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Beamer – Maximum visual

comfort for the highest

Adaptable projectors without The circumstances change? Inter-
spill light that master light and changeable optics including zoom,
darkness in outdoor spaces framing and wallwash adapt to
Beamer projectors are precision new requirements and filters and
tools for the most demanding out- lenses serve as accessories for
door lighting tasks – technically on fine tuning. Options such as DALI,
a par with the best museum spot- wireless dimming via Casambi
lights. With compact and corrosion- Bluetooth, Tunable White and
free housings, they feature excep- RGBW colours transform smart
tional quality of light, adaptivity lighting scenarios into reality.
and digital connectivity. The light
emission of their innovative dark-
light optics is highly uniform and
without spill light. This gives the
projectors maximum visual com-
fort and a magical appearance.

Technical Region: Current version under

E We reserve the right to make technical
and design changes.

Edition: 04.06.2024
Beamer Projectors


Structure and characteristics 1 ERCO lenses 3 Light head 6 Mounting plate

The features described here are typical – Made of optical polymer – Graphit m – Graphit m, coated polymer
of products in this range. Special ver- – Darklight lenses: narrow spot, spot, – Corrosion-resistant cast aluminium, – Rotatable through 330°
sions may offer additional or varying flood, wide flood or extra wide flood no-rinse surface treatment
features. A comprehensive description – Spherolit lenses: oval flood, oval – Double powder-coated or
of the features of individual products wide flood or wallwash – Non-reflective safety glass
can be found on our website. – Zoom lenses: zoom spot or zoom Connection thread G1/2
oval; continuously focusable 4 Housing and hinge – Stainless steel
– Projection lenses: narrow framing or – Graphit m – Rotatable through 360°
wide framing; continuously focus- – Coated polymer
able – Optimised surface for reduced accu- Variants on request
mulation of dirt – High-power LEDs: 3000K CRI 97 or
2 ERCO LED-module – 90° tilt 2700K, 3500K, 4000K with CRI 92
– High-power LEDs: warm white – Internal wiring – Housing: 10,000 further colours
(2700K or 3000K), neutral white – Dial: corrosion-resistant aluminium Please contact your ERCO consultant.
(3500K or 4000K), tunable white
(2700-7500K) or RGBW 5 Control gear
– Collimating lens made of optical – Switchable, DALI dimmable or
polymer Casambi Bluetooth

Design and application:

Beamer Projectors

Darklight technology Contour spotlights in the outdoor Zoom projector

The Darklight lens not only creates area Adjustable zoom light distributions
a magical impression with just one Illuminate facades, architectural make it possible to infinitely adjust
light point. It also offers precise, elements and logos in outdoor beam angles. A choice of round or
uniform light distribution and areas with adjustable rectangular oval light distribution with zoom
maximum visual comfort. light beams and sharp edges. optic is available.

Staging with colour Diverse accessories

Adjust the colour temperature Accessories enable you to match
dynamically or illuminate in colour. lighting tools to special applica-
Luminaires with tunable white tions. Use conversion filters to shift
or RGBW allow for scenographic the light colour, or change the light
lighting concepts. distribution.

Special characteristics ERCO high-power LEDs Excellent thermal manage- Switchable


Efficient darklight techno- Optical cut-off 40°/50°/60° EMC-optimised DALI dimmable


Contour spotlights Different light distributions Various construction sizes Casambi Bluetooth

Zoom projector Oval flood, freely rotatable Degree scale for good

Coloured light Different light colours Pivotable through 90°

Extensive accessories Protection mode IP65

Beamer Projectors – Luminaire arrangement
Projectors Accentuation
Narrow spot, Spot, Flood An angle of inclination (y) of
approx. 30° is suitable for accent
lighting with Beamer project-
ors. This emphasises the three-
dimensions of architectural details,
sculptures and trees without dis-
torting the spatial impression with
α excessive shadowing.
Arrangement: y = 30°

Zoom projectors Accentuation

Zoom spot, Zoom oval Zoom projectors feature a continu-
ously adjustable beam angle. With
the spot to wide flood zoom range,
smaller objects can be accentuated
effectively at an inclination angle
(y) of approximately 30°. Oval
zoom is suitable for linear-shaped
α objects. The object is modelled
without distorting the effect as a
result of excessive shadowing. It
also prevents shadows cast by the
Arrangement: y = 30°

Contour spotlights Projection

Narrow framing, Wide framing Contour spotlights allow for freely
adjustable light beams to illumin-
ate facades, logos or paintings
in outdoor areas with sharp con-
tours and without colour gradients.
Select narrow framing to accur-
ately illuminate small areas from
a long distance and wide framing
to accurately illuminate large areas
from a short distance.

