Sales Tax (Amendment) Act 2022
Sales Tax (Amendment) Act 2022
Sales Tax (Amendment) Act 2022
Act A1671
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Sales Tax (Amendment) 3
Act A1671
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“Part IIIa
11a. For the purposes of this Part and any regulations made
under this Act in relation to this Part—
11c. (1) This Part shall apply both within and outside Malaysia.
Sales Tax (Amendment) 5
Amendment of section 19
(b) be liable to pay the sales tax leviable on the date when
the quantity of the goods were found to be deficient
as if the goods were imported into Malaysia.
Amendment of section 91
(3) The modified terms and conditions shall not take effect
in less than fourteen days from the date the notice is issued
under subsection (2).
New schedule
[Section 11b]
(1) (2)
Provisions of this Act Modifications
Section 35a In subsection (1), substitute for the words “refund of sales
tax under paragraph 35(3)(c) or has made a deduction under
section 23 or 41a” the words “refund of sales tax under
section 39”.
Sales Tax (Amendment) 13
(1) (2)
Provisions of this Act Modifications
2. I n p a r a g r a p h ( 1 ) ( e ) , d e l e t e t h e w o r d s
“or customs ruling is made under section 43”.
Part XII 1. Substitute for the words “taxable goods” the words
(except as “low value goods”.
provided) 2. Substitute for the word “manufacturer” the word
Transitional provisions
(2) Where goods are purchased before the effective date for
the charging and levying of sales tax on low value goods and
the goods are low value goods from the date of coming into
operation of this Act, no sales tax shall be charged or levied on
the goods even though the goods are delivered to Malaysia after
the effective date.
10. All acts and things done by or on behalf of the Director General
in preparation for or in anticipation of the enactment of
this Act and any expenditure incurred in relation thereto shall
be deemed to have been authorized under this Act, provided that
the acts and things done are consistent with the general intention
and purposes of this Act, and all rights and obligations acquired
or incurred as a result of the doing of those acts or things
including any expenditure incurred in relation thereto shall upon
the coming into operation of this Act be deemed to be the rights
and obligations of the Director General.