, Army common manpower staffing standard, includes the retirement services and SBP programs. The Transition Center completes initial, administrative, final, and post-transition processing. Workload factors for determining the number of personnel within this broad personnel function are a. The total retirement actions processed. This includes the actual end-of-month count of retirement applications submitted and DD Form 214, ARPC Form 249E (Chronological Statement of Retirement Points) that are finalized for length-of-service and medical retirements (obtained from Army Records Information Management System) and the Retirement Points Accounting System (RPAS). b. The actual end-of-month count of the Army retired population (excluding surviving spouses) under the Military Personnel Divisions jurisdiction defined in appendix B.
(c) U.S. flag, measuring 3 by 5 feet, cotton outdoor (in accordance with Section 644, Public Law 105261, or Section 652, PL 10665). (d) Retired Army pin, formerly known as the U.S. Army Retired Lapel Button (AR 600822).
(e) Two-color window decal (Retired) (one large, two small). (f) Army Strong DVD. (g) Packaging materials to allow all contents to arrive to retiring Soldier in superior condition. (2) Retirement certificates (AR 6355). c. Assist Soldiers, Family members, and survivors following retirement. d. Support the Armys personnel life cycle function of transition. 23. Standards of service a. The Retirement Services Program is (1) A military human resources function. (2) Resourced in the BASOPS. (3) Not deployed with the tactical force. (4) The functional responsibility of the transition work center. b. Installations and Army Reserve Regional Readiness Support Command (RRSC) will operate a Retirement Services Office headed by an RSO as outlined in paragraphs 117 and 118. 24. Courtesy Retired Soldiers will be treated with the same courtesy as their active duty counterparts. They will be addressed by their retired rank, if known; otherwise, they will be addressed as Sir or Maam. 25. Volunteers The RSO will refer retiree volunteers to the installation volunteer coordinator. 26. Referrals The RSO will refer to the proper agencies requests for information or assistance (other than transactions that can be made using the DRAS, including processing of applications for SBP/Retired Servicemans Family Protection Plan (RSFPP)) received from retired Soldiers, Family members, and survivors.
(5) Veterans benefits (including burial in national cemetery, flags, headstone, casket, and so forth). (6) Retirement Services Program. (7) Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program. (8) Family Assistance Centers Program (FACs). (9) New Careers in Education. (10) Former spouse benefits, division of retired pay, SBP, and ID card eligibility. (11) Servicemembers Group Life Insurance (SGLI), and SGLI conversion to Veterans Group Life Insurance. (12) Transition leave and permissive temporary duty. (13) Travel authorizations and shipment of household goods. (14) Space-available air travel. (15) Social Security benefits. (16) Army Career and Alumni Program. (17) CRSC. (18) Concurrent retirement and disability payments. (19) ACMSS. (20) The myPay system. (21) Career status bonus.
(22) AKO. (23) Guard Knowledge Online (GKO), U.S. Army Reserve Web site. (24) Morale, welfare, and recreation eligibility (such as recreation center, and so forth). (25) Army Benefits Tool and Soldier Benefits System (SBS). (26) Freedom Team Salute. (27) Other topics as directed by the DCS, G1 (DAPEHRPRSO). b.TheChief,ArmyRetirementServicesmustapprovebriefingmaterialsotherthan thoseprovidedby DAPEHRPRSO and will direct which publications, as a minimum, will be given to retiring Soldiers at the preretirement briefing. c. The installation RSO and RC RSO will (1) Verify that a Soldier has attended a pre-retirement briefing before completing final out-processing.
Note. This requirement is critical for Soldiers being medically retired.
(2) Encourage retiring Soldiers to have an eligible spouse attended SBP/RCSBP counseling during their preretirement processing. Section II Survivor Benefit Plan 33. Survivor Benefit Plan counseling policy The SBP is the sole means by which survivors can receive a portion of military retired pay. Participation in SBP allows retired members to voluntarily elect to receive reduced retired pay during their lifetime in order to provide a portion of their retired pay as an annuity to their survivor(s) following the retired Soldiers death. All Soldiers must make an SBP election before retirement. The following is the policy that pertains to SBP counseling: a. Only individuals, who successfully complete the Chief, Army Retirement Services (DAPEHRPRSO) SBP certification course, may counsel retiring Soldiers or spouses on SBP. b. he Chief, Army Retirement Services may grant a temporary waiver of certification, until the next scheduled DA SBP certification class, for new SBP counselors who complete mandatory on-the-job training and their SBP counseling is under the supervision of a certified SBP counselor. c. Between the time the retirement application is submitted, but no less than 60 days before retirement, every Soldier must be counseled on the SBP using the most current DA SBP slides, to include categories available under 10 USC 1448(a) and the effects of such elections in accordance with 10 USC 1455(b)(1). d. Before retirement, the Soldier must sign DD Form 2656 certifying his or her SBP election. e. As part of counseling, the RSO will provide Soldiers with a printout from the DOD SBP valuation software and current SBP literature as directed by Chief, Army Retirement Services. f. Whenever possible, SBP counseling of spouses will be conducted in person. If the spouse is unavailable for counseling based on incapacitation or geographic location, prescribed HQDA SBP information will be mailed to the spouse using certified mail, restricted delivery, along with notification of the Soldiers SBP election, a cost-benefit estimate, and a request for spouse concurrence using the DA prescribed letter and concurrence statement, if applicable. g. The following SBP provisions will be discussed during counseling: (1) Any spouse or dependent child of a Soldier on active duty is automatically enrolled in SBP at no cost to the Soldier.
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(2) Before retirement, the Soldier must elect, in writing, one of the following: (a) Spouse or former spouse only. (b) Spouse or former spouse and child/children. (c) Child/children only. (d) Natural person with an insurable interest. (e) No participation. (3) Spouse concurrence. (a) Married Soldiers may not, without the written notarized concurrence of their spouse, elect not to participate in SBP, to cover less than the maximum level of coverage, or provide an annuity for a dependent child but not for their spouse (10 USC 1448(a)(3)(A)). 1. Participation in SBP at the maximum level of coverage for Soldiers under final pay or High3 retired pay plans is defined as the full retired pay base amount. 2. Participation in SBP at the maximum level of coverage for Soldiers under the REDUX is defined as the full retired pay they would have received under High3 if they had not elected the CSB. (b) The Soldiers election must be dated on or before the spouses written notarized concurrence. (c) By law, married Soldiers who fail to provide written spouse concurrence or an approved waiver of same before date of retirement will be enrolled in full spouse SBP or, if any type of child/children coverage is elected, full spouse and child/children SBP. The DFASCL will use DD Form 26568 (Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) Automatic Coverage Fact Sheet), to validate Family members to be listed as eligible beneficiaries under SBP for Soldiers who received SBP automatic coverage. (d) Married Soldiers who cannot obtain spouse concurrence because the spouse is legally a missing person, or because of exceptional circumstances, may request a waiver of the spouse concurrence requirement from the Chief, Army Retirement Services. Procedures and required documentation for requesting a waiver have been provided to
installation RSOs. (4) Spouse concurrence is not required for a former spouse only or former spouse and child(ren) election. However, the current spouse must be notified of that election. (5) The SBP premiums are tax-free and automatically deducted from retired pay, regardless of any decree or property settlement stating the contrary. If there is no retired pay or insufficient retired pay payable, direct remittance of premiums is required. (6) Cost and annuity amounts for each category. (7) As of 1 October 2008, SBP premiums will be considered paid up upon the members reaching age 70 and having paid SBP premiums for at least 360 months (PL 105261, Section 641, dated 17 October 1998 and DOD Implementing Guidance-SBP Paid-up Provisions, dated 6 November 2006). (8) Beneficiary changes that are permitted by law after retirement. (9) Using DD Form 26562 (Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) Termination Request) a retired Soldier can terminate SBP, with the spouses concurrence, if applicable, between the second and third anniversary of commencement of retired pay (10 USC 1448a). A decision to terminate coverage under this provision is irrevocable. Re-enrollment is denied, even during an open enrollment period. Premiums paid through the date of termination will not be refunded. h. If the Soldier is mentally incompetent at retirement, the RSO will counsel the legal guardian or primary next of kin (PNOK). The Chief, Army Retirement Services will make an election on the Soldiers behalf. i. Refer Soldiers and spouses to the legal assistance office when possible legal conflict exists. 34. Survivor Benefit Plan election policy a. The SBP election will be made using the most current version of DD Form 2656. If any type of former spouse coverage is elected use DD Form 26561 and file no later than 60 days before retirement. SBP elections made less than 60 days prior to retirement may delay commencement of retired pay. b. If a Soldier has been declared mentally incompetent at retirement, the Chief, Army Retirement Services, as delegated by the SA, will make the SBP election on behalf of the Soldier following in-depth counseling of the Soldiers PNOK by the RSO. c. A retired Soldier may request correction of a Government administrative error made in connection with an SBP election by writing to Chief, Army Retirement Services (DAPEHRPRSO), 200 Stovall Street, Alexandria, VA 223320470. The request must include a copy of the SBP election, along with other supporting documents or statements. A retired Soldier will contact the installation RSO if there are questions as to what constitutes a Government error. 35. Active duty death Survivor Benefit Plan counseling a. A Casualty and Memorial Affairs Operations Center will ensure all survivors of Soldiers, regardless of component, who die on active duty, receive SBP counseling by an installation RSO in accordance with AR 60081, appendix E.
