A Comparative Study On The Degradation Behaviors o
A Comparative Study On The Degradation Behaviors o
A Comparative Study On The Degradation Behaviors o
A Comparative Study on the Degradation Behaviors of
Ferroelectric Gate GaN HEMT with PZT and PZT/Al2O3
Gate Stacks
Lixiang Chen, Zhiqi Lu, Chaowei Fu, Ziqiang Bi * , Miaoling Que, Jiawei Sun and Yunfei Sun *
School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Suzhou University of Science and Technology,
Suzhou 215009, China
* Correspondence: [email protected] (Z.B.); [email protected] (Y.S.)
Abstract: In this paper, the degradation behaviors of the ferroelectric gate Gallium nitride (GaN)
high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) under positive gate bias stress are discussed. Devices with
a gate dielectric that consists of pure Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) and a composite PZT/Al2 O3 bilayer are
studied. Two different mechanisms, charge trapping and generation of traps, both contribute to
the degradation. We have observed positive threshold voltage shift in both kinds of devices under
positive gate bias stress. In the devices with a PZT gate oxide, we have found the degradation is
owing to electron trapping in pre-existing oxide traps. However, the degradation is caused by electron
trapping in pre-existing oxide traps and the generation of traps for the devices with a composite
PZT/Al2 O3 gate oxide. Owing to the large difference in dielectric constants between PZT and Al2 O3 ,
the strong electric field in the Al2 O3 interlayer makes PZT/Al2 O3 GaN HEMT easier to degrade.
In addition, the ferroelectricity in PZT enhances the electric field in Al2 O3 interlayer and leads to
more severe degradation. According to this study, it is worth noting that the reliability problem
of the ferroelectric gate GaN HEMT may be more severe than the conventional metal–insulator–
semiconductor HEMT (MIS-HEMT).
Figure 1. Schematic
1. Schematicofcross-section
(a) the PZT/AlGaN/GaN HEMT and (b)
of (a) the PZT/AlGaN/GaN the PZT/Al
HEMT and (b)2 Othe
3 / PZT/Al2
Figure 2. Transfer characteristic of (a) the PZT/AlGaN/GaN HEMT and (b) the PZT/A
Figure 2. Transfer
Figure 2. Transfer HEMT characteristic
characteristic of VD =the
at (a) V.of (a) the PZT/AlGaN/GaN
(b) theand (b) the
/ 2O3/
D = 0.1atV.VD = 0.1 V.
During the test, positive gate bias stress was applied with 15 V with drain and
During thegrounded,
test, theand
positive test,
gate positive
the bias
stress gate
timewas bias stress
) waswas
(tstress with
set applied
15 V10with
from swith 15 Vand
to drain
10,000 with
s. The drain
source and sou
transfer cha
grounded, and grounded,
the and
stress the
time stress
(t )time
was (t
set ) was
from set
10 s from
to 10
10,000 s to
istics of both kinds of devices were measured during the positive stress to moni
stress stress 10,000
The s. The
transfer transfer
charac- charact
teristics of both of both
evolution kinds
of Vth, of
of devices m devices
gwereandmeasured were stress
S.S with measured
during theduring
time. positive
Figure 3the positive
shows to Istress
themonitor to monitor
D-VGS curves of PZ
evolution ofevolution
, gm and ofand
S.S gm and2O
with S.S
stress with HEMT
3 GaN stress time.
Figure 3 showsFiguretypical
in several the 3 shows
I D -V GS the Itimes.
stress D-VGS curves
of PZT GaN of PZT Gv
The threshold
HEMT and HEMT PZT/Aland 2 O3 PZT/Al
as the2Ogate3 GaN HEMT at inID several typical
As can betimes. seen,The the threshold volta
GaN HEMT in several typical stress The threshold voltage
is defined voltage = 1 nA/mm. volt
is defined asisthe
gate as the
voltage gate
at I voltage
= 1 at
nA/mm. I = 1
As nA/mm.
can be As
seen, can
the be seen,
threshold the threshold
voltages of voltages
both kinds of devices positively shift with the increase in stress time. For PZT GaN H
both kinds of devices
both kinds positively shift with the increase in stress time. stress
the Vthof devicestend
shifting positively shift
to saturation with
with the increase
stress timeinincreased time.
