Land 13 00626
Land 13 00626
Land 13 00626
Assessing Inequality in Urban Green Spaces with Consideration
for Physical Activity Promotion: Utilizing Spatial Analysis
Techniques Supported by Multisource Data
Yunjing Hou, Yiming Liu, Yuxin Wu and Lei Wang *
Abstract: Urban green spaces (UGSs) play a significant role in promoting public health by facilitating
outdoor activities, but issues of spatial and socioeconomic inequality within UGSs have drawn
increasing attention. However, current methods for assessing UGS inequality still face challenges
such as data acquisition difficulties and low identification accuracy. Taking Harbin as a case study,
this research employs various advanced technologies, including Python data scraping, drone imagery
collection, and Amap API, to gather a diverse range of data on UGSs, including photos, high-
resolution images, and AOI boundaries. Firstly, elements related to physical activity within UGSs
are integrated into a supply adjustment index (SAI), based on which UGSs are classified into three
categories. Then, a supply–demand improved two-step floating catchment area (SD2SFCA) method
is employed to more accurately measure the accessibility of these three types of UGSs. Finally,
using multiple linear regression analysis and Mann–Whitney U tests, socioeconomic inequalities in
UGS accessibility are explored. The results indicate that (1) significant differentiation exists in the
types of UGS services available in various urban areas, with a severe lack of small-scale, low-supply
UGSs; (2) accessibility of all types of UGSs is significantly positively associated with housing prices,
Citation: Hou, Y.; Liu, Y.; Wu, Y.;
Wang, L. Assessing Inequality in
with higher-priced areas demonstrating notably higher accessibility compared to lower-priced ones;
Urban Green Spaces with (3) children may be at a disadvantage in accessing UGSs with medium-supply levels. Future planning
Consideration for Physical Activity efforts need to enhance attention to vulnerable groups. This study underscores the importance of
Promotion: Utilizing Spatial Analysis considering different types of UGSs in inequality assessments and proposes a method that could
Techniques Supported by Multisource serve as a valuable tool for accurately assessing UGS inequality.
Data. Land 2024, 13, 626. https:// Keywords: urban green spaces; physical activity promotion; inequality; multiple data sources;
Academic Editors: Xiwei Shen,
improved 2SFCA method
Yang Song, Niall Kirkwood,
Mary Padua, Bo Zhang and
Rosalea Monacella
1. Introduction
Received: 6 April 2024
Revised: 1 May 2024
Rapid urbanization in China has brought various challenges to public health, despite
Accepted: 4 May 2024
improving people’s living standards. For instance, high urbanization rates may lead to a
Published: 7 May 2024
decrease in residents’ physical activity levels, indirectly contributing to the onset of various
chronic diseases [1]. Urban green spaces (UGSs) serve as primary spaces for residents’
outdoor physical activities, facilitating such activities through the provision of facilities and
natural environments [2]. Therefore, ensuring that all residents have convenient access to
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors. UGSs is of paramount importance for comprehensively safeguarding their right to health.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Numerous studies have shown that there is inequality in the distribution of UGSs in
This article is an open access article urban areas. Research on this inequality primarily focuses on two dimensions: spatial and
distributed under the terms and social. Spatial inequality of UGSs mainly refers to the mismatch between the distribution
conditions of the Creative Commons of UGSs in cities and the population [3,4]. Studies conducted in different countries and
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// cities have revealed diverse spatial inequality patterns and causes [3,5–8]. Contradictions
between construction costs and local finances are one of the main reasons for spatial
inequality [9]. On the one hand, due to limited urban land resources for UGSs and profit-
driven land allocation policies, UGS construction often lags behind other land uses such as
commercial and residential areas [10]. Considering land prices, UGSs are often forced to be
constructed in low-cost but sparsely populated suburbs [11], resulting in spatial mismatch
with the population. On the other hand, local governments may view UGS construction as
an important means to attract investment and achieve economic growth in urban planning,
potentially leading to an uneven distribution of UGSs across different urban areas and
further exacerbating issues such as gentrification [4,12,13]. From this perspective, how
to optimize the spatial layout of UGSs at a low cost and high efficiency is an important
challenge in addressing spatial inequality in UGSs.
