SAS 1 b. Asthma
c. Chronic obstructive bronchitis
1. The term “pink puffer” refers to the client with which d. Emphysema.
of the following symptoms? 8. Clients with chronic obstructive bronchitis are given
a. ARDS diuretic therapy. Which of the following reasons
b. Asthma explains why?
c. Chronic obstructive bronchitis a. reducing fluid volume reduces oxygen demand
d. Emphysema. b. reducing fluid volume improves clients’ morbidity
2. The underlying pathophysiology of COPD is: c. restricting fluid volume reduces sputum production
d. reducing fluid volume improves respiratory function
a. inflamed airways that obstruct airflow.
b. mucus secretions that block airways 9. Teaching for a client with chronic obstructive
c. overinflated alveoli that impair gas exchange. pulmonary disease (COPD) should include which of the
d. characterized by variations of all of the above. following topics?
3. The abnormal inflammatory response in the lungs a. How to have his wife learn to listen to his lungs with a
occurs primarily in the: stethoscope
b. How to increase his oxygen therapy
a. airways. c. How to treat respiratory infections without going to
b. parenchyma. the physician
c. pulmonary vasculature. d. How to recognize the signs of impending respiratory
d. areas identified in all of the above. infection.
4. Two diseases common to the etiology of COPD are: 10. A nurse plans care for a client with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, knowing that the client
a. asthma and atelectasis.
is most likely to experience what type of acid- base
b. chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
c. pneumonia and pleurisy.
d. tuberculosis and pleural effusions. a. respiratory acidosis
b. respiratory alkalosis
5. The term “blue bloater” refers to which of the
c. metabolic acidosis
following conditions?
d. metabolic alkalosis
a. adult respiratory distress syndrome
b. asthma SAS 2
c. chronic obstructive bronchitis
d. emphysema
1. A nurse is caring for several clients. Which of the
6. The most important environmental risk factor for following clients are at risk for having a pulmonary
emphysema is: embolism? (Select all that apply.)
a. air pollution. A. A client who has a BMI of 30
b. allergens. B. A female client who is postmenopausal
c. infectious agents. C. A client who has a fractured femur
d. cigarette smoking. D. A client who is a marathon runner
7. A 66-year-old client has marked dyspnea at rest, is E. A client who has chronic atrial fibrillation
thin and uses accessory muscles to breathe. He is 2. A nurse is reviewing prescriptions for a client who has
tachypneic, with a prolonged expiration phase. He has acute dyspnea and diaphoresis. The client states that
no cough. He leans forward with his arms braced on his she is anxious because she feels that she cannot get
knees to support his chest and shoulder for breathing. enough air. Vital signs are: heart rate 117/min,
This client has symptoms of which of the following respiratory rate 38/min, temperature 38.4° C (101.2° F),
respiratory disorder? and blood pressure 100/54 mm Hg. Which of the
a. ARDS following actions is the priority
SAS 1 b. Asthma
c. Chronic obstructive bronchitis
1. The term “pink puffer” refers to the client with which d. Emphysema.
of the following symptoms? 8. Clients with chronic obstructive bronchitis are given
a. ARDS diuretic therapy. Which of the following reasons
b. Asthma explains why?
c. Chronic obstructive bronchitis a. reducing fluid volume reduces oxygen demand
d. Emphysema. b. reducing fluid volume improves clients’ morbidity
2. The underlying pathophysiology of COPD is: c. restricting fluid volume reduces sputum production
d. reducing fluid volume improves respiratory function
a. inflamed airways that obstruct airflow.
b. mucus secretions that block airways 9. Teaching for a client with chronic obstructive
c. overinflated alveoli that impair gas exchange. pulmonary disease (COPD) should include which of the
d. characterized by variations of all of the above. following topics?
3. The abnormal inflammatory response in the lungs a. How to have his wife learn to listen to his lungs with a
occurs primarily in the: stethoscope
b. How to increase his oxygen therapy
a. airways. c. How to treat respiratory infections without going to
b. parenchyma. the physician
c. pulmonary vasculature. d. How to recognize the signs of impending respiratory
d. areas identified in all of the above. infection.