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b. Retirement services officers will follow DA prescribed counseling procedures. c. The Chief, Army Retirement Services, as delegated by the SA, following in-depth counseling by the RSO, will (1) Adjudicate child-only, spouse-excluded SBP elections. (2) Approve insurable interest for a person who is not otherwise an eligible SBP beneficiary but is the Soldiers dependent as defined by (10 USC 1072(2)) for single Soldiers with no eligible children or court ordered SBP for a former spouse. Section III Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan 36. Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan counseling policy The RCSBP is the sole means by which survivors can receive a portion of military retired pay effective on the date of issuance of the 20year letter up to the effective date of retired pay. Participation in RCSBP allows RC Soldiers to voluntarily elect to receive reduced retired pay during their lifetime in order to provide a portion of their retired pay as an annuity to their survivor(s) following the retired Soldiers death. All RC Soldiers must make an SBP election before retirement (see para 34). The following is the policy that pertains to SBP counseling a. Only individuals who successfully complete the Chief, Army Retirement Services (DAPEHRPRSO) SBP/ RCSBP certification course may counsel retiring Soldiers or spouses on RCSBP. b. The Chief, Army Retirement Services may grant a temporary waiver of certification, until the next scheduled DA SBP/RCSBP certification class, for new RCSBP counselors who complete mandatory on-the-job training and their RCSBP counseling is under the supervision of a certified RCSBP counselor. c. Between the receipt of the Notification of Eligibility for Retired Pay at Age 60 (the 20year letter) but no less than 60 days after receipt of the 20year letter, every RC Soldier and spouse must be counseled on the RCSBP, to include categories available under section 10 USC 1448(a) and the effects of such elections, in accordance with 10 USC 1455(b)(1). d. Reserve Component Soldiers, upon receipt of the Notification of Eligibility for Retired Pay at Age 60 (the 20year letter) have 90 days to make their RCSBP election using DD Form 26565 (Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan). e. As part of counseling, the RC RSO will provide Soldiers with a printout of the cost-benefit estimates from the HRC Web site at using the Survivor Benefit Pay Calculator software and current SBP/RCSBP literature as directed by Chief, Army Retirement Services.
f. Whenever possible, conduct RCSBP counseling for spouses in person. If the spouse is unavailable for counseling based on incapacitation or geographic location, prescribed RC-SBP counseling information will be mailed to the spouse using a form of mail delivery that provides a receipt along with notification of the Soldiers RCSBP election, a costbenefit estimate, and a request for spouse concurrence with the election, if applicable. g. The following RCSBP provisions, at a minimum, will be discussed during counseling: (1) RC Soldiers on active duty are automatically enrolled in active duty SBP at no cost. (2) Upon receipt of the Notification of Eligibility for Retired Pay at Age 60 (the 20year letter), the RC Soldier must elect in writing an election under the RCSBP plan. (a) Options 1. Option A (decline to make an election until age 60). 2. Option B (deferred annuity). 3. Option C (immediate annuity). (b) Coverage 1. Spouse only. 2. Spouse and/or child(ren). 3. Child/children only. 4. Former spouse. 5. Former spouse and child(ren). 6. Natural person with an insurable interest. (3) Level of coverage. (4) Spouse concurrence. (a) Married Soldiers may not, without their spouses written concurrence, elect not 1. To participate in RCSBP. 2. To cover less than the maximum level of coverage under Option C. 3. To provide an annuity for a dependent child but not for their spouse (10 USC 1448(a)(3)(A)).
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(b) Participation in RCSBP at the maximum level of coverage for Soldiers under final pay or High3 retired pay plan is defined as the full retired pay base amount. (c) The Soldiers election must be dated on or before their spouses written concurrence. (d) By law, married Soldiers who fail to provide written spouse concurrence or an approved waiver of same within 90 days of the 20year letter, will be enrolled in full spouse RCSBP or, if any type of child/children coverage is elected, full spouse and child/children SBP. (e) Married Soldiers who cannot obtain spouse concurrence because their spouses whereabouts are unknown, or because of exceptional circumstances, may request a waiver of the spouse concurrence requirement from the Chief, Army Retirement Services. Procedures for requesting a waiver have been provided to RSOs as part of their SBP certification training. (5) Spouse concurrence is not required for a former spouse only or former spouse and child/children election. However, the current spouse must be notified of that election. (6) The SBP and RCSBP premiums are tax-free and automatically deducted from retired pay, regardless of any decree or property settlement stating the contrary. If there is no retired pay or insufficient retired pay payable, DFASCL will direct that the Soldier provide a direct remittance of premiums. (7) Cost and annuity amounts for each category. (8) As of 1 October 2008, SBP and RCSBP premiums will be considered paid-up upon the members reaching age 70 and having paid SBP and RCSBP premiums for at least 360 months, respectively. (9) Beneficiary changes that are permitted by law after election and/or retirement. (10) Using DD Form 26562, a retired Soldier receiving retired pay can terminate the SBP, with the spouses concurrence, if applicable, between the second and third anniversary of commencement of retired pay (10 USC 1448a). A decision to terminate coverage under this provision is irrevocable. Re-enrollment is denied, even during an open enrollment period. Premiums paid through the date of termination will not be refunded. (11) Retired RC Soldiers or their survivors will pay the RCSBP premiums for 360 months or death, whichever occurs first, regardless of a decision to terminate RCSBP coverage. (12) If the Soldier is mentally incompetent at retirement, the RSO will counsel the legal guardian or PNOK. The Chief, Army Retirement Services will make an election on the Soldiers behalf. (13) Refer Soldiers and spouses to the legal assistance office when possible legal conflict exists. (14) Divorce decree and/or Qualified Domestic Relation Order/property settlement order must specify what the former spouse is to receive. 37. Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan election policy a. The RCSBP election will be made using the most current version of DD Form 26565. If any type of former spouse coverage is elected use DD Form 26561 and submit no later than 60 days before retirement. b. If a Soldier has been declared mentally incompetent (10 USC 1449) at the issuance of the Notification of Eligibility for Retired Pay, the Chief, Army Retirement Services, HQDA, as delegated by the SA, will make the RCSBP election on behalf of the Soldier following in-depth counseling of the Soldiers PNOK by the RSO. c. A retired Soldier may request correction of a Government administrative error made in connection with an RCSBP election by writing to Chief, Army Retirement Services (AHRCPAPT), 1 Reserve Way, St. Louis, MO
631325200. The request must include a copy of the RCSBP election, along with other supporting documents or statements. A retired Soldier will contact the installation RSO or the HQDA RCRSO officer if there are questions as to what constitutes a Government error. 38. Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan election options a. The RCSBP is designed to protect the immediate dependents. It allows RC Soldiers and former Soldiers, who have received their Notification of Eligibility for Retired Pay at Age 60, to provide a survivor annuity for their dependents should the Soldier or former Soldier die before reaching age 60. b. To enroll the Soldier is required to complete the DD Form 26565. c. The Soldier, by law, has 90 days from receipt of the 20year letter to make an election for RCSBP. d. Failure to respond within the 90 day period will result in automatic maximum coverage for spouse and children as required by law. Therefore, it is critical that designated RCSBP counselors are qualified and ensure the Soldier and Family understand the options available to them and the impact their elections will make on their retired pay and benefits. e. The following are the three options for RCSBP: (1) Option A (decline to make an election until age 60) (no RCSBP participation). The options applied to option A election (a) If the Soldier has no eligible dependents at time of RCSBP election and later marries or acquires a dependent child, the Soldier has 1 year from the date of the marriage or acquiring the child to make an RCSBP election. Election becomes effective upon the 1 year anniversary of the marriage or acquiring the dependent child.
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(b) At age 60 application to receive retired pay, the Soldier can elect at that time to participate in SBP. The SBP election is effective at age 60 retirement.
Note. If Soldier dies prior to age 60, dependents are not entitled to survivor benefits.
(c) If married at time of election, the spouse must concur with the election not to enroll in the RCSBP. Concurrence must be signed by the spouse and Soldier and witnessed by a notary. (2) Option B (deferred annuity). If Soldier dies before 60th birthday, the authorized SBP beneficiary is entitled to an RCSBP annuity effective the date the Soldier would have attained age 60. Option B election categories become the Soldiers SBP election at age 60. The Soldier must maintain the RCSBP election until age 60 retirement. Soldiers are not authorized to make a new SBP election at age 60 retirement. (3) Option C (immediate annuity). A Soldier elects coverage requiring that the annuity payments to designated beneficiaries begin immediately upon the death of the Soldier. Option C election categories become the Soldiers SBP election at age 60. A Soldier must maintain the RCSBP election until age 60 retirement. A Soldier is not authorized to make a new SBP election at age 60 retirement.
(1) Meet at least semiannually unless directed otherwise by the installation commander. (2) Have their composition and term of appointment determined by the GC in coordination with the SC. Terms of appointment should not exceed 8 years. However, the installation commander has the authority to extend an individuals retiree council membership on a case-by-case basis when determined to be in the best interest of the retired Soldier community, and to assist the continued effective functioning of the installation retiree council. (3) Prepare meeting minutes and furnish such, not later than 30 days after conclusion, through the installation commander to Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G1 (ODCS, G1) (DAPEHRPRSO), 200 Stovall Street, Alexandria, VA 223320470 and the regional director.
