Ots-4 (Kohinoor) Test
Ots-4 (Kohinoor) Test
Ots-4 (Kohinoor) Test
1. Which of the following reactions would give the 4. Which of the following alcohol will give turbidity
best yield of t-butyl methyl ether ? of alkyl chloride immediately at room temperature
when reacts with Lucas reagent ?
(B) (CH3)3C – Br + CH3OH —→
(C) (C)
2. The compound CH3COCH2COOC2H5 is treated
with LiAlH4 in dry ether. The product formed is :- 5. The best method for synthesis of given ether by
(A) CH3CHOHCH2CO2C2H5 Williamson's ether synthesis is :
3. In the reaction
(CH3 )3 C − O − CH2 CH3 + HI −−→
(1 mole)
the product(s) formed is (are) (C)
(A) (CH3)3C – OH and CH3CH2I
(B) (CH3)3C – I and CH3CH2OH (D)
(C) (CH3)3C – I and CH3CH2I
(D) 6. When CH2 = CH – O – CH2 – CH3 reacts with
one mole of HI. One of the products formed is
(A) Ethanol (B) Ethanal
(C) Ethane (D) Iodoethene
7. Which of the following will change the colour of 10.
acidic dichromate solution.
m−CP BA H + / H2 O conc.
(A) −−−−−−→ A −−−−−→ B −−−−−→ C
CH2 Cl2 H2 SO4 , Δ
What will be the sum of degree of unsaturation of
(B) (A+B+C) ?
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
11. An alcohol, on treatment with P + I2 followed by
the reaction of the formed product first with
AgNO2 and then with HNO2 and final
basicification gives a blue colour. Which of the
(D) following alcohol can it be ?
(A) CH3 – CH2 – OH
(B) (CH3)2CHOH
8. Best methods to prepare 2-propanol is (C) (CH3)3COH
(i) (D) Ph – CH2 – OH
12. Which of the following will not yield a cyclic
(ii) compound on heating :
(A) (B)
(A) (i) and (ii) (B) (ii) and (iii) 13. Which of the following is an electrophile?
(C) (iii) and (i) (D) (ii) and (iv) (A) H2O
9. In DNA, which bases is not present of following? (B) NH3
(A) Thymine (C)
(B) Guanine
(D) AlCl3
(C) Uracil
(D) Adenine
14. The number of chiral centres present in [B] is 16. Number of compounds giving (i) red colouration
_______. with ceric ammonium nitrate and also (ii) positive
iodoform test from the following is _______
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
15. The major aromatic product C in the following 17. Consider the following sequence of reactions.
reaction sequence will be :
(A) (B)
18. Which of the following produce chiral molecule 20. The catalyst used in the preparation of an alkyl
after treatement with H2 Lindlar's catalyst ? chloride by the action of dry HCl on an alcohol is
(B) (A) Anhydrous AlCl3
(B) FeCl3
(D) (C)
(C) (D)
(D) None of these
25. Anhydride of alcohol is- 28. An unknown alcohol is treated with the 'Lucas
reagent' to determine whether the alcohol is
(A) Ether primary, secondary of tertiary. Which alcohol
(B) Aldehyde reacts fastest and by what mechanism :
(C) Alkanoic anhydride (A) secondary alcohol by SN1
(D) Alkoxides (B) tertiary alcohol by SN1
26. The order of reactivity of phenyl magnesium (C) secondary alcohol by SN1
bromide (PhMgBr) with the following compounds : (D) tertiary alcohol by SN1
29. In the following sequence of reactions, the alkene
affords the compound 'B'
O3 H2 O
CH3CH = CHCH3 −→ A −−→ B.
(A) III > II > I The compound B is
(D) I > II > III
30. 34. Br2 /hv Alc. KOH Conc . H 2 SO4
A −−−−→ B −−−−−−→ C −−−−−−−−−→
D −−−−−→
Zn/H2 O
How many molecules of RMgX are consumed in Find out the structure of 'A' :
the above given reaction ? (A) (B)
31. Which of the following alcohol is not oxidised by
(A) n-butyl alcohol (D)
(B) sec-butyl alcohol
(C) iso-butyl alcohol
(D) ter-butyl alcohol 35. Assertion : Ethers behave as bases in the presence
32. If ' α ' is degree of dimerisation of CH3COOH in of acids.
benzene, then van't Haff factor 'i' for calculation of Reason : This is due to the presence of lone pairs of
colligative properties is electrons on oxygen.
(A) 1 + α (B) α (A) If both Assertion & Reason are True & the
2 Reason is a correct explanation of the
(C) α (D) 1 + 2 α Assertion.
33. How many Alcohol give immediate turbidity with (B) If both Assertion & Reason are True but
Lucas Reagent (HCl + ZnCl2) Reason is not a correct explanation of the
(C) If Assertion is True but the Reason is False.
(D) If both Assertion & Reason are false.
36. Hinsberg's reagent is :
(A) C6H5SO2Cl (B) C6H5COCl
(C) SOCl2 (D) (COCl)2
37. What is the order of reactivity with HBr : 40.
A + B
(Major Pr oduct) (Minor Pr oduct)
42. How many of the following compounds can be 44. When 2-hydroxybenzoic acid (salicylic acid) is
reduced by NaBH4/H+ ? treated with bromine water, the product formed is
(1) (A)
(7) (B)
43. (D)
(C) (D)
47. The major product formed in the following reaction 49. The product of the reaction
is :
(A) (B)
(C) CH3 – OH
48. Identify A in the given reaction.
(D) CH3 – CH2 – OH
(A) (B)
(C) (D)