Wassh Minutes 2ND Meeting
Wassh Minutes 2ND Meeting
Wassh Minutes 2ND Meeting
2 Minutes of the Water Supply Sanitation and Hygiene – Committee (WaSSH- COM) 2nd Meeting | February 28, 2023 | 9:00 AM
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1 The presiding officer requested the members to adopt the following proposed
2 agenda item/s:
4 a. Presentation of the Tagum City Water Supply and Sanitation Master
5 Plan 2023-2030.
6 b. Other Matters.
8 No other inclusion or objections were raised; thus, motion was approved. (Movant:
9 Hon. Ester Lee-Angoy MMPA, PhD, City Councilor, 2 nd: Engr. Ruel A. Sotto – CAGRO, Ms.
10 Fe M. Inutan, Acting-CHLM Officer – City Housing and Land Management Office)
13 A. Presentation of the Tagum City Water Supply and Sanitation Master
14 Plan 2023-2030.
16 Engr. Franz Gregory T. Naylon, presented timeline of activities with detailed
17 budget allocation for the Tagum City Water Supply and Sanitation Master Plan 2023-
18 2030.
20 On the first part of the said Master Plan, the activities related were already
21 conducted during the first quarter of 2023 such as the Technical Working Group (TWG)
22 Orientation, Workshop, and Review and Assessment. Throughout these activities, the
23 main concern is to identify and categorize the problems and issues of the Water
24 Supply Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSSH) of the City of Tagum. And as a result of the
25 series of events, the TWG identified its corresponding Programs, Projects and Activities
26 (PPA’s) for the duration of the said proposal. Under the said identified PPA’s, the
27 following are the major sector to address:
28 Formulation of Tagum City Water Supply and Sanitation Master
29 Plan
30 Population and Social Services
31 Infrastructure
32 Institutional
33 Environmental Resources
35 A-1. Population and Social Services Sector.
36 On the Population and Social Services Sector, the identified programs to be
37 conducted as follows:
Program Cost Source Timeline
Estimate of Fund
Php 10.5 GF - LFP C.Y. 2023
1. Environment Health and Sanitation
2. Design and Development of Sanitary Php GF - LFP 2nd Quarter of
Toilet Capacity Development 10,000.00 2023
3. Institutionalize Septage Management N/A N/A 1st – 2nd Quarter of
Program 2023
Php GF - LFP C.Y. 2023-2025
4. Behavioral Change Campaign
Php GF - LFP C.Y. 2023
5. Clean Water Act CEPA
Php GF - LFP 3rd – 4th Quarter of
6. Sanitation Services CEPA
10,000.00 2023
38 For the programs listed: The Environment Health and Sanitation, Behavioral
39 Change Campaign, and Sanitation Services CEPA that targets all the barangays of
40 Tagum City and this will be led by the City Health Office (CHO). The Institutionalization
41 of Septage Management Program will be led by the Sangguniang Panglusod (SP) and
42 needs for Legislative Action. And the Clean Water Act CEPA will be led by the City
43 Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO).
45 Discussion:
46 On the discussed programs of Population and Social Services, the Chairperson asked
47 if the responsible office is aware of the timeline, and is there an available data for the
48 implementation of the program considering the estimated budget of Php 10.5 million?
49 He also added if the City Planning and Development Office (CPDO) has already set a
2 Minutes of the Water Supply Sanitation and Hygiene – Committee (WaSSH- COM) 2nd Meeting | February 28, 2023 | 9:00 AM
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1 parameter for item no. 1. Mr. Vincent Hymer Delima responded, the CHO has already
2 taken its steps and interventions for the implementation of item no.1 thus, they are
3 still on the validation phase for the households without toilets and access to water
4 supply. Moreover, they will still discuss with the Environmental Health and Sanitation
5 for the implementation plan of the said program. Engr. Naylon of CPDO added, the
6 parameters will be discussed together with the CHO. Consequently, the timeline of
7 the discussion will be scheduled as soon as possible.
9 On the Design and Development of Sanitary Toilet Capacity Development, the
10 chairperson requested the City Architect’s Office (CARCHO) to come-up with the
11 design and development of Sanitary Toilet considering the parameters being set and
12 the total number of household member. Ar. Eric Clemente added, the City Mayor Rey
13 T. Uy urges the use of Poly Septic Tanks as it was cost effective, and it’s easy to
14 install and maintain for small number of household member. Thus, for more
15 household member, the use of concrete septic tank will be recommended. The
16 Chairperson suggested to consider the plastic drum as it was also cost effective. The
17 design will be presented during the second quarter of the timeline for comments and
18 appropriate action as the implementation of the other CEPA will commence mostly on
19 the 3rd quarter of 2023.
