Emotional Intelligence

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Scientium Management Review

ISSN : 2962-8328
E-ISSN : 2962-6323
Pp : 109-124
Volume 1 No 2 2022


(Study on PNS at BPS Makassar City)

Nur Padilah1, Sumardi2, Muhammad Sobarsyah3

1Magister Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University;
[email protected]
2Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University; [email protected]
3Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University; [email protected]

This study aims to analyze emotional intelligence and work-life balance from the perspective
of organizational citizenship behavior with job satisfaction as a mediating variable in civil
servants at BPS Makassar City. The population in this study was 35 civil servants (PNS) at
BPS Makassar city. The sampling method is a saturated sample, so the entire population is
used. Data collection was carried out through interviews and distributing questionnaires
through Google Forms. The data analysis used is the validity and reliability test of the classical
assumption test, path analysis, hypothesis testing, and Sobel test. The analysis results show
that emotional intelligence positively and significantly affects job satisfaction. Work-life
balance has no direct effect on job satisfaction. Job satisfaction has a positive and significant
effect on organizational citizenship behavior. Emotional intelligence has a direct effect on
OCB. Work-life balance has no direct effect on OCB. This study also proved that emotional
intelligence affects OCB, which is mediated by job satisfaction. Furthermore, job satisfaction
does not mediate the effect of work-life balance on OCB.
Keywords : Emotional intelligence; work-life balance; job satisfaction; organizational
citizenship behavior

Organizations, as a forum for a group of people who work together to achieve
goals, need to have the support of resources in carrying out their activities. The
primary supporting resource in an organization is Human Resources (HR). Human
resources (employees) in every organization, both private and government, are
required to be qualified human resources to support the organization in achieving its
goals and survive in the rapid development of the times in the current era of
globalization. The implementation of government organizations is always in the
public spotlight, makes the services carried out cannot be separated from the
community's evaluation. It is necessary to improve the quality of human resources
(employees) in government organizations to support the achievement of
organizational goals. According to Robbins in Suzana (2017), an essential element
that needs to be considered in an organization is behavior outside the formal rules of
the organization (extra-role).

Scientium Management Review Vol. 1 no. 2 . 2022 109

According to Aswin & Rahyuda (2017), employee behavior that organizations
currently demand does include not only in-role behavior, namely carrying out work
following the tasks in the job description, but also extra-role behavior, which is the
contribution of extra employee roles to complete organizational work or what is
known as Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Organizational Citizenship
Behavior (OCB) is an extra-individual behavior that is not part of an employee's
formal work obligations but is capable of supporting the effective functioning of the
organization, Robbins in Suwandana (2017).
OCB behavior is needed in government agencies because it can increase the
organization's operational effectiveness. OCB behavior is also needed to face all
organizational change challenges required to carry out the bureaucratic reform
process. Moreover, the diverse demands on the public service sector are currently
the professional responsibility of Civil Servants (PNS) increasing and making the
work environment more challenging to adjust to. Do (2014), in his scientific paper,
also said that in the era of bureaucratic reform in various government agencies, the
role of OCB behavior is considered essential and greatly determines organizational
performance in providing services to the community so that the emergence of
employee OCB in government agencies is an improvement that is needed.

One of the public/government service organizations, namely the Makassar

Central Bureau of Statistics, BPS, is a non-ministerial government agency directly
responsible to the president for carrying out governmental tasks in the field of
statistics. The duties of BPS in collecting, managing, and servicing statistical data
covering almost all sectors result in a high workload that must be borne and carried
out by employees.
Based on the results of interviews conducted by researchers with employees
at the Central Bureau of Statistics for Makassar City, it shows that there are problems
related to indications of low organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) among
employees, namely there are problems regarding complaints from some employees
because of the high workload and some employees are still self-centeredness that
only focuses on its tasks makes low concern for co-workers. Some employees still do
not comply with organizational regulations by taking breaks before their time.
Sometimes also, some employees use their breaks beyond their time, thus impacting
the operational effectiveness organization.
This indication of low employee OCB behavior shows that it is still rare and
difficult to find OCB in government agencies. Darto (2014) also stated in his research
that OCB is an aspect that rarely occurs within the scope of government apparatus.
Therefore government organizations must pay more attention to the quality of their
employees because OCB behavior is essential and is one of the keys to success in an
organization. OCB behavior is needed so that employees can work not only for
themselves but also for the benefit of the organization.
One of the factors that influence organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is
emotional intelligence. According to Zurasaka in Ahdiyana (2010), OCB is more
influenced by personality or emotional intelligence than situational factors and
working conditions. From the results of the interviews, the phenomenon at BPS
Makassar City is related to emotional intelligence, namely that employees have
dominant emotional intelligence, the ability to use, recognize and control their

