6511 Assignment No 2

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Name : Bisma Naeem Baig

Roll Number: CA554895

Program: M.A(T.EDU)

Course Name: Teaching of Pakistan


Course code: (6511)

Semester (Autumn): 2020 /2nd
Tutor Name: Sir Arslan Ahmad

Allama Iqbal Open University

Assignment No. 2
QNO#1 Discuss the concept of socialized recitation by focusing
different activities which make this method effective. What is the
specific role of a teacher in this method?
Ans: The teaching profession is exciting and challenging.
Teachers act as role models, mentors, caregivers and advisers. They can
have a profound effect on the lives of their students. Primarily, teachers
will impart knowledge to their students to help them learn new things
about a specific group of subjects. They find new ways of supporting their
students’ learning styles and are mindful that students, especially young
people, will learn at a different pace and speed to their peers. Because of
this, teachers need to be highly adaptable and flexible with their lesson
A creative mind, a listening ear and strong communication skills are
essential to succeed in the role of a teacher. Individuals who are resilient
and tenacious are particularly in demand .Teaching is a career path that is
available to anyone that has an undergraduate degree and is able to
commit to achieving Qualified Teaching Status (QTS). There are several
possible routes to QTS, including on-the-job training in a school where
you can earn as you learn. Most importantly, teaching is a great career
choice for those who want to make a difference in the lives of young
people and who are passionate about lifelong learning.
What is the role of a teacher?
The role of a teacher is to inspire, motivate, encourage and educate
learners. Learners can be of any age and from any background. However,
for the purposes of this guide, teachers refer to those who educate young
people of school age (roughly 4-18).
Teachers serve many roles within a school environment. Gone are the
days when a teacher was merely seen as a classroom educator; someone
who just teaches a core subject to a classroom full of children and then
goes home for the day – job done. Teachers can work across a variety of
subjects which they may bring to life with the assistance of modern and
interactive technologies. A teacher’s role is to “shape the life chances of
young people by imparting knowledge – bringing the curriculum to life,”
says Harry Cutty, head teacher of Cantrell School and vice chair of Aspire
Community Trust. “When you have the right culture and systems in place,
it’s more than just a job. When you get passionate teachers, they can
hugely inspire young people no matter what their background. Great
teachers support young people not just in education, but in life and
vocation choices.”
The teacher job role is expansive. From imparting knowledge to
safeguarding children’s welfare, inspiring critical thought and moral
values, teachers play a central position within the community. They are
often passionate and dedicated individuals with a strong desire for
lifelong learning.
“I have a continuous hunger for improving and extending the knowledge
of young people,” says Francesco Milano, teacher of modern foreign
languages at Trafalgar School in Portsmouth. “By improving someone’s
knowledge, you are improving the world – not just the big world – the one
that exists within the community in which you live.”
As long as you hold a degree, teaching is an accessible career path to
anyone, at any stage of their career. Education offers the potential to
shape the young lives of the next generation. It’s a profession in which you
can move forward and gain promotion swiftly if you achieve rapidly. Your
salary will rise in line with your increased responsibility, and once you
gain experience, your career path can take you in many different
directions.Teaching is also one of the very few professions where you are
equally celebrated if you choose to remain a classroom teacher and not to
follow the leadership path.
What are the roles and responsibilities of a teacher?
The responsibilities of a teacher are far-reaching and can significantly
vary depending on the school in which you teach, your specialist subject
and the surrounding community. For example, a primary teacher in a
private school with a classroom of six-year-olds will have an entirely
different job and career to a history teacher in a state-funded academy
school. However, there will always remain some similarities across all
teaching roles.
C. To liberalize the school control.
D. To provide multifarious types of activities to students
E. To increase activities on the part of pupils because pupils learn by doing
and by active participation.
F. To teach pupils to work together in a friendly and cooperative manner.
Trust to develop social consciousness.
G. To develop sense of responsibility in pupils.
H. To reduce the amount of formality and establish a friendly feeling
between teacher and students.
I. To develop self confidence among students.
J. To develop in individual the capacity for clear thinking planning and
K. To prepare pupils, for practical life.
L. To keep students develop-their natural interest.
M. To make the subject matter useful.
N. To enable the students realize their own potentialities while doing
practical activities.
O. To enable the students realize their own weaknesses and limitations
and to overcome them in future.
Advantages of Socialized Recitation :
The following are the advantages of socialized recitation
A. Pupils will learn how to plan and execute activities.
B. Common interest and purposes are discovered.
C. Leadership qualities are gained.
D. Initiative is encouraged.
E. Independence of thought is achieved.
F. Students develop good social manners.
G. Students are trained how to plan and report. H. Students learn how to
participate in discussion.
I. Students exposed to variety of experiences.
J. Self confidence is gained.
K. Respect for other is developed.
L. Cooperation is learned.
M. Pupils have greater admiration and respect for teachers.
N. Teacher knows pupil better.
O. Learning is highly motivated.

Types of activities to be carried out in Socialized Recitation :

Hundreds of activities can be carried out in the socialized recitation. Some
common nature are listed below;
A. Planning and executing projects.
B. Planning assignments.
C. Problem solving.
D. Writing reports,
E. Hearing reports.
F. Holding a convention.
G. Writing a constitution.
H. Making a survey.
I. Conducting survey for a plan.
J. Having review games. .
K. Holding contest.
L. Holding to debate.
M. Holding a seminar.
N. Holding a symposium.
O. Arranging panel discussion.
P. Arranging self directed study.
The Role of the Teacher in Socialized Recitation :
The role of the teacher in socialized recitation is central. He is at the same
time a counselor, a guide, a contributor and advisor. He can perform his
functions only if he is familiar with the social experiences, family
background and attitudes of the pupils, who are involved in various
activities. He has to conduct activities in the class in cooperative spirit. He
has plan a series of situations in which the needs for cooperative activity
will arise, it is he who has to develop in pupils attitudes, interests, ideals,
information, Skills and habits necessary for successful participation in
socialized activities, He gives opportunities to pupils to feel that they are
members of a “co-operative working group” and, therefore, they should
behave in a free, independent and responsible manners.
Limitations of Socialized Recitation : If the situations in socialized
techniques in not skillfully handled, if the discussion for example, is so
vague, directionless, and informal that it may drift into confusion and
chaos, if an activity is not planned and organized properly and the social
spirit it stimulates is superficial and artificial, in fact, these are not the
disadvantages of the technique but these are the limitations which arise
from an ineffective organization and inefficiency managing the activities
by teachers, who do not possess the requisite qualities of successful and
imaginative leaders.

