Prelim Teaching Arts
Prelim Teaching Arts
Prelim Teaching Arts
12. If painting is involved in the use of coloring 26. It is one of the problems in artistic values where
mediums, what is the art involved in carving, art educators’ lack of good training and have to teach
molding, assembling, installation art, etc.? art despite of having zero training even zero exposure
a. Literature c. Dance to art activities since childhood.
b. Sculpture d. Industrial Arts a. Teacher issue c. Art as a subject
13. Which art is involved in interior and garden b. Student discipline d. Art as a luxury
layouts of buildings? 27. It is one of the problems in artistic values where
a. Architecture c. Handicrafts art in the curriculum is still often viewed as a
b. Dance d. Industrial Arts “subject” rather than an avenue for self-expression.
14. Which art is involving in decorative crafts and folk a. Teacher issue c. Art as a subject
arts of ethno linguistic group? b. Student discipline d. Art as a luxury
a. Architecture c. Handicrafts 28. It involves students’ wastefulness, neglecting to
b. Dance d. Industrial Arts store materials properly, and the lack of a general
15. An art form that includes ballet and ballroom. sense of order and cleanliness both while and after
a. Literature c. Dance working.
b. Sculpture d. Industrial Arts a. Student Discipline c. Art as a subject
16. An art that involves advertisement, billboards, and b. Teacher issue d. Limited materials
computer graphics. 29. The popular public view on art in the country is
a. Commercial arts c. Handicrafts that it is a luxury or “pangmayaman lang”.
b. Music d. Industrial Arts a. Teacher issue c. Art as a subject
17. Which if the following is an example of civic arts? b. Student discipline d. Art as a luxury
a. Construction of resorts c. knitting 30. A problem in artistic values where art materials
b. Making of basket d. computer graphics are scarce in the average classroom.
18. Which of the following is a form of musical arts? a. Student Discipline c. Art as a subject
a. Ensemble c. Labels b. Teacher issue d. Limited materials
b. Advertisement d. Ballet 31. Schools have no dedicated space for art classes,
19. What does the Aryan root word “ar” means? let alone extracurricular artistic pursuits.
a. To join or put together c. To separate a. Workspaces c. Management issues
b. To express beauty by drawing d. To create b. Teacher issue d. Student discipline
20. What does the Greek verb “artizen” means? 32. A severe lack of awareness as to how to manage
a. To prepare c. To create an art and organize an art class in order to maximize learning
b. To plan d. To appreciate and ensure student’s safety.
beauty a. Workspaces c. Management issues
21. Which of the following are the major classification b. Teacher issue d. Student discipline
of arts? 33. An artist mindset where their artistic sense is
a. Fine arts c. Practical Arts inspired in the everyday things they see and
b. Theatre Arts d. both a and c experience.
22. It is the term used in the Philippines that refers to a. Inspired by daily experiences and encounters
the teaching and learning of visual arts. b. Constantly curious
a. Art Education c. Artist Mindset c. Open-minded
b. MAPEH d. Drawing d. Valuing authenticity
23. What year did the Department of Education 34. It is an essential part of being an artist as for them
introduced a specialized Arts Track for senior high to think how to make beautiful things given a set of
students? limitations and parameters.
a. 2016 c. 2018 a. Inspired by daily experiences and encounters
b. 2000 d. 2015 b. Constantly curious
24. Learning can increase skills, such c. Open-minded
as exploring, imagining, observing, and reflecting. d. Valuing authenticity
a. in the arts c. for the arts 35. An artist mindset which is willingness to be
b. through arts d. of the arts exposed to new ideas and to consider them their own
25. Learning makes a range of other merits.
subject areas more attractive. a. Art as self-expression c. Constantly curious
a. in the arts c. for the arts b. Open-minded d.Valuing authenticity
b. through arts d. of the arts
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36. Any work of art that an artist produces is but an 44. It is an inevitable part of being an artist and vital
expression of their inner desire to create beauty. to an artist’s mental, emotional, and professional
What mindset is this? well-being.
a. Inspired by daily experiences and encounters a. Open-mindedness c. Curiosity
b. Art as an authentic self-expression b. Criticism d. Authenticity
c. Art as self-expression 45. Art education is the by-product of
d. Valuing authenticity philosophy of education which the Americans brought
37. This translate to the classroom by teaching with them.
students to use their art to express something that a. American c. Spanish
they feel, rather than simply feeding off the works of b. Filipino d. British
others. 46. What year was drawing became art education?
a. Inspired by daily experiences and encounters a. 1950 c. 1590
b. Art as an authentic self-expression b. 1990 d. 1900
c. Art as self-expression 47. Who was the professor who wrote the book “Art
d. Valuing authenticity in the Elementary School” in 1959?
