AA BibleDictionary and Concordance en Inside 2020-05-07

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TITLE: Bible Dictionary and Concordance

ISBN: 978-1-927468-31-9
COPYRIGHT © 2015 Dr. James Paul Humphries
Author: Dr. James Paul Humphries
Editor: Lorn Bergstresser
Copy-editor: Wes McLeod
Hkaw Win Humphries
Su Hkawng Manam
Sabine Godon
Joyce Sule
Cover Design / www.actsco.org
Printed in Canada, Thailand, India, & Myanmar by:
Project L.A.M.B.S. International Inc.
Box 20569 Steinbach, MB Canada R5G 1R9
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.projectlambs.com
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the King James Bible, © A. J. Holman
Company 1947, 1960, Printed in the USA.
Also some Scripture quotations are from the New King James Bible, Copyright 1982 by Thomas
Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved, 1982.

First Edition: September 30, 2015

Revised, Updated and expanded: Feb 6, 2020

First, I want to give this book as my 60th birthday gift to my Lord Jesus Christ who has made me into
what I am this day. He has taken me from the streets of St. Thomas and has firmly planted my feet
on The Solid Rock as a servant and disciple of His great love, grace and mercy.
Second, I want to give thanks to a very special man, Rev. Don Fitchett, who took me off the streets
and, through the Holy Spirit, breathed hope and encouragement into my heart 43 years ago.
Third, I also want to dedicate this book to two very instrumental people in my life - Dr. Chuck and
Sue Nichols - who have been used of the Lord to encourage me to never give up.
Fourthly, there have been many others that have helped in this project and I want to say thanks to
them also: To Art and Pam Cooper from the linguistic department at Payap University in Chaing Mai,
Thailand. They took this wandering man with a Kachin dictionary off the streets and made it possible
through training, to learn one key program known as Flex. (Flex is a program used for producing
dictionaries in various languages). To Tim Armstrong from SIL in Thailand, where he helped set up
and introduced me to two more programs called Paratex and WeSay. With all of their patience and
much help, this is now the foundation stone for a mini dictionary, concordance and theological
dictionary, now finished in English; it also will soon become a major Bible tool for the people of
Myanmar when translated into both the Kachin and Burmese languages. Another special thanks
need to be given to Hkaw Win’s Mom, Hkawn Lum Maran, and for my wife Hkaw Win, who spent
many hours proof-reading the material in the Kachin and Burmese languages. They have all faithfully
walked with me and encouraged me to keep moving forward on this project over the last four years.
Fifthly, I want to give special thanks to Pastor Wes McLeod and to Lorn Bergstresser for their many
hours of labour over the last year, for their proof-reading and for their many recommendations
which assisted in making this a helpful and usable tool for the disciples of Christ Jesus.
Finally, to all of my fellow disciples who are serving throughout the world, and especially to my
Kachin family, we give you this tool with the hope that it may assist you in helping others to be
drawn closer to the heart of our triune God. Thanks for making this dream a reality for the people
who serve Christ in Asia.
Fellow servant in Jesus Christ,
Jimmer / Rev. Dr. James Paul Humphries / Sara Kaba Rev. Dr. Lahtaw, Zau Sam
Bridge Builder and Ambassador of Jesus Christ.


Preface .............................................................................................................................. 4
Abbreviation Chart - English .............................................................................................. 5
Dictionary, Concordance and Theological terms
A ...................................................................................................................... 6
B..................................................................................................................... 30
C ..................................................................................................................... 53
D .................................................................................................................... 91
E ................................................................................................................... 118
F ................................................................................................................... 136
G .................................................................................................................. 166
H .................................................................................................................. 185
I .................................................................................................................... 209
J ................................................................................................................... 219
K................................................................................................................... 229
L ................................................................................................................... 238
M ................................................................................................................. 262
N .................................................................................................................. 284
O .................................................................................................................. 294
P ................................................................................................................... 304
Q .................................................................................................................. 339
R................................................................................................................... 341
S ................................................................................................................... 367
T ................................................................................................................... 418
U .................................................................................................................. 441
V .................................................................................................................. 447
W ................................................................................................................. 454
Y ................................................................................................................... 480
Z ................................................................................................................... 482
1. Scripture Devotional Reading .................................................................. 484
2. Sermon Outlines: Topical ........................................................................ 485
3. Disciples Gospel Creed............................................................................. 486
4. Roman’s Road ......................................................................................... 487
5. Prayer of Commitment ............................................................................ 488
6. Discipleship Lifestyle ............................................................................... 488
Bibliography .................................................................................................................. 489
Project L.A.M.B.S. International ..................................................................................... 490

If one takes time to study words, one will soon discover that culture and traditions of various
nations are built within many individual words themselves. Words are the foundation stones to
communication and through understanding and translation words can become bridges for
encouragement and growth. Many people do not often know the history of their language and
because of that do not realize that there are so many pearls and treasures that are hidden within
each individual word.
For many cultures the first books that were created are usually dictionaries and or some
religious books. An alphabet gets created, then words become written, then sentences are built;
those sentences lead to written communication. The dictionary becomes the foundational tool for
learning and understanding. I have found people know what word is needed when they speak and
when they write as well as how it should be spelled, but if you ask for the heritage and real specific
meaning of the various words, most often they do not know.
This booklet has three books built into one. Its purpose is to help the student to study the
Bible or the Word of God so that they may be able to understand its teaching plus be able to
communicate that truth to others. What one holds within their hands is a “mini” Bible Dictionary,
Bible Concordance and a Theological Dictionary. The word "mini" is used because this is not an
exhaustive in-depth word study but a summary of the most often used words that people research
for personal study or in preparing a devotional, Sunday school lesson, a lecture or a sermon to be
Every word can be made into a teaching or a sermon that can help equip and train the
disciples of God for service. Each word when put together with other verses gives to the disciple the
bigger picture of how we as disciples and we as a church should be walking and living before this
lost world as Christ's ambassadors.
This book is a beginning point and our hope is that people will one day, on this foundation,
build a more exhaustive work for the Kachin and the Burmese people. The student needs tools to
help them understand and these tools are desperately needed in the Kachin language, as well as in
a variety of other people groups within the country of Myanmar. For the Gospel to go forth their
needs to many books to help the student who will intern help other people to mature. The goal is
that they will produce fruit that will last for God's kingdom and for His glory.
Rev. Dr. James Paul Humphries




2. EXODUS Ex 2. MARK Mark
4. NUMBERS Num 4. JOHN John
6. JOSHUA Josh 6. ROMANS Rom
8. RUTH Ruth 8. 2 CORINTHIANS 2 Cor
9. 1 SAMUEL 1 Sam 9. GALATIANS Gal
10. 2 SAMUEL 2 Sam 10. EPHESIANS Eph
11. 1 KINGS 1 Kgs 11. PHILIPPIANS Phil
12. 2KINGS 2 Kgs 12. COLOSSIANS Col
15. EZRA Ezra 15. 1 TIMOTHY 1 Tim
16. NEHEMIAH Neh 16. 2 TIMOTHY 2 Tim
17. ESTHER Esth 17. TITUS Titus
18. JOB Job 18. PHILEMON Philem
20. PROVERBS Prov 20. JAMES James
21. ECCLESIASTES Eccl 21. 1 PETER 1 Pet
22. THE SONG OF SOLOMON Song 22. 2 PETER 2 Pet
23. ISAIAH Isa 23. 1 JOHN 1 John
24. JEREMIAH Jer 24. 2 JOHN 2 John
25. LAMENTATIONS Lam 25. 3 JOHN 3 John
26. EZEKIEL Ezek 26. JUDE Jude
28. HOSEA Hos
29. JOEL Joel
30. AMOS Amos
31. OBADIAH Obad
32. JONAH Jon
33. MICAH Mic
34. NAHUM Nah
37. HAGGAI Hag

KJB: King James Bible

NKJB: New King James Bible

NASB: New American Standard Bible

"DTP" means Discipleship Teaching Principle. These are just little insights to help the disciple of Christ get more
connected both to the Bible and to the truth of what it means to believe and live out one's life as a follower of Christ.

It is a short form for the Latin words, "Anno Domini", which means "in the year of the Lord". (Example
A.D. 2014.)
Aaron's rod
Aaron was the older brother of Moses; God took the rod or staff of Aaron to perform many miracles;
plus it was a testimony of God's presence with the people of Israel. The staff represented the tribe of
Levi and later the staff was kept in the Ark of the Covenant.
• Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods Ex 7:12
• the rod of Aaron ... budded, and brought forth buds, ... blossoms ... yielded almonds. Num 17:8
• Bring Aaron's rod Num 17:10
• and Aaron's rod that budded. Heb 9:4
Abba, Father
Aramaic word for "father"; Jesus used this term to call out to His heavenly Father. DTP Paul uses it to
speak of the disciples' relationship with God the Father and how we have been adopted as His
• Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Mark 14:36
• Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry Abba, Father. Rom 8:15
• Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. Gal 4:6
abide / abode / abideth
To stand, bear, tolerate, remain, depend upon, to be connected to, to stay at. DTP The disciple must
abide in Christ if he hopes to see the fruit of Christ in his life. To abide you must give your life to Christ
so that He may personally graft you into Himself. Our walk with Christ is to be personal and daily,
hand in hand journey together.
• the glory of the LORD abode upon mount Sinai. Ex 24:16
• and there abide forever. 1 Sam 1:22
• Abide thou with me, fear not: 1 Sam 22:33
• Know not ... nor abide in the paths there of. Job 24:13
• LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? Ps 15:1
• shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Ps 91:1
• come down; for to day I must abide at thy house. Luke 19:5
• They came ... and abode with him that day. John 1:39
• ... if you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. John 8:31 NKJB
• another Comforter, that he may abide with you John 14:16
• Abide in me, and I in you. John 15:4
• He that abideth in me, and I in him, ... much fruit: John 15:5
• If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask John 15:7
• keep my commandments, ... shall abide in my love. John 15:10
• now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; 1 Cor 13:13
• by the word of God, which ... abideth for ever. 1 Pet 1:23
• are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, 1 John 2:14
• he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. 1 John 2:17
• And now, little children, abide in him; 1 John 2:28
• Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not. 1 John 3:6
• and by this we know that he abides in us, 1 John 3:24
• hereby this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, 1 John 4:13 NKJB
able / enabled
Capability, potential, gifted, empowered DTP The disciple does not need to lean on their own ability but
to lean on God's ability and power. We are made overcomers because of God's ability flowing through
us by the Holy Spirit.
• Every man shall give as he is able, Deut 16:17
• so that no one is able to withstand thee? 2 Chr 20:6
• our God whom we serve is able to deliver us Dan 3:17
• able to deliver thee from the lions? Dan 6:20
• Believe ye that I am able to do this? Matt 9:28
• which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Matt 10:28

• which is able to build you up, Acts 20:32
• he was able also to perform. Rom 4:21
• shall be able to separate us from the love of God, Rom 8:39
• for God is able to graft them in again. Rom 11:23
• that ye may be able to bear it. 1 Cor 10:13
• made us able ministers of the new testament; 2 Cor 3:6
• And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; 2 Cor 9:8
• May be able to comprehend with all saints Eph 3:18
• Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly Eph 3:20
• that ye may be able to stand against Eph 6:11
• he is able even to subdue all things unto himself. Phil 3:21
• who hath enabled me, 1 Tim 1:12
• he is able to keep that 2 Tim 1:12
• who shall be able to teach others also. 2 Tim 2:2
• which are able to make thee wise 2 Tim 3:15
• that he may be able by sound doctrine Tit 1:9
• God was able to raise him up, Heb 11:19
• that is able to keep you from falling, Jude 1:24
Outrage, disgrace, disgust, scandal, hatred, revulsion, contamination, uncleanness, impurity, corruption;
an obstruction or a way of lifestyle that is deeply offensive or detestable to God.
• they shall be an abomination unto you. Lev 11:10 (11-13)
• for it is an abomination to the LORD thy God. Deut 7:25
• for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD Deut 22:5
• These six ... yea, seven are an abomination unto him. Prov 6:16
• Lying lips are abomination to the LORD. Pro 12:22
• The way of the wicked is an abomination unto the LORD. Prov 15:9
• if thou wilt put away thine abominations out of my sight. Jer 4:1
• defiled my sanctuary ... with all thine abominations. Ezek 5:11
• and an abomination is committed in Israel Mal 2:11
• is abomination in the sight of God. Luke 16:15
• having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations Rev 17:4
abomination of desolation
A devastating act often refers to the future destruction of the temple in Jerusalem that took place in 70
• the abomination that maketh desolate. Dan 11:31; (Dan 12:11)
• see the abomination of desolation. Matt 24:15
• shall see the abomination of desolation. Mark 13:14
To have an abundance of, plentiful, limitless, to excel, to be sufficient or have enough of. DTP In Christ
we have an abundance of His mercy and grace, and are overflowing with love to all who believe. God
gives generously to all who seek Him and He wants to bless us with all His fullness because we are His
children through Christ Jesus. He desires that we abound with much fruit.
• A faithful man shall abound Prov 28:20
• because iniquity shall abound, the love of Matt 24:12
• offence might abound. Rom 5:20
• peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope. Rom 15:13
• always abounding in the work of the Lord. 1 Cor 15:58
• as ye abound in every thing, ... ye abound in this grace also. 2 Cor 8:7
• God is able to make all grace abound toward you. 2 Cor 9:8
• that your love may abound Phil 1:9
• how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Phil 4:12
• I desire fruit that may abound to your account. Phil 4:17
• the Lord make you ... abound in love 1 Thes 3:12

• so ye would abound more and more. 1 Thes 4:1
• For if these things be in you, and abound, 2 Pet 1:8
Terah, the tenth in descent from Noah, begat Abram (Luke 3:34). God changed his name from Abram to
Abraham; called of God, father and seed of many nations, a mighty man of prayer, faith, obedience
and courage. God made a covenant with him (Abrahamic Covenant), out of the line of Abraham would
come the Christ (Matt 1:1, 2).
• but thy name shall be Abraham. Gen 17:5
• him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham. Gen 22:11
• thou, Israel ... the seed of Abraham my friend. Isa 41:8
• Abraham was one, and he inherited the Ezek 33:24
• answered and said unto him, Abraham John 8:39
• Jesus said unto them, ... Before Abraham was, I am. John 8:58
• Abraham believed God. Rom 4:3
• Even as Abraham believed God. Gal 3:6
• By faith Abraham, when he was called ... obeyed. Heb 11:8
• Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him James 2:23
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
The three patriarchs who became the foundation for the Jewish race of people. The Hebrew people look
back to them as the ones that God called to build the nation of Israel, His chosen people. DTP These
three men are the disciples' forefathers, part of the Christian heritage, they are part of our family tree
as believers in Christ.
• God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob. Ex 3:16
• Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel (Jacob). 1 Kin 18:36
• To be rulers over the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Jer 33:26
• Sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. Matt 8:11
• He calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. Luke 20:37
• The God of Abraham, and of Isaac and of Jacob, the God of our fathers. Acts 3:13
Abrahamic Covenant
This was an unconditional promise that was made between God and Abraham. It has two key points;
one, that Abraham would have physical descendants through whom the Christ (Messiah) would come
and secondly, was concerning what is known as the "promised land", the land between the
Mediterranean Sea and the River Euphrates. The agreement also included the rite of circumcision.
Gen 12:1-3; 13:14-17; 15:4-7, 18-21; 17:1-27; 22:17-18.
To refrain from, to stay away from, to avoid or not use; DTP The disciple is to abstain from strong drink,
from wickedness and fleshly lust things that are contrary to God's will and Word. Our walk of faith is
one that has boundaries to it and our lives are to be like Christ; that means abstaining from things
that may cause another to stumble.
• He shall abstain (separate) from wine Num 6:3 NASB
• They abstain from pollutions of idols. Acts 15:20 (Acts 15:19)
• Abstain from all appearance of evil. 1 Thes 5:22
• Abstaining from foods 1 Tim 4:3
• The Lord is to abstain from wickedness 2 Tim 2:19 NASB
• Abstain from fleshly lust, which war against 1 Pet 2:11
abundance / abundant / abundantly
To have more than one needs, a large amount or quantity of something; an overflowing amount; to be
abundantly blessed by God. DTP Faith in Christ moves us into being one with Christ, He has given to
the disciple the gift of an abundant life, that started the moment that we received Christ personally
into our hearts. He pours out on and in us an abundance of truth, grace, mercy, love and power so
that we can live a victorious life here on earth.
• The LORD God ... abundant in goodness and truth. Ex 34:6
• With gladness ... for the abundance of all things; Deut 28:47
• Fruit trees in abundance: Neh 9:25

• They shall be abundantly satisfied Ps 36:8
• Trusted in the abundance of his riches, Ps 52:7
• Abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth. Ps 72:7
• And to our God, for he will abundantly pardon, Isa 55:7
• Out of the abundance of the heart Matt 12:34
• Might have life and ... have it more abundantly. John 10:10
• Much more they which receive abundance of grace Rom 5:17
• Able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. Eph 3:20
• May be more abundant in Jesus Christ Phil 1:26
• The grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant 1 Tim 1:14
• Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Tit 3:6
• According to his abundant mercy hath begotten 1 Pet 1:3
abuse / abusive
To insult with speech (filthy, vulgar) or by action toward someone else; to put another down with words;
to physically hit another or to use cruel and inhumane treatment towards another, over a short or a
long period of time (hurt or molest). DTP Disciples must always be aware of their actions and speech
with the family and out in their community. We should not use any type of abusive language or do
any type of abusive actions towards another person.
• Abused her all night Judg 19:25
• Hurling abuse at Him Matt 27:39
• Charge, that I abuse not my power in the gospel. 1 Cor 9:18
• Abusive speech from your Col 3:8
• Strife, abusive language 1 Tim 6:4
abyss / bottomless pit
Gulf, chasm, deep hole, void; the in-between world. A prison for the disobedient spirits; sometimes
translated as the bottomless pit or the world of the dead.
• Commanded them to go away into the abyss Luke 8:31 NSAB
• And the key of the bottomless pit (abyss). Rev 9:1
• The beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war Rev 11:7 NASB
• About to come up out of the abyss and go to destruction Rev 17:8 MASB
accept / acceptable
To receive, to take unto oneself, to agree. DTP As disciples we need to accept our fellow brothers and
sisters in Christ, plus we need to be willing to accept the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives. To
accept, is take on the responsibility of what you have been given charge over; to accept is also to
agree to, to commit to doing it. We also need to bring all that we are as a disciple so that we can
become acceptable as His child.
• accept the work of his hands. Deut 33:11
• accept good from God and not accept adversity? Job 2:10 NASB
• Meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight. Ps 19:14
• accept ... the freewill offerings of my mouth. Ps 119:108
• In an acceptable time have I heard thee. Isa 49:8 (2 Cor 6:2)
• Proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD. Isa 61:2 (Luke 4:19)
• Let my supplication, I pray thee, be accepted Jer 37:20
• Hear the word and accept it and bear fruit. Mark 4:20 NASB
• A living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God. Rom 12:1
• That good and acceptable, and perfect will of God. Rom 12:2
• accept one another, just as Christ also accepted us Rom 15:7
• In a time accepted ..., now is the accepted time; 2 Cor 6:2
• Wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. Eph 1:6
• Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. Eph 5:10
• For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour. 1 Tim 2:3
• Take it patiently, this is acceptable with God. 1 Pet 2:20

Agree with, match up with, concur with, be consistent with, harmonize with, be in harmony with, be
compatible with; pact, treaty, agreement, settlement, deal, contract. DTP As a disciple of Christ it is
important that we come into the will of God for our lives, to be in one accord with Him. The body of
Christ is to function and serve as harmony unit. We are to work daily at being one with Christ and with
each other as Christ disciples. This is one of the believer most powerful testimony that we can have
to a lost world that we minister and serve together as one, glorifying Christ through our lives as His
• All continued with one accord in prayer and Acts 1:14
• Come, they were all with one accord in one place. Acts 2:1
• Continuing daily with one accord in the temple, Acts 2:46
• Lifted up their voice to God with one accord, Acts 4:24
• Same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Phil 2:2
account /accounted
To reckon, to measure out the details, to align or measure out the facts, to reckon between two parties
or more. DTP The disciple will have to stand before the Lord and give an account of his life. Judgment
first starts at the house of the Lord (See 1 Pet 4:17)
• This is the account of the heavens Gen 2:4 NASB
• And he believed in the LORD, and He accounted to him for righteousness. Gen 15:6 NKJB
• And that was accounted to him for righteousness. Ps 106:31 NKJB
• Or the son of man, that thou makest account of him! Ps 144:3
• Are accounted as nothing: Dan 4:35 NASB
• On whose account has this Jon 1:8 NASB
• That every idle word ... they shall give account Matt 12:36
• Settle accounts with Matt 25:19 NKJB
• Give an account of thy stewardship; Luke 16:2
• Whereby we may give an account of this concourse. Acts 19:40
• ... his faith is accounted for righteousness, Rom 4:5 NKJB
• We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Rom 8:36
• Every one ... shall give account of himself to God. Rom 14:12
• And it was accounted to him for righteousness. Gal 3:6
• Desire fruit that may abound to your account. Phil 4:17
• Who will give an account, Heb 13:17
• Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. James 2:23 NKJB
• Give account to him that is ready to judge 1 Pet 4:5
Testify against, detestable, hateful; to have under a curse, to bind someone with words.
• And you, by all means abstain from the accursed things, Josh 6:18
• unless you destroy the accursed from among you. Josh 7:12
• let him be accursed. Gal 1:8
• let him be accursed. Gal 1:9
Incrimination, denunciation, implicate, call into account; to charge or accuse someone with a
wrongdoing; to impute blame or guilt towards another. DTP The disciple is to have a life of high
standards and morals. Our lives are to exemplify Jesus Christ to a lost world.
• wrote they unto him an accusation against Ezra 4:6
• that they might find an accusation against him Luke 6:7
• what accusation bring ye against this man? John 18:29
• against an elder receive not an accusation, 1 Tim 5:19
accuse / accused
Testify against, detestable, hateful; to have under a curse, to bind someone with words. DTP The disciple
is not to judge others or to accuse others because this is the role of God Himself and on the Day of
Judgement. He will bring all records forward and it will be the peoples' own actions and records that
will accuse them.
• Accused his brother; Deut 19:18 NASB

• accused you in judgement Isa 54:17 NASB
• Sabbath days? ... that they might accuse him. Matt 12:10
• he was being accused Matt 27:12
• neither accuse any falsely; and be content with Luke 3:14
• I will accuse you to John 5:45
• that falsely accuse your good conversation 1 Pet 3:16
• unjustly accusing us 3 John 1:10 NASB
• accused them before our God day and night. Rev 12:10
Prosecutor, plaintiff, complainant, petitioner; a person who blames another. Satan is the accuser of the
brethren. DTP Satan is watching the disciple of Christ day and night so that he can bring up accusations
about the believer before the Father in heaven. We need to keep our slates clean and ask God daily
to forgive us and to wash away our sins.
• where are those thine accusers? John 8:10
• which is accused have the accuser face to face, Acts 25:16
• truce breaker, false accusers 2 Tim 3:3
• not false accuser, not given to much wine, Tit 2:3
• for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, Rev 12:10
To accept, to give thanks for, to declare as true, to recognize something as truth or real; to comply with,
to admit or allow. DTP As a disciple we need to hold true to the truth of God's word and to fulfill His
will for our lives. By acknowledging Christ in all areas of our life, He then gives to us the strength and
ability to overcome the strongholds of this world.
• I acknowledge my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity Ps 32:5
• I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever Ps 51:3
• All thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall Pro 3:6
• We acknowledge, O LORD, our wickedness ... for we have sinned Jer 14:20
• Until they acknowledge Hos 5:15
• He that acknowledges the Son hath the Father also. 1 John 2:23
ACTS, book of
This book gives the history of the apostles and the early church plus showing how the apostles and others
began to spread out as missionaries to bring the Good News to others; it also records the missionary
journeys of Paul both to the Jews and to the Gentiles; the author is believed to be Dr. Luke, a close
Gentile friend of Paul's; the book is thought to be written around 62 AD.
First man created by God on the earth Gen 2:7, made in the likeness of God Gen 5:1; out of man God
created woman Gen 2:22. He was also the first to disobey God and brought the curse of sin and death
on all mankind.
• but for Adam there was not found an help Gen 2:20
• the LORD God called unto Adam, ... , Where art thou? Gen 3:9
• Adam had relationship with his wife Gen 4:25
• Book of the generations of Adam. Gen 5:1
• Adam, Seth, Enosh, 1 Chr 1:1
• But like Adam they have transgressed Hos 6:7 NASB
• The son of Adam, the son of God. Luke 3:38
• Death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over Rom 5:14
• For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive. 1 Cor 15:22
• The first man, Adam became a living soul; 1 Cor 15:45
• For it was Adam who was first created, 1 Tim 2:13
• Seventh generation from Adam Jude 1:14

Adam, second / Adam, the last

Christ is known as the second (or last) Adam. The first Adam brought upon mankind sin and death; the
second Adam, Christ Jesus, brought a way for man to have eternal life and freedom.

• Adam ..., who is the figure of him that was to come. Rom 5:14
• In Adam all died, so also in Christ all will be made alive 1 Cor 15:22
• the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. I Cor 15:45
add / added
To join to something else, to increase in size, number or amount, to connect, calculate, build on to. DTP
God is the one who adds on to or takes away from our lives. Something that may be singular in nature
God through the power of the Spirit can give increase. God wants to see fruit from our lives as His
disciples and wants to add to His church in all places.
• Ye shall not add unto the word which I Deut 4:2
• add one cubit unto his statue? Matt 6:27 (Luke 12:25)
• Lord added to the church daily such as should Acts 2:47
• And believers were the more added to the Lord, Acts 5:14
• add to your faith virtue; and to virtue 2 Pet 1:5
• Shall add unto these things, God shall add Rev 22:18
Giving direction; the process of managing or directing and organizing, leadership office; an overseer or
• Administration of the province Dan 3:12 NASB
• And there are differences of administrations 1 Cor 12:5
• for the administration of this service 2 Cor 9:12
• Administration of the mystery Eph 3:9 NASB
administration, gift
Giving direction (as the pilot of a ship Acts 27:11); the process of managing or directing and organizing,
office; one of the giftings of the Holy Spirit that a disciple may receive for the working ministry in the
body of Christ.
• the gifts of healing, helps administrations 1 Cor 12:28 NASB
• For the administration of this service 2 Cor 9:12
admission /admit
Declaration confirmed, accepting things, agreement with; a confession or acknowledgement of
something, to confess a mistake or sin to God or to another.
• admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth. Heb 11:13 NIV
admonish / admonished
Reprove, caution, rebuke, give warning, remind; exhort people to be careful; to redirect or lift up another
or to put back on track. DTP We are to encourage or lift up each other before God. When we stumble
we need others with God's love to lift us up and to help put our feet back on solid ground again.
• And further, by these, my son, be admonished: Eccl 12:12
• know certainly that I have admonished Jer 42:19
• when much time was spent ... Paul admonished them, Acts 27:9
• Also to admonish one another. Rom 15:14
• Teaching and admonish one another in psalms and Col 3:16
• over you in the Lord, and admonish you: 1 Thes 5:12
• but admonish him as a brother. 2 Thes 3:15
Hebrew word used for the name of God, translated as Lord (first letter is only capitalized in the English
• Abram said, O LORD (Adonia) God, Gen 15:2
• I saw the LORD (Adonia) sitting on his throne, 1 Kin 22:19 (2 Chr 18:18)
• the Lord (Adonia) be witness Mic 1:2
• Save us Lord (Adonia); we are perishing Matt 8:25
• Amen. Come Lord (Adonia) Jesus. Rev 22:20


Acceptance, embracing, approval; taking another's child and legally making that child one's own. DTP
This is one of the benefits that we receive through salvation with Christ; the disciple through faith in
Christ and His shed blood, becomes legally adopted into the family of God.
• the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Rom 8:15
• waiting for the adoption, to wit, Rom 8:23
• to whom pertaineth the adoption, Rom 9:4
• receive the adoption of sons. Gal 4:5
• predestined us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Eph 1:5
adore / adoration
Esteem, worship, reverence, devotion, act of great love for another, to adore; deep heart of love and
gratitude towards God.
• Take me away with you; let us hurry! Let the king bring me into his chambers. We rejoice and delight
in you; we will praise your love more than wine. How right they are to adore you! Song of Songs 1:4
adorn / adorned
Pleasing appearance, beautiful looking, dressing up.
• herself as a bride adorneth Is 61:10
• Thou shalt again be adorned with thy Jer 31:4
• how it was adorned with goodly Luke 21:5
• Women adorn themselves in modest apparel, 1 Tim 2:9
• They may adorn the doctrine of God Tit 2:10
• used to adorned themselves, 1 Pet 3:5
• As a bride adorned for her husband. Rev 21:2
adulterer/ adulteress
Guilty of adultery, violation of the marriage bed; people who commit sexual acts outside of the marriage
vows; DTP The disciple becomes married to Christ then goes and finds another lover; God calls these
people an adulterous generation; unchaste, impure, illicit, fornicators, prostitutes.
• The adulterer and the adulteress shall Lev 20:10
• The seed of the adulterer Isa 57:3
• Beloved of her friends, yet an adulteress Hos 3:1; (Hos 7:4)
• I will be a swift witness ... against the adulterers, Mal 3:5
• adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; Matt 12:39
• Ashamed ... in this adulterous and sinful generation; Mark 8:38
• But whoremongers and adulterers God will judge, Heb 13:4
• Ye adulterer and adulteresses, know ye not that James 4:4
Guilty of adultery, violation of the marriage bed; people who commit sexual acts outside of the marriage
vows. DTP The disciple becomes married to Christ but if then goes out and finds another lover they
have become adulterous people in the eyes of God. God calls these people an adulterous generation;
unchaste, impure, illicit, fornicators, prostitutes
• Committeth adultery ... surely be put to death. Lev 20:10
• Whoso committeth adultery with a women Prov 6:32
• Committed adultery, and blood is in their hands, Ezek 23:37
• Looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery Matt 5:28
• murders, adulteries, fornication, Matt 15:19
• Of the heart proceed ... murders, adultery, Mark 7:21
• Brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; John 8:3
• was taken in adultery, in the very act. John 8:4
• should not commit adultery, Rom 2:22
• The works of the flesh ... adultery, Gal 5:19
• Having eyes full of adultery and that cannot 2 Pet 2:14

In tradition this word Advent, designates the period of time that starts four Sundays before Christmas.
It is the preparation time for people to remember the coming of Jesus Christ God's Son to the earth.
The first Advent refers to the incarnation; the Second Advent refers to His second coming.
adversary / adversaries
Opponent, challenger, rival, enemy, foe, antagonist, opposer; the one who fights against us, as we walk
and live for Christ. DTP The disciple must be aware that each day we face an enemy that desires to
destroy and kill, to take away life and freedom and to give to people nothing but death and bondage.
• Obey ... then I will be ... an adversary unto thine adversary. Ex 23:22
• and will render vengeance to his adversary Deut 32:43
• The adversary of the LORD shall be broken to pieces 1 Sam 2:10
• The LORD stirred him up another adversary 1 Kin 11:14
• The adversary and enemy is this wicked Esth 7:6
• O God, how long shall the adversary reproach? Ps 74:10
• To make thy name known to thine adversary, that Isa 64:2
• The LORD will take vengeance on his adversary, Nah 1:2
• Agree with thine adversary quickly, Matt 5:25
• Give none occasion to the adversary to speak 1 Tim 5:14
• which shall devout the adversaries Heb 10:27
• because your adversary the Devil, 1 Pet 5:8
To give ideas or instructions to another; to enlighten, to give information or knowledge, to counsel,
suggest or give recommendation or exhortation.
• consider of it, take advice, and speak Judg 19:30
• blessed be thy advice, 1 Sam 25:33
• and with good advice make war. Prov 20:18
• herein I give my advice ... this is expedient 2 Cor 8:10
advise / advised
A consultant, a mentor; an expert one who gives advice in a specific field of understanding to another or
to a group of people.
• advise and see what answer I shall 2 Sam 24:13
• but with the well advised is wisdom. Prov 13:10
• I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire, Rev 3:18 NASB
A supporter, backer, promoter, believer, sponsor; advocacy John 14:6 helper, defender. DTP Jesus is our
advocate. By faith in Christ we become joined to Him and He is our advocate before the Father.
• my advocate is on high. Job 16:19 NASB
• advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ I John 2:1
To have fondness, a heart of love towards another, to show sympathy or tenderness, compassion.
• Because I have set my affection 1 Chr 29:3
• this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: Rom 1:26
• Be kindly affectioned one to another Rom 12:10
• his inward affection is more abundant 2 Cor 7:15
• crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. Gal 5:24
• Set your affection on things above, Col 3:2
afflict / affliction / afflicted
Distress, torment, agony, pain; to hurt, harass, wound, persecute; affliction can be physical, emotional
or spiritual and can afflict a person of faith as well as unbelievers. DTP The enemies of Christ love to
afflict the disciple with physical, emotion and spiritual pain.
• because the LORD hath heard thy affliction. Gen 16:11
• over them taskmasters to afflict the Ex 1:11
• the afflicted people thou wilt save: 2 Sam 22:28
• didst see the affliction of our fathers in Egypt, Neh 9:9

• many are the afflictions of the righteous: Ps 34:19
• fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Ps 82:3
• this is my comfort in my affliction: for thy word Ps 119:50
• consider mine affliction and deliver me Ps 119:153
• many times have they afflicted me Ps 129:1
• the LORD will maintain the cause of the afflicted, Ps 140:12
• destroy all them that afflict my soul: Ps 143:12
• lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted Prov 26:28
• he was oppressed and he was afflicted, Isa 53:7
• in all their affliction he was afflicted, Isa 63:9
• my fortress ... my refuge in the day of affliction, Jer 16:19
• I will undo all that afflict thee Zep 3:19
• they delivered you up to be afflicted, Matt 24:9
• witnesseth, ... that bonds and afflictions abide in me. Acts 20:23
• out of much affliction and anguish 2 Cor 2:4
• for our light affliction, which is but for a moment. 2 Cor 4:17
• that in a great trial of affliction, the abundance 2 Cor 8:2
• received the word in much affliction, 1 Thes 1:6
• partakers of the afflictions of the gospel 2 Tim 1:8
• afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, 2 Tim 4:5
• Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. James 5:13
• that the same afflictions are accomplished in 1 Pet 5:9
To feel fear or anxiety, to be scared, frightened. DTP As a disciple we are not to be filled concerning the
things of this world or what man can do to us. We should have a righteous fear of the Lord Jesus Christ
our Creator. Fear or being afraid often destroys one's faith in God. We need to "let go and let God"
and trust Him that He is able to bring us through the challenges that we may be facing in our daily
• I heard the voice ... and I was afraid, Gen 3:10
• Their hearts failed the, and they were afraid, Gen 42:28
• Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look Ex 3:6
• Be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: Josh 1:9
• strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Ps 27:1
• I will not be afraid what man can do unto me. Ps 56:11
• He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: Ps 112:7
• I will trust, and not be afraid; for the LORD Isa 12:2
• lift up thy voice ...; lift it up, be not afraid; Isa 40:9
• Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: Matt 28:10
• unto the ruler ..., Be not afraid, only believe. Mark 5:36
• Be not afraid of them that kill the body, Luke 12:4
• Heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid John 14:27
• I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon Gal 4:11
Love (one way, given and expecting nothing back) God's love for people, most common Greek word for
love in the New Testament. DTP We are told that love never fails and, because of that, all that the
disciple says and does should always be seasoned in God's love. (See 1 Cor Chapter 13)
• For God so loved (agape) the world John 3:16
• Greater love (agape) has no one than this, John 15:13
• His own love (agape) toward us Rom 5:8
• but by love (agape) serve one another. Gal 5:13
• to know the love (agape) of Christ, which passeth knowledge, Eph 3:19
• And walk in love (agape), as Christ also hath loved (agape) us, Eph 5:2
• by this the love (agape) of God was manifested, 1 John 4:9

Time; era, period, period of time, epoch Matt 24:3 end of age.
• To be righteous before Me in this time (age) Gen 7:1
• Shalt be buried in a good old age. Gen 15:15
• And a nourisher of thine old age. Ruth 4:15
• Mine age is nothing before thee Ps 39:5
• Jesus ... began to be about thirty years of age, Luke 3:23
• To them that are of full age, Heb 5:14
Age of Grace
The time from Christ's ascension until His second coming. It is said that we are all right now in the age of
grace but soon this will come to an end and the following verse shows what will happen next.
• ... This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels.
He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be
punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory
of his might on the day he comes to be glorified in his holy people and to be marveled at among all
those who have believed ... 2 Thes 1:7-10 NIV
Sceptic, doubter, disbeliever, atheist; a person who denies the existence of God.
A system of thought that teaches that it is not possible to know that there is a God. Man is unable to
know who God is.
To be in accord with or in harmony with another, to do something together, to be in unison, to have a
mutual understanding or to cooperate together. DTP We are as believers to come into an agreement
with Christ and with those within the Church. The devil's tools serve to sow discord so that he can
cause division amongst the believers. With the Holy Spirit working in us, believers should be able to
come to unity and harmony as the body of Christ.
• Walk together, except they be agreed? Amos 3:3
• Agree with thin adversaries Matt 5:25
• If two of you shall agree on earth as touching Matt 18:19
• Ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit Acts 5:9
• These three agree 1 John 5:8
Husbandry, till the land, to sow; farming of the land, sowing, nurturing and harvesting of the fruit; God
told man to cultivate the earth (Gen 3:23); it also illustrates a part of what the church should be doing
through ministry (1 Cor 3:9); Paul taught the Galatian church the spiritual sowing and reaping principle
(Gal 6:6-7). Other examples of farming; Gen 47:23; Ps 107:37; Matt 13:3; Matt 22:5; Mark 4:14; Luke
alabaster box
A container made of marble which could contain ointment or perfumes; in the New Testament it is
thought that it was Mary of Bethany (John 12:3) who anointed Jesus with oil; this was to show
hospitality and honour, but in Jesus' case it was anointing Him in preparation for His death.
• Having an alabaster box of very precious Matt 26:7
• Having an alabaster box of ointment Mark 14:3
• Brought an alabaster box of ointment, Luke 7:37
Outsider; often used to designate someone in the Old Testament who was outside of the community of
Israel. DTP In the New Testament it was used to describe believers because as disciples, they lived
outside the community of the world. The believer in Christ was to be a heavenly citizen.
• I have been an alien in a strange Ex 18:3
• show your love for the alien, for you were aliens Deut 10:19 NASB
• aliens in a foreign land Acts 7:6 NASB
• No longer strangers and aliens Eph 2:19 NASB
• To those who reside as aliens I Pet 1:1 NASB

• I urge you as aliens and strangers I Pet 2:11 NASB
Possessing life, active, alert, awake; to be physically alive. DTP As disciples, we are to become spiritually
alive in Christ. Each day we die to self but live in Christ, we are no longer spiritually dead but we have
become vessels of God's power and anointing. We live because He lives in us.
• Did cleave unto the LORD your God are alive Deut 4:4
• was dead and is alive again; Luke 15:24
• he shewed himself alive after his passion by Acts 1:3
• be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God Rom 6:11
• as those that are alive from the dead, Rom 6:13
• In Christ shall all be made alive 1 Cor 15:22
• are alive and remain shall be caught up 1 Thes 4:17
• I am alive for evermore, Rev 1:18
• First and the last, which was dead and is alive; Rev 2:8
Everything, all inclusive, complete, no holding back. DTP To give all that one has, to be all encompassing
in one's focus, to be committed in everything. Christ desires that we bring our all to Him who we
except as our Lord and Saviour.
• he given all that he hath. Gen 24:36
• earth, the sea, and all that in them is, Ex 20:11
• I will make all my goodness pass before thee, Ex 33:19
• Lord, all my desire is before thee; Ps 38:9
• for all are thy servants. Ps 119:91
• The LORD is good to all: Ps 145:9
• In all thy ways acknowledge him, Pro 3:6
• with all thy getting get understanding. Pro 4:7
• Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, Mal 3:10
• all ye that labour and are heavy laden, Mat 11:28
• given him power over all flesh, John 17:2
• That they all may be one; John 17:21
• feared God with all his house, Acts 10:2 (16:34)
• For all have sinned, Rom 3:23
• but delivered him up for us all, Rom 8:32
• in all these things we are more than Rom 8:37
• rich unto all that call upon him. Rom 10:12
• therefore to all their dues: Rom 13:7
• God which worketh all in all. 1 Cor 12:6
• concluded all under sin, Gal 3:22
• him that filleth all in all. Eph 1:23
• For all seek their own, Phil 2:21
• himself a ransom for all, 1 Tim 2:6
• Jesus Christ once for all. Heb 10:10
• be ye all of one mind, 1 Pet 3:8
• but that all should come to repentance. 2 Pet 3:9
Fable, metaphor, symbol, story, example; a story which has a meaning deeper than it appears and that
teaches lessons or morals. In the teachings of Jesus this method of teaching was used to take an
earthly story and give it a heavenly meaning.
• Which things are an allegory Gal 4:24
To praise God or YAHWEH with all of one's body, soul and spirit.
• People in heaven, saying alleluia Rev 19:1-6
• The throne, saying, Amen; alleluia Rev 19:4

Enormous, immense, omnipotent, supreme; one all powerful, God who is over all heaven and earth, who
has created all things.
• Said unto him, I am the Almighty God; Gen 17:1
• And the Almighty hath afflicted me Ruth 1:21
• Under the shadow of the Almighty. Ps 91:1
• Saith the Lord Almighty. 2 Cor 6:18
• And which is to come, the Almighty, Rev 1:8
• holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty, Rev 4:8
• Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are Rev 16:7
• God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. Rev 21:22
alms / offering
Giving, charity, money (silver) gifts to be given unto God, gifts to be used in helping others who are less
fortunate; giving of love gifts to the poor and needy. DTP The disciple should away be aware of the
needs of others around them. It is important that we do not become blind to the poor and the needy,
but to pray and ask God to show us how we may help or how we can get involved in ministry to those
who are less fortunate.
• Take heed that ye do not do your alms before men, Matt 6:1
• That thine alms may be in secret: Matt 6:4
• give alms of such things as ye have; Luke 11:41
• to ask alms of them that entered Acts 3:2
• gave much alms to the people, Acts 10:2
• bring alms to my nation, an offerings. Acts 24:17
First letter of the Greek alphabet; Alpha and Omega used for God to show His eternality; God has no
beginning or end. It is one of the many names of Jesus Christ.
• I am the Alpha and Omega Rev 1:8
• I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning Rev 21:6
• I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning Rev 22:13
A place to do sacrifices, a structure on which sacrifices are offered to a deity; In Old Testament, sacrifices
were made for a variety of human spiritual needs and altars were built in various places; after the
Exodus, there was an altar in the Tabernacle and later, one in the Temple; priests would carry out the
ministry of doing sacrifices on the altar. DTP The altar is a holy place where one can meet privately
with God, and even today it is good for the disciple to have a prayer closet, a place set aside were one
can pour out their hearts before God.
• Noah built an altar unto the Lord; Gen 8:20
• He built an altar there and called upon Gen 26:25
• And Moses built an alter, Ex 17:15
• Sprinkle the blood round about upon the altar Lev 1:5
• Shall put fire upon the alter, Lev 1:7
• Gideon built an altar there unto the LORD. Judg 6:24
• David built there an altar 2 Sam 24:25
• And builded the altar of God of Israel, Ezra 3:2
• Had taken with tongs from off the altar: Isa 6:6
• I saw the LORD standing upon the altar: Amos 9:1
• Covering the altar of the LORD with tears, Mal 2:13
• Bring the gift to the alter, Matt 5:23
• We have an alter, whereof Heb 13:10
• Offered Isaac his son upon the altar? James 2:21
alter call
A modern trend mainly in evangelical churches to call people forward to the front of the church where
the altar is, to encourage them to make a personal confession and commitment to Jesus Christ.

Alter of Incense
A place to offer up sweet-smelling smoke to God; found in the Tabernacle and Temple. DTP Christ called
the disciples as ones who were to be a sweet-smelling incense unto God (2 Cor 2:14-15).
• and the altar of incense, Ex 30:27
• of the altar of incense. Luke 1:11
At all times, without fail, being consistent, unfailing. DTP God is always faithful to His children and His
words are always steadfast. We to need to be consistent in our walk with Him, always praying and
sticking unwavering to His word. God is never changing and is always faithful to those who call upon
His name.
• my Spirit shall not always strive with men, Gen 6:3
• learn to fear the LORD thy God always. Deut 14:23
• be ye mindful always of his covenant; 1 Chr 16:15
• mine heart to perform thy statues always, Ps 119:112
• ye have the poor always Matt 26:11 (Mark 14:7; John 12:8)
• lo, I am with you always, even unto the end Matt 28:20
• men ought always to pray, and not to faint; Luke 18:1
• praying always with all prayer ... in the Spirit, Eph 6:18
• rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, Phil 4:4
• let your speech be always with grace, seasoned Col 4:6
Mediator, intercessor, peacemaker, (to drink of the peace cup) 2 Cor 5:20, one who passes by Eph 6:19;
diplomat, envoy, representative; political representative who speaks and acts on behalf of a nation;
often ambassadors carried messages. DTP In the NT we are called to be Christ's ambassadors,
representing His Kingdom here on earth. The Scripture tell us that one of our ministries here on earth
is to be an ambassador of reconciliation.
• The ambassador of the princes of Babylon, 2 Chr 32:31
• but a faithful ambassador is health. Prov 13:17 NKJB
• Ambassadors of peace weep Isa 33:7
• Ambassadors for Christ 2 Cor 5:20
• An ambassador in chains: Eph 6:20
Hebrew: Selah Ps 75:3 Gal 6:18; let it be so, agreement together; I certainly agree with that. It can also
be translated as truly or verily in the NT; often used by Jesus Christ. Matt 16:28; Luke 4:24; John 5:25;
Jesus is also called the "Amen" in Rev 3:14.
• People shall say Amen. Deut 27:16
• Blessed be the LORD ... Amen and Amen. Ps 41:13
• All the people say, Amen. Praise ye the LORD. Ps 106:48
• Say Amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing 1 Cor 14:16
• All the promises ... are yea and in him Amen 2 Cor 1:20
• Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, Amen, Gal 6:18
• The Amen, the faithful Rev 3:14
• Amen Come, Lord Jesus. Rev 22:20
AMOS, book of
Was a prophet from the tribe of Judah, a herdsman; his name meant "burden-bearer"; he warned of the
impending judgment; the book is made up with a series of five visions.
Security, stay, sure protection, to hold, to fasten, fix securely; most often used to fasten a boat to the
shore. DTP it is also used in a spiritual sense where the disciple is to be fixed securely to our High
Priest Jesus Christ. The Word of God is the disciples anchor.
• they cast four anchors Acts 27:29
• Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, Heb 6:19

angel / angels
Seraph, cherub; a supernatural being who can have supernatural powers; believers are forbidden to
worship angels; angels appeared to the shepherds to announce Jesus' birth, Luke 2:9-15 (heavenly
host of angels); we are also given names of two angels- one is Gabriel Dan 8:16; 9:21; Luke 1:19, 26;
another is Michael the Archangel, Jude 1:9; there are different kinds of angels, both good and evil.
• angel of the LORD called ... Abraham, Abraham: Gen 22:11
• he shall send His angel before thee, Gen 24:7
• Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep Ex 23:20
• So the angel of the Lord Judg 13:13
• The chariots of God ... even thousands of angels; Ps 68:17
• give his angels charge over thee, Ps 91:11
• He shall give his angels charge Matt 4:6
• Commanded His angels Luke 4:10
• This very night an angel of God, Acts 27:23
• that neither death, nor life, nor angels, Rom 8:38
• Though we, or an angel from heaven, preach Gal 1:8
• thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Heb 13:2
• For if God spared not the angels that sinned, 2 Pet 2:4
• angel of the church Rev 2:1
• Another strong angel coming down out of heaven, Rev 10:1
Angel of the LORD / Angel of the Lord
A supernatural messenger of God who carries out the will of God; seraph, cherub; a supernatural being
who can have supernatural powers; angels appeared to the shepherds to announce Jesus' birth, Luke
2:9-15 (heavenly host of angels); we are also given names of two angels- one is Gabriel Dan 8:16; 9:21;
Luke 1:19, 26; another is Michael the Archangel, Jude 1:9.
• Angel of the Lord called to Abraham Gen 22:15
• The Angel of the LORD appeared Ex 3:2
• I have seen the Angel of the Lord Judg 6:22
• Angel of the Lord said to Elijah 2 Kin 1:3
• Angel of the LORD went out and smote 2 Kin 19:35
• Angel of the LORD encamps around those Ps 34:7
• Angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph Matt 2:13
• Angel of the Lord opened the gate Acts 5:19
Wrath, rage, indignation, exasperation, ill temper; it is a very strong feeling of displeasure and
annoyance; ungodly anger is when we move from correcting someone to injuring or destroying a
person either physically or mentally or spiritually. DTP There is a place for righteous anger when one
sees the principles and teachings of God's Word being broken, but most often anger has its root,
jealousy and pride. Anger arises when one does not get what one wants or thinks is their right to have.
The disciple must remember that we live in the age of grace and as God pours grace and mercy out
on us we too need to pour it out on others also. We need to think and pray before we speak and do
something to another.
• Then Jacob's anger burned against Rachel: Gen 30:2
• let not thine anger burn against thy servant: Gen 44:18
• anger of the LORD was kindled against Moses, Ex 4:14
• The anger of the LORD was kindled Num 11:10
• to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, Neh 9:17
• His anger endureth but a moment; in his favor Ps 30:5
• Provoke him to anger with their high places, Ps 78:58
• slow to anger and plenteous in mercy. Ps 103:8, (Ps 145:8)
• but grievous words stir up anger, Prov 15:1
• Do they provoke me to anger? saith the LORD: Jer 7:19
• Provoke me to anger with their graven images, Jer 8:19
• Repent and turn away from his fierce anger, Jon 3:9

• The LORD is slow to anger and great in power, Nah 1:3
• Mine anger was kindled against the shepherds, Zech 10:3
• Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger Eph 4:31
• Anger, wrath, malice, Col 3:8
• Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, Col 3:21
The belief that there are spirits or disembodied souls or gods living in all natural objects; it is believed
that the physical and the spiritual worlds have a strong connection to each other; animists try through
various means, including animal sacrifices, to manipulate these spirits by manipulating the physical
anoint / anointest / anointed
To rub with oil, smear on; often oil was used to symbolize the presence of God being moved from one
person to another, the Holy Spirit was symbolized also as anointing oil for setting someone apart for
ministry and for the prayer of healing (James 5:14). DTP Whatever the disciple does should be
anointed by the Holy Spirit and, secondly, God uses people to anoint us with oil as a symbol to others
that we have been set aside for God's service. We are not to serve with our own power and strength
but with the power and strength that come through the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
• anoint them, and consecrate them, Ex 28:41
• pour it upon his head, and anoint him. Ex 29:7
• the LORD in the day when he is anointed Lev 6:20
• and he shall walk before mine anointed for ever 1 Sam 2:35
• LORD hath anointed thee to be captain 1 Sam 10:1
• Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him 1 Sam 16:13
• And there they anointed David king over the house of Judah 2 Sam 2:4
• Touch not mine anointed, and do my 1 Chr 16:22
• Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth Ps 23:5
• The LORD ... is the saving strength of his anointed Ps 28:8
• Hath anointed me to preach good tidings Isa 61:1 (Luke 4:18)
• For salvation with your anointed Hab 3:13
• anoint thine head, and wash thy face Matt 6:17
• anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed Mark 6:13
• kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment. Luke 7:38
• anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost Acts 10:38
• hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness Heb 1:9 (Ps 45:7)
• anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord James 5:14
Set apart, and having the presence of God on and in the person; such as is described in Luke 5:17 - And
the power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal the sick. Also used for praying for the sick by an elder of
the church.
• It shall be a holy anointing Ex 30:25
• And the anointing oil, Lev 8:2
• For the anointing oil of the LORD is upon you. Lev 10:7
• Yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. Isa 10:27
• anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ: James 5:14
• But the anointing which ye have received I John 2:27
A scientific study of man dealing with his origins, development, beliefs, culture, traditions physical
characteristics; from the Christian point of view, it is a study also of the physical and spiritual nature
of man; example, the fallen man and his sin nature and its effects on his world around him.
Means the attributing of human characteristics, behavior and actions to God; helps man to easily picture
in an understandable way how God relates to man. Examples: arm Rev 89:13; eye 2 Chr 16:9; hand
ESA 1:15; breathing Rev 33:6; resting Gen 2:2-3; standing Rev 35:2; etc.

False Christ, Christ's greatest enemy, a demonic leader who opposes Christ's teaching and authority; one
who deceives others into believing in non-biblical truth (2 John 1:7); anti means "in place of". DTP The
disciple needs to be aware that there will be many antichrists out to deceive and to destroy the
children of God. We must judge people's teaching and preaching by the Word of God and by the Holy
Spirit. We must be diligent to seek after that which is the truth and not that which seems pleasurable
to the flesh or mind.
• antichrist shall come, 1 John 2:18
• that spirit of antichrist, 1 John 4:3
• This is a deceiver and an antichrist. 2 John 1:7
It is a word that describes hostility toward and or persecution, that has been and is still today directed
at the Jewish people. In the past it has come most often from religious types; for example, Christians
who see the Jews as the "Christ killer" and that the Jews are responsible for putting Christ to death
on the Cross. But it is key for the Christians to see that the Jews are our older brothers and that God
has a perfect plan for them both now and in the future. All people of the world are under the direction
and plan of God Almighty.
anxiety/ anxious
Worried, uneasiness, disquiet, apprehension, fear, troubled mind, over-thinking; an emotional state
where the mind is not at peace but is being pulled in many directions. DTP Worry and fear are the
biggest enemies to the disciple's walk in Christ. They can become blinding to one's life and to cause
our minds to focus our lives on the cares of this world rather than on God and His Kingdom.
• Do not be anxious for your life, Matt 6:25 NASB
• Do not be anxious for nothing; Phil 4:6 NKJB
Another name for the book of Revelation; a spiritual vision of things dealing with traumatic end time
world events, sometimes known as the "Last Days". All mankind will be judged and Satan and all his
demons are cast into the eternal Lake of Fire.
Means "hidden things"; Christian religious texts, related to the Bible, not genuine or canon, the Catholic
and Orthodox churches have included these ancient Jewish books into their Holy Scripture. (Some of
the names are Tobit, Judith, the Wisdom of Solomon, Sirach, Baruch, 1 & 2 Maccabees, plus others).
Desertion, backsliding, rejecting religious faith and beliefs, falling away, or departing from faith in Christ
• I will heal their apostasy Hos 14:4 NASB
• Not come unless the apostasy comes first 2 Thes 2:3 NASB
apostle / apostles
One who is sent, missionary, messenger; Jesus picked 12 apostles who would be "sent out ones" of the
Gospel of Christ to a lost world. DTP One of the fivefold ministries is the leadership position of
apostleship. This is a person to whom God gives what we may call "the bigger vision"; they can see
the bigger picture and as an elder they can help in giving direction to a number of churches at one
time. Paul and Barnabus, Apollos, etc., were all apostles of Christ because they were sent ones to the
• the twelve apostles Matt 10:2
• he chose twelve, whom also he named apostles; Luke 6:13
• he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him. Luke 22:14
• continued steadfastly in the apostle's doctrine Acts 2:42
• Barnabas took him, and brought him to the apostles, Acts 9:27
• called to be an apostle, Rom 1:1
• in as much as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, Rom 11:13
• God hath set some in the church, first apostles, 1 Cor 12:28
• For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, 2 Cor 11:13
• The apostles except James Gal 1:19

• Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ Eph 1:1
• And he gave some, apostles; Eph 4:11
• I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, 1 Tim 2:7
• Paul an apostle of Christ Jesus 2 Tim 1:1
• The Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Heb 3:1
• apostles of the Lamb. Rev 21:14
Apostles' Creed
This was a statement that was used by the disciples to remember the basic fundamentals of their faith,
plus it was a tool for sharing their faith about Jesus Christ with others. It can be broken down into
three parts, highlighting the Triune God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
• I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only
Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He
suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the
third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will
come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the
communion of the saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.
apostleship, gift
This gift is part of the fivefold leadership ministry that Paul tells us, is given to the various churches by
the Holy Spirit for the perfecting of the saints and for the work of ministry. It is a person who is a sent
one and overseer, a big picture person who can help direct the church for service in Christ.
• ministry and apostleship, Acts 1:25
• received grace and apostleship, Rom 1:5
A piece of fruit which could be red, green or yellow in colour and the flesh inside is white. The apple
represented a special and beautiful piece of fruit.
• he kept him as the apple of his eye. Deut 32:10
• as the apple of the eye, Ps 17:8
• like apples of gold Pro 25:11
• let not the apple of thine eye cease. Lam 2:18
• toucheth the apple of his eye. Zech 2:8
apply / applied
To request, to appeal for, to relate to, to cover over with something, to take action or make an effort.
DTP The disciple needs to draw near to the Lord and apply himself to or be connected with Him. We
are to work at becoming deeper connected in wisdom, knowledge and understanding to God.
• That we may apply our hearts unto wisdom, Ps 90:12
• and apply thine heart to understanding; Prov 2:2
• and apply thine heart unto my knowledge. Prov 22:17
• I applied mine heart to know, and to search, Eccl 7:25
• and applied my heart unto every work that is done Eccl 8:9
• When I applied mine heart to know wisdom, Eccl 8:16
appoint / appointed
To set aside or to select someone to a special position of leadership or ministry. DTP God does appoint
people for a season or for a long term to do specific things for Him within the church and out in the
world. Some may use the word "calling', to be set aside for a specific service.
• And thou shalt appoint Aaron and his sons, Num 3:10
• appoint me ruler over the people of the LORD. 2 Sam 6:21
• thy power preserve thou those that are appointed to die; Ps 79:11
• salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks Is 26:1
• The Lord appointed other 70 also and sent Luke 10:1
• I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed Luke 22:29
• Seven men ... whom we may appoint over this business. Acts 6:3
• For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to 1 Thes 5:9
• as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after Heb 9:27

Accepted, known, come into agreement with. DTP The disciple becomes approved by God by giving one's
life into His hand as your Lord and Saviour, and by doing that we the receive His grace and
righteousness which makes it possible to stand before as a child of God.
• a man approved of God Acts 2:22
• also approve of those who practice them. Rom 1:32 NKJB
• to God, and approved of men. Rom 14:18
• Salute Apelles approved in Christ. Rom 16:10
• Study to shew thyself approved unto God, 2 Tim 2:15
The study of material remains from the past; excavation of ancient burial sites and cities, and examining
the findings. Inscriptions are deciphered and the artefacts dated to a timeline. Involves research into
the people and their culture and traditions
Seraph, angel, cherub; it seems that in the realm of angels, the Bible gives us glimpses of angels who
hold higher rank over others and have various types of ministry in the heavenly realm.
• With the voice of the archangel, I Thes 4:16
• Yet Michael the archangel Jude 1:9 NASB
Structural design, building, planning, construction; often the planning, blueprinting and overseeing of
the construction of all aspects of the building.
To get up, or to come into existence, to begin or start, to come forth, to grow up, to bud forth. Christ
came forth from death to life. DTP For the disciple it is time to live like we are alive in Christ that His
blood and DNA is flowing through us.
• Arise walk through the land Gen 13:17
• Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan Josh 1:2
• There arose a little cloud out of the sea, 1 Kin 18:44
• We his servants will arise and build but ye Neh 2:20
• Arise, O Lord; save me, O my LORD: Ps 3:7
• Arise for our help ... redeem us for thy mercies' Ps 44:26
• Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: Ps 68:1
• Arise, shine for thy light is come, Isa 60:1
• Arise, call upon thy God, Jonah 1:6
• Sun of righteousness arise with healing in Mal 4:2
• For there shall arise false Christs Matt 24:24
• Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, Acts 22:16
• The day star arise in your heart: 2 Pet 1:19
The word ark in the Bible has two meanings, one is the name of the boat that Noah built; Genesis
chapters 6 to 8; Matt 24:38; Luke 17:27; the other is the name given as a short form for the Ark of the
Covenant, Exodus chapters 24 to 40, Heb 9:4.
• Make thee an ark of gopher wood; Gen 6:14
• Sent forth the dove out of the ark; Gen 8:10
• she took for him an ark of bulrushes, Ex 2:3
• To bring up ... the ark of God, 2 Sam 6:2
• David ... prepared a place for the ark of God. 1 Chr 15:1
• Day that Noah entered into the ark, Matt 24:38
• Noah entered into the ark, Luke 17:27
• Seen in the temple ate ark of his testament: Rev 11:19
ark of the covenant
Box carried with poles, representing God's presence, contained Aaron's rod that budded, a golden pot
that contained manna, and the tablets of the covenant (10 commandments).
• Before the ark of the testimony (covenant) Ex 40:5

• To bear the ark of the covenant Deut 10:8
• Ye see the ark of the covenant of the LORD Josh 3:3
• The ark of the covenant of God was there Judg 20:27
• When the ark of the covenant 1 Sam 4:5
• The ark of the covenant of the Lord Jer 3:16
• Censer and the ark of the covenant Heb 9:4
ark of the LORD
A container, box carried with poles representing God's presence and His testament Rev 11:19; it was
kept in the Holy of Holies in the tabernacle and later in the same place in the temple.
• Pass over before the ark of the LORD your God Josh 4:5
• What shall we do to the ark of the LORD? 1 Sam 6:2
• brought in the ark of the LORD, 2 Sam 6:17
• thou barest the ark of the LORD God 1 Kin 2:26
An extension, a human limb from the upper part of the body, a member or branch that extends off the
main body. DTP God is always extending His loving arm out to us but as disciples we need to be
extending arms of love and encouragement to others, both in the church and in the community.
• I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, Ex 6:6
• underneath are the everlasting arms: Deut 33:27
• For the arms of the wicked shall be broken: Ps 37:17
• Thou hast with thine arm redeemed thy people, Ps 77:15
• Thou has a mighty arm: Ps 89:13
• my hand ... mine arm also shall strength him. Ps 89:21
• mine arms shall judge the people; Isa 51:5
• LORD hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes Isa 52:10
• mine own arm brought salvation unto me; Isa 63:5
• I have made the earth ... by my outstretched arm, Jer 27:5
• took them up in his arms, ... and blessed them. Mark 10:16
• He hath showed strength with his arm; Luke 1:51
• with an high arm brought he them out Acts 13:17
The Jezreel Valley of northern Israel, there will be a great end time battle there in the valley of
Armageddon. Also referred to as the valley of Megiddo.
• In the Hebrew tongue Armageddon Rev 16:16
A teaching concerning one's salvation; salvation is not secure but can be lost; this doctrine was proposed
by Jacob Arminius (1560 to 1609) the main emphasis being that God gave to man choice and freedom
when it came to salvation (the question of free-will); this contrasted with Calvinism.
This is equipment that is put on to help protect the soldier in times of battle. DTP As a disciple we are
soldiers fighting in a spiritual battle and Paul exhorts us to put on the full armour of God.
• and stripped off his armour, 1 Sam 31:9
• girds on his armour 1 Kin 20:11 NASB
• put on the armour of light. Rom 13:12
• armour of righteousness 2 Cor 6:7
• Put on the whole armour Eph 6:11
army / armies
Military, soldiers, a group of people who unite together under a leader or flag to go forth and do battle
against an enemy. DTP The church and the disciples need to see and comprehend that we are part of
an army. We are involved in a spiritual battle with a real enemy who is seeking to destroy and kill. We
need to come together under our captain Jesus Christ and be willing and obedient to carry out His
• the chief captain of his army. Gen 26:26
• battle in array, army against army. 1 Sam 17:21

• terrible as an army with banners. Song 6:4
• he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those Matt 22:7
• number of the army of the horsemen Rev 9:16
• And the armies which were in heaven Rev 19:14
ascend / ascended / ascending
Rise, climb, soar, and go up: one day all believers in Christ will ascend to heaven where we will meet
Christ face to face.
• Angels of God ascending and descending on it. Gen 28:12
• Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? Ps 24:3
• ascended on high ... led captivity captive Ps 68:18
• I will ascend to heaven, Is 14:13
• I will ascend above the heights Is 14:14
• ascending and descending upon the Son of man. John 1:51
• you shall see the Son of man ascend up John 6:62
• When he ascended up on high Eph 4:8
• that ascended up far above all Eph 4:10
• Who shall ascend into heaven? Rom 10:6
Describes or testifies that 40 days after rising from the dead (Resurrection day), Jesus ascended into the
heavenlies to be seated at the right hand of the Father. After Jesus resurrected from the dead it was
a number of days later He ascended into heaven (Acts 1:9-10).
Climb, elevation; to move upward from the foot of a mountain; moving from a lower point to a higher
• to the ascent of Akrabbim, Num 34:4
• And David went up by the ascent of mount Olivet, 2 Sam 15:30
• and his ascent by which he went up unto the house of the LORD; 1 Kings 10:5
• and his ascent by which he went up into the house of the LORD; 2 Chr 9:4
The dust or residue that is left behind after something is burned; a cinder, embers, soot.
• But dust and ashes: Gen 18:27
• From the ash heap 1 Sam 2:8 NASB
• Repent in dust and ashes. Job 42:6
• Sackcloth and ashes. Luke 10:13
Feeling shame or guilt, feeling embarrassed or remorse for some type of action, an emotion of the heart
and mind. DTP The disciple needs to keep short accounts before Christ so that when he or she meets
Christ they will not be ashamed of how they have lived here on earth.
• And were not ashamed. Gen 2:25
• Let me not be ashamed; for I put Ps 25:20
• LORD, do I put my trust; let me never be ashamed: Ps 31:1
• In that day shalt thou not be ashamed Zep 3:11
• Whosoever ... shall be ashamed of me Mark 8:38
• Whosoever shall be ashamed of me Luke 9:26
• For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: Rom 1:16
• Believeth on him shall not be ashamed. Rom 9:33
• Nevertheless I am not be ashamed: 2 Tim 1:12
• A workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly 2 Tim 2:15
• God is not ashamed to be called their God: Heb 11:16
• A Christian, let him not be ashamed; 1 Pet 4:16
• And not be ashamed before him at his coming. 1 John 2:28

asherah / asherah pole
A Canaanite fertility goddess often associated with Baal worship; wooden pole used as a symbol for the
Canaanite god and marked a place to worship her; Israel was not to worship any other gods, Deut
12:3; the people of Israel were to tear down all the asherah poles and burn them (Ex 34:13).
To say or write something to another with the hope to get some type of response; to get an answer or
information; to expect or demand something. DTP In Matt 7:7, Jesus was showing the disciples how
they must approach God in their prayer life. We are to come before the Father in heaven and boldly
ask of Him concerning our needs and most of all His will for our lives. Asking is how we get answers
and direction for our lives and for the lives of others.
• ask thy father, and he will show thee; Deut 32:7
• ask what I shall give thee. 1 Kin 3:5 (2 Chr 1:7)
• Ask thee a sign of the LORD thy God, Isa 7:11
• Ask ye of the LORD rain in the time Zech 10:1
• Give to him that asketh thee, Matt 5:42
• What things ye have need of, before ye ask him. Matt 6:8
• Ask, and it shall be given you; Matt 7:7
• Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, Matt 21:22
• Ask, and it shall be given you; Luke 11:9
• Give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? Luke 11:13
• Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, John 14:13
• Ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be John 15:7
• That whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father John 15:16
• Abundantly above all that we ask or think, Eph 3:20
• You lack wisdom, let him ask of James 1:5
• And war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. James 4:2
• If we ask anything according to His will, 1 John 5:14
• He shall ask and he shall give him life for 1 John 5:16
To bring or gather together, to gather together in a church or synagogue, a congregation of people. DTP
The disciple should always try to make it possible that at least once a week that they assemble
together with other believers. One can gather strength and encouragement from others if one will
take the time to come together. Where two or three are gathered Christ is in our midst guiding and
directing His body the church (Matt 18:19-20).
• They assemble all the congregation together Num 1:18
• Assemble all the men of Judah within three days, 2 Sam 20:4
• assembled with fasting, and with sackclothes, Neh 9:1
• Assemble yourselves and come; draw near together, Isa 45:20
• Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, Joel 1:14 (Joel 2:15)
• Sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, Joel 2:16
• assembled themselves with the church, and taught Acts 11:26
• good unto us, being assembled with one accord, Acts 15:25
• Forsaking the assembling of yourselves together, Heb 10:25
Pledge, declaration, guarantee, oath, promise. DTP once we receive Jesus Christ into our hearts, the Holy
Spirit gives to the believer assurance and peace that we are children of God (1 Thes 1:5). When we
put our faith in Christ Jesus He gives to us through the Holy Spirit an assurance that we have been
forgiven and that we are His children. He gives us the Holy Spirit into our hearts as a guarantor or as
an assurance that we are part of His body the Church for which He will soon come back.
• righteousness quietness and assurance for ever. Is 32:17
• He hath given assurance unto all men, Acts 17:31
• Of the full assurance of salvation, Col 2:2
• In the Holy Spirit and with full assurance; 1 Thes 1:5
• A full assurance of hope unto the end; Heb 6:11
• In full assurance of faith, having our Heb 10:22
assurance of salvation
The actual phrase is not used in the Bible, but the concept is taught extensively throughout the New
Testament; once we confess our sin and believe in our hearts (Rom 10:9-10) we can have full
confidence and assurance of salvation; that once we finish our journey here on earth, we will spend
eternity in heaven. Examples of this teaching from Scripture; Heb 6:11; 1 John 5:11-13.
astrology / astrologers
A supposed science that is founded on a belief that the planets, stars and moon have an influence upon
human affairs; people's horoscopes are based on this teaching. Many westerners are strong believers
in this teaching and read their horoscopes daily from the newspaper or books; it is believed that the
Magi were astrologers.
• let now the astrologers, the stargazers, Isa 47:13
• to call the magicians, the astrologers, the sorcerers, Dan 2:2
A teaching that holds or believes that there is no God; atheist, doubter, nonbeliever; a person who denies
or disbelieves the existence of God.
Substitutionary sacrifice; in the Old Testament various sacrifices were made to atone for the peoples'
sins or wrong doing, in the New Testament Christ became the sacrificial lamb who atoned for those
who put their trust in Him. He shed His blood for the price that was needed to pay for our personal
sins, making it possible that we could be redeemed from sin and death.
Reconciliation, penitence, compensation, making amends, recompense; the removal or forgiveness of
sin through a sacrifice, resulting in our acceptance before God (Ex 32:30-32); something that makes
up for a wrong or harmful act. DTP In the New Testament Christ became the sacrificial lamb who
atoned for those who put their trust in Him. He shed His blood for the price that was needed for our
personal sins.
• Once in the year shall he make atonement Ex 30:10
• To make atonement on his behalf Lev 1:4
• Shall make atonement for him Lev 4:35
• Priest shall make atonement on his behalf for his sin Lev 5:10
• Given ... to make atonement for them before the LORD? Lev 10:17
• Offering it before the LORD and make an atonement for Lev 12:7
• Is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul, Lev 17:11
• Shall make an atonement for all the congregation Num 15:25
• To make atonement for Israel, Neh 10:33 (Num 28:22)
• Make atonement for iniquity, Dan 9:24 NASB
• We have now received the atonement. Rom 5:11
atoning death
For sin to be atoned, something had to give its life for another; blood had to be shed on an altar to
appease or make substitution for the one who had sinned (PRU 30:10).
King James Bible uses the word mind or minded 1 Cor 2:16; Phil 2:5; 3:15; approach, outlook, manner,
stance, position, mind-set. Jesus gave us the beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount - wisdom
proverbs teaching on how we should act and think toward each other as people (Matt 5:1-11); the
disciple of Christ is to have the mind or attitude of Christ (Phil 2:5).
Qualities, characteristics, traits, aspects, elements; we use this word to explain the nature and
characteristics of who God is. God can be known as all things to all people.
Writer, novelist, biographer; we are told that Christ is the author and finisher of our faith. He has written out
the plan that He has for our life; that's why we are called letters that people can read (2 Cor 3:2, 3).
• God is not the author of confusion, 1 Cor 14:33
• became the author of eternal salvation Heb 5:9

• the author and finisher of our faith; Heb 12:2
Power, ability, influence, weight; in God there is all authority over everything in heaven and on earth (1
Cor 15:24). Christ, at the end of his earthly ministry, gave authority to the disciples (Tit 2:15). DTP
When the disciple abides in Christ he becomes the channel of Christ's authority and power to flow
through, not because of who we are but because of who He is in us. We become His ambassadors of
reconciliation to a lost world.
• When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: Prov 29:2
• Taught them as one having authority, Matt 7:29
• I am a man under authority, having soldiers Matt 8:9
• That are great exercise authority upon Matt 20:25
• For with authority commanded he even Mark 1:27
• Gave them power and authority over all Luke 9:1
• All rule and all authority 1 Cor 15:24
• Speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority Tit 2:15
• Authority and powers being made subject unto 1 Pet 3:22
avenge / avenged
Vindicate, bear a grudge, to be ruthless, unforgiving, to take revenge for something that has been done
to you.
• Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge Lev 19:18
• Will avenge the blood of his servant Deut 32:43
• The Lord hath avenged my Lord 2 Sam 4:8
• And avenge me of mine enemies; Isa 1:24
• Saying, avenge me of my adversary. Luke 18:3
• Avenged him that was oppressed, Acts 7:24
• Beloved, avenge not yourself, Rom 12:19
awake / awaken / awakening
In the 1800, a movement known as the "Great Awakening" turned hundreds of Christians back to Christ
as their Lord and Saviour. They were asleep in religion, but became alive spiritually in Christ Jesus.
God often called Israel to awake from their sleep; they had fallen asleep or walked away from God's
presence and direction for their lives. The Great Awakening was a great revival of waking man up out
of his spiritual sleep. DTP Each day God challenges believers to awake, not to be asleep when it comes
to their faith and walk in Christ. Today there is a great need in this area both in one's life personally
and in the churches. We need to pray for a last day awakening.
• Awake, awake, Deborah: awake, awake, utter a song: arise, Judg 5:12
• Stir up thyself, and awake to my Ps 35:23
• Awake, awake put on strength, O arm of Isa 51:9
• Awake, awake; stand up. O Jerusalem, Isa 51:17
• Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, Zech 13:7
• Is high time to awake out of sleep: Rom 13:11
• Awake to righteousness, and sin not; 1 Cor 15:34
• Awake thou that sleepest, and arise Eph 5:14
axe / axes
A tool most often used for cutting trees down; may also be used as a weapon of war or in defense of
one's property and family; in the Bible it was part of a miracle that happened with Elisha (2 Kin 6:5-
• with the axe cut down the tree, Deut 19:5
• to sharpen every man ..., his axe, 1 Sam 13:20
• iron picks and iron axes, 2 Sam 12:31
• The axe head fell into the water: 2 Kin 6:5
• with axes and hammers. Ps 74:6
• Thou art my battle axe Jer 51:20
• the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: Matt 3:10
• the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: Luke 3:9

These letters represent the time period before the birth of Christ, "Before Christ". This dating system
was devised in 525. Since the later 20th century B.C.E. is used to mean "Before Common Era" to help
show sensitivity to non-Christians.
Name of a god that was worshipped in the Old Testament; Canaanite god of fertility and agriculture.
Israel was forbidden to worship any other gods but Yahweh (Ex 34:13-14). Elijah took a stand against
the prophets of Baal and defeated them as a testimony to all the people of Israel (Ex 18:19-40).
• Brought him up into the high places of Baal Num 22:41
• forsook the LORD and served Baal Judg 2:13
• went and served Baal and worshipped him 1 Kin 16:31
• called on the name of Baal 1 Kin 18:26
• knees ... not bowed unto Baal 1 Kin 19:18 (Rom 11:4)
• Jehu destroyed Baal out of Israel 2 Kin 10:19-28
• Made them molten images ... and served Baal 2 Kin 17:16
• bowed a knee to the image of Baal Rom 11:4
Babylon / Babylonian captivity
It was prophesied by Jeremiah that the day was coming when Jerusalem would be destroyed, and its
people and treasures hauled off to Babylon; this took place around the year 605 BC and lasted until
536 BC. This is when God calls Ezra to go back and rebuild the Temple and for Nehemiah to rebuild
the walls of the city of Jerusalem. Babylon was a rich and beautiful city full of temples to other gods
and this is where the captives of Israel were taken.
• From a far country, even from Babylon 2 Kin 20:14 (Isa 39:3)
• Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon 2 Kin 25:1
• and carried the people away to Babylon Ezra 5:12
• Ezra went up from Babylon ... a ready scribe in the law Ezra 7:6
• by the rivers of Babylon there we sat Ps 137:1
• answered and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen Isa 21:9
• were carried away captive unto Babylon Jer 40:1
• the word that the LORD spake against Babylon Jer 50:1
• to destroy all the wise men of Babylon Dan 2:12
• and I will carry you away beyond Babylon Acts 7:43
• she who is in Babylon 1 Pet 5:13
• Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city Rev 14:8 (Rev 18:2)
backbite / backbiters / backbiting
To speak out against someone, to slander the character or name.
• backbite not with tongue Ps 15:3
• backbiters, haters of God Rom 1:30
• wrath, strifes, backbiting, whisperings 2 Cor 12:20
backslider / backsliding
A person who once knew and followed God or Christ but then has rejected His teaching and turned their
back towards Him and have "slid off", going down another direction. DTP One who slides back to the
ways of the world. If we do not resist the pull of the world we will find ourselves falling back into its
grip and destruction.
• Backslider in heart ... filled with his own ways Prov 14:14
• thee and thy backslidings shall reprove Jer 2:19
• thou backsliding Israel, Jer 3:12
• return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backsliding Jer 3:22
• my people are bent to backsliding Hos 11:7
• I will heal their backsliding, Hos 14:4

This word can represent a person or a thing. This is a little word with a strong meaning. Something that
is awful, terrible, dreadful, appalling, shocking, evil or rotten. DTP The day is coming in which all that
has been done, good or bad, will be brought before the judgment seat of Christ, to receive that which
we have sowed here on earth.
• we cannot speak unto the bad or good Gen 24:50
• change it, a good for a bad or a bad for Lev 27:10
• whether it be good or bad Num 13:19
• that I may discern between good and bad 1 Kin 3:9
• they were so bad Jer 24:2
• cast the bad away Matt 13:48
• he hath done, whether it be good or bad 2 Cor 5:10
Of weights that ensures stability; mental or emotional stability; sometimes called a balance scale. It
would often been two dishes, one on one side holding predetermined weight that one would measure
by, the other dish on the opposite side would hold the product that one would measure out for sale
to a customer. DTP The word balance was also used when it comes to one's life. We are to keep all
things in balance, not living or acting to one extreme to another. Christ holds within His hands a set
of balance scales that He will judge by that which we have done or not done.
• just balance, just weights Lev 19:36
• a false balance is abomination to the LORD Prov 11:1
• a just weight and balance are the Lord's Pro 16:11
• taken thee balances to weigh Ezek 5:1
• thou are weighed in the balances Dan 5:27
• a pair of balances in his hand Rev 6:5
A medicine for which Gilead was known for, a salve that had healing properties, obtained from the storax
tree. It was most often rubbed on to the skin or sore area of the body. DTP The word balm can
figuratively mean spiritual healing for people's many types of cares and concerns.
• their camels bearing spicery and balm Gen 37:25
• a present, a little balm and a little honey Gen 43:11
• is there no balm in Gilead Jer 8:22
• go up into Gilead and take balm Jer 46:11
• take balm for her pain Jer 51:8
• honey, and oil and balm Eze 27:17
banner / banners
Flag, standard, ensign, colours; often a flag that shows who we belong to and are willing to fight for in
battle. God's banner over us is one of truth, love and salvation. DTP As disciples, we are to hold the
Word and Christ high as our flag so that all may know who we belong to and serve.
• of our God we will set up our banners Ps 20:5
• thou has given a banner to them Ps 60:4
• house, and his banner over me is love Song 2:4
• terrible as an army with banners Song 6:4, 10
• lift ye up a banner upon the high Isa 13:2
• the Holy Spirit of the LORD will lift up a banner (or standard) Is 59:19
baptism / baptize / baptized / baptizing
Immersion, covering over, buried; initiation, introduction, beginning, body immersion, death to life; the
disciples were commanded to go out and make other disciples, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matt 28:19); later the disciples are told that they would be baptized with
fire by the Holy Spirit (Matt 3:11). DTP All disciples must make a personal decision to follow Christ in
the waters of baptism; this act is to be a sign and testimony that we have died to self and now live
totally for Christ.
• baptize you with water Matt 3:11 (Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16; John 1:26)
• and Jesus, when he was baptized Matt 3:16

• baptized with the baptism that I am Matt 20:22 (Mark 10:39)
• baptizing them in the name of the Father Matt 28:19
• baptism of repentance Mark 1:4 (Luke 3:3; Acts 13:24; Acts 19:4)
• and with the baptism I am baptized with you will be baptized Matt 20:22 (Mark 10:39)
• he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved Mark 16:16
• baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized Acts 1:5 (11:16)
• believe Philip ... were baptized ... men and woman Acts 8:12
• here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized Acts 8:36
• Christ were baptized into His death Rom 6:3
• buried with him by baptism into death Rom 6:4 (Col 2:12)
• by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body 1 Cor 12:13
• baptized into Christ have put on Christ Gal 3:27
• one Lord, one faith, one baptism Eph 4:5
• buried with Him in baptism, wherein Col 2:12
• doctrine of baptism, and of laying on of hands Heb 6:2
Savage, uncivilized, rude, another name for foreigner; someone outside of the Jewish race. Today it
would mean, primitive or uncultured, having little education and probably unable to read or write.
• when the barbarians saw the venomous beast Acts 28:4
• both to the Greek and to the Barbarians Rom 1:14
• speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me 1 Cor 14:11
• uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian Col 3:11
The barn was often a building for storage; a place where one kept seed or equipment; it was also a place
to keep various kinds of animals.
• so shall thy barns be fill with Prov 3:10
• desolate, the barns are broken down Joel 1:17
• is the seed yet in the barn Hag 2:19
• do they reap, nor gather into barns Matt 6:26
• but gather the wheat into my barn Matt 13:30
• neither have storehouse nor barn Luke 12:24
barren / barreness
To be childless, sterile, infertile, unproductive; unable to have a child; unfruitful both physically and
spiritually. DTP The disciple is one who should produce fruit that will last for God's glory.
• but Sarai was barren Gen 11:30
• but Rachel was barren Gen 29:31
• sing, O barren, thou that didst not Isa 54:1
• because that Elisabeth was barren Luke 1:7
• they shall say, Blessed are the barren Luke 23:29
• ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful 2 Pet 1:8
This name or title that represented a child who was born out of wedlock (most often used in the KJB).
The parents were not officially married and in the eyes of the law this child had no claim to any
heritage of the father and did not receive the same treatment as a child of wedded parents; they
could not be recognized as a son or daughter. The word "illegitimate child" is used also used in some
• a bastard shall not enter into the Deut 23:2
• a bastard shall dwell in Ashdod Zech 9:6
• all are partakers, then are ye bastards Heb 12:8
A skirmish, a fight or a war; a clash, combat or conflict between individuals or groups of people. DTP
Spiritually, the disciple also does battle with an enemy who desires to destroy us. This is why the
disciple needs to put on daily the Full Armour of God.
• they joined battle with them Gen 14:8

• unto the men of war which went to the battle Num 31:21
• war upon them, who went out to battle, Num 31:27
• day unto battle against your enemies Deut 20:3
• out against the Philistines to battle 1 Sam 4:1
• assembled themselves, and ... came to the battle 1 Sam 14:20
• forth to the fight, and shouted for the battle 1 Sam 17:20
• the battle is the LORD'S, and he will give you 1 Sam 17:47
• be thou valiant ... and fight the LORD'S battle 1 Sam 18:17
• hast girded me with strength to battle 2 Sam 22:40 (Ps 18:39)
• not afraid ... the battle is not yours, but God's 1 Chr 20:15
• God to help us, and to fight our battles 2 Chr 32:8
• and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle Ps 24:8
• thou hast covered my head in the day of battle Ps 140:7
• stirred up to battle with a great a very great and mighty army Dan 11:25
• gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle Zech 14:2
• shall prepare himself to the battle 1 Cor 14:8
• to gather them to the battle Rev 16:14
• Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle Rev 20:8
A piece of wood or timber; a large piece of material used to span between two places; the main part of
weaver's machine. DTP Christ exhorts people to remove the beam from one own eye before trying to
remove the sliver from someone else's eye, or to put another way, do not judge someone else until
you judge yourself first.
• his spear was like a weaver's beam 1 Sam 17:7
• the thick beam were before them 1 Kings 7:6
• the beam out of the timber shall Hab 2:11
• but considerest not the beam that is in your own eye Matt 7:3
• cast out first the beam out of thine eye Luke 6:42
bear / born / bearing
This word can mean to carry or bring forth like a child. A woman in pregnancy bears a child within her
body but also can mean as one carries a burden in one mind and heart, or to carry a physical load on
one's personal body. DTP The disciple, even though he is saved, will still have to bear many things
here on earth because of the sin nature of man. We are afflicted on all sides (1 Cor 3:70) but we can
bear it because greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world.
• is greater than I can bear Gen 4:13
• art with child, and shalt bear a son Gen 16:11
• I bear you on eagles' wings and brought you Ex 19:4
• He that goeth forth ... bearing precious seed Ps 126:6
• they bear him upon the shoulders Isa 46:7
• Surely He has borne our grief's and carried Isa 53:4
• for He shall bear their iniquities Isa 53:11
• bear the sin of many and made intercession Isa 53:12
• therefore ye shall bear the reproach Mic 6:16
• heavy burdens and grievous to bear Matt 23:4
• and whosoever doth not bear his cross Luke 14:27
• to bear my name before the Gentiles Acts 9:15
• that ye may be able to bear it 1 Cor 10:13
• beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth 1 Cor 13:7
• always bearing about in the body the dying 2 Cor 4:10
• bear ye one another's burdens, and so Gal 6:2
• offered to bear the sins of many Heb 9:28
• Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree 1 Pet 2:24

Wild, ferocious animal; most of the verses concerning a beast deal with a wild animal, but there are also
verses in the Bible about a satanic beast that wars against the people of God and heaven. In the last
days people of the world will worship the beast and take on his mark which is the number 666 (Rev
• the beast had also four heads Dan 7:6
• the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit Rev 11:7
• voice, if any man worship the beast Rev 14:9
• had gotten the victory over the beast Rev 15:2
• men which had the mark of the beast Rev 16:2
• had received the mark of the beast Rev 19:20
Matt 5:3-11 list the beatitudes, ways of thinking, teaching of Jesus, proper attitudes for living. A short
statement communicating God's approval and blessing on how we should deal with things in our
Christian walk. These verses tend to start off with the word "blessed". There are more Beatitudes
found in Luke 6:20-22; Rev 1:3; 16:15; 19:9; 20:6; 22:7; 22:14 plus several other places throughout
the New Testament.
Temple name in Israel, it is also a word picture that is used to show that those who go out to share the
Good News (the Gospel) have beautiful feet in a spiritual sense (Rom 10:15).
• of the Temple which is call beautiful Acts 3:2
• alms at the beautiful gate of the Temple Acts 3:10
• how beautiful are the feet of them that Rom 10:15
Beelzebub / Baalzebub
A title that means "lord of the flies". The name was also used to designate a Canaanite god named Baal
(1 Kin 1:6). The Pharisees had accused Jesus of working together with Beelzebub or with Satan (Matt
12: 24-27).
• but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils Matt 12:24
• if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by Matt 12:27
• through Beelzebub the chief of the devils Luke 11:15
begin / began / begun / beginning
A starting point, come into being, create, arise, originate, to instigate, to activate, to establish,
inaugurate. DTP Every new believer has a starting point in Christ where we personally became His
child. Our life can be full of new beginnings. These points are the places where there was once no
fruit, but through Christ we can bear much fruit for His glory.
• In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth Gen 1:1
• Then began men to call upon the name of the LORD Gen 4:26
• Thou hast begun to shew thy servant thy greatness, Deut 3:24
• This day will I begin to magnify thee in the sight of all Israel, Josh 3:7
• When I begin, I will also make an end. 1 Sam 3:12
• Fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom Ps 111:10 (Prov 9:10)
• Thy word is true from the beginning: and every Ps 119:160
• Fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge Prov 1:7
• But from the beginning it was not so Matt 19:8 (Mark 13:8)
• All these are the beginning of sorrows Matt 24:8 (Mark 13:8)
• And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he Luke 24:27
• Beginning at Jerusalem Luke 24:47
• In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God John 1:1
• This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee John 2:11
• Which was kept secret since the world began Rom 16:25
• As he had begun, so he would also finish in you 2 Cor 8:6
• Having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made Gal 3:3
• From the beginning of the world hath been hid Eph 3:9
• Is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead Col 1:18

• He which hath begun a good work in you will Phil 1:6
• From the beginning chosen you to salvation 2 Thes 2:13
• Given us in Christ ... before the world began 2 Tim 1:9
• Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth Heb 1:10
• Judgment must begin at the house of God 1 Pet 4:17
• I am ... the beginning and the ending Rev 1:8 (Rev 21:6; 22:13)
Produced, created, to bring about; something that has been created, to generate or to bring about. DTP
The disciple of Christ undergoes a transformation. We become through faith in Christ a new creation.
The old has been passed away and we have become new.
• The glory as of the only begotten of the Father John 1:14
• The only begotten Son ... he hath declared him John 1:18
• God so loved ... that he gave his only begotten Son John 3:16
• Abraham ... offered up his only begotten son Heb 11:17
• God sent his only begotten Son into the world 1 John 4:9
• Jesus Christ ... the first-begotten of the dead Rev 1:5
Some feel that this word relates to a very large beast or animal, even dinosaur in size.
• behold now behemoth, which I made with Job 40:15
behold / beheld
To see or observe, to witness or watch, to consider or regard, to think on, to look with amazement, to
search, to study or search out. DTP Disciples need to have their eyes open to see what the Lord is
doing around them. God is doing great things but often our eyes are closed or covered with scales
and do not see the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. We need to pray and ask God to open up our
spiritual eyes so we can then behold His magnificent works around us.
• When he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived Num 21:9
• For me, I will behold thy face in righteousness Ps 17:15
• To behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire Ps 27:4
• I may behold wondrous things out of the law Ps 119:18
• Then I beheld all the work of God, Eccl 8:17
• Say unto the cities of Judah, behold your God! Isa 40:9
• Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name Isa 65:1
• Their angels do always behold the face of Matt 18:10
• Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the John 1:29
• And Pilate said unto them, Behold the man! John 19:5
• And he saith unto the Jews, Behold your king! John 19:14
• Saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy Son! John 19:26
• While they beheld, he was taken up Acts 1:9
• Beheld as in a glass the glory of the Lord 2 Cor 3:18
• A man behold his natural face in a glass James 1:23
• behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious 1 Pet 2:6
• Behold I stand at the door and knock. I anyone hears my voice Rev 3:20
• After this I beheld, lo, a great multitude Rev 7:9
• behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, Rev 14:1
believe / believer / faith / trust
Consider, think, judge, trust, accept, faith, belief, hope, conviction, confidence; DTP These words explain
what the nature of a disciple's heart should be and how he should view things and to think about how
he should live and walk with God Almighty here on earth.
• Believe in the LORD; and he counted it to him Gen 15:6
• May believe that the LORD God of their fathers Ex 4:5
• Ye believe him not, nor hearkened to his voice Deut 9:23
• That did not believe in the LORD their God 2 Kin 17:14
• because they believed not in God Ps 78:22
• I believed, therefore I spoke Ps 116:10

• Teach me ... for I have believe thy commandments Ps 119:66
• believe me, and understand that I am he Isa 43:10
• believe that I am able to do this Matt 9:28
• ye shall ask in prayer believing Matt 21:22
• that all men through him might believe John 1:7
• forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him John 2:11
• whosoever believeth in him should not perish John 3:16
• he that believeth on him is not condemned... believeth not is John 3:18
• he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life John 3:36
• doest thou believe on the Son of God John 9:35
• he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live John 11:25
• be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me John 14:1
• howbeit many of the which heard the word believed Acts 4:4
• believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and Acts 16:31
• salvation to every one that believeth Rom 1:16
• if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord Rom 4:24
• we believe that we shall also live with him: Rom 6:8
• shalt believe in thine heart that God Rom 10:9
• with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, Rom 15:13
• even we have believed in Jesus Christ, Gal 2:16
• the promise ... might be given to them that believe Gal 3:22
• of His power toward us who believe Eph 1:19
• for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, 1 Thes 4:14
• believe on Him to everlasting life 1 Tim 1:16
• for I know whom I have believed and am 2 Tim 1:12
• of them that believe to the saving of the soul Heb 10:39
• Abraham believed God James 2:23
• That we should believe on the name of 1 John 3:23
• whosoever believeth that Jesus is Lord 1 John 5:1
• He that believe on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: 1 John 5:10
A term that expresses the deep compassion that God has for His Children. It gives the idea that one is
both beside and in the very heart of God. DTP It represents the kind of relationship that disciples
should have one toward another: equal, in unity, full of compassion and mercy.
• beloved of the LORD Deut 33:12
• that thy beloved may be delivered Ps 60:5
• this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased Matt 1:17
• I will send my beloved Son Luke 20:13
• in Rome beloved of God Rom 1:7
• Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, Rom 12:19
• accepted in the beloved Eph 1:6
• fast in the Lord my dearly beloved Phil 4:1
• elect, holy and beloved Col 3:12
• beloved, now are we the sons of God, and 1 John 3:2
• beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God 1 John 4:7
belt of truth
A band for encircling the waist; one part of the full armour of God. DTP The disciple is to clothe himself
before he goes into any spiritual warfare; something he should pray for each day. The belt of truth is
to cover his loins so that whatever he produces will be spoken and done in truth.
• girt your loins belt of truth Eph 6:14
Bema judgment seat
This is a throne where a ruler will pronounce judgment. DTP This is the place where believers will receive
their final judgment, where their service for Christ will be evaluated for the purpose of rewards. The
disciple has been justified and made righteous through Christ's shed blood on the cross.

• we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ Rom 14:10
• for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ 2 Cor 5:10
Blessing, approval, sanction; a pronouncement of a divine blessing over others, either written or spoken.
Examples are Gen 1:28; Heb 13:20-21.
The pouring out of God's great love and mercy toward us. We receive on the basis of His great gift of
grace, something that we could not get through our own works of righteousness. DTP These benefits
come from the very depths of the heart of God to us, His beloved. They are deep acts of kindness and
compassion, blessings that should fill our hearts and mouths with praise and worship toward our God.
• Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits Ps 68:19
• forget not all His benefits Ps 103:2
• partakers of the benefits 1 Tim 6:2
Kindness, compassion, generosity, goodwill; the desire to do good to others, acts of kindness.
• render unto the wife due benevolence 1 Cor 7:3
Berean people
Paul and Silas had a mission trip to Berea and many became disciples of Christ; Paul commends them
because they had received the Word and searched the Scriptures daily. They wanted to know the
truth concerning Jesus Christ. Acts 17:10-11 DTP We as disciples also need to be committed to
searching the scripture as individuals and groups of believers making sure that which is being
preached and taught lines up with the Word of God. It is key that we do this so we do not fall into
error or deception.
beseech / besought
A deep request from the heart of man to God. Calling out from the deepest parts of one being, a longing
to connect with God almighty; a desire to communicate at a place where the hearts of the two touch
each other in fellowship and understanding. Wanting to come into the very presence of God, desiring
to see Him face to face. DTP For the disciple, it is compelling one to draw closer to God and to each
other in Christ Jesus. James teaches that as we draw near to God, He will draw nigh to us (James 4:8).
• I beseech thee, show me thy glory Ex 33:18
• I humbly beseech thee that I may find 2 Sam 16:4
• In affliction, he beseeched the LORD his God 2 Chr 33:12
• I beseech thee, O LORD God of heaven Neh 1:5
• Esther ... fell down ... and besought him with tears Esth 8:3
• O LORD, I beseech thee, deliver my soul Ps 116:4
• save now, I beseech thee O LORD Ps 118:25
• beseech God that he will be gracious unto us Mal 1:9
• I beseech thee, look upon my son Luke 9:38
• I beseech you brethren, by the Rom 12:1
• beseech you that ye walk worthy of the Lord Eph 4:1
• but we beseech you, brethren, that ye 1 Thes 4:10
• I beseech you, brethren, suffer the Heb 13:22
• I beseech you ... abstain from fleshly lusts 1 Pet 2:11
Name means "house of bread"; also known as the city of David or the city of shepherds; Rachel was
buried there (Gen 35:16); the city of Boaz (Ruth 1:1, 9); the city of Joseph (Matt 2:5-6); birthplace of
Jesus (Mic 5:2; Luke 2:4, 15); the city where Herod slays the children (Matt 2:16-18).
• the same is Bethlehem Gen 48:7
• the LORD spake, and came to Bethlehem 1 Sam 16:4
• of the water of the well of Bethlehem 1 Chr 11:17
• now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem Matt 2:1
• city of David, which is called Bethlehem Luke 2:4
• of David, and out of the town of Bethlehem John 7:42

betray / betrayed
Deliver up, to give over to an enemy, violate the confidence, disclose a secret, ensnare, entrap; Jesus
shared with the disciples at the Lord's supper that one of them would betray Him (Matt 26:21, 23)
• be come to betray me to mine enemies 1 Chr 12:17
• the Son of man shall be betrayed into Matt 17:22
• shall betray one another, and shall Matt 24:10
• and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified Matt 26:2
• you, that one of you shall betray me Matt 26:21
• man by whom the Son of man is betrayed Mark 14:21
• ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and Luke 21:16
• Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him John 13:2
• in which he was betrayed took bread 1 Cor 11:23
Pledge in marriage, engaged to marry, Joseph was betrothed to Mary (espoused Matt 1:18) the church
is betrothed to Christ (2 Cor 11:2). It is a commitment made between man and women to keep
themselves pure until they are married. DTP The disciple is to remain clean and pure before Christ.
We are pledged to Christ to be married to Him as His bride at the marriage supper of the Lamb. Rev
• thou shalt betroth a wife and another Deut 28:30
• I will betroth thee unto me for ever Hos 2:19
• I will even betroth thee unto me in Hos 2:20
The word "better" is best understood by using the word comparison. DTP The disciple is striving to better
himself in Christ Jesus. Not just to meet the standard, but living well above the standard. One who is
going the second mile. A disciple who is motivated by love and desires to give to Him their best. It is
going above the normal standard to something higher and of more worth to our God.
• better for us to serve Ex 14:12
• behold, to obey is better than sacrifice 1 Sam 15:22
• because thy loving-kindness is better than life Ps 63:3
• please the Lord better Ps 69:31
• it is better to trust in the LORD than to put Ps 118:8
• how much better is it to get wisdom than gold! Prov 16:16
• two are better than one Eccl 4:9
• much more are ye better than the fowls Luke 12:24
• which is far better Phil 1:23
• esteem others better than themselves Phil 2:3
• being made so much better Heb 1:4
• for it is better if the will of God 1 Pet 3:17
The idea of this word is to keep our wits about ourselves. To be looking all around discerning what is of
the Lord and what is deception from our enemy. The word means to be careful, be curious, look out,
watch out, take heed and think twice before committing to something. The enemy never announces
his coming but strikes when we least expect it. DTP The Word encourages us to get a deeper
understanding of who we are in Christ and as servants of the Lord how we can defeat the enemies of
Christ. We need to keep our spiritual eyes open, watching to see were the enemy is, and from where
he will next attack.
• beware of him and obey his voice Ex 23:21
• then beware lest thou forget the LORD Deut 6:12
• now therefore beware, I pray thee and Judg 13:4
• beware of false prophets, which come Matt 7:15
• but beware of men: for they will deliver you up Matt 10:17
• beware of the leaven of the Pharisees Matt 16:6
• beware of the scribes, which love to Mark 12:38
• beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the Phil 3:2

• beware lest any man spoil you through Col 2:8
• beware ye also. being led away 2 Pet 3:17
Means Holy Script (Scripture), Word of God. The Bible is made up of 66 books from the Hebrew and
Greek Scriptures; the word Bible comes from the Greek word biblia which means books. (See Scripture
or Old and New Testaments). DTP For the disciple it is the infallible Word of God given or breathed
forth by God to man who, in turn, wrote these things down so that we could understand and come to
know God better.
• Through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures Rom 1:2
• All Scripture is God-breathed 2 Tim 3:16
Bible paraphrases
Explanation by amplifying, free wording, conveys a sense of the original but not necessarily a word for
word translation; this is where the Scriptures have been summarized or translated more by overall
thought than by specific words.
Bible translation
A rendering, interpretation, deciphering, changing words and ideas from one language into another;
translation means that the words of the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures have been translated from the
original meaning into another language. As of November 2012 the full Bible has been translated into
518 languages, and 2,798 languages have at least some portion of the Bible.
Biblical Theology
The study of God, through the teachings of the Bible; theology is developed through the study of the
complete Bible. We learn about who God is through the 66 books of the Bible plus from Church fathers
who have clarified our understanding of the Bible.
bind / bound
To tie up or fasten tightly together, to restrain, to fix or join strongly one thing to another. DTP Man can
be bound by physical ropes or chains, but one can also be bound by our emotions and by our spirits.
Our words and actions can bind us to a way of life that is not of God. Satan desires to bind us in all
ways, so that we will not be free to serve our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus has given us authority to bind
and loosen things here on earth and in heaven so that through His name we can be overcomers for
His glory. In being bound to Christ and His Word, we have true freedom.
• swear an oath to bind his soul Num 30:2
• thou shalt bind them for a sign upon Duet 6:8
• thou shalt bind this line of scarlet Josh 2:18
• they bound him with two new cords Judg 15:13
• the broken in heart and bind up their wounds Ps 147:3
• mercy and truth ... bind them about thy neck Prov 3:3
• bind them continually upon thine Prov 6:21
• he hath sent me to bind up the Isa 61:1
• of the prison to them that are bound Isa 61:1
• whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth Matt 16:19
• on earth shall be bound in heaven Matt 18:18
• of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound Luke 13:16
• this way unto the death, binding Acts 22:4
• is bound by the law to her husband so Rom 7:2
• but we are bound to give thanks always 2 Thes 2:13
• but the Word of God is not bound 2 Tim 2:9
The starting of life, a new beginning, delivery, to go into labour, childbirth.
• The birth of Jesus Christ was on the wise Matt 1:18
• And many shall rejoice at his birth Luke 1:14
• Of whom I travail in birth again until Gal 4:19
• Travailing in birth. Rev 12:2

Often the firstborn received double the heritage of the other sons; one's birthright was considered
sacred; this birthright was often given by the father to the children in his old age. DTP Because of
what Christ did on the cross we too can through salvation be "birthed" into the family of God. As
children of the Father we have many rights and privileges. (The Holy Spirit) is a deposit guaranteeing
our inheritance Ephesians 1:14 (Read the story of the Prodigal Son, Luke 15:11-32)
• and he sold his birthright Gen 25:33
• the firstborn according to his birthright Gen 43:33
• but the birthright was Joseph's 1 Chr 5:2
• for one morsel of meat sold his birthright Heb 12:16
Overseer, elder; church leader, often a pastor to pastors, or an overseer of many churches in a district;
Paul gave them a list of standards that they should live by.
• which are at Philippi, with the bishops Phil 1:1
• if a man desire the office of a bishop 1 Tim 3:1
• If a man desire the office of a bishop, 1 Tim 3:1-2
• for a bishop must be blameless, as the Tit 1:7
• the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls 1 Pet 2:25
A negative taste to the eating; sour, tart, vinegary, pungent or harsh. DTP This word can also represent
a negative result to our thinking and to our heart. A feeling that overcomes our mind and heart causing
one to be depressed or anxious.
• their lives bitter with hard bondage Ex 1:14
• shall enter into her, and become bitter Num 5:24
• and life unto the bitter in soul Job 3:20
• shoot their arrows, even bitter words Ps 64:3
• bitter-ness of heart and bitter wailing Eze 27:31
• wives, and be not bitter against them Col 3:19
• but if ye have bitter envying and James 3:14
bitter herbs
This mixture of plants was used as part of the Passover ceremony commemorating the Exodus of the
Jews from Egypt; symbolically it is to be used as a reminder of the suffering that the Jews underwent
in Egypt (Ex 1:14).
• with bitter herbs they shall eat it Ex 12:8
• with unleavened bread and bitter herbs Num 9:11
Resentment, anger, animosity, hostility, sourness; a negative feeling and / or emotion that grows,
causing a person to look at things or people in a very negative way; hard to bear, painful, (root of
bitterness) Heb 12:15, can express itself in extreme anger towards others. DTP The disciple needs to
continually be aware that he does not allow bitterness to take root within their heart, because this
can be very destructive in one's life.
• and she was in bitterness of soul 1 Sam 1:10
• will complain in the bitterness of my soul Job 7:11
• the heart knoweth his own bitterness Prov 14:10
• all my years in the bitterness of my soul Isa 38:15
• weep for thee with bitterness of heart Ezek 27:31
• that thou art in the gall of bitterness Acts 8:23
• mouth is full of cursing and bitterness Rom 3:14
• let all bitterness and wrath and anger Eph 4:31
• lest any root of bitterness springing up Heb 12:15
blaspheme / blasphemed / blasphemer
Profanity, wickedness, irreverence; one who speaks evil especially of God; in the Old Testament
blasphemy carried the death penalty of stoning. The unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy

• him, saying thou didst blaspheme God 1 Kin 21:10
• but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit Matt 12:31
• many other things blasphemously spake they Luke 22:65
• for the name of God is blasphemed among you Rom 2:24
• anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy Col 3:8
• of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed 1 Tim 6:1
• and upon his heads the name of blasphemy Rev 13:1
• opened his mouth in blasphemy against God Rev 13:6
Stain, spot, defect, flaw, imperfection, soiled, dirty. A lamb that was used for sacrifice was not to have
any kind of blemish on it. DTP The disciple is to be washed in the blood of the Lamb and come forth
without spot or wrinkle, clean before Christ, covered in His righteousness.
• your lamb shall be without blemish Ex 12:5
• year without blemish for a sin offering Num 6:14
• of his head there was no blemish in him 2 Sam 14:25
• without blemish for a sin offering Ezek 43:22
• children in whom was no blemish Eph 5:27
• of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish 1 Pet 1:19
bless / blessed
Sacred or holy: happy, highly favored; God pouring out His love and grace upon the believer in various
ways that one does not deserve. This word is used as part of the sayings of Christ in what is known as
the beatitudes: Matt 5:3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
• And God blessed them, saying be fruitful Gen 1:22
• Blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it Gen 2:3
• a great nation, and I will bless thee Gen 12:2
• come unto thee and I will bless the Ex 20:24
• the LORD bless thee and keep thee Num 6:24
• bless ye the LORD Judg 5:9
• stand up and bless the LORD your God for ever Neh 9:5
• I will bless the LORD at all times Ps 34:1
• bless the LORD, O my soul and forget Ps 103:1
• bless ye the LORD, all ye servants of the LORD Ps 134:1
• bless them that curse you, do good to Matt 5:44
• bless t hem which persecute you Rom 12:14
• hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings Eph 1:3
Sanctify, consecrate, approve, to exalt; to be raised or poured out upon with God's love and mercy; to
see the labours of thy hands; to have the blessing of God flowing through one's actions and life.
• God blessed them, saying, be fruitful Gen 1:22, 28
• Then God blessed the seventh day Gen 2:3
• as the LORD hath blessed me hitherto Josh 17:14
• blessed are the poor in spirit Matt 5:3
• in thee shall all nations be blessed Gal 3:8
• Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Eph 1:3
• blessed is the man that endureth James 1:12
• blessed be the God and Father of our 1 Pet 1:3
• blessed is he that readeth and they Rev 1:3
• blessed are they which are called upon Rev 19:9
• blessed are they that do this Rev 22:14
God pouring out His special favour and protection upon His people, a prayer or giving thanks to another
or to God. DTP When the disciple receives an extra blessing from the Lord it is good to take what one
has received and give it to another. The key point is to realize each day that God is always pouring out

his blessing and when we recognize this we will soon have a heart full of thankfulness and praise. The
Hymnists tells us, that we are to "count your blessings, name them one by one".
• I will bless thee ... and thou shalt be a blessing Gen 12:2
• That in blessing I will bless thee and in Gen 22:17
• The blessing of the LORD was upon all that he had Gen 39:5
• Before you this day a blessing and a curse Deut 11:26
• God turned the curse into a blessing Deut 23:5 (Neh 3:12)
• Read all the words ... the blessing and cursings Josh 8:34
• With thy blessing let the house ... be blessed 2 Sam 7:29
• The blessing of the LORD be upon you: we bless Ps 129:8
• The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich and he Prov 10:22
• So will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing Zech 8:13
• And pour you out a blessing, that there shall not Mal 3:10
• In the fullness of the blessing of the Gospel Rom 15:29
• Blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles Gal 3:14
• With all spiritual blessing in heavenly places Eph 1:3
• The same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing James 3:10
• Blessing and honor and glory ... be unto him Rev 5:13
blind / blindness / blindness
Sightless, visionless, unseeing / ignorant, undiscerning, without insight; the idea of blind or blindness is
used both in the physical and spiritual sense. People were not able to see either being born blind or
through an accident or sickness became blind. DTP The Bible teaches that there can also be a spiritual
blindness of the heart, people not being able to see the truth of God's word; Jesus often called the
Pharisees blind teachers. We need to ask the Holy Spirit in prayer to open up our spiritual eyes so that
we can see what really is going on around about us.
• or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind Ex 4:11
• The LORD openeth the eyes of the blind Ps 146:8
• To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners Isa 42:7
• I will bring the blind by the way that Isa 42:16 (see also verses 17 to 19)
• His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant Isa 56:10
• two blind men followed him, crying Matt 9:27
• the blind receive their sight and the Matt 11:5
• they be blind leaders of the blind Matt 15:14
• ye blind guides, which say, Whosoever Matt 23:16
• thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first Matt 23:26
• I know, that whereas I was blind, now I see John 9:25
• thou thyself art a guide of the blind Rom 2:19
• their minds were blind: for until this day 2 Cor 3:14
• the god of this world hath blinded the minds of 2 Cor 4:4
• because of the blindness of their hearts Eph 4:18
Life source for living animals and people. The blood represented physical life. DTP For the disciple it also
represents, when shed, the ability for one to be cleansed from sin. In the Old Testament there was
the shedding of blood and then it was sprinkled on the altar of God for the atonement of the people.
In the New Testament Christ shed His blood for those who would believe for the forgiveness of their
sins. The covering of Christ's blood allows us to be covered over in Christ's righteousness so that we
can come into the throne room of the Father.
• the voice of thy brother's blood Gen 4:10
• and they shall take the blood Ex 12:7
• sprinkle the blood upon the alter Ex 29:20
• blood shall be imputed unto that man: he hath Lev 17:4
• for it is the blood that maketh an atonement Lev 17:11
• for your hands are defiled with blood Isa 59:3
• for this is my blood of the new covenant Matt 26:28

• of blood falling down to the ground Luke 22:44
• and forthwith came there out blood John 19:34
• as a propitiation by His blood, Rom 3:25
• being now justified by his blood Rom 5:9
• cup is the New Testament in my blood I Cor 11:25
• have redemption through his blood Eph 1:7
• for we wrestle not against flesh and blood Eph 6:12
• we have redemption through his blood Col 1:14
• made peace through the blood of his cross Col 1:20
• and without shedding of blood is no remission Heb 9:22
• might sanctify the people with his own blood Heb 13:12
• through the blood of the everlasting covenant Heb 13:20
• with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb 1 Pet 1:19
• the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth 1 John 1:7
• washed us from our sins in his own blood Rev 1:5
• washed their robes ... in the blood of the Lamb Rev 7:14
• they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb Rev 12:11
body / bodies
Bulk, essence, group, organization. DTP The disciple of Christ is part of the body of Christ which is His
Church. The various disciples are all important parts to the body of Christ and must work together in
unity and harmony if the body is to function properly. Christ is the head of the body.
• Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body Rom 6:12
• the body is dead because of sin Rom 8:10
• for the adoption ... the redemption of our body Rom 8:23
• that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice Rom 12:1
• being many, are one body in Christ Rom 12:5
• not that your bodies are members of Christ? 1 Cor 6:15
• is joined to an harlot is one body I Cor 6:16
• Take, eat, this is My body which is broken,
• one body, being many, are one body 1 Cor 12:12
• now ye are the body of Christ and members 1 Cor 12:27
• For I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus, Gal 6:17
• both to God in one body through the cross, Eph 2:16
• there is one body and one Spirit Eph 4:4
• as Christ ... and he is the saviour of the body Eph 5:23
• also Christ shall be magnified in my body Phil 1:20
• and He is the head of the body Col 1:18
• putting off the body of the sins of the flesh Col 2:11
• through the offering of the body of Jesus Heb 10:10
• for as the body without the spirit is dead James 2:26
• bare our sins in his own body on the tree 1 Pet 2:24
body, flesh
The entire structure of a human organism. Soft tissue, fleshy tissue; DTP We are to remember Christ's
broken body as part of what He did for us on the cross.
• to the law by the body of Christ Rom 7:4
• this is my body which is broken for you 1 Cor 11:24
• unto God in one body by the cross Eph 2:16
bold / boldly
To be confident, daring, courageous, confident, valiant. DTP The disciple is encouraged to come boldly
into the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are also to stand firm upon the Word of God before
our enemies. We should not lose heart by the events around us, but with Christ we are able to boldly
overcome the trials of this life.
• But the righteous are bold as a lion Prov 28:1
• Lo, he speaketh boldly, and they say nothing John 7:26

• Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold Acts 13:46
• Therefore abode they speaking boldly in the Lord Acts 14:3
• I have written the more boldly unto you Rom 15:15
• Where in so ever any is bold ... I am bold also 2 Cor 11:21
• Are much more bold to speak the word Phil 1:14
• Might be much bold in Christ to enjoin thee Phlm 1:8
• Let us ... come boldly unto the throne of grace Heb 4:16
• So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper Heb 13:6
Courage, daring, bravery, valor, confidence. DTP The disciple needs to step out in boldness and not worry
what man can do to our body. We have died to self and now it is time to be bold in the Gospel of
Christ Jesus. Because we are in Christ, we can go beyond our own strength and ability and serve Christ
through His boldness and strength.
• now when they saw the boldness of Peter Act 4:13
• And they spake the word of God with boldness Acts 4:31
• in whom we have boldness and access with Eph 3:12
• be ashamed, but that with all boldness Phil 1:20
• good degree and great boldness in the faith 1 Tim 3:13
• let us therefore come boldly unto the Heb 4:16
• boldness to enter into the holiest by Heb 10:19
• We may have boldness in the day of judgment 1 John 4:17
To be in slavery or enforced servitude; to become tied or enslaved to anything. DTP Satan desires to hold
people in bondage to his will and he uses a variety of things like drinking, smoking, gambling, and
sexual lust to keep us in bondage and depression.
• their lives bitter with hard bondage Ex 1:14
• anguish of spirit and for cruel bondage Ex 6:9
• God hath not forsaken us in our bondage Ezra 9:9
• are brought unto bondage already Neh 5:5
• shall be delivered from the bondage of Rom 8:21
• again with the yoke of bondage Gal 5:1
bondservant / bond-servant
Being bonded together with another; a freewill commitment to serve another. DTP The disciple is a
bondservant of Jesus Christ. We are yoked together with Him in service and ministry.
• not compel him to serve as a bondservant Lev 25:39
• I would not be a bondservant of Christ Gal 1:10 (NASB)
A written or printed work, pages that are bound or glued together, a volume, manuscript; example, one
of the books of the Bible. In the times of the Bible a book could also mean a scroll (parchment). DTP
We are also are like a book that others can read. Our lives are a testimony that either reflects that we
are worldly or children of Jesus Christ. We are read daily by those who we come in contact each day.
We need to be careful of what is written down in our life's book.
• This is the book of the generations of Adam Gen 5:1
• Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book Ex 17:14
• And he took the book of the covenant, and read Ex 24:7
• If not, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book Ex 32:32
• To do all the words ... written in this book Deut 28:58
• This book of the law shall not depart out Josh 1:8
• Do all that is written in the book of the law Josh 23:6
• Joshua wrote these words in the book Josh 24:26
• Samuel ... wrote it in a book, and laid it 1 Sam 10:25
• Found the book of the law 2 Kin 22:8 (2 Chr 34:15)
• Read ... all the words of the book 2 Kin 23:2 (2 Chr 34:30)
• The book of the law of the LORD with them 2 Chr 17:9

• People were attentive unto the book of the law Neh 8:3
• They stood up ... and read in the book of the law Neh 9:3
• In the volume of the book it is Ps 40:7 (Heb 10:7)
• In thy book all my members were written Ps 139:16
• Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read Isa 34:16
• All the words that I have spoken ... in a book Jer 30:2
• And the book were opened Dan 7:10 (Rev 20:12)
• The book of the generation of Jesus Christ Matt 1:1
• Many other signs ... not written in this book John 20:30
• Brought their books together, and burned them Acts 19:19
• In all things which are written in the book Gal 3:10
• Whose names are in the book of life Phil 4:3
• The book, but especially the parchments 2 Tim 4:13
• Not blot out his name out of the book of life Rev 3:5
• Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose Rev 5:2
• Not written in the book of life Rev 13:8 (17:8; 20:15)
• And another book was opened ... the book of life Rev 20:12
• Which are written in the Lamb's book of life Rev 21:27
Book of Life
This is a title of a book that contains the record of names of those who will be able to enter into heaven.
When we confess and repent of our sins our names are written in this Book of Life.
• whose names are in the Book of Life. Phil 4:3
• his name out of the book of life Rev 3:5
• names have not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb Rev 13:8
• another book was open, which is the Book of Life.
• written in the Lamb's book of life Rev 21:27
• his part out of the book of life Rev 22:19
A hut; a small shelter often made of leaves and branches, most often erected by farmers so they could
be close to their crops in the field; the Jewish people would stay in them periodically to remember
what the Lord had done for them when He delivered them from Egypt and guided them into the
promised land (Lev 23:42-43; Neh 8:15-17).
• house and made booths for his cattle Gen 33:17
• ye shall dwell in booths seven days Lev 23:42
• them and made themselves booths Neh 8:16
• the city, and there made him a booth Jonah 4:5
born / born again
Jesus speaks to Nicodemus about the difference between physical birth and spiritual birth (John 3:1-7);
I Pet 1:23; DTP A person must be "born" into a new relationship with Jesus Christ; to confess one's
sins and commit our lives to Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
• thee, except a man be born again John 3:3
• unto thee, ye must be born again John 3:7
• to this end was I born and for this John 18:37
• being born again, not of corruptible 1 Pet 1:23
• sin, because he is born of God 1 John 3:9
• Jesus is the Christ is born of God 1 John 5:1
bottomless pit
Another name for Hell; known as the "abyss", the place where Satan will be cast into in the last days.
• was given the keys of the bottomless pit Rev 9:1
• And he opened the bottomless pit. Rev 9:2
• bottomless pit shall make war against them Rev 11:7
• having the key of the bottomless pit Rev 20:1
• and cast him into the bottomless pit Rev 20:3

bow / bowed
This is an action that can take place both physically and spiritually where one humbly bends over in
respect to someone else. It shows respect to the one to whom you bow, showing that this person or
god has authority over your life. DTP The disciple should humbly bow before our King Jesus Christ,
showing reverence and respect. This action shows to God and others who has authority over our lives
and that we highly respect Him.
• bowed himself toward the ground Gen 18:2
• serve thee and nations bow down to thee Gen 27:29
• them they bow their heads and worshipped Ex 4:31
• bow myself in house 2 Kin 5:18
• O come, let us worship and bow down: let us Ps 95:6
• Unto me every knee shall bow Isa 45:23 (Rom 14:11)
• Jesus bowed His head and John 19:30
• every knee shall bow Rom 14:11
• I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Eph 3:14
• name of Jesus every knee should bow Phil 2:10
Often refers to the inner part of a man or woman. A location in the body where one feels or experiences
emotion. It can also be seen as the reproductive area from where descendants are born. DTP As an
example, the disciple should birth forth mercy, compassion and grace from their innermost being.
• of thine own bowels shall Gen 15:4
• shed out his bowels to the ground 2 Sam 20:10
• therefore my bowels are troubled Jer 31:20
• burst and all his bowels Acts 1:18
• you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ Phil 1:8
• put on bowels of mercy Col 3:12
• shutteth up his bowels of compassion 1 John 3:17
branch / branches
Limb, bough, offshoot; a branch on a tree, a limb that shoots off from the main body. DTP Jesus taught
the disciples that He was the vine and they were the branches; as branches we need to be grafted
into Him; the Father will "prune" us because God is looking for fruit from our branches. Jesus' teaching
on vine and branches is found in John 15:1-12 and Paul's teaching on branches Rom 11:16-24.
• his shaft and his branch, his bowls Ex 37:17
• righteous shall flourish as a branch Prov 11:28
• Jesse and a Branch shall grow out of his root Isa 11:1
• the branch of my planting, the work Isa 60:21
• raise unto David a righteous Branch Jer 23:5
• I will bring forth my servant the Branch Zech 3:8
• Saying, behold the man whose name is The Branch Zech 6:12
• when his branch is yet tender and Matt 24:32
• every branch in me that beareth not John 15:2
• as a branch cannot bear fruit of John 15:4
• I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth John 15:5
• if the root be holy, so are the branches Rom 11:16
• if God spared not the natural branch, take heed Rom 11:21
brazen altar
A piece of furniture in the tabernacle or temple on which to sacrifice animals; it was located in the outer
courtyard; a place where blood was shed on behalf of another.
• the brazen alter, and the brazen gate Ex 38:30
• moreover the brazen alter, that 2 Chr 1:5
• in, and stood beside the brazen alter Ezek 9:2
Made from flour, yeast and water, most often made from wheat, often used as a symbol for cleansing
in the Passover meal (unleavened bread) Ex 34:18 and for Christ's broken body in Communion (I Cor

11:23). DTP Bread is the basic food giving us sustenance for life. In the spiritual sense we need the
bread of life to feed us so that we can grow and mature as Christ's disciples. But we need the bread
that does not have yeast in it; we need the pure bread of Christ, not the bread of the world that is full
of sin and corruption, leading to sickness and death.
• I will rain bread from heaven for you Ex 16:4 (John 6:31)
• Doth not live by bread alone Deut 8:3 (Matt 4:4; Luke 4:4)
• forsaken, nor his seed begging bread Ps 37:25
• blessed: for he giveth his bread to the poor Prov 22:9
• cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt Lev 11:1
• give us this day our daily bread Matt 6:11
• of you, whom if his son ask bread Matt 7:9
• as they were eating bread, Jesus took bread Matt 26:26
• breaking bread from house to house Acts 2:46
• when the disciples came together to break bread Acts 20:7
• in which he was betrayed took bread 1 Cor 11:23
bread of life / living bread
Jesus declared to the people that He is the bread of life. By joining His name to the title of "I AM" in
Exodus (Ex 3:14), many considered this was blasphemy. But Jesus wanted people to clearly know that
no one could come before the Father or go to heaven without first going through Him; He was the
only one who could give everlasting life.
• unto them, I am the bread of life John 6:35
• I am the bread of life John 6:48
• I am the living bread which came down from heaven John 6:51
bread of the presence
This is another name for the "Show Bread" that was on a table in the Holy place. There was 12 pieces of
unleavened bread that represented the twelve tribes of Israel. The Idea was to show and remind the
people that God was always present with them
bread or unleavened bread
Leaven was a symbolic picture of sin, and Israel was to remove all sin from their house. DTP Today Christ
is our unleavened bread (sinless) and we as disciples of Christ are to continually remove sin from our
lives if we hope to receive God's protection and blessing.
• unleavened bread shall be eaten seven Ex 13:7
• of unleavened bread unto the LORD Lev 23:6
• and a basket of unleavened bread Num 6:15
• in the feast of unleavened bread Deut 16:16
• unleavened bread shall be eaten Eze 45:21
• the passover and unleavened bread Mark 14:1
• were the days of unleavened bread Acts 12:3
• the unleavened bread of sincerity 1 Cor 5:8
break / broken / broken
To separate or split into pieces, something that was a whole unit and was taken apart or broken into
smaller pieces, a separation in time between one event and another. DTP The disciple needs to come
before Christ with a broken heart. We are like vessels which need to be broken open before the Lord.
It is at that point of brokenness where He restores us and fills us with Himself after which we become
vessels of blessing and hope to others.
• Thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck Gen 27:40
• Blew the trumpets and broke the pitchers Judg 7:19
• Should we again break thy commandments Ezra 9:14
• Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away Ps 2:3
• His bones: not one of them is broken Ps 34:20 (John 19:36)
• Reproach hath broken my heart; and I am full of Ps 69:20
• If they break my statutes, and keep not my Ps 89:31
• My covenant will I not break, nor alter Ps 89:34
• By sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken Prov 15:13

• Thou hast broken the yoke of his burden Isa 9:4
• The LORD hath broken the staff of the wicked Isa 14:5
• A bruised reed shall he not break Isa 42:3 (Matt 12:20)
• Broke up your follow ground Jer 4:3 (Hos 10:12)
• I broke this people ... as one breaks a potter's vessel Jer 19:11
• Mine heart within me is broken because of the Jer 23:9
• Will bind up that which was broken, and will Ezek 34:16
• Have broken up ... have passed through the gate Mic 2:13
• Shall break one of the least commandments Matt 5:19
• Broke, and gave the loaves Matt 14:19 (Mark 6:41; Luke 9:16)
• Fall on the this stone shall be broken Matt 21:44 (Luke 20:18)
• And the Scripture cannot be broken John 10:35
• Broke bread from house to house, did eat Acts 2:46
• This is my body, which is broken for you 1 Cor 11:24
• Hath broken down the middle wall of partition Eph 2:14
Shell, shield, body armour, a cover to protect the chest and the main organs of the body. DTP We are
called to put on the full armour of God and one piece of that armour is the breastplate of
righteousness; it covers all our vital organs and when the Father looks at us, He sees that we are
covered, not by our righteousness, but Christ's righteousness.
• be set in the ephod and in the breastplate Ex 25:7
• he put on righteousness as a breastplate Isa 59:17
• having on the breastplate of righteousness Eph 6:14
• sober, putting on the breastplate of faith 1 Thes 5:8
brethren ∖ cf brother
See the word brother.
One who will be married to a groom. DTP The church is the figurative picture of Christ's bride-to-be. The
church is being prepared for the day when we will be called before Christ in the marriage supper of
the Lamb. What a day of rejoicing that will be.
• bind them on thee, as a bride doeth Isa 49:18
• as a bride adorneth herself with her Isa 61:10
• bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride Isa 62:5
• he that hath the bride is the John 3:29
• prepared as a bride adorned for her Rev 21:2
• and the Spirit and the bride say Rev 22:17
Bride of Christ / Chaste virgin to Christ
The church is known as the Bride of Christ; the believers of Christ have been pledged to Christ as His
bride, pure and chosen. During the last days the church will be called forth to come to heaven as a
bride, to be presented at the marriage supper of the Lamb.
• that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ 2 Cor 11:2
• prepared as a bride adorned for her Rev 21:2
One who will be married to a bride. DTP Christ is pictured in the New Testament as the bridegroom; in
the last days He will come for His bride the Church, and the culmination will take place at the marriage
supper of the Lamb (Rev 19:7-9).
• which is a bridegroom coming out of his Ps 19:5
• as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride Isa 62:5
• and went forth to meet the bridegroom Matt 25:1
• a cry made, behold the bridegroom cometh Mat 25:6
• he that hath the bride is the bridegroom John 3:29
• and the voice of the bridegroom and of the Rev 18:23

This is a device that is used to harness, control and handle an animal. Whoever controls the reins that
are attached to the bridle controls the direction and the response that will come forth from the
animal. DTP The Word can also be used in a spiritual sense when it come to the use of one's lips and
tongue. As disciples, we need to allow the Holy Spirit to bridle our speaking and our actions. Many
believers have either destroyed or have been destroyed by someone else's unbridled tongue. This
unbridled tongue is the most powerful weapon that Satan uses within the Church.
• put my bridle in thy lips 2 Kin 19:28
• must be held in with bit and bridle Ps 32:9
• I will keep my mouth with a bridle Ps 39:1
• a bridle for the ass Prov 26:3
• my bridle in thy lips and I will turn Isa 37:29
• seem religious and bridle not his tongue James 1:26
• to bridle the whole body Jam 3:2
• even unto horse bridles Rev 14:20
Sulfur or sulfuric gas that can accompany earthquakes or volcanic eruption. DTP It can also have a
spiritual meaning, one of destruction and punishment for those who disobey God's ways.
• upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone Gen 19:24
• he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone Ps 11:6
• and great hailstones, fire and brimstone Ezek 38:22
• brimstone from heaven and destroyed them Luke 17:29
• mouths issued fire smoke and brimstone Rev 9:17-18
• a lake of fire burning with brimstone Rev 19:20
• cast into the lake of fire and brimstone Rev 20:10
• lake which burneth with fire and brimstone Rev 21:8
bring / brought / bringeth
To transport, to take something from one location to another, to carry, move, to take along. DTP
Disciples are also responsible to bring fruit from our lives to Christ. We are also, as believers, to not
only receive from the Lord, but we are to bring to Him our offering and sacrifices. We are to bring to
Him our praise and worship. We are to bring before Him our very lives. We also need to see that God
is a shepherd who leads and guides us, bringing us into places of safety and growth in Him.
• And will bring thee again into this land Gen 28:15
• Thou has brought forth the people out of Egypt Ex 3:12
• The LORD brought us forth out of Egypt with Deut 26:8
• Thou hast brought me hitherto? 2 Sam 7:18 (1 Chr 17:16)
• Let them bring me unto the holy hill Ps 43:3
• He brought forth his people with joy, and his Ps 105:43
• With rejoicing, brought his sheaves with him Ps 126:6
• I bring near my righteousness; it shall not Isa 46:13
• That bring good tidings Isa 52:7 (Neh 1:15; Rom 10:15)
• Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse Mal 3:10
• Bring forth ... fruits meet for repentance Matt 3:8 (Luke 3:8)
• If thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there Matt 5:23
• A good tree cannot bring forth evil Matt 7:18 (Luke 6:43)
• Bring forth ... hundredfold Matt 13:23 (Mark 4:20; Luke 8:15)
• Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy Luke 2:10
• But if it die, it brings forth much fruit John 12:24
• And I in him, the same bring forth much fruit John 15:5
• Was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ Gal 3:24
• And bring forth fruit, as it doth also in you Col 1:6
• The grace of God that bring salvation hath Tit 2:11
• But the bringing in of a better hope did Heb 7:19
• That brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus Heb 13:20

• For the grace that is to be brought unto you 1 Pet 1:13
• Suffered for sins ... that he might bring us to God 1 Pet 3:18
The idea of this word is to mean wide, a large distance between two points. DTP Jesus uses this term to
explain, as it were, a road that is very wide, and the majority of the people are walking on it, not
realizing that the road is leading to eternal destruction. Going with the majority does not always make
it the right way to go. Christ tells us that the road leading to eternal life is narrow.
• they were made broad plates for a Num 16:39
• Jerusalem unto the broad wall Neh 3:8
• broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction Matt 7:13
Distributing, sharing, propagating, spreading. DTP The disciple is commanded to go out and broadcast
the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout the world; to sow the good seed of Jesus Christ everywhere.
bronze serpent / brass serpent
Because the people had complained against God while Moses was receiving the Ten Commandments,
God sent fiery serpents among the people. Moses fashioned an image of a snake and put it on a pole;
those who looked at the pole were saved; those who choose not to look at the bronze serpent died.
(Num 21:4-9). DTP Jesus also uses this illustration as a typology of how He too would be lifted up on
a cross and that those who would look to Him would be saved and those who did not would perish
(John 3:14-15).
• Moses made a serpent of brass Num 21:9
• Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up John 3:14
brother / brethren
The people of the earth need to be reminded that we are all related to each other; we all come from
Adam and Eve. We are akin to each other through blood and marriage and we must respect and
honour each other. DTP As disciples we are part of the body of Christ. We are joint heirs with Jesus
and because of that we need to have a deep family love for each other. We need to help each other
and to remember each other in prayer.
• first be reconciled to thy brother Matt 5:24
• anything whereby thy brother stumble Rom 14:21
• my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast 1 Cor 15:58
• my beloved brethren, let every man be James 1:19
• good and seeth his brother have need 1 John 3:17
• say, I love God and hateth his brother 1 John 4:20
bruise / bruised
A part of the body which is damaged has pain and often there is a mark of discoloration left behind
showing where the damage has taken place. DTP The Bible also shows that people can be bruised
emotionally and spiritually. This is why we need the healing power of Jesus Christ.
• it shall bruise thy head and thou Gen 3:15
• a bruised reed shall he not break Isa 42:3
• he was bruised for our iniquities Isa 53:5
• yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him Isa 53:10
• a bruised reed shall he not break Matt 12:20
• to set at liberty them that are bruised Luke 4:18
• the God of peace shall bruise Satan Rom 16:20
Shield, an instrument of protection, held by the hand in times of hand to hand combat; the idea of a
shield is both physical and spiritual; God can become our shield (2 Sam 22:31); Paul tells the Ephesian
church to put on the full armour of God and one part of that is the shield of Faith (Eph 6:16).
• he is a buckler to all them that trust 2 Sam 22:31
• valiant men, men able to bear buckler 1 Chr 5:18
• that could handle shield and buckler 1 Chr 12:8
• my buckler and the horn of my salvation Ps 18:2
• he is a buckler to all those that trust Ps 18:30

• truth shall be thy shield and buckler Ps 91:4
• even a great company with bucklers Ezek 38:4
• both the shields and the bucklers Ezek 39:9
build / builder / built
Designer, planner, engineer; man has within himself the desire to build something; man has been
created with a creative spirit; God is our Master builder; He was also the one who sent His Son to be
the Chief Cornerstone for the church, Christ's Body. DTP We are also exhorted to be wise builders;
that we are not to build on shifting sand, but upon the rock of Jesus Christ (Matt 7:24-27). We also
need to see that we are a temple that God is building so that His Shekinah glory can fill us.
• Build me a house for me to dwell in 2 Sam 7:5
• He shall build a house for my name 1 Chr 22:10
• it out to the carpenters and builders 2 Kin 12:11
• the stone which the builders refused is Ps 118:22
• build the house, they labour in vain that build it Ps 127:1
• through wisdom is a house built Prov 24:3
• which built his house upon the rock Matt 7:24
• the stone which the builders rejected Matt 21:42
• he is like a man which built an house Luke 6:48
• now if any man build upon this 1 Cor 3:12
• are built upon the foundation of the Eph 2:20
• also are built together for a habitation of God Eph 2:22
• rooted and built up in him and established in Col 2:7
• whose builder and maker is God Heb 11:10
• living stones, are built up a spiritual house 1 Pet 2:5
• the stone which the builders disallowed 1 Pet 2:7
• build up yourselves on your most holy faith Jude 1:20
This can be a load that one can carry physically, emotionally and spiritually. Sometimes these burdens
are far heavier than what we think we can bear. DTP The key as a disciple is to lay these burdens at
the cross of Christ or to ask Christ to come alongside us; together we can carry the burden to its final
resting spot. There are burdens that we will carry each day but we do not have to carry them alone.
• shall bear the burden with thee Ex 18:22
• the LORD laid this burden upon him 2 Kin 9:25
• as an heavy burden they are too heavy Ps 38:4
• cast thy burden upon the LORD and he Ps 55:22
• the burden of the word of the LORD for Zec 12:1
• my yoke is easy and my burden is light Matt 11:30
• for they bind heavy burdens and grievous Matt 23:4
• to lay upon you no greater burden than Acts 15:28
• bear ye one another's burdens and so Gal 6:2
• For every man shall bear his own burden. Gal 6:5
burn / burned / burning
Fire is produced when something is burned. The burning of something can produce heat, light and
destruction. DTP There also are spiritual fires that as people die, they may undergo a spiritual burning.
Those who rejected Christ's call will spend eternity in a burning lake of fire. The disciple's work will
also undergo fire to see that which was real, that which will last; and, we are told that those things
which are not of Christ will be burnt up or destroyed.
• make brick and burn them thoroughly Gen 11:3
• make an alter to burn incense upon Ex 30:1
• shall thy jealousy burn like fire Ps 79:5
• day cometh shall burn them up Mal 4:1
• and bind them in bundles to burn them Matt 13:30
• the chaff he will burn with fire Luke 3:17
• burned in their lust one toward another Rom 1:27

• whose end is to be burned Heb 6:8
• in the lake which burneth with fire Rev 21:8
burnt offering
After an animal was sacrificed it was laid on the alter by the priest to be burnt up as an offering unto the
Lord either for the individual or for the country's sin. There were different kinds of offerings that
where to be present for different reasons. Wood would be laid out, which the animal was laid on, and
the fire would continue until everything was consumed.
• offered burnt offerings on the alter Gen 8:20
• took a burnt offering and sacrifice Ex 18:12
• to build an alter for burnt offerings Josh 22:29
• fell and consumed the burnt offering 1 Kin 18:38
• offered burnt offering unto the LORD 1 Chr 29:21
• thou delightest not in burnt offerings Ps 51:6
• in burnt offerings and sacrifices for Heb 10:6
A bushel was often a measurement that grain was poured into, a particular size of basket. Originally we
knew it as a bushel basket but later it got shortened to the word bushel. DTP This is why when Jesus
was teaching, He shared that when a person wanted to light up a room with a lamp, he does not hide
it under a bushel basket, but puts it up somewhere high so that all may see. Disciples, too, should not
hide their light of Jesus Christ, but should do all they can to hold it high so others may come to see
and know Christ also.
• and put it under a bushel Matt 5:15
• brought to be put under a bushel Mark 4:21
• putteth it under a bushel Luke 11:33
busybody / busybodies
This is a person who spends a lot of time finding out about the business and the affairs of others and
then goes out and takes time to share that information with others. They are not concerned about
truth; they only want to be the center of conversation so others will gather around to hear what they
have to say. Other words that can describe these people are big mouth, blabbermouths and gossipers.
DTP Jesus warns the disciple not to be like these people for there will be a strict judgment that will
befall them.
• working not at all, but are busybodies 2 Thes 3:11
• only idle but tattlers also and busybodies 1 Tim 5:13
• or as a busybody in other men's matters. 1 Pet 4:15
buy / bought
To purchase, to obtain, to get something in exchange for payment, to acquire or get ownership of
something. DTP The disciple needs to be a good steward of what they buy, both physically and
spiritually. What we purchase spiritually should have an everlasting value to it. Also, we need to
remember that we ourselves have been bought with a price (Christ shed blood) and in the eyes of
God we are of great value to Him.
• I will surely buy it of thee 2 Sam 24:24 (1 Chr 21:24)
• Buy the truth ... sell it not; also wisdom Prov 23:23
• He hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat Isa 55:1
• Selleth all that he hath, and bought that field Matt 13:44
• Jesus ... cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple Matt 21:12 (Mark 11:15; Luke 19:45)
• For ye are bought with a price 1 Cor 6:20 (7:23)
• and buy and sell, Jam 4:13
• I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, Rev 3:18
• And that no man might buy and sell, Rev 13:17

call /calling / called
To cry out, to summon, to attract attention, to desire to speak or communicate with, to bring a person
into a specific service or ministry. DTP Today Christ calls out to all, but not all will heed the call, but
those who accept receive the power and eternal life of Christ Jesus. The Master called the disciples
and they followed. Throughout time God has been calling people to service, for example: Abraham,
Gideon, and Samuel just to name a few. Today He calls people to be His disciples and to become part
of the body of Christ.
• Whatsoever Adam called every living creature, Gen 2:19
• began men to call upon the name of the LORD. Gen 4:26
• Isaac shall thy seed be called. Gen 21:12 (Rom 9:7; Heb 11:18)
• God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, Ex 3:4
• The LORD called Moses up to the top of the mount; Ex 19:20
• I call heaven and earth to witness against Deut 4:26
• That the LORD called Samuel: and he answered, Here am I. 1 Sam 3:4
• thou didst call me. And he answered, I called not, 1 Sam 3:6
• call on the LORD, who is worthy 2 Sam 22:4
• I called upon the LORD, 2 Sam 22:7 (Ps 18:6)
• If my people, which are called by my name, 2 Chr 7:14
• call upon me in the day of trouble: I will Ps 50:14
• As for me, I will call upon God; and the LORD Ps 55:16
• they called upon the LORD and he answered them. Ps 99:6
• will I call upon him as long as I live. Ps 116:2
• I the LORD have called thee in righteousness, Isa 42:6
• I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. Isa 43:1
• The LORD hath called me from the womb; Isa 49:1
• be called a house of prayer Isa 56:7 (Matt 21:13; Mark 11:17)
• Call unto me, and I will answer thee, Jer 33:3
• Loved him, ... call my son out of Egypt. Hos 11:1 (Matt 2:15)
• Sanctify ... fast, call a solemn assembly. Joel 1:14 (Joel 2:15)
• Whosoever shall call on the ... LORD shall be delivered Joel 2:32 (Acts 2:21; Rom 10:13)
• and he called them. Matt 4:21 (Mark 1:20)
• I am not come to call the righteous, Matt 9:13 (Mark 2:17; Luke 5:32)
• called unto him his twelve Matt 10:1
• Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him Matt 18:2
• First last: for many be called, but few chosen. Matt 20:16
• many are called, but few are chosen. Matt 22:14
• he called them unto him, and said unto Mark 3:23
• was called, and his disciples, to the marriage. John 2:2
• He calleth his own sheep by name and leadeth them John 10:3
• Cal l on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:21
• even as many as the Lord our God shall call. Acts 2:39
• Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ: Rom 1:6
• them who are the called according to his purpose. Rom 8:28
• did predestinate, them he also called: Rom 8:30
• they be called the children of the living God. Rom 9:26
• call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Rom 10:13
• How then shall they call on him in whom they Rom 10:14
• abide in the same calling wherein he was called. 1 Cor 7:20
• who separated me ... and called me by his grace, Gal 1:15
• For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; Gal 5:13
• ye may know what is the hope of his calling Eph 1:18
• the vocation wherewith you are called Eph 4:1

• even as ye are called in one hope of your calling Eph 4:4
• prize of the high calling of God in Christ Phil 3:14
• walk worthy of God, who hath called you 1 Thes 2:12
• Whereunto he called you by our gospel, 2 Thes 2:14
• saved us, and call us with a holy calling, 2 Tim 1:9
• holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling Heb 3:1
• faith Abraham, when he was called ... obeyed; Heb 11:8
• he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy 1 Pet 1:15
• called you out of darkness into his ... marvelous light: 1 Pet 2:9
• hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ 1 Pet 5:10
• to make your calling and election sure: 2 Pet 1:10
• which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. Rev 19:9
Location outside the city of Jerusalem where many people were crucified; it is also the place where Jesus
Christ was crucified on the cross. (Also known as Golgotha, word meaning skull; Matt 27:33; Mark
15:22; John 19:17)
• to the place, which is called Calvary, Luke 23:33
The doctrines and teaching of John Calvin A.D. 1509-1564. Today these doctrines could be summed up
in the word TULIP / T.U.L.I.P.; his teachings dealt with predestination and limited atonement. There is
much argument over the years regarding Calvinism versus Arminianism. "TULIP" is a way of
remembering: Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistible grace and
Perseverance of the saints.
A lamp or light, something that illuminates or spreads light in a dark place. DTP The disciple is called to
be a light to the world. We should not let the light of Christ within us be hidden but we need to
uncover it so it can shine brightly for Jesus Christ's glory.
• When his candle shined upon my head, and when Job 29:3
• thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God Ps 18:28
• The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, Prov 20:27
• the candle of the wicked shall be put out. Prov 24:20
• her candle goeth not out by night. Prov 31:18
• will search Jerusalem with candles, and punish Zeph 1:12
• light a candle, and put it Matt 5:15 (Mark 4:21; Luke 8:16; 11:33)
• light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek Luke 15:8
• they need no candle, neither light of the sun; Rev 22:5
A part of the tabernacle and temple called the Lamp of God (1 Sam 3:3); a symbol of the seven churches
in the book of Revelation (Rev 1:12, 13, 20; 2:5); Christ has come to be the light to the world and we
as His disciple are also to reflect Jesus' light into this dark world.
• thou shalt make a candlestick of pure gold: Ex 25:31
• The candlestick also for the light, and his Ex 35:14
• wrote over against the candlestick upon the Dan 5:5
• I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold Zech 4:2
• put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; Matt 5:15
• but setteth it on a candlestick, that they Luke 8:16
• the first, wherein was the candlestick, Heb 9:2
• candlestick which thou sawest are the seven churches. Rev 1:20
• will remove thy candlestick out of his Rev 2:5
Standard, rule, principle, law; most often refers to the Scriptures, a list of books that make up the Old
and New Testament; a set of writings that the early Church fathers by the 4th century believed were
inspired by God and assembled to form what we today call the Holy Bible.

capstone / headstone / topstone
The top stone in a structure most often in an archway, the last stone that is placed in the arch.
• and he shall bring forth the capstone (headstone) Zech 4:7 NKJV
In the Bible, captain can mean a leader over a group of soldiers. You can also have a captain over other
captains. The Bible also indicates that there are captains of God's army in the heavenly host. In Joshua
we have the captain of the LORD'S army appearing before Joshua.
• the captain of the guard charged Joseph Gen 40:4
• one to another, Let us make a captain, Num 14:4
• but as captain of the host of the LORD Josh 5:14
• the name of the captain of his host was 1 Sam 14:50
• captains of the host 2 Kin 9:5
• God himself is with us for our captain, 2 Chr 13:12
• appointed a captain to return to their bondage Neh 9:17
• to gather together the princes ... and the captains, Dan 3:2
• captain and officers of the Jews took Jesus, Jon 18:12
• the captain of the temple, and the Acts 4:1
• to make the captain of their salvation Heb 2:10
captive / captivity
To be taken hostage by people or by something. Captivity takes away from the person the freedom of
movement. Other descriptive words are: imprisoned, incarcerated, locked up, enslaved, confined or
caged. DTP Satan wants to bring all people into captivity under his authority here on earth, but Christ
came to set the captive free from death and bondage.
• that his brother was taken captive, Gen 14:14
• enemies, which led them away captive, 1 Kin 8:48
• the children ... which were come out of captivity, Ezra 8:35
• carried away from Jerusalem with the captivity Esth 2:6
• bringeth back the captivity of his people, Ps 14:7 (53:6)
• high, thou hast led captivity captive: Ps 68:18
• the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, Ps 126:1
• they shall take the captives, whose captives they were; Isa 14:2
• Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken Isa 49:25
• the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion. Isa 52:2
• to proclaim liberty to the captives, Isa 61:1
• the LORD'S flock is carried away captive. Jer 13:17
• to preach deliverance to the captives, Luke 4:18
• be led away captive into all nations: Luke 21:24
• bringing me into captivity to the law of sin Rom 7:23
• bring into captivity every thought 2 Cor 10:5
• up on high, he led captivity captive, Eph 4:8
• who are taken captive by him at his will. 2 Tim 2:26
• creep into houses, and lead captive silly woman 2 Tim 3:6
• He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: Rev 13:10
care / cared / careful
It is a deep feeling or emotion about someone or something. It is on your mind and you are focused or
thinking a lot about it. DTP As disciples we should be caring for those that God has put around us,
both physically and spiritually. We need to look outside of ourselves and see the needs and hurts of
those around us.
• careful for us with all this care; 2 Kin 4:13
• refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul. Ps 142:4
• wealthy nation, that dwelleth without care, Jer 49:31
• the cares of this world, and the Mark 4:19 (Matt 13:22)
• carest thou not that we perish? Mark 4:38
• cares and riches and pleasures of this life, Luke 8:14

• brought him to an inn and took care of him. Luke 10:34
• surfeiting, and drunkenness, and care of this life, Luke 21:34
• is a hireling, and careth not for the sheep. John 10:13
• not that he cared for the poor; John 12:6
• the members should have the same care one for another. 1 Cor 12:25
• that our care for you in the sight of God 2 Cor 7:12
• upon me daily, the care of all the churches. 2 Cor 11:28
• Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer Phil 4:6
• Casting all you care upon him; 1 Pet 5:7
carnal / carnally
It is showing a way of life outwardly that does not line up with the truth in one's heart. It relates to the
things that one does in the flesh. It denotes desires and behaviors that are worldly or sensual in
nature. DTP The disciple needs to be careful that he does not become worldly minded. Seeking after
the pleasures and ways of the world gets our focus off Christ Jesus.
• but I am carnal, sold under sin. Rom 7:14
• For to be carnally minded is death; Rom 8:6
• is also to minister unto them in carnal things. Rom 15:27
• For ye are yet carnal: 1 Cor 3:3
• are ye not carnal? 1 Cor 3:4
• weapons of our warfare are not carnal, 2 Cor 10:4
• after the law of a carnal commandment, Heb 7:16
• carnal ordinances, imposed on them Heb 9:10
This is a craftsman who builds and works with wood. The Bible tells us that Joseph, Jesus' earthly father,
was a carpenter, and Jesus was known as a carpenter.
• to David, and cedar trees, and carpenters, 2 Sam 5:11
• and they laid it out to the carpenters 2 Kin 12:11
• carpenters to repair the house of the LORD. Chr 24:12
• And the LORD shewed me four carpenters. Zech 1:20
• Is not this the carpenter's son? Matt 13:55
• Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mark 6:3
carry / carried
To bear, to bring, to haul or move, to transfer. DTP Sometimes we are called upon to take up a challenge,
to carry something which to us seems impossible, but with God it becomes possible. We are
challenged to bring our heavy burdens to the cross of Christ.
• shall carry up my bones from hence. Gen 50:25 (Ex 13:19)
• Carry them in thy bosom, as a nursing father Num 11:12
• So that thou are not able to carry it; Deut 14:24
• the Spirit of the LORD shall carry thee 1 Kin 18:12
• with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, Isa 40:11
• he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: Isa 53:4
• the LORD'S flock is carried away captive. Jer 13:17
• bring again ... all that is carried away captive, Jer 28:6
• bound Jesus, and carried him away, and delivered Mark 15:1
• Carry neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes: Luke 10:4
• was parted from them, and carried up into heaven Luke 24:51
• and another shall gird thee, and carry thee John 21:18
• and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 1 Tim 6:7
• he carried me away in the spirit to a great Rev 21:10
To throw, to hurl, launch, to thrust. DTP The disciples is to cast off the things of this world not to be
entangled with sin. We are called not to carry but to cast off sin, never to take it up again.
• I cast it into the fire, ... came out this calf. Ex 32:24
• Elijah passed ... and cast his mantel upon 1 Kin 19:19

• Part my garments ... cast lots upon my vesture. Ps 22:18 (Matt 27:35; Mark 15:24; Luke 23:34; John
• Why art thou cast down, O my soul? Ps 42:5 (42:11; 43:5)
• Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not Ps 51:11
• Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall Ps 55:22
• thou hast cast all my sins behind thy back. Isa 38:17
• I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away. Isa 41:9
• Cast away from all your transgressions, Ezek 18:31
• Israel hath cast off the things that is good: Hos 8:3
• thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths Mic 7:19
• thy whole body should be cast into hell. Matt 5:30 (18:9)
• hypocrite, first cast out the beam Matt 7:5 (Luke 6:42)
• neither cast ye your pearls before swine, Matt 7:6
• cast out the spirits with his word. Matt 8:16 (Mark 1:34)
• unclean spirits, to cast them out, Matt 10:1 (Mark 3:15)
• this poor widow hath cast more in, Mark 12:43 (Luke 21:3)
• In my name shall they cast out devils: Mark 16:17
• that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. John 6:37
• without sin ... let him first cast a stone John 8:7
• therefore cast off the works of darkness, Rom 13:12
• not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; 2 Cor 4:9
• they have cast off their first faith. 1 Tim 5:12
• Cast not away therefore your confidence, Heb 10:35
• but perfect love casteth out fear: 1 John 4:18
• cast their crowns before the throne, Rev 4:10
• And the devil ... was cast into the lake of fire Rev 20:10
casteth / casting out devils
Delivering people from the possession of evil spirits; people can become oppressed (mind), depressed
(emotions) or possessed (will) by demons and have to be set free. DTP In Christ the disciple of Christ
has been given authority and through the name and power of Christ is able set such people free in
the name of Jesus.
• He casteth out devils through the Matt 9:34
• of the devils casteth he out devils Mark 3:22
• we saw one casting out devils in thy Mark 9:38
• we saw one casting out devils in thy Luke 9:49
• he was casting out a devil, and it was Luke 11:14
• but perfect love casteth out fear: 1 John 4:18
A way of teaching the key truths of the Bible through using questions and answers; often this training
was given to older children to prepare them for baptism, church membership, or the right to take
For this reason, or root, the foundation of. DTP We are taught that everything has a cause and effect.
Paul tells us that whatever we sow we will also reap. What kind of treasure are you laying up in heaven
each day? Our rewards from Christ will come to us on the basis of what we have done here on earth.
• Moses brought their cause before the LORD. Num 27:5
• cause that is too hard for you, bring it Deut 1:17
• unto God would I commit my cause: Job 5:8
• Plead my cause, O LORD, with them that strive Ps 35:1
• They that hate me without a cause Ps 69:4 (John 15:25)
• the LORD will maintain the cause of the afflicted, Ps 140:12
• and plead the cause of the poor and needy. Prov 31:9
• For this cause shall a man leave father and Matt 19:5
• I have found no cause of death in him Luke 23:22

• but for this cause came I unto this hour. John 12:27
• born and for this cause came I into the world, John 18:37
• For this cause many are weak and sickly 1 Cor 11:30
• For which cause we faint not; but through 2 Cor 4:16
• For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Eph 3:1
• For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father Eph 3:14
• Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, 1 Tim 1:16
• for this cause was the gospel preached also 1 Pet 4:6
cease / ceasing
To stop doing, to bring to an end, to break off or conclude, to finish, to refrain from or terminate. DTP
The disciple cannot live in two worlds; when giving one's life to Christ the old ways of the world must
be terminated. We are called to cease from our wicked ways and live according to God's will.
• the poor shall never cease out of the land Deut 15:11
• to Samuel, Cease not to cry unto the LORD 1 Sam 7:8
• and made them to cease by force and power Ezra 4:23
• Help, LORD; for the godly men ceaseth; Ps 12:1
• Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; fret not Ps 37:8
• Cease, my son, to hear the instruction Prov 19:27
• It is an honor for a man to cease from strife: Prov 20:3
• Labor not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom. Prov 23:4
• Wash you, make you clean; ...; cease to do evil; Isa 1:16
• prayer was made without ceasing of the church Acts 12:5
• without ceasing I make mention of you always Rom 1:9
• Then is the offense of the cross ceased Gal 5:11
• Cease not to give thanks for you, Eph 1:16
• Do not cease to pray for you, and to desire Col 1:9
• Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, 1 Thes 1:3
• For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, 1 Thes 2:13
• Pray without ceasing. 1 Thes 5:17
• suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; 1 Pet 4:1
The act of rejoicing about an event that has occurred. It is taking time to be happy in one's mind and
heart. An emotion of great thankfulness toward the Lord; to be making merry with others or to be
• even, shall ye celebrate your Sabbath. Lev 23:32
• ye shall celebrate it in the seventh month. Lev 23:41
• praise thee, death can not celebrate thee: Isa 38:18
A commander of one hundred soldiers in the Roman army; a centurion had come to ask Jesus to heal his
servant, but then makes an astounding statement that just amazed Jesus, having come from a Gentile
(this man knew the power of authority); Jesus states, "Truly truly, I say unto you, I have not found so
great faith, no, not in Israel" (Matt 8:5-13).
• there came unto him a centurion, Matt 8:5 (8:8, 13)
• the centurion sent friends to him, saying Luke 7:6
• And they said, Cornelius the centurion, Acts 10:22
• there the centurion found a ship of Acts 27:6
The outer skin of the grain; the wind is used to separate the grain from the chaff; it also can represent
the spiritual condition of some people's lives; chaff is worthless and has no value (Matt 3:12).
• but are like the chaff which the wind Ps 1:4
• Let them be as chaff before the wind: Ps 35:5
• shall be as chaff that passeth away: Isa 29:5
• What is the chaff to the wheat? Jer 23:28
• as the chaff that is driven with the Hos 13:3

• but the chaff he will burn with fire Luke 3:17
One who is a winner, having defended their principles or goals, and has become the victor. DTP In Christ
we can become the champion over our enemies. The disciple is an overcomer, not in their own ability
or strength, but is a champion because of Christ's presence within their heart.
• there went out a champion out of the 1 Sam 17:4
• them, behold, there came up the champion 1 Sam 17:23
• Philistines saw their champion was dead, 1 Sam 17:51
change / changed
Becoming different from the original. We are transformed into something new. DTP Christ tells us that
in Him, one can become a new creation, old things have passed away. Transformation brings change
to the heart, mind and body. There is a complete makeover; you are no longer the same.
• change them, and they shall be changed: Ps 102:26 (Heb 1:12)
• Thus they changed their glory into the Ps 106:20
• therefore will I change their glory Hos 4:7
• For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye Mal 3:6
• shall change the customs which Moses Acts 6:14
• Who changed the truth of God into a lie, Rom 1:25
• all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 1 Cor 15:51
• are changed into the same image from glory to glory, 2 Cor 3:18
• Who shall change our vile body, that it may Phil 3:21
• For the priesthood being changed, Heb 7:12
character / experience
Nature, quality, temperament, personality. DTP For the disciple it can be an attitude that we show to
others. The King James Bible uses the word "experience".
• perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; Rom 5:4 NASB
Individuality, uniqueness, self, personality, behaviour; habits that one naturally exercises. DTP The
disciples are to have the characteristics or personality of Jesus Christ. We shall be like him; 1 John 3:2
charge / charged
To be blamed or accused of doing or saying something. A personal or formal accusation that can be made
against someone. If found guilty, personal revenge or legal actions may be taken against the
perpetrator. A charge can also mean a direct command given to someone ... an important
responsibility, for example.
• obey my voice, and kept my charge, Gen 26:5
• have I not charged the young men that Ruth 2:9
• charged the messenger, saying, When 2 Sam 11:19
• charged him to build a house for the LORD God 1 Chr 22:6
• charged me to build him a house 2 Chr 36:23 (Ezra 1:2)
• his angels charge over thee, Ps 91:11 (Matt 4:6; Luke 4:10)
• Then charged he his disciples that they Matt 16:20
• he charged them straightly that no man Mark 5:43
• cried ... Lord lay not this sin to their charge. Acts 7:60
• lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? Rom 8:33
• comforted and charged every one of you, as 1 Thes 2:11
• charge some that they teach no other doctrine, 1 Tim 1:3
• I charge thee before God, and the Lord 1 Tim 5:21
• I give the charge in the sight of God, 1 Tim 6:13
• Charge them that are rich in this 1 Tim 6:17
• I charge thee therefore before God, and 2 Tim 4:1
A two wheel horse-drawn cart often used in a time of war; a way of transportation.
• And Joseph made ready his chariot, Gen 46:29
• The chariots of God are twenty thousand, Ps 68:17

• he saw a chariot with a couple of Isa 21:7
• sitting in his chariot read Esaias the Acts 8:28
• near, and join thyself to this chariot. Acts 8:29
• of chariots of many horses running to Rev 9:9
Aid, contribution, gifts, donations, help, assistance; the idea of giving to others from a heart of love. DTP
Disciples are to be loving, giving people; they use God's gracious gifts to them to assist and serve
• knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth. 1 Cor 8:1
• men and of angels and have not charity, I Cor 13:1
• faith, hope, charity, ... the greatest of these is charity. 1 Cor 13:13
• Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, 1 Cor 14:1
• Let all your things be done with charity. 1 Cor 16:14
• above all these things put on charity, Col 3:14
• commandment is charity out of a pure heart, 1 Tim 1:5
• aged men be sober ... sound in faith, in charity, Tit 2:2
• have fervent charity among yourselves; 1 Pet 4:8
• for charity shall cover the multitude 1 Pet 4:8
• Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity. 1 Pet 5:14
• kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. 2 Pet 1:7
• borne witness of thy charity before the church: 3 John 1:6
• I know thy works, and charity, Rev 2:19
Reprimand, discipline, punishment, rebuke, scolding; can be applied physically or verbally. DTP Christ
took upon Himself our chastisement. We need to remember to give thanks daily for what Christ Jesus
has done for us in giving us freedom and life here on earth.
• seen the chastisement of the LORD your God, Deut 11:2
• the chastisement of our peace was upon him; Isa 53:5
• But if ye be without chastisement, whereof Heb 12:8
cherub / cherubims
These are heavenly creatures that have four faces and four wings (Ezek 10:14, 21). The four faces were
1) the Cherub, 2) a man, 3) a lion and 4) an eagle. These are real, and are portrayed on the Ark of the
Covenant. They also stood guard over the Garden of Eden (Gen 3:24).
• the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, Gen 3:24
• the cherubims on the two ends thereof. Ex 25:19
• seat shall the faces of the cherubims Ex 25:20
• cubits the other wing of the cherub: 1 Kin 6:24
• And he rode upon a cherub and did fly: Ps 18:10
• he sitteth between the cherubims; Ps 99:1
• coals of fire from between the cherubims, Ezek 10:2
• the sound of the cherubims' wings was Ezek 10:5
• over it the cherubims of glory shadowing Heb 9:5
One who is in authority, a ruler over others, a noble or prince. DTP Christ is our chief and leader. He is
the head of the church and we need to surrender daily to His will for our lives. Our lives need to line
up to His divine purpose both for ourselves and for the church.
• assembled ... the chief of the fathers 1 Kin 8:1 (2 Chr 5:2)
• My beloved is ... the chiefest among ten thousand. Song 5:10
• whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: Matt 20:27 (Mark 10:44; Luke 22:26)
• through Beelzebub the chief of the devils. Luke 11:15
• Zacchaeus, which was the chief among the publicans, Luke 19:2
• Christ himself being the chief corner stone; Eph 2:20
• came ... to save sinners: of who I am chief. 1 Tim 1:15
• Lay in Zion a chief corner stone, elect 1 Pet 2:6

• when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall 1 Pet 5:4
chief priest / priests
These were men of the priestly families and for many centuries they were the head leaders in their
communities. Some became high priests and were well trained in the law; they often attacked Jesus
concerning His teaching and lifestyle.
• the son of Jehoiada, a chief priest: 1 Chr 27:5
• Amariah the chief priest is over you 2 Chr 19:11
• he had gathered all the chief priests Matt 2:4
• be betrayed unto the chief priests Matt 20:18
• chief priest and elders ... took counsel Matt 27:1
• also the chief priests mocking him, with Matt 27:41
• reported all that the chief priests Acts 4:23
• and commission from the chief priests. Acts 26:12
child / children
Youngster, adolescent, offspring. DTP When one puts their faith in Jesus Christ we become Christ's
• the child grew and was weaned: Gen 21:8
• are the names of the children of Israel, Ex 1:1
• visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the Ex 20:5 (34:7; Num 14:18; Deut 5:9)
• shalt say unto the children of Israel, Ex 20:22
• and that they may teach their children. Deut 4:10
• thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, Deut 6:7
• let your children know ... Israel came over this Josh 4:22
• the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from Judg 13:5
• For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given 1 Sam 1:27
• children, hearken unto me: I will teach you Ps 34:11
• fear him and his righteousness unto children's children; Ps 103:17
• children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit Ps 127:3
• Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father, Prov 4:1
• Train up a child in the way he should go: Prov 22:6
• Withhold not correction from the child: Prov 23:13
• For unto us a child is born, unto us Isa 9:6
• together: and a little child shall lead them. Isa 11:6
• all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; Isa 54:13
• Tell ye your children ... and let your children tell their children, Joel 1:3
• heart of the fathers to the children, Mal 4:6 (Luke 1:17)
• she was found with child of the Holy Ghost Matt 1:18
• a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring Matt 1:23
• peacemakers ... shall be called the children of God. Matt 5:9
• to give good gifts unto your children, Matt 7:11 (Luke 11:13)
• the children shall rise up against their Matt 10:21 (Mark 13:12)
• the good seed are the children of the kingdom; Matt 13:38
• Jesus called a little child Matt 18:2 (Mark 9:36; Luke 9:47)
• converted, and become as little children, Matt 18:3
• children ... to come unto me: Matt 19:14 (Mark 10:14; Luke 18:16)
• receive one of such children in my name, Mark 9:37
• the kingdom of God as a little child, Mark 10:15 (Luke 18:17)
• day came to circumcise the child; Luke 1:59
• the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; Luke 2:43
• children of this world ... wiser than the children of light. Luke 16:8
• the light, that ye may be the children of light. John 12:36
• the promise is unto you and to your children, Acts 2:39
• with our spirit, that we are the children of God; Rom 8:16
• into the glorious liberty of the children of God. Rom 8:21

• shall they be called the children of the living God. Rom 9:26
• I was a child, I spake as a child, 1 Cor 13:11
• I became a man, I put away childish things. 1 Cor 13:11
• ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Gal 3:26
• us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ Eph 1:5
• be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried Eph 4:14
• are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: Eph 5:8
• Children, obey your parents in the Lord: Eph 6:1 (Col 3:20)
• fathers, provoke not your children to Eph 6:4 (Col 3:21)
• are all the children of light, ... children of the day: 1 Thes 5:5
• a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures 2 Tim 3:15
• As obedient children, not fashioning 1 Pet 1:14
• little children, these things write I unto you, 1 John 2:1
• twelve tribes of the children of Israel: Rev 21:12
child of God / children of God
Offspring. DTP When one becomes a believer or disciple of Christ, one becomes a child of God; we are
joint heirs with Jesus; we become part of His family.
• all of you are children of the most High. Ps 82:6
• they shall be called the children of God. Matt 5:9
• glorious liberty of the children of God. Rom 8:21
• For ye are all the children of God by Gal 3:26
• In this the children of God are manifest, 1 John 3:10
• we know that we love the children of God, I John 5:2
This word gives the idea of making a decision between one or more things. Such decisions can be in the
realm of the physical or the mental. DTP It also can deal with making spiritual choices: to serve oneself
or to serve God, to serve the gods of this world or to serve Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. All choices
do bear some type of result or consequences, and that is why one needs to choose carefully. We need
to make sure we are being led by the Holy Spirit and that we are fulfilling God's will for our lives.
• a choice young man, and a goodly: 1 Sam 9:2
• chose out of all the choice of Israel, 1 Chr 19:10
• and the choice fir trees thereof: Isa 37:24
• while ago God made choice among us, Acts 15:7
Host of singers; singing group, gospel choir, chorus. DTP Worship is an essential part of how we can come
into a personal relationship with God; singing is a meaningful way we can express the desires of our
heart; by coming together as a choir we show unity and harmony as one in spirit; singing is a channel
whereby we can release to God the burdens of our heart; singing is taking the prayers of our heart
and giving them forth to God in song; singing is praising God. (1 Chr 6:31-47; 1 Chr 25:2-7; Luke 2:13)
• the two thanksgiving choirs stood in the house of God, Neh 12:40 NKJV
choose / chose
Select, pick; to make a choice. DTP The disciple has to choose between the things of this world or the
things of God.
• Then Lot chose him all the plain of Jordan; Gen 13:11
• shall choose to place his name there, Deut 14:23
• therefore choose life, that both thou Deut 30:19
• choose you this day whom ye will serve; Josh 24:15
• city which the LORD did choose out 1 Kin 14:21 (2 Chr 12:13)
• shall he teach in the way that he shall choose. Ps 25:12
• Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and causest Ps 65:4
• to refuse the evil, and choose the good. Isa 7:15, 16
Have selected, have picked. DTP As a disciple of Christ we need to understand that Jesus sought us out
and called us and because of that we are now part of a chosen generation (1Pet 2:9).

• thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people Deut 7:6
• thy God hath chosen him out of all thy tribes, Deut 18:5
• the LORD thy God hath chosen to minister unto him, Deut 21:5
• with joy, and his chosen with gladness: Ps 105:43
• I have chosen the way of truth: thy judgments Ps 119:30
• For the LORD hath chosen Zion; Ps 132:13
• understanding rather to be chosen than silver! Prov 16:16
• A GOOD name is rather to be chosen than great riches, Prov 22:1
• the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: Isa 43:10 (Matt 12:18)
• they have chosen their own ways, and their soul Isa 66:3
• for many be called, but few chosen. Matt 20:16
• many are called, but few are chosen. Matt 22:14
• is needful; and Mary hath chosen that good part, Luke 10:42
• Have not I chosen you twelve, John 6:70
• Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, John 15:16
• for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name Acts 9:15
• But God hath chosen the foolish things of 1 Cor 1:27
• According as he hath chosen us in him Eph 1:4
• from the beginning chosen you to salvation 2 Thes 2:13
• Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich James 2:5
• disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, 1 Pet 2:4
• are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, 1 Pet 2:9
• are with him are called, and chosen, Rev 17:14
Means, "Messiah or Anointed One". DTP Christ has come as our Messiah to redeem us and to save us
from the curse of death and destruction.
• was born Jesus, who is called Christ. Matt 1:16
• Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. Matt 16:16 (Mark 8:29; Luke 9:20)
• a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11
• Messias cometh, which is called Christ: John 4:25
• know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour John 4:42
• might believe that Jesus is the Christ, John 20:31
• he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; Acts 2:30
• whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ. Acts 2:36
• of all his prophets, that Christ should suffer, Acts 3:18
• Philip went down ..., and preached Christ unto them. Acts 8:5
• shewing by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ. Acts 18:28
• his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which Rom 1:3
• while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Rom 5:8
• And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; Rom 8:10
• raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken Rom 8:11
• heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so Rom 8:17
• we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every Rom 12:5
• But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews 1 Cor 1:23
• And ye are Christ's; and Christ is God's. 1 Cor 3:23
• For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us: 1 Cor 5:7
• Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ. 1 Cor 10:4
• head of every man is Christ; ... head of Christ is God. 1 Cor 11:3
• Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 1 Cor 15:3
• For the love of Christ constraineth us; 2 Cor 5:14
• if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: 2 Cor 5:17
• we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did 2 Cor 5:20
• I am crucified with Christ: ..., but Christ liveth in me: Gal 2:20
• Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, Gal 3:13

• in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, Gal 5:1
• That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; Eph 3:17
• And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, Eph 5:2
• For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Phil 1:21
• were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Phil 3:7
• all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Phil 4:13
• which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: Col 1:27
• are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. Col 3:3
• bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all. Col 3:11
• even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. Col 3:13
• Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all Col 3:16
• So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of Heb 9:28
• Christ also suffered for us, leaving us 1 Pet 2:21
• as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; 1 Pet 4:13
• believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: 1 John 5:1
Christ Jesus
A name for the Son of God. Christ means, "Messiah or Anointed One". Jesus means "Saviour"; the New
Testament often uses the title, Lord Jesus Christ or Christ Jesus our Lord (Phil 3:20). DTP It is key to
understand these names and how they directly affect our walk with God here on earth. It is because
of the names that we are given power and authority as His disciples to carry out His will.
• after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. Acts 19:4
• the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Rom 3:24
• now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, Rom 8:1
• law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made Rom 8:2
• the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Rom 8:39
• to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, 1 Cor 1:2
• for in Christ Jesus I have begotten 1 Cor 4:15
• For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; 2 Cor 4:5
• for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal 3:28
• we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus Eph 2:10
• eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus Eph 3:11
• mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Phil 2:5
• the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Phil 3:14
• received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Col 2:6
• for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus 1 Thes 5:18
• Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; 1 Tim 1:15
• mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 1 Tim 2:5
• unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 2 Tim 3:15
• High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus; Heb 3:1
• called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, 1 Pet 5:10
A term that some of the main line churches (Orthodox, Lutheran, Catholic, Anglican etc.) use for when
they baptize or dedicate a baby or child to God and receive into the Christian Church.
To be Christ-like in character and example. A disciple of Christ is one who has shown that he is a true
follower of Christ; such a person is called a Christian. A Christian is one who demonstrates Christ-
likeness in his daily life. The name "Christian" can be applied to such a genuine follower of Christ Jesus.
People will recognize the genuineness of such a person.
• were called Christians first in Antioch. Acts 11:26
• thou persuadest me to be a Christian. Acts 26:28
• Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, 1 Pet 4:16
This term comes from the word Christian (Acts 11:26), one who is a follower of Christ Jesus.

A study of the life, teachings and doctrines of Jesus Christ as found in the Bible. DTP John 1, Colossians
1, Philippians 2 and Hebrews 1 are known as definitive Christological scripture passages.
CHRONICLES, book of First
Means the annals or the words and affairs of the day, journal, diary of events, time line, thought to be
written around 450 BC; this book consists of genealogies which were very important to the Jews
because they needed to know their heritage or family tree line. This book also contains information
about David, Solomon and historical information about the Southern Kingdoms of Israel.
CHRONICLES, book of Second
Means the annals or the words and affairs of the day, journal, diary of events, time line, thought to be
written around 450 BC; this book consist of genealogies which were very important to the Jew
because they needed to know their heritage or family tree line. This book also contain information
about Solomon and historical information about the Southern Kingdoms of Israel.
church / churches
"Ecclesia", Greek name for church; means "called out one", to assemble, gathering; the gathering of
believers in Christ who assemble for worship, teaching, communion, etc. (Eph 5:21-32). The church is
also referred to as the body of Christ, to be His hands and feet to a lost world. The church is the means
by which the Spirit of God extends the fruit of the Spirit to the world through the gifts He provides.
• upon this rock I will build my church; Matt 16:18
• the Lord added to the church daily Acts 2:47
• but prayer was made without ceasing of the church Acts 12:5
• they had ordained them elders in every church, Acts 14:23
• churches established in the faith, and increased in Acts 16:5
• feed the church of God, which he hath purchased Acts 20:28
• greet the church that is in their house. Rom 16:5
• God hath set some in the church, first apostles, 1 Cor 12:28
• with the church that is in their house. 1 Cor 16:19
• measure I persecuted the church of God, Gal 1:13
• to be the head over all things to the church, Eph 1:22
• the church the manifold wisdom of God, Eph 3:10
• as Christ is the head of the church: Eph 5:23
• Christ also loved the church, and gave himself Eph 5:25
• he is the head of the body, the church: Col 1:18
• which is the church of the living God, 1 Tim 3:15
• general assembly and church of the firstborn, Heb 12:23
• let him call for the elders of the church; James 5:14
• to the seven churches which are in Asia: Rev 1:4
• that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; Rev 2:7 (2:11, 17, 29, 3:6, 22)
Church Age
A period of time that started on the day of Pentecost and continues on to the second coming of the Lord
Jesus Christ; some also call it the age of grace, a time where people can make a decision to give their
lives over to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Church of Ephesus
The strong church; Rev 2:1-7; had patiently borne adversity, and could not stand evil; they had left their
first love; God appealed to them to remember from where they had fallen.
• Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus Rev 2:1
Church of Laodicea
The lukewarm church; Rev 3:14-22; this church thought they were fine; God asked them to buy gold
from him, so they would be rich.
• unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans Rev 3:14
Church of Pergamum
The faltering church; Rev 2:12-17; had not denied God; had allowed false prophets into the church.
• And to the angel of the church in Pergamos Rev 2:12

Church of Philadelphia
The weak church; Rev 3:7-13; God promised to keep them from the hour of temptation; the synagogue
of Satan, who claimed to be Jews, would know that God was with them.
• And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia Rev 3:7
Church of Sardis
The dying church; Rev 3:1-6; asked to repent and watch.
• And unto the angel of the church in Sardis Rev 3:1
Church of Smyrna
The poor, rich church; Rev 2:8-11; this church would face persecution; God had nothing against them.
• unto the angel of the church in Smyrna Rev 2:8
Church of Thyatira
The apostate church; Rev 2:18-29; had many good works; had allowed the false prophetess Jezebel to
come in.
• unto the angel of the church in Thyatira Rev 2:18
churches / seven, book of Revelation
Revelation chapter 2 and 3: John's vision gives a prophetic word concerning the seven churches of Asia;
both blessing and exhortation are given to each church by Jesus Christ.
• send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; Rev 1:11
• seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: Rev 1:20
circumcise / circumcised / circumcision
The removal of the foreskin on the male penis; for the people of Israel it became an outward sign that
they were God's chosen people; in the New testament the idea of circumcision took on a new meaning
where the disciples of Christ would have their hearts circumcised for Christ (Deut 30:6; Rom 2:28-29).
• man child among you shall be circumcised. Gen 17:10
• flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised. Lev 12:3
• Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, Deut 10:16
• circumcise again the children of Israel the second time. Josh 5:2
• Circumcise yourselves to the LORD, and take away Jer 4:4
• are circumcised with the uncircumcised; Jer 9:25
• Moses therefore gave unto you circumcision; John 7:22
• and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, Rom 2:29
• again to every man that is circumcised, Gal 5:3
• neither circumcision availeth anything, Gal 6:15
• In whom also ye are circumcised with the Col 2:11
cities of refuge
Fortress, stronghold, bastion, fort, all places where one could go for safety; the six cites were Kedesh,
Hebron, Golan, Ramoth, Shechem and Bezer. DTP In the New Testament, Christ becomes our city of
refuge; we flee to Christ for our refuge from sin (Heb 6:18). Christ gives hope to all who flee to Him.
• there shall be six cities for refuge, Num 35:6
• they shall appoint you cities to be cities of refuge Num 35:11
• six cities shall ye have for refuge Num 35:13
• him to the city of his refuge, Num 35:25
• Appoint out for you cities of refuge, Josh 20:2
• to be a city of refuge for the slayer; Josh 21:13
• of the cities of refuge, Shechem in 1 Chr 6:67
city / cities
A place where people gather together to live and work. DTP The idea of city is also important to the
disciple. We are part of a community and what happens around us in our cities can greatly affect one's
life personally. We need to pray for our cities and be aware of what is going on in them.
• ye shall appoint you cities to be cities of refuge Num 35:11
• ye shall compass the city, all ye men of war, Josh 6:3
• and for the cities of our God: 2 Sam 10:12 (1 Chr 19:13)
• the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, Ps 46:4
• the city of the great King. Ps 48:2 (Matt 5:35)

• except the LORD keep the city, the watchman Ps 127:1
• How is the faithful city become a harlot! Isa 1:21
• The city of righteousness, the faithful city. Isa 1:26
• beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: Isa 52:1
• The city of the LORD, The Zion of the Holy One Isa 60:14
• Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth; Zech 8:3
• A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Matt 5:14
• born this day in the city of David a Saviour, Luke 2:11
• And there was great joy in that city. Acts 8:8
• he looked for a city which hath foundations, Heb 11:10
• city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, Heb 12:22
• John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, Rev 21:2
• many enter in through the gates into the city. Rev 22:14
This is a certain sticky fine-grained earth which can be molded when wet. Clay was used to make various
types of containers or vessels and, when fired, could hold liquids or food but was also fragile enough
to be easily broken. Clay also needed to be pure of foreign materials; if not pure, it could break when
fired. DTP Man is often pictured as clay and we need to let God mold and form us into His image. We
are to be vessels that house His Spirit and show His glory.
• that thou hast made me as the clay; Job 10:9
• God's stead: I also am formed out of the clay. Job 33:6
• horrible pit, out of the miry clay, Ps 40:2
• be esteemed as the potter's clay: Isa 29:16
• Shall the clay say to him that Isa 45:9
• we are the clay, and thou our potter; Isa 64:8
• as the clay is in the potter's hand, Jer 18:6
• not the potter power over the clay, Rom 9:21
clean / cleanse
The idea of clean means to be pure from dirt or stain. The cleaning process was not just for the outside
but for all parts of the vessel. DTP Jesus challenges the leaders of His day because, while they were
clean on the outside, they were like filthy rags on the inside (Matt 23:25). Jesus looks at the disciple's
heart and He wants it to be washed pure in the blood of the Lamb. We are to be clean and have no
spot or wrinkle (Eph 5:27) both outwardly and inwardly.
• Of every clean beast thou shalt take Gen 7:2
• and be clean, and change Gen 35:2
• may be clean from all your sins before the LORD. Lev 16:30
• people were passed clean over Jordan. Josh 3:17
• he saith to thee, Wash, and be clean? 2 Kin 5:13
• to cleanse the house of the LORD. 2 Chr 29:15
• The fear of the LORD is clean, Ps 19:9
• He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; Ps 24:4
• mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. Ps 51:2
• Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: Ps 51:7
• Create in me a clean heart, O God; Ps 51:10
• Who can say, I have made my heart clean, Prov 20:9
• Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil Isa 1:16
• a clean vessel into the house of the LORD. Isa 66:20
• O Jerusalem! wilt thou not be made clean? Jer 13:27
• I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: Ezek 36:25
• Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, Matt 10:8
• for ye make clean the outside of the cup Matt 23:25 (Luke 11:39)
• cleanse first that which is within the cup Matt 23:26
• Now ye are clean through the word John 15:3
• let us cleanse ourselves from all 2 Cor 7:1

• cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, Eph 5:26
• Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; James 4:8
• blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from 1 John 1:7
• to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
cleft / clefts
A place where one can go into the side of a mountain; a small hiding place, a narrow opening or crack.
• that I will put thee in a cleft of the rock, Ex 33:22
• To go into the clefts of the rocks, Isa 2:21
• O thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, Jer 49:16
• in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; Obad 1:3
cloak / cloke
Outer garment, over coat (Matt 5:40; Luke 6:29; John 19:23), an outer garment like a coat to provide
warmth, often used as a blanket. DTP It can also take on a spiritual meaning of a cover that people
have used to cover over their sin.
• and was clad with zeal as a cloak. Isa 59:17
• thy coat, let him have thy cloak also. Matt 5:40
• him that taketh away thy cloak forbid Luke 6:29
• now they have no cloak for their sin. John 15:22
• ye know, nor a cloke of covetousness; 1 Thes 2:5
• liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, 1 Pet 2:16
A small place that one may keep clothes in, a private or secret place.
• his chamber, and the bride out of her closet. Joel 2:16
• when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, Matt 6:6
• spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed Luke 12:3
One's body being covered by material. DTP Being outwardly clothed refers to physical covering, but the
key is that we have ourselves spiritually clothed in the righteousness of Christ. When people see us
they see the image of Christ. The word Christian means to be "Christ-like". There are many things in
which Christ calls us to be clothed: love, humility, mercy, etc. We are taking off the things of this world
and putting on Jesus Christ in all that we say and do (Col 3:5-10).
• God make coats of skins, and clothed them. Gen 3:21
• he is clothed with majesty; Ps 93:1
• thou art clothed with honour and majesty. Ps 104:1
• for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, Isa 61:10
• Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: Matt 25:36
• And they clothed him with purple, Mark 15:17
• If so be that being clothed we shall 2 Cor 5:3
• be clothed with humility: 1 Pet 5:5
• the same shall be clothed in white raiment; Rev 3:5
• that thou mayest be clothed, Rev 3:18
• clothed in fine linen, white and clean. Rev 19:14
cloud / clouds
A visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere.
• went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, Ex 13:21
• the glory of the LORD appeared in the cloud. Ex 16:10
• Moses went into the midst of the cloud, Ex 24:18
• a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, Ex 40:34 (Num 9:15)
• the LORD came down in the pillar of the cloud, Num 12:5
• a little cloud out of the sea, like a man's hand. 1 Kin 18:44
• In the daytime also he led them with a cloud, Ps 78:14
• I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, Isa 44:22
• the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, Dan 7:13
• a bright cloud overshadowed them: Matt 17:5 (Mark 9:7; Luke 9:34)

• coming in the clouds of heaven Matt 24:30 (Mark 13:26; Luke 21:27)
• and coming in the clouds of heaven. Matt 26:64 (Mark 14:62)
• and a cloud received him out of their sight. Acts 1:9
• caught up together with them in the clouds, 1 Thes 4:17
• with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us Heb 12:1
• upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, Rev 14:14
coal / coals
A piece of place mineral, which can burn and give off heat, often mine from the earth.
• coals were kindled by it. 2 Sam 22:9 (Ps 18:8)
• Let burning coals fall upon them; Ps 140:10 (Prov 25:22; Rom 12:20)
• having a live coal in his hand, Isa 6:6
• they saw a fire of coals there, John 21:9
An epistle written by Paul when he was in prison, most likely from Rome around 62 AD. The purpose of
its writing was to contest the problem of Gnosticism; Colossians teaches doctrine and gives strong
exhortation to the disciples of Christ.
come / came / cometh
The word "come" is a command word, when it is spoken or gestured; it is summoning a person to draw
near, to approach or to move towards. DTP Jesus challenges the disciple to come and follow Him, to
come and be His disciple, to come and take up one's cross. God is always asking us to leave our way
of life behind and to draw daily closer to Him, but we must start first by obeying His call and coming
into His presence, becoming one with Him.
• and it shall come to pass, that every Gen 4:14
• Come thou and all thy house into the ark; Gen 7:1
• Come in, thou blessed of the LORD; Gen 24:31
• there shall come a Star out of Jacob, Num 24:17
• and the King of glory shall come in. Ps 24:7
• endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. Ps 30:5
• Come, ye children, hearken unto me: Ps 34:11
• Come, behold the works of the LORD, Ps 46:8
• Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence: Ps 50:3
• Come and see the works of God: Ps 66:5
• shall come and worship before thee, Ps 86:9
• come before his presence with singing. Ps 100:2
• Blessed be he that cometh in the name Ps 118:26 (Matt 21:9; 23:39; Mark 11:9; Luke 13:35; 19:38;
John 12:13)
• eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. Ps 121:1
• there shall come forth a rod out of the stem Isa 11:1
• every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, Isa 55:1
• Incline your ear, and come unto me: Isa 55:3
• And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, Isa 60:3
• one like the Son of man came with the clouds Dan 7:13
• behold, thy King cometh unto thee: Zech 9:9 (Matt 21:5; John 12:15)
• behold, he shall come, saith the LORD Mal 3:1
• for out of thee shall come a Governor, Matt 2:6
• Thy kingdom come, Matt 6:10 (Luke 11:2)
• shall come from the east and west, Matt 8:11 (Luke 13:29)
• for I am not come to call the righteous, Mat 9:13
• Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, Matt 11:28
• If any man will come after me, Matt 16:24 (Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23)
• For the Son of man is come to save Matt 18:11 (Luke 19:10)
• to come unto me: Matt 19:14 (Mark 10:14; Luke 18:16)
• unto all nations; and then shall the end come. Matt 24:14
• Come ye after me, and I will make you Mark 1:17

• and come, take up the cross, Mark 10:21
• The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you. Luke 10:9
• He came unto his own, and his own received John 1:11
• He saith unto them, Come and see. John 1:39
• Philip saith unto him, Come and see. John 1:46
• sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee. John 5:14
• he that cometh to me shall never hunger; John 6:35
• him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. John 6:37
• any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. John 7:37
• I am come a light into the world, John 12:46
• I will come again, and receive you unto myself; John 14:3
• no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6
• not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. John 14:18
• shall so come in like manner Acts 1:11
• salvation is come unto the Gentiles, Rom 11:11
• ye do shew the Lord's death till he come. 1 Cor 11:26
• when the fullness of the time was come, Gal 4:4
• Till we all come in the unity of the faith, Eph 4:13
• day of the Lord so cometh as a thief 1 Thes 5:2 (2 Pet 3:10)
• Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; 1 Tim 1:15
• Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne Heb 4:16
• I come to do thy will, O God. Heb 10:9
• he that cometh to God must believe that he is, Heb 11:6
• that all should come to repentance. 2 Pet 3:9
• Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. 2 John 1:7
• Behold, I come quickly: Rev 3:11 (22:7,12)
• I will come in to him, and will sup with him, Rev 3:20
• Spirit and the bride say, Come ... hearth say, Come. Rev 22:17
• Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Rev 22:20
comfort / comforted
Reassure, ease, assistant, partner, console, calm, relieve, encourage. DTP We as disciples are to comfort
and encourage one another. People today are being overwhelmed by so many challenges, both
individually and upon the world as a whole. What people are looking for is to be comforted or helped
so that they can make it through life's difficulties.
• rose up to comfort him; but he refused to be comforted; Gen 37:35
• thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Ps 23:4
• thou, LORD, hast holpen me, and comforted me. Ps 86:17
• Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, Isa 40:1
• I, even I, am he that comforteth you: Isa 51:12
• their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, Jer 31:13
• and the LORD shall yet comfort Zion, Zech 1:17
• Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Matt 5:4
• Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith Matt 9:22
• I will not leave you comfortless: John 14:18
• the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, Acts 9:31
• through patience and comfort of the scriptures Rom 15:4
• we ourselves are comforted of God. 2 Cor 1:4
• I am filled with comfort, I am exceeding joyful 2 Cor 7:4
• that comforteth those that are cast down, comforted us by 2 Cor 7:6
• Therefore we were comforted in your comfort: 2 Cor 7:13
• and that he might comfort your hearts. Eph 6:22 (Col 4:8)
• That their hearts might be comforted, being knit Col 2:2
• we were comforted over you in all our affliction 1 Thes 3:7
• Wherefore comfort one another with these words. 1 Thes 4:18

• comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, 1 Thes 5:14
One who provides ease, contentment, relaxation, happiness. DTP One of the names of the Holy Spirit;
He is there to guide us and encourage us in our walk with Christ through this world; John 14:16, 26;
• miserable comforters are ye all. Job 16:2
• and for comforters, but I found none. Ps 69:20
• and he shall give you another Comforter, John 14:16
• but when the Comforter is come, John 15:26
• the Comforter will not come unto you; John 16:7
command / commanded
Order, direct, instruct, obey. DTP Christ commands the disciples to go out and make more disciples, Matt
28:19-20. He also commands that we love God and love our neighbour. There are many commands
that Christ has given both to the disciples and to the church. We must remember that these
commands are not optional, but Christ expects His followers to obey them.
• And the LORD God commanded the man, Gen 2:16
• did Noah; according to all that God commanded him, Gen 6:22
• he will command his children and his household Gen18:19
• according to that which I command thee. Gen 27:8
• Thou shalt speak all that I command thee: Ex 7:2
• Moses and Aaron did as the LORD commanded them, Ex 7:6
• Israel did according to all that the LORD commanded Moses, Ex 39:32
• the LORD commanded Moses in Mount Sinai, Lev 7:38
• the LORD commanded by the hand of Moses. Lev 8:36
• the LORD will command concerning you. Num 9:8
• the LORD your God hath commanded you: Deut 5:32
• What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: Deut 12:32
• I command thee this day to love the LORD thy God, Deut 30:16
• ye shall command your children to observe to do, Deut 32:46
• Have not I commanded thee? Be strong Josh 1:9
• and command the people, Josh 1:11
• All that thou commandest us we will do, Josh 1:16
• if thou wilt hearken unto all that I command thee, 1 Kin 11:38
• and commanded Judah to serve the LORD God of Israel. 2 Chr 33:16
• Whatsoever is commanded by the God of heaven, Ezra 7:23
• Yet the LORD will command his loving kindness in the day time, Ps 42:8
• LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore. Ps 133:3
• the heavens, and all their host have I commanded. Isa 45:12
• and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak. Jer 1:7
• command that these stones be made bread. Matt 4:3 (Luke 4:3)
• These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, Matt 10:5
• For God commanded, saying, Honor thy father and mother: Matt 15:4
• the disciples went, and did as Jesus commanded them, Matt 21:6
• all things whatsoever I have commanded you: Matt 28:20
• for he commandeth even the winds and water, Luke 8:25
• if ye do whatsoever I command you. John 15:14
• These things I command you, that ye love one another. John 15:17
• he commanded us to preach unto the people, Acts 10:42
• I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ Acts 16:18
• we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 Thes 3:6
• These things command and teach. 1 Tim 4:11
• they could not endure that which was commanded, Heb 12:20

commandment / commandments
Directive, order, charge, instruction, mandate. DTP For the disciple, a commandment is a direct
statement that he or she must obey. There are many commandments that Christ has given both to
the disciple and to the church. We must remember that these commands are not optional, but Christ
expects His followers to obey them. The key to fulfilling God's commandments is to obey them. The
blessing from God comes when we obey Him and His word.
• Abraham obeyed ..., my commandments, Gen 26:5
• that love me, and keep my commandments. Ex 20:6 (Deut 5:10)
• the words of the covenant, the ten commandments. Ex 34:28
• walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, Lev 26:3
• according to the commandment of the LORD. Num 4:41
• At the commandment of the LORD they rested in the tents, Num 9:23
• but rebelled against the commandment of the LORD Deut 1:26
• diligently keep the commandments of the LORD Deut 6:17 (11:22)
• To keep the commandments of the LORD, and his statutes, Deut 10:13
• A blessing, if ye obey the commandments of the LORD Deut 11:27
• take diligent heed to do the commandment Josh 22:5
• ye have forsaken the commandments of the LORD, 1 Kin 18:18
• and have not kept the commandments, Neh 1:7
• the commandment of the LORD is pure, Ps 19:8
• understanding have all they that do his commandments: Ps 111:10
• to go in the path of thy commandments; Ps 119:35
• I will delight myself in thy commandments, Ps 119:47
• All thy commandments are faithful: Ps 119:86
• Therefore I love thy commandments above gold; Ps 119:127
• for all thy commandments are righteousness. Ps 119:172
• keep my commandments, and live. Prov 4:4
• For the commandment is a lamp; Prov 6:23
• Fear God, and keep his commandments: Eccl 12:13
• that love him, and to them that keep his commandments; Dan 9:4
• shall break one of these least commandments, Matt 5:19
• This is the first and great commandment. Matt 22:38
• this is the first commandment. Mark 12:30
• rested the sabbath day according to the commandment. Luke 23:56
• A new commandment ..., That ye love one another; John 13:34 (15:12)
• If ye love me, keep my commandments. John 14:15
• If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; John 15:10
• according to the commandment of the everlasting God, Rom 16:26
• which is the first commandment with promise; Eph 6:2
• the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, 1 Tim 1:5
• know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. 1 John 2:3
• I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment 1 John 2:7
• a new commandment I write unto you, 1 John 2:8
• because we keep his commandments, 1 John 3:22
• this is his commandment, That we should believe on 1 John 3:23
• keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, I John 3:24
• we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. 1 John 5:3
• that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, 2 John 1:6
• Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may Rev 22:14
commission / commissions
Permission, authority, power. DTP The disciple is commissioned and authorized to go out and preach the
Gospel and to make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-19).
• they delivered the king's commissions Ezra 8:36
• commission from the chief priests Acts 26:12

commit / committed
Entrust, consign, give over to. DTP These words are often used in a negative sense in the Bible concerning
acts that people have committed either against each other or against God; often these are acts of sin
but there are a few time we are challenged to commit our ways to God (2 Tim 2:2; 1 Pet 4:9; 1 John
• If a soul commit a trespass, and sin Lev 5:15
• the people began to commit whoredom Num 25:1
• ye have committed against the God of Israel, Josh 22:16
• which he committed against the LORD, 1 Chr 10:13
• Into thine hands I commit my spirit: Ps 31:5
• Commit thy ways unto the LORD; trust also in him; Ps 37:5
• Commit thy works unto the LORD, Prov 16:3
• Thou shalt not commit adultery. Matt 5:27
• and to whom men have committed much, Luke 12:48
• a man shall not commit adultery, Rom 2:22
• of the gospel is committed unto me. 1 Cor 9:17
• and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. 2 Cor 5:19
• This charge I commit unto thee, 1 Tim 1:18
• keep that which is committed to thy trust, 1 Tim 6:20
• he is able to keep that which I have committed 2 Tim 1:12
• commit the keeping of their souls to him 1 Pet 4:19
• is born of God doth not commit sin; 1 John 3:9
• of the earth have committed fornication, Rev 17:2
Promise, pledge, vow, obligation. DTP It is important in one's life to make a personal commitment to
Christ and His body, the church. It is also important that when we make a commitment to do
something that we do what we promised.
Message, announcement, statement, interaction; communication implies that there are at least two or
more speaking to one another; we can communicate both verbally and nonverbally with people. DTP
As a disciple, our communication with God occurs through one's prayer life. The disciple always needs
to be cautious how they speak to others. James states that we need to be quick to hear but slow to
speak (James 1:19).
• Abner had communication with the elders of Israel, 2 Sam 3:17
• But let your communication be, Matt 5:37
• evil communications corrupt good manners. 1 Cor 15:33
• Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, Eph 4:29
• filthy communication out of your mouth. Col 3:8
• That the communication of thy faith may Philemon 1:6
Fellowship, intimate time together, unity, empathy, close association, relationship. 2 Cor 4:14; 13:14.
DTP For the disciple communion can is also known as the Lord's Supper; a coming together as
believers to break bread (body) and drink wine (blood) to remember the Lord's death and resurrection
(Matt 26:17-30; Mark 14:12-26; Luke 22:7-23; 1 Cor 10:16).
• it not the communion of the blood of Christ? 1 Cor 10:16
• and what communion hath light with darkness? 2 Cor 6:14
• love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, 2 Cor 13:14
The church of which Christ is the head is to be a community of believers; the community of believers is
to be a light unto their neighbours and friends (Acts 2:43-47).
Sympathy, empathy, concern, kindness, care, consideration; DTP The disciples are to have compassion
one for another like Christ has love for us; we are to have compassion for all with whom we come in
contact; the love that Christ lavished on us needs to be poured out to others (Ps 111:4; 112:4).

• And she had compassion on him, and said, Ex 2:6
• and have compassion upon thee, Deut 13:17
• turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, Deut 30:3
• for ye have compassion on me. 1 Sam 23:21
• that they may have compassion on them: 1 Kin 8:50
• gracious unto them, and had compassion on them, 2 Kin 13:23
• But thou, O LORD, art a God full of compassion, Ps 86:15
• the LORD is gracious and full of compassion. Ps 111:4
• will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; Mic 7:19
• shew mercy and compassions every man Zech 7:9
• he was moved with compassion on them, Matt 9:36 (Mark 6:34)
• multitude, and was moved with compassion Matt 14:14
• Jesus had compassion on them, and touched their eyes: Matt 20:34
• Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, Mark 1:41
• and was moved with compassion toward them, Mark 6:34
• when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, Luke 7:13
• his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, Luke 15:20
• I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. Rom 9:15
• having compassion one of another, 1 Pet 3:8
conceive / conceived
A woman may become pregnant (conceive) after having an intimate relationship with a man; Jesus was
conceived by the Holy Spirit.
• and she conceived, and bare Cain, Gen 4:1
• but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son. Judg 13:3
• and in sin did my mother conceive me. Ps 51:5
• Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, Isa 7:14
• for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. Matt 1:20
• thou shalt conceive in thy womb, Luke 1:31
• Then when lust hath conceived, James 1:15
Female servant to the wife of a husband; a women who is legally married to a man but holds an inferior
position to his wife or wives; most often bought or taken during a military victory.
• And his concubine, whose name was Reumah, Gen 22:24
• his concubine that was in Shechem, Judg 8:31
• who took to him a concubine out of Judg 19:1
• And Saul had a concubine, whose name was Rizpah, 2 Sam 3:7
An old English word which means to lust after, a deep sexual appetite, a drive that is outside of the
traditional sexual relationship that God created for man and woman.
• wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. Rom 7:8
• inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, Col 3:5
• Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as 1 Thes 4:5
condemn / condemned / condemnation
Sentence, pronounce guilty, disapprove; judgment, conviction, penalty, guilt, sin. DTP Man is born into
sin because of the sin nature which has been passed on to us from Adam and Eve; we are condemned
to death, but Christ came to redeem us from sin and death through the price that He paid on the
• justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked. Deut 25:1
• mine own mouth shall condemn me: Job 9:20
• and condemn the innocent blood. Ps 94:21
• thy words thou shalt be condemned. Matt 12:37
• and they shall condemn him to death, Matt 20:18
• they shall condemn him to death, Mark 10:33
• condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: Luke 6:37

• our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death, Luke 24:20
• And this is the condemnation, John 3:19
• and shall not come into condemnation; John 5:24
• Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. John 8:11
• judgment came upon all men to condemnation; Rom 5:18
• no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, Rom 8:1
• Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, Rom 8:34
• Sound speech, that cannot be condemned; Tit 2:8
• we shall receive the greater condemnation. James 3:1
• For if our heart condemn us, 1 John 3:20
• if our heart condemn us not, 1 John 3:21
Behaviour, demeanor, ways, manner; how we live and do things; showing forth the thinking behind our
actions. DTP As disciples our behaviour should shine forth the lifestyle of Jesus Christ; the word
Christian means "Christ-like"; when people look at us they see Jesus; we are to be examples of Christ
(1 Tim 4:12; Tit 2:7; 1 Pet 2:12).
• who are upright in conduct. Ps 37:14 NASB
• Did we not conduct ourselves in the same spirit 2 Cor 12:18 NASB
• Conduct yourselves with wisdom Col 4:5 NASB
• holy conduct and godliness, 2 Pet 3:11 NASB
confess / confessed / confession
Admit, plead guilty, acknowledge, declare, apologize. DTP To be released from the guilt of sin and its
punishment, one must put one's trust and faith totally in Christ, and we must confess our sins to Christ
and, when we do, He saves us from eternal damnation; We must confess with our mouth and believe
in our hearts (Rom 10:9-10). Confessed, Ezr 10:1; Neh 9:3; confession Ezr 10:1, 11; I John 1:9;
admission, declaration, an act of the will that all must make to Christ if they hope to have eternal life.
• that he shall confess that he hath Lev 5:5
• If they shall confess their iniquity, Lev 26:40
• Then they shall confess their sin which Num 5:7
• LORD God of Israel, and make confession unto him; Josh 7:19
• Now therefore make confession unto the LORD God Ezra 10:11
• stood and confessed their sins, and the iniquities of their fathers. Neh 9:2
• I will confess my transgressions unto the LORD; Ps 32:5
• baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins. Matt 3:6
• him will I confess also before my Father Matt 10:32 (Luke 12:8)
• many that believed came, and confessed, Acts 19:18
• That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Rom 10:9
• with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Rom 10:10
• I will confess to thee among the Gentiles, Rom 15:9
• every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, Phil 2:11
• Confess your faults one to another, James 5:16
• If we confess our sins, he is faithful 1 John 1:9
• Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ 1 John 4:2
• Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, 1 John 4:15
confidence / confident
To be sure of, to believe strongly in, to be firm in one's thinking, to have a faith that knows its truth.
Having a foundation that is steadfast, unmovable. DTP We are to have confidence in who Christ Jesus
is, and know that He is our Creator God, One who has no beginning or end.
• to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. Ps 118:8
• For the LORD shall be thy confidence, Prov 3:26
• the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: Prov 14:26
• quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: Isa 30:15
• the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, Acts 28:31
• we are always confident, knowing that, 2 Cor 5:6

• I have confidence in you through the Lord, Gal 5:10
• boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him. Eph 3:12
• Being confident of this very thing, Phil 1:6
• And having this confidence, I know that Phil 1:25
• we have confidence in the Lord touching you, 2 Thes 3:4
• of our confidence steadfast unto the end; Heb 3:14
• this is the confidence that we have in him, 1 John 5:14
confirm / confirmed / confirmation
To prove, authenticate, bear out, endorse, ratify, substantiate, and validate; to come into an agreement
with, to make sure that all conditions have been met by both parties. DTP God confirms and seals in
our heart through the Holy Spirit that we are children of God. We can know that our salvation is secure
and that we have eternal life in Christ because we have, through faith, a personal relationship with
• for to confirm all things; a man plucked off his shoe, Ruth 4:7
• That confirmeth the word of his servant, and performeth Isa 44:26
• Lord working with them, and confirming the word Mark 16:20
• with many words, and confirmed them. Acts 15:32
• to confirm the promises made unto the fathers: Rom 15:8
• as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you: 1 Cor 1:6
• that ye would confirm your love toward him. 2 Cor 2:8
• in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, Phil 1:7
Adjust, comply, yield, agree, harmonize. DTP We are not to conform to this world, but we are to be
transformed into the image of Christ, renewing both our mind and our spirit.
• to be conformed to the image of his Son, Rom 8:29
• And be not conformed to this world Rom 12:2
To be mixed up, disorder, unclear, not having a true understanding about something. DTP Our walk with
Christ needs to be one of clear mindedness. Christ is a lamp unto our feet and as we pray, He will
make straighten our paths before us.
• to thine own confusion, and unto the confusion of thy 1 Sam 20:30
• I am full of confusion; therefore see thou mine affliction; Job 10:15
• My confusion is continually before me, Ps 44:15
• let them cover themselves with their own confusion, Ps 109:29
• The city of confusion is broken down: Isa 24:10
• and our confusion covereth us: for we have sinned Jer 3:25
• And the whole city was filled with confusion: Acts 19:29
• For God is not the author of confusion, 1 Cor 14:33
• where envying and strife is, there is confusion James 3:16
Worshippers, parishioners, flock. DTP In the Old Testament it was the gathering together of the people
of Israel; In the New Testament it was a coming together of believers in Christ; where the people
gather together in the name of Christ is also the place where the church meets.
• Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, Ex 12:3
• And if the whole congregation of Israel sin Lev 4:13
• And gather thou all the congregation together unto the door Lev 8:3
• all the congregation drew near and stood before the LORD. Lev 9:5
• and for all the congregation of Israel. Lev 16:17
• the congregation of the children of Israel, Num 1:2
• congregation of the LORD be not as sheep which have no shepherd. Num 27:17
• And the congregation said, Amen, and praised the LORD. Neh 5:13
• in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee. Ps 22:22
• in the congregations will I bless the LORD. Ps 26:12
• Bless ye God in the congregations, Ps 68:26

• God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; Ps 82:1
• Now when the congregation was broken up, Acts 13:43
Principle, ethics, sense of right and wrong. DTP The conscience is where God speaks to us through
guiding and directing us by His Holy Spirit. If our conscience has become numb or hard because of sin,
we will not be able to enter into the peace that God wants us to have here on earth (Phil 4:7).
• being convicted by their own conscience, John 8:9
• I have lived in all good conscience before God Acts 23:1
• their conscience also bearing witness, Rom 2:15
• my conscience also bearing me witness Rom 9:1
• their conscience being weak is defiled. 1 Cor 8:7
• and of a good conscience, 1 Tim 1:5
• having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 1 Tim 4:2
• purge your conscience from dead works Heb 9:14
• Having a good conscience; 1 Pet 3:16
• the answer of a good conscience toward God, 1 Pet 3:21
consecrate / consecrated
Sanctify, bless, set apart, make holy. DTP Salvation brings us into a personal relationship with Christ, but
sanctification is a daily process of becoming clean and set apart for the ministry of Christ here on
earth. Lev 27:14, 15, 17, 18, 19.
• make Aaron's garments to consecrate him, Ex 28:3
• and thou shalt consecrate Aaron and his sons. Ex 29:9
• Consecrate yourselves today to the LORD, Ex 32:29
• he shall consecrate unto the LORD the days Num 6:12
• iron, are consecrated unto the LORD: Josh 6:19
• who then is willing to consecrate his service 1 Chr 29:5
• and they shall consecrate themselves. Ezek 43:26
• which he hath consecrated for us, Heb 10:20
Preservative, opposed to change, reactionary; it can also mean a group of people or a person who hold
onto the basic truth or a way of life. DTP A disciple is conservative when he or she holds to the basic
truth and teaching that our church fathers and the Bible lay out for us.
To judge, to believe, to contemplate, meditate, ponder or reflect on, to think upon, to think through.
DTP The disciple of Christ needs to ponder, reflect and to take into account what they may be doing
and where they may be headed as they sojourn here on earth. We need to think carefully about our
steps as we walk to make sure that we line up with the truth of the word of God.
• and consider that this nation is thy people. Ex 33:13
• consider it in thine heart, that the LORD Deut 4:39
• now therefore consider what ye have to do. Judg 18:14
• for consider how great things he hath done for you. 1 Sam 12:24
• O LORD, consider my meditation. Ps 5:1
• When I consider thy heavens, Ps 8:3
• for thou hast considered my trouble: Ps 31:7
• Blessed is he that considereth the poor: Ps 41:1
• Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, Prov 6:6
• The righteous considereth the cause of the poor: Prov 29:7
• Consider the work of God: for who can make that straight, Eccl 7:13
• that which they had not heard shall they consider. Isa 52:15
• saith the LORD of hosts: Consider your ways. Hag 1:5 (1:7)
• Consider the lilies of the field, Matt 6:28 (Luke 12:27)
• Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; Luke 12:24
• considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Gal 6:1
• Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee 2 Tim 2:7

• let us consider one another to provoke unto love Heb 10:24
• For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners Heb 12:3
Comfort, solace, relief, to support, to help; to give comfort during a time of disappointment or sorrow.
• Barnabas, (..., The son of consolation,) Acts 4:36
• Now the God of patience and consolation grant you Rom 15:5
• so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ. 2 Cor 1:5
• be afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, 2 Cor 1:6
• If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, Phil 2:1
• given us everlasting consolation and good hope 2 Thes 2:16
• For we have great joy and consolation in thy love, Phlm 1:7
This word defines a belief that Martin Luther held to when it came to participating in the communion
service. It teaches that the physical body and blood of Christ abides together with the bread and wine,
when one partakes of it. (See also transubstantiation)
continue / continual / continually
To remain, to abide or carry on, to endure or last, to persist, to stay connected, not to stop, to keep
moving forward, to let it flow out from one mind and heart, to keep on keeping on. DTP The disciples
must realize deep in their hearts what it means to be a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a daily
moment by moment walk in Christ. To be walking forward according to His will for our lives.
• the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Gen 6:5
• that reigneth over you continue following the LORD your God: 1 Sam 12:14
• Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually. 1 Chr 16:11
• his praise shall continually be in my mouth. Ps 34:1
• O continue thy loving kindness unto them that know thee; Ps 36:10
• thy lovingkindness and thy truth continually preserve me. Ps 40:11
• strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort: Ps 71:3
• prayer also shall be made for him continually; Ps 72:15
• Bind them continually upon thine heart, Prov 6:21
• the LORD shall guide thee continually, Isa 58:11
• whom thou servest continually, Dan 6:20
• mercy and judgment and wait on thy God continually. Hos 12:6
• lest by her continual coming she weary me. Luke 18:5
• continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. Luke 24:53
• If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; John 8:31
• so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. John 15:9
• And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine Acts 2:42
• But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, Acts 6:4
• exhorting them to continue in the faith, Acts 14:22
• great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart. Rom 9:2
• If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, Col 1:23
• Continue in prayer, and watch in the same Col 4:2
• But continue thou in the things which thou hast 2 Tim 3:14
• let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, Heb 13:15
• the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, James 1:25
• ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father. 1 John 2:24
This is dealing with the inward heart and feelings of man towards God. It can mean sorry, remorseful,
repentant, regretful, penitent or ashamed. DTP Often it is linked with how man sees his sin through
the eyes of Christ Jesus. Man must come before God with a pure heart and we must confess our sin if
we hope to have forgiveness of our sins (Rom 10:9-10).
• and saveth such as be a contrite spirit. Ps 34:18
• a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. Ps 51:17
• that is of a contrite and humble spirit, Isa 57:15

• of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word. Isa 66:2
Exchange of ideas by spoken words. DTP Our words and actions are the windows showing who we really
are. Our words will either set us free or become a snare and a bondage to our walk here on earth. We
must always guard our mouths and ensure that which come from our lips are pure and truthful.
• and to slay such as be of upright conversation. Ps 37:14
• conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, Eph 2:3
• your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: Phil 1:27
• in word, in conversation, in charity, 1 Tim 4:12
• Let your conversation be without covetousness; Heb 13:5
• faith follow, considering the end of their conversation. Heb 13:7
• let him shew out of a good conversation his works James 3:13
• so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; 1 Pet 1:15
• Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: 1 Pet 2:12
• ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, 2 Pet 3:11
conversion / convert / converted
Transformation, change, change of heart, regeneration, create anew. DTP When we receive Christ into
our hearts we become new creations; we are transformed from death to eternal life in Christ; we
convert from an old way of life to a new life filled by the Holy Spirit.
• the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: Ps 19:7
• and sinners shall be converted unto thee. Ps 51:13
• understand with their heart, and convert, Isa 6:10 (Matt 13:15; Mark 4:12; Acts 28:27)
• I say unto you, Except ye be converted, Matt 18:3
• with their heart, and be converted, John 12:40
• Repent ye therefore, and be converted, Acts 3:19
• declaring the conversion of the Gentiles: Acts 15:3
• he which converteth the sinner from the error James 5:20
Confidence, certainly, assurance, passion. DTP A deep belief and trust in Jesus Christ, an assurance given
to us by the Holy Spirit.
conviction of sin
The Holy Spirit brings to all mankind a conviction of sin; man is also born with an inner conviction of right
and wrong; guilt can only be removed through a personal invitation made by a person to invite Christ
into one's heart; forgiveness is given to us through Christ's redemptive work on the cross of Calvary.
Calling together, gathering, assembling, summoning. DTP In the Old Testament it was a gathering of
people together before God; in the New Testament the word church means "called out ones".
• there shall be an holy convocation, Ex 12:16
• the sabbath of rest, an holy convocation; Lev 23:3, 7, 8
• it shall be an holy convocation unto you; Lev 23:27
• ye shall have an holy convocation; Num 29:1
CORINTHIANS, book of First
Epistle written by Paul during his third missionary journey to Ephesus, the date could be around 56-57
AD. This letter was written in response to a letter that was sent to him concerning various questions
that the Corinthian church had; Paul also heard of some factions within the church; he wrote
concerning these factions, incestuous marriage, issue of suing each other in court, marriage, idols and
meat offered to them; observance of the Lord's Supper; spiritual gifts and the resurrection of the
CORINTHIANS, book of Second
Epistle written by Paul during his third missionary journey somewhere in Macedonia. This letter written
in response to information that was given to him by Titus. This letter deals with subjects concerning
the many challenges that the church was experiencing, collection for the poor and the challenge that
people were bringing forth about Paul's apostleship.

A place where the various sides meet together, the point of an angle. DTP Jesus states that He is the
chief cornerstone, the first stone that is set and from that all other stones are placed into proper
position. The whole building is centered from the point of that one corner stone.
• is become the head stone of the corner. Ps 118:22 (Matt 21:42; Mark 12:10; Luke 20:17; Acts 4:11; 1
Pet 2:7)
• a precious corner stone, Isa 28:16 (1 Pet 2:6)
• Out of him came forth the corner, Zech 10:4
• for this thing was not done in a corner. Acts 26:26
• Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; Eph 2:20
corner stone / head of the corner / chief corner stone
Foundation stone, keystone, basis. DTP In Biblical time this was the first stone that was picked from the
quarry and brought to the building site and placed where one of the corners of the building would be;
then from that stone all other angles and measurements would be made. Christ was rejected by the
religious people of the world, but God selected Christ to be the Chief Cornerstone of His new kingdom
and church.
• is become the head stone of the corner. Ps 118:22
• a tried stone, a precious corner stone, Isa 28:16
• same is become the head of the corner Matt 21:42
• is become the head of the corner: Mark 12:10
• which is become the head of the corner. Acts 4:11
• himself being the chief corner stone; Eph 2:20
• I lay in Zion a chief corner stone, 1 Pet 2:6
correct / correction
To repair that which was wrong or broken, to rebuild, to make right again or to restore. DTP The disciple
must always be open to correction, because sometimes we can lose our way or be misguided by
teaching that is contrary to the Word of God. The Word of God is there to be light unto our path so
that we will walk according to God's truth.
• happy is the man whom God correcteth: Job 5:17
• rebukes dost correct man for iniquity, Ps 39:11
• For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; Prov 3:12
• Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh Prov 15:10
• Withhold not correction from the child: Prov 23:13
• Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest; Prov 29:17
• they received no correction: Jer 2:30
• O LORD, correct me, but with judgment; Jer 10:24
• for reproof, for correction, 2 Tim 3:16
corrupt / corruption
Impure, rotten, spoiled, tainted, contaminated, pollution, depravity, dishonesty. DTP In the physical,
corruption is like sickness that, over a long period of time, can destroy the body and person. Spiritually
and mentally, people can become corrupt by wrong thinking and believing lies and false teaching; it
begins to work its way in and over a period of time it can destroy both the mind and the spirit. Paul
taught that a little leaven can leaven the whole lump (Gal 5:9); the sins of the world may start out
little but can become like a virus that can destroy all.
• The earth also was corrupt before God, Gen 6:11
• have corrupted themselves: Ex 32:7
• Lest ye corrupt yourselves, Deut 4:16
• They are corrupt, Ps 14:1
• They are corrupt, Ps 73:8
• They have deeply corrupted themselves, Hos 9:9
• my life from corruption, Jonah 2:6
• where moth and rust doth corrupt, Matt 6:19, 20
• Holy One to see corruption. Acts 2:27
• it is sown in corruption; 1 Cor 15:42

• which corrupt the word of God: 2 Cor 2:17
• flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; Gal 6:8
• Let no corrupt communication proceed Eph 4:29
• men of corrupt minds, 2 Tim 3:8
• Being born again, not of corruptible seed, 1 Pet 1:23
• having escaped the corruption 2 Pet 1:4
A word that describes the universe, all things that have been created by God. It is all the heavens and
space, all the stars and planets. It comes literally from the Greek word "arrangement", meaning a
"system" of being. The order and balance of all things both in the heaven and on the earth.
cost / costly
Charge, price, rate, fee; everything has a cost to it, nothing is produced without some type of cost. DTP
For the disciple, the cost that Christ paid for our redemption was huge; it cost Him His life; that is why
we as disciples must also pay the price of dying to oneself. The grace of Christ was very costly and we
need to treasure it as God the Father's gift to us; it was grace that paid the price for our sinful nature,
a grace that set the captive free.
• which doth cost me nothing. 2 Sam 24:24
• offer burnt offerings without cost. 1 Chr 21:24
• not down first, and counteth the cost, Luke 14:28
• ointment of spikenard, very costly, John 12:3
• gold, or pearls, or costly array; 1 Tim 2:9
To receive advice, to be advised, to be instructed, to be given understanding concerning an issue in one's
life. DTP God's word and His Spirit is there to provide us with daily counsel, direction and
understanding; all we have to do is, by faith, ask Him for the wisdom that we need ( James 1:5). God
is always giving counsel to His children; the problem is we are not listening to what His Spirit is saying.
• I will give thee counsel, Ex 18:19
• Ask counsel, we pray thee, of God, Judg 18:5
• the house of God, and asked counsel of God, Judg 20:18
• And Saul asked counsel of God, 1 Sam 14:37
• forsook the counsel of the old men, 1 Kin 12:8 (2 Chr 10:8)
• God had brought their counsel to nought, Neh 4:15
• he hath counsel and understanding. Job 12:13
• that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, Ps 1:1
• who hath given me counsel: Ps 16:7
• We took sweet counsel together, Ps 55:14
• Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, Ps 73:24
• and contemned the counsel of the Most High: Ps 107:11
• Where no counsel is, the people fall: Prov 11:14
• but the counsels of the wicked are deceit. Prov 12:5
• Hear counsel, and receive instruction, Prov 19:20
• the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand. Prov 19:21
• the spirit of counsel and might, Isa 11:2
• because of the counsel of the LORD of hosts, Isa 19:17
• which is wonderful in counsel, Isa 28:29
• Then Daniel answered with counsel and wisdom Dan 2:14
• rejected the counsel of God against themselves, Luke 7:30
• to declare unto you all the counsel of God. Acts 20:27
• all things after the counsel of his own will: Eph 1:11
• I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, Rev 3:18
Adviser, guidance giver, direction giver, recommender, director, instructor, pleader. The Greek word is
"paraclete" and may be translated into English as "counselor", "helper", "encourager", "advocate", or
"comforter". The Advocate is the Holy Spirit, John 14:26 DTP "Counsellor" is one of the names of the

Holy Spirit (the Spirit of Christ within the believer). The Holy Spirit is there daily for us, to draw wisdom
from, and to help us through our daily struggles.
• name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Isa 9:6
• who hath been his counsellor? Rom 11:34
count / counted
To add up, to calculate, to regard, to evaluate. DTP We must realize that God is keeping a daily record of
our thoughts and actions; it is because of this counting of the Lord we will stand condemned before
a righteous God. It is only by confessing our sin and letting Christ cover our sins by His blood that all
this accounting can be erased from God's eternal books.
• he counted it to him for righteousness. Gen 15:6 (Rom 4:3)
• he see my ways, and count all my steps? Job 31:4
• we are counted as sheep for the slaughter. Ps 44:22
• LORD shall count, when he writeth up the people, Ps 87:6
• he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: Prov 17:28
• but they were counted as a strange thing. Hos 8:12
• and counteth the cost, Luke 14:28
• counted worthy to suffer shame for his name. Acts 5:41
• neither count I my life dear unto myself, Acts 20:24
• were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Phil 3:7
• he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry; 1 Tim 1:12
• was counted worthy of more glory than Moses, Heb 3:3
• My brethren, count it all joy James 1:2
One's outward appearance, how one looks to others. DTP Our outward countenance often is a reflection
of what takes place in one's heart. What do people see when they look at us and what does God
Almighty see as He looks at our hearts?
• And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. Gen 4:5
• The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, Num 6:26
• a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance. 1 Sam 17:42
• Why is thy countenance sad, Neh 2:2
• the light of thy countenance upon us. Ps 4:6
• so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. Prov 27:17
• the countenance the heart is made better. Eccl 7:3
• Then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, Dan 1:13
• the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: Matt 6:16
• His countenance was like lightning, Matt 28:3
• full of joy with thy countenance. Acts 2:28
• Moses for the glory of his countenance; 2 Cor 3:7
• his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. Rev 1:16
courage / courageous
Brave, daring, fearless, valourous, bold, resolute. DTP God called Joshua to be strong and courageous as
he readied for battle because he was to fulfill the will of the Lord.
• And be ye of good courage, Num 13:20
• Be strong and of a good courage: Deut 31:7
• Be strong and of a good courage: Josh 1:6
• be strong and of good courage: Josh 10:25
• Be ye therefore very courageous to keep Josh 23:6
• Be of good courage, 2 Sam 10:12
• Be strong and courageous, 2 Chr 32:7
• Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, Ps 27:14
• Be of good courage, Ps 31:24
• he thanked God, and took courage. Acts 28:15

Agreement, contract, treaty, promise, pledge. DTP In the Bible, this word relates to an agreement that
is made between God and man; some covenants are for a period of time, others are everlasting.
Communion is a time to remember that Christ made between the disciple and Himself.
• I will establish my covenant; Gen 6:18
• I establish my covenant with you, Gen 9:9
• the LORD made a covenant with Abram, Gen 15:18
• And I will make my covenant between me and thee, Gen 17:2
• I have also established my covenant with them, Ex 6:4
• Behold the blood of the covenant, Ex 24:8
• Behold, I make a covenant: Ex 34:10
• establish my covenant with you. Lev 26:9 (15, 25, 42, 44, 45)
• the covenant of an everlasting priesthood; Num 25:13
• ye forget the covenant of the LORD your God, Deut 4:23
• the covenant of the LORD your God, Josh 23:16
• an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things, 2 Sam 23:5
• madest a covenant with him Neh 9:8
• and he will shew them his covenant. Ps 25:14
• I have made a covenant with my chosen, Ps 89:3
• an everlasting covenant with them. Isa 61:8
• I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, Jer 31:31
• a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten. Jer 50:5
• and to remember his holy covenant; Luke 1:72
• For this is my covenant unto them, Rom 11:27
• I say, that the covenant, Gal 3:17
• and strangers from the covenants of promise, Eph 2:12
• the mediator of a better covenant, Heb 8:6 (7, 8, 9, 10, 13)
• Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, Heb 12:24
• the blood of the everlasting covenant, Heb 13:20
Covenant, Ark of the
A sacred box of God in which the Ten Commandments, Aaron's staff and some manna were kept; this
was placed in the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle and later in the Temple. (See Exodus 25)
• that bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD Josh 4:18
• Take up the ark of the covenant, Josh 6:6
• the ark of the covenant of the LORD 1 Sam 4:3
• the ark of the covenant of the LORD, 1 Kin 3:15
• bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD 1 Kin 8:1
covenants, Abrahamic
A binding covenant made by God with Abraham, in which Abraham was promised physical descendants;
this covenant reached all the way through to the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ (Matt 1:1-17).
Abrahamic covenants: Gen 12:1-3; Ex 6:4.
covenants, Davidic
A binding covenant made by God with David which promised him a house (a continuing dynasty), a
kingdom (Messiah would one day rule), a throne, an eternal rule. Davidic covenants: 2 Sam 7:12-16.
covenants, Mosaic
A binding covenant made by God with Moses on behalf of the people of Israel; the key was that if they
wanted God's blessing, they were to obey God and keep His covenants; they were to become a holy
nation. Mosaic covenants: Ex 19:5-6, 8.
covenants, New (Jesus Christ)
A binding covenant made by God (Jesus Christ) with His disciples; communion helps us to remember the
agreement which was made when we drink of the cup at communion (1 Cor 11:25).
• I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, Jer 31:31
• this is My blood of the new covenant, Mat 26:28 NKJB
• My blood of the new covenant, Mark 14:24 NKJB

• This cup is the new covenant in My blood, Luke 22:20 NKJB
• This cup is the new covenant in My blood. 1 Cor 11:25 NKJB
covenants, Noahic
A binding covenant made by God with Noah; where God gave directives for the transition, provision and
protection of the human race; the rainbow is the symbol of this agreement. Noahic covenants: Gen
cover / covered / covering
Shelter, concealment, protection, refuge, shield, a hiding place; to place something over something else
so it cannot be seen. DTP The disciple needs to understand that God can see all things and knows all
that we are trying to hide from Him. We should not hide from Him but we need to be covered by Him.
He is our place of shelter and protection, a shelter in the time of storms.
• will cover thee with my hand while I pass by: Ex 33:22
• And cover not their iniquity, Neh 4:5
• whose sin is covered. Ps 32:1 (Rom 4:7)
• He shall cover thee with his feathers, Ps 91:4
• He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: Prov 28:13
• as the waters cover the sea. Isa 11:9 (Hab 2:14)
• His glory covered the heavens, Hab 3:3
• covering the altar of the LORD with tears, Mal 2:13
• for there is nothing covered, Matt 10:26 (Luke 12:2)
• charity shall cover the multitude of sins. 1 Pet 4:8
covet / covetous / covetousness
Greed, materialism, desire, long deeply after, lust after. DTP The heart of man, because of its sin nature,
can seek after things lustfully, coveting after other people and their possessions; in God's eyes this
type of living and thinking is out of balance; it is corrupt and sinful.
• Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, Ex20:17
• Take heed, and beware of covetousness: Luke 12:15
• wickedness, covetousness, Rom 1:29
• Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, 1 Cor 6:10
• But covet earnestly the best gifts: 1 Cor 12:31
• evil concupiscence and covetousness, Col 3:5
• nor a cloak of covetousness; 1 Thes 2:5
• their own selves, covetous, 2 Tim 3:2
• your conversation be without covetousness; Heb 13:5
create / created
To make, to compose, formulate, fashion, form, invent, to produce, to assemble together, and to bring
into existence. DTP One must remember that God has not stopped creating, He is still molding us and
working out His plans for us. One day He will create a new heaven and earth, but the greatest creation
is when, in the future, He re-creates us with new heavenly bodies.
• God created the heaven and the earth. Gen 1:1
• So God created man in his own image, Gen 1:27
• Create in me a clean heart, Ps 51:10
• be created shall praise the LORD. Ps 102:18
• he commanded, and they were created. Ps 148:5
• the Holy One of Israel hath created it. Isa 41:20
• he that created the heavens, Isa 42:5
• I have created him for my glory, Isa 43:7
• the earth, and created man upon it: Isa 45:12
• I create a new heavens and a new earth: Isa 65:17
• the LORD hath created a new thing in the earth, Jer 31:22
• the mountains, and createth the wind, Amos 4:13
• hath not one God created us? Mal 2:10
• created in Christ Jesus unto good works, Eph 2:10
• who created all things by Jesus Christ: Eph 3:9

• God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Eph 4:24
• all things were created by him, Col 1:16
• for thou hast created all things, Rev 4:11
• who created heaven, and the things that therein are, Rev 10:6
Formation, making, conception, design, foundation. DTP The Bible teaches that God was and is the
Creator of all things on earth and throughout the heavens; He has been and always will be. For all
time He is the Creator God. (See Gen 1:1-2:3)
• the creation God made them Mark 10:6
• the creation which God created unto this time, Mark 13:19
• the creation of the world are clearly seen, Rom 1:20
• the whole creation groaneth and travaileth Rom 8:22
• from the beginning of the creation. 2 Pet 3:4
Bible-believing people believe that the earth was created in six days; the Creator God created all things
both on earth and in heaven and His final triumph was the creation of man and woman.
Maker, designer, the Supreme Original; the One who made all heaven and earth, who created all living
things; a name for God Almighty.
• thy Creator in the days of thy youth, Eccl 12:1
• the Creator of the ends of the earth, Isa 40:28
• the creature more than the Creator, Rom 1:25
• as unto a faithful Creator. 1 Pet 4:19
That which has breath and lives, both on earth and in heaven, a human or animal. DTP The believer
believes that all things were and are created by God. Genesis tells us clearly in chapter one that God
created all things both in the heavens and on the earth.
• God and every living creature of all Gen 9:16
• and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15
• the creature more than the Creator, Rom 1:25
• nor any other creature, Rom 8:39
• he is a new creature: 2 Cor 5:17
• nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. Gal 6:15
• the firstborn of every creature: Col 1:15
• preached to every creature which is under heaven; Col 1:23
• For every creature of God is good, 1 Tim 4:4
• a kind of firstfruits of his creatures. James 1:18
• And every creature which is in heaven, Rev 5:13
Dogma, doctrine, credo; usually used as a statement of faith and belief in something or someone; a
summary of beliefs; two well-known creeds are the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed.
creed, Apostles
Created around the year AD 340; it contains the basic tenets of the Gospel message of Jesus Christ; it
was a way for the disciples to memorize the foundational teachings of Jesus Christ; it was also the
way for the Church to have as it foundation a basic doctrinal statement of beliefs, that all followers of
Christ would know and live by.
• I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only
Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He
suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the
third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will
come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the
communion of the saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.

creed, Nicene
This creed was adopted in AD 325; this creed put further emphasis on the Deity of Christ; later in AD 381
another line was added to the creed to reflect the place that the Holy Spirit has, as God: ("We believe
in the Holy Ghost, the Lord, the Giver of Life, who proceeded from the Father, who with the Father
and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, who spoke by the prophets.")
A frame or a cross for slaying of sacrificial animal. DTP In the time of Christ the Romans used the cross
as a method to carry out the death penalty on people that were found guilty of various kinds of crimes.
• and take up his cross, and follow me. Matt 16:24
• come down from the cross. Matt 27:40
• take up the cross, and follow me. Mark 10:21
• he bearing his cross went forth John 19:17
• and put it on the cross. John 19:19
• For the preaching of the cross 1 Cor 1:18
• persecution for the cross of Christ. Gal 6:12
• God in one body by the cross, Eph 2:16
• even the death of the cross. Phil 2:8
• peace through the blood of his cross, Col 1:20
• set before him endured the cross, Heb 12:2
Crown to be worn on a King's head; a head covering worn by a ruler as a symbol of authority over a
country or countries. DTP Jesus was known as the King of the Jews (Matt 27:37, 42). In the last days
the believer will receive a crown of life (Rev 2:10; Jam 1:12); it will be given to the believer as a reward
for faithfulness; as we gather before our King, many will cast their crowns before the King of kings
(Rev 4:10).
• I took the crown that was upon his head, 2 Sam 1:10
• put the crown upon him, 2 Kin 11:12
• the king with the crown royal, Est 1:11
• thou settest a crown of pure gold on his head. Ps 21:3
• they had platted a crown of thorns, Matt 27:29
• soldiers platted a crown of thorns, John 19:2
• do it to obtain a corruptible crown; 1 Cor 9:25
• for me a crown of righteousness, 2 Tim 4:8
• he shall receive the crown of life, James 1:12
• I will give thee a crown of life. Rev 2:10
• his head a golden crown, Rev 14:14
Crucified, to hang, suspend on a frame, one who is put to death on a cross: crucified/kill Gal 6:14; to kill,
to murder, end, terminate. DTP Christ was crucified on the cross and it was because of the shedding
of His blood and His willingness to die that we have redemption from our sins.
• the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified. Matt 26:2
• Let him be crucified. Matt 27:22, 23
• he delivered him to be crucified. Matt 27:26
• two thieves crucified with him, Matt 27:38 (Mark 15:27)
• seek Jesus, which was crucified. Matt 28:5 (Mark 16:6)
• that he might be crucified. Luke 23:23
• there they crucified him, Luke 23:33
• Where they crucified him, John 19:18
• by wicked hands have crucified and slain: Acts 2:23
• whom ye have crucified, Acts 2:36
• whom ye crucified, Acts 4:10
• our old man is crucified with him, Rom 6:6
• we preach Christ crucified, 1 Cor 1:23
• save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. 1 Cor 2:2

• I am crucified with Christ: Gal 2:20
• that are Christ's have crucified Gal 5:24
Putting to death on a cross. DTP Jesus was crucified together with two others, people who were thieves
(Matt 27:38, 44).
• to scourge, and to crucify him: Matt 20:19
• saying, Crucify him, crucify him. John 19:6
• seeing they crucify to themselves Heb 6:6
cry / cried / crieth / crying
To speak out with a loud voice, to shed tears due to a deep emotion that comes from the heart, the
source may be one of sadness or pain but can also come from a heart that is full of joy. DTP When
one cries out before God it is to be a cry that come deep from within one's heart. It is a cry of deep
emotion and feeling expressing the innermost fears and challenges, but it came also be a cry of great
thanksgiving and praise, knowing and seeing truly in one's heart what Christ has done completely for
our salvation. When one cries out genuinely from one's heart for oneself or for another, God hears
our cries and He will answer according to His will for our lives.
• the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me Gen 4:10
• he cried with a great and exceeding bitter cry, Gen 27:34
• they cried, and their cry came up unto God Ex 2:23
• their cry by reason of their taskmasters; Ex 3:7
• cry at all unto me, I will surely hear their cry; Ex 22:23
• and cried to my God: 2 Sam 22:7 (Ps 18:6)
• I cried unto the LORD with my voice. Ps 3:4
• the voice of my cry, Ps 5:2
• attend unto my cry, Ps 17:1
• The righteous cry, Ps 34:17
• will I pray, and cry aloud: Ps 55:17
• I cried unto God with my voice, Ps 77:1
• for I cry unto thee daily. Ps 86:3
• I have cried day and night before thee: Ps 88:1
• Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, Ps 107:6
• I cried with my whole heart; Ps 119:145
• I cried unto the LORD, Ps 120:1
• Doth not wisdom cry? Prov 8:1
• Cry out and shout, Isa 12:6
• that crieth in the wilderness, Isa 40:3 (Matt 3:3; Mark 1:3; Luke 3:4; John 1:23)
• they shall cry unto me, Jer 11:11
• and cry mightily unto God: Jon 3:8
• Jesus cried with a loud voice, Matt 27:46 (Mark 15:34)
• the stones would immediately cry out. Luke 19:40
• Jesus stood and cried, John 7:37
• whereby we cry, Abba, Father. Rom 8:15 (Gal 4:6)
• with strong crying and tears Heb 5:7
• crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped James 5:4
• And cried with a loud voice, Rev 7:10
• neither sorrow, nor crying, Rev 21:4
A form of measurement common in Bible times; the length was between 17 and 20 inches; it was roughly
the length from the elbow to the middle finger.
• in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; Gen 6:16
• of a cubit length; Judg 3:16
• The cubit is a cubit and an hand breadth; Eze 43:13, 14
• can add one cubit unto his stature? Matt 6:27

In the olden times it was a group of people that would practice idolatry and participate in various kinds
of pagan worship; sometimes it would also include human sacrifices (Deut 23:17-18; I Kin 14:24;
15:12); in modern times a cult is a group of people with a leader who re-interprets the Bible according
to their desires, wants and beliefs; often these religious leaders keep strict control over the people or
followers, as well as their resources.
A container or a vessel from which one drinks, a small bowl-shaped drinking container with a handle.
DTP In Scripture, the cup can refer both the obvious physical object or it can refer to the challenges
of life which we are given. The communion cup is an example of this. The cup's contents can represent
both sweet and bitter things that one may be asked to drink. We also need to be careful which "cup"
one drinks from as one cup may poison and another can give life. Christ is our cupbearer.
• put my cup, the silver cup, Gen 44:2
• my cup runneth over. Ps 23:5
• the hand of the LORD there is a cup, Ps 75:8
• I will take the cup of salvation, Ps 116:13
• the LORD the cup of his fury, Isa 51:17
• out of thine hand the cup of trembling, Isa 51:22
• the cup of consolation to drink Jer 16:7
• the cup of the LORD's right hand Hab 2:16
• Jerusalem a cup of trembling Zech 12:2
• little ones a cup of cold water Matt 10:42 (Mark 9:41)
• the cup that I shall drink of, Matt 20:22 (Mark 10:38)
• the cup and of the platter, Matt 23:25 (Luke 11:39)
• And he took the cup, Matt 26:27 (Mark 14:23; Luke 22:17)
• let this cup pass from me: Matt 26:39 (Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42)
• This cup is the new testament in my blood, Luke 22:20 (1 Cor 11:25)
• the cup which my Father hath given me, John 18:11
• The cup of blessing which we bless, 1 Cor 10:16
• the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: 1 Cor 10:21
cupbearer / cupbearers
Often one who brings a drink to the king; he would taste it first before giving to the king to make sure
that the liquid had not been poisoned; Nehemiah was a cupbearer to King Artaxerxes. DTP This can
also be a ministry that one can have in serving others. Our lives should be like a cup that carries within
it the power of the Holy Spirit; we as believers need to be willing that to pour out our lives to others
for the glory of Christ Jesus. It can be costly but in the end there are great rewards for the ones who
are willing to give their lives for the cause of another.
• their apparel and his cupbearers, 1 Kin 10:5
• his cupbearers also, and their apparel; 2 Chr 9:4
• For I was the king's cupbearer. Neh 1:11
cure /cured / cures
To make whole, to heal or restore, to be delivered from a sickness, a remedy or solution.
• and I will cure them, Jer 33:6
• nor cure you of your wound. Hos 5:13
• they could not cure him. Matt 17:16
• he cured many of their infirmities and plagues, Luke 7:21
• and to cure diseases. Luke 9:1
• I do cures today and tomorrow, Luke 13:32
curse / cursed / cursing
The term means to denounce verbally; irritation, to swear or use foul words; throughout history there
have always been people who use readings or other methods to bring spells or harm to their victims.
DTP When people walked out from under the will of God, as a form of punishment the people would
be cursed for their disobedience; "curse" is the opposite of "blessing".
• thou art cursed above all cattle, Gen 3:14

• And he said, Cursed be Canaan; Gen 9:25
• And he that curseth his father, Ex 21:17 (Matt 15:4; Mark 7:10)
• this day a blessing and a curse; Deut 11:26
• the curse upon mount Ebal. Deut 11:29
• Cursed be the man before the LORD, Josh 6:26
• the blessings and cursings, Josh 8:34
• Ye are cursed with a curse: Mal 3:9
• bless them that curse you, Matt 5:44 (Luke 6:28)
• ye cursed, into everlasting fire, Matt 25:41
• bound themselves under a curse, Acts 23:12
• bless, and curse not. Rom 12:14
• the law are under the curse: Gal 3:10
• redeemed us from the curse of the law, Gal 3:13
• proceedeth blessing and cursing. James 3:10
• And there shall be no more curse: Rev 22:3
curtain (veil) / curtains
A cloth that is hung over a doorway or window. The word veil was used most often in the New Testament
a term that had to do with the curtain or the veil that separated the Holy place from the Holy of Holies
where only once a year the High Priest could enter. DTP When Christ died on the cross the veil was
torn from the top to the bottom (Matt 27:51; Mark 15:38; Heb 6:19), symbolizing that all may enter
into God's presence by the blood of Jesus Christ. We could come into the very presence of God Himself
because of the redemptive, redeeming work of Christ.
• with ten curtains of fine twined linen, Ex 26:1
• the curtains of the tabernacle, Num 4:25
• God dwelleth within curtains. 2 Sam 7:2
• the veil (curtain) of the temple Matt 27:51
• the veil (curtain)of the temple was rent Luke 23:45
custom / customs
Habit, usage, practice, rule; manner or way of doing things. DTP Every people group on the earth has
unique traditions and customs, some of which are good and helpful, but others can bring bondage
and destruction; our habits and customs should be subject to Biblical truth and to the character and
teachings of Jesus Christ.
• one of these abominable customs, Lev 18:30
• And it was a custom in Israel, Judg 11:39
• For the customs of the people are vain: Jer 10:3
• the custom of the priest's office, Luke 1:9
• as his custom was, Luke 4:16
• And teach customs, Acts 16:21
• neither to walk after the customs. Acts 21:21
• custom to whom custom; Rom 13:7
To slice open, to open up, to sever into parts, to penetrate, to divide. DTP Christ came to establish a new
relationship between God and Man, but sin and disobedience can cut us away from the presence of
the Lord. Cities and nations can be cut away from the blessing of our God. We need to make sure that
we stay in right relationship with Him.
• any cutting in your flesh for the dead, Lev 19:28 (Deut 14:1)
• and cut off the skirt of Saul's robe privily. 1 Sam 24:4
• wilt not cut off my seed after me, 1 Sam 24:21
• and cut themselves after their manner 1 Kin 18:28
• if it be cut down, Job 14:7
• The LORD shall cut off all flattering lips, Ps 12:3
• For evildoers shall be cut off: Ps 37:9
• shall cut them off in their own wickedness; Ps 94:23
• the wicked shall be cut off from the earth, Prov 2:22

• he was cut off out of the land of the living: Isa 53:8
• everlasting sign that shall not be cut off. Isa 55:13
• Messiah be cut off, Dan 9:26
• offend thee, cut it off, Matt 5:30; 18:8 (Mark 9:43)
• And shall cut him asunder, Matt 24:51 (Luke 12:46)
• and cut off his ear. Mark 14:47 (Luke 22:50; John 18:10)
• they were cut to the heart, Acts 5:33
• even cut off which trouble you. Gal 5:12
cymbal / cymbals
A musical instrument most often made out of metal that be struck by a hammer or drum stick. One can
also take two of them and clang them together to make a sound. Often used in an orchestra as part
of the percussion section.
• the trumpets and cymbals 2 Chr 5:13
• the house of the LORD with cymbals, 2 Chr 29:25
• the sons of Asaph with cymbals, Ezra 3:10
• with singing, with cymbals, Neh 12:27
• Praise him upon the loud cymbals. Ps 150:5
• as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. 1 Cor 13:1

Repetition every 24 hours. DTP The disciple is called daily to servanthood. We are challenged to live one
day at a time. Daily we should come to Christ in pray and study so that we can be empowered for
service by the Holy Spirit. Paul tells us that we need to be filled daily (Eph 5:18)
• Fulfil your works, your daily tasks, Ex 5:13
• ye shall offer daily, Num 28:24
• having sorrow in my heart daily? Ps 13:2
• that I may daily perform my vows. Ps 61:8
• who daily loadeth us with benefits, Ps 68:19
• Give us this day our daily bread. Matt 6:11 (Luke 11:3)
• and take up his cross daily, Luke 9:23
• he taught daily in the temple. Luke 19:47
• continuing daily with one accord in the temple, Acts 2:46
• And the Lord added to the church daily such as Acts 2:47
• searched the scriptures daily, Acts 17:11
• disputing daily in the school of one Tyrannus. Acts 19:9
• in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily. 1 Cor 15:31
• But exhort one another daily, Heb 3:13
damnation / damned
Place of eternal torment; the wicked will be judged and will spend all eternity in a place that God has
prepared for them. DTP We need to remember that this is a real event and a real place. There are no
second chances. The moment one dies the end results are sealed for all eternity.
• ye shall receive the greater damnation. Matt 23:14 (Luke 20:47)
• but is in danger of eternal damnation. Mark 3:29
• these shall receive greater damnation. Mark 12:40
• he that believeth not shall be damned. Mark 16:16
• whose damnation is just. Rom 3:8
• shall receive to themselves damnation. Rom 13:2
• eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, 1 Cor 11:29
• they all might be damned who believed not 2 Thes 2:12
• Having damnation, 1 Tim 5:12
dance / dancing
To jump, skip, to swing around; expression of joy. DTP For the disciple of Christ, it is a way of individually
and corporately expressing one's joy and love toward God; dance brings together all parts of mankind
as one unit (body, soul and spirit) in an expression of praise to God.
• after her with timbrels and with dances. Ex 15:20
• king David leaping and dancing before the LORD; 2 Sam 6:16
• king David dancing and playing: 1 Chr 15:29
• and their children dance. Job 21:11
• turned for me my mourning into dancing: Ps 30:11
• Let them praise his name in the dance: Ps 149:3
• Praise him with the timbrel and dance: Ps 150:4
• a time to mourn, and a time to dance; Eccl 3:4
• our dance is turned into mourning. Lam 5:15
• ye have not danced; Matt 11:17 (Luke 7:32)
• he heard music and dancing. Luke 15:25
To suffer harm or loss; possible death and destruction to one life and soul.
• shall be in danger of the judgment: Matt 5:21
• shall be in danger of hell fire. Matt 5:22
• but is in danger of eternal damnation. Mark 3:29

DANIEL, book of
This book is a prophetic book which is part of the Hebrew Scripture; Daniel was part of the group that
was exiled to Babylon and became a government official. He was born and raised during the revival
of King Josiah (compare Daniel 1 with 2 Kings 22, 23 and 2 Chronicles 34, 35). DTP It is very valuable
for children to be raised with sensitivity to the presence of Almighty God in daily life. The first half of
the book (chapters 1-6) consists of six different stories (interpreting a dream, fiery furnace, lion's den
etc.); the second half of Daniel (chapters 7-12) consists of four futuristic visions; his book was to
inspire the Israelites to know that even though they were in captivity, their God was with them and
had a future plan for them and the Church's redemption and freedom.
• Noah, Daniel and Job, were in it, Ezek 14:14, 20
• thou art wiser than Daniel; Ezek 28:3
• spoken of by Daniel the prophet, Matt 24:15 (Mark 13:14)
dark / dark saying
The absence of light, a place where one cannot see; to be ignorant of facts, to be spiritually blind.
• and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace, Gen 15:17
• when it was dark, that the men went out: Josh 2:5
• I will utter dark sayings of old: Ps 78:2
• the words of the wise, and their dark sayings. Prov 1:6
• the sun and the moon shall be dark, Joel 2:10
• be full of light, having no part dark, Luke 11:36
• a light that shineth in a dark place, 2 Pet 1:19
This is the absence of light, when no light is present, it is like being "pitch black". One cannot see anything
around them. One may say, "It is so dark one cannot see his own hand", it is like being blind. DTP It is
so important that we have the light of Christ in us and also flowing out through us, lighting our
pathway before us, because without Him we walk into outer darkness, blind to what lies ahead.
• and darkness was upon the face of the deep. Gen 1:2
• God divided the light from the darkness. Gen 1:4
• an horror of great darkness fell upon him. Gen 15:12
• darkness over the land of Egypt, even darkness which may be felt. Ex 10:21
• with darkness, clouds, and thick darkness. Deut 4:11
• he put darkness between you and the Egyptians, Josh 24:7
• God will enlighten my darkness. Ps 18:28
• put out in obscure darkness. Prov 20:20
• which sat in darkness saw great light; Matt 4:16
• be darkness, how great is that darkness! Matt 6:23
• which is in thee be not darkness. Luke 11:35
• a light of them which are in darkness, Rom 2:19
• cast off the works of darkness, Rom 13:12
• the rulers of the darkness of this world, Eph 6:12
• out of darkness into his marvelous light; 1 Pet 2:9
daughter / daughters
Female offspring of a man and a woman.
• and his two daughters with him; Gen 19:30
• Whose daughter art thou? Gen 24:23 (24:47)
• his inheritance to pass unto his daughter. Num 27:8
• let the daughters of Judah be glad, Ps 48:11
• that our daughters may be as corner stones, Ps 144:12
• your daughters shall prophesy, Joel 2:28
• Daughter, be of good comfort; Matt 9:22 (Mark 5:34; Luke 8:48)
• the same man had four daughters, Acts 21:9

A Bible character who was a shepherd who became king of Israel. A friend of God. One who worshipped
God through song. One who was brave and had faith that God would take care of him in all areas of
his life.
• the father of Jesse, the father of David. Ruth 4:17
• upon David from that day forward. 1 Sam16:13
• Jonathan and David made a covenant, 1 Sam 18:3
• the stairs of the city of David, Neh 12:37
• above the house of David, Neh 12:37
• He chose David also his servant, Ps 78:70
• O house of David, Jer 21:12
• my servant David a prince among them; Eze 34:24
• Jesus Christ, the son of David, Matt 1:1
• Jesse begat David the King; and David the king Matt 1:6
• Thou Son of David, Matt 9:27
• Hosanna to the Son of David: Matt 21:9
• If David then call him Lord, Matt 22:45
• the throne of his father David: Luke 1:32
• unto the city of David, Luke 2:4
• Christ cometh of the seed of David, John 7:42
• the seed of David according to the flesh; Rom 1:3
• the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, Rev 5:5
• I am the root and the offspring of David, Rev 22:16
Davidic covenant
A binding covenant made by God with David, which promised him a house (a continuing dynasty), a
kingdom (Messiah would one day rule), a throne, an eternal rule. Davidic covenants: 2 Sam 7:11-16.
A twenty-four hours period of time, including both light and dark period. Seven days make a week and
365 days makes one year. DTP We are told that each day is a day that the Lord has made and has
given to us and, because of this, we need to use our days wisely because they are numbered. Each
day has its challenges; that is why we must seek out Christ Jesus for the power and understanding of
how we should live that gift of a new day for His glory.
• God called the light Day, and the darkness Gen 1:5
• rested on the seventh day from all Gen 2:2
• will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days Gen 7:4
• this day shall be unto you for a memorial Ex 12:14
• six days shalt thou labour and do Ex 20:9 (Deut 5:13)
• in the day of atonement shall ye make the Lev 25:9
• before you this day a blessing and a curse Deut 11:26
• have set before thee this day life and good Deut 30:15
• as thy day, so shall thy strength Deut 33:25
• thou shalt meditate there in day and night Josh 1:8
• choose you this day whom ye will serve Josh 24:15
• for this day is holy unto our LORD Neh 8:10
• in his law doth he meditate day and night Ps 1:2
• this day have I begotten Ps 2:7 (Acts 13:33; Heb 1:5)
• and what will ye do in the day of visitation Ps 10:3
• mercy shall follow me all the days of my life Ps 23:6
• my salvation; on the do I wait all the day Ps 25:5
• call upon me in the day of trouble; I will Ps 50:15
• day in thy courts is better than a thousand Ps 84:10
• so teach us to number our days, that we may Ps 90:12
• this is the day which the LORD hath made Ps 118:24
• thy law! it is my meditation all the day Ps 119:97

• the fear of the LORD prolongeth the day Prov 10:27
• in that day there shall be a root of Jesse Isa 11:10
• day of the LORD is at hand Isa 13:6 (Joel 1:15; Zeph 1:7)
• in a day of salvation have I helped Isa 49:8 (2 Cor 6:2)
• day is near, even the day of the LORD is near Ezek 30:3
• he kneeled three times a day and prayed Dan 6:10
• the day of the LORD is great and very terrible Joel 2:11
• a stronghold in the day of trouble Nah 1:7
• behold the day of the LORD cometh Zech 14:1
• has fasted forty days and forty nights Matt 4:2 (Luke 4:2)
• give us this day our daily bread Matt 6:11 (Luke 11:3)
• many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord Matt 7:22
• but the day will come Matt 9:15 (Mark 2:20: Luke 5:35)
• third day he shall be raised again Matt 17:23 Mark 9:31)
• the day and hour knoweth no man Matt 24:36 (Mark 13:32)
• until that day when I drink it new Matt 26:29 (Mark 14:25)
• this day is the Scripture fulfilled in your Luke 4:21
• appointed a day, in the which he will judge Acts 17:31
• thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation Rom 2:5
• the night is far spent, the day is at hand: Rom 13:12
• behold, now is the day of salvation 2 Cor 6:2
• ye are sealed unto the day of redemption Eph 4:30
• redeeming the time, because the days are evil Eph 5:16
• in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: Phil 1:6
• the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief 1 Thes 5:2
• the children of the day 1 Thes 5:5
• one day is with the Lord as a thousand years 2 Pet 3:8
• but the day of the Lord will comes as a thief 2 Pet 3:10
• I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day Rev 1:10
Day of Atonement
This was a Jewish festival that took place somewhere between September and October. The High Priest
would offer sacrifice to atone for the nation's sin. The word atone can be described as reconciliation,
penitence, compensation, making amends, recompense; the removal or forgiveness of sin through a
sacrifice, resulting in our acceptance before God (Ex 30:10; Lev 23:26-31; Num 29:7-11). The Jewish
people call this day "Yom Kippur".
Day of the Lord
In the Old Testament this title describes the punishment of Israel Joel 1:15; Zeph 1:7, 14. It can also
describe a coming day of judgment on other nations or upon humans themselves. DTP For the
disciples, it represents the second coming of Christ 1 Cor 1:8. This is a future time when Jesus Christ
will judge the believers.
• for the day of the LORD is at hand Joel 1:15
• before the great and terrible day of the LORD come Joel 2:31
• for the day of the LORD is at hand Zeph 1:7
• even the voice of the day of the LORD Zeph 1:14
• that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Cor 1:8
Servant, appointed by elders, male or female; the Greek word means servant. DTP The deacons' ministry
was often dealing with the material needs of the church people; a list of qualification was given by
Paul to Timothy (Acts 6:1-6; 1 Tim 3:8-13).
• Are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons Phil 1:1
• let them use the office of a deacon I Tim 3:8
• let them use the office of a deacon, 1 Tim 3:10
• used the office of a deacon I Tim 3:13
• with the bishop and deacons Phil 1:1

Servant, appointed by elders, female; the Greek word means servant. DTP The deaconess' ministry was
often dealing with the material needs of the church people.
• a deaconess of the church at Cenchre-ae Rom 16:1
Dead, this is when a person's body no longer functions as a living being; the organs all shut down. DTP It
can also refer to spiritual death were one is outside the family of God, one who is hard hearted;
through our sin nature, man is born into spiritual death; man is dead in trespasses and sin. Jesus was
also on the third day raised from the dead (Rom 1:4). When one makes a personal comment through
confessing one's sin to Christ we are moved from death into a place of eternal life.
• stood up from before his dead Gen 23:3
• not a house where there was not one dead Ex 12:30
• Moses my servant is dead Josh 1:2
• the dead bodies of thy servants Ps 79:2
• and let the dead bury their dead Matt 8:22
• through Jesus the resurrection from the dead Acts 4:2
• ordained ... to be Judge of quick and dead Acts 10:42
• but God raised him from the dead Acts 13:30
• hope and resurrection of the dead I am called Acts 23:6
• a resurrection of the dead, both of the just Acts 24:15
• for he that is dead is freed from sin Rom 6:7
• now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that Rom 6:8
• to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive with God Rom 6:11
• body is dead because of sin: but the spirit is Rom 8:10
• he might be Lord both of the dead and living Rom 14:9
• now is Christ risen from the dead and become 1 Cor 15:20
• and the dead shall be raised incorruptible 1 Cor 15:52
• that if one died for all, then we were all dead 2 Cor 5:14
• who were dead in trespasses and sins Eph 2:1 (Col 2:13)
• awake thou that sleepest ... arise from the dead Eph 5:14
• attain unto the resurrection of the dead Phil 3:11
• the beginning, the firstborn from the dead Col 1:18
• and you, being dead in your sins Col 2:13
• ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ Col 3:3
• and the dead in Christ shall rise first 1 Thes 4:16
• For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him 2 Tim 2:11
• Purge your conscience from dead works to Heb 9:14
• That faith without works is dead? James 2:20
• for as the body without the spirit is dead, so James 2:26
• Dead to sins, should live unto righteousness 1 Pet 2:24
• that is ready to judge the quick and the dead 1 Pet 4:5
• Gospel preached also to them that are dead 1 Pet 4:6
• witness, and the first begotten of the dead Rev 1:5
• I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive Rev 1:18
• first and the last, which was dead and is alive Rev 2:8
• blessed are the dead which die in the Lord Rev 14:13
• book of life: and the dead were judged out of Rev 20:12
Inability to hear. DTP In addition to the physical inability to hear, we may also be deaf to hearing what
the Spirit of God is trying to say to us. Often we are challenged by the Scripture to hear what the Spirit
is saying and if we are deaf spiritually, we miss out on many of God's blessing for our lives.
• who maketh the dumb or deaf, or no seeing Ex 4:11
• but I, was a deaf man, heard not; and I was Ps 38:13
• in the day shall the deaf hear the words Isa 29:18

• the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped Isa 35:5
• the deaf hear and the dead are raised Matt 11:5 (Luke 7:22)
• he maketh both the deaf to hear and the dumb Mark 7:37
• dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out Mark 9:25
Dead, lifeless, no longer physically alive. DTP In the Scriptures this word refers to both physical and
spiritual death; Paul states that the wages of sin is death; one needs to make a personal commitment
to Christ. If one hopes to have eternal life with Christ spiritually.
• and it came to pass after the death of Abraham Gen 25:11
• the adulterous shall surely be put to death Lev 20:10
• that is a wizard, shall be put to death Lev 20:27
• walk through the valley of the shadow of death Ps 23:4
• for thou hast delivered my soul from death Ps 56:13
• for thou hast delivered my soul from death Ps 116:8
• precious ... is the death of his saints Ps 116:15
• to hell, going down to the chamber of death Prov 7:27
• but righteousness delivereth from death Prov 10:2
• death and life are in the power of the tongue Prov 18:21
• but passed from death unto life John 5:24
• raised up, having loosed the pains of death Acts 2:24
• into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Acts 6:3
• for the wages of sin is death Rom 6:23
• hath made me free from the law of sin and death Rom 8:2
• for to be carnally minded is death Rom 8:6
• I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life Rom 8:38
• or life, or death, or things present, or 1 Cor 3:22
• ye do show the Lord's death till he come 1 Cor 11:26
• since by man came death, by man ... resurrection 1 Cor 15:21
• last enemy that shall be destroyed is death 1 Cor 15:26
• death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is 1 Cor 15:55
• sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin 1 Cor 15:56
• we had the sentence of death in ourselves 2 Cor 1:9
• obedience unto death, even the death of the cross Phil 2:8
• Christ, who hath abolished death and hath 2 Tim 1:10
• Sin, when ... finished, bring forth death James 1:15
• That we have passed from death unto life 1 John 3:14
• and have the keys of hell and of death Rev 1:18
• death and hell were cast into the lake of fire Rev 20:14
• and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying Rev 21:4
debt / debtor
It means to owe something to another, money owing, an obligation that one has committed to with
another person. DTP As disciples we cannot, by ourselves, pay the debt for our sins. Christ came to
pay our debt by shedding His blood for us on the cross for us, paying the penalty for our sins.
• Said, go sell the oil and pay thy debt 2 Kin 4:7
• and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors Matt 6:12
• loosed him, and forgave him the debt Matt 18:27
• reckoned of grace, but of debt. Rom 4:4
• that he is a debtor to the whole law Gal 5:3
Falsehood, deception, trickery, crooked ways; a "deceiver" is one that misleads others by their lives and
by their speech. DTP The key to having peace in one's life is to walk a life of truth. We should not be
deceiving those around us because we are told that whatever we plant we will one day reap. (Gal 6:7-
• And their belly prepareth deceit Job 15:35

• His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud Ps 10:7
• The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit Ps 36:3
• He shall redeem their soul from deceit Ps 72:14
• for their deceit is falsehood Ps 119:118
• but the counsels of the wicked are deceit Prov 12:5
• deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil Prov 12:20
• violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth Isa 53:9
• theifts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit Mark 7:22
• with their tongues they have used deceit Rom 3:13
• spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit Col 2:8
• for our exhortation was not of deceit, nor 1 Thes 2:3
deceitful/ deceitfulness
Falsehood, fraud, imposture, trickery, double-dealing, cheating, crooked ways, deceptive, misleading,
counterfeit; the misleading character of a person can be expressed both through words and actions.
DTP The disciple is not to be deceitful but, rather, honest and pure before the Lord and before people.
• the LORD will abhor the bloody and deceitful man Ps 5:6
• O deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man Ps 43:1
• Deceitful men shall not live out half their days Ps 55:23
• but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful Prov 27:6
• favor is deceitful and beauty is vain Prov 31:30
• the heart is deceitful above all things Jer 17:9
• and the deceitfulness of riches Mark 4:19
• debate, deceit, malignity Rom 1:29
• with their tongues they have used deceit Rom 3:13
• such are false apostles, deceitful workers 2 Cor 11:13
• which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts Eph 4:22
• for our exhortation was not of deceit 1 Thes 2:3
• hardened through the deceitfulness of sin Heb 3:13
deceive / deceiver
Liar, fraud, swindler, cheat. DTP Such people do not understand that, while they may be able to deceive
man, God knows all and cannot be deceived; man's wickedness is always seen by the eye of God and
is recorded for the Day of Judgment.
• and I shall seem to him as a deceiver; Gen 27:12
• without cause; and deceive not with thy lips Prov 24:28
• surely thou has greatly deceive this people Jer 4:10
• the pride of thine heart hath deceiveth thee Obad 1:3
• cursed be the deceiver, which hath in his flock Mal 1:14
• take heed that no man deceive you Matt 24:4 (Mark 13:5; Luke 21:8)
• many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ and shall deceive many Matt 24:5 (Mark 13:6)
• false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many Matt 24:11
• were possible, they shall deceive the very elect Matt 24:24
• take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall Luke 21:8
• fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple Rom 16:18
• let no man deceive himself 1 Cor 3:18
• be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters 1 Cor 6:9
• be not deceived: evil communication corrupts good 1 Cor 15:33
• be not deceived: God is not mocked Gal 6:7
• craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive Eph 4:14
• let no man deceive you with vain words Eph 5:6
• Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived 1 Tim 2:14
• And not hearers only, deceiving your own selves James 1:22
• if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves 1 John 1:8
• little children, let no man deceive you: he that 1 John 3:7
• this is a deceiver and an antichrist 2 John 1:7

• Satan, which deceive the whole world Rev 12:9
• miracles before him, with which he deceived them Rev 19:20
• devil that deceived them was cast into the lake Rev 20:10
Lie, imposture, cheat; it is the state of knowing the truth but deciding to do something different by one's
words and actions; even religious groups can be involved in some form of deception. Taking the truth
of God and twisting it to mean something else. Gen 12:13; 20:2; 26:7; Judg 16:4-29; John 9:3-15
• keep deception and lies far from me Prov 30:8 NASB
• prophets of the deception of their own heart Jer 23:26 NASB
• and the last deception will be worse than the first Matt 27:64 NASB
• takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, Col 2:8 NASB
Conclusion, judgment, determination, pronouncement, fixed, established, firm statement. DTP The
disciple has to make many decision in his walk of faith with Christ but the most important one is to
make a decision to be a follower of Christ, to die to one's will and live a life fully for Christ Jesus; a
decision is a free will action from the heart of the person to invite Christ personally into one's heart
as Lord and Saviour. A decision is to make a clear choice on which way one will go (Deut 30:19; Josh
23:8; 24:15; Col 2:6; 2 Pet 3:17-18).
• over his heart on the breastplate of decision Ex 28:29
• multitudes in the valley of decision Joel 3:14
declare / declaration
Tell, affirm, state, proclaim, publish; a confession or acknowledgement of something. DTP It is needful
that one gives testimony and declares before man their commitment to Christ Jesus.
• My name may be declared throughout Ex 9:16 (Rom 9:17)
• Declare his cause in the ears of the elders Josh 20:4
• the heavens declare the glory of God Ps 9:11
• the heavens declare the glory of God Ps 19:1
• I will declare thy name unto my brethren Ps 22:22 (Heb 2:12)
• Shall declare his righteousness unto a people Ps 22:31
• Have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation Ps 40:10
• The heaven shall declare his righteousness Ps 50:6
• the heavens declare his righteousness Ps 97:6
• and I will declare thy greatness Ps 145:6
• declare thou, that thou mayest be justified Isa 43:26
• I will declare thy righteousness and thy works Isa 57:12
• They shall declare my glory among the Gentiles Isa 66:19
• I have declared unto them thy name and will declare it John 17:26
• and we declare unto you glad tidings Acts 13:32
• not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel Acts 20:27
• and declared to be the Son of God with power Rom 1:4
• to declare his righteousness for the remission of Rom 3:25
• I declare unto you the testimony of God 1 Cor 2:1
• I declare unto you the gospel which I preached 1 Cor 15:1
• We have seen and heard declare we unto you 1 John 1:3
• message which we have heard of him and declared unto you 1 John 1:5
Ruling, verdict, announcement, declaration, judgment, order, law. DTP As a disciple of Christ we have
been given decrees that Christ commands us to carry out as His servants here on earth.
• Established a decree ... to keep the Passover 2 Cor 30:5
• Darius the king made a decree and search was Ezra 6:1
• the king's commandment and his decree was heard Esth 2:8
• I will declare a decree: the LORD hath said Ps 2:7
• woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees Isa 10:1
• and this is the decree of the Most High Dan 4:24

• I make a decree ... fear before the God of Daniel Dan 6:26
• that there went out a decree form Caesar Augustus Luke 2:1
• delivered them the decrees for to keep Acts 16:4
• so decreed in his heart that he will keep 1 Cor 7:37
dedicate / dedication
Offer, give, donate, bestow, contribute. DTP In the Old Testament people dedicated things or objects
and sometimes themselves to God; In the new Testament the disciples were challenged to dedicate
all they owned and all they were to Christ for His service.
• This was the dedication of the altar Num 7:84, 88
• Built a new house and hath not dedicated it? Deut 20:5
• David did dedicate unto the LORD 2 Sam 8:11
• Israel dedicated the house of the LORD 1 Kin 8:63
• Then also king David dedicated unto the LORD 1 Chr 18:11
• and over the treasures of the dedicated things 1 Chr 26:20
• so the king and all the people dedicated the house of God. 2 Chr 7:5
• kept the dedication of this house of God with joy Ezra 6:16-17
• and it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication John 10:22
Endeavor, accomplishment, effort; one's action or work; the things that show one's attitude or truths by
which one lives. DTP By our actions we will either receive a blessing or punishment. We are measured
by the things we say and do. What we do here on earth can greatly affect our rewards and blessing in
heaven. We must be speak wisely and minister to others; deeds done for Christ and people will result
in reward for our labours.
• make known his deeds among the 1 Chr 16:8 (Ps 105:1)
• all that is come upon us for our evil deeds Ezra 9:13
• give them according to their deeds Ps 28:4
• will recompense them according to their deeds Jer 25:14
• a prophet mighty in deed and word before God Luke 24:19
• love darkness ... because their deeds were evil John 3:19
• and Moses ... was mighty in words and deeds Acts 7:22
• render to every man according to his deeds Rom 2:6
• do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live Rom 8:13
• in signs and wonders and mighty deeds 2 Cor 12:12
• ye have put off the old man with his deeds Col 3:9
• ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of Col 3:17
• this man shall be blessed in his deeds James 1:25
• not love in word ... but in deed and in truth 1 John 3:18
defend / defence
Protect, secure, shield, to guard against, to keep an enemy from destroying or killing. DTP Sometimes
we forget that Christ is interceding on behalf of the disciple of Christ in Heaven. He is our defence and
shield but all we must do each day is believe and trust that he knows what is right and perfect for our
• yea, the Almighty shall be thy defence Job 22:25
• my defence is of God, which saveth the upright Ps 7:10
• the name of God of Jacob defend thee Ps 20:1
• my strong rock, for a house of defence to save me Ps 31:2
• defend me from them that rise up against me Ps 59:1
• thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day Ps 59:16
• for God is my defence, and the God of my mercy Ps 59:17
• is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence Ps 62:2 (62:6)
• Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to Ps 82:3
• the LORD is our defence; and the Holy One of Israel Ps 89:18
• LORD is my defence; and my God is the rock of my Ps 94:22
• LORD of host shall defend them Zech 9:15

• in the defence and confirmation of the Gospel Phil 1:7
• I am set for the defence of the gospel Phil 1:17
This means to be unclean or dirty, to mar or spoil. DTP It can mean that we are unclean physically,
mentally or spiritually. We can become dirty by the ways of this world and by our sinful lives. Other
words that can describe this condition of man: corrupt, tarnished, spoiled, tainted or polluted; one
who is no longer pure or clean. This state can only be changed by giving our lives to Christ Jesus, who
can make us white as snow (Isa 1:18).
• That defile it shall surely be put to death Ex 31:14
• neither shall ye defile yourselves Lev 11:44
• that they defile not their camps Num 5:3
• nor defile yourselves with their idols Eze 20:18
• thus were they defiled with their own works Ps 106:39
• nor defile yourselves with their idols: Eze 20:18
• come forth from the heart; and they defile a man Matt 15:18
• all these evil things come from within and defile the man Mark 7:23
• the tongue ... defile the whole body and setteth James 3:6
To take advantage of someone's finances or possessions. To deceive, to swindle, to cheat or trick
someone in order to get something that belongs to them. DTP Satan loves to defraud the believer of
their peace and joy that they have in Christ.
• thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour Lev 19:13
• do not bear false witness, defraud not Mark 10:19
• defraud ye not one another 1 Cor 7:5
• no man go beyond and defraud his brother 1 Thes 4:6
Beginning around the 17th century, the belief that God created all things but then left the world to unfold
in its own natural way; God is viewed as "Watchmaker", one who has created and wound it up and
then sits back and watches it work.
Deity of God, creator of all things, eternal, all powerful, all knowing, divinity, divine being, holy being.
DTP The disciple believes in the Deity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that they are together as
one God.
Gladness, enjoyment, joy, pleasure; an emotion of joy and contentment, a place of peace and
excitement. DTP True delight comes to the disciple when he takes time to immerse himself in the
word of God which becomes the light for his life pathway. He can make sense of the past, understand
the present and is able to walk into the future with God ... this becomes the disciple's delight here on
• delivered me, because he delighted in me 2 Sam 22:20 (Ps 18:19)
• shalt thou have thy delight in the Almighty Job 22:26
• but his delight is in the law of the LORD Ps 1:2
• delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall Ps 37:4
• delight themselves in the abundance of peace Ps 37:11
• I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, the law Ps 40:8
• thou delightest not in burnt offering Ps 51:16
• thy testimonies also are my delight and my Ps 119:24
• and I will delight myself in thy commandments Ps 119:47
• salvation, O LORD; and thy law is my delight Ps 119:174
• but the prayer of the upright is his delight Prov 15:8
• a fool hath no delight in understanding Prov 18:2
• word of the LORD ... they have no delight in it Jer 6:10
• delight in the Law of God after the inward man Rom 7:22

To deliver into the hands of, also to betray. DTP Christ delivers us from our enemies. With Christ He
deliver us from our enemies; we were bound by sin and Christ is our Deliverer, coming to set us free
from the strongholds of Satan.
• God, which hath delivered thine enemies into Gen 14:20
• Deliver me, I pray thee Gen 32:11
• I am come down to deliver them Ex 3:8 (Acts 7:34)
• the LORD your God will deliver it into your hand Jos 8:7
• delivered me, because he delighted 2 Sam 22:20
• saying, the LORD will deliver us 2 Kin 18:32 (Isa 36:18)
• return, O LORD, deliver my soul: save me for Ps 6:4
• he delivered me from my strong enemy Ps 18:17
• they trusted and thou didst deliver them Ps 22:4
• he trusted on the LORD that he would deliver him: Ps 22:8
• and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears Ps 34:4
• Deliver me from all my transgressions: make me Ps 39:8
• Deliver me from mine enemies, O my God: defend Ps 59:1
• deliver thee from the snare of the fowler Ps 91:3
• for thou hast delivered my soul from death Ps 116:8
• deliver me according to thy word Ps 119:170
• Deliver me, O LORD, from mine enemies Ps 143:9
• To deliver thee from the way of the evil man Prov 2:12
• The righteous is delivered out of trouble and the Prov 11:8
• But whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered Prov 28:26
• Saviour and a greater one ... shall deliver them Isa 19:20
• even I will carry and will deliver you Isa 46:4
• I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD Jer 1:8
• Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us Dan 3:17
• but deliver us from evil Matt 6:13 (Luke 11:4)
• how that God by his hand would deliver them Acts 7:25
• was delivered for our offenses and was raised Rom 4:25
• who shall deliver me from the body of this death? Rom 7:24
• shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption Rom 8:21
• received of the LORD that which also I delivered 1 Cor 11:23
• delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver 2 Cor 1:10
• that he might deliver us from this present evil world Gal 1:4
• who hath delivered us from the power of darkness Col 1:13
• Lord shall deliver me from every evil work 2 Tim 4:18
• The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation 2 Pet 2:9
Release, liberation, redemption, set free. DTP The people often found themselves in some form of
bondage, both physically and spiritually, but when they would repent God would bring them
• and save your lives by a great deliverance Gen 45:7
• and the LORD saved them by a great deliverance 1 Chr 11:14
• and hast given us such deliverance as this Ezra 9:13
• thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance Ps 32:7
• But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance Obad 1:17
• to preach deliverance to the captives Luke 4:18
To save or to set free, to release from the enemy. DTP Jesus is our deliverer who has come to set us free
from sin and death. We were in bondage by Satan and this world, and Christ came to the earth to
shed His blood so that we could be set free from an eternal damnation.
• Israel cried ... and the LORD raised up a deliverer Judg 3:9

• Rock and my fortress and my deliverer 2 Sam 22:2 (Ps 18:2)
• help and my deliverer; make no tarry Ps 40:17 (70:5)
• My deliverer; my shield and he in whom I trust Ps 144:2
• There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer Rom 11:26
demon / devil
Spirit, devil, demon; an evil spirit that are servants of Satan. And the angels who did not keep their
positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling; these he has kept in darkness, bound with
everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day. Jude 6. The great dragon was hurled down; that
ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the
earth, and his angels with him - Revelation 12:9. Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous
red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. Its tail swept a third of the
stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was
about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. Revelation 12:3, 4. DTP
They are determined to overthrow the plans of God Almighty in heaven, Satan as a serpent, plunged
mankind into eternal death but Christ came to redeem those who would confess their sin to Him; the
demonic realm is powerful in nature and is able to destroy and kill; they have the ability to oppress
and possess people and sometimes, objects.
• Jesus rebuked the demon Matt 17:18 NKJB
• Authority over all demons Luke 9:1 NKJB
• The demons re subject Luke 10:17 NKJB
• And have a demon John 8:48 NKJB
• Even the demons believe James 2:19 NKJB
demon oppression
Dominating, coercion, cruelty, repression, subjugation; DTP oppression of Satan is like a heavy weight
that is placed on people, whispering destructive thoughts into their minds.
demon possession
To take ownership, to rule and direct; DTP possession is when Satan comes into one's mind and thoughts,
controlling our minds and sometimes our actions; these spirits can only be removed from people's
lives through much prayer and fasting; pleading Christ's name and blood is the process which Scripture
demonstrates as the direct way of delivering a person from this form of Satanic bondage.
demonic presence of evil
Evil on or around a person or thing. DTP Satan is very active in the everyday affairs of the world and this
is why the disciple of Christ must put on the full armour of God. We need to be aware that we are
involved in a spiritual warfare concerning our own walk but also as we relate to the lives of others.
This was a form of Roman money equal to about a days' worth of wages at that time. Matt 20:1-16 Jesus
gives a parable concerning the labourers in the vineyard and how they were paid their wages for the
work that they did.
• the laborers for a denarius for the day Matt 20:2 NASB
deny / denied
Renounce, reject, relinquish, abandon, forsake, refuse; not accepting the results or truth of something,
disbelief, to say no to. DTP The disciple needs to remember that our speech and action can deny Christ
before others. The way that people see and understand who Christ is, often comes through the things
we say and do,
• then Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not Gen 18:15
• a witness unto you, lest ye deny your God Josh 24:27
• shall deny me ... him will I also deny Matt 10:33 (Luke 12:9)
• let him deny himself Matt 16:24 (Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23)
• before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice Matt 26:34 (26:75; Mark 14:30, 72; Luke 22:34, 61;
• ye deny the Holy One and the Just and desired Acts 3:14
• deny the faith and is worse than an infidel 1 Tim 5:8
• if we deny him, he also will deny us 2 Tim 2:12
• having a form of godliness, but deny the power 2 Tim 3:5

• antichrist, that deny the Father and the Son 1 John 2:22
• hast kept my word and hast not denied my name Rev 3:8
To move on from one place to another, to go to someplace else, to take leave
• if thou depart to the right hand, then I will Gen 13:9
• the sceptre shall not depart from Judah Gen 49:10
• the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul 1 Sam 16:14
• and to depart from evil is understanding Job 28:28
• depart from evil and do good; seek peace Ps 34:14 (37:27)
• fear the LORD and depart from evil Prov 3:7
• and when he is old, he will not depart from it Prov 22:6
• depart from me, ye that work iniquity Matt 7:23 (Luke 13:27)
• depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire Matt 25:41
• let not the wife depart from her husband 1 Cor 7:10
• but if the unbelieving depart, let him depart 1 Cor 7:15
To move a people group from their lands to another place or country. It is a form of genocide in today's
thinking. These people are being held captive by another people group either as hostages, slaves. The
goal is to destroy their way of live, to remove people from their customs and traditions.
• deportation to Babylon Matt 1:11 NASB
Immorality, corruption, wickedness, evil. DTP Man has a sinful and fallen nature; we are incapable on
our own to come into the presence of God. (Example of Gen 6:5-8; Ps 5:9; Rom 1:28; 3:10-18; 1 Pet
1:18-19; Eph 2:1-3)
To go down deep, to explore, to go deeper into insight or knowledge concerning a certain topic of study.
• so he led them through the depth, as through Ps 106:9
• out of the depth have I cried unto thee Ps 130:1
• the heaven for height and the earth for depth Prov 25:3
• ask it either in the depth, or in the height Isa 7:11
• thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths Mic 7:19
• it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth Mark 4:5
• height, nor depth, nor any other creature Rom 8:39
• the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and Rom 11:33
• what is the breath and length and depth Eph 3:18
• and which have not known the depth of Satan Rev 2:24
descend / descended / descending
To go down, to come down from a higher place.
• the angels of God ascending and descending Gen 28:12
• the LORD descended in the cloud and stood with him Ex 34:5
• who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? Prov 30:4
• Spirit ... descending like a dove Matt 3:16 (Luke 3:22; John 1:32)
• and the rain descended, and the floods came Matt 7:25
• and the spirit like a dove descending upon him Mark 1:10
• upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending John 1:33
• angels ... ascending and descending upon the Son of man John 1:51
• Who shall descend into the deep? Rom 10:7
• he that descended is the same also that ascended Eph 4:10
• the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with 1 Thes 4:16
A line of people who come from the same blood lines or can be understood by a family tree. This can be
up of many generations. DTP Jesus was from the root of Jessie. We as disciple are of the family of
• because he is your descendant Gen 21:13 NASB

• I will raise up your descendant after you 2 Sam 7:12 NASB
• who was born of a descendant of David Rom 1:3 NASB
• Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, descendant of David 2 Tim 2:8 NASB
• I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star Rev 22:16 NASB
desire / desired
To want, to long for, craving, yearning, a need, to covet, to wish for, to long after in one's heart, to
purpose or desire to do, to seek after or to hunger for.
• a tree to be desired to make one wise Gen 3:6
• thou shalt not desire the silver and gold Deut 7:25
• this is all my salvation and all my desire 2 Sam 23:5
• LORD, thou hast heard the desire of the humble Ps 10:17
• more to be desired are they than gold Ps 19:10
• one thing have I desired of the LORD, that I will Ps 27:4
• and he shall give thee the desire of thine heart Ps 37:4
• sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire Ps 40:6
• behold, thou desire truth in the inward parts Ps 51:6
• the desire of the righteous shall be granted Prov 10:24
• the desire of the slothful killeth him Prov 21:25
• for I desire mercy and not sacrifice Hos 6:6
• things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe Mark 11:24
• Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you Luke 22:31
• after charity and desire spiritual gifts 1 Cor 14:1
• wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulation Eph 3:13
• having a desire to depart and be with Christ Phil 1:23
• not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that Phil 4:17
• to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled Col 1:9
• babes, desire the sincere milk of the word 1 Pet 2:2
Isolated, bleak, abandoned, forsaken, wild, uninhabited, solitary, waste, and barren; can be a very bleak
and cold place ∖de where one can feel alone.
• land shall be desolate and your cities waste Lev 26:33
• mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted Ps 25:16
• spirit overwhelmed ... heart within me desolate Ps 143:4
• your country is desolate, your cities are burned Isa 1:7
• we are in desolate places as dead men Isa 59:10
• and behind them a desolate wilderness Joel 2:3
• in making thee desolate because of thy sin Mic 6:13
• for the desolate hath many more children Gal 4:27
Abomination, revulsion, abhorrence, hatred, a place of total destruction. DTP Sometimes God would
pronounce judgment upon the people either because of sin or for turning their backs toward Him and
worshipping other gods; several times the city of Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed; many
nations around Israel were also destroyed; the disciple must know that there is a high price for sin
which often leads to death and destruction.
• And bring your sanctuaries unto desolation Lev 26:31
• even a desolation unto this day Josh 8:28
• repair the desolation thereof and give us a wall Ezra 9:9
• How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment! Ps 73:19
• and in the desolation which shall come Isa 10:3
• In that day ... there shall be desolation Isa 17:9
• and desolation shall come upon thee suddenly Isa 47:11
• snare is come upon us, desolation and destruction Lam 3:47
• and the transgression of desolation, Dan 8:13
• When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation Matt 24:15

• see the abomination of desolation Mark 13:14
• then know that the desolation thereof is nigh Luke 21:20
despise / despised
Abhor, detest, distain, hate, scorn; to look negatively toward, to have a bad taste in one's mouth against
something or someone.
• thus Esau despised his birthright Gen 25:34
• if ye despise my statutes, or if your Lev 26:15
• because he hath despised the word of the LORD Num 15:31
• despise not ... the chastening of the Almighty Job 5:17
• a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise Ps 51:17
• but fools despise wisdom and instruction Prov 1:7
• despise not the chastening of the LORD Prov 3:11 (Heb 12:5)
• whoso despiseth the word shall be destroyed Prov 13:13
• a fool despises his father's instruction Prov 15:5
• but a foolish man despises his mother Prov 15:20
• that refuseth instruction despises his own soul Prov 15:32
• because they have despised the law of the LORD Amos 2:4
• for who hath despised the day of small things? Zech 4:10
• despise not one of these little ones Matt 18:10
• despise you despise me; and he that despises me despises him that Luke 10:16
• things which are despised, hath God chosen 1 Cor 1:28
• or despise ye the church of God and shame them 1 Cor 11:22
• let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an 1 Tim 4:12
• endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set Heb 12:2
• despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor Heb 12:5
• but ye have despised the poor James 2:6
destroy / destroyer / destroyed
Obliterate, wipe out, annihilate, demolish, tear down. DTP This word carries with it the idea of physical
destruction but also it can have meaning concerning the emotion and spiritual sides of man; we are
builders from our time of birth in the physical and in our minds but we also can build spiritually so
that we can mature and produce fruit. Satan desires to destroy us on all levels so that we will not be
able to bring glory to God with our lives.
• and the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I Gen 6:7
• thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? Gen 18:23
• for I will destroy this place Gen 19:13-14
• I will draw my sword, my hand shall destroy them Ex 15:9
• Ye shall destroy their altars, break Ex 34:13
• the hand of the LORD was against them, to destroy them Deut 2:15
• if the foundation be destroyed what can the Ps 11:3
• kept me from the paths of the destroyer Ps 17:4
• but the transgressors shall be destroyed together Ps 37:38
• that seek after my soul to destroy it Ps 40:14
• but all the wicked will be destroyed Ps 145:20
• the prosperity of fools shall destroy them Prov 1:32
• adultery ... he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul Prov 6:32
• whoso despiseth the word shall be destroyed Prov 13:13
• the LORD will destroy the house of the proud Prov 15:25
• but one sinner destroyeth much good Eccl 9:18
• many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have Jer 12:10
• woe unto the pastors that destroy and scatter Jer 23:1
• and I will destroy your high places Ezek 6:3
• my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge Hos 4:6
• Herod will seek the young child to destroy him Matt 2:13
• think not that I am come to destroy the law Matt 5:17

• fear him which is able to destroy both soul and Matt 10:28
• that they should ask Barabbas and destroy Jesus Matt 27:20
• we heard him say, I will destroy this temple that is made Mark 14:58
• destroy this temple and in three days I will John 2:19
• and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, John 10:10
• that the body of sin might be destroyed Rom 6:6
• and were destroyed of the destroyer 1 Cor 10:10
• the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death 1 Cor 15:26
• through death he might destroy him that had Heb 2:14
• who is able to save and to destroy: James 4:12
• that he might destroy the works of the devil 1 John 3:8
To ruin, to devastate, to tear down and destroy, to obliterate, to break into pieces.
• and shall destroy them with a mighty destruction Deut 7:23
• shall bring them down into the pit of destruction Ps 55:23
• who redeemeth thy life from destruction Ps 103:4
• but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction Prov 10:14
• pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit Prov 16:18
• a fool's mouth is his destruction and his lips are Prov 18:7
• destruction cometh; and they shall seek peace Ezek 7:25
• and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction Matt 7:13
• safety; then sudden destruction comes upon them 1 Thes 5:3
• shall be punished with everlasting destruction 2 Thes 1:9
Means second law, the Jews would call it the "word"; it was written by Moses (Deut 31:9, 24, 26); there
are three speeches or instructions, plus some final counsel to the people of Israel before they were
to cross over the Jordan River into the promised land. Moses could not go in but he would watch from
the other side.
devil / devils
A demon; an evil spirit that is a servant of Satan, determined to overthrow the plans of God Almighty in
heaven. DTP Satan as a serpent plunged mankind into eternal death but Christ came to redeem those
who would confess their sin to Him. The demonic realm is powerful in nature and is able to destroy
and kill; the devil wants to be ruler of the entire world.
• No more offer their sacrifices unto devils Lev 17:7
• For the high places and for the devil 2 Chr 11:15
• Their sons and their daughters unto devils Ps 106:37
• wilderness to be tempted of the devil Matt 4:1, 5, 8
• and Jesus rebuked the devil Matt 17:18
• fire, prepared for the devil and his Matt 25:41
• and he was casting out a devil Luke 11:14
• Thou hast a devil: who goeth about to kill thee? John 7:20
• I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. 1 Cor 10:20
• neither give place to the devil Eph 4:27
• stand against the wiles of the devil Eph 6:11
• spirit and doctrines of devil 1 Tim 4:1
• themselves out of the snare of the devil, 2 Tim 2:26
• Resist the devil and he will flee James 4:7
• because your adversary the devil 1 Pet 5:8
• that old serpent, called the devil Rev 12:9
To love, to have loyalty to another, to dedicate oneself to God through prayer, worship and the studying
of the Bible, to die to self and to live totally for Christ Jesus as Lord. DTP The disciple needs to live a
life of devotion to Christ Jesus. We need to be devoted to prayer and the Study of the word. We also

need to be devoted and committed to a life of service for Christ. It is a commitment that He makes to
us and we need to commit fully to Him.
• To secure undistracted devotion to the Lord 1 Cor 7:35 NASB
• simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ 2 Cor 11:3 NASB
devour / devoured
Consume, destroy, eat, to make waste.
• went out fire from the Lord and devoured them Lev 10:2
• and fire out of his mouth devoured 2 Sam 22:9 (Ps 18:8)
• and there will I devour them like a lion Hos 13:8
• ye devour widows' houses Matt 23:14 (Mark 12:40; Luke 20:47)
• if ye bite and devour one another, take heed Gal 5:15
• walketh about, seeking whom he may devour 1 Pet 5:8
This is a teaching that man is only made up of two parts (dichotomy), a body and mind (soul). The
example of Adams creation in Gen 2:7 is often used; it was not until the New Testament where we
see that man is more a trichotomy; made up of body, soul and spirit.
die / died
To be without life. All bodily functions come to an end here on earth. All movement stops, breathing and
heartbeat are no more. We can also die a spiritual death resulting in an eternity in hell. DTP The key
to a successful walk and life for Christ is to be willing to die daily to self. As long as our sin nature
remains alive and on the throne we will always struggle and fail. Christ wants us to have life and to
have it more abundantly but this starts first by dying to oneself. It is no longer I that live, but it is Christ
who liveth in me (John 11:25; Acts 17:28; Rom 14:8; Gal 2:20).
• thereof thou shalt surely die Gen 2:17
• everything that is in the earth shall die Gen 6:17
• and all flesh died that moved upon the earth Gen 7:21
• firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die Ex 11:5
• let me die the death of the righteous Num 23:10
• fear not: thou shalt not die Judg 6:23
• where thou diest, will I die and there will I Ruth 1:17
• hath put away thy sin; thou shalt not die 2 Sam 12:13
• thou takest away their breath, they die, and return to their dust Ps 104:29
• but fools die for want of wisdom Prov 10:21
• and he that hateth reproof shall die Prov 15:10
• the soul that sinneth, it shall die Ezek 18:4 (18:20)
• all the sinners of the people shall die by the sword Amos 9:10
• that ye shall die in your sins John 8:24
• in due time Christ died for the ungodly Rom 5:6
• while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us Rom 5:8
• for in that he died, he died unto sin once: but Rom 6:10
• for if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die Rom 8:13
• and whether we die, we die unto the Lord... or die, we are the Lord's Rom 14:8
• to this end Christ both died and rose Rom 14:9
• how that Christ died for our sins according to 1 Cor 15:3
• I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily 1 Cor 15:31
• thou sowest is not quickened, except it die 1 Cor 15:36
• for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain Phil 1:21
• if we believe that Jesus died and rose 1 Thes 4:14
• appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment Heb 9:27
• blessed are the dead which die in the Lord Rev 14:13
direct / directed
To guide, lead, to give a command or order, give direction to another, to give some wisdom and
understanding to another.
• unto Joseph, to direct his face unto Goshen Gen 46:28

• morning will I direct my prayer unto the Ps 5:3
• O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes! Ps 119:5
• acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths Prov 3:6
• deviseth his ways: but the LORD directs his steps Prov 16:9
• who hath directed the Spirit of the LORD Isa 40:13
• I will direct all his ways: he shall build my Isa 45:13
• Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way unto you 1 Thes 3:11
• Lord direct your hearts into the love of 2 Thes 3:5
discern / discerning /discerned
Wise, wisdom (understand KJB; Job 34:34; Rev 13:18) enlightened, of good judgment, learned to
determine between what is right or wrong, to look somewhat into the future for wisdom and
understanding for God's leading and direction for one's life.
• the people could not discern Ezr 3:13 Deut 1:13
• can I discern between good and evil 2 Sam 19:35
• that I may discern between good and bad 1 Kin 3:9
• the people could not discern Ezr 3:13
• cannot discern between their right hand Jonah 4:11
• but you can not discern the signs of the times Mat 16:3
• because they are spiritually discerned 1 Cor 2:14
• damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body 1 Cor 11:29
• is a discerner of the thoughts and intents Heb 4:12
• their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. Heb 5:14
discerning spirits, gift
A gift from God that is used in the body of Christ to help one distinguish between truth and error,
whether the information is spoken or implied.
• to another discerning of spirits 1 Cor 12:10
• who by constant use have trained themselves to discern good from evil Hebrews 5:14
Follower, believer, supporter, devotee, student, learner. DTP A disciple is one who follows after the
imparted knowledge of a teacher; disciples emulate the lifestyle of the teacher; in the New Testament
people were called by Christ to follow Him and in so doing they became His disciples. (Both men and
women can be called disciples).
• the testimony, seal the law among my disciples Isa 8:16
• into a ship, his disciples followed him Matt 8:23
• he called unto him his twelve disciples Matt 10:1 (Luke 9:1)
• the disciple is not above his master Matt 10:24
• John had heard ... sent two of his disciples Matt 11:2 (Luke 7:19)
• and gave the loaves to his disciples Matt 14:19 (Mark 6:41; Luke 9:16; John 6:11)
• and tell his disciples that he is risen Matt 28:7 (Mark 16:7)
• for he taught his disciples and said unto them Mark 9:31
• he called unto him his disciples: Luke 6:13
• his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray Luke 11:1
• and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple Luke 14:26
• forsake not all ... he cannot be my disciple Luke 14:33
• two disciples heard him speak and they followed John 1:37
• from that time many of his disciples went back John 6:66
• if ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples John 8:31
• and began to wash the disciples' feet John 13:5
• all men know that ye are my disciples John 13:35
• ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples John 15:8
• number of the disciples was multiplied Acts 6:1
• then the disciples took him by night Acts 9:25
• the disciples were called Christians Acts 11:26
• disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Ghost Acts 13:52

• when the disciples came together to break bread Acts 20:7
• finding disciples, we tarried there seven days Acts 21:4
Process of training and equipping someone. DTP The disciples of Christ are commanded to go out and
make disciples and this can only come through the discipline of discipleship training.
Regulation, order, control, obedience, correction, punishment; discipline can also mean a form of
training. DTP A disciple comes under the discipline of their teacher. The disciple is subject to the way,
truth and life of Christ Jesus (John 14:6).
• he openeth also their ear to discipline, Job 36:10
A sickness that can afflict different aspects or functions of the body. It can be borne from without or
come from within being passed on from generation to generation, sometimes leading to
incapacitation or even death. DTP Sin also acts like a disease that can wound, inflict and kill the
• I will put none of these diseases upon you Ex 15:26
• until his disease was exceeding great, yet in his diseases he sought 2 Chr 16:12
• who healeth all thy diseases Ps 103:3
• this is vanity and it is an evil disease Eccl 6:2
• healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease Matt 4:23 (9:35; 10:1)
• brought unto him all that were diseased Matt 14:35
• brought unto him all that were diseased Mark 1:32 (Luke 4:40)
• to hear him and to be healed of their diseases Luke 6:17
• and authority over all devils and to cure diseases Luke 9:1
• made whole of whatsoever disease he had John 5:4
dishonest / dishonesty
Lying, deceitful, false, untruthful, corrupt; this word is the opposite of honest. DTP The disciple's
character should be one that is honest and true before both man and God; God sees the dishonest
heart and cannot bless His people if their hearts are in this condition.
• thy dishonest gain which thou hast made Ezek 22:13
• to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain Ezek 22:27
• renounced the hidden things of dishonesty 2 Cor 4:2
Discredit, bring shame on, disgrace, humiliate. DTP The Bible teaches that we are to honour one another
above ourselves, but often, through our speech and action, we show dishonour to our brothers and
sisters in Christ and even to God Himself.
• let them be clothed with shame and dishonour Ps 35:26
• and my shame and my dishonour Ps 69:19
• I honour my Father and ye do dishonour me John 8:49
• to dishonour their own bodies between Rom 1:24
• through breaking the law dishonour thou God? Rom 2:23
• one vessel unto honor and another unto dishonour? Rom 9:21
• having his head covered, dishonour his head 1 Cor 11:4
• it is sown in dishonour 1 Cor 15:43
• and some to honour and some to dishonour 2 Tim 2:20
disobedience / disobedient
Defiance, breaking the rules, insubordination, rebellion, challenging authority. DTP God calls us to obey
Him and His word but we are often like little children who desire to follow their own will, then the will
of their parents; as disciples of Christ, we are called and commanded to obey the ways and teaching
of God.
• who was disobedient unto the word of the 1 Kin 13:26
• that were disobedient and rebelled against thee Neh 9:26
• of evil things, disobedient to parents Rom 1:30
• for as by one man's disobedience many were Rom 5:19

• now worketh in the children of disobedience Eph 2:2
• wrath of God upon the children of disobedience Eph 5:6 (Col 3:6)
• disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy 2 Tim 3:2
• we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient Tit 3:3
• stumble at the word being disobedient 1 Pet 2:8
• disobedience received a just recompense of Heb 2:2
Concerning theology these words deal with how God dealt and revealed Himself to man over different
periods of time; it shows through the Bible also stages of God's redemptive plan for mankind.
• a dispensation of the gospel is committed 1 Cor 9:17
• That in the dispensation of the fullness of Eph 1:10
• If you have heard of the dispensation of the Eph 3:2
• according to the dispensation of God which Col 1:25
To move a people group from their lands to another place or country. These people are scattered
throughout the lands around the world. The goal is to destroy their way of life, to remove or destroy
people's customs and traditions. This is what has happened to the Jewish people over the last 2000
• days of your slaughter and of your dispersion Jer 25:34
• Dispersion among the Greeks John 7:35 NKJB
• to the pilgrims of the Dispersion 1 Pet 1:1 NKJB
Affliction, anguish, calamity, grief, misery, sorrow, suffering, tribulation, trouble; to have deep heart
affliction to one's body soul and spirit.
• then Jacob was greatly afraid and distress Gen 32:7
• God, who answered me in the day of my distress Gen 35:3
• in my distress I called upon the LORD 2 Sam 22:7
• hath redeemed my soul out of all distress 1 Kin 1:29
• I called upon the LORD in distress: the LORD Ps 118:5
• a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress Zeph 1:15
• for there shall be great distress in the land Luke 21:23
• love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress Rom 8:35
• are troubled on every side, yet not distressed 2 Cor 4:8
• take pleasure ... in distress for Christ's sake 2 Cor 12:10
divide /divided
The condition of being broken up or separated into two or more parts. To take away unity, harmony
and/or strength that comes from being one or whole. DTP The enemy wants to divide marriages,
families, communities, the church and the body of Christ. The idea is to bring disunity, to divide,
conquer and destroy the individual or a people group. Satan also wants to cut us off from a personal
presence and relationship with God.
• to divide the day from night Gen 1:14
• of the Gentiles divided into their lands Gen 10:5
• thine hand over the sea and divided it Ex 14:16
• king said, divide the living child in two 1 Kin 3:25
• thou didst divide the sea by thy strength Ps 74:13
• divided the sea and caused them to pass through Ps 78:13
• to him which divided the Red sea into Ps 136:13
• their heart is divided Hos 10:2
• every city or house divided against Matt 12:25 (Mark 3:24; Luke 11:17)
• as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats Matt 25:32
• is Christ divided 1 Cor 1:13
• selfsame Spirit, divide to every man 1 Cor 12:11
• rightly dividing the word of truth 2 Tim 2:15
• even to the dividing asunder of soul Heb 4:12

divided kingdom
This took place in the land of Israel around BC 931. The people were broken down into two groups. One
group was made up of two tribes in the south (Judah and Benjamin) and the other ten tribes were in
the north and in the east across the Jordan River. (See 1 Kings 12)
This was a way of forecasting the future, people would use astrology, necromancy and sorcery; this
process was used often by witches and warlocks. The Bible condemn and forbids the use of these
practices (Lev 19:26; Deut 18:10).
• the rewards of divination in their hand Num 27:7
• prophesy unto you a false vision and divination Jer 14:14
• divination within the house of Israel Ezek 12:24
• with a spirit of divination Acts 16:16
Discover, to see into the future; to know ahead of time the results of future events; often calling on evil
spirits through chanting and spells to get information concerning oneself or others.
• a divine sentence is in the lips of Prov 16:10
• that see vanity and that divine lies Eze 13:9
• unto you, that ye shall not divine Mic 3:6
• had also ordinances of divine service Heb 9:1
• be partakers of the divine nature 2 Pet 1:4
A separation, partition, a dissection, detachment, disunion, a split, a coming apart, no longer one piece.
DTP The disciple must work against division at all times, both in the home and in the church. Division
brings great dishonour to the Lord. It is a sign of walking in the flesh and not in the Spirit.
• put a division between my people and thy people Ex 8:23
• on earth? I tell you, nay; but rather division Luke 12:51
• mark them which cause division and offenses Rom 16:17
• that there be no division among you 1 Cor 1:10
• strife and division, are ye not carnal and walk 1 Cor 3:3
• I hear that there be divisions among you 1 Cor 11:18
Separation from one's married partner, a breaking of the marriage vows both physically, emotionally or
spiritually. DTP The disciple of Christ is to be faithful to their marriage partner in all circumstances.
• of a widow and of her that is divorced Num 30:9
• away and give her a bill of divorce Jer 3:8
• her that is divorced committeth adultery Matt 5:32
• command to give a writing of divorcement Matt 19:7
do / done
Accomplish, achieve, work out, execute, commit to doing, complete, finish, conclude; the word "do" is
used over 1350 times in the Bible. DTP The children of God are to be active doers and not just hearers
(Jam 1:22-25). Too many people in the church are just spectators rather than participators; the body
of Christ is a living organism and each part is important to the other parts; a branch that does not bear
fruit is cut off and burned (John 15:1-11); for the disciple, the idea of doing is not something that is
an option, but in the Bible the word "do" is tied to the idea of being obedient to a command.
• I do set my bow in the cloud and Gen 9:13
• Whatsoever God hath said unto thee, do Gen 31:16
• and will teach you what you shall do Ex 4:15
• ye shall do no manner of servile Num 28:18
• words of this law to do them Deut 27:26
• all thou sayest unto me I will do Ruth 3:5
• he spake and it was do, he commanded Ps 33:9
• from evil and do good Ps 34 (Ps 37:27; Pet 3:11)
• trust in the LORD and do good: so shalt Ps 37:3
• seven times a day do I praise thee Ps 119:164

• for in thee do I trust Ps 143:8
• require of thee, but to do justly, and to love Mic 6:8
• because ye do not lay it to heart Mal 2:2
• but whosoever shall do and teach Matt 5:19
• for they say and do not Matt 23:3
• not to do mine own will, but the will of him John 6:38
• for without me ye can do nothing John 15:5
• my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command John 15:14
• all that Jesus began both to do and teach Acts 1:1
• men and brethren, what shall we do? Acts 2:37
• be told thee what thou must do Acts 9:6
• and said, sirs, what must I do to be saved Acts 16:30
• that do I not; but what I hate, that I do Rom 7:15
• do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise Rom 13:3
• And this I do for the gospel’s sake, 1 Cor 9:23
• ye do, do all to the glory of God 1 Cor 10:31
• this do in remembrance of me 1 Cor 11:24
• this do ye, as oft as ye drink it 1 Cor 11:25
• let us do good unto all men, especially unto Gal 6:10
• do the will of God from the heart Eph 6:6
• to will and to do of his good pleasure Phil 2:13
• I can do all things through Christ which Phil 4:13
• do not cease to pray for you Col 1:9
• ye do in word or deed, do all in the name Col 3:17
• whatsoever ye do, do heartily, as to the Lord Col 3:23
• do the work of an evangelist, make 2 Tim 4:5
• to do thy will, O God. Heb 10:7
• in every good work to do his will Heb 13:21
• do ye think that the Scriptures James 4:5
• knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him James 4:17
• the Lord is against them that do evil 1 Pet 3:12
• ye do these things, ye shall never fall 2 Pet 1:10
• do those things that are pleasing 1 John 3:22
• and repent and do the first works Rev 2:5
A system of teaching concerning God, truth about God containing laws, regulations. DTP The disciple is
to hold firm to the doctrines of the Word of God; they are there to nurture us and help to bear fruit
for the honour and glory of Christ Jesus; they are the teachings and foundation stones of the church
of Jesus Christ, with which we are to train and correct other disciples.
• my doctrine shall drop as the rain, my Deut 32:2
• my doctrine is pure, and I am clean in Job 11:4
• I give you good doctrine, forsake ye not my law Prov 4:2
• whom shall he make to understand doctrine? Isa 28:9
• and they that murmured shall learn doctrine Isa 29:24
• astonished at his doctrine Matt 7:28 (Mark 1:22; Luke 4:23)
• they were astonished at his doctrine Matt 22:23
• what new doctrine is this? For with authority Mark 1:27
• my doctrine is not mine, but his that John 7:16
• will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine John 7:17
• in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship Acts 2:42
• ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine Acts 5:28
• astonished at the doctrine of the Lord Acts 13:12
• that form of doctrine which was delivered you Rom 6:17
• contrary to the doctrine ye have learned Rom 16:17

• every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine 1 Cor 14:26
• some that they teach no other doctrine 1 Tim 1:3
• any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine 1 Tim 1:10
• heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils 1 Tim 4:1
• words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou 1 Tim 4:6
• attending to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine 1 Tim 4:13
• take heed unto thyself and unto the doctrine 1 Tim 4:16
• especially they who labour in the word and doctrine 1 Tim 5:17
• the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed 1 Tim 6:1
• and to the doctrine which is according to godliness 1 Tim 6:3
• but thou hast fully known my doctrine 2 Tim 3:10
• of God and is profitable for doctrine 2 Tim 3:16
• rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine 2 Tim 4:2
• will come when they will not endure sound doctrine 2 Tim 4:3
• by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince Tit 1:9
• speak thou the things which become sound doctrine Tit 2:1
• may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour Tit 2:10
• the principles of the doctrine of Christ Heb 6:1
• the doctrine of baptism and laying on of hands Heb 6:2
• that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God 2 John 1:9
Policy, principle, canon, dogma. DTP The disciple is to hold firm to the doctrines of the Word of God;
they are there to nurture us and help to bear fruit for the honour and glory of Christ; they are the
teachings and foundation stones of the church of Jesus Christ, with which we are to train and correct
other disciples.
• they that murmured shall learn doctrine Isa 29:24
• people were astonished at his doctrine Matt 7:28
• about with every wind of doctrine Eph 4:14
• charge some that they teach no other doctrine 1 Tim 1:3
• thing that is contrary to sound doctrine 1 Tim 1:10
• heed to seducing spirits and doctrine of devils 1 Tim 4:1
• attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine Eph 4:13
• to the doctrine which is according to 1 Tim 6:3
• when they will not endure sound doctrine 2 Tim 4:3
Creed, code of belief, canon. DTP These are the teaching of the Bible. Also, they are most often the extra
laws that various church fathers and religions have added to the teachings of the Bible; in some
instances these extra beliefs have become equal in their eyes to the Word of God itself.
Power over, authority over, control of, domination, territory; an area over which one may have power
and authority. DTP God has dominion over all things created, but man can be given authority by God
over things here on earth; we are to be good stewards, entrusted with God's creation, but often the
problem is that we desire to be lord over that which is truly not ours.
• let them have dominion over the fish Gen 1:26
• sins; let them not have dominion over me Ps 19:13
• he shall have dominion from sea to sea Ps 72:8 (Zech 9:10)
• his dominion from generation to generation Dan 4:3
• for ever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion Dan 4:34
• and his dominion shall be even unto the end Dan 6:26
• and have dominion; his dominion shall be a great dominion Dan 11:5
• death hath no more dominion over me Rom 6:9
• for sin shall not have dominion over you Rom 6:14
• and power and might and dominion Eph 1:21
• be praise and dominion for ever and ever 1 Pet 4:11 (5:11; Rev 1:6)

• Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion Jude 1:25
• be glory and dominion for ever and ever Rev 1:6
Gate, entrance, access, entry; often shepherds were themselves doors to the sheepfold; many doors
could also be opened only from the inside of one's house. DTP Christ proclaimed that He was the door
and that all must come through Him if they hope to get into heaven.
• thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door Gen 4:7
• on the upper door post of the houses Ex 12:7
• LORD ... stood in the door of the tabernacle Num 12:5
• from the door of the house of Neh 3:21
• be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors Ps 24:7
• above and opened the doors of heaven Ps 78:23
• keep the door of my lips Ps 141:3
• thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father Matt 6:6
• that it is near, even at the doors Matt 24:33
• knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open Luke 13:25
• unto you, I am the door of the sheep John 10:7
• I am the door John 10:9
• opened the prison door, and brought them forth Acts 5:19
• how he had opened the door of faith Acts 14:27
• immediately all the doors were opened Acts 16:26
• a great door and effectual is open unto you 1 Cor 16:9
• and a door was open unto me of the Lord 2 Cor 2:12
• God would open unto us a door of utterance Col 4:3
• Behold, the judge standeth before the door James 5:9
• I have set before thee an open door Rev 3:8
• behold I stand at the door and Rev 3:20
Gatekeeper, porter, caretaker; this person is charged to oversee who may or may not come into a
building or even the gates of a city. DTP There is also teaching that some people are called to be
doorkeepers in the Church, to make sure that the enemy does not get in to divide and destroy the
• the keeper of the doors Esth 6:2
• I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house Ps 84:10
double minded
A person who thinks in two different directions at the same time; it could be people who think, do and
go in two directions, following the ways of the world and trying to live a religious life at the same time;
this kind of a person is often unstable in the things that they do; we are encouraged to draw near to
God and focus our minds on Him and His will for our lives.
• a double minded man is unstable in all James 1:8
• purify your hearts, ye double minded James 4:8
Hesitation, uncertainty, reservation, distrust, disbelief. DTP One of the disciples earned the nickname of
"doubting Thomas" because he walked more by sight then by faith; doubt eats away at one's faith
and can cause us to be weak in our everyday discipleship walk with Christ.
• life shall hang in doubt before thee Deut 28:66
• faith, wherefore didst thou doubt Matt 14:31
• doubt not, ye shall not only do this Matt 21:21 (Mark 11:23)
• shall not doubt in his heart, but Mark 11:23
• while Peter doubted in himself what this vision Acts 10:17
• up holy hands, without wrath and doubt 1 Tim 2:8

Gift, offering to a parent for a bride; in history of the Asian culture when a man sought a bride he was
obligated to pay to the parents a dowry, a gift for her before there would be permission for the
wedding to take place; often this exchange of gifts was done at the engagement ceremony.
• God hath endued me with a good dowry Gen 30:20
• ask me never so much dowry and gift Gen 34:12
• according to the dowry of virgins Ex 22:17
• the king desireth not any dowry 1 Sam 18:25
A prayer or a hymn sung to God as an anthem of praise for who He is and for what He has done; it often
comes at the end of the Christian church service; the most common one was written by Thomas Ken,
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise him all creatures here below, praise him above ye
heavenly hosts, praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost". Amen. Examples: Ps 147:1; Rom 11:33-36.
Another name for Satan in the book of Revelation; the dragon is to be like a serpent who is crafty and
deceptive. The dragon gives power and authority to the antichrist and to the beast, but one must
know that his days are numbered because soon Christ will come to put him into eternal bondage; at
that point a new heaven and earth shall be in place for all eternity, where the disciples of Christ will
live for all eternity.
• the dragon shalt thou trample under Ps 91:13
• he shall slay the dragon that is in Isa 27:1
• and behold a great red dragon having Rev 12:3 (see also Rev 12: 4, 7, 9, 13)
• they worshipped the dragon which gave Rev 13:4
• and he laid hold on the dragon, that Rev 20:2
To pull out or to come near to, for our purpose here, this word means, to come close to something or
someone. It can mean to portray or become like another. DTP God desires a close relationship with
His people and this means moving close to him spiritually. As we draw closer to Him, He draws closer
to us.
• time that women go out and draw water Gen 24:11
• and he said, draw not nigh hither Ex 3:5
• let us draw near hither unto God 1 Sam 14:36
• so Esther drew near and touched the top of Esth 5:2
• draw me not away with the wicked Ps 28:3
• draw nigh unto my soul and redeem it Ps 69:18
• but it is good for me to draw near to God Ps 73:28
• ye draw water out of the wells of salvation Isa 12:3
• people draw near me with their mouth Isa 29:13 (Matt 15:8)
• with loving-kindness have I drawn thee Jer 31:3
• saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near Luke 21:8
• lift up your heads ... your redemption draweth nigh Luke 21:28
• except the Father which hath sent me draw him John 6:44
• the earth, will draw all men unto me John 12:32
• hope ... by the which we draw nigh unto God Heb 7:19
• let us draw near with a true heart Heb 10:22
• when he is drawn away of his own lust James 1:14
• draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh James 4:8
• for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh James 5:8
A vision of things when one is asleep. DTP dreams can be both corrupt and disheartening, but they can
also be times when God speaks and guides His children with information and direction.
• and God said unto him in a dream Gen 20:6
• and he dreamed and behold a ladder set up on Gen 28:12
• angel ... spake ... in a dream. Saying, Jacob Gen 31:11