QNO2# Discuss the role of Pakistan Studies teacher in social and

national integration. What measures should be taken for the
professional development of these teachers.
Ans: If you want to improve teacher professional development and build a
positive school culture, this post is for you.
You’ll find: A quick definition of teacher professional development
Why teacher professional development is important 5 ways to make
teacher professional development effective A downloadable list of the 5
strategies to keep at your desk
What is teacher professional development?
Teacher professional development is any type of continuing education
effort for educators. It’s one way teachers can improve their skills and, in
turn, boost student outcomes. Learning can take place in formal or
informal settings. Formal settings include conferences, courses, seminars,
retreats and workshops. Informal opportunities for teacher professional
development include independent research or investigation, peer learning
initiatives or even just chatting with a colleague in the staff room.
Professional development for teachers takes place on a number of
different levels: district-wide, among teachers in a given school, or even
on a classroom or individual basis.
Why is teacher professional development important?
It affects student learning Texas teacher professional development
It’s obvious that good teachers are better at teaching students effectively.
When teachers have access to continuous learning opportunities and
professional development resources, they’re better equipped to become
good teachers — especially if their students have learning needs or are
performing below or above grade level. Student achievement should be
the ultimate goal of any teacher professional development activities.
Hayes Mitchell of Leaning Forward, a professional development
organization, writes:
“The most effective professional development engages teams of teachers
to focus on the needs of their students. They learn and problem solve
together in order to ensure all students achieve success.”
It encourages the success of new teachers
math teacher professional development
According to one study, a third of teachers leave the profession within
three years, and half of teachers leave within five years. While there are a
number of explanations for this statistic, there is no substitute for hands-
on experience when it comes to effective classroom teaching. Teachers
spend their whole careers developing new skills in response to the
challenges they encounter, but new teachers haven’t had a chance to build
their own resources. Professional development can help new and
experienced teachers develop the skills they need to feel confident in the
classroom. Effective professional development helps teachers shape
career-long learning.
It promotes a growth mindset
Thoughtful, targeted teacher professional development opportunities
boost student outcomes and promote a growth mindset. Teacher
professional development encourages teachers to be active participants in
their own learning, and ensures that students and teachers alike are eager
to learn. When you provide learning and support for your teachers, you
communicate that the school community values the work they do and
wants them to grow. A lack of professional development resources for
teachers can be discouraging. It communicates that you don’t want to
invest in the quality of teaching and puts more stress on teachers to
develop their skills alone. How to make teacher professional development
effective and engaging teacher professional development goals. There are
lots of challenges to running an effective teacher professional
development session: time, money, engagement, effectiveness, and more.
While the challenges may be daunting, they shouldn’t stop you from
creating opportunities for your teachers to deepen their understanding.
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In the meantime, here are some solutions to get you started:
1. Make it specific
Every teacher faces unique classroom challenges and comes to work each
morning with a different set of skills. However, in the name of time, cost
and efficiency, many professional development opportunities for teachers
are too broad and not relevant to most, or even many, of the teachers
attending. If you want professional development to be relevant, ask your
teachers for their suggestions — there’s a good chance that they have
plenty to say. Give teachers a choice about what or how they learn. Give
different options for workshops or courses they can take. If you can’t offer
different options, keep the topic simple. Go for depth instead of breadth,
and make sure that teachers come away from the session with all the
information they need to start using it in the classroom. Ask for feedback
at the end of the session, and then use it to continue the cycle. Ask
teachers what worked, what didn’t, what they would change and what
they’d like to learn more about next time. As former North Carolina
governor Bev Perdue writes:
“Change in education is driven by teachers, but teachers have been left out
of the conversation. They know what their classrooms need, yet they don’t
feel empowered or emboldened by their school systems and their states,
and they lack the tools and funding they need to help their students
a) He/ She is required first to understand the concept of integration
b) He/ She makes aware children of all the factors and forces leading to
integration or otherwise and how an integration could be brought about.
c) He/she would translate the ideal of integration into practical activities
so that children could develop skill, and attitude and utilize them in their
practical life situations in future. Such three dimensional role of the
teacher of Pakistan Studies, has been highlighted in the following sections.
Values, Concepts, Ideals Attributed to National Integration:
Education policies, commission reports and other important educational
document are full of the values concepts and ideals expressed from time
to time for projecting the need and urge to bring about social integration
cultural cohesion through education. The curriculum and the teacher are
the effective instruments for the achievement of such goals. These values
and ideals are just listed in this section so that one could understand their
nature and scope and related them to his/her own specific situation,
These are:
Preservation, promotion and practice of the basic ideology of Pakistan.
 Social justice
 Equality
 Democratic way of life
 Social responsibility.
 Commitment
 Universal equalitarianism.
 Social integration
 Cultural harmony
 Orderly evolution of democratic society;
 Peaceful co-existence
 Educated citizenry
 Imaginative and creative leadership
 National unity and progress
 Academic freedom and autonomy
 Eradication of illiteracy.
 Checking population explosion
 Equalizing access to education
 Participation of teachers in community affairs.
 Involving children under the guidance of teachers it community
 Comprehending the nature of social and technological changes in
society. Comprehending the nature and the impact on social life of
such rapid social and technological changes in the modern society.
Translating Values and Ideals into Goals of Education : How the above
values, concepts and ideals have been translated in goals with special
reference to the teaching of Pakistan and with particular intent to
highlight the concept of national integration to be brought about under
these guiding basic concepts are briefly stated.
Let us start with a few lines from the historic message of the Father of
Nation delivered to the First Education Conference November 1947. The
message reads.
"........... At the same time we have to build up the character of our future
generation. We should try by sound education to instill into them the
highest sense of honor, dignity, responsibility and selfless service to the
The goals which are briefly stated here are divided to four subsection:
cultural, social individual and international.
1. Cultural:
1. To promote understanding and appreciation fundamentals of Islam.
2. To transmit the human heritage and advance the frontier of knowledge.
3. promote understanding and appreciation of the role of education in