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(4) Use the installation RSO as a nonvoting member and advisor to the council, but not as a recording secretary. (5) Assist the RSO in the planning and execution of annual RAD, as requested. (6) Assist the RSO with mailing the annual retiree bulletin, as requested. (7) Upon request (annually), forward through their installation commander, using the routing specified by HQ IMCOM and format specified by DCS, G1 Retirement Services Office, issues that the installation commander and council leadership determine to be appropriate for discussion by the CSA Retiree Council. (8) Upon request (annually), forward through their SC/GC, using the routing specified by HQ IMCOM and format specified by the DCS, G1 Retirement Services Office, nominations of retiree council members who wish to be considered for membership on the CSA Retiree Council. d. Army Service Component Command retiree councils will (1) Meet at least annually unless directed otherwise by the ASCC commander. (2) Have their composition and term of appointment determined by the ASCC commander. Terms of appointment should not exceed 8 years. However, the ASCC commander has the authority to extend an individuals retiree council membership on a case-by-case basis when determined to be in the best interest of the retired Soldier community, and to assist the continued effective functioning of the ASCC retiree council. (3) Furnish a copy of their council minutes, within 30 days after conclusion, through the ASCC to ODCS, G1 (DAPEHRPRSO), 200 Stovall Street, Alexandria, VA 223320470. (4) Use the IMCOM region RSO to serve as an advisor and nonvoting member, but not as an officer of the retiree council and will not be used as an administrative or recording secretary. The RSO will process the minutes of the retiree council meetings for approval or disapproval and forward the minutes through the chain of command to the director, IMCOM region or designated representative. (5) Forward upon request (annually) and in format specified by the DCS, G1 Retirement Services Office issues and concerns that the ASCC commander and council chairperson(s) determine to be appropriate for discussion by the CSA Retiree Council. Issues and concerns will be sent electronically through the ASCC commander or designated representative to the ODCS, G1 (DAPEHRPRSO). (6) Upon request (annually) forward nomination of retiree council members for membership on the CSA Retiree Council.NominationswillbesentelectronicallythroughtheASCCcommandertot heODCS,G1 (DAPEHRPRSO). 43. Annuities for certain military surviving spouses a. The ACMSS program provides an annuity for certain surviving spouses of retired Soldiers from active duty and the reserves who died before being able to participate in SBP or RCSBP. The following are the eligibility criteria for a surviving spouse to qualify: (1) The military retired Soldier, who retired prior to 21 September 1972, must have died before 21 March 1974. (2) A reserve Soldier who qualified for retirement and was not in receipt of retired pay must have died before 1 October 1978. (3) The surviving spouse must never have remarried. (4) The surviving spouse must not be in receipt of dependency and indemnity compensation, RSFPP, or a minimum income widow annuity. b. Eligible surviving spouses may request an ACMSS by forwarding a completed DD Form 2769 (Application for AnnuityCertain Military Surviving Spouses), with supporting documentation, to ODCS, G1 (DAPEHPRRSO), 200 Stovall Street, Alexandria, VA 223320470 for approval.
mission requirements. The commander may conduct more than one RAD per year. b. Installations will plan the RAD as far ahead as possible. Advanced planning and prompt notification to the editor
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of Army Echoes will allow for optimum publicity as the editor can publish the event in the January, May, and September issues. As a minimum, ensure that the RAD is included in at least one issue of Army Echoes. The installation RSO will notify Chief, Army Retirement Services when there is a change in date. c. The RADs may be held in conjunction with other post/community events or RADs of other Services. d. The installation and theater retiree bulletin will be mailed to retired Soldiers inviting them to the RAD in accordance with areas of responsibilities specified in appendix B. e. In addition, notice of this event will be included on the installations Homepage no later than 30 days prior to the event. The retiree council members should be encouraged to assist the installation/garrison RSO to ensure a successful RAD. f. Garrison commanders are encouraged to seek the aid of the installation retiree council in developing RAD agenda. The retiree council members should be encouraged to assist the installation/garrison RSO to ensure a successful RAD. g. The RSO will provide a copy of the annual RAD after action report through the IMCOM region to the Army G1 Retirement Services Office within 60 days of completion. h. As a minimum, the RSO must comply with table 51 when inviting out-of-town guest speakers, to include the HQDA RSO, chief, or deputy, or the CSA Retiree Council co-chairperson to be the RAD speaker.
Table 51 Sequence of events for Retiree Appreciation Day speaker Step: 1 Responsibility: RSO When: As soon as you know your needs, but no later than 4 months out Required action: Initial e-mail to speaker. If HQDA, submit request to the Chief, Army Retirement Services (DAPEHRPRSO) requesting speaker by name Step: 2 Responsibility: RSO When: Shortly after confirmation Required action: If speaker is available, a follow-up letter directly to the speaker from the commanding general or garrison commander Step: 3 Responsibility: RSO When: 8 weeks out Required action: Provide a draft agenda to ensure speaker knows specific requirements Step: 4 Responsibility: RSO When: 6 to 8 weeks out Required action: Billeting availability (Note 1) Step: 5 Responsibility: RSO When: 4 weeks out Required action: Contact the speaker in reference to the following: Offer to set up meeting with the command group; then confirm the date/time/location of the meeting (Note 2) Suggest topics for use at command group meeting and in RAD speech Provide Retiree Council information (that is, chairpersons name, contact information) Ask speaker if there are other needs/questions Step: 6 Responsibility: RSO When: 2 weeks out Required action: Provide speaker list of dignitaries attending RAD (names, positions, and so forth) (Note 3) Step: 7 Responsibility: RSO When: 2 weeks out Required action: Provide typical installation welcome packet, to include an installation map with important locations highlighted (Note 4)
62. Retiree bulletin overview The retiree bulletin is the commanders means of communicating with all retired Soldiers and their Families who reside within the installations area of responsibility as set forth in appendix B. The purpose of the bulletin is to apprise retired Soldiers and their Families of the services and activities available to them on the installation and within the installations area of responsibility. 63. Retiree bulletin policy a. Garrison commanders in CONUS and IMCOM regional directors in OCONUS will publish and mail a retiree bulletin at least annually for retired Soldiers and surviving spouses residing within their areas of responsibility. b. Commanders will ensure the current retiree bulletin is also posted to the installations Web site. c. Unless directed to do so by HQDA (DAPEHRPRSO), the installation retiree bulletin will not repeat information contained in Army Echoes. Add information about your installation and area to localize Army Echoes articles. d. Subordinate commands will be canvassed to ensure information pertinent to retired Soldiers within the subordinate commands is included in the bulletin. e. Follow the guidelines set forth in AR 2530. f. Bulletins will be mailed at the standard rate. g. Recipients will be encouraged to request e-mail distribution of the bulletin. h. Publicize in each bulletin, that it is the retiree/annuitants responsibility to maintain a current mailing address with DFAS. 64. Safeguarding personal information Protection of personal information is a statutory requirement under The Privacy Act of 1974 and is a Chief of Staff of the Army priority. RSOs must exercise extreme caution when handling information that includes retired Soldiers and annuitants personal information such as social security numbers, home addresses or e-mail addresses. Employees entrusted with such information, will not share personal distribution lists containing personal information of retired Soldiers and annuitants. Individuals handling such information will familiarize themselves with AR 34021. Request for exceptions should be cleared with the director of Human Resources/IMCOM region or installation adjutant general. 65. Installation and Reserve Component-Retirement Services Office Homepages a. Installation RSOs and RCRSOs will establish and maintain a retirement services Homepage that is housed within the installations Homepage with an active link on the opening page of the installation Web site. b. The installations RSO and RCRSO Homepage will (1) Contain accurate, consistent, and current information. (2) Include an active and current Web site link to the HQDA Army Retirement Services Homepage at
AR 60087 6 June 2010 15, to ensure that the most recent information is accessible (for example, pre-retirement counseling guide, CSA Retiree Council reports, and so forth). (3) Have the following items posted to the Web site: (a) The Retirement Services Offices location (building number, room number), phone/voice/fax number generic email address, hours of operation, and whether the office is handicapped accessible. (b) A listing of installation Retirement Services Office-specific pre-/post- retirement services provided (see table 11). (c) A quick-reference service directory that lists as a minimum, the following agencies and their phone numbers, or preferably, an active hyperlink to those agencies: 1. Army Career and Alumni Program. 2. Army Emergency Relief. 3. Casualty Assistance. 4. Commissary. 5. Housing. 6. Identification card section. 7. Legal Assistance. 8. Medical facility. 9. Military lodging. 10. Mortuary Affairs. 11. Morale, welfare, and recreation activities. 12. Pharmacy. 13. Post Exchange. 14. Provost Marshal. 15. Red Cross. 16. Transition Center. 17. Transportation. 18. TRICARE. 19. Veterans affairs. 20. Others as deemed appropriate. (d) Copies of retiree council meeting minutes from the previous year. (e) A schedule of future community pre-retirement and SBP briefings with date, time, location and agenda. (f) Scheduled RAD information. (g) Scheduled dates, times and location of upcoming installation retirement ceremonies.
(h) Copies of installation retiree bulletins for the previous year. (i) Other information related to the installations Retirement Services Program. 66. Generic e-mail address Installation commanders will establish and maintain a generic e-mail account for retired Soldiers and annuitants use in reaching the installation RSO. Establishment of such an address will replace personal addresses displayed on the installation Web site to comply with regulatory guidance and Army requirements outlined in AR 251. The generic email address will be as short as possible (examples: [email protected] or [email protected]). 67. Strategic communication for retirement services officers on Army Knowledge Online Information to support the retirement services officers STRATCOM mission is posted in the STRATCOM section of the RSO Knowledge site on AKO. The RSOs should visit this site first to familiarize themselves with the STRATCOM briefing given at RSO training (if they havent been able to attend) and then whenever STRATCOM tools and news are posted. The RSOs will be notified of any postings from Chief, Army Retirement Services through their AKO email. 68. Installation strategic communication Every RSO must make an initial contact with the Public Affairs Officer (PAO) to give the PAO the basics of the Retirement Services Program, how the program supports retiring and retired Soldiers and Families, and how articles basic benefits information can be used periodically in the installations publication and on the installations Homepage. Keep in touch with the PAO, notifying the PAO of upcoming RADs, retiree council meeting and preretirement briefings so these events can be announced, and, in the case of the RAD, covered in the installation newspaper. The RSOs will make an initial contact with the garrison commander to give the basics of the Retirement Services program and how it supports retiring and retired Soldiers and Families. The RSOs will report program activities such as preretirement briefings, retiree council meeting and RADs in all venues afforded them including meetings and formal
16 AR 60087 6 June 2010
reports but also taking advantage of all reporting opportunities (HQDA examples include the IMCOM Commanders Bi-Weekly Update and the DCS, G1 3+3.)
c. Soldiers who elect CSB/REDUX and later retire for disability under 10 USC 1201 or 10 USC 1202, will have their retired pay calculated under the High3 formula. d. Public Law 107107, Section 620 allows Soldiers to elect to receive the CSB in a lump sum or annual installments, which gives them the ability to shelter the entire CSB from taxes in the Thrift Savings Plan. The current options for receiving the CSB are (1) One payment of $30,000. (2) Two annual installments of $15,000 each. (3) Three annual installments of $10,000 each. (4) Four annual installments of $7,500 each. (5) Five annual installments of $6,000 each.
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74. Steps to process requests for Soldiers eligible to make a choice Table 71 outlines the steps required to process a Soldiers request to make a choice under the CSB/REDUX.