38. It is an artist mindset where they wanted to a. Pablo Victoria c. Paul Klee
express their art the way they wanted having the b. Leonardo da Vinci d. Paul Victoriano
value of their own original work. 48. Which of the following is an example of ancient
a. Enjoyment in the process art?
b. Art as an authentic self-expression a. Pyramids of Egypt c. Bas-relief
c. Art as self-expression sculptures
d. Valuing authenticity b. Prehistoric cave system d. Digital Art
39. A mindset of an artist where they persevere to 49. Which of the following is an example of
create something beautiful even when the process of handicraft?
creating beauty becomes tedious, frustrating, and a. Newspapers c. Carpentry
repetitive. b. Pottery d. Robotics
a. Enjoyment in the process 50. Which of the following is an example of
b. Art as an authentic self-expression commercial arts?
c. Art as self-expression a. Print advertisement c. Robotics
d. Valuing authenticity b. Monuments d. landscapes
40. The ability to see beauty everyday does not 51. It is the primary policy making-body for Philippines
appear out of thin air; rather, it often takes someone culture and the arts.
else explaining to us how something simple and a. Department of Education
commonplace can be beautiful. b. Senate
a. Exposure c. Context c. Philippine Government
b. Age d. Curiosity d. National Commission for Culture and the Arts
41. It is almost a cliché to say that beauty is 52. What subject in the basic education curriculum
subjective. It can also be said that beauty depend on where art is integrated?
this reason. a. Art Education c. Artist Mindset
a. Exposure c. Context b. MAPEH d. Drawing
b. Age d. Curiosity 53. How many hours of instruction per week does this
42. An individual’s artistic sense can be awaken subject mentioned in item 22 receives?
starting from a young age and inspire them through a. Four hours c. Five hours
nature. It should not be difficult to get young learners b. Three hours d. One hour
to desire to commit scenes from nature, as it is an 54. The advantage of this is that it is a very accurate
utmost natural thing to do, and relatively easy as well. indicator of student knowledge.
a. Exposure c. Context a. Authentic Assessments
b. Age d. Curiosity b. Spiral Progression
43. It is as asset when it comes to the idea of c. Standard
“perfection” in art. d. Learning Competencies
a. Open-mindedness c. Curiosity 55. The learner demonstrates an understanding of
b. Criticism d. Authenticity basic concepts and processes in music and art
through appreciation, analysis, and performance for
his/her self-development.
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a. Learning Area Standards c. GRADE 3 65. For him, art brings life in harmony with the beauty
b. Content standards d. GRADE 4 of the world.
56. What the learners should learn from the a. Dewey c. Plato
topics listed in the curriculum?
b. Aristotle d. Wilde
a. learners understand the lines, shapes, colors, 66. Elmar lives a provincial life where he only knows
and texture and principles of balance about using crayons in making his art work. In the
proportion and variety through drawing. class, the teacher gave them an activity where the use
b. The Learning Competencies column specifies of paint brush must be observed in creating their art
the various behaviors that students should work. Elmar is confused and did not know how to use
exhibit in the classroom in response to the the paint brush, so he asked the teacher for
learning activities put forth by the teacher. In assistance. What do you think the teacher will do in
a somewhat oblique way, these also specify response?
the kind of activities the teacher is expected a. Communicate and teach him how to use it
to conduct in the classroom. b. Communicate and teach him how to use it
c. Defines what the learners must do as proof c. Ignore him since he already taught the
that the desired learning has taken place-in majority of the class
this case, create a portrait of themselves with d. Separate Elmar from the rest of the class and
their families in a way that demonstrates the have him do other activity
elements and principles listed in the first 67. Angel and Sarah are paired for an Art activity.
column. They are going to identify what visual elements are
d. Creates a portrait of themselves with their being used in the painting "Saturn Devouring His Son"
family which shows the elements and by Francisco Goya. After identifying the visual
principle of art by drawing. elements, they are going to share their ideas to each
57. It is the surface quality of an object, which can other verbally. What C in the 4'Cs of 21st century
be smooth, rough, bumpy, or any other texture. learning skills is being integrated in their activity?