4. Two diseases common to the etiology of COPD are: 10. A nurse plans care for a client with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, knowing that the client
a. asthma and atelectasis.
is most likely to experience what type of acid- base
b. chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
c. pneumonia and pleurisy.
d. tuberculosis and pleural effusions. a. respiratory acidosis
b. respiratory alkalosis
5. The term “blue bloater” refers to which of the
c. metabolic acidosis
following conditions?
d. metabolic alkalosis
a. adult respiratory distress syndrome
b. asthma SAS 2
c. chronic obstructive bronchitis
d. emphysema
1. A nurse is caring for several clients. Which of the
6. The most important environmental risk factor for following clients are at risk for having a pulmonary
emphysema is: embolism? (Select all that apply.)
a. air pollution. A. A client who has a BMI of 30
b. allergens. B. A female client who is postmenopausal
c. infectious agents. C. A client who has a fractured femur
d. cigarette smoking. D. A client who is a marathon runner
7. A 66-year-old client has marked dyspnea at rest, is E. A client who has chronic atrial fibrillation
thin and uses accessory muscles to breathe. He is 2. A nurse is reviewing prescriptions for a client who has
tachypneic, with a prolonged expiration phase. He has acute dyspnea and diaphoresis. The client states that
no cough. He leans forward with his arms braced on his she is anxious because she feels that she cannot get
knees to support his chest and shoulder for breathing. enough air. Vital signs are: heart rate 117/min,
This client has symptoms of which of the following respiratory rate 38/min, temperature 38.4° C (101.2° F),
respiratory disorder? and blood pressure 100/54 mm Hg. Which of the
a. ARDS following actions is the priority
action at this time? 8. A client is suspected of having pulmonary embolism.
A nurse assesses the client, knowing that which of the
A. Notify the provider.
following is a common clinical manifestation of
B. Administer heparin via IV infusion. pulmonary embolism?
C. Administer oxygen therapy.
D. Obtain a spiral CT scan. A. Dyspnea
B. Bradypnea
3. A male patient’s X-ray result reveals bilateral white- C. Bradycardia
outs indicating adult respiratory distress syndrome D. Decrease respiration
(ARDS). This syndrome results from;
9. A patient has been hospitalized in the ICU for a near
A. Cardiogenic pulmonary edema drowning event. The patient’s respiratory function has
B. Respiratory alkalosis been deteriorating over the last 24 hours. The physician
C. Increased pulmonary capillary permeability. suspects acute respiratory distress syndrome. A STAT
D. Renal failure chest x-ray is ordered. What finding on the chest x-ray
4. A nurse is caring for a male client with acute is indicative of ARDS?
respiratory distress syndrome. Which of the following A. infiltrates only on the upper lobes
would the nurse expect to note in the client? B. enlargement of the heart with bilateral lower lobe
A. Pallor infiltrates
B. Low arterial PaO2 C. white-out infiltrates bilaterally
C. Elevated arterial PaO2 D. normal chest x-ray
D. Decreased respiratory rate.
10. Which patient below is at MOST risk for developing
5. A nurse is assessing a client who has a pulmonary ARDS and has the worst prognosis?
embolism. Which of the clinical manifestations should A. A 52-year-old male patient with a pneumothorax.
the nurse expect to find? (Select all that apply.) B. A 48-year-old male being treated for diabetic
A. Bradypnea ketoacidosis.
B. Pleural friction rub C. A 69-year-old female with sepsis caused by a gram-
C. Hypertension negative bacterial infection.
D. Petechiae D. A 30-year-old female with cystic fibrosis.
E. Tachycardia 11. The nurse assesses a patient for possible pulmonary
6. You’re providing care to a patient who is being embolism. The nurse looks for the most frequent sign
treated for aspiration pneumonia. The patient is on a of:
100% nonrebreather mask. Which finding below is a A. Cough
HALLMARK sign and symptom that the patient is B. Hemoptysis
developing acute respiratory distress syndrome C. Syncope
(ARDS)? D. Tachypnea
A. The patient is experiencing bradypnea. 12. The following are nursing intervention to assist in
B. The patient is tired and confused. the prevention of pulmonary embolism in a hospitalized
C. The patient’s PaO2 remains at 45 mmHg.
patient include all except:
D. The patient’s blood pressure is 180/96.
A. A liberal fluid intake
7. A male adult patient hospitalized for treatment of a B. Assisting the patient to do leg elevation above the
pulmonary embolism develops respiratory alkalosis. level of the heart.
Which clinical findings commonly accompany C. Encouraging the patient to dangle his or her legs over
respiratory alkalosis?
the side of the bed for 30 minutes, four times a day.