Table 71 Processing requests to make a choice under the career status bonus/reduced retired pay plan Step: 1 Responsibility: Personnel Required action: Provide eligible Soldier with written notification at the 1412 year of active duty. Personnel will include procedures for electing the CSB and an explanation of the effect that electing the CSB will have on the computation of retired pay if and when the Soldier becomes eligible (see para 73). Step: 2 Responsibility: Soldier Required action: Has 6 months to decide to either remain under High3 or elect CSB/REDUX. Step: 3 Responsibility: Personnel Required action: A lieutenant colonel or the designated representative in the Soldiers chain of command must sign block 13 (witness) and 17 (recording official) of DD Form 2839. The same person must sign both blocks. Step: 4 Responsibility: Soldier Required action: Give the completed DD Form 2839 to the personnel officer. Step: 5 Responsibility: Personnel Required action: Ensure that the Soldier is currently qualified for retention on active duty. If the Soldier is flagged pending separation, do not submit DD Form 2839 to the Finance Office until the flag is lifted and the Soldier is fully eligible for retention and a contractual obligation to meet eligibility for the minimum 20year nondisability retirement. Personnel representatives must monitor Soldiers to ensure they remain eligible for retention on active duty. A Soldier with 18 or more years of active Federal service is ineligible to make a choice under the CSB/ REDUX. They will remain under High3. Step: 6 Responsibility: Personnel Required action: If a Soldier elects not to receive the CSB, maintain a copy of DD Form 2839 in the Soldiers military personnel file and forward the original for filing in the Soldiers official military personnel file. Mailing address for officers: Commander, U.S. Army Human Resources Command (AHRCMSR), 200 Stovall Street, Alexandria, VA 223324000. Mailing address for enlisted Soldiers: Chief, Records Services Division, U.S. Army Soldier Record Data Center (PCRFFR), 8899 East 56th Street, Indianapolis, IN 462495301. The HR specialist records the Soldiers election to update the appropriate personnel. Step: 7 Responsibility: Personnel Required action: If Soldier elects to receive the CSB, maintain a copy of DD Form 2839 in the Soldiers military personnel file and forward a copy for filing in the Soldiers official military personnel file. Send the original DD Form 2839 to the servicing Finance Office no later than 10 days prior to the Soldiers 15th anniversary of date of service. HR specialist records the Soldiers election to update the appropriate personnel system. Step: 8 Responsibility: Finance Required action: Once the finance officer receives form Review it to ensure it is completed correctly. Match data on form against Soldiers pay account. Ensure that the Soldier has completed 15 years of active duty. On or after the 15th anniversary date, send the form(s) to central site for input. Step: 9 Responsibility: Central site Required action: Ensure that the form is complete and accurate, and that Soldier has reached the 15th year anniversary date of active service. Step: 10 Responsibility: Finance Required action: Input approval and pay the CSB to the Soldier.
75. Repayment of bonus A Soldier who fails to complete the active duty period to attain 20 years of active service after receiving the CSB under the CSB/REDUX may be required to refund a portion of the CSB payment for the incomplete portion of active
duty service (see DOD 7000.14R, Volume 7A, Chapter 66). 76. Combat zone tax exemption The CSB/REDUX has a unique set of rules for combat zone tax exemption (CZTE) eligibility. The tax exemption is based on two dates instead of the normal one date, as follows: a. If a Soldier elects CSB/REDUX before the 15th year of active service, combat zone eligibility is based on where the Soldier is physically located the month the 15 year mark is reached. If the Soldier is in the combat zone that month, the CSB (any increments) is tax-exempt. b. If a Soldier elects CSB/REDUX after the 15 year mark of active service (rare occasions), combat zone eligibility is based on where the Soldier is physically located the month he/she makes the election. If the Soldier is in the combat zone that month, the CSB (any increments) is tax-exempt.
retirement briefings should include RCSBP (see chapter 3, section III), retirement benefits, and effective dates of eligibility for TRICARE, TRICARE Retiree Dental Program, discharge procedures, and the retired pay application process. Whenever possible, the State should make every effort to ensure that the spouse attends these briefings. 86. Retirement Points Accounting System National Guard Regulation (NGR) 6802 provides specific information to anyone who is or was a member of the ARNG and will have a Retirement Credits Record. This record shows all active and reserve retirement points earned and points creditable for retirement. The ARNG will also use the record to determine eligibility for retirement pay for non-regular service. a. Until 30 September 1987, recording and crediting ARNG Soldier retirement points on NGB Form 23 (Army National Guard Retirement Points History Statement) was a manual process. The ARNG Retirement Points Accounting System (RPAS) started and ran in parallel to the manual system until full conversion on 1 October 1987. A major update to the Retirement Points Accounting Management (RPAM) system took place in 1999. The products of these systems are the automated annual NGB Form 23series for each Soldier. b. The JFHQState (the States are collectively, the 50 States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and the District of Columbia) maintains the RPAM system and feed summary information to National Guard Bureau (NGB), (NGBARP) to update ARNG records. c. At the end of each anniversary year, the system generates NGB Form 23A (Army National Guard Current Annual
Statement). The statement is a cumulative report of retirement points earned during each of the Soldiers anniversary years by category and totals. Attached to the summary report is NGB Form 23A1 (Army National Guard Retirement Points Statement Supplemental Detailed Report) that lists the following: (1) Retirement points. (2) Details of periods by date. (3) Type of duty and category (such as training periods, membership, and correspondence courses/miscellaneous headings under Inactive Duty Training; Inactive Duty Funeral Honors; and active service (active and full-time National Guard Duty). (4) Paid or nonpaid. d. All statements are available to Soldiers through their unit of assignment. e. Former members may request certified copies of Retirement Credits Records from the State JFHQ to document credit for (1) Subsequent service in another RC. (2) Any component from which they are retiring based on length of service or disability retirement from active service or inactive service. (3) Previously issued (closeout) statements for former ARNG members. 87. Notification of eligibility for retired pay for non-regular service a. The RPAM system determines when Soldiers complete the qualifying service for retirement for non-regular service for retired pay. The State-level operator will produce an NOE for retired pay for non-regular service for 20 qualifying years. For Soldiers with over 15, but less than 20 qualifying years of service medically disqualified from further service, the State-level operator will manually produce the 15year NOEs. Refer to NGR 6802 and the RPAM System User Manual for details on this process. b. The NOE must include a notice to the Soldier of eligibility to make an election under the RCSBP. The individual has 90 days after receipt of the NOE to make an RCSBP election (see chapter 3, section III of this regulation). c. States will include a booklet with the NOE and/or any other required document that explains the RCSBP. It must also include all of the DD 2656 series with which the Soldier may make an election. d. The State MPMO or the State senior military personnel officer at the JFHQState will sign each NOE. That officer fulfills the SAs responsibility to notify each member of eligibility for non-regular retirement within 1 year as stated in 10 USC 12731(d). 88. Application for retired pay a. Eligible members of the ARNG/ARNGUS (in receipt of a NOE) may apply to their JFHQState for discharge from the State and transfer to the USAR per NGR 600100, NGR 600101, or NGR 600200, for assignment to the Retired Reserve or another USAR category. b. Former Soldiers discharged from the State and as Reserve of the Army will not receive a retirement application from (HRC), as they have no current military status. These individuals may contact the Adjutant Generals office of the State from which last discharged to request assistance with their application or to obtain required documentation of their National Guard Service. They may also write to or call HRC for an application. c. Members or former members who are within 2 years of eligibility for retired pay for non-regular service (at age 60 or an earlier age) may submit requests to HRC for retired pay. Eligible members may request assistance from State
20 AR 60087 6 June 2010
MPMO/State senior military personnel officer to complete their application (see chap 9, para 97 for application information). 89. Reduction of retirement age Reserve Soldiers ordinarily become eligible to receive retired pay at age 60. The NDAA of 2008 changed the retirement age for some RC Soldiers. The change authorizes a reduction of the retirement age in 90day increments for each 90 cumulative days that the RC Soldier has served on active duty, after 28 January 2008, under authority of 10 USC 12301(d), or 12302, or 12304, and 32 USC 502(f), in any fiscal year (1 October through 30 September). Current law does not allow for an eligibility age reduction below age 50. 810. Retirement ceremony Army National Guard leadership will ensure all Soldiers have an opportunity to participate in an appropriate retirement ceremony and receive the standard Army Retiring Soldier Commendation Proram Package as outlined in paragraph 22. The Commander, IMCOM (para 14i) is not responsible for funding the Army Retiring Soldier Commendation Program package to honor Soldiers retiring from the ARNG. All ARNG retirement applications need to indicate whether the retiree has received the commendation package, by attaching a generic memorandum indicating receipt of the package. Section II Transfer to the Retired Reserve from the Army National Guard 811. Eligibility All RC Soldiers are eligible for transfer to the Retired Reserve, if they have been issued an NOE and are not flagged for adverse action. 812. Involuntary non-regular retirement The separation authority will not separate Soldiers who have 20 or more qualifying years of service towards a nonregular retirement under the provisions of 10 USC 12731(b), unless the Soldier applies for such separation in writing. Soldiers in this category will be transferred to the USAR Control Group (Retired Reserve) unless they elect separation
or discharge without component. 813. Discharge versus Retired Reserve a. Soldiers eligible for transfer to the Retired Reserve, who elect to be discharged without specifying a component, must be made aware how a discharge impacts their retired pay. b. Regardless of the Soldiers retired pay plan, Soldiers who elect discharge before age 60 will have their High3 average or final pay computed based on the rates in effect on the date of discharge. c. However, Soldiers electing transfer to the Retired Reserve will continue to receive credit for longevity and DFAS will compute their retired pay based on the rates in effect at retirement. d. Soldiers electing discharge or separation MUST receive counseling, in writing, regarding the impact on their retired pay and benefits. e. Refer to NGR 600200, Chapter 8 (enlisted), NGR 635100, Chapter 5 (officers), and NGR 600101, Chapter 10 (warrant officers) for additional information. 814. Separation authority a. The approval authority to separate Soldiers from the Reserve of the Army is the SA. b. The approval authority to separate Soldiers from the State ARNG is the Adjutant General. c. The separation authority will not approve request for separation or discharge of an individual, except those for maximum age or years of service, until they verify that (1) The individual has completed all remaining service obligations such as for training, promotion and appointment. (2) The individual is in receipt of the NOE. d. If the Soldier has not received the NOE, the Soldier needs to remain a member of the ARNG until its receipt. If the Soldier still requests discharge or separation, the Soldier must be counseled in writing on DA Form 4856 (Developmental Counseling Form) of the potential loss of future retirement eligibility and related benefits. Additionally, the Soldier may be ineligible for later reentry into an active status to gain retirement eligibility. e. A Soldier with 18 or more, but less than 20 years of service who is not in receipt of the NOE cannot be discharged, unless discharge is due to misconduct or medical reasons. Reference NGR 600200, Chapter 8 for enlisted and NGR 635100, Chapter 6 for officers.