• and Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told Gen 37:5
• I the LORD... will speak unto him in a dream Num 12:6
• I dreamed a dream and lo, a cake of barley bread Judg 7:13
• The LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream 1 Kin 3:5
• unto them, I have dreamed a dream Dan 2:3 (see Dan 2:4-9)
• your old men shall dream dreams Joel 2:28
• the Lord appeared unto him in a dream Matt 1:20
• being warned of God in a dream Matt 2:12
• and your old men shall dream dreams Acts 2:17
To take in fluids for one's body, to quench one's thirst. DTP We can drink of physical liquids but we are
also to come to the rivers and waters of God and drink in spiritual life; this is the water which Jesus
spoke about with the women at the well... the water that would quench the thirsty soul for all time
and eternity.
• drink a little water of the pitcher Gen 24:17 (see Gen 24:18-54)
• the drink offering thereof shall be Lev 23:13
• he did eat no bread, nor drink water Ezr 10:6
• thirst they gave me vinegar to drink Ps 69:21
• he shall drink of the brook in the Ps 110:7
• thirsty, give him water to drink Prov 25:21 (Rom 12:20)
• yea, drink abundantly, O beloved Song 5:1
• that furnish the drink offering Isa 65:11
• ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink Matt 6:25 (Luke 12:29)
• whosoever shall give to drink unto Matt 10:42 (Mark 9:41)
• to drink of the cup that I shall drink Matt 20:22 (Mark 10:38)
• I was thirsty and you gave me no drink Matt 25:42
• not drink ... of this fruit Matt 26:29 (Mark 14:25; Luke 22:18)
• whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst John 4:13
• drink of the water that I shall give him shall John 4:14
• let him come unto me and drink John 7:37
• if he thirst, give him drink Rom 12:20
• all drink the same spiritual drink 1 Cor 10:4
• yet eat, or drink ... do all to the glory of God 1 Cor 10:31
• this do ye, as oft as ye drink it 1 Cor 11:25
• have been all made to drink into one Spirit 1 Cor 12:13
drunkard / drunkenness
To lose control of mind, all ye Joel 1:5 carousing, drunkenness and the cares of this life Luke 21:34 NKJ
Band body through alcohol or strong drink. It is surrendering one's life to intoxication that can cause
one to lose control and sow all kinds of destruction into one's own life and into the lives of others
around you.
• for strength and not for drunkenness Eccl 10:17 NKJB
• you will be filled with drunkenness and sorrow Eze 23:33 NKJB
• awake, ye drunkard and weep; and howl Joel 1:5
• not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust Rom 13:13 NKJB
• nor drunkard ... shall inherit the kingdom of God 1 Cor 6:10
• envy, murders drunkenness, revelries Gal 5:21 NKJB
• lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties 1 Peter 4:3 NKJB
This is a belief that there are two equal forces in the universe, one representing good and the other bad;
in the Asian thought this is called "ying and yang"; these two forces oppose one another, creating this
"tug of war" feeling within each person here on earth.
To be in close proximity to another. To draw close in personal relationship with another. To be in a home
with another. To be inside, away from the outside realm. DTP We are called to have a personal

relationship with Christ ... to dwell and dine with Him. It is a decision and action that must come from
our heart. When we accept Christ Jesus as our Saviour and Lord, at that moment He comes to dwell
in our lives, the beginning of an everlasting relationship with Him. One day He will return so that we
will then go with Him to dwell eternally in Heaven.
• Choose to cause his name to dwell Deut 12:11
• LORD, only makest me dwell in safety Ps 4:8
• who shall dwell in thy holy hill? Ps 15:1
• I will dwell in the house of the LORD Ps 23:6
• that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all Ps 27:4
• Blessed are they that dwell in thy house Ps 84:4
• That dwell in the secret place of the Most High Ps 91:1
• upright shall dwell in thy presence Ps 140:13
• I dwell in the high and holy place Isa 57:15
• The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us John 1:14
• Ye know him; for he dwelleth with you and shall John 14:17
• that the Spirit of God dwell in you Rom 8:9
• raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you Rom 8:11
• and that the Spirit of God dwell in you? 1 Cor 3:16
• I will dwell in them and walk in them 2 Cor 6:16
• that Christ may dwell in your hearts Eph 3:17
• that in him should all fullness dwell Col 1:19
• for in him dwelleth the fullness of the Godhead Col 2:9
• let the word of Christ dwell in you Col 3:16
• keep by the Holy Ghost which dwell in us 2 Tim 1:14
• if we love one another, God dwell in us 1 John 4:12
• hereby know we that we dwell in him and he in 1 John 4:13
• he that dwell in love dwell in God and God in him 1 John 4:16
• he will dwell with them and they Rev 21:3

A bird of prey that can fly to tremendous heights and has the ability to see great distances. It can soar
on the current of the winds but dive to extreme speeds to catch its prey. DTP The disciple is to have
wings like an eagle and to fly high above the storms of life, discerning the Lord's truth.
• and how I bare you on eagles' wings Ex 19:4
• earth, as swift as the eagle flieth Deut 28:49
• Saul and Jonathan ... were swifter than eagles 2 Sam 1:23
• as the eagle that hasteth to the prey Job 9:26
• thy youth is renewed like the eagle's Ps 103:5
• fly away as an eagle toward heaven Pro 23:5
• the ways of an eagle in the air Pro 30:19
• shall mount up with wings as eagles Isa 40:31
• behold, he shall fly like an eagle Jer 48:40
• a great eagle with great wings Eze 17:3
• there will the eagles be gathered Matt 24:28
• thither will the eagles be gathered Luke 17:37
A part of the body that was created by God so that man could hear. DTP A famous Greek philosopher
said that we were given two ears and one mouth so that we could listen twice as much as we speak.
We are to be quick to hear but slow to speak. With our hearts, we need to come to the place where
we can hear the still small voice of God calling us out from this world to do His will here on earth.
• will give ear to his commandments Ex 15:26
• upon the tip of their right ear Lev 8:24
• give ear, O ye heavens, and I will Deut 32:1
• LORD, bow down thine ear and hear 2 Kin 19:16 (Isa 37:17)
• Let thine ear now be attentive and thine Neh 1:6
• let now thine ear be attentive to Neh 1:11
• mine ear hath heard and understood it Job 13:1
• give ear to my words, O LORD: consider my Ps 5:1
• thou wilt cause thine ear to hear Ps 10:17
• give ear unto my prayer, that goeth Ps 17:1
• O God: incline thine ear unto me and hear my Ps 17:6
• his ears are open unto their cry Ps 34:15 (1 Pet 3:12)
• mine ear hast thou opened: burnt offering and Ps 40:6
• give ear, O my people, to my law: incline your ear Ps 78:1
• they have ears, but they hear not Ps 115:6 (135:17)
• prayer, O LORD, give ear to my supplications Ps 143:1
• So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom Prov 2:2
• the ear of the wise seeketh Prov 18:15
• hearing ear and the seeing eye, the LORD Prov 20:12
• bow down thine ear and hear the words Prov 22:17
• so is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear Prov 25:12
• opening the ear, but he heareth not Isa 42:20
• incline your ear and come unto me Isa 55:3
• nor perceived by the ear, neither Isa 64:4 (1 Cor 2:9)
• and what ye hear in the ear that Matt 10:27 (Luke 12:3)
• who hath ears to hear, let him hear Matt 11:15 (13:9, 43; Mark 4:9, 23 Luke 8:8; 14:35)
• and their ears are dull of hearing Matt 13:15 (Acts 28:27)
• but blessed are ... your ears, for they hear Matt 13:16
• eyes, see not? And having ears, hear ye not? Mark 8:18
• let these sayings sink down into your ear Luke 9:44
• their ears are dull of hearing Acts 28:27

• not see and ears that they should not hear Rom 11:8
• nor ear heard, neither have entered 1 Cor 2:9
• teachers, having itching ears 2 Tim 4:3
• turn away their ears from the truth 2 Tim 4:4
• he that hath an ear, let him hear Rev 2:7 (2:11; 2:17; 2:29; 3:6; 3:13; 3:22)
World, ground, globe; DTP God created the earth in six days, all that which is in the sea, all that is on the
land, all that is in the sky and all that which is in the heavens.
• God created the heavens and the earth Gen 1:1
• and let them have dominion ... over all the earth Gen 1:26
• the earth was corrupt before God Gen 6:11
• the waters of the flood were upon the earth Gen 7:10
• a token of a covenant between me and the earth Gen 9:13
• the whole earth was of one language and of one Gen 11:1
• that I am the LORD in the midst of the earth Ex 8:22
• be declared throughout all the earth Ex 9:16 (Rom 9:17)
• know how that the earth is the LORD'S Ex 9:29
• the LORD, the LORD of all the earth Josh 3:13
• God indeed dwell on the earth? 1 Kin 8:27 (2 Chr 6:18)
• is thy name in all the earth Ps 8:1 (8:9)
• earth is the LORD'S and the fullness Ps 24:1 (1 Cor 10:26)
• wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth Ps 37:9
• for God is the King of all the earth: sing ye Ps 47:7
• working salvation in the midst of the earth Ps 74:12
• Jehovah, art the Most High over all the earth Ps 83:18
• laid the foundation of the earth Ps 102:25 (Heb 1:10)
• the LORD which made heaven and earth Ps 121:2
• the LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth Prov 3:19
• the whole earth is full of his glory Isa 6:3
• salvation unto the end of the earth Isa 49:6 (Acts 13:47)
• the ends of the earth shall see the salvation Isa 52:10
• I create new heavens and a new earth Isa 65:17 (66:22; 1 Pet 3:13)
• the earth is my footstool Isa 66:1 (Acts 7:49)
• O earth, earth, earth hear the word of the LORD Jer 22:29
• that dwell in all the earth Dan 4:1
• will shake the heavens and the earth Hag 2:6 (2:21; Heb 12:26)
• are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth Matt 5:5
• ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt Matt 5:13
• till heaven and earth pass, one jot or Matt 5:18 (Luke 16:17)
• thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven Matt 6:10 (Luke 11:2)
• lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth Matt 6:19
• bind on earth shall be bound in heaven Matt 16:19 (18:18)
• if two of you shall agree on earth as touching Matt 18:19
• O Father, Lord of heaven and earth Luke 10:21
• I am come to send fire on the earth Luke 12:49
• I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw John 12:32
• unto the uttermost part of the earth Acts 1:8
• first man is of the earth, earthly 1 Cor 15:47
• family in heaven and earth is named Eph 3:15
• set your affection ... not on things on the earth Col 3:2
• strangers and pilgrims on the earth Heb 11:13
• look for new heavens and a new earth 2 Pet 3:13
• power was given ... to take peace from the earth Rev 6:4
• and I saw a new heaven and a new earth Rev 21:1

One of the four directions that one can travel on the earth. There is the North, South, East, and West.
North and South have fixed pole; East and West have no such fixed poles. One cannot go east in order
to get to west. DTP It is good to know that when we confess our sins they are remembered no more;
they are cast away as far as the East is from the West.
• at the east of the garden of Eden cherubim Gen 3:24
• the sea to go back by a strong east wind Ex 14:21
• as far as the east is from the west, so far Ps 103:12
• I will bring thy seed from the east Isa 43:5
• an east wind shall come, the wind of the LORD Hos 13:15
• we have seen his star in the east and are come Matt 2:2
• shall come from the east and west Matt 8:11
• as the lightning cometh out of the east Matt 24:27
This is a yearly festival that takes place the first Sunday following the first full moon after March 21.
Originally it was pagan holiday to honour Eastra or Ostara a Teutonic goddess. DTP For the disciple it
is a time when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ with many faithful Christians around the
world. The original celebration focused on the resurrection of Jesus Christ after He had been cruelly
hung and killed on the cross. The word Easter is found in Acts 12:4 but it would have been better to
use the word "Passover". Today Easter is filled with many pagan and other secular and religious
traditions that have nothing to do with the original remembrance day of Jesus Christ's resurrection.
Yet, the fact that many governmental authorities around the world recognize the sacred day is a
testament to the superintendence of God over all.
Eastern Orthodox
This name was given to the Eastern Greek Churches after AD 1054. This was a dividing point known as
"The Great Schism". The eastern churches where centered in Constantinople, headed by a patriarch.
The western church, which had a pope as its leader, was centered in Rome. There are seven main
differences between the Orthodox and the Roman Catholic churches:
• 1. The Orthodox church does not recognize the Roman pope as infallible or as a supreme authority.
• 2. The Orthodox believes that the Holy Spirit proceeds only from the Father; the Catholic believes that
He comes from the Father and Son, as clearly stated in the Nicene Creed.
• 3. The Orthodox believes in heaven and hell but not purgatory.
• 4. The Orthodox does not believe in the Immaculate Conception. Note: "Immaculate conception"
believers think that Mary's sin were purged away at the Annunciation, suggesting she no longer had a
sin nature,
• 5. The Orthodox does not believe in the physical assumption of the virgin Mary... that she was taken
up, both body and spirit, into heaven.)
• 6. The Orthodox church priest may marry.
• 7. The Orthodox laity partake of both the wine and unleavened bread during communion.
• Taken from the Compact Dictionary of Doctrinal Words: Terry L. Miethe, Bethany House Publishing,
1988, p77.
To consume or devour, to take in food through the mouth, the action of chewing and breaking up of
food for consumption. DTP We often eat several meals a day to give us strength and power to be able
to work and think, and to sustain life, but we are also to eat and drink of the word of God. We are to
partake through communion a meal that is to remind us of what Christ Jesus has done for us spiritually
on the cross.
• tree of the knowledge ... thou shalt not eat Gen 2:17
• in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days Gen 3:17
• sat down to eat and to drink Ex 32:6 (1 Cor 10:7)
• saying, give us flesh, that we may eat Num 11:13
• the meek shall eat and be satisfied Ps 22:26
• the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up Ps 66:9 (John 2:17)
• the lion shall eat straw like the ox Isa 11:7

• eat and drink; for tomorrow Isa 22:13 (1 Cor 15:32)
• no thought ... what ye shall eat Matt 6:25 (Luke 12:22)
• eat, this is my body Matt 26:26 (Mark 14:22; 1 Cor 11:24)
• take thine ease, eat, drink and be merry Luke 12:19
• the fatted calf and killed it; and let us eat Luke 15:23
• may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom Luke 22:30
• he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever John 6:58
• rise, Peter; kill and eat Acts 10:13 (11:7)
• damned if he eat, because he eateth not in faith Rom 14:23
• this is not to eat the Lord's supper 1 Cor 11:20
• unworthily, eat and drinketh damnation to 1 Cor 11:29
• would not work, neither should he eat 2 Thes 3:10
• give to eat of the tree of life Rev 2:7
• will I give to eat of the hidden manna Rev 2:17
Means preacher; author is thought to be King Solomon, written around 1015 to 975 BC. The book seems
to try to examine life from all possible perspectives; it focuses on two things: 1) true satisfaction can
only come from God and 2) we must remember the Creator and that the good things of life all come
from Him.
Concerns the study of the church; ekklesia is the Greek word for "assembly"; one would study this
doctrine in all the various aspects including examples such as leadership, body ministry, gifting, fruit,
rapture, end times, etc.
Original home of God's first created humans, Adam and Eve. It was also the place where Adam and Eve
were disobedient to God and ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Because
of this sinful act mankind was barred from the Garden of Eden.
• planted a garden eastward in Eden Gen 2:8
• went out of Eden to water the garden Gen 2:10
• east of the garden of Eden Cherubim Gen 3:24
• will make her wilderness like Eden Isa 51:3
• is as the garden of Eden before them Joel 2:3
edification / edify / edifying
Teaching, to build up, encourage, praise; to help lift up one another emotionally and spiritually in the
Lord. DTP The church is to be a place of teaching and building up the disciples of Christ.
• and things wherewith one may edify another Rom 14:19
• his neighbour for his good to edification Rom 15:2
• knowledge puffeth up, but charity edify 1 Cor 8:1
• speaketh unto men to edification 1 Cor 14:3
• tongue edify himself; but he that prophecies edify 1 Cor 14:4
• that ye may excel to the edifying of the church 1 Cor 14:12
• let all things be done unto edifying 1 Cor 14:26
• the Lord hath given us for edification 2 Cor 10:8
• which the Lord hath given me to edification 2 Cor 13:10
• for the edifying of the body of Christ Eph 4:12
• that which is good to the use of edifying Eph 4:29
• and edify one another, even as also ye do 1 Thes 5:11
El / Elohim
A Hebrew term that was used to mean Deity. Examples are; El-Elyon (God Most High; Gen 14:18-22), El-
Shaddai (God Almighty, Gen 17:1). A word or title that expressed the awesomeness of the one true
God the Creator of all heaven and earth.
Leader, overseer, advisor, senior, to be mature, having experience and knowledge. DTP The church is to
have elders who can oversee, to know what is happening to the flock of God. They are to provide

wisdom, both in equipping and training, so that disciples may mature and produce fruit that will last.
They are also to seek God in prayer. Like deacons they, too, must meet certain standards before they
are set apart for the ministry of eldership in the church (1 Tim 3:1-7; Tit 1:5-9).
• the elder shall serve the younger Gen 25:23 (Rom 9:12)
• the brother of Japheth the elder Gen 10:21
• go, gather the elders of Israel together Ex 3:16
• him in the assembly of the elders Ps 107:32
• the gates, when he sitteth among the elders Prov 31:23
• sent it to the elders by the hands of Acts 11:30
• they had ordained them elders in every church Acts 14:23
• received of the church and ... apostles and elders Acts 15:4
• to Ephesus and called the elders of the church Acts 20:17
• let the elders that rule well be I Tim 5:17
• ordain elders in every city, as I had Titus 1:5
• for by it the elders obtain a good report. Heb 11:2
• him call the elders of the church James 5:14
• the elders which are among you I 1 Pet 5:1
• submit yourselves unto the elders 1 Pet 5:5
• I saw four and twenty elders sitting, Rev 4:4
elect / election
Appointment, determination, choice, choose, select, vote, decide. DTP God is calling out to people each
day, choosing individuals by His mercy and grace; He sent His Son as one crying out to us in the
wilderness (offering salvation), but the decision is still up to each of us.
• mine elect, in whom my soul Isa 42:1
• they shall deceive the very elect Matt 24:24 (Mark 13:22)
• shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry Luke 18:7
• of God according to election might stand Rom 9:11
• is a remnant according to the election of grace Rom 11:5
• put on therefore, as the elect of God Col 3:12
• brethren beloved, your election of God 1 Thes 1:4
• I endure all things for the elect's sake 2 Tim 2:10
• according to the faith of God's elect Tit 1:1
• in Zion a chief corner stone, elect 1 Pet 2:6
• to make your calling and election sure 2 Pet 1:10
This is the most common name for God in the Bible; translated as YAHWEH or LORD from the Hebrew;
the self-existent One; the all eternal One; the One Supreme in Authority. In the Greek, the idea is
similar (kurios #2962 from kuros), but only the first letter of the word Lord is capitalized.
• day that the LORD God made the earth Gen 2:4
• the LORD God of your fathers, the Ex 3:15
• I am the LORD your God Lev 19:25
• for the LORD thy God is with thee Josh 1:9
• the LORD said unto Joshua, This day Josh 5:9
• praise ye the LORD Ps 150:6
• be mine, saith the LORD of hosts Mal 3:17
• prepare ye the way of the Lord Matt 3:3
• his Son Jesus Christ our Lord Rom 1:3, 7
• the God of our Lord Jesus Christ Eph 1:17
• the Lord is my helper and I will not Heb 13:6
• the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ Rev 22:20
Preserve from decay; to prepare the body for burial. In past times it involved anointing the body with oil
and spices; the body was then wrapped in linen; today a chemical is injected into the body, removing

the blood, preserving the body for a period of time. Examples of preparation of the dead: Mark 15:46;
16:1; John 19:39, 40.
• the physicians to embalm Gen 50:2
• and they embalmed him and he was put in a Gen 50:26
Emmanuel / Immanuel
Emmanuel; the meaning of this name of Christ is "God with us". DTP For the disciple this name carries
so much personal meaning because now the living God, through Jesus Christ, personally indwells our
• and shall call his name Immanuel Isa 7:14
• shall fill the breadth of the land, O Immanuel Isa 8:8
• and they shall call his name Emmanuel Matt 1:23
empowered / empowering
Authorize, allow, sanction, official permission. DTP Christ empowers us for service by His Holy Spirit; the
disciple becomes empowered through Christ's authority (Matt 10:1 NASB).
Give confidence, hearten, cheer, support, exhort. The disciple should have the ministry of lifting up or
building up others in the Word of God as a result of the Good News of Christ Jesus' redemptive power.
• and encourage him, and strengthen him Deut 3:28
• but David encouraged himself in the LORD 1 Sam 30:6
• they might be encouraged in the law of the Lord 2 Chr 31:4
• encouraged them to the service of the 2 Chr 35:2
• that their hearts may be encouraged Col 2:2 NASB
encouragement, gift / exhortation, gift
Exhort; give confidence, hearten, cheer, support, exhort. DTP To lift or build another up in the Word and
in Christ Jesus.
• or he that exhorteth (encourage), on exhortation (encouragement): Rom 12:8
Finish, conclusion, termination, close, expiration, completion, final; it is all over, there is nothing more
ahead. DTP We need to understand that in God's creation, all things have a beginning and an end.
Only God has no beginning or end, but in His creation everything has times and seasons.
• on the seventh day God ended his work Gen 2:2
• wickedness of the wicked come to an end Ps 7:9
• words to the end of the world Ps 19:4 (Rom 10:18)
• to know mine end, and the measure of my days Ps 39:4
• the end of the earth have seen the salvation Ps 98:3
• of making many books there is no end Eccl 12:12
• salvation unto the end of the earth Isa 49:6 (Acts 13:47)
• our end is near, our days are fulfilled Lam 4:18
• yet the end shall be at the time appointed Dan 11:27
• the harvest is the end of the world Matt 13:39
• but the end is not yet Matt 24:6 (Mark 13:7; Luke 21:9)
• and of his kingdom there shall be no end Luke 1:33
• for the end of those things is death Rom 6:21
• Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end Rev 21:6
end times
Can also be known as the "end of the world", a season of time before Christ sets up His new Kingdom.
• endureth to the end shall be saved Matt 10:22
• the harvest is the end of the world Matt 13:39
• it be in the end of this world Matt 13:40
• but now once in the end of the world Heb 9:26
• but the end of all things is at hand 1 Pet 4:7
To be never ending, to continue through all trials and tribulations, able to endure much hardship and
sorrow, to be firm, to go on, to carry on through to the end. DTP Disciples need to take on an attitude

of endurance as pilgrims here on earth; it will be worth it all when we stand face to face before Jesus
Christ. Christ, through the Holy Spirit, will empower us through prayer so that we will be able to
endure, not on our won, but in Christ's strength and ability.
• so, that thou shalt be able to endure Ex 18:23
• for his mercy endureth for ever 1 Chr 16:34 (Ezra 3:11)
• but the LORD shall endure for ever Ps 9:7
• the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever Ps 19:9
• weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning Ps 30:5
• the goodness of God endureth continually Ps 52:1
• his name shall endure for ever: his name shall Ps 72:17
• his truth endureth to all generations Ps 100:5
• his mercy endure for ever Ps 106:1 (107:1; 118:1; 136:1)
• and his righteousness endureth for ever Ps 111:3
• thy name, O LORD, endureth for ever Ps 135:13
• for his mercy endureth for ever Ps 136:1 (see Ps 107:1; 118:1; 136:1-26)
• but he that shall endure unto the end Matt 10:22 (24:13; Mark 13:13)
• endured with much longsuffering Rom 9:22
• hopeth all things, endureth all things 1 Cor 13:7
• thou therefore endure hardness 2 Tim 2:3
• they will not endure sound doctrine 2 Tim 4:3
• watch thou in all things, endure afflictions 2 Tim 4:5
• and so, after he had patiently endured Heb 6:15
• endured the cross, despising the shame Heb 12:2
• blessed is the man that endureth temptation James 1:12
• the word of the Lord endureth for ever 1 Pet 1:25
Adversary, one who actively opposes or is hostile to someone; people who go to war against other
peoples. DTP The disciple needs to know that we have physical and spiritual enemies who want to
destroy and, if possible, kill. The world has seen many disciples of Christ martyred over the last 2000
years and each day more are killed. We are in a battle between as well as directly with Satan who is
the ruler of this world. We need to put on the full armour of God and come to the Father to be filled
by the power of the Holy Spirit daily. Also, we need to get into the Word of God and ask God in prayer
to open up our spiritual eyes and ears, so we can know from where the enemy is attacking.
• God, which hath delivered thine enemy into Gen 14:20
• And your enemy shall fall before you Lev 26:8
• And ye shall be saved from your enemy Num 10:9
• Let thine enemies be scattered Num 10:35 (Ps 68:1)
• I had given rest unto Israel from all their enemies Josh 23:1
• So shall I be saved from mine enemies 2 Sam 22:4 (Ps 18:3)
• He delivered us from the hand of the enemy Ezra 8:31
• He delivereth me from mine enemy Ps 18:48
• A table before me in the presence of mine enemies Ps 23:5
• A shelter for me ... a strong tower from the enemy Ps 61:3
• Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered Ps 68:1
• My right hand, until I make thine enemy thy footstool Ps 110:1 (Matt 22:44; Mark 12:36; Luke 20:43;
Heb 1:13)
• And hath redeemed us from our enemy Ps 136:24
• If thine enemy be hungry, give him Prov 25:21 (Rom 12:20)
• I say unto you, love your enemies Matt 5:44 (Luke 6:27, 35)
• For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God Rom 5:10
• Last enemy that shall be destroyed is death 1 Cor 15:26
• am I therefore become your enemy, Gal 4:16
• They are the enemies of the cross Phil 3:18
• yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother. 2 Thes 3:15

• A friend of the world is the enemy of God James 4:4
engrafted or grafting
To connect, join, link, to splice into another, two becoming connected as one; fruit trees often have
branches from other trees grafted into them to produce a better quality fruit; DTP As disciples of
Christ we are to be engrafted into Christ Jesus so that we will produce fruit for His glory, in order to
show that we are His disciples (John 15:1-11). It is God's ultimate glorious plan that both Jews and
Gentiles be grafted into one unit, the Body of Jesus Christ (Rom 11:17-36).
• receive with meekness the engrafted word James 1:21
To see things from a higher perspective, a "brightened" point of view, not being in darkness, either
physically, mentally, or spiritually. DTP To be able to see clearly, to have one eyes open to the light of
the Word of God. The Word becomes a light unto our feet and gives encouragement and hope as we
live out each day.
• and his eyes were enlightened 1 Sam 14:27
• to be enlightened with the light of the living Job 33:30
• LORD my God will enlighten my darkness Ps 18:28
• Commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes Ps 19:8
• of your understanding being enlightened Eph 1:18
enquire / enquired
Request, find out, question, make inquiries, investigate, to ask about, to look into or to seek out, to get
a deeper knowledge, wisdom and understanding about something. DTP In our communications with
God, we should always be open to understanding and learning the will of the Father for the many
issues in our lives. We need to ask, and we need to seek.
• the people come unto me to enquire of God: Ex 18:15
• the children of Israel enquired of the LORD, Judg 20:27
• David enquired of the LORD, saying, Shall I go and 1 Sam 23:2
• year after year; and David enquired of the LORD. 2 Sam 21:1
• enquire of the LORD for me, 2 Kin 22:13 (2 Chr 34:21)
• and they returned and enquired early after God Ps 78:34
• town ye shall enter, enquire who in it is worthy: Matt 10:11
Enchain, bind, yoke. DTP One can become enslaved both physically and spiritually to things or to people.
It is a removal of freedoms and rights; often it is forcefully bringing someone into captivity. Satan
desires to enslave people for his kingdom here on earth.
To arrive, to go in, to come in. DTP The disciple is called by Christ to enter into a personal walk and
relationship with Him. We cannot dwell with someone if we are not willing to take the first step of
entering in. Each new door is an opportunity that Christ puts before us but we must chose to enter
into His fullness and blessing ... even though at first we may have more fear than faith. Much ministry
and growth starts by a single step of faith.
• shouldest enter into covenant with the LORD Deut 29:12
• and enter into his sanctuary 2 Chr 30:8
• enter into his gates with thanksgiving Ps 100:4
• thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet Matt 6:6
• enter ye in at the straight gate Matt 7:13 (Luke 13:24)
• enter not into temptation Matt 26:41 (Mark 14:38; Luke 22:40)
• as by one man sin enter into the world Rom 5:12
• neither have enter into the heart of man 1 Cor 2:9
• but by his own blood he entered in once into the Heb 9:12
• enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus Heb 10:19
entice / enticed / enticing
To entice, decoy, allure. DTP The enemy desires to tempt mankind into doing wrong; to go against the
will of the Father in heaven; Satan's enticement is like a fishing lure that, once you bite into it, you

become captive to that fisherman or temptation. Satan entices the disciple of Christ daily to do wrong
and to sin; the results are a lack of freedom and peace within one's own heart.
• if a man entice a maid that is not Ex 22:16
• entice thee secretly, saying, let us go and Deut 13:6
• entice him and see wherein his great strength Judg 16:5
• and my heart hath been secretly enticed Job 31:27
• my son, if a sinner entice thee Prov 1:10
• a violent man enticeth his neighbour Prov 16:29
• not with enticing words of man's wisdom 1 Cor 2:4
• should beguile you with enticing words Col 2:4
• he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed James 1:14
envy / envying
Jealousy, greed, desire, resentment, coveting. DTP A person, when seeing what others have, may
become envious, desiring what is not theirs. The extreme result may be theft, or worse. Can also mean
desiring power or giftings that others have.
• They envied Moses also in the camp Ps 106:16
• Envy thou not the oppressor and choose Prov 3:31
• But envy the rottenness of the bones Prov 14:30
• let not thine heart envy sinners Prov 23:17
• ashamed for their envy at the people Isa 26:11
• for he knew that for envy they had Matt 27:18 (Mark 15:10)
• priest had delivered him for envy Mark 15:10
• they were filled with envy Acts 13:45
• full of envy, debate, deceit Rom 1:29
• charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not 1 Cor 13:4
• one another, envying one another Gal 5:26
• preach Christ even of envy and strife Phil 1:15
• where of cometh envy, strife, railings 1 Tim 6:4
• that dwelleth in us lusteth envy James 4:5
• guile and hypocrisies and envy and all 1 Pet 2:1
EPHESIANS, book of
A book written by Paul while he was a prisoner most likely in Rome around 60-64 AD. It was a letter that
went out to several churches in Asia Minor. Mainly doctrinal in nature, giving clear practical teaching
to the church as well as to the individual disciple. Some key topics concern our redemption in Christ,
various types of relationships, how we are made alive in Christ, the Christian walk and the full armour
of God. Some outline the book that we SIT with Christ (chapters 1-3) WALK with Christ (chapters 4-
6:9) and STAND with Christ (Chapter 6:10 - 24).
This is an outer garment that was most often worn by the High Priest when he entered the Holy of Holies;
it was embroidered with blue, purple, scarlet and gold threads (Ex 28:4-8).
• and stones to be set in the ephod Ex 25:7
• and the rob of the ephod Ex 29:5
• and put the ephod on him Lev 8:7
• took the graven image and the ephod Judg 18:17
• incense, to wear an ephod before me 1 Sam 2:28
• without an image and without an ephod Hos 3:4
A physical manifestation of God such the burning bush, the pillar of fire or the cloud that filled Solomon's
temple. (Ex 3; 13:21-22; 1 Kin 8:10-13)
Letters, dispatches, communications, letters containing Christian doctrine and encouragement for
churches, but also for individual disciples of Christ. There are 21 epistles (books) in the New
• together, they delivered the epistle Acts 15:30

• I Tertius, who wrote this epistle Rom 16:22
• I wrote unto you in an epistle not to 1 Cor 5:9
• ye are our epistle written in our 2 Cor 3:2
• when this epistle is read among you Col 4:16
• taught, whether by word, or our epistle 2 Thes 2:15
• as also in all his epistles, speaking in 2 Pet 3:16
equip / furnished
Provide, furnish, outfit, supply, prepare, and train. DTP We are like a house and, when we study the
Scriptures, we can begin to furnish our home with all the needs that we may have. Our "house" will
begin to be totally equipped for service. We need to always be preparing ourselves so that we can
help others grow and mature in Christ Jesus.
• man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work 2 Tim 3:17 NASB
The Greek word for sexual love. DTP The word love in English has at least four different Greek words
that can illustrate different kinds of love. For example: the love of a mother (Greek stergo), a love one
has for a friend (Greek philio) or "agape" which is God's love for us.
err / erred
To go a wrong direction, to make a mistake, to sin. DTP We all make mistakes and sometimes use bad
judgment, but things do not need to remain at that point, because at any time we can confess the
error of our ways and change direction again through the power and anointing of Christ. Life is a
journey and there can be many forks in the road and we will make mistakes, but through confession
we can learn and mature and become a better vessel for Christ Jesus.
• people that do err in their heart Ps 95:10 (Heb 3:10)
• the proud... do err from thy commandments Ps 119:21
• yet I err not from thy precepts Ps 119:110
• causeth to err from the words of knowledge Prov 19:27
• they err in vision, they stumble in judgment Isa 28:7
• err, not knowing the Scriptures Matt 22:29 Mark 12:24)
• they have erred from the faith 1 Tim 6:10
• if any of you do err from the truth James 5:19
To go a wrong direction, to make a mistake. DTP To do something that is contrary to the rules of nature,
the laws of the land, or against the will of God.
• Have erred, mine error remaineth with myself Job 19:4
• to utter error against the Lord, to Isa 32:6
• neither was there any error or fault found Dan 6:4
• so the last error shall be worse than Matt 27:64
• escaped from them who live in error 2 Pet 2:18
• led away with the error of the wicked 2 Pet 3:17
• of truth and the spirit of error 1 John 4:6
To break free from bondage, to run from someone or from some evil. DTP Satan desires to bind us but
Christ has made a way of escape from the chains of this sinful world. Through His shed blood, coupled
with our personal faith in Him, He has made a way of escape from death and destruction.
• said, escape for thy life; look not behind thee Gen19:17
• and David fled and escape that night 1 Sam 19:10
• righteousness and caused me to escape Ps 71:2
• our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare Ps 124:7
• and he that speaketh lies shall not escape Prov 19:5
• how shall we escape Isa 20:6
• how can ye escape the damnation of Matt 23:33
• that thou shalt escape the judgment of Rom 2:3
• with the temptation ... make a way to escape 1 Cor 10:13
• how shall we escape, if we neglect so Heb 2:3

• escaped from them who live in error 2 Pet 2:18
• have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord 2 Pet 2:20
This is the doctrine concerning "last things" or end time events; events like the Second Coming; events
concerning "end times" and divine judgment. One can get further understanding by studying the
books of Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation.
This was a Jewish religious group; they lived mostly communal lives and observed the law very strictly;
they also practiced ceremonial baptism. They are not mentioned in the Bible but are spoken about in
other Jewish writings.
To settle, to make firm. DTP Christ's purpose for us is to firmly establish us in faith and truth of His Word.
He gives to us the Holy Spirit who will counsel and teach us so that we can be firmly planted on the
rock of His foundation. Christ wants us to stand firm during the rains, floods and winds that comes
into our lives (Matt 7:24-27).
• with thee will I established my covenant Gen 6:18
• establish my covenant with you and with your seed Gen 9:9
• I will establish my covenant between me and thee Gen 17:7
• the LORD shall establish thee a holy people Deut 28:9
• will establish his kingdom 2 Sam 7:12; (1 Cor 17:11; 28:7)
• set my feet upon a rock and establish my goings Ps 40:2
• the city of our God: God will establish it forever Ps 48:8
• by understanding hath he established the heavens Prov 3:19
• path of my feet and let all thy ways be established Prov 4:26
• to establish it with judgment and with justice Isa 9:7
• established unto thee an everlasting covenant Ezek 16:60
• so were the churches established in the faith Acts 16:5
• God forbid: yea, we establish the law. Rom 3:31
• it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; Heb 13:9
• though ye know them, and be established in the present truth. 2 Pet 1:12
ESTHER, book of
This book is thought to be the last of the historical books written in the Old Testament; author unknown.
Thought to be written around 400 BC. There are two interesting points about this book; no names of
God or about prayer are mentioned; it is a story of a Jewish girl who became Queen of Persia; she
saves her people from destruction (genocide); famous statement made by Mordecai to Esther: "for
such a time as this" (4:14).
eternal life
Everlasting, undying, unending. DTP The Bible teaches that those who turn to Christ as their personal
Lord and Saviour, confessing their sins and inviting Him into their hearts, will have eternal life (Rom
• I do, that I may have eternal life Matt 19:16
• I do that I may inherit eternal life Mark 10:17
• What shall I do to inherit eternal life? Luke 10:25
• not perish, but have eternal life John 3:15
• and gathereth fruit unto life eternal John 4:36
• that he should give eternal life to as John 17:2
• and this is life eternal, that they John 17:3
• through righteousness unto eternal life Rom 5:21
• but the gift of God is eternal life Rom 6:23
• of faith, lay hold on eternal life 1 Tim 6:12
• hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie Tit 1:2
• he hath promised us, even eternal life 1 John 2:25
• that God hath given to us eternal life 1 John 5:11
• that ye may know that ye have eternal life 1 John 5:13

• our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life Jude 1:21
eternal security
This is a doctrine concerning salvation; it states that salvation is irrevocable and can never be lost. There
is another position that states that there are certain conditions where one's salvation can be lost and
following are the proof texts that they use: Rom 11:21-22; 1 Cor 6:9-10; 2 Tim 2:12; Heb 6:4-6.
Scriptural examples of our security that we can have through Christ Jesus: John 5:24; 6:39-40; 10:27-
29; Rom 8:38-39; I Cor 3:12-15; Eph 1:13-14.
Time without end, perpetuity, infinity. DTP This is a timeless period that only God can give both to people
and things; eternal covenant or eternal reign; people who are disciples of Christ are given an eternity
of everlasting life.
• He has put eternity in their hearts Eccl 3:11
• and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity Isa 57:15
Christian ethics is a system of right and wrong based on the Word of God. Some examples would be
Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, (Matthew 5 - 7). Ethics is the discipline that deals with moral duties and
obligations that we should have toward and between people. They are the foundation stones or
principles on which one bases one's life and behaviour. For the disciple, ethical living is a natural result
of the empowering of the Holy Spirit.
The Lord's Supper, communion, the word means to give thanks, this word is most often used by the
Roman Catholic Church; communion is remembering the broken body (breaking of the bread) and
Christ's shed blood (the cup of wine). It is a time for self-examination and thanksgiving for what Christ
has done for us. Scriptural passages on communion: Matt 26:17; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:19-20; John
13:1-4; 1 Cor 11:17-34.
Often this was a palace official who was responsible for the King's harem or wives; he was often castrated
to protect the King's wives; in general this term can be used to describe any male who is castrated or
born without genitals.
• they shall be eunuchs in the palace of 2 Kin 20:18
• the king and the queen and the eunuchs Jer 29:2
• the prince of the eunuchs Dan 1:7
• eunuch, which were made eunuchs of men Matt 19:12
• the water, both Philip and the eunuch Acts 8:38
This a particular group of Christians who emphasize the authority of the Bible; they are strong believers
in proclaiming the Gospel through evangelism, and stress the need for everyone to have a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
evangelism, gift
An evangelist is a disciple of Christ who has been gifted (with evangelism) by the Holy Spirit, having the
unique ability to proclaim the Gospel of Christ to others; because of this unique gifting, he/she sees
many people coming into a personal relationship with Christ.
• and some, evangelists; some pastors Eph 4:12
A disciple who goes out and shares the Good News of Jesus Christ to others.
• into the house of Philip the evangelist Acts 21:8
• and some, evangelists; some pastors Eph 4:11
• affliction, do the work of an evangelist 2 Tim 4:5
Permanent, perpetually forever and ever. DTP The true disciple of Christ is guaranteed by the Holy Spirit
to have everlasting life; a continuous, never-ending time with Jesus Christ, living in His Kingdom.
• the everlasting covenant between God Gen 9:16
• an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee Gen 17:7
• called ... on the name of the LORD, the everlasting God Gen 21:33

• hath made with ne an everlasting covenant 2 Sam 23:5
• and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors Ps 24:7 (24:9)
• Israel from everlasting and to everlasting Ps 41:13
• For the LORD is good: his mercy is everlasting Ps 100:5
• Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness Ps 119:142
• Kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and thy dominion Ps 145:13
• but the righteous is an everlasting foundation Prov 10:25
• Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father Isa 9:6
• for in the LORD Jehovah is everlasting strength Isa 26:4
• be saved in the LORD with an everlasting salvation Isa 45:17
• everlasting joy be upon their head Isa 51:11
• for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off Isa 55:13
• I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not Isa 56:5
• but the LORD shall be unto thee an everlasting light Isa 60:19
• he is the living God an everlasting King Jer 10:10
• his wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom Dan 4:3
• Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom Dan 7:27
• and shall inherit everlasting life Matt 19:29 (Luke 18:30)
• depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire Matt 25:41
• these shall go away into everlasting punishment Matt 25:46
• in him should not perish, but have everlasting life John 3:16
• he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life John 3:36
• he that believeth on me hath everlasting life John 6:47
• shall of the Spirit reap everlasting life Gal 6:8
• shall be punished with everlasting destruction 2 Thes 1:9
• through the blood of the everlasting covenant Heb 13:20
• into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord 2 Pet 1:11
• having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them Rev 14:6
Spite, meanness, cruelty, unkindness. DTP Evil comes forth from the realm of darkness, the spirit realm;
a destructive spirit that Satan has released here on earth; it is sinfulness in all forms.
• tree of knowledge of good and evil Gen 2:9
• and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil Gen 3:5
• thoughts of his heart was only evil continually Gen 6:5
• imagination of man's heart is evil from his Gen 8:21
• he hath done evil to this people Ex 5:23
• shall I bear with this evil congregation Num 14:27
• turn from your evil ways and keep my 2 Kin 17:13
• all this is come upon us for our evil deeds Ezra 9:13
• I will fear no evil: for thou art with me Ps 23:4
• keep thy tongue from evil Ps 34:13 (1 Pet 3:10)
• depart from evil and do good Ps 34:14 (1 Pet 3:11)
• LORD is against them that do evil Ps 34:16 (1 Pet 3:12)
• thou lovest evil more than good Ps 52:3
• ye that love the LORD, hate evil Ps 97:10
• fear the LORD and depart from evil Prov 3:7
• the fear of the LORD is to hate evil Prov 8:13
• evil pursueth sinners Pro 13:21
• he that hasteth to be rich hath an evil eye Prov 28:22
• hearts of the sons of men is full of evil Eccl 9:3
• woe unto them that call evil good and good evil Isa 5:20
• righteousness is taken away from the evil to come Isa 57:1
• return ye now every one from his evil ways Jer 18:11
• therefore this evil is happened unto you Jer 44:23

• an evil, an only evil, behold, is come Ezek 7:5
• seek good and not evil, that ye may live Amos 5:14
• manner of evil against you falsely Matt 5:11
• maketh his sun to rise on the evil and ... good Matt 5:45
• but deliver us from evil Matt 6:13 (Luke 11:4)
• if thine eye be evil, thy whole body Matt 6:23 (Luke 11:34)
• a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit Matt 7:18
• evil man out of the evil treasure ... evil Matt 12:35 (Luke 6:45)
• for every one that doeth evil hateth the light John 3:20
• boasters, inventers of evil things Rom 1:30
• abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which Rom 12:9
• recompense to man evil for evil Rom 12:17
• but overcome evil with good Rom 12:21
• evil communication corrupt good manners 1 Cor 15:33
• deliver us from this present evil world Gal 1:4
• redeeming the time, because the days are evil Eph 5:16
• be able to withstand in the evil day Eph 6:13
• abstain from all appearance of evil 1 Thes 5:22
• the love of money is the root of all evil 1 Tim 6:10
• to speak evil of no man, to be no Tit 3:2
• for God cannot be tempted with evil James 1:13
• tongue can no man tame: it is an unruly evil James 3:8
• speak not evil one of another, brethren James 4:11
• not rendering evil for evil, or 1 Pet 3:9
• he that doeth evil hath not seen God 3 John 1:11
evil spirit
Demon, adversary of humanity; these are spirits bound by Satan and his dark world, the sole purpose
being to destroy and kill the human race for eternity, bringing mankind into captivity under Satan.
• when the evil spirit from God was 1 Sam 16:23
• the evil spirits went out of them Acts 19:12
• the evil spirit answered and said Acts 19:15
• for they are spirits of the devil Rev 16:14
Development, growth, progress, advancement. The theory of evolution teaches that man evolved from
lower species over millions of years, becoming what he is today through natural selection and
adaptation. From one cell, over eons of time, man evolved to what he is today. Evolutionary theory
teaches that man and monkey have a common ancestor.
exalt / exalted
To extol, to lift up, to magnify, praise and glorify. DTP As we lift up Christ before others He also will lift
up our lives before the Father. Our lives should daily bring honour and glory to His name.
• my father's God and I will exalt him Ex 15:2
• and exalt the horn of his anointed 1 Sam 2:10
• exalted be the God of the rock 2 Sam 22:47 (Ps 18:46)
• O LORD ... thou art exalted as head above all 1 Chr 29:11
• thy glorious name, which is exalted above all Neh 9:5
• magnify the LORD ... let us exalt his name Ps 34:3
• exalt ye the LORD our God and worship at his Ps 99:5
• thou art my God, I will exalt thee Ps 118:28
• righteousness exalt a nation: but sin is a Prov 14:34
• O LORD, thou art my God; I will exalt thee Isa 25:1
• exalt himself shall be abased Matt 23:12 (Luke 14:11; 18:14)
• him hath God exalt with his right hand to be Acts 5:31
• exalt itself against the knowledge of God 2 Cor 10:5
• wherefore God also hath highly exalted him Phil 2:9

• of God, that he may exalt you in due time 1 Pet 5:6
To inspect, scrutinize, observe, study, survey, to scan; DTP The disciple needs to look at his life carefully,
to review, to put his life under the searchlight of the Word and of God. Often, we are too busy to take
time to meditate and reflect on what God is speaking to us personally through His word and spirit.
• examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins Ps 26:2
• let a man examine himself and so let him eat of 1 Cor 11:28
• examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith 2 Cor 13:5
Sample, specimen, illustration, model, pattern, to compare with, something that can be compared. DTP
Christ is our example and he has set an example on how we should live here on earth. The key is to
walk in His footsteps (1 Pet 2:21) and according to His will. We are called to live a life of obedience so
that our lives can become an example of Christ's love, grace and mercy to others.
• and not willing to make her a public example Matt 1:19
• given you an example, that ye should do as I John 13:15
• these things were our example, to the intent 1 Cor 10:6
• but be though an example of the believers 1 Tim 4:12
• for an example of suffering affliction James 5:10
• suffered for us, leaving us an example 1 Pet 2:21
To do something extremely good or outstanding, a high level of proficiency. DTP The disciple is
challenged by God to reach to a higher standard than that of the world. We as followers of Christ can
and should strive for a higher goal than that of the world. Often the standards of a disciple today is to
do only what is needed to get by or to do the minimum. But God wants an abundance of fruit from
our lives. Average is not good enough; we need to serve Him with a heart that desires to glorify God
in all that we do.
• He is excellent in power and in judgment Job 37:23
• LORD, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! Ps 8:1
• Excellent is thy loving-kindness, O God Ps 36:7
• Let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil Ps 141:5
• name of the LORD: for his name alone is excellent Ps 148:13
• Hear; for I will speak of excellent things Prov 8:6
• A man of understanding is of excellent spirit Prov 17:27
• unto the LORD: for he hath done excellent things Isa 12:5
• Is wonderful in counsel and excellent in working Isa 28:29
• And approves the things that are more excellent Rom 2:18
• And yet show I unto you a more excellent way 1 Cor 12:31
• that ye may approve things that are excellent Phil 1:10
• by inheritance obtained a more excellent name Heb 1:4
• But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry Heb 8:6
• Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice Heb 11:4
The removal of a church member from fellowship; this last step is taken after efforts are made by
individuals and church leaders seek to restore the individual. If the person or persons in question do
not change their ways, then the church is to remove them from fellowship and membership. But if
the person repents, he or she can be restored to membership. Examples: Matt 18:15-17; 1 Cor 5:5; 1
Tim 1:20.
This is a method of doing in-depth study of the Word of God, with the purpose of learning and giving
explanation and understanding to others; one looks at word meanings, grammar, culture, context and
tradition of the text. An example of exegetical teaching/preaching is to go through a complete book
of the Bible in a series of studies/sermons.

exhort / exhortation
Urge, press, push, encourage, insist. DTP In the body of Christ, older disciples need to encourage the
younger, and each other, to grow and move forward with their faith in Christ. Words of exhortation
may be strong, but they should always be seasoned with much love.
• many other words did he testify and exhort Acts 2:40
• exhort them to continue in the faith Acts 14:22
• now I exhort you to be of good cheer Acts 27:22
• or he that exhorteth, on exhortation Rom 12:8
• men to edification and exhortation and comfort 1 Cor 14:3
• it necessary to exhort the brethren 2 Cor 9:5
• as ye know how we exhorted and comforted 1 Thes 2:11
• exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that 2 Thes 3:12
• these things teach and exhort 1 Tim 6:2
• exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine 2 Tim 4:2
• give attendance to reading, to exhortation 2 Tim 4:13
• sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince Tit 1:9
• speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority Tit 2:15
• exhort one another daily, while it is called Heb 3:13
• exhort one another: and so much the more, as ye Heb 10:25
• exhort one another: and so much the more, as you Heb 19:25
• I have written briefly, exhorting and testifying 1 Pet 5:12
Removal (often forcefully) from one's home country. It was between 606/605 BC when the northern
kingdom of Israel was taken into captivity into Assyria, and around 536 when Judah was taken captive
and the people were moved from Palestine to Babylon; it was at the end of this time when Ezra got
permission to go back to rebuild the temple; later Nehemiah also get permission to go back to
Jerusalem to rebuild the walls of the city.
• thou art a stranger and also an exile 2 Sam 15:19
• the captive exile hasteneth that he Isa 51:14
The word exodus means "a path out"; following 400 years of slavery in Egypt God called Moses to deliver
the people from the bondage of Pharaoh. Exodus story Ex 12:31-42; 14:1-31.
EXODUS, book of
The word exodus means "a going out"; Exodus documented the history of the Jews who left the bondage
of Egypt to move into God's covenanted Promised Land. Exodus is thought to have been written
between 1280 and 1447 BC; the book describes their journey out of Egypt (chapters 1-12), their
journey to the Sinai (chapters 12- 19), and their time at Sinai (chapters 19-40).
This is the casting out of evil spirits or demons. DTP Jesus did this many times during His earthly ministry
(Mark 1:25-26; 9:38-29). He also gave the disciples authority to do this kind of ministry (Matt 10:1;
Mark 16:17). This kind of ministry should be done with great care and understanding because the
demons are wicked and cunning. Their goal is to inflict pain and to destroy people. One should spend
time in prayer and fasting before confronting this enemy.
To be profitable or advantageous, to measure carefully and to be practical in the way one conducts
themselves. This implies wisdom and understanding, digging into the facts before making a decision.
• nor consider that it is expedient for us John 11:50
• unto me, but all things are not expedient 1 Cor 6:12
• for this is expedient for you, who have 2 Cor 8:10
Vision, sight, view, to look, watch, observation. DTP In the Bible we are told about the eye of God who
sees all and watches over us. We are also told that man's eyes can be blinded to the things of God.
We as disciple have to be mindful on what we focus; if we are focused on the things of the world we
will stumble and fall, but if our focus is on God we will have insight and wisdom on how to serve and

live here on this earth. Our eyes need to be looking to heaven, waiting with anticipation for the coming
of our Redeemer, Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Teaching on the eye: Matt 7:3-5.
• Eat thereof, then your eye shall be opened Gen 3:5
• But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD Gen 6:8
• eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand Ex 21:24 (Lev 24:20; Duet 19:21; Matt 5:38)
• eye of the LORD thy God are always upon it Deut 11:12
• he kept him as the apple of his eye Deut 32:10
• that which was right in his own eye Judg 17:6 (21:25)
• the LORD opened the eyes of the young man 2 Kin 6:17
• open, LORD, thine eye and see 2 Kin 19:16 (Isa 37:17)
• for the eyes of the LORD run to and fro 2 Chr 16:9
• but the eye of their God was upon Ezr 5:5
• but mine eye poureth out tears unto Job 16:20
• heard of thee ... but now mine eye seeth thee Job 42:5
• keep me as the apple of the eye Ps 17:8
• command ... is pure, enlightening the eye Ps 19:8
• mine eye are toward the LORD; for he Ps 25:15
• I will guide thee with mine eye Ps 32:8
• the eye of the Lord is upon me Ps 33:18
• eyes of the LORD are upon the Ps 35:15 (1 Pet 3:12)
• eyes have they, but they see not Ps 115:5 (135:16)
• marvelous in our eyes Ps 118:23 (Matt 21:24; Mark 12:11)
• open thou mine eye, that I may behold Ps 119:18
• I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills Ps 121:1
• the LORD openeth the eye of the blind Ps 146:8
• be not wise in thine own eyes; fear the LORD Prov 3:7
• eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding Prov 15:3
• and let thine eye observe my ways Prov 23:26
• so the eyes of man are never satisfied Prov 27:20
• mine eye have seen the King, the LORD of hosts Isa 6:5
• thine eye shall see the King in his beauty Isa 33:17
• open the blind eye, to bring out the prisoners Isa 42:7
• they shall see eye to eye, when the LORD shall Isa 52:8
• neither hath the eye seen Isa 64:4 (1 Cor 2:9)
• which have eyes and see not Jer 5:21 (Ezek 12:2)
• the eye of the LOD God are upon the sinful Amos 9:8
• the eye of the LORD, which run to and fro Zech 4:10
• eye offended thee, pluck it out Matt 5:29 (18:9; Mark 9:47)
• the light of the body is the eye Matt 6:22 (Luke 11:34)
• mote that is in thy brother's eye Matt 7:3 (Luke 6:41)
• eye of the needle Matt 19:24 (Mark 10:25; Luke 18:25)
• having eyes, see ye not? and having ears Mark 8:18
• for mine eyes have seen thy salvation Luke 2:30
• I say unto you, Lift up your eyes John 4:35
• to open their eyes, and to turn them Acts 26:18
• the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump 1 Cor 15:52
• the eye of your understanding ... enlightened Eph 1:18
• open unto the eyes of him with Heb 4:13
• for the eye s of the Lord are over 1 Pet 3:12
• having eyes full of adultery, and that 2 Pet 2:14
• because that darkness hath blinded his eye 1 John 2:11
• the lust of the eye and the pride of life 1 John 2:16
• every eye shall see him, and they Rev 1:7
• wipe away all the tears from their eyes Rev 21:4

eye service
The idea that one serves well only when your master is watching you. The disciple of Christ should serve
his earthly master and his heavenly Master faithfully, whether or not he is aware of being watched; a
high work ethic should be a habit. DTP We as disciples must understand that God sees all we do at all
times, even knowing what we think. There is a day coming when we will be held accountable for all
our thoughts and actions. As disciples of Christ, we serve Him from a heart of love because He was
willing to come and serve us by being our sin bearer.
• not with eyeservice, as men pleasers Eph 6:6
• not with eyeservice, as men pleasers Col 3:22
observer, spectator, onlooker, watcher; one who has seen, heard and even touched that which they
• from the beginning were we eyewitnesses, and ministers Luke 1:2
• but were eyewitnesses of his majesty 2 Pet 1:16
EZEKIEL, book of
The name of the book means "God's strength"; written around 570 BC; there is much prophetic imagery
in this book. Ezekiel's prophecies touch both the near future of his time but also reach out into the
Last Days, both for Israel and also for the Church. There is a lot of profound teaching for pastors and
teachers, but also for the individual disciple as he contemplates his heart's commitment before God.
EZRA, book of
It is thought that Ezra was the author of this book; could have been written after 458 BC; it gives an
account of how Ezra brought back some of the exiles from Babylon to begin the rebuilding of the
temple in Jerusalem. This was a time of great revival when the scrolls were found and read aloud to
the people; a highlight of the book is Ezra's prayer and confession for the people (9:5-15).

The usually observed portion of a person's head ... eyes, nose, mouth etc. "Face to face" communication
involves both hearing what the other person says and seeing their facial expressions. DTP Disciples
can come into the intimate presence of God, meeting "face to face" with God in His very Person. The
Bible tells us that the eyes are a window to one's heart. Meeting face to face gives the ability to look
into each other's heart.
• hast driven me out ... from the face of the earth Gen 4:14
• for I have seen God face to face and my life Gen 32:30
• I had not thought to see thy face Gen 48:11
• Moses hid his face: for he was afraid to look Ex 3:6
• and that his fear may be before your face Gen 20:20
• The LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man Ex 33:11
• he said, thou canst not see my face Ex 33:20
• speaking with them, he put a veil on his face Ex 34:33
• the LORD make his face shine upon thee Num 6:25
• that thou, LORD art seen face to face Num 14:14
• the LORD talked with you face to face in the mount Deut 5:4
• like unto Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face Deut 34:10
• let us look one another in the face 2 Kin 14:8 (2 Chr 25:17)
• seek his face continually 1 Chr 16:11 (Ps 105:4)
• away the face thine anointed 2 Chr 6:42 (Ps 132:10)
• if my people ... pray and seek my face, and turn 2 Chr 7:14
• will not turn away his face from you 2 Chr 30:9
• worshipped ... with their face to the ground Neh 8:6
• make thy way straight before my face Ps 5:8
• how long wilt thou hide thy face from me? Ps 13:1
• seek ye my face ... Thy face, LORD, will I seek Ps 27:8
• make thy face to shine upon thy servant Ps 31:16 (119:135)
• face of the LORD is against them Ps 34:16 (1 Pet 3:12)
• hide thy face from my sins and blot out all Ps 51:9
• cause thy face to shine Ps 80:3 (80:7, 19)
• mercy and truth shall go before thy face Ps 89:14
• seek his face evermore Ps 105:4
• wisdom maketh his face to shine Eccl 8:1
• your sins have hid his face from you Isa 59:2
• set my face unto the LORD God, to seek by prayer Dan 9:3
• anoint thine head and wash thy face Matt 6:17
• messenger before thy face Matt 11:10 (Mark; Luke 7:27)
• transfigured ... his face did shine as the sun Matt 17:2
• angels do always behold the face of my father Matt 18:10
• they struck him on the face and asked him Luke 22:64
• his face was bound about with a John 11:44
• saw his face as it had been the face of an angel Acts 6:15
• through a glass, darkly: but then face to face 1 Cor 13:12
• as Moses, which put a veil over his face 2 Cor 3:13
• we all, with open face beholding as in a glass 2 Cor 3:18
• the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ 2 Cor 4:6
• Antioch, I withstood him to the face Gal 2:11
• his natural face in a glass James 1:23
• the third beast had a face as a man Rev 4:7
• fell upon their face and worshipped God Rev 11:16
• and they shall see his face Rev 22:4

To be unsuccessful, not to succeed, to fall short of a goal or mark, not able to make the passing grade,
to be disappointed over a result or an event that has taken place. DTP We as disciples must always
remember that there will be times that we fail God and one another, but God is a God who restores
(Psalm 23:3). Failure is not the end; we should turn failure into a teaching and maturing experience
leading to more growth in Christ Jesus. When we call upon His name and confess our faults He puts
us back on our feet and exhorts us to keep moving forward in faith with Him.
• even in my sack: and their heart failed them Gen 42:28
• thine eyes shall look and fail with longing Deut 28:32
• will not fail thee, nor forsake thee Deut 31:6 (Josh 1:5)
• let no man's heart fail because of him 1 Sam 17:32
• take heed now that ye fail not to do this Ezra 4:22
• my strength failed because of mine iniquity Ps 31:10
• therefore my heart failed me Ps 40:12
• forsake me not when my strength faileth Ps 71:9
• my flesh and my heart fail: but God is the Ps 73:26
• mine eyes fail for thy salvation Ps 119:123
• because his compassions fail not Lam 3:22
• a treasure in heavens that faileth not Luke 12:33
• to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail Luke 16:17
• men's hearts fail them for fear, and for Luke 21:26
• have prayed for thee, that they fail not Luke 22:32
• charity never faileth; but whether there be 1 Cor 13:8
To be weak, dim, feeble, unclear, shadowy, to lose consciousness, not to be awake, not aware of one's
surroundings, deep sleep, not easy to awaken. DTP The scriptures challenge the disciple to keep a
clear mind and not to faint or become weary over the trials and struggles of life. We are encouraged
to keep in prayer and to give ourselves over to Christ who will encourage and strengthen us when we
feel weak.
• Jacob's heart fainted, for he believed the not Gen 45:26
• I had fainted, unless I believed to see Ps 27:13
• my soul fainteth for thy salvation: but I hope Ps 119:81
• creator of the ends of the earth, faint not Isa 40:28
• he giveth power to the faint; and to them that Isa 40:29
• even thy youths shall faint and be weary Isa 40:30
• run, and not be weary ... walk, and not faint Isa 40:31
• with compassion on them, because they faint Matt 9:36
• men ought always to pray and not to faint Luke 18:1
• as we received mercy, we faint not 2 Cor 4:1
• in due season we shall reap, if we faint not Gal 6:9
• lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds Heb 12:3
Confidence, trust, assurance, belief, obedience; DTP For disciples, faith is putting complete trust and
confidence in Jesus Christ, stepping out into the unknown and believing that He is able to carry us
through this life, until we meet Him face to face in glory. Hebrews chapter 11 is a testimony chapter
of faith. (Heroes of Faith)
• but the just shall live by his faith Hab 2:4 (Rom 1:17; Gal 3:11; Heb 10:38)
• cloth you, O ye little faith? Matt 6:30 (Luke 12:28)
• you, I have not found so great faith Matt 8:10 (Luke 7:9)
• and Jesus seeing their faith Matt 9:2 (Mark 2:5; Luke 5:20)
• thy faith ... made thee whole Matt 9:22 (Mark 5:34; Luke 8:48)
• have faith as a grain of mustard seed Matt 17:20 (Luke 17:6)
• if ye have faith and doubt not, ye shall Matt 21:21
• how is it that ye have no faith Mark 4:40

• Jesus ... saith unto them, have faith in God Mark 11:22
• said to the woman, thy faith hath saved thee Luke 7:50
• go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole Luke 17:19
• Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost Acts 6:5
• good man ... full of the Holy Ghost and of faith Acts 11:24
• purifying their hearts by faith Acts 15:9
• So were the churches established in the faith Acts 16:5
• faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ Acts 20:21
• sanctified by faith that is in me Acts 26:18
• of God from faith to faith Rom 1:17
• shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? Rom 3:3
• righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Rom 3:22
• to be propitiation through faith in his blood Rom 3:25
• that a man is justified by faith Rom 3:28
• his faith is counted for righteousness Rom 4:5
• being justified by faith, we have peace with God Rom 5:1
• we have access by faith into his grace Rom 5:2
• that is, the word of faith, which we preach Rom 10:8
• so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing Rom 10:17
• for whatsoever is not of faith is sin Rom 14:23
• to another faith by the same Spirit; to another 1 Cor 12:9
• now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three 1 Cor 13:13
• watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you 1 Cor 16:13
• for we walk by faith, not by sight 2 Cor 5:7
• examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith 2 Cor 13:5
• that we might be justified by the faith of Christ Gal 2:16
• promise of the spirit through faith Gal 3:14
• before faith came, we were kept under the law Gal 3:23
• are all the children of God by faith in Christ Gal 3:26
• the hope of righteousness by faith Gal 5:5
• fruit of the Spirit is love ... goodness, faith Gal 5:22
• unto them who are of the household of faith Gal 6:10
• I heard of your faith in the Lord Eph 1:15 (Col 1:4)
• for by grace are ye saved through faith Eph 2:8
• that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith Eph 3:17
• one Lord, one faith, one baptism Eph 4:5
• till we all come in the unity of the faith Eph 4:13
• above all, taking the shield of faith Eph 6:16
• striving together for the faith of the gospel Phil 1:27
• continue in the faith grounded and settled Col 1:23
• and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ Col 2:2
• stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught Col 2:7
• in every place your faith to God-ward is spread 1 Thes 1:8
• putting on the breastplate of faith and love 1 Thes 5:8
• that your faith groweth exceedingly 2 Thes 1:3
• and fulfill all ... the work of faith with power 2 Thes 1:11
• continue in faith and charity and holiness 1 Tim 2:15
• great boldness in the faith which is in Christ 1 Tim 3:13
• latter times some shall depart from the faith 1 Tim 4:1
• nourish up in the words of faith 1 Tim 4:6
• fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on 1 Tim 6:12
• but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace 2 Tim 2:22
• to make thee wise unto salvation through faith 2 Tim 3:15
• have finished my course, I have kept the faith 2 Tim 4:7

• rebuke ... that they may be sound in the faith Tit 1:13
• that the aged men be sober... sound in faith Tit 2:2
• foundation of repentance ... of faith toward God Heb 6:1
• through faith and patience inherit the promise Heb 6:12
• now the just shall live by faith Heb 10:10
• let us hold fast the profession of our faith Heb 10:23
• now faith is the substance of things hoped for Heb 11:1
• without faith it is impossible to please him Heb 11:6
• by faith Abraham, when called to go out Heb 11:8
• by faith the harlot Rahab perished not with Heb 11:31
• Jesus the author and finisher of our faith Heb 12:2
• The trying of your faith worketh patience James 1:3
• But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering James 1:6
• God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith James 2:5
• Thy faith without thy works ... my faith by my works James 2:18
• And the prayer of faith shall save the sick James 5:15
• Are kept by the power of God through faith 1 Pet 1:5
• Trial of your faith ... more precious than of gold 1 Pet 1:7
• whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that 1 Pet 5:9
• Giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue 2 Pet 1:5
• Building up yourselves on your most holy faith Jude 1:20
• I know thy works ... and service and faith Rev 2:19
Loyal, devoted, trustworthy, steadfast, dedicated. DTP Keeping one's promise to another; unwavering
belief in God and His Word.
• Moses ... is faithful in all mine house Num 12:7
• for they were counted faithful and their office Num 13:13
• thy God, he is God, the faithful God Deut 7:9
• so faithful among all thy servants as David 1 Sam 22:14
• for he was a faithful man and feared God Neh 7:2
• foundest his heart faithful before thee and madest Neh 9:8
• mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land Ps 101:6
• all thy commandments are faithful Ps 119:86
• thy testimonies ... are righteous and very faithful Ps 119:138
• but a faithful ambassador is health Prov 13:17
• a faithful man shall abound with blessings Prov 28:20
• who is a faithful and wise servant Matt 24:45 (Luke 12:42)
• well done, thou good and faithful servant Matt 25:21
• he that is faithful in ... least is faithful also in much Luke 16:10
• because thou hast been faithful in a very little Luke 19:17
• God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto 1 Cor 1:9
• Required in stewards, that a man be found faithful 1 Cor 4:2
• but God is faithful, who will not suffer 1 Cor 10:13
• beloved brethren and faithful minister Eph 6:21 (Col 4:7)
• faithful brethren in Christ which are at Col 1:2
• faithful is he that calleth you, who also 1 Thes 5:24
• the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you 2 Thes 3:3
• this is a faithful saying 1 Tim 1:15 (4:9; Tit 3:8)
• the same commit thou to faithful men 2 Tim 2:2
• we believe not, yet he abideth faithful 2 Tim 2:13
• holding fast the faithful word as ... taught Tit 1:9
• faithful brethren in Christ which are at Col 1:2
• for he is faithful that promised Heb 10:23
• in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator 1 Pet 4:19

• if we confess our sins, he is faithful 1 John 1:9
• from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness Rev 1:5
• be thou faithful unto death and I will Rev 2:10
• he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True Rev 19:11
Authenticity, realism, closeness, truthfulness. DTP Standing firm in our God and in His teachings;
believing that God does, and will, keep His covenants, promises and word.
• man his righteousness and his faithfulness 1 Sam 26:23
• thy faithfulness reaches unto the clouds Ps 36:5
• I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation Ps 40:10
• I will make known thy faithfulness to all generations Ps 89:1
• But my faithfulness and my mercy shall be with him Ps 89:24
• thy faithfulness is unto all generations Ps 119:90
• Hear my prayer, O LORD ... in thy faithfulness answer Ps 143:1
• Thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth Isa 12:1
• great is thy faithfulness Lam 3:23
To drop from one position to another, collapse, to be captured or defeated, yield to temptation. DTP
The Bible teaches that man has fallen away from God; through an act of disobedience, our sin created
a gulf between ourselves and God; Christ is the only one Who can restore us back from a fallen nature
to a place of being a righteous, upstanding child of God.
• See that ye fall not out by the way Gen 25:24
• fear and dread shall fall upon them Ex 15:16
• let none of his words fall to the ground 1 Sam 3:19
• how are the mighty fallen! 2 Sam 1:19
• though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast Ps 37:24
• let the wicked fall into their own nets Ps 141:10
• where no counsel is, the people fall Prov 11:14
• he that trusteth in his riches shall fall Prov 11:28
• blind, both shall fall into the ditch Matt 15:14 (Luke 6:39)
• whosoever shall fall on this stone Matt 21:44 (Luke 20:18)
• and in time of temptation fall away Luke 8:13
• Satan as lightning fall from heaven Luke 10:18
• except a corn of wheat fall into the ground John 12:24
• Holy Ghost fell on them which heard Acts 10:44 (11:15)
• He standeth take heed lest he fall 1 Cor 10:12
• but they that will be rich fall into temptation 1 Tim 6:9
• when you fall into divers temptations James 1:2
• ye do these things, ye shall never fall 2 Pet 1:10
• fall from your own steadfastness 2 Pet 3:17
fall of man
The Bible teaches that man has fallen away from God; through an act of disobedience, our sin created a
gulf between ourselves and God. This truth is made clear to us in Geneses chapter 3. Because of our
fallen nature Christ is the only one who can restore us back from a fallen nature to a place of being a
righteous, upstanding child of God.
• ye are fallen from grace Gal 5:4
fallen angels
Created beings who rebelled against God and His divine will; angels who were cast out from heaven for
all eternity; many believe that demons are fallen angels. Perhaps one third of the original angels
became fallen: compare Revelation 12:9 - The great dragon was hurled down; that ancient serpent
called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels
with him; with Revelation 12:3 - Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with
seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the
sky and flung them to the earth.

• For if God spared not the angels that sinned 2 Pet 2:4
• and the angels which kept not their first estate Jude 1:6
Lying, untrue, incorrect, dishonest, doing something wrong, not telling the truth, being deceptive,
deceitful, fabricate. DTP The challenge that all disciples face is to remain true to the teachings of the
Bible. Don't just assume that preachers or teachers are proclaiming the truth; we are warned that in
the last days there will be many false teachers, prophets, preachers and false Christs. We need to
discern the difference between what is true or false. One gives life the other leads to destruction and
• thou shalt not bear false witness Ex 20:16 (Deut 5:20; Matt 19:18; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Rom 13:9)
• false witness are risen up against me Ps 27:12
• therefore I hate every false way Ps 119:104
• but a false witness deceit Prov 12:17
• a false witness shall not be unpunished Prov 19:5
• a false witness shall perish Prov 21:28
• beware of false prophets ... in sheep's clothing Matt 7:15
• false prophets shall rise and shall deceive Matt 24:11
• arise false Christs and false prophets Matt 24:24 (Mark 13:22)
• because of false brethren unawares brought in Gal 2:4
• as there shall be false teachers among you 2 Pet 2:1
• because many false prophets are gone out 1 John 4:1
false Christs
Counterfeit Christs masquerading as the Messiah, claiming to be the saviour of the world. People who
have turned their backs to Christ and His word; they proclaim another teaching that leads to bondage
and destruction.
• for there shall arise false Christs Matt 24:24
• for false Christs and false prophets Mark 13:22
false prophets
A person who performs miraculous signs and, through his actions and teaching, deceives many people;
in the end time, such a person will cause people to worship the beast.
• false prophets and shall shew great Matt 24:24
• for false Christs and false prophets Mark 13:22
• a false prophet, a Jew, whose name Acts 13:6
• but there were false prophets also 2 Pet 2:1
• because many false prophets are gone 1 John 4:1
• out of the mouth of false prophets Rev 16:13
false witness
People who claim to have special insight (after hearing or seeing something) which they purport to be
truth; they may twist truth into half-truths or outright lies. They may even claim that God is their
witness, not realizing they are guilty before God, and have brought a curse and death upon
• thou shalt not bear false witness Ex 20:16
• neither shalt thou bear false witness Deut 5:20
• for false witnesses are risen up Ps 27:12
• a false witness shall perish Prov 21:28
• thou shalt not bear false witness Matt 19:18
• though many false witnesses came, yet Matt 26:60
family / families
Relatives, relations, kin; a family unit usually consisting of a man and a woman who have at least one
child; in the larger sense it can be a people group who are often related to one another by blood or
marriage. DTP Upon becoming disciples of Christ, we become part of His family, the church.
• divided ... after their family, in their nation Gen 10:5
• in thee shall all families of the earth Gen 12:3
• in thy seed shall all the family of the earth Gen 28:14

• and shall return unto his own family Lev 25:41
• family, or tribe, whose heart turneth away Deut 29:18
• against the whole family which I Amos 3:1
• of whom the whole family in heaven Eph 3:15
Food shortage, starvation; a time when people in a particular area go without food for a long period of
time, often resulting in extreme hunger and even starvation. DTP God also brings times of spiritual
famine which cause us to draw closer to Him. The Word of God is our food but if we are not led by
the Spirit and partake of His word, we will experience a famine in our lives and will experience mental
and spiritual malnutrition.
• and there was a famine in the land Gen 12:10
• the famine was all over the face of the earth Gen 41:56
• there was a famine in the land Ruth 1:1
• the famine is in the city, and we shall die 2 Kin 7:4
• sojourn: for the LORD hath called for a famine 2 Kin 8:1
• death and to keep them alive in famine Ps 37:19
• and destruction and the famine Isa 51:19
• sons and their daughters shall die by famine Jer 11:22
• with famine shall they be consumed Ezek 5:12
• be famine and pestilences Matt 24:7 (Mark 13:8; Luke 21:11)
• when great famine was throughout all Luke 4:25
• or distress or persecution or famine Rom 8:35
• in one day, death and mourning and famine Rev 18:8
Quick, speedy, rapid, swift, prompt, to be firmly anchored. DTP The disciple of Christ is to be firmly
anchored to Christ and His Word. We are to be fastened to Him who is our rock and foundation in
times of trouble, but we should also, each day, be quick to run into the arms of our God who lovingly
keeps us and nurtures us for growth.
• by his strength settest fast the mountains Ps 65:6
• they stand fast for ever and ever Ps 111:8
• take fast hold of instruction Prov 4:13
• watch ye, stand fast in faith 1 Cor 16:13
• stand fast therefore in the liberty Gal 5:1
• that ye stand fast in one spirit Phil 1:27
• so stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved Phil 4:1
• prove all ... hold fast that which is good 1 Thes 5:21
• holding fast the faithful word as he hath Tit 1:9
• hold fast the profession of our faith Heb 10:23
• and hold fast and repent Rev 3:3
To abstain from something for a period of time. DTP Food fasting is going without food and/or water for
a set period of time. The disciple is encouraged to take time for fasting and prayer, the purpose being
to draw closer to God and His will for our lives.
• Children of Israel were assembled with fasting Neh 9:1
• mourning among the Jews and fasting Esth 4:3
• I humble my soul with fasting; and my prayer Ps 35:13
• When I wept and chastened my soul with fasting Ps 69:10
• Is this not the fast that I have chosen Isa 58:6
• his palace and passes the night fasting Dan 6:18
• to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting Dan 9:3
• and when he had fasted forty days Matt 4:2
• but thou, when thou fastest, anoint Matt 6:17
• goeth not out but by prayer and fasting Matt 17:21 (Mark 9:29)
• the temple, but served God with fasting Luke 2:37

• and when they had fasted and prayed and Acts 13:3
• church and had prayed with fasting Acts 14:23
• that you may give yourselves to fasting 1 Cor 7:5
• in labors, in watchings, in fastings 2 Cor 6:5
A male parent, meaning "protector", often one who is a leader or one who brought something into being;
one who cares for and helps nurture a child or children. DTP The disciple has an earthly father but,
through faith, we also have a heavenly Father who cares and watches over us at all times, seeing the
challenges that we face and knowing our daily needs.
• therefore shall a man leave his father Gen 2:24 (Matt 10:7; Mark 10:7; Eph 5:31)
• thou shalt be a father of many nations Gen 17:5 (Rom 4:17)
• he sware unto thy fathers to give thee, a land Ex 13:5
• is my God ... my father's God and I will exalt him Ex 15:2
• visiting the iniquity of the father upon the children Ex 20:5 (Ex 34:7; Num 14:18; Deut 5:9)
• honor thy father and thy mother Ex 20:12 (Deut 5:16; Matt 15:4; Matt 19:19; Mark 7:10; Mark 10:19;
Luke 18:20; Eph 6:2)
• father of Jesse the father of David Ruth 4:17
• Solomon ... know thou the God of thy father 1 Chr 28:9
• blessed be the LORD God of our fathers Ezra 7:27
• their sins and the iniquities of their father Neh 9:2
• a father of the fatherless and a judge of Ps 68:5
• here the instruction of thy father Prov 1:8
• hear, ye children, the instruction of a father Prov 4:1
• a wise son maketh a glad father Prov 10:1 (15:20)
• a wise son heareth his father's instruction Prov 13:1
• the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace Isa 9:6
• his children for the iniquity of their father Isa 14:21
• thou, O LORD, art our Father, our Redeemer Isa 63:16
• but now, O LORD, thou art our Father Isa 64:8
• covenant that I made with their fathers Jer 31:32 (Heb 8:9)
• son shall not bear the iniquity of the fathers Ezek 18:20
• the heart of the father to the children Mal 4:6 (Luke 1:17)
• glorify your Father which is in heaven Matt 5:16
• pray to thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father Matt 6:6
• your Father knoweth what things ye have need of Matt 6:8
• our Father which art in heaven Matt 6:9 (Luke 11:2)
• neither will your Father forgive your Matt 6:15 (Mark 11:26)
• how much more shall your Father Matt 7:11 (Luke 11:13)
• but he that doeth the will of my Father which Matt 7:21
• no man knoweth the Son ... the Father Matt 11:27
• do the will of my Father ... is my brother Matt 12:50
• I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom Matt 26:29
• baptizing them in the name of the Father Matt 28:19
• and he said, Abba, Father, all things Mark 14:36
• be ye ... merciful, as your Father also is merciful Luke 6:36
• then said Jesus, Father, forgive them Luke 23:34
• I send the promise of my Father upon you Luke 24:49
• as of the only begotten of the Father John 1:14
• Father loveth the Son and hath given all John 3:35
• Shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth John 4:23
• I and my Father are one John 10:30
• If any man serve me, him will my Father honor John 12:26
• In my Father's house are many mansions John 14:2
• No man cometh unto the Father, but by me John 14:6

• That I am in the Father and the Father in me? John 14:10
• I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. John 14:28
• I am the true vine and my Father is the husbandman John 15:1
• Ask of the Father in my name, he may give John 15:16 (John 16:23)
• But wait for the promise of the Father Acts 1:4
• Receive of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost Acts 2:33
• Spirit of Adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father Rom 8:15
• But to us there is but one God, The Father 1 Cor 8:6
• Father of mercies ... the God of all comfort 2 Cor 1:3
• Be a Father unto you and ye shall be my sons 2 Cor 6:18
• of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father Gal 4:6
• Have access by one Spirit unto the Father Eph 2:18
• One God and Father of all, who is above all Eph 4:6
• ye fathers, provoke not your children Eph 6:4 (Col 3:21)
• the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Col 1:3
• cometh down from the Father of lights James 1:17
• and truly our fellowship is with the Father 1 John 1:3
• we have an advocate with the Father 1 John 2:1
• I write unto you, fathers, because ye have 1 John 2:13 (2:14)
• the world, the love of the Father is not in him 1 John 2:15
• that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour 1 John 4:14
• bear record ... Father, the Word ... the Holy Ghost 1 John 5:7
• he hath both the Father and the Son 2 John 1:9
• that are sanctified by God the Father Jude 1:1
• will confess his name before the Father Rev 3:5
Someone who has lost a father due to death or separation of parents. DTP The disciple needs to be
aware of the poor widows and fatherless. They are part of the family of God and when we make an
effort to serve and help them God extends special blessing to us.
• shall not afflict any widow, or a fatherless child Ex 22:22
• unto thee; thou art the helper of the fatherless Ps 10:14
• father of the fatherless and a judge of the widows Ps 68:5
• defend the poor and fatherless; do justice to the Ps 82:3
• if ye oppress not the stranger, the fatherless Jer 7:6
• in thee the fatherless findeth mercy Hos 14:3
• those that oppress ... the widow and the fatherless Mal 3:5
• pure religion ... to visit the fatherless and widows James 1:27
To receive grace, an act of kindness. DTP God pours out His blessing upon His people, but His blessing
comes most often when we are obedient to His Word and His will. Through faith, we become God's
children; as our Father, He loves us and walks with us as we serve Him here on earth.
• LORD, if now I have found favor in thy sight Gen 18:3
• LORD was with Joseph ... and gave him favor in Gen 39:21
• have I not found favor in thy sight Num 11:11
• she said, Let me find favor in thy sight Ruth 2:13
• let David ... for he hath found favor in my sight 1 Sam 16:22
• shall find favor in thy eyes of the LORD 2 Sam 15:25
• Esther obtained favor in the sight of all Esth 2:15
• a good man showeth favor, Ps 112:5
• whosoever findeth me ... shall obtain favor of the LORD Prov 8:35
• good understanding giveth favor Prov 13:15
• findeth a wife ... obtaineth favor of the LORD Prov 18:22
• loving favor rather than silver and gold Prov 22:1
• but in my favor have I had mercy on thee Isa 60:10

• and Jesus increased ... in favor with God and man Luke 2:52
fear / feared
Dread, terror, frightened or a feeling of being in danger or being hurt, to dread, tremble, to show respect,
honour and reverence. DTP For the disciple it is a reverent, holy respect toward God; the fear of the
Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Pro 9:10).
• saying, fear not, Abram: I am thy shield Gen 15:1
• Surely the fear of God is not in this place Gen 20:11
• fear not, for I am with thee and Gen 26:24
• he that feared the word of the LORD among the Ex 9:20
• and the people feared the LORD and believed Ex 14:31
• the blind, but shalt fear thy God Lev 19:14
• and the LORD is with us: fear them not Num 14:9
• fear not, neither be discouraged Deut 1:21
• hear my words, that they may learn to fear me Deut 4:10
• thou shalt fear the LORD thy God and serve him Deut 6:13
• God require of thee, but fear the LORD Deut 10:12
• Joshua, fear not, neither be thou dismayed Josh 8:1
• Now therefore fear the LORD and serve him Josh 24:14
• If ye will fear the LORD and serve him 1 Sam 12:14
• Ought ye not to walk in the fear of our God Neh 5:9
• and upright man, one that feareth God Job 2:3
• serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with Ps 2:11
• I will fear no evil: for thou art with me Ps 23:4
• secret of the LORD is with them that fear him Ps 25:14
• my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? Ps 27:1
• let all the earth fear the LORD Ps 33:8
• eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him Ps 33:18
• I will teach you the fear of the LORD Ps 34:11
• hast given a banner to them that fear thee Ps 60:4
• surely his salvation is nigh them that fear him Ps 85:9
• in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name Ps 86:11
• God is greatly to be feared in the assembly Ps 89:7
• Fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom Ps 111:10 (Prov 9:10)
• Ye that fear the LORD, trust in the LORD Ps 115:11
• LORD is on my side; I will not fear Ps 118:6 (Rom 13:6)
• blessed is every one that feareth the LORD Ps 128:1
• man be blessed that feareth the Lord Ps 128:4
• for I am fearfully and wonderfully made Ps 139:14
• will fulfil the desire of them that fear him Ps 145:19
• fear of the LORD is the beginning Prov 1:7 (9:10)
• fear the LORD and depart from evil Prov 3:7
• the fear of the LORD is to hate evil Prov 8:13
• the fear of the LORD prolongeth days Prov 10:27
• the fear of the LORD is a fountain of life Prov 14:27
• fear of the LORD is the instruction of wisdom Prov 15:33
• fear God and keep his commandments: for this Eccl 12:13
• be strong, fear not: behold, your God will Isa 35:4
• fear not: for I am with thee: be not Isa 41:10
• O Israel, fear not: for I have redeemed thee Isa 43:1
• fear not; for I am with thee: I will bring thy Isa 43:5
• so shall they fear the name of the LORD Isa 59:19
• but I will put my fear in their hearts Jer 32:40
• fear them not, neither be dismayed Ezek 3:9
• fear not them which kill the body Matt 10:28

• fear not: believe only, and she shall be Luke 8:50
• fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's Luke 12:32
• great fear came upon the church Acts 5:11
• received the spirit of bondage again to fear Rom 8:15
• to whom custom; fear to whom fear Rom 13:7
• submitting yourselves ... in the fear of God Eph 5:21
• bold to speak the word without fear Phil 1:14
• work out your own salvation with fear and Phil 2:12
• but in singleness of heart, fear God Col 3:22
• God hath not given us a spirit of fear 2 Tim 1:7
• serve God ... with reverence and godly fear Heb 12:28
• I will not fear what man shall do Heb 13:6
• hope that is in you, with meekness and fear 1 Pet 3:15
• but perfect love casteth out fear 1 John 4:18
• fear not; I am the first and the last Rev 1:17
• to the saints and them that fear thy name Rev 11:18
• a loud voice, fear God and give glory to him Rev 14:7
Banquet, spread, dinner, extensive meal, buffet feast, spread. DTP Throughout the Old Testament and
even today, in Israel, the Jewish people celebrate many different feasts. Each feast was to draw the
people back to a remembrance of what God had done, and to anticipate His will for what He would
yet do in their lives. There were three major feasts in Israel, called "pilgrim feasts" (Feast of
Unleavened Bread, Feast of Weeks and Feast of Tabernacles).
• and he made them a feast and they did Gen 26:30
• for we must hold a feast unto the LORD Ex 10:9
• and ye shall keep it a feast to the LORD Ex 12:14
• feast of harvest ... and the feast of ingathering Ex 23:16
• proclamation ... tomorrow is a feast to the LORD Ex 32:5
• on the solemn feast of the LORD our God 2 Chr 2:4
• the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast Esth 8:17
• in the day of the feast of the LORD Hos 9:5
• O Judah, keep thy solemn feasts Nah 1:15
• two days is the feast of the passover Matt 26:2 (Mark 14:1; Luke 22:1)
• year at the feast of the passover Luke 2:42
• but when thou makest a feast, call the poor Luke 14:13
• for they also went unto the feast John 4:45
feast of Booths
This was a celebration to remember how God had provided for the people of Israel during their time of
wondering in the wilderness; the feast began five days after the Day of Atonement. (Also known as
Feast of Tabernacles) see Lev 23:33-34; Num 29:12-40.
feast of Dedication
A Jewish feast that lasted eight days, often occurring in the month of Kislev; it was a time to celebrate
restoration and consecration of the Temple; this festival began around 165 to 164 BC under the
Maccabees; tradition states that when the seven-branch Menorah was lit it burned for eight days,
using only one day's supply of oil. (Also known as Feast of Lights)
• Jerusalem the feast of the dedication John 10:22
feast of First Fruits
This celebration took place annually at the beginning of the wheat harvest; because it took place 50 days
after the Passover, it became known as "Pentecost" meaning "fifty" days; (also known as Feast of
Weeks) see Num 28:26; Deut 16:16.

feast of Harvest
This celebration took place annually at the beginning of the wheat harvest; because it took place 50 days
after the Passover it became known as "Pentecost" meaning "fifty" days. (Also known as Feast of
• the feast of harvest, the firstfruits Ex 23:16
feast of Ingathering
This was a celebration to remember how God had provided for the people of Israel during their time of
wondering in the wilderness; the feast began five days after the Day of Atonement. (Also known as
the Feast of Tabernacles or the Feast of Booths). (See Num 29:12-40)
• feast of tabernacles for seven days Lev 23:34
feast of Lights
A Jewish feast that lasted eight days and often came in the month of Kislev; it was a time to celebrate
restoration and consecration of the Temple; this festival began around 165 to 164 BC under the
Maccabees; tradition states that when the seven-branch Menoah was lit it burned for eight days using
only one day's supply of oil. (Also known as Feast of Dedication.)
• Jerusalem the feast of the dedication John 10:22
feast of New Moon
This was an annual celebration that involved special sacrifices and trumpet blasts; this feast came about
after the Babylonian exile; it is also a time to commemorate the Jewish New Year. (Also known as
Feast of Trumpets) see Lev 23:24; Num 29:1
feast of Passover
Beginning with Hebrew exodus from Egypt, this feast commemorated the "passing over" of the angel of
death; the Feast of the Unleavened Bread follows immediately after the Passover.
• feast of the unleavened bread unto the Lev 23:6
feast of Pentecost
This celebration took place annually at the beginning of the wheat harvest; because it took place 50 days
after the Passover it became known as "Pentecost" meaning "fifty". (Also known as the Feast of Weeks
or Feast of Harvest.)
• thou shalt observe the feast of weeks Ex 34:22
• thou shalt keep the feast of weeks Deut 16:10
feast of Purim
An annual two-day feast to commemorating the deliverance of the Jews from Haman who had a plan to
annihilate the Jews because of his hatred for Mordecai; God used Queen Esther as a channel for His
deliverance of the people of Israel. (See Esth 9:17, 26, 29, 31, 32).
feast of Tabernacles
This was a celebration to remember how God had provided for the people of Israel during their time of
wondering in the wilderness; the feast began five days after the Day of Atonement. (Also known as
the Feast of Ingathering or the Feast of Booths). See Num 29:12-40.
• feast of the tabernacles for seven days Lev 23:34
feast of Trumpets
This was an annual celebration that involved special sacrifices and trumpet blasts; this feast came about
following the Babylonian exile, it is also a time to commemorate the Jewish New Year. (Also known
as Feast of the New Moon) see Lev 23:23-25; Num 29:1
feast of Unleavened Bread
Feast of unleavened bread; an annual feast that lasted seven days, it was a time when people did not
work and they were not to consume any kind of yeast; it was to commemorate the haste in which the
Jews left Egypt during the Exodus (Ex 12:1-20; 23:15; Deut 16:1-8). This feast followed the Passover
feast by one day.
• feast of unleavened bread unto the Lev 23:6
feast of Weeks
This celebration took place annually at the beginning of the wheat harvest; because it took place 50 days
after the Passover, it became known as "Pentecost" meaning "fifty". (Also known as the Feast of First
Fruits, Feast of Harvest); (see Ex 34:16-36)

feed / fed
To eat, fodder, forage, nourish, nurse, to suckle. DTP Obviously, it is important that nourish ourselves
physically, but it is vital that we feed ourselves spiritually. The disciple must spend some time each
day getting into the Word of God. This is what will make us strong and mature in Christ Jesus. There
is no other way, because this is when we experience communion with the Holy Spirit and hear what
God has to say to us.
• Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee Gen 25:30
• the God which fed me all my life long Gen 48:15
• I have fed you in the wilderness, when I Ex 16:32
• and fed thee with manna Deut 8:3
• trust in the LORD ... verily thou shalt be fed Ps 37:3
• the lips of the righteous feed many Prov 10:21
• but the mouth of fools feed on foolishness Prov 15:14
• the wolf and the lamb shall feed together Isa 65:25
• shepherds over them which shall feed them Jer 23:4
• shepherds feed themselves and feed not my flock Ezek 34:8
• yet your heavenly Father feeds them Matt 6:26 (Luke 12:24)
• he saith unto him, feed my lambs John 21:15
• you overseers, to feed the church of God Acts 20:28
• therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him Rom 12:20
• I have fed you with milk ... not with meat 1 Cor 3:2
• feed the flock of God which is among you 1 Pet 5:2
Plural of foot; the lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, on which a person stands and walks. DTP
The disciple is to be the hands and feet for our Lord Jesus Christ. Our feet carry us to different places
so that we can proclaim the good news to a lost world.
• put off thy shoes from off thy feet Ex 3:5
• thou shalt go in and uncover his feet Ruth 3:4
• he will keep the feet of his saints 1 Sam 2:9
• maketh my feet like hinds' feet 2 Sam 22:34 (Ps 18:33)
• all things under his feet Ps 8:6 (1 Cor 15:27; Heb 2:8)
• they pierced my hands and my feet Ps 22:16
• set my feet upon a rock and established Ps 40:2
• and turned my feet unto thy testimonies Ps 119:59
• thy word is a lamp unto my feet ... a light Ps 119:105
• how beautiful are thy feet with shoes Song 7:1
• how beautiful ... are the feet of him Isa 52:7b (Rom 10:15)
• his feet part of iron and part of clay Dan 2:33
• feet of him that bringeth good tidings Nah 1:15
• and he will make my feet like hinds' feet Hab 3:19
• to guide our feet into the way of peace Luke 1:79
• wash his feet with tears and did wipe Luke 7:38 (John 12:3)
• putting a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet Luke 15:22
• began to wash the disciples' feet John 13:5
• their feet are swift to shed blood Rom 3:15
• shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly Rom 16:20
• till he hath put all enemies under his feet 1 Cor 15:25
• and your feet shod with the preparation of Eph 6:15
• make straight paths for your feet Heb 12:13
• I fell at his feet to worship him Rev 19:10
Companion, member, associate, researcher, colleague. DTP The idea is concerning a person who follows
the example of another or works in conjunction with a person on some project or event; has the same
occupation, interest, or likes as another. Disciples need to remember that they are serving Christ Jesus

together in one body, with varying functions, giftings, or ministries, but together as fellow servants in
the Body of Christ, the Church.
• this one fellow came in to sojourn, Gen 19:9
• this fellow to play the mad man in my 1 Sam 21:15
• wherefore came this mad fellow to the 2 Kin 9:11
• oil of gladness above thy fellow Ps 45:7
• they fall, the one will lift up his fellow Eccl 4:10
• this fellow doth not cast out devils Matt 12:24
• found one of his fellow servants, which owed Matt 18:28
• this fellow was also with Jesus Matt 26:71
• we found this fellow perverting the Luke 23:2
• this fellow persuadeth men to worship Acts 18:13
• Titus, he is my partner and fellow helper 2 Cor 8:23
• But fellow citizens with the saints Eph 2:19
• That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs Eph 3:6
• Clement ... and with other my fellow labourers Phil 4:3
• these only are my fellow workers unto Col 4:11
• Timotheus ... our fellow labourer in the Gospel 1 Thes 3:2
• Apphia and Archippus our fellow soldier Philm 1:2
• Aristarchus, Demas, Lucas, my fellow laborers Philm 1:24
• That we might be fellow helpers to the truth 3 John 1:8
• Do it not: I am thy fellow servant Rev 19:10
fellowship / relationship
Companionship, friendship, partnership, association, sharing. DTP In the Biblical sense this is a special
kind of relationship that disciples have with other believers, and it also describes the kind of friendship
that disciples can have with God. (See 1 John 1:3-7.)
• of iniquity have fellowship with thee Ps 94:20
• in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship Acts 2:42
• ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son 1 Cor 1:9
• for what fellowship hath righteousness with 2 Cor 6:14
• the fellowship of the ministering to the saints 2 Cor 8:4
• and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship Gal 2:9
• all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery Eph 3:9
• have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness Eph 5:11
• for your fellowship in the gospel from the Phil 1:5
• the fellowship of his sufferings, being Phil 3:10
• may have fellowship with us ... truly our fellowship is with 1 John 1:3
• if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk 1 John 1:6
• in the light, we have fellowship one with another 1 John 1:7
On the sixth day of creation God created woman from man. They were to be co-servants with each other.
The woman was created for companionship and, with man, reproduce humankind on the earth.
• male and female created he them Gen 1:27
• they shall be male and female Gen 6:19
• the beginning made them male and female Matt 19:4
• free, there is neither male nor female Gal 3:28
fervent / fervently
To do something boldly and with zeal, eager, enthusiastically, with passion, to be fanatical in word and
action. DTP The idea here is that the disciple needs to be clearly focused on the will of God for his or
her life. Our walk is to be one of boldness because of our faith in Christ Jesus. We need to take a firm
stand on the foundation of Jesus Christ and His Word.
• fervent in the spirit, he spake and taught Acts 18:25
• fervent in the spirit; serving the Lord Rom 12:11
• effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man James 5:16

• love one another with a pure heart fervently 1 Pet 1:22
• have fervent charity among yourselves 1 Pet 4:8
A portion of land that can be cultivated for crops. A grassy area for feeding animals; a parcel of land
which one can view. Can also be called meadow, pasture, grassland or countryside.
• the field which the LORD God had made Gen 3:1
• and he bought a parcel of a field, where he Gen 33:19
• let me now go to the field and glean ears of corn Ruth 2:2
• and his wonders in the field of Zion Ps 78:43
• as a flower of the field, so he Ps 103:15
• the field is wasted, the land Joel 1:10
• the parable of the tares of the field Matt 13:36
• kingdom ... is like unto treasure hid in a field Matt 13:44
• two be in the field: then one shall Matt 24:40
• that field was called, The field of blood Matt 27:8
• same country shepherds abiding in the field Luke 2:8
• his elder son was in the field: and as he came Luke 15:25
• up your eyes and look on the fields John 4:35
To do battle with another, to take up arms against an opponent; to clash, wrestle or struggle with
another person. DTP From the Bible we also learn that we are in a spiritual warfare and that we must
put on the full armour of God, fighting the good fight of faith on the side of our Lord Jesus Christ. We
have daily battles that we must fight and Christ is there to help us overcome our enemies so we can
gain the victory.
• the LORD shall fight for you and ye Ex 14:14
• the LORD your God ... he shall fight for you Deut 1:30
• your enemies against whom ye fight Josh 10:25
• your God, he it is that fighteth for you Josh 23:10
• because my lord fights the battles of the LORD 1 Sam 25:28
• fight ye not against the LORD God 2 Chr 13:12
• our God shall fight for us Neh 4:20
• fight against them that fight against Ps 35:1
• teacheth my hands to war ... my fingers to fight Ps 144:1
• to him, let us not fight against God Acts 23:9
• fight I, not as one that beateth the air 1 Cor 9:26
• fight the good fight of faith 1 Tim 6:12
• I have fought a good fight, I have 2 Tim 4:7
• Ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye James 4:2
• And will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. Rev 2:16
fill / filled
Pack, load, stuff, satisfied, filled. DTP As disciples, we can be filled with the Spirit of God; he wants us to
be filled and running over with His presence. Through prayer we need to ask God to fill us daily with
His Spirit and power so that we can serve one another.
• Joseph commanded to fill their sacks Gen 42:25
• The glory of the LORD fill the tabernacle Ex 40:34
• Earth ... be filled with the glory of the LORD Num 14:21
• The glory ... had filled the house 1 Kin 8:11 (2 Chr 5:14)
• Let my mouth be filled with thy praise Ps 71:8
• Open thy mouth wide and I will fill it Ps 81:10
• let us take our fill of love until Prov 7:18
• and will fill their treasures Prov 8:21
• I saw also the LORD ... and his train filled the temple Isa 6:1
• I will fill this house with glory Hag 2:7
• After righteousness: for they shall be filled Matt 5:6

• And shall be filled with the Holy Ghost Luke 1:15
• Sorrow hath filled your heart John 16:6
• Mighty wind and it filled all the house where Acts 2:2
• they were all filled with the Holy Ghost Acts 2:4
• then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto Acts 4:8
• they were all filled with the Holy Ghost Acts 4:31
• filled with the Holy Ghost, set his Acts 13:9
• God of hope fill you with all joy Rom 15:13
• Ye might be filled with all the fullness of God Eph 3:19
• that he might fill all things Eph 4:10
• but be filled with the Spirit Eph 5:18
• filed with the fruits of righteousness Phil 1:11
• might be filled with the knowledge of his will Col 1:9
filth / filthiness / filthy
Dirty, unclean, lewdness, rudeness, obscenity, offensiveness. DTP The disciple is to keep himself clean
and pure before the Lord Jesus Christ. The idea of sanctification is the process of being made clean.
We do this through prayer and studying the Word of God and then taking what we have learned and
making the needed changes. We want to become white as snow!
• for all tables are full of vomit and filthiness Isa 28:8
• and all our righteousness are as filthy rags Isa 64:6
• and I will cast abominable filth upon thee Nah 3:6
• we are made as the filth of the world 1 Cor 4:13
• let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of 2 Cor 7:1
• neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor Eph 5:4
• filthy communication out of your mouth Col 3:8
• not greedy of filthy lucre 1 Tim 3:3 (Tit 1:7)
• putting away of the filth of the flesh 1 Pet 3:21
• not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind 1 Pet 5:2
find / found
To look intently, to search with all possible resources, to seek after. DTP One can search both physically
and spiritually. We need to go out and discover, locate, unearth or uncover that which we feel we
need to find or to get back that which we have lost. We should always be looking to God for His
presence and will for our lives and, as we do, He will reward our search.
• but Adam there was not found a help meet Gen 2:20
• Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD Gen 6:8
• that I may find grace in thy sight Gen 32:5
• and be sure your sin will find you out Num 32:23
• shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find Deut 4:29
• be sure your sin will find you out Deut 32:23
• LORD grant you that ye may find rest Ruth 1:9
• handmaid find grace in thy sight 1 Sam 1:18
• have found the book of the law 2 Kin 22:8 (2 Chr 34:15)
• if thou seek him, he will be found of thee 1 Chr 28:9
• they found written in the law which the LORD Neh 8:14
• LORD and find the knowledge of God Prov 2:5
• And those that seek me early shall find me Prov 8:17
• Whoso findeth me findeth life and shall obtain favor Prov 8:35
• Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing Prov 18:22
• Seek ye the LORD while he may be found Isa 55:6
• am found of them that sought me not Isa 65:1 (Rom 10:20)
• ye shall find rest for your soul Jer 6:16
• ye shall seek me and find me, when ye shall Jer 29:13
• Weighed in the balance and art found wanting Dan 5:27
• seek and ye shall find; knock and it Matt 7:7 (Luke 11:9)

• receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth Matt 7:8 (Luke 11:10)
• he that findeth his life shall lose it Matt 10:39
• and ye shall find rest unto your soul Matt 11:29
• when he had found one pearl of great price Matt 13:46
• that he find it ... rejoiceth more of that sheep Matt 18:13
• coming suddenly he find you sleeping Mark 13:36
• seek and ye shall find Luke 11:9
• go after that which is lost, until he find it? Luke 15:4
• rejoice ... I have found my sheep which was lost Luke 15:6
• and seek diligently till she find it Luke 15:8
• for this my son ... was lost and is found Luke 15:24 (15:32)
• Son ... cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? Luke 18:8
• I find no fault in this man Luke 23:4 (John 18:38)
• shall seek me and find not find me: John 7:34 (7:36)
• find in him, not having mine own righteousness Phil 3:9
• he may find mercy of the Lord in that day: 2 Tim 1:18
• find grace to help in time of need Heb 4:16
• whosoever was not found written in the book Rev 20:15
finish / finisher / finished
Bring to, or come to, an end, to reach the end of a race, to get to the last point or final stage. DTP The
disciple is in a race that has an end goal. We are encouraged by the Word to keep moving forward to
the finish line, and not to give up or to be sidetracked by the things of this world. God's grace and the
power of the Holy Spirit will give us the ability to finish all that the Lord has willed or planned for our
• thus the heavens and the earth were finished Gen 2:1
• until thou hast finished all the work 1 Chr 28:20
• works which the Father hath given me to finish John 5:36
• so that I might finish my course with joy Acts 20:24
• he would also finish in you the same grace 2 Cor 8:6
• fought a good fight, I have finished my course, 2 Tim 4:7
• unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith Heb 12:2
• sin, when it is finished, bring forth death James 1:15
Limited, restricted, fixed, set, predetermined; a set time that has an end to it; man is known as a finite
creature, limited in thought, action, and life span. This is compared to God who is the Supreme,
Infinite and Perfect Being in Whom all things have their source, support and end.
To burn or ignite, giving off light and heat; fire is the visible evidence of something being consumed by
flames; it can also represent the presence of the Lord (burning bush Ex 3:2). DTP For the disciple, the
concept of fire can imply separation, cleaning and purifying; the believer is to be refined by fire... the
burning away of sin in one's life.
• fire from the LORD out of heaven Gen 19:24
• of fire out of the midst of a bush Ex 3:2
• and the fire of the LORD burnt among them Num 11:1
• the LORD thy God is a consuming fire Deut 4:24 (Heb 12:29)
• then the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed 1 Kin 18:38
• appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire 2 Kin 2:11
• his son to pass through the fire 2 Kin 16:13
• daughter to pass through the fire 2 Kin 17:17
• made an end of praying, the fire came down 2 Chr 7:1
• the LORD divideth the flames of fire Ps 29:7
• shalt thy jealousy burn like fire Ps 79:5
• heap coals of fire upon his head Prov 25:22 (Rom 12:20)
• behold, the LORD will come with fire Isa 66:15

• is not My word like fire Jer 23:29 NASB
• men bound into the midst of the fire Dan 3:24 (see Dan 3:22-27.)
• came forth of the midst of the fire Dan 3:26
• for he is like a refiners fire Mal 3:2
• are gathered and burned in the fire Matt 13:40
• to be cast into everlasting fire Matt 18:8
• you with Holy Ghost and with fire Luke 3:16
• them cloven tongues like as of fire Acts 2:3
• the fire shall try every man's work 1 Cor 3:13
• he himself shall be saved: yet so as by fire 1 Cor 3:15
• for our God is a consuming fire Heb 12:29
• and the tongue is a fire, a world of James 3:6
• than of gold ... though it be tried with fire 1 Pet 1:7
• suffering the vengeance of eternal fire Jude 1:7
• to buy of me gold tried in the fire Rev 3:18
• the devil ... was cast into the lake of fire Rev 20:10
• death and hell were cast into the lake of fire Rev 20:14
Canopy, covering; vault or arch of the sky; an expanse which envelops the earth; carries the idea of the
separation of above and those below. This canopy of water is believed to have fallen upon the earth
during the flood that covered the whole earth during the time of Noah.
• let there be a firmament in the midst of Gen 1:6, 8
• the firmament sheweth his handiwork Ps 19:1
• shine as the brightness of the firmament Dan 12:3
The starting point, something that has begun from little or nothing and progressed to something; the
initial creation or completion of something. The original, the foundation stone on which all other
things are built. The mold that serves as a pattern for succeeding products or persons.
• the first of the firstfruits of thy Ex 34:26
• and offered it for sin the first Lev 9:15
• shalt take of the first of all the fruit Deut 26:2
• I the LORD, the first and with the Isa 41:4
• I am the first, I also am the last Isa 48:12
• first be reconciled to thy brother Matt 5:24
• but seek ye first the kingdom of God Matt 6:33
• except he first bind the strong man Matt 12:29 (Mark 3:27)
• and the last shall be first Matt 19:30 (Mark 10:31)
• the first and great commandment Matt 22:38 (Mark 12:30)
• this is the first commandment Mark 12:30
• the gospel must first be published among all Mark 13:10
• without sin ... let him first cast a stone at her John 8:7
• called Christian first in Antioch Acts 11:26
• I preached the gospel unto you at the first Gal 4:13
• Of his glory, who first trusted in Christ Eph 1:12
• Which is the first commandment with promise Eph 6:2
• the dead in Christ shall rise first 1 Thes 4:16
• except there come a falling away first 2 Thes 2:3
• that in me first Jesus Christ might show 1 Tim 1:16
• the wisdom that is from above is first pure James 3:17
• if it first begin at us, what shall 1 Pet 4:17
• love him, because he first loved us 1 John 4:19
• I am the Alpha and Omega the first Rev 1:11
• this is the first resurrection Rev 20:5
• the beginning and the end, the first Rev 22:13

Office, rank, position; the first child; this was a privileged position in which the first son would receive
more of the inheritance than the other children; in the New Testament Christ is the firstborn of many
to come (Rom 8:29).
• the firstborn according to his birthright Gen 43:33
• LORD, Israel is my son, even my firstborn Ex 4:22
• Sanctify unto me all the firstborn ... both of man and Ex 13:2
• but all the firstborn of my children I redeem Ex 13:15
• the right of the firstborn is his Deut 21:17
• lay the foundation ... in his firstborn Josh 6:26
• and smote all the firstborn in Egypt Ps 78:51
• also I will make him my firstborn Ps 89:27
• she had brought forth her firstborn Matt 1:25 (Luke 2:7)
• be the firstborn among many brethren Rom 8:29
• beginning, the firstborn from the dead Col 1:18
• assembly and church of the firstborn Heb 12:23
First fruits was sacred to the Lord; these included the first-born child or animal or the first of the grain
or fruit or the first of something that was produced like oil, wine, flour, etc. that was to be brought to
the Lord as a tithe. DTP In the New Testament. Christ was firstborn / firstfruits among many. As
followers of Christ, disciples (children of God) partake in the benefits which Christ receives.
• the first of the firstfruits of thy Ex 23:19
• also in the day of the firstfruits, when ye bring Num 28:26
• to bring the firstfruits of our ground and Neh 10:35
• for the offering, for the firstfruits Neh 12:44
• which have the firstfruits of the Spirit Rom 8:23
• for if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is Rom 11:16
• Christ the firstfruits 1 Cor 15:23
• among men, being the firstfruit unto God Rev 14:4
fishers / fishers of men
Those who harvest the fish and creatures of the sea for personal use or for sale; harvesters of the sea.
DTP Jesus called such men to Himself and declared they would become fishers of men.
• behold, I am going to send forth many fishermen, declares the LORD Jer 16:16 NASB
• me, and I will make you fishers of men Matt 4:19
• will make you to become fishers of men Mark 1:17
flee / fled
To run away from something or someone, to move quickly, to take flight, take off, escape. DTP The
disciple is to turn and run away from the temptations and sins that, inevitably, are part of our lives.
The longer we dwell on evil thoughts and temptations, the more deeply we will become entangled
with sin. We need to run from temptation and, through the power of Jesus Christ, take a stand against
all evil.
• and he left his garment in her hand and fled Gen 39:12
• Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh Ex 2:15 (Acts 7:29)
• to my soul, flee as a bird to your mountain? Ps 11:1
• O LORD ... I flee unto thee to hide me Ps 143:9
• sorrow and sighing shall flee away Isa 35:10 (51:11)
• to flee from the wrath to come? Matt 3:7 (Luke 3:7)
• flee into the mountains Matt 24:16 (Mark 13:14; Luke 21:21)
• disciples forsook him and fled Matt 26:56 (Luke 14:50)
• the hireling fled, because he is a hireling John 10:13
• flee fornication. Every sin that a man 1 Cor 6:18
• my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry 1 Cor 10:14
• but thou, O man of God, flee these things 1 Tim 6:11
• flee also youthful lusts: but follow 2 Tim 2:22

• resist the devil and he will flee from you James 4:7
Soft tissue, fleshy tissue; the material of which all creatures are made; the living tissue of all beings. It
also means, in a spiritual sense, the fallen or carnal nature of a person. DTP Overcoming the desires
of one's flesh can be a big hurdle for the disciple to face each day. The flesh is strong and the only way
to have victory is to die to self and give our all to Christ Jesus each day.
• closed up the flesh instead thereof Gen 2:21
• of my bones and flesh of my flesh Gen 2:23
• and they shall be one flesh Gen 2:24 (Matt 19:5; Mark 10:8; Eph 5:31)
• my flesh also shall rest in hope Ps 16:9 (Acts 2:26)
• not fear what flesh can do unto me Ps 56:4
• my flesh and my heart faileth; but God is the Ps 73:26
• and my flesh crieth out for the living God Ps 84:2
• and much study is a weariness of the flesh Eccl 12:12
• all flesh is grass and all the Isa 40:6 (1 Pet 1:24)
• all flesh shall know that I am the LORD Isa 49:26
• behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh Jer 32:27
• take away the stony heart out of your flesh Ezek 36:26
• pour out my spirit upon all flesh Joel 2:28 (Acts 2:17)
• for flesh and blood hath not revealed Matt 16:17
• and they twain shall be one flesh? Matt 19:5 (Mark 10:8)
• is willing, but the flesh is weak Matt 26:41 (Mark 14:38)
• the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us John 1:14
• which is born of the flesh is flesh John 3:6
• as thou hast given him power over all flesh John 17:2
• no flesh be justified in his sight Rom 3:20
• Jesus, who walk not after the flesh Rom 8:1
• Are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh Rom 8:5
• They that are in the flesh cannot please God Rom 8:8
• but ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit Rom 8:9
• for if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die Rom 8:13
• They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: Rom 9:8
• for two, saith he, shall be one flesh 1 Cor 6:16
• of stone but in fleshly tablets of the heart 2 Cor 3:3
• we have known Christ after the flesh 2 Cor 5:16
• let us cleanse ... from all filthiness of the flesh 2 Cor 7:1
• a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan 2 Cor 12:7
• the law shall no flesh be justified Gal 2:16
• through infirmity of the flesh I preached the gospel Gal 4:13
• use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh Gal 5:13
• and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh Gal 5:16
• and the Spirit against the flesh Gal 5:17
• they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh Gal 5:24
• he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap Gal 6:8
• and they two shall be one flesh. Eph 5:31
• for we wrestle not against flesh and blood Eph 6:12
• flesh by the circumcision of Christ Col 2:11
• God was manifest in the flesh, justified 1 Tim 3:16
• to the purifying of the flesh Heb 9:13
• dearly beloved ... abstain from fleshly lusts 1 Pet 2:11
• he hath suffered for us in the flesh 1 Pet 4:1
• the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes 1 John 2:16
• Christ is come in the flesh is of God 1 John 4:2
• Jesus Christ is come in the flesh 2 John 1:7

A group of sheep, a church, a congregation, a gathering of people who believe in Christ Jesus. DTP The
disciple of Christ is part of Christ's Body, part of the family of God. Through faith we become part of a
community in which we support and encourage one another. The enemy desires to separate us from
the flock, at which point he tries to maim us and even kill us if he can.
• the firstlings of your herds and of your flock Deut 12:6
• thou leddest thy people like a flock Ps 77:20
• he shall feed his flock like a shepherd Isa 40:11
• and all their flocks shall be scattered Jer 10:21
• against the pastors ... Ye have scattered my flock Jer 23:2
• as a shepherd seeketh out his flock ... so will I Ezek 34:12
• and ye my flock, the flock of my pasture, are men Jer 34:31
• the sheep of the flock shall scattered Matt 26:31
• keeping watch over their flock by night Luke 2:8
• grievous wolves enter ... not sparing the flock Acts 20:29
• feed the flock of God which is among you 1 Pet 5:2
Deluge of water, rush of water, downpour, torrent; a place where land has been covered by water; in
the Old Testament we have the Great flood during Noah's time when the whole earth was covered in
water and all living things upon the land was destroyed.
• flood of waters was upon the earth Gen 7:6
• any more be a flood to destroy the earth Gen 9:11
• the flood stood upright as a heap Ex 15:8
• other side of the flood in old time Josh 24:2
• in the flood of great waters they shall not Ps 32:6
• the floods have lifted up, O LORD, the Ps 93:3
• let the floods clap their hands Ps 98:8
• enemy shall come in like a flood Isa 59:19
• it shall rise up wholly like a flood Amo 9:5
• the floods came and the winds blew and Matt 7:25 (Luke 6:48)
• before the flood they were eating Matt 24:38
• the flood came and destroyed them all Luke 17:27
Go after, pursue, track, to come after, a follower. DTP Jesus called the disciples to come and follow Him
and He would make them fishers of men; all people are both followers and leaders; and we need to
watch out who we follow, and always be aware that others may be following our character and
• Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil Ex 23:2
• Caleb ... Joshua ... have wholly followed the LORD Num 32:12
• But I wholly follow the LORD my God Josh 14:8
• or to return from following after thee Ruth 1:16
• If the LORD be God, follow him: but if 1 Kin 18:21
• mercy shall follow me all the days of Ps 23:6
• my soul follow hard after thee: thy right hand Ps 63:8
• ye that follow after righteousness, ye Isa 51:1
• follow me and I will make you fishers Matt 4:19
• mountain, great multitudes followed him Matt 8:1
• follow me ... he arose and followed him Matt 9:9
• and take up his cross and follow me Matt 16:24 (Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23)
• forsake all ... follow the Matt 19:27 (Mark 10:28; Luke 18:28)
• forsook their nets and followed him Mark 1:18 (Luke 5:11)
• and take up his cross and follow me Mark 8:34
• and he said unto him, follow me Luke 5:27
• he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness John 8:12

• before them and the sheep follow him John 10:4
• and I know them and they follow me John 10:27
• if any man serve me, let him follow me John 12:26
• of that spiritual Rock that follow them 1 Cor 10:4
• follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts 1 Cor 14:1
• yourselves know how ye ought to follow us 2 Thes 3:7
• make ourselves an example unto you to follow us 2 Thes 3:9
• thou, O man of God ... follow after righteousness 1 Tim 6:11
• that ye should follow his steps 1 Pet 2:21
• beloved, follow not that which is evil 3 John 1:11
• these are they which follow the Lamb Rev 14:4
Those who go after, pursue, or track another in their ways and actions. DTP The idea of being a follower
of Christ is that you live and reflect His character and nature. When people look at the disciple of
Christ, they see Jesus' character and example in their words and actions. This is what it means to be a
Christian ... one who is "Christ Like".
• I beseech you, be ye followers of me 1 Cor 4:16 (Phil 3:17)
• be ye followers of me, even as I am also am 1 Cor 11:1
• be ye therefore followers of God, as dear Eph 5:1
• and ye became followers of us and of the Lord 1 Thes 1:6
• became followers of the churches of God 1 Thes 2:14
fool or foolish
Silly, not sane, lacking in understanding. DTP Jesus taught several parables concerning foolish people;
the builder (Matt 7:24-27); a foolish man looks to his own devices while a wise man looks to God;
(Luke 12:16-20) a foolish person is unprepared (Matt 25:1-13). The Word of God is thorough, and we
need to study and obey its wise guidance for our lives.
• Then said Saul ... I have played the fool 1 Sam 26:21
• the fool hath said in his heart, Ps 14:1
• and ye fools, when will ye be wise Ps 94:8
• but fools despise wisdom and instruction Prov 1:7
• but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction Prov 10:14
• but fools die for want of wisdom Prov 10:21
• fools make a mock at sin Prov 14:9
• but the mouth of the fool poureth out foolishness Prov 15:2
• a fool despiseth his father's instruction Prov 15:5
• a fool's mouth is his destruction Prov 18:7
• trusteth in his own heart is a fool Prov 28:26
• but the fool walketh in darkness: and I Eccl 2:14
• shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built Matt 7:26
• and five of them were wise and five were foolish Matt 25:2
• to be wise they became fools Rom 1:22
• cross is to them that perish foolishness 1 Cor 1:18
• God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 1 Cor 1:20
• thou fool, that which thou sowest is 1 Cor 15:36
• O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you Gal 3:1
• are ye so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit Gal 3:3
• but foolish and unlearned questions avoid 2 Tim 2:23
• put to silence the ignorance of foolish men 1 Pet 2:15
A piece of furniture that people can rest their feet on; also used figuratively, as in "the earth is God's
footstool" (Ps 110:1; Isa 66:1; Matt 5:35).
• for the footstool of our God and had made 1 Chr 28:2
• with a footstool of gold, which were 2 Chr 9:18
• LORD our God and worship at his footstool Ps 99:5

• until I make thine enemies thy footstool Ps 110:1
• my throne and the earth is my footstool Isa 66:1
• for it is his footstool Matt 5:35
• till I make thine enemies thy footstool Matt 22:44
• until I make thy foes thy footstool Acts 2:35
• till his enemies be made his footstool Heb 10:13
Part of Asian culture, foot washing was practiced because people walked in sandals, resulting in soiled
and dirty feet. The feet of guests were usually washed by household servants. DTP Jesus washed the
disciple’s feet, showing that He was a servant. He also told the disciples that they, too, should humble
themselves and wash each other's feet, a sign of servanthood. Even today some churches practice
foot washing as part of the communion service. See John 13:4-16; 1 Tim 5:10.
Sojourner, stranger; DTP Any non-circumcised, non-Jew was considered a foreigner; the New Testament
describes the people of God as foreigners, because they and their beliefs are not accepted by the
world system (Eph 2:19). As disciples of Christ, we should be foreign to the things of this world because
we are now citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. We are just pilgrims passing through. We are also
ambassadors of Christ to this world.
• are we not reckoned by him as foreigners Gen 31:15 NASB
• a foreigner and an hired servant shall not Ex 12:43
• ye are no more strangers and foreigners Eph 2:19
This word is used to describe an attribute of God... that He knows all things, including that which has
happened, is happening, and that which will happen in the future; sometimes the word is used
interchangeably with the teaching of election and predestination. DTP We need to understand that
God sees and knows everything about us, including our thoughts and actions He is always aware.
• foreknowledge of God, ye have taken and by Acts 2:23
• for whom he did foreknow, he also did Rom 8:29
• to the foreknowledge of God the Father 1 Pet 1:2
Precursor, forebear, prototype, ancestor; the one who goes ahead of the others, seeking out the right
way, and setting the path. DTP John the Baptist was a forerunner for Jesus; for the disciple, Christ is
the one who came first and prepared the way so that we could go to heaven; He is our High Priest.
(See Matt 11:10)
• whither the forerunner is for us entered Heb 6:20
forget / forgot / forgotten
Not to remember, cannot recall, overlooked, have no memory of, no recollection. DTP It is important
that we keep the truths of Christ firmly fixed in our minds and hearts. We are called to meditate on
the Word but it is important that we even memorize the Word of God so it can be firmly planted in
our hearts.
• he forgot that which thou hast done to him Gen 27:45
• lest ye forget the covenants of the LORD your God Deut 4:23
• beware lest thou forget the LORD, which brought Deut 6:12
• Israel did evil ... and forgot the LORD Judg 3:7
• when they forgot the LORD their God, he 1 Sam 12:9
• into hell and all the nations that forgot God Ps 9:17
• if we have forgotten the name of our God Ps 44:20
• and not forget the works of God, but keep his Ps 78:7
• they forgot God their saviour, which had done Ps 106:21
• I will never forget thy precepts Ps 119:93
• get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not Prov 4:5
• hast forgotten the God of thy salvation Isa 17:10
• and forget the LORD thy Maker, that hath Isa 51:13
• and they have forgotten the LORD their God Jer 3:21

• for Israel hath forgotten his Maker Hos 8:14
• I do, forget those things which are behind Phil 3:13
• straightway forgotten what manner of man he was James 1:24
• forgotten that he was purged from his old sin 2 Pet 1:9
forgive / forgiveness / forgiving
Pardon, excuse, absolve, exonerate, show mercy. DTP Christ has made a way that we can be forgiven for
our sins; we are guilty, but through the shed blood of Christ we can find forgiveness; as disciples, we
need to forgive others who have hurt us in any way. Jesus gave and forgave us so we could give and
forgive others; the heart of forgiveness should be love, grace and mercy.
• Joseph, forgave ... the trespass of thy brethren Gen 50:17
• Forgive iniquity and transgression and sin Ex 34:7
• Atonement for them and it shall be forgiven them Lev 4:20
• Hear from heaven and will forgive their sin 2 Chr 7:14
• and forgive all my sins Ps 25:18
• is he whose transgression is forgiven Ps 32:1
• and thou forgive the iniquity of my sin Ps 32:5
• is he whose transgression is forgiven Ps 32:1 (Rom 4:7)
• for thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive Ps 86:5
• but there is forgiveness with thee, that Ps 130:4
• forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors Matt 6:12 (Luke 11:4)
• for if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you Matt 6:14 (Mark 11:25)
• power on earth to forgive sins Matt 9:6 (Mark 2:10; Luke 5:24)
• be forgiven unto men: but blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven Matt 12:31 (Mark
3:28; Luke 12:10)
• who can forgive sins but God only? Mark 2:7 (Luke 5:21)
• forgive and ye shall be forgiven Luke 6:37
• to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little Luke 7:47
• for to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins Acts 5:31
• preached unto you the forgiveness of sins Acts 13:38
• whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgive 2 Cor 2:10
• the forgiveness of sins, according to the Eph 1:7 (Col 1:14)
• God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you Eph 4:32
• having forgiven you all trespasses Col 2:13
• even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye Col 3:13
• have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him James 5:15
• he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins 1 John 1:9
• your sins are forgiven for his name's sake 1 John 2:12
Illicit sexual intercourse; sex outside of marriage, a breaking of the marriage vows. DTP We are also can
be fornicators toward God where we love the things of the world more than God. We have been
betrothed to Christ and we are to be faithful to Him. We are not to have illicit relationships with
people or with the things of this world.
• of Jerusalem to commit fornication and 2 Chr 21:11
• proceed evil thoughts ... fornication, thefts Matt 15:19
• pollution of idols and from fornication Acts 15:20
• with all unrighteousness, fornication Rom 1:29
• that there is fornication among you 1 Cor 5:1
• be not deceived: neither fornicator, nor idolaters 1 Cor 6:9
• now the body is not for fornication 1 Cor 6:13
• flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is 1 Cor 6:18
• to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife 1 Cor 7:2
• adultery, fornication, uncleaness Gal 5:19
• but fornication ... let it not be once named among you Eph 5:3
• that ye should abstain from fornication 1 Thes 4:3

• giving themselves over to fornication Jude 1:7
forsake / forsaken
To turn the other way; to turn one's back toward another, to make a conscious decision to turn away
from someone or something. To abandon, desert, leave, disown, renounce, relinquish or to give up
someone or something. DTP In today society many have left serving Jesus Christ and many, many
more have left the Church. It seems that when we turn our backs to God, then He turns His back to
• he will not forsake thee, neither Deut 4:31
• thou salt not forsake him Deut 14:27
• because they have forsaken the covenant of Deut 29:25
• fear not ... he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee Deut 31:6
• I will not fail thee nor forsake thee Josh 1:5
• If ye forsake the LORD and serve Josh 24:20
• They have forsaken me and served other gods 1 Sam 8:8
• Sinned, because we have forsaken the LORD 1 Sam 12:10
• Because they forsook the LORD 1 Kin 9:9 (2 Chr 7:22)
• And we will not forsake the house of our God Neh 10:39
• hast not forsaken them that seek thee Ps 9:10
• why hast thou forsaken me? Ps 22:1 (Matt 27:46; Mark 15:34)
• forsake me not, O LORD Ps 38:21
• good doctrine, forsake ye not my law Prov 4:2
• ah sinful nation ... they have forsaken the LORD Isa 1:4
• let the wicked forsake his way Isa 55:7
• because they have forsaken the LORD, Jer 17:13
• the disciple forsook him and fled Matt 26:56 (Mark 14:50)
• my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Matt 27:46 (Mark 15:34)
• forsook their nets and followed him Mark 1:18 (Luke 5:11)
• God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me Mark 15:34
• that forsake not all ... he cannot be my disciple Luke 14:33
• persecuted, but not forsaken 2 Cor 4:9
• not forsaking the assembling of ourselves Heb 10:25
• will never leave thee, nor forsake thee Heb 13:5
• which have forsaken the right way and 2 Pet 2:15
To have looked for and sought something until it was located. Great rejoicing is often the result for the
finder. DTP The disciple is to be a person who seeks after God in every area of their lives and, when
they do, then God allows Himself to be found.
• was not found an help meet for him Gen 2:20
• if now I have found grace in thy Gen 33:10
• or have found that which was lost and Lev 6:3
• he hath lost and thou hast found Deut 22:3
• why have I found grace in thine eyes Ruth 2:10
• ye the LORD while he may be found Isa 55:6
• the which when a man hath found Matt 13:44
• we have found the Messiah, which is John 1:41
• that a man be found faithful 1 Cor 4:2
• we ourselves also are found sinners Gal 2:17
• whosoever was not found written in Rev 20:15
Base, groundwork, underpinning; or the origin of something or beginning. DTP Christ is the Rock and
Foundation for our faith; the church is built upon Christ Jesus. We as disciples are to make sure that
we have a firm foundation (Matt 7:25; Luke 6:48).
• he shall lay the foundation in his Josh 6:26
• and the foundation was of costly stones 1 Kin 7:10

• the foundation of the temple of the LORD Ezr 3:10
• his foundation is in the holy mountain Ps 87:1
• of old hast thou laid the foundations Ps 102:25 (Heb 1:10)
• the righteous is an everlasting foundation Pro 10:25
• a precious corner stone, a sure foundation Isa 28:16
• the Maker, that ... laid the foundation of the earth Isa 51:13
• shalt raise up the foundation of many generations Isa 58:12
• deep and laid the foundation on a rock Luke 6:48
• masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation 1 Cor 3:10
• I have laid the foundation and another buildeth 1 Cor 3:10
• other foundation can no man lay than that is laid 1 Cor 3:11
• chosen us in him before the foundation of the world Eph 1:4
• are built upon the foundation of the apostles and Eph 2:20
• the foundation of God standeth sure 2 Tim 2:19
• not laying again the foundation of repentance from Heb 6:1
• city which hath foundation, whose builder ... is God Heb 11:10
• foreordained before the foundations of the world 1 Pet 1:20
• the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world Rev 13:8
A natural spring of water, or a man-made object designed to expel water. DTP Often represents a clean
and pure life. Christ is a fountain of life to all who will call upon His name.
• All the fountain of the great deep broken up Gen 7:11
• by a fountain of water in the wilderness Gen 16:7
• the fountain of the water of Nephtoah Josh 15:9
• then I went on to the gate of the fountain Neh 2:14
• for with thee is the fountain of life Ps 36:9
• law of the wise is a fountain of life Prov 13:14
• fear of the LORD is a fountain of life Prov 14:27
• me the fountain of living waters Jer 2:13 (17:13)
• doth a fountain send forth at the same James 3:11
• the fountain of the water of life freely Rev 21:6
four horsemen
A figurative picture given to us by John in the book of Revelation, concerns the judgment that will be
poured out upon the earth during the last days, known as the Tribulation; each horse is a different
color and its rider will bring forth from heaven a specific judgment to the earth. See Rev 6:2-8; 9:17;
19:11-21; Zech 1:8-17; 6:1-8
Aromatic resin/sap taken from a hardy tree in the Near East (also found in Africa). Has a strong smell and
a bitter taste; the King James Bible used the word "incense"; frankincense was one of the gifts that
presented to Jesus by the Magi.
• these sweet spices with pure frankincense Ex 30:34-36
• oil upon it and put frankincense thereon Lev 2:16
• and thou shalt put pure frankincense upon each row Lev 24:7
• gold and frankincense and myrrh Matt 2:11
• and odours and ointments and frankincense Rev 18:13
Liberty, choice, independence; DTP State of being free; in the year of Jubilee slaves were to receive back
their freedom (Lev 25:8-55; Ezek 46:17; Isa 61:2). For disciples of Christ, His coming results in setting
the captives free from sin and bondage, and giving life eternal.
• he shall go out free Ex 21:2 (Deut 15:12; Jer 34:14)
• and uphold me with thy free Spirit Ps 51:12
• and to let the oppressed go free Isa 58:6
• and the truth shall make you free John 8:32
• Son ... shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed John 8:36

• For he that is dead is freed from sin. Rom 6:7
• Being then made free from sin, ye became Rom 6:18
• But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, Rom 6:22
• Hath made me free from the law of sin and death Rom 8:2
• Liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free Gal 5:1
• whether he be bond or free. Eph 6:8
• The word of the Lord may have free course 2 Thes 3:1
• as free and not using your liberty for a 1 Pet 2:16
free will / freewill
Autonomy, self-rule, freedom, independence; thinking or desiring to act according to one's own beliefs,
DTP In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve exercised their free will, the result of which was
disobedience to God, and plunging all of mankind into sin. In the Old Testament, one could make a
freewill offering or Peace Offering.
• vows and for all his freewill offerings Lev 22:18
• perform; even a freewill offering ... thou hast vowed Deut 23:23
• a freewill offering unto the LORD Ezr 3:5
• the freewill offering of my mouth, O Ps 119:108
Liberty, choice, independence; state of being free. DTP In the year of Jubilee slaves were granted their
freedom (Lev 25:8-55; Ezek 46:17; Isa 61:2). For disciples of Christ, His coming results in setting the
captives free from sin and bondage, and giving life eternal. Christ has proclaimed freedom to all who
will receive Him as their personal Lord and Saviour.
• a great sum obtained I this freedom Acts 22:28
• called unto liberty (freedom); only use not liberty (freedom) for an occasion to the flesh Gal 5:13 NASB
Liberally, generously, without restraint, giving to everyone; since we have received freely, we are now
to give freely; we are not to hold back from sharing with others because, as we do, we are laying up
treasures in heaven.
• of the garden thou mayest freely eat Gen 2:16
• I will freely sacrifice unto thee Ps 54:6
• I will love them freely: for mine anger is Hos 14:4
• freely ye have received, freely give Matt 10:8
• being justified freely by his grace Rom 3:24
• with him also freely give all things? Rom 8:32
• things that are freely given to us of God 1 Cor 2:12
• to you the gospel of God freely 2 Cor 11:7
• which He freely bestowed on us in the beloved Eph 1:6 NASB
• the fountain of water of life freely Rev 21:6
Companion, affectionate, faithful one; a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal
regard. DTP At one-point Christ told His disciples that they were His friends; our relationship should
be tied more closely to the things of Christ and His Kingdom than to the things of this world (James
• as a man speaketh unto his friend Ex 33:11
• the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend Deut 13:6
• gavest it to the seed of Abraham thy friend 2 Chr 20:7
• a friend loveth at all times and a brother Prov 17:17
• there is a friend that sticketh closer Prov 18:24
• I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend Isa 41:8
• I was wounded in the house of my friend Zech 13:6
• A friend of publicans and sinners Matt 11:19 (Luke 7:34)
• and say unto him, friend, lend me three loaves Luke 11:5
• rise and gave him, because he is his friend Luke 11:8
• and I say unto you my friends, Be not Luke 12:4

• shall be betrayed both by parents ... and friends Luke 21:16
• unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth John 11:11
• that a man lay down his life for his friend John 15:13
• ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever John 15:14
• but I have called you friends John 15:15
• Abraham ... and he was called the friend of God James 2:23
• Will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God James 4:4
Companionship, comradeship, fondness, acquaintance, closeness, alliance; love; having a mutual
understanding with another; the outcome/result of two or more people determining, or desiring, a
deeper relationship with one another.
• make no friendship with an angry man Prov 22:24
• know ye not that friendship of the James 4:4
fringe / hem
Tassels, twisted thread; they were often sown on the hem of the garment to be a reminder to the Jews
of God's commandments; in the New Testament, we have the example of the woman with the issue
of blood touching the hem of Jesus' garment and being healed (Matt 9:20; Luke 43, 44).
• that they put upon the fringe of the Num 15:38, 39
• thou shalt make the fringes upon the Deut 22:12
Phylactery; a leather band containing a small box, inside of which was a portion of Scripture; sometimes
it was worn on the left arm.
• hand and for frontlets between thine eyes Ex 13:16
• they shall be as frontlets between thine Deut 6:8
• may be as frontlets between your eyes Deut 11:18
Crop, outgrowth, product, crop; DTP Disciples are commanded by Christ to produce fruit that will last;
they should be known by their fruit and to have the fruit of the Spirit flowing out of their lives (Gal
2:22, 23).
• the fruit tree yielding fruit after Gen 1:11
• but of the fruit of the tree ... ye shall not eat Gen 3:3
• that bringeth forth his fruit in his season Ps 1:3
• they eat of the fruit of their own way Prov 1:31
• the fruit of the righteous is a tree Prov 11:30
• ye have eaten the fruit of lies Hos 10:13
• ye shall know them by their fruit Matt 7:16
• good tree bringeth forth good fruit Matt 7:17
• and gathereth fruit unto life eternal John 4:36
• but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit John 14:24
• that it may bring forth more fruit John 15:2
• as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself John 15:4
• I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit John 15:5
• My father glorified, that ye bear much fruit John 15:8
• That ye should go and bring forth fruit John 15:16
• we should bring forth fruit unto God Rom 7:4
• increase the fruit of your righteousness 2 Cor 9:10
• but the fruit of the Spirit is love Gal 5:22
• the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness Eph 5:9
• with the fruit of righteousness Phil 1:11
• but I desire fruit that may abound to Phil 4:17
• to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruit James 3:17
• the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace James 3:18
• trees whose fruit, without fruit Jude 1:12
• tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruit Rev 22:2

fruit of the Spirit
For the disciple of Christ, the Fruit of the Spirit should be visibly evident in one's life. It should be the
foundation stone for every disciple in order to be used effectively in the body of Christ.
• but the fruit of the Spirit is love Gal 5:22
• the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness Eph 5:9
fulfill / fulfilled
Satisfied, content, pleased, brought to completion or realization. DTP Christ came to fulfill the Scriptures
and to provide people with a new way to come to the Father. He also birthed forth His church; Christ
fulfilled all things and, as our High Priest and sacrificial Lamb, He fulfilled all the requirements of the
Old Testament law.
• The king hath fulfilled the request of his servant 2 Sam 14:22
• Word... by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled Ezra 1:1
• The LORD fulfill all thy petitions Ps 20:5
• Will fulfill the desire of them that fear him Ps 145:19
• Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled Matt 1:22
• that it might be fulfilled which was Matt 2:15
• I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill Matt 5:17
• Until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled Luke 21:24
• Righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us Rom 8:4
• And ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh Gal 5:16
• and so fulfill the law of Christ Gal 6:2
• me for you, to fulfill the word of God Col 1:25
• if ye fulfill the royal law according James 2:8
• put in their hearts to fulfill his will Rev 17:17
full / fulness
Containing as much, or as many, as possible, leaving no empty space; lacking nothing, to have been
saturated, no more room. DTP The disciple needs to be filled with the Holy Spirit and, for this to take
place, we need to be in a place of full surrender and obedience to the will of God. If we are not full of
Christ it will not be long before we become filled with something else. Prayer and studying of the
Word of God and meditating upon His truth is like a river of living water that fills our body/temple for
His glory.
• And the land become full of wickedness Lev 19:29
• And Joshua ... was full of the spirit of wisdom Deut 34:9
• He was full of indignation against Mordecai Esth 5:9
• In thy presence is fullness of joy Ps 16:11
• Thy right hand is full of righteousness Ps 48:10
• For my life is full of troubles: and my life Ps 88:3
• Happy is the man that hath his quiver full Ps 127:5
• Shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD Ps 11:9
• I am full of the power by the Spirit of the LORD Mic 3:8
• Whole body shall be full of light Matt 6:22 (Luke 11:34)
• And dwelt among us ... full of grace and truth John 1:14
• Have I spoken ... that your joy might be full John 15:11
• Seven men ... full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom Acts 6:3
• And they chose Steven, a man full of faith Acts 6:5
• But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked Acts 7:55
• Good man ... full of the Holy Ghost and of faith Acts 11:24
• Every man be fully persuaded in his own mind Rom 14:5
• I have fully preached the gospel of Christ Rom 15:19
• In the fullness of the blessing of the gospel Rom 15:29
• When the fullness of the time was come, God sent Gal 4:4
• The fullness of him that filleth all in all Eph 1:23
• Ye might be filled with all the fullness of God Eph 3:19
• That in him should all fullness dwell Col 1:19

• In him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead Col 2:9
• Make full proof of thy ministry 2 Tim 4:5
• to the full assurance of hope unto the end Heb 6:11
• With a true heart in full assurance of faith Heb 10:22
• with joy unspeakable and full of glory 1 Pet 1:8
• Write we unto you, that your joy may be full 1 John 1:4
full armour of God
Paul introduces this concept of the full armour of God to the Ephesian church; he wants them to know
that the disciple is involved in spiritual warfare. Our battle is not against flesh and blood but against
principalities and powers; because of this we need to put on Spiritual Armour made up of six different
pieces which are found listed in Eph 6:14-17; each part is designed to protect us emotionally and
• take unto you the whole armour of God Gal 6:13 (NASB uses the word full.)
Holding as much as possible, every corner or crevice occupied. There are no empty spots, nothing else
can come in. DTP We are to have the fullness of Christ and be completely filled with His Spirit to the
point where there is no room for anything else. We are to be emptied of our own will, and saturated
with His will, His nature, His truth, and His life.
• in thy presence is fullness of joy Ps 16:11
• is the LORD'S, and the fullness Ps 24:1
• of his fullness have all we received and grace John 1:16
• until the fullness of the Gentiles be Rom 11:25
• in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel Rom 15:29
• is the Lord's and the fullness thereof 1 Cor 10:26
• when the fullness of the time was come, God sent Gal 4:4
• of the fullness of time he might gather Eph 1:10
• be filled with all the fullness of God Eph 3:19
• that in him should all fullness dwell Col 1:19
• all the fullness of the Godhead bodily Col 2:9
A movement that began in the early twentieth-century by various American Protestants to counter
theological liberalism; their focus and emphasis was on the inerrancy of the Bible, the virgin birth, the
deity of Christ, the substitutionary atonement, and the second coming of Christ.
A ceremony taking place following the death of a person; the body was washed, anointed with spices
and wrapped in cloth or clothes. In Palestine this event took place usually within a few hours after
death and the body would be placed in a tomb or cave. (See John 12:7; 19:39, 40)

GALATIANS, book of
Written to the Galatian church, one of Paul's epistles (a "Pauline" epistle); main purpose was to teach
on the subject of legalism and how it relates to the Gospel of Christ's grace. Paul was trying to get the
people to return to a clear commitment to Christ and the complete truth of the full Gospel of Christ.
Outer or inner clothing, often made of woven material of different colours. DTP We are to be clothed
spiritually with attributes like grace, righteousness, praise etc. Our spiritual garments are to be clean
before the Lord. We are told that, when we meet the Lord face-to-face in heaven, we will be given
new, heavenly garments.
• Shalt make holy garments for Aaron Ex 28:2
• a woolen garment or a linen garment Lev 13:47
• shall a man put on a women's garment Deut 22:5
• they part my garments among them Ps 22:18 (Matt 27:35; Mark 15:24)
• the garment of praise for the spirit Isa 61:3
• me with the garments of salvation Isa 61:10
• their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garment Isa 63:3
• whose garment was white as snow Dan 7:9
• and rend your heart, and not your garments Joel 2:13
• piece of new cloth into an old garment Matt 9:16
• him, and touched the hem of his garment Matt 9:20 (Mark 5:27; Luke 8:44)
• man which had not on a wedding garment Matt 22:11
• crucified him, they parted his garments Mark 15:24
• laid aside his garment; and took a towel John 13:4
• are corrupted and your garments are moth-eaten James 5:2
• hating even the garment spotted by the flesh Jude 1:23
gate / gates
Entrance, opening, door (see the word door); Jerusalem had many different kinds of gates into the city;
the gates were also rallying points and business places where people would gather. DTP Jesus taught
that he was a door or gate to the sheepfold; He said, "I am the gate / door" (John 10:1-9); He also
talked about the Gates of Hell.
• and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom Gen 19:1
• house of God and this is the gate of heaven Gen 28:17
• them upon the posts ... and on the gate Deut 6:9 (11:20)
• the elders of the city in the gate Deut 22:15
• the entering of the gate of the city Josh 20:4
• Saul drew near to Samuel in the gate 1 Sam 4:18
• liftest me up from the gates of death Ps 9:13
• lift up your heads, O ye gates Ps 24:7
• enter into his gates with thanksgiving Ps 100:4
• open to me the gate of righteousness: I will Ps 118:19
• call thy walls Salvation and thy gate Praise Isa 60:18
• go through the gate; prepare ye the way of Isa 62:10
• the gate of the rivers shall be open Nah 2:6
• enter ye in at the strait gate Mat 7:13 (Luke 13:24)
• because strait is the gate Matt 7:14
• the gates of hell shall not prevail Matt 16:18
• unto you, I am the door (gate) of the sheep John 10:7
• I am the door (gate) John 10:9
• at the Beautiful gate of the temple Acts 3:10
• at the gates twelve angels and names Rev 21:12

Guard, protector, sentry, watchman, lookout, security officer; many cities had surrounding and, at key
places they would have entrance ways or gates where people could enter or leave; if there was a
problem or an approaching enemy, the gatekeeper would sound an alarm and close the gate. DTP
The disciples are also to be gatekeepers of the word and truth of God, we are also are to help protect
the people or the church of God from the enemies both physically and spiritually.
• keeper of the gates of the tabernacle 1 Chr 9:19
• the keeper of the east gate Neh 3:29
To assemble, to bring to one place, to meet or collect. DTP It is important that all believers in Christ come
together as a body of servants to help and encourage one another. We are not called to be individuals
but are called to become part of a community.
• the waters under the heaven be gathered together Gen 1:9
• gather thou all the congregation together unto Lev 8:3
• will return and gather thee from all the nations Deut 30:3
• gather not my soul with sinners, nor my life Ps 26:9
• gather together the dispersed of Judah from Isa 11:12
• he shall gather the lambs with his arms Isa 40:11
• but with great mercy will I gather thee Isa 54:7
• I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all Jer 23:3
• and I will gather you from all the nations Jer 29:14
• neither do they reap, nor gather into barns Matt 6:26
• where two or three are gathered together in my Matt 18:20
• gather thy children ... even as a hen gathereth Matt 23:37 (Luke 13:34)
• there will the eagles be gathered Matt 24:28 (Luke 17:37)
• gather together his elect from the Matt 24:31 (Mark 13:27)
• and gather fruit unto life eternal John 4:36
• assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us Acts 16:10
• gather together in one all things in Christ Eph 1:10
To have provided someone with your goods or services. A true giver must give from that which belongs
to him/her, from their own personal possessions. DTP God gave His one and only Son as a ransom for
our sins. He gave us forgiveness and life. He gives to us so that. as good stewards, we could give to
others. Jesus gave and forgave so we could give and forgive others.
• she gave me of the tree and I did eat Gen 3:12
• Joshua gave it for an inheritance Josh 11:23
• the LORD gave the word Ps 68:11
• in my thirst they gave me vinegar to Ps 69:21
• I gave my back to the smiters and gave my Isa 50:6
• he gave them power against unclean Matt 10:1
• unto one he gave five talents Matt 25:25
• that he gave his only begotten Son John 3:16
• as the Spirit gave them utterance Acts 2:4
• God gave them over to a reprobate mind, Rom 1:28
• Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 1 Cor 3:6
• who gave himself for our sins, that Gal 1:4
• who loved me and gave himself for me Gal 2:20
• captive and gave gifts unto men Eph 4:8
• who gave himself a ransom for all 1 Tim 2:6
• the record that God gave of his Son 1 John 5:10
Family tree, descent, lineage, pedigree, record of ancestry. Genealogies of Jesus are listed in both
Matthew and Luke. Knowing one's family tree was very important in the Jewish culture.
• their habitations and their genealogy 1 Chr 4:33

• when the genealogy of their generations 1 Chr 5:7
• those that were reckoned by genealogy Ezr 2:62
• this is the genealogy of them that went Ezr 8:1
• I found a register of the genealogy of Neh 7:5
• give heed to fables and endless genealogies 1 Tim 1:4
• but avoid foolish questions and genealogies Titus 3:9
general Epistles
These were New Testament books written either to individuals or to churches: there are 21 books in
total; the authors were Paul, James, John, Jude and Peter; these books often contain exhortation and
doctrine for the individual disciple as well as for the church.
Referring to people's offspring; a period of time equaling 30 years or more; the time between the birth
of a parent and the birth of their first child; God's blessings or curses can follow through to many
successive generations. DTP Things that we do today can affect many people for generations to come.
The seeds that we plant now can affect up to 10 generation down the road. We must seek God and
ask Him to help us to understand His will and direction for our lives.
• these are the generations of the heavens and Gen 2:4
• righteous before me in this generation Gen 7:1
• and this is my memorial unto all generations Ex 3:15
• unto the third and to the fourth generation Ex 34:7 (Num 14:18; Deut 5:9)
• and keep his commandments to a thousand generations Deut 7:9
• even to his tenth generation shall he not Deut 23:3
• children: they are a perverse and crooked generation Deut 32:5
• for God is in the generation of the righteous Ps 14:5
• this is the generation of them that seek him Ps 24:6
• that ye may tell it to the generation following Ps 48:13
• that the generations to come might know them Ps 78:6
• we will show forth thy praise to all generations Ps 79:13
• will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations Ps 89:1
• his truth endureth to all generations Ps 100:5
• be written for the generations to come Ps 102:18
• dominion is from generation to generation Dan 4:3
• kingdom is from generation to generation Dan 4:34
• so all the generations from Abraham to Matt 1:17
• unto Christ are fourteen generations Matt 1:17
• O generation of vipers, who hath warned you Matt 3:7 (Luke 3:7)
• whereunto shall I liken this generation Matt 11:16
• generation seeketh ... sign Matt 12:39 (16:4; Mark 8:12; Luke 11:29)
• said, O faithless and perverse generation Matt 17:17
• fear him from generation to generation Luke 1:50
• hath been hid from ages and from generations Col 1:26
• but you are a chosen generation, a royal 1 Pet 2:9
GENESIS, book of
It is the first book of the Bible and was written by Moses; it can be divided into two parts: history of the
world up to the time of Abraham (Chapters 1-11), and then the history of the four patriarchs (chapters
12-50); the word "genesis" means beginning or origin.
This word is used to describe a non-Jew or heathen; a person who is not a descendant of Abraham. DTP
Following the Jews' rejection of the Gospel of Christ. Many missionaries began taking the Good News
to the Gentiles who began to receive the truth about God's fulfillment of His promise to Abraham that
in His seed, Jesus, all the peoples of the world would be blessed (Gen 12:2-3)
• of the Gentiles divided in their lands Gen 10:5
• the people, for a light of the Gentiles Isa 42:6
• give thee for a light to the Gentiles Isa 49:6 (Acts 13:47)

• they shall declare my glory among the Gentiles Isa 66:19
• the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles Mic 5:8
• all these things do the Gentiles seek Matt 6:32
• go not into the way of the Gentiles Matt 10:5
• Gentiles had also received the word of God Acts 11:1
• the door of faith unto the Gentiles Acts 14:27
• declaring the conversion of the Gentiles Acts 15:3
• the Jew first and also of the Gentile Rom 2:10
• through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles Rom 11:11
• that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy Rom 15:9
• on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ Gal 3:14
• that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs Eph 3:6
• a teacher of the Gentiles in faith 1 Tim 2:7
• and that all the Gentiles might hear 2 Tim 4:17
Mildness, calmness, kindness, tenderness. DTP For the disciple, gentleness is one of the Fruits of the
Spirit; gentleness should be part of our ministry within the Body of Christ and out to a lost world. (See
fruit of the Spirit)
• and thy gentleness hath made me great II Sam 22:36
• up and thy gentleness hath made me great Ps 18:35
• gentleness of Christ, who in presence am 2 Cor 10:1
• joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness Gal 5:22
When a person died it was said that he gave up his ghost (soul part of man); the word "ghost" is also
used to mean wandering spirits of man after death who have not yet found a place of final rest or
destiny. DTP In the Bible, the word ghost was used as a name for the Spirit of God, as in "Holy Ghost"
or "Holy Spirit". For the disciple, the Spirit of God is the teacher, comforter, the One Who empowers
for ministry and service.
• then Abraham gave up the ghost Gen 25:8
• found with child of the Holy Ghost Matt 1:18
• speaking against the Holy Ghost Matt 12:32
• bowed his head and gave up the ghost John 19:30
• the Holy Ghost is come upon them Acts 1:8
• Holy Ghost which was given unto us Rom 5:5
• miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost Heb 2:4
• as they were moved by the Holy Ghost 2 Pet 1:21
• Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost 1 John 5:7
Present, contribution. DTP We as people of God are to give a gift (a blessing) to one another in practical
ways as well as by words of encouragement. God gave to us the gift of His Son; since we have freely
received, we should freely give Him to others that which God has given to us.
• Abraham gave gifts and sent them away Gen 25:6
• a man's gift maketh room for him and Prov 18:16
• his labour, it is the gift of God Eccl 3:13
• him gifts; gold and frankincense and myrrh Matt 2:11
• if thou bring thy gift to the altar Matt 5:23
• to give good gifts unto your children Matt 7:11 (Luke 11:13)
• her, if thou knewest the gift of God John 4:10
• ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:38
• poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost Acts 10:45
• God gave them the gift as he did unto us Acts 11:17
• impart unto you some spiritual gift Rom 1:11
• the gift by grace, which is by one Rom 5:15
• by the righteousness of one the free gift came Rom 5:18

• the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Rom 6:23
• for the gifts and calling of God are Rom 11:29
• gifts differing according to the grace that is Rom 12:6
• but every man hath his proper gift of God 1 Cor 7:7
• are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit 1 Cor 12:4
• covet earnestly the best gift: and yet show I 1 Cor 12:31
• follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts 1 Cor 14:1
• the gift bestowed upon us by means of 2 Cor 1:11
• thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift 2 Cor 9:15
• not of yourselves: it is the gift of God Eph 2:8
• according to the gift of the grace Eph 3:7
• neglect not the gift that is in thee 1 Tim 4:14
• that thou stir up the gift of God 2 Tim 1:6
• gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to Heb 2:4
• good gift and every perfect gift James 1:17
• every man hath received the gift, even so 1 Pet 4:10
Gifts of the Spirit
As disciples, we are to request of God to give to us the gifts of the Holy Spirit so that we will have a
purpose and ministry within Christ's Body, the church. Gifts are given according to God's will and
purpose for our lives. They are given to equip us so that we can do works of service, and so that we
can be a light for Christ to a lost world.
• out the gift of the Holy Ghost Acts 10:45
• impart unto you some spiritual gift Rom 1:11
• now concerning spiritual gifts 1 Cor 12:1
• charity, and desire spiritual gifts 1 Cor 14:1
• gifts of the Holy Ghost Heb 2:4
give / gave
Provide, present, donate, bestow, donate, hand over, commit, and deliver. DTP Jesus gave and forgave
so that we as disciples could give and forgive others; giving is taking something that we have or
possess and donating it to someone else. Jesus said, "Freely you have received, now freely give (Matt
• heaven to give light upon the earth Gen 1:15
• she gave me of the tree and I did eat Gen 3:12
• give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee Gen 28:22
• the LORD gave me two tablets of stone Deut 9:11
• every man shall give as he is able, according Deut 16:17
• the land which I do give to them Josh 1:2
• ask what I shall give thee 1 Kin 3:5 (2 Chr 1:7)
• God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding 1 Kin 4:29
• O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good 1 Chr 16:34 (Ps 106:1; 107:1; 118:1; 136:1)
• to give us a reviving, to set up the house of Ezra 9:9
• Thou gavest also thy good Spirit to instruct Neh 9:20
• ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen Ps 2:8
• Thou hast given him his heart's desire Ps 21:2
• give unto the LORD the glory due unto his Ps 29:2 (96:8)
• He shall give thee the desires of thine heart Ps 37:4
• LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing Ps 84:11
• Shall give his angels charge Ps 91:11 (Matt 4:6; Luke 4:10)
• give unto the LORD the glory due Ps 96:8
• the entrance of thy words giveth light: it gives Ps 119:130
• he gives grace unto the lowly Prov 3:34 (James 4:6; 1 Pet 5:5)
• he giveth power to the faint; and to them that Isa 40:29
• will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles Isa 49:6
• that it may give seed to the sower, and bread Isa 55:10

• to give them a land flowing with milk and Jer 11:5
• I will give them a heart to know me, that I am Jer 24:7
• I will give them one heart and one way Jer 32:39
• to give glory unto my name, saith Mal 2:2
• all these things will I give thee, if thou Matt 4:9 (Luke 4:6)
• give to him that asketh thee Matt 5:42
• give us this day our daily bread Matt 6:11 (Luke 11:3)
• ask and it shall be given you Matt 7:7 (Luke 11:9)
• he gave them power against Matt 10:1 (Mark 6:7; Luke 9:1)
• freely ye have received, freely give Matt 10:8
• and are heavy laden and I will give you rest Matt 11:28
• I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom Matt 16:19
• to give his life a ransom for many Matt 20:28 (Mark 10:45)
• all power is given unto me in heaven and in Matt 28:18
• the Lord God shall give unto him the Luke 1:32
• give knowledge of salvation unto his people Luke 1:77
• give light to them that sit in darkness and Luke 1:79
• give the Holy Spirit to the that ask him? Luke 11:13
• this is my body which is given for you Luke 22:19
• them gave he power to become the sons of God John 1:12
• the world, that he gave his only begotten Son John 3:16
• the Son of man shall give unto you John 6:27
• my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven John 6:32
• for the Holy Spirit was not yet given John 7:39
• the good shepherd gives his life for the sheep John 10:11
• I give unto them eternal life; and they shall John 10:28
• thou wilt ask God, God will give it thee John 11:22
• commandment I give unto you, That ye love John 13:34
• and he shall give you another Comforter John 14:16
• ask of the father in my name, he may give it John 15:16
• that he should give eternal life to John 17:2
• tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance Acts 2:4
• have I none; but such as I have given I thee Acts 3:6
• we will give ourselves continually to prayer Acts 6:4
• it is more blessed to give than to receive Acts 20:35
• also freely give us all things Rom 8:32
• if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing Rom 12:20
• eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; Rom 14:6
• Apollos watered; but God gave the increase 1 Cor 3:6
• ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer 1 Cor 7:5
• in his heart, so let him give 1 Cor 9:7
• thanks be to God, which gives us the victory 1 Cor 15:57
• in his heart, so let him give, 2 Cor 9:7
• Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for Gal 2:20
• May give unto you the spirit of wisdom and Eph 1:17
• Led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men Eph 4:8
• neither give place to the devil Eph 4:27
• gave himself for us an offering and a sacrifice Eph 5:2
• he gave him a name which is above every name Phil 2:9
• hath also given unto us his Holy Spirit 1 Thes 4:8
• in everything give thanks 1 Thes 5:18
• who gave himself a ransom for all, to be 1 Tim 2:6
• Scripture is given by inspiration of God 2 Tim 3:16
• as they that must give account Heb 13:17

• ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally James 1:5
• he gave more grace ... gave grace unto the humble James 4:6
• be ready always to give an answer to 1 Pet 3:15
• let him do it as of the ability which God giveth 1 Pet 4:11
• in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us 1 John 3:24
• record, that God hath given us eternal life 1 John 5:11
• I give to eat of the tree of life Rev 2:7
• and will give thee a crown of life Rev 2:10
• to give every man according as his works shall be Rev 22:12
To be joyful, happy, gratified, pleased, grateful. DTP An emotion or feeling welling up from within the
disciple's heart and expressed through words and actions; it is keeping our eyes on God and heaven,
knowing that God is in control of all things.
• Let the heavens be glad 1 Chr 16:31 (Ps 96:11)
• I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will Ps 9:2
• I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy Ps 31:7
• That seek thee rejoice and be glad Ps 40:16 (Ps 70:4)
• The righteous shall be glad in the LORD Ps 64:10
• I was glad when they said unto me, let us go Ps 122:1
• A wise son maketh a glad father Prov 10:1 (Prov 15:20)
• We will be glad and rejoice in thee, we will Song 1:4
• We will be glad and rejoice in his salvation Isa 25:9
• Rejoice and be exceeding glad: for great is Matt 5:12
• then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord John 20:20
• And bring glad tidings of good things! Rom 10:15
• Let us be glad and rejoice and give honour Rev 19:7
Joy, happiness, gratification; pleasure, gratefulness. DTP An emotion or feeling that rises up from the
disciple's heart; as one of the fruits of the Spirit, it should be shared with those around us; it is keeping
our eyes on God and heaven, knowing that God is in control of all things.
• also in the day of your gladness Num 10:10
• and with gladness of heart Deut 28:47
• the ark... into the city of David with gladness 2 Sam 6:12
• before the LORD on that day with great gladness 1 Chr 29:22
• and there was very great gladness Neh 8:17
• thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in Ps 4:7
• the oil of gladness above thy fellows Ps 45:7 (Heb 1:9)
• serve the LORD with gladness Ps 100:2
• hope of the righteous shall be gladness Prov 10:28
• the word, immediately receive it with gladness Mark 4:16
• and thou shalt have joy and gladness Luke 1:14
• filling our hearts with food and gladness Acts 14:17
• therefore in the Lord with all gladness Phil 2:29
glean / gleaning
Gather, collect, pick up the harvest. DTP After the harvest, the farmers were to leave some unharvested
crop in the fields so that the poor and widows could follow the harvesters and collect up some grain
for food. God blesses us with harvest but, as disciples, we need to remember always to share that
what God has given us, especially with the poor and needy.
• thou gather the gleanings of thy harvest Lev 19:9
• and thou shalt not glean the vineyard Lev 19:10
• let me glean and gather after the reapers Ruth 2:7
• go not to glean in another field Ruth 2:8
• leave them, that she may glean them Ruth 2:16
• shall thoroughly glean the remnant of Israel Jer 6:9

Adoration, exaltation, elevation, praise. DTP It was the final step of Christ's Resurrection and it will be
also our final step when we will be cleansed from all sin; it will take place instantly as we enter heaven;
we will at that time become spiritually perfect (Rom 8:23, 30).
glory / glorified / glorify
Glory, majesty, honour, greatness, splendor, exaltation; these are terms that are often used to describe
God, the Father and Jesus Christ. DTP Man is to lift words of tribute and praise to our great Creator;
the One who, while in heaven, also dwells in the hearts of Christ's disciples.
• the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously Ex 15:1
• O LORD, is become glorious in power Ex 15:6
• ye shall see the glory of the LORD Ex 16:7
• the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle Ex 40:34
• and before all the people I will be glorify Lev 10:3
• the earth shall be filled with the glory of Num 14:21
• glory to the LORD God of Israel and Josh 7:19
• give unto the LORD the glory due unto 1 Chr 16:29 (Ps 96:8)
• crowned him with glory and honour Ps 8:5
• the heavens declare the glory of God; and the Ps 91:1
• his glory is great in thy salvation: honour and Ps 21:5
• O ye mighty, give unto the LORD glory Ps 29:1
• I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me Ps 50:15
• let the whole earth be filled with his glory Ps 72:19
• O LORD; and shall glorify thy name Ps 86:9 (Rev 15:4)
• and I will glorify thy name for evermore Ps 86:12
• the glorious majesty of his kingdom Ps 145:12
• the glory of the LORD shall be Isa 40:5
• and shalt glory in the Holy One of Israel Isa 41:16
• a kingdom, power and strength and glory Dan 2:37
• his glory covered the heavens and the Hab 3:3
• see your good works and glorify your Father Matt 5:16
• kingdom and power and the glory Matt 6:13
• Son of man shall come in the glory of Matt 16:27
• glory to God in the highest and on earth peace Luke 2:14
• shepherds returned, glorify and praising God Luke 2:20
• that the Son of God might be glorified thereby John 11:4
• Father, glorify thy name John 12:28
• is the Son of man glorified and God is glorified in him John 13:31
• is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit John 15:8
• into heaven and saw the glory of God Acts 7:55
• knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither Rom 1:21
• changed the glory of the uncorruptible God Rom 1:23
• strong in faith, giving glory to God Rom 4:20
• and whom he justified, them he also glorified Rom 8:30
• he might make known the riches of his glory Rom 9:23
• with one mind and one mouth glorify God Rom 15:6
• he that glorieth, let him glory the Lord 1 Cor 1:31
• glorify God in your body and in your spirit 1 Cor 6:20
• whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God 1 Cor 10:31
• light of the glorious gospel 2 Cor 4:4
• the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ 2 Cor 4:6
• according to the riches of his glory Eph 3:16
• unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus Eph 3:21
• Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you 2 Thes 1:12
• Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory James 2:1

• with Joy unspeakable and full of glory 1 Pet 1:8
• only wise God our Saviour, be glory Jude 1:25
• to him be glory and dominion for ever Rev 1:6
• thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory Rev 4:11
• the glory of God did lighten it and the Lamb Rev 21:23
A movement originating in the second century, emphasizing knowledge and enlightenment; gnosis
means knowledge. DTP The later disciples of the church got confused between the knowledge and
wisdom that came from above, and that which seemed to come from the heart of man; Gnostics
seemed more man-centered then God-centered.
go / gone
To move, to proceed, to do an action. DTP The disciple of Christ is to be a sent one, a person who goes
forth with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Jesus commanded His disciples to go out and make more
disciples, teaching them and baptizing them.
• then I will go to the right Gen 13:9
• I, that I should go unto Pharaoh Ex 3:11
• Let my son go, that he may serve me Ex 4:23
• and he said, My presence shall go with the Ex 33:14
• God is with thee whithersoever thou go Josh 1:9
• whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou Ruth 1:16
• the LORD go out before thee 2 Sam 5:24 (1 Chr 14:15)
• in thy name we go against this multitude 2 Chr 14:11
• I should not go down to the pit Ps 30:3
• Teach thee in the way which thou shalt go Ps 32:8
• I will go in the strength of the LORD God Ps 71:16
• mercy and truth shall go before thy face Ps 89:14
• Let us go into the house of the LORD Ps 122:1
• and go not in the way of evil men. Prov 4:14
• and live; and go in the way of understanding Prov 9:6
• Train up a child in the way he should go Prov 22:6
• Whom shall I send and who will go for us? Isa 6:8
• ye that go down to the sea and all Isa 42:10
• all we like sheep have gone astray: we have Isa 53:6
• righteousness shall go before thee Isa 58:8
• shall compel thee to go a mile Matt 5:41
• and say to this man, go, and he goeth Matt 8:9 (Luke 7:8)
• howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer Matt 17:21
• Go ye therefore and teach all Matt 28:19
• Go ye into all the world and Mark 16:15
• Go and prepare us the passover, that we may eat. Luke 22:8
• to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of John 6:68
• I go to prepare a place for you John 14:3
• manner as ye have seen him go into heaven Acts 1:11
• that we should go unto the heathen Gal 2:9
• let us go on unto perfection Heb 6:1
• Abraham, when he was called to go out into a Heb 11:8
Supreme, Perfect, Infinite being, self-existing, supreme being, creator, self-existing, disengaged, free
from impediment, in whom all things have their source, support and end; the term "God" is man's
way to try to give a name to our divine Creator and Lord; the One who has no beginning or end. DTP
God is to be our all and all. We are to die to our will and serve His will; God lives personally in our
hearts; we are therefore going to live eternally.
• In the beginning God created the Gen 1:1
• So God created man in his own image Gen 1:27 (Gen 5:1)

• Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God Gen 5:24
• In his generation and Noah walked with God Gen 6:9
• I am the Almighty God: walk before me and be Gen 17:1
• God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob Ex 3:6 (Matt 22:32; Mark 12:26; Luke 20:37;
Acts 7:32)
• God said unto Moses, I Am that I Am Ex 3:14
• And ye shall know that I am the LORD your God Ex 6:7
• LORD thy God is a consuming fire Deut 4:24
• as the LORD thy God promised him Deut 10:9
• but fear the LORD thy God Deut 10:12
• for the LORD thy God is with thee Josh 1:9
• neither is there any rock like our God 1 Sam 2:2
• thou art a God ready to pardon, gracious Neh 9:17
• LORD my God, in thee do I put my trust: save Ps 7:1
• Fool hath said ... there is no God Ps 14:1 (Ps 53:1)
• Be still and know that I am God: I will be Ps 46:10
• For God is the King of all the Ps 47:7
• He that is our God is the God of salvation Ps 68:20
• But is good for me to draw near to God Ps 73:28
• Father, my God and the rock of my salvation Ps 89:26
• Every word of God is pure: he is a shield Prov 30:5
• The mighty God, the everlasting Father Isa 9:6
• Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust Isa 12:2
• For I am God and there is none else Isa 45:22
• Love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God? Mic 6:8
• Emmanuel ... being interpreted is, God with us Matt 1:23
• thou shalt worship the Lord thy God Matt 4:10
• ye cannot serve God and mammom Matt 6:24 (Luke 16:13)
• who can forgive sins but God only? Mark 2:7 (Luke 5:21)
• the kingdom of God come with power Mark 9:1
• the Word was with God and the Word was God John 1:1
• for God so loved the world, that he gave his Son John 3:16
• Jesus Christ the Son of God John 20:31
• For it is the power of God unto salvation Rom 1:16
• They knew God, they glorified him not as God Rom 1:21
• But God commendeth his love toward us, in that Rom 5:8
• And every tongue shall confess to God Rom 14:11
• Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God 1 Cor 1:24
• The foolishness of God is wiser than men 1 Cor 1:25
• For God is not the author of confusion 1 Cor 14:33
• But by the grace of God I am what I am 1 Cor 15:10
• God the Father, who raised him from Gal 1:1
• God sent forth his Son, made of a Gal 4:4
• of Jesus Christ by the will of God Eph 1:1
• that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God Eph 2:8
• might be filled with all the fullness of God Eph 3:19
• for it is God which worketh in you both to Phil 2:13
• peace of God, which passeth all understanding Phil 4:7
• but my God shall supply all you Phil 4:19
• let the peace of God rule in your Col 3:15
• one God ... one mediator between God and men 1 Tim 2:5
• it is sanctified by the word of God 1 Tim 4:5
• all Scripture is given by inspiration of God 2 Tim 3:16
• he that cometh to God must believe that he is Heb 11:6

• Abraham ... was called the Friend of God James 2:23
• Be a friend of the world is the enemy of God James 4:4
• Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you James 4:8
• is born of God and knoweth God 1 John 4:7
• who bare record of the word of God Rev 1:2
• worship God Rev 22:9
Term (in KJV) used to describe the trinity, the reality of the three (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) in complete
oneness or unity. DTP Christ is also the head of the church; from the head the body gets instruction.
• that the Godhead is like unto gold Acts 17:29
• made, even his eternal power and Godhead Rom 1:20
• all the fullness of the Godhead bodily Col 2:9
Holiness, righteousness, to have a reverent attitude and conduct towards God. DTP We honour and
worship God with all that we have and with all that we are; we strive to put on the character of God
because we are made in His image.
• quiet and peaceable life in all godliness 1 Tim 2:2
• but godliness is profitable unto all 1 Tim 4:8
• and to the doctrine which is according to godliness 1 Tim 6:3
• but godliness with contentment is great gain 1 Tim 6:6
• follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love 1 Tim 6:11
• having a form of godliness, but denying 2 Tim 3:5
• of the truth which is after godliness Tit 1:1
• that pertain unto life and godliness 2 Pet 1:3
• and to godliness brotherly kindness 2 Pet 1:7
• to be in all holy conversation and godliness 2 Pet 3:11
A theological term used to describe the unique nature of Christ Jesus; He is both complete God and
complete man; conceived by the Holy Spirit and birthed by a woman; He was both man in creation
but also God in Spirit; (Son of God Matt 14:33; John 3:18; Acts 8:37; and the Son of man Matt 9:6;
Luke 9:56; Rev 14:14).
A precious metal, yellow in colour; used in jewelry and decoration, of great value. DTP The disciple is to
be refined like pure gold; we are of great value and precious to the Lord Jesus Christ. One day we will
walk on streets of gold in heaven.
• shall make a mercy seat of pure gold Ex 25:17 (37:6)
• he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold Job 23:10
• are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold Ps 19:10
• thou settest a crown of pure gold on his head Ps 21:3
• how much better is it to get wisdom than gold! Prov 16:16
• make a man more precious than fine gold Isa 13:12
• is refined and will try them as gold is tried Zech 13:9
• him gifts; gold and frankincense and myrrh Matt 2:11
• provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in Matt 10:9
• Peter said, silver and gold have I none Acts 3:6
• house there are not only vessels of gold 2 Tim 2:20
• being much more precious than of gold that 1 Pet 1:7
• I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in Rev 3:18
• the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass Rev 21:18
• the street of the city was pure gold, as it Rev 21:21
golden rule
A title given to one of Jesus commands, "Do to others what you would have them to do to you"; Jesus
summed up all the teaching of the Law and the prophets in this command (along with the command
to love the Lord your God with your whole heart...). (See Matt 7:12; Luke 6:31.)