to 1000 PZT GaNVth
s, while HEM s
the Vth shifting
the Vthtend to saturation
shifting tend to with stress
saturation time
with increased
stress time to 1000
increased s, while
to Vth
1000 shifting
s, while Vth shift
of PZT/Al2O3 GaN HEMT is still obvious when the stress time reaches 10,000 s. T
of PZT/Al2 of O3PZT/Al
is still
HEMT obvious when the stress
is still whentime reaches 10,000 s. The Vth s. The V
shift during positive gate biasobvious
stress indicates the stress
electron time
trappingreachesin the 10,000
gate stack.
shift duringshift
positive gate bias stress indicates electron trapping in the
during positive gate bias stress indicates electron trapping in the gate stack. gate stack.
Figure 3. The ID -V 3. The
GS curves of I(a)
GS curves of (a) the PZT/AlGaN/GaN
PZT/AlGaN/GaN HEMT and (b)HEMT and (b)
the PZT/Al 2 Othe PZT/Al2O3/AlGa
3 /AlGaN/
GaN HEMT after 3. The
positive ID-V
gate GS curves
bias stressofwith
gate (a) the
bias PZT/AlGaN/GaN
stress with
different different
stress HEMT
time. stress and (b) the PZT/Al2O3/AlGaN/G
HEMT after positive gate bias stress with different stress time.
However, it is worthHowever, pointingit is worth
out that pointing
the S.S out that the
is almost noS.S is almost
changing forno
PZT GaN for the PZ
HEMT as shown However,
HEMT it3a,
as shown
in Figure is which
in Figurepointing
means 3a,no out
traps the S.S
means noistraps
generation almost
during no changing
the stress infor
duringPZT the PZT
GaN HEMT.HEMT for as
AsGaN shown in Figure 3a, which means no traps
HEMT. As for the PZT/Al2O3 GaN HEMT, the S.S degrades when stress time
the PZT/Al 2 O 3 GaN HEMT, the S.S degrades generation
when stress during
time the
increase stress in in
to 1000 s, indicating As for the PZT/Al O GaN HEMT, the S.S degrades
1000 s, indicating the generation of traps (interface or border) according to the fo
the generation of traps 2 (interface
3 or border) according when
to the stress
formula time incre
to 1000
for the S.S [19]. These
for s, indicating
the generated
S.S [19]. These the
cause theoftraps
generated trapscause
positive (interface
the Vorthborder)
when according
shift stress
of to the
Vth when theform
for the
increase to 1000 s S.S [19].
increase the These
to 1000 generated
s 2for GaN traps
3 the PZT/Al 2Ocause
3 GaN the positive shift of Vth when the stress ti
Figure increase
4 presents to the
Figure 4s presents
for the PZT/Al 2O 3 GaNextracted
the transconductance HEMT. curves from extracted
Figure 2. It is easy
from to 2. It is
see that the gm see Figure
drops 4the
thatslightly gm fordrops theslightly
the transconductance
the PZT curves
GaN theextracted from
gm decreases
HEMT while theFigure
obviously 2. It is easy
gm decreases obv
see when
when the stress that
timethe g
reaches drops 1000 slightly
s for for
the the
the stress time reaches 1000 s for the PZT/Al2O3 GaN HEMT. The obvious
m 2 3 while
Thethe g
m decreases
drop obvioud
of gm during when the stress
the stress time reaches
suggests that the 1000generateds for the
have2a Osignificant
3 GaN HEMT. The obvious
influence on drop
Micromachines 2024, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW
gm during the stress suggests that the generated traps have a significant influence
mobility of the PZT/Al2O3 GaN HEMT. The charge-trapping process mainly occu
the mobility of the PZT/Al2 O3 GaN HEMT. The charge-trapping process mainly occurs
the oxide/AlGaN interface which is close to the channel because of its influence on c
near the oxide/AlGaN interface which is close to the channel because of its influence on
channel mobility.
Figure 4. Transconductance
Figure 4. Transconductance curves of (a) the PZT/AlGaN/GaN
curves of (a) the PZT/AlGaN/GaN HEMT and (b) theHEMT and 2(b)
PZT/Al O3 /the PZT/A
after positive afterbias
withbias stressstress
different with different
time. stress time.