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815. Change of address to Army Human Resources Command a. Soldiers transferred to the Retired Reserve are responsible for notifying HRC of any changes in their mailing address. Failing to do so may result in Soldiers not receiving their retirement packet in a timely manner. b. Soldiers must receive counseling during pre- and post-retirement briefings about the importance of keeping HRC informed of any changes, but specifically their mailing and e-mail addresses (if applicable) by written notification, telephonically or via the HRCs Web site. 816. Extension policy guidance, beyond age 60 a. Soldiers requesting an extension beyond their 60th birthday need to comply with ARNG policy for approval. b. The State Adjutant General approves requests for extension to age 62 for enlisted personnel. c. Officers and warrant officers must process their requests for extensions through the State adjutants general to the NGB for approval. d. All requests for extension must be submitted to, and a decision rendered by, the State Adjutant General before the Soldier submits a request for retirement. e. Once a Soldier applies for regular/non-regular retirement and the application has been processed, NGB will not grant a waiver (NGBARH Policy Memo 06070, dated 3 November 2006). There are no exceptions. f. Soldier mobilized and currently in a medical hold past age 60 requires written notification of the extension signed by the commander of the Warrior Transition Brigade or higher. This will serve as the waiver approval, in these instances. 817. Additional references ARNG Soldiers can go to the following Web site for additional information:
(4) Provide a valid data source for use by DOD in projecting future retirement costs. 93. Pre-retirement briefing a. The RC RSOs will conduct a pre-retirement briefing to Soldiers prior to their transfer to the Retired Reserve, discharge/separation, and/or between Soldiers 58th birthday and 9 months prior to age 60. b. At a minimum, the briefing should explain gray area benefits, RCSBP and SBP, ID cards/DEERS, address change updates with HRCSTL, effective dates of eligibility for TRICARE and TRICARE retiree Dental Plan. c. Soldiers should submit their completed retired pay application to HRC at least 9 months prior to their 60th birthday or retirement eligibility date. 94. Army Reserve non-regular service retirement a. The RPAS was implemented to facilitate compliance with a number of laws and to provide an automated method to ensure timely recording and verification of all retirement points earned during an USAR Soldiers career. The ARPC Form 249E was, until 2007, sent annually to each Soldier within 2 months of their retirement year end (RYE) date. The ARPC Form 249E is only available online at the U.S. Army Human Resources Command at:
22 AR 60087 6 June 2010 Users must click on the "View Your Records" link under "Soldier Service" and log in using a common access card or an AKO user name and password. It is a requirement for Soldiers to review the ARPC Form 249E and inform their chain of command of any necessary corrections. b. Title 10 USC 12731, provides an entitlement of retired pay and benefits to eligible members of the RCs at age 60 for non-regular retirement. In order to receive retired pay, Soldiers must meet the following minimum eligibility requirements: (1) Be at least 60 years of age (see para 98 for reduction of retirement age). (2) Have performed at least 20 years of qualifying service computed under 10 USC 12732. (3) Soldiers attaining 20 qualifying years on or before 25 April 2005 must meet the 12/8 or 14/6 rule. (a) Soldiers who completed 20 qualifying years on or after 26 April 2005 are no longer required to meet a minimum RC service rule to qualify for retired pay. (b) Not be entitled, under any other provision of law, to retired pay from an armed force or retainer pay as a member of the Fleet Reserve or the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve. (c) Must apply for retired pay by submitting an application to the assigned branch of service at the time of your discharge or transfer to the Retired Reserve. For those serving in the Army Reserve the address is: Commander, U.S. Army Human Resources Command-St. Louis (AHRCPAPT), 1 Reserve Way, St. Louis, MO 631325200. 95. Notification of eligibility for retired pay at age 60 a. In 1966, PL 89652 imposed a requirement on the Service Secretaries to notify members of the RCs when they had completed sufficient years for retired pay purposes. The Army Reserve Components notification format is titled, Notification of Eligibility for Retired Pay at Age 60, commonly referred to as the 20year letter. b. The 20year letter is a valuable document and should be stored in a safe place with other documents pertaining to your estate. c. By law, eligible Soldiers should receive this notification letter within 1 year after completing 20 qualifying years of service for retired pay purposes. d. Issuance of the Notification of Eligibility for Retired Pay at Age 60 (20year letter) identifies Soldiers entitled to receive retired pay at age 60. e. HRC will verify eligibility for Retired Pay at Age 60 utilizing as a minimum, the following source documents: (1) DD Form 214. (2) DD Form 4 (Enlistment/Reenlistment Document Armed Forces of the United States). (3) DD Form 220. (4) ARPC Form 2492E (Chronological Statement of Retirement Points). (5) NGB Form 23. f. HRC will include DD Form 26565 with the Eligibility for Retired Pay at Age 60. g. Once the Soldier returns the packet to HRC, HRC will certify the packet for retired pay and send it to DFASCL to establish the Soldiers retired pay account. h. Soldiers are required to keep their address current with Commander, HRC (AHRCPAPT), 1 Reserve Way, St. Louis, MO, 631325200. 96. Issuance of the 15year letter a. The HRC will issue 15year letters to Soldiers medically disqualified from future service for physical or other medical reasons (10 USC 12731(a)). b. Soldiers referred to in paragraph a, above, will have served at least 15 but less than 20 years of qualifying service, and meet all other eligibility criteria for a non-regular retirement. 97. Retirement application packet a. The HRC will mail a retirement packet to the Soldier on or about their 58th birthday. The Soldier should return the completed application to HRC no later than 9 months prior to the requested retirement date. b. Upon receipt of the 20year letter, eligibility for retired pay, based on non-regular service may not be denied or revoked on the basis of any error, miscalculation, misinformation, or administrative determination of years of service performed, unless it resulted directly from fraud or misrepresentation. c. The HRC can correct administrative errors, such as the awarding of too many points. d. Eligibility for retired pay cannot be withdrawn. e. The retirement application packet consists of the following documents:
(1) DD Form 108. (2) DD Form 2656. (3) SF 1199a (optional). (4) AHRC Form 1259 (Approximate Point Value for Retirement Benefits. (5) AHRC Form 1459 (Survivor Benefit Plan Information).
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(6) AHRC Form 4001 (Important Information Concerning Retired Pay Application). f. Soldiers are required to complete the forms and return them to U.S. Army Human Resources Command-St. Louis (AHRCPAPT), 1 Reserve Way, St. Louis, MO 631325200, with supporting documentation, such as (1) the RPAS statement corrections. (2) the 20year letter. (3) DD Form 2656. (4) DD Form 26565. (5) Complete final divorce decree. (6) Death certificate. g. Soldiers must include source documents for changes that may have occurred in the Soldiers life, such as death of survivor, divorce, remarriage, adoptions, birth, and so forth. h. Retired pay accumulation normally begins on the retirees 60th birthday. All retired payments are made the first business day of the month following the month that the Soldier earned the pay (for example, a Soldier who retires on 1 May will receive the first retired payment on 1 June). i. Soldiers must return the Retirement Application Packet within 6 years due to the statute of limitations. If a Soldier files the retired pay application more than 6 years after age 60 (or applicable age), DFAS will deduct 1 days retired pay for each days delay. If granted an exception to extend beyond age 60, the retired pay application must be filed within 6 years after the last approved extension, as the 6year statute of limitations will apply. 98. Reduction of retirement age a. Reserve Soldiers ordinarily become eligible to receive retired pay at age 60. The NDAA of 2008 changed the retirement age for some RC Soldiers. The change authorizes a reduction of the retirement age in 90 day increments for each 90 cumulative days that the RC Soldier has served on active duty, after 28 January 2008, under authority of 10 USC 12301(d), or 10 USC 12302, or 10 USC 12304, and 32 USC 502(f), in any fiscal year (1 October through 30 September). Current law does not allow for an eligibility age reduction below age 50. b. It is incumbent the RC Soldier maintain supporting documentation. This includes DD Form 214, DD Form 220 for periods of active duty less than 90 days, copies of leave and earning statements, and copies of active duty orders. Active duty orders alone are not proof of duty performed, but merely an authorizing document. 99. Retirement ceremony Army Reserve leadership will ensure all USAR Soldiers have an opportunity to participate in an appropriate ceremony and receive the standard Army Retiring Soldier Commendation Program Package as outlined in paragraph 22. The Commander, IMCOM (para 14i), is not responsible for funding the Army Retiring Soldier Commendation Program Package to honor Soldiers retiring from the Army Reserve. Section II Transfer to the Retired Reserve 910. Eligibility a. Voluntary requests for assignment of eligible Soldiers for transfer to the Retired Reserve must be in writing and in accordance with AR 14010, paragraph 61. However, Soldiers requesting reassignment to the Retired Reserve for voluntary reasons may have their request disapproved if they are subject to stop loss, or flagged for adverse action, and so forth. b. Involuntary reassignment to the Retired Reserve only pertains to reserve enlisted members of the Army who are in an active status, reached the maximum years of service or age, and meet the criteria outlined in paragraph a, above. c. Reserve Component Soldiers are eligible for transfer to the Retired Reserve if they are in receipt of a 15 or 20year letter. 911. Involuntary non-regular retirement Soldiers who must be removed from an active Reserve status for any reason and who qualify for a non-regular retirement under the provisions of 10 USC 12731(b) will not be separated or discharged without being properly counseled, in writing, regarding the impact of separation versus reassignment to the Retired Reserve. Soldiers requesting discharge or separation must also receive counseling in writing regarding the impact on retirement benefits and retired pay. 912. Discharge versus Retired Reserve Soldiers electing discharge vice transfer to the Retired Reserve must be aware that a discharge will have an impact on retired pay. Regardless of the Soldiers retired pay plan, Soldiers who elect discharge before age 60 will have their High3 average or final pay computed based on the rates in effect on date of discharge. However, Soldiers electing
24 AR 60087 6 June 2010
transfer to the Retired Reserve will continue to receive credit for longevity and DFAS will compute retired pay based on the rates in effect at retirement. 913. Separation authority a. The approval authority to separate Soldiers from the Reserve of the Army is the SA. Such separation requires that
(1)Theindividualhascompletedallremainingserviceobligationssuchasfortrain ing,promotionandor appointment. (2) The individual is in receipt of the 15 or 20year letter. b. The separation authority will not approve a request for reassignment to the Retired Reserve for any enlisted Soldier pending involuntary separation action. c. Enlisted Soldiers do not have the option to elect reassignment to the Retired Reserve in lieu of involuntary separation action. d. Reassignment to the Retired Reserve in lieu of involuntary separation is authorized for officers. 914. Change of address to Army Human Resources Command a. Soldiers transferred to the Retired Reserve are responsible for notifying HRC of any changes in their mailing address. Failing to do so may result in the individual not receiving their retirement packet in a timely manner. b. Soldiers will be counseled during pre- and post-retirement briefings about the importance of keeping HRC informed of any changes, but specifically their mailing address by written notification, telephonically, or via HRCs Web site. 915. Extensions policy guidance, beyond age 60 Current Soldiers seeking an extension beyond their mandatory removal dates for either maximum age or maximum years of service will comply with AR 14010, chapter 7, and current Army and Army Reserve policy, which are available at with a valid AKO account.
