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Background of the Study

The study focuses on the development of a cookie product using squash peel seeks
to address the increasing need for sustainable food practices and the reduction of
food waste. Squash peel, often discarded despite its nutritional value, presents an
opportunity to create a value-added product while promoting sustainability. By
incorporating squash peel into cookie recipes, the study aims to create a delicious
and nutritious snack option while contributing to efforts in minimizing food waste
and utilizing food by-products. This research is significant as it aligns with the
growing interest in sustainable food solutions and has the potential to offer a new
approach to creating baked goods with enhanced nutritional profiles.

In addition to addressing food waste and sustainability, the study on developing a

cookie product using squash peel also aims to explore the potential health benefits
of incorporating this often overlooked ingredient. Squash peel is known to contain
valuable nutrients and dietary fiber, and by including it in recipes, the study seeks to
provide a healthier alternative to commercial cookies. Furthermore, the research
may contribute to diversifying the range of products that utilize squash peel, thereby
offering economic opportunities for farmers and food producers. This innovative
approach aligns with the broader movement toward creating healthier, more
sustainable food options and may have implications for both the food industry and
consumers' dietary choices.

The study of developing cookies using squash peel as an ingredient encompasses

numerous facets. There is the nutritional aspect to consider. Squash peel contains a
variety of nutrients and dietary fiber, and understanding how these components can
enhance the overall nutritional profile of the cookies is an important part of the
study. Exploring the potential flavor profile and sensory attributes that the addition
of squash peel can bring to the cookies is vital. Understanding how the peel affects
the taste, texture, and aroma of the cookies is crucial in creating a product that is
appealing to consumers. In addition, researching the potential reduction of food
waste by utilizing squash peel in cookie production contributes to the sustainability
aspect of the study. This can have positive implications for both environmental and
economic factors. Furthermore, studying the shelf life and storage stability of
cookies made with squash peel is important to guarantee the excellence and safety
of the product. A thorough analysis of consumer acceptance and market potential
for cookies made with squash peel is essential for understanding the commercial
viability of such products.
Statement of the problem

This study aims to determine the feasibility and potential benefits of incorporating
squash peel, a commonly underutilized by- product, into development of a new
cookie product. Specifically, the study aimed to:

1. Develop a cookie product from squash peel.

2. Compare the commercial cookie and a cookie using squash peel, in terms of it's:

2.1: Nutritive Value

2.2: Texture and Flavor

2.3: Storage Stability

3. Determine the significance between the commercial cookie and the squash peel
cookie product.

Significance of the study

Developing a cookie product using squash peel can bring benefits to students,
teachers, parents, and school administrators in various ways:

School Administrators. The study demonstrates a commitment to holistic education,

environmental responsibility, and community engagement, supporting sustainable
practices within the school environment.

Parents. The study can increase awareness about reducing food waste, making
informed food choices, and incorporating nutritious ingredients into snacks and
desserts for family health and wellness.

Teachers. The study can provide a practical educational tool to integrate real-world
applications of food science and sustainability into the curriculum, promoting
discussions about food waste reduction and healthy eating habits.

Students. The study can enhance understanding of food science, nutrition, and
sustainability, fosters creativity and critical thinking skills.

Future Researchers. The study provides future researchers with valuable insights
into the development of cookie products using squash peel. By understanding the
potential benefits, challenges, and optimal formulations, these findings can serve as
a foundational guide for further exploration and innovation in creating sustainable
and nutritious baked goods, contributing to the evolution of eco-friendly food

Scope and Delimitation


Develop a unique and nutritious cookie product using squash peel, focusing on
market research, recipe optimization, sustainable sourcing, targeted marketing, and
continuous innovation to create a standout product in the snack industry.


When conducting taste tests on a squash peel-based cookie experiment, limitations

may arise in terms of subjectivity in individual preferences, potential bias from
respondents, and difficulty in quantifying sensory perceptions accurately.
Additionally, the study might face challenges in controlling external factors that
could influence taste perceptions, making it important to interpret results cautiously.
Limited sample size and the absence of diverse demographic representation among
respondents could also impact the generalizability of taste preferences.

Definition of terms

Squash Peel- The outer skin or rind of a squash, which may contain valuable
nutrients and fiber that can be utilized in the development of a cookie product.