110 Scientium Management Review Vol. 1 no. 2 . 2022

emotions appropriately so that employees can motivate themselves and withstand
pressure. But there are still some employees who have inappropriate emotional
control, such as some employees when given input

Formulation of the problem

Based on this background, this research was conducted to examine the effect of
emotional intelligence and work-life balance on OCB with job satisfaction as an
intervening variable so that the problems examined in this study can be formulated
as follows:
1. Does emotional intelligence have a positive and significant effect on job
2. Does work-life balance have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction?
3. Does job satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on organizational
citizenship behavior?
4. Does emotional intelligence have a positive and significant effect on
organizational citizenship behavior?
5. Does work-life balance have a positive and significant effect on organizational
citizenship behavior?
6. Does job satisfaction mediate emotional intelligence in organizational
7. Does job satisfaction mediate work-life balance in organizational citizenship

Research purposes
Following the formulation of the problem, this study has the following objectives:
1) To determine the positive and significant influence of emotional intelligence
on job satisfaction.
2) To determine the positive and significant effect of work-life balance on job
3) To determine the positive and significant effect of job satisfaction on
organizational citizenship.
4) To determine the positive and significant influence of emotional intelligence
on organizational citizenship.
5) To determine the positive and significant effect of work-life balance on
organizational citizenship.
6) To determine the mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between
emotional intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior.
7) To determine the mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between
work-life balance and organizational citizenship behavior.

Emotional Intelligence
Salovey and Meyer in Sumiryasih (2012) define emotional intelligence as a subset of
social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor the feelings and emotions of both
oneself and others, sort them out and use this information to develop thoughts and
actions. The idea that emotions cause an individual to think more intelligently is

Scientium Management Review Vol. 1 no. 2 . 2022 111

related to emotions. The dimensions in this study are, according to Goleman (2005),
namely: Self Awareness, Self Control, Motivation, Empathy, and Social Skills
Work-Life Balance
According to Lockwood (2003), work-life balance is a state of balance between two
demands in which the work and life of an individual are the same. On the one hand,
in the view of employees, work-life balance is a choice of managing work and personal
obligations or responsibilities towards the family. On the other hand, work-life
balance in the view of the company is a challenge to create a supportive culture where
employees can focus on their job while at work. According to Fisher et al (2003), the
dimensions in this study are: Work Interference with Personal Life, Personal Life
Interference with Work, and Work/Personal Life Enhancement.
Job Satisfaction
According to Robbins (2002), that job satisfaction is a general attitude towards one's
work, the difference between the reward a worker receives and the amount they
expect to receive. The definition of satisfaction, according to Robbins, is the notion of
job satisfaction in general which illustrates that job satisfaction is the relationship
between individuals who like the work and its environment and vice versa a feeling
of dissatisfaction will arise in a member of the organization if he does not like his job.
According to Luthans (2005), the dimensions in this study are The work itself, Pay,
Promotion, Supervision, Working group, and Working conditions.
Organizational citizenship behavior
According to Organ et al. (2006), Organizational Citizenship Behavior, often
abbreviated as OCB, is independent individual behavior, not directly or explicitly
recognized in the reward system and in promoting the effective functioning of the
organization. Meanwhile, according to Jahangir et al. (2004), organizational
citizenship behavior (OCB) is a set of free workplace behaviors that exceed one's basic
job requirements. According to Organ et al (2006), the dimensions in this study are
Altruism, Conscientiousness, sportsmanship, Courtesy, and Civic Virtue.
Conceptual Model
The hypothesis proposed in this study is:
𝐻1 : Emotional intelligence has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction.
𝐻2 : Work-life balance has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction.
𝐻3 : Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship
𝐻4 : Emotional intelligence has a positive and significant effect on organizational
citizenship behavior
𝐻5 : Work-life balance has a positive and significant effect on organizational
citizenship behavior
𝐻6 : Job satisfaction mediates emotional intelligence in organizational citizenship
𝐻7 : Job satisfaction mediates work-life balance in organizational citizenship