Calvary; place where Jesus was crucified; the Aramaic word means "skull"; the hill where Christ was
• were come unto a place called Golgotha Matt 27:33
• they bring him unto the place Golgotha Mark 15:22
• which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha John 19:17
To be desired or approved of, pleasing, to have a high standard, skilled at doing something, morally right,
virtuous, obedient, well behaved, righteous. DTP The disciple is to live at a higher level than the world
requires, and this is only possible by allowing the Holy Spirit to fill us and flow through us each day.
We need to seek each day that which is right and truthful.
• God saw the light, that it was good Gen 1:4
• That he had made and behold, it was very good Gen 1:31
• The tree of knowledge of good and evil Gen 2:9
• It is not good that the man should be alone Gen 2:18
• Right and good in the sight of the LORD Deut 6:18
• I have set before thee this day life and good Deut 30:15
• I will teach you the good and the right 1 Sam 12:23
• That thou teach them the good way 1 Kin 8:36 (2 Chr 6:27)
• Good is the word of the LORD 2 Kin 20:19 (Isa 39:8)
• For he is good; for his mercy endureth for 2 Chr 7:3
• Thou gavest also thy good Spirit to instruct Neh 9:20
• Good and upright is the LORD: therefore will Ps 25:8
• O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed Ps 34:8
• Depart from evil ... do good Ps 34:14 (Ps 37:27; 1 Pet 3:11)
• Steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD Ps 37:23
• But it is good for me to draw near to God Ps 73:28
• Is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD Ps 92:1
• The LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting Ps 100:5
• It is good for me that I have been afflicted Ps 119:71
• How good and how pleasant it is for brethren Ps 133:1
• The soul be without knowledge, it is not good Prov 19:2
• A good name is rather to be chosen than great Prov 22:1
• But one sinner destroyeth much good Eccl 9:18
• Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil Isa 5:20
• Hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto Isa 61:1
• Where is the good way and walk therein Jer 6:16
• Hate the evil and love the good and establish Amos 5:15
• He hath showed thee, O man, what is good Mic 6:8
• The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of Nah 1:7
• Do good to them that hate you Matt 5:44 (Luke 6:27)
• A good tree bringeth forth good fruit Matt 7:7 (Luke 6:43)
• I bring you good tidings of great joy Luke 2:10
• It is your Father's good pleasure to give you Luke 12:32
• I am the good shepherd John 10:11 (John 10:14)
• And peace, to every man that worketh good Rom 2:10
• All things work together for good to them that Rom 8:28
• Ye may prove what is that good and acceptable Rom 12:2
• Evil communication corrupt good manners 1 Cor 15:33
• Unto him that teacheth in all good things Gal 6:6
• Let us do good unto all men, especially unto Gal 6:10
• Created in Christ Jesus unto good works Eph 2:10
• He which hath begun a good work in you will Phil 1:6
• Whatsoever things are of good report Phil 4:8

• Prove all things; hold fast that which is good 1 Thes 5:21
• Stablish you in every good word and work 2 Thes 2:17
• This is good and acceptable in the sight of God 1 Tim 2:3
• Thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus 1 Tim 4:6
• Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on 1 Tim 6:12
• As a good soldier of Jesus Christ 2 Tim 2:3
• I have fought a good fight, I have finished my 2 Tim 4:7
• Tasted the good word of God and the powers Heb 6:5
• Every good gift and every perfect gift is James 1:17
• To be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits James 3:17
• Knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him James 4:17
• Which is good. He that doeth good is of God 3 John 1:11
Good News
See the word "Gospel"; the eyewitness account of Jesus Christ; Christ's coming to earth is made up of
nine powerful realities: His virgin birth, His earthly life, His death, resurrection, ascension, the sending
of His Holy Spirit, birth of the church, His second coming and the kingdom of heaven.
Righteous, honest, virtuous; DTP A character trait that the disciples of Christ should show forth both in
the church and out in the community where they live; one of the fruits of the Spirit.
• the goodness which the LORD had done to Ex 18:9
• I will make all my goodness pass before thee Ex 33:19
• Long-suffering and abundant in goodness and truth Ex 34:6
• that what goodness the LORD shall do Num 10:32
• themselves in thy great goodness Neh 9:25
• surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the Ps 23:6
• is full of the goodness of the LORD Ps 33:5
• the goodness of God endureth continually Ps 52:1
• would praise the LORD for his goodness Ps 107:15
• the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? Rom 2:4
• behold therefore the goodness and Rom 11:22
• longsuffering, gentleness, goodness Gal 5:22
• fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness Eph 5:9
Good news of Jesus Christ; also a title give to the first four books of the New Testament (Matthew, Mark,
Luke and John); Christ's coming to earth is made up of nine powerful realities: His virgin birth, His
earthly life, His death, resurrection, ascension, the sending of His Holy Spirit, birth of the church, His
second coming and the kingdom of heaven.
• preaching the gospel of the kingdom Matt 4:23
• preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing Matt 9:35
• the poor have the gospel preached to them Matt 11:5 (Luke 7:22)
• this gospel ... shall be preached in all Matt 24:14 (Mark 13:10)
• wheresoever this gospel ... be preached Matt 26:13 (Mark 14:9)
• the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ Mark 1:1
• preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God Mark 1:14
• is at hand: repent ye and believe the gospel Mark 1:15
• world and preach the gospel to every creature Mark 16:15
• me to preach the gospel to the poor Luke 4:18
• preached the gospel in many villages Acts 8:25
• to testify the gospel of the grace of God Acts 20:24
• I am ready to preach the gospel to you Rom 1:15
• am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ Rom 1:16
• feet of them that preach the gospel of peace Rom 10:15
• all things, lest we should hinder the gospel 1 Cor 9:12
• which preach the gospel should live of the gospel 1 Cor 9:14

• gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost 2 Cor 4:3
• grace of Christ unto another gospel Gal 1:6
• and would pervert the gospel of Christ Gal 1:7
• of truth, the gospel of your salvation Eph 1:13
• shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace Eph 6:15
• boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel Eph 6:19
• knowing ... I am set for the defense of the gospel Phil 1:17
• be not moved away from the hope of the gospel Col 1:23
• our gospel came not unto you in word only 1 Thes 1:5
• fellow labourer in the gospel of Christ 1 Thes 3:2
• our gospel came not unto you in word only, 1 Tim 1:5
• by the gospel is preached unto you 1 Pet 1:25
• having the everlasting gospel to Rev 14:6
Administration, rule, regime, control, command, authority; an authoritative organization which rules;
the world has a variety of systems that are used to control people in countries, business, cities and
local towns and communities; government of the people, by the people and for the people is one way
of honoring the God-given equality of all persons; the church is also governed by a variety of different
structures; often these are systems that man has created in order to rule or govern.
• the government shall be upon his shoulder Isa 9:6, 7
• I will commit thy government into his hand Isa 22:21
• then gifts of healing, helps, governments 1 Cor 12:28
• lust of uncleanness, and despise government 2 Pet 2:10
government, Congregational
Congregational churches tend to be autonomies to themselves; they are governed by the people; the
members of that local church select the church leadership and the leadership can be made up of
pastors, elders and deacons who minister within the local church. Today, in some areas of the world,
the church can be led by the fivefold ministry written about in Ephesians 4:11.
government, Episcopal
Episcopal means overseer, sometimes translated bishop (KJB); these churches are governed by a bishop;
most common of these is the Methodist church; in a more complex form, it is used in the Anglican,
Lutheran and Roman Catholic churches; these churches feel this form of government goes back to the
Apostle Peter and they base this form of leadership on Matthew 16:18-19.
government, Presbyterian
"Presbyterian" from the Greek word "presbuteros" meaning elder; the church is governed by elders who
are appointed or elected by the people; in the leadership circle the pastor serves as one of the ruling
elders; both the Presbyterians and the Reform churches use this style of government; the basis for
this government is based on Acts 11:30; 15:2, 4; Acts 20:17; the elders were to feed the flock and rule
over the people 1 Pet 5:1, 2; 1 Tim 5:17.
Favour, blessing, adornment, blessing, mercy; express gratitude, give thanks. DTP The concept of grace
came to the world through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ; the heavenly Father extended
grace to mankind through sending His Son as our Redeemer; Christ brought us a way whereby all
mankind could be saved; it is also said that we live in the age of grace, a time determined by the Father
during which mankind will have to choose whom they will serve; following that comes the day of
• but Noah found grace in the eyes of Gen 6:8
• for thou hast found grace in my sight Ex 33:17
• why have I found grace in thine eyes Ruth 2:10
• grace is poured into thy lips Ps 45:2
• LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing Ps 84:11
• he giveth grace unto the lowly Prov 3:34 (James 4:6; 1 Pet 5:5)
• crying, Grace, grace unto it Zech 4:7
• spirit of grace and of supplications: and they Zech 12:10

• and dwelt among us ... full of grace and truth John 1:14
• bur grace and truth came by Jesus Christ John 1:17
• and great grace was upon them all Acts 4:33
• grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved Acts 15:11
• by whom we have received grace Rom 1:5
• being justified freely by his grace through the Rom 3:24
• it is of faith, that it might be by grace Rom 4:16
• where sin abound, grace did much more abound Rom 5:20
• not under the law, but under grace Rom 6:15
• and if by grace, then is it no more of works Rom 11:6
• gifts differing according to the grace that is Rom 12:6
• the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be Rom 16:20
• for the exceeding grace of God in you 2 Cor 9:14
• my grace is sufficient for thee ... my strength 2 Cor 12:9
• grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love 2 Cor 13:14
• him that called you into the grace of Gal 1:6
• he might show the exceeding riches of his grace Eph 2:7
• for by grace are ye saved through Eph 2:8
• unto every one of us is given grace Eph 4:7
• singing with grace in your hearts to ... Lord Col 3:16
• let your speech be always with grace Col 4:6
• be strong in the grace that is in Christ 2 Tim 2:1
• being justified by his grace Tit 3:7
• come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we Heb 4:16
• but giveth grace unto the humble James 4:6
• heirs together of the grace of life 1 Pet 3:7
• as good stewards of the manifold grace of God 1 Pet 4:10
• this is the true grace of God wherein ye stand 1 Pet 5:12
• but grow in grace he 2 Pet 3:18
• the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be Rev 22:21
grace, full of
Refinement, beauty, loveliness; DTP Christ was known to be full of grace; through His life He extended
to us a way that we could be saved from our sin nature. Grace is a gift from God, unmerited, something
that could only come from God, because we were already guilty in our trespasses and sins and
deserved damnation.
• Full of grace and truth John 1:14
Favourable, kind, friendly, merciful, compassionate, tender, gentle. DTP Those who chose to receive
Jesus Christ into their lives will for all eternity experience the graciousness of God.
• God be gracious unto thee, my son Gen 43:29
• Crieth unto me ... I will hear: for I am gracious Ex 22:27
• LORD God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering Ex 34:6
• and the LORD was gracious unto them 2 Kin 13:23
• for the LORD your God is gracious 2 Chr 30:9
• thou art a God ready to pardon, gracious Neh 9:17
• the LORD is gracious and full of Ps 111:4
• the LORD is gracious and full of compassion Ps 145:8
• God that he will be gracious unto us Mal 1:9
• wondered at the gracious words which Luke 4:22
• ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious 1 Pet 2:3
graft / grafted
Taking a portion of like material and then inserting it into another, to become akin to the new
surroundings; a branch from one fruit tree can be grafted into another. DTP Christ teaches the disciple
that He is the vine and we were wild branches, but through prayer and commitment to Christ as our

Lord and Saviour, the heavenly Father grafts us into the vine of Christ and we then become one with
Him. (See John 15:1-11; Rom 11:17-24)
• were grafted in among them and with Rom 11:17
• broken off, that I might be grafted in Rom 11:19, 23, 24
graven images
These were often images made out of stone, wood, metal or clay; with such materials man would carve
out or make some type of image that would represent some deity or god; creating or worshiping such
images was strictly forbidden by God in His Word.
• not make unto thee any graven image Ex 20:4
• make you no idols nor graven image Lev 26:1
• in thither and took the graven image Judg 18:17
• of thy graven images of silver Isa 30:22
• ashamed, that trust in graven images Isa 42:17
• provoked me to anger with their graven image Jer 8:19
• thy graven images also will I cut off Mic 5:13
great / greatly / greatness
Of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above the normal or average. Countless, excessive,
boundless, unlimited, abundant. DTP It is important for the disciple to see God as he really is... full
and overflowing in greatness, having a heart full of abundance ready to give to all who call upon his
• God saw that the wickedness of man was great in Gen 6:5
• I will make of thee a great nation and I will Gen 12:21
• man Moses was very great in the land of Egypt Ex 11:3
• I know that the LORD is greater than all gods Ex 18:11
• hast begun to show thy servant thy greatness Deut 3:24
• which thou hast redeemed through thy greatness Deut 9:26
• a great God, a mighty, and terrible, which Deut 10:17
• your God, his greatness, his mighty hand and his Deut 11:2
• name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness unto our God Deut 32:3
• LORD wrought a great salvation for all Israel 1 Sam 19:5
• thou are great, O LORD God; for there is none 2 Sam 7:22
• for great is the LORD and greatly 1 Chr 16:25 (Ps 96:4)
• now therefore, our God, the great, the mighty Neh 9:32
• great is the LORD and greatly to be praised Ps 48:1
• he is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved Ps 62:2
• for thou art great and doest wondrous things Ps 86:10
• the LORD is a great God and a great King above all Ps 95:3
• so great is his mercy toward them that fear Ps 103:11
• LORD hath done great things for us; whereof we Ps 126:3
• compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy Ps 145:8
• great is our LORD and of great power Ps 147:5
• praise him according to his excellent greatness Ps 150:2
• in darkness have seen a great light Isa 9:2 (Matt 4:16)
• great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of Isa 12:6
• he shall send them a saviour and a great one Isa 19:20
• I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul Isa 16:10
• O LORD; thou art great and thy name is great Jer 10:6
• new every morning: great is thy faithfulness Lam 3:23
• rejoice: for the LORD will do great things Joel 2:21
• the LORD is slow to anger and great in power Nah 1:3
• great day of the LORD is near, it is near Zeph 1:14
• my name shall be great among the Gentiles Mal 1:11
• they had heard what great things he did, came Mark 3:8
• how great things the Lord hath done Mark 5:19 (Luke 8:39)

• disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly Acts 6:7
• three; but the greatest of these is charity 1 Cor 13:13
• a great door and effectual is opened unto me 1 Cor 16:9
• who delivered us from so great a death 2 Cor 1:10
• what is the exceeding greatness of his power to Eph 1:19
• seeing the that we have a great high priest Heb 4:14
• about with so great cloud of witnesses Heb 12:1
• that great shepherd of the sheep, through the Heb 13:20
• exceeding great and precious promises 2 Pet 1:4
• condemn us, God is greater than our heart 1 John 3:20
• greater is he that is in you, than he that is 1 John 4:4
• Lamb, saying, great and marvelous are thy works Rev 15:3
• I saw a great white throne and him that sat Rev 20:11
• showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem Rev 21:10
great commandment
In Mark 12:30-31 Jesus summed up all the commandments into two great ones, "Love the Lord thy God
with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength: this is the
first commandment". Second, "thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself". (See Deut 6:4-5.) DTP Put
God first in all things and also, to make sure we show forth God's love to everyone each day, even to
the point of loving our enemies. (See Matt 5:44; Luke 6:27.)
• this is the first and great commandment Matt 22:38
• there is none other commandment greater than these Mark 12:31
Great Commission
This was a commandment given by Christ to the disciples to go into the entire world to make disciples;
Christ wants the believer to produce fruit from their lives that will glorify Him. The making of disciples
requires a personal commitment to Christ as Saviour and Lord, a testimony of commitment through
baptism, and the continued process of growing through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in our
daily lives. As we mature, we will produce eternal fruit for His glory. (See Matt 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-
Great Tribulation
Tribulation: a period of time that is explained to the reader in the book of Revelation, also known as part
of the "Last Days"; it is an outpouring of God's wrath that will take place over a period of at least seven
years; a time when the world will go through great destruction, following which Satan will be defeated
and put into bondage.
• for them shall be great tribulation Matt 24:21
• with her into great tribulation Rev 2:22
• which came out of great tribulation Rev 7:14
Great White Throne
This is God's throne of judgment spoken about in Revelation, where all unbelievers will receive their final
sentence; the penalty for these people will be the casting of their souls into the eternal Lake of Fire.
• I saw a great white throne and him Rev 20:11
grieve / grieved
Lament, suffer, mourn, sadden, feel sad, repent, to have sorrow over, be distressed. DTP All believers
will face times of sorrow, events that overwhelm our hearts and minds; it is during these times when
God is the closest to us. We may not understand what is happening but He is there, willing to help us
through these valleys of grief. Our role is to call upon His Name and seek His face with all our hearts.
• had made man on the earth and it grieved him Gen 6:6
• my heart was grieved and I was pricked in my Ps 73:21
• being grieved for the hardness of their hearts Mark 3:5
• grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye Eph 4:30
grow / grew
Enlarge, increase, expand, extend, advance. DTP The disciple of Christ is expected to grow and mature
in Christ Jesus; where there is life there is growth, and with growth comes maturity and fruit. Jesus

said people would know we are His disciples: "By your fruit you will be known." Where there is no
growth and fruit, the branches will be removed and thrown into the fire (John 15:1-11).
• grow every tree that is pleasant to Gen 2:9
• and let them grow into a multitude Gen 48:16
• he shall grow like a cedar in Ps 92:12
• a Branch shall grow out of his roots Isa 11:1
• he shall grow up before him as a tender plant Isa 53:2
• they grow, yea, they bring forth fruit Jer 12:2
• Branch; and he shall grow up out of his place Zech 6:12
• lilies of the field, how they grow Matt 6:28
• let both grow together until the Matt 13:30
• but the word of God grew and multiplied Acts 12:24
• mightily grew the word of God and prevailed Acts 19:20
• framed together grow unto a holy temple in Eph 2:21
• may grow up into him in all things Eph 4:15
• because that your faith grows exceedingly 2 Thes 1:3
• the word, that ye may grow thereby 1 Pet 2:2
• but grow in grace and in the 2 Pet 3:18
guarantor / guaranty
Vouch, underwriter, insurer, security, surety, assurance. DTP For the disciple of Christ the Holy Spirit
becomes our guarantor; He fills us and anoints us for service, He bears witness to our hearts that we
are children of God; He is our teacher and comforter.
guide / guides
A person who advises or shows the way for others; to give directions, principles, or standards that can
help give counsel; to direct or influence people. DTP For the disciple of Christ, the Holy Spirit is our
guide; He fills us and anoints us for service, He bears witness in our hearts that we are children of
God; He is our teacher, comforter and guide; He takes us by the hand and leads us through our journey
here on earth, and walks with us through the valleys and up to the mountaintops; He guides in the
use of our spiritual gifts. Also, He shows us how to grow and mature in the Lord Jesus Christ.
• Thou hast guided them ... unto thy holy habitation Ex 15:13
• the meek will he guide in judgment Ps 25:9
• thy name's sake lead me and guide me Ps 31:3
• thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye Ps 32:8
• he will be our guide even unto death Ps 48:14
• thou shalt guide me with thy counsel Ps 73:24
• and be wise and guide thine heart in the way Prov 23:19
• the LORD shall guide thee continually Isa 58:11
• woe unto you, ye blind guides, which Matt 23:16
• to guide our feet into the way of peace Luke 1:79
• he will guide you into all truth John 16:13
• how can I, except some man should guide me? Acts 8:31
• thou thyself art a guide of the blind Rom 2:19
guilt / guilty
An emotion or conviction felt when a person senses he has violated a moral standard; deserving blame
as a result of breaking a law. DTP When man is born he is already guilty of trespasses and sin; because
of Adam's and Eve's disobedience, we are born with a sin nature; we are guilty already and the
punishment for this disobedience is death. The truth is that one does not have to live a life of
condemnation and guilt, because if one chooses, one can put their lives into the hands of Christ who
has paid the price for our guilt, and made a way through His shed blood that we could be redeemed
and forgiven; the result of that sacrifice is that we can have a peace with God, a peace that is deep
and overflowing (John 14:27; Phil 4:7).
• that will be no means clear the guilty Ex 34:7
• because he hath sinned and is guilty Lev 6:4 (See Lev 5:2-17)
• so shalt thou put away guilt of Deut 21:9

• he cursed thee and thou be found guilty Prov 30:10
• thou art become guilty in thy blood Eze 22:4
• and said, He is guilty of death Matt 26:66
• the world may become guilty before God Rom 3:19
• shall be guilty of the body and blood 1 Cor 11:27
• in one point, he is guilty of all James 2:10

HABAKKUK, book of
Written by the prophet Habakkuk between 605 and 587 BC.; this book deals mainly with the invasion of
Palestine by the Chaldeans; Habakkuk challenges God on how He deals with His people Israel.
Comes from the idea of "to have", a condition or characteristic of how one acts or lives; it includes one's
thoughts and emotions. It is something that a person does over and over again; can be either a
negative or positive routine in one's life. Some other words that describe the idea of habit could be
custom, practice, tradition or pattern. (See Phil 4:4-9.)
Residence, a place to stay, abode, a home, dwelling place. DTP The disciple's heart is to be a habitation
of God Almighty; upon repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ's sacrifice, God abides in our
lives/hearts. We are to be chosen vessels to bring honour and glory to His name wherever we go and
• instruments of cruelty are in their habitation Gen 49:5
• he is my God and I will prepare him a habitation Ex 15:2
• look down from thy holy habitation, from heaven Deut 26:15
• God of Israel, whose habitation is in Jerusalem Ezra 7:15
• LORD, I have loved the habitation of thy house Ps 26:8
• be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may Ps 71:3
• is my refuge, even the Most High, thy habitation Ps 91:9
• they may receive you into everlasting habitation Luke 16:9
• building together for a habitation of God through Eph 2:22
Another name for Hell; sometimes refers to the unseen world; this is the place where the dead are; the
Hebrew uses the word "Sheol" and the Greeks "Hades".
• the sorrows of hell (Sheol) compassed me 2 Sam 22:6
• let them go down quick into hell (Sheol) Ps 55:15
• therefore hell (Sheol) hath enlarged herself Isa 5:14
• shalt be brought down to hell (Hades) Matt 11:23
• and it is set on fire of hell (Hades) Jam 3:6
• and have the keys of hell (Hades) and of death Rev 1:18
HAGGAI, book of
This Old Testament book contains prophesies about Palestine; written around 520 BC; Haggai
encouraged the people to rebuild the Temple and gave them a Messianic hope.
hallelujah / alleluia
"Praise be unto God" or "Praise the LORD", or "May He be glorified and praised"; this word is found at
the beginning of many Psalms: See Psalms 106; 111; 112; 113; 135; 146; 150; It is praise to Jehovah
coming from deep within the heart of man.
• unto all generations. Praise the LORD. Ps 146:10
• Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power Rev 19:1 (3, 4, 6)
This is the study of sin; dealing with its origin, its range and its scope, plus the penalty that is attached to
sin; all mankind is born in trespasses and sin (Eph 2:1), and we all have a sin nature.
hand / hands
Scripture uses the word "hand" both in a physical sense and a spiritual one; the hand is used to greet
one another, to be lifted up before God in praise. It can also symbolize that, as His children, we are in
God's hands. The hand can represent power, support, submission, protection, tenderness and
correction. *Devotional / Sermon
• and now, lest he put forth his hand Gen 3:22
• head, guiding his hands Gen 48:14
• and I will stretch out my hand Ex 3:20
• what is that in thine hand? And he said, a rod Ex 4:2

• thy right hand ... glorious in power: thy right hand Ex 15:6
• his sons shall put their hands upon Ex 29:10
• and Aaron lifted up his hand toward the people Lev 9:22
• might know the hand of the LORD Josh 4:24
• him with his sword drawn in his hand Josh 5:13
• hand of the LORD was against them for evil Judg 2:15
• hand of the LORD was on Elijah 1 Kin 18:46
• according to the good hand of my God upon me Neh 2:8
• enclosed me: they pierced my hand and my feet Ps 22:16
• he that hath clean hands and a pure heart Ps 24:4
• me from the hand of mine enemies Ps 31:15
• lift up your hands in the sanctuary Ps 134:2
• send thy hand from above Ps 144:7
• potter; and we are the work of thy hand Isa 64:8
• for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Matt 3:2
• and if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, Matt 5:30
• let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth: Matt 6:3
• lay thy hand upon her and she shall Matt 9:18
• wherefore if thy hand or foot offend thee, Matt 18:8
• sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool? Matt 22:44
• washed his hands before the multitude Matt 27:24
• lay hands on the sick and they shall recover Mark 16:18
• no man, having put his hand to the plow Luke 9:62
• and reach hither thy hand and thrust John 20:27
• they prayed, they laid their hands on them Acts 6:6
• hands the Holy Ghost was given Acts 8:18
• is worshipped with men's hands Acts 17:25
• and the eyes cannot say unto the hand, 1 Cor 12:21
• the right hands of fellowship Gal 2:9
• lifting up holy hands, without wrath and 1 Tim 2:8
• to fall into the hands of the living God Heb 10:31
• cleanse your hands, ye sinners James 4:8
• under the mighty hand of God 1 Pet 5:6
• our hands have handled, of the Word of Life 1 John 1:1
• had a pair of balances in his hand Rev 6:5
handmaid / handmaiden
A maidservant, female slave or servant. DTP Represented a woman deeply devoted to God in areas of
service and commitment.
• and she had an handmaid, an Egyptian Gen 16:1
• she answered, I am Ruth thine handmaid Ruth 3:9
• of the LORD for servants and handmaids Isa 14:2
• upon the handmaids in those days will I Joel 2:29
• said, behold the handmaid of the Lord Luke 1:38
• on my handmaiden I will pour out in those Acts 2:18
hands, to lay on
Symbolizing the anointing or blessing of an individual or group, often by a sending group. Accompanied
by prayer, sometimes done for the sick, for those requiring deliverance, or for those needing
encouragement. Also done when setting a person apart for ministry and service as well as for the
filling of the Holy Spirit. (See Lev 8:14-17 and Ex 29:10, 15, 19.)
• I pray thee come and lay thy hands on her Mark 5:23
• prayed, they laid their hands on them Acts 6:6
• hands on them and sent them off Acts 13:3
• Paul had laid his hands upon them Acts 19:6
• lay hands suddenly on no man, 1 Tim 5:22

• the gift of God which is in thee by the putting on of my hands 2 Tim 1:6
• of baptism and of laying on of hands Heb 6:2
Contented, pleased, glad, joyful, cheerful; emotion arising from within one's mind and heart; usually
caused by circumstances and events that have taken place around the person.
• happy art thou, O Israel Deut 33:29
• happy is the man who God correcteth Job 5:17
• happy shalt thou be and it shall be Ps 128:2
• happy is that people, whose God is the LORD Ps 144:15
• happy is he that hath the God of Ps 146:5
• happy is the man that findeth wisdom Prov 3:13
• and whoso trusteth in the LORD, happy is he Prov 16:20
• I think myself happy, king Agrippa Acts 26:2
• we count them happy which endure James 5:11
• for the name of Christ, happy are ye 1 Pet 4:14
harden / hardened
Become firm, set, freeze or frozen, solidify; not pliable or soft; can happen both physically or spiritually;
God can harden a man's heart or a man can harden his heart towards God.
• I will harden his heart Ex 4:21 (Ex 7:3; 10:1; 14:4)
• he hardened Pharaoh`s heart, that he Ex 7:13
• I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians Ex 14:17
• Would not hear, but harden their necks 2 Kin 17:14
• hardened their necks and hearkened not Neh 9:16
• harden not your heart, as in Ps 95:8 (Heb 3:8, 15; 4:7)
• his mind hardened in pride, he was deposed from Dan 5:20
• their eyes and hardened their heart John 12:40
• have mercy and whom he will he hardeneth Rom 9:18
• harden not your hearts, as in the Heb 3:8
• be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin Heb 3:13
• hear his voice, harden not your heart Heb 4:7
hardness of heart
A state where a man heart is not open or soft toward the love, grace or teachings of God; the man seems
not to hear the Holy Spirit or see God in his life.
• unto Moses, Pharaoh`s heart hardened Ex 7:14
• thou shalt not harden thine heart Deut 15:7
• Moses because of the hardness of the heart Matt 19:8
• grieved for the hardness of their hearts Mark 3:5
• for the hardness of your heart he wrote Mark 10:5
• but after thy hardness and impenitent Rom 2:5
Prostitute; most often used of a woman who practices sexual indulgence for personal gain; the term can
also apply figuratively to Israel to describe her unfaithfulness to God (Jer 2:20; Ezra 23:5).
• her, he brought her to be an harlot Gen 38:15
• only Rahab the harlot shall live Josh 6:17
• Samson to Gaza and saw there an harlot Judg 16:1
• a woman with the attire of an harlot Prov 7:10
• how is the faithful city become a harlot Isa 1:21
• thou shalt not play the harlot Hos 3:3
• publicans and the harlots believed him Matt 21:32
• which hath devoured thy living with harlots Luke 15:30
• and make them members of an harlot 1 Cor 6:15
• Rahab the harlot justified by works James 2:25
• Babylon the great, the mother of harlots Rev 17:5

Agreement, accord, a coming together, uniting; a mixing together to make one from many parts. DTP
The members of the church are to be in harmony with each other; the disciple is to walk and live in
harmony with God. It is important to be like minded in the body of Christ. (See Phil 2:2)
• Live in harmony with one another Rom 12:16
• What harmony is there between Christ and Belial 2 Cor 6:15
Crop, yield, reap, return, picking or gathering the fruit from a crop. DTP The disciples are to go out into
the harvest fields that God has prepared; God desires to harvest fruit from our lives to show that we
are His children and disciples.
• earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest Gen 8:22
• feast of harvest, the firstfruits of thy labors Ex 23:16
• of the firstfruits of wheat harvest Ex 34:22
• gather the gleanings of thy harvest Lev 19:9
• after, in the time of wheat harvest Judg 15:1
• but he that sleepeth in harvest is a Prov 10:5
• joy before thee according to the joy in harvest Isa 9:3
• little while ... the time of her harvest shall come Jer 51:33
• in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe Joel 3:13 (Rev 14:15)
• the harvest truly is plenteous, but the Matt 9:37 (Luke 10:2)
• pray ye ... the Lord of the harvest Matt 9:38 (Luke 10:2)
• the devil; the harvest is the end of the world Matt 13:39
• in the sickle, because the harvest is come Mark 4:49
• for they are white already to harvest John 4:35
• for the harvest of the earth is ripe Rev 14:15
hate / hated
Abhorrence, hatred, revulsion, disgust, extreme dislike. DTP As believers, we should hate sin but love
the sinner; we should hate what God hates.
• Esau hated Jacob because of the Gen 27:41
• Generation of them that hate me Ex 20:5
• Shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart Lev 19:17
• but I hate him 1 Kin 22:8
• and love them that hate the LORD? 2 Chr 19:2
• thy sight: thou hate all works of iniquity Ps 5:5
• they that hate the righteous shall Ps 34:21
• that hated me without a cause Ps 35:19 (Ps 69:4; John 15:25)
• I hate them with perfect hatred Ps 139:22
• That they hated knowledge and did not choose Prov 1:29
• Six things doth the LORD hate; yea, seven are Prov 6:16
• Fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, Prov 8:13
• he that spareth his rod hateth his son Prov 13:24
• hate the evil and love the good Amos 5:15
• for either he will hate the one Matt 6:24
• and shall hate one another. Matt 24:10
• ye shall be hated of all men for my Mark 13:13
• are ye, when men shall hate you Luke 6:22
• the world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, John 7:7
• hate his life in the world shall keep it John 12:25
• that do I not; but what I hate, that I do Rom 7:15
• if the world hate you, ye know that John 15:18
• no man ever yet hated his own flesh Eph 5:29
• my brethren, if the world hate you 1 John 3:13

Skull, cranium, top, start, leader, chief, the thinking part of the physical body. DTP Christ, as the "Head",
guides and directs His body (Eph 1:22), the church.
• they shall be on the head of Joseph Gen 49:26
• oil and pour it upon his head Ex 29:7
• glory and the lifter up of mine head Ps 3:3
• thou anointest my head with oil Ps 23:5
• but God shall wound the head of his enemies Ps 68:21
• become the head stone of the corner Ps 118:22 (Matt 21:42; Mark 12:10; Luke 20:17; Acts 4:11; 1 Pet
• joy shall be upon their head Isa 51:11
• an helmet of salvation upon his head Isa 59:17
• when thou fastest, anoint thine head Matt 6:17
• then look up and lift up your head; for your Luke 21:28
• shalt heap coals of fire on his head Rom 12:20
• that the head of every man is Christ 1 Cor 11:3
• be the head over all things to the church Eph 1:22
• in all things, which is the head, even Christ Eph 4:15
• the husband is the head of the wife Eph 5:23
• as Christ is the head of the church Eph 5:23
• he is the head of the body, the Col 1:18
• is the head of all principality and power Col 2:10
headstone / cornerstone
Foundation stone, keystone, basis. DTP In Biblical times, this was the first stone picked from the quarry
and brought to the building site, being placed where one of the corners of the building would be;
then, from that stone, all other angles and measurements would be made. Also, it sometimes was the
last stone put in an archway, like in a doorway. Christ was rejected by the religious people of the world
but God selected Christ to be the chief cornerstone of His new kingdom and church.
• become the head stone of the corner Ps 118:22
• is become the head corner Matt 21:42
• is become the head of the corner Mark 12:10
• is become the head of the corner Acts 4:11
• Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone Eph 2:20
• same is made the head of the corner 1 Pet 2:7
heal / healer / healing
Cure, restore to health, repair, make well. DTP During his earthly ministry Jesus healed many people; the
Scriptures proclaim that by his stripes we are healed; Christ has become our healer; Christ also gave
to the disciples the ability to heal others through faith in Him (Matt 10:1, 8; Paul tells the Corinthian
church about the gift of healing (1 Cor 12:9, 28, 30).
• God healed Abimelech and his wife and Gen 20:17
• For I am the LORD that healeth thee Ex 15:26
• I wound and I heal: neither is there any Deut 32:39
• behold, I will heal thee 2 Kin 20:5
• forgive their sin and will heal their land 2 Chr 7:14
• O LORD, heal me; for my bones are vexed Ps 6:2
• Heal my soul; for I have sinned against thee Ps 41:4
• heal the branches thereof Ps 60:2
• thine iniquities; who heal all thy diseases Ps 103:3
• sent his word, and healed them and delivered Ps 107:20
• he healeth the broken in heart and Ps 147:3
• a time to kill and a time to heal Eccl 3:3
• understand with their heart, and convert and be healed Isa 6:10 (Matt 13:15; John 12:40; Acts 28:27)
• and with his stripes we are healed Isa 53:5 (1 Pet 2:24)
• is near, saith the LORD; and I will heal him Isa 57:19

• heal me, O LORD and I shall be healed; save me Jer 17:14
• arise with healing in his wings Mal 4:2
• healing all manner of sickness and all Matt 4:23
• word only and my servant shall be healed Matt 8:8 (Luke 7:7)
• power ... to heal all manner of sickness Matt 10:1 (Mark 3:15)
• heal the sick, cleanse the lepers Matt 10:8 (Luke 10:9)
• he hath sent me to heal the broken-hearted Luke 4:18
• the power of the Lord was present to heal them Luke 5:17
• and healed them that had need of healing Luke 9:11
• he touched his ear and healed him Luke 22:5
• vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed Acts 5:16
• heal all that were oppressed of the devil Acts 10:38
• prayed and laid his hands on him and healed Acts 28:8
• the gift of healing by the same Spirit 1 Cor 12:9
• after that miracles, then gifts of healing 1 Cor 12:28
• pray one for another, that ye may be healed James 5:16
• by whose stripes ye were healed 1 Pet 2:24
• were for the healing of the nations Rev 22:2
hear / hearing / hearers / heard
Listen, hearken, one of the six senses of the body. To understand that which is being said to oneself. DTP
Disciples need to listen to people and hear from God; God speaks to His children and they must discern
His voice for their lives. We are to hear the voice of God in our hearts. We are challenged to hear and
to do the will of God.
• They heard the voice of the LORD God walking Gen 3:8
• Because the LORD hath heard thy affliction Gen 16:11
• gather yourselves together and hear Gen 49:2
• heard their cry by reason of their Ex 3:7 (Acts 7:34)
• hear, O Israel: the LORD our God is one LORD Deut 6:4
• that they may hear and that they may learn Deut 31:12
• It hath heard all the words of the LORD which Josh 24:27
• Speak, LORD for thy servant heareth 1 Sam 3:9
• I have heard thy prayer and thy 1 Kin 9:3 (2 Chr 7:12)
• hear me, O LORD, hear me, that this people may 1 Kin 18:37
• Will I hear from heaven and will forgive 2 Chr 7:14
• Thou mayest hear the prayers of thy servant Neh 1:6
• hear, I beseech thee and I will Job 42:4
• the LORD will hear when I call unto him Ps 4:3
• LORD hath heard my supplication; the LORD will Ps 6:9
• LORD, thou hast heard the desire of the humble Ps 10:17
• have called upon thee, for thou wilt hear me Ps 17:6
• Sought the LORD and he heard me and delivered Ps 34:4
• Iniquity in my heart, the LORD will not hear Ps 66:18
• I will hear what God the LORD will speak Ps 85:8
• He hath heard my voice and my supplications Ps 116:1
• they have ears, but they hear not Ps 135:17
• my son, hear the instruction of thy father Prov 1:8
• hear instruction and be wise ... refuse it not Prov 8:33
• but he heareth the prayer of the righteous Prov 15:29
• hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed Isa 6:9 (Matt 13:14; Mark 4:12; Luke 8:10; Acts
• hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God Isa 40:28
• come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live Isa 55:3
• when I spake, they did not hear Isa 66:4 (1 Cor 2:9)
• speaking, but ye hear not; and I called you Jer 7:13

• I hear, but I understood not: then said I Dan 12:8
• I will hear, saith the LORD, I will hear the Hos 2:21
• hear ye now what the LORD saith Mic 6:1
• call on my name and I will hear them Zec 13:9
• who hath ears to hear, let him hear Matt 13:9 (13:9; Mark 4:9; Luke 8:8)
• and hearing they hear not, neither do Matt 13:13
• of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear ... not John 8:47
• and the sheep hear his voice John 10:3
• my sheep hear my voice and I know them John 10:27
• if any man hear my words and believe not John 12:47
• every one that is of the truth heareth my voice John 18:37
• hear this, they were pricked in their hearts Acts 2:37
• which heard the word believed; and the number of Acts 4:4
• Holy Spirit fell on all them which heard Acts 10:44
• when they heard of the resurrection of the dead Acts 17:32
• hear with their ears and understand Acts 28:27
• how shall they hear without a Rom 10:14
• so faith cometh by hearing Rom 10:17
• and they that have not heard shall understand Rom 15:21
• works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Gal 3:2
• of the law, or by the hearing of faith Gal 3:5
• have both learned and received and heard Phil 4:9
• the things that thou hast heard of me among 2 Tim 2:2
• uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing Heb 5:11
• every man be swift to hear, slow to speak James 1:19
• be ye doers of the word, and not hear only James 1:22
• he being not a forgetful hearer James 1:25
• which we have heard, which we have seen with 1 John 1:1
• ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us 1 John 5:14
• let him hear what the Spirit saith Rev 2:7 (2:11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22)
• if any man hear my voice and open the door Rev 3:20
• if any man have an ear, let him hear Rev 13:9
Attend to, to hear intently, to obey, to give attention to. DTP It is important that the disciple tunes his
ears to the voice of God and is obedient to what He is saying to us. To those who listen, God gives
instructions as to how we should live and walk. It is key to listen intently and get the full message of
what God is saying.
• hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto Deut 4:1
• if ye hearken to these judgments and keep and Deut 7:12
• thou carefully hearken unto the voice of the LORD Deut 15:5
• if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD Deut 30:10
• we hearken unto Moses ... so will we hearken unto thee Josh 1:17
• but my people would not hearken to my voice Ps 81:11
• his angels ... hearken unto the voice of his word Ps 103:20
• hearken to me, ye that follow after righteousness Isa 51:1
• but they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear Jer 7:24
• O LORD, hear; O LORD, forgive: O LORD, hearken Dan 9:19
• hearken unto me every one of you, and understand Mark 7:14
Sensitivity, tenderness, concern, core, center; inside, thinking, emotion (Isa 65:14; Ps 134:4);
compassion, feeling, affection. DTP For the disciple of Christ "heart" refers to the physical, emotional
and spiritual parts of their being; we refer to inviting Christ into our hearts as Lord and Saviour. The
Holy Spirit fills with His very presence; our thinking and actions should be guided by a servant heart
that is surrendered to Christ.

• and the LORD said in his heart Gen 8:21
• but I will harden his heart, that he Ex 4:21
• Pharaoh's heart was hardened, neither did he Ex 7:22
• Whosoever is of a willing heart, let him bring Ex 35:5
• If thou seek him with all thy heart Deut 4:29
• Shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart Deut 6:5 (Matt 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27)
• To serve him with all your heart and with all Deut 11:13
• Against your enemies; let not your heart faint Deut 20:3
• The word is ... in thy heart Deut 30:14 (Rom 10:8)
• Prepare your heart unto the LORD, and serve 1 Sam 7:3
• Sought ... a man after his own heart 1 Sam 13:14 (Acts 13:22)
• but the LORD looked on the heart 1 Sam 16:7
• give ... thy servant an understanding heart to 1 Kin 3:9
• walk before thee with all their heart 1 Kin 8:23 (2 Chr 6:14)
• such as set their heart to seek the LORD God 2 Chr 11:16
• his heart is as firm as a stone Job 41:24
• the fool hath said in his heart Ps 14:1
• meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy Ps 19:14
• hath clean hands and a pure heart Ps 24:4
• nigh unto them that are of a broken heart Ps 34:18
• create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a Ps 51:10
• a broken and a contrite heart ... not despise Ps 51:17
• he healeth the broken in heart and bindeth up Ps 147:3
• and apply thine heart to understanding Prov 2:2
• trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean Prov 3:5
• keep thy heart with all diligence Prov 4:23
• bind them continually upon thine heart and tie Prov 6:21
• a merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance Prov 15:13
• a merry heart doeth good like a medicine Prov 17:22
• as he thinketh in his heart, so is he Prov 23:7
• apply thine heart unto instruction Prov 23:12
• their heart far from me Isa 29:13 (Matt 15:8; Mark 7:6)
• to the that are of fearful heart, be strong Isa 35:4
• the heart is deceitful above all things Jer 17:9
• I will give them a heart to know me, that I am Jer 24:7
• Ye shall search for me with all your heart Jer 29:13
• and write it in their hearts Jer 31:33 (Heb 8:10; 10:16)
• make you a new heart and a new spirit Ezek 18:31
• and set his heart on Daniel to deliver him Dan 6:14
• their heart is divided Hos 10:2
• turn ye even to me with all your heart Joel 2:12
• he shall turn the heart of the fathers Mal 4:6 (Luke 1:17)
• blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall Matt 5:8
• committed adultery with her already in his heart Matt 5:28
• is, there will your heart be also Matt 6:21 (Luke 13:34)
• if ye from your heart forgive not every one Matt 18:35
• because of the hardness of your heart Matt 19:8 (Mark 10:5)
• the Lord thy God with all thy heart Matt 22:37
• blinded their eyes and hardened their heart John 12:40
• let not your heart be troubled John 14:1
• thou believest with all thine heart, thou Acts 8:37
• filling our heart-s with food and gladness Acts 14:17
• love of God is shed abroad in our heart by the Rom 5:5
• and he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, Rom 8:27

• word is nigh thee ... in thy mouth and in thy heart Rom 10:8
• shalt believe in thine heart that God Rom 10:9
• for with the heart man believeth unto Rom 10:10
• earnest of the Spirit in our heart 2 Cor 1:22
• ye are our epistle written in our hearts 2 Cor 3:2
• the Spirit of his Son into your heart, crying Gal 4:6
• may dwell in your hearts by faith Eph 3:17
• because of the blindness of their heart Eph 4:18
• singing ... in your heart to the Lord Eph 5:19 (Col 3:16)
• doing the will of God from the heart Eph 6:6
• keep your heart and minds through Christ Phil 4:7
• the peace of God rule in your hearts Col 3:15
• but in singleness of heart, fearing God Col 3:22
• that call on the LORD out of a pure heart 2 Tim 2:22
• hear his voice, harden not your hearts Heb 3:15
• near with a true heart ... having our heart sprinkled Heb 10:22
• sinners; and purify your heart, ye double-minded James 4:8
• another with a pure heart fervently 1 Pet 1:22
• the hidden man of the heart, 1 Pet 3:4
• but sanctify the Lord God in your heart 1 Pet 3:15
• God is greater than our heart 1 John 3:20
• Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, 2 Cor 9:7
• but deceiveth his own heart, James 1:26
A Gentile, one who is not circumcised as a Jew.
• shall be of the heathen that are round about Lev 25:44
• I will scatter you among the heathen and will Lev 26:33
• the abomination of the heathen 2 Kin 16:3 (2 Chr 28:3)
• declare his glory among the heathen 1 Chr 16:24 (Ps 96:3)
• I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen Ps 46:10
• say among the heathen that the LORD reigneth Ps 96:10
• so the heathen shall fear the name of the LORD Ps 102:15
• and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD Ezek 36:23
• for my name shall be great among the heathen Mal 1:11
• that I might preach him among the heathen Gal 1:16
• that God would justify the heathen through faith Gal 3:8
Paradise bliss, above the sky, firmament, the idea of the whole universe; the eternally wonderful
dwelling of God (third heaven, 2 Cor 12:2); where judgement will take place; the place where the
marriage supper of the Lamb occur; the battleground of spiritual warfare.
• the beginning God created the heaven Gen 1:1
• broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened Gen 7:11
• as the stars of heaven for multitude Deut 1:10
• behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens is the LORD's Deut 10:14
• who shall go up for us to heaven Deut 30:12 (Rom 10:6)
• behold, the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee 1 Kin 8:27
• Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven 2 Kin 2:11
• the LORD God of heaven hath given me Ezr 1:2
• temple, the LORD'S throne is in heaven Ps 11:4
• the heavens declare the glory of God Ps 19:1
• and the heavens shall declare his righteousness Ps 50:6
• heavens are the work of thy hands Ps 102:25 (Heb 1:10)
• for, behold, I create new heavens Isa 65:17 (2 Pet 3:13; Rev 21:1)
• heaven is my throne and earth is Isa 66:1 (Acts 7:49)

• new heaven and the new earth, which I will make Isa 66:22
• the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven Dan 7:13
• not open you the windows of heaven Mal 3:10
• for the kingdom of heaven is at hand Matt 3:2
• glorify your Father which is in heaven Matt 5:16
• behold, your reward is great in heaven Luke 6:23
• likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner Luke 15:7
• bread which cometh down from heaven John 6:50
• heaven is my throne and earth is my Acts 7:49
• But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel Gal 1:8
• principalities and powers in heavenly places Eph 3:10
• the whole family in heaven and earth is named Eph 3:15
• Master also is in heaven; neither is there respect of persons with him. Eph 6:9
• shall descend from heaven with a shout 1 Thes 4:16
• which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, Heb 12:23
• swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, James 5:12
• the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven 1 Pet 1:12
• and I heard a great voice out of heaven saying Rev 21:3
Heavenly Father
Divine One, one of the Persons of the Trinity, the three in one; commonly referred to as Heavenly Father
by all those who believe.
• your heavenly Father will also forgive Matt 6:14
• so likewise shall my heavenly Father do Matt 18:35
• how much more shall your heavenly Father Luke 11:13
To be weighed down emotionally, to be overwhelmed with a burden that is very heavy to carry. DTP We
can become burdened with the cares of the world; many events, both bad and good, can take place
around us each day. It is easy to become overwhelmed and burdened down by the challenges of life.
• I will leave off my heaviness and comfort myself Job 9:27
• hath broken my heart; and I am full of heaviness Ps 69:20
• my soul melteth for heaviness: strengthen thou me Ps 119:28
• the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness Isa 61:3
• I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart Rom 9:2
• laughter ... to mourning and your joy to heaviness Jam 4:9
• are in heaviness through manifold temptations 1 Pet 1:6
The name for God's chosen people; Abraham was the first one to be call a Hebrew (Gen 14:13); the
descendants of Abraham were called Hebrews and the language they spoke became known as the
Hebrew language; the nation was set apart by God in order to eventually bring His Son, Jesus the
Messiah and Saviour of whomsoever will, to earth, the mark being circumcision of all males. They
were also to obey all God's Commandments and Laws; today the people of Israel are the Hebrew
Nation, speaking Hebrew and using a Hebrew Scriptures or Covenant book.
• had escaped and told Abram the Hebrew Gen 14:13
• away out of the land of the Hebrews Gen 40:15
• two men of the Hebrews strove together Ex 2:13
• ye be not servants unto the Hebrews 1 Sam 4:9
• of the Grecians against the Hebrews Acts 6:1
• of Benjamin and Hebrew of the Hebrews Phil 3:5
Hebrews, book of
Although there is no clear proof, there is a strong tradition that Paul is the author; the focus was the
strengthening of the Jewish Christians' faith; it builds a strong case that Christ fulfilled the Old Hebrew
Scriptures and brought a New Covenant through His shed blood.

To be attentive to, notice, to note, regard, mindfulness, to care, attentiveness, to look and examine
carefully. DTP The disciple needs to be aware of the things that are going on around him. The disciple
needs to examine and evaluate that which is of the Lord and that which is not. The enemy of our souls
desires to ensnare us and weigh us down with guilt and sin; he does not want us walk a victorious life
for Christ.
• take ye good heed unto yourselves therefore Deut 2:4
• taking heed thereto according to thy word Ps 119:9
• take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know Mark 13:33
• take heed therefore, that the light which Luke 11:35
• let every man take heed how he buildeth 1 Cor 3:10
• but take heed lest any means this liberty of 1 Cor 8:9
• thinketh he standeth take heed least he fall 1 Cor 10:12
• neither give heed to fables and endless 1 Tim 1:4
• giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines 1 Tim 4:1
• we ought to give the more earnest heed to Heb 2:1
Usually a family member by blood, generally a son. The offspring of a father or a close relative can also
be named heirs. DTP As disciples of Christ we become His heirs (children) and, because of that
relationship, we receive an inheritance. The blessing flows from the Father to the Son and then to His
children. We have become heirs through salvation and, because of this, are clothed in Christ's
righteousness, giving us the right to spend all eternity in heaven as children of God.
• one born in my house is mine heir Gen 15:3
• hath he no heir Jer 49:1
• among themselves, This is the heir Matt 21:38
• that he should be the heir of the world Rom 4:13
• and if children, the heirs Rom 8:17
• heirs of God and joint-heirs with Rom 8:17
• heirs according to the promise Gal 3:29
• then an heir of God through Christ Gal 4:7
• we should be made heirs according to the hope Tit 3:7
• them who shall be heirs of salvation Heb 1:14
• became heir of the righteousness Heb 11:7
• rich in faith and heir of the kingdom which James 2:5
• as being heirs together of the grace 1 Pet 3:7
Sheol, Gehenna, abyss, hades, place of torment, bottomless pit, everlasting fire, inferno, underworld,
place of damnation; this is a place of suffering and punishment for the wicked DTP The Bible teaches
that this is the ultimate destination for all unbelievers.
• and shall burn unto the lowest hell Deut 32:22
• sorrows of hell compassed me 2 Sam 22:6 (Ps 18:5)
• thou wilt not leave my soul in hell Ps 16:10
• if I make my bed in hell, behold Ps 139:8
• her house is the way to hell Prov 7:27
• hell and destruction are before the LORD Pro 15:11
• thou shalt be brought down to hell Isa 14:15
• shalt be in danger of hell fire Matt 5:22
• can ye escape the damnation of hell Matt 23:33
• having two hands to go into hell Mark 9:43
• and it is set on fire of hell James 3:6
• but cast them down to hell and delivered 2 Pet 2:4
• and have the keys of hell and of death Rev 1:18
• hell were cast into the lake of fire Rev 20:14

Protective head covering; often used by soldiers. DTP The "helmet of salvation" (Eph 6:7) protects our
thought life; we need to be protected from thoughts that can lead us astray ... any thoughts upon
which we should not be focusing.
• he had an helmet of brass upon his I Sam 17:5
• an helmet of salvation upon his head Isa 59:17
• take the helmet of salvation and the Eph 6:17
• and for an helmet, the hope of 1 Thes 5:8
helmet of salvation
Paul taught the Ephesian church that the disciple is involved in spiritual warfare (a spiritual battle in
which Satan tries to destroy our minds). We need to pray for the helmet of salvation so that our
thoughts can be protected from the fiery darts of the enemy. DTP As disciples of Christ we need to be
careful about what we hear, see, and think, because these things will greatly affect our very beings.
• an helmet of salvation upon his head Is 59:17
• take the helmet of salvation and the Eph 6:17
help / helper / helped
To assist, to aid someone, lend a hand, facilitate, to rally around. DTP There is also a "gift of helps" which
certain people are given by God; such persons are deeply committed to helping others (various gifts
are given to the body of Christ, 1 Cor 12:7-11, 28-31).
• and wouldest forbear to help him Ex 23:5
• saved by the LORD, the shield of thy help Deut 33:29
• in our affliction, then thou wilt hear and help 2 Chr 20:9
• for God hath power to help and to cast down 2 Chr 25:8
• thou hast been my help Ps 27:9
• heart trusted in him and I am helped Ps 28:7
• have mercy upon me: LORD be thou my helper Ps 30:10
• for the LORD: he is our help and our shield Ps 33:20
• LORD shall help them and deliver them Ps 37:40
• thou art my help and my deliverer Ps 40:17 (Ps 70:5)
• and strength a very present help in trouble Ps 46:1
• behold, God is mine helper: the LORD is with them Ps 54:4
• help us, O God of our salvation ... deliver us Ps 79:9
• he is their help and their shield Ps 115:9
• unto the hills, from whence cometh my help Ps 121:1
• my help cometh from the LORD, which made Ps 121:2
• our help is in the name of the LORD, who made Ps 124:8
• in a day of salvation have I helped thee Isa 49:8
• him, saying, Lord help me Matt 15:25
• Lord, I believe: help thou my unbelief Mark 9:24
• come over into Macedonia and help us Acts 16:9
• the Spirit also help our infirmities Rom 8:26
• ye also help together by praying for us 2 Cor 1:11
• find grace to help in time of need Heb 4:16
• Lord is my helper and I will not fear what Heb 13:6
help meet
This was a title that was given to the wife of a husband; Eve was created to be a helpmeet to Adam, one
who would come along side and be equal to her husband in service and ministry; two becoming one,
like a team of oxen working and serving together to help pull the load.
• was not found an help meet for him Gen 2:20
• I will make him an help meet for him Gen 2:18
herdsman / herdsmen
A person in charge of cattle or livestock; one who feeds and takes care of domestic animals.
• between the herdsmen of Abram's cattle Gen 13:17
• the chiefest of the herdsmen that 1 Sam 21:7

heresy / heresies
Falsehoods told in the name of truth; proponents of heresy blend truth with error and lead people astray
or away from Christ by false teaching; many times Sadducees and Pharisees where called teachers of
heresy, their purpose being to benefit themselves Their teaching would cause division, strife and
factions. DTP Disciples today must discern truth from error, and search the Scripture to see what is
right; the world is full of people who teach heresy, and nations are being destroyed because of heresy.
• The way which they call heresy, so worship Acts 24:14
• there must be also heresies among you 1 Cor 11:19
• wrath, strife, seditions, heresies Gal 5:20
• privily shall bring in damnable heresies 2 Pet 2:1
A legacy passed along to the next generation; can be physical, emotional, or spiritual. DTP The disciple,
as a child of Christ, takes on Christ's heritage. We are blessed by the heritage Christ has left us through
His death and resurrection.
• and I will give it you for an heritage Ex 6:8
• yea, I have a goodly heritage Ps 16:6
• lo, children are an heritage of the LORD Ps 127:3
• is the heritage of the servants of the LORD Isa 54:17
• and give not thine heritage to reproach Joel 2:17
Exegesis, Biblical interpretation; a system or science of text interpretation used in analyzing all the
various facets of the Bible; the studying of Scripture in the context of culture, tradition and the full
Word of God, from Genesis through Revelation; looking to find theological balance of the Word of
A Jewish party of people who were loyal to Herod Antipas; a Jewish faction which sought to trick and
destroy Jesus and His teaching, sometime seen working alongside the Pharisees.
• him their disciples with the Herodians Matt 22:16
• counsel with the Herodians against him Mark 3:6
• of the Pharisees and of the Herodians Mark 12:13
hid / hide / hidden / hiding
To conceal, veiled, buried, covered, shrouded, to be or put in a secret place. DTP We should never try to
hide from God, for he is all-seeing and all-knowing; we must keep a clean slate before Him at all times.
We need to daily deal with our sins because if we try to hide them, God may openly reveal them to
others. We are told, "be sure that your sins will find you out" (Num 32:3).
• Adam and his wife hid themselves from Gen 3:8 (3:10)
• was a goodly child, she hid him three months Ex 2:2
• Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look Ex 3:6
• this commandment ... is not hid from thee Deut 30:11
• these things hast thou hid in thine heart Job 10:13
• why hide thou thyself in times of trouble? Ps 10:1
• hide me under the shadow of thy wings Ps 17:8
• times of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion Ps 27:5
• thou are my hiding place; thou shalt preserve Ps 32:7
• thy word have I hid in mine heart, that Ps 119:11
• thou art my hiding place and my shield Ps 119:114
• in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me Isa 49:2
• a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid Matt 5:14
• gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost 2 Cor 4:3
• mystery, which ... hath been hid in God Eph 3:9
• dead and your life is hid with Christ in God Col 3:3
• and shall hide a multitude of sins James 5:20

high / higher / highest
Lofty, exalted, great height, extraordinary. DTP We strive in our lives to reach to a higher plateau, to
keep growing and maturing in our Christian growth. Also, we need to be lifting up Christ Jesus before
the lost world so that others may see and be drawn to Him. But we also need to be aware that Satan
is also out there trying to lift himself up so he can get people to follow and surrender to his ways...
ways which lead only to destruction and death.
• blessed be the most high God, which hath Gen 14:20
• and knew the knowledge of the Most High Num 24:16
• and the Most High uttered his voice 2 Sam 22:14 (Ps 18:13)
• high places were not taken away: as yet 2 Kin 14:3
• LORD most high is terrible; he is a great Kin Ps 47:2
• thou hast ascended on high Ps 68:18 (Eph 4:8)
• JEHOVAH, art the Most High over all the earth Ps 83:18
• and sing praise unto thy name, O Most High Ps 92:1
• Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted Isa 6:1
• the spirit be poured upon us from on high Isa 32:15
• the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men Dan 4:17
• and shall be called the Son of the High Luke 1:32
• glory to God in the highest and on earth peace Luke 2:14
• ye shall be the children of the High Luke 6:35
• the Most High dwelleth not in temple made Acts 7:48
• now it is high time to wake out of sleep Rom 13:11
• against spiritual wickedness in high places Eph 6:12
• for the prize of the high calling of God Phil 3:14
high place / high places
A location where an altar is built, most often being erected on a hill. DTP In the Scriptures these high
places were part of Canaanite worship, and sacrifices where made at these locations. Many religions,
even today, build some type of place of worship on high mountains, helping the people feel that they
are closer to their gods. Many today do not have altars for sacrifice as in old times, but they still have
places (shrines) where people can leave their daily gifts and offerings.
• and I will destroy your high places Lev 26:30
• lords of the high places of Arnon Num 21:28
• pluck down all their high places Num 33:52
• he removed the high places and brake 2 Kin 18:4
• and threw down the high places 2 Chr 31:1
• whose high places and whose altars Isa 36:7
• spiritual wickedness in high places Eph 6:12
high priest
This person held the highest religious position in Israel; He was responsible for entering the Holy of Holies
once a year, on the Day of Atonement, to sprinkle blood on the mercy seat. Aaron was the first to
hold this office (Ex 28:1-4). DTP Jesus became our High Priest and sacrificial Lamb and His blood was
shed so that we could become priests and enter into the Holy of Holies, where God's personal
presence resides. We as disciples have become Christ's temples. Christ comes into our hearts to
redeem us, and to be our advocate before the Heavenly Father. (See Lev 16:11-17).
• until the death of the high priest Josh 20:6
• house of Eliashib the high priest Neh 3:20
• the high priest, with all the Hag 1:12
• him away to Caiaphas the high priest Matt 26:57
• for such an high priest became us Heb 7:26
• having an high priest over the house Heb 10:21
• by the high priest for sin Heb 13:11

High Priestly Prayer
Refers to Jesus' powerful personal prayer for His disciples, as recorded in John chapter 17. It is a prayer
of intercession on behalf of both present and future disciples, that the Father would guide and protect
His children.
Delay, hamper, obstruct, impede, to be blocked, something in the way, to be hindered. DTP It is
important that our communication or lifestyle does not hinder or block someone else from coming to
Christ or keep them from doing the will of God in their lives. It is only too easy to become a hinderance
or roadblock to others and also to what God desires to do in our lives. We should always be servant
vessels for Jesus Christ.
• hinder me not ... send me away ... to my master Gen 24:56
• behold, he taketh away, who can hinder him? Job 9:12
• is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? Acts 8:36
• I have been much hindered from coming to you Rom 15:22
• lest we should hindered the gospel of Christ 1 Cor 9:12
• who did hinder you that ye should not obey Gal 5:7
• we would have come ... but Satan hindered us 1 Thes 2:18
• that your prayers be not hindered 1 Pet 3:7
This is the main religion in India. This way of belief focuses on observing various customs and laws. In
some areas it is similar to Buddhism, with a belief in reincarnation. The key is to produce as much
good karma as possible, if one hopes to come back to earth in the next life in a better position or
state. The end goal is nirvana, absorption of the person into the whole reality. Once one obtains this
place of completeness, the cycle of birth, death and rebirth is completed. There are also many types
of spirits that one must deal with, and try to appease while living life here on earth.
A labourer who works just for wages. DTP Jesus warns the disciple not to become like these people, but
rather to serve others out of love, not for money; during Bible times hirelings were often shepherds,
and when the enemies of the sheep would approach the flock, the hireling would be the first to run
away and abandon the sheep. (See Matt 20:1-16).
• thou shalt give him his hire, Deut 24:15
• days also like the days of a hireling Job 7:1
• as a hireling looketh for the reward of his work Job 7:2
• but he that is an hireling and not the John 10:12
• hireling fleeth, because he is a hireling and careth not John 10:13
historical theology
A study of doctrine from the Bible, based more on a "timeline of events"; following a teaching through
the Bible from beginning to end, or studying a specific doctrine within a certain time frame within the
hold / held
Grip, grasp, clutch, embrace, clench, to latch on to, to keep secured to. DTP As disciples, we need to hold
fast to the teachings and principles of the Word of God. They are the foundation stones upon which
we are to build our lives. The enemy will always try to interfere in our personal relationship with Christ
Jesus; Satan's goal is to make us drift aimlessly though life without any meaning or hope. Our lives
need to be anchored firmly in Christ Jesus.
• LORD will not hold him guiltless Ex 20:7 (Deut 5:11)
• still he held fast his integrity, although Job 2:3
• salvation: and thy right hand hath held me up Ps 18:35
• by thee have I been held up from the womb Ps 71:6
• with thee: thou hast held me by my right hand Ps 73:23
• lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me Ps 139:10
• take fast hold of instruction; let her not go Prov 4:13
• but a man of understanding hold his peace Prov 11:12
• I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand Isa 41:13

• men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness Rom 1:18
• hold forth the word of life; that I may Phil 2:16
• all things; hold fast that which is good 1 Thes 5:21
• hold faith and a good conscience 1 Tim 1:19
• hold fast the form of sound words 2 Tim 1:13
• Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, Tit 1:9
• let us hold fast our profession Heb 4:14
• received and heard and held fast and repent Rev 3:3
In the Bible this word has reference to Israel's sacrificial system; it means "burnt offering" or "to be
wholly burnt up or completely consumed by fire". This concept and idea was carried over into the
Second World War where millions of Jews (men, women and children) were gassed and then burned.
Holocaust museums exist in various countries of the world to remember this great tragedy, to remind
us of man's inhumanity to man, especially regarding the Jewish people.
holy / holiness
Sacred, consecrated, sanctified; the idea of holiness is to be clean, without sin; Jesus was sinless and
pure; that is why He could be our High Priest; the disciple is also to life a holy life, not through human
ability or strength, but by taking on Christ's righteousness; we are to be separate from the sin and evil
of this world; God is our Holy One (Ps 99:9); the Sabbath was also to be a Holy Day unto the Lord, a
day of rest and meditation, a day for disciples to examine themselves.
• whereon thou standest is holy ground Ex 3:5
• who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful Ex 15:11
• of priest and an holy nation Ex 19:6
• remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy Ex 20:8
• divided ... between the holy place and the most holy place Ex 26:33
• be holy; for I am holy Lev 11:44 (19:2; 20:26; 1 Pet 1:16)
• for I the LORD your God am holy Lev 19:2
• sanctify yourselves therefore and be ye holy Lev 20:7
• the tenth shall be holy unto the LORD Lev 27:32
• the place whereon thou standest is holy Josh 5:15
• there is none holy as the LORD: for there 1 Sam 2:2
• worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness 1 Chr 16:29 (Ps 29:2; 96:9)
• the Holy One of Israel is our King Ps 89:18
• the knowledge of the Holy is understanding Prov 9:10
• holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole Isa 6:3
• saith the LORD ... thy Redeemer, the Holy One Isa 41:14
• not man: the Holy One in the midst of thee Hos 11:9
• in holiness and righteousness before him Luke 1:75
• but ye denied the Holy One and the Just Acts 3:14
• his prophets in the holy Scriptures Rom 1:3
• with power, according to the Spirit of holiness Rom 1:4
• servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness Rom 6:22
• be holy, the lump is also holy ... if the root be holy Rom 11:16
• a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God Rom 12:1
• salute one another with a holy kiss Rom 16:16
• temple of God is holy, which temple ye are 1 Cor 3:17
• perfecting holiness in the fear of God 2 Cor 7:1
• of the world, that we should be holy Eph 1:4
• framed together groweth unto a holy temple in Eph 2:21
• but that it should be holy without blemish Eph 5:27
• through death, to present you holy Col 1:22
• not called us unto uncleanness, but holiness 1 Thes 4:7
• continue in faith and charity and holiness 1 Tim 2:15
• and called us with a holy calling 2 Tim 1:9

• hast known the holy scriptures 2 Tim 3:15
• to enter into the holy by the blood of Jesus Heb 10:19
• that we might be partakers of his holiness Heb 12:10
• so be ye holy in all manner of 1 Pet 1:15
• an holy priesthood, to offer up 1 Pet 2:5
• but holy men of God spake as they were moved 2 Pet 1:21
• but ye have an unction from the Holy One 1 John 2:20
• building up yourselves on your most holy faith Jude 1:20
• and night, saying, holy, holy, holy Rev 4:8
• and he that is holy be holy still Rev 22:11
Holy of Holies / Holy Place
The high priest could only go into the Holy of Holies only once a year, on the Day of Atonement, to
sprinkle blood on the mercy seat; the Tabernacle and the Temple was made up of three rooms: the
outer court, the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies which was separated from the other rooms by a
curtain or veil (Ex 26:33; Heb 9:3); the only furniture in the Holy of Holies was the Ark of the Covenant
with the Mercy Seat; the room was also filled with the Shekinah Glory of God.
• shall it be eaten in the holy place Lev 6:16
• oracle, even for the most holy place 1 Kin 6:16
• the prophet, stand in the holy place Matt 24:15
• wars against this holy place Acts 6:13
• entered in once into the holy place Heb 9:12
Holy Place
Holy Place; the Tabernacle and the Temple was made up of three rooms: the outer court, the Holy Place
and the Holy of Holies which was separated from the other rooms by a curtain or veil; the Holy place
had within it the Golden Altar of Incense, Table of Showbread and the Golden Lampstand (Menora);
this room the Levites and priests could enter each day.
• to minister in the holy place Ex 29:30
• to do service in the holy place Ex 39:1
• entered in once into the holy place Heb 9:6
Holy Spirit / Holy Ghost
Holy Spirit, God, third Person of the Godhead/Trinity. DTP In the New Testament He becomes known as
the teacher, comforter, the guarantor, the one who empowers and fills us for service; the evidence
of the filling of the Holy Spirit is seen by the "fruit of the Spirit" in our lives, as demonstrated by our
service in the Body of Christ. Holy Spirit gives us gifts as He pleases so that, together, we can minister
to one another with different gifts in the church.
• and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters Gen 1:2
• and the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon him, Judg 14:6
• and take not thy Holy Spirit from me Ps 51:11
• found with child of the Holy Ghost Matt 1:18
• baptize you with the Holy Ghost Matt 3:11 (Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16)
• but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven Matt 12:31(Mark 3:9; Luke 12:10)
• speaketh against the Holy Ghost, Matt 12:32
• speaketh against the Holy Ghost Matt 28:19
• for it is not you that speak, but the Holy Ghost Mark 13:11
• and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost Luke 1:41
• father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost Luke 1:67
• Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove Luke 3:22
• Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him Luke 11:13
• Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what Luke 12:12
• Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus John 7:39
• But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom John 14:26
• And saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost John 20:22
• But ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost Acts 1:5 (11:16)
• Receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come Acts 1:8

• And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost Acts 2:4 (4:31)
• Ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost Acts 2:38
• thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost Acts 5:3-4
• seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost Acts 6:3
• prayed for them ... they might receive the Holy Ghost Acts 8:15
• hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost Acts 8:19
• Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard Acts 10:44 (11:15)
• be baptized with the Holy Ghost Acts 11:16
• the Holy Ghost said, separate me Barabbas and Saul Acts 13:2
• if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you Rom 8:9
• through the power of the Holy Ghost Rom 15:13
• knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God 1 Cor 2:11
• your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which 1 Cor 6:19
• say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost 1 Cor 12:3
• with the Holy Spirit of promise Eph 1:13
• and grieve not the Holy Ghost of God Eph 4:30
• who hath also given unto us his Holy Spirit 1 Thes 4:8
• now the Spirit speaketh expressly, 1 Tim 4:1
• the Holy Ghost which dwell in us 2 Tim 1:14
• divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost Heb 2:4
• made partakers of the Holy Ghost Heb 6:4
• as they were moved by the Holy Ghost 2 Pet 1:21
• bear record ... Father, the Word ... the Holy Ghost 1 John 5:7
• praying in the Holy Ghost Jude 1:20
The art of preparing a sermon and preaching. It examines various ways of preaching the Word of God to
a congregation. It is a method or discipline that examines the different ways of preparing the
preacher's heart, researching the Scriptures and resources, formulating and then delivering a sermon.
honest / honestly/ honesty
Sincere, earnest, upright, truthful, sincere, straightforward, open. DTP The disciple is true to His faith
and to be honest before God and men; a character that can build strong and lasting relationships with
• ground are they, which in an honest Luke 8:15
• among you seven men of honest report Acts 6:3
• provide things honest in the sight of Rom 12:17
• let us walk honestly, as in the day Rom 13:13
• ye should do that which is honest, 2 Cor 13:7
• are true, whatsoever things are honest Phil 4:8
• that ye may walk honestly toward them that are 1 Thes 4:12
• life in all godliness and honesty 1 Tim 2:2
• in all things willing to live honestly Heb 13:18
honour / honourable
Respect, admiration, credit, tribute, renown, reputation; a respect paid to God; to honour those who are
over us like or father and mother (Ex 20:12). DTP As a disciple we need to show honour not only to
God but also to each other; the Holy Spirit empowers us for service and part of serving one another
is to show respect to each other, doing that which is best for them, building others up.
• unto their assembly, mine honour Gen 49:6
• and I will get me honour upon Pharaoh Ex 14:17
• honour thy father and thy mother Ex 20:12 (Deut 5:16; Matt 15:5; 19:19; Mark 7:10; Luke 18:20; Eph
• wherewith by me they honour God Judg 9:9
• them that honour me I will honour and they that 1 Sam 2:30
• glory and honour are in his presence 1 Chr 16:27
• hast crowned him with glory and honour Ps 8:5 (Heb 2:7)

• thy salvation: honour and majesty hast thou laid Ps 21:5
• sing forth the honour of his name Ps 66:2
• speak of the glorious honour of thy majesty Ps 145:5
• honour the LORD with thy substance and with Prov 3:9
• and before honour is humility Prov 15:33
• fear of the LORD are riches and honour and life Prov 22:4
• strength and honour are her clothing; and she Prov 31:25
• neither hast thou honour me with thy sacrifices Isa 43:23
• honour thy father and thy mother Luke 18:20
• honour the Son, even as they honour the Father John 5:23
• serve me, him will my Father honour John 12:26
• but glory, honour, and peace, to every man that Rom 2:10
• lump to make one vessel unto honour Rom 9:21
• brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; Rom 12:10
• possess his vessel in sanctification and honour 1 Thes 4:4
• be counted worthy of double honour 1 Tim 5:17
• nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. 1 Tim 6:16
• a vessel unto honour, sanctified and meet 2 Tim 2:21
• marriage is honourable in all and the bed Heb 13:4
• honour all men. Love thy brotherhood ... honour the king 1 Pet 2:17
• giving honour unto the wife, as unto 1 Pet 3:7
• and wisdom and strength and honour Rev 5:12
Head covering, turban; designed to help protect the wearer from the heat and sun of the day; often a
twisted coloured cloth wrapped around the head; can also signify clan or tribal identification.
• and the fine linen and the hood Isa 3:23
Expect, trust, anticipate, desire, faith; looking to, and having faith in something that is not yet seen. DTP
We are to place our hope in God and in our Saviour, Jesus Christ; hope is akin to faith, they go hand
in hand like brothers; without this real hope in God, nonbelievers they may find themselves living in
a hopeless situation (Eph 2:12).
• if I should say, I have hope Ruth 1:12
• heart, all ye that hope in the LORD Ps 31:24
• in thee, O LORD, do I hope: thou wilt hear Ps 38:15
• hope thou in God Ps 42:11
• for thou art my hope, O LORD God: thou art my Ps 71:5
• they might set their hope in God Ps 78:7
• they see me; because I have hoped in thy word Ps 119:74
• but I hope in thy word Ps 119:81
• I have hoped for thy salvation and done thy Ps 119:166
• Let Israel hope in the LORD Ps 130:7
• hope of the righteous shall be gladness Prov 10:28
• Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when Prov 13:12
• Trusteth in the LORD and whose hope the LORD Jer 17:7
• both hope and quietly wait for the salvation Lam 3:26
• of the hope and resurrection of the dead I am Acts 23:6
• and am judged for the hope of the promise made Acts 26:6
• who against hope believed in hope, Rom 4:18
• rejoice in hope of the glory of God Rom 5:2
• and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God Rom 5:5
• are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope Rom 8:24
• rejoicing in hope Rom 12:12
• and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope Rom 15:4
• now the God of hope fill you with all joy and Rom 15:13

• that he that ploweth should plow in hope 1 Cor 9:10
• hopeth all things, endureth all things 1 Cor 13:7
• now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three 1 Cor 13:13
• if in this life only we have hope in Christ 1 Cor 15:19
• the hope of righteousness by faith Gal 5:5
• ye may know what is the hope of his calling Eph 1:18
• called in one hope of your calling Eph 4:4
• the hope which is laid up for you in heaven Col 1:5
• away from the hope of the gospel Col 1:23
• which is Christ in you, the hope of glory Col 1:27
• patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Thes 1:3
• and for a helmet, the hope of salvation 1 Thes 5:8
• and Lord Jesus Christ, which is our hope 1 Tim 1:1
• in hope of eternal life, which God ... promised Tit 1:2
• to the hope of eternal life Titus 3:7
• to the full assurance of hope unto the end Heb 6:11
• which hope we have as an anchor of the soul Heb 6:19
• now faith is the substance of things hoped for Heb 11:1
• hath begotten us again unto a lively hope 1 Pet 1:3
• that your faith and hope might be in God 1 Pet 1:21
• hope that is in you with meekness 1 Pet 3:15
horns of the alter
This was on the four corners of the Brazen Alter that was in the outer court of the Tabernacle and
Temple; sometimes people seeking asylum would grab hold on the horns of the altar and plead for
mercy. DTP For the disciple it represents Christ's offering of Himself as the chosen lamb of God; all
who would "grab on to" Him would have redemption from their sin.
• thou shalt make the horns of it upon Ex 27:2
• put it upon the horns of the alter Ex 29:12
• the horns there of shall be of the Ex 30:2
• caught hold on the horn of the alter 1 Kin 1:50
• even unto the horns of the alter Ps 118:27
• upon the horn of your alters Jer 17:1
• the horns of the alter shall be cut Amos 3:14
• horns of the golden alter which is Rev 9:13
Be to God; it means "save, we pray" (2 Kin 19:19; Ps 118:25); it was shouted out by the people as Jesus
made His triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem.
• saying, hosanna to the son of David Matt 21:9
• the children crying ... Hosanna to the son of David Matt 21:15
• that followed, cried saying, hosanna Mark 11:9
• hosanna in the highest Mark 11:10
• forth to meet him and cried, hosanna, blessed is the King of Israel John 12:13
HOSEA, book of
Minor prophet book of the Old Testament, written by Hosea around 8th century BC; the book speaks
out about how Israel's sins will be punished, he exhorts the people and the nation to repent (chapters
12 to 14). Hosea lived during the same time as Isaiah, Amos and Micah.
Kindness to strangers, generosity in entertainment; throughout the Bible, God's people were expected
to show hospitality not only to their friends, but even more so to those who were strangers, people
travelling from a distance. DTP As disciples, we are to show kindness and extend the right hand of
fellowship to other believers who we may not personally know. (See Lev 19:33-34.)
• generous hospitality for three days Acts 28:7
• given to hospitality Rom 12:13
• of good behaviour, given to hospitality 1 Tim 3:2

• a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober Tit 1:8
• show hospitality to strangers Heb 13:2
• shown hospitality to angels without knowing Heb 13:2
• use hospitality one to another without grudging 1 Pet 4:9
• show hospitality to such people 3 John 1:8
Period of time equal to a twenty-fourth part of a day; there are 60 minutes in one hour.
• the day and hour knoweth no man Matt 24:36 (Mark 13:32)
• in such an hour as you think not Matt 24:44
• ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein Matt 25:13
• could ye not watch ... one hour? Matt 26:40 (Mark 14:37)
• hour is at hand and the Son of man Matt 26:45 (Mark 14:41)
• the hour is coming and now is, when the dead John 5:25
• the hour cometh ... that ye shall be scattered John 16:32
• Father, the hour is come: glorify thy Son John 17:1
• not know what hour I will come upon thee Rev 3:3
• will keep thee from the hour of temptation Rev 3:10
house / home
House, residence, dwelling, abode, a dwelling place, often built of stone; while a house is the structure
in which one lives, a "home" draws out a more emotional response... a place where we belong and
are happy, for example. In the history of the church, many places were simply just called "house
churches" (Rom 16:5), places where people gathered to worship God and have fellowship one with
• Come thou and all thy house into the ark Gen 7:1
• kindred and from thy father's house Gen 12:1
• shalt not covet thy neighbor's house Ex 20:17 (Deut 5:21)
• but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD Josh 24:15
• I purpose to build a house unto the name of 1 Kin 5:5
• Glory ... filled the house of the LORD 1 Kin 8:11 (2 Chr 5:14)
• Set thine house in order; for thou 2 Kin 20:1
• Found the book ... in the house 2 Kin 22:8
• House of which I said, My name shall be there 2 Kin 23:27
• And the glory of the LORD filled the house 2 Chr 7:1
• Why is the house of God forsaken? Neh 13:11
• I have done for the house of my God Neh 13:14
• Zeal of thine house hath eaten me up Ps 69:9 (John 2:17)
• Rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God Ps 84:10
• Through wisdom is a house builded Prov 24:3
• house shall be established in the top Isa 2:2
• mine house shall be called a house of prayer Isa 56:7 (Matt 21:13; Mark 11:17; Luke 19:46)
• will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD Hag 2:7
• I was wounded in the house of my friends Zech 13:6
• light unto all that are in the house Matt 5:15
• which built his house upon a rock Matt 7:24
• this day is salvation come to this house Luke 19:9
• make not my Father's house a house of merchandise John 2:16
• in my Father's house are many John 14:2
• breaking bread from house to house Acts 2:46
• that feared God with all his house Acts 10:2
• and thou shalt be saved and thy house Acts 16:31
• the church that is in their house Rom 16:5
• church that is in their house 1 Cor 16:19
• one that ruleth well his own house, 1 Tim 3:4
• this sort are they which creep into houses 2 Tim 3:6

• who subvert whole houses, teaching things Tit 1:11
• are built up a spiritual house 1 Pet 2:5
• that judgement must begin at the house of God 1 Pet 4:17
Family; a group of people who live within a home; can also mean a group of people who are blood-
related; the word home implies the idea of family living together. DTP The disciple is part of the
household of faith; we are one family, part of the church, Christ's bride.
• his household after him and they shall Gen 18:19
• LORD shall choose, thou and thy household Deut 15:20
• the household which the LORD shall take Josh 7:14
• shall they call them of his household Matt 10:25
• when she was baptized and her household Acts 16:15
• unto them who are of the household of faith Gal 6:10
• the saints and of the household of God Eph 2:19
The roof of a house; roofs were often flat to accommodate a variety of activities, such as drying grain or
just visiting.
• Worship the host of heaven upon the housetops Zeph 1:5
• ear, that preach ye upon the housetops Matt 10:27
• they went upon the housetop and let him down Luke 5:19
• shall be proclaimed upon the housetops Luke 12:3
• Peter went up upon the housetop to pray Acts 10:9
human / humanity
Mortal, person; the crown jewel of God's creation; the man and woman made in God's image, differing
vastly from the animal kingdom, with a free will to choose; mortals have a spirit that will live for all
eternity, either in heaven or in hell.
A study and teaching concerning mankind; a world view that puts man at the heart and centre of all
Modest, meek, respectful. DTP The disciple is to humble himself before God; he does not seek his own
will but seeks to humbly submit himself to God's will. It is giving one's life over to the power and
authority of another; the disciple humbles himself to the Lordship of Jesus Christ; if we humble
ourselves before the Lord He will lift us up (Jam 4:10).
• thou refuse to humble thyself before me? Ex 10:3
• If then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled Lev 26:41
• to humble thee and to prove thee, to Deut 8:2
• humble thyself before the LORD 2 Kin 22:19 (2 Chr 34:27)
• shall humble themselves and pray and 2 Chr 7:14
• I humble my soul with fasting; and my prayer Ps 35:13
• that is of a contrite and humble spirit Isa 57:15
• whosoever therefore shall humble Matt 18:4
• he that shall humble himself shall be Matt 23:12 (Luke 14:11; 18:14)
• he that humbleth himself shall be Luke 18:14
• he humbled himself and became obedient Phil 2:8
• kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness Col 3:12
• the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble James 4:6
• humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord James 4:10
• humble yourselves therefore under the 1 Pet 5:6
A modest view of one's own importance; condition of meekness and willingness to oneself to another;
to step back and give the reins or position or position of authority to another.
• and before honour is humility Prov 15:33
• in his humiliation his judgment was taken away Acts 8:33

• the Lord with all humility of mind Acts 20:19
• with all humility and gentleness Eph 4:2 NASB
• to another and be clothed with humility 1 Pet 5:5
Companion or partner given in marriage to a women: both elders and deacons were instructed to be a
husband to one wife. DTP The husband is to be leader in the home, but it is key that he leads by
example, especially when it comes to spiritual things. The way the husband treats his wife can have a
direct impact on his relationship both with his wife and with God (1 Pet 3:7).
• Also unto her husband with her; and he did eat Gen 3:6
• Thy desire shall be to thy husband and shall Gen 3:16
• gave her to her husband Abram to be his Gen 16:3
• woman is a crown to her husband Prov 12:4
• thy Maker is thine husband; The LORD of host Isa 54:5
• then Joseph her husband, being a just Matt 1:19
• from her husband committeth adultery Luke 16:18
• saith unto her, go call thy husband John 4:16
• an husband is bound by law to her Rom 7:2
• let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: 1 Cor 7:3
• or be reconciled to her husband 1 Cor 7:11
• the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife 1 Cor 7:14
• for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you 2 Cor 11:2
• for the husband is the head of the wife Eph 5:23
• husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loved the church Eph 5:25
• a bishop ... the husband of one wife 1 Tim 3:2 (Tit 1:6)
• the husband of one wife, vigilant 1 Tim 5:8
• the husband of one wife, having Titus 1:6
• as a bride adorned for her husband Rev 21:2
A farmer or other worker of the soil; a farm labourer. (See Matt 21:33-41; Mark 12:1-9.)
• and Noah began to be an husbandman and he Gen 9:20
• built a tower and let it out to husbandmen Matt 21:33
• true vine and my Father is the husbandman John 15:1
Care, cultivation, and breeding of crops and animals. The farmer or gardener who works with animals
and/or plants is the husbandman; one who has a close physical and emotional connection with the
land. Tilling, planting, nurturing, and harvesting.
• for he loved husbandry 2 Chr 26:10
• ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's 1 Cor 3:9
Skin, peeling, covering, crust, chaff, a pod; the outer shell of grain; the outer covering is separated from
the grain or fruit; the seed or meat is on the inside. DTP Christ in the last days will separate the husks
(chaff) from the grain; the religious people of Jesus' day are often thought as the chaff, having no
eternal value, fit only to be gathered up to be burned.
• from the kernels even to the husk Num 6:4
• ears of corn in the husk thereof 2 Kin 4:42
• with the husks that the swine did eat Luke 15:16
Song, chant, tune; a song of praise to God. DTP After the disciples had finished the last supper they
closed with a hymn (Matt 26:30); a hymn or a song of praise can often bring the whole man (body,
soul and spirit) before God in worship and adoration. (See Neh 12:27; singing.)
• and when they had sung an hymn Matt 26:30
• to yourselves in psalms and hymns Eph 5:19
• one another in psalms and hymns Col 3:16

Insincerity, double standards, two-faced, deceitful, filling the role of an imposter. DTP Taking the truth
of God and turning it into lies by words and actions; hypocrisy is prevalent in all levels of society and
we must be aware that practitioners of hypocrisy and their teachings are all around us. (See Isa 29:13;
1 John 1:6.)
• Heart will work iniquity, to practice hypocrisy Isa 32:6
• men, but within ye are full hypocrisy Matt 23:28
• but he, knowing their hypocrisy, said Mark 12:15
• the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy Luke 12:1
• speaking lies in hypocrisy 1 Titus 4:2
• without partiality and without hypocrisy James 3:17
• aside all malice and all guile, and hypocrisy 1 Pet 2:1
Fraud, deceiver, imposter, pretender, cheat, a person who speaks one way and lives another. DTP Many
of the Pharisees and Sadducees were thought to be religious hypocrites; God often warn these kinds
of people about the type of destruction that lay ahead for them, if they did not change their wicked
and deceitful ways.
• and the hypocrite's hope shall perish Job 8:13
• of hypocrites shall be desolate and fire Job 15:34
• hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour Prov 11:9
• alms, do not sound a trumpet ... as the hypocrites do Matt 6:2
• when you fast, be not, as the hypocrite, of a sad Matt 6:16
• thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam Matt 7:5 (Luke 6:42)
• O ye hypocrite, ye can discern ... the sky Matt 16:3 (Luke 12:56)
• unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites Matt 23:29
• unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites Luke 11:44
• answer him and said, thou hypocrite Luke 13:15
Plant that grows in Asia and North Africa; the branch and leaves were used by the Jews to sprinkle blood
on the door post and lintels (Ex 12:22); it was used a picture of spiritual cleansing.
• and ye shall take a bunch of hyssop Ex 12:22
• and cedar wood and scarlet and hyssop Lev 14:4
• shall take cedar wood and hyssop Num 19:6
• purge me with hyssop and I shall be Ps 51:7
• with vinegar and put it upon hyssop John 19:29
• with water and scarlet wool and hyssop Heb 9:19

I Am
"To be" or "truly I am" (strong statement); self-title that God the Father and God the Son used to proclaim
who He was, linking Himself explicitly as God in Exodus 3:14.
• I am who I am Ex 3:14
• I am the bread of life John 6:35
• I am the light of the world John 8:12, 58
• I am the gate John 10:9
• I am the Good Shepherd John 10:11
• I am the resurrection and the life John 11:25
• I am the way, truth and the life John 14:6
• I am the true vine John 15:1
• I am the Alpha and the Omega Rev 1:8
• I am the first and the last Rev 1:17
ichthys or ichthus / fish
This was the Greek word for fish; in the early church the letters served as an acronym which translated
meant: Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour. The drawing of the fish showed that they were disciples of,
"Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour". This symbol can be found on depicted on many things around the
world to this day.
idols / idolatry
An idol is an image or other material object representing a deity to which religious worship or adoration
is addressed. Idolatry is the worship given to such images. Pagodas, shrines, and temples are often
built in honor of such false deities; people that take things or make things to represent a god and then
worship them as gods. DTP Scripture forbids disciples to worship idols. See the Ten Commandments,
Ex 20:1-15. See the life of Solomon, 1 Kings 11:1-8. See the ways of man, Romans 1:21-25.
• Turn ye not unto idols, nor make ... molten gods Lev 19:4
• make you no idols nor graven image Lev 26:1
• stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry 1 Sam 15:23
• hath made Judah also to sin with his idols: 2 Kin 21:11
• the gods of the people are idols: 1 Chr 16:26 (Ps 96:5)
• cut down all the idols throughout all the land 2 Chr 34:7
• their land also is full of idols; they worship Isa 2:8
• in that day every man shall cast away his idols Isa 31:7
• with idols under every green tree Isa 57:5
• that setteth up his idol in his heart Ezek 14:4
• repent and turn yourselves from your idols Ezek 14:6
• trusteth therein, to make dumb idols Hab 2:18
• abstain from pollutions of idols. Acts 15:20 (15:29; 21:25)
• when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry Acts 17:16
• fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater 1 Cor 5:11
• my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry 1 Cor 10:14
• carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye 1 Cor 12:2
• idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, Gal 5:20
• nor covetous man, who is an idolater Eph 5:5
• and covetousness, which is idolatry Col 3:5
• how ye turned to God from idols to serve 1 Thes 1:9
• children, keep yourselves from idols 1 John 5:21
Unaware, uninformed, unfamiliar, unknowing, oblivious, not understanding or comprehending a truth
or teaching. DTP On the day of judgement we will not be able to plead ignorance; God has given us
His Word and His world. We will not be able to say that "we didn't know". We are each responsible
for our walk before the Lord Jesus Christ and we must work hard at knowing His truth because it is
His truth that sets us free. (John 8:32).

• foolish was I and ignorant: I was a beast Ps 73:22
• his watchmen are blind; they are ignorant Isa 56:10
• that they were unclean and ignorant men Acts 4:13
• now I would not have you ignorant, brethren Rom 1:13 (1 Cor 10:1, 12:1; 2 Cor 1:8; 1 Thes 4:13)
• for they, being ignorant of God's righteousness Rom 10:3
• but if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant 1 Cor 14:38
• Satan ... for we are not ignorant of his devices 2 Cor 2:11
• beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one 2 Pet 3:8
Light, enlightenment, clarification, explanation; the idea that something comes to light or that one now
understands; God has allowed us to see the truth of His Word or some truths about who He is. DTP
Illumination is the work of the Holy Spirit in the disciple's life.
• the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes Ps 19:8
• days, in which, after you were illuminated Heb 10:32
Statue, picture, embodiment, form or shape that represents something else. DTP The Bible teaches that
we are not to make or worship images of things that we presume to be gods; still today, man continues
to worship created things rather than worshipping God the Creator of all things; the disciple can easily
fall into idolatry ... the worship of images. (See Daniel 3:1-18 and Romans 1:23.)
• said, Let us make man in our image Gen 1:26
• so God created man in his own image Gen 1:27
• not make unto thee any graven image Ex 20:4
• graven image, neither rear you up a standing image Lev 26:1
• shalt not make thee any graven image Deut 5:8
• and they brake down the image of Baal 2 Kin 10:27
• confounded be all they that serve graven images Ps 97:7
• the workman melteth a graven image Isa 40:19
• be greatly ashamed, that trust in graven images Isa 42:17
• saith unto them. Whose is this image Matt 22:20
• an image made like to corruptible man Rom 1:23
• have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal Rom 11:4
• of Christ, who is the image of God 2 Cor 4:4
• the image of him that created him Col 3:10
• should make an image to the beast Rev 13:14
• upon them which worshipped his image Rev 16:2
immaculate conception
A dogma of the Catholic Church that teaches that at the moment of Jesus' conception, Mary received
immunity from original sin. She became sinless and immediately became holy and worthy of worship
because of being the mother of the Son of God. The challenge with this teaching is that it takes away
the "Son of Man" side of Jesus Christ. Christ could not pay for our sins unless he lived as a man and
was sinless, making it then possible to become the perfect sacrificial Lamb for our sins.
See Emmanuel; translated as "God with Us"; Christ is God who came to be with us and, after His death
and resurrection, He came to be "in" us; the disciple has Christ personally dwelling in his heart and
• a son and shall call his name Immanuel Isa 7:14
• fill the breadth of the land, O Immanuel Isa 8:8
Plunging; to be totally covered over; another word for baptism; the person is to be totally buried in
water, covered over (representing death), then to come up out of the water, being made alive in Christ
Jesus; we die to ourselves and live for Christ.

immortal / immortality
Exemption from death, unending life, unlimited existence. DTP As disciples, we enter into a personal
relationship with Christ at that moment we receive life eternal; we live forever because Christ lives in
• seek for glory and honour and immortality Rom 2:7
• and this mortal must put on immortality 1 Cor 15:53
• this moral shall have put on immortality 1 Cor 15: 54
• now unto the King eternal, immortal 1 Tim 1:17
• who only hath immortality I Tim 6:16
immutability / immutable
Unchangeable, constant, permanent, fixed; the unchangeableness of God; God's nature, character and
promises never change; they are fixed for all eternity (Gen 6:6; Hos 11:8).
• of promise the immutability Heb 6:17
• that by two immutable things, in which it Heb 6: 18
Not able to happen or occur, not able to be done or to exist. DTP With Christ all things are possible but
our prayers must line up to the will of the Father in heaven.
• and nothing shall be impossible unto you Matt 17:20
• with men this is impossible Matt 19:26 (Mark 10:27; Luke 18:27)
• for with God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1:37
• things, in which it was impossible for God to lie Heb 6:18
• without faith it is impossible to please him Heb 11:6
Foulness, unclean, defilement, unchasity, adulterated condition. DTP For the disciple, we come to Christ
to receive His cleansing blood; sin makes us impure and only Christ's blood can wash us, make us pure,
and prepare us to stand sinless before a Holy Father.
imputed / imputation
Charge, accusation, assertion, complaint, allegation. DTP A legal term giving the idea that our sin has
caused us to have a debt or charge against us; if not paid, the penalty is death. Christ came to pay the
debt for all those who would believe on Him as their Lord and Saviour. He paid a price that we could
not pay; He gave Himself by death (sacrificial Lamb) to the Father on our behalf.
• neither shall it be imputed unto him Lev 7:18
• whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity Ps 32:2 (Rom 4:8)
• whom God imputed righteousness without works Rom 4:6
• might be imputed unto them also Rom 4:11 (See Rom 4:12, 22-24)
• but sin is not imputed when there is no Rom 5:13
• God and it was imputed unto him for righteousness James 2:23 (Rom 4:22)
Preposition expressing the situation of something that is or appears to be enclosed or surrounded by
something else; to be inside. DTP The word in is used thousands of time in the Bible but the key point
of this word is that Christ Jesus desires to live in us through the power of the Holy Spirit. He desires
to fill us and dwell in us. Because of His gift of faith, we are in Him, and He in us. He has given us so
• which if a man do, he shall live in them Lev 18:5 (Rom 10:5); Gal 3:12
• in him we live, and move and have our being Acts 17:28
• brethren, I have lived in all good conscience Acts 23:1
• as lieth in you, live peaceably with all man Rom 12:18
• I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me Gal 2:20
• if we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in Gal 5:25
• who are faithful in Christ Jesus Eph 1:1
• blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Eph 1:3
• He chose us in him before the foundation Eph 1:4
• in love he predestined us to adoption Eph 1:4-5
• in him we have redemption Eph 1:7

• his kind intention which he purposed in him Eph 1:9
• the summing up of all things in Christ Eph 1:10
• in him also we have obtained an inheritance Eph 1:11
• first to hope in Christ Eph 1:12
• you were sealed in him Eph 1:13
• which he brought about in Christ Eph 1:20
• all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall 2 Tim 3:12
• in all things willing to live honestly Heb 13:18
• but live according to God in the spirit 1 Pet 4:6
Personification, embodiment, manifestation, living form; bodily manifestation; God took on human
nature and human flesh; He became like man in all ways, minus a sin nature.
Perfume, fragrance; an aroma that fills the room. DTP The disciple is to be a sweet-smelling incense
(savour) unto the Lord 2 Corinthians 2:15
• for anointing oil and for sweet incense Ex 25:6
• He shall burn incense upon it, a perpetual incense Ex 30:8
• Incense upon the fire ... may cover the mercy seat Lev 16:13
• and burnt incense in high places 1 Kin 3:3
• my prayer be set forth before thee as incense Ps 141:2
• burneth incense upon altars of brick Isa 65:3
• censer ... and a thick cloud of incense went up Ezek 8:11
• burned incense to graven images Hos 11:2
• every place incense shall be offered unto my Mal 1:11
• there was given unto him much incense Rev 8:3
incense, altar of
This was a piece of furniture that was located in the Holy place; there incense was burned and, as the
smoke rose, to represent the prayers and worship of God's people in the presence of God; the incense
was burned during the morning and evening sacrifices; it was to symbolize the prayers of the people
going up to God.
• make an altar to burn incense upon Ex 30:1
• he burnt incense upon the altar that 1 Kin 9:25
• the right side of the altar of incense Luke 1:11
To turn, to move toward, to draw very close, to be willing to do something. DTP As disciples, we need to
draw close to God each day. We need to come to a place where we become quiet so that we can hear
and then obey the still small voice of the Lord. We need to focus the ear of our heart on the will and
leading of the Holy Spirit as He teaches us and leads us in our daily walk here on earth.
• and incline your heart unto the LORD God Josh 24:23
• he may incline our hearts unto him, to walk 1 Kin 8:58
• LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry Ps 40:1
• incline your ears to the words of my mouth Ps 78:1
• hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I Ps 116:2
• incline my heart unto thy testimonies and not Ps 119:36
• have inclined mine heart to perform thy statues Ps 119:112
• incline thine ear unto wisdom and apply thine Prov 2:2
• incline your ear and come unto me: hear Isa 55:3
To enlarge, flourish, to grow or multiply. DTP The disciple is on a pilgrimage of growth in Christ Jesus.
Christ must continue to increase in our lives and we need to decrease. Discipleship is a daily process
of growing and maturing so that in the end we will produce fruit that will glorify Christ. Christ desires
to bless us and fill us with more of His presence each day.
• waters increased and bare up the ark, and it Gen 7:17
• in the increase, that ye shall give a fifth part Gen 47:24

• of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly Ex 1:7
• shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed Deut 14:22
• wise man will hear and will increase learning Prov 1:5
• honor ... with the firstfruits of all thine increase Prov 3:9
• teach a just man and he will increase in learning Prov 9:9
• meek also shall increase their joy in the LORD Isa 29:19
• to them that have no might he increased strength Isa 40:29
• Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor Luke 2:52
• Apostles saith unto the Lord, increase our faith Luke 17:5
• he must increase, but I must decrease John 3:20
• the word of God increased; and the number of the Acts 6:7
• in the faith and increased in number daily Acts 16:5
• Apollos watered; but God gave the increase 1 Cor 3:6
• and increase the fruits of your righteousness 2 Cor 9:10
• good work and increase in the knowledge of God Col 1:10
• and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God Col 2:19
• Lord make you to increase and abound in love 1 Thes 3:12
To have anger, wrath or fury, to annoy or to provoke. DTP Disciples should not provoke one other and,
most of all, should not provoke God to anger. We need to walk carefully each day and to watch over
our attitude, and how we think and live out our lives before God and others.
• in great indignation and cast them into another Deut 29:28
• and there was great indignation against Israel 2 Kin 3:27
• because of thine indignation and thy wrath Ps 102:10
• for the indignation of the LORD is upon all nations Isa 34:2
• and have indignation against the holy covenant Dan 11:30
• his disciples saw it, they had indignation Matt 26:8 (Mark 14:4)
• but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath Rom 2:8
indwell / indwelling
Abide; to have a presence that resides within someone or something. DTP The Holy Spirit comes to
indwell or take up residence within the believer; the believer is to be the temple of the Holy Spirit (1
Cor 6:19). See John 14:1-17; Eph 1:13-14.
A theological term used to describe the Bible or the Word of God; it means "without error" (inerrancy);
the original manuscripts were free from error and contradiction; the Bible is trustworthy, balanced
and truthful in all areas.
A theological term used to described the Bible or the Word of God, meaning that the Bible is exempt
from liability to error; the doctrinal teaching that the Bible does not contradict itself or teach one
truth in one part, then teach an opposite or different truth in another part; the Bible is trustworthy,
balanced and truthful in all areas.
infinite / infinity
Unboundless, endless, measureless, perfect, limitless; no beginning or end; a term to express who God
is; the One who was, and is, and will be for all time: past, present and future. He is outside of the
bounds of time and is immeasurable in every respect of Who He is.
• and thine iniquities infinite Job 22:5
• his understanding is infinite Ps 147:5
• were her strength, and it was infinite Nah 3:9
infirmity / infirmities
Ill-health, illness, sickness, frailty, weakness in the body. DTP Disciples of Christ can experience both
physical and spiritual infirmity; it is by Christ's stripes we are healed (Matt 8:17).
• for her infirmity shall she be unclean Lev 12:2
• and I said, this is my infirmity Ps 77:10
• saying, Himself took our infirmities Matt 8:17

• and to be healed by him of their infirmities Luke 5:15
• hour he cured many of their infirmities Luke 7:21
• thou art loosed from thy infirmity Luke 13:12
• the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities Rom 8:26
• I will not glory, but in mine infirmities 2 Cor 12:5
• stomach's sake and thine often infirmities 1 Tim 5:23
• touched with the feeling of our infirmities Heb 4:15
Crop, yield, reap, return, picking, harvesting; a gathering of the fruit from a crop. DTP The disciples are
to go out into the harvest fields that God has prepared. God desires to harvest fruit from our lives to
show that we are His children and disciples. In the last days there will a final ingathering of all believers
to Christ.
• and the feast of ingathering, which is in Ex 23:16
• the feast of ingathering at the year's end Ex 34:22
Taking a portion of like material and then inserting it into another, to become akin to the new
surroundings; a branch from one fruit tree can be grafted into another; a cutting open of one shoot
and the insertion of a "grafted" shoot into the first one. DTP Christ teaches the disciples that He is the
vine and we are the wild branches but, through prayer and commitment to Christ as our Lord and
Saviour, the heavenly Father grafts us into the vine of Christ, and we become one with Him. (See John
To receive something from someone who's gone before, the leaving of a legacy; something being passed
on from one generation to another; the Kingdom of Heaven will be our inheritance from Christ,
because we are His children and family. DTP We as disciples become joint heirs with Jesus and,
because of Christ's death and resurrection we become children of God and joint-heirs with Jesus
• out of Ur ... to give thee this land to inherit it Gen 15:7
• ye shall inherit their land and I will give Lev 20:24
• which the LORD your God giveth you to inherit Deut 12:10
• at ease: and his seed shall inherit the earth Ps 25:13
• wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth Ps 37:9
• the meek shall inherit the earth Ps 37:11 (Matt 5:5)
• hundred fold and shall inherit everlasting life Matt 19:29
• I may inherit eternal life? Mark 10:17 (Luke 10:25; 18:18)
• Do such things shall not inherit the kingdom Gal 5:21
• Called, that ye should inherit a blessing 1 Pet 3:9
Heritage, legacy; something passed on from one generation to another. DTP As children of God, the
Kingdom of Heaven will be our inheritance from Christ, because we are his children. We are, indeed,
Christ's inheritance, and our main inheritance is eternal life.
• is there yet any portion or inheritance Gen 31:14
• shalt have no inheritance in their land Num 18:20
• inheritance within the inheritance of them Josh 19:9
• the LORD is the portion of mine inheritance Ps 16:5
• him and let us seize on his inheritance Matt 21:38
• inheritance among them which are sanctified Acts 26:18
• whom also we have obtained an inheritance Eph 1:11
• our inheritance until the redemption of the Eph 1:14
• shall receive the reward of the inheritance Col 3:24
• receive the promise of eternal inheritance Heb 9:15
• to an inheritance incorruptible and 1 Pet 1:4

iniquity / iniquities
Wickedness, evil, sin, vice, injustice, crime. DTP Man is born with trespasses and sin. We have a sinful
evilness about our nature that can only be dealt with through the blood of Jesus Christ; if it was not
for the grace of God mankind would degenerate into deep depravity and would eventually destroy
• be consumed in the iniquity of the city Gen 19:15
• visiting the iniquity of the fathers Ex 20:5 (34:7; Num 14:18; Deut 5:9)
• and if there be any iniquity in me II Sam 14:32
• for our iniquities are increased over our Ezr 9:6
• sins and the iniquities of their fathers Neh 9:2
• they that plow iniquity and sow wickedness, reap Job 4:8
• my sins and blot out all mine iniquities Ps 51:9
• If I regard iniquity in my heart, the LORD will Ps 66:18
• he that soweth iniquity shall reap vanity Prov 22:8
• he was bruised for our iniquities Isa 53:5
• the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all Isa 53:6
• for he shall bear their iniquities Isa 53:11
• if I regard iniquity in my heart, the LORD will Isa 66:18
• we have sinned and have committed iniquity Dan 9:5
• depart from me, ye that work iniquity Matt 7:23
• from me, all ye workers of iniquity Luke 13:27
• are they whose iniquities are forgiven Rom 4:7
• he might redeem us from all iniquities Tit 2:14
• hast loved righteousness and hated iniquity Heb 1:9
• their iniquities will I remember no more Heb 8:12
• tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity James 3:6
Request, find out, question, make inquiries, investigate, to ask about, to look into or to seek out, to get
a deeper knowledge, wisdom and understanding about something. DTP In our communications with
God, we should always be open to understanding and learning the will of the Father for the many
issues in our lives. We need to ask, and we need to seek.
• the people come unto me to inquire of God Ex 18:15
• the children of Israel inquire of the LORD Judg 20:27
• David inquired of the LORD, saying, shall I go and 1 Sam 23:2
• year after year: and David inquired of the LORD 2 Sam 21:1
• inquire of the LORD for me 2 Sam 22:13 (2 Chr 34:21)
• and they returned and inquired early after God Ps 78:34
• town ye shall enter, inquire who in it is worthy Matt 10:11
Motivation, stimulation, encouragement, idea; a theological term that explains the supernatural process
whereby God influenced Biblical writers to record the words of Scripture, the result of which was the
Word of God; it was like God Himself speaking through man.
• the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them Job 23:8
• Scriptures is given by inspiration of God 2 Tim 3:16
Enthused, stimulated, stirred, moved, encouraged, motivated; this stirring in the heart of the disciple of
Christ comes by the Holy Spirit. DTP A deep unction that empowers people with faith to step forward
to live and to serve Christ Jesus; some call it an anointing that flows from God for reasons of service,
but always for the glory of God.
instruct / instructor / instruction
Teach, inform, enlighten, train educate, discipline. DTP Jesus is our teacher and instructor; He called us
to follow Him and he gave to us His life as a pattern on how we should live for Him here on earth. We
are to become Christ-like; the goal is discipline in the Word and taking on His nature and truth. Christ

also sent the Holy Spirit to teach and instruct us, as a body of believers, in serving together as His
• his voice, that he might instruct thee Deut 4:36
• he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him Deut 32:10
• instructed for the building of the house 2 Chr 3:3
• also thy good spirit to instruct them Neh 9:20
• I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way Ps 32:8
• to know wisdom and instruction Prov 1:2
• but fools despise wisdom and instruction Prov 1:7
• whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge Prov 12:1
• he that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul Prov 15:32
• the wise is instructed, he receiveth knowledge Prov 21:11
• apply thine heart unto instruction and Prov 23:12
• instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is Matt 13:52
• this man was instructed in the way of the Acts 18:25
• more excellent, being instructed out of the law Rom 2:18
• mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? 1 Cor 2:16
• for instruction in righteousness 2 Tim 3:16
Tool, device, musical instrument, a vessel or apparatus which man can use. DTP As disciples, we become
Christ's instruments in His hands; a tool going out to preach the Gospel; we are also instruments of
praise and worship, making a joyful noise unto the Lord; we are His temple and we are His channels
of blessing and forgiveness to a lost world.
• instruments of cruelty are in their Gen 49:5
• the pattern of all the instruments thereof Ex 25:9
• shall take all the instruments of ministry Num 4:12
• all manner of instruments made of fir wood 2 Sam 6:5
• expert in war, with all instruments of war 1 Chr 12:33, 37
• also with instruments of music of the LORD 2 Chr 7:6
• psaltery and an instrument of ten strings Ps 33:2
• praise him with stringed instruments Ps 150:4
• yield ye your members as instruments of Rom 6:13
Wholeness, completeness, soundness, purity, uprightness, moral soundness. Inner and outer
consistency. DTP The disciple is to be upright both before man and, most of all, before God; our
testimony is our most powerful weapon we have here on earth and it is something no enemy can take
from us; for the fullness of Christ to flow through us, we need to make sure that we, as channels, are
pure and have no known obstructions that would hinder the move of the Holy Spirit working through
• in the integrity of my heart and innocence Gen 20:5
• in integrity and in uprightness 1 Kin 9:4
• let integrity and uprightness preserve me Ps 25:21
• for I walked in mine integrity Ps 26:11
• the integrity of the upright shall guide them Prov 11:3
• the just man walketh in his integrity Prov 20:7
Intervene, mediate, plead, arbitrate; to plead on behalf of another; Biblically, it is to come before the
Lord in deep prayer, focused and bearing to God the needs of others. (See Lev 6:7.)
Mediation, intervention, pleading, supplication; speaking to God concerning a specific need of someone
else; it is the coming together of the body, soul and spirit of man into the Holy of Holies of God to lay
our petitions before Him.
• made intercession for the transgressor Isa 53:12
• and wondered that there was no intercessor Isa 59:16

• let them now make intercession to the LORD Jer 27:18
• intercession for us with groanings which Rom 8:26
• because he maketh intercession for the Rom 8:27
• of God, who also maketh intercession for us Rom 8:34
• of all, supplications, prayers intercessions 1 Tim 2:1
• he ever liveth to make intercession for them Heb 7:25
Mediator, interceder, a go-between; a bridge-maker between someone and God; taking up the need of
another before God; doing battle against the enemy who may be trying to destroy something or
someone. DTP The disciple should always make time to be an interceder on behalf of others. Christ is
also intercessor, interceding before the Father on behalf of His Children (Rom 8:34; Heb 7:25; 1 John
• and wondered that there was no intercessor Isa 59:16
Interlinear; two or more Bible texts running parallel to each other; example: Greek or Hebrew on one
line with the English translation underneath in another line.
interpret / interpretation
Can also be known as exegesis; this is a method of doing in-depth study of the Word of God, with the
purpose of learning and giving explanation and understanding to others; one looks at word meanings,
grammar, culture and tradition of the text. It also has the meaning of giving understanding to dreams
such as those experienced by Joseph and Daniel. It can also mean the interpretation of languages,
whether spoken or written.
• that could interpret them unto Pharaoh Gen 41:8
• and we will shew the interpretation of it Dan 2:4
• made me know the interpretation of the things Dan 7:16
• name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is Matt 1:23
• which is being interpreted, My God, my God Mark 15:34
• to another the interpretation of tongues 1 Cor 12:10
• with tongues, except he interpret 1 Cor 14:5
• in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret 1 Cor 14:13
• first being by interpretation King of Heb 7:2
• the Scriptures is of any private interpretation 2 Pet 1:20
The son that God had promised to Abraham and Sarah. Abraham was also called upon to offer up his
son as a sacrifice of faith before the Lord. Isaac married Rebekah and had two sons, Jacob and Esau.
Their descendants became the Israelites and the Edomites. Isaac lived to 180 years of age. He is seen
as one of the foundational fathers of Israel. (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob)
• and thou shalt call his name Isaac Gen 17:19
• covenant will I establish with Isaac Gen 17:21
• the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac Ex 3:6
• his seed and gave him Isaac Jos 24:3
• with Abraham and his oath unto Isaac Ps 105:9
• and Isaac begat Jacob Matt 1:2
• in Isaac shall thy seed be called Rom 9:7
• as Isaac was, are the children of Gal 4:28
• when he had offered Isaac his son James 2:21
ISAIAH, book of
Written around 701 to 681 BC; the name Isaiah means "salvation"; a major prophet who pled with Israel
to return from idolatry and apostasy so that they may escape God's punishment. He also prophesied
about God's coming servant Messiah; Isaiah is one of the complete Dead Sea scrolls on display in the
Israel Museum across the road from the Israeli senate in Israel.
This religion was founded by Mohammed around AD 570 to 632. He was an Arab that was born in Mecca.
Islam means, "devotion, submission to the will of God (Allah). Mohammed believed he was the last

of God's prophets. Mohammed claimed many encounters with the angel Gabriel who, he said,
instructed him how to call mankind back to the true religion of Abraham. The Holy book, called the
Koran, was compiled from his teachings by his followers. There are five pillars to Islam: declaration of
faith, prayer, fasting, almsgiving and a pilgrimage to Mecca.
The nation comprised of the physical descendants of Abraham's grandson, Jacob, whose father was
Isaac. The name "Israel" also represented the twelve tribes of Israel; in English the word means "God
• be called no more Jacob, but Israel Gen 32:28
• Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name Gen 35:10
• the children of Israel were fruitful Ex 1:7
• he and all the children of Israel Josh 3:1
• the LORD, that he had done for Israel Josh 24:31
• and fear him, all ye seed of Israel Ps 22:23
• blessed be the LORD God of Israel from Ps 106:48
• the Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel Isa 48:17
• saith the LORD, the Redeemer of Israel Isa 49:7
• and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel Isa 54:5
• the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel Jer 25:27
• my people and for my heritage Israel Joel 3:2
• of the word of the LORD for Israel Zec 12:1
• that shall rule my people Israel Matt 2:6
• the lost sheep of the house of Israel Matt 10:6
• judging the twelve tribes of Israel Luke 22:30
• promise raised unto Israel a Saviour Acts 13:23
• repentance to all the people of Israel Acts 13:24
• desire and prayer to God for Israel is Rom 10:1
• and so all Israel shall be saved Rom 11:26
• new covenant with the house of Israel Heb 8:8
• tribes of the children of Israel Rev 21:12

Son of Isaac and Rebekah, twin to Esau. He was a schemer, which often got him into trouble, but God
blessed him and used him to give rise to a nation of people. God later changed his name to Israel. He
was the father of twelve sons who later became the heads of the twelve tribes of Israel. Throughout
Scripture, his name is almost always mentioned together with those of Abraham and Isaac.
• and his name was called Jacob Gen 24:26
• Jacob went near unto Isaac his father Gen 27:22
• name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel Gen 32:28
• the hands of the mighty God of Jacob Gen 49:24
• the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob Ex 3:6
• Abraham, unto Isaac and unto Jacob Ex 6:3
• and sanctify the Holy one of Jacob Isa 29:23
• for the LORD hath redeemed Jacob Isa 44:23
• the Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob Isa 49:26 (Isa 60:16)
• Isaac begat Jacob Mat 1:2
• Sit ... with Abraham ... Isaac ... Jacob Matt 8:11 (Luke 13:38)
• Now Jacob's well was there. Jesus therefore John 4:6
• of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob Acts 3:13
• by faith. Jacob, when he was a dying, blessed Heb 11:21
JAMES, book of
This book is believed to have been written by James, the Lord's brother, somewhere between 45 and 60
AD. It was written to the Christians dispersed abroad. The book speaks to a variety of challenges to
Christians. Some concern trials, royal law, faith and works, the tongue, two kinds of wisdom, judging,
prayer, etc. The book is very practical in nature for the disciple. It gives direction on how the disciple
should live here on earth.
A light short spear used for hunting and as a weapon during times of war.
• and took a javelin in his hand Num 25:7
• there was a javelin in Saul's hand 1 Sam 18:10
• Saul cast a javelin at him to smite him 1 Sam 20:23
jealous / jealousy
An emotion that can be expressed in a positive or a negative way. Like words would be envious, covetous,
resentful. God can exercise holy jealousy when his people love anything else more than they love Him.
• for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God Ex 20:5
• he be jealous of his wife and she be Num 5:14
• God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God Deut 4:24
• for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God Deut 5:9
• he is a jealous God Josh 24:19
• shall thy jealousy burn like fire Ps 79:5
• for jealousy is the rage of a man Prov 6:34
• and will be jealous for my holy name Ezek 39:25
• I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion Zec 1:14
• for to provoke them to jealousy Rom 11:11
• do not provoke the Lord to jealousy 1 Cor 10:22
• for I am jealous over you with godly 2 Cor 11:2
LORD, GOD, JAH; self-existent, or eternal One. DTP For the disciple, the names of God give us insights
into the character and nature of God.
• but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known Ex 6:3
• that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH Ps 83:18
• for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and Isa 12:2
• for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting Isa 26:4

Hebrew: JEHOVAH-JIREH, the LORD Will Provide, the LORD who is. The LORD will provide for His disciples'
needs when they call upon His name.
• called the name of that place JEHOVAH-JIREH Gen 22:14
Hebrew: JEHOVAH-MEKADEASH, the LORD who sanctifies. The LORD will sanctify His disciples who call
upon His name.
• I am the LORD which JEHOVAH-MEKADEASH you Lev 20:8
Hebrew: JEHOVAH-NISSI, the LORD my Banner, our banner, His name, flag, or emblem. The LORD is the
disciples' banner, for He is the one we serve.
• altar, and called the name of it JEHOVAH-NISSI Ex 17:15
Hebrew: JEHOVAH-RAPHE, the LORD who heals, our healer. The LORD will provide healing for His
disciples if they will call upon His name.
• for I am the LORD that JEHOVAH-RAPHE you Ex 15:26
Hebrew: JEHOVAH-ROHI, the LORD is my shepherd. The LORD will shepherd His disciples who call upon
His name. Psalm 23 gives us a beautiful picture of God's shepherding heart for His sheep.
• the LORD is my JEHOVAH-ROHI Ps 23:1
Hebrew: JEHOVAH SABBAOTH, the LORD of Hosts. The LORD of lords for His disciples; we must call upon
His name if we hope to defeat the enemies of our God.
• for thus saith the LORD JEHOVAH-SABBAOTH Hag 2:6 (see verses 7-8)
Hebrew: JEHOVAH-SHALOM, the LORD is Peace. The LORD is peace for His disciples; to have inner peace
we must call upon His name.
• unto the LORD and called it JEHOVAH-SHALOM Judg 6:24
Hebrew: JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH, the LORD Who is There. The LORD is the One who is always there for the
disciples, but we must believe that He is always there when we call upon His name.
• from that day shall be, The LORD JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH Ezek 48:35
Hebrew: JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU, the LORD our Righteousness. Disciples need to cloth themselves with His
righteousness. We do that by calling upon His name.
• his name whereby he shall be called, the LORD our JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU Jer 23:6
Jehovah's Witnesses
A religious cult founded in the 1870s by Charles Russell. He had a clothing store and at a young age began
studying the Bible under the Seventh-day Adventist faith. Some teachings that they hold to are: they
do not believe in the trinity or the virgin birth; they do not believe that Jesus died for our sins; they
also believe that only 144,000 will go to heaven. They teach that Abel was the first Jehovah's Witness;
they have their own version of the Bible called the New World Translation of the Scriptures. The
disciples of this group spend many an hour in studying the teachings of Russell's material; they also
learn how to be good missionaries. Their churches are usually called Kingdom Hall. They also do not
participate in drinking, smoking, or attending movies. They cannot go to dances, hold public office, or
vote. They cannot salute the flag or enter the military. Over the years, they have often predicted the
end of the world; their disciples would sell everything and gather together on a selected day, but each
time the date passed by without the expected end.
JEREMIAH, book of
This Old Testament book is made up of four sections: poetical, sermons, biographical narrative and
prophecies against foreign nations; Jeremiah spent over four decades in captivity. The book is thought
to have been written between 626 and 580 BC.

Jerusalem is sometimes known as the "city of our God", the city of peace and hope, the city of David.
Today it is the capital city of Israel. (See the word Salem and Ps 76:2.)
• Melchizedek king of Salem (Jerusalem) brought forth bread and wine Gen 14:18
• David came to his house at Jerusalem; and the king 2 Sam 20:3
• with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem Ezr 1:3 (see Ezr 1:3-11)
• so I came to Jerusalem and was there Neh 2:11
• LORD in Zion and his praise in Jerusalem Ps 102:21
• pray for the peace of Jerusalem Ps 122:6
• set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem Isa 62:6
• and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem Isa 66:13
• to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah Dan 9:25
• will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle Zech 14:2
• by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great king Matt 5:35
• O Jerusalem, Jerusalem ... that killest the prophets Matt 23:37; (Luke 13:34)
• He steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem Luke 9:51
• at hand and Jesus went up to Jerusalem John 2:13
• witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea Acts 1:8
• great persecution against the church ... at Jerusalem Acts 8:1
• but Jerusalem which is above is free Gal 4:26
• city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem Heb 12:22
• city of my God, which is new Jerusalem Rev 3:12
• I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming Rev 21:21
In Hebrew and Greek the word means Saviour; Jesus is the Greek name for Hebrew name, Joshua. DTP
For us as disciples, it is like we were drowning in a lake of sin, and when we call upon His name He
saves us from our sins. Jesus came into this world as a servant but will come back a second time as
King of kings. He is the Son of God and the son of man. Jesus is also the head of His worldwide church.
The Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John give to us the testimony of the life of Jesus.
• and thou shalt call his name Jesus Matt 1:21
• this is Jesus king of the Jews Matt 27:37
• now when Jesus was risen early the Mark 16:9
• believe that Jesus is the Christ John 20:31
• of all that Jesus began both to do and teach Acts 1:1
• this same Jesus, which is taken up from you Acts 1:11
• this Jesus God raised up, whereof we all are Acts 2:32
• God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew Acts 5:30
• Saw the glory of God and Jesus standing on the Acts 7:55
• I am Jesus whom thou persecutes Acts 9:5 (22:8; 26:15)
• Hath God ... raised unto Israel a Saviour, Jesus Acts 13:23
• This Jesus, whom I preach unto you, is Christ Acts 17:3
• Testified to the Jews that Jesus was Christ Acts 18:5
• raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead Rom 4:24
• no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but 1 Cor 12:3
• at the name of Jesus every knee should bow Phil 2:10
• for if we believe that Jesus died 1 Thes 4:14
• have a great high priest ... Jesus the Son of God, let us hold Heb 4:14
• the holiest by the blood of Jesus Heb 10:19
• looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of Heb 12:2
• shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God 1 John 4:15
• whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ 1 John 5:1
• I Jesus have sent mine angel to Rev 22:16

Jesus Christ
Means: Saviour / Messiah. It was prophesied that a Messiah (anointed one) would come into the world,
and that He would save His people. DTP For the disciple, Jesus Christ is the one who enters our hearts
and guides and leads us here on this earth; He will one day come back as King of kings, to take us back
to heaven.
• now the birth of Jesus Christ was on Matt 1:18
• the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God Mark 1:1
• by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ John 1:17
• the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Acts 4:10
• they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ Acts 5:42
• said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God Acts 8:37
• his Son Jesus Christ our Lord Rom 1:3
• the righteousness of God ... by faith of Jesus Christ Rom 3:22
• gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ Rom 5:15
• the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Rom 15:6
• anything ... save Jesus Christ and him crucified 1 Cor 2:2
• foundation ... than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ 1 Cor 3:11
• who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ 2 Cor 5:18
• know ye not ... that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye 2 Cor 13:5
• but by the revelation of Jesus Christ Gal 1:12
• Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone Eph 2:20
• may be more abundant in Jesus Christ Phil 1:26
• every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord Phil 2:11
• the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ Phil 3:20
• Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ 1 Thes 1:1
• Of the great God and Saviour Jesus Christ Tit 2:13
• through Jesus Christ our Saviour Titus 3:6
• Jesus Christ the same yesterday and Heb 13:8
• Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 2 Pet 3:18
• The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from 1 John 1:7
• Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous 1 John 2:1
• Confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh 1 John 4:2
• who confess not that Jesus Christ is Lord 2 John 1:7
• the Revelation of Jesus Christ Rev 1:1
• the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be Rev 22:21
Jew / Jewish
Short form for a person who is of the tribe of Judah. Today it is used as a label or title for the Hebrew
people of Israel.
• the Jews which came up from thee to us are Ezra 4:12
• ask ... concerning the Jews that had escaped Neh 1:2
• the palace there was a certain Jew Esth 2:5
• Haman sought to destroy all the Jews that Esth 3:6
• of the shirt of him that is a Jew Zec 8:23
• how is it that thou, being a Jew John 4:9
• therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus John 5:16
• king of the Jews John 19:19
• sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew Acts 13:6
• I am a man which am a Jew of Tarsus Acts 21:39
• To the Jews first and also to the Greek Rom 1:16
• Of the Jew first and also of the Gentile Rom 2:9
• Unto the Jews a stumbling block and unto 1 Cor 1:23
• and unto the Jews I became as a Jew 1 Cor 9:20
• there is neither Jew nor Greek Gal 3:28
• there is neither Greek nor Jew Col 3:11

• of them which say they are Jews and are not Rev 2:9
JOB, book of
The name Job means "the persecuted or hated one". It is thought that Job lived during the time of the
patriarchs. It is believed that Moses was the author of the book, written somewhere between 1485
and 1445 BC. The book of Job is classified as a book of poetry. The purpose of the book is to show
forth the benevolence of God; the book demonstrates the unfathomable wisdom of His providence
as His children go through trials and suffering. God allows righteous people to suffer for the purpose
of building their inner faith. DTP For the disciple, trials and suffering help to purify one's faith in Christ
Jesus, as well as to draw the person into a heavenly and eternal view of why one is here on earth. We
are pilgrims passing through this earth, the goal being a place in heaven with our King and Lord, Jesus
JOEL, book of
The name Joel means the "Lord is God". It was thought to have been written around 835 to 796 BC. Joel
prophesies against the Kingdom of Judah. The book can be divided into four sections: 1) a prophetic
picture of the Day of the Lord, 2) a direct word concerning the Day of the Lord, 3) a word concerning
the judgment of the nations and 4) a prophecy concerning the full kingdom of Israel and how it will
be blessed. Throughout the book Joel wants his readers to see that God is in control over all situations,
and that He is the one who grants mercy them.
JOHN, book of First
It is thought that this book was written around 85 to 90 AD by the Apostle John, the same disciple who
wrote the Gospel of John. This book was written to the churches of Asia Minor. The book challenges
the disciples to a deeper moral faith in Christ Jesus. It is divided into four basic sections: one concerns
indifference to morality and sin. Secondly, it was to show that the people seemed to love the things
of the world more than they loved Christ. Thirdly, the author challenges the church to a purer and
more righteous love of Christ to each other and to the world. Lastly, He hopes that the churches would
have a true faith in Christ.
JOHN, book of Second
It is thought that this book was written around 85 to 90 AD by the Apostle John, the disciple who wrote
the Gospel of John. The purpose of this letter was to warn the church about false teachers who were
travelling around from church to church, teaching and preaching false doctrines. People who spread
heresy should not be even welcomed in the church.
JOHN, book of Third
It is thought that this book was written around 85 to 90 AD by the Apostle John, the disciple who wrote
the Gospel of John. In this book John calls himself "the elder". The purpose of this letter was to
encourage Gaius in his walk with the Lord. There was a man in a local church named Diotrephes who
was mistreating other disciples of Christ; John was coming to deal with his pride and selfishness.
JOHN, Gospel book of
It is believed that John wrote this book around 90 AD from the city of Ephesus. This John is believed to
be one of the "sons of thunder" Mk 3:17, a close companion of Christ Jesus. John's account of Jesus is
very different than those of the other three books of the Gospels. He touches on a variety of different
teachings of Christ, plus he is the only one who focuses on the "I Am" name of Jesus Christ.
The idea of being equally tied together with another for purposes of receiving an inheritance. DTP The
disciple is an heir to God and joint-heir with Jesus Christ. John 15:1-11 teaches us, as believers, that
we become part of the vine of Christ. We have a heritage and an anointing that comes to us because
we are connected with Christ. He is our head and we are part of His body.
• heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Jesus Rom 8:17
JONAH, book of
This book was written around 793 to 752 BC. Jonah was commanded by God to prophesy against
Nineveh, the capital of Assyria. Jonah was hoping in his heart that God would destroy the city of
Nineveh. The book is a picture of God's mercy on all who will seek Him in humility. Because of their
repentance, the city was spared from destruction for another 150 years. Jesus refers to the book of
Jonah in Matt 12:40 and Matt 12:41.

