Unit 2
Unit 2
Unit 2
2.1 Objectives
2.0 Introduction
2.2 Philosophical Foundations
2.2.1 Education and Philosophy
2.2.2 Philosophy and Curriculum
2.2.3 Educational Philosophies
2.3 Sociological Foundations
2.3.1 Society and Education
2.3.2 Social Change and Curriculum
2.3.3 Planning for Curricular Change
2.4 Psychological Foundations
2.4.1 Learning Theories and Curriculum
2.4.2 Basic Human Needs and Nurriculum
2.5 Trends in Curriculum Development
2.5.1 Twentieth Century Curriculum
2.5.2 Possible Future Trends
2.5.3 Curriculum for ICT in Education
2.6 Let us Sum Up
2.7 Answers to Check Your Progress
After completing this Unit, you should be able to:
l describe various philosophies and their implications for the eld of
l identify philosophical issues that need to be considered in framing a
l describe the importance of sociology for the eld of curriculum;
l explain various social and historical trends/issues that inuence curriculum
l describe the importance of psychology—basic behaviours and needs—in the
eld of curriculum; and
l identify particular contemporary issues that should be considered while
framing a curriculum.
Having set out our objectives, let us now involve ourselves in a discussion of the
topics under consideration.
Having read about curriculum theory, its developments, transactions and future
directions for curriculum in Unit 1, we shall now deal with the foundations of
curriculum. When we develop a curriculum, we depend primarily on ideas that 33
The Field of Curriculum stem from three major elds: philosophy, sociology (with historical overtones)
and psychology. An understanding of these elds is crucial to the study of
curriculum since they have traditionally been and still are considered its
Philosophy involves an inquiry into the nature and meaning of life including
ideas about the nature of human beings, social values and purpose of education.
One’s perception of Philosophy largely inuences one’s view of learners and of
various learning activities. A study of sociology provides, among other things,
necessary clues about the characteristics of contemporary life and the future
in which the learners will lead the rest of their lives. These clues help to make
a curriculum socially relevant. Psychology provides an indispensable base for
identifying the types of curricular arrangement that will most benet the learner’s
growth and development.
In this Unit, we read about curriculum foundations in general which may be
applied in the context of distance education wherever needed.
Guiding Principles
1) The curricula shall be generic, drawing upon the features of a wide range of
technological applications and focusing on educational purposes.
2) The focus of the curricula shall be on learning to compute, which includes
learning to create using a variety of hardware and software tools. ICT
literacy, dened as the knowledge and ability to wield tools and devices,
shall be an incidental outcome of this learning.
3) The curricula shall provide adequate opportunity for hands on learning and
open ended exploration of ICT applications. Sharing of learning and critical
evaluation of the learning shall be integral to the strategy.
4) A healthy ICT environment requires heightened awareness of the social,
ethical and legal aspects of its use. Software piracy and plagiarism shall be
explicity denounced and discouraged. Creation of original content, taking
pride in the creation and duly recognizing others’ contributions shall be
promoted. Safe and secure use of ICT shall also be promoted.
5) The curricula shall promote the full utilization of infrastructure and
resources, integrating it with the school’s programme. Universal access and
fostering of a sense of ownership shall be encouraged to ensure maximum
impact. Innovative ways of reaching the unreached shall be promoted.
Use different software applications to enhance one’s own learning – database
applications, analysis of data and problem solving, computing, design, graphical
and audio-visual communication; undertake research and carry out projects using
web resources; use ICT for documentation and presentation; create and participate
in web based networks for cooperative and collaborative learning; become aware
of issue of cyber security, copyright and safe use of ICT and take necessary steps
to protect oneself and ICT resources.
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