6511 Assignment No 2
6511 Assignment No 2
6511 Assignment No 2
Assignment No. 2
QNO#1 Discuss the concept of socialized recitation by focusing
different activities which make this method effective. What is the
specific role of a teacher in this method?
Ans: The teaching profession is exciting and challenging.
Teachers act as role models, mentors, caregivers and advisers. They can
have a profound effect on the lives of their students. Primarily, teachers
will impart knowledge to their students to help them learn new things
about a specific group of subjects. They find new ways of supporting their
students’ learning styles and are mindful that students, especially young
people, will learn at a different pace and speed to their peers. Because of
this, teachers need to be highly adaptable and flexible with their lesson
A creative mind, a listening ear and strong communication skills are
essential to succeed in the role of a teacher. Individuals who are resilient
and tenacious are particularly in demand .Teaching is a career path that is
available to anyone that has an undergraduate degree and is able to
commit to achieving Qualified Teaching Status (QTS). There are several
possible routes to QTS, including on-the-job training in a school where
you can earn as you learn. Most importantly, teaching is a great career
choice for those who want to make a difference in the lives of young
people and who are passionate about lifelong learning.
What is the role of a teacher?
The role of a teacher is to inspire, motivate, encourage and educate
learners. Learners can be of any age and from any background. However,
for the purposes of this guide, teachers refer to those who educate young
people of school age (roughly 4-18).
Teachers serve many roles within a school environment. Gone are the
days when a teacher was merely seen as a classroom educator; someone
who just teaches a core subject to a classroom full of children and then
goes home for the day – job done. Teachers can work across a variety of
subjects which they may bring to life with the assistance of modern and
interactive technologies. A teacher’s role is to “shape the life chances of
young people by imparting knowledge – bringing the curriculum to life,”
says Harry Cutty, head teacher of Cantrell School and vice chair of Aspire
Community Trust. “When you have the right culture and systems in place,
it’s more than just a job. When you get passionate teachers, they can
hugely inspire young people no matter what their background. Great
teachers support young people not just in education, but in life and
vocation choices.”
The teacher job role is expansive. From imparting knowledge to
safeguarding children’s welfare, inspiring critical thought and moral
values, teachers play a central position within the community. They are
often passionate and dedicated individuals with a strong desire for
lifelong learning.
“I have a continuous hunger for improving and extending the knowledge
of young people,” says Francesco Milano, teacher of modern foreign
languages at Trafalgar School in Portsmouth. “By improving someone’s
knowledge, you are improving the world – not just the big world – the one
that exists within the community in which you live.”
As long as you hold a degree, teaching is an accessible career path to
anyone, at any stage of their career. Education offers the potential to
shape the young lives of the next generation. It’s a profession in which you
can move forward and gain promotion swiftly if you achieve rapidly. Your
salary will rise in line with your increased responsibility, and once you
gain experience, your career path can take you in many different
directions.Teaching is also one of the very few professions where you are
equally celebrated if you choose to remain a classroom teacher and not to
follow the leadership path.
What are the roles and responsibilities of a teacher?
The responsibilities of a teacher are far-reaching and can significantly
vary depending on the school in which you teach, your specialist subject
and the surrounding community. For example, a primary teacher in a
private school with a classroom of six-year-olds will have an entirely
different job and career to a history teacher in a state-funded academy
school. However, there will always remain some similarities across all
teaching roles.
C. To liberalize the school control.
D. To provide multifarious types of activities to students
E. To increase activities on the part of pupils because pupils learn by doing
and by active participation.
F. To teach pupils to work together in a friendly and cooperative manner.
Trust to develop social consciousness.
G. To develop sense of responsibility in pupils.
H. To reduce the amount of formality and establish a friendly feeling
between teacher and students.
I. To develop self confidence among students.
J. To develop in individual the capacity for clear thinking planning and
K. To prepare pupils, for practical life.
L. To keep students develop-their natural interest.
M. To make the subject matter useful.
N. To enable the students realize their own potentialities while doing
practical activities.
O. To enable the students realize their own weaknesses and limitations
and to overcome them in future.
Advantages of Socialized Recitation :
The following are the advantages of socialized recitation
A. Pupils will learn how to plan and execute activities.
B. Common interest and purposes are discovered.
C. Leadership qualities are gained.
D. Initiative is encouraged.
E. Independence of thought is achieved.
F. Students develop good social manners.
G. Students are trained how to plan and report. H. Students learn how to
participate in discussion.
I. Students exposed to variety of experiences.
J. Self confidence is gained.
K. Respect for other is developed.
L. Cooperation is learned.
M. Pupils have greater admiration and respect for teachers.
N. Teacher knows pupil better.
O. Learning is highly motivated.
In short, the use of resources and materials are important in the broad
context of teaching of Pakistan Studies. These serve all such purposes if
teacher intends to provide motivation, extends range of experience of
children, create in them feelings of reality and strengthen their retention,
clarify their perceptions and their understanding about their subject.
In the proceeding pages the need and importance of instructional
resources, have been briefly stated. In this section some of the important
teaching materials specifically relating to the teaching of Pakistan Studies
are briefly described so that their importance and relevance to the
teaching of Pakistan Studies could be highlighted.