socio-economic development of nation.
2. Social:
1. To build-up national cohesion by fostering social and cultural .
2. To inculcate patriotism and commitment to the achievement of national
goals i.e., scientific, technological and social development.
3. To promote social justice and democratic institutions and eliminate
social problems, evils like inequality, exploitation, ignorance, disease,
hypocrisy, and poverty within the framework of basic ideology. .
4. To inculcate sense of dignity of labor and to prepare and motivate
children and youth for productive service for the welfare of the
community and the nation.
3. Individual:
1. To nurture the total personality of the individual.
2. To inculcate a spirit of critical and creative thinking, selfreliance
cooperation, dignity, integrity, responsibility and dynamism.
3. To prepare the youth of Pakistan for gainful employment in ,
accordance with their aptitude and interest.
4. International:
1. To promote international understanding and good will. After discussing
the selected goals, now the question arises.
2. Does the Pakistan Studies teacher understands the underlying spirit of
these goals?
3. Does he/she know which goals are mostly related to the teaching of
his/her subject?
4. Does he/she know how to relate them to the concept of his/her own
subject he/she is assigned to teach?
5. Does he/she know the strategies to transmit such concepts into
practical activities?
6. Is the teacher critical about the critical issues facing the society and can
create sensitivity among the students about them and most importantly to
make them aware of their repercussions on national unity and
7. Is the teacher sensitive to the diversity of his/her society around
his/her and its impact on attitude, interest and motivation of his/her
students and environment of the classroom?
8. Is the teacher competent to instill in students the qualities like dignity,
integrity critical and creative thinking, responsibility and selfless service
to the community through activities inside and outside the school?
9. In he/she is aware of the fact that education possesses the ‘leveling
quality and such quality is to be achieved through teaching of humanities
and social sciences which of course, humanize and rationalize the thinking
and character of the individual.
Host of questions can be raised in the mind of a person interested in the
Study of problems of Pakistani society.
Role of Pakistan Study Teacher in National Integration : What is the
implication of value basic concepts and ideals as expressed in the goals
stated above for the, role of Pakistan Studies teacher in bringing about
national integration through teaching of his subject, are important to be
taken into consideration. Teacher teaching Pakistan Studies must be
aware of these implications and be prepared to realize these objectives in
teaching learning situation inside the school and outside the school walls.
(a) The teacher teaching Pakistan studies, should study himself the
characteristics of projected changes in the society and should be able to
identify the social ingredients for the purpose of bringing out in them
unity and are directly involved so that they could see life from its nearest
angle, various integration. Such issues relating to the rapid social changes,
have been indicated in the prescribed curriculum.
(b) Integrated approach in teaching of science, and social sciences, is
gaining popularity. Therefore, the Pakistan Studies teacher should adopt
integrated approach in teaching of the subject (which is not ideally
planned as an integrated course). He should also make understand
students how the historical, social, geographical and economic aspects of
Pakistani society are interrelated and interdependent. Therefore, if a
unified mode of thinking is developed in students, would obviously lead to
unified outlook of their country and society.
(c) The teacher, teaching Pakistan Studies should be very conscious of the
individual differences of his students. These differences usually are
physical, intellectual and_ social, emotional, motivational and most
importantly cultural, developed by students in varied socio-cultural and
geographical environment. If these differences are not cared for and
appreciated, these would lead to social cleavages, and gaps and would
further develop the feelings of frustration and alienation. Let the teacher
start integration of his student community in the classroom and then in
school so that their training of integration could influence their future life
and aspirations.
(d) The traditional methods of teaching usually applied by the teacher
cannot help his/her to meet the challenge of the modern classroom.
He/she should therefore, use methods and techniques and materials of
modern type and handle skillfully the problems and issues of social
interest such as population explosion, environmental degradation, de-
humanization, gender discrimination, illiteracy, unemployment,
deteriorating law and order situation, poverty and its grave impact on the
quality of life of the people. For this purpose, the teacher can make
effective use of instructional technology. In fact, sonic of the above
debatable problems and issues have been provided in the curriculum of
Pakistan studies.
(e) As the ideological, socio-economic and political concepts and values
stated earlier, are desired to be transmitted into various practical
activities in which children activities of social and cultural nature and
interest have been recommended in the curriculum of Pakistan Studies
offered at secondary level. It depends upon the interest and
resourcefulness of teacher to Organize such activities outside the
classroom. Such activities according to the curriculum include.
Activities According to the Curriculum :
A) Collection of pictures of places of historical, geographical, industrial
and agricultural importance,
B) Collection of pictures of prominent leaders.
C) Preparation of maps, charts and models ete.
D) Staging drama and role-playing.
E) Participation in debates.
F) Organizing exhibition.
G) Collecting articles for school museum.
H) Organizing sports competition.
I) Organizing puppet show and dress show.
J) Arranging mock sessions on important issue.
k) Displaying documentary film.
L) Using slides on projectors.
M) Collecting fund/clothes for calamity victims.
N) Visiting devastated areas.
O) Visiting dams and canals head works.
P) Visiting forests, mines and national museum.
Q) Visiting national parks.
R) Visiting national cultural centers.
S) Visiting health and educational institutions.
T) Arranging inter regional visits of children.
U) Arranging educational visits to other regions
V) Celebrating national and international days.
W) Visiting Zoo gardens.
A wide range of such activities can be organized under the guidance and
supervision of the teacher for children in school and outside the school.
The underlying philosophy of carrying out such activities is to create in
students love, sympathy and understanding for the people and
appreciation for their country. In short, national integration means
integration of needs and interests, hearts and minds, feelings and outlook.
These are the core objectives to be realized through the teaching of
Pakistan Study by a conscious, sensitive, dynamic and inventive and
imaginative teacher.
Orientation of Pakistan Studies Teacher in Future: The nature. need,
scope and the underlying concepts of the professional growth of Pakistan
Studies teacher have been highlighted in the proceeding sections of this
topic. However, some specific indications are made of the professional
preparation which should be particularly taken in view by the training
mutations in Pakistan. The teacher institutions should adequately orient
the teachers who have opted for Pakistan Studies in
Objectives. concepts, nature of content, related
1. activities, related audio-visual aids and mode of evaluation.
2. Instructional planning
3. Teaching strategies
4. Evaluation strategies
5. Pakistan Studies, trends and issues
6. Current events.
7. Relation of Pakistan Studies with other social sciences.
8. Organization of activities outside the classroom.
9. Bringing community close to the classroom.

