0923 1023 TRB Ezine Sep Oct 2023 Web 26
0923 1023 TRB Ezine Sep Oct 2023 Web 26
0923 1023 TRB Ezine Sep Oct 2023 Web 26
Prospects & Challenges
Reciprocating and centrifugal compressors are viable options for
hydrogen compression with enhanced and adapted sealing methods,
alternative valve selections, and additional staging.
he use of hydrogen as a decar- renewable power that can be stored at boosting, and use at gas-fired power
bonized fuel and for long-term high pressures and transported via plants, as well as vehicle/aircraft fueling
energy storage involves various pressurized pipelines, typically up to stations. Providing hydrogen-compres-
types of hydrogen-based solutions. These 1,440 psi. However, compressing hydro- sion solutions for such a broad range of
solutions must be capable of delivering gen is power-intensive due to its energy target applications challenges the
clean power via hydrogen fuel for the density being very low on a volumetric technologies that are currently available,
production, transport, storage, and use of basis. Compared to natural gas pipelines, giving rise to critical questions on how to
hydrogen, with lower overall emissions for equivalent energy volumes, hydrogen adapt compression technologies to meet
than alternative decarbonized ener- compression will likely require 5 - 6 times the wide variety of needs.
gy-storage technologies. Thermochemical the power (FIGURE 1)1. This makes In the short term, generating hydro-
technologies, including hydrogen as efficiency in design and the overall gen from fossil fuels with carbon capture
energy storage, provide the only long footprint requirement key aspects when and sequestration (CCS) offers lower costs
durations required for seasonal and daily evaluating various and production closer to the point of use.
fluctuations in renewables. compressor technologies. This pathway to power production from
In this value chain, hydrogen compres- hydrogen-blended gas will likely require
THE HYDROGEN VALUE CHAIN sion will be needed for a range of applica- less pipeline compression and possibly
Hydrogen is used in a power-to-gas (P2G) tions, including pipeline transportation, lower delivery pressures. In the case of
approach as energy storage for excess production, storage, transport, fuel gas-fired power plants, volume flows will
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Ansaldo Energia’s GT36 gas turbine is the top of the range for performance and
power in our portfolio. With our products and solutions, from EPC to service,
from digital twin to remote monitoring, Ansaldo Energia is ready to face the
challenges of the energy transition towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.
Flow Batteries
an appreciable difference in carbon
emissions, and many gas turbine manu-
facturers are already investigating means
Batteries Pumped Hydro
Gravity-Based of operating at 100% hydrogen fuel.
The challenge with hydrogen compres-
sion is in the large flow rates and the
Supercapacitors variety of pressure ratios required for the
1kW 10kW 100kW 1MW 10MW 100MW 1 GW+ decarbonized energy market compared to
compressors used in refinery applica-
tions. The higher compression ratios
be scaled to the size of the existing gas recompression in the pipeline at ratios of required for the transportation/power
turbine and natural gas combined-cycle 1.2 - 1.3. Compression ratios for storage sector will require design adaptations for
(NGCC) power plants, so compression applications will be much higher, up to both reciprocating and centrifugal
technology will need to match the 10.0. Fuel-line-booster compression may compressors, including enhanced sealing
power-plant delivery flow rates. For the require ratios of 2.5 - 3.5 and be most methods, alternative valve selections, and
transportation sector, smaller modular relevant to hydrogen production at the additional staging.
compressors will be required for vehicle point of use, i.e., the gas turbine FIGURE 3 displays some of these
fueling stations. The CO₂ compression power plant. requirements relative to the head/flow
requirements for this pathway will be Due to hydrogen’s low energy volume capabilities of existing reciprocating and
significant and require additional CO₂ density compared to pipeline-quality barrel-style multistage centrifugal
pipelines and compression.2 natural gas volume density, in blending compressors for a range of hydrogen flow
COMPRESSORS FIGURE 2. Calculated Equivalent Fuel Volumes for LM2500 Combustion Gas Turbine
While different types of compressors are Producing 50 MW at ISO Conditions
used in industrial applications and vehicle
refueling stations, the larger power Blending Natural Gas and Hydrogen by Volume Flow
applications for storage and pipelines
— Volume of H 2
realistically limits the selection to 25000 — Volume of Natural Gas
reciprocating and centrifugal compres- — Volume of Mixed Gas
sors. Both have precedence in this area as
well as relevant designs, with high 15000
reliability in refinery/plastic production
processes, albeit at lower ratios and lower 10000
overall discharge pressures.