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Appendix A References
Section I Required Publications AR 2530 The Army Publishing Program (Cited in para 63e.) AR 6008 Military Personnel Management (Cited in para 11.) Section II Related Publications A related publication is a source of additional information. The user does not have to read it to understand this publication. AR 251 Army Knowledge Management and Information Technology AR 135180 Qualifying Service for Retired Pay Nonregular Service AR 2905 Army National Cemeteries AR 34021 The Army Privacy Program AR 5704 Manpower Management AR 60081 Army Casualty Program AR 600814/ BUPERS Instruction 1750.10B/ AFI 363026(I)/ Marine Corps Order P5512.11C/Commandant Instruction M5512.1/Commissioned Corps Personnel/Manual 29.2, Instructions 1 and 2, NOAA Corps Regulations, chapter 1 Identification Cards for Members of the Uniformed Services, their Eligible Family Members, and Other Eligible Personnel (Available at AR 13518 The Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Program AR 14010 Assignments, Attachments, Details, and Transfers AR 600824 Officer Transfers and Discharges AR 60020 Army Command Policy AR 6355 Separation Document AR 63510 Processing Personnel for Separation
26 AR 60087 6 June 2010
Active Duty Enlisted Administrative Separations DA Pam 360526 Once a Veteran DA Pam 6008 Military Personnel Management DA Pam 600811 Military Personnel Office Separation Processing Procedures DOD 7000.14R, Volume 7A, Chapter 66 Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation (Available at NGR 6005 The Active Guard Reserve Program, Title 32 (Available at NGR 60010 Army National Guard Tour Program, Title 10 (Available at NGR 600100 Commissioned Officers Federal Recognition and Related Personnel Actions NGR 600101 Warrant Officers Federal Recognition and Related Personnel Actions NGR 600200 Enlisted Personnel Management NGR 6802 Automated Retirement Points Accounting System (RPAS) PL 89652 Reserve Component Retirement Pay System PL 105261, Section 641 Paid-up Coverage Under Survivor Benefit Plan (Available at PL 105261, Section 644 Presentation of United States Flag to Members of the Armed Forces Upon Retirement (Available at http:www. PL 10665 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (Available at PL 107107, Section 620 Installment Payment Authority for 15-Year Career Status Bonus (Available at TRICARE Manuals (Available at VA IS1 (Fact Sheet) Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents (Available at benefits_chap01.asp.)
AR 60087 6 June 2010 27
10 USC Chapter 73 Annuities based on retired or retainer pay (Available at 10 USC 638 Selective early retirement (Available at 10 USC 1072(2) Definitions (Available at 10 USC 1201 Regulars and members on active duty for more than 30 days: retirement (Available at uscode.) 10 USC 1202 Regulars and members on active duty for more than 30 days: temporary disability retired list (Available at 10 USC 12301(d) Reserve components generally 10 USC 12302 Ready Reserve 10 USC 12304 Selected Reserve and certain Individual Ready Reserve members; order to active duty other than during war or national emergency 10 USC 12731(b) Age and service requirements 10 USC 12731(d) Age and service requirements 10 USC 12732 Entitlement to retired pay: computation of years of service 10 USC 1447 through 10 USC 1460 Survivor Benefit Plan
32 USC 502(f) Required drills and field exercises RCS No. DDM (A) 1375 DOD Statistical Report on the Military Retirement System (Available at Section III Prescribed Forms Unless otherwise indicated, DA forms are available on the Army Publishing Directorate Web site (; AHRC and ARPC forms are available on the HRC-STL Web site with a valid AKO account (; DD forms are available on the OSD Web site (http://; NGB forms are available at the NGB Web site (http://; Standard forms are available at the GSA Web site ( gsa/ep/ DD Form 26568 Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) Automatic Coverage Fact Sheet (Prescribed in para 33.)
28 AR 60087 6 June 2010
Section IV Referenced Forms AHRC Form 1259 Approximate Point Value for Retirement Benefits AHRC Form 1459 Survivor Benefit Plan Information (Available at retirementapplication.htm.) AHRC Form 4001 Important Information Concerning Retired Pay Application (Available at soldierservices/retirement/retirementapplication.htm.) ARPC Form 249E Chronological Statement of Retirement Points (Available at DA Form 112 Internal Control Evaluation Certification DA Form 4856 Developmental Counseling Form DD Form 4 Enlistment/Reenlistment Document Armed Forces of the United States DD Form 108 Application for Retired Pay Benefits DD Form 214 Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (This form is available in paper through normal supply channels.) DD Form 220 Active Duty Report DD Form 2293 Application for Former Spouse Payments from Retired Pay DD Form 2656 Data for Payment of Retired Personnel DD Form 26561 Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) Election Statement for Former Spouse Coverage DD Form 26562 Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) Termination Request DD Form 26565 Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP) Election Certificate DD Form 26566 Survivor Benefit Plan Election Change Certificate DD Form 26567 Verification for Survivor Annuity DD Form 26568 Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) Automatic Coverage Fact Sheet
AR 60087 6 June 2010 29
DD Form 265610 Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP)/Reserve Component (RC) SBP Request For Deemed Election DD Form 2769 Application for AnnuityCertain Military Surviving Spouses DD Form 2839 Career Status Bonus (CSB) Election DD Form 2860 Claims for Combat-Related Special Compensation (CSRC) NGB Form 23A
Army National Guard Current Annual Statement NGB Form 23A1 Army National Guard Retirement Points Statement Supplemental Detail Report NGB Form 23B Army National Guard Retirement Points History Statement SF Form 1199A Direct Deposit Sign-up Form
f. 3200513, 38, 5253, 55, 5960, 62, 66, 71, 94, 96. g. 3230032399. h. 32619, 48, 80, 9293. i. 35010, 45, 72, 81, 85, 89. j. 35136, 71, 83. k. 3600203, 0608, 1314, 2026, 2931, 36, 39, 4346, 5154, 5770, 7280, 8399. l. 3610036199. m. 36256. n. 3680036899. B4. Fort Bliss, TX (West Region) a. 78851. b. 7971719, 30, 3451, 5359, 6175, 77, 7981, 8399. c. 7980079999. d. 8700088999. B5. Fort Bragg, NC (Southeast Region) 2700028999. B6. Fort Campbell, KY (Southeast Region) a. 3700038599. b. 4200042099. c. 4210023, 3242, 62, 7579. d. 4220034, 3656, 6163, 6569, 7383, 8599. e. 4230063, 6578. f. 4240042499. B7. Carlisle Barracks, PA (Northeast Region) a. 1500017999. b. 1800038, 40, 4246, 4853, 5569, 7173, 75, 7880, 8283, 8599. c. 1810018899.
d. 1950019, 2124, 2699. e. 1960019699. B8. Fort Carson, CO (West Region) a. 8000083199. b. 8390084999. B9. Fort Dix, NJ (Northeast Region) a. 07830. b. 0790008499. c. 08503, 0509, 11, 13, 1525, 27, 2934, 3752, 54, 5657, 5999. d. 0860099. e. 08701, 2123, 3135, 3842, 5159. f. 0880001, 0304, 09, 22, 2527, 2932, 34, 48, 58, 6768, 70, 85, 8789. g. 0900009999. h. 18039, 41, 47, 54, 70, 74, 7677, 81, 84. i. 1890019499. j. 19520, 25. B10. Fort Drum, NY (Northeast Region) a. 0300005900. b. 1290014999. c. See also B44. B11. Fort Eustis, VA (Northeast Region) a. 22434.