112 Scientium Management Review Vol. 1 no. 2 . 2022

Gambar 1: Conceptual Models

Location and Research Design
The place of research that is used as the object of research is BPS Makassar City
which is located on Jl. Prof. Abdurahman Basalamah No. 1, Karampuang, Kec.
Panakkukang, Makassar City, South Sulawesi.
Population and Sample
The population in this study were all employees with civil servant status who worked
at the Central Bureau of Statistics for the City of Makassar, totaling 35 people. The
sampling method used is a saturated sample so that the total population is used as a

Method Of Collecting Data

Data collection techniques were carried out by: (1) Distributing questionnaires
directly to Civil Servants (PNS) at BPS Makassar City, (2) interviews; (3) observation;
and (4) literature study. The instrument in this study was carried out using a
questionnaire intended to obtain answers from respondents

Data Analysis Method

The data processing tool uses IBM SPSS version 25 for windows. Data analysis
techniques were carried out in two ways: descriptive analysis and statistical analysis.
Statistical data analysis includes (1) Validity Test and Reliability Test; (2) Classical
Assumption Test; (3) Path Analysis; (4) Hypothesis Testing; and (5) Sobel test.


Validity Test
A validity test is used to measure the validity or validity of a questionnaire. In this
study, a questionnaire is said to be valid if the questions asked can reveal something
that will be measured on the questionnaire.
Table 1: Validity Test Results
Variable Indicator Information
Correlation Sig.
X1.1 0,172 0,325 Invalid
X1.2 0,625 0,000 Valid
intelligence (X1)
X1.3 0,439 0,008 Valid

Scientium Management Review Vol. 1 no. 2 . 2022 113

X1.4 0,477 0,004 Valid
X1.5 0,633 0,000 Valid
X1.6 0,569 0,000 Valid
X1.7 0,471 0,004 Valid
X1.8 0,680 0,000 Valid
X1.9 0,496 0,002 Valid
X1.10 0,462 0,005 Valid
X1.11 0,491 0,003 Valid
X1.12 0,673 0,000 Valid
X1.13 0,647 0,000 Valid
X1.14 0,645 0,000 Valid
X2.1 0,730 0,000 Valid
X2.2 0,793 0,000 Valid
X2.3 0,789 0,000 Valid
X2.4 0,744 0,000 Valid
Work-Life Balance
X2.5 0,704 0,000 Valid
X2.6 0,700 0,000 Valid
X2.7 0,389 0,021 Valid
X2.8 0,530 0,001 Valid
X2.9 0,447 0,007 Valid
Y.1 0,810 0,000 Valid
Y.2 0,798 0,000 Valid
Y.3 0,661 0,000 Valid
Y.4 0,719 0,000 Valid
Y.5 0,618 0,000 Valid
Job Satisfaction
Y.6 0,676 0,000 Valid
Y.7 0,711 0,000 Valid
Y.8 0,788 0,000 Valid
Y.9 0,675 0,000 Valid
Y.10 0,692 0,000 Valid
Y.11 0,814 0,000 Valid
Z.1 0,692 0,000 Valid
Z.2 0,814 0,000 Valid
Z.3 0,548 0,001 Valid
Z.4 0,701 0,000 Valid
Z.5 0,665 0,000 Valid
Z.6 0,686 0,000 Valid
Organizational Z.7 0,680 0,000 Valid
Citizenship Z.8 0,699 0,000 Valid
Behavior (Z) Z.9 0,818 0,000 Valid
Z.10 0,734 0,000 Valid
Z.11 0,776 0,000 Valid
Z.12 0,638 0,000 Valid
Z.13 0,687 0,000 Valid
Z.14 0,507 0,002 Valid
Z.15 0,541 0,001 Valid
Source: Primary data processed by researchers through SPSS, 2023
Based on table 1 above proves that all statement items for each variable are declared
valid, except for the statement item "I know when I have to talk to other employees
about my problems." On the emotional intelligence variable. The stated statement is
valid because of the sig. value < 0.05 = α. Meanwhile, for research purposes, the
invalid question items were removed because several other items could still reveal
the indicators under study. The emotional intelligence variable obtains a correlation
value between 0.172 - 0.680. The work-life balance variable obtains a correlation
value between 0.389 – 0.793. The variable job satisfaction obtained a correlation
value between 0.618 - 0.814. Meanwhile, the organizational citizenship behavior
variable obtained a correlation between 0.507 - 0.818. Therefore, the results

