Lord Heimharts Magical Items - Volume 4 - Potions

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Incl u d e s :
(POT CTER LEVELS) Jordan Jones
Lord Heimhart’s Collection - Volume 4
Tonics, Draughts,Brews, and Potions
The Potion Collection
• Artist’s Draught • Exalted Speaker’s Potion • Potion of Transform Flesh
• Brew of Stone Touch • Fortuitous Clear Tonic • Seer’s Brew
• Brew of the Vicious Amazon • Future Giant Brew • Tonic of Absorbs Ice
• Brew of Thought • Great Seers’ Draught • Tonic of Brilliance and Generosity
• Draught of Goblin Slaying • Monstrosity Draught • Tonic of Golem Slaying
• Draught of the Chameleon • Philter of Energy Touch • Tonic of Sly Serpents
• Draught of the Titan • Potion of Lava Auras • Tonic of the Glamour of Courage
• Drink of Blood Auras • Potion of the Blessed Elf • Undertakers’ Potion
• Drink of Conjure Misfortune • Potion of the Humanoid • Unjust Healer’s Philter

Artist’s Draught Brew of Quality Thought

Potion, Uncommon Potion, Very Rare

This multi-colored swirling liquid doesn’t mix when This potion is a deep blue and silver liquid that
shaken and when it comes to rest the colors stack when consumed allows you to have advantage on
into rainbow order. When you drink this potion you any investigation check to find information while
are inspired with ideas and thoughts from the artistic searching books in a library or other similar space.
muses. For the next minute you can sit in thought
contemplating a question and receive inspiration (from Draught of Goblin Slaying
the DM) about a possible answer to your question. Potion, Uncommon

This dark brown liquid looks and feels like a

Brew of Stone Touch thick mud. When consumed, this potion grants
Potion, Very Rare
you advantage on any attacks against goblins and
This gray and speckled potion smells of dirt and dust. goblinoid creatures for the next hour. And any melee
After you have drunk this potion your hands begin to attacks against these creatures deal an additional 1d6
turn a stone grey. The next living creature that you of the damage type, including magical damage.
touch must make a DC 17 CON save to avoid being
turned to stone immediately.

Brew of the Vicious Amazon fighter

Potion, Rare

This green liquid is thick and seems to be made of

some sort of blended up leaves and grass. As you
drink this potion (As an action) you feel a surge of
energy run through your veins. For the next minute
whenever you take the attack action you move so
quickly that you gain an additional strike (This can be
stacked with the Extra Attack)


Draught of the Chameleon
Potion, Legendary

This small vial of potion looks completely empty when

the vial is held still. When shook the vial’s contents
immediately becomes a mixture of the color that was
behind it from the viewpoint of the person holding it.
Once you drink this potion your form and all of the
items on your person become camouflaged for one
hour. When you are in darkness you automatically
succeed at stealth checks to hide and are undetectable
by eye sight. In dim light you have advantage on all
Drink of Blood Auras
Potion, Rare
stealth checks. In full light you can press yourself
up against a surface and roll a stealth check without This deep red potion seems to glow slightly in dark or
disadvantage (straight roll). If you move while dim light. When you drink this potion, and for the next
stealthed in full light you immediately become visible 10 minutes you gain the ability to draw energy from
again until you hold still for 2 seconds (or hide as a an enemy when you hit them. When you hit a creature
bonus action). You must wait until the potion wears off (Undead and Constructs do not count) with a melee
before your true colors show again. This effect cannot attack you gain hp equal to half the amount of damage
be dismissed except by the dispel magic spell. that you inflict on it rounded down. This ability can not
raise your hit points beyond your hit point maximum.
Draught of the Titan
Potion, Legendary Drink of Conjured Misfortune
Potion, Very Rare, Must be consumed by a spell caster.
This very large potion is contained in a wineskin.
When you drink this potion (2 full rounds of Action This potion is a weird odd orange color that seems to
and Bonus Action) you begin to grow in size until you change its shade depending on the lighting around it.
are considered Huge (Approx 15-20 feet tall) for the Once you consume this potion you have advantage on
next minute. All your Strength based attacks, ability Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma ability checks
checks, and saving throws gain +5. You also gain for one minute. After the potion has worn off you then
temporary hit points equal to 3x your character level, have disadvantage on ALL ability checks for the next
your reach becomes 10 feet, and your speed doubles. hour. If you are not a spellcaster then you must make
However, because of your size your Dexterity modifier a DC 18 Constitution save or you become violently ill
is reduced by -2 and your Armor class is reduced by -2. and you immediately suffer 1 point of exhaustion. On a
success, nothing happens.

Exalted Speaker’s Potion

Potion, Very Rare

This light silver potion coats the interior of the vial

when shook making it look mirrored. When you
consume this potion make a DC 12 CON Save. On a
failure you immediately begin heaving and vomiting
for one minute until all of the potion has been expelled
from your body. On a success, you gain +5 to all
persuasion checks for the next hour.

Fortuitous Clear Tonic

Potion, Rare

When you shake this clear liquid it turns a deep purple

for a split second and then returns to a clear state.
When you consume this potion you gain advantage on
the next 5 saving throws you make including death
saves if they occur.


Future Giant Brew
Potion, Legendary

This simple yellow potion has the taste of very sour

lemons. When you initially consume this potion
nothing happens. After one minute you then begin to
feel a tingling burning sensation at the base of your
skull. At any point for the next 24 hours you can, as an
action, change your form into a large green humanoid
beast. During that time you gain a +3 to your Strength
and Constitution scores. However; you also suffer a -5
to your Intelligence and Wisdom scores. You may stay
in this giant form as long as you like. When you come
back out of the form you suffer 1 point of exhaustion.