AR 60087 6 June 2010 31
b. 2300001, 03, 13, 1623, 2526, 2829, 3137, 39, 41, 4346, 4854, 5659, 6162, 64, 6674, 7682, 8788, 9092, 9499. c. 2310001, 04, 0610, 1416, 1819, 2123, 2539, 4146, 4849, 5159, 6185, 8788, 9092, 9499. d. 2360204, 06, 0912, 9099. e. 23608. B12. Fort Gordon, GA (Southeast Region) a. 2962033, 3843, 46, 5360, 6467, 6980, 8286, 8994, 9697. b. 2980029899. c. 30413, 16, 22, 24, 26, 3034, 42, 5456, 64, 67, 77. d. 30516, 2021, 38, 53, 57, 77, 9899. e. 3060019, 2140, 4254, 5679, 8199. f. 3080030999. g. 31000, 0203, 0910, 1819, 2122, 24, 31, 3435, 42, 45, 49, 54, 59, 6162, 6465, 67, 75, 8283, 87, 8990, 9496. B13. Fort Hamilton, NY (Northeast Region) a. 1000010499. b. 1100011999. B14. Fort Hood, TX (West Region) a. 7500075899. b. 7590027, 2931, 35, 37, 4150, 54, 5859, 6165, 6876, 78, 8099. c. 7600076999. d. 7710077299. e. 7730026, 2834, 4049, 5659, 6267, 7072. f. 77426. g. 7780077899. h. 7860009, 1113, 15, 1722, 2428, 3437, 39, 4143, 5054, 60, 6465, 6975. i. 7870078799. j. 7894244, 47, 53, 57. k. 7900079699. l. 7970016, 2029, 3133, 52, 60, 76, 78, 82. B15. Fort Huachuca, AZ (West Region) 8500086999. B16. Fort Irwin, CA (West Region) A geographical area of responsibility is under revision by IMCOM. B17. Fort Jackson, SC (Southeast Region) a. 2900029599. b. 2960019, 3437, 4445, 4752, 6163, 68, 81, 8788, 95, 9899. c. 2970029799. B18. Fort Knox, KY (Southeast Region) a. 2470026699. b. 26701, 05, 13, 16, 23, 6364. c. 4000041999.
d. 4212431, 4361, 6374. e. 42235, 5760, 64, 7072, 84. f. 42364, 7999. g. 4250047999. h. 6092260999. i. 6150061999. j. 6240009, 1112, 1417, 1999. k. 6250010, 1232, 3437, 3959, 6199. l. 6261317, 2223, 25, 2937, 4248, 5164, 6667, 6973, 7579, 82, 84, 8689, 93, 9599.
32 AR 60087 6 June 2010
m. 6270062799. n. 6280509, 11, 13, 15, 1718, 20, 2830, 33, 36, 40, 45, 4748, 5253, 55, 5758, 60, 6263, 6566, 6869, 7273, 7780, 83, 8587, 94. B19. Fort Leavenworth, KS (West Region) a. 63551, 5657, 6599. b. 6400111, 1518, 2060, 6282, 8489, 9199. c. 6410064699. d. 6532021, 25, 27, 3032, 3944, 4647, 49, 5153. e. 6600209, 1112, 1625, 2731, 3435, 3738, 4152, 5455, 5763, 6566, 6870, 7274, 77, 8190, 94, 9699. f. 6610066399. g. 6640306, 08, 12, 1520, 22, 2425, 2830, 3437, 3940, 4248. h. 66509, 1516, 19, 22, 27, 2930, 32, 34, 38, 40, 42, 50, 52. i. 67855. B20. Fort Lee, VA (Northeast Region) a. 22427, 46, 54, 7576. b. 22510, 14, 38, 46, 50, 60, 80. c. 22843. d. 2290020, 2432, 3640, 4347, 4952, 54, 59, 6364, 67, 6971, 7487. e. 23002, 0412, 1415, 24, 27, 30, 38, 40, 42, 47, 55, 60, 63, 65, 75, 8386, 89, 93. f. 2310203, 05, 1113, 17, 20, 24, 40, 47, 50, 60, 86, 89, 93. g. 2320023299. h. 2380007, 0926, 3036, 3843, 4546, 4850, 5258, 6065, 6773, 7577, 7982, 8497, 99. i. 2390024399. j. 2440040, 4270, 7299. k. 2450024699. B21. Fort Lewis, WA (West Region) a. 5900059999. b. 8320083899. c. 9700099499. B22. Fort McCoy, WI (West Region) a. 4800056999 b. 6000061399. c. 6140010, 1215, 1719, 2337, 4149, 5869, 7299. B23. Fort McPherson, GA (Southeast Region) a. 3000030199. b. 3020002, 05, 0717, 1921, 2329, 3139, 4150, 5254, 5960, 6282, 84, 8791, 9394, 9699. c. 3030030399. d. 3050015, 1719, 2237, 3952, 5456, 5876, 7897. e. 30620, 41, 55, 80. f. 3070030799. g. 31038. B24. Fort Meade, MD (National Capital Region) a. 1970019999. b. 2060708, 10, 1315, 23, 29, 39, 57, 78, 85, 8889. c. 2070021999. d. 2200001, 0412, 68, 75, 80. e. 22117, 29, 3132, 41, 70, 90. f. 22611, 20, 2425, 37, 4546, 5556, 63. g. 2330003, 1619, 2996, 9899. h. 2340001, 0323, 2629, 4049, 80, 8286, 88. i. 26700, 0204, 06, 0812, 14, 1719, 2122, 2430, 3233, 3536, 4362, 6567, 6999.
AR 60087 6 June 2010 33
B25. Fort Monmouth, NJ (Northeast Region) a. 0700007829, 3199. b. 0850002, 04, 10, 12, 14, 26, 28, 3536, 53, 55, 58. c. 08700, 0220, 2430, 3637, 4350, 6099. d. 08802, 0508, 1021, 2324, 28, 33, 3547, 4957, 5966, 69, 7184, 86, 9099. e. 0890008999. f. 23883. B26. Fort Monroe, VA (Northeast Region) a. 2330415, 2028, 97. b. 23424, 3039, 5079, 81, 87, 8999. c. 2350023599. d. 2360001, 05, 07, 1389. e. 2370023799. f. 23808, 2729, 37, 44, 47, 51, 59, 66, 74, 78, 98. B27. Fort Myer, VA (National Capital Region) a. 2000020599. b. 2203047. c. 22151. d. 2220025. e. 2230102, 0405, 14. B28. Fort Polk, LA (West Region) a. 7000071599. b. 75928, 3234, 36, 3840, 5153, 5557, 60, 6667, 77, 79. c. 77327, 35, 5055, 6061, 6869. d. 77514, 19, 33, 35, 38, 75, 80, 85. e. 7761116, 19, 2449, 5199. f. 7770077799. B29. Presidio of Monterey, CA (West Region) a. 8900089835. b. 8983696199. B30. Redstone Arsenal, AL (Southeast Region) a. 3500009, 1116, 1733, 3541, 4344, 4671, 7380, 8283, 8687, 9099. b. 3510035, 3770, 7275, 7682, 8587, 8999. c. 3520035399. d. 3540040, 42, 4449, 5158, 6061, 6368, 7183, 8599. e. 3550035999. f. 3620055, 5799. B31. Fort Riley, KS (West Region) a. 5700058999. b. 66010, 1315, 26, 3233, 36, 3940, 53, 56, 64, 67, 71, 7576, 7880, 9193, 95. c. 6640002, 07, 0911, 1314, 21, 23, 2627, 3133, 38, 41, 4999. d. 6650008, 1014, 1718, 2021, 2326, 28, 31, 33, 3537, 39, 41, 4349, 51, 5399. e. 6660067799. f. 6780054, 5699. g. 6790069999. B32. Fort Rucker, AL (Southeast Region) a. 3240032599. b. 35034, 42, 88.
34 AR 60087 6 June 2010
c. 35184, 88. d. 35441, 43, 50, 59, 62, 6970, 84. e. 3600001, 0405, 912, 1519, 2728, 3235, 3738, 4042, 4750, 5556, 71, 8182. f. 3630036799. g. 3690036999. h. 3860039999. B33. Fort Sam Houston, TX (West Region) a. 7700077099. b. 7733639, 7399. c. 7740025, 2799. d. 7750013, 1518, 2032, 34, 3637, 3974, 7679, 8184, 8699. e. 7760010, 1718, 2023, 50. f. 7790078599. g. 78610, 14, 16, 23, 2933, 38, 40, 4449, 5559, 6163, 6668, 7699. h. 7880050, 5299. i. 7890041, 4546, 4852, 5456, 5899.
B34. Fort Sill, OK (West Region) 7160074999. B35. Fort Stewart, GA (Southeast Region) a. 2990029999. b. 3040012, 1415, 1721, 23, 25, 2729, 3541, 4353, 5763, 6566, 6876, 7899. c. 31037, 55, 60. d. 3130031599. e. 31600, 0519, 21, 24, 26, 42. f. 3200004, 1437, 3951, 54, 5658, 61, 6365, 6770, 7293, 95, 9799. g. 3210032299. h. 3260018, 2047, 4979, 8191, 9499. i. 3270034999. B36. Watervliet Arsenal, NY (Northeast Region) a. 1200012099. b. 1211618, 2224, 28, 31, 34, 3738, 4199. c. 1220012399. d. 12406, 23, 27, 39, 45, 51, 5455, 59, 63, 70, 73 82, 85, 92. e. 12513, 21, 23, 41, 65, 93. f. 1280012899. B37. West Point, NY (Northeast Region) a. 0100002999. b. 0600006999. c. 1050010999. d. 1210015, 1921, 2527, 2930, 3233, 3536, 3940. e. 1240005, 0722, 2426, 2838, 4044, 4650, 5253, 5658, 6062, 6469, 7172, 7481, 8384, 8691, 9399. f. 1250012, 1420, 22, 2440, 4264, 6692, 9499. g. 1260012799. B38. Fort Leonard Wood, MO (West Region) a. 61411, 16, 2022, 3840, 5057, 7072. b. 6200062399. c. 62410, 13, 18. d. 62511, 33, 38, 60. e. 6260012, 1821, 24, 2628, 3841, 4950, 65, 68, 74, 8081, 83, 85, 9092, 94. f. 6280004, 10, 12, 14, 16, 19, 2127, 3132, 3435, 3739, 4144, 46, 4951, 54, 56, 59, 61, 64, 67, 7071, 7476, 8182, 84, 8893, 9599.
