Philo Part 3

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The Methods of Philosophy A speculative insight through rational inquiry

allows one to gain clarity of knowledge and

insights which are more valuable because they
Philosophy as Speculative Thinking are tempted by reason and dialectic;

derived from the Latin word specula or Through critical analysis, insights are validated
“watch tower”; as well;

it implies a vision above that of an ordinary As you subject an idea or insight through
person; analysis, you evaluate if the insight is clearly
stated, if it is consistent with itself and finally, if
a method which allows you to expand your it is consistent with the world.
perspective as well as your way of thinking
encouraging you to see the bigger picture. Modes of Critical Analysis
(Bird's Eye View) 1. Logical
Philosophical problems are solved through
Speculation is sometime considered as careful analysis of the logical structure of the
detached because it is an activity best done philosophical assertions;
alone and in isolation. In logical analysis, a statement is reduced into
its simplest form (Elementary Statement)
It is often a result of contemplation which you which is then verified through observation.
can do on your own. (decomposition)

It is still said to be a Philosopher's vision 2. Linguistic

because to speculate also means to Meaning of words are analyzed for their clarity
participate in the world and use the and consistency;
experience as basis or resource of ideas. Linguistic analysis requires a clear definition of
words to avoid ambiguity or vagueness and
Speculation is what helps you to take the therefore ensures clarity of claims.
broadest possible perspective on a subject of
inquiry. Philosophizing has to involve both speculation
and critical aspects of looking at things since
Thus, speculation as a mode of philosophical philosophy is directed toward holistic and a
inquiry will help you explore and take in a broader view of explaining the world;
variety of perspective about the human
person through personal contemplation while Through speculation, insights begin and are
at the same time having an experience of the formed. Insights become clearer if they are
world. subjected to critical analysis or evaluation;
Since the aim of philosophy is truth, the critical
aspect will subject the insight to rational
Philosophy as Critical Analysis inquiry and remove whatever is inconsistent
To criticize means to “judge” and/or to and contradictory to the notion under scrutiny;
“analyze”. Philosophy as critical
thinking/analysis, questions, judges, and It must also be noted that in the process of
evaluates any and all principles and premises criticism, new insights may appear which will
that may be gained through speculation; again require evaluation. Hence,
philosophizing, as previously mentioned, is an of or experiencing the world; However, while
ongoing activity. speculation can be detached, reflective
inquiry has to happen with others who are
Philosophy as Reflective Inquiry likewise involved in the process of thinking;

"A kind of thought where the grounds for Reflective Thought

belief is deliberately sought and the adequacy - is better experienced in interaction with
to support the belief examined." - How we others and aims at change happening not only
Think, John Dewey. for the person involved but eventually for
others and the society.
Accordingly, it is thought that this kind of
thinking is educative in value. This kind of Reflective Thinking
reflection is seen as "meaning-making" - a “meaning-making” process where the
process that moves the learner from one learner deliberately seeks the adequate
experience into the next with the deeper grounds for his or her beliefs through
understanding of its relationship with understanding the connections between one
connections to other experiences and ideas; experience with another experience and ideas
with a progression of gaining a deeper
This method of reflection is also understanding.
characterized as systematic, rigorous, and
disciplined, and rooted on scientific inquiry John Dewey believes that awareness of one’s
which has to happen in a community and in attitudes and emotions, and the discipline to
interaction with other people; harness them and use them to an advantage is
part of the work of a good thinker.
Finally, this kind of thinking or inquiry
requires attitudes that value the personal If reflection is guided by wholeheartedness,
growth and of others. directness, open-mindedness and
responsibility, though difficult to do, the
Six Phases of Reflective Inquiry person stands a much better chance of
 The experience; broadening his or her true knowledge and
 Spontaneous interpretation of the awareness.
 Naming the problems or questions which The three philosophical methods indicate that
arise; philosophizing is not purely an intellectual
 Generating possible explanations exercise - it also involve the whole being of a
 Ramifying the explanations into full blown person of his or her affective parts.
 Experimenting the hypotheses

The six phases of reflection compromise the

rigorous and systematic process one may go
through to achieve a clear and comprehensive
idea about a particular subject which arises
from one’s experience

The method of reflective inquiry is not far

from speculation which involves being part

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