Nutritional Content- Refers to the specific nutrients, vitamins, and minerals present
in the squash peel, such as dietary fiber, antioxidants, and other beneficial
compounds that contribute to the health and wellness aspects of the cookie

Formulation- The process of developing a recipe or formula for the cookie product,
including the inclusion of squash peel as an ingredient, and adjusting the proportions
of other ingredients to achieve the desired taste, texture, and nutritional profile.

Processing Methods- Refers to the techniques used to prepare and incorporate the
squash peel into the cookie product, such as drying, grinding, or pureeing the peel to
make it Input
suitable for integration into the dough. Cookie Product
Processing Method, a. Nutritional Analysis
Squash Peel Recipe & Product
Sensory Evaluation- The assessment of the cookie product's b. Sustainability
sensory attributes,
Development c.Texture
including its appearance, aroma, taste, and texture, to ensure that& the
addition of
squash peel enhances or maintains the overall sensory appeal of the cookies.

Statement of the Hypothesis

The incorporation of squash peel into cookie recipes will positively impact the
nutritional profile, sensory characteristics, and sustainability of the final product,
leading to increased consumer acceptance and potential market demand.

Ho: There is no significant effect on its taste, texture, or overall quality compared to
traditional cookie recipes.

Ha: Significantly enhances its taste, texture, and overall quality compared to
traditional cookie recipes.

Conceptual Framework
Figure 1.

The Development of Cookie Product Using Squash Peel

Researching squash peel properties, meticulous selection, innovative baking, and

iterative taste testing define our streamlined experimental process, ensuring a
delicious and sustainable cookie product.


Talabo and Kerylle (2007), on the other hand, said that squash (Cucurbita maxima)
may be turned into flour, snacks, baked goods, and sauce.
These goods' nutrient profiles are equivalent to those of bakery products sold in
stores. The broad acceptance of prepared snacks for children makes these products
a good vehicle for nutritional improvement. The findings indicate that the baking
properties of baked goods such as bread, pandesal, hamburger buns, biscuits, and
cookies were not significantly affected when wheat flour was partially replaced with
pumpkin powder.

According to Krolner et al., a significant number of children do not consume the

World Health Organization (WHO) recommended intake of 400 g of fruits and
vegetables (FV) per day. To encourage adolescents to consume more FV, it is
important to understand the variables that influence consumption.

According to Rasmussen et al., eating plenty of fruits and vegetables helps promote
health and prevent chronic diseases. In most Western countries, increased fruit and
vegetable consumption by children and adolescents is a major public health concern
because large segments of the population, including children and adolescents,
consume much less than recommended amounts. Also, Demidas, 2011. "Consumer
Segmentation by Level and Pattern of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: Empirical
Evidence for U.S. The study focused on adults who participated in the 2005-2006
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), which was published in
Public Health 2011.

Pumpkins are classified under family "Cucurbitaceae". On the basis of stem, shape
and texture, pumpkins are grouped into Cucurbita maxima, Cucurbita pepo,
Cucurbita mixta and Cucurbita moschata (Xanthopoulou et al., 2009). Among the
crops of Cucurbitaceae family, pumpkin is a major crop under genus Cucurbita,
consisting of at least 12 different species, including three most prominent are
Cucurbita maxima, Cucurbita moschata and Cucurbita pepo. As compared to wild
species, the fruits of these commonly cultivated varieties are thicker, dense colored
and containing less fibrous fruit flesh. Production of pumpkin including squash and
gourd in the world exceeded 27.6 million tons from an area of 2.04 million hectare in
2018 (Nguyen et al., 2020). Production of pumpkins, squashes and gourds in 2019
was estimated above 23 million tons cultivated all over the world comprising an area
of 1.54 million hectare and in Pakistan 2.7 lac tons on 26515-hectare area (FAO,

Pumpkins belong to the genus Cucurbita and the family Cucurbitaceae, which
includes cucumbers and pumpkins grown in tropical and subtropical countries. There
are three most common pumpkin varieties in the world: Cucurbita maxima,
Cucurbita moschata and Cucurbita pepo (Lee et al., 2003). The variety and climate of
an area determine the diverse range of shapes, sizes, and colors that pumpkins can
have. Due to the polysaccharides containing nutritional and health- protecting
properties of the fruit and the proteins and oils of the seeds, interest in pumpkin and
pumpkin-based products has increased over the past few years in the food,
agriculture, pharmaceutical and industrial sectors. Feed industry (Sojak & Glowacki,
2010). Pumpkins are grown in tropical regions due to their vulnerability to cold
temperatures and frost. Temperatures need to exceed 16°C for pumpkin seeds to
germinate, while the ideal temperature range for maximum yields from this crop is
20-35°C. Low moisture levels also have a positive impact on crop productivity
(Ahmad and Khan, 2019).