QNO#3 Highlight the need and importance instructional

resources. Discuss the utilization of Library resources in the
teaching of Pakistan Studies?
Homes for the elderly and disabled: In addition, some libraries offer
programs for groups at risk for education-related problems. Adolescents
have been targeted because lack of education has been associated with
other problems including crime, pregnancy, unemployment, drug and
alcohol abuse, and school failure. After-school and summer educational
programs have sought to encourage young people to become employable,
contributing members of the community and generally to raise their self-
esteem. Strategies have included homework help sessions, peer tutoring,
and peer-group reading sessions.
Families have been targeted because lack of education seems to be passed
from one generation to the next: children whose parents are functionally
uneducated are twice as likely as their peers to be functionally
uneducated. In family educational programs, emphasis is on the parent's
role as the child's first teacher. Parents, who may have been inspired to
seek education training by concern for their children, are taught
interactive language activities for use with infants and young children.
Some libraries invite entire families to share in reading activities and book
talks, with each member borrowing a book to take home.
Man's quest for knowledge has led to the creation and accumulation of
tremendous amount of information. This quest for knowledge knows no
bounds and limits and is never satisfied. It has continued since the dawn
of civilization to the modern age. This hard-earned knowledge and
information is valuable for the entire mankind and therefore liable to be
preserved. With the invention of paper man has been able to convey this
knowledge to others by writing books. Thousands of manuscripts have
been written by the wise men of the earlier times but many of them were
destroyed due to the lack of proper means of preservation. With the
invention of printing press, it became easier to preserve the knowledge in
the form of printed documents. This led to the generation of a large
number of books. The need for the preservation and dissemination of
information led to the establishment of more and more libraries. Thus
libraries acquired a great importance in the civilized society for education
and research. Libraries play a vital role in the development of any society
by enhancing the cause of education and academic research. They cater to
the information needs of thousands of peoples.
The development of Science and Technology (S & T) in the last two
centuries has led to an information explosion. Rapid changes have taken
place at a great pace. In order to meet the growing needs of users the
library system has been greatly improved and upgraded to meet the new
challenges. The services offered by libraries have also undergone a great
With the advent of new technologies in the field of computers and
telecommunications, revolutionary changes have taken place in the field
of Library and Information Science. The shape of traditional libraries
containing a large number of printed documents is in the process of being
transformed to paper less libraries containing a large number of digitized
documents. The facilities offered by networking have not left libraries
untouched. Modern libraries are not only digitized but networked also.
This has led to the creation of virtual libraries i.e. libraries without walls
through which the user has access to information at anytime, anywhere in
the world by using the modern tools of communications, such as
computers and Internet facilities.
Libraries in the new millennium are leaders in knowledge management.
Librarians in universities are innovative in their use of the new
information technologies to provide access to a range of multimedia
sources. Today’s libraries teach students the information handling skills to
last a lifetime.
The traditional image of the library as a quiet place of study, housing
mostly print collections, is changing. The shifts in education methods, the
impact of computer technology, and the diversity of students have caused
libraries to organize resources and design services that meet and
anticipate the new needs of study and teaching. Libraries organize
collections and provide access and services that incorporate changes in
teaching, learning and information technologies.
A library is a collection of sources, resources, and services, and the
structure in which it is housed; it is organized for use and maintained by a
public body, an institution, or a private individual. It can mean the
collection itself, the building or room that houses such a collection, or
both. The term ‘library ‘has itself acquired a secondary meaning: "a
collection of useful material for common use." This sense is used in fields
such as computer science, mathematics, statistics, electronics and biology.
It can also be used by publishers in naming series of related books, e.g.
The Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology(Encarta, 2009).
Libraries are defined as organized collection of published and
unpublished books and audiovisual materials with the aid of services of
staff who are able to provide and interpret such material as required, to
meet the informative research, educational and recreational needs of its
users. Libraries are regarded as agencies through which sources of
information of accumulated knowledge and experiences are selected,
acquired, organized, preserved and disseminated to those who need them.
Libraries are essential tools in learning at any level. It is the intellectual
centre of the society containing records not only the intellectual but also
of cultural, economic and social inclination. With the provision of wide
variety of information sources, users of libraries are exposed to different
information with their respective values. They also give users the
opportunity to learn and continue learning throughout their lives
Libraries are established for the systematic collection, organization,
preservation and dissemination of knowledge and information. It is very
important for man to preserve and maintain the valuable knowledge and
information contained in the books and documents because we want to
preserve our knowledge and wisdom for the coming generations. By
preserving the documents in a library this knowledge can be made
available to others so that they can benefit from it.
Library (institution), collection of books and other informational materials
made available to people for reading, study, or reference. The word library
comes from labor , the Latin word for “book.” (Encarta, 2009) However,
library collections have almost always contained a variety of materials.
Contemporary libraries maintain collections that include not only printed
materials such as manuscripts, books, newspapers, and magazines, but
also art reproductions, films, sound and video recordings, maps,
photographs, microfiches, CD-ROMs, computer software, online databases,
and other media. In addition to maintaining collections within library
buildings, modern libraries often feature telecommunications links that
provide users with access to information at remote sites.
The central mission of a library is to collect, organize, preserve, and
provide access to knowledge and information. In fulfilling this mission,
libraries preserve a valuable record of culture that can be passed down to
succeeding generations. Libraries are an essential link in this
communication between the past, present, and future. Whether the
cultural record is contained in books or in electronic formats, libraries
ensure that the record is preserved and made available for later use.
Libraries provide people with access to the information they need to
work, play, learn, and govern.
People in many professions use library resources to assist them in their
work. People also use library resources to gain information about
personal interests or to obtain recreational materials such as films and
novels. Students use libraries to supplement and enhance their classroom
experiences, to learn skills in locating sources of information, and to
develop good reading and study habits. Public officials use libraries to
research legislation and public policy issues. One of the most valued of all
cultural institutions, the library provides information and services that are
essential to learning and progress.
At the elementary stage library is the overriding need and importance
of these resources in the teaching of the subject, cannot be ignored. For
example, a textbook furnishes a convenient source of knowledge for
students on the subject. It reflects and establishes standards such as what
the teacher is required to know? And what students are supposed to
learn? The textbook is supplemented by work-book and teacher’s guide
which present variety of materials, facilitate and enrich the teaching of
Pakistan Studies. Moreover, a text is also supplemented by teachers
manual which certainly provide additional information and teaching aids.
These save time and efforts of the teacher intending to correct useful
information for students on the subject.
Other important resources like library, reading room and a Pakistan
Studies Resource Center or Laboratory are in fact, integral part of the
teaching of Pakistan Studies. Unfortunately, due to limited or absence of
financial resources such ideal situation for teaching of Pakistan Studies,
cannot be maintained in our ordinary government schools in Pakistan.
However, 4 Pakistan Studies teacher can avail endless opportunities to
make appropriate use of audio-visual aids such as charts maps or globe
etc. Some of these aids are usually provided to schools. It depends upon
the teacher how to make effective use of them and facilitate his teaching.

