Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
ISSN : 2962-8328
E-ISSN : 2962-6323
Pp : 109-124
Volume 1 No 2 2022
This study aims to analyze emotional intelligence and work-life balance from the perspective
of organizational citizenship behavior with job satisfaction as a mediating variable in civil
servants at BPS Makassar City. The population in this study was 35 civil servants (PNS) at
BPS Makassar city. The sampling method is a saturated sample, so the entire population is
used. Data collection was carried out through interviews and distributing questionnaires
through Google Forms. The data analysis used is the validity and reliability test of the classical
assumption test, path analysis, hypothesis testing, and Sobel test. The analysis results show
that emotional intelligence positively and significantly affects job satisfaction. Work-life
balance has no direct effect on job satisfaction. Job satisfaction has a positive and significant
effect on organizational citizenship behavior. Emotional intelligence has a direct effect on
OCB. Work-life balance has no direct effect on OCB. This study also proved that emotional
intelligence affects OCB, which is mediated by job satisfaction. Furthermore, job satisfaction
does not mediate the effect of work-life balance on OCB.
Keywords : Emotional intelligence; work-life balance; job satisfaction; organizational
citizenship behavior
Organizations, as a forum for a group of people who work together to achieve
goals, need to have the support of resources in carrying out their activities. The
primary supporting resource in an organization is Human Resources (HR). Human
resources (employees) in every organization, both private and government, are
required to be qualified human resources to support the organization in achieving its
goals and survive in the rapid development of the times in the current era of
globalization. The implementation of government organizations is always in the
public spotlight, makes the services carried out cannot be separated from the
community's evaluation. It is necessary to improve the quality of human resources
(employees) in government organizations to support the achievement of
organizational goals. According to Robbins in Suzana (2017), an essential element
that needs to be considered in an organization is behavior outside the formal rules of
the organization (extra-role).
Research purposes
Following the formulation of the problem, this study has the following objectives:
1) To determine the positive and significant influence of emotional intelligence
on job satisfaction.
2) To determine the positive and significant effect of work-life balance on job
3) To determine the positive and significant effect of job satisfaction on
organizational citizenship.
4) To determine the positive and significant influence of emotional intelligence
on organizational citizenship.
5) To determine the positive and significant effect of work-life balance on
organizational citizenship.
6) To determine the mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between
emotional intelligence and organizational citizenship behavior.
7) To determine the mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between
work-life balance and organizational citizenship behavior.
Emotional Intelligence
Salovey and Meyer in Sumiryasih (2012) define emotional intelligence as a subset of
social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor the feelings and emotions of both
oneself and others, sort them out and use this information to develop thoughts and
actions. The idea that emotions cause an individual to think more intelligently is
Location and Research Design
The place of research that is used as the object of research is BPS Makassar City
which is located on Jl. Prof. Abdurahman Basalamah No. 1, Karampuang, Kec.
Panakkukang, Makassar City, South Sulawesi.
Population and Sample
The population in this study were all employees with civil servant status who worked
at the Central Bureau of Statistics for the City of Makassar, totaling 35 people. The
sampling method used is a saturated sample so that the total population is used as a
Reliability Test
The reliability test was carried out with the condition that a questionnaire was
declared reliable if the respondents' answers to the statements used were consistent
with the results of the Cronbach Alpha coefficient > 0.60 or 60% according to Imam
Ghozali (2009).
Table 2: Reability Test Results
Based on Table 2 above, it can be seen that Cronbach's Alpha on all variables, namely
emotional intelligence (X1), work-life balance (X2), job satisfaction (Y), and
organizational citizenship behavior (Z) is greater than 0.600 so that all variables can
be categorized reliable or dependable.
Based on Table 3, it shows that the significance value for each regression model used
is greater than alpha 0.05, which means that each variable in the model meets the
assumption of normality, which indicates that all variables have a normal effect.
2. Multicollinearity Test
The multicollinearity test aims to test whether the regression model shows a
correlation between the independent variables and other variables. To detect the
presence of multicollinearity between independent variables can be seen from the
Based on Table 4 it shows all tolerance values > 0.10 and VIF values < 10.00 for each
regression model used which means that each variable in the model does not occur
multicollinearity so that both regression models have met the assumptions.
3. Heteroscedasticity Test
The heteroscedasticity test aims to test whether in the regression there is a variance
similarity from one residual observation to another. To detect the presence of
heteroscedasticity can be seen from the scatterplot between the dependent variable
and its residuals. The results of the heteroscedasticity test can be shown in Figure 1
as follows.