Pumpkin peel, flesh and seeds are good source of total phenolic, total flavonoid,
total carotenoid and mineral contents (Hussain et al., 2021). Many phytochemicals
and essential nutrients, which are beneficial to health are present in pumpkin (Jun et
al., 2006). Pumpkin polysaccharides act as antioxidant agents (Fang et al., 2020).
Pumpkin fruit is comprised of 200 species, it possesses hypoglycaemic effect that is
why it is used as a source of drugs for diabetic patients (Jia et al., 2003). Pumpkin
(Curcubita maxima) peel and pulp extracts with different technologies were
prepared and were tested for carotenoids, polyphenols and antioxidant activities,
the results were very promising, anticipating the uses of pumpkin in food, cosmetic
and pharmaceutical industries (Sharma & Bhat, 2021). Pumpkin is a rich source of
polysaccharides and amino acids (Fujita & Hossain, 2003). Considerable amounts of
carotenoids, fatty acids, minerals and vitamin E are present in pumpkin (Ching &
Mohamed, 2001). As a good source of minerals, pumpkin is an important part of
human health, due to presence of calcium, potassium and sodium, pumpkin is used
as healthy food for mid aged to aged people as it prevents osteoporosis and
hypertension. Due to presence of chromium, pumpkin is considered good from other
vegetables (Ahmad & Khan, 2019). Pumpkins are powerhouse of minerals, which
include calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and manganese
(Nwofia et al., 2012). Among vitamins high levels of vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6,
thiamin and niacin are present in pumpkins. Among fatty acids dominant in pumpkin
are oleic acid and linoleic acid (Younis et al., 2000).

Pumpkin peel flour was analyzed for proximate composition and functional
properties, and utilized at different replacement levels with wheat flour, to develop
biscuits with improved physical and sensory characteristics (George, 2020). Flesh of
pumpkin fruits is rich in taste and is highly appreciated as additive among various
food products for all ages. Most commonly processing of pumpkin fruit is done to get
dried products, pomade, juice and pickles (Nawirska et al., 2009). Pumpkin
(Curcubita moschata) peel and pulp flours through freeze-drying were obtained to
utilize in development of cake at different replacement levels and evaluation of
sensory and chemical properties of pumpkin cakes provided good results (Campos et
al., 2021).

Squash (Cucurbita spp.), also known as calabaza or pumpkin, from the Cucurbitaceae
family, is a genus of gourd plants grown for their fruit. It is related to the family of
melons and cucumbers (O'Brien, 2009). It is a cool-to-moderate-weather root
vegetable with long, lacy leaves reaching about 0.3m (1ft) in height (Grolier
Encyclopedia of Knowledge, 2002). It is a very good source of vitamins A and C,
calcium and iron. It has very low calories (Nutritional Value of Squash | Healthy
Living Tips, 2009). It is also rich in fiber, which lowers rates heart diseases, and
protects from colon cancer by working to get rid the body of harmful substances
(O'Brien, 2009). Squash fruit provides cheap but nutritious vegetable dish to the
family meal. Squash is the rich source of B-carotene Vitamin A which is necessary for
12 good eyesight, clear and healthy skin and hair and for resistance against
infections. Squash is also a good source if iron. These minerals can be obtained out
of eating vegetables such as squash with delicious taste.