114 Scientium Management Review Vol. 1 no. 2 . 2022

obtained from the variables emotional intelligence (X1), work-life balance (X2), job
satisfaction (Y), and organizational citizenship behavior (Z) are declared valid.

Reliability Test

The reliability test was carried out with the condition that a questionnaire was
declared reliable if the respondents' answers to the statements used were consistent
with the results of the Cronbach Alpha coefficient > 0.60 or 60% according to Imam
Ghozali (2009).
Table 2: Reability Test Results

Num. Variable Cronbach's Alpha Value Information

1. Emotional intelegence (X1) 0,779 Reliable
2. Work-Life Balance (X2) 0,836 Reliable
3. Job Satisfaction (Y) 0,909 Reliable
4. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (Z) 0,915 Reliable
Source: Primary data processed by researchers through SPSS, 2023

Based on Table 2 above, it can be seen that Cronbach's Alpha on all variables, namely
emotional intelligence (X1), work-life balance (X2), job satisfaction (Y), and
organizational citizenship behavior (Z) is greater than 0.600 so that all variables can
be categorized reliable or dependable.

Classic Assumption Test

1. Normality Test
The normality test was conducted to test whether the dependent variable and
independent variable regression models or both were normally distributed or not.
The normality test in this study was used with the Kolmogorov–Smirnov Z statistical
test. The results of the normality test can be shown in Table 5.8 as follows.

Table 3 Normality Test Result

Model Test Statistic Value Sig. Information
X1 and X2 against Y 0,115 0,200 Normal
X1, X2, and Y
0,108 0,200 Normal
against Z
Source: Primary data processed by researchers through SPSS, 2023

Based on Table 3, it shows that the significance value for each regression model used
is greater than alpha 0.05, which means that each variable in the model meets the
assumption of normality, which indicates that all variables have a normal effect.

2. Multicollinearity Test
The multicollinearity test aims to test whether the regression model shows a
correlation between the independent variables and other variables. To detect the
presence of multicollinearity between independent variables can be seen from the

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tolerance value and variance inflation factor (VIF). The results of the multicollinearity
test can be shown in Table 4 as follows.
Tabel 4 Multicollinearity Test Results
Model Variable Tolerance VIF Information
Emotional No
0,999 1,001
X1 and X2 against intelegence (X1) Multicollinearity
Y Work-Life Balance No
0,999 1,001
(X2) Multicollinearity
Emotional No
0,585 1,709
intelegence (X1) Multicollinearity
X1 and X2 against Work-Life Balance No
0,928 1,078
Y (X2) Multicollinearity
Job Satisfaction (Y) 0,556 1,800
Sumber: Data primer diolah peneliti melalui SPSS, 2023

Based on Table 4 it shows all tolerance values > 0.10 and VIF values < 10.00 for each
regression model used which means that each variable in the model does not occur
multicollinearity so that both regression models have met the assumptions.
3. Heteroscedasticity Test
The heteroscedasticity test aims to test whether in the regression there is a variance
similarity from one residual observation to another. To detect the presence of
heteroscedasticity can be seen from the scatterplot between the dependent variable
and its residuals. The results of the heteroscedasticity test can be shown in Figure 1
as follows.