In order
In order to identify to identify
the different the different
trends of Vth , S.S, trends
and gof mV th, both
for S.S, and
kindsgmoffor both kinds of
during the stressduring
stress 5applied,
summarizes Figurethe 5 summarizes
evolution of the Vth ,evolution
S.S, and gof Vth, S.S,
m over the and gm o
stress time. Forstress
the PZTtime. For the PZT GaN HEMT, the Vth increases linearly with stress time
GaN HEMT, the Vth increases linearly with stress time before
600s, and very
600 s, and then increases then increases
slightly with verystress
can betime,seenasincan be seen
Figure 5a. in
TheFigure 5a.
is almost stable at around 80~85 mV/dec during the stress test as shown
S.S is almost stable at around 80~85 mV/dec during the stress test as shown in Figure 5c. in Figur
In Figure 5e, theFigure
gm drops5e, slightly
the gm drops slightly
with stress time with stress time
increases, increases,
indicating that indicating
the electronthat the e
trapping just hastrapping just hason
a slight impact a slight impactof
the mobility onthethedevice.
mobility of the
Since gm device. Since gmand
drops slightly drops sligh
no S.S degeneration during the stress test, it can be concluded that the Visth positive
no S.S degeneration during the stress test, it can be concluded that the V th positive shift
mainly due to the mainly duetrapping
electron to the electron trapping
in the oxide in the
for the PZT oxide
GaNfor the PZT
Besides, due to Besides
there is no generated traps during the stress test,
there is no generated traps during the th the V shift tends to saturation when the
stress test, the Vth shift tends to saturation w
stress time increases after 600 s. For the PZT/Al
stress time increases after 600 s. 2For O GaN HEMT,
3 the PZT/Al2O3 GaN the V increases with
th HEMT, the Vth increas
stress time evenstress
in long-term
time even stress region as shown
in long-term in Figure
stress region 5b, which
as shown is different
in Figure fromis differe
5b, which
the PZT GaN HEMT. the PZT When
GaNthe stress When
HEMT. time isthelessstress
than time
500 s,isthe
S.S and gm are sta
at about 80 mV/dec and 8.3 mS/mm, respectively. The S.S starts
at about 80 mV/dec and 8.3 mS/mm, respectively. The S.S starts to to increase, and gmincrease,
starts and g
to drop when stress time is above 500 s. This suggests that new trap generation
to drop when stress time is above 500 s. This suggests that new trap generation takes place tak
for the PZT/Al2 O3 GaN HEMT when stress time is greater than a certain level. According
for the PZT/Al2O3 GaN HEMT when stress time is greater than a certain level. Ac
to the discussion above, we find that the PZT/Al2 O3 GaN HEMT is easier to degradation
to the discussion above, we find that the PZT/Al2O3 GaN HEMT is easier to degr
under positive gate bias stress than the PZT GaN HEMT.
under positive gate bias stress than the PZT GaN HEMT.
To clarify the reason for the new trap generation of the PZT/Al2 O3 GaN HEMT in
our stress test, we simulated the electrical field distribution under the gate of both kinds of
devices with VG = 15 V by Silvaco Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD). In our
simulation, the dielectric constant of PZT and Al2 O3 was set to 500 and 9, respectively.
As shown in Figure 6, the electrical field under the gate stacks mainly concentrate on
Al2 O3 interlayer for the PZT/Al2 O3 GaN HEMT, which is owing to the large difference
in dielectric constants between PZT and Al2 O3 . The strong electric field in the Al2 O3
interlayer leads to the generation of new traps during the stress test, which degrades the
S.S and gm of devices. For the PZT GaN HEMT, the electric field in the gate oxide layer is
relatively weak and therefore not so easy to degrade.
Micromachines 2024, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 8
Figure 5. Stress time evolution of Vth, S.S, and gm of (a,c,e) the PZT/AlGaN/GaN HEMT and (b
the PZT/Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN HEMT.