A. Nausea and vomiting D. The use of elastic stocking, especially when
B. Abdominal pain or diarrhea decreased mobility would promote venous stasis.
C. Hallucination or tinnitus 13. You are caring for a patient with acute respiratory
D. Lightheadedness and paresthesia distress syndrome. As the nurse you know that prone
positioning can be beneficial for some patients with 3. The initial characteristics symptoms of a simple
this condition. Which findings below indicate this type pneumothorax is.
of positioning was beneficial for your patient with
B. Severe respiratory distress
A. Improvement in lung sounds C. Sudden chest pain
B. Development of a V/Q mismatch D. Tachypnea and chest discomfort
C. PaO2 increased from 59 mmHg to 82 mmHg
D. PEEP needs to be titrated to 15 mmHg of water 4. Clinical manifestation of related to pneumothorax
includes the following except for:
14. A patient is experiencing respiratory failure due to
pulmonary edema. The physician suspects ARDS but A. Pleuritic pain
wants to rule out a cardiac cause. A pulmonary artery B. Respiratory distress
wedge pressure is obtained. As the nurse you know that C. Acrocyanosis
what measurement reading obtained indicates that this D. Tachypnea
type of respiratory failure is NOT cardiac related? 5. Which of the following should the nurse assess in
A. >25 mmHg patient with pneumothorax?
B. <10 mmHg A. Tracheal alignment
C. >50 mmHg B. Expansion of the chest
D. <18 mmHg C. Breath sounds
15. Which of the following is a type of embolism? D. All of the above
1. The physician diagnosed the patient with Class III 5. The most important long-term goal for a client with
Primary Pulmonary Hypertension. The nurse is aware hypertension would be to:
that the characteristic of this condition is:
A. Learn how to avoid stress
A. No manifestation at rest and mild to moderate B. Explore a job change or early retirement
physical activity induces dyspnea, fatigue, chest pain, or C. Make a commitment to long term therapy
lightheadedness. D. Control high blood pressure
B. No or slight manifestation at rest and mild (less than 6. A nurse in the emergency department is assessing a
ordinary) activity induces dyspnea, fatigue, chest pain or client who was in a motor vehicle crash. Findings
lightheadedness. include absent breath sounds in the left lower lobe
with dyspnea, blood pressure 118/68 mm Hg, heart rate
C. Dyspnea and fatigue is present at rest, unable to 124/min, respiratory rate 38/min, temperature 38.6° C
carry out any level of physical activity without (101.4° F), and SaO2 92% on room air. Which of the
manifestations, and following actions should the nurse take first?
manifestations of right sided heart failure apparent A. Obtain a chest x-ray.
(engorged neck veins, dependent edema and enlarged B. Prepare for chest tube insertion.
liver). C. Administer oxygen via a high-flow mask.
D. Pulmonary hypertension diagnosed by pulmonary D. Initiate IV access.
function test and right sided cardiac catheterization, no 7. Which of the following regarding pulmonary
limitation of physical activity, and moderate physical hypertension is false:
activity does not include dyspnea, fatigue, chest pain or
light headedness. A. PH has many underlying etiologies
B. The disease affects the left side of the heart
2. The morning weight for a client with emphysema C. The hemodynamic definition of PH is a mean
indicates that the client has gained 5 pounds in less pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) greater than 25
than a week, even though his oral intake has been mmHg.
modest. The client's weight gain may reflect which D. Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a subset of
associated complication of COPD? pulmonary hypertension.
A. Polycythemia 8. Which of the following statement is not correct
B. Cor Pulmonale regarding pulmonary hypertension.
C. Left Ventricular failure
D. Compensated acidosis A. The disease affects men more than women.
B. Non- specific symptom such as fatigue and edema are C. Atmospheric
present clinically. D. All of the above
C. Catheterization is required when PH is suspected.
D. Underlying causes are evaluated. 5. The following are types of pneumothorax except:
9. Which of the following classes of drugs is most widely A. Breathe deeply, regularly, and easily
used in the treatment of cardiomyopathy? B. Inhale deeply and cough forcefully every 1 to 3
A. Antihypertensive C. Lie down flat in bed
B. Beta-adrenergic blockers D. Remove any metal jewelry
C. Calcium channel blockers
D. Nitrates 5 When ventricular fibrillation occurs in a CCU, the first
person reaching the client should:
10. Which of the following blood tests is most indicative
of cardiac damage? A. Administer oxygen
B. Defibrillate the client
A. Lactic dehydrogenase C. Initiate CPR
B. Complete blood count D. Administer sodium bicarbonate intravenously
C. Troponin I
D. Creatine kinase 6. A nurse is watching the cardiac monitor, and a client’s
rhythm suddenly changes. There are no P waves;
SAS 10 instead there are wavy lines. The QRS complexes
measure 0.08 second, but they are irregular, with a rate
1 A client with rapid rate atrial fibrillation asks a nurse of 120 beats a minute. The nurse interprets this rhythm
why the physician is going to perform carotid massage. as:
The nurse responds that this procedure may stimulate
A. Sinus tachycardia
B. Atrial fibrillation
C. Ventricular tachycardia B. He has fresh, active upper GI bleeding
D. Ventricular fibrillation C. He needs transfusion of packed RBC
D. He needs immediate saline gastric lavage
7. A nurse notes that a client with sinus rhythm has a
premature ventricular contraction that falls on the T 3. Which diagnostic tests would be used first to evaluate
wave of the preceding beat. The client’s rhythm a client with upper GI bleeding?