Figure 2 Heteroscedasticity Test Plot

Based on Figure 2, the scatterplots above show that the dots in the image do not form
a particular pattern and the dots spread above and below the number 0 on the Y axis.
So, it can be concluded that there is no heteroscedasticity in the data so that it can
give an explanation that the data obtained has met the assumptions.
4. Autocorrelation Test
The autocorrelation test aims to test whether in a linear regression model there is a
correlation between the confounding errors in the t period and the confounding
errors in the t-1 period. To detect the presence of autocorrelation between
observations, the Durbin Watson (DW) test was used. The results of the
autocorrelation test can be shown in Table 5 as follows.
Tabel 5 Autocorrelation Test Results

116 Scientium Management Review Vol. 1 no. 2 . 2022

Test Statistic Value
Model DL DU Information
X1 and X2 against Y 2,377 1,343 1,584 No Autocorrelation
X1, X2, and Y
against Z
2,019 1,283 1,653 No Autocorrelation
Source: Primary data processed by researchers through SPSS, 2023
Based on Table 5, it shows that the value of the DW test statistic for each regression
model is between DU and 4DL, which means that each model does not have
autocorrelation so that both regression models meet the assumptions.

Path Analysis
The test carried out is the method of path analysis or known as path analysis. This
path analysis serves to find out how the direct and indirect effects of all variables,
causal variables (exogenous variables) on effect variables (endogenous variables).
1. Path Analysis Model I
𝑌 = 14,643 + 0,719𝑋1 − 0,181𝑋2
Based on the results of the simple regression that has been obtained above, the
interpretation can be described as follows:
a. The coefficient value of ρ0 is 14.643. If the emotional intelligence (X1) and
work life balance (X2) variables do not change or are constant, then the values
obtained will increase job satisfaction (Y) by 14.643.
b. The ρ1 coefficient value is 0.719. This shows that if there is an increase in
emotional intelligence (X1) by one unit, job satisfaction (Y) will increase by 0.719.
c. The ρ2 coefficient is -0.181. This shows that if there is an increase in work life
balance (X2) by one unit, it will decrease job satisfaction (Y) by 0.181.
2. Path Analysis Model II
𝑍 = −0,103 + 0,823𝑋1 + 0,093𝑋2 + 0,195𝑌
Based on the results of the simple regression that has been obtained above, the
interpretation can be described as follows:
a. The coefficient value of ρ0 is 14.643. If the variables emotional intelligence
(X1), work life balance (X2), and job satisfaction (Y) do not change or are constant,
then the values obtained will decrease in organizational citizenship behavior (Z) of
b. The ρ1 coefficient value is 0.823. This shows that if there is an increase in
emotional intelligence (X1) by one unit, it will increase organizational citizenship
behavior (Z) by 0.823.
c. The coefficient value of ρ2 is 0.093. This shows that if there is an increase in
work life balance (X2) by one unit, it will increase organizational citizenship behavior
(Z) by 0.093.
d. The ρ3 coefficient value is 0.195. This shows that if there is an increase in job
satisfaction (Y) by one unit, it will increase organizational citizenship behavior (Z) by
Hypotesis Test
Model I
1. Simultaneous Parameter Significance Test
Simultaneous parameter significance test to find out whether there is suitability of
the data with the analysis model used, then a simultaneous hypothesis test is carried

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out using the F statistical test. The simultaneous parameter significance test results
can be shown in Table 5.11 as follows.
Table 6 Results of Simultaneous Parameter Significance Test Model I
Model Sum of Square df Mean Square F Sig.
Regresi 298,117 2 149,058 10,924 0,000
Residual 436,626 32 13,645
Total 734,743 34
Source: Primary data processed by researchers through SPSS, 2023
Table 6 shows that the simultaneous test results show a statistical value of the F test
of 10.924 and a significant value at <0.05, which means that the data used follows the