JOSHUA, book of
The theme of this book could be entitled "Victory through Faith". Joshua was given the task to lead the
people of Israel into the Promised Land. Joshua's name means, "the LORD saves" or "the LORD is
salvation". "Jesus" is a transliteration of the name Joshua in the New Testament. Joshua was
mentored by Moses so that he could lead the people and fulfill the promise of God that was made to
Abraham, Gen 15:18-21. All twelve tribes were expecting to take part in the conquest of the land of
The tenth and smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet representing something very small almost like the
dot over the letter "i". It is also the ninth letter, "iota", of the Greek alphabet. DTP Jesus wanted to
ensure that His disciples understood that not one little part of the law will pass away from the Word
of God, and that everything will be completed before He returns.
• one jot or one tittle shall in no Matt 5:18
Trip, voyage, expedition, pilgrimage. DTP The disciple is called to be an ambassador of reconciliation to
a foreign land. We are travelling and moving forward on behalf of our King and His Kingdom. We are
just passing through this world but while here we represent Him, but our true home is heaven.
• Let us take our journey, Gen 33:12
• be in a journey afar off, Num 9:10
• Take victuals with you for the journey, Josh 9:11
• the LORD sent thee on a journey, 1 Sam 15:18
• the journey is too great for thee. 1 Kin 19:7
• how long shall thy journey be? Neh 2:6
• he is gone a long journey: Pro 7:19
• Nor scrip for your journey, Matt 10:10
• take nothing for their journey, Mark 6:8
• being wearied with his journey, John 4:6
• Whensoever I take my journey into Spain, Rom 15:24
Abiding inner happiness, rejoicing, gladness. DTP For disciples, the joy of the Lord is to be our strength.
When we keep our focus on Christ, we can have joy even during times of great challenge, because we
do not place our confidence on the things here on earth but on heaven and Christ's Kingdom.
• pipes and rejoiced with great joy 1 Kin 1:40
• and many shouted aloud for joy Ezr 3:12
• the dedication of this house of God with joy Ezra 6:16
• for the joy of the LORD is your Neh 8:10
• turned unto them from sorrow to joy and from Esth 9:22
• in thy presence is fullness of joy Ps 16:11
• but joy cometh in the morning Ps 30:5
• and shout for joy, all ye that are upright Ps 32:11
• restore unto me the joy of thy salvation Ps 51:12
• they that sow in tears shall reap in joy Ps 126:5
• and let the saints shout for joy Ps 132:9
• everlasting joy shall be upon their head Isa 51:11
• break forth into joy, sing together, ye waste Isa 52:9
• beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for morning Isa 61:3
• thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing Jer 15:16
• for I will turn their mourning into joy Jer 31:13
• I will joy in the God of my salvation Hab 3:18
• rejoiced with exceeding great joy Matt 2:10
• enter thou into the joy of thy Lord Matt 25:21
• behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy Luke 2:10
• the seventy returned again with joy, saying Luke 10:17
• joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that Luke 15:7

• that your joy might be full John 15:11
• disciples were filled with joy and with the Acts 13:52
• so that I might finish my course with joy Acts 20:24
• we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Rom 5:11
• and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Rom 14:17
• fill you with all joy and peace in believing Rom 15:13
• the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy Gal 5:22
• for you all making request with joy Phil 1:4
• Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be like-minded, Phil 2:2
• affliction, with joy of the Holy Ghost 1 Thes 1:6
• with joy of the Holy Ghost 1 Tim 1:6
• who for the joy that was set before him Heb 12:2
• count it all joy when ye fall into James 1:2
• ye rejoice with joy unspeakable 1 Pet 1:8
• write we unto you, that your joy may be full 1 John 1:4
• speak face to face that our joy may be full 2 John 1:12
• the presence of his glory with exceeding joy Jude 1:24
To be glad, happy, elated, thrilled pleased, jubilant. DTP For the disciple, the idea of joyfulness is an
expression that flows from a heart that is thankful for what the Lord has done, and is doing daily,
through the believers of Christ. (See 1 Pet 1:6)
• with joy: for the LORD had made the joyful Ezra 6:22
• Let them also that love thy name be joyful in Ps 5:11
• My soul shall be joyful in the LORD; it shall Ps 35:9
• And my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips Ps 63:5
• make a joyful noise unto God, all ye Ps 66:1
• let us make a joyful noise to the rock Ps 95:1
• make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all Ps 98:4 (100:1)
• let the saints be joyful in glory Ps 149:5
• make them joyful in my house of prayer Isa 56:7
• my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath Isa 61:10
• I am exceeding joyful in all our 2 Cor 7:4
On the Jewish calendar every fiftieth year was the Year of Jubilee. It was a time of celebration, with the
blowing of rams' horns and trumpets. It was a holy year, providing a year of rest from sowing, reaping
and harvesting. It was also the year when land was released/returned to the ancestral owners. It was
also a time when masters/owners could release their slaves.
• it shall be a jubilee unto you Lev 25:10
• in the year of this jubilee ye shall Lev 25:13
• even unto the year of the jubilee Lev 27:23
Judah / Judaism
Judah was one of the twelve people groups that made up the southern kingdom, one of the twelve tribes
of Israel. The name Judah means "to praise". Prophetically, out of the tribe of Judah would come a
Redeemer, a Saviour, who would deliver His people.
• of Judah according to their armies Num 10:14
• this is the blessing of Judah; and he said Deut 33:7
• is the inheritance of the tribe ... of Judah Josh 15:20
• of the tribe of the children of Judah Josh 21:9
• men of Judah came and ... anointed David 2 Sam 2:4
• also the house of Judah have anointed 2 Sam 2:7
• Judah did evil in the sight of the LORD 1 Kin 14:22
• in Judah is God known Ps 76:1
• song be sung in the land of Judah Isa 26:1
• it is evident that our LORD sprang out of Judah Heb 7:14

• weep not; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah Rev 5:5
JUDE, book of
The author is believed to be Jude, the brother of James and half-brother of Jesus. Some believe that the
book was written before 70 AD, prior to the destruction of Jerusalem. Jude was very concerned about
the number of false teachers that where entering the church. There was also a serious problem with
apostasy in many of the churches.
judge / judges / judged
God has raised up people over the years to bring judgment on various people groups. DTP The disciple
must realize that God Himself is the righteous judge who makes decisions about issues with which
people are confronted. All people will appear before the throne of God to be judged both for their
works, and for their acceptance or rejection of Christ Jesus. We are to discern and judge wisely about
the things we do here on earth.
• Whom they shall serve, will I judge Gen 15:14 (Acts 7:7)
• the LORD judge between me and thee Gen 16:5
• the LORD shall judge his people Deut 32:36
• LORD raised up a judge, which delivered them Judg 2:16
• the LORD shall judge the ends of the 1 Sam 2:10
• judge me, O LORD, according to my Ps 7:8
• for the LORD will judge his people Ps 135:14
• he shall judge among the nations Isa 2:4 (Mic 4:3)
• for the LORD is our judge, the LORD Isa 33:22
• judge not, that ye be not judged Matt 7:1
• for with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged Matt 7:2
• Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgement. John 7:24
• I judge him not: for I came not to judge John 12:47
• he will judge the world in righteousness by Acts 17:31
• God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Rom 2:16
• judge in yourselves 1 Cor 11:13
• Christ, who shall judge the quick 2 Tim 4:1
• in heaven and to God the Judge of all Heb 12:33
• but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge Heb 13:4
• the judge standeth before the door James 5:9
• that is ready to judge the quick and the dead 1 Pet 4:5
• and in righteousness he doth judge Rev 19:11
• book of life: and the dead were judged out of Rev 20:12
JUDGES, book of
The title of this book was given because of the 15 men and women that God raised up to lead the people
of Israel. It is also a historical account occurring over a period of about 350 years, starting from the
conquest of Canaan and ending with the establishment of kingdom rule. It is thought that Samuel
wrote this book. The book demonstrates the circular pattern during which the people fall into idol
worship, then would be oppressed, and then, upon their repentance, God would deliver them.
Following their deliverance, the people would have a period of peace and prosperity before they
would once again fall into idolatry and sin.
Give opinion, to judge, arbitrate, referee, punishment, chastisement; to give a ruling, decision, verdict,
sentence, result. All people will one day come before the Lord Jesus Christ to face judgment
concerning the life that they lived here on earth.
• of the LORD, to do justice and judgment Gen 18:19
• upon their gods also the LORD executed judgment Num 33:4
• and David executed judgment and justice 2 Sam 8:15
• and gavest them right judgment and true laws Neh 9:13
• the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous Ps 19:9
• I will sing of mercy and judgment Ps 101:1
• Out of my mouth; for I have hoped in thy judgements Ps 119:43

• Teach me good judgment and knowledge: for I have Ps 119:66
• God shall bring every work into judgment Eccl 12:14
• he will bring forth judgment unto truth Isa 42:3
• saith the LORD, keep ye judgment and do justice Isa 56:1
• shall kill be in danger of the judgement: Matt 5:21
• for with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judge: Matt 7:2
• when he was set down on the judgement seat, Matt 27:19
• hath committed all judgment unto the Son John 5:22
• as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just John 5:30
• Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgement. John 7:24
• world of sin and righteousness and of judgment John 16:8
• sure that the judgment of God is according to truth Rom 2:2
• by the offense of one judgment came upon all men Rom 5:18
• how unsearchable are his judgements Rom 11:33
• shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ Rom 14:10
• troubleth you shall bear his judgment Gal 5:10
• resurrection of the dead and of eternal judgment Heb 6:2
• once to die, but after this the judgment Heb 9:27
• judgment without mercy ... mercy rejoiceth against judgment James 2:13
• that judgement must begin at the house of God 1 Pet 4:17
• unto the day of judgment to be punished 2 Pet 2:9
• to execute judgment upon all and to Jude 1:15
• true and righteous are thy judgements Rev 16:7
• for true and righteous are his judgements: Rev 19:2
judgment day
Specific day to bring a ruling, decision, verdict, sentence. There will be a day when all peoples of the
earth will be judged. It is a day of reckoning; a decision will be made and a sentence will be issued and
carried out by God.
• account thereof in the day of judgement Matt 12:36
judgment seat of Christ
A place in heaven where Christ will bring a ruling, decision, verdict, sentence; a place where Christ Jesus
will be seated to pass judgment on the living and the dead. DTP The disciple must go out and warn
people to be ready for, without Christ in their heart, they will face God's just sentence to eternal
damnation (Mark 3:29).
• stand before the judgment seat of Christ Rom 14:10
• before the judgment seat of Christ 2 Cor 5:10
• and draw you before the judgment seat James 2:6
just / justice
Fairness, impartiality, fair, honest, integrity. The fairness of a decision concerning an issue or event; an
impartial ruling on a person's way of life. DTP The disciple looks to the Lord Jesus Christ to make a just
decision, knowing that one day He will come back to bring justice to earth.
• Noah was a just man and perfect in Gen 6:9; 18:19
• Just balance, just weights, a just ephah Lev 19:36
• judge the people with just judgment Deut 16:18; 33:21
• a God of truth ... just and right is he Deut 32:4
• come unto me and I would do him justice 2 Sam 15:4
• justice and judgement are the habitation Ps 89:14
• to receive the instruction of wisdom, justice Prov 1:3
• teach a just man and he will increase Prov 9:9
• blessing are upon the head of the just Prov 10:6
• just man walketh in his integrity: his children Prov 20:7
• the way of the just is uprightness Isa 26:7
• a just God and a Saviour Isa 45:21
• do justly and to love mercy and walk humbly Mic 6:8

• and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust Mat 5:45
• at the resurrection of the just Luke 14:14
• more than over ninety and nine just persons, Luke 15:7
• as I hear, I judge: and my judgments is just John 5:30
• but ye denied the Holy One and the Just Acts 3:14
• showed before of the coming of the Just One Acts 7:52
• shouldest know his will and see that Just One Acts 22:14
• a resurrection of the dead, both of the just Acts 24:15
• the just shall live by faith Rom 1:17 (Hab 2:4; Gal 3:11; Heb 10:38)
• that he might be just and the justifier of Rom 3:26
• the just shall live by faith Gal 3:11
• honest, whatsoever things are just Phil 4:8
• now the just shall live by faith Heb 10:38
• suffered for sins, the just for the unjust 1 Pet 3:18
• just to forgive us our sins, and to 1 John 1:9
• just and true are thy ways, thou King Rev 15:3
justification / justified
Reason, validation. These are terms that often are used at a court of law when a person is being judged
by the law of man. DTP It is through Christ's shed blood that we receive justification, and through
faith in Christ Jesus we become justified before the Father in heaven.
• If I justify myself, mine own mouth shall condemn Job 9:20
• thou, that thou mayest be justified Isa 43:26
• LORD require of thee, but to do justly Mic 6:8
• but wisdom is justified of her children Matt 11:19
• by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy Matt 12:37
• that believe are justified ... not be justified by the law Acts 13:39
• being justified freely by his grace Rom 3:24
• man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law Rom 3:28
• offenses and was raised again for our justification Rom 4:25
• being justified by faith, we have peace with God Rom 5:1
• being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved Rom 5:9
• came upon all men unto justification of life Rom 5:18
• he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified Rom 8:30
• it is God that justifieth Rom 8:33
• washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified 1 Cor 6:11
• that we might be justified by the faith Gal 2:16
• that God would justify the heathen through faith Gal 3:8
• us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith Gal 3:24
• manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit 1 Tim 3:16
• that being justified by his grace, we Tit 3:7

keep / kept
To hold tightly, not letting go, guard, obey, protect, preserve, retain, to keep something locked away. To
keep a thought, an object, or someone close to oneself. DTP When we become children of God through
faith in Jesus Christ, we are placed in the safety of God's keeping hands. Like a father looks after and
watches over a child, God the Father cares for us and keeps us close to His loving heart. We can feel
and know His peace and security because He has promised to keep, guard and preserve us all the days
of our lives.
• of Eden to dress and to keep it Gen 2:15
• flaming sword ... to keep the way of the tree of life Gen 3:24
• Abraham, thou shalt keep my covenant therefore Gen 17:9
• They shall keep the way of the LORD, to do Gen 18:19
• behold, I am with thee and will keep thee in Gen 28:15
• ye shall keep it as feast to the LORD Ex 12:14
• remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy Ex 20:8
• the LORD bless thee and keep thee Num 6:24
• have kept the ways of the LORD 2 Sam 22:22 (Ps 18:21)
• keep all my commandments to walk in them: then 1 Kin 6:12
• keep me as the apple of the eye; hide me under Ps 17:8
• O keep my soul and deliver me Ps 25:20
• keep his way and he shall exalt the Ps 37:3
• I will keep thy statutes Ps 119:8
• except the LORD keep the city, the watchman Ps 127:1
• preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee Prov 2:11
• keep sound wisdom and discretion Prov 3:21
• keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of Prov 4:23
• for blessed are they that keep my ways Prov 8:32
• thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose Isa 26:3
• keep mercy and judgment and wait on Hos 12:6
• wilt enter into life, keep the commandments Matt 19:17
• that ye may keep your own tradition Mark 7:9
• Mary kept all these things and pondered them Luke 2:19
• heard the word, keep it and bring forth fruit Luke 8:15
• they that hear the word of God and keep it Luke 11:28
• keep my saying, he will never see death John 8:51 (8:52)
• if you love me, keep my commandments John 14:15
• a man love me, he will keep my words John 14:23
• that thou shouldest keep them from the evil John 17:15
• mystery, which was kept secret since the Rom 16:25
• if ye keep in memory what I preached 1 Cor 15:2
• endeavouring to keep the unity of Eph 4:3
• shall keep your hearts and minds Phil 4:7
• keep thyself pure 1 Tim 5:22
• keep that which is committed to thy trust 1 Tim 6:20
• able to keep that which I have committed 2 Tim 1:12
• kept by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us 2 Tim 1:14
• have finished my course, I have kept the faith 2 Tim 4:7
• to keep himself unspotted from the world James 1:27
• are kept by the power of God through faith 1 Pet 1:5
• love God and keep his commandments 1 John 5:2
• little children, keep yourself from idols 1 John 5:21
• keep yourselves in the love of God Jude 1:21
• unto him that is able to keep you from falling Jude 1:24

• keep my words unto the end, to him will I give Rev 2:26
• hast kept my word and hast not denied my name Rev 3:8
• I also will keep thee from the hour Rev 3:10
• blessed is he that keep the sayings of the Rev 22:7
• keep the sayings of this book: worship God Rev 22:9
Guard, caretaker, attendant, custodian, one who looks after, to hold on to, one who is responsible to
someone, to look after that which you have been entrusted.
• and Abel was a keeper of sheep and Cain was a Gen 4:2
• and he said, I know not: am I my brother's keeper? Gen 4:9
• the LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade Ps 121:5
• keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep Acts 16:27
Greek theological term describing how Jesus "self-emptied" himself of some of His divine qualities when
He became man. Phil 2:6-11 gives the substance to this concept where He emptied Himself of
omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience. Philippians 2:7 "but emptied Himself, taking the form
of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of man."
A device that can unlock a door, a lock or a trunk. DTP In the Bible "key" can have both a physical and
spiritual meaning. It can implies that those who have the keys to something have power and authority
to accomplish a specific purpose; for example, the ability to set free that which is bound.
• the key of the house of David Isa 22:22
• the keys of the kingdom of heaven Matt 16:19
• taken away the key of knowledge Luke 11:52
• and have the keys of hell and of death Rev 1:18
• he that hath the key of David Rev 3:7
• to him was given the key of the Rev 9:1
• having the key of the bottomless Rev 20:1
kill / killed
To put to death. To take the life breath from something living. To destroy by taking the blood from a
living creature.
• lest any finding him should kill him Gen 4:15
• thou shalt not kill Ex 20:13 (Deut 5:17; Matt 5:21; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Rom 13:9; James 2:11)
• I will kill you with the sword Ex 22:24
• I kill and I make alive Deut 32:39
• for thy sake are we killed all the day Ps 44:22 (Rom 8:36)
• of old time, thou shalt not kill Matt 5:21
• and fear not them which kill the body Matt 10:28 (Luke 12:4)
• shall kill him and the third day Matt 17:23 (Luke 9:31)
• of them which killed the prophets Matt 23:31
• do not commit adultery, do not kill Luke 18:20
• not, but for to steal and kill John 10:10
• kill you will think that he doeth God service John 16:2
• and kill the Prince of life, whom God hath Acts 3:15
• the Jews took counsel to kill him Acts 9:23
• sake we are killed all the day long Rom 8:36
• for the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life 2 Cor 3:6
• adultery, said also, do not kill James 2:11
• ye have condemned and killed the just James 5:6
Compassion, sympathy, gentleness, benevolence, thoughtfulness. DTP The disciple is to have this "fruit"
evident to everyone with whom they daily come in contact. When a disciple is filled with the Spirit,
the "Fruit of the Spirit" will be evident.
• for he is kind unto the unthankful Luke 6:35

• charity suffereth long, and is kind 1 Cor 13:4
• and be kind one to another Eph 4:32
kind / kindness
Compassion, sympathy, gentleness, benevolence, thoughtfulness. DTP The disciple is to have this "fruit"
evident to everyone with whom they daily come in contact. When a disciple is filled with the Spirit,
the "Fruit of the Spirit" will be evident.
Compassion, sympathy, gentleness, benevolence, thoughtfulness. DTP The disciple is to have this "fruit"
evident to everyone with whom they daily come in contact. When a disciple is filled with the Spirit,
the "Fruit of the Spirit" will be evident.
• he comforted them, and spake kindly unto them. Gen 50:21
• shalt deal kindly with thy servants 1 Sam 20:8
• Lord deal kindly with you, as ye have dealt Ruth 1:8
• be kindly affectioned one to another Rom 12:10
Compassion, sympathy, gentleness, benevolence, thoughtfulness. DTP The disciple is to have this "fruit"
evident to everyone with whom they daily come in contact. When a disciple is filled with the Spirit,
the "Fruit of the Spirit" will be evident.
• shew kindness unto my master Abraham. Gen 24:12
• LORD, since I have shewed you kindness Josh 2:12
• the LORD show kindness and truth unto you 2 Sam 2:6
• slow to anger and of great kindness Neh 9:17
• for he hath showed me his marvelous kindness in Ps 31:21
• for his merciful kindness is great Ps 117:2
• but with everlasting kindness will I Isa 54:8
• great kindness and repenteth him of the evil Joel 2:13
• knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness 2 Cor 6:6
• riches of his grace in his kindness Eph 2:7
• and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness Col 3:12
• and to godliness brotherly kindness 2 Pet 1:7
Family or tribal connection, the family to which one belongs, relatives. DTP Spiritually, it can also mean
like-mindedness; being connected to our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus in His body, the church.
• out of thy country and from thy kindred Gen 12:1
• depart to mine own land and to my kindred Num 10:30
• and now is not Boaz of our kindred Ruth 3:2
• all the kindreds of the nations shall Ps 22:27
• in thy seed shall all the kindred of the earth Acts 3:25
• father Jacob to him and all his kindred Acts 7:14
• God by thy blood out of every kindred Rev 5:9
• earth and to every nation and kindred Rev 14:6
Ruler, sovereign; one who oversees, having the power and authority over the people of his lands or
kingdom. DTP Many countries have a king as their leader; in a spiritual sense, when we accept Christ
as our personal Saviour, He becomes king over every aspect of our lives. When Christ returns He will
come as King of kings. (See Psalm chapter 21 and 24.)
• Melchizedek king of Salem brought Gen 14:18
• me and have made a king over you 1 Sam 12:1
• hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King Ps 5:2
• LORD is King for ever and ever Ps 10:16
• the King of glory shall come in Ps 24:7 (24:9)
• who is the King of glory? The LORD Ps 24:8 (24:10)
• thou art my King, O God: command deliverance Ps 44:4
• for God is the King of all the earth, sing ye Ps 47:7

• and the Holy One of Israel is our King Ps 89:18
• God and a great King above all gods Ps 95:3
• for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD Isa 6:5
• King shall reign in righteousness and princes Isa 32:1
• Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King Isa 43:15
• saith the LORD the King of Israel Isa 44:6
• he is the living God and everlasting King Jer 10:10
• a righteous Branch and a King shall reign Jer 23:5
• King, whose name is the LORD Jer 46:18
• behold thy King cometh unto thee Zec 9:9
• and the LORD shall be King over all the earth Zec 14:9
• for I am a great King, saith the LORD Mal 1:14
• where is he that is born King of the Jews? Matt 2:2
• Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King Matt 5:35
• thy King cometh unto thee, meek and Matt 21:5
• written, this is Jesus the King of the Jews Matt 27:37 (Mark 15:26; Luke 23:38; John 19:19)
• blessed be the King that cometh in Luke 19:38
• the son of God; thou art the King of Israel John 1:9
• now unto the King eternal, immortal 1 Tim 1:17
• the King of kings and the Lord of lords 1 Tim 6:15
• KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS Rev 19:16; Rev 17:14
Realm, empire, monarchy. This is an area of land, a city, or a country or a commonwealth of countries
where a king or a queen rules over the people. DTP Whose kingdom are you representing and serving?
Are you a soldier of this world's kingdom or God's heavenly kingdom? We are called by Jesus Christ
to be ambassadors of reconciliation for His Kingdom (2 Cor 5:20).
• the beginning of his kingdom was Babel Gen 10:10
• ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests Ex 19:6
• I will establish his kingdom for ever 1 Chr 28:7
• sat on the throne of his kingdom Esth 1:2
• for the kingdom is the LORD'S Ps 22:28
• shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom Ps 145:13
• city and kingdom against kingdom Isa 19:2
• hath given thee a kingdom, power and strength Dan 2:37
• his wonders! his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom Dan 4:3
• repent ye ... the kingdom of heaven is at hand Matt 3:2 (4:17)
• him all the kingdoms of the world Matt 4:8
• preaching the gospel of the kingdom Matt 4:23 (9:35)
• thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in Matt 6:10 (Luke 11:2)
• for thine is the kingdom and the power, and the Matt 6:13
• seek ye first the kingdom of God Matt 6:33 (Luke 12:31)
• seed are the children of the kingdom Matt 13:38
• given unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven Matt 16:19
• for of such is the kingdom Matt 19:14 (Mark 10:14; Luke 18:16)
• inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the Matt 25:34
• new ... my Father's kingdom Matt 26:29 (Mark 14:25; Luke 22:18)
• plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of Luke 9:62
• good pleasure to give you the kingdom Luke 12:32
• and shall sit down in the kingdom of God Luke 13:29
• for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you Luke 17:21
• be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God John 3:3
• my kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of John 18:36
• the kingdom of God is not meat and drink Rom 14:17
• kingdom of God is not in word, but in power 1 Cor 4:20

• unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God 1 Cor 6:9
• do such things shall not inherit the kingdom Gal 5:21
• hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ Eph 5:5
• may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God 2 Thes 1:5
• who through faith subdued kingdoms Heb 11:33
• we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved Heb 12:28
• heirs of the kingdom which he hath James 2:5
• the everlasting kingdom of our Lord 2 Peter 1:11
• kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ Rev 12:10
kingdom of God
This is a realm or place over which God has absolute rule. It is God's eternal dwelling place. In the
kingdom of God there is a throne room where Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father. But
also, in a spiritual sense, the Kingdom of God is in the hearts of His followers. Gal 5:21
• riches to enter into the kingdom of God Mark 10:24
• man to enter into the kingdom of God Matt 19:24
• he cannot enter into the kingdom of God John 3:5
• enter into the kingdom of God Acts 14:22
• the kingdom of God is not meat and drink Rom 14:17
• shall inherit the kingdom of God 1 Cor 6:10
• fellow workers unto the kingdom of God Col 4:11
• may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God 2 Thes 1:5
Kingdom of Heaven
Also can be termed the Heavenly Kingdom. This is a realm or place over which God has absolute rule. It
is God's dwelling place. This term is used most often in the book of Matthew. The book of Revelation
gives to us a glimpse or a window to the appearance of heaven and to those who dwell there.
• for the kingdom of heaven is at hand Matt 3:2
• for theirs is the kingdom of heaven Matt 5:10
• thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven Matt 16:19
• not enter into the kingdom of heaven Matt 18:3
KINGS, Book of First
The two books of Kings at one time were just one single volume in Hebrew. The first book covers the
kings of Israel from around 972 to 560 B.C. First Kings cover a period of time of about 118 years. The
book can be broken down chronologically into seven parts.
KINGS, Book of Second
The two books of Kings at one time were just one single volume in Hebrew. The book covers the kings
of Israel from around 972 to 560 B.C. II Kings cover a period of time of about 308 years. The book can
be broken down chronologically into seven parts.
A person who is a relative; of the same blood line. The Hebrew law used this concept in dealing with land
ownership, slave possession, as well as what was to happen following the death of a brother and the
surviving wife. See Lev 25:25-34, plus read the story of Ruth.
• but if the man have no kinsman Num 5:8
• Naomi had a kinsman of her husband's a Ruth 2:1
• therefore the kinsman said unto Boaz Ruth 4:8
• and my kinsmen stand afar off Ps 38:11
• and call understanding thy kinswoman Prov 7:4
• and had called together his kinsmen Acts 10:24
• my kinsmen according to the flesh Rom 9:3
• salute Herodian my kinsman Rom 16:11
kinsman redeemer
Only a kinsman or relative could redeem a relative's land and people. Responsibility would befall the
closest relative (Lev 25:25). Boaz was Ruth's kinsman redeemer. In the spiritual sense, Christ is our
kinsman redeemer. He can redeem us from a life of poverty and destruction, making us joint heirs
with Him in heaven. See and read the book of Ruth.

• Naomi had a kinsman of her husband's, a Ruth 2:1
• near kinsman: howbeit there is a kinsman nearer than I Ruth 3:12
• part of a kinsman: let him do the kinsman's part Ruth 3:13
• the kinsman said, I cannot redeem it Ruth 4:6
• my brethren, my kinsman according to the flesh Rom 9:3
kiss / kissed
A kiss was a way to show respect and greeting to another person. In Bible times, people would greet one
another with a kiss on either cheek, or both cheeks. DTP A kiss showed friendship and love. Judas
betrayed Jesus with a kiss, demonstrating the deceitful depths to which his heart had sunk. In the Old
Testament a kiss on the lips was common when greeting a relative. The kiss on the check showed
friendship. A kiss between disciples was an evidence of brotherhood. Kissing the feet showed
submission. Rom 16:16; 1 Cor 16:20; 1 Thes 5:26; 1 Pet 5:14; 41:40; 1 Sam 24:8; Ps 72:9.
• come near now and kiss me my son Gen 27:26
• kissed and brought him to his Gen 29:13
• fell on his neck and kissed him: and they wept Gen 33:4
• kissed one another and wept one with 1 Sam 20:41
• kiss the Son, least he be angry and Ps 2:12
• righteousness and peace have kissed each other Ps 85:10
• and kissed his feet and anointed them with oil Luke 7:38
• thou gavest me no kiss Luke 7:45
• and drew near unto Jesus to kiss him Luke 22:47
• thou the Son of man with a kiss Luke 22:48
• and fell on Paul's neck and kissed him Acts 20:37
• Salute one another with an holy kiss Rom 16:16 (1 Cor 16:20; 1 Thes 5:26)
• Greet one another with an holy kiss 2 Cor 13:12
• one another with a kiss of charity 1 Pet 5:14
knee / kneel
To kneel down before another demonstrates respect and honor. It is humbling oneself and offering
yourself to the will of another. It can be a sign of deep gratitude and respect, even to the point of
offering one's life in servitude.
• knee ... not bowed unto Baal 1 Kin 19:18 (Rom 11:4)
• I fell upon my knees and spread out my hands Ezra 9:5
• let us kneel before the LORD our maker Ps 95:6
• and confirm the feeble knee Isa 35:3 (Heb 12:12)
• every knee shall bow, every tongue confess Isa 45:23 (Rom 14:11)
• he kneeled upon his knees three times a day Dan 6:10
• a stone's cast and kneel down and prayed Luke 22:41
• for this cause I bow my knee unto the Father Eph 3:14
• at the name of Jesus every knee should bow Phil 2:10
A means of gaining entry, alerting the resident that someone wishes to enter. One knocks on the outside,
but the hearer or owner of the door has to decide if they will answer and let the person in. DTP Often
homes are locked from the inside and only the owner can open the door. This is why Jesus knocks at
the door of our hearts, but it is our "free will choice" to decide if we are going to let him in. Jesus
challenges the disciple to knock at the "door" of God's heart in prayer to determine His will.
• knock and it shall be opened unto you Matt 7:7
• knock and it shall be opened Luke 11:9
• when he cometh and knocketh, they may open Luke 12:36
• to knock at the door, saying, Lord Luke 13:25
• but Peter continued knocking and when they Acts 12:16
• stand at the door and knock Rev 3:20
• but Peter continued knocking Acts 12:16

know / knowing / known / knew
Identify, recognize, discern, see, understand. DTP The disciples are to know Christ and His word, the
purpose being to put that knowledge into action. Paul wanted to know Christ in a very deep and
comprehensive way.
• for God doth know that in the day ye Gen 3:5
• is become as one of us, to know good and evil Gen 3:22
• for I know their sorrows Ex 3:7
• and ye shall know that I am the LORD your God Ex 6:7
• mayest know that the earth is the LORD'S Ex 9:29
• I know that the LORD is greater than all gods Ex 18:11
• and know the knowledge of the Most High Num 24:16
• unto Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face Deut 34:10
• kingdom of the earth may know 2 Kin 19:19 (Isa 37:20)
• for I know that my Redeemer liveth and that Job 19:25
• I know thou canst do everything Job 42:2
• that know thy name will put their trust in thee Ps 9:10
• for he knoweth the secrets of the heart Ps 44:21
• be still and know that I am God Ps 46:10
• LORD knoweth the thoughts of men Ps 94:11 (1 Cor 3:20)
• the LORD hath made known his salvation Ps 98:2
• know ye that the LORD he is God; it is he Ps 100:3
• try me, and know my thoughts Ps 139:23
• to know wisdom and instruction; to perceive Prov 1:2
• seek me daily and delight to know my ways Isa 58:2
• for I know their works and their thoughts Isa 66:18
• before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee Jer 1:5
• but my people know not the judgment of the LORD Jer 8:7
• understand and know me, that I am the LORD Jer 9:24
• know the LORD: for they shall all know Jer 31:34
• and thou shalt know the LORD Hos 2:20
• so shall ye know that I am the LORD Joel 3:17
• that ye may know the righteousness Mic 6:5
• your Father knoweth what things ye have need of Matt 6:8
• ye shall know them by their fruits Matt 7:16
• Jesus knew their thoughts Matt 12:25 (Luke 11:17)
• for the tree is known by his fruit Matt 12:33 (Luke 6:44)
• not knowing the Scriptures, nor the Matt 22:29
• before men; but God knoweth your hearts Luke 16:15
• said unto her, if thou knew the gift of God John 2:10
• ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free John 8:32
• the sheep follow him: for they know his voice John 10:4
• shall all men know that ye are my disciples John 13:35
• knowing this, that our old man is Rom 6:6
• for we know not what we should pray Rom 8:26
• we know that all things work together for good Rom 8:28
• that he might make known the riches Rom 9:23
• I know and am persuaded by the Lord Rom 14:14
• know ye not that ye are the temple of God 1 Cor 3:16 (6:19)
• the Lord knoweth the thought of the 1 Cor 3:20
• love God, the same is known of him 1 Cor 8:3
• know in part; but then shall I know even as ... I am known 1 Cor 13:12
• written in our hearts, known and read of all 2 Cor 3:2
• made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin 2 Cor 5:21
• knowing that a man is not justified by Gal 2:16

• having made known unto us the mystery Eph 1:9
• ye may know what is the hope of his calling Eph 1:18
• and to know the love of Christ, which passeth Eph 3:19
• to make known the mystery of the gospel Eph 6:19
• that I may know him, and the power of Phil 3:10
• your requests be made known unto God Phil 4:6
• for I know whom I have believed 2 Tim 1:12
• the Lord knoweth them that are his 2 Tim 2:19
• from a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures 2 Tim 3:15
• and they have not known my ways Heb 3:10
• knowing this, that the trying of your James 1:3
• know ye not that the friendship of James 4:4
• that know to do good and doeth it not, to him James 4:17
• the Lord knoweth how to deliver the 2 Pet 2:9
• have known the way of righteousness 2 Pet 2:21
• I know him, and keepeth not his 1 John 2:4
• from the Holy One and ye know all things 1 John 2:20
• but we know that, when he shall appear 1 John 3:2
• we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit 1 John 3:24
• that ye may know that ye have eternal life 1 John 5:13
• know he hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know 1 John 5:15
• I know thy works Rev 2:2 (2:19; 3:1, 8, 15)
Comprehension, understanding, experience, skill. DTP The key is to turn head knowledge into heart
action. The knowledge should become an attitude that guides our walk in Christ. The purpose of
knowledge is to bring about change.
• garden and the tree of knowledge of good Gen 2:9
• but of the tree of the knowledge of good Gen 2:17
• wisdom, in understanding and in knowledge Ex 35:31
• knew the knowledge of the Most High, which saw Num 24:16
• LORD is a God of knowledge and by him actions 1 Sam 2:3
• give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may 2 Chr 1:10
• wisdom and knowledge is granted unto the 2 Chr 1:12
• teach me good judgment and knowledge Ps 119:66
• fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge Prov 1:7
• out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding Prov 2:6
• knowledge rather than choice gold Prov 8:10
• and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding Prov 9:10
• whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge Prov 12:1
• and apply thine heart unto my knowledge Prov 22:17
• be full of the knowledge of the Lord Isa 11:9 (Hab 2:14)
• shall feed you with knowledge and understanding Jer 3:15
• four children, God gave them knowledge Dan 1:17
• are destroyed for the lack of knowledge Hos 4:6
• to give knowledge of salvation unto his people by Luke 1:77
• did not like to retain God in their knowledge Rom 1:28
• for by the law is the knowledge of sin Rom 3:20
• have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge Rom 10:2
• to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit 1 Cor 12:8
• that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God 2 Cor 10:5
• and revelation in the knowledge of him Eph 1:17
• to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge Eph 3:19
• of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto Eph 4:13
• may abound yet more and more in knowledge Phil 1:9

• ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom Col 1:9
• all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge Col 2:3
• and to come unto the knowledge of the truth 1 Tim 2:4
• we have received the knowledge of the truth Heb 10:26
• husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge 1 Pet 3:7
• through the knowledge of him that called 2 Pet 1:3
• and to virtue, knowledge 2 Pet 1:5
• in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour 2 Pet 3:18
The book considered sacred for Islam. To the Muslim, the Koran is held in highest respect and should
never be defamed or defaced. Moslem clerics study the Koran with great intensity. Mohamed did not
write the Koran by himself; his followers wrote down his teaching and then compiled them into book

Physical, mental, or spiritual work. DTP The Bible tells us to be careful how we do things, to ensure our
labour will be effective in building up God's kingdom. The disciple is a labourer in Christ's vineyard.
• the labour of my hands and rebuked Gen 31:42
• six days shalt thou labour and do all Ex 20:9
• you a land for which ye did not labour Josh 24:13
• they labour in vain that build it Ps 127:1
• the labour of the righteous tendeth to life Prov 10:16
• they shall not labour in vain, nor Isa 65:23
• is plenteous, but the labourers are few Matt 9:37
• come unto me, all ye that labour Matt 11:28
• truly is great, but the labourers are few Luke 10:2
• labour not for the meat which John 6:27
• who labour in the Lord, Rom 16:12
• for we are labourers together with God 1 Cor 3:9
• your labour is not in vain in the Lord 1 Cor 15:58
• lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain. Gal 4:11
• steal no more: but rather let him labour Eph 4:28
• this is the fruit of my labour: Phil 1:22
• run in vain, neither labour in vain Phil 2:16
• those women which labour with me in the gospel Phil 4:3
• always labour fervently for you in prayers that Col 4:12
• labour of love and patience of hope in 1 Thes 1:3
• honor, especially they who labour in the word 1 Tim 5:17
• let us labour therefore to enter into that rest Heb 4:11
A person who performs a service within the church; it is usually a non-paid position. See 1 Timothy 5:17-
18 which describes how some elders (presbuteros) can receive wages for their ministry. It has come
to mean a non-ordained person within the church. (See 1 Pet 5:1-5.)
lamb / Lamb
Offspring of domesticated sheep, raised for its wool and meat. Often sacrificed during tabernacle and
temple worship. The shedding of the lamb's blood, when offered to God, was for the purpose of
forgiveness. DTP In the New Testament Christ became the perfect Lamb of God. He shed His blood so
that people could have forgiveness of sin. It was a one-time sacrifice of innocent blood for all those
who, by faith, would receive Christ as Saviour and Lord.
• but where is the lamb for a burnt Gen 22:7
• my son, God will provide himself a lamb Gen 22:8
• shall take to them every man a lamb Ex 12:3
• your lamb shall be without blemish, a male Ex 12:5
• and if he bring a lamb for sin offering Lev 4:32
• he shall gather the lamb with his arm Isa 40:11
• brought as a lamb to the slaughter Isa 53:7
• send you forth as lambs among wolves Luke 10:3
• behold the Lamb of God John 1:29 (1:36)
• he saith unto him, Feed my lambs John 21:15
• and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so Acts 8:32
• as a lamb without blemish and 1 Pet 1:19
• stood a Lamb, as it had been slain Rev 5:6
• worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive Rev 5:12
• saying, Salvation to our God ... and unto the Lamb Rev 7:10
• them white in the blood of the Lamb Rev 7:14
• not written in the book of life of the Lamb Rev 13:8

• looked and, lo, a Lamb stood on mount Sion Rev 14:1
• war with the Lamb and the Lamb shall overcome Rev 17:14
• the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife Rev 19:7
• are written in the Lamb's book of life Rev 21:27
• of God and of the Lamb shall be in it Rev 22:3
Lamb of God
In the Old Testament the Bible teaches that there would be One who would come and lay down his life
for all mankind (see Isa 53:7). DTP In the New Testament Christ became the perfect Lamb of God. He
shed His blood so that people could have the forgiveness of sins. It was a one-time sacrifice of
innocent blood for all those who, by faith, would receive Christ as Saviour and Lord. (See the book of
• and saith, behold the Lamb of God John 1:29
• he saith, behold the Lamb of God John 1:36
lament / lamentation
To cry out with great emotion from a burdened heart. To mourn, grieve and weep over a loss or death
of something or someone.
• with a great and very sore lamentation Gen 50:10
• take up a lamentation on high places Jer 7:29
• is a lamentation and shall be for a lamentation Eze 19:14
• gird yourselves and lament, ye priests Joel 1:13
• and all your songs into lamentation Amos 8:10
• lament with a doleful lamentation and Mic 2:4
• unto you, that ye shall weep and lament John 16:20
The main theme of this book is about how the author, thought to be Jeremiah, mourned and lamented
over the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple of God around 587 BC. The book is broken up five
chapters each chapter forming a poem of lament. The book expresses God's deep love and sorrow
over His people.
lamp / lampstand
A clay vessel that held oil and a wick which, when lit, would burn and give off light in a room. There was
also a lampstand in the tabernacle and, later, also in the temple. DTP Spiritually, the Word of God is
a lamp to shed light for the disciple's life.
• a burning lamp that passed between Gen 15:17
• for thou art my lamp, O LORD 2 Sam 22:29
• thy word is a lamp unto my feet Ps 119:105
• I have ordained a lamp for mine anointed Ps 132:17
• for the commandment is a lamp Prov 6:23
• the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth Isa 62:1
• ten virgins, which took their lamps Matt 25:1
• and there were seven lamps of fire burning Rev 4:5
Earth, ground, property, acreage. DTP The land and the sea were created by God and we are to be good
stewards of what God has created. Careless use or destruction of the land will come back to haunt
and even destroy us. We should treasure the gift of land that God has created and given to all peoples
of the world.
• and let the dry land appear: and it was so Gen 1:9
• unto a land that I will show thee Gen 12:1 (Acts 7:3)
• land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession Gen 17:8
• land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is Lev 25:23
• the land shall be divided for an inheritance Num 26:53
• in the land that floweth with milk and honey Deut 6:3
• Israel came over this Jordan on dry land Josh 4:22
• given you a land for which ye did not labour Josh 24:13
• forgive their sin and heal their land 2 Chr 7:14

• make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands Ps 66:1 (100:1)
• walk before the LORD in the land of the living Ps 116:9
• righteous: they shall inherit the land for ever Isa 60:21
• I will bring them again to this land Jer 24:6
• by faith he sojourned in the land of promise Heb 11:9
A verbal or written expression of thought, made through sounds and letters, and when put together,
produce communication. The combination of words produces sentences, and when spoken or read,
allow communication between people. Language contains traditions and cultures of a specific people
group. There are thousands of languages worldwide. God caused the proliferation of languages,
resulting in the dispersion of people. The book of Revelation tells us that every nation, tribe, tongue,
and people will be represented in heaven (Rev 14:6).
• and the whole earth was of one language Gen 11:1
• down and there confounded their language Gen 11:7
• with a loud voice in the Jews' language 2 Kin 18:28
• according to the language of each people Neh 13:24
• and to every people after their language Esth 1:22
• Jacob from a people of strange language Ps 114:1
• that every people, nation and language Dan 3:29
• man heard them speak in his own language Acts 2:6
A gross form of wickedness, usually with sexual overtones. It is corrupt and detestable before God. Infers
indecency or obscenity. Can refer to sexual acts that are not natural according to God's intent.
• wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil Mark 7:22
• lasciviousness which they have committed 2 Cor 12:21
• fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness Gal 5:19
• have given themselves over unto lasciviousness Eph 4:19
• the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness 1 Pet 4:3
• men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness Jude 1:4
Coming after all others in time or order; most recent. To be at the very end, the finish or completion of
• now these be the last words of David 2 Sam 23:1
• LORD, the first and with the last Isa 41:1
• I am the first and I am the last Isa 44:6
• the last state of that man is worse Matt 12:45 (Luke 11:26
• many that are first shall be last Matt 19:30 (20:16; Mark 10:31; Luke 13:30)
• same shall be last of all and servant of all Mark 9:35
• the last enemy that shall be 1 Cor 15:26
• of an eye, at the last trump 1 Cor 15:52
• I am the first and the last Rev 1:17
• and the end, the first and the last Rev 22:13
last days
The earth was created with time built into it. We have seasons, night and day. We measure time in
seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, and centuries. But one day time will be no more (Rev 10:6-7).
The times of the earth will soon come to an end. DTP In the last days Christ will come to set up a new
heaven and earth were the measurement of time will be gone. We are in the last days; Christ will soon
come for His bride, the church. The battles and corruption of this old world will come to an end.
• shall befall you in the last days Gen 49:1
• from the first day unto the last day Neh 8:18
• shall come to pass in the last days Isa 2:2
• but in the last days it shall come Mic 4:1
• raise it up again at the last day John 6:39 (6:40, 44, 54)
• in the resurrection at the last day John 11:24

• same shall judge him in the last day John 12:48
• shall come to pass in the last days Acts 2:17
• that in the last days perilous times 2 Tim 3:1
• in these last days spoken unto us by his Son Heb 1:2
• treasure together for the last days James 5:3
• salvation ready to be revealed in the last days 1 Pet 1:5
• shall come in the last days scoffers 2 Pet 3:13
A basin or bowel used for washing one's hands and feet. Upon completion of a temple sacrifice, the
priest would wash his hands in the laver. See Exodus 30:18-21
• you shall also make a laver of bronze Ex 30:18
• under the laver were supports of cast bronze 1 Kin 7:30
• he also made ten lavers 2 Chr 4:6
Rule, commandment, decree, directive. Regulation put in place by a governing authority. Commandment
that weighs the moral right or wrong of an act. The Ten Commandments, as given to Moses, were
God's rules of how people were to relate to Him and to each other.
• and Joseph made it a law over the land Gen 47:26
• that the Lord's laws may be in thy mouth Ex 13:9
• shall write him a copy of this law in a book Deut 17:18
• all the words of this law to do them Deut 27:26 (Gal 3:10)
• this book of the law shall not Josh 1:8
• afterward he read all the words of the law Josh 8:34
• words in the book of the law of God Josh 24:26
• have found the book of the law 2 Kin 22:8 (34:15)
• thou mayest keep the law of the LORD thy God 1 Chr 22:12
• heart to seek the law of the LORD Ezr 7:10
• bring the book of the law of Moses Neh 8:1
• the people to understand the law Neh 8:7
• delights in the law of the LORD Ps 1:2
• the law of the LORD is perfect Ps 19:7
• O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart Ps 40:8
• O how love I thy law! it is my meditation Ps 119:97
• righteousness and thy law is the truth Ps 119:142
• doctrine, forsake ye not my law Prov 4:2
• commandment is a lamp; and the law is light Prov 6:23
• is our judge, the LORD is our law Isa 33:22
• the people whose heart is my law Isa 51:7
• my law in ... inward parts Jer 31:33 (Heb 8:10; 10:16)
• LORD our God, to walk in his laws Dan 9:10
• that I am come to destroy the law Matt 5:17
• which is the great commandment in the law Matt 22:36
• on these two commandment hang all the law Matt 22:40
• him, what is written in the law Luke 10:26
• law was given by Moses, but grace and truth John 1:17
• which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, Rom 2:14a
• these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Rom 2:14b
• for by the law is the knowledge of sin Rom 3:20
• justified by faith without the deeds of the law Rom 3:28
• because we are not under the law Rom 6:15
• made free from the law of sin Rom 8:2
• Christ is the end of the law for righteousness Rom 10:4
• therefore love is the fulfilling of the law Rom 13:10
• is not justified by the works of the law Gal 2:16

• us from the curse of the law Gal 3:13
• the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Gal 3:24
• redeem them that were under the law, that we Gal 4:5
• for all the law is fulfilled in one Gal 5:14
• Against such there is no law. Gal 5:23
• And so fulfil the law of Christ. Gal 6:2
• law having a shadow of good things to come Heb 10:1
• I will put my laws into their hearts Heb 10:16
• into the perfect law of liberty James 1:25
• keep the whole law and yet offend in one James 2:10
• that they shall be judged by the law of liberty James 2:12
• because the law worketh wrath: Rom 4:15
A keeper of the law, legislator, policymaker. DTP God is the lawgiver for all of His creation. His word is
final. On the basis of His law, He will in the last days judge all mankind.
• the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our King Isa 33:22
• there is one lawgiver, who is able to save and James 4:12
Someone trained and skilled in the knowledge of law; legal representative for the plaintiff or for the
accused. They represent their client before a judge or jury. Lawyers sometimes full the roll of a
• then one of them, which was a lawyer Matt 22:35
• lawyers rejected the counsel of God Luke 7:30
• and behold a certain lawyer stood up Luke 10:25
• he said, woe unto you also, ye lawyers Luke 11:46
lay / laid
To place something at another's feet. DTP Disciples are challenged to lay down their lives for Jesus Christ,
to give Him (to His feet or to the foot of the cross) or to surrender to Him that which we have as our
love gift for what He has done for us on the cross. To surrender our will and desires to His will and
• I beseech thee, lay not the sin upon us Num 12:11
• lay the ark of the LORD upon the cart 1 Sam 6:11
• they lay to my charge things that I knew not Ps 35:11
• I lay in Zion for a foundation Isa 28:16 (1 Pet 2:6)
• lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth Matt 6:19
• so is he that lays up treasure for himself Luke 12:21
• and I lay down my life for the sheep John 10:15
• I will lay down my life for thy sake John 13:37
• Lord, lay not this sin to their charge Acts 7:60
• who shall lay any thing to the charge of Rom 8:33
• I have laid the foundation and another 1 Cor 3:10
• other foundation can no man lay than that is laid 1 Cor 3:11
• good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life 1 Tim 6:12
• is laid up for me a crown of righteousness 2 Tim 4:8
• to lay hold upon the hope set before us Heb 6:18
• because he laid down his life for us 1 John 3:16
laying on of hands
An act which represented the anointing or blessing of someone. DTP We are encouraged to lay hands
on the sick in prayer; also for deliverance or encouragement for fellow disciples; also was used to
signify setting a person apart for ministry and service and for the filling of the Holy Spirit. (See Lev
8:14-17 and Ex 29:10, 15, 19.)
• thee come and lay thy hands on her Mark 5:23
• prayed, they laid their hands on them Acts 6:6
• lay their hands on them, they sent them away Acts 13:3

• Paul had laid his hands upon them Acts 19:6
• laying on of the hands of the presbytery 1 Tim 4:14
• lay hands suddenly on no man, 1 Tim 5:22
• the gift of God which is in thee by the putting on of my hands 2 Tim 1:6
• of baptism and of laying on of hands Heb 6:2
• he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto Rev 1:17
lead / led
To show others the way, to draw alongside and help another, to direct or to be guided by another, to go
before or in front of others, who has experience, to show a pathway that one should go. DTP For the
follower of Christ we need to surrender our will and follow after the leading of the Holy Spirit. He will
lead us into new place and challenges so that we may grow and mature in Him.
• but God led the people about, through the Ex 13:18
• in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way Ex 13:21
• led thee forty years in the wilderness Deut 8:2
• wilderness; he led him about, he instructed Deut 32:10
• lead me, O LORD, in thy righteousness because Ps 5:8
• he leadeth me beside the still waters Ps 23:2
• he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for Ps 23:3
• lead me in thy truth and teach me: for thou Ps 25:5
• for thy name's sake lead me and guide me Ps 31:3
• thy light and thy truth: let them lead me Ps 43:3
• lead me to the rock that is higher than I Ps 61:2
• thou hast led captivity captive Ps 68:18
• and he led them forth by the right way Ps 107:7
• even there shall thy hand lead me and thy Ps 139:10
• lead in the way of righteousness Prov 8:20
• and a little child shall lead them Isa 11:6
• I will lead them in paths ... they have not known Isa 42:16
• lead thee by the way that thou shouldest go Isa 48:17
• go out with joy and be led forth with peace Isa 55:12
• then was Jesus led up of the Spirit Matt 4:1 (Luke 4:1)
• lead us not into temptation, but deliver Matt 6:13 (Luke 11:4)
• narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life Matt 7:14
• blind lead the blind, both shall fall Matt 15:14 (Luke 6:39)
• his own sheep by name and lead them out John 10:3
• he was led as a sheep to the slaughter Acts 8:32
• the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? Rom 2:4
• as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they Rom 8:14
• but if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not Gal 5:18
• beware lest ye also, being led away with 2 Pet 3:17
• lead thee unto living fountains of water Rev 7:17
Alliance, covenant, an agreement between people or groups of people.
• now therefore make a league with us Josh 9:6
• made a league with the sons of Jesse 1 Sam 22:8
• saying also, make thy league with me 2 Sam 3:12
• king David made a league with them in 2 Sam 5:3
• a league between me and thee 1 Kin 15:19
• after the league made with him he Dan 11:23
learn / learning
To gather information about something. To become knowledgeable and to have understanding
concerning a certain body of information. DTP To discipline oneself in a mode or specific field of
knowledge. To receive teaching or instruction on a specific topic. To find out about something and to
become skilled in its use. We need to learn and become good handlers of the Word of God, our

"Sword". This takes understanding (to study) and practice (to go out and use it, to be a doer of the
word) by the disciple of Christ.
• that they may learn to fear me all Deut 4:10
• learn to fear the LORD your God, as Deut 31:13
• afflicted: that I might learn thy statutes Ps 119:71
• that I may learn thy commandments Ps 119:73
• wise men will hear and will increase learning Prov 1:5
• teach a just man and he will increase in learning Prov 9:9
• that murmured shall learn doctrine Isa 29:24
• learn not the way of the heathen Jer 10:2
• take my yoke upon you and learn of me Matt 11:29
• now learn a parable of the fig tree Matt 24:32
• hath learned of the Father, cometh unto John 6:45
• one by one, that all may learn 1 Cor 14:31
• aforetime were written for our learning Rom 15:4
• to the doctrine which ye have learned Rom 16:17
• things, which ye hath both learned Phil 4:9
• for I have learned, in whatsoever state Phil 4:11
• ever learn and never able to come to the 2 Tim 3:7
• in the things which thou hast learned 2 Tim 3:14
• though he were a Son, yet learn he obedience Heb 5:8
leave / left
To depart or go, to move to another place or way of thinking or living. DTP The value of our lives is
measured by what we leave behind. How have we affected those around us? We are all planters and,
hopefully, we will leave behind good fruit that will glorify the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
• leave his father Gen 2:24 (Matt 19:5; Mark 10:7; Eph 5:31)
• Ruth said, entreat me not to leave thee Ruth 1:16
• soul liveth, I will not leave thee 2 Kin 2:2 (2:4, 6; 4:30)
• wilt not leave my soul in hell Ps 16:10 (Acts 2:27)
• leave me not, nether forsake me, O LORD Ps 27:9
• straightway left their nets, and followed Matt 4:20
• leave thy gift before the altar and go Matt 5:24
• doth he not leave the ninety and nine Matt 18:12 (Luke 15:4)
• we have left all and ... followed Mark 10:28 (Luke 18:28)
• and he left all, rose up, and followed him Luke 5:28
• I will not leave you comfortless: I will come John 14:18
• leave the principles of the doctrine of Christ Heb 6:1
• I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee Heb 13:5
• also suffered for us, leaving us an example 1 Pet 2:21
• because thou hast left thy first love Rev 2:4
leaven, yeast
A substance that, when added to dough, begins a fermenting process that causes the dough to rise. DTP
In the Bible, leaven was also used symbolically for how sin works, that once it gets into your life it can
spread throughout your whole being. During the Passover celebration, all leaven was to be removed
from one's house, thus symbolizing that the house was clean of sin. We also need to keep our spiritual
temple clean of all sin.
• put away leaven out of your houses Ex 12:15
• be no leaven found in your houses Ex 12:19
• it shall not be baked with leaven Lev 6:17
• kneaded the dough, until it be leavened Hos 7:4
• kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven Matt 13:33 (Luke 13:21)
• beware of the leaven of the Pharisees Matt 16:6 (16:11; Mark 8:15; Luke 12:1)
• little leaven leaveneth the whole lump 1 Cor 5:6
• purge out therefore the old leaven 1 Cor 5:7

• a little leaven leaveneth the whole Gal 5:9
Living by the letter of the law. In the New Testament, the Pharisees were an example of this lifestyle.
Jesus often berated the Pharisees for their legalism, as there was little grace and mercy offered. It the
law was broken, even in some small way, the people were sentenced and punished to the full extent
of the law.
A basic ancient Roman army unit with supporting cavalry; usually numbering between 3000 and 6000
• me more than twelve legions of angels Matt 26:53
• he answered, saying, my name is Legion Mark 5:9
• and he said, Legion Luke 8:30
A chronic infection caused by a certain bacteria that may result in a lack of ability to feel pain and thus
loss of parts of extremities of the human body, especially the fingers and toes, due to repeated
injuries. In the time of the Bible these people were considered unclean. It was believed to be
contagious and those who had it covered themselves and lived in isolation in deserted areas.
• of his flesh like the plague of leprosy Lev 3:2
• this is the law of leprosy Lev 14:57
• and immediately his leprosy was cleansed Matt 8:3
• city, behold a man full of leprosy Luke 5:12
Dispatch, message, epistle, something written or typed to be sent or given to another person or a group
of people.
• she wrote letter in Ahab's name ... sent the letter 1 Kin 21:8
• Hezekiah received the letter 2 Kin 19:14 (Isa 37:14)
• letter that the king Artaxerxes gave unto Ezra. Ezr 7:11
• in letters of Greek and Latin and Hebrew Luke 23:38
• and he wrote a letter after this manner Acts 23:25
• in the spirit and not in the letter Rom 2:29
• for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life 2 Cor 3:6
• how large a letter I have written unto you Gal 6:11
Thought to have been a large, prehistoric water creature. People are uncertain if it was a real animal or
a mythical creature.
• thou draw out leviathan with an hook Job 41:1
• breakest the heads of leviathan in pieces Ps 74:14
• there is that leviathan, whom thou hast Ps 104:26
• even leviathan that crooked serpent Isa 27:1
Descended from Levi, one of the twelve tribes of Israel, the Levites were specifically set aside to do the
priestly duties in the temple on behalf of the Israelites. They were given land by the other tribes of
Israel. (Num 35:2)
• is not Aaron the Levite thy brother Ex 4:14
• shalt appoint the Levite over the tabernacle Num 1:50
• shalt thou separate the Levite ... Levite shall be mine Num 8:14
• the Levite was content to dwell with Judg 17:11
• and likewise a Levite, when he was at Luke 10:32
Leviticus, book of
Written by Moses, this is the third book of the Pentateuch. It describes the duties of the Levitical
priesthood. Leviticus teaches and gives a variety of laws concerning how people should live. The book
teaches on the laws of sacrifice, laws concerning priestly living, laws of uncleanness and the
atonement and, finally, laws concerning holiness and fellowship with God.

Sexual perversion, obscenity, indecency or vulgarity; an act or speech which is shameful and wicked in
the sight of God.
• for they have committed lewdness Judg 20:6
• the lewdness of thy whoredom and thine Jer 13:27
• thou shalt not commit this lewdness Eze 16:43
• for they commit lewdness Hos 6:9
• a matter of wrong or wicked lewdness Acts 18:14
liberal / liberalism
Tolerance, broadmindedness, moderate, free-thinking, to be open-minded and tolerant towards others;
not usually strict. It may lean too far towards permissiveness and lack of discernment between bad,
good and best ideas.
• the liberal soul shall be made fat Prov 11:25
• but the liberal deviseth liberal things Isa 32:8
To be set free from captivity or from bondage of some sort. To have independence or autonomy,
freedom from tyrannical rule or government, having the freedom to choose. Protected by individual
rights under the law.
• proclaim liberty throughout all the Lev 25:10
• will walk at liberty: for I seek thy precepts Ps 119:45
• to proclaim liberty to the captives Isa 61:1
• unto me, in proclaiming liberty Jer 34:17
• to set at liberty them that are bruised Luke 4:18
• glorious liberty of the children of God Rom 8:21
• Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty 2 Cor 3:17
• liberty we have in Christ Jesus Gal 2:4
• in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free Gal 5:1
• been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion Gal 5:13
• looketh into the perfect law of liberty James 1:25
• they that shall be judged by the law of liberty James 2:12
• not using your liberty for a cloke of 1 Pet 2:16
• they promise them liberty, they themselves 2 Pet 2:19
lie / liar
An untruth, fib, falsehood. DTP One needs to be conscious of how one speaks because our words will
come back to judge us in the end. The Bible tells us that what comes out of the mouth has its roots in
the heart. We are exhorted to speak the truth in love. Lying brings about division in our relationships
with others; it is the truth that sets the captive free, and it is lying that binds the individual to
• not steal, neither deal falsely, nether lie Lev 19:11
• God is not a man, that he should lie Num 23:19
• that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight Ps 101:7
• a liar giveth ear to a naughty Prov 17:4
• and he that speaketh lies shall not escape Prov 19:5
• he that speaketh lies shall perish Prov 19:9
• and a poor man is better than a liar Prov 19:22
• thou makest this people to trust in a lie Jer 28:15
• a sword is upon the liars Jer 50:36
• ye have eaten the fruit of lies; because Hos 10:13
• heart to lie to the Holy Ghost Acts 5:3
• changed the truth of God into a lie Rom 1:25
• God be true, but every man a liar Rom 3:4
• lie not one to another, seeing that Col 3:9
• delusion, that they should believe a lie 2 Thes 2:11
• the truth in Christ and lie not 1 Tim 2:7

• it was impossible for God to lie Heb 6:18
• glory not and lie not against the truth James 3:14
• have not sinned, we make him a liar 1 John 1:10
• who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus 1 John 2:22
• love God and hateth his brother, he is a liar 1 John 4:20
• he that believeth not God hath made him a liar 1 John 5:10
• and are not and hast found them liars Rev 2:2
• sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, shall have their part in the lake of fire Rev 21:8
The condition distinguishing humans, animals, and plants from inorganic matter; includes the capacity
for growth, reproduction, and functional activity. In the physical realm, it includes the time from
conception to death. DTP But it also represents one's existence in the spiritual realm, whether eternal
life in heaven or an eternal "living death" in hell. Life can also represent how one lived out each day
here on earth. God has record of our actions that we have done here on earth and we will be judged
according to the things that we have said and done or not done.
• into his nostrils the breath of life Gen 2:7
• tree of life also in the midst of the garden Gen 2:9
• for the life of the flesh is in the blood Lev 17:11
• before you life and death ... therefore choose life Deut 30:19
• bound in the bundle of life with the LORD 1 Sam 25:29
• thou wilt shew me the path of life Ps 16:11
• follow me all the days of my life Ps 23:6
• the LORD is the strength of my life Ps 27:1
• with thee is the fountain of life Ps 36:9
• lovingkindness is better than life Ps 63:3
• who redeemeth thy life from destruction Ps 103:4
• the fear of the LORD is a fountain of life Prov 14:27
• you take no thought for your life Matt 6:25
• and shall inherit everlasting life Matt 19:29
• but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, Mark 8:35
• what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? Mark 10:17
• The life is more than meat, Luke 12:23
• his own life also, he cannot be my disciple Luke 14:26
• and in the world to come life everlasting. Luke 18:30
• in him was life; and the life was the light of John 1:4
• should not perish, but have everlasting life John 3:16
• that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life John 3:36
• of water springing up into everlasting life John 4:14
• wages and gathereth fruit unto life eternal John 4:36
• hath everlasting life ... passed from death unto life John 5:24
• I am the bread of life; he that cometh to me John 6:35
• he that believeth on me hath everlasting life John 6:47
• we go? thou hast the words of eternal life John 6:68
• in darkness, but shall have the light of life John 8:12
• giveth his life for the sheep John 10:10
• good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep John 10:11
• and I lay down my life for the sheep John 10:15
• my Father love me, because I lay down my life John 10:17
• I am the resurrection and the life John 11:25
• hateth his life ... shall keep it unto life eternal John 12:25
• I will lay down my life for thy sake John 13:37
• I am the way, the truth and the life John 14:6
• eternal life to as many as thou hast given him John 17:2
• this is life eternal, that they might know thee John 17:3

• believing ye might have life through his name John 20:31
• shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ Rom 5:17
• life by Jesus Christ our Lord Rom 5:21
• even so we also should walk in newness of life Rom 6:4
• the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Rom 6:23
• but to be spiritually minded is life and peace Rom 8:6
• the spirit is life because of righteousness Rom 8:10
• I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life Rom 8:38
• in this life only we have hope in Christ 1 Cor 15:19
• the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life 2 Cor 3:6
• of the Spirit reap life everlasting Gal 6:8
• holding forth the word of life Phil 2:16
• labourers, whose names are in the book of life Phil 4:3
• dead and your life is hid with Christ in God Col 3:3
• When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, Col 3:4
• believe on him to everlasting life 1 Tim 1:16
• good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life 1 Tim 6:12
• and hath brought life and immortality to light 2 Tim 1:10
• made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. Tit 3:7
• he shall receive the crown of life James 1:12
• being heirs together of the grace of life 1 Pet 3:7
• and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; 1 John 1:1
• know that we have passed from death unto life 1 John 3:14
• hath eternal life abiding in him 1 John 3:15
• and this life is in the Son 1 John 5:11
• he that hath the Son hath life 1 John 5:12
• will I give to eat of the tree of life Rev 2:7
• and I will give thee a crown of life. Rev 2:10
• not blot out his name out of the book of life Rev 3:5
• names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb Rev 13:8
• found written in the book of life Rev 20:15
• of the fountain of water of life freely Rev 21:6
• written in the Lamb's book of life Rev 21:27
• side of the river, was there the tree of life Rev 22:2
• let him take the water of life freely Rev 22:17
To pick up and move, to hold up, to raise up to a higher position. DTP As used in the Bible, it also means
to exalt or to magnify, to give praise and thanks.
• but lift thou up thy rod and stretch out Ex 14:16
• the LORD lift up his countenance upon thee Num 6:26
• heart was lifted up in the ways of the LORD 2 Chr 17:6
• lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lifted Ps 24:7
• unto thee, O LORD do I lift up my soul Ps 25:1
• will extol thee, O LORD; for thou hast lifted me Ps 30:1
• I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name Ps 63:4
• I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills Ps 121:1
• unto thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou that Ps 123:1
• wherefore lift up thy prayers for the remnant Isa 37:4
• Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard Isa 59:19
• let us lift up our heart with our hands unto Lam 3:41
• and lift up your heads; for your redemption Luke 21:28
• as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness John 3:14
• when you have lifted up the Son of man, then shall John 8:28
• if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all John 12:32

• men pray every where, lifting up holy hands 1 Tim 2:8
• lift up the hands which hang down Heb 12:12
• humble yourselves ... and he shall lift you up James 4:10
Glow, beam, brightness, illumination; to reveal to give warmth as does the sun. Light gives life to the
receiver. DTP Light is used figuratively to represent the Word of God and how it can penetrate deep
into our hearts. Our eyes are the doors through which the light of God's Word can shine. Jesus
proclaimed, "I am the Light". The beauty of light is it cannot be destroyed by darkness; it is light that
expels darkness from a room and from one's life.
• God said, let there be light Gen 1:3
• a pillar of fire, to give them light Ex 13:21
• he shall be as the light of the morning 2 Sam 23:4
• Jews had light and gladness and joy Esth 8:16
• and where the light is as darkness Job 10:22
• yea, the light of the wicked shall be put out Job 18:5
• the LORD is my light and my salvation Ps 27:1
• fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light Ps 36:9
• send out thy light and thy truth; let them lead Ps 43:3
• unto my feet and a light unto my path Ps 119:105
• entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth Ps 119:130
• path of the just is as the shining light Prov 4:18
• commandment is a lamp; and the law is light Prov 6:23
• come ye ... let us walk in the light of the LORD Isa 2:5
• in darkness have seen a great light Isa 9:2 (Matt 4:16)
• give thee for a light to the Gentiles Isa 49:6 (Acts 13:47)
• arise, shine; for thy light is come Isa 60:1
• LORD shall be unto thee an everlasting light Isa 60:19
• LORD shall be thine everlasting light Isa 60:20
• ye are the light of the world Matt 5:14
• let your light so shine before men, that they Matt 5:16
• the light of the body is the eye Matt 6:22 (Luke 11:34)
• to give light to them that sit in darkness Luke 1:79
• a light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory Luke 2:32
• no man, when he hath lighted a candle, covereth it Luke 8:16
• the light of the body is the eye Luke 11:34
• was life; and the life was the light of men John 1:4
• the light shineth in darkness John 1:5
• that was the true Light, which lighteth every man John 1:9
• men loved darkness rather than light John 3:19
• I am the light of the world John 8:12
• light with you, walk while ye have the light, least John 12:35
• I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles Acts 13:47
• let us put on the armour of light Rom 13:12
• bring to light the hidden things of darkness 1 Cor 4:5
• lest the light of the glorious gospel 2 Cor 4:4
• and what communion hath light with darkness? 2 Cor 6:14
• walk as children of light Eph 5:8
• arise ... and Christ shall give thee light Eph 5:14
• among whom ye shine as light in the world Phil 2:15
• ye are all the children of light 1 Thes 5:5
• hath brought life and immortality to light 2 Tim 1:10
• and come down from the Father of lights James 1:17
• of darkness into his marvelous light 1 Pet 2:9
• that God is light and in him is no darkness 1 John 1:5

• but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light 1 John 1:7
• he that loveth his brother abideth in the light 1 John 2:10
• and the Lamb is the light thereof Rev 21:23
like / likeness
Having similar characteristics or qualities. DTP Disciples are to be in the likeness of Christ. The word
Christian means, "Christ likeness". When people see us, they are to see Jesus in us. The Bible provides
both contrasts, which we shouldn't be like, and also pictures of what we should be like as we live our
lives here on earth.
• let us make man in our image, after our likeness Gen 1:26
• God created man, in the likeness God made he him Gen 5:1
• is none like unto the LORD our God Ex 8:10
• who is like unto thee, O LORD ... who is like thee Ex 15:11
• he shall be like a tree planted Ps 1:3
• heart it doeth good like a medicine Prov 17:22
• I am God and there is none like me Isa 46:9
• all we like sheep have gone astray Isa 53:6
• the enemy shall come in like a flood Isa 59:19
• the Spirit like a dove descending Mark 1:10
• into heaven, shall so come in like manner Acts 1:11
• likeness of his death ... the likeness of his resurrection Rom 6:5
• sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh Rom 8:3
• a servant and was made in the likeness of men Phil 2:7
• like unto his glorious body, Phil 3:21
• he is like unto a man beholding his James 1:23
• shall appear, we shall be like him 1 John 3:2
Having a similar disposition or purpose; of the same habit of thought. DTP We are to have the mind of
Christ. We should be thinking the way He would think. We should be asking the question all the time,
"W hat W ould J esus D o?" We are to die to self and live for Christ; by doing this, we enter into a state
of like-mindedness with Christ.
• grant you to be likeminded one Rom 15:5
• fulfill ye my joy, that ye be likeminded Phil 2:2
• for I have no man likeminded, who will Phil 2:20
A horizontal support across the top of a door or window that supports the upper structure of the
building. The top part of the door post. This was where the Jews in Egypt were to smear the blood of
a lamb so that the death angel would pass by.
• is in the basin, and strike the lintel Ex 12:22
• he seeth the blood upon the lintel Ex 12:23
• the lintel and side posts were a fifth 1 Kin 6:23
• smite the lintel of the door, that the Amos 9:1
A ferocious, strong large, carnivorous member of the cat family that lives in various parts of Africa and
Asia. An impressive beast with a majestic roar. Christ has been pictured as the lion of Judah.
• people shall rise up as a great lion Num 23:24
• he lay down as a lion, and a great lion Num 24:9
• heart is as the heart of a lion 2 Sam 17:10
• LORD sent lions among them, which slew 2 King 17:25
• he lieth in wait secretly as a lion in his den Ps 10:9
• but the righteous are bold as a lion Prov 28:1
• the lion shall eat straw like the ox Isa 11:7 (65:25)
• shall be cast into the den of lions Dan 6:7
• he shall roar like a lion Hos 11:10
• the devil, as a roaring lion 1 Pet 5:8

• the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David Rev 5:5
Small, tiny, petite, minute, miniature.
• by little and little I will drive them out Ex 23:30
• made him a little lower than the angels Ps 8:5
• little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding Prov 6:10
• line upon line; here a little and there a little Isa 28:10
• little one shall become a thousand and a small Isa 60:22
• ye have sown much and bring in little Hag 1:6
• o ye of little faith? Matt 6:30 (8:26; 16:8; Luke 12:28)
• one of these little ones a cup of cold water Matt 10:42
• offend one of these little ones Matt 18:6 (Mark 9:42; Luke 17:2)
• to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little Luke 7:47
• because thou hast been faithful in very little Luke 19:17
• for bodily exercise profiteth little 1 Tim 4:8
• yet a little while and he that shall come will Heb 10:37
• tongue is a little member and boasteth great James 3:5
• and he had in his hand a little book open Rev 10:2
live / living
To have life, to be alive, to be breathing and having a beating heart. Also, a way that one conducts
oneself. The lifespan for any living creature varies greatly. DTP Christ came to give to the disciple's
eternal life, a life which has no end. Sin comes to bring death, and without Christ, our sin condemns
us to eternal death in hell. But God provides opportunity to choose life or death, Deut 30:19. This
indicates that we have a free will to choose.
• tree of life and eat and live for ever Gen 3:22
• my soul shall live because of the Gen 12:13
• man doth not live by bread only Deut 8:3 (Matt 4:4; Luke 4:4)
• choose life ... both thou and thy seed may live Deut 30:19
• know that the living God is amongst you Josh 3:10
• only Rachel the harlot shall live Josh 6:17
• the golden scepter, that he may live Est 4:11
• seek him; your heart shall live for ever Ps 22:26
• my soul thirsteth for God, for the living God Ps 42:2
• your heart shall live that seek God Ps 69:32
• I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live Ps 104:33
• that I may live, and keep thy word Ps 119:17
• while I live will I praise the LORD Ps 146:2
• live joyfully with the wife whom Eccl 9:9
• he is the living God, and an everlasting King Jer 10:10
• saith unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? Ezek 37:3
• us up and we shall live in his sight Hos 6:2
• seek the LORD and ye shall live Amos 5:6
• seek good and not evil, that ye may live Amos 5:14
• but the just shall live by his faith Hab 2:4 (Rom 1:17; Gal 3:11; Heb 10:38)
• man shall not live by bread alone Matt 4:4
• him and he would have given thee living water John 4:10
• I am the living bread which came down from heaven John 6:51
• shall flow rivers of living water John 7:38
• in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live John 11:25
• and whosoever liveth and believeth in me John 11:26
• but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also John 14:19
• in him we live, and move and have our being Acts 17:28
• the just shall live by faith Rom 1:7
• but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God Rom 6:10

• ye present your bodies a living sacrifice Rom 12:1
• we live, we live unto the Lord Rom 14:8
• the gospel should live of the gospel 1 Cor 9:14
• I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me Gal 2:20
• for, the just shall live by faith Gal 3:11
• if we live in the Spirit, let us Gal 5:25
• for to me to live is Christ and to Phil 1:21
• is the church of the living God, the pillar 1 Tim 3:15
• dead with him, we shall also live with him 2 Tim 2:11
• new and living way, which he hath consecrated Heb 10:20
• now the just shall live by faith Heb 10:38
• unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men 1 Pet 2:4
• dead to sins, should live unto righteousness 1 Pet 2:24
• that we might live through him 1 John 4:9
• lead them unto living fountains of waters Rev 7:17
A large and mainly tropical grasshopper with strong powers of flight. When migrating in vast swarms,
locusts can devastate crops and all greenery. Their actions can bring great desolation and famine to a
• over the land of Egypt for the locusts Ex 10:12
• them ye may eat; the locust after his kind Lev 11:22
• for the locust shall consume it Deut 28:38
• if I command the locust to devour the land 2 Chr 7:13
• the years that the locust hath eaten Joel 2:25
• and his meat was locusts and wild honey Matt 3:4
• out of the smoke locusts upon the earth Rev 9:3
The Greek term for "word"; it is also the root word for the terms "logic" and "wisdom". John's Gospel
use "Word" (Logos) to represent God's living Word, Jesus Christ. See Revelation 19:13, His name is
called The Word of God.
• In the beginning was the Word Logos and the Word Logos was with God and the Word Logos was God.
John 1:1
To endure long periods of pain and hurt, to have patience. DTP We are challenged to be longsuffering
toward each other. To be very patient with someone. One of the fruits of the Spirit with which Christ
wants us to be filled.
• LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering Ex 34:6
• the LORD is longsuffering and of great mercy Num 14:18
• of compassion and gracious, longsuffering Ps 86:15
• the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering Gal 5:22
• with longsuffering, forbearing one another Eph 4:2 (Col 3:12)
• all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness Col 1:11
• in me ... Christ might show forth all longsuffering 1 Tim 1:16
• manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering 2 Tim 3:10
• rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering 2 Tim 4:2
• but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing 2 Pet 3:9
• account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation 2 Pet 3:15
look / looking / looked
To see or gaze upon, to look in a specific direction, to investigate, to examine a specific topic, to attempt
to find. DTP The disciple is to look to God; to keep one's focus on Him. We are also to look intently
into the Word of God so that we can learn, finding the pearls of truth found therein. We are to look
to Christ, the one who has brought all things to completion, and who is our example of how we should
live here on earth.
• God looked upon the earth ... it was corrupt Gen 6:12

• Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look Ex 3:6
• for man looketh on the outward appearance, but 1 Sam 16:7
• direct my prayer unto thee and will look up Ps 5:3
• I looked upon it and received instruction Prov 24:32
• at that day shall a man look to his Maker Isa 17:7
• look unto me and be ye saved, all the ends Isa 45:22
• and I looked and there was none to help Isa 63:5
• whosoever looketh on a women to lust after her Matt 5:28
• or do we look for another? Matt 11:3
• and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, Matt 14:19
• hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for Luke 9:62
• then look up, and lift up your heads Luke 21:28
• look on the fields; for they are white already John 4:35
• Search, and look: for out of Galilee ariseth John 7:52
• fastening his eyes ... said, look on us Acts 3:4
• look ye out among you seven men of honest report Acts 6:3
• full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly Acts 7:55
• we look not at the things which are seen 2 Cor 4:18
• from whence also we look for the Saviour Phil 3:20
• looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our Heb 12:2
• look for new heavens and a new earth 2 Pet 3:13
• look for the mercy of our LORD Jesus Christ Jude 1:21
• and I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, Rev 14:1
loose / loosed
Unsecure, unattached. To break that which binds a person. DTP Through our prayers and words, Jesus
gives us power to both bind and loosen things here on earth and in heaven. The idea is to take control;
part of the disciple's spiritual warfare that he faces each day here on earth. Satan wants to bind us
with all kinds of things, but Jesus comes to set the captive free. (See John 8:32-36.)
• whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth Matt 16:19
• on earth shall be loosed in heaven Matt 16:19
• whatsoever ye shall loose on earth Matt 18:18
• on earth shall be loosed in heaven Matt 18:18
• Thou hast loosed my bonds. Ps 116:16
Hebrew for Adonai used 360 times, means Lord, master, sir, owner, noble, aristocrat. Rom 1:4, Col 1:3
DTP For the disciple, Christ is, by His position, Lord and Saviour in all areas of life.
• Lord God, whereby shall I know that Gen 15:8
• taken upon me to speak unto the Lord Gen 18:27
• in thy sight, O Lord, let my Lord Ex 34:9
• your God is God of gods and Lord of lords Deut 10:17
• Lord of all the earth passeth over Josh 3:11
• the host of the Lord am I now come Josh 5:14
• thou art my Lord: my goodness extendeth not Ps 16:2
• Lord said unto my Lord, sit thou at my right hand Ps 110:1 (Matt 22:44; Mark 12:36; Luke 20:42; Acts
• O give thanks to the Lord of lords; for his mercy Ps 136:3
• great is our Lord and of great power Ps 147:5
• I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne Isa 6:1
• I saw the Lord standing upon the altar Amos 9:1
• and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall Mal 3:1
• love the Lord thy God with all thy Matt 22:37 (Mark 12:30)
• a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord Luke 2:11
• why call ye me, Lord, Lord and do not the things Luke 6:46
• Thomas ... said unto him, my Lord and my God John 20:28

• whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ Acts 2:36
• Lord added to the church daily such as should Acts 2:47
• confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe Rom 10:9
• he might be Lord both of the dead and living Rom 14:9
• this is not to eat the Lord's supper 1 Cor 11:20
• no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by 1 Cor 12:3
• where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is 2 Cor 3:17
• the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, 2 Cor 13:14
• one Lord, one faith, one baptism Eph 4:5
• doing service, as to the Lord and not to men Eph 6:7
• should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord Phil 2:11
• knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward Col 3:24
• Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a 1 Thes 4:16
• Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you 2 Thes 3:3
• the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me 2 Tim 4:8
• despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, Heb 12:5
• we may boldly say, the Lord is my helper Heb 13:6
• ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious 1 Pet 2:3
• the Lord is not slack concerning his promise 2 Pet 3:9
• I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day Rev 1:10
• Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Rev 4:8
• Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Rev 22:20
Yehowa: Hebrew Yahweh, to be, life, self-existing, used 6823 times, spelt with all capital letters. The
almighty one, ruler over everything created.
• the ground an offering unto the LORD Gen 4:3
• began men to call on the name of the LORD Gen 4:26
• and the LORD appeared unto Abram and said Gen 12:7
• who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice Ex 5:2
• I am the LORD your God Ex 6:7
• the Egyptians may know that I am the LORD Ex 14:4
• the LORD is my strength and song Ex 15:2 (Isa 12:2)
• dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee Josh 1:9
• LORD your God, he it is that fighteth for you Josh 23:10
• as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD Josh 24:15
• unto Joshua, the LORD our God will we serve Josh 24:24
• the LORD shall rule over you Judg 8:23
• the LORD is a God of knowledge 1 Sam 2:3
• LORD called Samuel: and he answered, here am I 1 Sam 3:4
• appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart 1 Sam 16:7
• LORD is my rock and my fortress 2 Sam 22:2 (Ps 18:2)
• of the LORD out of the city of David I Kin 8:1
• if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal 1 Kin 18:21
• the LORD, he is the God: the LORD, he is the God 1 Kin 18:39
• seek the LORD and his strength 1 Chr 16:11
• great is the LORD and greatly to be 1 Chr 16:25 (Ps 96:4)
• give unto the LORD the glory due unto 1 Chr 16:29 (Ps 96:8)
• delight is in the law of the LORD Ps 1:2
• O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name Ps 8:1 (8:9)
• the LORD is my shepherd Ps 23:1
• LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle Ps 24:8
• the LORD is my light and my salvation Ps 27:1
• blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD Ps 33:12
• magnify the LORD with me and let us exalt his Ps 34:3

• O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed Ps 34:8
• I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my Ps 91:21
• for the LORD is a great God and a great King Ps 95:3
• know ye that the LORD he is God; it is he Ps 100:3
• bless the LORD, O my soul Ps 103:1 (103:2, 22; 104:1)
• LORD said unto my Lord, sit thou at my right hand Ps 110:1 (Matt 22:44; Mark 12:36; Luke 20:42; Acts
• my help cometh from the LORD, which made Ps 121:2
• except the LORD build the house, they labour Ps 127:1
• the LORD is great ... our Lord is above all gods Ps 135:5
• LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him Ps 145:18
• trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD Isa 26:4
• I am the LORD; that is my name; and my glory Isa 42:8
• I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel Isa 43:3
• I am the LORD ... beside me there is no saviour Isa 43:11
• know that I am LORD thy Saviour and thy Redeemer Isa 60:16
• truly in the LORD our God is the salvation Jer 3:23
• he shall be called, The LORD our RIGHTEOUSNESS Jer 23:6
• and they shall know that I am the LORD Ezek 6:10
• name of the city ... shall be, The LORD is there Ezek 48:35
• but the LORD will be the hope of his people Joel 3:16
• LORD is slow to anger and great in power Nah 1:3
• LORD God is my strength and he will make Hab 3:19
• LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty Zeph 3:17
• I have loved you, saith the LORD Mal 1:2
• I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye Mal 3:6
lord / chief
Earthly master, owner, noble, aristocrat, "sir"; a person who has power over others.
• who is lord over us Ps 12:4
• when the lord therefore of the Matt 21:40
• servant is not greater than his lord John 13:16
• for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings Rev 17:14
Lord Jesus
A combination of names that has be given to define the Man, who is the true Son of God. This name
combination gives us the clear concept of the One who died for us as sinners, and the One we are
committed to serve for our entire lives. Note: See each individual name (Lord and Jesus) for further
• that the Lord Jesus went in and out amongst us Acts 1:21
• Stephen ... saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit Acts 7:59
• he spake boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus, Acts 9:29
• he spake boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus Acts 11:20
• they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Acts 19:5
• and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified Acts 19:17
• but also to die ... for the name of the Lord Jesus Acts 21:13
• shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus Rom 10:9
• Lord Jesus, the same night ... he was betrayed 1 Cor 11:23
• for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus Gal 6:17
• do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving Col 3:17
• I come quickly: Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus Rev 22:20
Lord Jesus Christ
A combination of names that has be given to define the Man, who is the true Son of God. This name
combination gives us the clear concept of the One who died for us as sinners, and the One we are
committed to serve for our entire lives. Note: See each individual name (Lord, Jesus, and Christ) for

further understanding. Also notice how often the word "our" is used in front of this combination of
names, showing the personal relationship that we are to have with Him.
• did unto us, who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ Acts 11:17
• the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved Acts 15:11
• believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be Acts 16:31
• repentance ... and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ Acts 20:21
• we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ Rom 5:1
• in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ ... gather together 1 Cor 5:4
• gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Cor 15:57
• ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ 2 Cor 8:9
• also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ Phil 3:20
• the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints 1 Thes 3:13
• but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Thes 5:9
• the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified 2 Thes 1:12
• keep ... until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Tim 6:14
• unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ 2 Pet 1:8
• unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ 2 Pet 1:16
Lord of hosts
Ruler over all created things, both on earth and in heaven. He has all authority and power over
everything. (Hebrew: JEHOVAH SABBAOTH, the LORD of hosts). For thus saith the LORD JEHOVAH-
SABBAOTH Hag 2:6 (see also verses 7-8) DTP As disciples, we must call upon the name of the LORD of
hosts if we hope to defeat the enemies of our God.
• she vowed a vow and said, O LORD of hosts 1 San 1:11
• I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts 1 Sam 17:45
• name is called by the name of the LORD of hosts 2 Sam 6:2
• LORD of hosts is the God over Israel 2 Sam 7:26 (1 Chr 17:24)
• who is the this King of glory? the LORD of hosts Ps 24:10
• holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole Isa 6:3
• as for our Redeemer, the LORD of hosts is his name Isa 47:4
• for thus saith the LORD of hosts Jer 51:33
• for the mouth of the LORD of hosts Mic 4:4
• thee, saith the LORD of hosts Nah 2:13
• thus saith the LORD of hosts Hag 1:7
• for I am with you, saith the LORD of hosts Hag 2:4
• shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem Zech 8:22
El used 250 times, mighty strong; or Elohim, plural form, shows trinity, 2570 times, greatness and glory,
reactive, sovereign. (Hebrew Gen 2:4, 5, 7, 8, 9.)
• day that the LORD God made the earth Gen 2:4
• that heard the voice of the LORD God Gen 3:8
• the LORD God of your fathers, the Ex 3:15
• as the LORD God of Israel commanded Josh 10:40
• go in the strength of the LORD God Ps 71:16
• for thus saith the LORD God, My Isa 52:4
• I have spoken it, saith the LORD God Eze 39:5
• shall perish saith the LORD God Amos 1:8
• but sanctify the Lord God in your 1 Pet 3:15
Lord: New Testament
Supreme Being; God, master, owner, noble, aristocrat. Col 1:3. DTP Christ is to be our Lord and Saviour
in all areas of a disciple's life. He is to be the head over all things. He is the head and lord over the
church. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. It is to Christ our Lord that one day every knee will
bow and confess Him as Lord. (See Phil 2:10-11 and see the word Lord).
• shalt not tempt the Lord thy God Matt 4:7
• the Lord our God is one Lord Mark 12:39

• and why call ye me, Lord, Lord Luke 6:46
• heard the word of the Lord Jesus Acts 19:10
• the name of Jesus Christ our Lord 1 Cor 1:2
• unto an holy temple in the Lord Eph 2:21
• every tongue should confess that Jesus is Lord, Phil 2:11
• the Lord shall judge his people Heb 10:30
• you ought to say, If the Lord will James 4:15
• for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings Rev 17:14
Lord's Day
DTP For the disciple, this most often refers to the first day of the week, Sunday; the day that one is to
worship and rest before the Lord.
• I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day Rev 1:10
Lord's Prayer
A template prayer that was given to the disciples when they asked him to teach them how they ought
to pray. Today it continues to serve as a template prayer guiding us in our everyday prayer life.
Demonstrates how we need to worship God, and how we ought to pray for others and for ourselves.
• Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is
in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And
do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the
power and the glory forever. Amen.
Lord's Supper
Jesus celebrated the Passover with His disciples, giving new meaning to the bread and to the cup. In
time, this "communion" also became known as a love feast or the Lord's Supper. Jesus commanded
His disciples to regularly celebrate the Lord's Supper to help us remember what he did for all mankind.
Matt 26:17-30; Mark 14:12-26; Luke 22:7-23; I Cor 11:20.
Lordship / all Lord. It means that we die to self and that we no longer live for self but completely for
Christ. It is not doing my will but His will. The disciple has made a commitment to obey and live for
Christ Jesus as their LORD.
• the Gentiles exercise lordship over them Mark 10:42
• the Gentiles exercise lordship over them Luke 22:25
lordship salvation
The foundational teaching that all disciples must make Christ Lord of their lives as well as their Saviour,
implying that He cannot be the Saviour if He is not Lord. It means that we die to self and that we no
longer live for self, but completely for Christ. It is not doing my will but His will. Disciples have made
a commitment to obey, and live for Christ Jesus as their LORD.
This means something that one had and which is now missing; something taken and not recoverable;
misplaced or even destroyed. The Old Testament had laws concerning things that were lost and what
should happen if someone found the lost article. DTP In the New Testament the idea of lost represents
the condition of one's soul and spirit. We are like sheep who have gone astray (lost). As humans we
are lost in our trespasses and sin but Christ has come to find us, and to bring us back to our heavenly
Father, our Creator and lover of our souls.
• or for any manner of lost things Ex 22:9
• or the lost thing which he found Lev 6:4
• I have gone astray like a lost sheep Ps 119:176
• my people hath been lost sheep Jer 50:6
• I will seek that which was lost Eze 34:16
• but go rather to the lost sheep Matt 10:6 (15:24)
• is come to save that which is lost Matt 18:11
• I have found my sheep which was lost Luke 15:6
• is alive again; he was lost, and is found Luke 15:24 (15:32)
• seek and to save that which was lost Luke 19:10
• hid, it is hid to them that are lost 2 Cor 4:3

A die. In the Bible it was a method of finding out the Lords will. Today it implies submitting to chance;
also a form of gambling.
• that lots may be cast lots for you here Josh 18:6
• rest of the people also cast lots Neh 11:1
• them and cast lots upon my vesture Ps 22:18
• cast lots upon Jerusalem, even thou Obad 1:11
• and parted his garments, casting lots Matt 27:35
• parted his raiment and cast lots Luke 23:34
love / loved
To have affection, to want, desire, or wish for; an intense feeling (emotion) of affection for something
or someone. The Greeks had many words for love. (There are four that are commonly used; stergo,
family affection; eros, sexual love; philia, means friendship or brotherly love and agape, God's
unconditional love). DTP For the disciple, the most important "love word" is the word "agape"; this
illustrates the way God express His affection towards mankind. It was a one-way love with no strings
attached. This was the Father's motive for sending His Son to this lost and sinful world. We are given
a free choice to receive His love gift or to turn away and go in another direction. Often man desires
more selfish love than Godly love.
• thou shalt love thy neighbour as Lev 19:18 (Matt 5:43; 19:19; 22:39; Mark 12:31; Luke 10:27; Rom
13:9; Gal 5:14; James 2:8)
• thou shalt love the LORD thy God Deut 6:5 (Matt 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27)
• to love him and serve the LORD Deut 10:12
• thou shalt love the LORD thy God and keep his Deut 11:1
• which I command thee this day, to love the LORD Deut 19:9
• love the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways Deut 30:16
• to love the LORD your God and to Josh 22:5
• Solomon loved the LORD, walking in the 1 Kin 3:3
• I will love thee, O LORD, my Ps 18:1
• lovest righteousness ... hatest wickedness Ps 45:7 (Heb 1:9)
• ye that love the LORD, hate evil Ps 97:10
• the LORD preserveth all them that love him Ps 145:20
• whom ... LORD loveth he correcteth Prov 3:12 (Heb 12:6)
• I love them that love me; and those that seek me Prov 8:17
• stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins Prov 10:12
• whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge Prov 12:1
• banqueting house ... his banner over me was love Song 2:4
• many waters cannot quench love, neither can the Song 8:7
• in his love and in his pity he redeemed them Isa 63:9
• yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love Jer 31:3
• to love mercy and to walk humbly Mic 6:8
• thou shalt love thy neighbour, and Matt 5:43
• love your enemies, bless them that Matt 5:44
• and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and Matt 6:24
• thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Matt 22:39
• the love of many shall wax cold. Matt 24:12
• whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little Luke 7:47
• thou shalt love the Lord thy God Luke 10:27
• for God so loved the world, that he gave John 3:16
• you, that ye also love one another John 13:34
• Father loveth the Son and hath given all things John 3:35
• that ye have not the love of God in you John 5:42
• my Father love me, because I lay down my life John 10:17
• he that loveth his life shall lose it John 12:25
• love one another; as I have loved you John 13:34 (15:12, 17)

• if you love me, keep my commandments John 14:15
• if a man love me ... my Father will love him John 14:23
• greater love hath no man than this, that a John 15:13
• Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me John 21:16 (see John 21:15-17)
• but God commendeth his love toward us, in that Rom 5:8
• separate us from the love of Christ Rom 8:35
• conquerors through him that loved us Rom 8:37
• Let love be without dissimulation. Rom 12:9
• love suffers long and is kind 1 Cor 13:4 (See 1 Cor 13:1-13)
• abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love 1 Cor 13:13
• for God loveth a cheerful giver 2 Cor 9:7
• but faith which worketh by love Gal 5:6
• but by love serve one another. Gal 5:13
• but the fruit of the Spirit is love Gal 5:22
• his great loved wherewith he loved us Eph 2:4
• and to know the love of Christ, which passeth Eph 3:19
• forbearing one another in love Eph 4:2
• but speaking the truth in love Eph 4:15
• and walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us Eph 5:2
• husbands, love your wives Eph 5:25 (Col 3:19)
• even as Christ also loved the church Eph 5:25
• he that loveth his wife loveth himself Eph 5:28
• are pure, whatsoever things are lovely Phil 4:8
• be comforted, being knit together in love Col 2:2
• Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them. Col 3:19
• your work of faith and labour of love 1 Thes 1:3
• increase and abound in love toward another 1 Thes 3:12
• on the breastplate of faith and love 1 Thes 5:8
• they receive not the love of the truth 2 Thes 2:10
• hath loved us and hath given us everlasting life 1 Thes 2:16
• the love of money is the root of all evil 1 Tim 6:10
• spirit of fear; but of power and of love 2 Tim 1:7
• to love their husbands, to love their children Tit 2:4
• consider one another to provoke unto love Heb 10:24
• for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth Heb 12:6
• let brotherly love continue Heb 13:1
• Lord hath promised to them that love him James 1:12
• Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, you do well: James 2:8
• love one another with a pure heart fervently 1 Pet 1:22
• let us not love in word, neither in tongue 1 John 3:18
• for love is of God 1 John 4:7 (see the complete book of 1 John)
• herein is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us 1 John 4:10
• a new commandment ... that we love one another 2 John 1:5
• keep yourselves in the love of God, looking Jude 1:21
• unto him that loved us and washed us from Rev 1:5
• because thou hast left thy first love Rev 2:4
• as many as I love, I rebuke and chasten Rev 3:19
love feast
Jesus celebrated the Passover with the disciples, giving new meaning to the bread and to the cup. In
time this communion service became known also as a love feast or the Lord's Supper. It brings people
from all walks of life into an inclusive fellowship. Jesus commanded His disciples to regularly celebrate
the Lord's Supper to help us remember what he did for all mankind. (See Matt 26:17-30; Mark 14:12-
26; Luke 22:7-23; I Cor 11:20, see the word communion and Lord's Supper)

People who like or enjoy something or someone very much. Can result in a deeply shared intimacy that
are shared deeply between two. As a consequence, one can give oneself completely to another in
everything: physically, emotionally and spiritually.
• for men shall be lovers of their own 2 Tim 3:2
• lovers of pleasures more than 2 Tim 3:4
• of pleasures more than lovers of God 2 Tim 3:4
A combination of two words placed together to form a third word with a deeper meaning. The word
means to be steadfast in love, firm and loyal in one's commitment to another. DTP The disciple is to
show lovingkindness to fellow Christians just as God has shown it so bountifully to us.
• remember ... thy tender mercies and thy lovingkindness Ps 25:6
• how excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God Ps 36:7
• I have not concealed thy lovingkindness and thy truth Ps 40:10
• because thy lovingkindness is better than life Ps 63:3
• crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies Ps 103:4
• understand the lovingkindness of the LORD Ps 107:43
• and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness Ps 138:2
• I will mention the lovingkindness of the LORD Isa 63:7
• I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness Jer 9:24
• therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee Jer 31:3
A fallen angel who led a rebellion against God in heaven; Lucifer in Isaiah is believed to refer to the king
of Babylon. Other names for Lucifer are Satan or "the devil". See Ezekiel 28:12-19
• art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer Isa 14:12
LUKE, Gospel book of
This book was written by a Gentile doctor, a companion of Paul. It was written as a testimony to
Theophilus (Luke 1:3). It is the third of the four Gospels in the New Testament. The theme of this book
is the humanity of Christ; Christ is the "Son of Man". This Gospel details chronologically the details of
the life of Christ. It also lists for us the many miracles of healing about which Luke, as a doctor, would
have been very interested.
A condition of not being either hot or cold; figuratively, showing little or no enthusiasm. Showing little
commitment one way or another. The risen Jesus considered the Laodicean church lukewarm in their
love and commitment to Him. DTP Many disciples today are also lukewarm in their faith in Christ.
Christ clearly expresses His view of a lackluster faith: "I will vomit you out of my mouth". Jesus wants
us to be like refined gold. He desires that we be clothed in white garments. He desires above
everything else that we would see and live by His truth.
• so then because thou art lukewarm Rev 3:16
Strongly desire, long for, a fleshly and emotional desire that one has for something for someone. If
allowed to establish itself in our minds, lust can result in sinful acts. The natural man often desires
that which is forbidden by law or that which he should not have. Lust begins with a thought which can
eventually lead to destruction and death. Lust is a battleground where Satan so often wins in many a
disciple's life.
• them up unto their own heart's lust Ps 81:12
• lust not after her beauty in thine heart Prov 6:25
• whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after Matt 5:28
• through the lusts of their own hearts Rom 1:24
• burned in their lust one toward another Rom 1:27
• not lust after evil things, as they also lust 1 Cor 10:6
• not fulfil the lust of the flesh Gal 5:16
• flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit Gal 5:17
• according to the deceitful lusts Eph 4:22

• flee also youthful lusts 2 Tim 2:22
• deceiving, serving divers lusts and pleasures Tit 3:3
• he is drawn away of his own lust James 1:14
• when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin James 1:15
• abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against 1 Pet 2:11
• allure through the lusts of the flesh 2 Pet 2:18
• the lust of the flesh 1 John 2:16
• the lust of the eyes and the pride 1 John 2:16
• walking after their own lusts Jude 1:16
• who should walk after their own ungodly lust Jude 1:18
Lutheran Martin Luther
A denomination that came out of Germany, based on the teachings of an Augustinian monk named
Martin Luther. In his studies of God's Word he was deeply moved and challenged by Romans 1:17: "...
but the righteous man shall live by faith". On October 31, 1517 he nailed on the Wittenberg church
door his 95 theses in protest of the sale of indulgences by the Catholic Church. He strongly believed
that all doctrine should come from the Word of God. Secondly, he believed that salvation comes to a
person by personal faith in Jesus Christ. The Lutheran churches have had a variety of splits over the
years; however, in 1988 two groups merged back together to form the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America.
Untruthfulness, telling falsehoods. DTP Lying corrupts the soul like a cancer that, in due time, will reap a
harvest of death. We are to put aside all lying in our lives, and to speak the truth in love.
• be a lying spirit in the mouth of all 1 Kin 22:22 (2 Chr 18:21)
• let the lying lips be put to silence Ps 31:18
• spoken against me with a lying tongue Ps 109:2
• remove from me the way of lying: and grant me Ps 119:29
• I hate and abhor lying; but thy law do I love Ps 119:163
• lying lips are abomination to the Prov 12:22
• a righteous man hateth lying Prov 13:5
• to destroy the poor with lying words Isa 32:7
• in transgressing and lying against the LORD Isa 59:13
• by swearing and lying and killing and Hos 4:2
• wherefore putting away lying, speak Eph 4:25
• with all power and signs and lying wonders 2 Thes 2:9

Created, formed, brought into existence; past tense for "make". The Creator God formed and brought
into existence all things in heaven and on earth. As humans, we can take raw materials and
manufacture them into some type of product.
• God made the firmament and divided Gen 1:7
• God saw every thing that he had made Gen 1:31
• out of the ground made the LORD God Gen 2:9
• made he a woman and brought her unto Gen 2:22
• God created man, he made him in the likeness of God Gen 5:1
• the LORD made a covenant with Abram Gen 15:18
• did not he that made me in the womb Job 31:15
• the Spirit of God hath made me Job 33:4
• it is he that hath made us and not Ps 100:3
• this is the day which the LORD hath made Ps 118:24
• thy hands have made me and fashioned Ps 119:73
• I am fearfully and wonderfully made Ps 139:14
• thy faith hath made thee whole Matt 9:22
• without him was not anything made that was made John 1:3
• God that made the world and all things Acts 17:24
• of one shall many be made righteous Rom 5:19
• but now being made free from sin Rom 6:22
• confession is made unto salvation Rom 10:10
• I am made all things to all men. that I 1 Cor 9:22
• his Son, made of a woman, made under the law Gal 4:4
• wherewith Christ hath made us free Gal 5:1
• whereof I was made a minister Eph 3:7
• was made in the likeness of men Phil 2:7
• for we are made partakers of Christ Heb 3:14
• thou make all things according to the pattern Heb 8:5
• herein is our love made perfect 1 John 4:17
Magi, wise men
Wise men that came from the east after seeing a star in the heavens; their goal was to find a certain
baby who would be King of the Jews. After finding him they presented him with gifts of gold,
frankincense and myrrh. See Matt 2:1-12.
To lift up, to see more clearly, to enlarge or intensify, to make more important in one's eye. DTP A term
often used concerning how the disciple needs to see and understand God, making God the focal point
of all things in life.
• in thy sight and thou has magnified thy mercy Gen 19:19
• this day will I begin to magnify thee Josh 3:7
• let thy name be magnified for ever 2 Sam 7:26 (1 Chr 17:24)
• O magnify the LORD with me and let us Ps 34:3
• say continually ... LORD be magnified Ps 35:27
• will magnify him with thanksgiving Ps 69:30
• thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name Ps 138:2
• said, My soul doth magnify the Lord Luke 1:46
• and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified Acts 19:17
• so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body Phil 1:20
Grandeur, One who is of supreme greatness and authority, a title given to a king or queen. DTP A word
that describes the awesomeness of God. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. There is none above
him; He is the all magnificent One, Creator of heaven and earth.

• glory and the victory and the majesty 1 Chr 29:11
• majesty hast thou laid upon him Ps 21:5
• voice of the LORD is full of majesty Ps 29:4
• reigneth, he is clothed with majesty Ps 93:1
• thou art clothed with honour and majesty Ps 104:1
• the glorious majesty of his kingdom Ps 145:12
• LORD and for the glory of his majesty Isa 2:10
• in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God Mic 5:4
• the right hand of the Majesty on high Heb 1:3 (8:1)
• but were eyewitnesses of his majesty 2 Pet 1:16
• God our Saviour, be glory and majesty Jude 1:25
major prophets
The Old Testament (the Hebrew Scriptures) in which are included the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah,
Lamentations, Ezekiel and Daniel.
make / maker
To create, to form, to bring into existence. DTP The Creator God formed and brought into existence all
things in heaven and on earth. Man can take these raw materials and manufacture them into some
type of product. God created all things from nothing; He brought all things in heaven and earth into
• let us make man in our image, after Gen 1:26
• I will make him an help meet for him Gen 2:18
• I will make of thee a great nation, Gen 12:2
• thou shalt not make unto thee any Ex 20:4
• the priest shall make atonement Lev 4:20
• to make supplication unto him and to Est 4:8
• shall a man be more pure than his Maker Job 4:17
• and will ascribe righteousness to my Maker Job 36:3
• he maketh my feet like hind's feet and Ps 18:33
• he maketh me to lie down in green pastures Ps 23:2
• make a joyful noise unto him with Ps 95:2
• us kneel before the Lord our maker Ps 95:6
• fools make a mock of sin Prov 14:9
• rich and poor... the LORD is the maker of them Prov 22:2
• at that day shall a man look to his Maker Isa 17:7
• the Holy One of Israel and his Maker Isa 45:11
• thy Maker is thine husband; The LORD of hosts Isa 54:5
• I will make an everlasting covenant Isa 61:8
• for Israel hath forgotten his Maker Hos 8:14
• I will make you fishers of men Matt 4:19
• Make straight the way of the Lord, John 1:23
• and the truth shall make you free John 8:32
• God that made the world and all things Acts 17:24
• whose builder and maker is God Heb 11:10
• make straight paths for your feet Heb 12:13
• give diligence to make your calling and election sure: 2 Pet 1:10
MALACHI, book of
The book was written around the same time as Ezra and Nehemiah. It is the last book of the Hebrew
Scriptures (the Old Testament). Malachi delivered his message of judgment to a Judean audience
familiar with worshipping at the temple in Jerusalem. The people of Judah had turned away from the
true worship of the Lord, leaving themselves under judgment and in need of salvation.
A boy or man. The Scriptures give specific responsibilities to men; they are accountable for the nurturing
of children in the fear of God. Males (usually the eldest son) carried the birthright of the family

• male and female created he them Gen 1:27
• every male was circumcised, all that Gen 34:24
• of creation God made the male and female Mark 10:6
• there is neither male nor female Gal 3:28
malice / maliciousness
Spite, meanness, cruelty, unkindness, the desire to hurt someone, either physically and emotionally. To
hurt another by one's actions or words.
• wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness Rom 1:29
• neither with the leaven of malice 1 Cor 5:8
• put away from you, with all malice Eph 4:31
• anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy Col 3:8
• lusts and pleasures, living in malice Tit 3:3
• wherefore laying aside all malice 1 Pet 2:1
• your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness 1 Pet 2:16
The word is used to represent money and wealth that people may have acquired. It can become a
stumbling block or a wall between man and God. It can cause man to focus and trust on his wealth
rather than on God who is the true provider of all things.
• two masters ... cannot serve God and mammon Mat 6:24
• of the mammon of unrighteousness Luke 16:9
• ye cannot serve God and mammon Luke 16:13
Gentleman, guy, chap, male. The sex that has the ability to father young by fertilizing the female. The
Scriptures gave specific responsibilities to men; they are accountable for the nurturing of children in
the fear of God. Males (usually the eldest son) carried the birthright of the family heritage.
• let us make man in our image, after Gen 1:26
• LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground Gen 2:7
• because she was taken out of man Gen 2:23
• so he drove out the man Gen 3:24
• I have gotten a man from the LORD Gen 4:1
• the LORD is a man of war Ex 15:3
• for there shall no man see me, and live Ex 33:20
• God doth talk with man and he liveth Deut 5:24
• man doth not live by bread only Deut 8:3 (Matt 4:4; Luke 4:4)
• sought him a man after his own heart 1 Sam 13:14
• man looketh on the outward appearance, but 1 Sam 16:7
• shall perish ... man shall turn again unto dust Job 34:15
• blessed is the man that trusteth in Ps 34:8
• the steps of a good man are ordered Ps 37:23
• for man, his days are as grass: as a flower Ps 103:15
• a wise man will hear and will Prov 1:5
• the ways of man are before the eyes of Prov 5:21
• made the earth and created man upon it Isa 45:12
• for I am God and not man; the Holy One in Hos 11:9
• he hath shewed thee, O man, what is good Mic 6:8
• her husband, being a just man Matt 1:19
• what manner of man is this, that even the Matt 8:27
• that the Son of man is Lord also of Luke 6:5
• the Son of man must suffer many Luke 9:22
• for the Son of Man cometh at an Luke 12:40
• greater love hath no man than this John 15:13
• into an image made like to corruptible man Rom 1:23
• as by one man sin entered into the world Rom 5:12
• gift by grace, which is by one man Rom 5:15

• our old man is crucified with him, that the Rom 6:6
• O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me Rom 7:24
• since by man came death, by man came also the 1 Cor 15:21
• the first man Adam was made a 1 Cor 15:45
• first man is of the earth, earthly ... second man 1 Cor 15:47
• outward man perish, yet the inward man is 2 Cor 4:16
• knowing that a man is not justified Gal 2:16
• with might by his Spirit in the inner man Eph 3:16
• and that ye put on the new man Eph 4:24
• every man perfect in Christ Jesus Col 1:28
• ye have put off the old man with his deeds Col 3:9
• and one mediator ... the man Christ Jesus 1 Tim 2:5
• to speak evil of no man, to be no Tit 3:2
• a double minded man is unstable in Jams 1:8
• blessed is the man that endureth James 1:12
• of a righteous man availeth much Jams 5:16
• if any man love the world, the love 1 John 2:15
• to give every man according as his Rev 22:12
man of God
One who is a follower and a believer in the Creator of all heaven and earth, one who is loyal and obedient
to the Word of God. DTP A disciple of Jesus Christ, a follower of the truth and teaching of Jesus Christ,
having committed his life to Him as his Lord and Saviour.
• wherewith Moses the man of God Deut 33:1
• Moses the man of God concerning me Josh 14:6
• a man of God came unto me ... his countenance Judg 13:6
• there came a man of God unto Eli 1 Sam 2:27
• now by this I know that thou art a man of God 1 Kin 17:24
• I perceive that this is a holy man of God 2 Kin 4:9
• for so had David the man of God commanded 2 Chr 8:14
• written in the law of Moses the man of God Ezr 3:2
• instruments of David the man of God Neh 12:36
• O man of God, flee these things 1 Tim 6:11
• that the man of God may be perfect 2 Tim 3:17
man of sin
One who has desired to follow after his own desires, rejecting the ways of God and His Word. Also can
refer to the one who has led the world down a pathway of death and destruction, the antichrist.
• and that the man of sin be revealed 2 Tim 2:3
manifest / manifestation
Evidence, to show, to make known, to reveal, visible.
• sons of men, that God might manifest them Eccl 3:18
• is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested Mark 4:22
• the works of God should be made manifest in him John 9:3
• but now is made manifest and by the Scriptures Rom 16:26
• every man's work shall be made manifested 1 Cor 3:13
• the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every 1 Cor 12:7
• life ... of Jesus might be made manifest in our body 2 Cor 4:10
• made manifest unto God ... manifest in your consciences 2 Cor 5:11
• manifest by the light ... whatsoever doth make manifested Eph 5:13
• hid ... but now is made manifested to his saints Col 1:26
• God was manifest in the flesh, justified in 1 Tim 3:16
• but was manifest in these last times for you 1 Pet 1:20
• ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins 1 John 3:5
• in this was manifest the love of God toward us 1 John 4:9

The human race ... all people; the overall population of the world.
• thou shalt not lie with mankind Lev 18:22
• thing and the breath of all mankind Job 12:10
• that defile themselves with mankind 1 Tim 1:10
An edible substance that God provided for the Jewish people in the wilderness for over forty years.
Manna was to be collected each day and, on the day before the Sabbath, enough for two days could
be collected. This made the people dependent on God for their daily bread. There was also a small
portion kept in the Ark of the Covenant as a testimony to God's provision for His people.
• they said one to another, it is manna Ex 16:15
• of Israel did eat manna forty years Ex 16:35
• is nothing at all, beside this manna Num 11:6
• to hunger, and fed thee with manna Deut 8:3
• the manna ceased on the morrow after Josh 5:12
• he rained down manna upon them to Ps 78:24
• our fathers did eat manna in the desert John 6:31
• did eat manna in the wilderness John 6:49
• wherein was the golden pot that had manna Heb 9:4
• I give to eat of the hidden manna Rev 2:17
The original writings of an author; something that is first composed and later put into print. The authors
of the Scriptures, being led by the Holy Spirit of God, penned the original books of the Bible. "For
prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they
were carried along by the Holy Spirit." 2 Peter 1:21
This word is made up of two Greek words "maren - atha" which translated would mean "Our Lord, come".
DTP The believer in Christ looks forward to the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
• he is to be accursed. Maranatha. 1 Cor 16:22 NASB
mark of the beast
This is a symbol that will be placed on humans in the last days, identifying them as to who they are, and
to whom they have pledged allegiance; the mark will allow them to buy and sell. It is thought that this
mark will contain the numbers "666". "This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate
the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666." Revelation 13:18. We
are told that it will be placed on the head and right hand of the unbeliever.
• the men which had the mark of the beast, Rev 16:2
• them that had received the mark of the beast, Rev 19:20
MARK, Gospel book of
This book is thought to have been written by John Mark around 56 to 65 AD. It is the second book in the
New Testament and the second book of the Gospel section. The book primarily focus on the things
Jesus did and places where He went. Some distinctives in this book:
• Keyword: 'Immediately' or 'straightway'
• Purpose: To show Christ as the tireless servant of God and man, full of good deeds. His wonderful
works testify to His deity.
• Miracles: 19 miracles in Mark, 8 of which prove power over disease; 5 prove power over nature, 4
demonstrate authority over demons and 2 show power over death.
Matrimony, wedlock, wedding, nuptials, recognized union of spouses, the binding of one man and one
woman together through the making of vows and a covenant with each other. It is not to be broken.
Marriage was, and is, to be a union were the two become one under God, a coming together
emotionally, physically and spiritually.
• make ye marriage with us ... give your daughters Gen 34:9
• neither shalt thou make marriage with them Deut 7:3
• certain king, which made a marriage for his son, Matt 22:2

• in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are Matt 22:30
• before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, Matt 24:38
• that were ready went in with him to the marriage Matt 25:10
• a marriage in Cana of Galilee; John 2:1
• marry, thou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marries 1 Cor 7:28
• marriage is honorable in all ... the bed undefiled Heb 13:4
• for the marriage of the Lamb is come, Rev 19:7
• Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. Rev 19:9
marriage supper of the Lamb
It is the first major event that will take place in heaven when all believers (the church) will join together
with Christ and be present with the Father as Christ's bride. This will be a victory celebration and, for
the first time, the people present will never again experience suffering and pain; the chains of sin will
have been completely broken, and death will be no more.
• for the marriage of the Lamb is come, Rev 19:7
• Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. Rev 19:9
The word means "testimony". It is the giving up of one's life based on faith in God; the martyr's life is
taken by another with the hope of destroying their commitment to God. Acts of martyrdom were
often the seed that caused the church of Jesus Christ to grow. Martyrdom is still very prominent
around the world today where people and nations are trying to annihilate all vestiges of faith in Jesus
• and when the blood of thy martyr Stephen Acts 22:20
• Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, Rev 2:13
• with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus Rev 17:6
One who is in charge or oversees the activities of another person. They have direct control over that
person either through work or through ownership. This word can be also be ascribed to one who has
mastered a particular trade or skill.
• the LORD hath blessed my master greatly Gen 24:35
• gathered up the arrows, and came to his master. Sam 20:38
• for your master Saul is dead, 2 Sam 2:7
• so he that waiteth on his master shall be honored. Prov 27:18
• A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: Mal 1:6
• no man can serve two masters: for either he Matt 6:24
• The disciple is not above his master, Matt 10:24
• for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye Matt 23:8
• neither be ye called master: for one is your Master Matt 23:10
• ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well John 13:13
• saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master John 20:16
• ye master ... knowing that Master also is in heaven Eph 6:9
• vessel unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, 2 Tim 2:21
• My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that James 3:1
The head builder at a job site, the architect or the head planner of a building. An overseer of other
• is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder 1 Cor 3:10
A philosophy/belief that matter is the fundamental substance in nature, and that consciousness is the
result of material interactions. Materialism totally rejects the spiritual side of the universe. Adherents
often focus solely on the comforts and luxury of life. DTP The disciple is not to be a follower of
materialism but is, rather, a steward of all that God has given to them. We should use that which God
gives us for His glory and to build up His kingdom.

MATTHEW, Gospel book of
This book is believed to have been written by Matthew the disciple of Christ. It was written to Jewish
converts. It uses at least 65 quotes from the Hebrew Scriptures and focuses a lot on the theme,
"Kingdom of Heaven". It is thought to have been written around 37 AD. It is the first book in the New
Testament and the first book of the Gospel section. Matthew sets out to prove the Jewishness of Jesus
Christ and that He was from the line of King David.
To take a ruler and determine the size of something, to weigh, to determine the amount or quality of
something. Things will be measured and evaluated. There is an accountability that God will bring when
we all stand before Him.
• measure the waters in the hollow of his hand Isa 40:12
• good measure, pressed down, and shaken together Luke 6:38
• God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him John 3:34
• that dealt to every man the measure of faith Rom 12:3
• grace according to the measure of the gift of Eph 4:7
• measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ Eph 4:13
Flesh of an animal as food.
• moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you Gen 9:3
• make savory meat, such as I love, and bring Gen 27:4
• this is the law of the meat offering Lev 6:14
• they gave me also gall for my meat Ps 69:21
• thou givest them their meat in due season Ps 145:15
• and a fool when he is filled with meat Pro 30:22
• not defile himself with ... the king's meat Dan 1:8
• that there may be meat in mine house Mal 3:10
• and his meat was locusts and wild honey Matt 3:4
• is not the life more than meat and the body Matt 6:25
• for the workman is worthy of his meat Matt 10:10
• I was an hungered and ye gave me meat Matt 25:35
• he said ... I have meat to eat that ye know not John 4:32
• my meat is to do the will of him that sent me John 4:34
• labour not for the meat which perishes, but John 6:27
• for the kingdom of God is not meat and drink Rom 14:17
• have fed you milk and not with meat 1 Cor 3:2
• if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no 1 Cor 8:13
• and did eat the same spiritual meat 1 Cor 10:3
• let no man ... judge you in meat, or in drink Col 2:16
• heart be established with grace; not with meat Heb 13:9
Interceder, peacemaker, a go-between, intermediary, arbitrator. DTP For the disciple, Christ is the
mediator between ourselves and the heavenly Father ... He stands in our place and makes it possible
for us to enter into the Holy of Holies.
• angels in the hand of a mediator Gal 3:19
• now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but is one Gal 3:20
• one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus 1 Tim 2:5
• he is the mediator of a better covenant, Heb 8:6
• And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, Heb 9:15
• Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, Heb 12:24
meditate / meditation
Thought, consideration, deliberation, contemplation, reflection, to study. To take time to think or reflect
on things. DTP The disciple takes time to pray, listen for the Holy Spirit's voice, and find out the will
of God for his life.
• Isaac went out to meditate in the field Gen 24:63

• but thou shalt meditate therein day Josh 1:8
• and in his law doth he meditate day Ps 1:2
• consider my meditation Ps 5:1
• the meditation of my heart, be acceptable Ps 19:14
• the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding Ps 49:3
• it is my meditation all the day Ps 119:97
• thine heart shall meditate terror Isa 33:18
• meditate upon these things 1 Tim 4:15
One who claims to be able to communicate with the dead, a channel to the underworld. One who is
controlled, or has become a vessel for spiritual communication with the dead. DTP The disciple is
forbidden by God to be involved in consulting mediums, for it is deeply sinful in His eyes. "Do not turn
to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God." Leviticus
meek / meekness
Quiet, gentle, mild, submissive. DTP Meekness is one of the fruits of the Spirit that a believer should
have in his life. Meekness does not mean weakness, but demonstrates an attitude of confidence in
who one is in Christ. For the disciple, meekness means an "inward grace of the soul", demonstrating
a controlled strength and a gentleness in ministering to others.
• now the man Moses was very meek Num 12:3
• the meek shall eat and be satisfied Ps 22:26
• the meek will he teach his ways Ps 25:9
• but the meek shall inherit the earth Ps 37:11
• beautify the meek with salvation Ps 149:4
• to preach good tidings unto the meek Isa 61:1
• seek righteousness, seek meekness Zeph 2:3
• blessed are the meek Matt 5:5
• for I am meek and lowly in heart Matt 11:29
• or in love and in the spirit of meekness 1 Cor 4:21
• by the meekness and gentleness of Christ 2 Cor 10:1
• meekness, temperance; against such there is no law Gal 5:23
• restore such a one in the spirit of meekness Gal 6:1
• all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering Eph 4:2
• faith, love, patience, meekness 1 Tim 6:11
• in meekness instructing those that 2 Tim 2:25
• shewing all meekness unto all men Tit 3:2
• receive with meekness the engrafted word James 1:21
• let him show ... his works with meekness of wisdom James 3:13
• of the hope that is in you with meekness 1 Pet 3:15
To be part of a group, connected together with other people. To be joined with others in a relationship
or some form of fellowship. DTP As disciples of Christ we are a valuable members of His body, enjoying
a spiritual connection with other brothers and sisters; caring for each other, protecting each other,
and equipping each other in Christ for service.
• and in thy book all my members were written Ps 139:16
• neither yield ye your members as instruments Rom 6:13
• I see another law in my member, warring against Rom 7:23
• have many members in one body and all members have not Rom 12:4
• that your bodies are the members of Christ? 1 Cor 6:15
• body is one and hath many members and all the members 1 Cor 12:12
• ye are the body of Christ ... members in particular 1 Cor 12:27
• for we are members one of another Eph 4:25
• we are members of his body, of his flesh and of Eph 5:20
• tongue is a little member and boasteth great James 3:5

• even of your lusts that war in your members? James 4:1
An structure, monument, or inscription that helps to preserve the memory of an event or of the life of a
person. DTP While monuments and plaques may be used today, in the Old Testament if could be an
altar or even a large pile of stones to remind people what God had done for them.
• this is my memorial unto all generations Ex 3:15
• this day shall be unto you for a memorial Ex 12:14
• for a memorial between thine eyes, that the LORD's Ex 13:9
• write this for a memorial in a book Ex 17:14
• may be a memorial unto the children of Israel Ex 30:16
• be to you for a memorial before your God Num 10:10
• to be a memorial unto the children Num 16:40
• these stones shall be for a memorial Josh 4:7
• and thy memorial, O LORD, throughout all Ps 135:13
• the LORD is his memorial Hos 12:5
• shall be spoken of for a memorial of her Mark 14:9
• are come up for a memorial before God Acts 10:4
Gentlemen, male persons, the plural form for man. Often in the Bible used to refer to the human, male
and female. The Scriptures gave specific responsibilities to men; they are accountable for the
nurturing of children in the fear of God.
• then began men to call upon the Gen 4:26
• go now ye that are men and serve the LORD Ex 10:11
• armed, all the mighty men of valour Josh 1:14
• O ye sons of men, how long will ye Ps 4:2
• concerning the words of men Ps 17:4
• Oh that men would praise the LORD Ps 107:8
• mayest walk in the way of good men Prov 2:20
• he is despised and rejected of men Isa 53:3
• hear this, ye old men and give ear Joel 1:2
• for I set all men everyone against Zec 8:10
• there came wise men from the east Matt 2:1
• follow me ... I will make you fishers of men Matt 4:19
• let your light so shine before men, that they Matt 5:16
• if ye forgive men their trespasses Matt 6:14
• confess me before men, him will I confess Matt 10:32
• with men this is impossible, but with God all Matt 19:26
• men brought in a bed a man which Luke 5:18
• men's hearts failing them for fear Luke 21:26
• by this shall all men know that ye John 13:35
• men with men working that which is Rom 1:27
• God shall judge the secrets of men Rom 2:16
• all men unto justification of life Rom 5:18
• the foolishness of God is wiser than men 1 Cor 1:25
• are ye not carnal and walk as men 1 Cor 3:3
• I am made all things to all men, that I might 1 Cor 9:22
• captive and gave gifts unto men Eph 4:8
• so ought men to love their wives as Eph 5:28
• we speak; not as pleasing men, but God 1 Thes 2:4
• and one mediator between God and men 1 Tim 2:5
• God, who is the Saviour of all men 1 Tim 4:10
• is appointed unto men once to die Heb 9:27
• but holy men of God spake as they 2 Pet 1:21
• the tabernacle of God is with men Rev 21:3

A people group who are Anabaptist in belief. The roots come from Holland, Germany and Switzerland.
Their main doctrines emphasize baptism, pacifism and personal purity; they do not believe in taking
oaths or getting interest for the use of their money. They beliefs and teachings came out of the
teachings of Menno Simons, Conrad Grebel and Pilgrim Marpeck, dating back to the late 1400's and
early 1500's.
mercies / merciful
Compassion, pity, kindness, sympathy; kindness toward an enemy; it is the power to forgive or spare
someone from punishment. As Christ has shown His mercy to us, we should also be merciful to others.
• the LORD being merciful unto him Gen 19:16
• the LORD, the LORD God, merciful Ex 34:6
• for the LORD thy God is a merciful God Deut 4:31
• with the merciful thou wilt show thyself merciful 2 Sam 22:26
• God is gracious and merciful and will not 2 Chr 30:9
• ready to pardon, gracious and merciful Neh 9:17
• remember, O LORD, thy tender mercies Ps 25:6
• redeem me and be merciful unto me Ps 26:11
• LORD, be merciful unto me: heal my soul; for I Ps 41:4
• help, and redeem us for thy mercies' sake Ps 44:26
• be merciful unto me, O God Ps 56:1
• I will sing of the mercies of the LORD Ps 89:1
• the LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger Ps 103:8
• great are thy tender mercies O LORD Ps 119:156
• it is of the LORD'S mercies that we are Lam 3:22
• for I am merciful, saith the LORD and I Jer 3:12
• To the LORD our God belong mercies and forgivenesses, Dan 9:9
• for he is gracious and merciful, slow to Joel 2:13
• blessed are the merciful Matt 5:7
• God be merciful to me a sinner Luke 18:13
• brethren, by the mercies of God Rom 12:1
• Jesus Christ, the father of mercies 2 Cor 1:3
• Put on therefore, as the elect of God, … bowels of mercies, Col 3:12
Compassion, pity, kindness, sympathy; kindness toward an enemy; it is the power to forgive or spare
someone from punishment. Mercy is not getting what one deserves. See mercies / merciful. DTP God
has judged us as guilty because of our sin nature, but because of Christ's shed blood and the faith that
we put in Him, we are shown mercy by our heavenly Father; this takes away the punishment of death
and gives to us eternal life.
• and thou hast magnified thy mercy Gen 19:19
• and thou shalt make a mercy seat of pure gold Ex 25:17
• shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy Ex 33:19
• is longsuffering and of great mercy Num 14:18
• because his mercy endureth for ever 2 Chr 7:6
• his mercy endureth for ever toward Israel Ezra 3:11
• God, who keepest covenant and mercy Neh 9:32
• have mercy upon me and hear my prayers Ps 4:1
• have mercy upon me, O LORD Ps 9:13
• I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall Ps 13:5
• mercy shall follow me all the days of Ps 23:6
• I will sing of the mercy of the LORD for ever Ps 89:1
• gracious, slow to anger ... plenteous in mercy Ps 103:8
• for his mercy endureth for ever Ps 136:1 (see Psalm 136:1-26)
• that followeth after righteousness and mercy Prov 21:21
• to the LORD ... belong mercy and forgivenesses Dan 9:9

• desire mercy ... not sacrifice Hos 6:6
• but to do justly and to love mercy Mic 6:8
• for they shall obtain mercy Matt 5:7
• I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy Rom 9:15
• beseech you ... brethren, by the mercy of God Rom 12:1
• Father of mercy and the God of all comfort 2 Cor 1:3
• but God, who is rich in mercy Eph 2:4
• put on ... as the elect of God ... bowels of mercy Col 3:12
• according to his mercy he saved us Tit 3:5
• which according to his abundant mercy hath 1 Pet 1:3
• had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy 1 Pet 2:10
• looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ Jude 1:21
mercy seat
Found in the Holy of Holies, it was the lid or cover of solid gold on the Ark of the Covenant. This is where
the blood was sprinkled on the seat for the sins of the nation or for the individual person. DTP Christ
sprinkled/shed his blood for us and tore the temple veil, signifying that the disciple could now go into
the Holies of Holies and have a personal relationship with God Almighty.
• shalt make a mercy seat of pure gold Ex 25:17
• with their wings over the mercy seat Ex 37:9
• put the mercy seat above upon the ark Ex 40:20
• and sprinkle it upon the mercy seat Lev 16:15
• of glory shadowing the mercy seat Heb 9:5
Envoy, herald, go-between, runner, courier, deliverer, ambassador, one who delivers a letter or some
verbal information to another. DTP God throughout history sometimes raises up people to speak out
on His behalf. Christ was also sent as a messenger of Grace and mercy, plus God has sent angels to
proclaim a truth of events that was about to take place.
• Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau Gen 32:3
• Spirit of God was upon the messenger of Saul 1 Sam 19:20
• mocked the messenger of God and despised 2 Cor 36:16
• in that day shall messengers go forth from me Ezek 30:9
• for he is the messenger of the LORD of hosts Mal 2:7
• behold, I will send my messenger Mal 3:1 (Matt 11:10; Mark 1:2)
• they are the messengers of the churches 2 Cor 8:23
The word means "the anointed one; the Hebrew word is "Messiah", the Greek word is translated
"Christ". His baptism showed that Jesus was the Messiah, anointed with the Holy Spirit and with
• to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah Dan 9:25
• and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off Dan 9:26
• unto him, we have found the Messias (Messiah) John 1:4
• unto him, I know that Messias (Messiah) cometh, John 4:25
Messianic Jew
A Jew who believes that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. Their faith brings together some of the culture and
tradition of the Jewish law, but also bases faith on a personal commitment to Jesus Christ as their
Lord and Saviour.
This word often describes the major event that takes place in an insect's body. For example: a butterfly
larva/worm turns into a butterfly. A change from one form of life to another. DTP Disciples undergo
the change from living like the world to living for Christ Jesus as a child of God. It is a complete change
from an old nature to a new nature. The same Greek word metamorphoo is used in Matthew 17:2,
there he was transfigured before them; and in Romans 12:2, therefore be ye transformed by the
renewing of your minds.

A religious movement that was started by John and Charles Wesley. The focus of the methodical teaching
was based on piety and on a personal inner heart relationship with Jesus Christ. It began with the
Holy club at Oxford University during in 1725. George Whitefield was also a part of this movement.
The main teaching is that the disciples are justified by faith.
MICAH, book of
This is an Old Testament book written by Micah, predicting the coming judgement upon Samaria and
Jerusalem; also predicted that Zion would be "plowed as a field". The prophet does give a word of
hope that in time a Deliverer would come to redeem them. The book was written around 750 BC.
mid tribulation (unspec. comp. form of Tribulation Doctrine)
This group believe that the church will remain as a witness to the world during the 3 and 1/2 years of
peace, but then the church will be raptured into heaven.
might / mighty / mightier
Strength and power. The ability to use one's body, soul and spirit to lead others to victory. Being able to
overcome hardship and challenges. DTP God is our mighty God who stand strong for His children. He
is the Mighty One of Israel.
• thy greatness and thy mighty hand Deut 3:24
• and with all thy soul and with all thy might Deut 6:5
• LORD of lords, a great God, a mighty Deut 10:17
• go in this thy might and thou shalt save Judge 6:14
• the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon him Judg 14:6
• how are the mighty fallen 2 Sam 1:19
• danced before the LORD with all his might 2 Sam 6:14
• and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle Ps 24:8
• thou hast a mighty arm; strong is thy hand Ps 89:13
• the LORD on high is mightier than the Ps 93:4
• their Redeemer is mighty; he shall plead their Prov 23:11
• the LORD of hosts, the mighty One of Israel Isa 1:24
• the LORD, to the mighty One of Israel Isa 30:29
• thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob Isa 49:26
• speak in righteousness, mighty to save Isa 63:1
• name of God ... for wisdom and might are his Dan 2:20
• thy God in the midst of thee is mighty Zeph 3:17
• not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit Zech 4:6
• that cometh after me is mightier than I Matt 3:11
• but one mightier than I cometh, the Luke 3:16
• they were all amazed at the mighty power of God Luke 9:43
• sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind Acts 2:2
• so mightily grew the Word of God and Acts 19:20
• through mighty signs and wonders, by Rom 15:19
• not many mighty, not many noble, are called 1 Cor 1:26
• weak ... to confound the things which are mighty 1 Cor 1:27
• but mighty through God to the pulling 2 Cor 10:4
• is not weak, but is mighty in you 2 Cor 13:3
• to the working of his mighty power Eph 1:19
• to be strengthened with might by his Spirit Eph 3:16
• strong in the Lord ... in the power of his might Eph 6:10
• working, which worketh in me mightily Col 1:29
• honour and power and might be unto our God Rev 7:12
mighty man / mighty men
One who stands strong against his enemies. Implies the ability to overcome trials and challenges. The
mighty man is not fearful but is full of faith in God. DTP The disciple need to stand as a mighty man of
God and, by doing so, brings glory to his God.
• the same became mighty men which were Gen 6:4

• all the mighty men of valour, and help Josh 1:14
• thirty thousand mighty men of valour Josh 8:3
• thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man Ps 51:2
• LORD shall go forth as a mighty man Isa 42:13
• prepare war, wake up the mighty men Joel 3:9
• the mighty man shall cry there Zeph 1:14
• made thee as the sword of a mighty man Zec 9:13
mill / millstone
Literally, each of two circular stones used for grinding grain. Grain is fed through a hole in the top stone
which, when turned, crushes grain into flour. Small millstones were used in the home and large
commercial millstones were housed in a mill and often turned by oxen. DTP Jesus told his listeners
not to be deceptive in their talk and way of life because there would be great punishment for that
person. Jesus said that it would be better for that person to have a millstone placed around his neck
and be cast into the sea.
• nether or the upper millstone to pledge Deut 24:6
• a millstone were hanged about his neck Matt 18:6
• women shall be grinding at the mill Matt 24:41
• a millstone were hanged about his neck Mark 9:42
• took up a stone like a great millstone Rev 18:21
millenial A (Amillenial)
A view that the 1000 year period of time mentioned in Revelation chapter 20 is not an actual time period,
and that it will not specially take place before the return of Christ.
millennial kingdom
The future thousand year reign of Christ Jesus, full of peace and righteousness when Jesus will rule over
all on earth. (See Revelation chapter 20.)
millennial, post
This view holds to the teaching that the world will get progressively better with the Gospel of Christ and
that there will be a time of total victory here on earth. Then Christ will come for His church after the
millennial, pre
This doctrine teaches that the church will be raptured (taken up) before the tribulation, and that God
will focus once again on redeeming the children of Israel. Christ will then return and rescue Israel,
setting up the millennium kingdom. This teaching provides for a clear distinction between the Church
and Israel.
1000 year period of time often talked about concerning the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Brain, will, thought, emotion, intellect, intelligence, wits, psyche; it is thought that that the mind is the
seat of the will (the "heart" being where the spirit of man dwells). DTP When Christ comes into one's
heart, God's Spirit takes up His dwelling within us. It is also at that point where the battle between
the will of man and the will of God begins. We have to die to ourselves and turn over every part of
our lives to Jesus Christ.
• that the mind of the LORD might be Lev 24:12
• which is in mine heart and in my mind 1 Sam 2:35
• perfect heart and with a willing mind 1 Chr 28:9
• for the people had a mind to work Neh 4:6
• the LORD hath been mindful of us Ps 115:12
• not been mindful of the Rock of thy strength Isa 17:10
• whose mind is stayed on thee Isa 26:3
• all thy soul and with all thy mind Matt 22:37
• neither be ye of doubtful mind Luke 12:29
• receive the word with ... readiness of mind Acts 17:11
• serving the Lord with all humility of mind Acts 20:19
• God gave them over to a reprobate mind Rom 1:28

• for to be carnally minded is death Rom 8:6
• but to be spiritually minded is life Rom 8:6
• knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit Rom 8:27
• by the renewing of your mind Rom 12:2
• be fully persuaded in his own mind Rom 14:5
• joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. 1 Cor 1:10
• but we have the mind of Christ 1 Cor 2:16
• but their minds were blinded 2 Cor 3:14
• For if there be first a willing mind, 2 Cor 8:12
• Be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; 2 Cor 13:11
• desires of the flesh and of the mind Eph 2:3
• one mind striving together for the faith Phil 1:27
• being of one accord, of one mind Phil 2:2
• let this mind be in you, which was Phil 2:5
• I beseech ... they be of the same mind in the Lord Phil 4:2
• shall keep your hearts and mind through Christ Phil 4:7
• Perverse disputing of men of corrupt minds, 1 Tim 6:5
• and of love and of a sound mind 2 Tim 1:7
• men of corrupt minds, reprobate 2 Tim 3:8
• in their minds will I write them Heb 10:16
• a double minded man is unstable in all James 1:8
• gird up the loins of your mind 1 Pet 1:13
• be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of 1 Pet 3:8
• not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind 1 Pet 5:2
Priest, cleric, preacher, vicar; one who serves others. DTP In the New Testament "minister" represented
a servant of God. The minister serves other people on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ. In its formal
sense, it refers to the pastor of the church, but the disciple of Christ is also to be a minister serving in
the body of Christ with the gifts God has given him.
• and Moses rose up, and his minister Joshua Ex 24:13
• he may minister unto me in the priest's office Ex 28:1
• to minister in the holy place Ex 29:30
• whom he shall consecrate to minister in Lev 16:32
• to stand to minister in the name of the LORD Deut 18:5
• the child did minister unto the LORD 1 Sam 2:11
• but Samuel ministered before the LORD 1 Sam 2:18
• the child Samuel ministered unto the LORD 1 Sam 3:1
• to minister in the house of the LORD 1 Chr 26:12
• priests that minister in the house of our God Neh 10:36
• men shall call you the minister of our God Isa 61:6
• behold, angels came and ministered unto him Matt 4:11
• among you, let him be your minister Matt 20:26
• to be ministered unto, but to minister Matt 20:28
• Son of man came not to be ministered unto Mark 10:45
• were eye witnesses and ministers of the word Luke 1:2
• as they ministered to the Lord and fasted Acts 13:2
• I go unto Jerusalem to minister unto the saints Rom 15:25
• of us, as of the ministers of Christ 1 Cor 4:1
• made us able ministers of the new testament 2 Cor 3:6
• he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread 2 Cor 9:10
• as the ministers of righteousness 2 Cor 11:15
• he therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit Gal 3:5
• whereof I was made a minister, according Eph 3:7
• the gospel ... whereof I Paul am made a minister Col 1:23

• minister of God, and our fellow labourer 1 Thes 3:2
• thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ 1 Tim 4:6
• a minister of the sanctuary and of the Heb 8:2
• even so minister the same one to another 1 Pet 4:10
• any man minister, let him do it as of the ability 1 Pet 4:11
The act of serving others, to give help and care for others.
• days of his ministration were accomplished Luke 1:23
• were neglected in daily ministration Acts 6:1
• ministration of condemnation ... the ministration of righteousness 2 Cor 3:9
• this ministration they glorified God for your 2 Cor 9:13
Service rendered or given unto God, Jesus Christ, and to His church. DTP All disciples are in full time
ministry or service for our Lord Jesus Christ.
• take all the instruments of ministry Num 4:12
• came to do the service of the ministry Num 4:47
• when David praised by their ministry 2 Chr 7:6
• continually to prayer ... to the ministry of the word Acts 6:4
• returned ... when they had fulfilled their ministry Acts 12:25
• and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Acts 20:24
• therefore, seeing we have this ministry 2 Cor 4:1
• to us the ministry of reconciliation 2 Cor 5:18
• the saints, for the work of ministry Eh 4:12
• take heed to the ministry which thou Col 4:17
• me faithful, putting me into the ministry 1 Tim 1:12
• make full proof of thy ministry 2 Tim 4:5
• take Mark ... he is profitable to me for the ministry 2 Tim 4:11
• now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry Heb 8:6
minor prophets
This title describes the latter section of the Old Testament books or the Hebrew Scriptures. In this section
are the books of Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai,
Zechariah and Malachi. Sometimes in Hebrew tradition these books are known as "The Book of the
Supernatural event, wonder, phenomenon, marvel. Bible also uses the words, "signs and wonders". Can
also be thought of as something beyond human ability, scientific knowledge, or conventional logic.
• which have seen my glory and my miracles Num 14:22
• seen, the signs and those great miracles Deut 29:3
• who did those great signs in our sight Josh 24:17
• are for signs and wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts Isa 8:18
• they considered not the miracle of the loaves Matt 6:52
• man which shall do a miracle in my name Mark 9:39
• he hoped to have seen some miracle done by him Luke 23:8
• this beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana John 2:11
• when they saw the miracles which he did John 2:23
• again the second miracle that Jesus did John 4:54
• what do we? for this man doeth many miracles John 11:47
• a man approved of God among you by miracles Acts 2:22
• on whom this miracle of healing was Acts 4:22
• and Stephen ... did great wonders and miracles among Acts 6:8
• to another the working of miracles 1 Cor 12:10
• thirdly teachers, after that miracles 1 Cor 12:28
• and wonders and with divers miracles Heb 2:4

Assignment, task, work, charge, undertaking, operation. DTP God has commissioned all disciples to be
missionaries in His harvest field. The harvest is ripe; God commissions his labourers to serve each day,
whether in the home, job, neighbourhood or around the world. Missionaries are sent out ones that
God calls to deliver, on His behalf, the Good News of Jesus Christ. The missionary is an ambassador
who represents the Kingdom of God. Jesus gave the Great Commission to all disciples in Matthew
mock / mocker
To fake, pretend, scorn, to ridicule another, to verbally abuse, to slander, to hold in contempt. DTP Much
damage can be done with the tongue. Our speaking to and about others can either build them up or
destroy them. The disciple needs to ask God to bridle and control his tongue. We will be judged by
the way we speak. We should never be found mocking, ridiculing, or abusing others because we are
Christ's ambassadors.
• fools make a mock at sin: but among the Prov 14:9
• whoso mocketh the poor reproacheth his Maker Prov 17:5
• to mock and to scourge Matt 20:19 (Mark 10:34; Luke 18:32)
• also the chief priests mocking him Matt 27:41
• of the resurrection of the dead, some mock Acts 17:32
• be not deceived; God is not mocked ... whatsoever Gal 6:7
• there should be mockers in the last days Jude 1:18
Anything that is used to pay (exchange) for goods and services. Gold, silver, coinage, paper money,
checks, or credit/debit cards (to access accounts) are all considered forms of money.
• or bought with money of any stranger Gen 17:12
• man gave him a piece of money Job 42:11
• and ye shall be redeemed without money Isa 52:3
• he that hath no money; come ye, buy and eat Isa 55:1
• thou shalt find a piece of money Matt 17:27
• in the earth and hid his Lord's money Matt 25:18
• poured out the changers' money and overthrew John 2:15
• of God may be purchased with money Acts 8:20
• for the love of money is the root of 1 Tim 6:10
Monism is the view that reality consists of one fundamental, ultimate essence. It comes from the Greek,
mono, which means one. All is one. Therefore, in monism God and the universe are the same thing.
This would mean that energy, motion, matter, thought, consciousness, etc., are all of one substance
but are perceived differently. Monism is unbiblical because it denies the distinction between God and
The teaching that all human beings originated from one single couple. DTP The believer in God's Word
holds that all mankind can be traced back to Adam and Eve; because of this, their sinfulness is passed
on to all future generation, making us all sinners. "From one man he made all the nations, that they
should inhabit the whole earth." Acts 17:26
They believe that there is only one true God. DTP For the disciple, God is the Creator and Lord of all
heaven and earth. He functions as three in one: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
A natural satellite of a planet; the earth has one moon that orbits the earth every 27 to 29 days.
• the sun stood still and the moon stayed Josh 10:13
• tomorrow is the new moon and I should 1 Sam 20:5
• moon and stars, which thou hast ordained Ps 8:3
• fear thee as long as the sun and moon endure Ps 72:5
• he appointed the moon for seasons Ps 104:19
• the moon and the stars to rule by night Ps 136:9

• the light of the moon shall be as ... the sun Isa 30:26
• darkness and the moon into blood Joel 2:31 (Acts 2:20)
• and the moon shall not give her light Matt 24:29
• became black ... and the moon became as blood Rev 6:12
They are also known as the "Church of Christ of the Latter Day Saints". This religious group was founded
in the US in the 1830's by Joseph Smith. He claims to have found special golden plates that contained
the book of Mormon. The Mormons have a few selected books that they would call holy scripture:
King James Bible, the Pearl of Great Price and the Book of Mormon. They also believe that they are
part of the priestly line of Aaron and Melchizedek. They are polytheistic, believing that there are many
gods and that these gods procreate spirit children who have been given bodies that live on different
planets. Their way of salvation comes through a form of faith in Christ, baptism by immersion for both
the living and the dead; obedience to the book of Mormon, doing good works and keeping the
commandments of God. Strict Mormons hold to the belief that a man can have many wives.
Mosaic covenant
A binding covenant made by God with Moses on behalf of the people of Israel; the key was that if they
wanted God's blessing, they needed to obey God and keep His covenants; they were to become a holy
nation. (See Mosaic covenants: Ex 19:5-6, 8.)
A man of God who, from a burning bush, was called by God to lead the people of Israel out of the
bondage of Egypt and, ultimately, to lead them to the Promised Land. He was raised in Pharaoh's
palace, but eventually became a shepherd in a wilderness land. God did powerful miracles through
his life of faith.
• and she called his name Moses Ex 2:10
• now Moses kept the flock of Jethro Ex 3:1
• of the bush and said, Moses, Moses Ex 3:4
• and God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM Ex 3:14
• and the LORD spake unto Moses saying Num 15:37
• Moses my servant is dead Josh 1:2
• as I was with Moses, so I will be Josh 1:5
• word of the LORD by the hand of Moses Josh 22:9
• was given by Moses the servant of God Neh 10:29
• thou leddest the people ... by the hand of Moses Ps 77:20
• he sent Moses his servant Ps 105:26
• led them by the right hand of Moses with his Isa 63:12
• offer the gift that Moses commanded Matt 8:4
• appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking Matt 17:3
• Moses said, Honour thy father and mother Mark 7:10
• law was given by Moses, but grace and truth John 1:17
• and not as Moses, which put a veil 2 Cor 3:13
• Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart 2 Cor 3:15
• as also Moses was faithful in all his Heb 3:2
Most High
Most High / Highest; the God who is above all, the Creator of all things in heaven and on earth. The all-
knowing, all-seeing and all-understanding One.
• was the priest of the most high God Gen 14:18
• and blessed be the most high God Gen 14:20
• when the Most High divided to the Deut 32:8
• the most High uttered his voice 2 Sam 22:14
• I will sing praise to thy name, O thou Most High Ps 9:2
• and pay thy vows unto the most High Ps 50:14
• art the most high over all the earth Ps 83:18
• the most High shall abide under the Ps 91:1
• out of the mouth of the most High Lam 3:38

• this is the decree of the most High Dan 4:24
• will be called the Son of the Highest Luke 1:32
• and the power of the Highest will overshadow you Luke 1:35
• will be called the prophet of the Highest Luke 1:76
• Jesus, thou Son of God most high Luke 8:28
• Salem, priest of the most high God Heb 7:1
Most Holy Place
This was the inner sanctum of the tabernacle/temple where, once a year, the high priest would make
atonement on behalf of the people of God. It was here that the Ark of the Covenant, the mercy seat
of God, was located. When Christ died, the curtain separating the Most Holy Place from the Holy
Place, was torn from the top to the bottom, symbolically making it possible for us all to be high priests,
entering directly into God's presence.
• the testimony in the most holy place Ex 26:34
• in the most holy place Num 18:10
• the most holy place and for the 1 Kin 7:50
• unto me, this is the most holy place Eze 41:4
A tiny piece of a substance; a speck, particle, or fleck. DTP Christ wondered why religious rulers tried to
remove the speck in other people's eyes when they had huge timbers in their own eyes. We are
commanded to get rid of major sins in our own lives before we accuse others of their sin.
• why beholdest thou the mote that is Matt 7:3
• pull out the mote out of thine eye Matt 7:4
• the mote out of thy brother's eye Matt 7:5
• let me pull out the mote that is in Luke 6:42
Female parent who has borne a child; one who cares for and nurtures a young child. DTP We are all
exhorted the kind of heart towards others that a mother has for her own child.
• a man leaves his father and his mother Gen 2:24
• she was the mother of all living Gen 3:20
• honor thy father and thy mother Ex 20:12 (Deut 5:16; Matt 15:4; Mark 7:10; Eph 6:2)
• that curseth his father, or mother Ex 21:17
• honour thy father and thy mother Deut 5:16
• I Deborah arose ... I arose a mother in Israel Judg 5:7
• moreover his mother made him a little coat 1 Sam 2:19
• and in sin did my mother conceive me Ps 51:5
• a child that is weaned of his mother Ps 131:2
• and forsake not the law of thy mother Prov 6:20
• but a foolish man despiseth his mother Prov 15:20
• and despise not thy mother when she is old Prov 23:22
• he that loveth father or mother more Matt 10:37
• the mother of Jesus saith unto him John 2:3
• stood by the cross of Jesus his mother John 19:25
• he to the disciple, Behold thy mother John 19:27
• honour thy father and mother Eph 6:2
A large mountain or high rock, large in size, something that one can climb up. To get oneself to a higher
position. DTP We are encouraged to soar high like an eagle. Through Christ, we need to soar above
the storms of life, so that we can "see the big picture".
• in the mount of the LORD it shall be Gen 22:14
• Moses ... came to the mountain of God ... to Horeb Ex 3:1
• where he encamped at the mount of God Ex 18:5
• smoke thereof ascended ... whole mount quaked Ex 19:18
• and stand upon the mount before the LORD 1 Kin 19:11
• city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness Ps 48:1

• let Mount Zion rejoice, let Ps 48:11
• mountain of the LORD'S house ... in the top of the mountain Isa 2:2
• they shall mount up like the lifting up of smoke Isa 9:18
• they shall mount up with wings as eagles Isa 40:31
• how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of Isa 52:7
• wings to mount up from the earth Eze 10:16
• devil taketh him ... into an exceeding high mountain Matt 4:8
• he went up into a mountain apart to pray Matt 14:23
• our fathers worshipped in this mountain John 4:20
• all faith, so that I could remove mountain 1 Cor 13:2
High hill, a mount, something that is built up high in stature or elevation.
• waters prevailed; and the mountains were covered Gen 7:20
• escape to the mountains, lest thou be consumed Gen 19:17
• Moses ... came to the mountain of God ... to Horeb Ex 3:1
• mountains skipped like rams and the little hills Ps 114:4
• come ye ... let us go up to the mountain of the LORD Isa 2:3
• how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet Isa 52:7
• O habitation of justice and mountains of holiness Jer 31:23
• that the mountain shall drop down new wine Joel 3:18
• devil taketh him ... into an exceeding high mountain Matt 4:8
• he went up into a mountain apart to pray Matt 14:23
• our father worshipped in this mountain John 4:20
• all faith, so that I could remove mountains 1 Cor 13:2
mourn / mourning
Bewail, sorrow, to cry, grieve deeply, to lament, to be very sad.
• Moses told these ... the people mourn greatly Num 14:39
• mourned and wept and fasted until even 2 Sam 1:12
• and David mourned for his son every day 2 Sam 13:37
• for he mourned because of the transgression of Ezra 10:6
• this day is holy ... mourn not, nor weep Neh 8:9
• hast turned for me my mourning into dancing Ps 30:11
• a time to mourn and a time to dance Eccl 3:4
• and the days of thy mourning shall be ended Isa 60:20
• for I will turn their mourning into joy and will Jer 31:13
• blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be Matt 5:4
• let your laughter be turned to mourning James 4:9
The opening in the lower part of the human face which is used for eating, drinking and communicating.
All species have a mouth. The human mouth can be used both for blessing and cursing. DTP The Bible
teaches that the mouth can reveal to others the true condition of our hearts.
• go, and I will be with thy mouth Ex 4:12
• unto him and put words in his mouth Ex 4:15
• the LORD'S law may be in thy mouth Ex 13:9
• law shall not depart out of thy mouth Josh 1:8
• for thy mouth hath testified against the 2 Sam 1:16
• justify myself, mine own mouth shall condemn Job 9:20
• out of the mouth of babes and Ps 8:2 (Matt 21:16)
• his mouth full of cursing ... deceit and fraud Ps 10:7
• that my mouth shall not transgress Ps 17:3
• let the words of my mouth and the Ps 19:4
• the mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom Ps 37:30
• and he hath put a new song in my mouth Ps 40:3
• the freewill offerings of my mouth Ps 119:108

• for my mouth shall speak truth Prov 8:7
• the mouth of the foolish is near destruction Prov 10:14
• he that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life Prov 13:3
• whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue, keepeth Prov 21:23
• and a flattering mouth worketh ruin Prov 26:28
• people draw near me with their mouth Isa 29:13 (Matt 15:8)
• and he opened his mouth and taught Matt 5:2
• of the heart the mouth speaketh Matt 12:34
• I will open my mouth in parables; Matt 13:35
• For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, Luke 21:15
• whose mouth is full of cursings and Rom 3:14
• confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus Rom 10:9
• with the mouth confession is made Rom 10:10
• no corrupt communication ... out of your mouth Eph 4:29
• Behold, we put bits in horses’ mouths, James 3:3
• out of the same mouth proceedeth James 3:10
• sword proceeded out of his mouth Rev 19:21
To pass from one place to another in a physical sense; to go, to shift, to be stirred. One can also be moved
emotionally and spiritually. The idea is that one changes position or attitude; it can be an action.
• the Spirit of God moved upon the face Gen 1:2
• I will move them to jealousy with Deut 32:21
• the Spirit of the LORD began to move him Judg 13:25
• in his heart, I shall not be moved Ps 10:6
• he that doeth these things shall never be moved Ps 15:5
• at my right hand, I shall not be moved Ps 16:8 (Acts 2:25)
• the Most High he shall not be moved Ps 21:7
• he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved Ps 55:22
• I shall not be moved Ps 62:6
• root of the righteous shall not be moved Prov 12:3
• he was moved with compassion on them Matt 9:36
• and was moved with compassion toward them Matt 14:14
• for in him we live and move and have Acts 17:28
• none of these things move me, neither count I Acts 20:24
• be not moved away from the hope of Col 1:23
• receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved Heb 12:28
• as they were moved by the Holy Ghost 2 Pet 1:21
Flourish, to grow, increase, reproduce, enlarge, proliferate, to flourish. DTP Life's journey for the disciple
should be marked by growth and maturation, producing fruit for the kingdom of God. Christ has freely
given to us so we can freely give to others. As disciples, we are to be known by our fruit. When we
serve the Lord Jesus Christ, the Kingdom of God will be multiplied through us.
• be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters Gen 1:22
• be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth Gen 1:28
• make my covenant ... will multiply thee exceedingly Gen 17:2
• in multiplying I will multiply thy seed Gen 22:17
• I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply Gen 35:11
• that your days may be multiplied and the days of Deut 11:21
• wicked are multiplied, transgression increaseth Prov 29:16
• our transgressions are multiplied before thee Isa 59:12
• when the number of the disciples was multiplied Acts 6:1
• in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, were multiplied Acts 9:31
• but the word of God grew and multiplied Acts 12:24

A host or large group of people, a nation, a very large gathering of people.
• that thou mayest be a multitude of people Gen 28:3
• thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil Ex 23:2
• ye are ... as the stars of the heaven for multitude Deut 1:10
• as the sand ... upon the seashore in multitude Josh 11:4
• come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy Ps 5:7
• but in the multitude of counselors there is safety Prov 11:14
• multitude, multitude in the valley of decision Joel 3:14
• great multitudes followed him and he healed them Matt 12:15
• saw a great multitude ... was moved with compassion Matt 14:14
• with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host Luke 2:13
• save a soul ... and shall hide a multitude of sins James 5:20
• for charity shall cover the multitude of sins 1 Pet 4:8
• I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude Rev 19:6
murder / murderer
To deliberately take someone's life, to kill, to slay, to assassinate, to execute, to terminate or bring to an
end the existence of a human being.
• the murderer shall be put to death Num 35:16
• places doth he murder the innocent Ps 10:8
• they slay the widow ... and murder the fatherless Ps 94:6
• will ye steal, murder and commit Jer 7:9
• heart proceed evil thoughts, murders Matt 15:19
• Jesus said, thou shalt do no murder Matt 19:18
• adulteries, fornications, murders Mark 7:21
• full of envy, murder, debate, deceit Rom 1:29
• Envyings, murders, drunkenness Gal 5:21
• for murderer of fathers and murderer of mothers 1 Tim 1:9
• hateth his brother is a murderer 1 John 3:15
• neither repented they of their murder, nor of Rev 9:21
murmer / murmurers
To complain in a quiet, guarded manner. To speak ill against another, to tear down another with words.
Such people often bring about disunity and disharmony within a group of people, often saying things
that are untrue.
• the people murmured against Moses Ex 15:24
• what are we, that ye murmur against us Ex 16:7
• murmurings which ye murmur against us Ex 16:8
• congregation, which murmur against me Num 14:27
• ye murmured in your tents and said Deut 1:27
• they that murmured shall learn doctrine Isa 29:24
• Pharisees murmured against the disciples Luke 5:30
• neither murmur ye, as some of them 1 Cor 10:10
• do all things without murmurings and Phil 2:14
• these are murmurers, complainers, walking Jude 1:16
music / musical / musicians
Rhymic sounds made by voice or an instrument; the art of arranging and combining sounds in ways that
express emotion. DTP For the disciple, music is one important manner by which we worship God.
Music often reflects the condition of the heart, expressing desires and feelings of love or of pain and
• joy and with instruments of musick 1 Sam 18:6
• the singers with instruments of musick 1 Chr 15:16
• with musical instruments of God 1 Chr 16:42
• with musical instruments of David Neh 12:36
• and the voice of harpers and musicians Rev 18:22

mustard seed
A very small seed that can produce a large plant. DTP Christ wanted the hearers to know that something
done with even the smallest amount of faith can produce a great harvest for His glory. A little step of
faith is better than no step of faith.
• is like to a grain of mustard seed Matt 13:31
• have faith as a grain of mustard seed Matt 17:20
• it is like a grain of mustard seed Mark 4:31
• ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed Luke 17:6
A sweet-smelling resin made from certain Asian and African shrubs. Used to make a costly ointment or
perfume. It was sometimes used as medicine and for preparing the body for burial.
• bearing spicery and balm and myrrh Gen 37:25
• of pure myrrh five hundred shekels Ex 30:23
• all the garments smell of myrrh Ps 45:8
• gold and frankincense and myrrh Matt 2:11
• him to drink wine mingled with myrrh Mark 15:23
• brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes John 19:39
Something that is difficult to understand or to comprehend in one's mind. It often doesn't line up well
with scientific understanding or goes against logic. The ways and plans of God often come across as a
mystery to man.
• the mystery of the kingdom Matt 13:11 (Luke 8:10)
• know the mystery of the kingdom of God Mark 4:11
• ye should be ignorant of this mystery Rom 11:25
• revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret Rom 16:25
• we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery 1 Cor 2:7
• ministers of Christ and stewards of the mystery 1 Cor 4:1
• behold, I show you a mystery 1 Cor 15:51
• known unto us the mystery of his will Eph 1:9
• by revelation he made known unto me the mystery Eph 3:3
• what is the fellowship of the mystery Eph 3:9
• to make known the mystery of the Gospel Eph 6:19
• what is the riches of the glory of this mystery Col 1:27
• to speak the mystery of Christ Col 4:3
• holding the mystery of the faith in a 1 Tim 3:9

NAHUM, book of
Written by Nahum around 664 BC, this is one of the 12 books of the minor prophets in the Hebrew
Scriptures or what is also known as the Old Testament. This book describes the downfall of the city of
Nineveh and why the city was destroyed.
Name, tag, handle, designation, title, label. DTP In Scripture, a name often reflected the character and
nature of the person. Naming a child was a very important event, especially if it was a boy. Sometimes
God would intervene in what the child's name should be (example: not "Zechariah" but "John").
• and Adam called his wife's name Eve Gen 2:20
• blessed them and called their name Adam Gen 5:2
• thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name Gen 17:5
• thy name is Jacob ... but Israel shall be thy name Gen 35:10
• and she called his name Moses Ex 2:10
• this is my name for ever, and this is Ex 3:15
• but my name JEHOVAH was not known to them Ex 6:3
• my name may be declared throughout Ex 9:16 (Rom 9:17)
• yet thou hast said, I know thee by name Ex 33:12
• I will proclaim the name of the LORD Ex 33:19
• LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God Ex 34:14
• blasphemeth the name of the LORD Lev 24:16
• how excellent is thy name in all the earth! Ps 8:1
• I will sing praise to thy name Ps 9:2
• in the name of our God we will set up ... banners Ps 20:5
• the paths of righteousness for his name's sake Ps 23:3
• and let us exalt his name together Ps 34:3
• save me, O God, by thy name and Ps 54:1
• I will lift up my hands in thy name Ps 63:4
• blessed be the name of the LORD from Ps 113:2
• the name of the LORD is a strong Prov 18:10
• a good name is rather to be chosen Prov 22:1
• a good name is better than precious Eccl 7:1
• I am the LORD; that is my name: and my glory Isa 42:8
• I will give them an everlasting name Isa 56:5
• thou shalt be called by a new name Isa 62:2
• behold the man whose name is The Branch Zech 6:12
• thou shalt call his name Jesus Matt 1:21
• art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name Matt 6:9
• in thy name have cast out devils Matt 7:22
• because your names are written in heaven Luke 10:20
• whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will John 14:13
• ask of the Father in my name, he may give it John 15:16
• none other name under heaven given among men Acts 4:12
• were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Acts 8:16
• the name of the Lord shall be saved Rom 10:13
• do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Col 3:17
• and given him a name which is above every name: Phil 2:9
• that at the name of Jesus every knee Phil 2:10
• fellow-labourers, whose names are in the book of life. Phil 4:3
• do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, Col 3:17
• let every one that nameth the name of Christ 2 Tim 2:19
• him with oil in the name of the Lord James 5:14
• you that believe on the name of the Son of God 1 John 5:13

• and in the stone a new name written Rev 2:17
• out his name out of the book of life Rev 3:5
• his name is called The Word of God Rev 19:13
name of the Lord
This is a title of the living God, the Creator of all heaven and earth. He is the one to Whom we bow and
serve with all our hearts. He is the Lord of lords and the King of kings.
• began men to call upon the name of the LORD Gen 4:26
• not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain Ex 20:7
• to stand to minister in the name of the LORD Deut 18:5
• come, because of the name of the LORD thy God Josh 9:9
• David ... blessed the people in the name of the LORD 2 Sam 6:18
• he that cometh in the name of the LORD Ps 118:26 (Matt 21:9; 23:39; Mark 11:9; Luke 13:35; 19:38;
John 12:13)
• our help is in the name of the LORD, who made Ps 124:8
• the name of the LORD is a strong tower Prov 18:10
• to serve him and to love the name of the LORD Isa 56:6
• shall call on the name of the LORD Joel 2:32
• we will walk in the name of the LORD our God Mic 4:5
• they may all call upon the name of the LORD Zeph 3:9
names of Christ
There are more than 160 names and titles by which Christ is known; most of them are descriptive of who
Christ is and how he ministers to us here on earth. Some of Christ's names are:
• Redeemer, Prophet, Son of God, Holy One, King, Stone, Rose of Sharon, Emmanuel, Counsellor, Mighty
God, Prince of Peace, Jehovah, Messiah, Judge, Jesus, Son of Righteousness, Son of David, Son of Man,
Master, Saviour, Word, Light, Lamb of God, Bread of Life, I Am, Door, Good Shepherd, Resurrection,
Vine, Way, Truth, Life, Prince, Lord, Deliverer, Second Adam, Chief Corner Stone, Mediator, God,
Daystar, Eternal Life, Advocate, Alpha and Omega, Almighty, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Root of David,
Lord of Lords, King of Kings.
names of God
Most of the many names for God are descriptive in nature of who He is and how he ministers to us here
on earth. Some of God's names are listed here: Elohim, Mighty One, God, El, Might, Power, Eloah,
Mighty One, Yahweh, LORD Adon / Adonai, Lord Ruler, I Am, Most High God, Almighty God. See the
list of names under the Jehovah section.
names of the Holy Spirit
There are names that are given for the Holy Spirit and most of them are descriptive in nature of who the
Holy Spirit is, and how he ministers to us here on earth. Some of His names are: Breath of God,
Comforter, God, Spirit of the Lord, Spirit of God, Teacher, Spirit of Truth, Revealer, Witness,
Guarantor, Guide, Seal, Indweller, Intercessor, Advocate, Counselor.
A large aggregate of people within a certain boundary; a country. A nation can be distinctive, having a
specific culture and tradition or it can be a country that has a diversity of ethnic groups living together.
• divide ... after their families, in their nation Gen 10:5
• I will make of thee a great nation Gen 12:2
• all the nations ... shall be blessed in him Gen 18:18
• and in thy seed shall all the nations ... be blessed Gen 26:4
• a nation and a company of nations shall Gen 35:11
• for I will there make of thee a great nation Gen 46:3
• will make of thee a nation mightier and greater Deut 9:14
• blessed is the nation whose God is the Ps 33:12
• righteousness exalteth a nation Prov 14:34
• nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither Isa 2:4
• all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall Mal 3:12
• for nation shall rise against nation Matt 24:7
• Go ye therefore and teach all nations Matt 28:19

• of all nations the house of prayer Mark 11:17
• to the faith among all nations, for his Rom 1:5
• in thee shall all nations be blessed Gal 3:8
• midst of a crooked and perverse nation Phil 2:15
• a royal priesthood, an holy nation 1 Pet 2:9
• and tongue and people and nation Rev 5:9
• were for the healing of the nations Rev 22:2
The word means birth or the place of one's birth. Mostly used when speaking of events surrounding the
birth of Christ. Today we have many different nativity scenes around the Christmas season.
natural revelation
God's showing Himself, through creation (Psalm 19:1-4) and through man's innate enquiring and
understanding (Acts 17:27.28). The atonement, the incarnation, and plan of salvation can only be
revealed through His written Word, as made known by the Holy Spirit.
Collectively, the physical world in which man lives, as well as the laws that govern creation. Can refer to
the character or personality of a person.
• use into that which is against nature Rom 1:26
• do by nature the things contained in the law Rom 2:14
• to nature into a good olive tree Rom 11:24
• Doth not even nature itself teach you 1 Cor 11:14
• were by nature the children of wrath Eph 2:3
• be partakers of the divine nature 2 Pet 1:4
A person who lived in, or was from, Nazareth. Jesus was born in the city of Nazareth.
• prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene Matt 2:23
• was sent ... unto a city of Galilee Nazareth Luke 1:26
• a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes Acts 24:5
A Israelite consecrated to God's service by making a special type of vow before witnesses and God. The
Nazarite vow could be made for a short period of time or it could be a lifetime commitment. Some
Bible characters who made this vow of commitment were Samson, Samuel and John the Baptist. They
abstained from wine, unclean things and did not cut their hair or beard. (See Num 6:1-22.)
• themselves to vow a vow of a Nazarite Num 6:2
• for the child shall be a Nazarite to God Judg 13:7
• her Nazarites were purer than snow, they Lam 4:7
To come close to, to come alongside, to have close companionship and fellowship. DTP The disciple of
Christ is to take time to draw near each day to the heart of God because, as we draw near, we will
then know His will and have better understanding on how we should serve Him as our Lord and
• but they knew not that evil was near them Judg 20:34
• be not far from me: for trouble is near Ps 22:11
• thou art near, O LORD ... thy commandments Ps 119:151
• righteousness is near ... salvation is gone forth Isa 51:5
• be found, call ye upon him while he is near Isa 55:6
• day of the LORD is near upon the heathen Obad 1:15
• the great day of the LORD is near, it is near Zeph 1:14
• see all these things, know that it is near Matt 24:33
• saying, I am Christ ... the time draweth near Luke 21:8
• our is salvation nearer than when we believed Rom 13:11
• let us draw near with a true heart in full Heb 10:22

He was a famous king of Babylon that lived at the same time as Daniel. He was the king that conquered
Judah and destroyed the city of Jerusalem, taking back many Jewish people into Babylonian captivity.
• in his days Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon 2 Kin 24:1
• and Jerusalem by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar 1 Chr 6:15
• which Nebuchadnezzar had brought forth out of Ezr 1:7
• whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had Neh 7:6
• Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams, wherewith his Dan 2:1
Something that is of necessity. Differing from a want, a need is something important for personal life
existence or for one's work, something that one cannot go without, a requirement, a necessity. DTP
When we seek God, we must understand that we are to come to Him for our needs, not for our wants.
The desire for wants is often worldly-based and, in the end, will perish with this world.
• ye shall not need to fight in this 2 Chr 20:17
• knoweth what things ye have need of Matt 6:8
• that be whole need not a physician Matt 9:12
• they need not depart; give ye them to eat Matt 14:16
• ye shall say, the Lord hath need of them Matt 21:3
• every man according as he had need Acts 4:35
• say unto the hand, I have no need of thee 1 Cor 12:21
• both to abound and to suffer need Phil 4:12
• your need according to his riches in Phil 4:19
• a workman that needeth not to be 2 Tim 2:15
• find grace to help in time of need Heb 4:16
• you have need that one teach you Heb 5:12
• good and seeth his brother have need 1 John 3:17
• increased with goods ... having need of nothing Rev 3:17
A small slender steel rod or piece of wire having a sharp point at one end and an eye or a hole for thread
at the other end; used for sewing. Another type of needle, termed a syringe, is used by medical people
to administer drugs. In Jerusalem there was a very small gate or hole in the wall that only a person
could go through. He would have to remove anything he was carrying before passing through. DTP
The disciple is to strip off all the cares of the world before passing into the presence of Christ.
• to go through the eye of a needle Matt 19:24
• to go through the eye of a needle Mark 10:25
NEHEMIAH, book of
This book is closely linked to the book of Ezra. God calls Nehemiah to go back to Jerusalem to rebuild the
city walls. He is a cupbearer for King Artaxerxes. This king had a compassionate heart for the Jewish
people and was generous in allowing some of the people back to the city; he also gave back much of
the temple treasury. The book was written around 446 BC and is mainly a testimony of Nehemiah's
work and service for God and for the people at Jerusalem.
Someone who lives in close proximity to another. Also can mean one's fellow human being or fellow-
man. DTP The Scripture commands us to love our neighbours as we love ourselves. We need to open
our eyes and see the needs of our neighbour, because God wants to use us to be a light that may draw
them into a personal relationship with Christ. We always need to be praying for our neighbours and
• bear false witness against thy neighbour Ex 20:16
• thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house Ex 20:17
• thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife Ex 20:17
• lie unto his neighbour ... or hath deceived his neighbour Lev 6:2
• thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour, neither rob Lev 19:13
• love thy neighbour as Lev 19:18 (Matt 19:19; 22:39; Mark 12:31; Luke 10:27; Rom 13:9; Gal 5:14; James

• bear false witness against thy neighbour Deut 5:20
• off his shoe, and gave it to his neighbour Ruth 4:7
• God, as a man pleadeth for his neighbour Job 16:21
• tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour Ps 15:3
• devise not evil against thy neighbour Prov 3:29
• he that despiseth his neighbour sinneth Prov 14:21
• teach no more every man his neighbour Jer 31:34
• shalt love thy neighbour and hate thine enemy Matt 5:43
• thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself Matt 19:19
• said unto Jesus, and who is my neighbour? Luke 10:29
• thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself Rom 13:9
• Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: Rom 13:10
• speak every man truth with his neighbour Eph 4:25
• and they shall not teach every man his neighbour, Heb 8:11
• thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself James 2:8
neo-orthodoxy Orthodox
A theological movement often associated with Karl Barth, a German teacher (1886-1968). His teaching
was in reaction to the liberal teachings of the early nineteenth century. Several older doctrines were
reinterpreted during this time; for example, inspiration of the word, human depravity, and some of
the words of Christ.
Original, fresh, different. DTP the disciple is to become a new creation in Christ. We die to the old ways
and begin a new life in Christ Jesus.
• sing unto him a new song: play skillfully Ps 33:3
• and he hath put a new song in my mouth Ps 40:3
• and there is no new thing under the sun Eccl 1:9
• behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall Isa 43:19
• thou shalt be called by a new name, which the Isa 62:2
• behold, I create new heaven and a new earth Isa 65:17
• LORD hath created a new thing in the earth Jer 31:22
• they are new every morning: great is thy Lam 3:23
• a new heart ... I give you and a new spirit Ezek 36:26
• put new wine into new bottles Matt 9:17 (Mark 2:22; Luke 5:38)
• drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom Matt 26:29
• a new commandment I give unto you, That ye John 13:34
• a new creature ... all things are become new 2 Cor 5:17
• nor uncircumcision, but a new creature Gal 6:15
• to make in himself of twain one new man Eph 2:15
• ye put on a new man, which after God is Eph 4:24
• the new man, which is renewed in knowledge Col 3:10
• he is the mediator of the new testament Heb 9:15
• by a new and living way, which he hath Heb 10:20
• we ... look for new heavens and a new earth 2 Pet 3:13
• again, a new commandment I write unto you 1 John 2:8
• in the stone a new name written, which no Rev 2:17
• I will write upon him my new name Rev 3:12
• behold, I make all things new Rev 21:5
new birth
Sometimes called being "born again". The idea of first dying to oneself and then receiving a new life
through faith in Jesus Christ. We are no longer to participate in the sins of our sin nature; Christ has
birthed us forth spiritually by faith and trust in Him. "Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives
birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again." (John 3:6, 7)

New Commandment
Directive, order, charge, instruction, mandate. DTP For the disciple, a commandment is a direct
statement that he or she must obey. Christ added a new commandment that the disciples were to
follow: we are to "love one another" and this can only be done through the power of the Holy Spirit
and a personal relationship with Christ Jesus.
• a new commandment I give unto you John 13:34
• I write no new commandment unto you 1 John 2:7
• a new commandment I write unto you 1 John 2:8
New Covenant
Agreement, contract, treaty, promise, pledge; in the Bible "covenant" relates to an agreement between
God and man; some are for a period of time while others are everlasting. Christ made a new covenant
with Israel. (See Hebrews 8:7-13). Christ gave to the disciples a new agreement or covenant between
Him and them; this is what the communion service reminds us of each time we partake of it. See 1
Cor 11:23-26.
• for this is My blood of the new covenant Luke 26:28
• This cup is the new covenant in My blood 1 Cor 11:25
• when I will make a new covenant Heb 8:8
• a new covenant, he hath made the Heb 8:13
• the mediator of the new covenant Heb 12:24
new creation
With Christ there is a dividing line between what is old and what will be new. When we invite Christ into
our hearts, we become new creations; the old life has passed away. When we get to heaven, we will
have a new body, new clothing and even a new name. The old will pass away and eventually all
creation will become new. (See 2 Cor 5:17)
• be in Christ, he is a new creature 2 Cor 5:17
• uncircumcision, but a new creature Gal 6:15
new man
With Christ there is a dividing line between what is old and what will be new. When we invite Christ into
our hearts, we become new creations; the old life has passed away. When we get to heaven we will
have a new body, new clothing and even a new name. The old will pass away and eventually all
creation will become new. (See 2 Cor 5:17)
• in himself of twain one new man Eph 2:15
• and that ye put on the new man Eph 4:24
• and have put on the new man, which Col 3:10
new name
With Christ there is a dividing line between what is old and what will be new. When we invite Christ into
our hearts we become new creations; the old life has passed away. When we get to heaven we will
have a new body, new clothing and even a new name. The old will pass away and eventually all
creation will become new.
• and in the stone a new name written Rev 2:17
• I will write upon him my new name Rev 3:12
New Testament
The Bible has two main sections: one is the Old Testament and the second is the New Testament. The
New Testament or the New Covenant is made up of 27 books, including the Gospels, epistles and the
apocalypses. They teach and testify of God and our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church.
• is my blood of the new testament Matt 26:28
• is my blood of the new testament Mark 14:24
• this cup is the new testament in my name Luke 22:20
• this cup is the new testament in my 1 Cor 11:25
• he is the mediator of the new testament Heb 9:15
Nicene AD
This creed was adopted in AD 325; this creed put further emphasis on the deity of Christ; later, in AD
381, another line was added to the creed reflecting the place that the Holy Spirit has, as God: "We

believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord, the Giver of Life, who proceeded from the Father, who with the
Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, who spoke by the prophets."
• I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and
invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all
worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance
with the Father, by whom all things were made. Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from
heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified
also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according
to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall
come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end. And I
believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father [and the Son]; who
with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets. And I
believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins;
and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen
Nicene creed
This creed was adopted in AD 325; this creed put further emphasis on the deity of Christ; later, in AD
381, another line was added to the creed reflecting the place that the Holy Spirit has, as God: "We
believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord, the Giver of Life, who proceeded from the Father, who with the
Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, who spoke by the prophets."
Nicene-Constantinopolitan AD
We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and
invisible; And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only-begotten, Begotten of the Father
before all ages, Light of Light, Very God of Very God, Begotten, not made; of one essence with the
Father, by whom all things were made: Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven,
and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and was made man; And was crucified also
for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried; And the third day He rose again, according
to the Scriptures; And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father; And He shall
come again with glory to judge the living and the dead, Whose kingdom shall have no end. And we
believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, and Giver of Life, Who proceeds from the Father, Who with the
Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, Who spoke by the Prophets; And we believe
in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins.
We look for the Resurrection of the dead, And the Life of the age to come. Amen.
To draw near, to have a close relationship. DTP We are one in Christ's Body, the Church, of which Christ
is the head. We are to draw close to each other in service and ministry, but also we are to draw close
to His will and teaching for our lives. The closer we come to Christ and His word, the greater the power
we will have to overcome the temptations and challenges of this sinful world. Personal devotion and
prayer is the way that we can "draw nigh" to God each day.
• draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from Ex 3:5
• the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth Deut 30:14
• be nigh unto the LORD our God day and night 1 Kin 8:59
• the LORD is nigh unto them that are Ps 34:18
• salvation is nigh them that fear him Ps 85:9
• LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him Ps 145:18
• people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth Matt 15:8
• kingdom of God is come nigh unto you Luke 10:11
• for your redemption draweth nigh Luke 21:28
• the kingdom of God is nigh at hand Luke 21:31
• the word is nigh thee, even in thy Rom 10:8
• ye ... are made nigh by the blood of Christ Eph 2:13
• by the which we draw nigh unto God Heb 7:19
• draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you James 4:8
• the coming of the Lord draweth nigh James 5:8

Daily period of darkness; the time between sunset and sunrise.
• light Day, and the darkness he called Night Gen 1:5
• by night in a pillar of fire, to give ... light Ex 13:21
• is God my maker, who giveth songs in the night Job 35:10
• weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh Ps 30:5
• in the night his song shall be with me Ps 42:8
• thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night Ps 91:5
• Watchman, what of the night? Is 21:11
• keeping watch over their flock by night. Luke 2:8
• served ... with fastings and prayers night and day Luke 2:37
• and continued all night in prayer to God Luke 6:12
• the night cometh, when no man can work. John 9:4
• but if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth John 11:10
• The night is far spent, the day is at hand: Rom 13:12
• labouring night and day, because we would 1 Thes 2:9
• day of the Lord ... cometh as a thief in the night 1 Thes 5:2
• in supplications and prayers night and day 1 Tim 5:5
• for there shall be no night there Rev 21:25
This is like a full stop at the end of a sentence. It is an ending point; it means to go no further. It is the
opposite to the word yes. When the command "no" is given we have no right to go any further in our
thinking or in our actions. DTP The disciple is commanded to stop certain sinful ways of living. We are
called to stop following the ways of the world but, rather, to follow in the footsteps of Christ.
• the waters shall no more become a Gen 9:15
• ye shall make no idols nor Lev 26:1
• there is no help for him in God Ps 3:2
• said in his heart, there is no God Ps 14:1
• of death, I will fear no evil Ps 23:4
• where there is no vision, the people Prov 29:18
• no weapon that is formed against Isa 54:17
• that there was no intercessor Isa 59:16
• for there is no saviour beside me Hos 13:4
• because there was no shepherd Zec 10:2
• shall in no wise pass from the law Matt 5:18
• no man can serve two masters Matt 6:24
• go and sin no more John 8:11
• no man cometh unto the Father, but John 14:6
• no more can ye, except ye abide in John 15:4
• there is none righteous, no Rom 3:10
• there is therefore now no condemnation Rom 8:1
• law shall no flesh be justified Gal 2:16
• let no corrupt communication Eph 4:29
• there is no respect of persons Col 3:25
• iniquities will I remember no more Heb 10:17
• but the tongue can no man tame James 3:8
• there is no fear in love 1 John 4:18
• that openeth and no man shutteth Rev 3:7
A patriarch who live for, and followed after, the heart of God; the Bible tells us that he walked with God.
He was a man of great faith and when God called him to built an ark or boat on dry land, he did not
waver in his faith. In due time the whole world was overcome by water and only Moses and his three
sons and family were spared. He lived for 950 years and a study of genealogy shows that he died when
Abram, his grandson to the 11th generation, was 50 years old.