suddenly changes to one with no P waves or definable
QRS complexes. Instead there are coarse wavy lines of A. Upper GI series
varying amplitude. The nurse assesses this rhythm to be B. Arteriography
C. Endoscopy
A. Ventricular tachycardia D. Hemoglobin level and hematocrit
B. Ventricular fibrillation
C. Atrial fibrillation 4. A male client with extreme weakness, pallor, weak
D. Asystole peripheral pulses, and disorientation is admitted to the
emergency department. His wife reports that he has
8. When auscultating the apical pulse of a client who been “spitting up blood.” A Mallory-Weiss tear is
has atrial fibrillation, the nurse would expect to hear a suspected, and the nurse begins taking a client history
rhythm that is characterized by: from the client’s wife. The question by the nurse that
demonstrates her understanding of MalloryWeiss
A. The presence of occasional coupled beats tearing is:
B. Long pauses in otherwise regular rhythm
C. A continuous and totally unpredictable irregularity A. “Tell me about your husband’s alcohol usage”
D. Slow but strong and regular beats B. Has your husband recently fallen or injured his
9. A client is having frequent premature ventricular C. “Is your husband being treated with tuberculosis?”
contractions. A nurse would place priority on D. “Describe spices and condiments your husband uses
assessment of which of the following items? on food.”
A. Blood pressure and peripheral perfusion 5. A client is admitted to the hospital after vomiting
B. Sensation of palpitation bright red blood and is diagnosed with a bleeding
C. Causative factor such as caffeine duodenal ulcer. The client develops a sudden, sharp
D. Precipitating factors such as infections pain in the mid epigastric area along with a rigid,
10. A client with a bundle branch block is on a cardiac boardlike abdomen. These clinical manifestations most
monitor. The nurse should expect to observe: likely indicate which of the following?
12. A 52-year-old man was referred to the clinic due to 2. Which diagnostic test is best to evaluate liver
increased abdominal girth. He is diagnosed with ascites enlargement and ascites?
by the
A. Ultrasound A. Meats and beans
B. X-ray B. Butter and gravies
C. CT Scan C. Potatoes and pasta
D. Nuclear medicine D. Cakes and pastries
3. Mr. Gonzales was admitted to the hospital with 9. When teaching a client about pancreatic function, the
ascites and jaundice. To rule out cirrhosis of the liver: nurse understands that pancreatic lipase performs
Which laboratory test indicates liver cirrhosis? which function?
A. Decreased red blood cell count A. Transport fatty acids into the brush border
B. Decreased serum acid phosphatase B. Breaks down fat into fatty acids and glycerol
C. Elevated white blood cell count C. Triggers cholecystokinin to contract the gallbladder
D. Elevated serum aminotransferase D. Breaks down protein into dipeptides and amino acid
4. A patient with chronic alcohol abuse is admitted with 10. For Rico who has chronic pancreatitis, which nursing
liver failure. You closely monitor the patient’s blood intervention would be most helpful?
pressure because of which change that is associated
with the liver failure? A. Allowing liberalized fluid intake
B. Counseling to stop alcohol consumption
A. Hypoalbuminemia C. Encouraging daily exercise
B. Increased capillary permeability D. Modifying dietary protein
C. Abnormal peripheral vasodilation
D. Excess renin release of the kidney 11. A clinical manifestation of acute pancreatitis is
epigastric pain. Your nursing intervention to facilitate
5. You’re caring for Lewis, a 67 y.o. patient with liver relief of pain would place the patient in a:
cirrhosis who developed ascites and requires
paracentesis. Relief of which symptom indicated that A. Knee chest position
the paracentesis was effective? B. Semi-Fowler’s position
C. Recumbent position
A. Pruritus D. Low -Fowlers position
B. Dyspnea
C. Jaundice 12. What assessment finding of a patient with acute
D. Peripheral neuropathy pancreatitis would indicate a bluish discoloration
around the umbilicus?