2. Individual Parameter Significance Test

Test the significance of the parameters individually to find out how far the
independent variables' influence is on the dependent variable, then test the
hypothesis individually using the t-statistical test. The results of the individual
parameter significance tests can be shown in Table 7 as follows.
Table 7 Results of the Individual Parameter Significance Test for Model I
Model Koefisien Standard Error T Sig.
Constant 14,643 7,535 1,943 0,041
Emotional Intelligence 0,719 0,106 4,336 0,000
Work-Life Balance -0,181 0,027 -2,852 0,013
Source: Primary data processed by researchers through SPSS, 2023
The t test is an individual test of the independent variable X1 (emotional intelligence)
on the dependent variable (job satisfaction) then X2 (work life balance) on the
dependent variable (job satisfaction). From Table 5.12 above it can be seen that the
emotional intelligence variable (X1) shows a significant value <α (0.010 <0.05) with
a β value of 0.719, meaning that the emotional intelligence variable has a significant
effect and is positively related to job satisfaction (Y) at a confidence level of 95%.
Meanwhile the work life balance variable (X2) shows a significant value <α (0.013
<0.05) with a β value of -0.181, meaning that the work life balance variable has a
significant effect and is negatively related to job satisfaction (Y) at a confidence level
of 95% .
3. Coefficient of Determination
The coefficient of determination (𝑅2) basically measures how much the model's
ability to explain the variation of the independent variables. The results of the
coefficient of determination can be shown in Table 5.12 as follows.
Table 8 Coefficient of Determination Model I
Model R Coefficient R2 Coefficient
X1 and X2 against Y 0,778 0,606
Source: Primary data processed by researchers through SPSS, 2023
Based on Table 8 above, it shows that the value (R2) is 0.606, this means that the
emotional intelligence (X1) and work life balance (X2) variables on the job
satisfaction variable (Y) can have an effect of 60.6%. The remaining 39.4% is
influenced by other variables that have not been or are not examined in the
continuation of the completion of this research.

118 Scientium Management Review Vol. 1 no. 2 . 2022

Model II
1. Simultaneous Parameter Significance Test
Simultaneous parameter significance test to determine whether there is
compatibility of the data with the analytical model used, then a hypothesis test is
carried out simultaneously using the F statistical test. The results of the simultaneous
parameter significance test can be shown in Table 9 as follows.

Table 9 Results of Simultaneous Parameter Significance Test Model II

Model Sum of Square Df Mean Square F Sig.
Regresi 484,532 3 161,511 9,167 0,000
Residual 546,153 31 17,618
Total 1.030,686 34
Source: Primary data processed by researchers through SPSS, 2023
Based on Table 9, it was found that the simultaneous test results showed a statistical
value of the F test of 9.167 and a significant value at <0.05, which means that the data
used was in accordance with the model.
2. Individual Parameter Significance Test
Test the significance of the parameters individually to find out how far the influence
of the independent variables individually on the dependent variable, then test the
hypothesis individually using the t statistical test. The results of the individual
parameter significance tests can be shown in Table 10 as follows.
Tabel 10 Results of the Individual Parameter Significance Test for Model II
Model Koefisien Standar Error t Sig.
Constant -0,103 9,054 -0,011 0,091
Emotional Intelegence 0,823 0,237 3,467 0,002
Work-Life Balance 0,093 0,107 2.800 0,030
Job Satisfaction 0,195 0,091 2,971 0,039
Source: Primary data processed by researchers through SPSS, 2023
The t test is an individual test of the independent variable X1 (emotional intelligence)
on the dependent variable (job satisfaction) then variable X2 (work life balance) on
the dependent variable (job satisfaction) and Y variable (job satisfaction) on
organizational citizenship behavior (Z) . From Table 10 above it can be seen that the
emotional intelligence variable (X1) shows a significant value <α (0.002 <0.05) with
a β value of 0.237, meaning that the emotional intelligence variable has a significant
effect and is positively related to organizational citizenship behavior (Z) at the level
of trust by 95%. The work-life balance variable (X2) shows a significant value <α
(0.030 <0.05) with a β value of 0.093, meaning that the work-life balance variable
has a significant effect and is positively related to organizational citizenship behavior
(Z) at a confidence level of 95% . The job satisfaction variable (Y) shows a significant
value <α (0.039 <0.05) with a β value of 0.195, meaning that the job satisfaction
variable (Y) has a significant and positive effect on organizational citizenship
behavior (Z) at a confidence level of 95%.
3. Coefficient of Determination
The coefficient of determination (𝑅2) basically measures how much the model's
ability to explain the variation of the independent variables. The results of the
coefficient of determination can be shown in Table 11 as follows.
Tabel 11 Coefficient of Determination Model II