To clarify the reason for the new trap generation of the PZT/Al2O3 GaN HEMT in
stress test, we simulated the electrical field distribution under the gate of both kind
devices with VG = 15 V by Silvaco Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD). In
simulation, the dielectric constant of PZT and Al2O3 was set to 500 and 9, respectively
shown in Figure 6, the electrical field under the gate stacks mainly concentrate on A
interlayer for the PZT/Al2O3 GaN HEMT, which is owing to the large difference in di
tric constants between PZT and Al2O3. The strong electric field in the Al2O3 interlayer l
to the generation of new traps during the stress test, which degrades the S.S and g
Figure 5. Stress For the PZT
time evolution GaN
of Vth, HEMT,
S.S, and gmtheofelectric field
(a,c,e) the in the gate oxideHEMT
PZT/AlGaN/GaN layer isand
relatively w
Figure 5. Stress time
(b,d,f) the PZT/Al therefore not so easy to degrade.
2 3evolution of Vth, S.S, and gm of (a,c,e) the PZT/AlGaN/GaN HEMT and (b,d,f)
the PZT/Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN HEMT.
To clarify the reason for the new trap generation of the PZT/Al2O3 GaN HEMT in our
stress test, we simulated the electrical field distribution under the gate of both kinds of
devices with VG = 15 V by Silvaco Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD). In our
simulation, the dielectric constant of PZT and Al2O3 was set to 500 and 9, respectively. As
shown in Figure 6, the electrical field under the gate stacks mainly concentrate on Al2O3
interlayer for the PZT/Al2O3 GaN HEMT, which is owing to the large difference in dielec-
tric constants between PZT and Al2O3. The strong electric field in the Al2O3 interlayer leads
to the generation of new traps during the stress test, which degrades the S.S and gm of
devices. For the PZT GaN HEMT, the electric field in the gate oxide layer is relatively weak
and therefore not so easy to degrade.
Figure 6. Electric field simulation of (a) the PZT/AlGaN/GaN HEMT and (b) the PZT/Al2 O3 /
Figure 6. Electric field simulation of (a) the PZT/AlGaN/GaN HEMT and (b) the PZT/Al2O
G = 15 V.
at VG = 15 V.
Figure 7 presents the band diagram to illustrate the underlying reason for the trapping
Figure 7 presents the band diagram to illustrate the underlying reason for the t
behavior of both kinds of devices during the positive gate stress test. The direction of
ping behavior of both kinds of devices during the positive gate stress test. The direc
polarization in PZT is toward to substrate due to the applied gate voltage is positive. For
of polarization in PZT is toward to substrate due to the applied gate voltage is posi
the PZT GaN HEMT, there are some trap states at the PZT/AlGaN interface (interface
states) or in the PZT close to the interface (border traps) due to the lattice mismatch between
PZT and AlGaN [13]. Therefore, as shown in Figure 7a, the electrons from AlGaN/GaN
channel are trapped at the PZT/AlGaN interface with the positive gate voltage, which
leads to the Vth positive shift as mentioned above. When the trap states below the fermi
level are all filled, the Vth shifting approaches saturation.
There are two stages of electrons trapping for the PZT/Al2 O3 GaN HEMT. At the
first 6. Electric
stage, similarfield simulation
as the PZT GaN of (a) the PZT/AlGaN/GaN
HEMT, electrons trappedHEMT and
at Al2 O(b) the PZT/Al
3 /AlGaN 2O3/Al-
or in Al2 OHEMT at VG =with
3 interlayer 15 V. the positive gate voltage, causing the positive Vth shift. At
the second stage, as shown in Figure 7b, electrons tunnel through the Al2 O3 interlayer
and enter the7PZT.
Owingthetoband diagram to band
the conduction illustrate the underlying
difference between Al reason for PZT,
2 O3 and the trap-
ping behavior
tunneling of both
electrons kinds
start of devices
to lose energy during
in PZT the
the lost gate stress
energy fromtest. Theelectrons
these direction
of polarization
could be used toingenerate
PZT is toward
traps attoAlsubstrate duethe
2 O3 or near to the applied
PZT/Al 2 O3 gate voltage
interface. is positive.
Moreover, a
strong electric field in Al2 O3 makes a large conduction band bending, which leads to the
Micromachines 2024, 15, 101 6 of 7
Figure 7. 7.Band
Figure diagrams
Band diagramsunder
under the gate ofof(a)(a)thethe
the gate PZT/AlGaN/GaN
HEMT and and (b) the
(b) the
PZT/Al 2O3/AlGaN/GaN HEMT at VG = 15V.
PZT/Al O /AlGaN/GaN HEMT at V = 15V.