a. Color c. Value a. Creativity c. Critical Thinking
b. Texture d. Form b. Communication d. Collaboration
58. It is the area between and around objects. 68. Why do we need to consider choosing appropriate
a. Space c. Value art activities in our instructional planning?
b. Form d. Shape a. It is natural for a teacher to prepare an
59. It is the uniform repetition of any of the elements activity
of art or any combination thereof. b. To keep the students busy by giving them
a. Movement c. Balance tasks
b. Emphasis d. Pattern c. To achieve the students' learning objectives
60. This can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. d. In order for the teacher to give scores in
a. White Space c. Emphasis students' outputs
b. Variety d. Balance 69. Teacher Shelby already has the copy of the
61. What is an element that consists of dots? curriculum guide that will guide her what content she
a. Value c. shape will teach to the students. What should she start
b. Line d. space planning next?
62. It is a principle that leads the attention of the a. Assessment c. Instruction
viewer from one aspect of the work to another b. Performance-task d. Curriculum
which can create the illusion of action. 70. The students of Ms. Lany's class actively
a. Contrast c. Rhythm
participated in her class, thus, enriching their learning
b. Movement d. Harmony
processes as they go through their lessons. What do
63. Creative works that stimulate visual sense
you think describes Ms. Lany's instruction/pedagogy
a. Arts c. Visual Arts
in handling the class?
b. Contemporary Arts d. Performing Arts
a. Ms. Lany gives the students the freedom to
64. The process of applying pigment on a smooth
do what they want during her class
surface (such as paper, cloth, canvas, wood or
b. Ms. Lany lets the students read books instead
of doing activities that let them apply their
a. Architecture c. sculpture
b. Painting d. literature
c. Ms. Lany holds passive discussions in order for
the students to focus on content
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89. Students are expected to explore the range of 97. It is an inevitable part of being an artist and vital
artistic experiences they have been given thus, far to an artist’s mental, emotional, and professional
executing the learned processes at a higher, more well-being.
refined level of proficiency. a. Open-mindedness c. Curiosity
a. Grade 6 c. Grade 1-3 b. Criticism d. Authenticity
b. Grade 4 d. Grade 5 98. It is an essential part of being an artist as for them
90. Students are now expected to apply all of their to think how to make beautiful things given a set of
skills and knowledge in the creation of original limitations and parameters.
works. a. Inspired by daily experiences and encounters
a. Grade 6 c. Grade 1-3 b. Constantly curious
b. Grade 4 d. Grade 5 c. Open-minded
91. Through application, the learner demonstrates d. Valuing authenticity
understanding of the basic concepts of and 99. For him, art brings life in harmony with the
processes in music and art, towards self- beauty of the world.
development, the celebration of Filipino cultural a. Dewey c. Plato
identity and diversity, and the expansion of one’s b. Aristotle d. Wilde
world vision. What grade level standard is this? 100. These deals with creative works that stimulate
a. Grade 4 c. Grade 6 visual sense.
b. Grade 1 d. Grade 3 a. Arts c. Visual Arts
92. Through exploration, the learner demonstrates a b. Contemporary Arts d. Performing Arts
deeper understanding of basic knowledge and skills
in music and art, toward self-development, the
celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity,
and expansion of one’s world vision. What grade level
standard is this?
a. Grade 2 c. Grade 5
b. Grade 3 d. Grade 6
93. Through forma introduction of elements, the
learner can identify the basic knowledge and skills in
music and arts, towards self-development, the
celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity,
and the expansion of one’s world vision. What
grade level standard is this?
a. Grade 6 c. Grade 4
b. Grade 5 d. Grade 3
94. The learner has acquired the basic and
fundamental processes through performing, creating,
listening and observing, and responding, towards the
development of appreciation of music and art, and
the acquisition of basic knowledge and skills. What
grade level standard is this?
a. Grade 2 c. Grade 3
b. Grade 1 d. Grade 5 “But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your
95. The learner demonstrates basic and fundamental work will be rewarded.”
processes in music and art, through performing, 2 Chronicles 15:7
creating, listening and observing, and responding.
What grade level standard is this?
a. Grade 1 c. Grade 2
b. Grade 3 d. Grade 4
96. The learners demonstrates basic understanding of Prepared:
the fundamental processes in music and art, through
performing, creating, listening and observing and LOVELY FLORES
responding. What grade level standard is this?
a. Grade 2 c. Grade 1
b. Grade 6 d. Grade 3