• and he called his name Noah, saying Gen 5:29
• Noah was five hundred years old Gen 5:32
• Noah begat Shem, Ham and Japheth Gen 5:32
• but Noah found grace in the eyes of Gen 6:8
• Noah was a just man and perfect in Gen 6:9
• and Noah walked with God Gen 6:9
• Noah did according unto all that the Gen 7:5
• they went in unto Noah into the ark Gen 7:15
• Noah builded an altar unto the LORD Gen 8:20
• as the days of Noah were, so shall also the Matt 24:37
• by faith Noah, being warned of God Heb 11:7
• God waited in the days of Noah 1 Pet 3:20
• spared not the old world, but saved Noah 2 Pet 2:5
Noahic covenant
A binding covenant made by God with Noah, whereby God gave directives for the transition, provision
and protection of the human race; the rainbow is the symbol of this agreement. Noahic covenants:
Gen 9:12-17.
Northern Kingdom
The northern kingdom consisted of the ten tribes that split away from Benjamin and Judah. Eventually
these ten tribes became scattered and lost throughout the earth. The northern kingdom was
destroyed. In the last days God will call back these tribes to be joined with the rest of Israel.
The absence of things, to be void of anything, empty, all gone, to have no purpose or direction. DTP The
disciple is to empty himself of the things of this world, to be emptied of the desires of the flesh, but
to be filled with the Holy Spirit. The goal is to walk in the fruit and gifts of the Spirit and to be a person
who has a servant heart towards others in service of Christ Jesus.
• he that gathered much had nothing over Ex 16:18
• send portions unto them for whom as nothing is Neh 8:10
• when he dieth he shall carry nothing away Ps 49:17
• the sluggard desireth and hath nothing Prov 13:4
• is that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing Prov 13:7
• ye are of nothing and your work of nought Isa 41:24
• if ye hath faith ... nothing shall be impossible Matt 17:20
• for with God nothing shall be impossible Luke 1:37
• the Son can do nothing of himself, but what he John 5:19
• Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing John 6:63
• much fruit; for without me you can do nothing John 15:5
• as having nothing ... yet possessing all things 2 Cor 6:10
• we can do nothing against the truth, but for the 2 Cor 13:8
• brought nothing into this world ... can carry nothing out 1 Tim 6:7
Amount, quantity, sum, numeral, total.
• thou number my steps: dost thou not watch Job 14:16
• teach us to number our days, that we may apply Ps 90:12
• he was numbered with the transgressors Isa 53:12
• the very hairs of your head are all numbered Matt 10:30
• when the number of the disciples was multiplied Acts 6:1
• great number believed and turned unto the LORD Acts 11:22
• a great multitude, which no man could number Rev 7:9
• number of the best ... is the number of a man ... his number Rev 13:18
NUMBERS, book of
Written by Moses, Numbers is the fourth book of the Pentateuch. This book seems to follow after the
exodus from Egypt and gives account of the peoples' wanderings in the wilderness. It also records two
times when a census takes place (chapters 1-3 and chapter 26). This book deals extensively on how

the Jewish people were to serve and walk as God's children. The book was written around 1490 BC
and described about 39 years of Jewish history.
This is a word that describes how one should work with the plants of a garden. The process of growing
vegetables or fruit is one of work and time. Maturing takes place when the seed begins to come
through the soil and continues maturing to the day of harvest. DTP We are commanded by Christ to
nurture those to whom we minister and serve.
• but bring them up in the nurture Eph 6:4

These are binding words of commitment either between two people or between a person and God. An
oath or agreement is not to be broken. Such covenants are often witnessed by two or three people.
Oaths are binding and lasting, often until death.
• and I will perform the oath which I sware unto Gen 26:3
• let there be now an oath betwixt us Gen 26:28
• then shall an oath of the LORD be Ex 22:11
• an oath among thy people, when the Num 5:21
• or swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond Num 30:2
• unto his oath, which the LORD thy God maketh Deut 29:12
• oath which thou hast made us to Josh 2:20
• because of the oath which we sware unto Josh 9:20
• mouth: for the people feared the oath 1 Sam 14:26
• charged the people with an oath 1 Sam 14:28
• hast thou not kept the oath of the LORD 1 Kin 2:43
• entered ... into an oath, to walk in God's law Neh 10:29
• I may perform the oath which I have sworn Jer 11:5
• but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oath Matt 5:33
• oath which he sware to our father Abraham Luke 1:73
• God had sworn with an oath to him Acts 2:30
• had bound themselves with an oath Acts 23:21
• to show ... his counsel, confirmed it by an oath Heb 6:17
Obadiah, book of
The name Obadiah means "servant or worshipper of the LORD". The dating of the book is around 852 to
841 BC. There are two major themes in the book. One is that God will curse the Edomites and the
second theme is that He will cause the Israelites to prosper. The book is laid out in Hebrew poetry
form. It is the shortest book of the Hebrew or Old Testament Scriptures.
obedience / obedient
Compliance with an order, request, or law; submission to another's authority based on position or
respect. DTP We are challenged by God through the written word to be obedient. We are to make a
commitment to walk in the will of the Father and not to live by our will. The lack of obedience can
bring about punishment or disfellowship with God and with other disciples of Jesus Christ.
• hath said will we do, and be obedient Ex 24:7
• shalt be obedient unto his voice Deut 4:30
• shall ye perish; because ye would not be obedient Deut 8:20
• as soon as they hear, they shall be obedient 2 Sam 22:45
• neither were they obedient unto his law Isa 42:24
• for obedience to the faith among all Rom 1:5
• by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous Rom 5:19
• or of obedience unto righteousness Rom 6:16
• make the Gentiles obedient, by word and deed Rom 15:18
• whether ye be obedient in all things 2 Cor 2:9
• every thought to the obedience of Christ 2 Cor 10:5
• became obedient unto death, even the Phil 2:8
• obedient to their own husbands, that the word of Tit 2:5
• though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience Heb 5:8
• of the Spirit, unto obedience and 1 Pet 1:2
• as obedient children, not fashioning 1 Pet 1:14
Follow, comply with, abide by, conform. DTP To obey means that one carries out that which has been
requested of them by one who is in a position of higher authority. The disciple is to trust and obey His
Lord Jesus Christ, to follow and to do his Master's bidding in all things.

• obey my voice according to that Gen 27:8
• if ye will obey my voice indeed and Ex 19:5
• beware ... obey his voice, provoke him not Ex 23:21
• if ye obey the commandments of the Deut 11:27
• keep his commandments, and obey his voice Deut 13:4
• shalt therefore obey the voice of the LORD Deut 27:10
• because thou wouldest not obey the voice of Deut 28:62
• shalt return and obey the voice of the LORD Deut 30:8
• because they obey not the voice of the LORD Josh 5:6
• we serve and his voice will we obey Josh 24:24
• to obey is better than sacrifice and 1 Sam 15:22
• they obeyed the words of the LORD 2 Chr 11:4
• obey my voice and I will be your God Jer 7:23
• cursed be the man that obeyeth not the words of Jer 11:3
• yet they obeyed not, nor inclined their ear Jer 11:8
• we will obey the voice of the LORD Jer 42:6
• and all dominions shall serve and obey him Dan 7:27
• even the winds and the sea obey him Matt 8:27 (Mark 4:41; Luke 8:25)
• we ought to obey God rather than men Acts 5:29
• do not obey the truth Rom 2:8
• they have not obeyed the gospel Rom 10:16
• obey your parents in the Lord Eph 6:1 (Col 3:20)
• and that obey not the gospel of our Lord 2 Thes 1:8
• eternal salvation unto all them that obey Heb 5:9
• by faith Abraham, when he was called ... obey Heb 11:8
• bits in the horses' mouths, that they may obey James 3:3
• have purified your souls in obeying the truth 1 Pet 1:22
• them that obey not the gospel of God 1 Pet 4:17
To behold, keep, to obey, perceive, witness, see, to note, discern, notice. DTP Disciples need to be aware
of what they observe, as what is seen can lead to both good and evil.
• it is a night to be much observed unto the LORD Ex 12:42
• observe the Sabbath throughout their generations Ex 31:16
• observe to do ... as the LORD ... hath commanded Deut 5:32
• observe to do according to all that is written Josh 1:8
• they might observe his statutes and keep his Ps 105:45
• thy law ... I shall observe with my whole heart Ps 119:34
• and let thine eyes observe my ways Prov 23:26
• I have heard him and observed him: I am like a Hos 14:8
• they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not Matt 23:3
• teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I Matt 28:20
• ye observe days and months and times Gal 4:10
• thou observe these things without preferring 1 Tim 5:21
obtain /obtained
To find, acquire, achieve, attain. DTP The disciple can only do what one can do for God comes through
obtaining His grace and mercy into our lives which can only come through His Son Jesus Christ.
• and shall obtain favour of the LORD. Pro 8:35
• they shall obtain joy and gladness, Isa 35:10 (51:11)
• worthy to obtain that world, Luke 20:35
• have now obtained mercy through their unbelief: Rom 11:30
• they also may obtain mercy. Rom 11:31
• So run, that ye may obtain. 1 Cor 9:24
• we have obtained an inheritance, Eph 1:11
• to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Thes 5:9
• they may also obtain the salvation 2 Tim 2:10
• that we may obtain mercy, Heb 4:16
• he obtained the promise. Heb 6:15
• having obtained eternal redemption for us. Heb 9:12
• that they might obtain a better resurrection: Heb 11:35
offend / offense / offender
Hurt, sin, transgress, trespass, upset, insult, be rude to, cause offense. DTP Careless words can easily
offend. Disciples need to be careful in how they relate to people and to God. The way we live can
affect our family members as well as those around us. Our actions can result in either good or bad
effects in others and we need to remember that God will hold us accountable for what we have said
and done.
• we have offended against the LORD already 2 Chr 28:13
• offend against the generation of thy children Ps 73:15
• and for a rock of offense Isa 8:14 (Rom 9:33; 1 Pet 2:8)
• if thy right eye offend thee Matt 5:29 (18:9; Mark 9:47)
• whosoever shall not be offended in me Matt 11:6 (Luke 7:23)
• gather out of his kingdom all things that offend Matt 13:41
• but whoso shall offend one of these little ones Matt 18:6
• if thy hand ... offend thee, cut the off Matt 18:8
• all ye shall be offended because of me Matt 26:31 (Mark 14:27)
• who was delivered for our offense, and was Rom 4:25
• free gift is of many offenses unto justification Rom 5:16
• for if by one man's offense death reigned by one Rom 5:17
• lay in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offense Rom 9:33
• mark them which cause division and offense Rom 16:17
• if meat make my brother to offend, I will 1 Cor 8:13
• then is the offense of the cross ceased Gal 5:11
• keep the whole law and yet offend in one James 2:10
• rock of offense, even to them which stumble 1 Pet 2:8
To give, present, sacrifice, agreement, to present for acceptance or rejection. DTP Above all other
offerings Christ desires that we offer up ourselves to Him as living sacrifices. The disciple of Christ is a
servant who daily serves the Lord with his whole body, soul and spirit.
• and offer him there for a burnt offering Gen 22:2
• not delay to offer the first of thy ripe Ex 22:29
• offer, offer an offering of gold unto the LORD Ex 35:22
• shalt thou offer for a sweet savor unto the LORD Lev 6:21
• shall offer sacrifices of righteousness Deut 33:19
• I have willingly offered all these things 1 Chr 29:17
• that willingly offer a freewill offering unto Ezra 3:5
• offer themselves to dwell at Jerusalem Neh 11:2
• offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows Ps 50:14
• offered to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving Ps 116:17
• though ye offer me burnt offerings and your Amos 5:22
• offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness Mal 3:3
• be reconciled ... then come and offer the gift Matt 5:24
• smiteth thee on ... one cheek offer also the other Luke 6:29
• ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? Luke 11:12
• if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service Phil 2:17
• may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins Heb 5:1
• when he had offered up prayers and supplications Heb 5:7
• offer himself without spot to God, purge your Heb 9:14
• Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many Heb 9:28
• he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever Heb 10:12
• offered up Isaac ... offered up his only begotten son Heb 11:17
• let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God Heb 13:15
• offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable 1 Pet 2:5
• offer it with the prayers of all saints upon Rev 8:3
To bring, contribution, gift, donation, present, submission, a giving of finances or a sharing of one's
possessions or a giving of oneself to the service of God. DTP Each day the disciple should offer his life
to our Lord Jesus Christ.
• offered him up for a burnt offering in Gen 22:13
• Israel, that they bring me an offering Ex 25:2
• with his heart ye shall take my offering Ex 25:2
• an offering unto the LORD, to make an atonement Ex 30:15
• of you bring an offering unto the LORD Lev 1:2
• will offer a meat offering unto the LORD Lev 2:1
• be a sacrifice of peace offering Lev 3:1
• sacrifice and offering thou didst not Ps 40:6 (Heb 10:5)
• shalt make his soul an offering for sin Isa 53:1
• thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin Isa 53:10
• offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness Mal 3:3
• wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings Mal 3:8
• offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable Rom 15:16
• and hath given himself for us an offering Eph 5:2
• sanctified through the offering of the body Heb 10:10
• for by one offering he hath perfected Heb 10:14
• remission ... is, there is no more offering for sin Heb 10:18
offering, freewill
Your vows and beside all your freewill offering Lev 23:38
• besides the freewill offering for the house of Ezra 1:4
• willingly offered a freewill offering unto the LORD Ezra 3:5
• accept ... the freewill offering of my mouth Ps 119:108
• proclaim and publish the free offering Amos 4:5
A position of leadership, authority, trust or service. DTP In the Church, the Body of Christ, Jesus gives to
His disciples different gifts and different offices, the purpose being to serve one another. Leaders need
to serve, helping others to grow and mature in Christ Jesus. It is important that we seek to determine
what gifts God has given us and where, as leaders, we should serve.
• he may minister unto me in the priest's office Ex 28:1
• office was to distribute unto their brethren Neh 13:13
• days be few; and let another take his office Ps 109:8
• as I am the apostle ... I magnify mine office Rom 11:13
• and all members have not the same office Rom 12:4
• if a man desire the office of a bishop 1 Tim 3:1
• then let them use the office of a deacon 1 Tim 3:10
• Levi, who received the office of the priesthood Heb 7:5
The oil referred to in the Bible was produced from olives; it is mention over 200 times throughout the
Bible. The purist oil was produced by extreme pressure. It was used for anointing, cooking, and lamps.
Oil also represents the power of the Holy Spirit.
• thereon and he poured oil thereon Gen 35:14
• oil for the light, spices for anointing oil Ex 25:6
• that they bring thee pure oil olive Ex 27:20
• then Samuel took a vial of oil 1 Sam 10:1
• Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed 1 Sam 16:13
• and the rock poured me out rivers of oil Job 29:6

• thou anointest my head with oil Ps 23:5
• anointed ... with the oil of gladness Ps 45:7 (Heb 1:9)
• oil to make his face to shine and bread Ps 104:15
• the oil of joy for mourning, the Isa 61:3
• lamps and took no oil with them Matt 25:3
• anointed with oil many that were Mark 6:13
• hath anointed thee with the oil of Heb 1:9
• anointing him with oil in the name James 5:14
A cream, lotion or balm; often it is used to help in healing, to cleans a wound from infection. DTP The
disciple can be anointed by the ointment and power of the Holy Spirit who can bring hope and healing
to the wounded soul.
• the priests made the ointment of the spices. 1 Chr 9:30
• It is like the precious ointment upon the head, Ps 133:2
• an alabaster box of very precious ointment, Matt 26:7
• For this ointment might have been sold for much, Matt 26:9
• and anointed them with the ointment. Luke 7:38
• which anointed the Lord with ointment, John 11:2
Mature, aged, senior: people who have lived a long life often over 65 years of age. DTP A very important
group of people in the body of Christ Jesus. Time has given them many life experiences that should
be transferred on to the younger generations.
• and now am old; Ps 37:25
• said of them of old time, Matt 5:21
• when thou shalt be old, John 21:18
• and your old men shall dream dreams: Acts 2:17
• our old man is crucified with him, Rom 6:6
• old things are passed away; 2 Cor 5:17
• the old man with his deeds; Col 3:9
• under threescore years old, 1 Tim 5:9
old self / old man
This term provides a picture of our old sinful nature; it also represents the condition into which we are
all born. Also, can simply refer to elderly males. DTP As disciples, we are commanded to die to our old
self and live for Christ. We are to become a new creation, a testimony for His glory.
• the beauty of old men is their gray head Prov 20:29
• your old men shall dream dreams Joel 2:28
• that our old man is crucified with Rom 6:6
• the former conversation the old man Eph 4:22
• put off the old man with all its deeds Col 3:9
Old Testament
Also known as the Old Covenant, it refers to the 39 books of the Hebrew Scriptures. The Scriptures are
a testimony about God and how He works and speaks to His people. It is a written account of the
history from the time of creation to about 400 years before Christ's birth.
Last letter of the Greek alphabet. The phrase "alpha and omega" represents the complete activity of God
with mankind. It also expresses the idea of God's completeness and fullness concerning all created
things both in heaven and on earth.
• I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and Rev 1:8
• I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and Rev 21:6
• I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and Rev 22:13
God's attribute of all-powerfulness, supremacy, control, influence, supreme, utmost, above all. He is the
God of gods, the Creator and Ruler of the entire universe.
• for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth Rev 19:6
God's attribute of being everywhere present at all places and at all times.
God's attribute of being all-knowing, totally informed.
Single, unique, solitary, individual. DTP The disciple of Christ is called to become one with Christ, to die
to self and live life totally as one with, and for, Him. Also, a man and woman, through marriage,
becomes one as a couple before God.
• his wife: and they shall be one flesh Gen 2:24 (Matt 19:5; Mark 10:8; 1 Cor 6:16; Eph 5:31)
• people is one and they have all one language Gen 11:6
• the LORD our God is one God Deut 6:4
• one thing have I desired of the LORD Ps 27:4
• two are better than one; because they have Eccl 4:9
• one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass Matt 5:18
• there is none good but one, that is, God Matt 19:17
• received the one talent came and said, Lord Matt 25:24
• one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind John 9:25
• I and my Father are one John 10:30
• given me, that they may be one, as we are John 17:11
• they all may be one ... also may be one in us John 17:21
• believe were of one heart and one soul Acts 4:32
• so we, being many, are one body in Christ Rom 12:5
• is but one God ... and one Lord Jesus Christ 1 Cor 8:6
• nether male nor female ... all one in Christ Gal 3:28
• to make in himself of twain one new man Eph 2:15
• one Lord, one faith, one baptism Eph 4:5
• but this one thing I do, forgetting those Phil 3:13
• are three that bear record ... three are one 1 John 5:7
one another
A group, association, two or more people, often people who do something together, having some form
of relationship. DTP The disciple is not an island but has become part of a family that has similar goals,
purposes in focus. We are called out of this world to come together a body of believers under the
headship of Jesus Christ.
• That ye love one another; John 13:34
• abound in love one toward another, 1 Thes 3:12
• taught of God to love one another. 1 Thes 4:9
• and edify one another, 1 Thes 5:11
• exhort one another daily, Heb 3:13
• but exhorting one another: Heb 10:25
A semiprecious variety of agate with layered colours. It was one of the twelve stones used in the priest's
breastplate, representing one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Onyx represented the tribe of Asher.
• there is bdellium and the onyx stone Gen 2:12
• onyx stones and stones to be set in Ex 25:7
• onyx stones and stones to be set 1 Chr 29:2
• and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx Eze 28:13
To make a way through, to unlock, to expose something to full view, to gain access. DTP Christ opens
many doors and ways for His disciples to walk through. The doors He opens for us to go through
require faith and trust in Him. Disciples need to be obedient in order to follow His perfect will.
• day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened Gen 3:5
• O LORD, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall Ps 51:15
• I will open my mouth in a parable Ps 78:2
• open to me the gates of righteousness: I Ps 118:19
• open thou mine eyes, that I may behold Ps 119:18
• I will not open you the windows of heaven Mal 3:10
• the heavens were opened Matt 3:16 (Mark 1:10; Luke 3:21)
• knock and it shall be opened unto you Matt 7:7 (Luke 11:9)
• graves were opened; and many bodies ... arose Matt 27:52
• he saw the heavens opened and the Spirit like Mark 1:10
• heart burn ... while he opened to us the Scripture Luke 24:32
• then opened he their understanding, that they Luke 24:45
• how he opened the door of faith unto them Acts 14:27
• great door and effectual is open unto me 1 Cor 16:9
• and a door was opened unto me of the Lord 2 Cor 2:12
• God would open unto us a door of utterance Col 4:3
• open ... no man shutteth ... shutteth ... no man open Rev 3:7
• who is worthy to open the book and to loose Rev 5:2
• and I saw when the Lamb open one of the seals Rev 6:1
Browbeat, subjugate, break down, demoralize, persecute. DTP This word well describes what the devil
tries to do to people in the spiritual realm. He tries to oppress our lives into some form of bondage.
When the disciple is feeling oppressed, it is a good time to pray and, through the name and blood of
Jesus Christ, take authority over oppression, whether that oppression is personally experienced or is
affecting some other person.
• wherewith the Egyptians oppress them Ex 3:9
• hast not defrauded us, nor oppressed 1 Sam 12:4
• also will be a refuge for the oppressed Ps 9:9
• to judge the fatherless and the oppressed Ps 10:18
• neither oppress the afflicted in the Prov 22:22
• so they oppress a man and his house Mic 2:2
• healing all that were oppressed of the devil Acts 10:38
To be burdened down in one mind and spirit, oppress Jer 39:12; harm; Matt 15:22, acts 7:24 vexed; Mark
5:7, Luke 8:28 torment; Luke 20:11 entreated; John 5:16 persecute; Acts 7:24 oppressed; Acts 7:52
persecuted; Acts 9:4; 26:11, 14 Rev 9:5 torment; Rev 6:8; 7:3; 9:10; 14:10, 11 oppressed 1 Sam 12:4;
brow beaten, subjugated, broken, insult.
Affliction, persecution, tribulation, domination, cruelty, harassment, repression, subjugation. DTP The
enemy tries to distract us from our walk with Christ by afflicting us through a variety of cruel and
oppressive ways. By remaining close to Christ and by looking constantly to Him, we can be set free
from the oppression of Satan.
• have ... seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians Ex 3:9
• and look on our affliction ... and our oppression Deut 26:7
• for the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of Ps 12:5
• deliver me from the oppression of man; so I will Ps 119:134
Despot, persecutor, bully, tyrant, dictator, authoritarian.
• they hear not the voice of the oppressor Job3:18
• up against me and oppressors seek after my soul Ps 54:3
• wanteth understanding is also a great oppressor Prov 28:16
• because of the fierceness of the oppressor Jer 25:38
oracle / oracles
Prophecy, vision, revelation, prediction. This is an old English word for the word prophet as well as for
the words which that person would speak. God would speak through a person (words of prophecy)
with a message concerning current or future things.
• both of the temple and of the oracle 1 Kin 6:5-31
• up my hands toward thy holy oracle Ps 28:2

• the lively oracles to give unto us Act 7:38
• them were committed the oracles of God Rom 3:2
• first principles of the oracles of God Heb 5:12
• let him speak as the oracles of God 1 Pet 4:11
ordain / ordination / ordained
To be picked, chosen or designated by the people and appointed to a specific task by the anointing of oil
or the laying on of hands. It can also mean to be set aside a person or a thing for service of our Lord
Jesus Christ. A common ordination statement is, "(name of person) having proven a Divine gift and
calling, and having evidenced preparation in the preaching and teaching of the scriptures, was publicly
commissioned and endorsed as worthy to perform the functions and offices usually pertaining to an
Ordained Minister of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ by authority of (name of authorizing body)
on this (day and year) at (location). (Signatures of elders)."
• seer did ordain in their set office 1 Chr 9:22
• also I will ordain a place for my 1 Chr 17:9
• I have ordained a lamp for mine anointed Ps 132:17
• and I ordain thee a prophet unto the nations Jer 1:5
• he ordained twelve, that they should be with him Mark 3:14
• ordained you, that ye should go and bring John 15:16
• ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead Acts 10:42
• as many as were ordained to eternal life believed Acts 13:48
• they had ordained them elders in every church Acts 14:23
• but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God Rom 13:1
• and so ordain I in all churches 1 Cor 7:17
• Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel 1 Cor 9:14
• good works, which God hath before ordained that Eph 2:10
• whereunto I am ordained a preacher 1 Tim 2:7
• ordain elders in every city, as I had Tit 1:5
• every high priest is ordained to offer gifts and Heb 8:3
To charge, command, a decree, law, ordinance or a statute, a system or a way of doing things. DTP God
is a God of order. He expects and commands that we walk according to His ways and will. To walk
outside of the order of God is to be disobedient, thus sinning before the face of God. In creation He
brought all things into a divine order; that is why, when we look at creation, we can see the evidence
of a Divine Maker. The church is also to be a place of order, following the patterns that have been
given to us by the Word of God.
• set thine house in order ... shalt die 2 Kin 20:1
• appointed, according to the order of David 2 Chr 8:14
• steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD Ps 37:23
• but I will reprove thee and set them in order Ps 50:21
• a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek Ps 110:4 (Heb 5:6; 5:10; 6:20; 7:11; 7:17; 7:21)
• order my steps in thy word; and let not any Ps 119:133
• to order it and to establish it with judgment Isa 9:7
• the rest will I set in order when I com 1 Cor 11:34
• all things be done decently and in order 1 Cor 14:40
• but every man in his own order: Christ the 1 Cor 15:23
• thou shouldest set in order the things that Tit 1:5
A divine rule or command or order; it can also be a statute or regulation. DTP God has given to Israel and
to the church divine ordinances that we are to follow and by which we should live.
• keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever Ex 12:14
• this is the ordinance of the Passover Ex 12:43
• there he made for them a statute and an ordinance Ex 15:25
• do my judgments, and keep mine ordinances Lev 18:4
• for an ordinance for ever throughout your Num 10:8

• they kept his testimonies and the ordinances that Ps 99:7
• have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance Isa 24:5
• and forsook not the ordinance of their God Isa 58:2
• walk in my statutes and keep mine ordinances Ezek 11:20
• the ordinances of the house of the LORD Eze 44:5
• ordinances of the Lord blameless Luke 1:6
• the power, resisteth the ordinance of God Rom 13:2
• keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you 1 Cor 11:2
• had also ordinances of divine service Heb 9:1
Beliefs; set of doctrines; conforming to the Christian faith as represented in the creeds of the early
church. Eastern Orthodox churches are numerous in Eastern Europe and Russia, but they are also
established in many other countries.
outstretched arm
A picturesque description of how God's efforts reach everywhere. He can work in individual lives, in our
churches, as well as on our behalf in the spirit realm. He has no limitations.
• a mighty hand and with an outstretched arm Deut 26:8
• by my great power and by my outstretched arm Jer 27:5
outstretched hand
A picturesque description of how God's efforts reach everywhere. He can work in individual lives, in our
churches, as well as on our behalf in the spirit realm. He has no limitations.
• fight against you with an outstretched hand Jer 21:5
The outside of something, seeing the exterior, to look at something, the first glance or appearance. DTP
The disciple needs to have spiritual eyes to look past the outward appearance into the heart of things.
What appears on the outside may not be an accurate assessment of that which lies within the person's
heart. Outward appearances can be deceiving.
• man looketh on the outward appearance, but 1 Sam 16:7
• appear beautiful outwardly, but are within full Matt 23:27
• circumcision, which is outward in the flesh Rom 2:28
• but though our outward man perish, yet the 2 Cor 4:16
• do ye look on things after the outward appearance? 1 Cor 10:7
To prevail over, defeat, conquer, overpower. DTP In our own strength there are many things that we
cannot overcome but, joined together with God, we are able to overcome the challenges of this world
and those presented by Satan. Greater is He that is in us that he that is in the world. Christ desires the
disciples to live as overcomers.
• possess it; for we are well able to overcome Num 13:30
• overcome him, he taketh from him all his Luke 11:22
• I have overcome the world John 16:33
• evil spirit ... leaped on them and overcame them Acts 19:16
• mightest overcome when thou art judged. Rom 3:4
• mightest overcome when thou art judged Rom 12:21
• be not overcome of evil, but overcome Rom 12:21
• because ye have overcome the wicked one 1 John 2:13 (2:14)
• you have overcome the wicked one 1 John 2:14
• ye are of God, little children and have overcome 1 John 4:4
• is born of God overcometh the world 1 John 5:4
• to him that overcometh will I give to eat of the Rev 2:7
• overcome I give to eat of the hidden manna Rev 2:17
• that overcome and keepeth my works unto the end Rev 2:26
• he that overcometh ... shall be clothed in white raiment Rev 3:5
• to him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me Rev 3:21
• they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb Rev 12:11

• Lamb and the Lamb shall overcome them Rev 17:14
• he that overcometh shall inherit all things Rev 21:7
The Greek word is episkopos (See 1 Timothy 3:1-7). Elder, one who has experience and wisdom from
God to give direction and oversight to others; they can be appointed by the community of people in
the church. They can also be appointed for ministry and leadership by the denomination to which a
church belongs.
• he made him overseer over his house Gen 39:4
• their overseer was Zabdiel, the son of Neh 11:14
• which having no guide, overseer, or Prov 6:7
• the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers Acts 20:28

Palm Sunday
The Sunday prior to Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. It was the time when Christ entered into
Jerusalem and the people shouted praise to Him, laying down their cloaks and palm branches. This
was a triumphant entry fit for a king. (See Matt 21:8-11; Mark 11:8-10; Luke 19:36-38.)
A disease that can cause various parts of the body to be paralyzed; usually accompanied by involuntary
tremors. A disabling of the nerves in one part of the body; the lost of feeling and the ability to use
that part of the body. It can also cause speech difficulties.
• lunatick and those that had the palsy Matt 4:24
• lieth at home sick of the palsy Matt 8:6
• brought ... man sick of the palsy Matt 9:2 (Mark 2:3; Luke 5:18)
• he said unto the sick of the palsy Mark 2:5
• with palsy and that were lame, were healed Acts 8:7
• eight years and was sick of the palsy Acts 9:33
This is a doctrine identifying God with the universe, or regards the universe as a manifestation of gods.
Can also mean worship that admits multiple gods. This is an unscriptural teaching that God cannot be
just one and personal, but that all laws, forces, manifestations that are in the universe are considered
part of God. This can be seen in the religion of Buddhism and Hinduism just to name two. DTP The
disciple of Christ is to worship the one true, divine, triune God who is the Creator of heaven and earth
and distinct from them.
These are said to be earthly stories with heavenly meanings. They can be pictures or stories from nature,
history, or from culture and tradition. Parables illustrate moral or spiritual lessons. Jesus taught the
people with many parables.
• and he took up his parable and said Num 23:7
• moreover Job continued his parable Job 27:1
• I will incline mine ear to a parable Ps 49:4
• I will open my mouth in a parable Ps 78:2 (Matt 13:35)
• equal: so is a parable in the mouth of fools Prov 26:7
• day shall one take up a parable against you Mic 2:4
• spake many things unto them in parables Matt 13:3 (Mark 4:2)
• why speakest thou unto them in parables Matt 13:10
• speak I to them in parables Matt 13:13 (Mark 4:11; Luke 8:10)
• this parable? and how then will ye know all parables? Mark 4:13
• now the parable is this Luke 8:11
An advocate; most often translated as "Helper" or "Comforter"; One who speaks on behalf of another.
DTP Jesus uses this word to explain the role of the Holy Spirit for us as Christ's disciples (John 14:16,
26; 15:26; 16:7; 1 John 2:1. The Holy Spirit is in us, to help and guide us in our walk with Christ Jesus.
This is like an ideal garden, a place of beauty and perfection, the Garden of Eden being a prime example.
Paradise has come to mean heaven, a place where one day all believers in Christ shall live for eternity.
• today shalt thou be with me in paradise Luke 23:43
• how that he was caught up into paradise 2 Cor 12:4
• is in the midst of the paradise of God Rev 2:7
A rewriting or retelling in easier-to-understand language. Uses basic language and common phrases. The
Good News Bible, the Message Bible and the Living Bible are good examples of paraphrases; they
simplify the understanding of the original Hebrew or Greek text.

The dried skin of a lamb or goat prepared is such a way that one can write on it. It was used as a durable
writing surface in ancient and medieval times.
• bring ... the books, but especially the parchments 2 Tim 4:13
Action of forgiving or being forgiven. It is often used as a court term in a legal case. The judge can pardon
the guilty person. It is used 20 times in the Old Testament. DTP God demands a righteous reason for
His pardoning of the sinner. This comes through the atoning work of Jesus Christ. The idea of pardon
is key to the doctrine of salvation. Personally, believing in Christ leads to forgiveness of one's sins.
• for he will not pardon your Ex 23:21
• pardon our iniquity and our sin and take us Ex 34:9
• pardon, I beseech thee, the iniquity Num 14:19
• LORD said, I pardon according to thy word Num 14:20
• pardon my sin, and turn again with me, 1 Sam 15:25
• innocent blood; which the LORD would not pardon 1 Kin 24:4
• but thou art a God ready to pardon, gracious Neh 9:17
• sake, O LORD pardon mine iniquity Ps 25:11
• our God, for he will abundantly pardon Isa 55:7
• how shall I pardon ... the children have forsaken me Jer 5:7
• be found: for I will pardon whom I reserve Jer 50:20
• transgressed ... rebelled: thou hast not pardoned Lam 3:42
Father or mother of a child; progenitor. Parenting can also come through adoption of a child. Can also
refer to one who mentors and trains a younger person. Parenting is teaching and nurturing, watching
over and protecting children bodily, emotionally and spiritually. Jesus portrayed God as a Father
(parent) who looks after his children perfectly. See Matthew 7:11. DTP As Christian parents, we are
to point our children to the place of personally knowing God and His deep love for them. They need
to learn to obey and walk in the ways of God (Deut 6:5-9; Ps 128:1-3; Eph 6:1-4).
• shall rise up against their parents Matt 10:21
• now his parents went to Jerusalem every Luke 2:41
• no man that hath left house, or parents Luke 18:29
• shall be betrayed both by parent and brethren Luke 21:16
• who did sin, this man, or his parents John 9:2
• of evil things, disobedient to parents Rom 1:30
• not to lay up for the parent, but the parent for the children 2 Cor 12:14
• children, obey your parents in the Lord Eph 6:1
• obey your parents in all things Col 3:20
• blasphemers, disobedient to parents 2 Tim 3:2
One who shares along with others, joins in or is involved with; participant, accessory, member. DTP As
disciples, we need to be careful about what or with whom we join. Joining with the wrong crowd will
make us members with them in what they say and do; this can lead to death and destruction. We
must become one with Jesus Christ, a participant and member of His body.
• for we are all partakers of that one bread 1 Cor 10:17
• ye cannot be partaker of the Lord's table, and of 1 Cor 10:21
• as ye are partaker of the sufferings, so shall 2 Cor 1:7
• partaker of his promise in Christ by the gospel Eph 3:6
• of the gospel, ye all are partakers of my grace Phil 1:7
• neither be partakers of other men's sin 1 Tim 5:22
• holy brethren, partaker of the heavenly calling Heb 3:1
• for we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the Heb 3:14
• and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost Heb 6:4
• as ye are partaker of Christ's sufferings 1 Pet 4:13
• ye might be partakers of the divine nature 2 Pet 1:4

• my people, that ye be not partakers of her sin Rev 18:4
pass / passed
To permit, to have authorization, a license or permission, to move on by someone or something.
• when I see the blood, I will pass over you Ex 12:13
• while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee Ex 33:22
• pass over on dry ground, until all the people Josh 3:17
• LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind 1 Kin 19:11
• when thou passest through the waters, I will be Isa 43:2
• one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass Matt 5:18
• heaven ... earth shall pass Matt 24:35 (Mark 13:31; Luke 21:33)
• possible, let this cup pass from me Matt 26:39 (Mark 14:35)
• death by sin; and so death passed upon all men Rom 5:12
• a new creature: old things are passed away 2 Cor 5:17
• the love of Christ, which passes knowledge Eph 3:19
• peace of God, which passes all understanding Phil 4:7
• we know that we have passed from death unto life 1 John 3:14
• any more pain ... the former things are passed away Rev 21:4
This was a day for the people of Israel to celebrate their miraculous deliverance from Egypt (Ex 12:14-
24). The idea of this term comes from how God passed over the houses of Israel, because of the
sacrificial blood of a lamb that was spread over the mantel and door post of their homes. Their homes
were also to be clean from all presence of yeast (yeast represented sin that can so easily spread
through a person's life). Those who followed the directions were saved from the death angel, but the
firstborn of the Egyptians were all killed. The Passover takes place either in the month of March or
April. DTP For the disciple, Christ has become our sacrificial Lamb; when we believe personally in Him
and ask to be cleansed of all personal sins, we can then receive for all eternity, everlasting life.
• it is the LORD'S passover Ex 12:11
• this is the ordinance of the passover Ex 12:43
• that they should keep the passover Num 9:4
• and keep the passover unto the LORD thy God Deut 16:1 (2 Chr 35:1)
• keep the passover unto the LORD your God 2 Kin 23:21
• the children of the captivity kept the Passover Ezra 6:19
• is the feast of the Passover Matt 26:2 (Mark 14:1: Luke 22:1)
• we prepare for thee to eat the passover Matt 26:17
• to eat this Passover with you before I suffer Luke 22:15
• and the passover, a feast of the Jews John 6:4
• for even Christ our passover is 1 Cor 5:7
• through faith he kept the passover Heb 11:28
A minister in charge of a Christian church or congregation. This was one of the gifts provided by the Holy
Spirit to be used in the body of Christ; the Church. The Greek word poimen is translated either as
shepherd or pastor. A pastor ministers like a shepherd to a flock. He works under the Great Shepherd,
Jesus. See 1 Peter 5:1-5. He is one who leads, nurtures and cares for God's people. They are to be
people who have servant hearts, unselfishly loving the flock over which they've been given charge.
The Scripture also warns the shepherd to be careful how they minister to the sheep because there
will be strict judgment from Christ for those who been given this key ministry position by God. (See
Psalm 23:1-6 what the job description of a shepherd/pastor is.)
• the pastors also transgressed against me Jer 2:8
• I will give you pastors according to mine heart Jer 3:15
• against the pastors that feed my people Jer 23:2
• and some, pastors and teachers Eph 4:11
Pastoral Epistles
A descriptive title often given to the books of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. These books where written by
Paul to Timothy and Titus who were going out as Christ's ambassadors to the various newly planted

churches. These epistles are concerned with church organization and discipline. Paul talks about how
to appoint elders and deacons, and gives instructions concerning church doctrine.
Land covered by grass and other low plants suitable for grazing animals, a meadow, grassland, prairie.
DTP As disciples, we are the sheep of God's pasture; we need to eat of God's Word and drink of His
Spirit; this is what will cause us to become mature in Christ Jesus.
• thy servants have no pasture for their flocks Gen 47:4
• he maketh me to lie down in green pastures Ps 23:2
• we thy people and sheep of thy pasture will give Ps 79:13
• we are the people of his pasture and the sheep Ps 95:7
• we are his people and the sheep of his pasture Ps 100:3
• destroyed and scattered the sheep of my pasture! Jer 23:1
• ye my flock, the flock of my pasture, are men Ezek 34:31
• and shall go in and out and find pastures John 10:9
path / paths
Also known as pathway. A trail over the ground that has been made by animals or people. A walkway
made by continual treading. It gives guidance in reaching a destination. DTP For the disciple, God's
word is to be a pathway for us to walk, and by which we ought to live. God, through the unction of
the Holy Spirit, shows us a way through the various challenges that we may be facing in our lives each
day. Prayer and the reading of God's Word can be the path that leads us from bondage to freedom.
There is strength and guidance in walking together with other believers in God's ways.
• by the way, an adder in the path Gen 49:17
• so are the paths of all that forget God Job 8:13
• he maketh a path to shine after him Job 41:32
• thou wilt shew me the path of life Ps 16:11
• he leadeth me in the path of righteousness for Ps 23:3
• teach me thy paths Ps 25:4
• all the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth Ps 25:10
• lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies Ps 27:11
• my feet and a light unto my path Ps 118:105
• lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path Ps 119:105
• within me, then thou knewest my path Ps 142:3
• acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths Prov 3:6
• not into the path of the wicked Prov 4:14
• the path of the just is as the shining light Prov 4:18
• ponder the path of thy feet and let Prov 4:26
• ways and we will walk in his paths Isa 2:3 (Mic 4:2)
• lead them in path that they have not known Isa 42:16
• shall walk every one in his path Joel 2:8
• of the Lord, make his paths straight Matt 3:3 (Mark 1:3; Luke 3:4)
• and make straight paths for your feet Heb 12:13
patient / patience
Capacity to accept delay, trouble, or suffering without anger. Forbearance, longsuffering, slow to anger;
patience is one of the fruits of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22. DTP It is like "going the second mile"
with people, giving them time and understanding even if they've wronged you or fallen short of
expectations. We need to "go the distance" in helping and encouraging another.
• rest in the LORD and wait patiently for him Ps 37:7
• I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined Ps 40:1
• keep it and bring forth fruit with patience Luke 8:15
• that tribulation worketh patience Rom 5:3
• patient in tribulation Rom 12:12
• we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures Rom 15:4
• were wrought among you in all patience 2 Cor 12:12
• but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience Gal 5:22 NASB

• with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love Eph 4:2 NASB
• all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness Col 1:11
• kindness, humility, gentleness and patience Col 3:12 NLT
• support the weak, be patient toward all men 1 Thes 5:14
• patience and faith in all your persecutions 2 Thes 1:4
• godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness 1 Tim 6:11
• unto all men, apt to teach, patient 2 Tim 2:24
• sober... sound in faith, in charity, in patience Tit 2:2
• through faith and patience inherit the promises Heb 6:12
• let us run with patience the race that Heb 12:1
• trying of your faith worketh patience James 1:3
• but let patience have her perfect work, that ye may James 1:4
• be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming James 5:7
• be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the James 5:8
• to temperance, patience; and to patience, godliness 2 Pet 1:6
• and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ Rev 1:9
• I know thy works ... thy labour and thy patience Rev 2:2 (2:19)
The older head man of a family, clan, or tribe; a highly respected man, one who has much wisdom and
understanding, able to help guide others through challenging problems. An older woman with the
same qualities is called a matriarch. Deborah arose, a mother in Israel. Judges 5:7
• speak unto you of the patriarch David Acts 2:29
• and Jacob begat the twelve patriarchs Acts 7:8
• unto whom even the patriarch Abraham gave Heb 7:4
Paul was an apostle, a missionary who worked with many other disciples of Christ such as John Mark,
Barnabas, Timothy, etc.). He described himself as "a Hebrew of the Hebrews"; he was a Pharisee who
persecuted the church. After his transformation, he joined in "yoke suffering" with Christ,
experiencing frequent stoning, whipping, and prison. He was the author of thirteen epistles in the
New Testament where he often emphasized the deity of Jesus Christ and the importance of salvation
by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. He also taught how important it is that the disciple live a holy
and obedient live before their God. Paul's key doctrine was the Lordship of Christ in all areas of the
believer's life.
• Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost Acts 13:9
• then Paul stood up and beckoning Acts 13:16
• when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul Acts 14:14
• Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ Rom 1:1
• Paul, called to be an apostle of 1 Cor 1:1
• who then is Paul and who is Apollos 1 Cor 3:5
• I Paul say unto you, that if ye be Gal 5:2
• for this cause I Paul, the prisoner Eph 3:1
• even as our beloved brother Paul 2 Pet 3:15
Tranquility, calm, restfulness. Also, freedom from war and unrest. DTP This is a gentle quietness of heart
that comes from Christ. Christ can give to the disciple pure peace in the midst of a raging storm. It is
a place of calmness, freedom from the anxiety and the cares of this world. Perfect peace comes by
keeping our mind and heart focused on Jesus Christ, knowing that He has gone before us in all things
and has become for us our personal Victor.
• thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace Gen 15:15
• he said, Peace be to you, fear not: your God Gen 43:23
• sacrifice of their peace offering Ex 29:28
• be a sacrifice of peace offering Lev 3:1
• behold, I give unto him my covenant of peace Num 25:12
• which speak peace to their neighbours Ps 28:3

• do good; seek peace and pursue it Ps 34:14 (1 Pet 3:11)
• righteousness and peace have kissed each other Ps 85:10
• pray for the peace of Jerusalem Ps 122:6
• but a man of understanding holdeth his peace Prov 11:12
• Father, The Prince of Peace Isa 9:6
• thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind Isa 26:3
• of our peace was upon him Isa 53:5
• go out with joy and be led forth with peace Isa 55:12
• seek the peace ... for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace Jer 29:7
• therefore love the truth and peace Zec 8:19
• worthy, let your peace come upon it Matt 10:13
• and have peace one with another. Mark 9:50
• to guide our feet into the way of peace Luke 1:79
• Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, Luke 2:14
• peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you John 14:27
• we have peace with God through our Rom 5:1
• but to be spiritually minded is life and peace Rom 8:6
• them that preach the Gospel of peace Rom 10:15
• Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen. Rom 15:33
• but God hath called us to peace. 1 Cor 7:15
• God is not ... author of confusion, but of peace 1 Cor 14:33
• of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, Gal 5:22
• For he is our peace, who hath made both one, Eph 2:14
• of the Spirit in the bond of peace Eph 4:3
• preparation of the gospel of peace Eph 6:15
• the peace of God which passeth all understanding Phil 4:7
• do: and the God of peace shall be with you Phil 4:9
• made peace through the blood of his cross Col 1:20
• let the peace of God rule in your hearts Col 3:15
• and be at peace among yourselves 1 Thes 5:13
• Lord of peace himself give you peace always 2 Thes 3:16
• follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace 2 Tim 2:22
• grace, mercy and peace from God the Tit 1:4
• Departed in peace, be ye warmed and filled: James 2:16
• fruit ... is sown in peace of them that make peace James 3:18
• grace ... and peace, be multiplied 1 Pet 1:2 (2 Pet 1:2)
• power was given to him ... to take peace from the Rev 6:4
One who makes peace between individuals or various groups of people. One who is able to encounter
turmoil and destruction and bring people to a place of hope and freedom. DTP The disciple is to be
like Christ who became our peacemaker with God. Our sins kept us at war with God but through the
atoning blood of Christ on the cross, we can enter into His perfect peace. The disciple is also to be a
peacemaker, often through self-sacrifice, helping others to be reconciled to God.
• Blessed are the peacemakers Matt 5:9
The name given to the first the first 5 books of the Hebrew Scriptures (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
Numbers and Deuteronomy). The word comes from two Greek words: penta (meaning five) and
teuchos (meaning volumes). These books cover the time from creation through to the end of Moses'
life, Moses being the author of all 5 books. These first five books of law are the foundation stones to
all other Old and New Testament books. These books give to us the laws and ways of God, and
demonstrate that He is One God and is personally interested in the everyday affairs of man.
This was a Jewish holy day that came fifty days after the Day of Atonement or Passover. It was also
known as the Feast of Weeks (Ex 34:22; Deut 16:9-11) or Feast of Harvest (Ex 23:1) or the Day of the

First Fruits (Num 28:26). DTP Pentecost occurred fifty days after Christ's death (at Passover); As the
disciples waited in the upper room, the Holy Spirit came like a mighty wind and fire, filling the disciples
with the fullness of God's abiding presence. From the day of Pentecost to the present day the Holy
Spirit is our teacher and comforter. The day of Pentecost was also the day that the disciples of Christ
became the bride of Christ, His eternal church.
• when the day of Pentecost was fully come Acts 2:1
• to be at Jerusalem the day of Pentecost Acts 20:16
• I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost 1 Cor 16:8
Person, individuals, society, men and women. DTP God does not come only to us as individuals, but He
also speaks and calls out to a group of people. Disciples are to pray, fast, worship and confess their
sins, both alone and together. We are called as people with various gifts and ministries, to be part of
the body of Christ.
• and the LORD said, Behold, the people is one Gen 11:6
• let people serve thee and nations bow down to Gen 27:29
• surely seen the affliction of my people Ex 3:7 (Acts 7:34)
• let my people go Ex 5:1 (7:16; 8:1, 20; 9:1, 13; 10:3)
• I will take you to me for a people and I will be Ex 6:7
• the people bowed the head and worshipped Ex 12:27
• and the people feared the LORD, and believed Ex 14:31
• blood and sprinkled it on the people Ex 24:8 (Heb 9:19)
• your God and ye shall be my people Lev 26:12 (2 Cor 6:16)
• nation is a wise and understanding people Deut 4:6
• thou art a holy people ... a special people ... above all people Deut 7:6
• this day thou art become the people of the LORD Deut 27:9
• for the LORD shall judge his people Deut 32:36 (Heb 10:30)
• thy people shall be my people and thy God my God Ruth 1:16
• people which I knew not shall serve me 2 Sam 22:24 (Ps 18:43)
• all the people ... may know that the LORD is God 1 Kin 8:60
• because he had compassion on his people 2 Chr 36:15
• caused the people to understand the law: and the people Neh 8:7
• his people; the LORD will bless his people with peace Ps 29:11
• O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God Ps 47:1
• that giveth strength and power unto his people Ps 68:35
• thou hast with thine arm redeemed thy people Ps 77:15
• so we thy people and sheep of thy pasture will Ps 79:13
• revive us ... that thy people may rejoice in thee? Ps 85:6
• we are the people of his pasture and the sheep Ps 95:7
• ye nations: praise him, all ye people Ps 117:1 (Rom 15:11)
• the LORD will judge his people Ps 135:14 (Heb 10:30)
• the anger of the LORD kindled against his people Isa 5:25
• it is a people of no understanding: therefore Isa 27:11
• comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God Isa 40:1
• hearken unto me, my people; give ear unto me Isa 51:4
• my people shall know my name: therefore they Ps 52:6
• shall be called a house of prayer for all people Isa 56:7
• my people have committed two evils; they have Jer 2:13
• this people hath a revolting and a rebellious Jer 5:23
• because my people hath forgotten me, they have Jer 18:15
• ye shall be my people and I will be your God Jer 30:22
• their God and they shall be my people Jer 31:33 (Heb 8:10)
• my people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds Jer 50:6
• thy city and thy people are called by thy name Dan 9:19
• and at that time thy people shall be delivered Dan 12:1

• said unto them, Ye are not my people Hos 1:10 (Rom 9:26)
• my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge Hos 4:6
• but the LORD will be the hope of his people Joel 3:16
• wentest forth for the salvation of thy people Hab 3:13
• many nations ... shall be my people: and I will Zech 2:11
• for he shall save his people from their sins Matt 1:21
• to make ready a people prepared for the Lord Luke 1:17
• for he hath visited and redeemed his people Luke 1:68
• to give knowledge of salvation unto his people Luke 1:77
• one man should die for the people John 11:50 (18:14)
• and he commanded us to preach unto the people Acts 10:42
• hurt thee: for I have much people in this city Acts 18:10
• show light unto the people and to the Gentiles Acts 26:23
• be their God and they shall be my people 2 Cor 6:16
• a peculiar people, zealous of good works Tit 2:14
• he might sanctify the people with his own blood Heb 13:12
• priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people 1 Pet 2:9
• past were not a people, but are now the people of God 1 Pet 2:10
• out of every kindred and tongue and people Rev 5:9
• all nations and kindreds and people and tongues Rev 7:9
To know or see, to understand, observe, notice, distinguish, recognize, identify. DTP We as disciples need
to see and hear the voice of God, to take time to study and look deeply into the Word of God so that
we can determine what is right and what is wrong.
• LORD hath not given you a heart to perceive Deut 29:4
• this day we perceive that the LORD is amongst us Josh 22:31
• Eli perceived that the LORD had called the child 1 Sam 3:8
• to know ... to perceive the words of understanding Prov 1:2
• see ... perceive not Isa 6:9 (Matt 13:14; Mark 4:12; Acts 28:26)
• have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither Isa 64:4
• when Jesus perceived in his spirit that they so Mark 2:8
• but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Luke 6:41
• woman saith ... I perceive thou art a prophet John 4:19
• I perceive that God is no respecter of persons Acts 10:34
• perceived the grace that was given unto me Gal 2:9
• hereby perceive we the love of God, because he 1 John 3:16
A state of eternal punishment or damnation into which unrepentant people pass after death. Today
people use this word as a synonym for hell and eternal punishment. It is the final state and place for
the wicked. The Bible ascribes the word to two men, Judas Iscariot and to the Antichrist who is the
"man of sin". This name was also given to people who demonstrated the various character traits of
• of them is lost, but the son of perdition John 17:12
• of sin be revealed, the son of perdition 2 Thes 2:3
• drown men in destruction and perdition 1 Tim 6:9
• of judgment and perdition of ungodly men 2 Pet 3:7
• the bottomless pit and go into perdition Rev 17:8
perfect / perfection / perfectly
To be just or whole, to be completely finished in all details, free from flaws. DTP Christ makes us into
new creations, allowing us to one day stand before the Father, whole and complete.
• Noah ... a just man and perfect in his generations Gen 6:9
• to Abram ... walk before me, and be thou perfect Gen 17:1
• thou shalt be perfect with the LORD thy God Deut 18:13
• he is the Rock, his work is perfect: foe all his Deut 32:4

• as for God, his way is perfect 2 Sam 22:31 (Ps 18:30)
• I have walked ... with a perfect heart 2 Kin 20:3 (Isa 38:3)
• and serve him with a perfect heart and with 1 Chr 28:9
• perfect ... upright ... one that feared God Job 1:1
• law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul Ps 19:7
• that walketh in a perfect way, he shall serve me Ps 101:6
• thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind Isa 26:3
• be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father Matt 5:48
• good and acceptable and perfect will of God Rom 12:2
• be perfectly joined together in the same mind 1 Cor 1:10
• for my strength is made perfect in weakness 2 Cor 12:9
• be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind 2 Cor 13:11
• for the perfecting of the saints, for the work Eph 4:12
• that we may present every man perfect in Christ Col 1:28
• stand perfect and complete in all the will of God Col 4:12
• the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly 2 Tim 3:17
• to make the captain of their salvation perfect Heb 2:10
• being made perfect, he became the author of eternal Heb 5:9
• doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection Heb 6:1
• law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of Heb 7:19
• to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle Heb 9:11
• by one offering he hath perfected for ever them Heb 10:14
• patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect James 1:4
• good gift and every perfect gift is from above James 1:17
• but whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty James 1:25
• his works and by works was faith made perfect? James 2:22
• make you perfect, stablish, strengthen 1 Pet 5:10
• word, in him verily is the love of God perfect 1 John 2:5
• God dwell in us and his love is perfect in us 1 John 4:12
• no fear in love: but perfect love casteth out fear John 4:18
To accomplish, to do, to execute, to fulfil, to carry out. DTP The disciple does what he does out of love
for Christ. We give up our wills to be Christ's servants so that His will can be accomplished through
our lives.
• I will perform the oath which I sware unto Abraham Gen 26:3
• covenant, which he commanded you to perform Deut 4:13
• will perform unto thee the part of a kinsman Ruth 3:13
• the LORD hath performed his word 1 Kin 8:20 (2 Chr 6:10)
• cry ... unto God that performeth all things for me Ps 57:2
• I have sworn and I will perform it, that I Ps 119:106
• the zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this Isa 9:7
• he had promised, he was able also to perform Rom 4:21
• begun a good work in you will perform it until Phil 1:6
Liquid typically made from essential oils extracted from flowers and spices, used to impart a pleasant
aroma to one's body or clothes. DTP As disciples, we are to be as a sweet-smelling fragrance to the
world and to Christ. For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them
that perish 2 Corinthians 2:15
• and thou shalt make it a perfume Ex 30:25
• ointment and perfume rejoice the heart Prov 27:9
• perfumed with myrrh and frankincense Song 3:6
• ointment and didst increase thy perfumes Isa 57:9

To die, pass away, to suffer death ... no more breath or function in the body or brain, come to an end.
DTP God desires that none should perish but his goal and purpose for the world is that they would
turn to Jesus Christ and have the gift of eternal life. Yes, our physical bodies will die but our spirit,
made alive through faith and confession of Christ, will live forever.
• unto the LORD to gaze and many of them perish Ex 19:21
• Moses ... behold we die, we perish, we all perish Num 17:12
• all flesh shall perish together and man shall Job 34:15
• but the way of the ungodly shall perish Ps 1:6
• but the wicked shall perish and the enemies of Ps 37:20
• they shall perish ... thou shalt endure Ps 102:26 (Heb 1:11)
• where there is no vision, the people perish Prov 29:18
• for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish Isa 29:14
• kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish Isa 60:12
• nor receive correction: truth is perished Jer 7:28
• Lord save us: we perish Mat 8:25 (Mark 4:38; Luke 8:24)
• that take the sword shall perish with the sword Matt 26:52
• whosoever believeth in him ... not perish John 3:15 (3:16)
• them eternal life; and they shall never perish John 10:28
• cross is to them that perish, foolishness 1 Cor 1:18
• which are fallen asleep in Christ are perishing 1 Cor 15:18
• thou our outward man perish, yet the inward 2 Cor 4:16
• much more precious than gold that perisheth 1 Pet 1:7
• long-suffering ... not willing that any should perish 2 Pet 3:9
persecute / persecution / persecuted
Troubled, annoyed, wronged, mistreated, victimized; to treat cruelly, to cause suffering to another. DTP
Disciples are warned by Christ that, as followers of Him, we too will suffer all kinds of persecution
when we live for Christ according to the Word of God, the Bible. As in the early days of the church,
Christians today are again coming under more and more persecution. In the last days there will be
great suffering, sometimes coming even from our own family and friends. We will be persecuted,
Christ tells us, for righteousness' sake.
• and on them that hate thee, which persecute thee Deut 30:7
• let them be confounded that persecute me Jer 17:18
• my trust: save me from all them that persecute me Ps 7:1
• for they persecute him whom thou hast Ps 69:26
• for the enemy hath persecuted my soul Ps 143:3
• and I will persecute them with the sword Jer 29:18
• persecute you and shall say all manner of Matt 5:1
• are persecuted for righteousness sake Matt 5:10
• when men shall revile you and persecute you Matt 5:11
• rejoice ... for so persecuted they the prophets which Matt 5:12
• them which despitefully use you and persecute you Matt 5:44
• when affliction or persecution ariseth Mark 4:17
• some of them they shall slay and persecute Luke 11:49
• me, they will also persecute you John 15:20
• at that time there was a great persecution Acts 8:1
• tribulation, or distress, or persecution Rom 8:35
• there was a great persecution against the church Acts 8:1
• Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? Acts 9:4 (22:7; 26:14)
• I am Jesus whom thou persecutest Acts 9:5 (22:8; 26:15)
• raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas Acts 13:50
• shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution Rom 8:35
• bless them which persecute you Rom 12:14
• being persecuted, we suffer it 1 Cor 4:12

• because I persecuted the church of God 1 Cor 15:9 (Gal 1:13)
• in persecution, in distress for Christ's sake 2 Cor 12:10
• that he which persecuted us in times past Gal 1:23
• suffer persecution for the cross of Christ Gal 6:12
• concerning zeal, persecuting the church Phil 3:6
• your patience and faith in all your persecution 2 Thes 1:4
• was before a blasphemer and a persecutor 1 Tim 1:13
• persecution, affliction, which came unto 2 Tim 3:11
• in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution 2 Tim 3:12
Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. To be steady and firm,
consistent in what we believe and live. DTP The disciple is to watch with all perseverance because our
enemy is out to devour, destroy and kill all he can. We are to exercise persistence and determination,
being resolute and diligent in our thinking and actions. We are to keep our eyes fixed on Christ who
is the author and finisher of our faith.
• and watching thereunto with all perseverance Eph 6:18
personal well being (unspec. comp. form of well / wells )
To cause someone to do something through reasoning or argument. To plead, to earnestly call out with
the hope that others may change their minds or change their ways. DTP Disciples are to share the
good news of Jesus Christ with the hope that people will be persuaded to make a personal decision
to follow Christ Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. We share with others, but the Holy Spirit must do the
stirring of the heart; it is up to people to use their free choice to turn from the world of sin and to
• Paul, almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian Acts 26:28
• being fully persuaded, that what he had promised Rom 8:21
• I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life Rom 8:38
• let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind Rom 14:5
• knowing ... terror of the Lord, we persuade men 2 Cor 5:11
• and am persuaded that he is able to keep that 2 Tim 1:12
Willfully determined to go counter to what is expected or desired, often continuing to do that which is
wrong. The person knows what is right but chooses purposely to do wrong, both in their hearts and
through their actions.
• because thy way is perverse before me Num 22:23
• they are a perverse and crooked Deut 32:5
• and perverse lips put far from thee Prov 4:24
• he that hath a perverse tongue falleth Prov 17:20
• but he that is perverse in his ways Prov 28:18
• perverse generation, how long shall I be Matt 17:17 (Luke 9:41)
• speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples Acts 20:30
Distortion or corruption of what was first intended. To turn away, to corrupt, to lead others astray; to
do things which are not natural or right. Often refers to wicked sexual or perverted activities which
are outside of God's created purposes.
• pervert the words of the righteous Ex 23:8 (Deut 16:19)
• pervert the words of the righteous Deut 16:19
• or doth the Almighty pervert justice Job 8:3
• the foolishness of man perverteth his ways Prov 19:3
• for ye have perverted the words of the Jer 23:36
• would pervert the gospel of Christ Gal 1:7
A virulent, devastating, and often deadly infection that rapidly spreads disease across a wide area.
• lest he fall upon us with pestilence Ex 5:3

• smite thee and thy people with pestilence Ex 9:15
• I will send the pestilence among you Lev 26:25
• I will smite them with the pestilence Num 14:12
• so the LORD sent pestilence upon Israel 2 Sam 24:15
• and by famine and by the pestilence Jer 14:12 (Eze 6:11)
• the pestilence after the manner of Egypt Amos 4:10
• and there shall be famines and pestilences Matt 24:7
• divers places and famines and pestilences Luke 21:11
He was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. This disciple was strongly opinionated in his thoughts
and actions. He said he would not deny Christ but subsequently denied Him three times. He was an
eyewitness to Christ 3 and 1/2 years of ministry and saw firsthand His death, resurrection and
ascension. He preached on the day of Pentecost and saw the coming of the promised Holy Spirit. He
also authored two epistles. He was martyred later in life for his refusal to deny Christ as the living God
and Lord of his life.
• saw two brethren, Simon called Peter Matt 4:18
• also unto thee, that thou art Peter Matt 16:18
• Peter remembered the word of Jesus Matt 26:75
• Peter answering said, The Christ of Luke 9:20
• Peter seeing him saith to Jesus Lord John 21:21
• then Peter said unto them, Repent, and Acts 2:38
• the Peter filled with the Holy Spirit Acts 4:8
• I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter Gal 1:18
• Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to 1 Pet 1:1
• Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle 2 Pet 1:1
PETER, book of First
This book mainly teaches and encourages the disciples who were going through great times of
persecution. Peter conveys a message of hope. It was written around AD 64.
PETER, book of Second
This book focused on the problem of false teachers, especially those who denied the second coming of
Christ. This book has two key words, "know and knowledge". The false teachers were mainly Gnostics
who believed the way of salvation came through yet more knowledge. It was written around AD 65.
These people were one of three main religious groups of Judaism; the other two were the Sadducees
and the Essenes. At one point it was thought that there were about 6000 members; they wore a
special type of clothing that made them stand out to the people around them. Their name means "the
separated ones"; they were the strictest of all the groups. They believed in strict adherence to the law
and often were haughty and arrogant in nature. They believed that they were the only true
interpreters of the word of God. They spent much time attacking Christ and His teaching; Christ did
not show much mercy to them, calling them "the blind who lead the blind".
• righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees Mat 5:20
• but woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees Matt 23:13
• thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is Matt 23:26
• pray; the one a Pharisee and the other a publican Luke 18:10
• there was a man of the Pharisees, named John 3:1
• I am a Pharisee the son of a Pharisee Acts 23:6
PHILEMON, book of
This book was written by Paul and concerns itself with Philemon and the runaway slave Onesimus. This
slave had become converted and Paul asks Philemon to pledge that he would forgive Onesimus.
Onesimus had taken some of his master's money. But Paul tells Philemon that if he cannot forgive
Onesimus, Paul would repay it all. It was written around AD 60 from a Roman prison.
This book is a very personal letter from Paul to the Philippian church. This was the first church (in
Macedonia - modern day Europe) that Paul had planted; it consisted of mainly Gentile believers. The

main emphasis of this letter is "joy" or "rejoicing, these words are used 16 times. Paul taught on many
different doctrines such as the person and work of Christ, justification by faith, and about the second
coming of Christ. It was written around AD 61 from a Roman prison.
This was a little leather box that was strapped to the forehead (sometimes called a frontlet) and another
was strapped onto the left arm. In the leather box there were four Scriptures written out from the
Old Testament. Ex 13:1-10, 11-16; Deut 6:4-9; 11:3-21.
• they made broad their phylacteries and Matt 23:5
A medical doctor, doctor of medicine, one who prescribes medicines to the sick and dying. (Luke was a
physician and was a close companion to the apostle Paul). DTP It is very important to remember that
Jesus Christ is our Great Physician. It is by His stripes we ae healed.
• Joseph commanded ... physician to embalm his Gen 50:2
• sought not to the LORD, but to the physicians 2 Chr 16:12
• be whole need not a physician Matt 9:12 (Mark 2:17; Luke 5:31)
• and had suffered many things of many physicians Mark 5:26
• say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself Luke 4:23
• and she spent all her living upon physicians, neither Luke 8:43
• Luke, the beloved physician and Demas, greet you Col 4:14
A sojourner who journeys, especially a long distance, to some sacred place. DTP The disciple is one who
is on a journey on earth traveling to heaven. The Word of God is our road map and the Holy Spirit is
our guide and helper. (See Heb 11:13-16.)
• Have been my song in the house of my pilgrimage Ps 119:54
• There were strangers and pilgrims on the earth Heb 11:13
• I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims 1 Pet 2:11
• Often a tall thin spire built on the roof of a church; also a high point on a rock or mountain top. The
pinnacle of the temple was the place that Satan took Jesus where he tried to tempt Him.
• setting him on a pinnacle of the temple Matt 4:5
• set him on a pinnacle of the temple, and Luke 4:9
Epidemic, outbreak of sickness, pandemic, scourge, fast moving disease, infection, pestilence often
claiming many lives. The book of Exodus records various types of plagues that came upon the people
of Egypt. There were ten of them: 1) water to blood, 2) frogs, 3) lice, 4) flies, 5) murrain of cattle, 6)
boils or sores, 7) hail, 8) locus, 9) darkness, 10) death of the firstborn.
• his house with great plagues because of Gen 12:17
• send all my plagues upon thine heart Ex 9:14
• pass over you ... the plague shall not be upon you Ex 12:13
• I will bring seven times more plagues Lev 26:21
• smote the people the people with a very great plague Num 11:33
• know every man the plague of his own heart 1 Kin 8:38
• go in peace and be whole of thy plague Mark 5:34
• plagues yet repented not of the works Rev 9:20
Placing a seed in a growth medium, to give something opportunity to grow, to come alive. A living
organism such as a tree, shrub, grass, or herb. DTP Christ Jesus desires to plant us as "seeds" so that
we may grow and mature, producing fruit for His glory. God is a planter, the Creator of the heavens
and earth; what he has planted is, still today, bearing fruit.
• and every plant of the field before it was in Gen 2:5
• the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden Gen 2:8
• plant them, that they may dwell 2 Sam 7:10 (1 Chr 17:9)
• those that be planted in the house of the LORD Ps 92:13
• that our sons may be as a plant grown up in Ps 144:12

• a time to plant and a time to pluck up that Eccl 3:2
• therefore shalt thou plant pleasant plants Isa 17:10
• he shall grow up before him as a tender plant Isa 53:2
• Trees of righteousness. The planting of the LORD Isa 61:3
• planted together in the likeness of his death Rom 6:5
• I have planted, Apollos watered: but God gave 1 Cor 3:6
Giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment. To enjoy or to be happy, satisfied, having a sense of
fulfilment and peace in one's body, soul and spirit.
• to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight Gen 2:9
• was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired Gen 3:6
• how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together Ps 133:1
• sing praise unto his name; for it is pleasant Ps 135:3
• heart and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul Prov 2:10
• but the words of the pure are pleasant words Prov 15:26
• pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the Prov 16:24
• therefore shalt thou plant pleasant plants Isa 17:10
Cause to feel happy or satisfied about something. DTP It is important to to be thankful for all the Lord
has done for us. We also need to be satisfied for what the Lord has done and is doing for us and
through us.
• peradventure it will please God that thou Num 23:27
• and the things pleased the children of Israel Josh 22:33
• pleased the LORD, that Solomon had asked 1 Kin 3:10
• when a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh Prov 16:7
• LORD is well pleased for his righteousness' sake Isa 42:21
• this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased Matt 3:17 (17:5; Mark 1:11; Luke 3:22; 2 Pet 1:17)
• they that are in the flesh cannot please God Rom 8:8
• and not to please ourselves. Rom 15:1
• For even Christ pleased not himself; Rom 15:3
• pleased God by the foolishness of preaching 1 Cor 1:21
• but with many of them God was not well pleased 1 Cor 10:5
• do I seek to please men? for if I yet please men Gal 1:10
• it pleased the Father that in him should all Col 1:19
• ye ought to walk and to please God, so you would 1 Thes 4:1
• but without faith it is impossible to please him Heb 11:6
• for with such sacrifices God is well pleased Heb 13:16
• do those things that are pleasing in his sight 1 John 3:22
To feel happiness, satisfaction, enjoyment, a fulfilling of one's wishes or desires. DTP One needs to be
very careful what we seek after because the enemy of our soul desires us to focus on and seek the
pleasures of this world. We must remember that pleasures are fleeting and one day they will all pass
away; only those treasures that we lay up in heaven will last.
• the heart and has pleasure in uprightness 1 Chr 29:17
• confession unto the LORD ... and do his pleasure Ezra 10:11
• at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore Ps 16:11
• the LORD taketh pleasure in them that fear him Ps 147:11
• he that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man Prov 21:17
• pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand Isa 53:10
• I have no pleasure in you, saith the LORD Mal 1:10
• choked with cares and riches and pleasures Luke 8:14
• Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom Luke 12:32
• not only do the same, but have pleasure in them Rom 1:32
• according to the good pleasure of his will Eph 1:5

• both to will and to do of his good pleasure Phil 2:13
• lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God 2 Tim 3:4
• than to enjoy the pleasure of sin for a season Heb 11:25
• and for thy pleasure they are and were created Rev 4:11
A solemn promise. Something given to secure a future payment, like a promissory note. Another
example of a pledge is the wedding ring, representing the earthly bond that a couple has until death
parts them. DTP The Old Testament gives many guidelines concerning how people are to make
pledges one to another. In the New Testament Christ gives disciples the Holy Spirit as a pledge of the
promise He has made to us.
• she said, wilt thou give me a pledge Gen 38:17
• give pledge to my lord the king 2 Kin 18:23
• for thou hast taken a pledge from thy Job 22:8
• hath restored to the debtor his pledge Eze 18:7
plow / plough
A device used to turn or break up the soil for planting. Plows can be pulled by draught animals or tractors.
DTP The Bible is also like a plow that breaks up the fallow ground of our hearts so the good seed of
the Gospel of Christ Jesus can be planted, grow, and produce fruit.
• thou shalt not plow with an ox and an ass Deut 22:10
• which a yoke of oxen might plow 1 Sam 14:14
• Elisha ... was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen 1 Kin 19:19
• I have seen, they that plow iniquity Job 4:8
• the plowers plowed upon my back: they made Ps 129:3
• sluggard will not plow by reason of ... cold Prov 20:4
• the plowing of the wicked, is sin Prov 21:4
• doth the plowman plow all day to sow Isa 28:24
• Zion shall be plowed like a field Jer 26:18 (Mic 3:12)
• put his hand to the plow and looking back Luke 9:62
• he that ploweth should plow in hope 1 Cor 9:10
This is the steal blade of a plow that cuts a furrow into the ground. The Scriptures tell us that one day
man's swords and spears will be turned into plowshares; there will be no more need for weapons.
The time of killing one another will be over.
• shall beat their swords into plowshares Isa 2:4
• beat your plowshares into swords and your Joel 3:10
• shall beat their swords into plowshares Mic 4:3
This is a device made up of a small piece of metal or weight suspended from a string. It is used to
determine the vertical on an upright surface; it can also be used to test a right angle.
• stood upon a wall made by a plumbline Amos 7:7
• and I said, a plumbline Amos 7:8
The branch of Christian theology concerned with the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Pneuma is Greek for
The practice of having more than one spouse at the same time. In many countries polygamy is against
the law, but there are countries and religious group who still practice polygamy.
The belief in and the worship of more than one God.
A person who has very little money or possessions. They live below the average standard of the general
public, often being without a job. In severe cases, they may struggle to find food and clothing or even
a place to sleep. DTP Disciples of Christ and the church are to have concern for the poor, and to help

them where they can. It is also part of the ministry of the deacon to help the poor, the sick and the
widows of our communities.
• that the poor of thy people may eat Ex 23:11
• thou shalt leave them for the poor Lev 19:10
• in his pride doth persecute the poor Ps 10:2
• but I am poor and needy Ps 40:17 (70:5; 86:1; 109:22)
• I am poor and sorrowful; let thy salvation Ps 69:29
• stand at the right hand of the poor Ps 109:31
• he that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he Prov 14:21
• whoso mocketh the poor reproacheth his Maker Prov 17:5
• better is the poor that walketh in his integrity Prov 19:1
• and a poor man is better than a liar Prov 19:22
• he that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man Prov 21:17
• and plead the cause of the poor Pro 31:9
• poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One Isa 29:19
• to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit Isa 66:2
• by showing mercy to the poor; if it may Dan 4:27
• blessed are the poor in spirit Matt 5:3 (Luke 6:20)
• the poor have the gospel preached to Matt 11:5 (Luke 7:22)
• for you have the poor always with you Matt 26:11 (Mark 14:7; John 12:8)
• give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: Mark 10:21
• And there came a certain poor widow, Mark 12:42
• anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor Luke 4:18
• but when thou makest a feast, call the poor Luke 14:13
• The half of my goods I give to the poor; Luke 19:8
• he should give something to the poor John 13:29
• a certain contribution for the poor saints Rom 15:26
• yet for your sakes he became poor 2 Cor 8:9
• they would that we should remember the poor Gal 2:10
• hath not God chosen the poor of this James 2:5
• thou art wretched and miserable and poor Rev 3:17
The state of owning, or to have power over something or someone; having; to inherit or to take upon
oneself. DTP Sometimes evil spirits can come in and possess people, controlling their thinking and
• I will give it unto you to possess it Lev 20:24
• possess it, as the LORD God of thy Deut 1:21
• LORD thy God giveth thee to possess it Deut 19:2
• wilt not thou possess that which Judg 11:24
• that they should go in to possess it Neh 9:23
• I give tithes of all that I possess Luke 18:12
• as having nothing and yet possessing all things 2 Cor 6:10
• to possess his vessel in sanctification 1 Thes 4:4
possessed / possession
Taken control of by a "witch spirit" (evil spirit) or by a demon of the underworld. To lose ownership or
power over oneself to another being. DTP Part of the ministry of Jesus and the disciples was to cast
out these evil spirits from people, the purpose being to set the captive free from this type of bondage.
• and those which were possessed with devils Matt 4:24
• there met him two possessed with devils, coming out Matt 8:28
• to him a dumb man possessed with a devil Matt 9:32
• brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind Matt 12:22
• see him that was possessed with the devil Mark 5:15
• was possessed of the devils was healed Luke 8:36
• a certain damsel possessed with a spirit Acts 16:16

The ability to bring to completion; within the power of someone to make happen. DTP Do we as disciples
believe that all things are possible through Christ Jesus? The key is to seek God and His will, hear from
Him, and then have the faith and ability to do all that he has called you to do.
• God all things are possible Matt 19:26 (Mark 10:27; Luke 18:27)
• if it were possible, they shall deceive Matt 24:24 (Mark 13:22)
• all things are possible to him that believeth Mark 9:23
• Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee Mark 14:36
• if it be possible ... live peaceably with all men Rom 12:18
post millennialism
The doctrine that holds to the teaching that the world will get progressively better as a result of the
Gospel of Christ and that, after a millennium of blessedness, Christ will come for His church.
post tribulation
This is a teaching that there will be a combined resurrection / rapture of all believers following the seven
year tribulation period, which will be a great time of pain and sorrow sent by God upon the earth.
post tribulation (unspec. comp. form of Tribulation Doctrine)
This is a teaching that there will be a combined resurrection / rapture of all believers following the seven
year tribulation period, which will be a great time of pain and sorrow sent by God upon the earth.
This is like a bowl of soup or stew that is thick with vegetables and meat; an easily made and inexpensive
meal. Esau sold his birth right to Jacob for just a bowl of soup (Gen 25:29).
• and Jacob sod pottage Gen 25:29
• gave Esau bread and pottage of lentils Gen 25:34
• and shred them into the pot of pottage 2 Kin 4:39
A person who makes pots and dishes out of baked clay; these are often made by hand on a spinning
table and placed in a furnace to be cured. This process makes them ready for service. DTP Jesus is the
potter and we are the clay; He desires to make us into vessels that will be used for His service and for
His glory.
• them in pieces like a potter's vessel Ps 2:9 (Rev 2:27)
• shall be esteemed as the potter's clay Isa 29:16
• mortar and as the potter treadeth clay Isa 41:25
• we are the clay and thou our potter Isa 64:8
• arise and go down to the potter's house Jer 18:2
• seemed good to the potter to make it Jer 18:4
• the work of the hands of the potter Lam 4:2
• hath not the potter power over the clay Rom 9:21
• as the vessels of a potter shall they Rev 2:27
Force or authority; having influence or control over another person's actions or behaviours. God is all-
powerful. DTP The Holy Spirit comes into the disciple with power and authority, giving them the ability
to overcome the strongholds of this world and the sins in our lives.
• ye know that with all my power I have Gen 31:6
• thee up, for to shew in thee my power Ex 9:16 (Ex 9:16)
• brought forth out of ... Egypt with great power Ex 32:11
• and brought thee out ... with his mighty power Deut 4:37
• God is my strength and power 2 Sam 22:33
• thou hast redeemed by thy great power Neh 1:10
• so we will sing and praise thy power Ps 21:13
• voice of the LORD is powerful ... full of majesty Ps 29:4
• will redeem my soul from the power of the grave Ps 49:15
• he might make his mighty power to be known Ps 106:8
• great is our LORD and of great power Ps 147:5
• life are in the power of the tongue Prov 18:21

• He giveth power to the faint Isa 40:29
• by my great power and my outstretched arm Jer 27:5
• I am full of power by the Spirit of the LORD Mic 3:8
• is slow to anger and great in power Nah 1:3
• not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit Zech 4:6
• thine is the kingdom and the power Matt 6:13
• hath power on earth to forgive sins Matt 9:6 (Mark 2:10; Luke 5:24)
• all power is given unto me in heaven Matt 28:18
• have seen the kingdom of God come with power. Mark 9:1
• Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. Mark 13:26
• and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, Mark 14:62
• Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Luke 4:14
• the power of the Lord was present to heal them Luke 5:17
• they were all amazed at the mighty power of God Luke 9:43
• I will give unto you power to tread on serpents Luke 10:19
• After he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; Luke 12:5
• them gave he power to become the sons of God John 1:12
• I have power to lay it down and I have power to John 10:18
• As thou hast given him power over all flesh, John 17:2
• but ye shall receive power, after that the Acts 1:8
• and Stephen, full of faith and power, did great Acts 6:8
• anointed ... with the Holy Ghost and with power Acts 10:38
• and declared to be the Son of God with power Rom 1:4
• it is the power of God unto salvation to every Rom 1:6
• not the potter power over the clay Rom 9:21
• in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost Rom 15:13
• and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God Rom 15:19
• now to him that is of power to stablish you Rom 16:25
• us which are saved, it is the power of God 1 Cor 1:18
• but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power 1 Cor 2:4
• in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God 1 Cor 2:5
• of God is not in word but in power 1 Cor 4:20
• and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Cor 5:4
• charge, that I abuse not my power in the Gospel 1 Cor 9:18
• word of truth, by the power of God 2 Cor 6:7
• that the power of Christ may rest upon me 2 Cor 12:9
• what is the exceeding greatness of his power Eph 1:19
• far above all principality and power and might Eph 1:21
• unto me the effectual working of his power Eph 3:7
• according to the power that worketh Eph 3:20
• strong in the Lord and in the power of his might Eph 6:10
• against principalities, against powers Eph 6:12
• the power of his resurrection and the Phil 3:10
• all might, according to his gracious power Col 1:11
• hath delivered us from the power of darkness Col 1:13
• unto you in word only, but also in power 1 Thes 1:5
• and the work of faith with power 2 Thes 1:11
• spirit of fear; but of power and of love 2 Tim 1:7
• gospel according to the power of God 2 Tim 1:8
• having a form of godliness, but denying the power 2 Tim 3:5
• upholding all things by the word of his power Heb 1:3
• word of God is quick and powerful and sharper Heb 4:12
• are kept by the power of God through faith 1 Pet 1:5
• as his divine power hath given unto us all 2 Pet 1:3

• be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen Jude 1:25
• to him I will give power over the nations Rev 2:26
• worthy is the Lamb ... to receive power Rev 5:12
Habitual actions, course of conduct, something we do over and over again through repetition so that we
may become more proficient. It is to gain or to perfect a skill. DTP Disciples need to practice until their
words and actions line up as one, becoming a natural part of their daily lives.
• to practise wicked works with men that Ps 141:4
• to practise hypocrisy and to utter error Isa 32:6
To extol with word or song, to give thanks through one's mouth or through one's actions (examples:
dance or giving of a gift). It can be used to honour both people and God for what they may have done
for us. The book of Psalms is a praise book that honors the One True God. The book of Revelation tells
us that, in the end times, we will be challenged as to whom we will ascribe praise... the antichrist or
the Lamb of God.
• she said, now will I praise the LORD Gen 29:35
• call on the LORD, who is worthy to be praised 2 Sam 22:4
• and I will sing praise unto thy name 2 Sam 22:50 (Ps 18:49)
• LORD and greatly to be praised 1 Chr 16:25 (Ps 48:1; 96:4)
• thousand praise the LORD with the instruments 1 Chr 23:5
• we thank thee and praise thy glorious name 1 Chr 29:13
• of the sinners and songs of praise Neh 12:46
• I will praise thee, O LORD, with my Ps 9:1 (138:1)
• exalted ... so will we sing and praise thy power Ps 21:13
• of the congregation will I praise thee Ps 22:22
• praise the LORD with harp: sing unto him with Ps 33:2
• his praise shall continually be in my mouth Ps 34:1
• sing praise to God, sing praise: sing praise unto our King Ps 47:6
• in God I will praise his word, in God I have put Ps 56:4
• that men would praise the LORD Ps 107:8 (107:15, 21, 31)
• from the rising ... LORD'S name is to be praised Ps 113:3
• I will praise thee with uprightness of heart Ps 119:7
• praise ye the LORD Ps 150:1
• let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD Ps 150:6
• walls Salvation and thy gates Praise Isa 60:18
• praise ye the LORD; for he hath delivered the Jer 20:13
• praise the LORD of hosts; for the LORD is good Jer 33:11
• be satisfied and praise the name of the LORD Joel 2:26
• a multitude of the heavenly host praised God Luke 2:13
• praise God with a loud voice for all Luke 19:37
• loved the praises of men more than the praises of God John 12:43
• the temple, walking and leaping and praising God Acts 3:8
• Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God Acts 16:25
• praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles Rom 15:11
• whose praise is in the gospel throughout all 2 Cor 8:18
• if there be any praise, think on these things Phil 4:8
• church will I sing praise unto thee Heb 2:12
• let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God Heb 13:15
• Jesus Christ, to whom be praise 1 Pet 4:11
• saying, praise our God, all ye his servants Rev 19:5
pray / praying / prayed
Addressing a heartfelt entreaty or expression of thanks or praise to God. To personally communicate
one's feelings, emotions and needs to God Almighty. Prayer is offered with the hope that things will
change or that an answer will come for one's own life or for the lives of others.

• so Abraham prayed unto God Gen 20:17
• when Moses prayed unto the LORD, the Num 11:2
• I prayed for Aaron also the same time Deut 9:20
• for this child I prayed 1 Sam 1:27
• and confess thy name and pray 1 Kin 8:33 (2 Chr 6:24)
• made an end of praying all this prayer 1 Kin 8:54
• I pray thee, O LORD my God, be on me 1 Chr 21:17
• humble themselves and pray and seek my 2 Chr 7:14
• when Ezra had prayed and when he had confessed Ezra 10:1
• mourned certain days and fasted and prayed Neh 1:4
• make request? So I prayed to the God of heaven Neh 2:4
• for unto thee will I pray Ps 5:2
• for this shall every one that is godly pray Ps 32:6
• and morning and at noon, will I pray Ps 55:17
• pray for the peace of Jerusalem Ps 122:6
• I prayed unto the LORD, saying Jer 32:16
• saying, Pray now unto the LORD our God for us Jer 37:3
• he kneeled ... three times a day and prayed Dan 6:10
• I prayed unto the LORD ... and made my confession Dan 9:4
• the Jonah prayed unto the LORD his God out of Jonah 2:1
• pray for them which despitefully use Matt 5:44 (Luke 6:28)
• pray to the Father which is in heaven Matt 6:6
• after this manner therefore pray ye Matt 6:9 (Luke 11:2)
• pray ye ... the Lord of the harvest, that Matt 9:38 (Luke 10:2)
• watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation Matt 26:41 (Mark 14:38; Luke 22:40, 46)
• and when ye stand praying, forgive, if Mark 11:25
• watch and pray: for ye know not when the time Mark 13:33
• that men ought always to pray and not faint Luke 18:1
• I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not Luke 22:32
• I will pray the Father and he shall give John 14:16
• I pray for them John 17:9
• and when they had prayed, the place was Acts 4:31
• and when they had prayed they laid hands Acts 6:6
• pray for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost Acts 8:15
• Peter went up upon the housetop to pray Acts 10:9
• many were gathered together praying Acts 12:12
• when they had fasted and prayed and laid their Acts 13:3
• and kneeled down on the shore and prayed Acts 21:5
• for we know not what we should pray for as Rom 8:26
• I will pray with the spirit and I 1 Cor 14:15
• now I pray to God that you do no evil 2 Cor 13:7
• praying always with all prayer and Eph 6:18
• pray, that your love may abound yet more Phil 1:9
• Jesus Christ, praying always for you Col 1:3
• pray also for us, that God would open unto us a Col 4:3
• pray without ceasing 1 Thes 5:17
• I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body 1 Thes 5:23
• brethren, pray for us 1 Thes 5:25 (2 Thes 3:1)
• I will therefore that men pray every where 1 Tim 2:8
• pray for us Heb 13:18
• is any among you afflicted? let him pray James 5:13
• elders of the church; and let the pray over James 5:14
• pray one for another, that ye may be James 5:16
• holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost Jude 1:20

Entreaty, appeal, request, plea to God for an answer or a change to take place in one's life or in the lives
of others. There are different kinds of prayers, but all are focused and spoken to God Almighty Himself
with the hope that He will do and bring about a sought-after change. DTP The disciples asked Christ
to teach them how to pray, and as a result of their request Jesus taught what we know today as the
Lord's Prayer. Matthew 6:9 After this manner therefore pray ye...
• heart to pray this prayer unto thee 2 Sam 7:27
• respect unto the prayer of thy servant 1 Kin 8:28
• LORD said ... I have heard thy prayer 1 Kin 9:3 (2 Chr 7:12)
• mayest hear the prayer of thy servant Neh 1:6
• have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer Ps 4:1
• will I direct my prayer unto thee Ps 5:3
• my supplication; the LORD will receive my prayer Ps 6:9
• hear my prayer, O LORD and give ear unto my cry Ps 39:12
• hear my prayer, O God Ps 54:2
• but as for me, my prayer is unto thee, O LORD Ps 69:13
• give hear, O LORD, unto my prayer Ps 86:6
• he heareth the prayer of the righteous Prov 15:29
• an house of prayer for all people Isa 56:7 (Matt 21:13; Mark 11:17; Luke 19:46)
• my face unto the LORD God, to seek by prayer Dan 9:3
• this kind goeth not out but by prayer Matt 17:21 (Mark 9:29)
• whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer Matt 21:22
• served God with fasting and prayer night and day Luke 2:37
• My house is the house of prayer Luke 19:46
• all continued with one accord in prayer and Acts 1:14
• and in breaking of bread, and in prayers Acts 2:42
• give ourselves continually to prayer Acts 6:4
• mention of you always in my prayers Rom 1:9 (Eph 1:16; 1 Thes 1:2; Phlm 1:4)
• in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer Rom 12:12
• striving together with me in your prayer to God Rom 15:30
• give yourselves to fasting and prayer 1 Cor 7:5
• praying always with all prayer Eph 6:18
• shall turn to my salvation through your prayer Phil 1:19
• but in every thing by prayer and Phil 4:6
• labouring fervently for you in prayers Col 4:12
• by the word of God and prayer 1 Tim 4:5
• supplications and prayers night and day 1 Tim 5:5
• I have remembrance of thee in my prayer 2 Tim 1:3
• prayer of faith shall save the James 5:15
• the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man James 5:16
• that your prayers be not hindered 1 Pet 3:7
• odours, which are the prayers of the saints Rev 5:8
pre tribulation (unspec. comp. form of Tribulation Doctrine)
This is the teaching that the church of Jesus Christ will be raptured away before the seven-year
tribulation period, a great time of pain and sorrow sent by God upon the earth. It is thought that, just
like Noah was taken out before the great flood, the church also will be removed.
preach / preached / preaching
To lecture, advocate, urge, talk; to deliver a sermon; to proclaim a truth or teaching to a group of people.
DTP Disciples are to be preachers or proclaimers of the Good News. In the New Testament preaching
most often took the form of evangelism outside the church; disciples met primarily in house churches
where teaching occurred.
• to preach of thee at Jerusalem Neh 6:7
• I have preached righteousness in the Ps 40:9
• the words of the preacher, the son of David Eccl 1:1

• to preach good tidings unto the meek Isa 61:1 (Luke 4:18)
• go ... preach unto it preaching that I bid thee Jonah 3:2
• from that time Jesus began to preach Matt 4:17
• preach the gospel of the kingdom ... healing Matt 4:23
• preach saying. The kingdom of heaven is at hand Matt 10:7
• in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops Matt 10:27
• to teach and to preach in their cities Matt 11:1
• poor have the gospel preached to them Matt 11:5 (Luke 7:22)
• they repented at the preaching of Jonas Matt 12:41 (Luke 11:32)
• preached in all the world for a witness Matt 24:14
• gathered together ... he preached the word unto them Mark 2:2
• world and preach the gospel to every creature Mark 16:15
• and they went forth and preached every where Mark 16:20
• me to preach the gospel to the poor Luke 4:18
• I must preach the kingdom of God to Luke 4:43
• remission of sins should be preached Luke 24:47
• and preach through Jesus the resurrection from Acts 4:2
• they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ Acts 5:42
• scattered abroad went every where preached the word Acts 8:4
• the city of Samaria and preached Christ unto them Acts 8:5
• he preached Christ in synagogues, that he is the Acts 9:20
• is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins Acts 13:38
• called us for to preach the gospel unto them Acts 16:10
• he preached unto them Jesus and the resurrection Acts 17:18
• preached the kingdom of God and teaching Acts 28:31
• I am ready to preach the gospel to you Rom 1:15
• is, the word of faith, which we preach Rom 10:8
• how shall they hear without a preacher Rom 10:14
• and how shall they preach, except they be sent? Rom 10:15
• unto Illyricum. I have fully preached the gospel Rom 15:19
• so have I strived to preach the gospel Rom 15:20
• to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ Rom 16:25
• preaching of the cross is to them that parish 1 Cor 1:18
• pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save 1 Cor 1:21
• but we preach Christ crucified, unto 1 Cor 1:23
• my preaching was not with enticing words of man's 1 Cor 2:4
• which preach the gospel should live of the gospel 1 Cor 9:14
• woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel! 1 Cor 9:16
• we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus 2 Cor 4:5
• preach an other gospel unto you than Gal 1:8
• that I might preach him among the heathen Gal 1:16
• or in truth Christ is preached Phil 1:18
• whom we preach, warning every man and Col 1:28
• ordained a preacher and an apostle 1 Tim 2:7 (2 Tim 1:11)
• preach the word; be instant in season, out of 2 Tim 4:2
• that by me the preaching might be fully known 2 Tim 4:17
• manifested his word through preaching Tit 1:3
• that have preached the gospel unto you with 1 Pet 1:12
• the word which by the gospel is preached unto you 1 Pet 1:25
• for this cause was the gospel preached also to them 1 Pet 4:6
• but saved Noah ... a preacher of righteousness 2 Pet 2:5
• having the everlasting gospel to preach unto Rev 14:6

To have great value, to be loved or treasured, not to be wasted or treated carelessly. DTP To God we are
of great value; this is why the Father sent His son to die on the cross, redeeming us from sin and death.
We are all individually precious to the Father; that is why, individually, we must accept him personally
and let him accomplish his will in our lives.
• for the precious things of heaven, for the dew Deut 33:13
• word of the LORD was precious in those days 1 Sam 3:1
• the redemption of their soul is precious Ps 49:8
• precious in the sight of the LORD is the death Ps 116:15
• goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed Ps 126:6
• I lay in Zion ... a precious corner stone Isa 28:16
• trial of your faith, being much more precious 1 Pet 1:7
• with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb 1 Pet 1:19
• disallowed ... of men, but chosen of God and precious 1 Pet 2:4
• that have obtained like precious faith with us 2 Pet 1:1
• given unto us exceeding great and precious promises 2 Pet 1:4
predestine / predestination
The divine foreordaining (not just foreknowing) of all that will happen, especially regarding salvation. A
destiny, fate, pre-determined destination, to decide or decree beforehand. Particularly associated
with the teachings of Calvin.
• he also did predestinate to be conformed to Rom 8:29
• moreover whom he did predestinate, them he Rom 8:30
• having predestinated us unto the adoption of Eph 1:5
• being predestinated according to the purpose of him Eph 1:11
pre-existence of Christ
This idea teaches that, before Christ was born in the flesh, He already existed. Even before the time of
Jesse, David's father, and even before the creation of the earth, He existed as One Person of the triune
God, without beginning or end. Christ, as God, is the omnipotent One who created man in His image
and then created a plan for the redemption of mankind. See Colossians 1:15-20
This a term describes who Christ was before He became flesh and blood here on earth. The prefix "pre"
means before.
• The belief that Jesus will literally and physically return to the earth before Christ's reign for 1000 years
during a golden age of peace. This doctrine teaches that the church will be raptured before the
tribulation and that God will focus on redeeming the children of Israel. Christ will then return and
rescue Israel and set up the millennium kingdom. This teaching set up a clear distinction between the
Church and Israel.
To make something ready for use. DTP Disciples are new creations, in the process of sanctification.
Salvation brings us to a personal relationship with Christ while sanctification gets us ready to stand in
the presence of God.
• is my God and I will prepare him a habitation Ex 15:2
• prepare your hearts unto the LORD and serve 1 Sam 7:3
• yet the people had not prepared their hearts 2 Chr 20:33
• that prepareth his heart to seek God, the LORD God 2 Chr 30:19
• humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt Ps 10:17
• thou preparest a table before me in the presence of Ps 23:5
• the LORD hath prepared his throne in the heavens Ps 103:19
• prepare the way of the Isa 40:3 (Matt 3:3; Mark 1:3; Luke 3:4)
• what he hath prepared for him that Isa 64:4
• to make ready a people prepared for the Lord Luke 1:17
• have told you. I go to prepare a place for you John 14:2
• which God hath prepared for them that love him 1 Cor 2:9

• sanctified ... and prepared unto every good work 2 Tim 2:21
• prepared as a bride adorned for her husband Rev 21:2
This is a form of church government used in the Presbyterian and Reform churches. It is a Christian
church where the authority of leadership belongs to elders.
A body of elders in the Christian church (1 Tim chapter 4). This body may consist of pastors, ruling elders,
and layman. These people are commissioned to lead and guide the church and, as a group, form the
local church presbytery.
Immediate proximity in time and space; close to, nearby. DTP We are called to come into the presence
of God to draw near to Him. At Christ's death the veil was rent in two, allowing us to come into the
presence of God in the Holy of Holies. God desires a close and personal relationship with all people,
but disciples must intentionally draw close to Him through prayer and commitment.
• hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God Gen 3:8
• and Cain went out from the presence of the LORD Gen 4:16
• my presence shall go with thee and I will give Ex 33:14
• trees ... sing out at the presence of the LORD 1 Chr 16:33
• Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD Job 1:12
• path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy Ps 16:11
• prepare a table ... in the presence of mine enemies Ps 23:5
• cast me not away from thy presence; and take not Ps 51:11
• let us come before his presence with thanksgiving Ps 95:2
• come before his presence with singing Ps 100:2
• I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God Luke 1:19
• joy in the presence of the angels of God over one Luke 15:10
• times of refreshing ... from the presence of the Lord Acts 3:19
• that no flesh should glory in his presence 1 Cor 1:29
• present you faultless before the presence of his Jude 1:24
• presence of the holy angels and ... presence of the Lamb Rev 14:10
To give as a gift, to hand over to someone. DTP The disciple must present himself totally to Christ as an
offering of thanksgiving for what He has done for us on the cross. He gave to us so that we, in turn,
could present ourselves back to Him.
• him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord Luke 2:22
• that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice Rom 12:1
• may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ 2 Cor 11:2
• might present it to himself a glorious church Eph 5:27
• present you holy ... unblameable and unreproveable Col 1:22
• we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus Col 1:28
• to present you faultless before the presence of Jude 1:24
To keep for a period of time; maintain something in its original or existing state. DTP Nothing is secure
unless it is put in the hands of our Lord Jesus Christ. He preserves us and keeps unto himself and will
one day call us into His very presence. We can keep nothing, but we can entrust our lives totally into
His loving hands.
• seen God face to face and my life is preserved Gen 32:30
• for God did send me before you to preserve life Gen 45:5
• for our good always, that he might preserve us Deut 6:24
• preserve us in all the ways wherein we went Josh 24:17
• preserve me, O God: for in thee do I but my trust Ps 16:1
• let integrity and uprightness preserve me Ps 25:21
• hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble Ps 32:7
• O God ... preserve my life from fear of the enemy Ps 64:1

• hate evil: he preserves the souls of his saints Ps 97:10
• the LORD preserves the simple: I was brought low Ps 116:6
• LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in Ps 121:8
• the LORD preserves all them that love him Ps 145:20
• discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall Prov 2:11
• he that keepeth his way preserves his soul Prov 16:17
• I will preserve thee and give thee for a covenant Isa 49:8
• into new bottles and both are preserved Matt 9:17 (Luke 5:38)
• whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it Luke 17:33
• be preserved blameless unto the coming of our 1 Thes 5:23
• will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom 2 Tim 4:18
• that are sanctified ... and preserved in Jesus Christ Jude 1:1
This is the teaching that the church of Jesus Christ will be raptured away before the seven year tribulation
period, a great time of pain and sorrow sent by God upon the earth. It is thought that, just like Noah
was taken out before the great flood, the church also will be removed.
To be more powerful or superior, to be strong against one's opponents. Proving to be more powerful
than opposing forces. DTP Satan is trying to destroy the disciples of Christ and the Church but, because
of the blood of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, he cannot win (prevail) or overcome us or the
church. "Greater is he that is in us then he that is in the world." (See 1 John 4:4)
• Moses held up his hands, that Israel prevailed Ex 17:11
• our God; let not man prevail against thee 2 Chr 14:11
• the gates of hell shall not prevail against it Matt 16:18
• so mightily grew the word of God and prevailed Acts 19:20
• root of David, hath prevailed to open the book Rev 5:5
Deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements or qualities. A person of pride thinks
too highly about himself; he is inwardly focused and driven mostly by his own personal goals and
wants. The Bible teaches that a pride-filled heart can, and will, lead a person to destruction.
• I will break the pride of your power Lev 26:19
• himself for the pride of his heart 2 Chr 32:26
• the wicked in his pride Ps 10:2
• pride and arrogancy and the evil way Prov 8:13
• pride goeth before destruction and an Prov 16:18
• the pride of thine heart hath Obad 1:3
• an evil eye, blasphemy, pride Mark 7:22
• the pride of life, is not of the 1 John 2:16
In the Old and New Testament the priest was a man who functioned as a pastor or minister; he helped
lead, guide and nurture the people and ministered at the temple. He was to be called by God for
service; He was responsible for making sacrifices on behalf of the people as well as for himself. There
were various levels of the priesthood, but in all cases they were to be God's representatives and
servants. Today the word is used mainly in describing the pastors of the Roman Catholic or Orthodox
• he was the priest of the most high God Gen 14:18
• the holy garments for Aaron the priest Ex 31:10
• and the priest shall make atonement for them Lev 4:20
• the priest shall make an atonement for Lev 6:7
• the priest whom he shall anoint and ... consecrate Lev 16:32
• the priests shall blow with the Josh 6:4
• I will raise me up a faithful priest 1 Sam 2:35
• without the true God ... without a teaching priest 2 Chr 15:3
• priest and the Levites were purified together Ezra 6:20

• priest for ever after the order Ps 110:4 (Heb 5:6; 7:17, 21)
• but ye shall be named the Priests of the LORD Isa 61:6
• reward and the priest thereof teach for hire Mic 3:11
• go thy way, shew thyself to the priest Matt 8:4
• of John, when the Jews sent priests John 1:19
• but being high priest that year John 11:51
• High Priest of our profession, Christ Heb 3:1
• then that we have a great high priest Heb 4:14
• like unto the Son ... abideth a priest continually Heb 7:3
• sanctuary by the high priest for sin Heb 13:11
• made us unto our God kings and priests Rev 5:10
In the Old and New Testament, the office or position to which a man was called by God. His
responsibilities were in many ways like those of a pastor or minister today, leading, guiding, and
nurturing the people. Men who served in the priesthood were responsible to make sacrifices on behalf
of the people and themselves. There was various levels of the priesthood, but in all cases they were
to be God's representatives, serving the people.
• priesthood throughout their generations Ex 40:15
• the covenant of an everlasting priesthood Num 25:13
• for the priesthood of the LORD is their Josh 18:7
• because they have defiled the priesthood Neh 13:29
• who receive the office of the priesthood Heb 7:5
• are built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood 1 Pet 2:5
• a chosen generation, a royal priesthood 1 Pet 2:9
A male member of the royal family, a son of the king and queen, a person of high standing. A girl who
was of the royal family was known as a princess.
• thou art a mighty prince among us Gen 23:6
• God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace Isa 9:6
• by Beelzebub the prince of the devils Matt 12:24
• now shall the prince of this world be cast out John 12:31
• for the prince of this world cometh John 14:30
• and killed the Prince of life, whom God Acts 3:15
• hath God exalted ... to be Prince and a Saviour Acts 5:31
• according to the prince of the power Eph 2:2
Prince of Peace
A name, title and position ascribed to Jesus Christ; it describes his role in both heaven and earth. DTP If
we, as disciples, desire peace in our hearts, we must go to the Prince of Peace who can give us a peace
that passes all understanding. Men today see all manner of ways to attain peace instead of turning
their lives over completely to Christ as Lord and Saviour, the true and only Prince of Peace.
• Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace Isa 9:6
The territory or jurisdiction or position over which a prince may rule. Satan is called the prince of this
world and his domain and power is over the peoples of this world, but Christ came to defeat his plan
through His plan of redemption; He then sends forth His disciples as ambassadors to help set the
captive free from Satan's strongholds here on earth.
• for your principalities shall come down, even Jer 13:18
• nor life, nor angels, nor principalities Rom 8:38
• far above all principality and power, and Eph 1:21
• to the intent that now unto the principalities Eph 3:10
• not against flesh and blood, but against principalities Eph 6:12
• be thrones, or dominions, or principalities Col 1:16
• in him, which is the head of all principality Col 2:10
• and having spoiled principalities and powers, he Col 2:15

• put them in mind to be subject to principality and Tit 3:1
Penitentiary, reformatory, a confined area, a jail; a place where people are legally held because of a
crime they committed. DTP The disciple can find himself imprisoned by his thoughts and daily habits.
Christ has come to set the captive free. A vital relationship to Christ Jesus and the power of the Holy
Spirit can open prison doors and break any chain that shackles us, whether it's to the enemy or to an
evil world.
• Joseph's master ... put him into the prison Gen 39:20
• put this fellow in the prison 1 Kin 22:27 (2 Chr 18:26)
• bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise Ps 142:7
• to bring out the prisoners from the prison Isa 42:7
• the opening of the prison to them that are bound Ps 61:1
• that John was cast into prison Matt 4:12 (Mark 1:14)
• cast him into prison, till he should pay the debt Matt 18:30
• visited me: I was in prison and ye came upon me Matt 25:36
• apostles and put them in the common prison Acts 5:18
• but the angel ... by night opened the prison doors Acts 5:19
• Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer Acts 12:5
• how the Lord had brought him out of the prison Acts 12:17
• and many of the saints did I shut up in prison Acts 26:10
• went and preached unto the spirits in prison 1 Pet 3:19
Prison Epistles
These are the books or epistles of Paul that were written during the time while he was in Roman prisons.
A person who has been placed under arrest or has been locked up in jail as a punishment for crimes
committed. A prisoner could also be someone who has been captured by enemy soldiers. DTP The
disciple needs to be very careful not to become a prisoner, either of Satan or of this world. Our actions
can bind and imprison us spiritually. Christ has come to set the prisoner free, to take us from death
and bondage, to life and freedom.
• against Israel and took some of them prisoner Num 21:1
• food to the hungry. The LORD looseth the prisoner Ps 146:7
• to bring out the prisoner from the prison Isa 42:7
• to release unto the people a prisoner Matt 27:15
• Paul the prisoner called me unto him, and Acts 23:18
• the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Eph 3:1
• I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you Eph 4:1
• of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner 2 Tim 1:8
• now also a prisoner of Jesus Christ Philemon 1:9
To speak out, to tell others, to make something known publicly, to make an official statement concerning
a specific subject or event. DTP The disciple is called to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.
Disciples are to be bold in faith, telling others of God's great love and forgiveness.
• I will proclaim the name of the LORD Ex 33:19
• stood with him ... and proclaimed the name of the LORD Ex 34:5
• LORD passed by before him and proclaimed Ex 34:6
• which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations Lev 23:2
• proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all Lev 25:10
• proclaim in the ears of the people Judg 7:3
• but the heart of fools proclaimeth foolishness Prov 12:23
• to proclaim liberty to the captives and Isa 61:1
• to proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD Isa 61:2
• gate of the LORD'S house ... proclaim there this word Jer 7:2
• shall be proclaimed upon the housetops Luke 12:3

To speak evil of someone with words that are abusive and cruel; through one's words or actions,
disrespecting the holy. Can also refer to that which is not sacred or biblical.
• neither shalt thou profane the name of Lev 18:21
• sanctuary and to profane my holy name Lev 20:3
• in the temple profane the Sabbath Matt 12:5
• and for sinners, for unholy and profane 1 Tim 1:9
• but shun profane and vain babblings 2 Tim 2:16
profess / profession
To make known, affirm one's faith to others, to share what one truly believes, to admit or confess to, to
give acknowledgement. DTP We need to speak out our faith both to Christ and to those around us.
We need to confess our sin before Christ and with our heart affirm our faith openly as a testimony of
encouragement to others.
• I profess this day unto the LORD thy God, that Deut 26:3
• them will I profess unto them, I never knew you Matt 7:23
• professed themselves to be wise, they became fools Rom 1:22
• profess a good profession before many witnesses 1 Tim 6:12
• they profess that they know God; but in works Tit 1:16
• Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Heb 3:1
• seeing then that ... let us hold fast our profession Heb 4:14
• let us hold fast the profession of our faith without Heb 10:23
profit / profitable
To gain advantage, to make money, to get ahead financially. DTP The disciple needs to invest in those
things that will bring about profit for all eternity. Sowing seeds of grace and righteousness profits one
both here on earth and in heaven.
• go after vain things, which cannot profit 1 Sam 12:21
• profitable unto God, as he that is wise may be profitable Job 22:2
• sinned and perverted ... and it profited me not Job 33:27
• what profit hath a man of all his labour Eccl 1:3 (5:6)
• was vanity ... there was no profit under the sun Eccl 2:11
• the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit Isa 48:17
• and walk after things that do not profit Jer 2:8
• vanity and things wherein there is no profit Jer 16:19
• I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you Acts 20:20
• but godliness is profitable unto all things 1 Tim 4:8
• and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof 2 Tim 3:16
• take Mark ... he is profitable to me for the ministry 2 Tim 4:11
• unprofitable, but now profitable to thee and to me Phlm 1:11
promise or pledge
To assure, agree, guarantee something to another, to keep one's commitment. DTP Jesus, in the gospel,
promised to send the Holy Spirit as a pledge of His commitment to those who believe in Him as Lord
and Saviour. The marriage vows are a promise made between two people to love in sickness, in health,
and through good and bad times. A promise is a covenant that is made and is morally binding between
the participating parties.
• will give you according as he hath promised Ex 12:25
• to bring them into the land which he promised them Deut 9:28
• as the LORD your God hath promised you Josh 23:5
• failed one word of all his good promise 1 Kin 8:56
• should do according to this promise Neh 5:12
• I sent the promise of my Father upon Luke 24:49
• but wait for the promise of the Father Acts 1:4
• Father the promise of the Holy Ghost Acts 2:33
• for the promise is unto you and to your children Acts 2:39
• persuaded that, what he had promised Rom 4:21

• for this is the word of promise Rom 9:9
• for all the promises of God in him are 2 Cor 1:20
• that we might receive the promise of Gal 3:14
• promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given Gal 3:22
• ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise Eph 1:13
• partakers of his promise in Christ by Eph 3:6
• the promise of eternal inheritance Heb 9:15
• without wavering; for he is faithful that promised Heb 10:23
• the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised James 1:12
• he hath promised to them that love him James 2:5
• us exceeding great and precious promises 2 Pet 1:4
• is not slack concerning his promise 2 Pet 3:9
• this is the promise that he hath promised us 1 John 2:25
prophecy / prophecies
A message foretelling what is to come, speaking about the future. The Old Testament is full of hundreds
of prophecies concerning Jesus Christ. There are also many prophecies that are, or soon will be fulfilled
concerning the end times. The one who speaks the prophecy does so by divine inspiration.
• spirit rested upon them, they prophesied Num 11:25
• seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint Dan 9:24
• me, go, prophesy unto my people Israel Amos 7:15
• filled with the Holy Ghost and prophesied Luke 1:67
• and they spake with tongues and prophesied Acts 19:6
• to another prophecy 1 Cor 12:10
• though I have the gift of prophecy and understanding 1 Cor 13:2
• but whether there be prophecies, they I Cor 13:8
• we know in part and we prophesy in part 1 Cor 13:9
• according to the prophecies 1 Tim 1:18
• thee, which was given thee by prophecy 1 Tim 4:14
• that no prophecy of the scripture is of 2 Pet 1:20
• blessed is he ... keepeth the sayings of the prophecy Rev 22:7
• hearth the words of the prophecy of this book Rev 22:18
This is a person who speaks on behalf of God. This is known as forth-telling. Prophets often foretell the
future. The Old Testament had many prophets. The validity of their prophecies was judged on the
basis of whether or not what they prophesied came true; if they did not come true, they were judged
to be false prophets and were to be taken out by the people and stoned. Sometimes prophets
(example: Samuel) were God's mediators or spokesmen, receiving direct revelation from God and
revealing God's will and truth.
• for he is a prophet and he shall pray Gen 20:7
• if there be a prophet among you Num 12:6
• established to be a prophet of the LORD 1 Sam 3:20
• now called a Prophet was beforetime called a Seer 1 Sam 9:9
• come to pass, then shall the prophet be known Jer 28:9
• was spoken of the Lord by the prophet Matt 1:22
• false prophets shall rise and shall Matt 24:11 (24:24; Mark 13:22)
• it, but the sign of Jonah the prophet Luke 11:29
• this is of a truth that Prophet that should come John 6:14
• a certain sorcerer, a false prophet Acts 13:6
• witnessed by the law and the prophets Rom 3:21
• first apostles, secondarily prophets 1 Cor 12:28
• all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? 1 Cor 12:29
• the spirit of the prophet are subject to the prophet 1 Cor 14:32
• any man think himself to be a prophet 1 Cor 14:37
• holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit Eph 3:5

• gave some, apostles; and some prophets; and some Eph 4:11
• but there were false prophets also among 2 Pet 2:1
• because many false prophets are gone out 1 John 4:1
• with him the false prophets that wrought miracles Rev 19:20
• where the beast and false prophets are Rev 20:10
A female prophet.
• and Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Ex 15:20
• and Deborah, a prophetess, the wife Judg 4:4
• and I went unto the prophetess Isa 8:3
• and there was one Anna, a prophetess Luke 2:36
This word comes from the Greek word which means to appease or to atone and stresses that the holy
God was fully satisfied by the sin offering of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. God's wrath was appeased
and His righteous demands were met through the shed blood of Christ. Christ became our sin bearer
so that we could be set free from the punishment demanded because of our sin nature which we
inherited from Adam and Eve.
• be a propitiation through faith in his blood Rom 3:25
• and he is the propitiation for our sins I John 2:2
• his Son to be the propitiation for our sins 1 John 4:10
This can be a man or woman who sells themselves for sexual acts. Throughout history there has always
been immorality through prostitution; these people have not only "worked the streets", but have
even been part of temple worship in times of old. Prostitution was a detestable sin against God's holy
law. Satan desires that people fall to this temptation so that he can keep them in bondage of mind
and body, with the end result of destroying their total being. The disciple of Christ should have no
part in this type of activity.
• do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause Lev 19:29
To cast oneself face downward on the ground or floor; to humble oneself before the Lord with body,
soul and spirit. It is a sign of complete surrender to our Lord Jesus Christ.
• who falls prostrate, and whose eyes are opened Num 24:4
• I lay prostrate before the Lord those forty days Deut 9:25
Deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements or qualities. A proud person may
think too highly about himself; he is inwardly focused and driven mostly by his own personal goals
and wants. The Bible teaches that a pride-filled heart can, and will, lead a person to destruction.
• the tongue that speaketh proud things Ps 12:3
• trust and respecteth not the proud Ps 40:4
• the proud have hid a snare for me and Ps 140:5
• every one that is proud in heart is Prov 16:5
• a proud look, a lying tongue and hands that Prov 6:17
• LORD will destroy the house of the proud Prov 15:25
• Every one that is proud in heart is Prov 16:5
• he that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife Prov 28:25
• he hath scattered the proud in the Luke 1:51
• haters of God, despiteful, proud Rom 1:30
• He is proud, knowing nothing, 1 Tim 6:4
• God resisteth the proud, but giveth James 4:6
• for God resisteth the proud 1 Pet 5:5
To examine, to demonstrate or give evidence. DTP God wants us to show our commitment to Him; to do
so, we must examine how we think and act towards God and others.
• fear not: for God is come to prove you Ex 20:20

• wilderness, to humble thee and to prove thee Deut 8:2
• prove you, to know whether ye love the LORD Deut 13:3
• examine me, and prove me; try my reins Ps 26:2
• and to prove the sincerity of your love 2 Cor 8:8
• let every man prove his own work and then Gal 6:4
• prove all things; hold fast that which is 1 Thes 5:21
A short pithy saying stating a general truth or piece of advice. The Bible has one book, the book of
Proverbs, which contains these kinds of truths.
• shalt become an astonishment, a proverb Deut 28:37
• and Israel shall be a proverb and a 1 King 9:7
• understand a proverb and the interpretation Prov 1:6
• have I spoken unto you in proverbs John 16:25
• unto them according to the true proverb 2 Pet 2:22
PROVERBS, book of
The book of proverbs was written by King Solomon, Agur, King Lemuel, and possibly other wise men; the
book is full of short sayings that carry within them great truths of wisdom about God and His
relationship to his people. The book was written between the tenth and sixth centuries BC and is
comprised of 31 chapters.
To furnish, to take care of, to deliver, make available, arrange for, be responsible for. DTP God loves and
provides for His children. We have and serve a God Who desires to meet our needs. The key is to get
align ourselves with God's will; He then provides what we need to fulfill His will through us.
• my son, God will provide a lamb for a Gen 22:8
• who provideth for the raven his food? Job 38:41
• provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in Matt 10:9
• if any provide not for his own and specially 1 Tim 5:8
• God having provided some better thing for us Heb 11:40
Protective care of God; also, a destiny that has been laid out by God. This is the full universal sovereign
reign of God over all His creation. His providence also shows His divine grace and mercy that He
generously provided through His Son, Jesus Christ. He fulfills and completes all things according to His
purposes and will.
• done unto this nation by thy providence Acts 24:2
To arouse anger or displeasure in someone through one's words or actions. DTP The disciple's goal
should be to show love; when correction is needed, it should always be seasoned by grace, mercy and
love. We always need to be careful what we speak and how we act towards God and to those with
whom we come in contact each day.
• provoke him not; for he will not pardon your Ex 23:21
• Moses, how long will this people provoke me? Num 14:11
• they provoke him to jealousy with their sins 1 Kin 14:22
• sinned ... against him by provoking the Most High Ps 78:17
• how oft did they provoke him in the wilderness Ps 78:40
• they provoked him to anger with their inventions Ps 106:29
• they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto Isa 1:4
• the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy Rom 11:11
• seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked 1 Cor 13:5
• provoke not your children to wrath Eph 6:4 (Col 3:21)
• let us consider one another to provoke unto love Heb 10:24
prune / pruning
The purpose of pruning of a tree or plant is to produce better and more fruit. The dead branches and
suckers need to be removed so that the life-giving sap can produce a higher quality of fruit. DTP The

disciple also needs to go through times of pruning, so that he will produce more fruit for God's glory.
Jesus tells us that people will know that we are His disciples by the fruit we produce. John 15:1-12.
• years thou shalt prune thy vineyard Lev 25:3
• it shall not be pruned, nor digged Isa 5:6
A tool that is used to trim out both the dead and sucker branches in a tree.
• and their spears into pruninghooks Isa 2:4
• both cut off the sprigs with pruninghooks Isa 18:5
• swords, and your pruninghooks into spears Joel 3:10
• and their spears into pruninghooks Mic 4:3
Psalms are like our modern-day poems or hymns. They have structure and teach a truth or story which
is put to music, and often sung in praise to God. A praise song has a melody that comes from one's
• day David delivered first this psalm 1 Chr 16:7
• a joyful noise unto him with psalms Ps 95:2
• himself saith in the book of Psalms Luke 20:42
• is also written in the second psalm Acts 13:33
• every one of you hath a psalm 1 Cor 14:26
• speaking to yourselves in psalms Eph 5:19
• and admonishing one another in psalms Col 3:16
• let him sing psalms James 5:13
PSALMS, book of
One of the Old Testament books that contains both poetry and songs, written mostly by King David.
There are 150 psalms used in worship and teaching; they are there to help the believer enter into a
deeper heart-worship of God. They were written over 1000 years before the time of Christ; some of
these chapters carry within them prophetic words about who He will be and how He will live here on
earth. The psalms were sung in the temple, synagogues and in churches all around the world today.
They have been used by many preachers to bring comfort to weary souls.
A tax collector for the Roman government; in Matthew's case, he was a Jewish tax collector who took in
money for Rome. These people were often looked down upon for they work that they did. Jesus was
often condemned by the Pharisees for spending time with publicans and for going to their homes.
They were often the worst of all sinners, hopeless people of no value.
• do not even the publicans the same Matt 5:46
• why eateth ... with publicans and Matt 9:11 (Mark 2:16; Luke 5:30)
• Thomas and Matthew the publican Matt 10:3
• a friend of publicans and sinners Matt 11:19 (Luke 7:34)
• sat at meat in the house, many publicans Mark 2:15
• then came also publicans to be baptized Luke 3:12
• and the publican, standing afar off Luke 18:13
• which was the chief among the publicans Luke 19:2
A raised platform or lectern in a church from which the preacher delivers a sermon. Pulpits are common
in churches all over the world.
• the scribe stood upon a pulpit of wood Neh 8:4
punish / punishment
This is an act of discipline towards a person that usually comes in response to a transgression of a legal
or moral code. Punishment can come in many forms: a lecture, some type of work, spanking or
strapping or whipping, imprisonment and, under severe circumstances, the death penalty. Around
the world, there are all kinds of ways whereby people and governments punish their supposed
wrongdoers. In many countries, not all punishment is legal or just.
• he shall be surely punished Ex 21:20
• and hurt a woman ... he shall be surely punished Ex 21:22

• punish you seven times more for your sins Lev 26:18
• I will punish the world for their evil Isa 13:11
• I will punish you according to the fruit of your Jer 21:14
• I will punish them for their ways and reward Hos 4:9
• I will punish you for all your iniquities Amos 3:2
• shall go away into everlasting punishment Matt 25:46
• who shall be punished with everlasting 2 Thes 1:9
• unto the day of judgment to be punished 2 Pet 2:9
To buy or to acquire by payment. To give money or possession in exchange for something that is needed
or wanted. DTP Christ shed His innocent blood as a payment for those who would chose to follow Him
... for the church that would become His bride.
• The purchase of the field and of a cave Gen 49:32
• have I purchased to be my wife to raise up the name Ruth 4:10
• church ... which he hath purchased with his own blood Acts 20:28
To be clean without spot or blemish, to be white like new fallen snow, to be innocent or morally good or
right, unmixed with anything else. DTP The disciple can stand pure before the Father because of what
Christ did for us on the cross. He has clothed us with His pure righteousness, making it possible to
come blameless before the Father as His children.
• with the pure ... show thyself pure 2 Sam 22:27
• shall a man be more pure than his Maker? Job 4:17
• words of the LORD are pure words: as silver Ps 12:6
• commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening Ps 19:8
• he that hath clean hands and a pure heart Ps 24:4
• made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin? Prov 20:9
• every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto Prov 30:5
• blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall Matt 5:8
• things are just, whatsoever things are pure Phil 4:8
• charity out of a pure heart, and a good 1 Tim 1:5
• partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure 1 Tim 5:22
• God, whom I serve ... with pure conscience 2 Tim 1:3
• them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart 2 Tim 2:22
• wisdom that is from above is first pure, then James 3:17
• ye love one another with a pure heart 1 Pet 1:22
• and showed me a pure river of water of life Rev 22:1
According to Roman Catholic doctrine, a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who
are expiating their sins before the possibility of going to heaven; the length of stay varies according
to the prayers that are made on their behalf, and on the conditions of the person's life. At the end,
the person may go to heaven or hell. This teaching is found nowhere in the Bible but is a manmade
dogma of the Catholic Church.
To refine or to make pure from all dross, to make clean and whole, to remove evil or something negative
though a cleansing process. DTP When disciples submit to Christ's "refiner's fire", they can be
purged/cleansed from all sin and wickedness in their lives.
• he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem from 2 Chr 34:3
• purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean Ps 51:7
• our transgressions, thou shalt purge them away Ps 65:3
• and purge away our sins, for thy name's sake Ps 79:9
• by mercy and truth iniquity is purged Prov 16:6
• thine iniquity is taken away and thy sin purged Isa 6:7
• try them ... to purge and to make them white Dan 11:35
• sons of Levi and purge them as gold Mal 3:3

• every branch that beareth fruit, he purges it John 15:2
• purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye 1 Cor 5:7
• when he had by himself purged our sins, sat Heb 1:3
• purge your conscience from dead works to serve Heb 9:14
• forgotten ... he was purged from his old sins 2 Pet 1:9
purification / purify
To cleanse from anything that pollutes, debases, or contaminates; making something clean. DTP That
which is dirty can be made clean. That which is sinful can be made pure again. The disciple's heart is
to be clean of evil. Throughout history people have devised many ways to purify themselves from
unrighteousness, all of which fall short of God's demands. Jesus' shed blood is the only remedy,
purifying us and making us able to stand before a righteous God.
• purify the altar and poured the blood at the Lev 8:15
• he shall purify himself with it on the Num 19:12
• the days of their purifications accomplished Est 2:12
• priest and the Levites were purified together Ezra 6:20
• priests ... purified themselves and purified the people Neh 12:30
• the days of their purifications accomplished, Est 2:12
• silver tried in a furnace ... purified seven times Ps 12:6
• they purge the altar and purify it Eze 43:26
• many shall be purified and made white Dan 12:10
• he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver Mal 3:3
• no difference ... purify their hearts by faith Acts 15:9
• purify unto himself a peculiar people Tit 2:14
• unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh Heb 9:13
• purify your hearts, ye double minded James 4:8
• purify your souls in obeying the truth 1 Pet 1:22
• man that hath this hope in him purify himself 1 John 3:3
This is a Jewish holiday that is celebrated in the Jewish month of Adar (somewhere in the months of
February or March). It commemorates the deliverance that came to them through the efforts of
Mordecai and Esther. Purim commemorates the defeat of Haman's plot to have all the Jewish people
massacred and all their possession confiscated. (See Esther chapters 7 to 9.)
• days Purim after the name of Pur. Est 9:26
• that the days of Purim should not Est 9:28
• confirmed these matters of Purim Est 9:32
Puritanism / puritan
A Protestant movement that started and flourished in England in the sixteenth and seventeenth
centuries. The movement sought to simplify doctrine and worship. Many of these believers moved to
the United States, landing at Plymouth Rock. Their strict beliefs became part of the fundamental way
of living for the early Americans. Their main goal was to live a holy life before God and to be free from
government control.
purpose / purposed
The reason for which something is done, created, or for which it exists. This word implies having a plan,
an intention, a reason for one's actions. It can be the force that drives a person to not only move
forward with an idea, but see it through to its conclusion. DTP We are called to be disciples of Christ,
to live according to His will. God has a divine purpose for us; we need to trust him and look to Him to
guide us each step of our lives. He desires to fellowship with us in all areas of life.
• which they had made for the purpose Neh 8:4
• my days are past, my purposes are broken off Job 17:11
• I am purposed that my mouth shall not transgress Ps 17:3
• every purpose is established by counsel Pro 20:18
• a time to every purpose under the Eccl 3:1
• surely ... as I have purposed, so shall it stand Prov 14:24
• this is the purpose that is purposed Isa 14:26

• the LORD of hosts hath purposed it Isa 23:9
• Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not Dan 1:8
• that with purpose of heart they would Acts 11:23
• appeared unto thee for this purpose Acts 26:16
• are the called according to his purpose Rom 8:28
• purpose of God according to election might stand Rom 9:11
• as he purposed in his heart, so let him give 2 Cor 9:7
• good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself Eph 1:9
• purpose of him who worketh all things Eph 1:11
• according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus Eph 3:11
• but according to his own purpose and grace 2 Tim 1:9
• for this purpose the Son of God was 1 John 3:8
Move to or place in a particular position. To place or to set something in a proper order, to place on or
take off. DTP For the disciple, this is an action word that God uses to get the person to either add or
remove something from one's life.
• in Eden; and there he put the man whom he Gen 2:8
• put off thy shoes from off thy feet Ex 3:5 (Acts 7:33)
• he shall put his hand upon the head of the Lev 1:4
• hallowed this house ... to put my name there 1 Kin 9:3
• city which I have chosen me to put my name 1 Kin 11:36
• what my God had put in my heart to do at Neh 2:12
• hast put all things under Ps 8:6 (Eph 1:22; Heb 2:8)
• I have put my Spirit upon him Isa 42:1 (Matt 12:18)
• I will put a new spirit within you Ezek 11:19 (36:26)
• for your body, what ye shall put on Matt 6:25 (Luke 12:22)
• put his hands upon them and blessed them Mark 10:16
• no man, having put his hand to the plow Luke 9:62
• he put forth his own sheep, he goeth before John 10:4
• devil having now put into the heart of Judas John 13:2
• but put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ Rom 13:14
• till he hath put all enemies under his feet Rom 15:25
• baptized into Christ have put on Christ Gal 3:27
• that ye put off ... the old man Eph 4:22 (Col 3:9)
• put on the new man, which after God Eph 4:24 (Col 3:10)
• put on the whole armour of God, that ye may Eph 6:11
• put on the therefore ... bowels of mercies Col 3:12
• above all things put on charity Col 3:14
• be put in trust with the gospel, even so 1 Thes 2:4
• be sober, put on the breastplate of faith 1 Thes 5:8
• to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself Heb 9:26
• I must put off this my tabernacle 2 Pet 1:14

A small pigeon-like bird, often congregating in flocks. It has a small wingspan, is a plump bird and is good
for food.
• pass, that at even the quails came up Ex 16:13
• brought quails from the sea and let Num 11:31
• the people asked and he brought quails Ps 105:40
The degree of excellence of something. The condition, often as regards various kinds of products.
Manufacturers often employ quality control to assure high standards. DTP The disciple is to strive for
a good quality of character, to stand out in such a way that people will see the qualities of Christ
coming through his life (Rom 1:20; 2 Pet 1:5-8). God desires more quality than quantity in our actions
and manner of living.
To be in an argument with another person, to have some type of disagreement. One's words can lead to
fighting and the breaking up of a friendship.
• shall avenge the quarrel of my covenant Lev 26:25
• see how he seeketh a quarrel against me 2 Kin 5:7
• Herodias had a quarrel against him Mark 6:19
• if any man have a quarrel against any Col 3:13
A female ruler of a country or a group of countries called a commonwealth, a head of state, can also be
the wife of a king.
• queen of Sheba heard of the fame 1 Kin 10:1
• loved Esther ... made her queen instead of Vashti Esth 2:17
• upon the right hand did stand the queen Ps 45:9
• queen of the south shall rise up Matt 9:44
• queen of the south shall rise up Matt 12:42
• she saith in her heart, I sit a queen and am Rev 18:7
To satisfy or slake one's thirst; to put out a fire, to douse, extinguish. DTP God lights a fire within man's
heart and as disciples we should try to nurture that fire into a roaring flame of love and obedience;
often, however, the enemy and, sometimes, we ourselves do things that dim or even extinguish the
fire God has started in our hearts through Jesus Christ. The disciple is to be very careful not to quench
the work of the Holy Spirit; that is, going against the will of the Father or turning one's back on the
grace of Jesus Christ.
• Moses prayed unto the LORD ... fire was quenched Num 11:2
• so they shall quench my coal which is 2 Sam 14:7
• that thou quench not the light of 2 Sam 21:17
• many waters cannot quench love, neither can Song 8:7
• the smoking flax shall he not quench Isa 42:3 (Matt 12:20)
• shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched Isa 66:4
• and smoking flax shall he not quench, Matt 12:20
• and smoking flax shall he not quench Matt 15:20
• to quench all the fiery darts of the Eph 6:16
• quench not the Spirit 1 Thes 5:19
Words expressed so as to elicit information from someone. DTP The disciple should not be fearful of
asking questions of others or of God; this is the way we can learn and discover more truth and
• to prove him with hard questions 1 Kin 10:1
• insomuch that they question among themselves Mark 1:27
• he asked the scribes, what question ye with them? Mark 9:16

• I will also ask of you one question, and answer me Mark 11:29
• both hearing them and asking them questions Luke 2:46
• a question between some of John's disciples and John 3:25
• minister question, rather than godly edifying 1 Tim 1:4
• foolish and unlearned question avoid 2 Tim 2:23
quick / quicken
To be swift in doing something, one who is fast and soon finished. Quicken also carries the notion of
becoming faster or quicker. DTP The disciple should be quick in doing the will of the Lord. He should
be quick to hear and slow to speak.
• and let them go down quick into hell Ps 55:15
• quicken thou me according to thy word Ps 119:25
• quicken thou me in thy ways Ps 119:37
• quicken me in thy righteousness Ps 119:40
• quicken me after thy lovingkindness Ps 119:88
• shall make him of quick understanding Isa 11:3
• of God to be the Judge of quick Acts 10:42
• also quicken your mortal bodies by his Rom 8:11
• hath quickened us together with Christ Eph 2:5 (Col 2:13)
• Christ, who shall judge the quick 2 Tim 4:1
• for the word of God is quick and Heb 4:12
• in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit 1 Pet 3:18
quiet / quietly / quietness
Making little or no noise, either with words or by actions. DTP As disciples, we are to come quietly before
the Lord so we can hear His still small voice. Quiet can also imply waiting or, sometimes, just being at
• I have lain still and been quiet Job 3:13
• he shall not feel quietness in his belly Job 20:20
• words of wise men are heard in quiet more Eccl 9:17
• say unto him, take heed and be quiet Isa 7:4
• in quietness and in confidence shall be Isa 30:15
• sure dwellings and in quiet resting places Isa 32:18
• quietly wait for salvation of the Lam 3:26
• and that ye study to be quiet and to 1 Thes 4:11
• Christ, that with quietness they work 2 Thes 3:12
• that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life 1 Tim 2:2
• even the ornament of meek and quiet spirit 1 Pet 3:4
A case or bag that holds arrows; sometimes the word is used to represent a man's children.
• I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver Gen 27:3
• happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them Ps 127:5
• a polished shaft; in his quiver hath he hid me Isa 49:2
• their quiver is an open sepulchre Jer 5:16

A Jewish instructor, master or teacher; the ordained spiritual leader of a Jewish congregation; one who
has been authorized to interpret the Jewish law. They were also community leaders, giving spiritual
• and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi Matt 23:7
• they said unto him, Rabbi John 1:38
• by night and said unto him, Rabbi John 3:26
• by night and said unto him, Rabbi, John 3:2
• of the sea, they said unto him, Rabbi John 6:25
Great master, teacher. A title of respect ascribed to Jesus.
• herself and saith unto him, Rabboni John 20:16
A competition of speed, to see who can first get to the finish line of a set course. DTP Paul warns the
disciples that they are in a spiritual race and need to pace themselves, not getting tangled up in the
things of the world, making sure that they complete the race that has been set before them. Disciples
are to keep their eyes focused on Jesus Christ. He is at the finish line, waiting for us and cheering us
on to completion.
• as a strong man to run a race Ps 19:5
• The race is not to the swift Ecclesiastes 9:11
• they which run a race run all 1 Cor 9:24
• the race that is set before us Heb 12:1
race / tribe
A people group that speaks the same tongue or language; an ethnic group; a nation; a tribe; people from
the same line or heritage; a group of people with the same ancestry, language and customs.
• wickedness of the human race Gen 6:5
Outer clothing; a covering that keeps one warm and protects from the weather.
• me bread to eat, and raiment to put on Gen 28:20
• and purify all your raiment and all that Num 31:20
• nor take a widow's raiment to pledge Deut 24:17
• she sent raiment to cloth Mordecai and Est 4:4
• thy raiment was of fine linen and silk Eze 16:13
• and I will clothe thee with a change of raiment Zech 3:4
• John had his raiment of camel's hair Matt 3:4
• and why take ye thought for raiment Matt 6:28
• transfigured ... his raiment was white as the light Matt 17:2
• and they parted his raiment and cast lots Luke 23:34
• raiment let us be therewith content 1 Tim 6:8
• same shall be clothed in white raiment Rev 3:5
Moisture condensed from the atmosphere that falls visibly in separate drops. Rain gives refreshment
and life; to pour something down from the heavens. DTP God's Spirit is to be like a refreshing rain to
the disciples. We are to pray for a latter rain (with its connotation of revival) and for showers of God's
blessings both upon ourselves and upon His church.
• God had not caused it to rain upon the earth Gen 2:5
• I will cause it to rain upon the earth Gen 7:4
• rain was upon the earth forty days and ... nights Gen 7:12
• then I will give you rain in due season Lev 26:4
• give you the rain ... the first rain and the latter rain Deut 11:14
• my doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech Deut 32:2
• and he shall send thunder and rain 1 Sam 12:17

• no rain, because they ... sinned 1 Kin 8:35 (2 Chr 6:26)
• upon the wicked he shall rain snares Ps 11:6
• as snow in summer, and as rain in harvest, so Ps 26:1
• and had rained down manna upon them to eat Ps 78:24
• is as a cloud of the latter rain Prov 16:15
• as snow in summer and as rain in harvest, so Prov 26:1
• the Lord our God, that giveth rain Jer 5:24
• latter and former rain unto the earth Hos 6:3
• till he come and rain righteousness upon you Hos 10:12
• the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in Joel 2:23
• clouds and give them showers of rain Zec 10:1
• sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust Matt 5:45
• gave us rain from heaven and Acts 14:17
• for the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh Heb 6:7
• until he receive the early and latter rain James 5:7
• he prayed earnestly that it might not rain James 5:17
• power to shut heaven, that it rain not Rev 11:6
An arch of colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet) that is often seen in the sky just
after a rain shower. The rainbow was given as a sign to mankind to remind us of the covenant that
God made with Noah: that God would never again destroy the world by a flood.
• I set my rainbow in the cloud Gen 9:13 NKJB
• the rainbow shall be in the cloud Gen 9:16 NKJB
• there was a rainbow about the Rev 4:3
• a rainbow was upon his head and his Rev 10:1
raise / raised
To come up, to increase, advance, educate, nurture or grow up. DTP God is in the ministry of raising
people up from various kinds of challenges that we may face. The enemy may knock us down but
through Christ's resurrection power we can be restored. The key is to have faith in Christ Jesus; we
need to bring all our struggles and challenges to the cross. Also, we need to remember that, when
this earthly journey is completed, He will raise us up to eternal life with Him in His Heavenly Kingdom.
• for this cause have I raised thee up Ex 9:16
• will raise up ... a Prophet Deut 18:15 (Acts 3:22; 7:37)
• and raised thereon a great heap of stones Josh 8:29
• LORD raised up judges, which delivered them Judg 2:16
• whose spirit God had raised, to go up to build Ezra 1:5
• be merciful unto me and raise me up, that Ps 41:10
• I have raised him up in righteousness Isa 45:13
• I will raise unto David a righteous Branch Jer 23:5
• In the third day he will raise us up, Hos 6:2
• I will raise up a shepherd in the land Zech 11:16
• of these stones to raise up children Matt 3:9 (Luke 3:8)
• cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out Matt 10:8
• killed ... be raised again the third day Matt 16:21 (17:23; Luke 9:22)
• hath raised up a horn of salvation for us in Luke 1:69
• but should raise it up again at the last day. John 6:39
• I will raise him up at the last day John 6:40 (6:44, 54)
• whom God hath raised up, having loosed the Acts 2:24
• he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne Acts 2:30
• this Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all Acts 2:32
• prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead Acts 3:15
• God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him Acts 3:26
• hath God ... raised unto Israel a Saviour, Jesus Acts 13:23
• but God raised him from the dead Acts 13:30

• and was raised again for our justification Rom 4:25
• but if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus Rom 8:11
• believe ... that God hath raised him from the dead Rom 10:9
• raise up the Lord and will also raise up us 1 Cor 6:14
• sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption 1 Cor 15:42
• he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us 2 Cor 4:14
• in Christ, when he raised him from the dead Eph 1:20
• hath raised us up together and made us sit Eph 2:6
• whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus 1 Thes 1:10
• that Jesus Christ ... was raised from the dead 2 Tim 2:8
• accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; Heb 11:19
• the sick and the Lord shall raise him up James 5:15
A sum of money demanded or paid for the release of a person who is being held captive; price to be
given or paid to another. DTP The disciple needs to understand clearly that Jesus Christ was the
ransom that was paid for our souls so that we could have eternal life.
• give for the ransom of his life whatsoever Ex 21:30
• a ransom for his soul unto the LORD Ex 30:12
• I have found a ransom Job 33:24
• nor give to God a ransom for him Ps 49:7
• shall be a ransom for the righteous Prov 21:18
• and to give his life as a ransom for many Matt 20:28
• and to give his life as a ransom for many Mark 10:45
• who gave himself a ransom for all 1Tim 2:6
The transport of believers to heaven. This will be a celebration time for the church when it is taken up
into heaven to be with Christ forevermore. On that day, all disciples of Christ will experience great
pleasure and joy. See 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:50-54
To examine and comprehend that has been written; to discover, interpret and understand. To get
knowledge and wisdom from, to study as from a book. DTP The disciple is to be a reader and studier
of the Scriptures. We are to ask God to give us insight into His living Word. Paul tells Timothy that he
should study to show himself approved of God.
• and read in the audience of the people Ex 24:7
• he shall read therein all the days of his Deut 17:19
• afterward he read all the words of the law Josh 8:34
• he read therein ... from ... morning until midday Neh 8:3
• whosoever shall read this writing and show Dan 5:7
• make it plain ... that he may run that readeth it Hab 2:2
• whoso readeth, let him understand Matt 24:15 (Mark 13:14)
• in his chariot read Esaias the prophet Acts 8:28
• ye are our epistle ... known and read of all men 2 Cor 3:2
• till I come, give attendance to reading 1 Tim 4:13
• blessed is he that readeth and they that hear Rev 1:3
• was found worthy to open and to read the book Rev 5:4
reap / reaper
To cut or gather in a crop, to gather a harvest (see Matt 9:38). DTP In a physical, emotional and spiritual
sense, we reap what we have sown here on earth. There will be either positive or negative
consequences as a result of how we have lived. Today's decisions affect tomorrow's destination and
• when you reap the harvest of your Lev 19:9
• to reap his harvest and to make his 1 Sam 8:12
• they that ... sow wickedness, reap the same Job 4:8
• that sow in tears shall reap in joy Ps 126:5

• sow wheat, but shall reap thorns Jer 12:13
• in righteousness, reap in mercy Hos 10:12
• reap where thou hast not sown Matt 25:24 (Luke 19:21)
• I sent you to reap that whereon ye John 4:38
• sparingly shall reap also sparingly 2 Cor 9:6
• man soweth, that shall he also reap Gal 6:7
• of the Spirit reap life everlasting Gal 6:8
• for in due season we shall reap Gal 6:9
• reap; for the time is come for thee to reap Rev 14:15
rebel / rebellious
To rise up against authority, one who resists the rule of law. People are also known to rebel against the
truth and laws of God. They are said to have a rebellious spirit. DTP The disciple is to live a life of
obedience to Jesus Christ, doing and following His will for his life. Satan is the author of a rebellious
spirit in an effort to rule and destroy the world.
• only rebel not ye against the LORD Num 14:9
• because ye rebelled against my word at Num 20:24
• but rebelled against the commandment of Deut 1:26
• have been rebellious against the LORD Deut 9:7
• for rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft 1 Sam 15:23
• thou son of the perverse rebellious woman I Sam 20:30
• reported ... that thou and the Jews think to rebel Neh 6:6
• a stubborn and rebellious generation Ps 78:8
• because they rebel against the words of God Ps 107:11
• an evil man seeketh only rebellion Prov 17:11
• and they have rebelled against me Isa 1:2
Criticize or reprimand strongly, expressing harsh disapproval. Throughout the Bible, people were
reprimanded and rebuked for how they have lived before God and man. DTP The disciple needs to be
very cautious how he deals with others in the church, but there are times when church leaders need
to rebuke people for things they've said or done.
• shalt in any wise rebuke thy neighbour Lev 19:17
• at the rebuke of the LORD 2 Sam 22:16 (Ps 18:15)
• day is a day of trouble and of rebuke 2 Kin 19:3
• consulted with myself and I rebuked the nobles Neh 5:7
• O LORD, rebuke me not in thy wrath Ps 38:1
• thou with rebukes doth correct man for iniquity Ps 39:11
• rebuke a wise man and he will love Prov 9:8
• instruction: but a scorner heareth not rebuke Prov 13:1
• one thousand shall flee at the rebuke of one Isa 30:17
• said unto Satan, The LORD rebuke thee Zec 3:2
• Peter took him, and began to rebuke him Matt 16:22
• he rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee Mark 8:33
• rebuke not an elder, but entreat him 1 Tim 5:1
• reprove, rebuke, exhort with all 2 Tim 4:2
• exhort and rebuke with all authority Tit 2:15
• but was rebuked for his iniquity 2 Pet 2:16
• as many as I love, I rebuke and chasten Rev 3:19
Be given, presented with, or paid something; to take delivery of, to accept something purchased. DTP In
all areas of life, we can receive both good and bad things. We need to be wise, judging carefully
whether the things that come our way are of the devil or of the Lord Jesus Christ.
• they shall receive of the Almighty Job 27:13
• my supplication; the LORD will receive my prayer Ps 6:9
• shall receive the blessing from the LORD Ps 24:5

• God will redeem my soul ... for he shall receive me Ps 49:15
• to receive the instruction of wisdom Prov 1:3
• receive my instruction and not silver Prov 8:10
• your children; they receive no correction Jer 2:30
• for every one that asketh receive Matt 7:8 (Luke 11:10)
• freely ye have received, freely give Matt 10:8
• he that receiveth you receiveth me ... receiveth me receiveth him that sent Matt 10:40
• shall receive a prophet's reward Matt 10:41
• receive one such child Matt 18:5 (Mark 9:37; Luke 9:48)
• in prayer, believing, ye shall receive Matt 21:22
• receive it and bring forth fruit, some Mark 4:20
• this man receiveth sinners and eateth with them Luke 15:2
• as many as received him, to them gave he the power to John 1:12
• ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be John 16:24
• unto them, receive ye the Holy Spirit John 20:22
• but ye shall receive power, after that Acts 1:8
• ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:38
• that they might receive the Holy Spirit Acts 8:15
• receive the word with all readiness of mind Acts 17:11
• have you received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? Acts 19:2
• it is more blessed to give than to receive Acts 20:35
• by whom we have now received the atonement Rom 5:11
• much more they which receive abundance of grace Rom 5:17
• receive ye one another, as Christ also received us Rom 15:7
• natural man receiveth not ... things of the Spirit 1 Cor 2:14
• every man shall receive his own reward 1 Cor 3:8
• for I have received of the Lord that which also I 1 Cor 11:23
• that we might receive the promise of Gal 3:14
• that we might receive the adoption of Gal 4:5
• as ye have ... received Christ Jesus the Lord, so Col 2:6
• might receive the promise of eternal Heb 9:16
• he shall receive the crown of life James 1:12
• receive with meekness the engrafted James 1:21
• ye ask and receive not, because ye ask amiss James 4:3
• ye shall receive a crown of glory 1 Pet 5:4
• whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because 1 John 3:22
Payment, return, restoration, avenge, pay, render, reward, vengeance towards another. DTP It is
important to remember that all things we do and many things that we encounter each day come with
a price. Paul warns us that we will reap what we sow. We can make things right with others or we can
wait until we come before the Lord on the day of judgement where we will face our recompense.
• belongeth vengeance and recompense Deut 32:35 (Heb 10:30
• Lord hath recompensed me according 2 Sam 22:25 (Ps 18:24)
• the righteous shall be recompensed in the earth Prov 11:31
• of the LORD that rendereth recompense to his enemies Isa 66:6
• and I will recompense them according to their deeds Jer 25:14
• will recompense upon thee all thine abominations Ezek 7:3
• a recompense? and if ye recompense me ... will I return your recompense Joel 3:4
• shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just Luke 14:14
• a trap ... a stumblingblock and a recompense unto them Rom 11:9
• recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things Rom 12:17
• disobedience receive a jus recompense of reward Heb 2:2
• confidence, which hath great recompense of reward Heb 10:35

Restore friendly relations between, to settle something between peoples, to put or make right, to bring
back together, to reunite, to resolve, to merge back as one. DTP For disciples, Christ has reconciled us
to the Father through dying and shedding His blood for us on the cross.
• he reconcile himself unto his master 1 Sam 29:4
• first be reconciled to thy brother and then come Matt 5:24
• we were reconciled to God by the death of Rom 5:10
• were reconciled to God ... being reconciled, we shall be saved Rom 5:10
• unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband 1 Cor 7:11
• who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus 2 Cor 5:18
• we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God 2 Cor 5:20
• that he might reconcile both unto God Eph 2:16
• by him to reconcile all things unto Col 1:20
Restoration of friendly relations. DTP Christ made the perfect atonement by dying and shedding His
blood for us on the cross. We were born in trespasses and sin, having the eternal death sentence on
our lives. There was no hope but, through Christ Jesus, He made a way; Christ restored our
relationship with the Father so that we could come into the Holy of Holies. He clothed us with His
righteousness. Now as disciples, we are to take that message of reconciliation out to the world, we
are to be His ambassadors.
• sanctified it, to make reconciliation upon it Lev 8:15
• made reconciliation with their blood upon the altar 2 Chr 29:24
• end of sins and to make reconciliation for iniquity Dan 9:24
• given to us the ministry of reconciliation 2 Cor 5:18
• committed unto us the word of reconciliation 2 Cor 5:19
• to make reconciliation for the sins of the Heb 2:17
The sum of past actions or achievements. To keep an account of or a record of something. Permanent
accounts for future reference. DTP God keeps a record of each one of us; we will give account of what
we have done or not done. All things are recorded and we will accountable as we stand before God.
• in all places where I record my name I will Ex 20:24
• I call heaven and earth to record this day Deut 30:19
• my witness is in heaven ... my record is on high Job 16:19
• bearest record of thyself; thy record is not true John 8:13
• I bear them record that they have a zeal of God Rom 10:2
• I call God for a record upon my soul 2 Cor 1:23
• there are three that bear record in heaven 1 John 5:7
• bear record; and ye know that our record is true 3 John 1:12
• who bare record of the word of God and of the Rev 1:2
redeem / redeemed
To deliver, to rescue, to save, or give ransom for. This idea is that one buys back that which was sold or
lost to another. One then regains that which one once had. DTP Christ redeemed us from eternal
death, and by his death he paid the price for our redemption ... a price we could never hope to pay
ourselves. Through faith in Him we are redeemed and have eternal life.
• I will redeem you with a stretched out Ex 6:6
• led forth the people which thou hast redeemed Ex 15:13
• and if any of his kin come to redeem it Lev 25:25
• thy God redeemed thee: therefore I command thee Deut 15:15
• if thou wilt redeem it Ruth 4:4
• who hath redeemed my soul out of all adversity 2 Sam 4:9
• hath redeemed my soul out of all distress 1 Kin 1:29
• whom thou hast redeemed by thy great power Neh 1:10
• neither is it in our power to redeem them Neh 5:5
• redeem me and be merciful unto me Ps 26:11

• draw nigh unto my soul and redeem it: deliver Ps 69:18
• and my soul, which thou hast redeemed Ps 71:23
• thou hast with thine arm redeemed thy people Ps 77:15
• who redeemed thy life from destruction Ps 103:4
• let the redeemed of the LORD say so Ps 107:2
• for I have redeemed thee, I have called Isa 43:1
• my hand shortened at all, that it cannot redeem? Isa 50:2
• therefore the redeemed of the LORD shall return Isa 51:11
• there the LORD shall redeem thee from Mic 4:10
• for he hath visited and redeemed his people Luke 1:68
• Christ hath redeemed us from the curse Gal 3:13
• to redeem them that were under the law Gal 4:5
• redeem the time. because the days are evil Eph 5:16
• that he might redeem us from all Tit 2:14
• ye were not redeemed with corruptible things 1 Pet 1:18
A person that can redeem something or someone back. DTP This is a person who has the power to bring
about deliverance for those that have been bond by sin and death. Jesus Christ is one who rescues us
from everlasting destruction, He helps us escape the chains and cords that have bond us, He has set
us set free, and He has bought us back by dying and shedding His blood for us on the cross.
• for I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he Job 19:25
• for their Redeemer is mighty: he shall plead Prov 23:11
• the Redeemer, the Holy One of Isa 41:14 (43:14; 48:17; 54:5)
• and his Redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first Isa 44:6
• thus saith the LORD, the Redeemer ... I am the LORD Isa 44:24
• as for our Redeemer, the LORD of hosts is his name Isa 47:4
• thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer Isa 48:17
• the Redeemer of Israel and his Holy One Isa 49:7
• the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer Isa 49:26
• the Redeemer shall come to Zion and unto Isa 59:20
• the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer Isa 60:16
• their Redeemer is strong Jer 50:34
• for their Redeemer is mighty Prov 23:11
One who buys back, rescuing something or someone; someone who gives of themselves or their
possession to get that which was lost or is now desired.
• for I know that my redeemer liveth Job 19:25
• O LORD, my strength and my redeemer Ps 19:14
• O LORD, art our father, our redeemer Isa 63:16
The act of being saved from error or evil; deliverance, ransom, salvation. DTP Redemption, Christ's
amazing gift of love through his sacrifice, saves us from the penalty of our wicked ways. This word is
linked closely to the word salvation. In faith, whoever chooses to believe in Christ's redemptive
sacrifice, will be saved.
• ye shall grant a redemption for the land Lev 25:24
• for the redemption of their soul is Ps 49:8
• is mercy and with him is plenteous redemption Ps 130:7
• for your redemption draweth nigh Luke 21:28
• the redemption that is Christ Jesus Rom 3:24
• waiting for the adoption ... the redemption of our body Rom 8:23
• and sanctification and redemption 1 Cor 1:30
• in whom we have redemption through his Eph 1:7
• ye are sealed unto the day of redemption Eph 4:30
• in whom we have redemption through his Col 1:14

• having obtained eternal redemption for us Heb 9:12
One who reduces to a pure state (examples: gold or silver); fire is often used to accomplish the task of
eliminating the dross and slag. DTP The disciple is to pass through Christ's refining fire where all sin
can be burned away, so that we can one day stand before a righteous and Holy Father. Christ wants
us to be refined as pure gold.
• behold, I have refined thee, but not Isa 48:10
• will refine them as silver is refined Zec 13:9
• for he is like a refiner's fire, and like Mal 3:2
• and he shall sit as a refiner and Mal 3:3
The action or process of getting back on track or getting back to God's will and away from our desires
and wills. In the 16th century there was a time of reformation, a time of turning away from the abuses
of the Catholic Church. Out of this change came the Reformed and the Protestant Churches. God had
once again revealed the clear truth of His word to the people, bringing about a revival of commitment
to Him.
• on them until the time of reformation Heb 9:10
You have been given new strength and energy; reinvigorated. DTP This is one of the works of the Holy
Spirit is doing in our lives as we pray and seek God's truth from His word. The disciple to come each
day before the Father for a time of refreshing. The world wears us down through corruption and sin
but Christ, through the Holy Spirit, is there to bring us times of refreshment for both individual
Christians as well as the local fellowship of believers. Oh, how we need these times of refreshing in
this day and age. (We also have the ministry of refreshing each other in Christ Jesus).
• and the stranger, may be refreshed Ex 23:12
• seventh day he rested and was refreshed Ex 31:17
• I will speak, that I may be refreshed Job 32:20
• when times of refreshing shall come Acts 3:19
• will of God and may with you be refreshed Rom 15:32
• for they have refreshed my spirit 1 Cor 16:18
• because his spirit was refreshed by you all 2 Cor 7:13
• for he oft refreshed me and was not ashamed 2 Tim 1:16
A place of shelter and safety from danger or trouble. DTP In the Old Testament there were cities of
refuge in Israel and Judah where perpetrators of manslaughter could find asylum for as long as they
stayed in that city. Christ has become our city of refuge; He has become our refuge in the times of
storms. He is our anchor, holding us fast; He is the One who keeps us in the palm of His hand. We
need not fear but we just have to keep faith in Jesus Christ who is our sure place of refuge.
• appoint ... cities of refuge for you Num 35:11
• these six cities shall be a refuge Num 35:15
• appoint out for you cities of refuge Josh 20:2
• salvation, my high tower and my refuge 2 Sam 22:3
• a refuge in times of trouble Ps 9:9
• because the LORD is his refuge Ps 14:6
• God is our refuge and strength, a very present Ps 46:1
• of thy wings will I make my refuge Ps 57:1
• my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble Ps 59:16
• the rock of my strength and my refuge Ps 62:7
• trust in him at all times ... God is a refuge for us Ps 62:8
• he is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him Ps 91:2
• and my God is the rock of my refuge Ps 94:22
• thou art my refuge and my portion in the land Ps 142:5
• his children shall have a place of refuge Prov 14:26
• fortress ... my refuge in the day of affliction Jer 16:19

To be made alive again, to be brought back from extinction and death. DTP To bring the disciple back
into a newness of life, to recreate us into the fullness of Christ, to take on His nature and life. In all
areas of our life from the inside out we have been reborn and remade as children of God.
• in the regeneration when the Son of man Matt 19:28
• he saved us, by the washing of regeneration Tit 3:5
This often describes the period of time that a ruler or monarch rules as leader (for example, as a king or
queen). DTP Christ is our Righteous King and He will soon reign again over all His creation for ever and
ever. Sin and rebellion will be put down and His enemies will be taken captive. He will return again to
set up His everlasting Kingdom here on earth.
• him, shalt thou indeed reign over us Gen 37:8
• the LORD shall reign for ever Ex 15:18
• thou shalt reign ... they shall not reign over thee Deut 15:6
• let men say ... The LORD reigneth 1 Chr 16:31 (Ps 96:10)
• the LORD reigneth, he is clothed with majesty Ps 93:1
• the LORD shall reign for ever Ps 146:10
• the LORD of hosts shall reign in mount Zion Isa 24:23
• a King shall reign in righteousness Isa 32:1
• salvation: that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth Isa 52:7
• a righteous Branch and a King shall reign Jer 23:5
• shall reign in life by one, Jesus Rom 5:17
• that as sin hath reigned... even so might grace reign Rom 5:21
• let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body Rom 6:12
• suffer, we shall also reign with him 2 Tit 2:12
• and he shall reign for ever and ever Rev 11:5
• alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigns Rev 19:6
• and they shall reign for ever and ever Rev 22:5
The belief that a soul can be reborn into a new body of a person or animal. This is a belief that is held
mostly by those who practice Buddhism and Hinduism; almost all religions, other than Christianity
and Islam, believe in some form of reincarnation. Reincarnation is often thought of as being an endless
circle of death and rebirth; sometimes coming back as a lower being or, if one did enough righteous
things, one could be elevated to a higher position in the next life. This circle of death and rebirth
continues until one day the person reaches utopia, a state of complete nothingness. This is the level
to which the Buddha himself was able to arrive; that assumption now gives hope that others who
follow his teachings and ways, that they, too, will one day enjoy this final destination of utopia.
reject / rejected
Turn away from, not to take, turn one's back to; refuse to consider or to agree with. DTP Many people
who do not get what they want or what they feel they should get from God, turn their backs toward
Him and His word. Thousands of people each day reject the leading of the Holy Spirit just like many
disciples in the time of Christ; many went back to the ways of the world. Many to this day also reject
Christ's love, grace and mercy. They condemn their own selves to destruction and, potentially, even
eternal death.
• have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me 1 Sam 8:7
• ye have this day rejected your God, who himself 1 Sam 10:19
• thou hast rejected the word ... he hath also rejected thee 1 Sam 15:23
• they rejected his statutes and his covenant 2 Kin 17:15
• lo, they have rejected the word of the LORD Jer 8:9
• stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head Matt 21:42 (Mark 12:10; Luke 20:17)
• he that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words John 12:48
rejoice / rejoicing
A giving of thanks and praise. To feel or show great joy or delight. DTP The disciple is to have a heart full
of rejoicing because he knows that Christ Jesus has redeemed him from the penalty for all his sin and

wickedness. The result may be a voice lifted up to Him who has set us free ... a song from the depths
of our heart that lifts up praise to our God. We are to rejoice and be glad in our God.
• ye shall rejoice before the LORD your Lev 23:40 (Deut 12:12; 16:11)
• rejoice in all that ye put your hand unto Deut 12:7
• rejoice in the LORD ... I rejoice in thy salvation 1 Sam 2:1
• them rejoice that seek the LORD 1 Chr 16:10 (Ps 105:3)
• rejoice: for God had made them rejoice with great joy Neh 12:43
• with fear and rejoice with trembling Ps 2:11
• let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice Ps 5:11
• all thy praise ... I will rejoice in thy salvation Ps 9:14
• mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation Ps 13:5
• we will rejoice in thy salvation and in Ps 20:5
• rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous Ps 33:1
• my help ... in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice Ps 63:7
• revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in Ps 85:6
• in thy name shall they rejoice all the day Ps 89:16
• the LORD reigneth; let the earth rejoice Ps 97:1
• the voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the Ps 118:15
• I rejoice at thy word, as one that findeth Ps 119:162
• come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves Ps 126:6
• blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth Prov 5:18
• but the righteous doth sing and rejoice Prov 29:6
• be glad and rejoice in his salvation Isa 25:9
• I will greatly rejoice in the LORD Isa 61:10
• ye children of Zion and rejoice in the LORD Joel 2:23
• yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will Hab 3:18
• rejoice and be exceeding glad Matt 5:12 (Luke 6:23)
• and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour Luke 1:47
• rejoice ye in the day and leap for joy Luke 6:23
• rather rejoice, because your names are written Luke 10:20
• soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together John 4:36
• if you love me, ye would rejoice John 14:28
• rejoice that they were counted worthy to suffer Acts 5:41
• rejoice in hope; patient in tribulation Rom 12:12
• rejoice with them that do rejoice Rom 12:15
• For our rejoicing is this, the testimony 2 Cor 1:12
• As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor 2 Cor 6:10
• your rejoicing may be more abundant in Jesus Phil 1:26
• that I may rejoice in the day of Christ Phil 2:16
• rejoice in the Lord always Phil 4:4
• is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? 1 Thes 2:19
• rejoice evermore 1 Thes 5:16
• if we hold fast ... the rejoicing of the hope firm Heb 3:6
• ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full 1 Pet 1:8
• rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ 1 Pet 4:13
• let us be glad and rejoice and give honour to him Rev 19:7
A connection between people, concepts, or objects. This word is closely linked to the word fellowship;
ideally, a coming together, a connecting of one or more people in unity and harmony, a relationship
that is focused on the betterment of another. DTP We are called to enter into a personal relationship
with Jesus Christ. Christ is the vine and we are the branches; He holds us up and nourishes us so that
we can produce fruit for His glory (John 15:1-12). Through our relationship with Christ, we are a part
of His body, the Church. We have come together to lift up and encourage each other in the faith, and
to minister one another by using the fruit and gifts of the Spirit.