The unreasonable distribution of UGSs may further result in unequal distribution
among different social groups, namely, the socioeconomic inequality of UGSs [3,14]. Nu-
merous studies have shown that there is inequality in access to UGSs among different
income groups [12], races [14,15], and occupations [16]. Much of the research has focused on
income-based UGS inequality, with lower-income groups often having fewer opportunities
to access UGSs [7,12]. Particularly in developing countries like China, UGSs significantly
influence housing prices in communities, making it difficult for lower-income groups to
afford high-quality living environments and thus excluding them. Additionally, there is
growing attention toward UGS inequality among different age groups. Due to physical
limitations, children and the elderly are more vulnerable to environmental threats [17]. On
one hand, issues like obesity, anxiety, and depression pose potential threats to children’s
mental and physical health, which could be mitigated by access to UGSs [18,19]. On the
other hand, with urban areas facing an increasingly aging population, the elderly become
an important user group of UGSs [20]. Access to UGSs is crucial for reducing the incidence
of certain diseases and enhancing the well-being of the elderly [20,21].
In order to propose reasonable planning strategies, comprehensive assessments of
inequality need to be conducted based on multiple spatial data sources using various
models and analysis techniques. Recent studies have begun to utilize more advanced
technologies to facilitate data acquisition and enhance the accuracy of results. Firstly,
Python scripting proves to be a useful tool for efficiently gathering large volumes of data
in a short time and has been widely employed in UGS-related research. For example, Liu
et al. [22] conducted a cross-cultural comparison of UGS perceived quality using social
media data collected through Python. Similarly, Zhang et al. [22] employed Python-based
image data collection to assess UGS quality and measure accessibility. Secondly, real-time
navigation and route planning have become valuable tools for obtaining accurate travel
time data. For instance, Zhang et al. [23] utilized web service APIs from the Amap open
platform to collect and analyze travel time data using Python scripts. Chen et al. [7]
developed a method for measuring accessibility based on the Amap API, enabling a more
precise assessment of UGS accessibility in Shanghai. Furthermore, unmanned aerial vehicle
(UAV) observation technology has been employed in studies such as vegetation surveys
and green roof observations [24,25], demonstrating significant potential for obtaining
high-resolution images to accurately identify UGS structures.
Regarding assessment methods, the spatial inequality of UGSs is typically charac-
terized using accessibility, which measures the opportunity for residents to access public
service facilities. The two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) method [26,27] is a com-
monly used accessibility measurement model, considering both facility supply and demand
size as well as travel distance costs, and has been widely applied in recent research. Schol-
ars have proposed several improved models to enhance the accuracy of results, including
measurements of distance attenuation effects [3], improvements to fixed catchment ar-
eas [28,29], and enhancements to fixed transportation modes [30,31]. Additionally, other
scholars have taken into account the competitive effects among multiple facilities. Prior to
the 2SFCA method, they introduced the calculation of selection weights, resulting in the
3SFCA method [32]. Furthermore, Luo [33] considered the service capacity of facilities and
Land 2024, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 18
Figure Researchframework
2.1. Study Area
2.1. Study Area
Harbin, located in northeastern China, is a significant large-scale industrial city in the
Harbin, located in northeastern China, is a significant large-scale industrial city in the
country. This study selected the main urban area of Harbin as the research area (Figure 2).
country. This study selected the main urban area of Harbin as the research area (Figure
There are several reasons for this selection. Firstly, compared to surrounding areas, the
2). There are several reasons for this selection. Firstly, compared to surrounding areas, the
main urban area has relatively complete urban planning and construction. It concentrates a
main urban area has relatively complete urban planning and construction. It concentrates
significant number of UGS resources in the region with a high population density, making
it highly meaningful for studying UGS accessibility. Second, existing UGSs in this area
Land 2024, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 18
ing it highly meaningful for studying UGS accessibility. Second, existing UGSs in this area
exhibit significant differences in scale and internal structure, aligning with the objectives
exhibit significant differences in scale and internal structure, aligning with the objectives of
of our study.
our study.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Study
Study area.