21 Dr. Dasbir Sohal added, the Department of Education has implemented its own
22 WaSSH. In line with the use of toilets on public school, there is certain ratio of number
23 of learners over one toilet. We have a three-star approach in partnership with the
24 UNICEF, LGU, and DEp-ED Region, this was implemented throughout the Philippines.
25 On the other hand, the Water Testing on some schools were not executed due to
26 budget constraints. Thus, the School were to conduct water testing at least twice per
27 year to ensure the quality of potable drinking water. Consequently, the data that
28 we’ve gathered were available and ready to submit to the CPDO for appropriate
29 action. The Chairperson suggested, the data can be presented to the local school
30 board and we can tap accredited Civil Society Organizations (CSO’s) for funding and
31 assistance.
33 Actions Taken/ Agreements Reached:
34 1. The chairperson proposed to the City Health Office that the Department Head shall
35 issue an office order creating a special committee on the Environmental Health
36 and Sanitation Division to focus on the crafting and implementing of the program
37 covering the design year based on the timeline. In addition, any amendments of
38 the timeline will be convened with the WaSSH Committee and shall submit a copy
39 of the said office order to the WaSSH committee.
40 2. The CARCHO was requested to present a detailed variations of Septic Tank design
41 considering the capacity and volume, cost, and durability of material. In addition,
42 present an option for rehabilitation of the existing septic tanks.
43 3. A digital copy of Septic Tank design will be also published to the official social
44 media page of City Government of Tagum as a campaign infographic as it follows
45 the Septic Management System - City Ordinance 922 series of 2020.
47 A-2. Infrastructure Sector.
48 On the Infrastructure sector, the identified programs were categorized as
49 follows:
Cost Source
Program Timeline
Estimate of Fund
C.Y. 2023 – 3rd
1. Patubig Development Program Php 4 Million 20 % DF
Quarter of 2024
2. Construction of Sanitary Toilet Php 5.5
OS C.Y. 2024-2025
Facilities Million
2nd Quarter of
3. Formulation of Comprehensive CDRRM
Php 5 Million 2023 – 1st Quarter
Drainage Master Plan Fund
of 2025
Php 150 C.Y. 2023 – 3rd
4. Septage Management System OS
Million Quarter of 2026
2nd Quarter of
5. Expansion of Level III Water Supply
Php 50 Million OS 2023 – 3rd Quarter
of 2030
2 Minutes of the Water Supply Sanitation and Hygiene – Committee (WaSSH- COM) 2nd Meeting | February 28, 2023 | 9:00 AM
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4th Quarter of
6. Installation of Level III Water Service GF-
Php 10 Million 2023 – 2nd Quarter
Connection to Public Schools Loans
of 2026
Php C.Y. 2023- 2nd
7. Establishment of Rain Water Collector 20% DF
200,000.00 Quarter of 2025
8. Establishment of Water Purifying Php 2.050
OS C.Y. 2024 - 2025
Facilities in Public Schools Million
4th Quarter of
9. Establishment of Drinking fountains in Php 2.5
20% DF 2023 – 2nd Quarter
Public Schools Million
of 2026
3rd Quarter of
10. Rehabilitation of Sanitary Toilet Php
20% DF 2025 – 1st Quarter
Facility in Public Schools 700,000.00
of 2030
3rd Quarter of
11. Sanitation Program Php 18 Million GF – LFP
2026 – C.Y. 2027
12. Establishment of Desalination Php 150
OS C.Y. 2030
Treatment Plan Million
13. Regulate existing wells and proposed 1st Quarter of
wells 2024
1 The Infrastructure sector is one of the most important sectors as it will serve as
2 the blueprint of the implementation of the said Master Plan. Furthermore, this sector
3 will target assistance and prioritization of the public schools, government facilities, and
4 unserved barangays of Tagum City to be facilitated by the City Engineer’s Office
5 (CEO). In addition, the Septage Management Program will be facilitated by Tagum
6 Water District (TWD) in coordination with CEO and the City Planning and Development
7 Office (CPDO) will be the focal office for the Establishment of Desalination Treatment
8 Plan. On the other hand, the SP will be the head office to regulate existing and
9 proposed wells.
11 Discussion:
12 On the discussed programs of Infrastructure sector specifically on item no.1 Patubig
13 Development Program, Mr. Alan B. Ipanag explained, it is their vital role to provide
14 water to those barangays without water supply. Thus, the services were not limited to
15 water assistance, it also includes services of digging wells for sanitation, and some
16 areas with access to water supply filtration. The Chairperson raised his concern
17 regards to the Patubig Development Program timeline will expected to end by the
18 year 2024. Engr. Naylon responded, by the year 2025, we are expecting to move to
19 the Expansion of Level III Water Supply System as early as 3 rd quarter of 2023 in
20 consideration of the presented timeline since our main goal is to provide them
21 potable water. On the other hand, the Chairperson also raised his concern regards to
22 the Water Testing Facility owned by the government. Mr. Delima responded that there
23 was no water testing facility available as of today.