• closest relationship with the Father John 1:18
• In your relationship s with one another Philippians 2:5
A faith, belief, creed or conviction. Certain doctrines or dogmas in which one believes and, by which,
seeks to govern one's lifestyle. DTP The disciple of Christ is to build his life on faith in Jesus Christ,
trusting in His grace and mercy; because of what He did for us on the cross, we can be clothed in His
righteousness. We do not serve a religion of works and laws but one of faith and confession of sin.
We become new creatures in Christ Jesus for all eternity.
• after the most straightest sect of our religion Acts 26:5
• conversation in time past in the Jews' religion Gal 1:13
• pure religion and undefiled before God and the James 1:27
To tarry, to be left behind, to stay back, to abide, to dwell. DTP The disciple needs to remain firm in Christ
Jesus; the storms and challenges of life should not move us because we have built our eternal lives
upon the sure foundation which lasts forever, the solid rock of Jesus Christ.
• while the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest Gen 8:22
• even I only, remain a prophet of the LORD 1 Kin 18:22
• Jerusalem ... this city shall remain for ever Jer 17:25
• so my Spirit remaineth among you: fear ye not Hag 2:5
• see the Spirit descending and remaining on him John 1:33
• my joy might remain in you and that your joy John 15:11
• forth fruit and that your fruit should remain John 15:16
• we which are alive and remain shall be caught up 1 Thes 4:17
• there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins Heb 10:26
• for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin 1 John 3:9
remember / remembrance
To bring back to our thinking that which has happened in the past. DTP Often we forget and run the risk
of doing something wrong all over again. We need to remember and learn from our mistakes. In times
of old rocks would be piled in strategic places so that the people of Israel would remember what God
had done for them. For His disciples, Christ has instituted the communion celebration so that as we
partake of it, we will remember the good news of His death and resurrection for us, so that we could
have eternal life. When we remember and reflect back, our attitude and our outward actions should
begin to change, and people will look at us and see Christ Jesus in us. It is also important that the
disciple remembers to pray for other people and for the ministries that further Christ's purpose of
bringing redemption to mankind.
• I will remember my covenant, which is Gen 9:15
• that I may remember the everlasting Gen 9:16
• remember this day, in which ye came out Ex 13:3
• remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy Ex 20:8
• that ye may remember and do all my Num 15:40
• shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in ... Egypt Deut 15:15
• remember the word which Moses the Josh 1:13
• come unto me to call my sin to remembrance 1 Kin 17:18
• but we will remember the name of the LORD our God Ps 20:7
• remember, O LORD, thy tender mercies and Ps 25:6
• remember not the sins of my youth ... remember thou me for Ps 25:7
• remember the works of the LORD ... remember thy wonders of Ps 77:11
• they remember that God was their rock Ps 78:35
• remember his marvelous works that he Ps 105:5
• shall be in everlasting remembrance Ps 112:6
• remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth Eccl 12:1
• remember their iniquity and visit their sins Jer 14:10
• I will remember their sin no more Jer 31:34 (Heb 8:12; 10:17)
• a book of remembrance was written before Mal 3:16

• and Peter remembered the word of Jesus Matt 26:75
• and do ye not remember Mark 8:18
• this do in remembrance of me Luke 22:19
• and they remembered his words Luke 24:8
• and bring all things to your remembrance John 14:26
• remember the word that I said unto you John 15:20
• then remembered I the word of the Lord, how that Acts 11:16
• and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus Acts 20:35
• this do in remembrance of me 1 Cor 11:24
• as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me 1 Cor 11:25
• would that we should remember the poor Gal 2:10
• remember without ceasing your work of faith 1 Thes 1:3
• remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day 2 Tim 1:3
• remember that Jesus Christ of the seed 2 Tim 2:8
• remember them that are in bonds, as bound with Heb 13:3
• remember them which have the rule over you Heb 13:7
• their iniquities will I remember no more Heb 8:12
• stir you up by putting you in remembrance 2 Pet 1:13
• which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance 2 Pet 3:1
To forgive or pardon. This often means a cancellation of a debt or a penalty. Forgiveness of sins. DTP
From the Scripture, this word speaks of forgiveness of sins. We are unable to do accomplish remission
of sins by ourselves; it takes One in authority to cancel that which we owe. Christ has made it possible
for us to have remission of our sins. His action paid the whole price so that we could be set free. The
price has been paid by His shed blood once and for all.
• shed for many for the remission of sins Matt 26:28
• of repentance for the remission of sins Mark 1:4
• unto his people by the remission of their sins Luke 1:77
• of repentance for the remission of sins Luke 3:3
• remission of sins should be preached in Luke 24:47
• of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins Acts 2:28
• believeth in him shall receive remission of sins Acts 10:43
• for the remission of sins that are past Rom 3:25
• without shedding of blood is no remission of sins Heb 9:22
A small remaining quantity of something. DTP The Bible teaches that there is always a remnant of people
who are faithful to God; even though many may be destroyed or gone, throughout the ages God has
those who have remained true to his heart and will. Because of their faithfulness to God they will be
saved. God sees them and knows them, each one by name.
• lift up thy prayer for the remnant 2 Kin 19:4 (Isa 37:4)
• God, to leave us a remnant to escape Ezra 9:8
• the remnant that are left of the Neh 1:3
• yet a remnant shall return Isa 10:22 (Rom 9:27)
• shall be a highway for the remnant of his people Isa 11:16
• and the remnant shall be very small and feeble Isa 16:14
• I will gather the remnant of my flock Jer 23:3
• O LORD, save thy people, the remnant of Israel Jer 31:7
• all the remnant of Judah ... shall know whose words Jer 44:28
• and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call Joel 2:32
• I will surely gather the remnant of Israel Mic 2:12
• of the sea, a remnant shall be saved Rom 9:27
• is a remnant according to the election of grace Rom 11:5

rend / rent
To tear or rip apart. DTP One important and powerful event that happened during Christ's crucifixion is
often overlooked. The veil in the temple separating the holy place from the holy of holies was rent
from top to bottom. Through faith in Christ's shed blood, we can now enter the holy of holies. We are
now covered with His blood and righteousness.
• neither rend your clothes; lest ye die Lev 10:6
• the LORD hath rent the kingdom 1 Sam 15:28 (28:17)
• I rent my garment and my mantle and plucked Ezra 9:3
• tear my soul like a lion, rend it in pieces Ps 7:2
• a time to rend and a time to sew Eccl 3:7
• rend your heart and not your garments Joel 2:13
• veil ... was rent in twain Matt 27:51 (Mark 15:38; Luke 23:45)
• let us not rend it, but cast lots for it John 19:24
Recompense, condense, concentrate, purity, extract, solidify, melt or boil down. DTP Everything we do
has some type of result to it. Christ desires that we become white as snow and we can become this
because of what He reddened on our behalf on the cross of calvary.
• I will render vengeance to mine enemies Deut 32:41
• the evil ... did God render upon their heads Judg 9:57
• render to every man his righteousness 1 Sam 26:23
• thou renderest to every man according to his work Ps 62:12
• shall render him the fruits in their seasons Matt 21:41
• render ... unto Caesar Matt 22:21 (Mark 12:17; Luke 20:25)
• will render to every man according to his deeds Rom 2:6
• see that none render evil for evil unto any man 1 Thes 5:15
• not render evil for evil, or railing for 1 Pet 3:9
renew / renewing / renewed
To bring back to newness, to re-establish a relationship, to become a new creation, to give new life, to
replace or restore. DTP The disciple has inherited an old sin nature from Adam, one that has become
tarnished; with faith in Christ we can become born again, from death being made alive, a new creation
that glorifies God our Father.
• O God; and renew a right spirit within me Ps 51:10
• so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's Ps 103:5
• wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength Isa 40:31
• we shall be turned; renew our days as of old Lam 5:21
• be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds Rom 12:2
• yet the inward man is renewed day by day 2 Cor 4:16
• and be renewed in the spirit of your mind Eph 4:23
• the new man, which is renewed in knowledge Col 3:10
• of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost Tit 3:5
• to renew them again unto repentance; seeing Heb 6:6
repent / repentance
To feel or express sincere regret, to change one's mind about one's sin and commit to change. Coming
to God with regret and remorse, asking forgiveness of Him. DTP Our old sin nature is still prone to fall
into sin, both against others and our God. Through prayer we need daily to ask for forgiveness (see
the Lord's Prayer). Repentance is humbling our self-will to God and to take on His nature as we walk
here on earth. The prayer of repentance is the time of washing away ones sin so that we can be as
white as snow.
• it repented the LORD that he had made man Gen 6:6
• repent of this evil against thy people Ex 32:12
• LORD hath sworn and will not repent Ps 110:4 (Heb 7:21)
• I will repent of the evil that I thought to do Jer 18:8
• obey ... and the LORD will repent him of the evil Jer 26:13
• I repent me of the evil that I have done unto Jer 42:10

• repent and turn yourselves from your idols Ezek 14:6
• repent and turn ... from all your transgressions Ezek 18:30
• repent ye; for the kingdom of heaven is Matt 3:2 (4:17)
• forth therefore fruits meet for repentance Matt 3:8 (Luke 3:8)
• began to preach and to say, repent Matt 4:17
• the righteous, but sinners to repentance Matt 9:13 (Mark 2:17; Luke 5:32)
• they repented at the preaching of Jonas Matt 12:41 (Luke 11:32)
• repent ye and believe the gospel Mark 1:15
• and preached that men should repent Mark 6:12
• for they repented at the preaching of Luke 11:32
• except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish Luke 13:3
• joy ... be in heaven over one sinner that repents Luke 15:7
• rebuke him and if he repent, forgive him Luke 17:3
• repentance and remission of sins should be preached Luke 24:47
• then Peter said unto them, repent Acts 2:38
• repent ye therefore and be converted Acts 3:19
• now commandeth all men every where to repent Acts 17:30
• that they should repent and turn to God and do Acts 26:20
• the gifts and calling of God are without repentance Rom 11:29
• godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented 2 Cor 7:10
• foundation of repentance from dead works Heb 6:1
• shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance Heb 6:6
• but that all should come to repentance 2 Pet 3:9
• tribulation, except they repent of their deeds Rev 2:22
To give a spoken or written account of something, to make a statement. DTP The disciple should always
be ready to give a report of their faith in Jesus Christ; to tell others and testify of what God has been
doing in one's life. It is also important to report what God is doing in one's own church fellowship.
• brought unto his father their evil report Gen 37:2
• thou shalt not raise a false report Ex 23:1
• and a good report maketh the bones fat Prov 15:30
• hath believed our report? Isa 53:1 (John 12:38; Rom 10:16)
• look ye ... among you seven men of honest report Acts 6:3
• and report that God is in you of a truth 1 Cor 14:25
• whatsoever things are of good report Phil 4:8
• for by it the elders obtained a good report Heb 11:2
• having obtained a good report through faith Heb 11:39
A disgrace, dishonour, scorn or to express disapproval of something shameful. DTP Sin has made us
unclean before a Holy God; we have become a reproach to Him; our actions have made us guilty. We
have been found guilty and we are a disgrace, we have become discredited and in danger of losing
our eternal lives. The disciple needs to live to a higher standard than that of the world; we are to be
an example to the lost, an evidence of Christ's redeeming power and love.
• and said, God hath taken away my reproach Gen 30:23
• I rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off you Josh 5:9
• saying, let her glean ... and reproach her not Ruth 2:15
• hath sent to reproach the living God 2 Kin 19:4 (Isa 37:4)
• away the reproach of Egypt from off you Josh 5:9
• are in great affliction and reproach Neh 1:3
• wall of Jerusalem, that we be no more a reproach Neh 2:17
• I was a reproach among all mine enemies Ps 31:11
• deliver me ... make me not the reproach of the foolish Ps 39:8
• reproach of them that reproach thee are fallen Ps 69:9 (Rom 15:3)
• reproach hath broken my heart Ps 69:20

• he is a reproach to his neighbours Ps 89:41
• he that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker Prov 14:31
• but sin is a reproach to any people Pro 14:34
• word of the LORD is unto them a reproach Jer 6:10
• Jerusalem and thy people are become a reproach Dan 9:16
• the reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me Rom 15:3
• lest he fall into reproach and the snare 1 Tim 3:7
• the overseer must be above reproach 2 Tim 3:2
• esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches Heb 11:26
• if ye be reproached for the name of Christ 1 Pet 4:14
This is an unprincipled person who follows his own desires and will, one who is abandoned to sin and
headed for damnation. They are people who lose their minds and souls to the destructive sins of this
world. They are no longer open to the receptiveness of God, living lives dedicated to sin, and lost for
all eternity.
• reprobate silver shall men call them Jer 6:30
• God gave them over to a reprobate mind Rom 1:28
• Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates 2 Cor 13:5
• minds, reprobate concerning the faith 2 Tim 3:8
• and unto every good work reprobate Tit 1:16
reproof / reprove
An expression of blame or disapproval. Verb reprove is to rebuke or to reprimand someone for their
words or actions. To make a person accountable for what they have done, whether against God or
others. DTP God is a God of discipline and He will discipline those who He loves. The purpose of
reproof is to get someone back on track from going astray to again doing God's will for their lives. The
leaders of the church, through much prayer and wisdom, must be willing to reprove those who are
teaching false doctrine or are living lives of sin. The purpose of all "reproof type ministry" is to restore
the disciple back into full fellowship with God and His church.
• and are astonished at his reproof Job 26:11
• they despised all my reproof Prov 1:30
• hated instruction and my heart despised reproof Prov 5:12
• and reproof of instruction are the way of life Prov 6:23
• but he that regardeth reproof is prudent Prov 15:5
• and he that hateth reproof shall die Prov 15:10
• the rod and reproof give wisdom Prov 29:15
• is profitable for doctrine, for reproof 2 Tim 3:16
• reprove, rebuke, exhort with all 2 Tim 4:2
To save someone from a dangerous or distressing situation; a gracious act of helping another out of
difficulty. The idea is that one is in some type of danger and is not able to help themselves or get free,
but then someone comes along and extends help in order to restore the person or situation. DTP
Christ came to rescue us from a life of sin and shame. We were in the miry clay, about to die, but
Christ extended his love and rescued us and put our feet back on solid ground.
• and thou shalt have none to rescue them Deut 28:31
• rescue my soul from their destructions Ps 35:17
• then came I with an army and rescued him Acts 23:27
Withstand the action or effect of something or someone. To prevent somebody from doing something
to you, to refrain or to struggle against. DTP The disciple has an enemy who is out to deceive, trick,
destroy and kill, if at all possible. We, through faith, have been given the power of the Holy Spirit to
resist Satan, both in our lives and as we pray for others. We need to take up the full armour of God
and daily fight as a soldier for Jesus Christ and His kingdom.
• not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit Acts 6:10
• ye do always resist the Holy Ghost Acts 7:51

• resist the power, resist the ordinance of God Rom 13:2
• also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds 2 Tim 3:8
• ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving Heb 12:4
• God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace James 4:6 (1 Pet 5:5)
• resist the devil and he will flee from you James 4:7
• whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing 1 Pet 5:9
To esteem, reverence, venerate. to lift up with great respect. DTP It is very important that we show
respect one to another. We are all uniquely created by God, each one different from the other.
Respect is as showing honour to people and humbling ourselves as servants for the ministry of Christ
Jesus. As we show respect to others, we will often be shown respect in return. We will reap what we
sow; do all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
• LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering Gen 4:4
• I will have respect unto you ... make you fruitful Lev 26:9
• have thou respect unto the prayer 1 Kin 8:28 (2 Chr 6:19)
• nor respect of persons, nor taking of gifts 2 Chr 19:7
• thy precepts and have respect unto thy ways Ps 119:15
• his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One of Isa 17:7
• no respect of persons with Rom 2:11 (Eph 6:9; Col 3:25)
• Father, who without respect of persons judgeth 1 Pet 1:17
A period of relaxation or ceasing from work, usually for the purpose of recovering one's strength. DTP
For the disciple, this can be a time of hope and trust, a place where confidence in God can be
strengthened. To be at peace in one's mind and heart. The place where all the cares of the world are
laid at the feet of Christ. It is also important that each week we take one day for rest, as God
commanded His people to do.
• God ... rested on the seventh day Gen 2:2 (Heb 4:4)
• but the dove found no rest for the Gen 8:9
• ye make them rest from their burdens Ex 5:5
• tomorrow is the rest of the holy sabbath Ex 16:23
• so the people rested on the seventh day Ex 16:30
• six days the LORD made ... and rested the seventh Ex 20:11
• on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed Ex 31:17
• giveth you rest from all your enemies Deut 12:10 (25:19)
• LORD your God hath given you rest Josh 1:3
• be a man of rest; and I will give him rest 1 Chr 22:9
• help us, O LORD our God; for we rest on thee 2 Chr 14:11
• my flesh also shall rest in hope Ps 16:9
• rest in the LORD and wait patiently Ps 37:7
• rest upon the lot of the righteous Ps 125:3
• correct thy son and he shall give thee rest Prov 29:17
• and the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him Isa 11:2
• returning and rest shall ye be saved Isa 30:15
• the Spirit of the LORD caused him to rest Isa 63:14
• heavy laden and I will give you rest Matt 11:28
• and ye shall find rest unto your souls Matt 11:29
• also my flesh shall rest in hope Acts 2:26
• then had the churches rest throughout all Acts 9:31
• the power of Christ may rest upon me 2 Cor 12:9
• if they shall enter into my rest Heb 4:3
• God did rest on the seventh day from Heb 4:4
• let us labour therefore to enter into that rest Heb 4:11

An act of compensation or recompense for the purpose of reimbursing or repaying someone. For
example, something lost or stolen is given back to its proper owner. DTP Because of our sinful actions
in the Garden of Eden, we were lost to God and banished from His very presence. But Christ came to
make restitution, a payment that only He could make. We owed a debt that we could never pay, but
through the Father's great love He sent His son to pay the debt, and set us free from the penalty of
sinfulness and disobedience.
• for he should make full restitution Ex 22:3
• he shall make restitution unto the owner Ex 22:12
• the times of restitution of all things Acts 3:21
restore / restorer
Returning of something that had been damaged, to reinstate, to return back to its former condition and
position. To bring something back to its original state. DTP Man needed restitution; sin had corrupted
us, removing us from that which God had intended us to be. Sin corrupts us from the inside out, but
Christ came to this world and, by dying on the cross, He made a way that we could receive restitution.
• he shall even restore it in the Lev 6:5
• thou shalt restore it to him again Deut 22:2
• pray for me, that my hand may be restored to me 1 Kin 13:6
• be unto thee a restorer of thy life Ruth 4:15
• he restoreth my soul Ps 23:3
• restore unto me the joy of thy salvation Ps 51:12
• will restore health unto the and I will heal Jer 30:17
• I will restore to you the years that Joel 2:25
• wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom Acts 1:6
• restore such a one in the spirit of meekness Gal 6:1
To raise up, to lift up, to restore back from the dead, a restoration, a renewal, a reappearance. DTP Christ
died on the cross and was put in a borrowed grave and after three days He arose. The resurrection
power filled His earthly body once again. Jesus proclaimed during His earthly ministry saying, "I am
the resurrection and the life." Paul desired that he may know, in a deeper way, Christ's resurrection
power and that it would fill his heart for service.
• which say that there is no resurrection Matt 22:23 (Mark 12:18; Luke 20:27; Acts 23:8)
• in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given Matt 22:30
• out of the graves after his resurrection Matt 27:53
• which say there is no resurrection Mark 12:18
• children of God, being the children of the resurrection Luke 20:36
• unto the resurrection of life ... unto the resurrection of damnation John 5:29
• Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection John 11:25
• ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrection Acts 1:22
• preached through Jesus the resurrection from the dead Acts 4:2
• apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Acts 4:33
• he preached unto them Jesus and the resurrection Acts 17:18
• there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of Acts 24:15
• holiness, by the resurrection from the dead Rom 1:4
• we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection Rom 6:5
• but if there be no resurrection of the dead 1 Cor 15:12
• by man came death, by man came also the resurrection 1 Cor 15:21
• know him and the power of his resurrection Phil 3:10
• of resurrection of the dead and of eternal Heb 6:2
• that they might obtain a better resurrection Heb 11:35
• resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead 1 Pet 1:3
• also now save us ... by the resurrection of Jesus Christ 1 Pet 3:21
• this is the first resurrection Rev 20:5

This is punishment that is inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or for a criminal act. This is a
punishment that is deserved, as a result of having been found guilty; now one must pay for their
actions. DTP We deserve God's retribution, but Christ's payment releases the believer from justified
punishment, giving him eternal life in heaven with God in all His glory, face to face with our King of
kings and Lord of lords.
• with divine retribution he will come to save you. Isa 35:4
• stumbling block and a retribution for them Rom 11:9
To come or go back to a place or person. DTP Like sheep, we have gone astray and need to return to the
right pathway. It seems that time causes us to go astray from God; we can lose the joy of our first love
and become again more interested in the things of the world then in the truth of God and His kingdom.
But God never stops calling out to us to repent and return back to the heart of God once again.
• dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return Gen 3:19
• return unto the LORD thy God and shalt obey Deut 30:2
• shalt return and obey the voice of the LORD Deut 30:8
• do return unto the LORD with all your heart 1 Sam 7:3
• shall return and confess thy name and pray 2 Chr 6:24
• return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the LORD Ps 116:7
• as a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to Prov 26:11
• dust return to the earth ... spirit shall return unto God Eccl 12:7
• the ransomed of the LORD shall return Isa 35:10
• return unto me; for I have redeemed the Isa 44:22
• return, ye backsliding children and I will Jer 3:22
• return ye now every one from his evil way Jer 18:11 (35:15)
• they shall return unto me with their whole heart Jer 24:7
• come and let us return unto the LORD: for he Hos 6:1
• they return, but not to the Most High: they are Hos 7:16
• who knoweth if he will return and repent Joel 2:14
• return unto me and I will return unto you, saith Mal 3:7
• and Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Luke 4:14
• the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord Luke 10:17
• astray; but are now return unto the Shepherd 1 Pet 2:25
reveal / revealed
To make known or to disclose, to take that which was hidden and bring it out into the open that all may
see. DTP The plans of God were a mystery but He then openly revealed His full plan through His Son,
Jesus Christ. The redemptive story would come alive through His Son coming to earth. For some,
because of the hardness of their hearts, are still blind to the truth of His word but others, through
faith and the power of the Holy Spirit, have come to see the truth.
• word of the LORD yet revealed unto him I Sam 3:7
• the glory of the LORD shall be revealed Isa 40:5
• come and my righteousness to be revealed Isa 56:1
• but there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets Dan 2:28
• and has revealed them unto babes Matt 11:25
• to whomsoever the Son will reveal him Matt 11:27
• it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed Luke 17:30
• of God revealed from faith to faith Rom 1:17
• the glory which shall be revealed in us Rom 8:18
• God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit 1 Cor 2:10
• it, because it shall be revealed by fire 1 Cor 3:13
• to reveal his Son in me, that I might preach Gal 1:16
• now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets Eph 3:5
• first and that man of sin be revealed 2 Thes 2:3
• salvation ready to be revealed in the last time 1 Pet 1:5

• when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad 1 Pet 4:13
• also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed 1 Pet 5:1
A discloser or the revealing of something that was unknown, often a divine truth that is made known to
man. Jesus was God's divine revelation to mankind; He revealed to us the full nature of God the
• and the revelation of the righteous judgement of God Rom 2:5
• according to the revelation of the mystery Rom 16:25
• hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation 1 Cor 14:26
• will come to visions and revelation of the Lord 2 Cor 12:1
• be exalted ... through the abundance of the revelation 2 Cor 12:7
• of man ... but by the revelation of Jesus Christ Gal 1:12
• and I went up by revelation, and communicated unto them that gospel Gal 2:2
• revelation in the knowledge of him Eph 1:17
• that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery Eph 3:3
• unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ 1 Pet 1:13
Revelation, book of
This book was written by John while he lived in exile on the Isle of Patmos. It is thought to have been
written around AD 95. The main theme of the book seems to boil down to who we will worship and
follow, the antichrist or Jesus Christ. It is the last book of the Bible and it reveals many things that will
take place in the last days. There will terrible times ahead but in the end God's people will live
victoriously in a new heaven and earth. The events described show us how the Lamb of God will come
a second time, this time to destroy His enemy; the church will be taken up and gathered together face
to face with God at the marriage supper of the Lamb.
• the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God Rev 1:1
To show deep respect to someone. It also means to set aside or to keep holy before our God, to show
great respect towards. The term "reverend" is often given to a member of the clergy. DTP We should,
as disciples, show reverence to God, to His word, and to His people. He is our Creator and we are His
children and, as we gather together, we should respect and humble ourselves before our King and
• my sabbaths and reverence my sanctuary Lev 19:30
• he fell on his face and did reverence 2 Sam 9:6
• keep my Sabbaths ... reverence my sanctuary Lev 19:30 (26:2)
• Mordecai bowed not, nor did him reverence Esth 3:2
• they will reverence my son Matt 21:37 (Mark 12:6; Luke 20:13)
• wife see that she reverence her husband Eph 5:33
• fathers of our flesh ... and we gave them reverence Heb 12:9
• may serve God acceptably with reverence Heb 12:28
revive / revival
To rekindle, to bring back to life something that had died. DTP To renew one's faith and commitment, to
ask Jesus to restore us to full relationship with Himself. There have been a number of revivals
throughout history and each time people have been drawn back to a deep and full personal
commitment to Christ. We again are in need of a worldwide revival because the Christians are slipping
away into materialism, putting their own selves and desires above others and even above the will of
• the soul ... came into him again and he revived 1 Kin 17:22
• wilt thou not revive us again Ps 85:6
• in the midst of trouble thou wilt revive me Ps 138:7
• to revive the spirit of the humble and Isa 57:15
• LORD, revive thy work in the midst of the years Hab 3:2
• Christ both died and rose and revived Rom 14:9

Something given to another in recognition for service, or for achievement or for extra effort; to show
one's appreciation by giving some type of gift. DTP Christ told the disciple that when He returns, He
will bring His reward with Him (Rev 22:12). Christ believes in rewarding His children for faithfulness
and we as a church should reward those who have faithfully given and served others. People like to
know that they are important to the body of Christ. But Christ also tells us that which we do in secret
(specifically prayer) will be rewarded openly. We are to do what we do, not for reward, but because
we love God and His people.
• shield and thy exceeding great reward Gen 15:1
• reward for your service in the tabernacle Num 18:31
• the LORD reward me according to my 2 Sam 22:21 (Ps 18:20)
• as a hireling looketh for the reward of his work Job 7:2
• there is a reward for the righteous Ps 58:11
• his reward is with him and his work Isa 40:10 (62:11)
• for great is your reward in heaven Matt 5:12 (Luke 6:23)
• receive a prophet's reward ... a righteous man's reward Matt 10:41
• shall reward every man according to his works Matt 16:27
• reward shall be great ... ye shall be the children Luke 6:35
• we receive the due reward of our deeds Luke 23:41
• his own reward according to his own labour 1 Cor 3:8
• any man's work abide ... he shall receive a reward 1 Cor 3:14
• receive the reward of the inheritance Col 3:24
• and the laborer is worthy of his reward 1 Tim 5:18
• the Lord reward him according to his works 2 Tim 4:14
• that he is a rewarder of them that Heb 11:6
• And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, 2 Pet 2:13
• But that we receive a full reward. 2 John 1:8
• my reward is with me, to give every Rev 22:12
rich / riches
To have abundance, to be wealthy, resources, treasures, assets, to have lots of money or possessions.
DTP The disciple needs to be careful that the pursuit of riches does not become an entanglement or
a snare in their testimony and their walk with Christ. Riches can lead to spiritual destruction if not
handled right. We need to remember is that we are only stewards of all our riches; they come from
God. If we don't keep that reality firmly in mind, one day we may find our riches are gone.
• Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver Gen 13:2
• nor regardeth the rich more than the poor? Job 34:19
• boast themselves in the multitude of their riches Ps 49:6
• but trusted in the abundance of his riches Ps 52:7
• blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he Prov 10:22
• good name is rather to be chosen than great riches Prov 22:1
• the rich and poor meet together: the LORD is Prov 22:2
• by humility and the fear of the LORD are riches Prov 22:4
• he that hasteth to be rich hath an evil eye Prov 28:22
• deceitfulness of riches, choke the Matt 13:22 (Mark 4:19)
• rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom Mat 19:23
• layeth up treasure ... is not rich toward God Luke 12:21
• he was very sorrowful: for he was very rich Luke 18:23
• that he might make known the riches of his glory Rom 9:23
• the same LORD over all is rich unto all Rom 10:12
• he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor 2 Cor 8:9
• of sins, according to the riches of his grace Eph 1:7
• but God, who is rich in mercy, for his great Eph 2:4
• he might show the exceeding riches of his grace Eph 2:7
• should preach ... the unsearchable riches of Christ Eph 3:8

• according to his riches in glory by Christ Phil 4:19
• all riches of the full assurance of understanding Col 2:2
• they that will be rich fall into temptation 1 Tim 6:9
• the rich, in that he is made low: because James 1:10
• God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith James 2:5
• ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries James 5:1
• your riches are corrupted and your garments James 5:2
• to buy me gold ... that thou mayest be rich Rev 3:18
• worthy ... Lamb ... to receive power and riches Rev 5:12
To be morally good, justified or acceptable. DTP The disciple is to stand in righteousness before God in
heaven. We can do so because Christ, by His death and resurrection, has brought us to a place of
being in right standing before God. We cannot make ourselves right before God; Christ did this on our
• do that which is right in the sight of the LORD Deut 12:25
• hearken to the voice ... to do that which is right Deut 13:18
• because David did that which was right 1 Kin 15:5
• Ahaz ... did not that which was right in the sight 2 Kin 16:2
• statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart Ps 19:8
• word of the LORD is right and all his works are Ps 33:4
• O God; and renew a right spirit within me Ps 51:10
• I know, O LORD, that thy judgments are right Ps 119:75
• of wisdom; I have led thee in right paths Prov 4:11
• the thoughts of the righteous are right Prov 12:5
• is a way which seemeth right unto man Prov 14:12 (16:25)
• the ways of the LORD are right and the just Hos 14:9
• for thy heart is not right in the sight of God Acts 8:21
• obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right Eph 6:1
• which have forsaken the right way and are 2 Pet 2:15
• that they may have right to the tree of life Rev 22:14
righteous / righteousness
To be virtuous, moral, just and honest, both with God and man. DTP We are told that our own
righteousness is as filthy rags; that is why we need to rely totally on the righteousness of Christ. When
we do this, God see us as acceptable and worthy to enter into His presence.
• for thee have I seen righteous before me Gen 7:1
• and he counted it to him for righteousness Gen 15:6 (Rom 4:3, 22: Gal 3:6; Gal 3:6; James 2:23)
• LORD is righteous and I and my people are wicked Ex 9:27
• and perverteth the words of the righteous Ex 23:8
• O LORD God of Israel, thou art righteous Ezr 9:15
• shall justify the righteous and condemn the wicked Deut 25:1
• justifying the righteous, to give 1 Kin 8:32 (2 Chr 6:23)
• the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous Ps 1:6
• lead me O LORD, in thy righteousness, because of mine Ps 5:8
• and he shall judge the world in righteousness Ps 9:8
• he that walketh uprightly and worketh righteousness Ps 15:2
• paths of righteousness for his name's sake Ps 23:3
• blessing .... and righteousness from the God of his salvation Ps 24:5
• I have preached righteousness in the great congregation Ps 40:9
• heavens shall declare his righteousness Ps 50:6
• righteousness and peace have kissed each other Ps 85:10
• he shall judge the world with righteousness Ps 96:13
• rejoice in the LORD, ye righteous Ps 97:12
• and his righteousness unto children's children Ps 103:17
• his righteousness endureth for ever Ps 111:3 (112:3, 9; 2 Cor 9:9)

• let thy priest be clothed with righteousness and let Ps 132:9
• but the righteous is an everlasting foundation Prov 10:25
• the way of righteousness is life: and in the pathway Prov 12:28
• but he loveth him that followeth after righteousness Prov 15:9
• followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness Prov 21:21
• I the LORD speak righteousness, I declare things that Isa 45:19
• my righteousness is near; my salvation is gone forth Isa 51:5
• but my righteousness shall be for ever and my salvation Isa 51:8
• in righteousness thou be established Isa 54:14
• for he put on righteousness as a breastplate Isa 59:17
• they might be called trees of righteousness Isa 61:3
• Gentiles shall see thy righteousness and all kings thy Isa 62:2
• all our righteousness are as filthy rages; and we all do Isa 64:6
• will raise unto David a righteous Branch Jer 23:5
• shall be called, The LORD OUR Righteousness Jer 23:6
• the Branch of righteousness to grow up unto David Jer 33:15
• to bring in everlasting righteousness and to seal up Dan 9:24
• I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness Hos 2:19
• down as waters and righteousness as a mighty stream Amos 5:24
• that you may know the righteousness of the LORD Mic 6:5
• seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall Zeph 2:3
• which do hunger and thirst after righteousness Matt 5:6
• persecuted for righteousness sake; for theirs is the Matt 5:10
• the kingdom of God and his righteousness Matt 6:33
• not come to call the righteous Matt 9:13 (Mark 2:17; Luke 5:32)
• he that receiveth a righteous man in the Matt 10:41
• outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye Matt 23:28
• he will reprove the world of sin and of righteousness John 16:8
• for therein is the righteousness of God Rom 1:17
• as it is written, there is none righteous Rom 3:10
• to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins Rom 3:25
• grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Rom 5:21
• as instruments of righteousness unto God Rom 6:13
• Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every Rom 10:4
• the heart man believeth unto righteousness Rom 10:10
• is not meat and drink; but righteousness and peace Rom 14:17
• awake to righteousness and sin not; for some have not 1 Cor 15:34
• that we might be made the righteousness of God in him 2 Cor 5:21
• what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? 2 Cor 6:14
• for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. Gal 2:21
• and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Gal 3:6
• wait for the hope of righteousness by faith Gal 5:5
• new man, which after God is created in righteousness Eph 5:24
• fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness Eph 5:9
• and having on the breastplate of righteousness Eph 6:14
• being filled with the fruits of righteousness Phil 1:11
• the righteousness which is of God by faith Phil 3:9
• and follow after righteousness 1 Tim 6:11 (2 Tim 2:22)
• correction, for instruction in righteousness 2 Tim 3:16
• is laid up for me a crown of righteousness 2 Tim 4:8
• and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith Heb 11:7
• it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto Heb 12:11
• fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that James 3:18
• prayer of a righteous man availeth much James 5:16

• dead to sins, should live unto righteousness 1 Pet 2:24
• eyes of the Lord are over the righteous 1 Pet 3:12
• and if ye suffer for righteousness sake, happy are ye 1 Pet 3:14
• and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness 2 Pet 3:13
• the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous 1 John 2:1
• doeth not righteousness is not of God 1 John 3:10
• True, and in righteousness doth judge and make war Rev 19:11
A stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or into another river. Often flows down from a
mountain and through a valley, bringing life and refreshment where ever it goes. DTP Christ is a river
of life to those who believe; He quenches our thirsty souls and we, as His disciples, are to have rivers
of living water flowing out from our hearts to a dry and parched world.
• a river went out of Eden to water the Gen 2:10
• be like a tree planted by the rivers of water Ps 1:3
• there is a river, the streams whereof shall make Ps 46:4
• thou greatly enrichest it with the river of God Ps 65:9
• will extend peace to her like a river Isa 66:12
• of him in the river Jordan Mark 1:5
• shall flow rivers of living water John 7:38
• me a pure river of water of life Rev 22:1
A solid piece of mineral material. DTP We are told to build our house upon the rock of Jesus Christ for
He is a sure and solid foundation. We are also to be anchored to the rock of His word. Jesus is the rock
of our salvation; there is no other who can give us this steadfast hope by which to live.
• and thou shalt smite the rock Ex 17:6
• will put thee in a cleft of the rock Ex 33:22
• speak ye unto the rock ... water out of the rock Num 20:8
• smote the rock twice: and the water came out Num 20:11
• he is the Rock, his work is perfect Deut 32:4
• lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation Deut 32:15
• their rock is not as our Rock, even our enemies Deut 32:31
• is there any rock like our God 1 Sam 2:2
• LORD is my rock and my fortress 2 Sam 22:2 (Ps18:2)
• and who is a rock, save our God? 2 Sam 22:32 (Ps 18:31)
• LORD liveth ... blessed be my rock 2 Sam 22:47 (Ps 18:46)
• the Rock of Israel spake to me, he that ruleth 2 Sam 23:3
• the LORD is my rock and my fortress Ps 18:2
• blessed be my rock Ps 18:46
• he shall set me up upon a rock Ps 27:5
• unto thee will I cry, O LORD my rock, be not Ps 28:1
• be thou my strong rock, for a house of defense Ps 31:2
• for thou art my rock and my fortress Ps 31:3 (71:3)
• lead me to the rock that is higher than I Ps 61:2
• he only is my rock and my salvation Ps 62:2 (62:6)
• my God and the rock of my salvation Ps 89:26
• show that the LORD is upright: he is my rock Ps 92:15
• a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation Ps 95:1
• and for a rock of offense Isa 8:14 (Rom 9:33; 1 Pet 2:8)
• not been mindful of the Rock of thy salvation Isa 17:10
• which built his house upon a rock Matt 7:24
• upon this rock I will build my church Matt 16:18
• and laid the foundation on a rock Luke 6:48
• and some fell upon a rock; and as soon as Luke 8:6
• a stumblingstone and rock of offence Rom 9:33

• spiritual Rock that followed them 1 Cor 10:4
• and the Rock was Christ 1 Cor 10:4
A thin straight bar, usually made of wood or metal. The rod was most often used by the shepherd as a
weapon with which to protect the sheep. One might call it a club, possibly about two feet in length,
with one end made of sharp stones or steal extrusions. This would inflict much pain to the attacker.
• it and it became a rod in his hand Ex 4:4
• Moses took the rod of God in his hand Ex 4:20
• rod of Aaron for the house of Levi was budded Num 17:8
• thy rod and thy staff they comfort me Ps 23:4
• the rod of thine inheritance, which thou hast Ps 74:2
• but a rod is for the back of him that is Prov 10:13
• but the rod of correction shall Prov 22:15
• the rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child Prov 29:15
• come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse Isa 11:1
• shall I come unto you with a rod 1 Cor 4:21
• thrice was I beaten with rods 2 Cor 11:25
• pot that had manna ... Aaron's rod that budded Heb 9:24
• shall rule them with a rod of iron Rev 2:27
• shall rule them with a rod of iron Rev 19:15
Of or relating to ancient Rome or its empire or people that, at one point, ruled the known world. The
leader was known as a Caesar, often worshiped as a deity. The Roman soldiers were an efficient
fighting force and were brutal in afflicting pain on their enemies. They were the people in power
during the time of Christ. They also where the ones who carried out the death penalty by hanging
people on a cross or by beheading their victims and putting their heads on poles for all to see. Paul
was also a Roman citizen and even appealed his case to Caesar. (See Acts 22:25-29).
• the Romans shall come and take away both our John 11:48
• beaten us openly uncondemned, being Roman Acts 16:37
• you to scourge a man that is a Roman Acts 22:25
• Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans Acts 28:17
Roman Catholicism
A religious group claiming to be the true church, saying their popes date back to apostle Peter who, they
say, was the first pope. The title Pope, is employed to denote the Bishop of Rome who, in virtue of
his position as successor of Peter is thought to be the chief pastor of the whole Church upon earth.
They do have theology based on the Bible but also have a large collection of dogma which they believe
carries the same authority as the Bible itself. They also believe in the authority of the papacy. They
believe that their seven sacraments are essential for salvation. They also believe in child baptism and
that priests should not get married.
ROMANS, book of
The book of Romans was written by Paul to the Gentile Christians in Rome in AD 56. Paul was stressing
to his readers the importance of righteousness by grace and that our justification comes through
Christ Jesus. It is a strong letter in content and, for many, it can be confusing. The word "law" seems
to be key in the teaching of the book; Paul did not want people to base their faith on the Jewish law
but upon the grace and righteousness of Jesus Christ. The people needed to understand that salvation
comes through a personal faith in Christ and that this takes place when we confess Christ with our
mouths and believe in Him with our hearts (Rom 10:9-10).
This is part of a plant attached to its source of nutrients, usually below the ground. It keeps the plant
anchored in place in addition to providing nourishment. One cannot see what takes place in the root
system, but it plays a vital part in helping the plant to mature so that it can produce fruit. Jesus talks
about being of the root of Jesse; when we become grafted into the vine, which is Christ, we take on
His heritage and nature, resulting in fruit that reflects Christ Jesus to the world.
• among you a root that beareth gall Deut 29:18

• Judah shall yet again take root 2 Kin 19:30 (Isa 37:31)
• my root was spread out by the waters Job 29:19
• root thee out of the land of the Ps 52:5
• but the root of righteousness shall Prov 12:3
• so their root shall be as rottenness Isa 5:24
• Jesse and a Branch shall grow out of his root Isa 11:1
• day there shall be a root of Jesse Isa 11:10 (Rom 15:12)
• the remnant ... shall again take root downward Isa 37:31
• and because they had no root, they Matt 13:6
• is laid unto the root of the trees Luke 3:9
• if the root be holy, so are the Rom 11:16
• thou bearest not the root, but the root thee Rom 11:18
• there shall be a root of Jesse Rom 15:12
• that ye, being rooted and grounded in love Eph 3:17
• rooted and built up in him and stablished in Col 2:7
• love of money is the root of all evil 1 Tim 6:10
• lest any root of bitterness Heb 12:15
• Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David Rev 5:5
• I am the root and the offspring of David Rev 22:16
rope or cord
A length of natural or artificial fibers which, when woven together, becomes a very strong cable. DTP
We as disciples are to be intertwined together, working together as we serve Christ here on earth;
the resulting strength means that we cannot be easily destroyed.
• and a threefold cord (rope) is not quickly broken Eccl 4:12
ruby / rubies
A deep precious stone prized for its beauty, ranging in colour from red to purple to pale rose. Rubies are
sought after and therefore expensive to buy; they are used in jewelry and crowns.
• the price of wisdom is above rubies Job 28:18
• she is more precious than rubies Prov 3:15
• for wisdom is better than rubies and all the Prov 8:11
• for her price is far above rubies Prov 31:10
Regulations or principles governing conduct. To have authority over, to govern, to reign or have
dominion over, to give leadership and to be responsible for some cause or for a group of people;
standards that govern projects or peoples. DTP We as disciples will find ourselves in various kinds of
leadership roles which give us authority and power over others, but we must remember that, even as
we lead others, we are to be under the direct leadership and rule of our Lord Jesus Christ in all that
we do. We must always be servant leaders.
• to rule the day ... lesser light to rule the night Gen 1:16
• I will not rule ... the LORD shall rule over you Judg 8:23
• rule over men must be just, rule in fear 2 Sam 23:3
• he ruleth by his power for ever; his eyes behold Ps 66:7
• hand of the diligent shall bear rule; but Prov 12:24
• Most High ruleth in the kingdom Dan 4:17 (4:25, 32: 5:21)
• a mighty king ... shall rule with great dominion Dan 11:3
• and shall sit and rule upon his throne Zech 6:13
• simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence Rom 12:8
• he shall have put down all rule and all 1 Cor 15:24
• and as many as walk according to this rule Gal 6:16
• let us walk by the same rule, let us mind Phil 3:16
• let the peace of God rule in your hearts Col 3:15
• one that ruleth well his own house 1 Tim 3:4
• the elders that rule well be counted worthy of 1 Tim 5:17
• remember them which have rule over you Heb 13:7

• obey them that have the rule over you ... submit Heb 13:17
• he shall rule them with a rod of iron Rev 2:27 (19:15)
To move swiftly from one place to another; a runner is often involved in a race. DTP The Bible teaches
that we are all in a race and that we need to be careful how we run and to make sure that we do not
become weary or entangled in the things of this world. It is vital that we complete the race and,
keeping our eyes firmly focused on Jesus Christ.
• some shall run before his chariots 1 Sam 8:11
• I have run through a troop 2 Sam 22:30 (Ps 18:29)
• that I may run to the man of God 2 Kin 4:22
• as a strong man to run a race Ps 19:5
• anointest my head with oil: my cup runneth over Ps 23:5
• I will run the way of thy commandments Ps 119:32
• for their feet run to evil and make Prov 1:16 (Isa 59:7)
• they shall run and not be weary Isa 40:31
• nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee Isa 55:5
• many shall run to and fro and knowledge Dan 12:4
• they shall run like mighty men Joel 2:7
• they which run in a race run all 1 Cor 9:24
• any means I should run, or had run Gal 2:2
• ye did run well Gal 5:7
• Christ, that I have not run in vain Phil 2:16
• let us run with patience the race Heb 12:1
RUTH, book of
The book of Ruth is a personal testimony, of how one can go from tremendous hardship and sorrow to
being redeemed to a life of importance. Ruth was a descendant of Lot (Abraham's nephew) who after
fleeing Sodom had a child called Moab. See Genesis 19: 30-38 and Ruth 1:1. She was a Gentile woman
who God used to become part of the genealogy of Jesus Christ. The teaching of this book shows us
the importance of the kinsman redeemer. The book also gives us a look into what Christ was to
become for the people of Israel and for many Gentiles around the world. It was thought to be written
around 1000 BC. One of the favourite verses often used at weddings is found in Ruth 1:16, "for
wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and
your God, my God".

Sabbath / Sabaoth
Seventh day, the day of rest; a day of religious observance (Friday evening to Saturday evening) when
Jews abstain from working. DTP The Christian church observes a day of rest on Sunday, the first day
of the week. The Scriptures command us to work six days and rest on the seventh. In most societies
Sunday is not really a day to rest and reflect on God and to be with His people; rather, it's a day of
spending time on what we desire to do. (See Matt 12:1-12.)
• rest of the holy sabbath unto the LORD Ex 16:23
• the seventh day, which is the sabbath Ex 16:26
• remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy Ex 20:8
• but the seventh day is the sabbath Ex 20:10 (Deut 5:14)
• verily my sabbath ye shall keep: for it is a sign Ex 31:13
• the seventh is the sabbath of rest Ex 31:15 (35:2; Lev 23:3)
• keep my sabbath ... reverence my sanctuary Lev 19:30 (26:2)
• would not buy it of them on the sabbath Neh 10:31
• what evil ... ye do and profane the sabbath day? Neh 13:17
• shall worship ... before the LORD in the sabbath Ezek 46:3
• on the sabbath day through the corn Matt 12:1
• Lord even of the sabbath day Matt 12:8 (Mark 2:28; Luke 6:5)
• end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn Matt 28:1 (Mark 16:1)
• sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath Mark 2:27
• into the synagogue on the sabbath day Acts 13:14
sabbatical year
This was a year that was set aside for the land to rest. This was to take place every seventh year, and
was a requirement to be done under the Law of Moses.
• in the seventh year the land is to have a year of sabbath rest Lev 25:4
A coarse fabric usually made from goat's hair. During Bible times, often with religious symbolism, people
put on sackcloth and then sprinkled their heads with ashes as a sign of penitence or mourning. It was
a sign of humility and deep repentance before man and, most of all, before God.
• put sackcloth upon his loins and mourned Gen 37:34
• put sackcloth upon his flesh and fasted 1 Kin 21:27
• were assembled with fasting and with sackcloth Neh 9:1
• put on sackcloth with ashes and went out Esth 4:1
• thou hast put off my sackcloth and girded Ps 30:11
• supplication, with fasting and sackcloth Dan 9:3
• and proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth Jonah 3:5
• would have repented long ago in sackcloth Matt 11:21
A religious ceremony that was command by God for his people to do, regarded as an outward sign of
inward events. The most common sacraments are baptism, communion and anointing people with
oil. The term "sacrament" is used mainly by the Catholic Church which believes they signify and make
present the graces proper to each sacrament. DTP The disciple of Christ is to take part in these
observances with the purpose of drawing closer to God and as a testimony to the outside world of
one's faith in Christ.
Something connected to God or dedicated for a religious purpose. Something set aside, dedicated as
holy before God, to be used as part of worship. In the tabernacle and in temple, various items were
dedicated to God and were to remain sacred. Both people and certain items were to remain clean
and not get polluted. DTP As disciples, we are not to be polluted by the things or cares of this world.
The Bible, the communion set, the cross, the church and, in times past, the pastors of the churches
were considered to be sacred or holy before the Lord.
• let them serve as signs to mark sacred times Gen 1:14

• Make sacred garments for your brother Aaron Ex 28:2
• sacred gifts the Israelites consecrate Ex 28:38 NRSV
• cook the meat in a sacred place Ex 29:31
• It will be the sacred anointing oil Ex 30:25
• proclaim as sacred assemblies Lev 23:2 NASB
• sacred offering to the Lord Lev 23:20 NASB
• the tent of meeting and all the sacred furnishings 1 Kin 8:4 NASB
• Your sacred cities have become a wasteland Isa 64:10
• the altar that makes the gift sacred Matt 23:19
• considers one day more sacred than another Rom 14:5 NASB
• sacred command that was passed on to them 2 Pet 2:21 NASB
The practice or act of killing an animal on an altar as an act of dedication to a deity or as an act of
atonement, using a substitute for oneself or a group of people; it can also mean the surrendering of
a possession as an offering, or giving up something for a period of time with the hope of drawing
closer to the heart of God. DTP The disciple is to come before the Lord and sacrifice, or give up, his
will for God's will. Christ sacrificed Himself for us; He became our sacrificial Lamb and now we are to
give ourselves to Him in faith and service. Discipleship is a life of sacrifice to the Lord.
• Jacob offered sacrifice upon the mount Gen 31:54
• now let us go ... that we may sacrifice to the LORD Ex 3:18
• that ye may sacrifice to the LORD your Ex 8:28
• year for a sacrifice of peace offerings Lev 23:19
• sacrifice unto devils, not to God Deut 32:17 (1 Cor 10:20)
• there they shall offer sacrifices of righteousness Deut 33:19
• not for burnt offering nor for sacrifice Josh 22:26
• to obey is better than sacrifice and to harken 1 Sam 15:22
• sacrifice, sacrifice unto the LORD ... and sacrifice in abundance 1 Chr 29:21
• come ... and bring sacrifices and thank offering 2 Chr 29:31
• that day they offered great sacrifices and rejoiced Neh 12:43
• sacrifice and offering thou didst not Ps 40:6 (Heb 10:5)
• thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it Ps 51:16
• the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit Ps 51:17
• and let them sacrifice the sacrifice of thanksgiving Ps 107:22
• up of my hands as the evening sacrifice Ps 141:2
• justice ... more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice Prov 21:3
• sacrifice of praise, unto the house of the LORD Jer 17:26
• for I desired mercy and not sacrifice Hos 6:6 (Matt 9:13; 12:7)
• offered unto me sacrifice and offerings Amos 5:25 (Acts 7:42)
• I will have mercy and not sacrifice Matt 9:13
• ye present your bodies a living sacrifice Rom 12:1
• Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us 1 Cor 5:7
• they sacrifice to devils and not to God 1 Cor 10:20
• a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling Eph 5:2
• if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service Phil 2:17
• a sacrifice acceptable, well pleasing to Phil 4:18
• put away sin by the sacrifice of himself Heb 9:26
• offered one sacrifice for sins for ever Heb 10:12
• Abel offered ... a more excellent sacrifice than Cain Heb 11:4
• by him ... let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God Heb 13:15
• do good ... with such sacrifice God is well pleased Heb 13:16
• to offer up spiritual sacrifices 1 Pet 2:5
One of three main Jewish organized religious groups that existed during the time of Christ. Sadducees
did not believe in heaven or in eternal life or in the resurrection of the dead. On this point, they were

in great conflict with the Pharisees. Both groups were very dedicated to oral traditions and to the
written law.
• Sadducees come to his baptism, he said Matt 3:7
• Pharisees also with the Sadducees came Matt 16:1
• the same day came to him the Sadducees Matt 22:23
• captain of the temple and the Sadducees Acts 4:1
• for the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection Acts 23:8
A person who is acknowledged as holy or virtuous; a person who lives a righteous life before God; DTP
Disciples of Christ (believers) in Christ Jesus as their Lord and Saviour are termed "saints" in Scripture.
• all his saints are in thy hand Deut 33:3
• he will keep the feet of his saints 1 Sam 2:9
• let the saints rejoice in goodness 2 Chr 6:41 (Ps 132:9)
• sing unto the LORD, O ye saints of his and give Ps 30:4
• O love the LORD, all ye saints Ps 31:33
• O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no Ps 34:9
• precious ... is the death of his saints Ps 116:15
• praise in the congregation of saints Ps 149:1
• judgment and preserveth the way of his saints Prov 2:8
• saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom Dan 7:18
• God shall come and all the saints with thee Zech 14:5
• bodies of the saints which slept arose Matt 27:52
• beloved of God, called to be saints Rom 1:7
• because he maketh intercession for the saints Rom 8:27
• Jerusalem to minister unto the saints Rom 15:25
• sanctified in Christ ... called to be saints 1 Cor 1:2
• Jesus and love unto all the saints Eph 1:15 (Col 1:4)
• but fellow citizens with the saints Eph 2:19
• for the perfecting of the saints, for the work Eph 4:12
• all perseverance and supplication for all saints Eph 6:18
• partakers of the inheritance of the saints Col 1:12
• the coming of our Lord ... with all his saints 1 Thes 3:13
• come to be glorified in his saints 2 Thes 1:10
• faith which was once delivered unto the saints Jude 1:3
• the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints Jude 1:14
• which are the prayers of the saints Rev 5:8
• war with the saints and prevailed Rev 13:7
A seasoning or a preservative for meat or various kinds of food, a purifying agent for cleaning and killing
bacteria, a substance that can enhance the taste of food. DTP The disciple of Christ is to be like salt
here on earth, causing people to taste and see that the Lord is good; the disciple needs to be careful
that he doesn't lose his "saltiness".
• him, and she became a pillar of salt Gen 19:26
• offering shalt thou season with salt Lev 2:13
• it is a covenant of salt for ever Num 18:19
• that which is unsavory be eaten without salt? Job 6:6
• ye are the salt of the earth Matt 5:13
• but if the salt have lost his savour Mark 9:50
• always with grace, seasoned with salt Col 4:6
• no fountain both yield salt water James 3:12
A gesture or utterance greeting someone's arrival or departure. DTP A kind word of greeting should be
practiced by all disciples of Christ Jesus.
• love salutations in the marketplace Mark 12:38

• what manner of salutation this should be Luke 1:29
• the salutation of me Paul with mine own 1 Cor 16:21
• the salutation of Paul with mine own hand 2 Thes 3:17
salvation / save
Deliverance from sin and its consequences, to be rescued, to escape. DTP Christ came to deliver us from
the eternal death penalty of sin and to set us free as a new creation in Him a brand new life! It's as if
we were drowning in sin, and Christ rescued us. Christ's purpose in coming to this earth was to pay
the price for our sins and to give salvation to all who would believe on Him as Lord and Saviour.
• I have waited for thy salvation, O LORD Gen 49:18
• stand still and see the salvation of the LORD Ex 14:13
• and song and he is become my salvation Ex 15:2 (Ps 118:14; Isa 12:2)
• because I rejoice in my salvation 1 Sam 2:1
• my shield and the horn of my salvation 2 Sam 22:3 (Ps 18:2)
• and exalted be the God ... of my salvation 2 Sam 22:47 (Ps 18:46)
• show ... from day to day his salvation 1 Chr 16:23 (Ps 96:2)
• let thy priests ... be clothed with salvation 2 Chr 6:41
• salvation belongeth unto the LORD Ps 3:8
• my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation Ps 13:5
• also given me the shield of thy salvation Ps 18:35
• we will rejoice in thy salvation and in the name Ps 20:5
• thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait Ps 25:5
• the LORD is my light and my salvation Ps 27:1
• but the salvation of the righteous is of the LORD Ps 37:39
• I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation Ps 40:10
• restore unto me the joy of thy salvation Ps 51:12
• he hath clothed me with the garment of salvation Ps 61:10
• he only is my rock and my salvation Ps 62:2
• in God is my salvation and my glory; the rock of my Ps 62:7
• he that is our God is the God of salvation Ps 68:20
• show us thy mercy, O LORD ... grant us thy salvation Ps 85:7
• surely his salvation is nigh them that fear him Ps 85:9
• ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God Ps 98:3
• I will take the cup of salvation and call upon Ps 116:13
• salvation is far from the wicked: for they seek Ps 119:155
• behold, God is my salvation Isa 12:2
• be saved in the LORD with an everlasting salvation Isa 45:17
• be my salvation unto the end of the earth Isa 49:6
• all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation Isa 52:10
• an helmet of salvation upon his head Isa 59:17
• wait for the salvation of the LORD Lam 3:26
• pay... that I have vowed. Salvation is of the LORD Jonah 2:9
• hath raised up a horn of salvation for us in the Luke 1:69
• for mine eyes have seen thy salvation Luke 2:30
• all flesh shall see the salvation of God Luke 3:6
• this day is salvation come to this house Luke 19:9
• neither is there salvation in any other Acts 4:12
• the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles Acts 28:28
• salvation to every one that believeth Rom 1:16
• mouth confession is made unto salvation Rom 10:10
• rather through their fall salvation is come unto Rom 11:11
• now is our salvation nearer than when we believed Rom 13:11
• behold now is the day of salvation 2 Cor 6:2
• of truth, the gospel of your salvation Eph 1:13
• and take the helmet of salvation and the Eph 6:17

• work out your own salvation with fear and trembling Phil 2:12
• and for the helmet, the hope of salvation 1 Thes 5:8
• but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Thes 5:9
• chosen you to salvation through sanctification 2 Thes 2:13
• unto salvation through faith which is in 2 Tim 3:15
• grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared Tit 2:11
• how shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation Heb 2:3
• author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Heb 5:9
• by the power of God through faith unto salvation 1 Pet 1:5
• faith, even the salvation of your souls I Pet 1:9
• that the long-suffering of our Lord is salvation 2 Pet 3:15
• diligence to write unto you of the common salvation Jude 1:3
• saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon Rev 7:10
• now is come salvation ... strength, and the kingdom Rev 12:10
• salvation and glory and honour and power Rev 19:1
An ancient people group of mixed Jewish and Gentile ancestry that still exists today in Israel and
surrounding areas. According to 2 Kings 17: 24-41 the people of Israel were removed by the king of
the Assyrians to the towns of the Medes. The king then brought people from there to place in Samaria
(the capital city of the northern Kingdom of Israel). Because God sent lions among them to kill them,
the king of the Assyrians sent one of the priests from Bethel to teach the new settlers about God's
ordinances. The eventual result was that the new settlers worshipped both the God of the land and
their own gods from the countries from which they came. They had a mixture of beliefs, ranging from
belief in the books of Moses together with idolatry. They were often looked down upon by the Jews
especially in the time of Christ. Today this term has come to mean, "a charitable and helpful person"
because of Jesus' parable concerning the "Good Samaritan".
• but a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, Luke 10:33
• Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans John 4:9
• say we not well that thou art a Samaritan John 8:48
• gospel in many villages of the Samaritans Acts 8:25
SAMUEL, book of First
Found in the Hebrew Scriptures, it is believed to have been written around 930 BC. The first book deals
with Samuel as a young boy entering training for the priesthood and then becoming a major prophet
to the people of Israel. The first book deal with the life of King Saul through the reign of King David.
SAMUEL, book of Second
Found in the Hebrew Scriptures, it is believed to have been written around 930 BC. This second book
deals mainly with the life and reign of King David and the challenges Israel faced in becoming a nation.
A process of purifying, to be made clean, consecration, to be made holy. DTP Consecration is an act of
God's grace on one's life through the power of the Holy Spirit. Salvation is what brings us into a
personal relationship with Christ while sanctification is the process of changing us into His character
and image.
• us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification I Cor 1:30
• is the will of God, even your sanctification 1 Thes 4:3
• should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification 1 Thes 4:4
• salvation through sanctification of the Sprit 2 Thes 2:13
• through sanctification of the Spirit, unto 1 Pet 1:1
Cleaned, purified, perfected. DTP Sanctification is a process that begins with a personal relationship with
Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit, at the time of salvation, begins a work of making one new; we have died
to sin and the world and are now being prepared for our presentation in heaven as the bride of Christ,
holy before the Father.
• blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it Gen 2:3
• they sanctified it, and set up the doors of Neh 3:1

• holy shall be sanctified in righteousness Isa 5:16
• ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified John 10:36
• among all them which are sanctified Acts 20:32
• being sanctified by the Holy Ghost Rom 15:16
• them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus 1 Cor 1:2
• sanctified and meet for the master's use 2 Tim 2:21
• for it is sanctified by the word of God and 1 Tim 4:5
• by the which will we are sanctified Heb 10:10
To clean, purify, to perfect, consecrate, hallow, separate. DTP Sanctification is a process that begins with
a personal relationship with Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit, at the time of salvation, begins a work of
making one new; we have died to sin and the world and are now being prepared for our presentation
in heaven as the bride of Christ, holy before the Father.
• and God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it Gen 2:3
• sanctify unto me all the firstborn, whatsoever Ex 13:2
• go unto the people and sanctify them today Ex 19:10
• and sanctify them, that they may minister unto me Ex 28:41
• know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you Ex 31:13
• I will be sanctified in them that come nigh me Lev 10:3
• sanctify yourselves and ye shall be holy Lev 11:44
• sanctify him ... for I the LORD, which sanctify you, am holy Lev 21:8
• when a man shall sanctify his house to be holy Lev 27:14
• all the firstborn ... I sanctify them for myself Num 8:17
• sanctify yourselves against tomorrow and ye Num 11:18
• keep the Sabbath day to sanctify it, as the Deut 5:12
• shalt sanctify unto the LORD thy God Deut 15:19
• unto the people, Sanctify yourselves Josh 3:5
• sanctify the people and say, sanctify yourselves again Josh 7:13
• gather their brethren and sanctify themselves 2 Chr 29:15
• the priest had not sanctified themselves sufficiently 2 Chr 30:3
• that Job sent and sanctified them and rose up early Job 1:5
• God that is holy shall be sanctified in righteousness Isa 5:16
• they shall sanctify my name and sanctify the Holy One Isa 29:23
• they that sanctify themselves and purify Isa 66:17
• know that I am the LORD that sanctify them Ezek 20:12
• sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly Joel 1:14
• sanctify them through thy truth John 17:17
• them which are sanctified by faith that is in me Acts 26:18
• acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost Rom 15:16
• to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus 1 Cor 1:2
• but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are 1 Cor 6:11
• the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife 1 Cor 7:14
• that he might sanctify and cleanse it Eph 5:26
• the very God of peace sanctify you wholly 1 Thes 5:23
• it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer 1 Tim 4:5
• that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one Heb 2:11
• sanctify through the offering of the body of Jesus Heb 10:10
• blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified Heb 10:29
• he might sanctify the people with his own blood Heb 13:12
• but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts 1 Pet 3:15
A place of refuge and safety. An inner holy place, where one can come into the presence of God for
communion and fellowship, a place to worship and praise God. DTP As often as possible the disciple
needs to enter the Holy presence of God.

• for thee to dwell in, in the sanctuary Ex 15:17
• let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among Ex 25:8
• LORD, before the veil of the sanctuary Lev 4:6
• keep my Sabbaths and reverence my sanctuary Lev 19:30
• cut off ... because he hath defiled the sanctuary Num 19:20
• of my God, my King, in the sanctuary Ps 68:24
• until I went into the sanctuary of God Ps 73:17
• thy way, O God, is in thy sanctuary Ps 77:13
• lift up your hands in the sanctuary Ps 134:2
• praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary Ps 150:1
• he shall come to his sanctuary to pray Isa 16:12
• then shall the sanctuary be cleansed Dan 8:14
• shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary Dan 9:26
• which is called the sanctuary Heb 9:2
The supreme council and tribunal of the Jews following the exile. Existing during the time of Christ it was
composed of 71 members, headed by the high priest. Jesus was found guilty before this Jewish court
of law. The Sanhedrin group was abolished after the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70.
The chief adversary of God, also known as the "evil one" or the "devil". Some other names are liar,
tempter, deceiver, god of this world and prince of darkness. He is one who is out to destroy and kill,
to bind and control all who will submit to his ways. He comes to man in many forms but his purpose
is to deceive. DTP In resisting Satan and his ways, disciples must study the Word of God and pray that
the Holy Spirit will give them strength, wisdom and understanding. Paul tells us that we are in a
spiritual battle and we must put on the full armour of God.
• Satan stood up against Israel and 1 Chr 21:1
• LORD and Satan came also among them Job 1:6
• over him: and let Satan stand at his right hand Ps 109:6
• Satan, the LORD rebuke thee, O Satan Zech 3:2
• Jesus unto him, get thee hence, Satan Matt 4:10 (Luke 4:8)
• unto Peter, get thee behind me, Satan Mat 16:23 (Mark 8:33)
• in the wilderness forty days tempted of Satan Mark 1:13
• Satan cometh immediately and taketh away the Mark 4:15
• I beheld Satan as lightning fall from Luke 10:18
• then entered Satan into Judas Luke 22:3
• Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you Luke 22:31
• why hath Satan filled thine heart to Acts 5:3
• God of peace shall bruise Satan under your Rom 16:20
• to deliver such a one unto Satan for the 1 Cor 5:5
• that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency 1 Cor 7:5
• for Satan himself is transformed into an angel 2 Cor 11:14
• the messenger of Satan to buffet me 2 Cor 12:7
• would have come ... but Satan hindered us 1 Thes 2:18
• for some are already turned aside after Satan 1 Tim 5:15
• that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan Rev 12:9
• serpent, which is the Devil and Satan Rev 20:2
satisfy / satisfied
To be content, at peace within oneself, please, gratified, fulfilled. DTP A problem for the disciples is that
he may always want more. "Enough is never enough." He can feel driven to have more. We need to
remember that Christ came to fulfil and satisfy all our needs, but He does not fulfil all our wants.
• shall come and shall eat and be satisfied Deut 14:29
• shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness Ps 17:15
• the meek shall eat and be satisfied: they shall Ps 22:26
• honey out of the rock should I have satisfied thee Ps 81:16

• who satisfieth thy mouth with good things Ps 103:5
• and satisfy them with the bread of heaven Ps 105:40
• for he satisfieth the longing soul and filleth the Ps 107:9
• let her breasts satisfy thee at all times Prov 5:19
• the righteous eateth to the satisfying of his soul Prov 13:25
• never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied Prov 27:20
• there are three things that are never satisfied Prov 30:15
• eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear Eccl 1:8
• my people shall be satisfied with my goodness Jer 31:14
• to drink water; but they were not satisfied Amos 4:8
• not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh Col 2:23
save / salvation
Keep safe or rescue from harm or danger. To redeem or deliver. The idea is that someone must intervene
to deliver from danger or loss. DTP Because we are born into sin and condemned to death and a
hopeless eternity, Christ came to bring us salvation. Sin has bound us and is destroying us from the
inside out. There was no way of escape; our righteousness was, and is, as filthy rags. Christ was sent
by the Father to make a way for us to be rescued, to bring deliverance and salvation to all who would
invite Him to be Lord and Saviour of their lives. As disciples of Christ we become His ambassadors,
going out to the world to offer a message of hope and salvation. The Good News is one of deliverance
and hope from a life of sin and death.
• to save your lives by a great deliverance Gen 45:7
• to fight ... against your enemies to save you Deut 20:4
• no restraint to the LORD to save by many or by 1 Sam 14:6
• the LORD saved Israel that day: and the battle 1 Sam 14:23
• that the LORD save not with sword and spear 1 Sam 17:47
• so shall I be saved from mine enemies 2 Sam 22:4 (Ps 18:3)
• save thou us out of his hand, that 2 Kin 19:19 (Isa 37:20)
• the LORD saved them by a great deliverance 1 Chr 11:14
• save us, O God of our salvation 1 Chr 16:35 (Ps 106:47)
• arise, O LORD; save me, O my God: for thou hast Ps 3:7
• save me from all them that persecute me Ps 7:1
• now know I that the LORD saves his anointed Ps 20:6
• save me, O God, by thy name, and judge me by Ps 54:1
• I will call upon God ... the LORD shall save me Ps 55:16
• wilt revive me ... thy right hand shall save me Ps 138:7
• wait on the LORD and he shall save thee Prov 20:22
• the LORD is our King; he will save us Isa 33:22
• LORD'S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save Isa 59:1
• am with thee to save thee and to deliver thee Jer 15:20
• I shall be healed; save me and I shall be saved Jer 17:14
• for, lo, I will save thee from afar Jer 30:10 (46:27)
• O LORD, save thy people, the remnant of Israel Jer 31:7
• therefore will I save my flock and they shall Ezek 34:22
• will also save you from all your uncleaness Eze 36:29
• I will save my people from the east country Zech 8:7
• for he shall save his people from their sins Matt 1:21
• endureth ... end shall be saved Matt 10:22 (24:13; Mark 13:13)
• beginning to sink, he cried ... Lord, save me Matt 14:30
• for whoever will save his life Matt 16:25 (Mark 8:35; Luke 9:24)
• is come to save that which was lost Matt 18:11 (Luke 19:10)
• who the can be saved? Matt 19:25 (Mark 10:26; Luke 18:26)
• there should no flesh be saved Matt 24:22 (Mark 13:20)
• that believeth and is baptized shall be saved Mark 16:16
• not come to destroy men's lives, but to save Luke 9:56

• but that the world through him might be saved John 3:17
• but these things I say, that ye might be saved John 5:34
• call on the name ... shall be saved Acts 2:21 (Rom 10:13)
• added to the church daily such as should be saved Acts 2:47
• is none other name ... whereby we must be saved Acts 4:12
• believe on the Lord Jesus ... thou shalt be saved Acts 16:31
• we shall be saved by his life Rom 5:10
• we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is Rom 8:24
• believe in thine heart ... thou shalt be saved Rom 10:9
• unto us which are saved, it is the power 1 Cor 1:18
• by the foolishness of preaching to save them 1 Cor 1:21
• spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus 1 Cor 5:5
• saved in the cross of our Lord Jesus Gal 6:14
• with Christ, by grace ye are saved Eph 2:5
• by grace are ye saved through faith; and that Eph 2:8
• to the Gentiles that they might be saved 1 Thes 2:16
• who will have all men to be saved and to come 1 Tim 2:4
• Jesus came into the world to save sinners 1 Tim 1:15
• who hath saved us and called us with a holy 2 Tim 1:9
• but according to his mercy he saved us Tit 3:5
• he is able also to save them to the uttermost Heb 7:25
• which is able to save your soul James 1:21
• and prayer of faith shall save the sick James 5:15
• if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall 1 Pet 4:18
• which are saved shall walk in the light of Rev 21:24
Someone who rescues or delivers from harm or loss. DTP Jesus was sent by the heavenly Father to a
sinful and lost world to make a way of deliverance and redemption for all who would receive Him. His
death on the cross and His resurrection three days later made Him our sacrificial lamb, making it
possible for us to be clothed in His righteousness. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; there is no
other way by which people can be saved (John 14:6). To those who personally receive Him into their
hearts, He becomes their Saviour.
• my high tower and my refuge, my saviour 2 Sam 22:3
• they forgat God their savior, which he hath done Ps 106:21
• he shall send them a saviour and a great one Isa 19:20
• and the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour Isa 43:3
• am the LORD and beside me there is no saviour Isa 43:11
• just God and a Saviour: there is none beside me Isa 45:21
• that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer Isa 49:26
• know that I the LORD am thy Saviour Isa 60:16
• so he was their Saviour Isa 63:8
• O the hope of Israel, the Saviour thereof in Jer 14:8
• saviour shall come up on mount Zion to judge Obad 1:21
• spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour Luke 1:47
• is born this day in the city of David a Saviour Luke 2:11
• the Christ, the Saviour of the world John 4:42
• hath God exalted ... to be a Prince and a Saviour Acts 5:31
• his promise, raised unto Israel a Saviour, Jesus Acts 13:23
• the church: and he is the saviour of the body Eph 5:23
• we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ Phil 3:20
• God, who is the Saviour of all men 1 Tim 4:10
• made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour 2 Tim 1:10
• appearing of the great God and our Saviour Tit 2:13
• righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus 2 Pet 1:1

• the Son to be the Saviour of the world 1 John 4:14
• to the only wise God our Saviour Jude 1:25
To taste with enjoyment, to have a specific taste, smell or quality. DTP We are to be a sweet savor to
others so that they may taste and see that the Lord is good. Our lives are to be an example of God's
presence, causing people to want to know Him and take Him as their personal Saviour.
• the LORD smelled a sweet savor Gen 8:21
• made by fire, of a sweet savor unto the LORD Lev 1:9
• I will accept you with your sweet savor Ezek 20:41
• but if the salt have lost his savor Matt 5:13 (Luke 14:34)
• thou savor not the things ... of God Matt 16:23 (Mark 8:33)
• for we are unto God a sweet savor of Christ 2 Cor 2:15
• savor of death unto death ... savor of life unto life 2 Cor 2:16
• a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savor Eph 5:2
A goat sent into the wilderness after the Jewish chief priest had symbolically laid the sins of the people
upon it. In effect, the blame was placed on the goat; the faults of others were "placed" on the animal.
DTP This was a picture of what Christ would do for us; even though He was innocent, He took upon
Himself our sins.
• LORD and the other lot for the scapegoat Lev 16:8
• on which the lot fell to be the scapegoat Lev 16:10
• for the scapegoat shall wash his clothes Lev 16:26
scatter / scattered
To throw loosely about, to disperse over a small or large area, to be displaced or moved to various place
of the world. DTP When people groups disobey God and his Word, He may scatter them throughout
the world. Without walking close to God, one cannot find the peace that passes all understanding.
Churches that fall away from the Lord may also experience the scattering of the sheep; it may be
because of immorality of the shepherd and leaders or the lack of a congregations' obedience to the
word of God and to the moving of the Holy Spirit. Disciples of Christ may also be scattered abroad due
to persecution.
• and let us make a name, lest we be scattered Gen 11:4
• I will scatter you among the heathen and will Lev 26:33
• rise up, LORD ... let thine enemies be scattered Num 10:35
• if you transgress, I will scatter you abroad Neh 1:8
• God, thou hast cast us off, thou hast scattered us Ps 60:1
• let God arise, let his enemies be scattered Ps 68:1
• all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered Ps 92:9
• in the throne of judgment scatter away evil Prov 20:8
• I will scatter them among the heathen Jer 9:16
• the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep Jer 23:1
• I have scattered them among the countries, yet Ezek 11:16
• flock was scattered upon the face of the earth Ezek 34:6
• the sheep shall be scattered Zech 13:7 (Matt 26:31; Mark 14:27)
• were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd Matt 9:36
• he that gathereth not with me scattereth Matt 12:30 (Luke 11:23)
• a great persecution ... they were all scattered abroad Acts 8:1
• that were scattered abroad went every where preaching Acts 8:4
• to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad James 1:1
This is an ornamented rod or staff held by rulers or kings as a symbol of authority. DTP Jesus Christ, our
King, holds all power and authority in His hand, presenting the sceptre to whom He chooses.
• the sceptre shall not depart from Judah Gen 49:10
• a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel and Num 24:17
• king shall hold out the golden sceptre Esth 4:11

• the king held out to Esther the golden sceptre Esth 5:2
• the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right scepter Ps 45:6 (Heb 1:8)
• the LORD hath broken ... the sceptre of the rulers Isa 14:5
• a sceptre of righteousness is the Heb 1:8
Education, a place of learning through the discipline of study. DTP The disciple is to be a student of
learning all their lives. The church is a school house for learning both by mature people and most of
all by the Holy Spirit giving us wisdom and insight from studying the Bible and in spending time before
the Lord in prayer.
• daily in the school of one Tyrannus. Acts 19:9
One who is head over a school, a leader of children, a tutor, often a head teacher; one that carries
authority and makes sure that the students follow the rules of the institution; a fatherly image (1 Cor
4:15). DTP The law in the Old Testament was said to be our schoolmaster showing us how we are to
live, but also showing to us that, in our own strength, we could not fulfil the laws of God. The law was
our schoolmaster with the purpose to draw and point us to the way of Christ Jesus.
• was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ Gal 3:24
• come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster Gal 3:25
The systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world by observation
and experiment.
• cunning in knowledge and understanding science Dan 1:4
• and opposition of science falsely so called 1 Tim 6:20
A whip that used to administer severe punishment. In New Testament times, the number of strikes with
such a whip could vary from one or two, up to 39. Roman scourges often had attached to them pieces
of metal or bone, the purpose being to cause much pain and damage. Jesus, Paul and many disciples
were scourged. This punishment is still used in some countries around the world today.
• nor freedom given her; she shall be scourged Lev 19:20
• scourge in your sides and thorns in your eyes Josh 23:13
• be hid from the scourge of the tongue Job 5:21
• and they will scourge you in their Matt 10:17
• and when he had scourged Jesus, he Matt 27:26 (Mark 15:15; John 19:1)
• shall mock him and shall scourge him Mark 10:34
• he had made a scourge of small cords John 2:15
• Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him John 19:1
• is it lawful ... to scourge a man that is a Roman Acts 22:25
• and scourges every son whom He receives Heb 12:6
A person who copies documents, especially prior to the invention of printing. A writer, secretary, one
who records and keep notes; a clerk or one who copied out Scripture. In the New Testament, they
were people who copied, studied and taught the law. They were scholars and members of the Jewish
• and Seraiah was the scribe 2 Sam 8:17
• Ezra ... was a ready scribe in the law of Moses Ezra 7:6
• Ezra the scribe stood upon a pulpit of Neh 8:4
• exceed the righteousness of the scribes Matt 5:20
• and a certain scribe came and said unto Matt 8:19
• every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom Matt 13:52
• then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees Matt 15:1
• the scribe and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat Matt 23:2
• but woe unto you scribes and Pharisees Matt 23:13
• beware of the scribes, which love to Mark 12:38 (Luke 20:46)
• priests and scribes sought how they might kill him Luke 22:2

• where is the wise? where is the scribe? 1 Cor 1:20
Sacred writings; the precious Word of God; God's authority, His divine and inspired Word, Revelation of
God. The number of scriptural books varies in the Christian church (apocryphal books are sometimes
included), but the standard number is 66. We have the Old Testament or the Hebrew Scriptures, and
then we have the Greek New Testament which was written in the years following the death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ.
• which is noted in the scriptures of truth Dan 10:21
• ye do err, not knowing the Scripture Matt 22:29 (Mark 12:24)
• the scripture was fulfilled, which saith Mark 15:28
• this day is the Scripture fulfilled in your ears Luke 4:21
• our heart burn ... while he opened to us the Scriptures Luke 24:32
• opened ... that they might understand the Scripture Luke 24:45
• he had said this ... and they believed the Scripture John 2:22
• hath not the scripture said, that Christ John 7:42
• and the Scripture cannot be broken John 10:35
• that the scripture might be fulfilled John 19:24
• begun at the same Scripture, and preached ... Jesus Acts 8:35
• searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things Acts 17:11
• showing the Scriptures that Jesus was Christ Acts 18:28
• for what saith the scripture Rom 4:3
• through patience and comfort of the Scriptures Rom 15:4
• and the scripture, foreseeing that God Gal 3:8
• child thou hast known the holy scriptures 2 Tim 3:15
• all scripture is given by inspiration of 2 Tim 3:17
• for our sins according to the scriptures 1 Cor 15:3
• rose again the third day according to the Scriptures 1 Cor 15:4
• the Scriptures, foreseeing that God would justify Gal 3:8
• but the Scripture hath concluded all under sin Gal 3:22
• from a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures 2 Tim 3:15
• all Scripture given by inspiration of God 2 Tim 3:16
• ye think that the scripture saith in vain James 4:5
• of the scripture is of any private 2 Pet 1:20
Scriptures, Greek
This often refers to the New Testament Scriptures or New Covenant; made up of 27 books categorized
as Gospel, History, Church Epistles, Pastoral Letters, and General Epistles and the book of Revelation.
They were all written after the time of Christ up to about 95 AD.
Scriptures, Hebrew
This term refers to the Old Testament Scriptures or the Old Covenant; made up of 39 books described
as Law, History, Poetry, Major Prophets and Minor Prophets; all were written at least four hundred
to 2500 years before the time of Christ.
scroll / scrolls
These were rolls of parchment that could contain records or history of kings and countries. Also refers
to the Old Testament or Hebrew books of the Bible that were each written on such materials. The
Greek word for scroll (biblos) is where we get the English word "Bible". Some scrolls where found by
a shepherd boy in a cave as early as 1947; more were found up to 1956. These have become known
as the Dead Sea Scrolls. The most famous of these findings was the almost complete book of Isaiah.
• shall be rolled together as a scroll Isa 34:4
• the heaven departed as a scroll Rev 6:16
seal / sealed
A piece of wax, lead, or other material with an individual design stamped into it (with, for example, a
signet ring), attached to a document to show that it comes from the person who claims to have issued
it. Scrolls would be rolled up and "sealed". See the Kachin word "dawk" to stamp, seal, stamp also

"shakap", to fasten, stick, affix. DTP Disciples are sealed by the Holy Spirit to show that we belong to
Christ Jesus.
• name and sealed them with his seal 1 Kin 21:8
• seal it with the king's ring Esth 8:8
• set me as a seal upon thine heart Song 8:6
• seal the law among my disciples Isa 8:16
• unto you as the words of a book that is sealed Isa 29:11
• shut up the words and seal the book Dan 12:4
• for the words are closed up and sealed till Dan 12:9
• and made the sepulchre sure, sealed the stone Matt 27:66
• set to his seal that God is true John 3:33
• Son of man ... for him hath God the Father sealed John 6:27
• a seal of the righteousness of the Rom 4:11
• seal of mine apostles are ye in the Lord 1 Cor 9:2
• hath also sealed us and given the earnest 2 Cor 1:22
• ye were seal with that Holy Spirit Eph 1:13
• whereby ye are seal unto the day of redemption Eph 4:30
• foundation ... standeth sure, having this seal 2 Tim 2:19
• a book written ... sealed with seven seals Rev 5:1
For the believer or disciple of Christ, the Holy Spirit "seals" us and, by so doing, He becomes the
guarantee that we will have eternal life through Jesus Christ. We have been marked forever as
belonging to Christ Jesus.
• ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit Eph 1:13
To hunt, to look deeply into, or seek to find something that was lost. DTP God desires to look deeply into
the heart of man; He also desires that man would search deeply into the Word of God for the true
heart of God. As we search the Scriptures, we need to allow our roots to go deep because, in so doing,
we find true life.
• before them ... to search out a resting place Num 10:33
• send thou men, that they may search the land Num 13:12
• LORD searcheth all hearts and understandeth 1 Chr 28:9
• search out iniquities ... accomplish a diligent search Ps 64:6
• O LORD, thou hast searched me and known me Ps 139:1
• search me, O God and know my heart: try me Ps 139:23
• search out by wisdom concerning all things Eccl 1:13
• I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins Jer 17:10
• when ye shall search for me with all your heart Jer 29:13
• search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye John 5:39
• search the Scriptures daily, whether those Acts 17:11
• the Spirit searches all things, yea, the deep Cor 2:10
• I am he which searches the reins and hearts Rev 2:23
Each of the four divisions of a year: spring, summer, fall and winter, each lasting about three months.
Seasons result from the yearly orbit of the earth around the Sun and the tilt of the earth's rotational
axis. DTP In God the disciple may find himself going through various seasons of life. Different
responses may even be required at different times of life.
• let them be for signs and for seasons Gen 1:14
• thou mayest give them their meat in due season Ps 104:27
• word spoken in due season, how good is it! Prov 15:23
• to everything there is a season and time Eccl 3:1
• I should know how to speak a word in season to Isa 50:4
• shall render him the fruits in their season Matt 21:41
• is not for you to know the times or the seasons Acts 1:7

• in due season we shall reap, if we faint not Gal 6:9
• preach the word; be instant is season, out of season 2 Tim 4:2
• to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season Heb 11:25
second coming
This most often refers to the second coming of Jesus Christ. He said just as you have seen me go, I will
once again come back Acts 1:9-11. Jesus' first coming was as a servant, but when He comes the second
time He will come as Lord and King to destroy His enemies and to set up His eternal Kingdom. We are
also given hints about what to watch for, but we are also told that no man can know the day or the
hour, but can know the times or the seasons as to when He will return (1 Thes 5:1-11).
To keep something hidden from another, unknown truth, to hold back details about someone or some
event. DTP The disciple needs to be aware that there is no place where one can hide things from God;
He is all-seeing and all-knowing; all confessed sin is put under the blood of Christ Jesus, totally
• secret things belong unto the LORD our God Deut 29:29
• in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me Ps 27:5
• for he knoweth the secrets of the heart Ps 44:21
• dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High Ps 91:1
• can any hide himself in secret places that I Jer 23:24
• there is no secret that they can hide from thee Ezek 28:3
• a LORD of kings and revealer of secrets Dan 2:47
• thy Father which seeth in secret ... shall reward Matt 6:4
• lighted a candle, putteth in a secret place Luke 11:33
• shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ Rom 2:16
• those things which are done of them in secret Eph 5:12
see / seen / saw
To look or to gaze, to behold or watch something, to gather inform or insight from, to observe. DTP We
are to search the scriptures, to look intently into them in order to find the truth about God and about
ourselves. Prayer is also the door through which we can see the Lord's will for our lives.
• and God saw every thing that he had made Gen 1:31
• for thee have I seen righteous before me Gen 7:1
• Peniel: for I have seen God face to face Gen 32:30
• I have ... seen the affliction of my Ex 3:7
• not seen my face: for there shall no man see me Ex 33:20
• pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see 2 Kin 6:17
• taste and see that the LORD is good Ps 34:8
• yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken Ps 37:25
• mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts Isa 6:5
• in darkness have seen a great light Isa 9:2
• for they shall see eye to eye, when the LORD Isa 52:8
• the earth shall see the salvation of our God Isa 52:10
• do not your alms before men, to be seen of them Matt 6:1
• Father which sees in secret ... shall reward thee Matt 6:4
• blessed are your eyes, for they see Matt 13:16 (Luke 10:23)
• see the Son of man coming in his kingdom Matt 16:28
• having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear Mark 8:18
• when ye shall see these things Mark 13:29 (Luke 21:31)
• for mine eyes have seen thy salvation Luke 2:30
• upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending John 1:33
• I see, and bare record that this is the Son John 1:34
• born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God John 3:3
• that believeth not the Son shall not see life John 3:36
• and he that seeth me seeth him that sent me John 12:45
• come in like manner as ye have seen him go Acts 1:11

• now we see through a glass, darkly; but then 1 Cor 13:12
• was seen of about five hundred brethren at once 1 Cor 15:6
• things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen Heb 11:1
• cometh with clouds ... every eye shall see him Rev 1:7
A flowering plant's unit of reproduction, capable of developing into another such plant. Also known as
the kernel, stone, pit, it is the starting point of growth. The germ of life is contained in the seed. Often
the seed breaks open and dies, but the contents grow into a plant with roots, stems, leaves and, at
maturity, will bear fruit (new seeds). In due time it can be harvested and be used to grow more plants.
DTP As disciples, we are "seeds" and we must die to self so that we can be transformed into the image
of Christ and bear fruit for His glory.
• forth grass, the herb yielding seed Gen 1:11
• will put enmity ... between thy seed and her seed Gen 3:5
• unto thy seed will I give this land Gen 12:7 (24:7)
• saith unto him, So shall thy seed be Gen 15:5 (Rom 4:18)
• my covenant between me and thee and thy seed Gen 17:7
• in Isaac shall thy seed be called Gen 21:12 (Rom 9:7; Heb 11:18)
• I will multiply your seed as the Ex 32:13
• thou shalt ... tithe all the increase of thy seed Deut 14:22
• David and to his seed for evermore Ps 18:50
• thy seed will I establish for ever and build Ps 89:4
• that it may give seed to the sower Isa 55:10 (2 Cor 9:10)
• which received seed by the way side Matt 13:19
• parable is this: the seed is the word of God Luke 8:11
• of the seed of David John 7:42 (Rom 1:3; 2 Tim 2:8)
• not and to seed, as of many; but as of one Gal 3:16
• that Jesus Christ of the seed of 2 Tim 2:8
• born again, not of corruptible seed 1 Pet 1:23
seek / sought
To search for or look out for, to hunt for something until found. DTP We are to seek the Lord and His
Kingdom and, as we do so, He tells us that He will be found. We are also to seek within the Word of
God the pearls of truth, for they are life and strength to all who find them. Seeking takes time and
effort; many disciples give up or do not finish the race and, in so doing, miss out on many blessing
from the Lord Jesus Christ.
• and that ye seek not after your own heart Num 15:39
• thou shalt seek the LORD thy God Deut 4:29
• seek the LORD and his strength 1 Chr 16:11
• if thou seek him, he will be found of thee 1 Chr 28:9
• humble themselves ... pray, and seek my face 2 Chr 7:14
• have sought the LORD our God, we have sought him 2 Chr 14:7
• entered into a covenant to seek the LORD 2 Chr 15:12
• and hast prepared thine heart to seek God 2 Chr 19:3
• heart to seek the law of the LORD Ezra 7:10
• God is upon all them for good that seek him Ezra 8:22
• thee, thy face, LORD, will I seek Ps 27:8
• I sought the LORD and he heard me and delivered Ps 34:4
• seek peace and pursue it Ps 34:14
• O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee Ps 63:1
• and your heart shall live that seek God Ps 69:32
• blessed ... that seek him with the whole heart Ps 119:2
• seek me early, but they shall not find me Prov 1:28
• those that seek me early shall find Prov 8:17
• I gave my heart to seek and search out Eccl 1:13
• Preacher sought to find out acceptable words Eccl 12:10

• I seek him whom my soul loveth: I seek him Song 3:1
• with my spirit within me will I seek thee early Isa 26:9
• seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read Isa 34:16
• seek ye the LORD while he may be found Isa 55:6
• yet they seek me daily and delight to know my Isa 58:2
• am found of them that seek me not Isa 65:1 (Rom 10:20)
• pastors ... brutish and have not sought the LORD Jer 10:21
• the LORD is good ... to the soul that seeketh him Lam 3:25
• I seek for a man among them, that should make Ezek 22:30
• as a shepherd seeketh out his flock ... so will I seek Ezek 34:12
• I will seek that which was lost and bring Ezek 34:16
• to seek by prayer and supplications Dan 9:3
• for it is time to seek the LORD Hos 10:12
• seek the LORD and ye shall live Amos 5:6
• run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD Amos 8:12
• seek the LORD ... seek righteousness, seek meekness Zeph 2:3
• but seek ye first the kingdom of God Matt 6:33
• seek and ye shall find Matt 7:7
• but rather seek ye the kingdom of God Luke 12:31
• Son of man is come to seek and to save that Luke 19:10
• for the Father seeketh such to worship him John 4:23
• because I seek not mine own will, but the will John 5:30
• since ye seek a proof of Christ speaking in me 2 Cor 13:3
• if, while we seek to be justified by Christ Gal 2:17
• all seek their own, not the things which Phil 2:21
• seek those things which are above Col 3:1
• of them that diligently seek him Heb 11:6
• though he seek it carefully with tears Heb 12:17
Also known as a prophet, one who can see into the future. This person can serve and, on behalf of God
most High, proclaim the truths that God has put upon his heart. There are also false seers who are
enemies of God (example: antichrists), trying to deceive the children of God.
• come and let us go to the seer 1 Sam 9:9
• Prophet was beforetime called a Seer 1 Sam 9:9
• Samuel answered Saul and said, I am the seer 1 Sam 9:19
• in the visions of Iddo the seer 2 Chr 9:29
• written among the sayings of the seer 2 Chr 33:19
• which say to the seer, see not; and to the Isa 30:10
• then shall the seer be ashamed Mic 3:7
Let it be so or can sometimes be translated as amen or "pause and think calmly about that", also possibly
a musical direction. A finishing point to a strong and clear statement. Agreeing with the singer or
speaker of that which has been shared. This word appears in the book of Psalms 71 times; it is to be
a pause, giving time for the heart to reflect.
• blessing is upon thy people. Selah Ps 3:8
• songs of deliverance. Selah Ps 32:7
• even thy word. Selah Hab 3:9
This can be described as a person's essential being, individual nature or character, that which make us
personally different from another; it can also mean a person's "will" that describes desires, special
interests or pleasures. DTP The disciple is to die to self and live for Christ Jesus. The self appears to
emanate from the mind and often does battle with one's heart.
• whom thou swarest by thine own self Ex 32:13
• I can of mine own self do nothing John 5:30

• yea, I judge not mine own self 1 Cor 4:3
• who his own self bare our sins in 1 Pet 2:24
To be self-disciplined, to have restraint, willpower, to control one's emotions or behaviour especially
when facing trials or struggles in one's life. DTP The disciple, through the power of the Holy Spirit, is
to live a life of balance and self-control. Prayer each day helps the disciple to be controlled by the will
and power of the Holy Spirit. Disciples must depend upon the ability and strength of Jesus Christ; we
cannot live a self-controlled life on our own.
• gentleness, self-control. Against such there is Gal 5:23 NKJB
The ability to satisfy one's own basic needs without the help of another; can also mean that one is
emotionally and intellectually independent of the help of others. DTP The disciple, through faith,
comes into the body of Christ as a family member needing others and serving together with them, a
community of believers with similar goals and purposes. This word can have both positive and
negative connotations; one can focus on just one's own personal will and desires, or we can
understand that we can be self-sufficient in Christ, through faith. He is able to meet all our needs.
(See 2 Cor 3:5; 12:9)
Focusing on or centering on one's own desires or wishes. DTP Often the disciple struggles between self-
will and God's will, between fulfilling the passions of the world or submitting to the will and Lordship
of Jesus Christ. On earth, self-will is one of the most powerful inner forces known to man.
• not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given Tit 1:7
• presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they 2 Pet 2:10
send / sent
Cause to go, to be given charge to go and do something on behalf of another; those with power can
authorize others to do their bidding. DTP As disciples, we are called and sent on behalf of Jesus Christ.
He directs us and gifts us to serve Him in a variety of places where He sends us by His spirit.
• he sent forth a raven, which went forth to Gen 8:7
• he shall send his angels before the Gen 24:7
• God did send me before you to preserve life Gen 45:5
• say unto ... Israel I Am hath sent me unto you Ex 3:14
• Moses sent them to spy out the land of Canaan Num 13:17
• send out thy light and thy truth: let them Ps 43:3
• send thine hand from above; ride me ... deliver me Ps 144:7
• whom shall I send ... Then said I, Here am I; send me Isa 6:8
• he shall send them a saviour, and a great one Isa 19:20
• sent me to bind up the broken-hearted Isa 61:1 (Luke 4:18)
• will send forth labourers into his Matt 9:38 (Luke 10:2)
• send you forth as sheep in the midst Matt 10:16 (Luke 10:3)
• then sent ... two disciples Matt 21:1 (Mark 11:1; Luke 19:29)
• and that he sent forth to preach Mark 3:14
• and began to send them forth by two and two Mark 6:7
• he sent forth two of his disciples and saith Mark 14:13
• I send the promise of my Father upon you Luke 24:49
• bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me John 5:36
• as thou hast sent me into the world, even so John 17:18
• as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you John 20:21
• being sent forth by the Holy Ghost, departed Acts 13:4
• how shall they preach, except they be sent? Rom 10:15
• God sent forth his Son, made of a woman Gal 4:4
• God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your Gal 4:6
• sent his only begotten Son into the world 1 John 4:9
• sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world 1 John 4:14

A judgment, to be convicted and prescribed by a judge some form of punishment for one's wrongdoing.
DTP As humans we are born into trespasses and sin. As the result of the sin nature we've inherited
from Adam and Eve, we have the sentence of death on us. The only way we can be set free from this
sentence is to trust in Christ's atoning sacrifice and personally give our lives to Jesus Christ as our Lord
and Saviour. He is the only way, truth and life. He can open the prison doors and release us for eternal
life with Him.
• they shall show thee the sentence of judgment Deut 17:9
• let my sentence come forth from thy presence Ps 17:2
• now also will I give sentence against them Jer 4:12
• but we had a sentence of death in ourselves 2 Cor 1:9
separate / separation
To become detached or disconnected from the whole, to come apart from or become an individual part.
DTP Disciples are to separate themselves from the things of the world; we live in the world but we
are not to be controlled by it. We are not to separate ourselves from Christ or from His church, but
are to realize that each one of us is a very valuable part in the body of Christ.
• separate thyself, I pray thee, from me Gen 13:9
• iniquities have separated between you and your God Isa 59:2
• he shall separate them one from another Matt 25:32
• separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work Acts 13:2
• called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel Rom 1:1
• who shall separate us from the love of God Rom 8:35
• out from among them and be ye separate 2 Cor 6:17
• holy, harmless, undefiled, separated from sinners Heb 7:26
This is a Greek version of the Hebrew Bible translated and edited for publication in Alexandria, produced
around the 3rd or the 2nd century BC. Tradition states that there were 70 skilled Jewish linguists who
traveled to Alexandria to do the translation; at that time Greek was a modern day language spoken in
most of the known world. This is why many of the Old Testament quotes in the New Testament are
taken from the Septuagint Scriptures. The Roman numerical LXX (number 70) is an abbreviation that
represents the Septuagint.
A small room cut in rock or built of stone, a tomb, a cave or a place of burial for the dead where one or
more bodies could be laid. Jesus was placed in a sepulchre cut into the hill, with a stone "door" rolled
across the entrance.
• us shall withhold from thee his sepulchre Gen 23:6
• come unto the sepulchre of thy fathers 1 Kin 13:22
• their throat is an open sepulchre Ps 5:9
• great stone to the door of the sepulchre Matt 27:60
• their throat is an open sepulchre Rom 3:13
This is an angel of the highest order, created by the Lord God, often associated with purity and light.
They are described as six-winged angels that are before the throne of God in heaven.
• above it stood the seraphims Isa 6:2
• then flew one of the seraphims unto me Isa 6:6
A talk on a spiritual or moral subject, usually given in a Sunday church service, intended for everyday
living as well as for the future. There are various kinds of sermons; if one hopes to communicate well
with people, training is necessary for the art of preaching sermons.
sermon on the mount
The discourse of Jesus found in Matthew 5 through 7. The "mount" may refer to a high plateau near to
the sea of Galilee. It was at this place that Christ gave some of His most dramatic teachings, including
the beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer. These chapters are full of principles on how we are to relate to
God and to each other here on earth.

sermon types
1) expository: This is taking a paragraph or a chapter of the Bible and expounding the truth and teaching
found within that passage.
2) topical: This is developing a sermon on a topic, using a variety of verses throughout the Bible,
connecting them together with the key word and making it the focal point. Topical sermons focus on
various principles that can be deduced from the topic.
3) textual: This is a type of sermon were the main focus or teaching come from 1 to 2 verses; other
Scriptures can be used to support, but the main points are often drawn from the key text.
4) biographical: This is preparing a sermon based on a person in the Bible. Using that character's life, the
purpose is to teach both positive and negative principles as to how disciples should live here on earth.
5) theological: This sermon type is based on a particular doctrine of the Christian faith, employing key
Scriptures of the Bible as proof texts for believing in such a doctrine. Today there is a great need for
sound theological sermons that should be proclaimed from the pulpit; we are warned that, in the last
days, there will be many false preachers and teachers proclaiming things which the Bible does not
6) Evangelism: This sermon's focus is to lead people to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It gives
people an opportunity to make Christ their personal Lord and Saviour. These sermons can be
produced by using the topical, expository or textual methods. Again, the goal is to proclaim a clear
gospel message about Christ.
A large snake or a dragon and animal that crawls along the ground; a Biblical name for Satan, but it can
also mean a sly or treacherous person, a deceiver. DTP The disciple is to be on the lookout,
emotionally and spiritually, for these deceptive thoughts as well as for people who are trying to
destroy and kill one's soul and spirit. Satan came to Eve and was able to deceive her and lie to her,
enticing her to disobey the will of God.
• now the serpent was more subtle than Gen 3:1
• the serpent beguiled me and I did eat Gen 3:13
• on the ground and it became a serpent Ex 4:3
• when he beheld the serpent of brass Num 21:9
• their poison is like the poison of a serpent Ps 58:4
• sharpened their tongues like a serpent Ps 140:3
• it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like Prov 23:32
• and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent Isa 14:29
• dust shall be the serpent's meat Isa 66:25
• ask a fish, will he give him a serpent Matt 7:10 (Luke 11:11)
• therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves Matt 10:16
• ye serpents, ye generation of vipers Matt 23:23
• they shall take up serpents: and if they drink Mark 16:18
• give unto you power to tread on serpents Luke 10:19
• lifted up the serpent in the wilderness John 3:14
• and he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent Rev 20:2
An attendant, a follower, one who performs duties for another, a devoted and helpful follower or
supporter for someone. DTP The disciple is to be a servant of the Lord. Through faith, we make Christ
the Lord of our lives; surrendering our will to His will and committing ourselves to serve and follow
• a servant of servants shall he be unto you Gen 9:25
• believe the Lord and his servant Moses Ex 14:31
• but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, Ex 33:11
• children of Israel are servants; they are my servants Lev 25:55
• Moses my servant is dead Josh 1:2
• what saith my lord unto his servant Josh 5:14
• Speak LORD for thy servant heareth 1 Sam 3:9 (3:10)
• give ... thy servant an understanding heart 1 Kin 3:9

• we are the servants of the God of heaven Ezra 5:11
• attentive to the prayer of thy servant Neh 1:11
• hast thou considered my servant Job 1:8
• make thy face to shine upon the servant: save me Ps 31:16
• the LORD redeemeth the soul of his servant Ps 34:22
• my God, save thy servant that trusteth in thee Ps 86:2
• give thy strength unto thy servant and save Ps 86:16
• O LORD, truly I am thy servant; I am thy servant Ps 116:16
• I am thy servant; give me understanding Ps 119:125
• and the borrower is servant to the lender Prov 22:7
• behold my servant, whom I uphold Isa 42:1
• my servant: I have formed thee; thou art my servant Isa 44:21
• and said unto me, thou art my servant Isa 49:3
• shall my righteous servant justify many Isa 53:11
• O Daniel, servant of the living God, is thy God Dan 6:20
• upon thy servants and ... handmaids Joel 2:29 (Acts 2:18)
• I will bring forth my servant the Branch Zech 3:8
• word only and my servant shall be healed Matt 8:8 (Luke 7:7)
• nor the servant above his lord Matt 10:24 (John 13:16; 15:20)
• will be chief ... let him be your servant Matt 20:27 (Mark 10:44)
• that is greatest among you shall be your servant Matt 23:11
• well done, good and faithful servant Matt 25:23
• no servant can serve two masters: for either he Luke 16:13
• thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful Luke 19:17
• committeth sin is the servant of sin John 8:34
• and where I am, there shall also my servant be John 12:26
• I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not John 15:15
• these men are servants of the most high God Acts 16:17
• I Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be Rom 1:1
• ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed Rom 6:17
• ye became the servants of righteousness Rom 6:18
• free from sin and become servants to God Rom 6:22
• bought with a price; be not ye servants of men 1 Cor 7:23
• I should not be the servant of Christ Gal 1:10
• wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son Gal 4:7
• and took upon him the form of a servant Phil 2:7
• let as many servants as are under the yoke 1 Tim 6:1
• a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus James 1:1
• of maliciousness, but as the servants of God 1 Pet 2:16
• Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ 2 Pet 1:1
• they themselves are the servants of corruption 2 Pet 2:19
• hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand Rev 19:2
• shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him Rev 22:3
To perform duties for another person or organization. To work, to supply, to assist, to help, to hand out,
to provide for another or to wait on another. DTP In the body of Christ we are called to serve one
another. To serve means to humble oneself or give of oneself to bless and encourage another. We
are also to watch whom we serve; we are not to serve the rulers of this world when doing so conflicts
with God's clear instructions, or the materialistic things of life, but we are to give our all in serving
Christ Jesus.
• go now ye that are men and serve the LORD Ex 10:11
• ye shall serve the LORD your God and he shall Ex 23:25
• and ye shall serve Num 18:7
• fear the LORD ... and serve him Deut 6:13 (Matt 4:10; Luke 4:8)

• me, that they may serve other gods Deut 7:4
• to serve the LORD thy God Deut 10:12 (11:13; Josh 22:5)
• and serve ye the LORD Josh 24:14
• as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD Josh 24:15
• will we also serve the LORD; for he is our God Josh 24:18
• prepare you hearts ... and serve him only 1 Sam 7:3
• if ye will serve the LORD and serve him 1 Sam 12:14
• but serve the LORD with all your heart 1 Sam 12:20
• and serve him with a perfect heart 1 Chr 28:9
• serve the LORD with gladness: come before his Ps 100:2
• our God whom we serve is able to deliver us Dan 3:17
• people, nations and languages, should serve him Dan 7:14
• and all dominions shall serve and obey him Dan 7:27
• thy God and him only shalt thou serve Matt 4:10
• no servant can serve two masters Matt 6:24 (Luke 16:13)
• but serve God with fastings and prayers Luke 2:37
• but Martha was cumbered about much service Luke 10:40
• if any man serve me, let him follow John 12:26
• serve the Lord with all humility of mind Acts 20:19
• whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel Rom 1:9
• henceforth we should not serve sin Rom 6:6
• that we should serve in newness of Rom 7:6 (16:18)
• in business; fervent in spirit; serve the Lord Rom 12:11
• to the flesh, but by love serve one another Gal 5:13
• as a son ... he hath served with me in the gospel Phil 2:22
• the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ Col 3:24
• to God from idols to serve the living 1 Thes 1:9
• whom I serve from my forefathers with 2 Tim 1:3
• deceived, serve divers lusts and pleasures Tit 3:3
• dead works to serve the living God Heb 9:14
This is an action or process of helping another, assisting, doing work for someone. The word also refers
to meetings attended, and participated in, by believers. DTP The disciple is to have a heart and
attitude of service for Christ; we should not forsake coming together in a church environment so that
we can minister to each other, serving in a way that will build up the body of Christ. Going to "services"
also can mean going in for general checkup or maintenance of our walk with Christ; for the disciple of
Christ, this is why we need to attend weekly church services.
• clothes of service, to do service in the holy place Ex 35:19 (39:41)
• that they may execute the service of the Lord Num 8:11
• we might do the service of the LORD before him Josh 22:27
• who then is willing to consecrate his service 1 Chr 29:5
• given thee for the service of the house of thy God Ezra 7:19
• killeth you will think that he doeth God service John 16:2
• the service of God and the promises Rom 9:4
• God, which is your reasonable service Rom 12:1
• with good will doing service, as to the Eph 6:7
• upon the sacrifice and service of your faith Phil 2:17
• I know thy works and charity and service Rev 2:19
To place in a specified place or position.
• behold, I have set the land before you Deut 1:8
• I have set before thee this day life and good Deut 30:15
• the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for Ps 4:3
• I have set the LORD always before me Ps 16:8

• name of our God we will set up our banners Ps 20:5
• he putteth down one and set up another Ps 75:7
• and shall set us in the way of his steps Ps 83:13
• I set before you the way of life and the way Jer 21:8
• set thee to be a light of the Gentiles Acts 13:47
• and set him at his own right hand Eph 1:20
• didst set him over the works of thy hands Heb 2:7
• I have set before thee an open door Rev 3:8
seven / sevenfold / seventh / seventy
The number seven is significant in the Scriptures. It is tied to it the idea of perfection and completeness.
It can also symbolize God Himself, showing who He is and how He is present with His people. It is used
at least 735 times throughout the entire Bible. It is also linked to the idea of Sabbath as a day of rest.
Finally, the number seven appears many times in the book of Revelation, which is a book of prophecy
revealing what will come in the “Last Days”.
• rested on the seventh day from all his Gen 2:2 (Heb 4:4)
• Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold Gen 4:15
• I will serve thee seven years for Rachel Gen 29:18
• seven empty ears ... shall be seven years of famine Gen 41:27
• and seventy elders of Israel; and worship Ex 24:1
• punish you seven times more for your sins Lev 26:18
• ye shall compass the city seven times Josh 6:4
• seven times a day do I praise thee, because Ps 119:164
• seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem Dan 9:2
• the Messiah the Prince, shall be seven weeks Dan 9:25
• seven lamps thereon ... seven pipes to the seven lamps Zech 4:2
• against me, and I forgave him? till seven times? Matt 18:21
• seven times: but, until seventy times seven Matt 18:22
• the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent Luke 10:1
• look ... among you seven men of honest report Acts 6:3
• the seven churches which are in Asia Rev 1:4 (1:11)
• I saw seven golden candlesticks Rev 1:12
• had in his hand seven stars Rev 1:16
• seven stars and the angels of the seven churches Rev 1:20
• to them were given seven trumpets Rev 8:2
• having seven heads and ten horns Rev 12:3 (13:1; 17:3)
• having the seven last plagues Rev 15:1
Disgrace, embarrassment, humiliation, dishonour, reproach. DTP We should never be ashamed of who
we are in Christ Jesus. We are a child of the king Jesus Christ and He is proud of who we are. We need
walk out each day not hiding from our believing Christ, but letting Him shine forth through our lives
to others.
• how long will ye turn my glory into shame? Ps 4:2
• thou hast covered him with shame Ps 89:45
• let mine adversaries be clothed with shame Ps 109:29
• thy testimonies: O LORD, put me not to shame Ps 119:31
• when pride cometh, then cometh shame Prov 11:2
• shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction Prov 13:18
• for thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth Isa 54:4
• I write not these things to shame you, but 1 Cor 4:14
• knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame 1 Cor 15:34
• crucify ... afresh and put him to an open shame Heb 6:6
• endured the cross, despising the shame Heb 12:2

A person who cuts the wool off a sheep or lamb. DTP The shearer is placed in a position in which it
doesn't fight back or try to escape, content to remain until it is released. As disciples, we should be
like sheep, not fighting the will of God but just giving ourselves wholeheartedly to him, just as Christ
• as a sheep before her shearer is dumb Isa 53:7
• and like a lamb dumb before his shearer Acts 8:32
Plural of sheaf; bundles of grain stalks laid lengthwise and tied together after reaping. They are stood up
in the sun to dry and then, when the drying is complete, the farmer takes the sheaves to the threshing
floor where the grain is threshed out and stored. DTP There will be a time when the harvest will be
taken in; the grain (believers) and tares/weeds (non-believers) will be separated by God, either
entering into eternal life or into eternal damnation. (See Matt.13:24-30)
• we were binding sheaves in the field Gen 37:7
• after the reapers among the sheaves Ruth 2:7
• glean even among the sheaves and reproach her not Ruth 2:15
• bring his sheaves with him Ps 126:6
• cart is pressed that is full of sheaves Amos 2:13
• them as the sheaves into the floor Mic 4:12
A domesticated animal that is kept for its wool, skin, milk and meat. In the Old Testament sheep were
used as sacrifices; the blood of a perfect lamb had to be shed and, once a year, the high priest would
sprinkle its blood would be sprinkled on the mercy seat (see Lev 1:10; 4:32: 5:15; 22:21). DTP Christ
came to earth to be mankind's sacrificial lamb and his blood was shed so that our sins could be
• and Abel was a keeper of sheep Gen 4:2
• be not as sheep which have no shepherd Num 27:17
• sheep that have not a shepherd 1 Kin 22:17 (2 Chr 18:16)
• counted as sheep for the slaughter Ps 44:22 (Rom 8:36)
• made his own people to go forth like sheep Ps 78:52
• so we thy people and sheep of thy pasture will Ps 79:13
• people of his pasture and sheep of his hand Ps 95:7
• are his people and the sheep of his pasture Ps 100:3
• I have gone astray like a lost sheep Ps 119:176
• all we like sheep have gone astray Isa 53:6
• and as sheep before her shearers is dumb Isa 53:7
• destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! Jer 23:1
• my sheep wandered through all the mountains Ezek 34:6
• and the sheep shall be scattered Zech 13:7 (Matt 26:31; Mark 14:27)
• prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing Matt 7:15
• I send you forth as sheep in the Matt 10:16
• if a man have an hundred sheep Matt 18:12 (Luke 15:4)
• divideth his sheep from the goats Matt 25:32
• I have found my sheep which was lost Luke 15:6
• and the sheep hear his voice John 10:3
• good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep John 10:11
• ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep John 10:26
• my sheep hear my voice and I know them John 10:27
• I love thee, He saith unto him, Feed my sheep John 21:16
• he was led as a sheep to the slaughter Acts 8:32
• accounted as sheep for the slaughter Rom 8:36
• that great shepherd of the sheep Heb 13:20
• for ye were as sheep going astray 1 Pet 2:25

A person who tends and rears sheep, responsible for protecting the sheep from wild beasts. DTP The
picture of the shepherd also represents spiritual leadership that the leaders of Israel were to exercise
with their people. The 23rd Psalm is like a job description of how the shepherds were to work with
the people of God. Pastors of the church today are to be shepherds to their flocks. Jesus Christ was
and is our Great Shepherd.
• be not as sheep which have no shepherd Num 27:17
• sheep that have not a shepherd 1 Kin 22:17 (2 Chr 18:16)
• the LORD is my shepherd Ps 23:1
• O Shepherd of Israel, thou that leadest Ps 80:1
• he shall feed his flock like a shepherd Isa 40:11
• they are shepherds that cannot understand Isa 56:11
• I will set up shepherds over them which shall Jer 23:4
• scattered, because there is no shepherd Eze 34:5
• neither did my shepherds search for my flock Eze 34:8
• as a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day Eze 34:12
• smite the shepherd ... the sheep Zech 13:7 (Matt 26:31; Mark 14:27)
• abroad, as sheep having no shepherd Matt 9:36 (Mark 6:34)
• as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats Matt 25:32
• shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over Luke 2:8
• by the door is the shepherd of the sheep John 10:2
• I am the good shepherd John 10:11
• I am the good shepherd and know my sheep and am John 10:14
• and there shall be one fold and one shepherd John 10:16
• that great shepherd of the sheep Heb 13:20
• unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls 1 Pet 2:25
• and when the chief Shepherd shall appear 1 Pet 5:4
This word means, "Bread of the Presence". It was in the Holy Place in the tabernacle (or the temple) on
a table in two rows of six pieces each, representing the twelve tribes of Israel. It was unleavened and
would be changed on the Sabbath and could only be eaten by the priests. (See Lev 24:5-9) DTP In the
New Testament Jesus proclaims to his hearers, "I Am the bread of Life", one who is without sin, pure
and holy.
• upon the table shewbread before me always Ex 25:30
• upon the table of shewbread they shall Num 4:7
• was no bread there but the shewbread 1 Sam 21:6
• house of God and did eat the shewbread Matt 12:4
• and the table and the shewbread Heb 9:2
A broad piece of metal (or other material) used as part of the soldier's armour for protection against
blows or weapons. DTP Paul tells the disciple to put on the full armour of God; he is to carry a "shield
of faith" for protection against the fiery darts of the enemy.
• I am thy shield and thy exceeding Gen 15:1
• saved by the LORD, the shield of thy help Deut 33:29
• given me the shield of thy salvation 2 Sam 22:36 (Ps 18:35)
• but thou, O LORD, art a shield for me Ps 3:3
• given me the shield of thy salvation Ps 18:35
• the LORD is my strength and my shield Ps 28:7
• for the LORD is our help and our shield Ps 33:20
• LORD God is a sun and a shield: the LORD will give Ps 84:11
• his truth shall be thy shield and buckler Ps 94:4
• in the LORD: he is their help and their shield Ps 115:9
• thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope PS 119:114
• my shield and he in whom I trust Ps 144:2

• a shield unto them that put their trust in Prov 30:5
• above all, taking the shield of faith Eph 6:16
shield of faith
Paul tells the disciple to put on the full armour of God; he is to carry a "shield of faith" for protection
against the fiery darts of the enemy. Disciples of Christ have a real enemy that is out to destroy and
• above all, taking the shield of faith Eph 6:16
shine / shone
Enlighten, illuminate, gleam, sparkle, lighten, glisten. DTP We as disciples should demonstrate the fruit
of the Spirit to a lost and dark world. We are to be a shining testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
to be a light that is set upon a hilltop that all may see. The world is full of darkness and we are
commanded to let our light shine forth for Jesus Christ. As a lighthouse, we need to let God shine
though us so that others may see His glory revealed in our lives.
• skin of his face shone while he talked with Ex 34:29
• LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be Num 6:25
• blessed us; and cause his face to shine upon us Ps 67:1
• cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved Ps 80:3
• make thy face shine upon thy servant Ps 119:135
• arise, shine; for thy light is come Isa 60:1
• cause thy face to shine upon thy sanctuary Dan 9:17
• let your light so shine before men, that they Matt 5:16
• his face did shine as the sun and his raiment Matt 17:2
• the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness John 1:5
• light of the glorious gospel ... should shine 2 Cor 4:4
• to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts 2 Cor 4:6
• among whom ye shine as lights in the world Phil 2:15
• as unto a light that shineth in a dark place 2 Pet 1:19
Foot protection, often made of leather and available in a variety of styles and colours. DTP We read in
the Old Testament that God's followers were to remove their shoes when they came into or before
the presence of the Lord; there was to be nothing between the person's feet and the Holy Ground on
which he was standing. In describing the full armour of God, we are told to have our feet shod with
the Gospel of peace, giving the idea that wherever the disciple goes, the Gospel of peace should be
proclaimed. Eph 6:15.
• put off thy shoes from off thy feet Ex 3:5 (Acts 7:33)
• your loins girded, your shoes on your feet Ex 12:11
• whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall Matt 3:11
• put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet Luke 15:22
A Jewish word referring to a ram's or deer's horn used as a trumpet to call out to the people. It was used
in religious ceremonies and as a battle signal or a warning of danger. It was also used as a part of
praise and worship of God to summon His power and strength. (See Joshua 6:4).
• Priest shall bear seven trumpets (shoffar) of rams' horn before the ark Josh 6:4
To speak out loud, to cry out or call to someone. Shouting attracts people to hear and look in your
direction. It can also be a way to express great joy in worship to God.
• voice of them that shout for mastery Ex 32:18
• people shall shout with a great shout Josh 6:5
• all Israel shouted with a great shout 1 Sam 4:5
• let them ever shout for joy, because Ps 5:11
• shout unto God with the voice of Ps 47:1
• let them shout from the top of the Isa 42:11
• descend from heaven with a shout 1 Thes 4:16

Cause to be visible; allow to be perceived. DTP We are to be lights for Jesus Christ and to show forth to
a lost world His love, grace, mercy and power. We are to be "Christ-like" as Christians. God also desires
us to show Him fruit that will last, results that come from Him working in and through our lives.
• he said, I beseech thee, show me thy glory Ex 33:18
• show me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths Ps 25:4
• conversation aright will I show the salvation Ps 50:23
• show that the LORD is upright: he is my rock Ps 92:15
• shall show forth the praises of the LORD Isa 60:6
• will show wonders in the heavens Joel 2:30
• therefore mighty works do show forth Matt 14:2 (Mark 6:14)
• Spirit of truth ... will show you things to come John 16:13
• which show unto us the way of salvation Acts 16:17
• ye do show the Lord's death till he come 1 Cor 11:26
• and yet show I unto you a more excellent way 1 Cor 12:31
• study to show thyself approved unto God 2 Tim 2:15
• show me thy faith without thy works and I James 2:18
• show unto you that eternal life, which was 1 John 1:2
• I will show thee the bride, the Lamb's wife Rev 21:9
Show Bread
This word means, "Bread of the Presence". It was in the Holy Place in the tabernacle (or the temple) on
a table in two rows of six pieces each, representing the twelve tribes of Israel. It was unleavened and
would be changed on the Sabbath and could only be eaten by the priests. (See Lev 24:5-9) DTP In the
New Testament Jesus proclaims to his hearers, "I Am the bread of Life", one who is without sin, pure
and holy.
sick / sickness
Not to be well, infected with some type of disease or infirmity. DTP Disciples are to pray for the sick;
elders are to anoint the sick with oil and pray. To see people healed, both faith and Christ's Holy Spirit
filling us and flowing through us are necessary. All must be done while recognizing God's sovereignty;
everything must be done according to the will of the Father in Heaven.
• the son of the woman ... fell sick 1 Kin 17:17
• hope deferred maketh the heart sick Prov 13:12
• and they brought unto him all sick people Matt 4:24
• healed all that were sick Matt 8:16 (Mark 1:34; Luke 4:40)
• himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses Matt 8:17
• power ... to heal all manner of sickness Matt 10:1
• ye clothed me: I was sick and ye visited me Matt 25:36
• lay hands on the sick and they shall recover Mark 16:18
• Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick John 11:3
• this sickness is not unto death, but for the glory John 11:4
• were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs Acts 19:12
• was sick nigh unto death: but God had mercy Phil 2:27
• is any sick among you? let him call for the elders James 5:14
• and the prayer of faith shall save the sick James 5:15
sign / signs
A mark, a miracle, a wonder, something beyond the normal way of doing things. Something that cannot
usually be explained scientifically. Can be a warning or alert pointing us to something of danger or of
what lies ahead. DTP God sometimes uses different signs to guide his disciples. He also tells us that
there will be signs that will point to His second coming and that we should be watching for them.
• let them be for a sign and for seasons Gen 1:14
• the first sign ... they will believe ... the latter signs Ex 4:8
• harden Pharaoh's heart and multiply my signs Ex 7:3
• my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign Ex 31:13
• shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand Deut 6:8

• this may be a sign among you, that when Josh 4:6
• which did those great signs in your sight Josh 24:17
• this shall be a sign unto thee, that shall 1 Sam 2:34
• shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall Isa 7:14
• it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto Isa 19:20
• this shall be a sign unto thee from the LORD Isa 38:7
• an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off Isa 55:13
• no sign ... but the sign of ... Jonas Matt 12:39 (16:4; Luke 11:29)
• false prophets ... show great signs Matt 24:24 (Mark 13:22)
• these signs shall follow them that believe Mark 16:17
• and confirming the word with signs following Mark 16:20
• this shall be a sign unto you; ye shall find Luke 2:12
signet ring
A ring that has embedded into it letters or a seal that, when pressed into hot wax, leaves an impression
representing the owner of the ring and his authority.
• so the king took his signet ring from his hand Esth 3:10 NKJB.
signs and wonders
These are often considered to be miracles from God, they show His power and usually go against man's
scientific explanations. They are often experienced by more than just one person. Example Acts 2:1-
13 the coming of the Holy Spirit.
• and the LORD shewed signs and wonders Deut 6:22
• and giveth a sign or a wonder Deut 13:1
• and shewedst signs and wonders upon Neh 9:10
• which hast set signs and wonders in Jer 32:20
• ye shall see signs and wonders, ye will not believe John 4:48
• you by miracles and wonders and signs Acts 2:22
• and that signs and wonders may be done Acts 4:30
• granted signs and wonders to be done by their Acts 14:3
• through mighty signs and wonders, by Rom 15:19
• bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders Heb 2:4
Uncomplicated, humble, modest, unpretentious, meek, understandable, unsophisticated, sincere. DTP
The gospel of Christ needs to be proclaimed to others in its simplicity so that they may comprehend
and understand the amazing truth of Jesus Christ.
• of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple Ps 19:7
• LORD preserveth the simple: I was brought low Ps 116:6
• it giveth understanding unto the simple Ps 119:130
• how long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? Prov 1:22
• ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools Prov 8:5
• words and fair speeches deceive ... the simple Rom 16:18
To offend, to transgress, to trespass or do wickedness. An act of disobedience toward God and His laws.
Something that is corrupt and transgresses the moral laws of God. A falling away from, or missing the
mark of God's commands. DTP Because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve, mankind inherited a
sin nature. The soul of man is born in corruption and sin.
• not well, sin lieth at the door Gen 4:7
• wickedness and sin against God Gen 39:9
• I have sinned against the LORD your God Ex 10:16
• for a sin offering for atonement Ex 29:36
• said unto the people, ye have sinned a great sin Ex 32:30
• he bring a lamb for a sin offering Lev 4:32
• he shall confess that he hath sinned in that thing Lev 5:5
• when a man or woman shall commit any sin Num 5:6
• ye have sinned ... be sure your sin will find you out Num 32:23

• sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray 1 Sam 12:23
• rebellion is a sin of witchcraft 1 Sam 15:23
• and David said unto Nathan, I have sinned 2 Sam 12:13
• seed of Israel ... stood and confessed their sins Neh 9:2
• in all this Job sinned not, nor charged God Job 1:22
• stand in awe and sin not: commune with your Ps 4:4
• remember not the sins of my youth, nor my Ps 25:7
• forgiven, whose sin is covered Ps 32:1 (Rom 4:7)
• I acknowledged my sin unto thee Ps 32:5
• iniquity and cleanse me from my sin Ps 51:2
• against thee, thee only, have I sinned and done Ps 51:4
• iniquity: and in sin did my mother conceive me Ps 51:5
• that I might not sin against thee Ps 119:11
• love covereth all sins Prov 10:12
• he that covereth his sin shall not prosper Prov 28:13
• though your sins be as scarlet, they shall Isa 1:18
• backsliding are many ... have sinned against thee Jer 14:7
• I will remember their sins no more Jer 31:34 (Heb 10:17)
• and break off thy sins by righteousness Dan 4:27
• for he shall save his people from their sins Matt 1:21
• is shed for many for the remission of sins Matt 26:28
• repentance for the remission of sins Mark 1:4
• convert and their sins should be forgiven Mark 4:12
• and forgive us our sins; for we also forgive Luke 11:4
• go and sin no more John 8:11
• whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin John 8:34
• whosoever sins ye remit, they are remitted John 20:23
• and be baptized ... for the remission of sins Acts 2:38
• be converted, that your sins may be blotted Acts 3:19
• arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins Acts 22:16
• all have sinned and come short of the glory Rom 3:23
• as by one man sin entered into the world Rom 5:12
• for he that is dead is freed from sin Rom 6:7
• let not sin therefore reign in your mortal Rom 6:12
• the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God Rom 6:23
• body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is Rom 8:10
• awake to righteousness and sin not 1 Cor 15:34
• made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin 2 Cor 5:21
• neither be partaker of other men's sins 1 Tim 5:22
• time without sin unto salvation Heb 9:28
• and the sin which doth so easily beset us Heb 12:1
• blood is brought ... by the high priest for sin Heb 13:11
• it bring forth sin; and sin, when it is James 1:15
• save a soul ... and shall hide a multitude of sins James 5:20
• his own self bare our sin ... we, being dead to sin 1 Pet 2:24
• for Christ also hath once suffered for sin 1 Pet 3:18
• his Son cleanseth us from all sin 1 John 1:7
• if we say ... we have no sin, we deceive ourselves 1 John 1:8
• if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just 1 John 1:9
• if we say ... we have not sinned, we make him a liar 1 John 1:10
• and if any man sin, we have an advocate 1 John 2:1
• propitiation for our sins ... also for the sins of the 1 John 2:2
• abideth in him sinneth not; whosoever sinneth hath not 1 John 3:6
• committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil is sin 1 John 3:8

• his Son to be the propitiation for our sins 1 John 4:10
• all unrighteousness is sin 1 John 5:17
• and washed us from our sins in his own blood Rev 1:5
sin imputed
Imputation means to reckon or to charge to one's account. There are various views on imputed sin, but
the most common is that all have sinned (Rom 5:12) because sin has come through Adam and Eve's
disobedience to God when they ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This sin introduced
death into their world; thus the death penalty came upon all who are born. In Adam, all humanity was
present at that time. Because of one, sin entered the world; because of One (Jesus Christ and His
death on the cross) we can, through faith, have forgiveness for our sins.
sin inherited
This teaching deals with how we ended up with a sin nature, through the disobedience of Adam and Eve.
Because they were the first two parents, from them all mankind has inherited a sin nature. The soul
of man is born in corruption and sin.
sin nature
Man is born with a sin nature he does not have to do anything to become a sinner; he or she is a sinner
from the moment of conception. We have become sinners because of Adam's and Eve's disobedience
in the Garden of Eden. Because we all come from these first parents, we too carry their sin nature in
our lives. This curse can be broken only by believing and receiving Jesus Christ personally into one's
sin, personal
Because of our sin nature and a spirit of disobedience that dwells within our lives, man battles between
doing the will of God and his own personal will. We personally sin when we turn our backs on God
and follow after the lawlessness and corruption of this world. In various places throughout the Bible,
lists of personally committed sins are enumerated. (See Col 3:5-11)
sing / sang / sung
To use one's voice to make music, hum, carol, to rejoice. DTP The disciple's heart should be full of love
for Christ Jesus and, because of that, our hearts should sing forth praise and adoration unto our Lord.
He is truly our Lord and King and we should rejoice with Him for Who He is and for what He has done
for us. Singing is an expression, likened to a river of love that comes from our hearts and mouths,
giving thanks and praise for all that our Lord has done.
• then sang Moses and the children of Israel Ex 15:1
• Then Israel sang ... spring up, O well; sing ye Num 21:17
• of whom they sang one to another in dances 1 Sam 29:5
• sing unto him, sing psalms unto him 1 Chr 16:9 (Ps 105:2)
• sing unto the LORD, all the earth 1 Chr 16:23 (Ps 96:1)
• they sang together by course in praising Ezra 3:11
• I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath Ps 13:6
• sing unto the LORD, O ye saints of his Ps 30:4
• tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness Ps 51:14
• sing forth the honour of his name: Ps 66:2
• sing aloud unto God our strength Ps 81:1
• O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us Ps 95:1
• sing unto the LORD a new song; for he hath Ps 98:1
• I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live Ps 104:33
• saying, sing us one of the songs of Zion Ps 137:2
• but the righteous doth sing and rejoice Prov 29:6
• sing unto the LORD; for he hath done excellent Isa 12:5
• awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust Isa 26:19
• sing, O ye heavens; for the LORD hath done it Isa 44:23
• with the voice together shall they sing Isa 52:8
• my servants shall sing for joy of heart Isa 65:14
• and when they had sung a hymn Matt 26:30 (Mark 14:26)
• at midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang Acts 16:25

• I will sing with the spirit and I will sing 1 Cor 14:15
• sing ... in your heart to the Lord Eph 5:19 (Col 3:16)
• is any merry? let him sing psalms James 5:13
• they sang a new song, saying, Thou art worthy Rev 5:9
• they sang as it were a new song before the throne Rev 14:3
• they sang the song of Moses the servant of God Rev 15:3
People who have committed acts of disobedience toward God and His laws. People who are outside of
the will of God.
• but the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners Gen 13:13
• nor standeth in the way of sinners Ps 1:1
• nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous Ps 1:5
• therefore will he teach sinners in the way Ps 25:8
• and sinners shall be converted unto thee Ps 51:13
• son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not Prov 1:10
• evil pursueth sinners Prov 13:21
• let not thine heart envy sinners; but be thou in Prov 23:17
• but one sinner destroyeth much good Eccl 9:18
• righteous, but sinners to repentance Matt 9:13 (Mark 2:17; Luke 5:32)
• heaven over one sinner that repenteth Luke 15:7
• be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know John 9:25
• that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us Rom 5:8
• by one man's disobedience many were made sinners Rom 5:19
• justified ... we ourselves also are found sinners Gal 2:17
• came into the world to save sinners 1 Tim 1:15
• cleans your hands, ye sinners; and purify your James 4:8
• that he which converteth the sinner Jam 5:20
See the word Zion.
sit / sat
To recline on a chair, to relax, to contemplate or make a decision from, to be seated. DTP It is important
that we take time to sit ("be still") before the Lord, to meditate on Him and His Word, and to hear His
still small voice encouraging and directing us according to His will for our lives.
• LORD appeared ... and he sat in the tent door Gen 18:1
• sat there before the LORD and fasted Judg 20:26
• nor sit in the seat of the scornful Ps 1:1
• God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness Ps 47:8
• LORD said unto my LORD, sit thou at Ps 110:1 (Matt 22:44; Mark 12:36; Luke 20:42; Acts 2:34; Heb
• is he that sits upon the circle of the earth Isa 40:22
• sit not in the assembly of the mockers Jer 15:17
• he shall sit as a refiner and purifier Mal 3:3
• sit upon twelve thrones, judging Matt 19:28 (Luke 22:30
• sitting on the right hand of Matt 26:64 (Mark 14:62; Luke 22:69)
• he that was dead sat up and began to speak Luke 7:15
• and found the man ... sitting at the feet of Jesus Luke 8:35
• made us sit together in heavenly places Eph 2:6
• where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God Col 3:1
• that he as God sitteth in the temple of God 2 Thes 2:4
• sat down on the right hand of the Majesty Heb 1:3
• will grant to sit with me in my throne Rev 3:21

Making a false (oral or written) and malicious statement damaging to someone's reputation. DTP We as
disciples should not put down or speak evil of others. Our goal is to lift up the broken-hearted and to
restore those who have fallen; we are not to tear them apart.
• by bringing up a slander upon the land Num 14:36
• for I have heard the slander of many Ps 31:13
• whoso privily slandereth his neighbour, him I will Ps 101:5
• and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool Prov 10:18
slay / slew / slain
To kill or put to death, to cut to pieces, murder, assassinate, massacre, slaughter, butcher, exterminate.
• that Cain rose up against Abel ... and slew him Gen 4:8
• to slay the righteous with the wicked Gen 18:25
• and Abraham ... took the knife to slay his son Gen 22:10
• slew the Egyptian and hid him in the sand Ex 2:12
• behold, I will slay thy son, even the firstborn Ex 4:23
• slay me, that men say not ... a woman slew him Judg 9:54
• servant slew both a lion and the bear 1 Sam 17:36
• saying, I have slain the LORD'S anointed 2 Sam 1:16
• evil shall slay the wicked: and they that Ps 34:21
• I have slain them by the words of my mouth Hos 6:5
• slew all the children that were in Bethlehem Matt 2:16
• and be slain and be raised the third day Luke 9:22
• raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on Acts 5:30
• saying unto me, arise, Peter; slay and eat Acts 11:7
• by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby Eph 2:16
• stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having Rev 5:6
• souls of them that were slain for the word of God Rev 6:9
• were prepared ... to slay the third part of men Rev 9:15
sleep / slept
To slumber, not to be awake or conscious; can also refer to death. DTP The disciple needs to be careful
that they he does not fall into a spiritual sleep where he does not hear the voice of the Lord, or is no
longer aware of what is taking place around him.
• God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam Gen 2:21
• Moses ... thou shalt sleep with thy fathers Deut 31:16
• laid me down and slept; for the LORD Ps 3:5
• for so he giveth his beloved sleep Ps 127:2
• shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet Prov 3:24
• how long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt Prov 6:9
• love not sleep, least thou come to poverty Prov 20:13
• I sleep, but my heart waketh: it is the voice Song 5:2
• night fasting ... and his sleep went from him Dan 6:18
• while men sleep ... enemy came and sowed tares Matt 13:25
• sleep on now and take your rest Matt 26:45 (Mark 14:41)
• many bodies of the saints which slept arose Matt 27:52
• why sleep? rise and pray, least ye enter into Luke 22:46
• Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him John 11:11
• now it is high time to awake out of sleep Rom 13:11
• weak and sickly among you, and many sleep 1 Cor 11:30
• we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be 1 Cor 15:51
• awake thou that sleepeth and arise from the dead Eph 5:14
• let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch 1 Thes 5:6
• wake or sleep, we should live together with him 1 Thes 5:10

A simple weapon in the form of a strap or loop, used to hurl stones or other small missiles; used by
shepherds and soldiers alike. When swung in circles and released at the right moment, a stone could
be flung with deadly accuracy.
• every one could sling stones at an Judg 20:16
• and his sling was in his hand 1 Sam 17:40
• over the Philistine with a sling 1 Sam 17:50
• as he that bindeth a stone in a sling Prov 26:8
smite / smote / smitten
To kill, to strike, to hit, beat or punch.
• neither will I again smite any more ever Gen 8:21
• and he spied an Egyptian smiting a Hebrew Ex 2:11
• and with his rod he smote the rock twice Num 20:11
• so David prevailed ... and smote the Philistines 1 Sam 17:50
• and smote the waters and they were divided 2 Kin 2:8
• he smote the rock, that the waters gushed out Ps 78:20
• hath he smitten him, as he smote those that smote him? Isa 27:7
• ye shall know that I am the LORD that smiteth Ezek 7:9
• smite the shepherd Zech 13:7 (Matt 26:31; Mark 14:27)
• shall smite thee on the right cheek Matt 5:39 (Luke 6:29)
• unto him, Lord shall we smite with the sword? Luke 22:49
• immediately the angel of the Lord smote him Acts 12:23
• power ... to smite the earth with all plagues Rev 11:6
A trap for catching birds or animals, usually employing a noose of wire or cord. Something which hinders
movement, slows down, binds, or entangles. DTP Satan desires to snare or entangle the disciple in sin
and in the affairs of this world. Prayer and studying of the Word of God keeps us from being ensnared
by Satan and the ways of the world.
• how long shall this man be a snare unto us? Ex 10:7
• the heed ... thou be not snared by following them Deut 12:30
• but they shall be snares and traps unto you Josh 23:13
• as thorns ... and their gods shall be a snare Judg 2:3
• wherefore then layest thou a snare for my life 1 Sam 28:9
• let their table become a snare Ps 69:22 (Rom 11:9)
• shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler Ps 91:3
• destruction ... his lips are the snare of his soul Prov 18:7
• a pit to take me and hid snare for my feet Jer 18:22
• not that I cast a snare upon them 1 Cor 7:35
• fall into reproach and the snare of the devil 1 Tim 3:7
• will be rich fall into temptation and a snare 1 Tim 6:9
• may recover ... out of the snare of the devil 2 Tim 2:26
To go on a journey and to stay at another place for a period of time.
• went down into Egypt to sojourn there Gen 12:10
• sojourn in this land and I will be with thee Gen 26:3
• sojourn wheresoever thou canst sojourn: for the LORD 2 King 8:1
• went to sojourn in the country of Moab Ruth 1:1
• seed should sojourn in a strange land Acts 7:6
• by faith he sojourned in the land of Heb 11:9
• pass the time of your sojourn here in fear 1 Pet 1:17
A person who serves in an army, under the authority of those with higher rank. A soldier may act
defensively protecting his country's interests, or may act offensively in an effort to advance his

country's borders. DTP The disciple is to be a soldier of Jesus Christ, putting on the full armour of God
(Eph 6: 10-20) because disciples are daily involved in a spiritual battle against evil.
• under authority, having soldiers under me Matt 8:9 (Luke 7:8)
• four parts, to every soldier a part John 19:23
• companion in labour, and fellow soldier Phil 2:25
• as a good soldier of Jesus Christ 2 Tim 2:3
• may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier 2 Tim 2:4
A male offspring of a man and woman. In Bible times, the first son was heir to the family possessions.
DTP The Heavenly Father sent His son to become the sinbearer for us so that through his death on
the cross we, through faith, could become clothed in the righteousness of Christ Jesus. At our new
birth, we become children of God, sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. We have become joint
heirs with Jesus Christ for all eternity.
• the sons of God saw the daughters of men Gen 6:2
• Sarah ... shall bear thee a son Gen 17:19 (18:10; Rom 9:9)
• Sarah conceived and bare Abraham a son Gen 21:2
• son of this bondwoman ... not ... heir Gen 21:10 (Gal 4:30)
• every son that is born ye shall cast into Ex 1:22
• but teach them thy son and thy son's son Deut 4:9
• thou art my Son Ps 2:7 (Acts 13:33; Heb 1:5; 5:5)
• a wise son maketh a glad father Prov 10:1 (15:20)
• a wise son heareth his father's instruction Prov 13:1
• he that spareth his rod hateth his son Prov 13:24
• correct thy son and he shall give thee rest Prov 29:17
• virgin shall conceive and bear a son Isa 7:14 (Matt 1:23)
• unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given Isa 9:6
• be said ... Ye are the sons of the living God Hos 1:10
• and called my son out of Egypt Hos 11:1 (Matt 2:15)
• she shall bring forth a son Matt 1:21 (Luke 1:31)
• saying, this is my ... Son Matt 3:17 (Mark 1:11; Luke 3:22)
• if his son ask bread, will he give Matt 7:9 (Luke 11:11)
• saying, thou Son of David, have mercy on us Matt 9:27
• amazed ... said is not this the Son of David Matt 12:23
• Christ, the Son of the living God Matt 16:16
• my beloved Son Matt 17:5 (Mark 9:7; Luke 9:35; 2 Pet 1:17)
• saying, Hosanna to the Son of David Matt 21:9 (21:15)
• was the son of Adam, which was the son of God Luke 3:38
• God sent not his Son ... to condemn the world John 3:17
• believeth on the Son hath everlasting life John 3:36
• be conformed to the image of his Son, that he Rom 8:29
• he that spared not his own Son, but delivered Rom 8:32
• God sent forth his Son, made of a woman Gal 4:4
• a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir Gal 4:7
• in these last days spoken unto us by his Son Heb 1:2
• fellowship is with the Father and with his Son 1 John 1:3
• that we should be called the sons of God 1 John 3:1
• we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus 1 John 3:23
• sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins 1 John 4:10
• sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world 1 John 4:14
• eternal life and this life is in his Son 1 John 5:11
Son of God
Found over 50 times in the New Testament, the name is ascribed to Jesus Christ, clearly defining Him as
God in human flesh, one member of the Holy Trinity. In the Old Testament, the term was variously
applied to angels, Israel, and likely to the Messiah Himself.

