Detail Post - Flat Roof Details

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Detail Post – Flat Roof

The following post includes excerpts from our book
Understanding Architectural Details – Residential.

The book is now in its fourth edition, and was updated to

reflect the changes to the Building Regulations in June
2022. All of the construction details in the book comply with
the latest u-value requirements.

You can download all of the details featured in this post

– just scroll down to find out more.

Introduction to Flat Roof Details

The roof is a key element of the building structure, providing

protection from the elements and has a vital role in reducing
heat loss from the building. Roofs tend to be either pitched
or flat, and typically in residential construction, timber is the
most common material used.

The Building Regulations in the UK provide guidance on

roof design. You can find the Building Regulations here.
Functional Requirements:

The functional requirements of the roof are:

• Strength and stability

• Protection from the weather

• Durability

• Resistance to passage of sound

• Thermal insulation

• Resistance to air leakage

• Fire safety

• Security

• Aesthetics

Flat Roof Construction for


A roof is considered to be flat when it has a slope of 10˚ or

less to the horizontal, according to BS6229. A purposefully
designed slope in the roof either through firrings or laying
joists on a slope helps to evacuate water from the roof and
avoid pooling.

A flat roof usually consists of the following:

Waterproof membrane to prevent water penetrating the
structure and interior of the building
Roof deck, providing the base for the waterproof
membrane, and in some cases the insulation
Thermal insulation
Load bearing or primary structure, usually constructed in
timber in a residential construction.

The construction of the flat roof is similar to that of the

timber upper floor. Joists are placed on edge, spaced at
400-600mm centres, supported by external and internal load
bearing walls. TRADA and Approved Document Part A give
guidance on sizes of joists for flat roofs relating to spans
and loading. Strutting is fixed between the joists to provide
lateral restraint.

Depending on the roof build up, a roof deck is then fixed to

the joists over firring strips, to provide the fall of the roof.
The roof deck material is usually chipboard or plywood. The
firring strips allow the roof to have the slope required to
enable water run-off to the rain water outlets. An alternative
to this method sees insulation boards made into shallow
wedge sections to provide the fall.
Insulating the roof

Similar to the pitched roof, a flat roof can be insulated as a

cold or a warm deck. However, due to the flat nature of
these types of roofs, ventilation can be problematic within
cold roofs, causing condensation issues and therefore they
are usually not recommended by manufacturers.

Cold Roof/Deck
A cold roof system sees the insulation placed immediately
above the ceiling between the joists, with ventilation space
above the insulation. It is difficult to provide suitable
ventilation of the void above the insulation to prevent
condensation. This roof system is rarely used nowadays
due to the difficulties in ventilation, thermal bridging and risk
of condensation and failure.

Warm Roof/Deck (Sandwich roof)

Warm roof systems benefit from the insulation sitting above
the deck. This enables the temperature of the structure and
the deck to be kept close to the temperature of the inside of
the building (hence warm). The insulation is tapered to
provide a fall to the roof to enable water to run to the water

With the warm roof deck, there is less likelihood of

condensation forming in the warm roof space, so ventilation
is not required. A vapour control layer is still installed to
minimise any moisture movement. This system is probably
the most common arrangement for residential flat roofs.

The disadvantage of this roof system is that the insulation is

directly under the roof covering, so the covering suffers
considerable temperature fluctuations. An inverted roof
system avoids this issue.

Inverted Roof
The inverted roof puts the insulation above the roof
covering. The insulation is then protected with a layer of
chippings or concrete paving. This system is often seen in
more commercial projects.

Both of the warm roof options prevent wasteful cutting of

insulation and decrease installation time, therefore labour
Flat Roof Detail Examples
The following images provide examples of flat roof details.

Flat Roof Detail – Masonry cavity wall, flat roof, insulation

above joists
Flat Roof Detail – Masonry cavity wall, flat roof, insulation
above joists
Parapet Detail – Masonry cavity wall, flat roof with parapet,
insulation above joists
Parapet Detail – Masonry cavity wall, flat roof with parapet,
insulation above joists
Timber Frame Flat Roof Detail
Timber Frame Flat Roof Detail
Download the Flat Roof Details!
Download this selection of flat roof details in PDF and
DWG format.

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Notes from the Building

Regulations on Roofs

General Requirements – Roofs

The following information is a partial list of requirements

from the Building Regulations Approved Documents – for full
and detailed explanations and requirements please consult
the full publications.
PART A: Structure

(2004 Edition, incorporating 2004, 2010 and 2013


The building shall be constructed so that the combined

dead, imposed and wind loads are sustained and
transmitted by it to the ground.

PART B: Fire Safety Volume 1 Dwellings

(2019 Edition, incorporating 2020 amendments & 2022


Requirement B1 – Means of Escape

Where a flat roof forms a means of escape it should comply

with the following:
It should be part of the same building from which the
escape is being made
The route across the roof should lead to a storey exit or
external escape route
The part of the roof forming the escape route and any
opening within 3m of the escape route, should be of fire
resisting construction (minimum REI 30).

A flat roof intended to form part of an escape route should

be provided with guarding in accordance with Approved
Document K.

Requirement B2 Internal Fire Spread (Linings)

To inhibit the spread of fire within the building the internal

linings shall adequately resist the spread of flame over their
surfaces and if ignited, have either a rate of heat release or
rate of fire growth which is reasonable in the circumstances.
(Internal linens applies to any partition, wall, ceiling or other
internal structure).