2.2. Data
Data Sources
Sources and
and Processing
2.2.1. UGS Boundary and Entrance Data
2.2.1. UGS Boundary and Entrance Data
UGS boundary and entrance data were obtained from the Amap Open Platform
UGS boundary and entrance data were obtained from the Amap Open Platform
(, accessed on 2 April 2023). UGSs selected for this study met the
(, accessed on 2 April 2023). UGSs selected for this study met the
following criteria: (1) had a certain area of hard surface available for activities, (2) had
following criteria: (1) had a certain area of hard surface available for activities, (2) had any
any type of vegetation, and (3) were free and open to the public. A total of 133 UGS areas
type of vegetation, and (3) were free and open to the public. A total of 133 UGS areas were
were identified within the study area, including parks, greenways, and some greened plaza
identified within the study area, including parks, greenways, and some greened plaza
areas. We developed a Python program to collect the AOI boundary data of UGSs based on
the AmapWe Open
developed a Python
Platform API. program to collect the AOI boundary data of UGSs based
on the
High-resolution satellite API.
Amap Open Platform images of Harbin city were obtained from LocaSpaceViewer
(LSV)High-resolution satellite
(using Google Maps 2022images ofand
edition) Harbin
as awere
map. Thefrom LocaSpaceViewer
entrances of each UGS
were manually extracted on the ArcGIS platform. This was carried out because largerofUGSs
(LSV) (using Google Maps 2022 edition) and used as a base map. The entrances each
UGS were manually extracted on the ArcGIS platform. This was carried out because
may have multiple entrances, and the distances between these entrances and the centroid larger
can be may have multiple
considerable. This entrances,
approach and the distances
improves between
the accuracy these entrances
of travel and the
time calculations.
centroid can be considerable. This approach improves the accuracy of travel
For UGSs without clearly defined entrances (such as squares), the centroid was used time calcula-
as a
tions. For UGSs without
representative supply point.clearly defined entrances (such as squares), the centroid was used
as a representative supply point.
2.2.2. Web Photos and High-Resolution Aerial Imagery of UGSs
and sourced
from BaiduAerial Imagery
Images of UGSs
and, accessed on 22 June
2023.Web photosprogram
A Python were sourced fromtoBaidu
was used batchImages
collect and, accessed
photos, totaling on 22 June
5425 images. For
2023. corner
street A Python program
parks, was used
waterfront greento batch and
spaces, collect UGS
other photos,
areas totaling
without image5425 images.
sources, For
were corner parks, waterfront
from Baidu Streetgreen
View.spaces, and other areas without image sources, im-
were obtained fromobtained
data were Baidu Street
from View.
high-resolution images captured by unmanned
vehiclesdata were obtained from high-resolution
(UAVs) in June 2023. After images captured
the UAVs autonomously flew by
aerial vehicles (UAVs) in June 2023. After the UAVs autonomously flew and captured
images according to programmed routes, the images were manually stitched im-
The accordingimage
to programmed
data will beroutes,
used totheassess
imagesthewere manually
types stitchedof
and quantities together. The
plants and
water imagewithin
features data will
assess the types
with and quantities
China’s Interim of Measures
plants andforwater
features within of
Administration each UGS. In compliance
Unmanned withflight
Aerial Vehicles, China’s Interim
permits wereMeasures for the
not obtained forAdmin-
residential, commercial, and industrial areas within the main urban area. For UGSs in these
areas, manual identification and assessment were conducted based on Google satellite
imagery and street view maps.
Land 2024, 13, 626 5 of 17
2.3. A UGS Supply Adjustment Index (SAI) Considering Physical Activity Promotion Function
2.3.1. Evaluation Framework of SAI
This study primarily considered the physical activity promotion function of UGSs
and utilized a supply adjustment index (SAI) to adjust the calculation process of supply
size. The evaluation index was derived from summarizing various urban green space
quality evaluation tools [22,35–38] and previous literature on UGS impact on physical
activity (Table 1). It mainly includes three indicator dimensions: facilities [2,39,40], natural
environment [41,42], and safety [43,44], as well as nine assessment indicators such as
walking trails, physical activity facilities, and recreational facilities. Among these, footpaths
and sports facilities are essential prerequisites for promoting physical activity [2,39], while
an adequate provision of leisure facilities, vegetation, and water features can indirectly
attract residents to engage in physical activity within UGSs [2]. Additionally, sufficient
safety conditions are an effective guarantee for physical activity [2,45].