Path Analysis
The test carried out is the method of path analysis or known as path analysis. This
path analysis serves to find out how the direct and indirect effects of all variables,
causal variables (exogenous variables) on effect variables (endogenous variables).
1. Path Analysis Model I
𝑌 = 14,643 + 0,719𝑋1 − 0,181𝑋2
Based on the results of the simple regression that has been obtained above, the
interpretation can be described as follows:
a. The coefficient value of ρ0 is 14.643. If the emotional intelligence (X1) and
work life balance (X2) variables do not change or are constant, then the values
obtained will increase job satisfaction (Y) by 14.643.
b. The ρ1 coefficient value is 0.719. This shows that if there is an increase in
emotional intelligence (X1) by one unit, job satisfaction (Y) will increase by 0.719.
c. The ρ2 coefficient is -0.181. This shows that if there is an increase in work life
balance (X2) by one unit, it will decrease job satisfaction (Y) by 0.181.
2. Path Analysis Model II
𝑍 = −0,103 + 0,823𝑋1 + 0,093𝑋2 + 0,195𝑌
Based on the results of the simple regression that has been obtained above, the
interpretation can be described as follows:
a. The coefficient value of ρ0 is 14.643. If the variables emotional intelligence
(X1), work life balance (X2), and job satisfaction (Y) do not change or are constant,
then the values obtained will decrease in organizational citizenship behavior (Z) of
b. The ρ1 coefficient value is 0.823. This shows that if there is an increase in
emotional intelligence (X1) by one unit, it will increase organizational citizenship
behavior (Z) by 0.823.
c. The coefficient value of ρ2 is 0.093. This shows that if there is an increase in
work life balance (X2) by one unit, it will increase organizational citizenship behavior
(Z) by 0.093.
d. The ρ3 coefficient value is 0.195. This shows that if there is an increase in job
satisfaction (Y) by one unit, it will increase organizational citizenship behavior (Z) by
Hypotesis Test
Model I
1. Simultaneous Parameter Significance Test
Simultaneous parameter significance test to find out whether there is suitability of
the data with the analysis model used, then a simultaneous hypothesis test is carried
The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Satisfaction of PNS BPS
Makassar City
Emotional intelligence has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction.
Emotional responses to a job influence job satisfaction. Emotional intelligence acts as
the principal capital in self-control to produce good performance (Patton, 1998).
Porter and Lawler (in Riggio, 1985) argue that good performance will lead to job
satisfaction. Emotional intelligence can help an employee in carrying out or
improving a conducive psychological work environment and can assist employees in
carrying out or carrying out their work; it can also help build social relations within
the family environment, work environment, and social community. Creating these
social relations can increase satisfaction and productivity, which will realize
organizational goals and success, so it can be concluded that the higher the emotional
intelligence of a person (employee) in managing emotions, the higher the job
satisfaction felt by employees towards their work. The results of this study are in line
with research conducted by Busso (2003), Hanzaee & Mirvaisi (2013), and Raharjo
Taufik (2012).
The Influence of Work-Life Balance on Job Satisfaction of PNS Organizations BPS
Makassar City
Based on the results of research by researchers on Civil Servants (PNS) BPS Makassar
City on 35 respondents, the authors can draw the following conclusions:
1) The results of the study show that emotional intelligence has a significant and
positive effect on job satisfaction in BPS Makassar civil servants. This shows
that the higher the emotional intelligence, the higher the job satisfaction of
2) The results of the study show that work life balance has a significant and
negative effect on job satisfaction.
3) Job satisfaction has a significant and positive effect on organizational
citizenship behavior. This shows that the higher the job satisfaction with the
organization, the OCB behavior will also increase.
4) Emotional intelligence has a significant and positive effect on organizational
citizenship behavior. This shows that the higher the emotional intelligence by
employees, the employee's OCB behavior will also increase.
5) Work life balance has a significant and positive relationship to organizational
citizenship behavior. This shows that the higher the work life balance of
employees, the OCB behavior will also increase.
6) The results of the study show that job satisfaction is proven to be able to
mediate the relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational
citizenship behavior in PNS BPS Makassar City.
7) The results of the study show that job satisfaction is proven to be unable to
mediate the relationship between emotional work life balance and
organizational citizenship behavior in PNS BPS Makassar City.
Aliya, G. R., & Saragih, R. (2020). Pengaruh Work-Life Balance dan Lingkungan Kerja
Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Di PT Telkom Divisi Telkom Regional III