Scientium Management Review Vol. 1 no. 2 . 2022 119

Model R Coefficient R2 Coefficient
X1, X2 and Y against Z 0,818 0,670
Source: Primary data processed by researchers through SPSS, 2023
Based on Table 11 above, it shows that the value (R2) is 0.670, this means that the
emotional intelligence (X1), work life balance (X2), and job satisfaction variables on
the job satisfaction variable (Y) can have an effect of 67.0%. The remaining 33.0% is
influenced by other variables that have not been or are not examined in the
continuation of the completion of this research.
Sobel Test
The Sobel test is used to test the strength of the dependent variable's indirect
influence on the independent variable through the mediating variable. Testing the
hypothesis based on mediation was carried out by a Sobel test regarding the influence
of emotional intelligence (X1) on organizational citizenship behavior (Z) through the
mediation of job satisfaction (Y). Furthermore, sobel testing was also carried out
regarding the effect of work-life balance (X2) on organizational citizenship behavior
(Z) through the mediation of job satisfaction (Y). The results of the Sobel test can be
shown in Table 12 as follows.

Tabel 12 Sobel Test Results

Influence Between Direct Total
Sig. Indirect Influence
Variables Influence Influence
X1 against Y 0,719 0,000 - 0,719
X1 against Z 0,823 0,002 2,043 2,866
X2 against Y -0,181 0,013 - -0,181
X2 against Z 0,195 0,039 -2,041 -1,846
Source: Primary data processed by researchers through SPSS, 2023

The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Satisfaction of PNS BPS
Makassar City
Emotional intelligence has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction.
Emotional responses to a job influence job satisfaction. Emotional intelligence acts as
the principal capital in self-control to produce good performance (Patton, 1998).
Porter and Lawler (in Riggio, 1985) argue that good performance will lead to job
satisfaction. Emotional intelligence can help an employee in carrying out or
improving a conducive psychological work environment and can assist employees in
carrying out or carrying out their work; it can also help build social relations within
the family environment, work environment, and social community. Creating these
social relations can increase satisfaction and productivity, which will realize
organizational goals and success, so it can be concluded that the higher the emotional
intelligence of a person (employee) in managing emotions, the higher the job
satisfaction felt by employees towards their work. The results of this study are in line
with research conducted by Busso (2003), Hanzaee & Mirvaisi (2013), and Raharjo
Taufik (2012).
The Influence of Work-Life Balance on Job Satisfaction of PNS Organizations BPS
Makassar City