Wall and ceiling linings should meet the classifications in

Table 4.1 of Approved Document Part B Volume 1.

For rooflight requirements refer to Approved Document Part

B Volume 1.
Requirement B3 Internal Fire Spread (Structure)

The building shall be designed and constructed so that , in

the event of fire its stability will be maintained for a
reasonable period.

Where reasonably necessary to inhibit the spread of fire

within the building, measures shall be taken, to an extent
appropriate to the size and intended use of the building,
comprising either or both of the following:

Subdivision of the building with fire-resisting construction

Installation of suitable automatic fire suppression systems

The building shall be designed and constructed so that the

unseen spread of fire and smoke within concealed spaces in
its structure and fabric is inhibited.


To reduce the potential for fire spread cavity barriers must

be provided to divide cavities and to close the edges of

Cavity barriers should be provided:

at the edges of cavities, around openings such as

windows, doors etc,
at the junction between external cavity wall and every
compartment floor and wall
at the junction between an internal cavity wall and every
compartment floor, compartment wall or other wall or door
assembly forming a fire resisting barrier

Refer to the regulations for full requirements.

Requirement B4

External Fire Spread

The roof of the building shall adequately resist the spread of

fire over the roof and from one building to another, having
regard to the use and position of the building.

Resisting fire spread over roof coverings The risk of a fire

spreading from the building to a building beyond the
boundary should be limited.

Refer to Approved Document Part B, Volume 1, Section B4

for limitations on roof coverings in relation to boundaries.
Table 12.1, 12.2, 12.3.

The above notes do not contain guidance for flats, for full
requirements refer to the regulations.

PART C: Site Preparation and Resistance to

Contaminants and Moisture
(2004 Edition, incorporating 2004, 2010 and 2013

Resistance to moisture

The roof of the building shall adequately protect the building

and people who use the building from harmful effects
caused by; precipitation including wind driven spray,
interstitial and surface condensation.

Resistance to moisture from the outside Any roof will meet

the requirement if; it is jointless or has sealed joints and is
impervious to moisture or, it has overlapping dry joints, is
impervious or weather resisting and is backed by a material
which will direct precipitation with enters the roof towards
the outer face.

Resistance to damage from interstitial condensation

A roof will meet the requirement if it is designed and

constructed in accordance with Clause 8.4 of BS5250:2002
and BS EN ISO 13788:2002.

To avoid excessive moisture transfer to roof voids gaps and

penetrations for pipes and electrical wiring should be filled
and sealed (especially in areas of high humidity such as
kitchens and bathrooms). An effective draught seal should
be provided to loft hatches to reduce inflow of warm air and
PART F: Ventilation

(2021 Edition)

There shall be adequate means of ventilation provided for

people in the building.

PART H: Drainage and Waste Disposal

(2015 Edition)

Rainwater drainage

Adequate provision shall be made for rainwater to be carried

from the roof of the building.

The flow into a gutter depends on the area of surface being

drained and whether the surface is flat or pitched. Refer to
Approved Document Part H for calculation tables of drained
areas and gutter/ outlet sizes.

Refer to Approved Document Part H Diagram 1 for rainfall

intensities for design of gutter and rainfall pipes.

Gutters should be laid with any fall towards the nearest

outlet. Gutters should also be laid so that any overflow in
excess of the design capacity, caused by conditions such as
above normal rainfall, will be discharged clear of the
building, reducing the risk of overspilling of rainwater into
the building or structural overload.

Rainwater pipes should discharge into a drain or gully, but

may discharge to another gutter or another surface if it is

PART K: Protection from falling, collision and impact

(2013 Edition)

K2 Protection from falling Pedestrian guarding should be

provided to any roof that people have access to.

PART L: Conservation of fuel and power, Volume 1:


(2021 Edition)

Reasonable provision shall be made for the conservation of

fuel and power in buildings by:

limiting heat gains and losses through thermal elements

and other parts of the building fabric,
from pipes, ducts and vessels used for space heating,
space cooling and hot water services.
New roofs must achieve a U-value of 0.11W/m2K

Upgrading existing roofs must achieve a U-value of 0.15


(Refer to Approved Document Part L for full requirements for

new elements in existing dwellings, extensions, renovating
elements in existing dwellings and necessary U-values.)


Insulation should be installed tight to the structure, without

air gaps, and should extend to the wall insulation. For roofs
insulated at ceiling level, the long term protection of the
insulation layer should be considered: boarded areas should
be provided above the insulation to give access for

Thermal Bridging

Continue insulation across the wall-to-eaves and wall-to-

gable junctions. Wall insulation should be installed to the top
of the wall plate, in some cases this may be above the
cavity closure or barrier. Roofs insulated at ceiling level; loft
insulation at the eaves should extend beyond the wall
insulation without any reduction in thickness due to the pitch
of the roof. At gables and party walls, insulation should
extend to the wall; if the space between the wall and joist is
less than 100mm, perimeter insulation may be required.
Part 0: Overheating

(2021 edition)

Reasonable provision must be made to:

limit unwanted solar gains in summer;

provide an adequate means to remove heat from the
indoor environment.

Understanding Architectural Details, Residential - 4th…



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