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g. 6290063499. h. 6350050, 5255, 5864. i. 6360063999. j. 64000, 1214, 19, 61, 83, 90. k. 6470065299. l. 6530019, 2224, 26, 2829, 3338, 45, 48, 50, 5499. m. 6540065999. n. 6600001. Section II Outside the continental United States B39. HQ, U.S. Army Europe (USAREUR), Heidelberg, Germany (IMCOMEurope) Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. B40. HQ, Eighth U.S. Army (EUSA), Seoul, Korea (IMCOMKorea) Korea, Russia. B41. JUSMAGTHAI, Thailand (IMCOMPacific) Southeastern and southwestern Asia. B42. USARPAC (IMCOMPacific) West coast of Americas to east coast of Africa and from the Arctic to Antarctic, including Alaska and the Aleutian Islands, but excluding Korea. a. Fort Richardson, AK (USARPAC): ZIP codes 99500 through 99999; Northern Pacific-Alaska including the Aleutian Islands. b. Schofield Barracks, HI. (1) 9670096999. (2) Central Pacific-Guam and the area east of Guam less Alaska, Aleutian Islands, Australia, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea. c. Torii Station, Okinawa, Philippines. d. Camp Zama, Japan and Western Pacific-Area west of Guam to include Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea but excluding Korea.
B43. Fort Buchanan, PR (Southeast Region) a. 0060000999. b. South America, Central America, Mexico, West Indies. B44. Fort Drum, NY (Northeast Region) Canadian provinces of Manitoba, New Brunswick, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia. B45. Fort Lewis, WA (West Region) Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan.
observation, sampling, simulation, other). Answers that indicate deficiencies must be explained and corrective action indicated in supporting documentation. These key internal controls must be formally evaluated at least once every 5 years. Certification that this evaluation has been conducted must be accomplished on DA Form 112 (Internal Control Evaluation Certification). C4. Test questions a. Is every Soldier retiring from active duty, provided the opportunity to attend a pre-retirement briefing between the retirement submission application date and no less than 120 days before retirement or start of transition leave (as in para 31a)? b. Is every ARNG Soldier provided the opportunity to attend a pre-retirement briefing during the Soldiers 18th or 19th qualifying year of service (para 84)? c. Is every Reserve Soldier provided the opportunity to participate in a pre-retirement briefing prior to their transfer to the Retired Reserve, discharge/separation and or between Soldiers 58th birthday and 9 months prior to age 60 (para 93a)? d. Are provisions made to assist medically retiring Soldiers who may be so severely wounded/injured that neither the Soldier nor their Family members are able to be physically present to attend a pre-retirement/SBP briefing (para 31b)? e. Are the topics listed in paragraph 32a covered at the pre-retirement briefing? f. Did the installation RSO verify that the Soldier has attended a pre-retirement briefing before approving Soldiers final out-processing (para 32c)? g. Has the SBP counselor attended DAPEHRPRSO-sponsored RSO/SBP training and been certified by HQDA (DAPEHRPRSO) as an SBP counselor (para 33a)? h. Are Soldiers and spouses counseled on the SBP categories and effects of such elections at least 60 days before retirement (para 32c)? i. Are Soldiers provided a printout from the DOD SBP valuation software and current SBP literature as directed by HQDA (DAPEHRPRSO) during SBP counseling (para 33e)? j. Is certified mail, restricted delivery used to counsel absent spouses (para 33f)? k. Is Soldiers election dated on or before the spouses concurrence (para 33g(3)(b))? l. Is HQDA (DAPEHRPRSO) apprised of the retirement of mentally incompetent Soldiers so that an SBP election can be made on their behalf (para 34b)? C5. Supersession This checklist replaces previously published checklists in AR 60087. C6. Comments Help make this a better tool for evaluating internal controls. Submit comments to Chief, Army Retirement Services (DAPEHRPRSO), 200 Stovall Street, Alexandria, VA 223320470.
AR 60087 6 June 2010 37
Section I Abbreviations ACMSS Annuities for Certain Military Surviving Spouses ACOM Army Command AKO Army Knowledge Online AR Army Regulation
ARNG Army National Guard ARSTAF Army Staff ASCC Army Service Component Command BASOPS Base Operations Information System CAR Chief, Army Reserve COLA cost-of-living adjustment CONUS continental United States CRSC combat-related special compensation CSA Chief of Staff, Army CSB career status bonus DA Department of the Army DCS, G1 Deputy Chief of Staff, G1 DEERS Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System DFASCL Defense Finance and Accounting Service-Cleveland DIEMS date of initial entry to military service
38 AR 60087 6 June 2010
DOD Department of Defense DRAS Defense Retired Annuitant System DRU Direct Reporting Unit GC garrison commander HQ headquarters HQDA Headquarters, Department of the Army HRPD Human Resources Policy Directorate ID identification IMCOM Installation Management Command JFHQ Joint Force Headquarters MPMO Military Personnel Management Office NDAA National Defense Authorization Act NGB National Guard Bureau NOE notice of eligibility OCONUS outside continental United States ODCS, G1 Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G1 PL Public Law
PNOK primary next of kin RAD Retiree Appreciation Day RC Reserve Component
AR 60087 6 June 2010 39
RCSBP Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan REDUX Reduced Retired Pay Plan RPAM Retirement Points Accounting Manager RPAS Retirement Points Accounting System RRSC Regional Readiness Support Command RSFPP Retired Servicemans Family Protection Plan RSO retirement services officer SA Secretary of the Army SBP Survivor Benefit Plan SBS Soldier Benefit System SC senior commander SGLI Servicemembers Group Life Insurance SME subject matter expert STRATCOM strategic communications TFL TRICARE for life TPU troop program unit TRADOC U.S. Army Training and Doctrinal Command TRANSPROC transition processing TRICARE tri-service medical care USAR U.S. Army Reserve
40 AR 60087 6 June 2010
USAREUR U.S. Army Europe USARPAC U.S. Army Pacific USC United States Code USFSPA Uniformed Service Former Spouses Protection Act Section II Terms Army Echoes An authorized 16page periodical published three times per year for retired Soldiers and their Families in accordance with AR 2530. Army Echoes serves to keep Army retired Soldiers, survivors, gray area retirees, Family members and survivors, abreast of their rights and privileges to inform them of current developments in the modern Army; and to inspire goodwill and a desire to support the U.S. Army in civilian communities. Army Service Component Command retiree council A council composed of retired military community volunteers who meet periodically to consider issues and suggest
improvements for the well-being of retired Soldiers and their Family members and survivors at the theater strategic level focusing on pending legislation and policy that impacts retirees living overseas. Chief of Staff, Army Retiree Council (CSA Retiree Council) The council composed of retired Soldier volunteers, which meets annually for 1 week to discuss installation retiree issues and report to the Chief of Staff of the Army. Date of initial entry to military service (DIEMS) DIEMS is the date a Soldier first entered the military. It is the first time a Soldier enlisted or joined the Active Army or Reserves. This date is fixedit does not change. Departing the military and rejoining does not affect your DIEMS. Former spouse A person who a. Was a Soldiers spouse on the date the Soldier became entitled to retired pay and was divorced from the Soldier after the Soldier retired. b. Was the Soldiers former spouse on the day the Soldier became entitled to retired pay. c. Married the Soldier after retirement and remained married to the Soldier for at least a year before the divorce. d. Married the Soldier after retirement and became divorced before the first anniversary of the marriage, but is the parent of a child born to the retired Soldier and former spouse. Function A defined segment of the Military Personnel System. The point where responsibility rests with a specific person at all levels of command. Gray area retiree A reservist who has completed 20 years qualifying service for retirement purposes, and is transferred to the Retired Reserve, but has not reached age 60 and is not yet entitled to retired pay. High3 The average basic pay for the highest 36 months of the individuals career. This typically, though not always, equals the average basic pay for the final 3 years of service. Installation retiree council A council composed of retired military community volunteers who meet periodically to consider issues and suggest improvements for the well-being of retired Soldiers, Family members, and survivors at the installation.
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Installation retirement services officers Full-time, appropriated fund individuals responsible for administering the installation retirement services program within ZIP codes and geographic areas listed in appendix B. Manpower management Development and application of manpower management for determining the minimum essential requirements to accomplish Table of Distribution workload. The system identifies the operational improvements for increasing efficiency and effectiveness. Missing person Spouse officially declared a missing person by government law enforcement with jurisdiction. REDUX Reduced Retired Pay Plan Retired and Casualty Pay System A database containing retired Soldiers and annuitant pay records. Retirement services officers can access the database to change bank, home and tax information; reissue tax forms; reissue retired pay statements; and establish annuitant accounts. Retired Servicemans Family Protection Plan The immediate forerunner of SBP Retiree Appreciation Day (RAD) An event conducted annually by the installation for retired Soldiers and Family members living within the installations area of responsibility. Retiree Sub-Council A council composed of retired military community volunteers from outlying areas of an installations area of responsibility. Provides input to the installation retiree council. Retirement Services Bulletin A installation bulletin mailed to retirees and survivors in an installations area of responsibility Survivor Benefit Plan An annuity plan into which retiring Soldiers may voluntarily elect to receive reduced retired pay in order to provide an annuity for qualified survivors following their death. All Soldiers on active duty receive coverage at no cost. TRANSPROC TRANSPROC is one of 7 Web-based applications (or modules) that automate as well as integrate day-to-day installation processes using a centralized database. The TRANSPROC application provides an automated means of data collection and document processing to support the functional processes at installations for Soldiers in transition from active duty status to retirement, discharge, or release from active duty. TRICARE The comprehensive medical care system that went into effect in 1994, replacing the previous system.
Work center A group of personnel that use similar machines, processes, methods, and operations to perform homogeneous work, usually located in a centralized area. The term is used to identify a relatively small activity within a broad organizational component or functional segment. Personnel within a work center perform work that basically contributes to the same end product or result; the duties are similar or closely related. Section III Special Abbreviations and Terms This section contains no entries.
42 AR 60087 6 June 2010