In short, the use of resources and materials are important in the broad
context of teaching of Pakistan Studies. These serve all such purposes if
teacher intends to provide motivation, extends range of experience of
children, create in them feelings of reality and strengthen their retention,
clarify their perceptions and their understanding about their subject.
In the proceeding pages the need and importance of instructional
resources, have been briefly stated. In this section some of the important
teaching materials specifically relating to the teaching of Pakistan Studies
are briefly described so that their importance and relevance to the
teaching of Pakistan Studies could be highlighted.
Text Book: The textbook of Pakistan Studies, in fact, exists a more direct
and extensive influence upon the teacher and the students and upon the
method of his teaching. For most of teachers as well as students it is the
only source of knowledge. On the subject and the entire efforts of the
Teacher center the transmission of knowledge contained in the book to
the students.
There is considerable evidence that the influence of the present textbook
in Pakistan Studies, is more evident than the previous one because it is
more exhaustive, up to date and illustrated.
The textbook reflects an established standards It in indicates in fact, what
the teacher is required to know and what the pupils are supposed to lean?
By its teaching and learning aids, it markedly affect methods and deflects
the rising standard of scholarship. It expands its scope and size to meet
the changing conception of what is considered educationally sound and
desirable. Thus it sometimes leads and sometimes follows the educational
process but it is always a significant fact.
Most of the teachers regard the textbook as a simple device. They assume
that all its aspects and features are self explanatory and that they can
secure its advantages without experiences and training. In reality, the
textbook is a compact and somewhat complicated product and its use
require Considerable understanding and skill. For example, the textbook
of Pakistan Studies has been prepared on the concept of integration, and
the constituent elements of such integration are history, geography, civics
and economics of Pakistan. Now, it depends upon the teacher’s
understanding of the inter. relatedness of these components, the
underlying principles of its formulation and skill and training of the
teacher to teach the concepts in integrated and unified manner.
A good textbook possesses some characteristics such as:
a. Its content is designed to promote the objectives of the course.
b. It is sound in scholarship.
c. It is adapted to the maturity and ability of the pupils.
d. It challenges the interest of the pupils.
e. It is clear and simple organization.
f. Its teaching and learning aids are helpful.
Other supplementary materials to the textbook are increasing in number
and variety. The term “Work Book” has become popular. Such work books
are important for their own sake. They play their own role in facilitating
the study of a particular text. The principal features of the work book are.
 Outlines
 Summaries
 Study Guide/Questions
 Completion Exercise
 Important Dates
 Outline Maps
 Diagrams, Charts, Graphs, Tables
 Suggested Reports
 Suggested Projects And Activities
 Suggested Films
 References
 Tests
The use of work book, however, is a challenging task for the teacher. He
should find out any discrepancy that exists in the textbook and workbook.
He should check that the workbook is specific and specifically written for
the textbook which are used in the classroom. He should provide guide
lines (if not given) concerning the activities or exercises to be done by the
Some advantages of the work book are briefly stated.
a. Provides specific guidance in reading and study.
b. Furnishes training in selecting relevant and significan aspects.
c. Provides opportunities for directed activities.
d. Suggested projects and other opportunities for independent work.
e. Allows a wide range of performance, thus adequately meeting the
problem of individual differences,
f. Provides objectives bases for marks.
g. Provide self testing and remedial exercise.

On the other hand some teachers feel that the work book:
1) tends to mechanize the work,
2) Lulls the teacher into in activity,
3) inspires a false sense of achievement,
4) prevents students from developing resourcefulness,
5) consumes an undue amount of time,
6) discourages group at work,
In fact, book has not been prepared by the text book boards to be used
along with the teaching of Pakistan Studies in secondary school.
Teacher's Manual: The term guidebook for teacher’s manual is
commonly used in Pakistan. Teacher’s manual or guide book to
accompany the textbook, are becoming popular. Its popularity might be
due to the increasing demand upon the time of teachers or the desire of
publishers and authors to put their textbook to its most effective use.
The guide book/teacher manual is used because It:
a. Provides useful supplementary information and teaching aids for the
teacher which cannot be collected by his in his limited time.
b. Indicates special features of the textbook and suggested classroom
activities and procedure that will involve teacher and children to carryout
c. Suggests various teaching strategies that h should be taught by the
teacher. grow the textbook
d. Suggests activities, which could be Carried out outside the classroom.
Achievement Test Booklet:
Achievement test booklets are also used along with the text book -use they
are very practical time saving for the teacher. The test booklet are usually
available with publishers. They are also prepared in various subject by
regional boards of international and secondary education and are
distributed in schools to facilitate teachers in the preparation of objective
type tests for examination purpose. These tests are mostly objective types.
They are helpful for the preparation of students for their external
examination. These achievement tests are also known as “Item pools” and
“Item bank”. The texts are easy in scoring. They cover wide range content
of the text book. Teachers who are teaching Pakistan Studies should be
encouraged to prepare their own item pools, or tests on their subject for
periodical evaluation purpose. They should be duly’ provided orientation
in the preparation of such achievement tests in their related subject.
Utilization of Library for Teaching of Pakistan Studies :
The importance of Reading Materials: The need of extensive reading
materials and other kinds of equipment for secondary grades, is generally
recognized, although much facilitates are ‘ there missing OF inadequate
for the Pakistan Studies. The desirability of an ° library for teaching of
various subjects, particularly Pakistan Studies, is also widely recognized
and should be provided as a means of gaining insight in social realities.
It has been generally observed that proper books which have been
recommended for the school library in Pakistan Studies are either
irrelevant or very old or inadequate or their number is small. There are
inappropriate volumes found in school library which have been donated.
A sad state of school library is. It has no separate building or room and no
fulltime trained librarian or a trained teacher in library science to manage
and look after the library. Moreover, the financial provision for the
purchase of library books, is to made on regular basis by the department
in the annual budget of the school.