For each indicator, two scoring methods were adopted: existence score (1 point if the
content exists, 0 points otherwise) and category count (1–3 points if 1–3 types exist, 4 points
if 4 or more types exist, and 0 points otherwise). Three staff members simultaneously
observed UGS photos and evaluated and scored them based on the evaluation indicators.
Land 2024, 13, 626 6 of 17
For each indicator of each UGS, the average score of all staff members’ scores was taken as
the final score for that indicator. After scoring, the scores of indicators in each dimension
were summed to obtain the total quality score for each park. The ratio of the total quality
score of each UGS to the total score of all indicators was used as the final SAI.
S jA = S j ∗ q j
where S jA is the comprehensive supply scale of UGS j, S j is the total area of j, and q j is the
supply adjustment index of j.
aiding in a more accurate estimation of travel costs. The formula for calculating choice
weights is as follows:
S jA tij G tij , t0
Probi =
∑k∈{tkj ≤t0 } S jA tij G tkj , t0
tij 2
1 1
e− 2 ×( t0 ) −e− 2
G tij , t0 = − 1 , tij ≤ t0
1− e 2
0, tij > t0
where Probi is the probability of resident point i choosing park j, tij is the travel time from i
to j, t0 is the time threshold for the specified search range, and G tij , t0 is the Gaussian
decay function, with other parameters having the same meanings as above.
Next, centered at each supply point, the total population demand within the catchment
area is calculated, so the supply–demand ratio of j is
S jA
Rj =
∑k∈{tkj ≤t0 } Probi G tkj , t0 Dk
where R j is the ratio of the facility scale at supply point j to the population served within
the search radius (t0 ) and Dk represents the demand scale at demand point k, represented
by the total population of k, with other parameters having the same meanings as above.
Finally, for each demand point i, search all supply points j within the time threshold
range t0 of i, summing R j for each demand point, and adjusting the summation process
using the selection probability and Gaussian function, resulting in the accessibility Ai at
point i:
∑ Probi G tij , t0 R j
Ai =
j∈{tij ≤t0 }
3. Results
3.1. Classification Results of UGS Based on SAI
Table 3 and Figure 3 present the classification results and spatial distribution of the
133 UGS within the area, respectively. Overall, UGS distribution is dense in the western
part of the city, with a variety of types, while UGSs in the south and east are relatively
sparse. MSPs are the most numerous, accounting for 48.87% of the total, concentrated in
the northeast. LSPs have the fewest numbers, accounting for 24.06%, mostly distributed in
Land 2024, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW the west and central areas. HSPs are concentrated in the west, followed
9 of by
18 the southeast.
Figure 3. 3. Spatial
Spatial distribution
distribution of threeoftypes
of types
UGSs. of UGSs.
Figure 5.
Figure 5. Classification
Classificationof ofareas
services.(a)(a) The
The overall
overall classification
classification of of under-
areas; areas; (b) Further
Further classification
classification of ClassofII.Class II.
accessibility, the proportion of elderly population, housing prices, block greenery rate, and
distance to the city center are significantly positively associated with accessibility, while
block population density and construction year are significantly negatively associated
with accessibility.
Standardized Coefficient
Independent Variables VIF
Proportion of old people 1.352 0.124 *** −0.031 0.150 *** 0.094 **
Proportion of children 1.257 −0.057 −0.019 −0.066 * −0.042
Housing price 1.409 0.378 *** 0.089 * 0.399 *** 0.294 ***
Population density 1.224 −0.113 *** −0.007 −0.083 ** −0.103 ***
Building density 1.470 0.010 −0.059 −0.015 0.022
Greenery rate 1.223 0.14 *** −0.016 0.040 0.152 ***
Block age 1.462 −0.066 * −0.019 −0.022 * −0.069 *
Distance to the city center 1.378 0.283 *** 0.072 * 0.260 *** 0.234 ***
Adjusted R2 - 0.208 0.017 0.168 0.149
p-value of the model - 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000
Note: * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.
When considering different quality levels of UGSs, housing prices and distance to
the city center have stable positive associations with all quality levels of UGSs. The
block greenery rate has a significant positive association with HSP accessibility. Block age
and population density have weak negative associations with MSP and HSP accessibility.
The proportion of elderly population has a significant positive association with MSP
and HSP accessibility, while the proportion of children population has a weak negative
association only with MSPs. The block greenery rate has a significant positive association
with HSP accessibility.