Squashes are the fruit of vines of genus Cucurbita, classified as summer squash or
winter squash depending on when they are harvested. Summer squashes (such as
zucchini) are harvested small. They are consumed almost immediately and require
little or non-cooking. At the end of summer, winter squashes (like Hubbard, acorn, or
Cucurbita pepo) are typically harvested. These squashes are then cured to enhance
the hardening of their skin and stored in a cool location for later consumption.
Winter squashes serve as an affordable yet nutritious addition to family meals,
offering a delicious vegetable option. Squash is rich in of Beta-carotene Vitamin A
which is good for eyesight for clears and healthier skin and hair, as well as for body
resistance free against infection. Likewise, squash is also a good source of iron for
these minerals are needed for normal blood circulation. The materials used for the
manufacture of cookies is the main raw materials such as wheat flour and soft
supporting materials such as sugar (to some extent), starch (corn starch, wheat,
tapioca and so on), egg yolks, materials developers and shortening and emulsifier
(Matz, 1972). In making formula, the basic ingredients of this group must be
balanced, so that the resulting cookies are not too hard or too brittle or crispy
(Husain, 1993).
Cookies are usual cooked with full cream milk powder and skim milk powder. The
function of milk powder are adding nutrient value, adding aroma and flavor, helping
establish the texture of cookies, and giving color to the cookies. According to Paran
(2008, p,7), full cream milk powder and skim milk powder are differences and that
lies in the comparison of the fat of protein contained in it:
(a) Full cream milk powder has fat of protein is about 1,1% or contain 28 gr fat
content and 25 gr protein in every 100 gr.
(b) Skim milk powder as fat of protein 0,03% or contain 1 gr fat content and 33
protein in every 100 gr. Milk powder suitable for making cookies is skim milk
Cookies are from word koekie that means small cakes. According to BSN (1992),
cookies are one of types biscuit that is made from soft daugh, high fat, relatively
crisp when broken and densely textured sectional cuts. Cookies can be classified
based techniques formation (make-up) used (Hamidah, 1996, p,94). Cookies are one
of the popular bakery snacks, and considered as an essential source of energy by the
majority of the population (Manley 2001). Nevertheless, traditional cookies are
deficient in nutrients, phytonutrients and fiber (Turksoy and Özkaya 2011; Ismail et
al. 2014). Recently, edible fiber has received much attention for its beneficial effects
on human health (Rodriguez et al. 2006). There are some previous studies regarding
the preparation of cookies incorporated with fiber from various fruits, e.g. cashew
apple, pomegranate peel, papaya pulp and mosambi peel (Ogunjobi and Ogunwolu
2010; Ismail et al. 2014; Varastegani et al. 2015; Younis et al. 2016).

Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima), commonly known as calabash in Visayas, has a long

history of use as a fresh vegetable in the Philippines. It belongs to the plant family
that includes melons and cucumbers and comes in many varieties. Some pumpkin
varieties also produce edible flowers. Although each variety may vary in shape, color,
size, and taste, they all share some common characteristics. Regardless of the
variety, all parts of the pumpkin are edible, including the fresh part, seeds, and skin,
Like other cucurbits, pumpkin is recognized as a valuable source of essential vitamins
and minerals, such as vitamins A and C. It also contains calcium and iron. It has very
low calories, ideal to be a component in the diet plan. These fleshy vegetables are
protected by a hard rind and grown in the country throughout the year. In order to
obtain the complete nutritional advantages of this vegetable, the green skins or rinds
must be eaten. It is usually grown in backyard and it is also marketable for its
immature fruits, young shoots, flowers, an seeds. (Pears, 2004; Sas, 1984; Dagoon,
2001; Shepherd, 2011; Kubo et.al, 2010).

According to Organic Facts, squash offers numerous health benefits, including

strengthening the immune system, manage diabetes, Anti-inflammatory Capacity,
Prevents Infections, Improves Lung Health, Prevents Neural Tube Defects, Protects
Heart Health, Relieves Symptoms of Asthma, Regulates Blood Circulation, Improves
Vision, Strengthens Bones, among others. Additionally, studies such as the World
Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research(2007), Murray, M.N.,
(2005). Musa- Veloso, et al., (2009)have highlighted the deliciousness of squash and
it's status as a tender, tendril-bearing plant that produces vine-like fruits, this tender
tendril-bearing and vine- like plant producing fruits is considered to be one of the
most delicious vegetables. It is a kind of vegetable that is commonly raised
throughout the year in abundance. It's also a great source of alpha-carotene, beta-
carotene, and other beneficial nutrients that may help prevent cancer. Some recent
studies have shown just how surprising pumpkins, especially summer squash, are
when It comes to these key antioxidants. (Asia Pacific Journal of Interdisciplinary
Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, February 2015).