6. You’re caring for Betty with liver cirrhosis. Which of
the following assessment findings leads you to suspect A. Grey-Turner’s sign
B. Homan’s sign
hepatic encephalopathy in her?
C. Rovsing’s sign
A. Asterixis D. Cullen’s sign
B. Chvostek sign
C. Trousseau’s sign 13. Pancreatitis is commonly characterized by:
D. Hepatojugular reflex A. Edema and inflammation
7. Develop a teaching care plan for Angie who is about B. Pleural effusion
to undergo a liver biopsy. Which of the following points C. Sepsis
do you include? D. Disseminated intravascular coagulation
A. “You’ll need to lie on your stomach during the test” 14. A major symptom of pancreatitis that brings the
B. “you’ll need to lie on your right side after the test.” patient to medical care is:
C. “During the biopsy you’ll be asked to exhale deeply A. Severe abdominal pain
and hold it.” B. Fever
D. “The biopsy is performed under general anesthesia.” C. Jaundice
8. The student nurse is teaching the family of a patient D. Mental agitation
with liver failure. You instruct them to limit which foods
in the patient’s diet?
15. The nurse should assess for an important early D. Apply an electrocardiogram monitor.
indicator of acute pancreatitis, which is a prolonged and
6. During the admission of a client with diabetic
elevated level of:
ketoacidosis, Nurse Kendra will anticipate the physician
A. Serum calcium ordering which of the following types of intravenous
B. Serum lipase solution if the client cannot take fluids orally?
C. Serum bilirubin
D. Serum amylase A. Lactated Ringer’s solution
B. 0.9 normal saline solution
C. 5% dextrose in water (D5W)
SAS 13 D. 0.45% normal saline solution
1. A client is in DKA, secondary to infection. As the 7. Which adaptations should the nurse caring for a
condition progresses, which of the following symptoms client with diabetic ketoacidosis expect the client to
might the nurse see? exhibit? Select all that apply:
2. When a client is in diabetic ketoacidosis, the insulin 8. Which of the following chronic complications is
that would be administered is: associated with diabetes?
13. When a client is first admitted with hyperglycemic 4. Polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate) is used in renal
hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome (HHNS), the nurse’s failure to:
priority is to provide: A. Correct acidosis
A. Oxygen B. Reduce serum phosphate levels
B. Carbohydrates C. Exchange potassium for sodium
D. Prevent constipation from sorbitol use
C. Fluid replacement
D. Dietary instruction 5. What change indicates recovery in a patient with
14. A nurse performs a physical assessment on a client nephrotic syndrome?
with type 2 DM. Findings include a fasting blood glucose A. Disappearance of protein from the urine
of 120mg/dl, temperature of 101, pulse of 88, B. Decrease in blood pressure to normal
respirations of 22, and a bp of 140/84. Which finding C. Increase in serum lipid levels
would be of most concern of the nurse? D. Gain in body weight
A. Pulse 6. Which sign indicated the second phase of acute renal
B. BP failure?
C. Respiration
D. Temperature A. Daily doubling of urine output (4 to 5 L/day)
B. Urine output less than 400 ml/day
15. The principal goals of therapy for older patients who C. Urine output less than 100 ml/day
have poor glycemic control are: D. Stabilization of renal function
A. Enhancing quality of life. 7. Which cause of hypertension is the most common in
B. Decreasing the chance of complications. acute renal failure?
C. Improving self-care through education.
D. All of the above. A. Pulmonary edema
B. Hypervolemia
C. Hypovolemia
SAS 14
D. Anemia
1. Which sign indicated the second phase of acute renal
8. You have a patient that is receiving peritoneal
dialysis. What should you do when you notice the
A. Daily doubling of urine output (4 to 5 L/day) return fluid is slowly draining?
B. Urine output less than 400 ml/day
A. Check for kinks in the outflow tubing
C. Urine output less than 100 ml/day
B. Raise the drainage bag above the level of the
D. Stabilization of renal function
C. Place the patient in a reverse Trendelenburg position
D. Ask the patient to cough 5. Decreased levels of erythropoietin, a substance
normally secreted by the kidneys, leads to which serious
9. Dietary intervention for renal deterioration includes
complication of chronic renal failure?
limiting the intake of:
A. Anemia.
A. Fluid B. Acidosis.
B. Protein C. Hyperkalemia.
C. Sodium and potassium D. Pericarditis.
D. All of the above
6. In chronic renal faiure (end-stage renal disease),
10. Significant nursing assessment data relevant to renal decreased glomerular filtration leads to:
function should include information about:
A. Increased pH.
A. Any voiding disorders. B. Decreased creatinine clearance.
B. The patient’s occupation. C. Increased BUN.
C. The presence of hypertension or diabetes.
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above
7. What is the most important nursing diagnosis for a
patient in end-stage renal disease?