Great Seers’ Draught

Potion, Very Rare

This purple-ish red potion seems to have an ethereal

eye looking at you through the swirls and bubbles in
the liquid. When you consume this potion you gain the
truesight ability for one hour.

Monstrosity Draught Philter of Electric Touch

Potion, Legendary Potion, Uncommon
This draught is contained in a small lead lined bottle. When you drink this bright yellow and white potion
It smells terrible and the taste When you consume this you feel like every step you take is charging your
potion (Immediately roll a d20) and polymorph into body with electrical energy from the world around
the monster shown on the table. you. When you use at least 20 feet of movement right
before you use the attack action you can add 1d6
d20 Creature Source Stats
lightning damage to your first attack. The potion lasts
20 Gynosphinx Basic Rules for approximately 1 hour.
19 Remorhaz Basic Rules
18 Behir Basic Rules Potion of Lava Auras
17 Guardian Naga Basic Rules Potion, Rare
16 Abominable Yeti Monster Manual This potion is warm to the touch even when in cold or
15 Hydra Basic Rules freezing conditions. The liquid looks like hot magma
14 Spirit Naga Basic Rules that was freshly captured in the bottle. When you
swirl it around it moves very smoothly and not like
13 Grick Alpha Monster Manual
what you would expect. For one hour after consuming
12 Yuan-ti Abomination Monster Manual this potion your body begins to produce an intense
11 Drider Basic Rules heat. If any creature begins their turn within 5 feet
10 Medusa Basic Rules of you, they take 2d6 fire damage. You also become
9 Chimera Basic Rules immune to fire damage for the duration of the potion.
8 Bulette Basic Rules
Potion of the Blessed Elf
7 Young Remorhaz Monster Manual
Potion, Very Rare
6 Gorgon Basic Rules
When this sparkling white potion is consumed the
5 Roper Basic Rules
drinker is transformed temporarily into an elf or
4 Umber Hulk Monster Manual Half-elf. This change will affect the main stat blocks
3 Lamia Basic Rules of your character including abilities and other items
2 Minotaur Basic Rules depending on your abilities.
1 Displacer Beast Monster Manual


Potion of the Humanoid Seer’s Brew
Potion, Rare Potion, Legendary

This bland skin colored potion looks like liquid flesh. This potion seems to be totally black except for a few
When you pour this potion over a creature who is bubbles that seem to blink when you are not looking.
not a humanoid it will turn them into a human like For one hour after drinking this potion you gain the
creature for one hour. A majority of the features of ability of truesight and you can see into the ethereal
the creature will remain the same (skin, eye, and hair plane up to 120 feet from you.
color, etc.) but they do become bipedal and they can
speak common and communicate on a base level. If Tonic of Absorbs Ice
a human or humanoid drinks this potion it will just Potion, Uncommon
make them
This light blue drink is a mixture of freshly fallen
snow and a single drop of a protection potion. For one
Potion of Transform Flesh hour after drinking this potion you gain immunity to
Potion, Uncommon
cold damage and if you are struck with cold damage
When you drink this strange pink swirling color half of the damage points become temporary hit
potion it allows you to change the color of your skin at points that form a protective shell around your torso.
will for 8 hours. You can make the texture and color
change within an inch of the surface. For example: Tonic of Brilliance and Generosity
you can turn human flesh into dragon scales or vice Potion, Rare
versa. You can even do unnatural colors too.
This potion seems to continually fizz and bubble even
when it’s at room temperature or colder. For 8 hours
after drinking this potion you start to have amazing
thoughts and ideas. And you immediately want to tell
everyone who is near you about them. For the 8 hours
you have advantage on all Intelligence and Wisdom

Tonic of Golem Slaying

Potion, Rare

This gray potion seems to have very small bits of

gravel and metal contained in it. When you consume
this potion make a DC 15 CON Save. On a failure you
take 2d6 slashing damage as the potion slides down
your throat. On a success, you take no damage. After
consuming this potion you have the ability to identify
golems even while in an inert state and you have
advantage on attacks against them.

Tonic of Sly Serpents

Potion, Uncommon

For one hour after drinking this potion your mind

clears and you can see the subtle movements of a
person that give away whether they are lying or not.
For the next hour you have advantage on insight


Tonic of the Glamour of Courage within the next 24 hours. If a resurrection type of
Potion, Very Rare
spell is not cast on the body within 24 hours then
the body immediately turns to dust and only a True
This potion is a deep blue color that seems to pulse Resurrection spell can bring them back.
with energy. For 1 minute after you drink this potion
you can inspire those around you by attacking the Unjust Healer’s Philter
largest or most dangerous creature. When you make
Potion, Legendary
a successful attack against the creature all your allies
that can see you gain a d6 inspiration die to use. You This deep dark blue almost black potion seems to
also cause the creature to have disadvantage on its next swirl on it’s own even when left still. For one minute
attack. This ability does not stack with other inspiration after drinking this potion you can, as an action, make
abilities (Like the bardic inspiration). an unarmed attack against a creature to touch them.
You can then as a bonus action pull an amount of HP
Undertakers’ Potion from the creature. (You must decide how much to pull
but if your number is higher than the current HP of
Potion, Uncommon
the creature then nothing happens.) After you have
This gray and black swirling potion smells of a pulled the energy from the creature you must on your
strange chemical that is reminiscent of a volcano’s next turn be able to get to and touch another creature
stench. This potion has no effect on a living person. and the hit points will transfer to that creature up to
You must pour this potion over a dead body within their hit point maximum. If you do not touch another
one minute of it dying, after which it will cause a faint creature within the next round then your HP is
magical shell to form around the body. This magical reduced by that amount. If this reduces you to 0 hp or
aura is a protection to allow a caster to revivify below you automatically fail your death saves and you


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