This study attempts to make cookies out of nutritious vegetables to create a product
particularly cookies that is suited for school children, high school, and adults. The
country is fighting against malnutrition for a long time; therefore, this enriched
product could be a response to this issue. It is also a good alteration of those existing
or commercially known cookies that focuses on one raw material. It could now be
the answer to several issues and concerns regarding food shortage and malnutrition
because of children's low consumption of vegetable products and it emphasizes
introducing new ways of utilizing our vegetable products to produce another

Various studies on the use of pumpkin's skin, seeds and flour show positive benefits.
Bread made of flour containing 10-15 g of honey pumpkin skin fiber that through
dehydration process or 5 g of pumpkin skin fiber that through ethanol treatment per
1 kilogram of wheat flour tends to be softer, while 10 g of honey pumpkin skin that
through ethanol treatment per 1 kilogram of wheat flour produces softer bread
throughout 9 days of storage (Pla et al, 2013).

According to (Qin et, al 2012) The purpose of this study was to determine the
differences in the use of pumpkin flour on the sensory quality of cookies, to know
the difference in the use of pumpkin flour against the acceptability of cookies, to
know the relationship between sensory quality and acceptability of cookies, and to
know the content of beta-protein cookies.

According to the World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer

Research(2007), Murray, M.N., (2005), Musa-Veloso, et al., (2009), squash is a
tendril-bearing and vine-like plant producing fruits that is considered to be one of
the most delicious vegetables. It is a kind of vegetable that is commonly raised
throughout the year in abundance. It is also an excellent source of alpha carotene,
beta carotene and other beneficial nutrients which may have benefits of cancer
prevention. Recent studies have highlighted the incredible antioxidant properties of
summer squash.
Archaeological evidence (wikepedia.orig/wiki/squash 2008) that squash may been
first culminated in Mesoamerica around 8,000 to 10,000 years ago, but it may have
also been independently cultivated elsewhere. Squash was one of the "Three Sister"
planted by Native Americans.
According to the Plant Breeding Laboratory of the University of the Philippines Los
Baños Laguna (2008), the botanical name for pumpkin is Cucurbita maxima
Duchesne ex. Lamk. It is commonly cultivated throughout the year in the Philippines.
It is commonly grown in home gardens and commercially for its unripe fruits, young
shoots, flowers and seeds. In some places, intercropping pumpkins with other crops
such as corn, sugarcane and coconut is practiced. Like other cucurbits, pumpkins are
considered an important source of vitamins and minerals. The Nueva Viscaya line,
San Leonardo, and Suprema are three pumpkin varieties recommended for
commercial production. For optimal yields and profits, plant in lowland rice growing
areas from October to December or in hilly areas from May to July. Planting
pumpkins in this month will help you avoid the highest number of pests and high
plant diseases.

James hackney (2006) states that Squash are gourds, fleshy vegetables family, which
also includes melons and cucumbers. Commonly divided into one of two main
groups, summer. Squash and Winter Squash. Once considered markets. throughout
much of the year. A more accurate distinction between the two is that summer
Squashes, with their soft shells and tender, light-collared flesh, are picked while
immature; winter Squashes, with their hard shells and darker, tougher flesh and
seeds, are not harvested until maturity. Squash is a notably American food. It
sustained Native Americans for some 5,000 years and then helped nourish the early
European settlers. New England Colonists adapted the word squash from several
Native American names for the vegetable, all of which meant "something eaten