A. Assess patient’s respiratory status every 4 hours. 9. The nurse is caring for a client admitted with spinal
B. Take patient’s vital signs and record every 4 hours. cord injury. The nurse minimizes the risk of
C. Monitor nutritional status including calorie counts. compounding the injury most effectively by:
D. Have patient turn, cough, and deep breathe every 3 A. Logrolling the client on a soft mattress
hours. B. Keeping the client on a stretcher
4. You are helping the patient with an SCI to establish a C. Logrolling the client on a firm mattress
bladder-retraining program. What strategies may D. Placing the client on a Stryker frame
stimulate the patient to void? (Choose all that apply). 10. After falling 20’, a 36-year-old man sustains a C6
A. Stroke the patient’s inner thigh. fracture with spinal cord transaction. Which other
B. Pull on the patient’s pubic hair. findings should the nurse expect?
C. Initiate intermittent straight catheterization. A. Quadriplegia and loss of respiratory function
D. Pour warm water over the perineum. B. Loss of bowel and bladder control
E. Tap the bladder to stimulate detrusor muscle. C. Paraplegia with intercostal muscle loss
5. You are preparing a nursing care plan for the patient D. Quadriplegia with gross arm movement and
with SCI including the nursing diagnosis Impaired diaphragmic breathing
Physical Mobility and Self-Care Deficit. The patient tells
you, ―I don’t know why we’re doing all this. My life’s
over.‖ What additional nursing diagnosis takes priority
SAS 18
based on this statement?
A. Risk for Injury related to altered mobility
B. Imbalanced Nutrition, Less Than Body Requirements 1. A patient who is in hypovolemic shock has the
C. Impaired Adjustment to Spinal Cord Injury following clinical signs: Heart rate 120 beats/minute,
D. Poor Body Image related to immobilization blood pressure 80/55 mmHg and urine output 20ml/hr.
6. A client with a C6 spinal injury would most likely have After administering an IV fluid bolus, which of these
which of the following symptoms? signs if noted by the healthcare provider is the best
indication of improved perfusion?
A. Aphasia
B. Hemiparesis A. Heart rate drops to 100 beats/minute.
C. Paraplegia B. Right atrial pressure increases.
D. Tetraplegia C. Urine output increases to 30mL/hour.
D. Systolic blood pressure increases to 85 mmHg.
7. A 20-year-old client who fell approximately 30’ is
unresponsive and breathless. A cervical spine injury is 2. An anxious female client complains of chest tightness,
suspected. How should the first-responder open the tingling sensations, and palpitations. Deep, rapid
client’s airway for rescue breathing? breathing, and
3. A client has been admitted with chest trauma after a A. Low-protein diet with unlimited amounts of water
motor vehicle crash and has undergone subsequent B. Low-protein diet with a prescribed amount of water
intubation. The nurse checks the client when the high- C. No protein in the diet and use of a salt substitute
pressure alarm on the ventilator sounds, and notes that D. No restrictions
the client has absence 9. After the first hemodialysis treatment, your patient
develops a headache, hypertension, restlessness,
mental confusion, nausea, and vomiting. Which (40.6º C to 46.1° C).
condition is indicated? 2. Remove the victim from the cold environment.
3. Monitor for signs of compartment syndrome.
A. Disequilibrium syndrome 4. Apply a loose, sterile, bulky dressing.
B. Respiratory distress 5. Administer a pain medication.
C. Hypervolemia
D. Peritonitis A. 5, 2, 1, 3, 4
B. 2, 5, 1, 4, 3
10. Your 60 y.o. patient with pyelonephritis and possible C. 2, 1, 5, 3, 4
septicemia has had five UTIs over the past two years. D. 3, 2, 1, 4, 5
She is fatigued from lack of sleep, has lost weight, and
urinates frequently even in the night. Her labs show: 3. You are caring for a patient who was brought into the
sodium, 154 mEq/L; osmolarity 340 mOsm/L; glucose, emergency department unresponsive, hypotensive and
127 mg/dl; and potassium, 3.9 mEq/L. Which nursing tachypneic. Upon further assessment, you realize that
diagnosis is priority? the patient’s temperature is 106 degrees Fahrenheit.