Floodlights Washlighting
Wide flood, Extra wide flood, Oval Beamer projectors ensure uniform
wide flood, Oval flood floodlighting of wall surfaces or
trees. The ideal angle of tilt (y) for
this is approximately 30°.
Arrangement: y = 30°

Beamer Projectors – Luminaire arrangement
Lens wallwashers Wallwashing
Wallwash a Outdoors, uniform vertical light-
ing defines spatial borders. The
distance to the wall (a) of Beamer
wallwashers should be around one
third of the wall height (h) for this
h purpose. This results in an angle of
tilt (c) of approx. 55°.
Arrangement: a = 1/3 x h or c =
γ 55°

For good longitudinal uniformity,

the luminaire spacing (d) of Beamer
wallwashers may be up to 1.2 times
the distance to the wall (a).
Arrangement: d ≤ 1.2 x a
Optimal wall distances and lumin-
aire spacing values for individual
products are specified in the wall-
washer tables at

Stockholm. Pho-
tography: Johan

Beamer Projectors
Size S M
d 104mm d 144mm


∅123 ∅123

LED module
Maximum value 8.1W/1086lm 3.1W/382lm (Narrow spot) 14.1W/1901lm 4.2W/467lm (Narrow spot)
at 4000K CRI 82
12.4W/1528lm 21.6W/2673lm

Light colour
2700K CRI 92 * 3500K CRI 92 * 2700K CRI 92 * 3500K CRI 92 *

3000K CRI 92 4000K CRI 82 3000K CRI 92 4000K CRI 82

3000K CRI 97 * 4000K CRI 92 * 3000K CRI 97 * 4000K CRI 92 *

distribution Projectors Floodlights Projectors Floodlights

Narrow spot Wide flood Narrow spot Wide flood

Spot Extra wide flood Spot Extra wide flood

Flood Oval flood Flood Oval flood

Zoom projectors Oval wide flood Zoom projectors Oval wide flood

Zoom spot Lens wallwashers Zoom spot Lens wallwashers

Zoom oval Wallwash Zoom oval Wallwash

Switchable Switchable


Casambi Bluetooth Casambi Bluetooth

(housing) Graphit m Graphit m

10,000 colours * 10,000 colours *

Lenses Anchorage unit Attachment

Filter Concrete anchor Clamping plate

Lens Units Mounting plate Spacer

Distribution box Cantilever arm

16.3W/1637lm 13.6W/1350lm

Tunable white RGBW

Projectors Floodlights
Fluter Scheinwerfer
Projectors Floodlights

Spot Wide flood Spot Wide flood

Flood Extra wide flood Flood Extra wide flood

Zoom projectors Oval flood Zoomscheinwerfer
Zoom projectors Oval flood

Zoom spot Oval wide flood Zoom spot Oval wide flood

Zoom oval Lens wallwashers

Linsenwandfluter Zoom oval Lens wallwashers

Wallwash Wallwash


Casambi Bluetooth Casambi Bluetooth

Graphit m Graphit m

10,000 colours * 10,000 colours *

* available on request Article numbers and planning data:
Design and application:

Beamer Projectors
Size L
d 193mm


LED module
Maximum value 12.6W/1430lm 36.5W/3343lm
at 4000K CRI 82 (Narrow spot)


Light colour
2700K CRI 92 * 3500K CRI 92 * Tunable white

3000K CRI 92 4000K CRI 82

3000K CRI 97 * 4000K CRI 92 *

distribution Projectors Floodlights Projectors Floodlights

Narrow spot Wide flood Spot Wide flood

Spot Extra wide flood Flood Extra wide flood

Flood Oval flood Zoom projectors Oval flood

Zoom projectors Oval wide flood Zoom spot Oval wide flood

Zoom spot Lens wallwashers Zoom oval Lens wallwashers

Zoom oval Wallwash Contour spotlights Wallwash

Contour spotlights Narrow framing

Narrow framing Wide framing

Wide framing

Switchable DALI

DALI Casambi Bluetooth

Casambi Bluetooth

(housing) Graphit m Graphit m

10,000 colours * 10,000 colours *

Lenses Anchorage unit Attachment

Filter Concrete anchor Clamping plate

Lens Units Mounting plate Spacer

Distribution box Cantilever arm



Projectors Floodlights

Spot Wide flood

Flood Extra wide flood

Zoom projectors Oval flood

Zoom spot Oval wide flood

Zoom oval Lens wallwashers

Contour spotlights Wallwash

Narrow framing

Wide framing


Casambi Bluetooth

Graphit m

10,000 colours *

* available on request Article numbers and planning data:
Design and application:

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