The presence of library with particular reference to Pakistan Studies is

hoped to influence the success of the teaching of the subject. The very
essence of Pakistan Studies can be found in an expanded realization of
various forms and instances of social cooperation of various
organizations. Much of the knowledge on the subject can be derived from
printed materials. The Pakistan Study teacher, should therefore, give
constant thought to the acquisition and utilization of pertinent materials.
The library is perhaps the best simple index of the quality of instruction
that is given in social studies.
An energetic and an imaginative teacher can secure the help of his/her
colleagues, the head of the institution in launching a campaign for
collection of relevant books free of cost and raising funds for purchase of
Considerations in the selection of Books: The concerned teacher can
play effective role in the selection of books for the library of the school.
The following considerations should be taken in view.
The books should be relevant and up to date.
They have attractive binding, numerous pictures, readable type and
interesting content help to attract attention of those who are half disposed
to read. The teacher should collect up-to-date lists or catalogue and
reviews from the recognized publishers of the related materials so that
he/she could make suitable selection for the library.
The Contents of a Pakistan Study Library:
The library should therefore, present considerable variety. It should
possess well-selected books in each of the following groups.
 Reference books
 Parallel books
 Source books
 Series and sets
 Specialized studies
 Biographic
 Books on local aspects
 Fiction books for teachers
 Professional books
 Soft cover books
 Pamphlets and periodicals
Other considerations: Other considerations in the most effective use of
library requires a constant co-operation of the teacher and librarian. The
teacher should definitely know what type of books and other related
materials are available in the library. He should make as already
mentioned specific recommendations for the purchase of books. He
should make assigned reading to books that are actually available in the
library. He should assist students in finding materials on al particular.
topic. He should also assist students in acquiring proper reading habit.
QNO4# Prepare a lesson on "Pakistan Movement". Evaluate its
strengths and weaknesses.?
A Model Lesson in Pakistan Studies :
1. Topic: The creation of Pakistan
2. Class: 9
3. Time: 45 Minutes
Stage 1: Preparation
A) Instruction Materials:
a. Text Book
b. Any other book on Pakistan Movement
c. Clipping of Newspaper on Pakistan Independence Day Any article on
B) Audio-visual Aids
Picture of Quaid-e-Azam , Liaquat Ali Khan, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Minar-
Charts : Text of Pakistan revolution 1940
Maps : Indo-Pakistan Sub-continent, Map of Pakistan
General objectives :
a. To create in students the spirit of love of Pakistan.
b. To inculcate in students the spirit of patriotism for their country.
c. To create in students the quality of a responsible citizen of Pakistan.
d . To inculcate in students, critical thinking and_ social consciousness.
e. To enable the students to face and accept the changing conditions of
their life.
Specific objectives:
A. Knowledge
a. To enable the students know the objectives of creation of Pakistan.
b. To enable students to familiarize with Islamic foundation of nationality.
c. To enable the students be aware of religious, social, economic and
political differences among Muslims and Hindus in Subcontinent.
d. To enable students be familiarized with the “Two Nation Theory”,
supported by facts.
e. To enable the student to explain Muslim League Public Movement for
the creation of Pakistan.
f. To enable the student to describe the implication of Crisp Mission.
g. To enable the student to explain the important points of Indian
Independence Act 1947.
h. To enable the students explain the role played by provinces in the
creation of Pakistan.
B. Skill:
a. To enable the students to draw an outline map of Indo-Pakistay sub-
b. To enable the students to draw an outline map of Pakistan.
c. To enable the students to organize Pakistan Independence Day, the (14"
August, 1947).
d. To enable the students to prepare charts related to the topic.
e. To enable the students to prepare a speech on the “Creation of Pakistan"
f. To enable the students to deliver speech on the “Creation of Pakistan”.
C. Altitude:
a. To enable the students express love for Islam and people of Pakistan.
b. To enable the students rationalize the creation of Pakistan.
c. To enable the students create love for the people of Pakistan who had
rendered great sacrifices for the creation of Pakistan.
d. To enable the students express sympathy for those who had been
suffered much during the partition period.
e. To enable the students appreciate the role played by provinces in the
support of Pakistan.
Basic /key Concepts of the Lesson:
The following basic/key concepts are derived from the lesson.
A. “Two-Nation Theory” was based on glaring cultural differences
between Hindus and Muslims.
B. The Muslims of the sub-continent wanted to get rid of British as well as
Hindu domination.
C. The Muslims were in majority in the eastern and western parts of the
D. Muslims wanted to Iced their life according to the precepts of Islam.
E. Muslims of the Sub-continent aspired Urdu as their national language.
Stage 2: Presentation:
1: Introduction :
Students are aware that Pakistan Independence Day the 14th August,
1947, and Pakistan Resolution Day, the 23" March, 1940 use celebrated
every year with pomp and show. Students are also aware of the communal
which are taking place now and then in India.
Introducing the Lesson:
The central theme of the lesson will be introduced by the teacher while
forwarding such basic facts.
a. Hindus will subjugate Muslims while taking revenge of hundred years of
Muslims domination over them, after getting rid of British supremacy in
b. Being Muslims, they will not able to lead their life independently in
c. Therefore, Muslims of India started independent struggle under the
leadership of Quaid-e-Azam to get rid of themselves from - British as well
from Hindus simultaneously.
d. The united struggle of Muslims in India carved out Pakistan a new born
country on the map of sub-continent on August 14, 1947.
After wide discussion on the central concepts of the topic, the following
generalization will be drawn.
Stage 3.
Generalization so drawn, include the following key points.
a. The creation of Pakistan evolved round “Two Nations Theory”.
b. Muslims of the sub-continent wanted to lead their life according to the
tenants of Islam.
c. Other related factors for the creation of Pakistan were their unique
historical, cultural and social heritage which could to be preserved and
promoted only in a domination of Muslims in India.
Stage 4.
Evaluation Questions:
The outcome of the lesson will be evaluated through asking Students the
following questions.
a. What is the concept of Hindu nationality?
b. What is the basis of Muslim nationality?
c. What is meant by “Two Nations Theory”
d. Why Muslims of sub-continent demanded a_ separate homeland?
e. What are political and social differences between Muslims and Hindus?
f. In which provinces Muslims were in majority? g. What were the
important points of Pakistan Resolution?
h. What were the important points of Crisp Mission?
i. What was the role of Baluchistan and NWEP in the creation of Pakistan?
Activities to the Performed by Student at the end of the Lesson:
For the following activities will be carried out by students under in
guidance and supervision of the teacher at the end of the lesson.
a. Students will be asked to visit Minar-e-Pakistan and write in their book
the Pakistan Resolution 1940 inscribed on the tablets of Minar.
b. Students will be asked to collect pictures depicting the characteristic
religious, social and cultural life of Muslim and Hindus.
c. Students will be asked to collect extracts of speeches of Quaide-Azam
delivered on different occasions and present them in the class.
d. Students will be asked to present a report fully justifying the creation of
e. Students will be asked to fill in green color the areas where Muslims
were in majority in India, outline another map of the sub-continent.
f. Students with be asked to collect photos of important persons or leaders
who had played active role in Pakistan Movements in the sub-continent.
QNO5# What are the different types of techniques used in teaching of
Pakistan Studies? Elaborate the relevance of each type of technique.
What is a Discussion Method?
The discussion method of teaching is a process in which a small group
assembles to communicate with each other, using speaking, listening and
nonverbal processes in order to achieve instructional objectives. There
are group members, who have reciprocal influence over one another and
they are affected by the behavior of one another in the group. The
participants use the available time to communicate with each other.
Discussion requires interaction between students and teacher. So its
effectiveness depends heavily upon the quality of students teacher
relationship. Because discussion is much more predictable than teaching.
It requires considerable instructors spontaneity, creativity and tolerance
for the unknown. Whether it is held in small seminar or a large group
lecture discussion classes, discussion requires a teacher to have excellent
communication and interpersonal skill. If done well, discussion can
promote independent thinking and motivation as well as enhance student
Advantages of Discussion Method:
The following are advantages of discussion method
a. Discussion helps students assimilate and integrate information, they
have initially acquired from reading or lecture.