You suspect heat stroke. What would your priority
A. Fluid volume deficit related to osmotic diuresis nursing intervention be?
induced by hyponatremia
B. Fluid volume deficit related to inability to conserve A. Obtain a history from the patient.
water B. Take oral temperature to monitor effectiveness of
C. Altered nutrition: Less than body requirements treatment.
related to hypermetabolic state C. Call the family for consent to treat.
D. Altered nutrition: Less than body requirements D. Take off the patient’s clothing, wrap him or her in
related to catabolic effects of insulin deficiency wet towels and place a fan on the patient.
4. An elementary school nurse is teaching children how
to prevent injuries from cold exposure in the winter.
SAS 21 Which student statement demonstrates that the
teaching has been effective?
A. "Dressing in layers is important."
1. The following clients are presented with signs and
B. "I will drink lots of water when I exercise."
symptoms of heat-related illness. Which of them needs
C. "Taking frequent breaks will help me rest."
to be attended first?
D. "Wearing three pairs of cotton socks is very
A. A relatively healthy homemaker who reports that the important.''
air conditioner has been broken for days and who
5. Which client is at greatest risk for heat exhaustion?
manifest fatigue, hypotension, tachypnea, and profuse
sweating. A. 24-year-old construction worker
B. An elderly person who complains of dizziness and B. 34-year-old policeman
syncope after standing in the sun for several hours to C. 42-year-old swimming instructor
view a parade. D. 78-year-old gardener
C. A homeless person who is a poor historian; has
altered mental status, poor muscle coordination, and 6. A 16-year-old high school athlete recently suffered
hot, dry ashen skin; and whose duration of heat heat exhaustion. The school nurse is instructing the
exposure is unknown. student on how to prevent a recurrence of this
D. A marathon runner who complains of severe leg situation. Which student statement demonstrates that
cramps and nausea, and manifests weakness, pallor, the teaching is effective?
diaphoresis, and tachycardia. A. "I should try to exercise between noon and 3 PM."
2. You are caring for a client with a frostbite on the feet. B. "I will limit my fluids to drinking 'sports' drinks after I
Place the following interventions in the correct order. exercise."
C. "Taking frequent rests is important when working in a
hot environment."
1. Immerse the feet in warm water 100° F to 105° F
D. "Wearing dark-colored clothing to deflect the sun A. Risk for Impaired Mobility related to potential tendon
away from me will help me stay cooler." damage.
B. Risk for Infection related to organisms specific to cat
7. On a hot summer day, an older adult is found by a bites.
neighbor lying on the apartment floor, agitated and C. Ineffective Health Maintenance related to
confused. After calling 911, the neighbor places ice bags immunization status.
to the client's groin area and armpits. Upon arrival at D. Impaired Skin Integrity related to puncture wounds.
the hospital, which action does the emergency
department (ED) nurse perform first? 2. You are assigned to telephone triage. A patient who
was stung by a common honey bee calls for advice,
A. Administers 2 acetylsalicylic acid tablets (aspirin) reports pain and localized swelling, but denies any
orally respiratory distress or other systemic signs of
B. Checks the client's airway, continuing oxygen by mask anaphylaxis. What is the action that you should direct
C. Monitors the client's vital signs the caller to perform?
D. Places a cooling blanket on the client
A. Remove the stinger by scraping.
8. While at a soccer match, a player drops to the ground B. Take an oral antihistamine
with heat exhaustion and a diminished level of
C. Call 911.
consciousness (LOC). What does the team nurse do D. Apply a cool compress.
3. A client calls the office of his primary care health care
A. Gives salt tablets provider and tells the nurse that he was just stung by a
B. Moves the player to the shade bumblebee while gardening. The client is afraid of a
C. Places ice packs under the arms severe reaction, because the client's neighbor
D. Provides a cool electrolyte fluid drink experienced such a reaction just 1 week ago. The
9. Which of the following nursing interventions is appropriate nursing action is to:experienced such a
appropriate for a client who is suffering from a fever? reaction just 1 week ago. The appropriate nursing action
is to:
A. Avoid giving the client food
B. Increase the client's fluid volume A. Advise the client to soak the site in hydrogen
C. Provide oxygen peroxide.
D. All of the above B. Ask the client if he ever sustained a bee sting in the
E. Both B and C past.
C. Tell the client to call an ambulance for transport to
10. A client has started sweating profusely due to the emergency room.
intense heat. His overall fluid volume is low and he has D. Tell the client not to worry about the sting unless
developed electrolyte imbalance. This client is most difficulty with breathing occurs
likely suffering from:
4. The camp nurse prepares to instruct a group of
A. Malignant hyperthermia children about Lyme disease. Which of the following
B. Heat exhaustion information would The nurse include in the
C. Heat stroke instructions?
D. Heat cramps
A. Lyme disease is caused by a tick carried by deer.
SAS 22 B. Lyme disease is caused by contamination from cat
C. Lyme disease can be contagious by skin contact with
an infected individual.