2 3 G
4. There are two stages of electrons trapping for the PZT/Al2O3 GaN HEMT. At the first
stage, similar as the this
In conclusion, PZTpaper
HEMT, theelectrons
positive gatetrapped at Alof
bias stress 2Othe
3/AlGaN interface
ferroelectric gate or in
Al2O3 interlayer with the positive gate
GaN HEMT with PZT and PZT/Al 2 3 voltage, causing the positive Vth shift. At the of
O as gate dielectric. The degradation mechanisms second
the PZT GaN HEMT and the PZT/Al2 O3 GaN HEMT are compared. For the PZT GaN
stage, as shown in Figure 7b, electrons tunnel through the Al2O3 interlayer and enter the
HEMT, a positive Vth shift is caused by the electron trapping in pre-exiting oxide trap in
PZT. Owing to the conduction band difference between Al2O3 and PZT, the tunneling elec-
the early stage, then the Vth tends to saturation with stress time increase. The S.S and gm
trons start to
degrade lose energy
slightly with stressin PZT and
time. Forthethelost energy
PZT/Al from these electrons could be used to
2 O3 GaN HEMT, the Vth positive shift
generate traps at Al 2 O 3 or near the PZT/Al 2 O
is due to the electron trapping in pre-exiting oxide trap and3 interface. Moreover, a strong
the generation electric
of the new field
in Al 2O3 makes
traps. a large traps
The generated conduction band
cause the bending,
obvious which leads
degradation of theto S.Sthe
andtunnel electrons
gm. Owing to los-
largeenergy andin
difference cause more severe
the dielectric generation
constants betweenofPZT traps.
Al2 O3new trap states
, the strong may be
filled byinelectrons
field the Al2 Ofrom the channel,
3 interlayer which
makes the PZT/Alnot only leadsHEMT
2 O3 GaN to theeasier
Vth positive shift In
to degrade. contin-
ually but also
addition, the causes the S.Sin
ferroelectricity and
degradation withfield
the electric the in
increase in stress and
Al2 O3 interlayer time. In addi-
to the
tion, moreferroelectricity
severe degradation. in PZTTherefore,
could alsoit is worth
enhance noting
the that the reliability
electric field in the problem
ferroelectric gate GaN HEMT may be more severe than the conventional GaN MIS-HEMT.
(indicated by the arrow in Figure 7b) compared with the case that gate stacks are non-
Using the ferroelectric oxide with a relatively small dielectric constant in gate stacks may
mitigate the[19]. Such a high
degradation in theelectric field would cause more severe degradation of the
real applications.
devices compared with the conventional MIS-HEMT. It is also worth pointing that some
research shows utilizing
Author Contributions: oxides as interlayer
Conceptualization, L.C. and Z.B.; can mitigate the
methodology, Z.L.;lattice
software,mismatch between
C.F.; validation,
PZT and
L.C., AlGaN,
M.Q. but
and J.S.; it also
formal makes
analysis, theinvestigation,
Y.S.; device more susceptible
Z.L.; to degradation.
resources, C.F.; Further-
data curation, L.C.;
more, the ferroelectricity in PZT makes the degradation more severe.
writing—original draft preparation, L.C.; writing—review and editing, Y.S.; visualization, M.Q.;
supervision, Y.S.; project administration, Z.B.; funding acquisition, L.C., J.S. and Y.S. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
4. Conclusions
Funding: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant
In conclusion,
No.62104167, thisand
62101374) paper studied
Jiangsu Natural the positive
Science gate(Grant
Foundation bias stress of the ferroelectric
No. BK20210863, BK20210861, gate
GaN HEMT with PZT and PZT/Al2O3 as gate dielectric. The degradation mechanisms of
GaN HEMT and the PZT/Al2O3 GaN HEMT are compared. For the PZT GaN
Statement: Data are contained within the article.
HEMT, a positive Vth shift is caused by the electron trapping in pre-exiting oxide trap in
the early stage, then the Vth tends to saturation with stress time increase. The S.S and gm
degrade slightly with stress time. For the PZT/Al2O3 GaN HEMT, the Vth positive shift is
due to the electron trapping in pre-exiting oxide trap and the generation of the new traps.
The generated traps cause the obvious degradation of the S.S and gm. Owing to the large
Micromachines 2024, 15, 101 7 of 7
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