This indicates that children may be at a disadvantage in accessing adequate MSP
services, while the elderly population may have a more matched accessibility to UGSs.
Blocks with higher socioeconomic status, farther distance from the city center, newer
construction age, and lower density are more likely to access UGSs. Blocks with higher
greenery rates are also more likely to access HSPs.
Table 7. Mann–Whitney U test results for UGS accessibility based on housing price levels.
4. Discussion
4.1. Disparities in Types of UGS Services Obtained across Different Regions
The research findings indicate significant differentiation in the types of UGS services
available in different urban areas. Firstly, the western part of the city facilitates access to
various types of UGSs, which aligns with the emphasis on UGS development in newly
developed urban areas. The service availability in the riverside areas is also adequate,
consistent with previous studies [7,8,48], suggesting a universally positive role of proximity
to water bodies in UGS development.
Secondly, most blocks in the eastern suburbs and southeastern parts can only access
HSP services. However, due to the limited number of HSPs, their service coverage is
relatively small. This suggests that the overall accessibility advantage in certain urban areas
may not stem from a variety of green space resources but rather from the local advantages
of a few large-scale UGSs. Additionally, most blocks cannot reach LSPs within the specified
time threshold, and the accessibility level in the southern part of the city is generally poor,
with some blocks only able to access HSP services with low accessibility opportunities.
These phenomena may stem from a planning approach based on average indicators. Due
to the larger scale and diverse service types of HSPs, they can quickly increase the overall
green coverage and per capita green space area in the region to achieve the government’s
expected goals [48]. This creates a “superficial” perception of service adequacy and may
lead planners to overlook other types of UGSs.
These findings highlight a contradiction: whether, with the same expected total
area of UGSs, it is preferable to incrementally increase numerous small-scale UGSs with
lower supply capabilities in a decentralized manner or to concentrate on fewer large-scale
UGSs with higher supply capabilities in a centralized manner. Previous studies have
addressed this issue [12,50], indicating that, compared to geographically concentrating
resources and initiating several rounds of upscale development of large UGSs, focusing on
smaller-scale interventions is more advantageous for UGS equity and can help to prevent
gentrification. This study, from the perspective of different supply capabilities of UGSs,
supports this viewpoint. Firstly, the construction and maintenance costs of HSPs are high,
and they require large land areas as a foundation, which is unrealistic for high-density
urban areas severely lacking in UGSs. Secondly, a single type of UGS may not fully meet
the diverse needs of residents and may impose greater service pressures on HSPs. Studies
have shown that residents prefer to engage in daily activities in smaller UGSs [51,52],
possibly due to the disadvantages of larger UGSs such as crowding and difficulty in
Land 2024, 13, 626 13 of 17
accessing activity areas. In contrast, LSPs and MSPs have several advantages, including
greater flexibility, ease of encouraging residents to engage in physical activities [53], and
contributing to strengthening community ties [54,55], among others. Therefore, in future
planning, emphasis should be placed on incrementally supplementing more LSPs and
MSPs in a decentralized manner to serve more blocks.
of functions to alleviate inequality [35]; (iii) advocate for open neighborhood planning to
maximize the public benefits of closed non-park green spaces [59,60].
Finally, planners should prioritize addressing green inequality issues by actively inter-
vening with policies and allocating funds to safeguard the health rights of low-income and
vulnerable groups. At the same time, attention should be paid to increasing corresponding
UGS service facilities in areas with a higher proportion of children and elderly populations
to meet their specific needs.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Y.H. and Y.L.; methodology, Y.H. and Y.L.; project ad-
ministration, Y.H. and L.W.; resources, Y.H. and L.W.; software, Y.L. and Y.W.; supervision, L.W.;
visualization, Y.L. and Y.W.; writing—original draft, Y.L.; writing—review and editing, Y.H. All
authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China: Research on the
Cold Island Mechanism of Seasonal Variations in Horizontal and Vertical Structures of Forests in Cold
Cities (No. 42171246). Project supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: Research
on the spatial mechanism of promoting physical activity in cold industrial community green spaces
under the guidance of public health and the optimization model of “Sports-Green Integration” (No.
Data Availability Statement: The source of all the data used in this study is provided in the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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