25 On the Establishment of Drinking Fountains in Public Schools, Hon. Angoy raised her
26 concern regards to the water source of drinking water, is it coming from water service
27 provider? Engr. Naylon responded that the source will be sourced-out from the TWD.
28 Engr. Nicart added, there were some areas in Tagum City have experienced water
29 discoloration. This was caused by the build-up of gunk’s along the pipe due to high
30 metal or mineral content of water. Thus, the TWD conducts a regular water testing to
31 ensure the water quality of potable drinking water.
33 On the Installation of Level III Water Service Connection to Public School, Engr. Naylon
34 explained, this program will address the concerns and issues regarding with the public
35 schools who doesn’t have access to potable drinking water. Moreover, the
36 Chairperson added, that the City Engineer’s Office must coordinate with Tagum Water
37 District for them to have an integrated plan to avoid duplication upon execution of the
38 said program. Dr. Sohal also added, the Department of Education can provide a
39 detailed report on every public school that has access to the potable drinking water
40 considering the number of students per drinking fountain.
42 On the regulation on existing wells and proposed wells, the chairperson suggested to
43 amend its timeline upon its implementation.
2 Minutes of the Water Supply Sanitation and Hygiene – Committee (WaSSH- COM) 2nd Meeting | February 28, 2023 | 9:00 AM
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1 Actions Taken/ Agreements Reached:
2 1. The chairperson suggested the City Engineer’s Office to have a detailed status
3 report on the Unserved Barangays on Water Usage before we totally abolished the
4 Patubig Program. Thus, the CPDO will further study the report for appropriate
5 action.
6 2. The Chairperson suggested endorsing to the Local Chief Executive to build a Water
7 Testing Laboratory in Tagum City.
8 3. The Chairperson suggested to have an ordinance imposing to meet the sanitary
9 requirements before releasing building permits.
10 4. The Chairperson suggested endorsing to the Local Chief Executive to create a
11 Technical Working Group focusing on the planning and implementation of Tagum
12 City’s Drainage Master Plan. (Movant: Ms. Fe M. Inutan – Acting CHLM Officer -
13 CHLMO; 2nd: Engr. Ruel A. Sotto – CAGRO, Hon. Ester Lee-Angoy, City Councilor.)
14 5. The Chairperson suggested endorsing to the Local Chief Executive to approve a
15 Green Building Ordinance. An amendment to the existing ordinance regulating the
16 newly built facilities/houses/buildings to have a Rain Water Harvesting System.
17 (Movant: Engr. Ruel A. Sotto – CAGRO; 2 nd: Hon. Ester Lee-Angoy, City Councilor.)
19 A-3. Institutional Sector.
20 On the Institutional Sector, table shows below were the list of classified
21 programs as follows:
Program Cost Source Timeline
Estimate of Fund
Php GF - LFP C.Y. 2023-2030
1. WaSSH Regular Meeting
Php Every 3rd Quarter
2. Stakeholder’s Engagement
10,000.00 of the Year
3. Water Supply and Sanitation Php GF - LFP 4th Quarter of
Awareness Raising Campaign 10,000.00 2023
4. Capacity Development Program for Php GF - LFP 1st Quarter of
WSP/CSOs 10,000.00 2024
Php GF - LFP 2 Quarter of
5. Creation of Plantilla Position
348,000.00 2024
3rd – 4th Quarter of
6. Institutionalizing financing scheme N/A N/A
7. Adoption and Implementation of 2nd Quarter of
22 The programs under the institutional sector were to be organized and managed by
23 different offices. Such as items 1 and 2 will be handled by the WaSSH Committee.
24 Items 3 and 4 were to be implemented and monitored by the CPDO. To materialize
25 the implementation of the said master plan, the creation of Plantilla position were to
26 be scrutinized by the City Human Resource and Management Office (CHRMO). And
27 lastly, the SP will be the responsible office for items 6 and 7.
29 A-4. Environmental Resources Sector.
30 On the Environmental Resources Sector, the identified programs were listed as
31 follows:
Program Cost Source Timeline
Estimate of Fund
1. Wastewater Treatment Facility Php 30 Million GF - LFP C.Y. 2023-2030
2. Wastewater Treatment Facility Php 10 Million GF - LFP Every 3rd Quarter
Management and Maintenance of the Year
32 These two programs under the Environmental Resources sector are to be led by
33 CENRO as they will be the focal office to determine the Wastewater treatment facility
34 development and its management and maintenance.
