NCP1 1

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Health Assessment - Activity 1: GROUP 1


Subjective cues: Acute pain related to After 24-48 hours Independent: After 24-48 hours
biological injury as of meticulous of meticulous
evidenced by diaphoretic, nursing - Pain should be compared to the nursing
• Severe avoidance of eye contact, intervention the - Take note of any reports client's previous encounters with intervention the
abdominal pain dry mouth, strained expected of pain including location, pain. By comparing the patient:
expression, autonomic outcomes will be: duration, intensity (0-10 development of complications, this
•“My mouth is so responses, request for scale), and other signs comparison may help diagnose the 1. The patient is
dry” information, and abnormal 1. Patient will be such as changes in vital etiology. free from severe
vital signs. free from signs. abdominal pain.
•“I'm so uptight I abdominal pain - Minimizes pain and discomfort by
will be never able - Aid the patient to perform reducing joint stiffness. *GOAL MET
to sleep tonight” Priority problem no.1 2. Patient will passive and active range-
verbalize the of-motion exercises. - By providing thorough information 2. Patient
– as verbalized by Anxiety reduction of the regarding the diagnostic test, the verbalized the
the patient. pain within one - Provide therapeutic patient may feel at ease, which reduction of the
Priority problem no.2 hour of communication regarding helps decrease the patient’s pain within.
Objective cues: intervention. diagnostic tests and anxiety.
address the patient's *GOAL MET
3. Patient will be anxiety by offering - Monitoring fluid balance of the
• Abdominal pain able to feel emotional support. patient is crucial to prevent 3. Patient is able
comfortable on complications such as dehydration to feel
their own. - Monitor and maintain and electrolyte imbalances in comfortability on
• Diaphoretic
fluid balance of the patients. its own.
• Skin is cool to
touch -Intravenous (IV) therapy is *GOAL MET
administering fluids directly in the
veins. Since taking food may cause
• Abnormal Vital
distress to the digestive tract of the
Signs, P 104, R client, IV fluids help replenish lost
30, BP 180/96 fluids and avoid complications as it
- IV fluids as ordered by provides the right amount of fluids
the physician. and electrolytes in the body.

- May be a narcotic of choice to

relieve acute pain and reduce
- Pain relief medication peristaltic pain activity.
ordered by the physician.

Doengers M.E., Moorhouse M.F, & Gerss;er-Murr A.C. (2002). Nursing care plans-guidelines for individualizing patient care 6th edition, Philadelphia:
F.A Davis Company.

Ccm, M. W. B. R. (2023, May 24). Abdominal Pain: Nursing Diagnoses, Care Plans, Assessment & Interventions | NurseTogether. NurseTogether.

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