Compression requirements are largely
similar from production to transport, 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
requiring booster units to compress into Percent of Hydrogen Gas (%)
the pipeline at ratios of 2.5 - 3.0 and
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bottles, lube oil systems, and intercoolers
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
and their associated piping.5
x10 5
Volume Flow, m 3 /hr TABLE 1 compares the advantages and
disadvantages of the various compression
options for hydrogen.
conditions corresponding to transported STORAGE PRESSURES AND The various hydrogen technologies that
fuel energy content from 6-25 GW TEMPERATURES are currently available each has distinct
(500-2,150 MMSCFD natural gas), which In addition, to harness excess renewable applications where the compressor choice
correspond to a range of pipeline sizes power in P2G applications, hydrogen may be more apparent. However, in many
analyzed in Allison, et al., 2021.3 compressors for storage will need to likely applications, an overlap of competing
The two lower-left solid rectangles deliver at 3,000 psi and above (FIGURE 4)4 technologies can be expected. It is in the
show a comparison of natural gas versus for injection at the top end of the reservoir. best interest of operators to compare
hydrogen compressors for transport at Initial boosters to take hydrogen from these technologies for each application
pipeline stations, where compression production pressure to pipeline pressures space and to evaluate details of the
requirements increase for hydrogen due (atmospheric to 100 psi) will require compressor offerings such as overall
to the lower volumetric energy density of hydrogen compressors capable of a high physical size, accessibility for operations,
hydrogen and the thermodynamic number of multiple stages due to significant capex/opex cost, manufacturer experi-
properties of hydrogen that require more head requirements. Hydrogen compressors ence, and durability of each technology.
power to achieve the same pressure ratio will need to move to designs at higher rated Operators should also consider how
when compared with natural gas. The motor and engine drivers, likely 10 MW and the technology accommodates the
upper-right solid rectangle illustrates
compression requirements for boosting
FIGURE 4. Hydrogen Storage Pressures and Temperatures
hydrogen from its production pressures of
20 - 25 bar to pipeline pressures of 85 - 100
160 – H
ydrogen production
bar. The dashed rectangles show the technologies
capabilities of existing technologies for 120 – Transmission pipes
hydrogen compressors. In general, Steel distribution pipes
Temperature (°C)
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and Reliability with
Externally Geared Up to 16,000 RPM - Optimize speed by stage - Limited number of bodies
Multi-body Designed for hydrogen service - Designed for high head apps - Physical size limit on casing limits flow rates
- Clutch in and out - Flow rate < 180 mmscfd
- Compact design - Potential structurally complex multi-body support
- VFD/VSD option
Two-body Double-Ended Up to 12,000 RPM - Fits well for certain PR - DE motor lead times
(DE) motor Mid-size option for natual gas/CO2/ - High reliability - Limited on pressure ratio
H2 pipeline - High pressure casings
Integrally Geared Up to 30-50k RPM - Optimized speed by stage - Surge control can be catastrophic
Contrifugal Compressor Air compression, cleaner services - Higher head per stage typically - Low reliability due to open design
(IGCC) - Compact single casing - High number of dry gas seal components
- High thrust loads on startup
- Sensitive to fouling
- Capital sparing differences
following factors for future hydrogen sealing methods, alternative valve Klaus Brun, Ph.D., is the Director of R&D at Elliott Group;
compression applications: selections, and additional staging. Timothy C. Allison, Ph.D., is the Director of R&D at
Frequency of starts/stops – Reciprocating compressors are available Southwest Research Institute (SwRI); Marybeth McBain is
seasonal or daily cycling for hydrogen service in both low- and the Principal Rotating Machinery Engineer at Venture Global
Hydrogen purity and possible high-speed options but will struggle to LNG; Stephen Ross is the Manager of Compressor
contaminants meet larger volume flow requirements Development at Elliott Group; and Eugene L. Broerman III is
Dry or wet gas for some applications. Centrifugal the Principal Engineer of Fluid Machinery Systems at SwRI.
Fixed or variable speed for fixed or compressors for pipeline and storage
variable flow/pressures applications will be capable of higher REFERENCES
1. Allison, T.C., Rimpel, A.M., Smith, N.R., et al. 2022, “Overview of
Criticality of service/reliability/ volumetric flow rates but will need to Long-Duration Energy Storage Systems and Technologies,” Proceedings of
durability of units meet the higher head requirements by ASME Turbo Expo, Tutorial GT2022-83425, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
2. Williams, B., Kurz, R., McBain, M., 2022, SwRI Oil and Gas Machinery
Expected site longevity using adaptable multi-body arrange- Lecture Series, “Role of the Oil and Gas Industry in the Hydrogen Economy.”
Design adaptability to hydrogen ments. Finally, centrifugal compressor 3. Allison, T., Klaerner, J., Cich, S., et al. 2021, “Power and Compression
Analysis of Power to Gas Implementations in Natural Gas Pipelines with up to
content (if blended H2 and NG designers are working to achieve higher 100% Hydrogen Concentration,” Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, Paper
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