Text Book: The textbook of Pakistan Studies, in fact, exists a more direct
and extensive influence upon the teacher and the students and upon the
method of his teaching. For most of teachers as well as students it is the
only source of knowledge. On the subject and the entire efforts of the
Teacher center the transmission of knowledge contained in the book to
the students.
There is considerable evidence that the influence of the present textbook
in Pakistan Studies, is more evident than the previous one because it is
more exhaustive, up to date and illustrated.
The textbook reflects an established standards It in indicates in fact, what
the teacher is required to know and what the pupils are supposed to lean?
By its teaching and learning aids, it markedly affect methods and deflects
the rising standard of scholarship. It expands its scope and size to meet
the changing conception of what is considered educationally sound and
desirable. Thus it sometimes leads and sometimes follows the educational
process but it is always a significant fact.
Most of the teachers regard the textbook as a simple device. They assume
that all its aspects and features are self explanatory and that they can
secure its advantages without experiences and training. In reality, the
textbook is a compact and somewhat complicated product and its use
require Considerable understanding and skill. For example, the textbook
of Pakistan Studies has been prepared on the concept of integration, and
the constituent elements of such integration are history, geography, civics
and economics of Pakistan. Now, it depends upon the teacher’s
understanding of the inter. relatedness of these components, the
underlying principles of its formulation and skill and training of the
teacher to teach the concepts in integrated and unified manner.
A good textbook possesses some characteristics such as:
a. Its content is designed to promote the objectives of the course.
b. It is sound in scholarship.
c. It is adapted to the maturity and ability of the pupils.
d. It challenges the interest of the pupils.
e. It is clear and simple organization.
f. Its teaching and learning aids are helpful.
Other supplementary materials to the textbook are increasing in number
and variety. The term “Work Book” has become popular. Such work books
are important for their own sake. They play their own role in facilitating
the study of a particular text. The principal features of the work book are.
Study Guide/Questions
Completion Exercise
Important Dates
Outline Maps
Diagrams, Charts, Graphs, Tables
Suggested Reports
Suggested Projects And Activities
Suggested Films
The use of work book, however, is a challenging task for the teacher. He
should find out any discrepancy that exists in the textbook and workbook.
He should check that the workbook is specific and specifically written for
the textbook which are used in the classroom. He should provide guide
lines (if not given) concerning the activities or exercises to be done by the
Some advantages of the work book are briefly stated.
a. Provides specific guidance in reading and study.
b. Furnishes training in selecting relevant and significan aspects.
c. Provides opportunities for directed activities.
d. Suggested projects and other opportunities for independent work.
e. Allows a wide range of performance, thus adequately meeting the
problem of individual differences,
f. Provides objectives bases for marks.
g. Provide self testing and remedial exercise.
On the other hand some teachers feel that the work book:
1) tends to mechanize the work,
2) Lulls the teacher into in activity,
3) inspires a false sense of achievement,
4) prevents students from developing resourcefulness,
5) consumes an undue amount of time,
6) discourages group at work,
In fact, book has not been prepared by the text book boards to be used
along with the teaching of Pakistan Studies in secondary school.
Teacher's Manual: The term guidebook for teacher’s manual is
commonly used in Pakistan. Teacher’s manual or guide book to
accompany the textbook, are becoming popular. Its popularity might be
due to the increasing demand upon the time of teachers or the desire of
publishers and authors to put their textbook to its most effective use.
The guide book/teacher manual is used because It:
a. Provides useful supplementary information and teaching aids for the
teacher which cannot be collected by his in his limited time.
b. Indicates special features of the textbook and suggested classroom
activities and procedure that will involve teacher and children to carryout
c. Suggests various teaching strategies that h should be taught by the
teacher. grow the textbook
d. Suggests activities, which could be Carried out outside the classroom.
Achievement Test Booklet:
Achievement test booklets are also used along with the text book -use they
are very practical time saving for the teacher. The test booklet are usually
available with publishers. They are also prepared in various subject by
regional boards of international and secondary education and are
distributed in schools to facilitate teachers in the preparation of objective
type tests for examination purpose. These tests are mostly objective types.
They are helpful for the preparation of students for their external
examination. These achievement tests are also known as “Item pools” and
“Item bank”. The texts are easy in scoring. They cover wide range content
of the text book. Teachers who are teaching Pakistan Studies should be
encouraged to prepare their own item pools, or tests on their subject for
periodical evaluation purpose. They should be duly’ provided orientation
in the preparation of such achievement tests in their related subject.
Utilization of Library for Teaching of Pakistan Studies :
The importance of Reading Materials: The need of extensive reading
materials and other kinds of equipment for secondary grades, is generally
recognized, although much facilitates are ‘ there missing OF inadequate
for the Pakistan Studies. The desirability of an ° library for teaching of
various subjects, particularly Pakistan Studies, is also widely recognized
and should be provided as a means of gaining insight in social realities.
It has been generally observed that proper books which have been
recommended for the school library in Pakistan Studies are either
irrelevant or very old or inadequate or their number is small. There are
inappropriate volumes found in school library which have been donated.
A sad state of school library is. It has no separate building or room and no
fulltime trained librarian or a trained teacher in library science to manage
and look after the library. Moreover, the financial provision for the
purchase of library books, is to made on regular basis by the department
in the annual budget of the school.