Oil Filters

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Heavy facts

Genuine Volvo Parts

Genuine Volvo Oil Filter

21707132 By pass 21707133 Long life 21707134 Standard

23385011 Long Life

D13 euro 6 step D

Oil filters are absolutely necessary to keep the engine oil clean from
­particles and sludge. Clean oil is vital for the engine in order to reach
optimal performance, long service intervals and long lifetime.

How it works the filter provides the correct level of When the engine oil is properly cleaned
The Volvo oil filter-system has tradi- filtration. If filtration efficiency is lower from harmful particles the wear on
tionally consisted of two main filters than specified it will result in oil that moving parts is minimized. Examples
(Standard or Long Life) and one fine filter is not clean enough to secure engine of harmful particles are Silicon dioxide
(By-pass). For the Volvo D13 engine Euro durability. Too high filtration efficiency (SiO₂) which are residues from engine
6 Step D the by-pass filter is no longer will lead to filter getting clogged which block from manufacturing process. SiO₂
needed. Instead a two filter solution is will result in shorter service interval and/ is very hard and will cause wear on mov-
used. It is possible to remove the by-pass or high-pressure drop over the filter ing parts. Metallic particles from moving
filter for D13 euro 6 from step D due to giving increased fuel consumption. parts may also cause wear.
improved cleanliness, better material Genuine Volvo oil filters consists The engine may suffer from abnormal
specifications and cleaner combustion of a pleated filter media inside a steel wear if correct filters are not used. When
which is resulting is less particles. can. The cleaning capacity is high and you buy Genuine Volvo oil filters and
The oil is pumped around in the en- the filters allow full filtration efficiency ­follow Volvo service program you know
gine with high speed. Imagine one drop up to the next service interval. The that you do not risk engine breakdown
of oil and it will pass the filters every 20 outside of the filter has a special grip for due to failing or non-conforming filters.
second. Each time a few particles are easy removal at service by the use of a
trapped in the filters. It is important that filter tool.

2019-04-15 ENG Version 01 1 (2)

Heavy facts
Genuine Volvo Parts

Advanced and correctly specified filter paper. • Correct filtration efficiency, providing correct fuel
consumption and avoidance of harmful particles entering the
engine, which could lead to engine breakdown or decreased

Large paper area (0,77 m²). • Long service interval and no clogging before the end of the
maintenance interval which gives optimized fuel consumption.

Grip structure adapted for tool. • Easy removal at service.

Uniform folding of filter paper. • Optimized filtration, increased filtration capacity (increased
service interval).

Robust sheet steel can. • No risk of fatigue failure leading to leakage.

Flexible rubber gasket made in AEM (acrylic ethylene • Minimized risk of oil leakage due to gasket flexibility, tem-
­monomer rubber). perature performance and high chemical resistance which is
needed for the use of modern engine oils.

Special adhesive to join filter media and cap together. • Minimized risk of unfiltered oil reaching engine due to high
temperature performance and chemical resistance which is
needed for use of modern engine oils.

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The Volvo Service Program synchronizes the change of oil filter, oil, fuel filter and air drier.

What kind of filter paper is used? Genuine Volvo oil filters contain a specially produced, densely pleated and embossed filter
paper made from fine and coarse cellulose fibers, which give the correct efficiency and
capacity. The crimped joint in the filter paper on a Genuine Volvo oil filter is particularly
effective giving 100% sealing along its full length. Advanced technology and extensive
laboratory resources are needed to produce a filter paper with exactly the right pore
structure. The photo (1) shows a Genuine Volvo oil filter paper magnified 100 times. Second
photo (2) shows how the filter media is pleated to obtain large filter area.

What kind of testing is performed to In order to secure fulfillment of Volvo specifications extensive bench tests are performed,
ensure the quality? e.g. tests for dust holding capacity, filtration efficiency, burst pressure, pressure fatigue and
O-ring aging. In addition millions of kilometers of testing on vehicles have been performed
for each engine type.

How can filters be impacted by Genuine Volvo filters works with all approved engine oils with the most common SAE
oil quality? viscosity classes like 10W30, 10W40, etc.

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