Simun Martinez (2005) states that pumpkins are native to the Americas and that
Columbus probably brought the seeds back to Europe. But if all pumpkins are native
to the Americas, they quickly spread to some cultures, as some of the oldest
surviving cookbooks contain winter recipes.. Pumpkin/pumpkin-type vegetable.
There must have been varieties native to parts of Europe and even the United States.
Pliny, Galen (c. 131-200), Discords (c. 40- 90 AD), and others describe vegetables that
were considered winter squash before Columbus.Pumpkins originated in the
Americas and were primarily grown and cultivated by the Iroquois and other
indigenous peoples from the eastern regions. The word "squash" comes from
Algonquin'akutasquash'or'isquote rsquash'or'isquotersquash (colonial spelling).
Roger Williams, describing the agriculture of the New England Indians, says: "Ascuta
squash, the grape apple that the British call squash, is the size of an apple in a variety
of colors and has a sweet, light, wholesome and refreshing taste." Squash may be
the catalytic plant that graduated ancient peoples from hunter / gatherer to grower.
Remnants of Curcurbita seed found in caves in Ecuador prove to be 12,000 years old.
This predates the previously known dawn of agriculture by hundreds of years and
the advent of cultivated corn by 2,000. But why squash? They say the large fruits of
wild squash were easy to find. They offered flesh, nutritious seed, edible flowers and
even containers. The first ceramic pots were formed to resemble commonly used
vessels made from a hard-shell squash known as gourd. Native American farmers
also harvested squash flowers. Each squash plant bears long vines that produce
many male and female flowers. After enough young fruit is developing, they pinched
off new flowers to eliminate further fruit production. This ensured that each
pumpkin or squash reached its maximum size. This practice also provided a plentiful
supply of freshly cut flowers throughout the growing season. Buffalo Bird Woman's
Garden is perhaps the most important book ever written on the details of Native
American gardening on the Missouri River flood plain. In it we learn that the Hidatsa
and their neighbours also harvested the flowers on a daily basis. The flowers would
be boiled, often with corn and other wild seed. But the farming tribes also preserved
the blossoms for later use. Bird Woman would lay them out carefully onto "deer
hair" grass to create a large homogenous mass. When dry, she'd roll it all up and
store in bags for winter. There is no doubt that all other tribes who grew the three
sisters did much the same thing. Today the squash blossoms are brought fresh into
Mexican markets every morning. In regions close to the point of origin for the
species, cheese quesadilla of squash blossoms is still a popular festival food.

According to the New World Encyclopedia, pumpkins are generally classified into
four types: It is a plant of the genus Curcubita, also called squash, depending on the
variety or nationality of the person. The four types of pumpkins include C. maxima
(hubbard squash, buttercup squash, and some higher-end pumpkin varieties such as
Big Max), C. mixta (porridge squash), C. moschata (butternut squash) and C. pepo
(most pumpkins, squash, squash and squash). In North America, pumpkins are
broadly classified into summer squash or winter squash and fall squash (also called
cheese squash), depending on whether they produce immature fruit (summer
squash) or mature fruit (fall squash or winter squash).. Pumpkins belong to the same
family as pumpkins. Some well-known types of squash include butternut squash and
squash. Giant pumpkins come from the Cucurbita maxima genus and are generally
grown to weigh similar to giant pumpkins.According to a study by Smith (2006) titled
"Eastern North America as an independent center of plant cultivation" published in
the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, it was found that Eastern
North America served as a distinct and separate region for plant cultivation. This
information was accessed on April 12, 2008.
According to Butt, the squash is also rich in vitamin A. it help us t prevent
emphysema and fund out that squash has anti-cancer type effects. Phytonutrient
research on squash claimed that juices obtains from it have the ability to prevent cell
mutations (cancer-like changes).
According to BPI, kalabasa is widely used as vegetable in the Philippines. It is very
palatable when baked, boiled, or put in stews. The young shoots and flowery are
much uses as green vegetable. The young shoots are excellent sources of calcium,
phosphorus, and iron. According to Hermano and Sepulveda they are an excellent.
source of vitamin B. Nadkarni says that the fruit is largely used by Indians in their
curries. It makes an excellent substitute for pumpkin in pies. Analyses of the fairy
good source of calcium. According to Hermano it is also a good source of vitamin A.
(Tepper L.M. 2011, Progress Report, BPI-Los Baños National Crop Research and
Development Center, Los Baños Laguna.)


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Chapter 3


This chapter includes the research design, the sample, the instruments, the
intervention (experimental), the data collection procedure, and the plan of data

Research Design

This study is experimental because it involves systematically manipulating the

formulation of the cookie product by integrating squash peel as a key ingredient. By
conducting controlled experiments, researchers can assess the specific impact of
squash peel on various aspects of the cookie, including taste, texture, and nutritional
content. Control groups, where cookies are made without squash peel, enable direct
comparisons to determine the unique effects of this novel ingredient. This approach
facilitates precise analysis, allowing researchers to draw robust conclusions about
the feasibility and potential benefits of incorporating squash peel into cookie recipes
for development and enhancement purposes.

The Instrument(s)

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