b. Discussion is useful for emphasizing the connection between old and

new knowledge.
c. Discussion is most useful to teach the process of learning that is
thinking. A provocative question in discussion stimulates more thinking
than a rhetorical question in a lecture.
d. What student can learn about thinking during class discussion.? They
learn to approach a process, a problem, or a topic rationally, monitor their
own thinking process and question their implicit assumption.
e. The discussion is particularly good at revealing students attitude.
f. Discussion is especially useful in social sciences or social studies because
it is ideal way to demonstrate to students of any social, cultural and
political problem to be evaluated.
g. Discussion method is practically effective at increasinglystudents
interest involvement.
h. Discussion can promote interpersonal relationship, student rapport,
independence and motivation .in ways attained by the teacher alone.
i. Discussion embraces rapport between student and teacher because it
gives instructor so many chances to show acceptance of study ideas. In
academic term interactions between the teacher and students during class
discussion reflect the morale of the whole group.
J. Discussion is also important because it requires students to demonstrate
k. Teachers who are skilled facilitator achieve both educational and
interpersonal objectives with disc USS ion.

In short, classroom discussion can be a waste of time for everyone and as

boring as the worst of lectures when are not focused on appropriate cours
¢ method and when they are not done with a class that has been trained to
participate. However, discussion can produces unmatched involvement
and Opportunities for students to practice critical independent thinking.
Discussion is the most interpersonal of all classrooms thinking method.
Planning for Discussion :
There are essential planning elemerits in discussion.
They are brie stated:
A. Choosing the discussion topic:
Ideally, the teacher should not select the topic. It is left for the group t
select the topic. Relevance to the group is naturally insured when the
group chooses the topic. They will show ownership, willingness and
interest in it Sometimes, if a teacher intends to select a topic, he should
select it in sucha way that if grows out of the discussion.
B. Phrasing tile Discussion Question:
Once the topic is selected, then the question be carefully phrased to the
group. The teacher must be concerned with the question. He should be
suré that the question in precise, clear, understandable, relevant and
C. Outlining the topic:
Once an acceptable question is phrased, then the teacher should start
writing the aspects of the question which he feels are important and
which the discussants will likely raise. The teacher should be confident
and should have broad understanding, of the problem or issue he intends
to present to students for discussion.
D. Planning Discussion Strategy,
At this stage, the teacher should determine what type of discussion, he will
intend to launch. It is vitally important to start the discussion out on the
right foot and have a clear planned introduction so that the discussants
would not be confused by a vague or an incorrect statement of the issue as
decided upon earlier.
E. Planning the Discussion Strategy :
To plan the middle phase of discussion, it is best to prepare a set of central
questions which the teacher believes need to answered. The teachers task
will be to see that these questions are answered as the discussants
exchange ideas.
F. Planning Discussion Strategy :
The end phase has three important parts, drawing conclusion,
recapitulation and launching new activities. The teacher should leave
adequate time of the final stage. A discussion without a proper ending
leaves the discussant dissatisfied and are uncertain what they have gained
from their efforts, the teacher, therefore, ask the students to draw a
conclusion based on many points raised during discussion. He should ask
student to recapitulate to main points of the discussion.
For the purpose of launching new activity, the teacher should suggest a
few activities to the group. These include trips, readings, films or further
«discussion on any topic/activity, which it is based on students interest.
Main Points Related to the Discussion Method:
A. Development of Skills:
The teacher should develop discussion skills and keep ready for use. The
key skill to plan is contributing. He should carefully decide how he would
contribute to the discussion. He should also share his leadership with the
discussants in regard to the performing the discussion skills and roles.
B. Planning a Study Trip:
For obtaining valuable result, careful planning is necessary for Y Yip, Such
planning include he
a. Adequate preparation of the class.
b. Arrangement for the place to be visited.
c. Adopting a planned procedure during the visit.
d. Checking and synthesizing the result into the larger pattern of
A brief discussion is made on the above considerations to be taken in view
before conducting a field study.
The successful field trip must be planned and organized. The teacher or
student, who has already visited the place may be give a general
description, The try teacher make arrangement and completes other
formalities so that disappointment be avoided. Necessary permission from
the head of the institution and respective parents of the children should
be obtained and other safety arrangement are also be made.
The visit itself should be so limited in scope as to allow ample time for
necessary questions, explanations and observations. The teacher should
assist the students in seeing the relationship in detail and how to
synthesize the result into a larger pattern of instruction. Thoughtful
questions and observations should be encouraged and efforts be made to
insure that students have a meaningful experiences.
The results of the visit should be ascertained informally, and formally. if a
test Or written report seems feasible. Letters of appreciation to those who
fad welcome them, parents and principal should also be sent.
In short, efforts be made to make the visit a success and enrich the
recitation, illuminate the topic and provide material for further work.
1. Organizing Exhibitions:
Exhibitions form two kinds of approaches in the teaching of Pakistan
Studies. Firstly, conducting a visit to an educational exhibition organized
by education department, college, school, university or by a non-
government organization, or society. Adopting such approach or
technique has already been discussed in the preceding subunit of “study
trip” in Pakistan Studies, Secondly, to organize an educational exhibition
with special references to Pakistan Studies in the school itself by the
students under the guidance of teacher, encouragement of the head of the
institution, cooperation of parents and assistance of any community
organization or a welfare society of the locality. Parents and community
involvement is must because such activity involves finances, school and
teachers or students sometimes, cannot afford such expenses.
The organization of an “educational exhibition” with special reference to
Pakistan Studies, would be a very fruitful activity because it would unfold
students interest, initiative, and creativity and to provide opportunity to
teacher and students how to organize certain activity and to support and
enrich their curriculum requirement, and benefit other students and
community people.
Pupils while organizing such activity can raise or should raise a small fund