120 Scientium Management Review Vol. 1 no. 2 . 2022

In testing the hypothesis, it was found that the test results did not support the
hypothesis in this study, namely, the higher the work-life balance, the lower the job
satisfaction. The results of this study are not in line with previous research conducted
by Haar et al., 2014 which showed a significant and positive effect between WLB and
job satisfaction. That is, the higher the work-life balance of an employee, the higher
the job satisfaction experienced. The research suggests that organizations should
invest in promoting WLB programs by implementing conducive work-life policies,
such as flexible working hours, and by embracing a work culture that supports and
encourages employees to use the work-life policies available in the organization. The
aim is to enable workers to feel satisfied at work, so they are encouraged to work as
optimally as possible. In addition, similar research from Yusnani and Prasetio (2018)
and Shabrina and Ratnaningsih (2019), which states that WLB has a positive effect
on job satisfaction, is not in line with the results of the tests in this study.
The Influence of Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of PNS
Organizations BPS Makassar City
The research results indicate that job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect
on OCB. The results of this study are consistent with research conducted by Hapsari
(2015); and Anggraini and Rahardjo (2016), which state that there is a positive and
significant influence between job satisfaction and OCB. Generally, they emphasized
that individuals who get satisfaction in their work, will tend to interpret the work and
tasks they carry out with full responsibility and dedication. Likewise, Robbins (2006)
in his book emphasized that job satisfaction greatly influences OCB. In fact, it is
further said that job satisfaction is the main determinant of employee organizational
citizenship behavior. For him, satisfied employees are more likely to speak positively
about the organization, help others, carry out their job performance beyond existing
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour of
PNS Makassar BPS Organizations
Emotional intelligence has a positive and significant effect on organizational
citizenship behavior (OCB). The link between emotions and one's behavior requires
the ability of individuals to be able to manage emotions well. Through the ability to
manage emotions, an employee (employee) will feel and bring up positive emotions
from within himself so that the individual is more sensitive and able to understand
or empathize with other people and their environment, and can align the values
espoused by their environment, in turn this will make people feel more optimistic
about their ability to achieve goals, increase creativity and decision-making skills, and
make people like to help (Goleman, 2007). It can be concluded that the higher a
person's emotional intelligence, which is shown through a person's ability to manage
emotions and understand other people, the higher the OCB behavior shown.
The Influence of Work Life Balance on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour of PNS
Organizations BPS Makassar City
The findings in this study state that WLB has an effect on OCB with job satisfaction as
a mediating variable. This means that the higher the work life balance, the employee's
OCB behavior will also increase. Significant results state that the WLB variable affects
the OCB variable. In other words, there is an influence between WLB and OCB which
is mediated by job satisfaction.

Scientium Management Review Vol. 1 no. 2 . 2022 121

The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Mediated by Job Satisfaction of PNS Organizations BPS Makassar City
The test results show that emotional intelligence has a positive and significant effect
on job satisfaction. The results of the hypothesis testing also show that emotional
intelligence has a positive and significant effect on OCB. The test results between
variables are positive and significant so that mediation occurs. This means that it can
be concluded that in this study employees with a high level of emotional intelligence
and high job satisfaction can also lead to OCB behavior that is useful for the progress
of the company. The results of this study are in line with the research of Hanzaee and
Mirvaisi (2013).
The Influence of Work Life Balance on Organizational Citizenship Behavior Mediated
by Work Satisfaction of PNS Organizations BPS Makassar City
The findings in this study state that WLB has no positive and significant effect on OCB
with job satisfaction as a mediating variable. It is not significant indicating that the
WLB variable does not affect the OCB variable. In other words, there is no influence
between WLB and OCB mediated by job satisfaction.

Based on the results of research by researchers on Civil Servants (PNS) BPS Makassar
City on 35 respondents, the authors can draw the following conclusions:
1) The results of the study show that emotional intelligence has a significant and
positive effect on job satisfaction in BPS Makassar civil servants. This shows
that the higher the emotional intelligence, the higher the job satisfaction of
2) The results of the study show that work life balance has a significant and
negative effect on job satisfaction.
3) Job satisfaction has a significant and positive effect on organizational
citizenship behavior. This shows that the higher the job satisfaction with the
organization, the OCB behavior will also increase.
4) Emotional intelligence has a significant and positive effect on organizational
citizenship behavior. This shows that the higher the emotional intelligence by
employees, the employee's OCB behavior will also increase.
5) Work life balance has a significant and positive relationship to organizational
citizenship behavior. This shows that the higher the work life balance of
employees, the OCB behavior will also increase.
6) The results of the study show that job satisfaction is proven to be able to
mediate the relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational
citizenship behavior in PNS BPS Makassar City.
7) The results of the study show that job satisfaction is proven to be unable to
mediate the relationship between emotional work life balance and
organizational citizenship behavior in PNS BPS Makassar City.

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