Division E
September 2022
Research Objective
The main object of this research paper is to trace and understand that
what all problems and difficulties had to be faced by Indian Women in
Past and how the position of women has evolved and changed over time
from Ancient India to the present times
Research Methodology
This research paper is based on secondary research, for which I
consulted several books, journals, and articles.
I used the secondary, qualitative research methodology for the research
paper, and I primarily gathered resources from the online journals
websites offered to us by the college.
Women's status has declined, in contrast to the status held in the Rig
Veda. Women's entry was denied attend in public assemblies including
Sabhas or Samitis. They were forbidden the right to participate in
numerous rites, including the Upanayana ceremony. Religion sanctified
these additional restrictions on women. Women were oppressed twice as
the caste system grew entrenched and also the Varna system devolved
into the oppressive Jati system. Girls' education was discontinued, and
the family structure remained patriarchal.
After all of the battles in the old days for the growth of women, the status
of women in India has greatly improved. Many laws and rules are
established to protect women's rights. Following the proclamation of
independence, female educational rights were promoted, ever since, the
percentage of women pursuing higher education has steadily climbed.
The government offered women who wanted to seek higher education a
number of privileges, including scholarships, loan options, dormitory
accommodations, etc. Many women are now able to seek higher
education because to these incentives. (The Position of Women in Indian
Society After Independence 2019)
Kapur, Radhika. 2019. “Status of Women in Ancient India.” ResearchGate.
Srivastava, P. n.d. “Status of Women in India: Ancient, Medieval and Modern .” Sociology Discussion.