for it in the form of setting an entry ticket to students and other people
who will visit the exhibition. Such fund could be utilized for assisting poor
children or meeting the immediate expenses of the exhibition. A
committee comprising the teacher and selected students be constituted to
take the responsibility of making necessary arrangement for such
2. Collection of Materials for Exhibition:
Collection of related materials for exhibition is a big problem for Which
not only students studying Pakistan Studies in high classes but also those
students Studying Social Studies at lower classes be moved. A wide
Publicity be made for the holding of such exhibition among the students,
Parents and community people, and students belonging to other
institutions so that their moral and financial support could be attained.
Moreover, a formal request should be made through proper bodies to the
Curator of in charge of local museum, librarian of the town or a local
public library to lend necessary auricles, materials relating to the social,
cultural, economic aspects of Pakistan. Museums and libraries will be
willing to provide necessary maternal for the display in the proposed
school exhibition because such activities are held in the national interest
such as to propagate historical, social, cultural Values and traditions of
3. The Content of Exhibition:
Variety of material, need to the collected for exhibition but such material
be related to the historical, social cultural geographical and economics
aspects of Pakistan. Especially these should contain the following types
A. Pictures:
Pictures of the leaders and pioneer of Pakistan.
Pictures of the important historical places.
Pictures of the important geographical places.
Pictures of the important cultural activities.
Pictures of the industrial establishment.
Pictures of the irrigation system.
Pictures of the dams, barrages and head works.
Pictures of the plains and deserts.
2. Models:
Models of dams and barrages. Models of forts.
Models of buildings.
Models of typical rural village.
Models of a Persian wheel.
3. Statues:
Famous statues secured in variety of colours, size and materials.
4. Specimen
° Coins
° Stamps
° Uniform.
° Wooden work.
° Mineral deposits.
° Old manuscripts,
° Old books.
° Old newspapers.
° Old magazines.
° Old pictures/portraits.
° House hold wares.
° Wooden wares.
° Brass wares.
° Agricultural implements.
° Old portable furniture.
° Calligraphy.
Displaying the exhibits or material for exhibition is a careful look. It is an
art and skill. The teacher must be familiar with such skill. The best
approach is to get such technical assistance from an archeologist or
people who are in charge of museum. They would voluntarily offer such
services. Before opening of the exhibition in the school, their services or
guidance rail in indispensable because they know how to make
arrangement of the material attractive and meaningful manner.
Role Playing
What is Role Playing or Socio-Drama
The most frequently used kind of role playing technique is the
sociodrama, it is also an evaluation technique which provides evaluative
data for the teacher by what they say, what they talk? And how they act?
The teacher can infer from this performance that how much information
they have about the situation and the person being depicted. In this
section, the discussion of role playing will be confined to the nature and
function as a technique in teaching of Pakistan studies. The popular term
socio-drama for role playing will be used in the discussion.
Socio-drama is a form of role playing that provides an indirect but very
useful indication of the extent to which the student has read with
understanding, insights and empathy. When a student says and the
general attitude he conveys, will reflect to a considerable extent what he
has read about the situation and what he knows about the personalities
Use and Advantages of Socio - Drama.
The use of socio-drama, is most useful to get an overt manifestation of
students of some of their personality characteristics. Socio-drama is the
name applied to unwritten and un-memorized dramatization. As an
introductory step it is used to motivate students and to reveal gaps in
their information and understanding in simple situations, this
introductory level serves its purpose without further dramatization.
Socio-drama is a process by which students identify themselves with the
person whom they seek to understand. Instead of trying by the indirect
means for example how and why a cashier of the institution, a police
officer or a chairman of the town committee etc behaves as he does. The
students tries by self identification to understand himself in the role that
he assumes. This effort involves not only acting but also action. This
student learns many thing vicariously what others have done.
Socio-drama is teaching of Pakistan Studies which has ‘a wide application
to the whole field of social learning, in its full meaning, it involves
motivation, self-analysis and social adjustment, the wide use of the
problem method of studying, activities of varied kinds, the use of group
standards to effect, changes in both the group and within the individuals
the exercise of democratic procedure and self and mutual evaluation. In its
simples form, however, it may be regarded as placing most emphasis upon
acquiring an understanding of other persons, upon individual personality
development, upon promoting interest, and upon a diagnosis of the extent
of ones information and understand.
Socio-drama is not the play acting of the little children not the learning of
speeches, nor the conscious initiation of models. Instead, it is a genuine
identification of one’s self, for example, with a police officer, chairman of a
town committee an engineer of a factory. For this purpose, thoughtfulness
is necessary for a moment for proposing to assume a given role.
Socio-drama can be used to explore historical situation, contemporary
sues and local problems.
Precautions to be taken in View by the Teacher:
In using socio-drama, the teacher should observe a few simple
a. He should himself assume a role for the purpose of understanding the
psychology of the actor.
b. He should select a simple situation to be understand.
c. He should select capable articulate, imaginative students to initiate
d. He should assign lesser roles to less assured students.
e. In the beginning, he should utilize only three or four participants.
f. Only after the class has gained some sense of how socio-drama works
should the teacher call for volunteers,
g. He should allow a brief period for meditation prior to opening the scene.
h. He should prepare the rest of the class to listen with sympathy and
I. He should insist upon the exploratory, motivating nature of socio-drama.
J. The teacher should be coach and audience but he should seldom provide
any speech, rather, he should restate the nature of the role involved when
a student has any difficulty.

k. Initial socio-drama should seldom exceed five minutes in length.

l. He should have ample time for the class question and appraisal.
m. He should insist that socio-drama is not to be a smooth or furnished
performance, that it is a method and not a product.
Socio-drama can be a futile attempt or it can be a meaningful experience.
The teacher who approaches it thoughtfully and patiently will find it one
of the most effective methods of teaching because basically it rests upon
the sound principles of “learning by doing”. In this instance the doing
consists of imagining, feeling, talking and acting.

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