36 Actions Taken/ Agreements Reached:
37 4. The chairperson proposed a resolution directing the CPDO to coordinate with the
38 concerned offices with regards to the refinement of timeline. Furthermore, the
39 amended Implementation Master Plan and refined timeline discussed during the
40 WaSSH Committee Meeting and to be endorsed to the City Development Council to
41 serve as a local input of the said committee.
2 Minutes of the Water Supply Sanitation and Hygiene – Committee (WaSSH- COM) 2nd Meeting | February 28, 2023 | 9:00 AM
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2 There having no other inclusion or objections on the presentation of Timeline of
3 Tagum City Water Supply and Sanitation Master Plan 2023-2030; thus, motion was
4 approved. (Movant: Hon. Ester Lee-Angoy, MMPA, PhD – City Councilor; 2nd: Engr. Ruel A.
5 Sotto – CAGRO, Ms. Fe M. Inutan – Acting CHLM Officer, CHLMO.)
9 There being no matters to discuss, the meeting was declared adjourned at 11:31 in the
10 morning.
11 I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the aforequoted minutes of meeting.
14 Prepared by:
18 Clerk III – DOTr / WaSSH - Secretariat Member
21 Attested by:
25 Acting City Planning and Development Coordinator
28 Noted by:
31 REY T. UY
32 City Mayor
33 WaSSH Committee Chairperson
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2 Minutes of the Water Supply Sanitation and Hygiene – Committee (WaSSH- COM) 2nd Meeting | February 28, 2023 | 9:00 AM
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1 Annex A.
2 Attendance
Name Office/ Agency
A. Members and TWG
Hon. Lou C. Suaybagio
SP – Suaybagio
City Councilor/ Vice Chairperson– WaSSH
Represented by: Sarah Mae Asoy
Hon. Agripino Coquilla
City Councilor/ WaSSH Committee SP Coquilla
Hon. Ester Lee-Angoy, MMPA, PhD
City Councilor/ WaSSH Committee SP Angoy
Hon. Kim Bryan Angoy SP Kim Angoy / ABC
City Councilor/ABC - President Represented by: Ronnie P.
Engr. Roosevelt A. Corporal CEO
City Engineer Represented by: Alan B. Ipanag
Xarex B. Gamaeng, RA CPDO
Acting City Planning and Development Represented by: Anne Geraldine
Coordinator A. Biol
Dr. Arnel R. Florendo CHO
City Health Officer Represented by: Vincent Hymer
Shieldon P. Isidoro, RN, MMPA CDRRMO
Acting - CDRRMO Represented by: Frenzy Marie
Fe M. Inutan
Acting - CHLMO
Ar. Eric Clemente
Acting - City Architect
Sally C. Balili, RSW
City Social Welfare and Development
Represented by: Geraldo Marfe
Engr. Harold S. Dawa CAGRO
City Agriculturist Represented by: Engr. Ruel A.
Vivian C. Bahalla, MSERM CENRO
CENR Officer Represented by: Joseph R. Ortega
Samuel Jake A. Barabad, MM
City Investment Promotions Officer
Dr. Josephine L. Fadul Dep-ED Tagum City
Schools Division Superintendent Represented by: Dr. Dasbir Sohal
Joan D. Lanciola, MA, LPT
Executive Assistant IV/ City Information
Represented by: Leo Timogan
Analyn A. Samillano VITRUWASCO
General Manager Represented by: Lezyl Mae
Engr. Keith G. Nicart Tagum Water District
B. Secretariat
Engr. Franz Gregory A. Naylon
Administrative Assistant II
Anne Geraldine A. Biol
Economist III
Rea Irine S. Cuyacot, CpE, LPT
MRP Tagum / CPDO
Clerk III
C. Guest
Ronnie P. Villamor SP Kim Angoy / ABC
Sarah Mae Asoy SP Suaybaguio
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Alan B. Ipanag City Engineeer’s Office
Vincent Hymer Delima City Health Office
Gina C. Cubelo City Health Office
Jennifer A. Rosemilla CSWDO
Dr. Dasbir Sohal Dep-ED Tagum City
Frenzy Marie Fiel CDRRMO
Engr. Ruel A. Sotto
City Agriculture Office
Engineer III
Hosna S. Dumawal
Social Welfare Office IV
Leo Timogan City Information Office
Joseph R. Ortega CENRO
Engr. Keith G. Nicart Tagum Water District
Lezyl Mae Monteza
Ariel Bacarisas JR.
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