1. You are assessing a patient who has sustained a cat D. Lyme disease can be caused by the inhalation of
bite to the left hand. The cat is up-to-date spores from bird droppings.
immunizations. The date of the patient’s last tetanus
shot is unknown. Which of the following is the priority
nursing diagnosis?
5. The client is diagnosed with stage I of Lyme disease. working in his yard. Although initially alert and oriented,
The nurse assesses the client for which characteristic of he begins to develop wheezing and an itchy throat. He
this stage? complains of nausea and severe anxiety. The ED nurse
should prepare to administer all of the following for
A. Arthralgias initial treatment EXCEPT:
B. Flu-like symptoms
C. Enlarged and inflamed joints A. Adrenaline
D. Signs of neurological disorders B. Antibiotic
C. Oxygen
6. A camp nurse is providing snakebite prevention tips. D. Antihistamines
Which statement by a client camper indicates a need for
additional education?
SAS 23
a. "A dead snake is a safe snake."
b. "Snakes are most active on warm nights."
c. "Snakes should be transported in sealed glass 1. Nurse Kelly is teaching the parents of a young child
containers." how to handle poisoning. If the child ingests poison,
d. "Venomous snakes are not good pets." what should the parents do first?
A. Administers a tetanus shot 2. A client arrives in the emergency unit and reports
B. Applies an ice pack to the sting site that a concentrated household cleaner was splashed in
C. Assesses the client's vital signs both eyes. Which of the following nursing actions is a
D. Calls the poison control center priority?
8. A nurse is teaching a class of park rangers-in-training A. Use Restasis (Allergan) drops in the eye.
about prioritizing care for clients who have received B. Flush the eye repeatedly using sterile normal saline.
snakebites. Which ranger's statement demonstrates a C. Examine the client's visual acuity.
need for further clarification? D. Patch the eye.
A. ''Do not allow the client to ingest any alcohol or 3. In relation to submersion injuries, which task is most
caffeine.'' appropriate to delegate to an LPN/LVN?
B. ''The extremity should be kept below the level of the A. Monitor an asymptomatic near-drowning victim.
heart.'' B. Remove wet clothing and cover the victim with a
C. ''The first priority is to move the client to a safe area warm blanket.
away from the snake.'' C. Talk to a community group about water safety issues.
D. ''You should first place a tourniquet above the bite.'' D. Stabilize the cervical spine for an unconscious
9. While on the playground, a school child is stung by a drowning victim.
bee, resulting in redness and swelling. The school nurse 4. The nurse employed in an emergency department is
is nearby when it happens. What does the nurse do assigned to triage clients coming to the emergency
first? department for treatment on the evening shift. The
A. Applies an ice pack to the stinger nurse should assign priority to which client?
B. Gently scrapes out the stinger with a credit card A. A client complaining of muscle aches, a headache,
C. Injects the child with an epinephrine pen (Epi-Pen and history of seizures
auto-injector) B. A client who twisted her ankle when rollerblading
D. Removes the bee and saves it for evidence of the and is requesting medication for pain
sting C. A client with a minor laceration on the index finger
10. A young man is brought to the Emergency sustained while cutting an eggplant
Department after receiving multiple fire ant bites while
D. A client with chest pain who states that he just ate
pizza that was made with a very spicy sauce
5. Which of these toxic substances is more likely to
cause sickness in infants and elderly adults?
A. Lead
B. Carbon monoxide
C. Bee venom
D. Bleach
E. Turpentine
6. How can you reduce the risk that a child will be
accidentally poisoned by medicine?
A. Never say that medicine is “candy”
B. Keep medicines in their original containers and in
locked cabinets
C. Make sure you put medicines away after using them
D. All of the above
7. How can you reduce your risk for accidental
poisoning with medicine?
A. Always turn on the light when taking medicine
B. Clean out your medicine cabinet regularly
C. Carefully read the labels on your medicine
D. All of the above
8. If your child eats or drinks a toxic substance, what
should you do?
A. Call the poison control center right away
B. Try to get your child to throw up (vomit)
C. Call your child's healthcare provider
D. None of the above