• form of the fourth is like the Son of God Dan 3:25
• he said, if thou be the Son of God Matt 4:3 (Luke 4:3)
• saying, of a truth thou art the Son of God Matt 14:33
• thou be the Christ, the Son of God Matt 26:63
• saying, Truly this was the Son of God Matt 27:54 (Mark 15:39)
• him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God John 1:49
• preached Christ ... that he is the Son of God Acts 9:20
• and declared to be the Son of God with power Rom 1:4
• for the Son of God, Jesus Christ 2 Cor 1:19
• of the knowledge of the Son of God Eph 4:13
• the heavens, Jesus the Son of God Heb 4:14
• for this purpose the Son of God was 1 John 3:8
• shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God 1 John 4:15
• these things saith the Son of God Rev 2:18
Son of Man
Found over 80 times in the New Testament, the name is ascribed to Jesus Christ, clearly defining Him as
man. While Christ was truly God, He was also truly man. It was often connected with the word or
name "Messiah", the One who would come and bring deliverance and establish a new kingdom on
the earth.
• one like the Son of man came with the clouds Dan 7:13
• but the Son of man hath not where Matt 8:20 (Luke 9:58)
• Son of man ... power on earth Matt 9:6 (Mark 2:10; Luke 5:24)
• for the Son of man is Lord even of Matt 12:8
• when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of Matt 19:28
• they shall see the Son of man Matt 24:30
• for the Son of man shall be Luke 9:44
• him shall the Son of man also Luke 12:8
• day when the Son of man is revealed Luke 17:30
• thou the Son of man with a kiss Luke 22:48
• and descending upon the Son of man John 1:51
• wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted John 3:14
• now is the Son of man glorified and John 13:31
• Son of man standing on the right hand of God Acts 7:56
• one sat like unto the Son of man Rev 14:14
Words or poems set to music or meant to be sung. A tune or melody. DTP Songs of praise are a natural
expression of worship arising from a heart of love for the Lord. Such worship songs are like prayers,
breaking "cords and ropes" that can bind us. Hymns (worship songs) can be God's way of teaching
theology. The hymn book is really a systematic textbook put to song.
• is my strength and song Ex 15:2 (Ps 118:14; Isa 12:2)
• write ye this song for you and teach it Deut 31:19
• awake, Deborah: awake, awake, utter a song Judg 5:12
• and his songs were a thousand and five 1 Kin 4:32
• compass me about with songs of deliverance Ps 32:7
• sing unto him a new song; play skillfully with Ps 33:3
• hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise Ps 40:3
• and in the night his song shall be with me Ps 42:8
• O sing unto the LORD a new song Ps 96:1 (98:1; 149:1)
• the LORD is my strength and song Ps 118:14
• thy statutes have been my song in thy house Ps 119:54
• I will sing a new song unto thee, O God Ps 144:9
• the song of songs, which is Solomon's Song 1:1
• now I will sing to my well-beloved as a song of Isa 5:1
• the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song Isa 12:2

• shall return and come to Zion with song Isa 35:10
• sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise Isa 42:10
• psalms ... hymns and spiritual songs Eph 5:19 (Col 3:16)
• they sang a new song, saying, Thou art worthy Rev 5:9
• sung as it were a new song before the throne Rev 14:3
• sing the song of Moses ... and the song of the Lamb Rev 15:3
The book was written by King Solomon around 970 BC. Superficially, this is poetry extolling the joys of
human love. This book is often thought to be an allegory or analogy of God's love for Israel, but also
it is believed to be a picture or how Christ relates to and loves His Church.
Persons who are supposed to be able to see the future. They are presumed to be able to interpret
dreams or strange utterances and to bring to light those things which are secret. (See Daniel 4:7, 9;
5:11, 12, see also Acts 16:16 fortune-teller)
• are soothsayers like the Philistines, Isa 2:6
• astrologers, the magicians, the soothsayers Dan 2:27
• and thou shalt have no more soothsayers Mic 5:12
A person who practices in magic by using particular formulas, incantations, and mystic mutterings. DTP
Believers are forbidden by God to practice sorcery or to use practioners of sorcery to get direction for
their lives.
• also called the wise men and the sorcerers Ex 7:11
• nor to your enchanters, nor to your sorcerers Jer 27:9
• and the astrologers and the sorcerers Dan 2:2
• be a swift witness against the sorcerers Mal 3:5
• Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer Acts 13:6
• murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers Rev 21:8
sorrow / sorrowful
Anguish, distress, grief, misery, suffering, tribulation, suffering. DTP Jesus' journey on earth brought Him
great sorrow as He took on Himself our sin and pain leading to His death on the cross for us. As
disciples, we will also experience times of distress; however, we are children of God and He walks
with us. He will be with us until we meet Him face to face in heaven where all pain, tribulation and
sorrow will come to an end.
• multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow Gen 3:16
• and have heard their cry ... I know their sorrow Ex 3:7
• consume the eyes and cause sorrow Lev 26:16
• sorrow of hell compassed me about 2 Sam 22:6
• sick? this is nothing else but sorrow of heart Neh 2:2
• was turned unto them sorrow to joy Esth 9:22
• and sorrow is turned into joy before him Job 41:22
• the sorrow of death compassed me Ps 18:4 (116:3)
• but I am poor and sorrowful: let thy salvation Ps 69:29
• even in laughter the heart is sorrowful Prov 14:13
• but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken Prov 15:13
• that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow Eccl 1:18
• remove sorrow from thy heart and put away evil Eccl 11:10
• and sorrow and sighing shall flee away Isa 35:10 (51:11)
• hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows Isa 53:4
• but ye shall cry for sorrow of heart Isa 65:14
• sorrow of a travailing woman shall come upon Hos 13:13
• these are the beginning of sorrows Matt 24:8 (Mark 13:8)
• my soul is exceeding sorrowful, even Matt 26:38 (Mark 14:34)
• said these things ... sorrow hath filled your heart John 16:6
• weep ... but your sorrow shall be turned into joy John 16:20

• as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor 2 Cor 6:10
• for godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation 2 Cor 7:10
• ye sorrow not ... as others which have no hope 1 Thes 4:13
• there shall be no more death, neither sorrow Rev 21:4
Study of the doctrine of salvation. It examines the provision of salvation through Jesus Christ. It has come
to us by way of Christ's crucifixion and the work of His atonement on the cross. We are saved by grace
and it is a gift of God. (See Eph 2:8; 1 Tim 1:15)
The immortal spiritual or immaterial part of a human being; the actual person. Man is made up of body,
soul and spirit. The soul is the part that is dominated by the mind which, in turn, is controlled by the
will or nature of man. DTP The soul must become broken before God so He can create within us a
whole new person.
• and man became a living soul Gen 2:7 (1 Cor 15:45)
• my soul shall live because of thee Gen 12:13
• a ransom for his soul unto the LORD Ex 30:12
• if thou seek him ... with all thy soul Deut 4:29
• love the LORD thy God ... with all thy soul Deut 6:5 (Matt 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27)
• serve the LORD ... with all thy soul Deut 10:12 (11:13)
• thine heart and with all thy soul Deut 26:16
• shalt obey his voice ... with all thy soul Deut 30:2
• return, O LORD, deliver my soul Ps 6:4
• law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul Ps 19:7
• he restoreth my soul Ps 23:3
• unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul Ps 25:1
• heal my soul; for I have sinned against thee Ps 41:4
• why art thou cast down, O my soul Ps 42:5
• for the redemption of their soul is precious Ps 49:8
• for unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul Ps 86:4
• bless the LORD, O my soul Ps 103:1 (103:2, 22; 104:1, 35)
• my soul fainteth for thy salvation Ps 119:81
• for I lift up my soul unto thee Ps 143:8
• tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise Prov 11:30
• the soul of the wicked desireth evil Prov 21:10
• he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul Ezek 33:5
• but are not able to kill the soul Matt 10:28
• now is my soul troubled John 12:27
• that believed were of one heart and of one soul Acts 4:32
• let every soul be subject unto the higher power. Rom 13:1
• man Adam was made a living soul 1 Cor 15:45
• I pray God your whole spirit and soul 1 Thes 5:23
• even to the dividing asunder of the soul Heb 4:12
• we have as an anchor of the soul Heb 6:19
• obey them ... for they watch for your soul Heb 13:17
• engrafted word, which is able to save your soul James 1:21
• even the salvation of your souls 1 Pet 1:9
• lusts, which war against the soul 1 Pet 2:11
• unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls 1 Pet 2:25
Vibrations in the air that are detected by the human ear. DTP As disciples, we need to have our spiritual
ears open to hear the voice of the Lord. He can call to us in a variety of ways, and we need to hear the
sound of His still small voice. This is why it is so important to have times of meditation with Him.
• and when the voice of the trumpet sounded long Ex 19:19
• for there is a sound of abundance of rain 1 Kin 18:41

• blessed is the people that know the joyful sound Ps 89:15
• sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all Joel 2:1
• thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee Matt 6:2
• send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet Matt 24:31
• a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind Acts 2:2
• verily, their sound went into all the earth Rom 10:18
• I am become as a sounding brass, or tinkling 1 Cor 13:1
• the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be 1 Cor 15:22
• from you sound out the word of the Lord 1 Thes 1:8
• and his voice as the sound of many waters Rev 1:15
• of their wings was as the sound of chariots Rev 9:9
sound (adjective)
To be firm, unmoveable, secure. DTP The disciple needs to be firmly planted in the Word and will of our
Lord Jesus Christ, so that when the wind and waves come, we will not be moved. In the last days the
antichrist will do all he can to divide and destroy you and the church of Jesus Christ; the believer must
be unmoveable regarding the doctrines of the word of God.
• let my heart be sound in thy statutes Ps 119:80
• a sound heart is the life of the flesh Prov 14:30
• because he hath received him safe and sound Luke 15:27
• things that contrary to sound doctrine 1 Tim 1:10
• of power and love and sound mind 2 Tim 1:7
• hold fast the form of sound words, which thou 2 Tim 1:13
• rebuke ... that they may be sound in the faith Tit 1:13
• aged ... be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith Tit 2:2
• sound speech, that cannot be condemned Tit 2:8
southern kingdom
This is the name given to the tribes of Judah and Benjamin in the southern part of Israel. The twelve
tribes split into two kingdoms around 931 BC. The city of Jerusalem was in the Southern Kingdom and
this Kingdom continued on for over 130 years after the Northern Kingdom was destroyed.
sovereign / sovereignty
This is a supreme ruler, especially a monarch over a kingdom. They possess royal power and authority,
having an army to defend their royal position throughout the land. DTP For the disciple, Christ is our
sovereign King and Lord, the One to whom we are committed to serve all our lives. We are also part
of His sovereign army.
• Sovereign Lord, what can you give me Genesis 15:2
• Who am I, Sovereign Lord 2 Samuel 7:18
• from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death Psalm 68:20
• As surely as the Sovereign Lord lives Jeremiah 44:26
To scatter or to broadcast seed in the field, to plant with the hope of receiving back a harvest in due
time. DTP The disciple is to be a sower of the Gospel, the good seed, bringing forth life for God's glory.
• six years thou shalt sow thy land Ex 23:10
• where thou sowedst thy seed, and watered Deut 11:10
• sow wickedness, reap the same Job 4:8
• light is sown for the righteous and gladness Ps 97:11
• they that sow in tears shall reap Ps 126:5
• blessed are ye that sow beside all waters Isa 32:20
• they have sown wheat, but reap thorns Jer 12:13
• sow to yourselves in righteousness Hos 10:12
• shalt sow, but thou shalt not reap Mic 6:15
• behold, a sower went forth to sow Matt 13:3
• he that soweth good seed is the Son of man Matt 13:37
• a sower went out to sow his seed Luke 8:5
• one sows and another reaps John 4:37

• if we have sown unto you spiritual things 1 Cor 9:11
• which thou sown is not quickened, except it die 1 Cor 15:36
• he which soweth sparingly shall reap sparingly 2 Cor 9:6
• for whatever a man soweth, that Gal 6:7
• fruit of righteousness is sown in peace James 3:18
Say something to convey information, to talk, or to communicate with words. DTP As disciples, we are
called to tell people the Gospel of Christ, bearing witness of His love, mercy and grace. We are to
speak the truth of God in love. Our speech can impart to the hearer either life or death. Our words
can either bind or set the captive free. We always need to be careful how we speak to others.
• taken upon me to speak unto the LORD Gen 18:27
• God spake unto Moses and said ... I am the LORD Ex 6:2
• thou shalt speak all that I command Ex 7:2
• said, all that the LORD hath spoken we will do Ex 19:8
• LORD spoke unto Moses face to face, as a man speaks Ex 33:11
• Moses went in before the LORD to speak with him Ex 34:34
• LORD came down in a cloud and spoke unto him Num 11:25
• shall speak unto them all that I shall command Deut 18:18
• the LORD spoke unto Joshua the son of Nun Josh 1:1
• then Samuel answered, speak 1 Sam 3:10
• Spirit of the LORD spoke by me, and his 2 Sam 23:2
• could not speak in the Jews' language Neh 13:24
• with a double heart do they speak Ps 12:2
• my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness Ps 35:28
• my tongue shall speak of thy word: for all Ps 119:172
• for my mouth shall speak truth Prov 8:7
• he that speaketh truth showed forth righteousness Prov 12:17
• a time to keep silence and a time to speak Eccl 3:7
• another tongue will he speak Isa 28:11 (1 Cor 14:21)
• I the LORD speak righteousness Isa 45:19
• I should know how to speak a word in season to Isa 50:4
• I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save Isa 63:1
• hear ye the word which the LORD speaks unto you Jer 10:1
• hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully Jer 23:28
• write ... all the words that I have spoken unto thee Jer 30:2
• I am the LORD: I will speak and the word that Ezek 12:25
• in the same hour what ye shall speak Matt 10:19 (Mark 13:11)
• out of the ... heart the mouth speak Matt 12:34 (Luke 6:45)
• and began to speak with other tongues Acts 2:4
• and they spoke the word of God with boldness Acts 4:31
• he spoke boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus Acts 9:29
• your faith is spoken of throughout the whole Rom 1:8
• I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood 1 Cor 13:11
• that spoke in an unknown tongue spoke not unto men 1 Cor 14:2
• as we spoke all things to you in truth 2 Cor 7:14
• we speak before God in Christ 2 Cor 12:19
• that therein I may speak boldly Eph 6:20
• bold to speak the word without fear Phil 1:14
• with the gospel, even so we speak 1 Thes 2:4
• these things speak and exhort and rebuke Tit 2:15
• swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath James 1:19
• speak not evil one of another ... he that speaketh evil James 4:11
• any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God 1 Pet 4:11
• holy men of God spoke as they were moved 2 Pet 1:21

• speak face to face, that our joy may 2 John 1:12
speaking in tongues
One of the "Spiritual Gifts" that has been given to the church of Jesus Christ with the purpose of edifying
and encouraging the body. When spoken in a church setting, a requirement is that it be interpreted.
Thought to be a language given by the Holy Spirit and coming from the heart; the languages of man
may not be capable of expressing the deep emotions involved. It has also been described as a
heavenly language. Some teach that there are two kinds of tongues: one that is given in a church
setting and must have an interpretation, and another is called a "prayer closet language" where the
believer is privately expressing his deep feelings to God. "Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies
themselves, but the one who prophesies edifies the church". 1 Corinthians 14:4 (See also Acts 2:1-13,
Day of Pentecost)
• For they heard them speak with tongues and magnified God Acts 10:46
• Holy Spirit came upon them and they spoke with tongues Acts 19:6
• To another different kinds of tongues 1 Cor 12:10
• I would like every one of you to speak in tongues 1 Corinthians 14:5
• if I come unto you speaking with tongues 1 Cor 14:6
Lance, javelin, harpoon, a tool for hunting and killing of prey, a weapon of war.
• LORD said unto Joshua, stretch out the spear Josh 8:18
• comest to me with a sword and with a spear 1 Sam 17:45
• he breaketh the bow and cutteth the spear Ps 46:9
• and their spears into pruning hooks Isa 2:4 (Mic 4:3)
• into swords and your pruning hooks into spears Joel 3:10
• one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his John 19:34
Talking, dialog, communication, discourse, language, tongue, to use one's voice to communicate. DTP
We need to be careful how we speak. Our speech can build people up or tear people down. Our
speech should be words of encouragement, grace and courage. We speak on behalf of our Lord Jesus
Christ and our words should always be seasoned with love.
• earth was of one language and one speech Gen11:1
• but I am slow of speech and of slow tongue Ex 4:10
• the speech pleased the LORD, that Solomon 1 Kin 3:10
• O LORD, I have heard thy speech and was afraid Hab 3:2
• fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple Rom 16:18
• not with excellency of speech or of wisdom 1 Cor 2:1
• such hope, we use plainness of speech 2 Cor 3:12
• let your speech be always with grace, seasoned Col 4:6
• sound speech, that cannot be condemned Tit 2:8
• hard speech which ungodly sinners have spoken Jude 1:15
spirit / Spirit
Essence, life force, power, Holy Ghost. DTP Often the word "Spirit" is ascribed to the name of the third
person of the trinity. He is the teacher and empowering one, the comforter and encourager sent by
the Father. He provides disciples with gifts so that there will be fruit, and so that the church will be
empowered for service. Also, the non-physical part of a person, the seat of emotions; sometimes
equated with the soul. Can represent the third part of man (body, soul and spirit), that is, the heart of
man where Christ through the Holy Spirit comes and dwells.
• My spirit shall not always strive with Gen 6:3
• have filled with the spirit of wisdom Ex 28:3
• thou gavest also thy good Spirit to instruct Neh 9:20
• into thine hand I commit my spirit Ps 31:5
• and renew a right spirit within me Ps 51:10
• and uphold me with thy free Spirit Ps 51:12
• sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken Ps 51:17
• thou art my God: thy Spirit is good; lead me Ps 143:10

• I will pour out my spirit unto you Prov 1:23
• until the spirit be poured upon us Isa 32:15
• have put my Spirit upon him: he shall Isa 42:1
• will pour my Spirit upon thy seed and my blessing Isa 44:3
• of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit Isa 57:15
• I will put a new spirit within you Ezek 11:19 (36:26)
• make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why Ezek 18:31
• I will put my Spirit within you, and cause Ezek 36:27 (37:14)
• will pour out my spirit upon all flesh Joel 2:28
• not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit Zech 4:6
• blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the Matt 5:3
• I will put my Spirit upon him, and he Matt 12:18
• Spirit like a dove descending upon Mark 1:10 (John 1:32)
• and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour Luke 1:47
• except a man be born of water and of the Spirit John 3:5
• which is born of the Spirit is spirit John 3:6
• God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must John 4:24
• when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will John 16:13
• pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh Acts 2:17
• the Spirit said unto Philip, go near and join Acts 8:29
• I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son Rom 1:9
• walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit Rom 8:1 (8:4)
• law of the Spirit of life in Christ ... made me free Rom 8:2
• the Spirit the things of the Spirit Rom 8:5
• Spirit also helpeth ... Spirit itself maketh intercession Rom 8:26
• By the power of the Spirit of God; Rom 15:19
• wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit 1 Cor 2:4
• unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all 1 Cor 2:10
• receive, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit 1 Cor 2:12
• by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body 1 Cor 12:13
• received ye the Spirit by the works of the law Gal 3:2
• that we might receive the promise of the Spirit Gal 3:14
• sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts Gal 4:6
• this I say then, walk in the Spirit Gal 5:16
• but if you be led of the Spirit Gal 5:18
• but the fruit of the Spirit is love Gal 5:22
• we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father Eph 2:18
• is one body and one Spirit, even as ye are called Eph 4:4
• and be renewed in the spirit of your mind Eph 4:23
• but be filled with the Spirit Eph 5:18
• helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit Eph 6:17
• with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit Eph 6:18
• ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind Phil 1:27
• quench not the Spirit 1 Thes 5:19
• In charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 1 Tim 4:12
• To the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, Heb 4:12
• as the body without the spirit is dead, so James 2:26
• we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit 1 John 3:24
• he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit 1 John 4:1
• he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit. 1 John 4:13
• witness, because the Spirit is truth 1 John 5:6
• and there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, 1 John 5:8
• I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, Rev 1:10
• the Spirit and the bride say, Come and let him Rev 22:17

Spirit of God
Another name or title describing the third Person of the Godhead. DTP The disciple believes in one God
who functions is three different ways, as a Father, as a Son and as the Spirit. Spirit means wind or
breath; God means the Supreme Being, one who has always existed and is above all.
• the Spirit of God moved upon the face Gen 1:2
• is, a man in whom the Spirit of God is Gen 41:38
• have filled him with the Spirit of God Ex 31:3
• Spirit of God came upon him ... he prophesied 1 Sam 10:10
• I cast out devils by the Spirit of God Matt 12:28
• many as are led by the Spirit of God Rom 8:14
• by the power of the Spirit of God Rom 15:19
• temple of God and ... Spirit of God dwelleth in you? 1 Cor 3:16
• and grieve not the holy Spirit of God Eph 4:30
• hereby know ye the Spirit of God 1 John 4:2
Spirit of the LORD
Another name or title describing the third Person of the Godhead. DTP The disciple believes in one God
who functions is three different ways, as a Father, as a Son and as the Spirit. Spirit means wind or
breath; LORD, translated in the Old Testament as Jehovah, is the One who has all power and authority.
Disciples have only one Lord, who is Jesus Christ (See 1 Cor 8:6).
• the spirit of the LORD came upon him Judg 3:10
• but the Spirit of the LORD came upon Judg 6:34
• Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon him Judg 14:6
• the Spirit of the LORD came upon David 1 Sam 16:13
• hath directed the Spirit of the LORD Isa 40:13
• the Spirit of the LORD God is upon me Isa 61:1 (Luke 4:18)
• Spirit of the LORD fell upon me and said unto Ezek 11:5
• of power by the Spirit of the LORD Mic 3:8
• the Spirit of the Lord is upon me Luke 4:18
• the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip Acts 8:39
• where the Spirit of the Lord is, there 2 Cor 3:17
Mystical, unworldly, nonphysical, transcendent. Of, relating to, or affecting the human spirit or soul. DTP
The disciple is to walk a walk where he is guided and directed daily by the Holy Spirit.
• that I may impart unto you some spiritual gifts Rom 1:11
• Gentiles ... made partakers of their spiritual things Rom 15:27
• teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual 1 Cor 2:13
• but he that is spiritual judgeth all things 1 Cor 2:15
• could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as 1 Cor 3:1
• if we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it 1 Cor 9:11
• concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not 1 Cor 12:1
• follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts 1 Cor 14:1
• as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek that ye 1 Cor 14:12
• sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body 1 Cor 15:44
• ye which are spiritual, restore such a one in the Gal 6:1
• who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings Eph 1:3
• in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs Eph 5:19
• filled ... in all wisdom and spiritual understanding Col 1:9
• up a spiritual house ... to offer up spiritual sacrifices 1 Pet 2:5
spiritual battle
The disciple of Christ is involved in a daily spiritual battle with Satan and his army and we must make
sure that we start each day covered with Christ's righteousness, putting on the full armour of God;
we are engaged in a real battle of life and death. This why we must dwell in the Word of God and to
be continually in prayer; this is the only way we can overcome the trials and struggles of this world.

The biggest battleground is that one that takes place between the head and the heart, between my
will and God's will for my life. (See spiritual war/ warfare, spiritual battle; 2 Cor 10:4; 1 Tim 1:18)
spiritual gifts
These are gifts or abilities given by the Holy Spirit for personal edification and for benefit of the church,
Christ's body. (See Rom 12:6-8; 1 Cor 12:8-10; Eph 4:11; 1 Pet 4:10-11 for various lists of these gifts).
The main purpose of gifts is to be able to empower the disciple to serve Christ and His church; all gifts
should function on the basis of the Fruit of the Spirit.
• I may impart unto you some spiritual gifts Rom 1:11
• after charity and desire spiritual gifts 1 Cor 14:1
• as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts 1 Cor 14:12
spiritual warfare
The disciple of Christ is involved in daily spiritual warfare with Satan and his army; disciples must ensure
that each day begins by being covered with Christ's righteousness; the full armour of God must be
donned because we are in a real battle of life and death. Because of this very real battle, we must
immerse ourselves in the Word of God and continually be in prayer; this is the only way we can
overcome the trials and struggles of this world. (See Eph 6:10-20)
A blemish or a mark on a garment, something obviously dirty or unattractive, a stain, a fault or a reproach
to others. DTP Christ is coming for a church that is pure and clean, a church that has been washed in
His blood.
• a glorious church, not having spot Eph 5:27
• keep this commandment without spot 1 Tim 6:14
• offered himself without spot to God Heb 9:14
• lamb without blemish and without spot 1 Pet 1:19
To scatter in drops, to distribute something randomly. The blood of the lamb was sprinkled on the mercy
seat in the Holy of Holies, representing covering/forgiveness of individual and national sin.
• let Moses sprinkle it toward the heaven Ex 9:8
• Moses took the blood and sprinkled it on the people Ex 24:8
• sprinkle it around about upon the altar Ex 29:16
• shall sprinkle his blood round about Lev 1:11
• sprinkle upon it all the blood of the 2 Kin 16:15
• then will I sprinkle clean water upon you Ezek 36:25
• he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of the blood Heb 11:28
• obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus 1 Pet 1:2
A sturdy stick used as an aid in walking, often used by shepherds to assist in herding and comforting the
flock. Usually with a curve at the top end, it could be used to retrieve sheep that had fallen in a hole
or over a cliff. In some cases, it (See Psalm 23) it also demonstrated the power, authority and
protection of the one who held this instrument.
• for with my staff I passed over this Gen 32:10
• thy signet and thy bracelets and thy staff Gen 38:18
• your feet, and your staff in your hand Ex 12:11
• thy rod and thy staff they comfort me Ps 23:4
• shall lift up his staff against thee Isa 10:24
• the LORD hath broken the staff of the wicked Isa 14:5
• I took my staff, even Beauty and cut it asunder Zech 11:10
• for their journey, save a staff only Mark 6:8
• leaning upon the top of his staff Heb 11:21
Having or maintaining an upright position, to be at attention, not moving, to be firm in one place.
• but Abraham stood yet before the LORD Gen 18:22
• fear ye not, stand still ... see the salvation Ex 14:13
• who is able to stand before the holy LORD 1 Sam 6:20

• nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth Ps 1:1
• but the house of the righteous shall stand Prov 12:7
• my LORD, I stand continually upon the watchtower Isa 21:8
• but the word of God shall stand for ever Isa 40:8
• stand ye in the ways and see and ask for Jer 6:16
• son of man, stand upon thy feet and I will Ezek 2:1
• none shall stand before him: and he shall stand in Dan 11:16
• and when ye stand praying, forgive, Mark 11:25
• to escape ... and stand before the Son of man Luke 21:36
• and saw ... Jesus standing on the right hand of God Acts 7:55
• by faith into this grace wherein we stand Rom 5:2
• to his own master he standeth or falleth, Rom 14:4
• faith should not stand in the wisdom of men 1 Cor 2:5
• stand fast in the faith, quit you like men 1 Cor 16:13
• for by faith ye stand. 2 Cor 1:24
• stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Gal 5:1
• to withstand ... and having done all, to stand Eph 6:13
• ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind Phil 1:27
• stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved Phil 4:1
• that ye may stand perfect and complete in all Col 4:12
• now we live, if we stand fast in the Lord 1 Thes 3:8
• be condemned ... the judge stand before the door James 5:9
• is the true grace of God wherein ye stand 1 Pet 5:12
• behold I stand at the door and knock Rev 3:20
• saw the dead, small and great, stand before God Rev 20:12
A conspicuous flag or banner emblematic of a tribe, a king or a country. Often colourful, it proclaimed to
whom the bearers belonged and for whom they were fighting. DTP We as disciples are to lift up the
standard of Christ, that all may see that we belong to, and fight for, Him as our King and Lord. We
should not be afraid but have faith to lift up the standard of Christ before Satan. Greater is he that
lives within us than he that lives in the world.
• camp and every man by his own standard Num 1:52
• the standard of the camp of Judah pitch Num 2:3
• in the first place went the standard of the camp Num 10:14
• set up my standard to the people Isa 49:22
• shall lift up a standard against him Isa 59:19
• lift up a standard for the people Isa 62:10
• set up the standard upon the walls of Jer 51:12
One who carries and holds up the flag or standard of an advancing army. The flag showed the colours or
emblem of the army for which the soldiers were fighting. If the standard bearer fell or was killed,
another would take his place.
• shall be as when a standard-bearer fainteth Isa 10:18
A heavenly body in the sky, an incandescent body that gives off light. DTP As a star gives of light and
energy, Jesus is our bright and morning star. We need to reflect His light to a needy world. It was a
special star that led the wise men to Jesus where they recognized Him as the Son of God.
• light to rule the night: he made the stars Gen 1:16
• tell the stars, if thou be able to number Gen 15:5
• multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven Gen 22:17
• there shall come a Star out of Jacob Num 24:17
• moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained Ps 8:3
• cast ... the stars to the ground Dan 8:10 (Rev 12:4)
• King of the Jews? for we have seen his star Matt 2:2

• and he had in his right hand seven stars Rev 1:16
• and I will give him the morning star Rev 2:28
• the name of the star is called Wormwood Rev 8:11
• offspring of David ... bright and morning star Rev 22:16
A written law or command or decree of man or God, a rule by which people are to live. This word is used
mostly in the Old Testament, meaning a formal regulation. The people were to be obedient to the
laws, commandments and statutes of God. Disobedience could bring severe personal or family
• my charge, my commandments, my statutes Gen 26:5
• there he made for them a statute ... an ordinance Ex 15:25
• I do make them know the statutes of God Ex 18:16
• it shall be a statute for ever unto Ex 27:21
• it shall be a perpetual statute for Lev 3:17
• offer it: it is a statute for ever unto the LORD Lev 6:22
• may teach the children of Israel all the statutes Lev 10:11
• an everlasting statute ... to make an atonement Lev 16:34
• if ye walk in my statutes ... keep my commandments Lev 26:3
• with thee, by a statute for ever Num 18:19
• day forward, that he made it a statute 1 Sam 30:25
• to walk in his ways, to keep his statutes 1 Kin 2:3
• the statutes of the LORD are right Ps 19:8
• for this was a statute for Israel Ps 81:4
• but thy servant did meditate in thy statutes Ps 119:23
• been afflicted: that I might learn thy statutes Ps 119:71
• unto thy mercy and teach me thy statutes Ps 119:124
• have refused my judgments and my statutes Eze 5:6
steadfast / steadfastly / steadfastness
Resolutely firm, unwavering, not movable, firmly planted in one place, totally confident in the faith by
which one lives. DTP The disciple needs to be firmly anchored in Christ and His Word. Neither this
world or the enemies of Christ can make us move from what we believe... that Christ Jesus is the only
Saviour, Redeemer and Deliver for all mankind.
• yea, thou shalt be steadfast and shalt not fear Job 11:15
• and whose spirit was not steadfast with God Ps 78:8
• for he is the living God and steadfast for ever Dan 6:26
• continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine Acts 2:42
• looked up steadfastly into heaven and saw the glory Acts 7:55
• be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding 1 Cor 15:58
• our hope of you is steadfast, knowing, that as 2 Cor 1:7
• order and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ Col 2:5
• as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast Heb 6:19
• whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing 1 Pet 5:9
• beware least ye ... fall from your own steadfastness 2 Pet 3:17
To take something that belongs to another, not to pay for, to rob from another person or place.
• had stolen the images that were her father's Gen 31:19
• thou shalt not steal Ex 20:15 (Deut 5:19; Matt 19:18; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Rom 13:9)
• if a man be found stealing any of his brethren Deut 24:7
• will ye steal, murder and commit adultery Jer 7:9
• for every one that stealeth shall be cut off Zech 5:3
• and where thieves break through and steal Matt 6:19
• the thief cometh not, but for to steal John 10:10
• let him that steal, steal no more: but rather let Eph 4:28

steward / stewardship
A person who is employed to manage another's property. Wisdom is vital as the employer's entrustment
of various properties or finances/profits is at stake. DTP As disciples, we are to be good stewards with
that which God has entrusted to us. We die to all that is ours and now we use it all to serve Him; it is
no longer ours, but He gives it back to us "in trust" so that we can use it to bear fruit and bring glory
to His name. (See Rom 12:1-2; Matt 15:14-46)
• the steward of my house is this Eliezer Gen 15:2
• far off, Joseph said unto his steward Gen 44:4
• of the vineyard saith unto his steward Matt 20:8
• then is that faithful and wise steward Luke 12:42
• a certain rich man, which had a steward Luke 16:1
• give an account of thy stewardship Luke 16:2
• stewards of the mysteries of God 1 Cor 4:1
• be blameless, as the steward of God Tit 1:7
• as good stewards of the manifold grace 1 Pet 4:10
To blend together, to mix, stimulation, mingle.
• they came, every one whose heart stirred him up Ex 35:21
• stir up thyself and awake to my judgment Ps 35:23
• but grievous words stir up anger Prov 15:1
• a wrathful man stirreth up strife: but he that is Prov 15:18
• stir up the people, teaching throughout all Luke 23:5
• his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw Acts 17:16
• stir up the gift of God, which is in thee 2 Tim 1:6
• stir you up by putting you in remembrance 2 Pet 1:13
The hard, solid, nonmetallic mineral material of which rock is made. Depending on rarity and beauty,
stones/gems are considered precious. DTP Jesus was proclaimed to be the Chief Corner Stone that
the builders had rejected, but the Father made Him the One upon Whom the church would be built.
He also would become a stumbling block to non-believers and to those who would turn their backs
upon Him.
• and this stone, which I have set for a Gen 28:22
• gather stones; and they made a heap Gen 31:46
• and I will give thee tablets of stone Ex 24:12
• hew thee two tablets of stone like unto the first Deut 10:1
• saying, what mean ye by these stones? Josh 4:6 (4:21)
• behold, this stone shall be a witness unto us Josh 24:27
• chose him five smooth stones out of the brook 1 Sam 17:40
• and the foundation was of costly stone 1 Kin 7:10
• set masons to hew wrought stone to build 1 Chr 22:2
• the stone which the builders refused is become Ps 118:22 (Matt 21:42; Mark 12:10; Luke 20:17; 1 Pet
• but for a stone of stumbling and Isa 8:14
• a foundation a stone, a tried stone Isa 28:16 (1 Pet 2:6)
• that a stone was cut out without hands Dan 2:34
• the stone which the builders rejected Matt 21:42
• fall on this stone shall be broken Matt 21:44 (Luke 20:18)
• is without sin ... let him first cast a stone at her John 8:7
• not in tables of stone, but in 2 Cor 3:3
• himself being the chief corner stone Eph 2:20
• whom coming, as unto a living stone 1 Pet 2:4
• as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house 1 Pet 2:5
• I lay in Zion a chief corner stone 1 Pet 2:6
• a stone of stumbling and a rock of 1 Pet 2:8

• in the stone a new name written Rev 2:17
A direct way between two points, something that has no bends in it, something that stands straight up
and down vertically or horizontally.
• lead me ... make thy way straight before my face Ps 5:8
• that which is crooked cannot be made straight Eccl 1:15
• make straight in the desert a highway for our God Isa 40:3
• the crooked shall be made straight Isa 40:4
• will make darkness light ... crooked things straight Isa 42:16
• make his paths straight Matt 3:3 (Mark 1:3; Luke 3:4; John 1:23)
• make straight paths for your feet, least that Heb 12:13
Foreigner, alien, outsider, visitor, a person who is unknown, someone from another city or country. DTP
God has not closed the door to strangers and aliens but through Jesus Christ has opened a way
whereby all may come into freedom and everlasting life.
• thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is Gen 15:13
• I am a stranger and a sojourner with you: give me Gen 23:4
• for ye are stangers and sojourners with me Lev 25:23
• love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in Deut 10:19
• hear my prayer ... for I am a stranger with thee Ps 39:12
• and strangers shall stand and feed your flocks Isa 61:5
• gave me drink: I was a stranger and ye took me in Matt 25:33
• stranger from the covenants of promise Eph 2:12
• therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners Eph 2:19
• confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims Heb 11:13
• be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby Heb 13:2
• beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims 1 Pet 2:11
strength/ strengthen
To have might and power, solid in one's belief and character, firmness. DTP We as a disciple can have
strength but not in our strength and ability, but through Jesus Christ. He is our strength and hope and
as we look to Him, He is the one makes it possible through Jesus Christ.
• by strength of hand the LORD brought you Ex 13:3 (13:14)
• LORD is my strength and song, and he Ex 15:2 (Ps 118:14)
• as thy days, so shall thy strength be Deut 33:25
• God is my strength and power 2 Sam 22:33 (Ps 18:32)
• seek the LORD and his strength 1 Chr 16:11 (Ps 105:4)
• for the joy of the LORD is your strength Neh 8:10
• the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall Ps 27:1
• LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted Ps 28:7
• God is our refuge and strength, a very present help Ps 46:1
• the rock of my strength and my refuge, is in God Ps 62:7
• I will go in the strength of the LORD God Ps 71:16
• O God the LORD, the strength of my salvation Ps 140:7
• the way of the LORD is strength to the upright Prov 10:29
• then said I, wisdom is better than strength Eccl 9:16
• the LORD Jehovah is my strength and my song Isa 12:2
• God is my strength and he will make my feet Hab 3:19
• all thy mind and with all thy strength Mark 12:30 (Luke 10:27)
• when we were yet without strength ... Christ died Rom 5:6
• for my strength is made perfect in weakness 2 Cor 12:9
Dissension, trouble, conflict, discord, friction, fight, war, battle.
• Abram said unto Lot, let there be no strife Gen 13:8
• the people were at strife throughout all 2 Sam 19:9

• I have seen violence and strife in the city Ps 55:9
• hatred stirreth up strife, but love covereth Prov 10:12
• it is an honour for a man to cease from strife Prov 20:3
• so the forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife Prov 30:33
• there are that raise up strife and contention Hab 1:3
• walk honestly ... not in strife and envying Rom 13:13
• variance, emulations, wraths, strife, seduction Gal 5:20
• indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife Phil 1:15
• let nothing be done through strife or vainglory Phil 2:3
• but if ye have bitter envying and strife in James 3:14
The bloody tears/scars left after a whipping. Jesus told the disciple that by His stripes (because of His
whipping that He took) we would be healed. Everything that He suffered and went through for us was
motivated by love.
• wound for wound, stripe for stripe Ex 21:25
• forty stripes he may give him, and not Deut 25:3
• the rod and their iniquity with stripes Ps 89:32
• and with his stripes we are healed Isa 53:5
• by whose stripes ye were healed 1 Pet 2:24
strive / strove / striven
Struggle, endeavour, attempt, try, go all out, do your utmost, make every effort. DTP The disciple always
strives to move forward, to exert effort to do what is right according to God's call and will. All that we
do for the Lord takes effort and determination to move ahead.
• my spirit shall not always strive with man Gen 6:3
• strive not with a man without cause Prov 3:20
• strive with his Maker? Let the potsherd strive with Isa 45:9
• strive to enter in at the strait gate Luke 13:24
• yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel Rom 15:20
• ye strive together with me in your prayers Rom 15:30
• strive together for the faith of the gospel Phil 1:27
• and the servant of the Lord must not strive 2 Tim 2:24
• ye resisted unto blood, strive against sin Heb 12:4
Having the power to perform demanding physical tasks or having great influence. Able to withstand
great force or pressure. DTP Our strength as disciples does not come because of who we are, but our
strength comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. I am strong because He is strong and I
have given my life totally to Him. The good news is that when I am weak, He is strong, and He can
impart that strength to us for His purposes.
• strong by the hands of the mighty God Gen 49:24
• for with a strong hand hath the LORD Ex 13:9
• be strong and of a good courage Josh 1:9
• fear not, nor be dismayed, be strong Josh 10:25
• be thou my strong rock, for a house of defense Ps 31:2
• me and a strong tower from my enemies Ps 61:3
• with a strong hand ... with a stretched out arm Ps 136:12
• fear of the LORD is strong confidence Prov 14:26
• the name of the LORD is a strong tower Prov 18:10
• a wise man is strong Prov 24:5
• let the weak say, I am strong Joel 3:10
• except he first bind the strong man Matt 12:29
• but was strong in faith, giving glory Rom 4:20
• and the weakness of God is stronger than man 1 Cor 1:25
• we are weak, but ye are strong; ye are honorable 1 Cor 4:10
• for when I am weak, then am I strong 2 Cor 12:10

• be strong in the Lord and in the power Eph 6:10
• be strong in the grace that is in 2 Tim 2:1
• out of weakness were made strong Heb 11:34
A place or cause that is secure and fortified, able to withstand an attack. DTP Christ has enabled us to
pull down the strongholds of the enemy; breaking the cords and chains that bind people. Our faith in
Christ has made us overcomers (Rom 12:1; 1 John 5:4). Satan and his army are a defeated foe.
• to the pulling down of strongholds 2 Cor 10:4
Training, learning, to dig deeper into, to look intently into, to observe, make and record observations.
DTP It is key for disciples to spend time each day in God's word. Studying is not just reading but also
digging into the Word so that we may grow and help others to do the same.
• the heart of the righteous studieth to answer Prov 15:28
• and much study is weariness of the flesh Eccl 12:12
• study to show thyself approved unto God 2 Tim 2:15
Blunder, stagger, upset, misstep, spill, to trip or fall while walking. DTP In order to keep from stumbling,
the disciple needs to have the Word of God light his pathway. The enemy is out to try to get people
to stumble through lies and false teaching.
• way safely and the foot shall not stumble Prov 3:23
• and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbles Prov 24:17
• stone of stumbling and for a rock of offense Isa 8:14 (1 Pet 2:8)
• many among them shall stumble and fall Isa 8:15
• they err in vision, they stumble in judgment Isa 28:7
• the most proud shall stumble and fall and none Jer 50:32
• ye have caused many to stumble at the law Mal 2:8
• for they stumble at that stumblingstone Rom 9:32
stumblingblock / stumblingstone
A circumstance that causes difficulty or hesitation. Something that people may trip over and will cause
them to fall.
• take up the stumblingblock out of the way of my people Isa 57:14
• behold, I will lay stumblingblock before this people Jer 6:21
• because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity Eze 7:19
• I lay in Sion a stumblingstone of offense Rom 9:33
• trap, and a stumblingblock and a recompense unto them Rom 11:9
• that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall Rom 14:13
• unto the Jews a stumblingblock and to the Greeks 1 Cor 1:23
• this liberty ... become a stumblingblock to them that are weak 1 Cor 8:9
To give oneself over to, to come under the control of another, to accept or yield to a superior force or
stronger person, to consent, to undergo a treatment or a way of training. DTP As disciples, we are to
submit ourselves to the control of Christ Jesus; we should also submit ourselves to the leadership of
the church.
• shall submit themselves unto me Ps 18:44
• submit yourselves unto your own Eph 5:22
• rule over you and submit yourselves Heb 13:17
• submit yourselves therefore to God James 4:7
• submit yourselves unto the elder 1 Pet 5:5
substitution / substitutionary
To fill in for someone else, to take another's place. DTP We were found guilty, but Christ offered himself
to take our place, even going to the cross in our place. Being innocent, He took our punishment. He
paid the price demanded by God the Father, a price that we could not pay.

suffer / suffering
To undergo physical and emotional pain that has been inflicted by something or someone. Can include
persecution and even martyrdom. DTP Christ suffered on the cross; Paul talks about believers entering
into Christ's suffering. Disciples who walk the "way of the cross" will have days of trial and suffering;
in the last days disciples of Christ will undergo much suffering for His name's sake. We are not left
alone; through the dark trials Christ is always there. He will never leave us or forsake us. (See Heb
• will not suffer the destroyer to come Ex 12:33
• neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy Ps 16:10
• he shall never suffer the righteous to Ps 55:22
• nor suffer my faithfulness to fail Ps 89:33
• and suffer many things Matt 16:21 (Matt 8:31; Luke 9:22)
• suffer little children and forbid them Matt 19:14
• the Son of man must suffer many things Luke 9:22
• if so be that we suffer with him Rom 8:17
• same sufferings which we also suffer 2 Cor 1:6
• lest they should suffer persecution for the cross Gal 6:12
• but also to suffer for his sake Phil 1:29
• for whom I have suffered the loss of all things Phil 3:8
• and the fellowship of his sufferings Phil 3:10
• both to abound and to suffer need Phil 4:12
• if we suffer, we shall also reign with him 2 Tim 2:12
• live godly in Christ ... shall suffer persecution 2 Tim 3:12
• Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example 1 Pet 2:21
• that ye suffer for well doing, than 1 Pet 3:17
• Christ also hath once suffered for sins 1 Pet 3:18
• as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings 1 Pet 4:13
• if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be 1 Pet 4:16
The star at the center of our solar system, around which planets rotate; the source of energy, warmth
and light for the earth.
• sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon Josh 10:12
• LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will Ps 84:11
• sun shall not smite the by day, nor the moon Ps 121:6
• and there is no new thing under the sun Eccl 1:9
• sun shall be darkened Isa 13:10 (Matt 24:29; Luke 13:24)
• sun shall be turned into darkness Joel 2:31 (Acts 2:20)
• I will cause the sun to go down at noon Amos 8:9
• Sun of righteousness arise with healing Mal 4:2
• his sun to rise on the evil and on the good Matt 5:45
• shall the righteous shine forth as the sun Matt 13:43
• transfigured ... his face did shine as the sun Matt 17:2
• let not the sun go down upon your wrath Eph 4:26
• his countenance was as the sun shineth Rev 1:16
• they need no candle, neither light of the sun Rev 22:5
To believe or act on the basis of false conceptions. An example is that of a black cat crossing in front of
you being bad luck. Other events may (falsely) portend good luck. Arises from a fear of the unknown
or from a lack of knowledge; may also come from one's background, traditions and cultural habits
passed on from generation to generation.
• that in all things ye are too superstitious Acts 17:22
• against him of their own superstition Acts 25:19
A time to eat, dinner, evening meal.

• also the cup after supper, saying, this cup Luke 22:20
• there they made him a supper; and Martha served John 12:2
• this is not to eat the Lord's supper 1 Cor 11:20
• called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb Rev 19:9
• gather... together unto the supper of the great God Rev 19:17
The action of asking for something earnestly and/or humbly. A deep commitment to seeking after the
Lord, to entreat God in prayer and attitude. DTP In supplication, the disciple enters, as it were, the
Holy of Holies, stripped of all encumbrances, humbly coming before the Lord, offering himself as a
gift to God, trusting by faith that He will intercede and answer prayer.
• I have not made supplication unto the LORD 1 Sam 13:12
• I have heard thy prayer and thy supplication, that thou 1 Kin 9:3
• entreated of him and heard his supplication 2 Chr 33:13
• make thy supplication to the Almighty Job 8:5
• the LORD hath heard my supplication Ps 6:9
• because he hath heard the voice of my supplication Ps 28:6
• and unto the LORD I made supplication Ps 30:8
• because he hath heard my voice and my supplication Ps 116:1
• let my supplication come before thee: deliver me Ps 119:170
• let my supplication, I pray thee, be Jer 37:20
• to seek by prayer and supplication, with fasting Dan 9:3
• with one accord in prayer and supplication Acts 1:14
• supplication in the Spirit and watching Eph 6:18
• supplication with thanksgiving let your Phil 4:6
• and continueth in supplication and prayers night and day 1 Tim 5:5
A person who takes responsibility for another's undertaking, to guarantee a debt of some type. DTP
Christ has sent the Holy Spirit as a surety or guaranty that He will keep His words and fulfill all His
promises and covenants with His children.
• know of a surety that thy seed shall Gen 15:13
• if thou be surety for thy friend, if Prov 6:1
• made a surety of a better testament Heb 7:22
swear / sworn
To make a binding oath to another, to use foul language.
• by myself have I sworn, saith the LORD Gen 22:16
• make thee swear by the LORD, the God of heaven Gen 24:3
• will perform the oath which I sware unto Abraham Gen 26:3
• this is the land which I sware unto Abraham Deut 34:4
• and they sware unto the LORD with a loud 2 Chr 15:14
• how he sware unto the LORD and vowed unto Ps 132:2
• every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear Isa 45:23
• and thou shalt swear, the LORD liveth, in truth Jer 4:2
• swear by him that liveth for ever, that it Dan 12:7
• swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is Matt 5:34
• the oath which he swore to our father Abraham Luke 1:73
• knowing that God hath sworn with an oath to Acts 2:30
• swear by him that liveth for ever and ever Rev 10:6
A weapon with a long metal one or two-edged blade and a hilt; used in battle to wound and kill, as well
as to protect oneself or the people for whom one is responsible. DTP The sword represents the Word
of God. The Word is our Sword to be used both for defense and protection as well as for war against
our spiritual enemies.
• a flaming sword which turned every Gen 3:24
• thereof, with the edge of the sword Deut 13:15

• him with his sword drawn in his hand Josh 5:13
• cried, the sword of the LORD and of Gideon Judg 7:20
• the Philistine and took his sword I Sam 17:51
• a two edged sword in their hand Ps 149:6
• thee as the sword of a mighty man Zech 9:13
• awake, O sword, against my shepherd Zech 13:7
• I came not to send peace, but a sword Matt 10:34
• or nakedness, or peril, or sword Rom 8:35
• the sword of the Spirit, which is the word Eph 6: 17
• and sharper than any two edged sword Heb 4:12
• his mouth went a sharp two edged sword Rev 1:16
sword of the spirit
This sword is part of the full armour of God to be used in spiritual battles with the enemies of the cross
of Christ. This sword represents the Word of God and the more the sword handler knows the Word,
the more powerful he will be as a soldier of Christ Jesus. We do not fight against flesh and blood but
against principalities and powers in heavenly places (See Eph 6:12). We always need to be on guard,
ready to fight whenever Jesus Christ calls upon us.
• the sword of the Spirit, which is the word Eph 6: 17
Jewish place of worship, a place to assemble and to meet for religious observances and instruction of
the Law. Synagogues also house sacred scrolls in a special chest. A synagogue service had four parts
to it: (1) a brief reading from the Law; (2) prayer; (3) a reading from the law and the prophets and (4)
• they have burned up all the synagogues Ps 74:8
• All Galilee, teaching in their synagogues Matt 4:23
• love to pray standing in the synagogues Matt 6:5
• they will scourge you in their synagogues Matt 10:17
• he preached in the synagogues of Galilee Luke 4:44
• he preached Christ in the synagogues Acts 9:20
• preached the word of God in the synagogues Acts 13:5
• Moses ... being read in the synagogues Acts 15:21
• and he went into the synagogue and spake boldly Acts 19:8
• are not, but are the synagogue of Satan Rev 2:9
This word means "seen together" or "general summary"; often refers to the books of Matthew, Mark
and Luke, otherwise known as the Synoptic Gospels. These books recount many of the same stories
of Jesus Christ's life, stories that can be laid side by side and seen together; written by three different
authors, one an apostle (Matthew), one a disciple (Mark), and another a Gentile Doctor (Luke).
systematic theology
The study of Christian doctrines, assembled together under specific topics for easier understanding. It is
laid out in a topical form with the purpose of helping the Disciple of Christ to clearly understand the
full counsel of God from Genesis to Revelation. Some topics could be Ecclesiology (study of the church)
or Pneumatology (study of the Holy Spirit). There are at least 13 key topics that deal with God and
man from creation and the arrival of sin to the end times of this world.

This was a tent-like structure that was used as the people of Israel moved about during their times of
wandering following the exodus from Egypt; it was also used also in the promised land up until the
temple was built by Solomon. The tabernacle was the centre of religious life for the Jewish people.
The tabernacle had three main sections: the outer court featuring the brazen laver and brazen altar;
the Holy Place where the golden altar of incense, table of showbread and golden lampstand were
located; the Holy of Holies were the Ark of the Covenant was kept. The high priest could enter the
Holy of Holies only once a year to make on offering for the people. (See Ex chapter 25-27) It can also
mean the human body in which the Holy Spirit resides See 2 Corinthians 5:1, 2 Peter 1:13,14
• thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle Ex 25:9
• and the tabernacle shall be sanctified by my glory Ex 29:43
• the tabernacle, his tent, and his covering Ex 35:11
• the hanging of the door of the tabernacle Ex 40:5
• LORD, which is in the tabernacle of the Lev 4:7
• before the tabernacle ... to do the service of the tabernacle Num 3:7
• and purifieth not himself, defileth the tabernacle Num 19:13
• and let not wickedness dwell in thy tabernacle Job 11:14
• LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle Ps 15:1
• the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me Ps 27:5
• the holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High Ps 46:4
• we will go into his tabernacle: we will worship at Ps 132:7
• but the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish Prov 14:11
• a tabernacle that shall not be taken down Isa 33:20
• my tabernacle also shall be with them Ezek 37:27
• if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles Matt 17:4 (Mark 9:5; Luke 9:33)
• the Jews' feast of the tabernacles was at hand John 7:2
• our fathers had the tabernacle of witness Acts 7:44
• earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved 2 Cor 5:1
• tabernacle which is called the holiest of all Heb 9:3
• by a greater and more perfect tabernacle Heb 9:11
• shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as 2 Pet 1:14
• tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with Rev 21:3
A piece of furniture with one or more legs, providing a level surface on which objects can be placed;
typically used for eating meals, working, writing, etc. In the Tabernacle, the table was where the 12
loaves of unleavened bread where placed. It can also mean a place and time where we spiritually
commune or dine with God and His family.
• also make a table of shittim wood Ex 25:23
• two tables of testimony, tables of stone Ex 31:18
• upon the pure table before the LORD Lev 24:6
• thou preparest a table before me in Ps 23:5
• table become a snare before them Ps 69:22 (Rom 11:9)
• God furnished a table in the wilderness Ps 78:19
• write them upon the table of thine heart Prov 3:3
• them upon the table of thine heart Prov 7:3
• graven upon the table of their heart Jer 17:1
• the table of the LORD is polluted Mal 1:12
• let their table be made a snare and a Rom 11:9
• be partakers of the Lord's table 1 Cor 10:21
A flat slab of stone or wood upon which statements could be written. The Ten Commandments were
written by God on two tablets of stone.

• He gave Moses two tablets ... tablets of stone, written with the finger of God Ex 31:18
• cut two tablets of stone Ex 34:1
• is engraved on the tablet Jer 17:1
• not on tablets of stone but on tablets of the flesh, that is, of the heart 2 Cor 3:3
take / took / taken
To accept, receive, to lay hold of and transport to another location. DTP God is a God Who gives, but He
may also take from us because He knows what is best for us; He knows what will make us to grow and
mature for His glory. Life presents many times when we receive from God, but also, we need to be
ready to give back to God that which He has entrusted to us. Our hands (lives) need to be open to
receive what God provides, but we also need to realize He can take away what He provides.
• I will take you to me for a people and I will be Ex 6:7
• not take the name of the LORD Ex 20:7 (Deut 5:11)
• but he knoweth the way that I take Job 23:10
• thy presence ... take not thy Holy Spirit from me Ps 51:11
• I will take the cup of salvation and call Ps 116:13
• take not the word of truth ... out of my mouth Ps 119:43
• I will take the stony heart out of Ezek 11:19
• take away thy coat, let him have Matt 5:40 (Luke 6:29)
• took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses Matt 8:18
• taketh not his cross and follow after me Matt 10:38
• take my yoke upon you and learn of me Matt 11:29
• from him shall be taken away even that he hath Matt 13:12 (25:29; Mark 4:25; Luke 8:18; 19:26)
• and take up his cross Matt 16:24 (Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23)
• take therefore the talent from him and give Matt 25:28
• take, eat; this is my body Matt 26:26 (Mark 14:22; 1 Cor 11:24)
• Lamb ... which taketh away the sin of the world! John 1:29
• I lay down my life, that I might take it again John 10:17
• while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud Acts 1:9
• and taken upon him the form of a servant Phil 2:7
• let him take the water of life freely Rev 22:17
• if any man shall take away from the words Rev 22:19
A weight measure of approximately 95 pounds (35 kg). Talent can also mean a natural aptitude or skill
with which one is born or has acquired.
• of a talent of pure gold shall he make Ex 25:39
• which had received the one talent came Matt 25:24
• give it unto him which hath ten talents Matt 25:28
To speak, utter, to share with someone through words, to communicate. DTP We are called upon by the
Lord to give a verbal testimony of Christ to others. Talking is a two-way street which starts with prayer;
as we talk with God He will talk with us. With that kind of relationship with the Lord we can talk with
others about Jesus Christ.
• and Cain talked with Abel his brother Gen 4:8
• the tabernacle and the LORD talked with Moses Ex 33:9
• skin of his face shone while he talked with him Ex 34:29
• LORD talked with you face to face in the mount Deut 5:4
• shall talk of them when thou sittest in thine Deut 6:7
• talk ye of all his wondrous works 1 Chr 16:9 (Ps 105:2)
• my tongue ... shall talk of thy righteousness Ps 71:24
• meditate ... of all thy work ... talk of thy doings Ps 77:12
• so shall I talk of thy wondrous works Ps 119:27
• glory of thy kingdom and talk of thy power Ps 145:11
• how they might entangle him in his talk Matt 22:15
• heart burn ... while he talked with us by the way Luke 24:32

To wait, to stay in one place for a period of time. DTP For the disciple, it means to come to the Lord in
prayer, sharing one's heart and then waiting for His answer so that we can be guided in our walk with
• your servant's house and tarry all night Gen 19:2
• tarry here, I pray thee: for the LORD hath 2 Kin 2:2
• that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight Ps 101:7
• not be far off ... my salvation shall not tarry Isa 46:13
• though it tarry, wait for it ... it will not tarry Hab 2:3
• tarry ye here and watch Matt 26:38 (Mark 14:34)
• but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye Luke 24:49
• if I will that he tarry till I come John 21:22 (21:23)
• now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized Acts 22:16
• that shall come will come and will not tarry Heb 10:37
A person who imposes a harsh or onerous workload on someone. During the time of the Hebrews'
enslavement in Egypt, taskmasters were instructed to elicit monumental work efforts from the slaves.
In their efforts to motivate them to work harder, they even beat the people with whips and sticks.
• they did set over them taskmasters to Ex 1:11
• their cry by reason of their taskmasters Ex 3:7
• the taskmasters hasted them, saying, fulfil Ex 5:13
The sense of being able to experience different flavours in one's mouth. To perceive the flavour of
something by experiencing a small sample. DTP We are to taste and see that the Lord is good. Just "a
little bit of the Lord" will cause us to experience His goodness!
• the taste of it was like wafers made Ex 16:31
• the taste of it was as taste of fresh oil Num 11:8
• I did but taste a little honey with 1 Sam 14:43
• O taste and see that the LORD is good Ps 34:8
• how sweet are thy words unto my taste Ps 119:103
• keep my saying, he will never taste death John 8:52
• touch not; taste not; handle not Col 2:21
• have tasted of the heavenly gift and Heb 6:4
• have tasted the good word of God and Heb 6:5
• if so be ye have tasted that the Lord is good 1 Pet 2:3
teach / taught
To give information or instruction to another. DTP Teaching is something we are all to do, but it is also
one of the spiritual gifts that God gives to the body of Christ. While we are to teach others, we
ourselves must also be taught. The learning process never ends. There is always more to learn.
• and I will ... teach thee what thou shalt say Ex 4:12
• and thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws Ex 18:20
• that thou mayest teach them Ex 24:12
• ye may teach the children of Israel all the Lev 10:11
• that they may teach their children Deut 4:10
• shalt teach them diligently unto thy children Deut 6:7
• and ye shall teach them your children Deut 11:19
• I will teach you the good and the right way 1 Sam 12:23
• and teach them how they should fear the LORD 2 Kin 17:28
• to teach in Israel statutes and Ezr 7:10
• teach me thy paths Ps 25:4
• LORD: therefore will he teach sinners in the way Ps 25:8
• teach me thy way, O LORD Ps 27:11 (86:11)
• teach me thy way, O LORD Ps 86:11
• teach me, O LORD, the way of thy statutes Ps 119:33

• teach me to do thy will Ps 143:10
• teach a just man and he will increase in learning Prov 9:9
• he will teach us of his ways and we will Isa 2:3 (Mic 4:2)
• teaching in their synagogues Matt 4:23 (9:35; Luke 4:15)
• and he opened his mouth and taught them, saying Matt 5:2
• he taught them as one having authority Matt 7:29 (Mark 1:22)
• daily with you teaching in the temple Matt 26:55 (Mark 14:49)
• teach all nations, baptizing them in Matt 28:19
• teach them to observe all things whatsoever Matt 28:20
• taught his disciples ... the Son of man is delivered Mark 9:31
• Lord teach us to pray, as John also taught his Luke 11:1
• the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour Luke 12:12
• but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these John 8:28
• he shall teach you all things and John 14:26
• of all that Jesus began both to do and teach Acts 1:1
• they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ Acts 5:42
• teaching diligently the things of the Lord, knowing Acts 18:25
• or he that teacheth, on teaching Rom 12:7
• but which the Holy Ghost teacheth 1 Cor 2:13
• is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth Gal 6:6
• warning every man and teaching every man in all Col 1:28
• stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught Col 2:7
• teaching and admonishing one another in Col 3:16
• that they teach no other doctrine 1 Tim 1:3
• good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach 1 Tim 3:2
• these things command and teach 1 Tim 4:11
• these things teach and exhort 1 Tim 6:2
• shall be able to teach others also 2 Tim 2:2
• ye have need that one teach you again which Heb 5:12
• teach you, but as the same anointing teacheth you 1 John 2:27
One who gives instruction, tutors, or educates. DTP We are all called to teach; we must realize that we
are teaching others at all time by our actions and words. Teachers have a greater accountability before
God; we should be careful how we instruct others. The church where we gather should be a teaching
centre, a place to ground people in the Word of God. Teaching, as well as preaching, can used as a
method of evangelism.
• the great, the teacher as the scholar 1 Chr 25:8
• I have more understanding than all my teachers Ps 119:99
• that thou art a teacher come from God John 3:2
• instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes Rom 2:20
• apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? 1 Cor 12:29
• and some, pastors and teachers Eph 4:11
• an apostle ... a teacher of the Gentiles 1 Tim 2:7 (2 Tim 1:11)
• heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears 2 Tim 4:3
• the time ye ought to be teacher, ye have need Heb 5:12
• there shall be false teachers among you 2 Pet 2:1
teaching, gift
The Holy Spirit gives to the church the gift of teaching, because teaching is the method that God uses to
instruct His people. The disciple is to be a teacher as well as a learner, instructing people so that they
may produce fruit that will glorify God.
• apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? 1 Cor 12:29
• and some, pastors and teachers Eph 4:11

A drop of saline watery fluid secreted between the eye and the eyelid. Tears can be evidence of deep
sorrow. Tears are the deep outward expressions of one's heart. We may weep before the Lord both
in sorrow and in gladness. Tears of joy can reflect our overwhelming gratitude for the goodness of the
• thy prayer, I have seen thy tears 2 Kin 20:5
• besought him with tears to put away Esth 8:3
• I water my couch with my tears Ps 6:6
• they that sow in tears shall reap in Ps 126:5
• God will wipe away tear from Isa 25:8 (Rev 7:17; 21:4)
• waters and mine eyes a fountain of tears Jer 9:1
• the altar of the LORD with tears Mal 2:13
• said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou Mark 9:24
• and began to wash his feet with tears Luke 7:38
• to warn every one night and day with tears Acts 20:31
• I wrote unto you with many tears 1 Cor 2:4
• tears unto him that was able to save Heb 5:7
• wipe away all tears from their eyes Rev 21:4
To declare, to proclaim, to reveal, to instruct, to share what one knows with another. DTP We are to be
servants, going out to tell others of the good news of Jesus Christ. Telling is proclaiming truth and
helping people understand the things of God.
• who can tell whether God will be gracious 2 Sam 12:22
• let men of understanding tell me Job 34:34
• ye may tell it to the generation following Ps 48:13
• tell the vision to no man, until the Son Matt 17:9 (Mark 9:9)
• tell him his fault between thee and him alone Matt 18:15
• tell the disciples that he is risen Matt 28:7 (Mark 16:7)
• tell them how great things the Lord hath done Mark 5:19
• things which were told them by the shepherds Luke 2:18
• if I have told you earthly things and ye John 3:12
• Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all John 4:25
• come, see a man which told me all things John 4:29
• Paul sister's son heard ... he ... told Paul Acts 23:16
A building devoted to worship. The first Hebrew temple was built in Jerusalem by Solomon. It was the
centre of religious life for the Jewish people. The Temple had three main sections: the outer court
featuring the brazen laver and brazen altar; the Holy Place were the golden altar of incense, table of
showbread and golden lampstand were located; the Holy of Holies were the Ark of the Covenant was
kept. The high priest could enter the Holy of Holies only once a year to make on offering for the
people. (See Ex chapter 25-27) It can also mean the human body and the collective Body of Christ (the
Church) in which the Holy Spirit dwells.
• God went out in the temple of the LORD 1 Sam 3:3
• be restored and brought again unto the temple Ezra 6:5
• the LORD is in his holy temple, the LORD'S throne Ps 11:4
• O God, in the midst of thy temple Ps 48:9
• up, and his train filled the temple Isa 6:1
• the temple of the LORD Jer 7:4
• Branch ... he shall build the temple of the LORD Zec 6:12
• and Jesus went into the temple of God Matt 21:12
• and said unto them, Destroy this temple John 2:19
• continuing daily with one accord in the temple Acts 2:46
• at the beautiful gate of the temple Acts 3:10
• while I prayed in the temple, I was in a trance Acts 22:17

• know ye not that ye are the temple of God 1 Cor 3:16
• for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are 1 Cor 3:17
• ye not that your body is the temple of 1 Cor 6:19
• for ye are the temple of the living God 2 Cor 6:16
• framed together growth unto a holy temple in Eph 2:21
• and the Lamb are the temple of it Rev 21:22
tempt / temptation / trials
Entice or attempt to entice someone to do or acquire something that they find attractive but know to
be wrong. To enter into temptation, to be lured, to face enticement, something that appeals or
attracts us to go in a wrong direction. DTP Satan often temps us with pleasure and self-gratification.
The temptation is the first step in getting us to move away from God's will, and moving into sinful
thoughts and actions. Temptation is not the sin but acting on that temptation is what makes it sinful.
Scripture also sometimes uses "tempt" in relation to disciples trying the patience of God.
• wherefore do ye tempt the LORD Ex 17:2
• ye shall not tempt the LORD your God Deut 6:16 (Matt 4:7: Luke 4:12)
• yet they tempted and provoked the most high God Ps 78:56
• in the wilderness and tempted God in the desert Ps 106:14
• to be tempted of the devil Matt 4:1 (Mark 1:13; Luke 4:2)
• thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God Matt 4:7
• to tempt the Spirit of the Lord Acts 5:9
• neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted 1 Cor 10:9
• who will not suffer you to be tempted above that 1 Cor 10:13
• thyself, lest thou also be tempted Gal 6:1
• but was in all points tempted like as we are Heb 4:15
• no man says when he is tempted, I am tempted of God James 1:13
• but every man is tempted, when he is James 1:14
A desire to do something wrong, a testing, allurement, enticement, something that appeals or attracts
us to stray off a good path. Satan often temps us by pleasure and self-gratification. DTP Satan often
temps us with pleasure and self-gratification. The temptation is the first step in getting us to move
away from God's will, and moving into sinful thoughts and actions. Temptation is not the sin but acting
on that temptation is what makes it sinful.
• the day of temptation in the wilderness Ps 95:8 (Heb 3:8)
• lead us not into temptation, but deliver Matt 6:13 (Luke 11:4)
• and pray, that ye enter not into temptation Matt 26:41
• the devil had ended all the temptation Luke 4:13
• and lead us not into temptation Luke 11:4
• serving the Lord ... with many tears and temptations Acts 20:19
• but will with the temptation also make a 1 Cor 10:13
• they that will be rich fall into temptation 1 Tim 6:9
• joy when ye fall into divers temptations James 1:2
• blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when James 1:12
• in heaviness through manifold temptations 1 Pet 1:6
• I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation Rev 3:10
Ten Commandments
These were the laws of God that were twice given to Moses. The law were divided into two parts:
religious (first 4 laws) and moral (the last 6 laws). They were given to the Jewish people as a foundation
on how they should relate to God and each other. (See Ex 20:1-17) The Christian church has adopted
these laws, as they are a powerful guide in one's everyday life. (See Matt 5:19)
• the covenant, the ten commandments Ex 34:28
• what he had written before, the Ten Commandments Deut 10:4
To check out, to examine to see if real or true, to judge, or to try, also can mean to undergo a trial or to
be tempted. DTP The disciple is to test things and not just take for granted that all things are

acceptable; they could be cloaked in terminology that may result in falling into some type of sin, trap
or snare of the devil.
• said, why do you test Matt 22:18 NKJB
• test all things 1 Thes 5:21 NKJB
• but test the spirits 1 John 4:1 NKJB
Either of the two major portions of the Holy Bible, the New Testament and the Old Testament Scriptures.
Both testaments provide historical evidence concerning people and events. They recount for us the
actions of God in the history of mankind. Can also refer to a person's will.
• for this is my blood of the new testament Matt 26:28 (Mark 14:24)
• this cup is the new testament in my blood Luke 22:20 (1 Cor 11:25)
• us able ministers of the new testament 2 Cor 3:6
• always in reading of the old testament 2 Cor 3:14
• he is the mediator of the new testament Heb 9:15
• testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise Heb 9:17
• this is the blood of the testament which Heb 9:20
• in his temple the ark of his testament Rev 11:19
testify / testimony
To give evidence as a witness of what one has seen or experienced; to declare under oath before a judge.
DTP Disciples should always be ready to give a testimony of their faith in Jesus Christ, testifying of our
personal relationship with Him and how he lives and works through our lives.
• put into the ark the testimony which I shall give Ex 25:16
• cover the mercy seat that is upon the testimony Lev 16:13
• these are the testimony and the statutes Deut 4:45
• I testify against you this day that ye Deut 8:19
• witness ... hath testified falsely against his brother Deut 19:18
• to keep ... his judgments and his testimony 1 Kin 2:3
• keep his commandments ... his testimony 2 Kin 23:3 (2 Chr 34:31)
• the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise Ps 19:7
• as keep his covenant and his testimonies Ps 25:10
• he established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed Ps 78:5
• blessed are they that keep his testimonies Ps 119:2
• incline my heart unto thy testimony and not to Ps 119:36
• I will speak of thy testimony also before kings Ps 119:46
• my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation Ps 119:99
• thy testimony have I taken as a heritage for ever Ps 119:111
• me understanding, that I may know thy testimony Ps 119:125
• thy testimonies are wonderful: therefore doth my Ps 119:129
• the righteousness of thy testimony is everlasting Ps 119:144
• I cried ... save me, and I shall keep thy testimony Ps 119:146
• if thy children ... keep my covenant and my testimony Ps 132:12
• bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples Isa 8:16
• before thee and our sins testify against us Is 59:12
• shake off the dust ... for a testimony against Mark 6:11 (Luke 9:5)
• Scriptures ... and they are they which testify of me John 5:39
• from the Father, he shall testify of me John 15:26
• they had testified and preached the word of the Lord Acts 8:25
• which gave testimony unto the word of his grace Acts 14:3
• to testify the gospel of the grace of God Acts 20:24
• as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you 1 Cor 1:6
• declaring unto you the testimony of God 1 Cor 2:1
• because our testimony among you was believed 2 Thes 1:10
• ashamed of the testimony of our Lord 2 Tim 1:8
• testifying that this is the true grace of 1 Pet 5:12

• do testify that the Father sent the Son 1 John 4:14
• witness of God which he hath testified of his Son 1 John 5:9
• word of God and of the testimony of Jesus Christ Rev 1:2
• Lamb and by the word of their testimony Rev 12:11
• for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit Rev 19:10
To be grateful for, to bless or give praise, to express gratitude to someone for what they have done. DTP
It is very important that the disciple have a heart that is full of thanksgiving. Often we are not thankful
because we are focused more on the things of the world than we are on Jesus Christ. Everything we
have is a gift of God, including each new day. Even in the midst of deep suffering there are always
things for which we can give thanks to our Lord.
• every morning to thank and praise the LORD 1 Chr 23:30
• we thank thee and praise thy glorious name 1 Chr 29:13
• and sheep of thy pasture will give thanks Ps 79:13
• it is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD Ps 92:1
• praise: be thankful unto him and bless his name Ps 100:4
• I thank thee and praise thee, O thou God Dan 2:23
• took the cup ... gave thanks Matt 26:27 (Mark 14:23; Luke 22:17)
• I thank God ... for you all, that your faith Rom 1:18
• glorified him not as God, neither were thankful Rom 1:21
• I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord Rom 7:25
• when he had given thanks, he brake it 1 Cor 11:24
• thanks be unto God, which giveth us the victory 1 Cor 15:57
• thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift 2 Cor 9:15
• giving thanks always for all things unto God Eph 5:20
• I thank my God upon every remembrance of you Phil 1:3
• ye are called in one body: and be ye thankful Col 3:15
• also thank God without ceasing, because 1 Thes 2:13
• in every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God 1 Thes 5:18
• I thank Christ Jesus ... who hath enabled me 1 Tim 1:12
• fruit of our lips, giving thanks to his name Heb 13:15
• saying, we give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty Rev 11:17
Expression of gratitude, especially to God. DTP Paul tells disciples that they are always to have an
attitude of thanksgiving and a grateful heart; this is the will of God for us as we serve Him (See 1 Thes
• if he offer it for a thanksgiving, then he Lev 7:12
• a sacrifice of thanksgiving unto the LORD Lev 22:29
• to begin the thanksgiving prayer Neh 11:17
• and song of praise and thanksgiving unto God Neh 12:46
• that I publish with the voice of thanksgiving Ps 26:7
• come before his presence with thanksgiving Ps 95:2
• enter into his gates with thanksgiving Ps 100:4
• I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving Ps 116:17
• grace might through the thanksgiving of many 2 Cor 4:15
• supplication with thanksgiving let your Phil 4:6
• in prayer and watch in the same with thanksgiving Col 4:2
• God hath created to be received with thanksgiving 1 Tim 4:3
• thanksgiving and honor and power, ... be unto our God Rev 7:12
The belief in the existence of one God or gods, especially in one Creator God, intervening in it and
sustaining a personal relationship with His creatures. DTP The disciple of Christ believes in One God
who created all things and is the One who has no beginning or end. He is the Source, Support and End
of everything that exists.

A system of government in which God is the supreme head over His people, priests ruling in the name
of God. The country of Israel in the period of time from Moses to King Saul was a theocracy. In reality,
the church is a theocracy where Christ is the head and He alone is the supreme leader over all the
pastors and people.
The study of God. This can come in a variety of forms and methods, but the goal is to seek the truth of
who God is, and how He personally interacts with man here on earth and with all of His creation.
THESSALONIANS, book of First
This book was written around 54 AD by Paul (along with Silas and Timothy), while in Corinth, to the
Thessalonian church likely within a year of it being founded. See Acts 17:1-9 for the context of the
founding of the Church in Thessalonica. It is thought to be the first epistle that Paul wrote. The book
can be divided into 5 section: 1. The church and the Christian life (1:1-11), 2. The servant and his
reward (2:1-20), 3. Sanctification of the brethren (3:1-13), 4. The walk and the hope of the disciple
(4:1-18), 5. "One another" teaching and the day of the lord (5:1-28).
THESSALONIANS, book of Second
This book was written around 54 AD by Paul (along with Silas and Timothy), while in Corinth, to the
Thessalonian church. It deals with the Day of the Lord and man's sin. Paul exhorts the believers to
hold fast, not losing faith in Christ Jesus.
think / thought
To reflect on, to comprehend, to get understanding, to process information, to dwell on and evaluate
information. DTP Too often we let others do our thinking for us, not realizing that God's ways and will
may be different for us than for others. God has given us beautiful minds, and we need to think
through His Word for our lives.
• ye think evil against me; but God meant it Gen 50:20
• think upon me, my God, for good, according to Neh 5:19
• we have thought of thy loving-kindness, O God Ps 48:9
• I thought on my ways and turned my feet unto Ps 119:59
• as he think in his heart, so is he Prov 23:7
• meaneth not so, neither doth his heart think so Isa 10:7
• surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass Isa 14:24
• for I know the thoughts that I think toward you Jer 29:11
• feared the LORD, and that think upon his name Mal 3:16
• think not that I come to destroy the law Matt 5:17
• said, wherefore think ye evil in your hearts? Matt 9:4
• think not that I am come to send peace on earth Matt 10:34
• what think ye of Christ? whose son is he? Matt 22:42
• not to think of himself more highly than he Rom 12:3
• that think he standeth take heed lest he fall 1 Cor 10:12
• is not easily provoked, think no evil 1 Cor 13:5
• I understood as a child, I think as a child 1 Cor 13:11
• I thought it necessary to exhort the brethren 2 Cor 9:5
• if a man think himself to be something, when Gal 6:3
• abundantly above all that we ask or think Eph 3:20
• and if there be any praise, think on these things Phil 4:8
• let not that man think that he shall receive James 1:7
• think it strange that ye run not with them 1 Pet 4:4
• think it not strange concerning the fiery trial 1 Pet 4:12
thirst / thirsty
A feeling or needing or wanting to drink something; often refers to a deep passion in one's soul. DTP All
of God's creatures require water; humanity must decide what he will drink, whether physical or
spiritual. What we consume affects our lives, either for good or evil. We need to drink fully of the
Word and of the Holy Spirit if we are to grow and be strong in our life here on earth.
• people thirsted there for water; and ... murmured Ex 17:3

• my soul thirsteth for God, for the living God Ps 42:2
• my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for Ps 63:1
• and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink Ps 69:21
• my soul thirsteth after thee, as a thirsty land Ps 143:6
• as cold waters to a thirsty soul ... good news Prov 25:25
• for I will pour water upon him that is thirsty Isa 44:3
• thirsted not when he led them through the desert Isa 48:21
• shall not hunger nor thirst; neither Isa 49:10 (Rev 7:16)
• not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water Amos 8:11
• which do hunger and thirst after righteousness Matt 5:6
• I was thirsty and ye gave me drink Matt 25:35
• water that I shall give him shall never thirst John 4:14
• and he that believeth on me shall never thirst John 6:35
• if any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink John 7:37
• the Scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst John 19:28
• hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink Rom 12:20
• shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more Rev 7:16
An idea or opinion produced by thinking or occurring suddenly in the mind. Can be deep reflections of
one's mind. DTP It is important for the disciple of Christ to think things through and not just be a
follower of the world. The disciple needs to make a conscious decision to follow Jesus Christ and His
Word. We need to study and dig into the Word of God and think it through until we are firmly
• the LORD knoweth the thought of man Ps 94:11
• and know my heart: try me and know my thoughts Ps 139:23
• the thoughts of the righteous are right Prov 12:5
• my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways Isa 55:8
• thou mightest know the thoughts of thy heart Dan 2:30
• but they know not the thoughts of the LORD Mic 4:12
• take no thought for your life Matt 6:25 (Luke 12:22)
• every thought to the obedience of Christ 2 Cor 10:5
• discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart Heb 4:12
threshing floor
A hard level surface where grain is threshed with a flail. The grain is separated from the stock and the
chaff, and then gathered into bags to be stored for one's own use, or sold.
• and they came to the threshing floor of Atad Gen 50:10
• barley to night in the threshing floor Ruth 3:2
• will thoroughly clean out his threshing floor, Matt 3:12
A special ceremonial chair for a sovereign or high dignitary. The seat of law and authority where rulings
are made for subjects of a sovereign. DTP God the Father and Christ have thrones in heaven (Jesus
being at God's right hand) and one day all will come before God to be judged. The disciple should not
fear coming to the throne of Christ to ask of Him those things that lie heavily on our hearts. As our
King, He intercedes on behalf of His kingdom children.
• only in the throne will I be greater Gen 41:40
• thy throne shall be established for 2 Sam 7:16
• make his throne greater than the throne of my lord 1 Kin 1:37
• I saw the LORD sitting on his throne 1 Kin 22:19 (2 Chr 18:18)
• sat on the throne of his kingdom Esth 1:2
• the LORD'S throne is in heaven Ps 11:4
• thy throne, O God, is for ever Ps 45:6
• LORD hath prepared his throne in the heavens Ps 103:19
• his throne shall be established in righteousness Prov 25:5
• I will exalt my throne above the stars Isa 14:13

• the LORD, the heaven is my throne Isa 66:1
• for it is God's throne Matt 5:34
• come boldly unto the throne of grace Heb 4:16
• at the right hand of the throne of God Heb 12:2
• I grant to sit with me in my throne Rev 3:21
• Lamb ... in the midst of the throne shall feed them Rev 7:17
• but the throne of God and the Lamb Rev 22:3
News or information which can be encouraging or discouraging. DTP The disciple is to be an ambassador
of good news to a lost world, speaking the truth of Jesus Christ.
• do not well: this day is a day of good tidings 2 Kin 7:9
• feet of him that bringeth good tidings Isa 52:7 (Nah 1:15)
• anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek Isa 61:1
• and am sent ... to show thee these glad tidings Luke 1:19
• for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy Luke 2:10
• tidings of these things came unto ... the church Acts 11:22
• we declare unto you glad tidings, how that the Acts 13:32
• gospel of peace ... glad tidings of good things! Rom 10:15
• brought us good tidings of your faith 1 Thes 3:6
A measurement that man uses to tell seconds, minutes, hours, days and years. Time can also be
measured in seasons... spring, summer, fall and winter. The era of time is an interlude within eternity
which continually exists before, during and after time. DTP When the disciple gets to heaven, time
will be no more; it will not be needed because God's children will live for all eternity.
• at the set time of which God had spoken to Gen 21:2
• LORD appointed a set time, saying, tomorrow Ex 9:5
• come to the kingdom for such a time as this? Esth 4:14
• is there not an appointed time to man upon Job 7:1
• my times are in thy hand: deliver me from the Ps 31:15
• I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise Ps 34:1
• and a time to every purpose Eccl 3:1 (3:17; 8:6)
• he hath made every thing beautiful in his time Eccl 3:11
• to every purpose there is time and judgment Eccl 8:6
• upon them and the time of their visitation Jer 46:21
• time to thresh ... time of her harvest shall come Jer 51:33
• at the time appointed the end shall be Dan 8:19 (11:27)
• it is time to seek the LORD, till he come Hos 10:12
• the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God Mark 1:15
• watch and pray: for ye know not when the time Mark 13:33
• until the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled Luke 21:24
• in due time Christ died for the ungodly Rom 5:6
• behold, now is the acceptable time 2 Cor 6:2
• when the fullness of the time was come, God sent Gal 4:4
• observe days and months and time and years Gal 4:10
• in the dispensation of the fullness of time Eph 1:10
• redeeming the time, because the days are evil Eph 5:16
• walk in wisdom ... redeeming the time Col 4:5
• in the last days perilous times shall come 2 Tim 3:1
• hath in due time manifested his word through Tit 1:3
• humble yourselves ... he may exalt you in due time 1 Pet 5:6
• reap: for the time is come for thee to reap Rev 14:15
TIMOTHY, book of First
A letter that Paul wrote to Timothy to help instruct him on how to minister and set up churches for
Christ. This book is also known as one of the "pastoral" books, written around 63 AD. This book deals

with church order and the importance of having a sound and firm faith in Christ. This book provides
the qualifications that should be in place for elders and deacons within the church.
TIMOTHY, book of Second
A letter that Paul wrote to Timothy to help instruct him on how to minister and set up churches for
Christ. This book is also known as one the "pastoral" books, written around 67 AD. This book has to
do with the disciple's personal walk and testimony. Paul also challenges the church regarding the
whole area of apostate or false teaching that people were bringing into the church.
A percentage (usually 10%) of money or produce which was given to the Lord and considered sacred.
Any amount over 10% was considered a gift. The tithe was to be brought into the Synagogue or the
church. When people did not tithe, it was believed that one was robbing God (See Mal 3:8-11).
• gave him tithes of all Gen 14:20
• all the tithe of the land ... is the LORD's Lev 27:30
• LORD, even a tenth part of the tithe Num 18:26
• unto the LORD of all your tithes Num 18:28
• and your sacrifices and your tithes Deut 12:6
• shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed Deut 14:22
• thou shalt bring forth all the tithe Deut 14:28
• brought in the offerings and tithes 2 Chr 31:12
• the tithes unto the house of our God Neh 10:38
• for the firstfruits and for the tithes Neh 12:44
• have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings Mal 3:8
• bring ye all the tithes into the Mal 3:10
• I give tithes of all that I possess Luke 18:12
• have a commandment to take tithes of Heb 7:5
A tiny amount or part of something. A little mark that was used in the Hebrew writing, very small and
seemingly meaningless to the reader. DTP Christ showed that He was not removing the tiniest part of
the law, but that His life would fulfill even that very smallest detail of the law.
• on jot or one tittle shall in no wise Matt 5:18
• than one tittle of the law to fail Luke 16:17
TITUS, book of
A book that Paul wrote to Titus to help instruct him on how to minister and set up churches for Christ.
Written around 63 AD, this book is often referred to as one the pastoral letters/epistles. This book
has to do with qualifications and functions of elders (1:1-16) and with the pastoral work of a true elder
of the church of Jesus Christ (2:1-3:15). Paul was very concerned about local church leadership.
With or in proximity with another person or group of people. Can imply companionship or a close
association; taking various pieces and making them a united whole; to be in unity and harmony,
having the same goal and vision, moving forward together. DTP The body of Christ is to work together
so that the Gospel of Christ can be proclaimed throughout the lost world.
• be gathered together unto one place Gen 1:9
• when they therefore were come together Acts 1:6
• and had gathered the church together Acts 14:27
• we know that all things work together Rom 8:28
• join together in the same mind 1 Cor 1:10
• for we are labourers together with God 1 Cor 3:9
• yoked together with unbelievers 2 Cor 6:14
• hath quickened us together with Christ Eph 2:5
• the whole body fitly joined together Eph 4:16
• comforted, being knit together in love Col 2:2
• wherefore comfort yourselves together 1 Thes 5:11
• the assembling of ourselves together Heb 10:25

This word means sepulchre, a cave or a place of burial for the dead. Jesus' body was placed in a
sepulchre/tomb cut into a hill. One or more bodies could be laid in a tomb, and often a large stone
would be used as a door, being rolled across the tomb's entrance.
• grave and shall remain in the tomb Job 21:32
• coming out of the tomb Matt 8:28 (Mark 5:2; Luke 8:27)
• and laid it in his own new tomb Matt 27:60
• who had his dwelling among the tombs Mark 5:3
• up his corpse and laid it in a tomb Mark 6:29
The fleshy muscular organ in the mouth, used for tasting, licking, swallowing, and communicating
(forming sounds understood as words that transmit thought). Also refers to spoken languages. DTP
The tongue can speak both positively and negatively, it can build up or destroy, it can give life or cause
death. James says that it is a small member in the body but has power to change the whole direction
of one's life, like a rudder on a ship (see James 3:1-12). We are exhorted as disciples to be very careful
how we speak; we should be quick to hear but slow to speak (See James 1:19).
• every one after his tongue, after Gen 10:5
• am slow of speech and of a slow tongue Ex 4:10
• fraud: under his tongue is mischief and vanity Ps 10:7
• keep thy tongue from evil and thy lips Ps 34:13 (1 Pet 3:10)
• my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness Ps 35:28
• heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue Ps 39:1
• I speak ... my tongue is the pen of a ready writer Ps 45:1
• the tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp razor Ps 52:2
• but the tongue of the wise is health Prov 12:18
• a wholesome tongue is a tree of life Prov 15:4
• death and life are in the power of the tongue Prov 18:21
• stammering lips and another tongue Isa 28:11 (1 Cor 14:21)
• shall bow, every tongue shall swear Isa 45:23 (Rom 14:11)
• their tongue is an arrow shot out Jer 9:8
• come and let us smite him with the tongue Jer 18:18
• in my name ... they shall speak with new tongues Mark 16:17
• began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit Acts 2:4
• Holy Ghost came on them ... they spake with tongues Acts 19:6
• every tongue shall confess to God Rom 14:11
• to another divers kinds of tongues; to another 1 Cor 12:10
• I speak with the tongues of men and of angels 1 Cor 13:1
• for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue 1 Cor 14:2
• I speak with tongues more than ye all 1 Cor 14:18
• tongues for a sign, not to them that believe 1 Cor 14:22
• psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue 1 Cor 14:26
• that every tongue should confess that Phil 2:11
• to be religious and bridleth not his tongue James 1:26
• even so the tongue is a little member James 3:5
• the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil James 3:8
• let him refrain his tongue from evil 1 Pet 3:10
• let us not love in word, neither in tongue 1 John 3:18
tongues, gift of
One of the "Spiritual Gifts" that has been given to the church of Jesus Christ with the purpose of edifying
and encouraging the body. When spoken in a church setting, a requirement is that it be interpreted.
Thought to be a language given by the Holy Spirit and coming from the heart; the languages of man
may not be capable of expressing the deep emotions involved. It has also been described as a
heavenly language. Some teach that there are two kinds of tongues: one that is given in a church

setting and must have an interpretation, and another is called a "prayer closet language" where the
believer is privately expressing his deep feelings to God. (See Acts 2:1-13, Day of Pentecost)
• to another divers kinds of tongues 1 Cor 12:10
• another the interpretation of tongues 1 Cor 12:10
• do all speak with tongues 1 Cor 12:30
• tongues pray that he may interpret 1 Cor 14:13
The five books that were written by Moses (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy).
They are also known as the Pentateuch or the Law of Moses. The Torah is the law and instruction of
God's will for mankind and specifically for the Jewish people.
Tower of Babel
A tower constructed in ancient Babel with the hope of reaching up to God. It was also the place where
God brought confusion to their language; the result was that people had to spread out and begin to
form their own tribes, tongues and nations. This account is recorded in Genesis.
• to, let us build us a city and a tower Gen 11:4
The transmission of customs or beliefs from one generation to another. Transmission usually is via oral
teaching or the sharing of stories by older people with younger. Sometimes referred to as "traditions
of the fathers". DTP From their Old Testament forefathers the disciples of Christ also inherited
traditions, some of which were passed down through the early church.
• transgress the tradition of the elders Matt 15:2 (Mark 7:5)
• of God of none effect by your tradition Matt 15:6 (Mark 7:13)
• commandment of God, ye hold the traditions of men Mark 7:8
• zealous of the traditions of my fathers Gal 1:14
• vain deceit, after the tradition of men Col 2:8
• hold the traditions which ye have been 2 Thes 2:15
• received by tradition from your fathers 1 Pet 1:18
To teach a particular skill or behaviour through practice and instruction over a period of time. DTP The
disciple must be trained in truth and equipped for maturity; good habits and skills do not happen by
accident but come through practice. To be a soldier of Christ, trained for battle, one needs to undergo
rigorous training. Both children and adults need to understand, not only good theoretical facts about
their faith, but also need to know how to put those facts into practice.
• Abraham armed his trained servants Gen 14:14
• train up a child in the way he should go Prov 22:6
The quality or state of being able to go outside of, or beyond, a certain normal or physical boundary.
God is inside, outside and above the realm of this world. While He has created the world, He also
stands outside the sphere of this world.
A complete change of form or appearance into a more beautiful or spiritual state. Jesus was transfigured
before the disciples and it was there, they also saw Moses and Elias. They were amazed and wanted
to set up a place of worship to commemorate this event. This event seems to be alluded to by John
and Peter in their writings (2 Pet 1:18; John 1:14). These disciples saw and experienced the majesty
of Christ Jesus.
• and was transfigured before them Matt 17:2
• and he was transfigured before them Mark 9:2
transform / transformation
A thorough or dramatic change; a major alteration, a complete makeover, such as the conversion
experience. DTP The disciple is to undergo a transformation were the old is put to death and we
become a new creation in Christ Jesus. We are to undergo a change that takes us from wanting to
desire the things of this world, to seeking Christ and His kingdom. We die to ourselves and live
according to Christ's will which brings about a daily transformation in our lives.
• but be ye transformed by the renewing of Rom 12:2

• also be transformed as the ministers of 2 Cor 11:15
To go beyond the bounds a moral principle or standard of behaviour, a wrongdoing, a misbehaviour, an
offence, a crime or a breaking of the law, to disobey, to sin against God. DTP For the disciple, to
transgress is being disobedient and turning away from God's will for our lives. We must submit to God
and be obedient to His will in our lives; a transgression will be punished if not confessed and forgiven.
• wherefore ... do ye transgress the commandment Num 14:41
• Israel hath sinned ... also transgressed my covenant Josh 7:11
• for I have transgressed the commandment of the LORD 1 Sam 15:24
• they obeyed not ... but transgressed his covenant 1 Kin 18:12
• they transgress against the God of the fathers 1 Chr 2:25
• if ye transgress, I will scatter you abroad among Neh 1:8
• I am purposed that my mouth shall not transgress Ps 17:3
• have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance Isa 24:5
• sinned and thy teachers have transgressed against me Isa 43:27
• in transgress and lying against God Isa 59:13
• pastors also transgressed against me ... the prophets Jer 2:8
• we have transgressed and have rebelled: thou hast Lam 3:42
• but they like men have transgressed the covenant Hos 6:7
• why do thy disciples transgress the tradition Matt 15:2
• whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law 1 John 3:4
• whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine 2 John 1:9
A wrongdoing, a misbehaviour, an offence, a crime or breaking of the law, disobedient to authority, sin
against God. DTP For the disciple, committing a transgression is being disobedient and turning away
from God's will for one's life. We must submit to God and fulfill His will in our lives, avoiding
transgressions which, if not confessed and forgiven, will be punished.
• he will not pardon your transgression: for my name Ex 23:21
• make an atonement ... because of their transgressions Lev 16:16
• mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression Num 14:18
• will not forgive your transgressions nor your sins Josh 24:19
• Ezra ... mourned because of the transgression of them Ezra 10:6
• blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven Ps 32:1
• I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the LORD Ps 32:5
• of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions Ps 51:1
• I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions Isa 43:25
• our transgressions are multiplied before thee Isa 59:12
• repent and turn yourselves from all your transgressions Ezek 18:30
• deliver him in the day of his transgression Ezek 33:12
• for where no law is, there is no transgression. Rom 4:15
• every transgression and disobedience received a just Heb 2:2
• for sin is the transgression of the law 1 John 3:4
To express and give meaning to words in another language so that the hearer can understand. Does not
necessarily mean a word for word process, but can also mean the expression of ideas via illustrations
or words or concepts that will make sense. Translate can also mean to move from one place or
condition to another (this is the meaning used in Scripture).
• to translate the kingdom from the house 2 Sam 3:10
• translated us into the kingdom Col 1:13
• Enoch was translated Heb 11:5
Conversion of a text from one script to another. To write or print a letter or word using the closest
corresponding letter of a different alphabet or language. An example of this in Greek the "baptizien".
In English the word is "baptism" and in Kachin it is "baptisma".

This is a Roman Catholic belief concerning the Lord's Supper, referring to Christ's statement, "This is my
body" and "this is my blood". They feel that this statement should be interpreted literally (Mark 14:22,
24), saying that after the prayers during the communion service that the bread literally becomes
Christ's flesh and the wine becomes his literal blood. The term was defined by the Council of Trent in
1545 to 1563 AD. This belief implies that each time one has communion Christ is being crucified all
over again. DTP The disciple of Christ should believe that Christ suffered and died once; all the
redemptive work was completed on the cross, and it is by faith that we must receive Christ personally
into our hearts.
Effort, toil, exertion, labour, struggle, graft, hard work.
• the wicked man travaileth with pain all his days Job 15:20
• but those riches perish by evil travail Eccl 5:14
• they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth Isa 13:8
• he shall see of the travail of his soul Isa 53:11
• a woman when she is in travail hath sorrow John 16:21
• my little children, of whom I travail in birth Gal 4:19
• labour and travail ... night and day 1 Thes 2:9 (2 Thes 3:8)
Something that is precious, valuable. Often kept hidden from public view. DTP The disciple is told that
he is a vessel and within that vessel is a treasure of great price. That treasure is Jesus Christ who has
filled us with His Holy Spirit; a part of heaven now dwells within us. We have become a new creation,
covered with Christ's righteousness exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit.
• then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me Ex 19:5
• house of the righteous is much treasure Prov 15:6
• the fear of the LORD is his treasure Isa 33:6
• thou hast trusted in thy works and in thy treasures Jer 48:7
• lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth Matt 6:19
• for where your treasure is, there will Matt 6:21 (Luke 11:34)
• evil treasure bringeth forth evil things Matt 12:35
• the kingdom ... is like unto a treasure in a field Matt 13:44
• and thou shalt have treasure in heaven Matt 19:21 (Mark 10:21; Luke 18:22)
• but we have this treasure in earthen 2 Cor 4:7
• in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom Col 2:3
A woody perennial plant typically having a single stem or trunk; always bearing some type of fruit. Trees
are generally tall and strong and can have deep roots. DTP The disciple is to be like a tree by the river
side, strong and bearing much fruit for God's glory.
• a fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind Gen 1:11
• ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? Gen 3:1
• the woman saw that the tree was good for food Gen 3:6
• there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down Job 14:7
• he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers Ps 1:3
• the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life Prov 11:30
• trees of the field shall clap their hands Isa 55:12
• that they might be called Trees of Righteousness Isa 61:3
• good tree bringeth forth good fruit Matt 7:17 (Luke 6:43)
• tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn Matt 7:19
• for the tree is known by his fruit Matt 12:33 (Luke 6:44)
• bare our sins in his body on a tree 1 Pet 2:24
tree of Knowledge
Also known as the "tree of knowledge of good and evil". In the Garden of Eden there were two trees
that were important for Adam and Eve to understand. One was the tree of "life" from which they
could eat; that tree appears again in the book of Revelation (Rev 2:7; 22:14). God had, however,

forbade them to eat of the tree of knowledge. To eat of this tree would open man's mind to the whole
area of good and evil, and to all the attacks of Satan who desires to destroy and kill mankind. The sin
of disobedience would have extreme consequences for all mankind; because of Adam's and Eve's
disobedience sin entered the human race, being inherited from generation to generation.
• the tree of knowledge of good and Gen 2:9
• but of the tree of the knowledge of Gen 2:17
tree of life
In the Garden of Eden there were two trees that were important for Adam and Eve to understand. One
was the tree of "life" from which they could eat; that tree appears again in the book of Revelation
(Rev 2:7; 22:14). God had, however, forbade them to eat of the tree of knowledge. To eat of this tree
would open man's mind to the whole area of good and evil, and to all the attacks of Satan who desires
to destroy and kill mankind. That is why when they ate of the tree of knowledge, God had to bar them
from the garden to prevent them from eating of the tree of life. Eating of the tree of life while in that
state of disobedience would have doomed them for all eternity. The sin of disobedience would have
extreme consequences for all mankind.
• the tree of life also in the midst Gen 2:9
• and take also of tree of life Gen 3:22
• sword ... to keep the way of the tree of life Gen 3:24
• the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life Prov 11:30
• a wholesome tongue is a tree of life Prov 15:4
• I give to eat of the tree of life Rev 2:7
• river, was there the tree of life Rev 22:2
• may have right to the tree of life Rev 22:14
Entering someone's land without permission. A wrongdoing, a misbehaviour, an offence, a crime or
breaking of the law, disobedience, a sin against God. DTP For the disciple, trespassing is being
disobedient, a turning away from God's will for our lives. We must submit to God and obey His will in
our lives; if not, we are transgressing against Him. If we do not confess our sin and be forgiven, we
will have to be punished.
• for all manner of trespass, whether it Ex 22:9
• if a soul commit a trespass and sin Lev 5:15
• confess ... their trespass which they trespassed against me Lev 26:40
• committed this trespass against the LORD Josh 22:31
• said unto Ezra, we have trespassed against our God Ezra 10:2
• in his trespass that he hath trespassed and in his sin Ezek 18:24
• for if ye forgive men their trespasses Matt 6:14
• thy brother shall trespass against thee Matt 18:15
• if thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him Luke 17:3
• he quickened, who were dead in trespasses Eph 2:1
• him, having forgiven you all trespasses Col 2:13
A formal examination of evidence before a judge or jury. Testing someone or something to determine
suitability for a given purpose. To be tempted or tested by Satan; to undergo a test to determine one's
strength. Jesus was the victor over Satan's trials because he used the power of the truth of the
Scriptures. DTP All disciples face some form of testing or trial; as we go through these challenges we
become stronger in Christ Jesus. Trials refine us and cause us to become more pure and upright in our
walk with Christ.
• he will laugh at the trial of the innocent Job 9:23
• how that in a great trial of affliction 2 Cor 8:2
• the trial of your faith, being much more 1 Pet 1:7
• think it not strange concerning the fiery trials 1 Pet 4:12
A social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic,
religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader. A

specific people group or clan. Throughout the world there are many tribes or people groups with roots
tracking back to the Tower of Babel.
• to the twelve tribes of Israel Ex 24:4
• the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah Ex 31:2
• neither ... remove from one tribe to another tribe Num 36:9
• of Israel, out of every tribe a man Josh 3:12
• the families of the tribe of Benjamin 1 Sam 9:21
• that in what tribe the stranger Ezek 47:23
• judging the twelve tribes of Israel Matt 19:28
• to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad James 1:1
• behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah Rev 5:5
A state of great trouble or suffering which can include major trial, pain, distress, ordeal, difficulty and
trouble. In the last days the world will undergo a worldwide tribulation, a time when Satan and all his
armies will rise against Christ and His Kingdom. It is thought to be a seven-year period with the first
half being a time of peace and the second a devastating time of war, destruction and much death.
• deliver you in the time of your tribulation Judg 10:14
• out of all your adversities and your tribulations 1 Sam 10:10
• for when tribulation or persecution ariseth Matt 13:21
• but in those days, after that tribulation Mark 13:24
• in the world ye shall have tribulation John 16:33
• through much tribulation enter the kingdom Acts 14:22
• knowing that tribulation worketh patience Rom 5:3
• shall tribulation, or distress, or Rom 8:35
• patient in tribulation Rom 12:12
• who comforteth us in all our tribulation 2 Cor 1:4
• we told you ... that we should suffer tribulation 1 Thes 3:4
• persecutions and tribulations that ye endure 2 Thes 1:4
• I know thy works and tribulation and Rev 2:9
Tribulation Doctrine
This a teaching concerning both the time of the tribulation and what will take place during this seven
year period. There has been much debate on when the church would be raptured. There are three
specific beliefs concerning when the church will be removed; these positions are held by a variety of
different denominations, churches and individuals.
Pre Tribulation unspec. comp. form This group believes that, just before the antichrist appears and the
events of the seven years begin to unfold, the church will be raptured into heaven.
Mid Tribulation unspec. comp. form This group believe that the church will remain as a witness to the
world during the 3 and 1/2 years of peace, but then the church will be raptured into heaven.
Post Tribulation unspec. comp. form This group believes that the church will go through the entire seven
years of tribulation, as a time of witness to the world and also as a time when the churches becomes
washed and purified before the Lord.
This is a teaching concerning the various parts of a person, that a person is made up of a body, soul
(emotion thought and will) and spirit (See 1 Thes 5:23; Heb 4:12). There are also those who hold that
that man is really only a dichonomism having only two parts ... body and the soul/spirit entity (See
Matt 10:28).
This is the doctrine that the Godhead is made up of three persons who function as Father, as Son and as
the Holy Spirit. Having three parts but being one God, sharing the same essence, equal in every way,
each being omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. (See Matt 3:16 where, at Jesus' baptism, all
three are present). See also Genesis 1:26, 2 Corinthians 13:14
Great victory or achievement, to have joy or satisfaction resulting from a success or a victory. To win in
a sport; to overcome all odds and complete a very difficult event or task. DTP Christ wants us, as

disciples, to have the victory and to triumph over the challenges of this world. He empowers us so
that we can triumph over our enemies. His death on the cross and his resurrection three days later
was a great triumph of Christ over darkness, death, and Satan. Because He triumphed, we are also are
able to triumph over death.
• LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously Ex 15:1
• the triumph of the wicked is short and the joy Job 20:5
• let not mine enemies triumph over me Ps 25:2
• unto God with the voice of triumph Ps 47:1
• I will triumph in the works of thy Ps 92:4
• LORD ... how long shall the wicked triumph Ps 94:3
• unto thy holy name and to triumph in thy praise Ps 106:47
• always causeth us to triumph in Christ 2 Cor 2:14
• of them openly, triumphing over them in it Col 2:15
To exist as three in one; most often used to describe or to give to us a picture of who God is. He exists
as three persons in one Godhead. The triune God infinitely preceded the time of Creation and will
continue to exist into the infinite future when time will be no more.
trouble / troubled
Difficulty or problems; to cause distress or anxiety. To be in distress, anguish, grief, misery or sorrow, to
suffer through tribulation, to suffer mental or spiritual pain. DTP Along life's journey, the disciple will
experience troubles and challenges; we need not fear or worry because God walks with us and helps
us through our times of trouble... we need only to trust and obey Him.
• and many evils and troubles shall befall them Deut 31:17
• why hast thou troubled us? the LORD shall trouble thee Josh 7:25
• an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him 1 Sam 16:14
• in the time of their troubles, when they cried Neh 9:27
• for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble Ps 9:9
• the LORD hear thee in the day of trouble Ps 20:1
• LORD: he is their strength in the time of trouble Ps 37:39
• the LORD will deliver him in time of trouble Ps 41:1
• God is our refuge ... a very present help in trouble Ps 46:1
• call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver Ps 50:15
• my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble Isa 59:16
• I am so troubled that I cannot speak Ps 77:4
• the righteous is delivered out of trouble Prov 11:8
• be thou ... our salvation in the time of trouble Isa 33:2
• hope of Israel, the Saviour ... in time of trouble Jer 14:8
• there shall be a time of trouble, such as never Dan 12:1
• LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble Nah 1:7
• were troubled, because there was no shepherd Zech 10:2
• wars and rumors of wars ... be not troubled Matt 24:6 (Mark 13:7)
• let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God John 14:1
• let not your heart be troubled, neither ... be afraid John 14:27
• we are troubled on every side, yet not distressed 2 Cor 4:8
• root of bitterness springing up trouble you Heb 12:15
That which is factual and real, to be genuine, to be upright and sure, to be loyal and faithful. It can be
said that all truth is God's truth. DTP The Bible tells us that it is the truth that sets one free. As disciples,
we must speak and live out truth here in this world. The Bible is true in all that it says. One of Jesus'
names is "True".
• thou art that God, and thy words be true 2 Sam 7:28
• it was a true report that I heard 1 Kin 10:6 (2 Chr 9:5)
• Israel hath been without the true God 2 Chr 15:3
• the judgments of the LORD are true Ps 19:9

• thy word is true from the beginning Ps 119:160
• a true witness delivereth souls Prov 14:25
• but the LORD is the true God Jer 10:10
• we know that thou are true Matt 22:16 (Mark 12:14)
• that was the true Light, which John 1:9
• yet if I judge, my judgment is true John 8:16
• I am the true vine and my Father is John 15:1
• that they might know thee the only true God John 17:3
• saw it bare record and the record is true John 19:35
• testifieth ... we know that his testimony is true John 21:24
• brethren, whatsoever things are true Phil 4:8
• to serve the living and true God 1 Thes 1:9
• let us draw near with a true heart Heb 10:22
• this is the true God and eternal 1 John 5:20
• and ye know that our record is true 3 John 1:12
• saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness Rev 3:14
• Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments Rev 16:7
• upon him was called Faithful and True Rev 19:11
• write: for these words are true and faithful Rev 21:5
A brass musical instrument with a flared bell and a bright, penetrating tone. In Bible times it referred to
a ram or deer used to alert people about an important event such as a call to war or warning of danger.
It was also used as a part of praise and worship of God as well as to summon His power and strength.
(See Joshua 6:4)
• when the trumpet soundeth long, they Ex 19:13
• a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets Lev 23:24
• and the priest shall blow with the trumpet Josh 6:4
• when ye hear the sound of the trumpet Josh 6:5
• called upon Gideon and he blew a trumpet Judg 6:34
• song of the LORD began also with the trumpet 2 Chr 29:27
• ye hear the sound of the trumpet, restore ye Neh 4:20
• the LORD with the sound of a trumpet Ps 47:5
• and the LORD God shall blow the trumpet Zec 9:14
• for the trumpet shall sound, and the 1 Cor 15:52
To have a firm belief in the utter reliability of someone or something; to accept the truth of a statement
or testimony; to commit something of value to another and have confidence that they will carefully
look after it. DTP The hymnist said, "to trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus".
Trust is associated with a strong faith; as disciples, we trust Jesus and have put our complete faith in
Him alone.
• under whose wings thou art come to trust Ruth 2:12
• in him will I trust 2 Sam 22:3
• all they that put their trust in him Ps 2:12
• and put your trust in the Lord Ps 4:5
• all those that put their trust in thee rejoice Ps 5:11
• my God, in thee do I put my trust Ps 7:1 (16:1; 31:1; 71:1)
• my heart trusted in him and I am helped Ps 28:7
• blessed is the man that trusteth in him Ps 34:8
• put their trust under the shadow of thy wings Ps 36:7
• trust in the LORD and do good Ps 37:3
• blessed ... that man that maketh the LORD his trust Ps 40:4
• his word, in God I have put my trust Ps 56:4
• my refuge and my fortress ... in him will I trust Ps 91:2
• for I trust in thy word Ps 119:42

• trust in the LORD with all thine heart Prov 3:5
• he that trusteth in his riches shall fall Prov 11:28
• whoso trusteth in the LORD, happy is he Prov 16:20
• he that trust in his own heart is a fool Prov 28:26
• whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe Prov 29:25
• a shield unto them that put their trust in him Prov 30:5
• my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid Isa 12:2
• mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee Isa 26:3
• let him trust in the name of the LORD Isa 50:10
• cursed be the man that trusteth in man and maketh Jer 17:5
• blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD Jer 17:7
• in his name shall the Gentiles trust Matt 12:21
• should not trust in ourselves, but in God 2 Cor 1:9
• such trust have we through Christ to 2 Cor 3:4
• to be put in trust with the gospel 1 Thes 2:4
• gospel ... which was committed to my trust 1 Tim 1:11
• because we trust in the living God 1 Tim 4:10
• and again, I will put my trust in him Heb 2:13
truth / truthful
In accordance with fact and reality. To be honest, upright, to be pure and honest concerning things said
and done. DTP The Bible teaches that it is the truth that sets us free. The enemy comes to steal and
deceive, to blind us to the real truth. We need to be disciples of truth; we come to the Father to
worship Him in spirit and in truth.
• men, such as fear God, men of truth Ex 18:21
• a God of truth and without iniquity Deut 32:4
• and serve him in sincerity and in truth Josh 24:14
• fear the LORD and serve him in truth 1 Sam 12:24
• lead me in thy truth and teach me Ps 25:5
• hast redeemed me, LORD God of truth Ps 31:5
• is right; and all his works are done in truth Ps 33:4
• thy lovingkindness and truth ... preserve me Ps 40:11
• teach me thy way ... I will walk in thy truth Ps 86:11
• his truth shall be thy shield and buckler Ps 91:4
• his truth endureth to all generations Ps 100:5
• is nigh unto ... all that call upon him in truth Ps 145:18
• speak ye every man the truth to his Zech 8:16 (Eph 4:25)
• and teachest the way of God in truth Matt 22:16
• grace and truth came by Jesus Christ John 1:17
• the Father in spirit and in truth John 4:23
• worship him in spirit and in truth John 4:24
• and ye shall know the truth and the John 8:32
• the truth shall make you free John 8:32
• unto him, I am the way, the truth John 14:6
• Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive John 14:17
• even the Spirit of truth ... shall testify of me John 15:26
• Spirit of truth ... he will guide you into all truth John 16:13
• sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth John 17:17
• that the judgment of God is according to truth Rom 2:2
• by the word of truth, by the power of God 2 Cor 6:7
• truth of the gospel might continue with you Gal 2:5
• bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth Gal 3:1
• speaking the truth in love, may grow up into Eph 4:15
• by him, as the truth is in Jesus Eph 4:21
• is in all goodness and righteousness and truth Eph 5:9

• having your loins girt about with truth Eph 6:14
• the word of the truth of the gospel Col 1:5
• rightly dividing the word of truth 2 Tim 2:15
• repentance to the acknowledging of the truth 2 Tim 2:25
• never able to come to the knowledge of the truth 2 Tim 3:7
• they shall turn away their ears from the truth 2 Tim 4:4
• purified your souls in obeying the truth 1 Pet 1:22
• anointing teacheth you all things and is truth 1 John 2:27
• let us not love in word ... but in deed and in truth 1 John 3:18
• that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth 1 John 5:6
• that I found of thy children walking in truth 2 John 1:4
• that we might be fellow helpers to the truth 3 John 1:8
Refers to the doctrines of John Calvin; the word tulip is an acrostic with each letter representing a
different theological teaching. Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistible
grace and Perseverance of the saints. This teaching was adopted by the Synod of Dort in 1618 AD.
turn / turned
To go in another direction, to change one's thinking and actions, to turn from wickedness to
righteousness. DTP For disciples, our journey requires many turns as we travel but we do have help.
The word of God is our true map, Jesus is a light unto our feet. The Holy Spirit guides in our
understanding of what the will of the father is for our lives. We need not be afraid of change as long
as it is led by our great shepherd, Jesus Christ.
• heart of Pharaoh ... was turned against the people Ex 14:5
• if thou turn to the LORD thy God and shalt Deut 4:30
• confess thy name ... turn from ... sin 1 Kin 8:35 (2 Chr 6:26)
• that thou hast turned their heart back again 1 Kin 18:37
• turn ye from your evil ways and keep my 2 Kin 17:13
• turn from their wicked ways; then will I 2 Chr 7:14
• ye turn unto me and keep my commandments Neh 1:9
• how long will ye turn my glory into shame? Ps 4:2
• the wicked shall be turned into hell and all Ps 9:17
• but let them not turn again to folly Ps 85:8
• a soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous Prov 15:1
• we have turned every one to his own way Isa 53:6
• will hearken and turn every man from his evil Jer 26:3
• turn thou me and I shall be turned; for thou art Jer 31:18
• repent and turn yourselves from your idols Ezek 14:6
• turn yourselves from all your transgressions Ezek 18:30
• wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye Ezek 33:11
• let them turn every one from his evil way Jonah 3:8
• turn ye unto me ... and I will turn unto you Zech 1:3
• shall turn the heart of the fathers to Mal 4:6 (Luke 1:17)
• on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also Matt 5:39
• let him that is in the field not turn back Mark 13:16
• turn from these vanities unto the living God Acts 14:15
• to turn them from darkness to light and from Acts 26:18
• but denying the power ... from such turn away 2 Tim 3:5
• commandments of men, that turn from the truth Tit 1:14
twelve, the
This is a shortened name for the twelve Apostles or the twelve disciples.
• called unto him his twelve disciples Matt 10:1
• names of the twelve apostles are these Matt 10:2
• these twelve Jesus sent forth, and Matt 10:5
• sat down with the twelve Matt 26:20 (Mark 14:17; Luke 22:14)

• ordained twelve, that they should be Mark 3:14 (Luke 6:13)
• the twelve asked of him the parable Mark 4:10
• he called unto him the twelve and began to send Mark 6:7
• and he took again the twelve and began Mark 10:32
• and the twelve were with him Luke 8:1
• then said Jesus unto the twelve John 6:67
Dual or double. DTP Two are always better than one because they can support and encourage one
another. When one is weak, the other can lift him up. When man and woman marry the Bible tells us
that the two will become one flesh. When we confess our sin and, in faith, accept Christ Jesus as our
Saviour and Lord, we become one with Him.
• went in two and two unto Noah into the ark Gen 7:9 (7:15)
• divide the living child in two, and give 1 Kin 3:25
• two are better than one; because they have Eccl 4:9
• can two walk together, except they be agreed? Amos 3:3
• no man can serve two masters Matt 6:24 (Luke 16:13)
• that if two of you agree on earth as Matt 18:19
• where two or three are gathered together in Matt 18:20
• two be in the field; the one shall Matt 24:40 (Luke 17:36)
• he began to send them forth by two and two Mark 6:7
• poor widow ... she threw in two mites Mark 12:42 (Luke 21:2)
• for two ... shall be one flesh 1 Cor 6:16 (Eph 5:31)
Two sided, like a sword, can cut from either side. DTP The sword of the word and the Holy Spirit can cut
and separate all things and has the power to pierce deep into our hearts.
• word of God ... sharper than any two-edge sword Heb 4:12
• out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword Rev 1:16
A way of thinking or seeing events and persons of the past as a prefiguring, a symbol or example of
something that concerns our present time. A teaching from historical lives or events which helps us
relate with some of the things we may be facing or struggling with today. A past happening that gives
light and teaching to us today. The Old Testament is often looked for teaching examples providing
truths which can help us better understand the New Testament, as well as to shed light on what a
disciple faces today in his walk with Christ here on earth. That is why all Scripture is profitable for the
disciple of Christ (see 2 Tim 3:16-17).

Absence of faith, significant doubt, skepticism, agnosticism, an absence of faith; a closed mind and heart
toward God; evidenced by serving self more than God; hardheartedness to the Spirit of the Lord.
• mighty works there because of their unbelief Mat 13:58
• and said unto them, because of their unbelief Matt 17:20
• and he marveled because of their unbelief Mark 6:6
• help thou mine unbelief Mark 9:24
• unbelief make the faith of God without effect? Rom 3:3
• because of unbelief they were broken off Rom 11:20
• mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief 1 Tim 1:13
• could not enter in because of unbelief Heb 3:19
• and they ... entered not in because of unbelief Heb 4:6
Doubter, skeptic, an agnostic, heathen; one who closes their mind and heart to God; they serve self more
than God; they can become hardhearted to the Spirit of the Lord.
• him his portion with the unbelievers Luke 12:46
• brother and that before the unbelievers 1 Cor 6:6
• in those that are unlearned, or unbelievers 1 Cor 14:23
• unequally yoked together with unbelievers 2 Cor 6:14
• But the cowardly, the unbelieving Rev 21:8
unclean/ uncleaness
To be dirty, unwashed, filthy, impure or tarnished. DTP Man is unclean because of our sin nature and we
need to be washed, cleaned from the inside out, to be made pure through the cleansing blood of
Jesus Christ. Each day the disciple needs to undergo the sanctifying process in order to be clean.
• or if a soul touch any unclean thing Lev 5:2
• holy and unholy and between unclean and clean Lev 10:10
• drink and eat not any unclean thing Judg 13:4
• I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips Isa 6:5
• but we are all as an unclean thing Isa 64:6
• to discern between the unclean and the clean Ezek 44:23
• gave them power against unclean spirits Matt 10:1
• when the unclean spirit had torn him Mark 1:26
• God also gave them up to uncleanness Rom 1:24
• Esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean. Rom 14:14
• and have not repented of the uncleanness 2 Cor 12:21
• adultery, fornication, uncleanness Gal 5:19
• uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named Eph 5:3
• nor unclean person, nor covetous man Eph 5:5
• fornication, uncleanness, inordinate Col 3:5
• for God hath not called us unto uncleanness 1 Thes 4:7
• walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness 2 Pet 2:10
Anointing, fervor, earnestness, passion, enthusiasm, power, spirit, deep emotion. DTP The disciple
should walk each day in the fullness and filling of the Holy Spirit; allowing the power and passion for
Christ to touch other people's lives; we would be cup bearers of the presence and power of Christ to
a lost world, setting people free from the bondage of sin and death in Christ's name.
• But ye have an unction from the Holy Spirit 1 John 2:20
understand / understanding
See and know, appreciate, recognize, comprehend, realize, value, identify with, to perceive an intended
meaning. DTP The disciple needs to go far in his faith walk with Christ. He needs not just wisdom and
knowledge, but to get to the place of true understanding. He needs to take that which has been

learned and apply it to everyday life. The depth of the meaning of the word "understanding" is that
you learn something is such a manner, so you are able to share that understanding with others.
• that they may not understand one another's language Gen 11:7
• spirit of God, in wisdom and in understanding Ex 31:3
• understand therefore, that the LORD thy Deut 9:6
• the women and those that could understand Neh 8:3
• caused the people to understand the law Neh 8:7
• even to understand the words of the law Neh 8:13
• God is King ... sing ye praises with understanding Ps 47:7
• meditation of my heart shall be of understanding Ps 49:3
• they know not, neither will they understand Ps 82:5
• shall understand the loving-kindness of the LORD Ps 107:43
• make me to understand the way of thy Ps 119:27
• give me understanding and I shall keep thy Ps 119:34
• I have more understanding than all my teachers Ps 119:99
• giveth light ... giveth understanding unto the simple Ps 119:130
• everlasting: give me understanding, and I shall live Ps 119:144
• unto wisdom and apply thine heart to understanding Prov 2:2
• then shalt thou understand righteousness Prov 2:9
• trust in the LORD ... lean not unto thine own understanding Prov 3:5
• happy is the man that ... getteth understanding Prov 3:13
• wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding Prov 9:10
• but a man of understanding walketh upright Prov 15:21
• also wisdom and instruction and understanding Prov 23:23
• a house builded; and by understanding it is established Prov 24:3
• that seek the LORD understand all things Prov 28:5
• lest they ... understand with their hearts Isa 6:10 (Matt 13:15; John 12:40; Acts 28:27)
• whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that Isa 28:9
• may know and believe me, and understand that I am he Isa 43:10
• they are shepherds that cannot understand Isa 56:11
• people that doth not understand shall fall Hos 4:14
• they hear not, neither do they understand Matt 13:13
• whoso readeth, let him understand Matt 24:15 (Mark 13:14)
• them, how is it that ye do not understand Mark 8:21
• then opened he their understanding, that they might Luke 24:45
• opened ... that they might understand the Scriptures Luke 24:45
• is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh Rom 3:11
• pray with understanding ... will sing with understanding 1 Cor 14:15
• brethren, be not children in understanding 1 Cor 14:20
• the eyes of your understanding being Eph 1:18
• understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ Eph 3:4
• being darkened in their understanding, Eph 4:18
• unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is Eph 5:17
• but I would ye should understand, brethren Phil 1:12
• peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall Phil 4:7
• of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding Col 1:9
• Lord give thee understanding in all things 2 Tim 2:7
• through faith we understand that the Heb 11:3
• is come and hath given us an understanding 1 John 5:20
Treacherous, dishonest, unreliable, deceitful, disloyal, untrustworthy. DTP Many practice a form of
religion or a type of cultural religion; many people want the title of being a Christian but their actions
show that they live more for the world than for Christ; the path of unfaithfulness leads to destruction,
whereas faith builds up the disciple and overcomes the things of this world.

• anyone is unfaithful to the Lord Lev 5:15
• confidence in an unfaithful man in time of Prov 25:19
• Will their unfaithfulness nullify God's faithfulness Rom 3:3
Unproductive, unprofitable, fruitless, uncreative, little or no value. DTP Disciples are grafted into the vine
of Jesus Christ so that we may bear fruit for His glory. John 15:1-11 tell us that branches which do not
bear fruit will be prune off by the vinedresser (Father) and burned. We should always be examining
our lives before Christ and make sure that we are fruit producers. This comes by the power of the Holy
Spirit working through us.
• And he becometh unfruitful. Matt 13:22
• And he becometh unfruitful. Mark 4:19
• And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, Eph 5:11
• That they be not unfruitful. Titus 3:14
• They make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful. 2 Pet 1:8
Irreligious or immoral; descriptive of one who turns their back on God and lives a life outside of the ways
and teachings of God. An ungodly person is devoid of faith in God and his actions reflect an immoral,
unlawful way of life.
• not in the counsel of the ungodly Ps 1:1
• therefore the ungodly shall not stand Ps 1:5
• but the way of the ungodly shall perish Ps 1:6
• these are the ungodly, who prosper in the world Ps 73:12
• an ungodly man diggeth up evil Prov 16:27
• on him that justifieth the ungodly Rom 4:5
• in due time Christ died for the ungodly Rom 5:6
• for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy 1 Tim 1:9
• be saved, where shall the ungodly 1 Pet 4:18
• ungodly men, turning the grace of our Jude 1:4
• deeds which they have ungodly committed Jude 1:15
• walk after their own ungodly lusts Jude 1:18
unite/ united
Coming together, join, combine, connect, centralize, merge together. DTP Disciples need to understand
that they are connected to all other disciples; we have merged together for a common goal and
against a common enemy; we fight a spiritual battle with Satan and his demons; we need to join
together as one mind and spirit.
• mine honour, be not thou united Gen 49:6
• unite my heart to fear thy name Ps 86:11
Agreement, harmony, oneness, singleness, the state of being joined as a whole. DTP Disciples are to
strive for unity within the body of Christ; to work together for Christ's kingdom and to show to a lost
world that the Holy Spirit can unify the believers for service, demonstrating that many believers can
become one in body.
• brethren to dwell together in unity Ps 133:1
• endeavouring to keep the unity of the Eph 4:3
• we all come in the unity of the faith Eph 4:13
Not behaving according to what is morally right and fair. Inequitable, unequal, partial. DTP The Bible
points out that the unjust will spend eternal damnation in hell; their sin nature has condemned them
because they refused to receive the justice provided by Christ.
• me from the deceitful and unjust man Ps 43:1
• and the hope of unjust men perishes Prov 11:7
• an unjust man is an abomination to the Prov 29:27
• rain on the just and on the unjust Matt 5:45
• the lord commended the unjust steward Luke 16:8
• the dead, both of the just and unjust Acts 24:15
• For God is not unjust to forget your Heb 6:10
• for sins, the just for the unjust 1 Pet 3:18
• reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment 2 Pet 2:9
• he that is just, let him be unjust Rev 22:11
The absence of yeast in the dough. DTP In the Scriptures, leaven is a symbol of sin. The disciple it is to
live a life that is not constantly influenced by sin; for God's blessing to flow through us we must
remove all sin; if not, a little "leaven" will spread out through the whole lump of dough. (See Num
• seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread Ex 12:15
• observe the feast of unleavened bread Ex 12:17
• LORD, with the basket of unleavened bread Num 6:17
• unleavened bread shall be eaten Ezek 45:21
• of unleavened bread the disciples came to Matt 26:17 (Luke 22:7)
• the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh Luke 22:1
• ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened 1 Cor 5:7, 8
unrighteous / unrighteousness
Wicked, ungodly, unholy, sinful, wrong, evil; persons who continue to walk the pathway of sin are
deemed unrighteous; they have bowed to the ways of this world and to the ruler of this earth. DTP
The unrighteous have no place with God and if the person does not come under and be covered by
the blood of Christ righteousness they will be dammed for all eternity.
• my rock and there is no unrighteousness in him Ps 92:15
• way and the unrighteous man his thoughts Isa 55:7
• being filled with all unrighteousness Rom 1:29
• as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin Rom 6:13
• know ye not that the unrighteous shall not 1 Cor 6:9
• hath righteousness with unrighteousness 2 Cor 6:14
• the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness 2 Thes 2:12
• for God is not unrighteous to forget your Heb 6:10
• and shall receive the reward of unrighteousness 2 Pet 2:13
• sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness 1 John 1:9
• all unrighteousness is sin 1 John 5:17
These are people who have not heard about the Good News of Jesus Christ or have heard, but chosen
not to follow Him. Without a personal commitment to Christ Jesus, such people are known as the
Not capable of becoming fully know, above and beyond the compacity to explore or comprehend.
• his greatness is unsearchable. Ps 145:3
• how unsearchable are his judgments, Rom 11:33
• the unsearchable riches of Christ; Eph 3:8
upper room
A large room on the second or third level of a building where people could gather; Jesus celebrated the
Passover and the Lord's supper in the upper room; the disciples waited in an upper room praying,
until the coming of the Holy Spirit.
• shew you a large upper room furnished Mark 14:15
• shew you a large upper room furnished Luke 22:12
• in, they went up into an upper room Acts 1:13
upright / uprightly / uprightness
Vertical, erect. Strictly honorable and honest. DTP The believer is to be clean and pure-hearted before
the Lord with nothing to hide or anything of which to be ashamed. The upright disciple can enter the
Holy of Holies before the Lord because of the shed blood of Jesus Christ which now declares him a
person of righteousness before God.

• the LORD liveth, thou hast been upright 1 Sam 29:6
• with the upright man thou wilt shew 2 Sam 22:26 (Ps 18:23)
• as he walked ... in uprightness of heart with thee 1 Kin 3:6
• in integrity of heart and in uprightness 1 Kin 9:4
• God, which saveth the upright in heart Ps 7:10
• good and upright is the LORD Ps 25:8
• shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart Ps 32:11
• and thy righteousness to the upright in heart Ps 36:10
• to show that the LORD is upright: he is my rock Ps 92:15
• LORD and upright are thy judgments Ps 119:137
• who leave the paths of uprightness, to walk in Prov 2:13
• he that walketh uprightly walketh surely Prov 10:9
• the way of the LORD is strength to the upright Prov 10:29
• of the upright shall flourish Prov 14:11
• but the prayer of the upright is his delight Prov 15:8
• the highway of the upright is to depart from evil Prov 16:17
• but as for the upright, he directeth his way Prov 21:29
• whoso walketh uprightly shall be saved Prov 28:18
• the way of the just is uprightness Isa 26:7
• that walketh righteously and speaketh uprightly Isa 33:15
• they are upright as the palm tree, Jer 10:5
• but he touched me and set me upright Dan 8:18
• uprightly according to the truth of the Gal 2:14
Group of more than one person, connected and focused on similar ideas or work. DTP The disciple is to
serve together as a body of believers helping each other to grow and mature in Christ Jesus.
• Let us make man in our image, Gen 1:26
• with us, even us, who are all of us Deut 5:3
• our God shall fight for us. Neh 4:20
• God is a refuge for us. Ps 62:8
• hath done great things for us; Ps 126:3
• unto us, a child is born, unto us a son is given: Isa 9:6
• and dwelt among us, John 1:14
• Holy Ghost which is given unto us. Rom 5:5
• Christ died for us. Rom 5:8
• maketh intercession for us with Rom 8:26
• God be for us, who can be against us? Rom 8:31
• but delivered him up for us all, Rom 8:32
• maketh intercession for us. Rom 8:34
• but unto us which are saved 1 Cor 1:18
• Christ our passover is sanctified for us:1 Cor 5:7
• raise up us by his own power. 1 Cor 6:14
• Christ abound in us, 2 Cor 1:5
• established us with you in Christ, 2 Cor 1:21
• reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, 2 Cor 5:18
• made him to be sin for us, 2 Cor 5:21
• redeemed us ..., being made a curse for us: Gal 3:13
• power that worketh in us, Eph 3:20
• loved us, and hath given himself for us Eph 5:2
• that was against us, Col 2:14
• Who died for us, 1 Thes 5:10
• which dwelleth in us. 2 Tim 1:14
• Which he shed on us abundantly Tit 3:6
• eternal redemption for us. Heb 9:12

• Christ also suffered for us, 1 Pet 2:21(4:1)
• Father hath bestowed upon us, 1 John 3:1
• God dwelleth in us, 1 John 4:12, 13
To speak, to talk, to communicate with others.
• thundered ... Most High uttered his voice 2 Sam 22:14
• of my heart: and my lips shall utter knowledge Job 33:3
• fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth Prov 29:11
• let not thine heart be hasty to utter any thing Eccl 5:2
• hypocrisy and to utter error against the LORD Isa 32:6
• utter it even to the ends of the earth; say ye Isa 48:20
• LORD shall utter his voice before his army Joel 2:11
• will utter things which have been kept secret Matt 13:35
• for us with groanings which cannot be uttered Rom 8:26
• many things to say and hard to be uttered Heb 5:11

A covering used by a woman to cover her face. DTP For disciples, it can suggest trying to cover what our
hearts may really be like.
• therefore she took a vail and Gen 24:65
• and thou shalt make a vail of blue Ex 26:31
• hang up the vail under the taches Ex 26:33
• till Moses had done … he put a vail on his face. Ex 34:33
• before the vail of the sanctuary Lev 4:6
• the LORD, even before the vail, Lev 4:17
• which put a vail over his face, that 2 Cor 3:13
Having or showing an excessively high opinion of one's appearance, abilities, accomplishments,
character, or worth. DTP The disciple must be careful not to fall into Satan's trap when he tries to
make us think that we can do all things by ourselves.
• the name of the LORD thy God in vain Ex 20:7
• that taketh his name in vain Deut 5:11
• I hate vain thoughts: Ps 119:113
• labour in vain ... the watchman walketh but in vain Ps 127:1
• he that followeth vain persons is void of Prov 12:11
• vain person shall have poverty Prov 28:19
• then I said, I have laboured in vain Isa 49:4
• they shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth Isa 65:23
• use not vain repetitions, as the Matt 6:7
• but in vain they do worship me, Matt 15:9
• howbeit in vain do they worship me Mark 7:7
• but became vain in their Rom 1:21
• ye are saved ... unless ye have believed in vain 1 Cor 15:2
• risen, then is our preaching vain 1 Cor 15:14
• that labour is not in vain in the Lord 1 Cor 15:58
• ye receive not the grace of God in vain 2 Cor 6:1
• I should run, or had run, in vain Gal 2:2
• no man deceive you with vain words Eph 5:6
• Christ, that I have not run in vain Phil 2:16
• vain talkers and deceivers, specially Tit 1:10
• heart, this man's religion is vain James 1:26
• from your vain conversation received by 1 Pet 1:18
Great courage in the face of danger, to be very brave, to stand up strong against an enemy, willing to
risk one's own life for others. DTP The disciple also needs to be courageous and strong in the Lord;
we are in a war where Satan is out to kill and destroy people.
• LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour Judg 6:12
• Jephthah the Gileadite was a mighty man of valour Judg 11:1
• Jeroboam was a mighty man of valour 1 Kin 11:28
• a mighty man in valour, but he was a leper 2 Kin 5:1
To express pride in one's own appearance or achievements; one evidence of vanity is boasting. DTP In
God's eyes vanity is worthless and futile.
• have provoked me to anger with their vanity Deut 32:21
• and they followed vanity and became vain 2 Kin 17:15
• surely God will not hear vanity, neither will Job 35:13
• how long will ye love vanity, and seek after Ps 4:2
• under his tongue is mischief and vanity Ps 10:7

• I have hated them that regard lying vanity Ps 31:6
• know the thoughts of man, that they are vanity Ps 94:11
• whose mouth speaketh vanity and their right hand Ps 144:8
• he that soweth iniquity shall reap vanity Prov 22:8
• remove far from me vanity and lies; give me Prov 30:8
• vanity of vanity, saith the Preacher ... all is vanity Eccl 1:2 (12:8)
• them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity Isa 5:18
• turn from these vanities unto the living God Acts 14:15
• for the creature was made subject to vanity Rom 8:20
• Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind Eph 4:17
• they speak great swelling words of vanity 2 Pet 2:18
A cover, a curtain. The Bible uses this word to talk about the curtain between the Holy Place and the
Holies of Holies. To cover over one's face so that others cannot see our true identity. To hide behind
or to keep in secret. DTP At the time of Jesus' death the veil was rent in two from top to bottom,
making it possible for all believers to personally enter into the presence of God (Matt 27:51).
• she took a veil and covered herself Gen 24:65
• veil of blue and purple and scarlet Ex 26:31 (36:35)
• till Moses had done ... he put a veil on his face Ex 34:33
• before the veil of the sanctuary. Lev 4:6
• the LORD, even before the veil. Lev 4:17
• the veil of the temple was rent in two Matt 27:51
• the veil of the temple was rent in two Mark 15:38
• when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart 2 Cor 3:15
• entereth into that within the veil Heb 6:19
• consecrated for us, through the veil Heb 10:20
Revenge, retribution, retaliation, punishment exacted for an injury or wrong. DTP Throughout history,
God has brought punishment to those who have disobeyed Him and turned their backs on Him; His
judgments are true and swift, both to individual people and to nations.
• vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold Gen 4:15
• I will render vengeance to mine enemies Deut 32:41 (Heb 10:30)
• I will render vengeance to mine enemies and will Deut 32:41
• O LORD God, to whom vengeance belongeth Ps 94:1
• he will not spare in the day of vengeance Prov 6:34
• for it is the day of the Lord's vengeance Isa 34:8
• fear not; behold your God will come with vengeance Isa 35:4
• to proclaim ... the day of vengeance of our God Isa 61:2
• LORD our God, the vengeance of his temple Jer 50:28
• for these be the days of vengeance Luke 21:22
• for it is written, vengeance is mine Rom 12:19
• taking vengeance on them that know not God 2 Thes 1:8
• vengeance belongeth unto me, I will Heb 10:30
A hollow container, especially one to hold liquid. DTP After inviting Christ Jesus into our hearts and
becoming disciples, we are vessels for His Holy Spirit to fill us and flow through us.
• but the earthen vessel wherein it is Lev 6:28
• shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel Ps 2:9
• I am like a broken vessel Ps 31:12
• vessel that is broken in pieces Isa 30:14
• be ye clean, that bear the vessel of the LORD Isa 52:11
• broth of abomination things is in their vessel Isa 65:4
• the vessel that he made of clay was Jer 18:4
• gathered the good into vessel, but cast bad Matt 13:48

• wise took oil in their vessel with their lamps Matt 25:4
• a candle, covereth it with a vessel Luke 8:16
• for he was a chosen vessel unto me Acts 9:15
• lump to make one vessel unto honour Rom 9:21
• have this treasure in earthen vessels 2 Cor 4:7
• possess his vessel in sanctification 1 Thes 4:4
• he shall be a vessel unto honour 2 Tim 2:21
• honor unto the wife, as unto a weaker vessel 1 Pet 3:7
• as the vessel of a potter shall they be broken Rev 2:27
Garment, dress, robe, covering, attire. At Jesus' crucifixion, the soldiers took His outer garment and
gambled for it.
• and arrayed him in vestures of fine linen Gen 41:42
• them, and cast lots upon my vesture Ps 22:18
• as a vesture shalt thou change them Ps 102:26 (Heb 1:12)
• upon my vesture did they cast lots Matt 27:35
• for my vesture they did casts lots John 19:24
• clothed with a vesture dipped in blood Rev 19:13
vex / vexed (persecuted)
Troubled, annoyed, wronged, mistreated, victimized. DTP In various parts of the world disciples of Christ
undergo persecution; our enemy is out to destroy us; persecution should not make us weak but,
rather, stronger and more powerful in our faith; the enemy may be able to destroy our bodies but
they cannot destroy our spirits, for we are held in the palm of Christ's hand (Ps 139:10).
• shalt neither vex a stranger Ex 22:21 (Lev 19:33)
• and the Egyptians vexed us and our Num 20:15
• so that his soul was vexed unto death Judg 16:16
• the Almighty, who hath vexed my soul Job 27:2
• O LORD, heal me; for my bones are vexed Ps 6:2
• rebelled and vexed his holy Spirit Isa 63:10
• is grievously vexed with a devil Matt 15:22
• they that were vexed with unclean Luke 6:18
• vexed with the filthy conversation of 2 Pet 2:7
vicarious / vicarious atonement
Performed, received or suffered in place of another; this is the theological teaching that Jesus died in
place of sinners.
Conquest, triumph, win, success. DTP A time when our enemies have been defeated; a time where we
have been set free from the bondage of an oppressor; a triumphal joyous time for the believer who
has overcome the curse of sin and death.
• LORD wrought a great victory that day 2 Sam 23:10
• the power and the glory and the victory 1 Chr 29:11
• he will swallow up death in victory Isa 25:8 (1 Cor 15:54)
• he sent forth judgment unto victory Matt 12:20
• death is swallowed up in victory 1 Cor 15:54
• O grave, where is thy victory 1 Cor 15:55
• which giveth us the victory our 1 Cor 15:57
• this is the victory that overcometh the 1 John 5:4
• had gotten the victory over the beast Rev 15:2
Community, small town, hamlet, settlement, a place where a group of people have come together to
• they may go into the village and buy Matt 14:14 (Mark 6:36)
• and he went round about the villages, teaching Mark 6:6

A climbing or trailing woody-stemmed plant of the grape family. "Vine" often refers to the grape plant,
from the fruit of which wine is made. DTP For the disciple, Jesus is the vine and we are the branches;
because we have been grafted into Jesus by faith, we are now to produce his likeness and character;
the vine also represents our relationship with God and with each other.
• dream, behold, a vine was before me Gen 40:9
• a land of wheat and barley and vines Duet 8:8
• eat ye every man of his own vine 2 Kin 18:31
• hast brought a vine out of Egypt Ps 80:8
• thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the Ps 128:3
• and planted it with the choicest vine Isa 5:2
• shall sit every man under his vine Mic 4:4
• the vine shall give her fruit and Zech 8:12
• henceforth of this fruit of the vine Matt 26:29 (Mark 14:25; Luke 22:18)
• I am the true vine and my Father is John 15:1
• I am the vine, ye are the branches John 15:5
• and gather the vine of the earth Rev 14:19
One who prunes, trains, and cultivates vines in a vineyard. DTP For the disciple, our heavenly Father is
the vinedresser; He is the one who grafts us in, then prunes us and watches over us so we grow, with
the hope that one day we will bear fruit for His glory; Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches.
• of the poor of the land to be vinedressers 2 Kin 25:12
• shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers Isa 61:5
• I am the true vine and my Father is the vinedresser John 15:1
Physical force that intends to hurt, damage or kill another. Violence is committed when a person's deep
emotion and anger is enacted upon someone in a destructive manner. DTP The enemy always seeks
to bring violence within families, people groups and nations because he knows this is the best way for
mankind to destroy itself.
• corrupt ... and the earth was filled with violence Gen 6:11
• my saviour; thou savest me from violence 2 Sam 22:3
• shall redeem their soul from deceit and violence Ps 74:14
• violence shall no more be heard in thy land Isa 60:18
• and violence in the land, ruler against ruler Jer 51:46
• store up violence and robbery in their palaces Amos 3:10
• turn ... from the violence that is in their hands Jonah 3:8
• for the rich men thereof are full of violence Mic 6:12
• until now ... kingdom of heaven suffereth violence Matt 11:12
• do violence to no man, nether accuse any falsely Luke 3:14
• with violence shall ... Babylon be thrown down Rev 18:21
A poisonous snake. (asp, adder, cobra, rattler) DTP Our enemy, Satan, is often depicted as being a snake
or serpent, seeking to devour by inflicting pain, causing suffering and death, always striving to
separate us from God and His will.
• of asps: the viper's tongue shall slay him Job 20:16
• O generation of vipers, who hath warned Matt 3:7 (Luke 3:7)
• O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil Matt 12:34
• ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape Matt 23:33
• came a viper out of the heat and fastened Acts 28:3
One (male or female) who has not been involved in sexual intercourse; one who is pure and clean. DTP
The virgin in the Bible was a symbol of one being set aside for a union with God, to become a bride
for Christ.
• was very fair to look upon, a virgin Gen 24:16

• and for his sister a virgin, that is Lev 21:3
• if a damsel that is a virgin be Deut 22:23
• a virgin shall conceive and bear a son Isa 7:14 (Matt 1:23)
• the virgin, the daughter of Zion, hath Isa 37:22
• sit in the dust, O virgin of Babylon Isa 47:1
• a virgin shall be with child, and shall Matt 1:23
• of heaven be likened unto ten virgins Matt 25:1
• you as a chaste virgin to Christ 2 Cor 11:2
virgin birth
A theological term relating to the birth of Christ; Mary had no sexual relationships with Joseph but the
baby Jesus was conceived in Mary by the Holy Spirit. (See Matt 1:18-25 and Luke 1:26-2:7.)
Dream, idea, visualization, revelation, image. DTP God sometimes gave people visions of present and
future events, about individuals or nations or the world as a whole.
• the LORD came unto Abram in a vision Gen 15:1
• will make myself known unto him in a vision Num 12:6
• which saw the vision of the Almighty Num 24:4
• words and according to all this vision II Sam 7:17 (1 Chr 17:15)
• who had understanding in the vision of God 2 Chr 26:5
• where there is no vision, the people Prov 29:18
• vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw Isa 1:1
• the burden of the valley of vision Isa 22:1
• they speak a vision of their own heart and not Jer 23:16
• heavens were opened and I saw vision of God Ezek 1:1
• in the vision of God brought he me into the Ezek 40:2
• visions were like the vision that I saw by the river Isa 43:3
• secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision Dan 2:19
• a vision appeared unto me, even unto me Dan 8:1
• Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision Dan 8:16
• the thing and had understanding of the vision Dan 10:1
• your young men shall see visions Joel 2:28 (Acts 2:17)
• said, write the vision and make it plain upon Hab 2:2
• he had seen a vision in the temple Luke 1:22
• and your young men shall see visions Acts 2:17
• and to him said the Lord in a vision, Ananias Acts 9:10
• hath seen in a vision a man named Acts 9:12
• and in a trance I saw a vision, a certain vessel Acts 11:5
• vision appeared to Paul ... a man of Macedonia Acts 16:9
• Lord to Paul in the night by a vision Acts 18:9
• I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision Acts 26:19
Stay, stopover, act of going to see and spend time with someone socially.
• and the LORD visited Sarah as he had said Gen 21:1
• God will surely visit you and ye Gen 50:25
• visit the iniquity Ex 20:5 (34:7; Num 14:18; Deut 5:9)
• day when I visit, I will visit their sin upon them Ex 32:34
• LORD had visited his people in giving them bread Ruth 1:6
• unto thy people: O visit me with thy salvation Ps 106:4
• I shall visit the transgressions of Israel Amos 3:14
• God shall visit them and turn away their Zeph 2:7
• I was sick and ye visited me: I was in prison Matt 25:36
• for he hath visited and redeemed his people Luke 1:68
• prophet is risen up ... God hath visited his people Luke 7:16
• how God at first did visit the Gentiles Acts 15:14

• is this, to visit the fatherless and widows James 1:27
Visitation (Day of Visitation)
Examination, inspection, to check, checkup, to bring blessings or punishment. DTP God does visit
individuals but there are times when he visits a group of people, and then there will be times He will
visit nations. Then, in the last days at His second coming, he will return to the whole earth. The disciple
of Christ must be always ready for His time of visitation.
• they be visited after the visitation of all men Num 16:29
• and thy visitation hath preserved my spirit Job 10:12
• what will ye do in the day of visitation and in Isa 10:3
• time of their visitation they shall be cast down Jer 8:12
• time of their visitation they shall perish Jer 10:15 (51:18)
• days of visitation are come, the days of recompense Hos 9:7
• the day of thy watchmen and thy visitation cometh Mic 7:4
• because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation Luke 19:44
• behold, glorify God in the day of visitation 1 Pet 2:12
The sound produced in a person's larynx and uttered through the mouth, as speech or song. To
communicate. DTP We as believers are to learn how to hear the voice of God. He will speak to his
children through a variety of ways. Our words can bring praise or can produce curses and judgment.
Our voice reflects our character, nature and attitude toward others and towards God.
• they heard the voice of the LORD God Gen 3:8
• I heard thy voice in the garden and I Gen 3:10
• because that Abraham obeyed my voice Gen 26:5
• and they shall hearken to thy voice Ex 3:18
• who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice Ex 5:2
• diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD Ex 15:26
• congregation lifted up their voice Num 14:1
• LORD would not hearken to your voice Deut 1:45
• would not be obedient unto the voice of the LORD Deut 8:20
• return unto the LORD ... and shalt obey his voice Deut 30:2
• because the obeyed not the voice of the LORD Josh 5:6
• we serve and his voice will we obey Josh 24:24
• the Most High uttered his voice 2 Sam 22:14 (Ps 18:13)
• thou hast not obeyed the voice of the LORD 1 Kin 20:36
• my voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD Ps 5:3
• here the voice of my supplications Ps 28:2
• for through the voice of the LORD Isa 30:31
• thou heardest the voice of my supplications Ps 31:22
• he doth send out his voice and that a mighty voice Ps 68:33
• today if ye will hear his voice Ps 95:7 (Heb 3:7, 15; 4:7)
• I heard the voice of the LORD, saying, Whom shall Isa 6:8
• LORD shall cause his glorious voice to be heard Isa 30:30
• the voice of him that crieth in the wilderness Isa 40:3 (Matt 3:3; Mark 1:3; Luke 3:4; John 1:23)
• a voice from the temple, a voice of the LORD that Isa 66:6
• saying, Obey my voice and I will be your God Jer 7:23
• we will obey the voice of the LORD our God Jer 42:6
• the voice of the Almighty, the voice of speech Ezek 1:24
• the voice of one crying in the Matt 3:3
• a voice from heaven, saying Matt 3:17 (Mark 1:11; Luke 3:22)
• rejoiceth ... because of the bridegroom's voice John 3:29
• the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God John 5:25
• and the sheep hear his voice John 10:3
• the sheep follow him, for they know his voice John 10:4
• my sheep hear my voice and I know John 10:27

• one that is of the truth heareth my voice John 18:37
• so many kinds of voices in the world 1 Cor 14:10
• that by my voice I might teach others also 1 Cor 14:19
• a shout, with the voice of the archangel 1 Thes 4:16
• to day if ye will hear his voice Heb 3:7
• The dumb ass speaking with man’s voice forbad the madness 2 Pet 2:16
• if any man hear my voice and open the door Rev 3:20
• and he cried with a loud voice Rev 19:17
• I heard a great voice out of heaven Rev 21:3
A deep commitment of the heart and mind to another, to swear to something, a promise, guarantee,
declaration, oath, giving one's word. DTP For the disciple, it is having our hearts deeply connected to
the heart of God.
• and Jacob vowed a vow, saying, if Gen 28:20
• God of Bethel ... where thou vowest a vow unto me Gen 31:13
• a vow of a Nazarite, to Num 6:2
• if a man vow a vow unto the LORD, or swear Num 30:2
• of the LORD thy God for any vow Deut 23:18
• and she vowed a vow and said, O LORD 1 Sam 1:11
• pay my vow, which I have vowed unto the LORD 2 Sam 15:7
• will pay my vow before them that fear him Ps 22:25
• pay thy vows unto the most High Ps 50:14
• sing praise ... that I may daily perform my vow Ps 61:8
• O God ... unto thee shall the vow be performed Ps 65:1
• vow and pay unto the LORD your God: let all Ps 76:11
• I will pay my vow unto the LORD now Ps 116:14 (116:18)
• when thou vowest a vow unto God Eccl 5:4
• shall vow a vow unto the LORD and perform it Isa 19:21
• I will pay that that I have vowed Jonah 2:9
• keep thy solemn feast, perform thy vow Nah 1:15
• for he had a vow Acts 18:18

wait / waited / waiting / waiteth
Stay, remain, linger, stop. DTP At times we are called by the Lord to wait and not get ahead of His plans
for our lives; waiting can also be a call to meditate, to seek His face for wisdom and understanding, a
time to hear from God and then fulfill His will for our lives.
• I have waited for thy salvation, O Lord Gen 49:18
• should I wait for the LORD any longer? 2 Kin 6:33
• lieth in wait secretly ... lieth in wait to catch Ps 10:9
• on thee do I wait all the day Ps 25:5
• wait on the LORD Ps 27:14
• our soul waiteth for the LORD Ps 33:20
• the LORD and wait patiently for him Ps 37:7
• that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit Ps 37:9
• wait on the LORD and keep his way, and he Ps 37:34
• I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined Ps 40:1
• and I will wait on thy name Ps 52:9
• truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh Ps 62:1
• wait only upon God; for my expectation is Ps 62:5
• mine eyes fail while I wait for my God Ps 69:3
• I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait Ps 130:5
• but wait on the LORD and he shall Prov 20:22
• I will wait upon the LORD Isa 8:17
• but they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength Isa 40:31
• they shall not be ashamed that wait for me Isa 49:23
• he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him Isa 64:4
• quietly wait for the salvation of Lam 3:26
• blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the Dan 12:12
• I will wait for the God of my salvation Mic 7:7
• though it tarry, wait for it; because it will Hab 2:3
• wait ye upon me, saith the LORD, until the Zeph 3:8
• also wait for the kingdom of God Mark 15:43 (Luke 23:51)
• but wait for the promise of the Acts 1:4
• we ourselves groan ... waiting for the adoption Rom 8:23
• see not, then do we with patience wait for it Rom 8:25
• wait for the coming of the LORD Jesus 1 Cor 1:7
• wait at the altar are partakers with the alter? 1 Cor 9:13
• for we through the Spirit wait for Gal 5:5
• Whereby they lie in wait to deceive; Eph 4:14
• husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the James 5:7
walk / walked / walking / walketh
Stroll, amble, stride; an unhurried rate of movement on foot. A branch of activity, or a particular line of
work. DTP We are encouraged to walk in the Lord, to follow in His footsteps; we need to move forward
with Him in our maturity and growth; Paul encourages the believer to walk in the Spirit.
• the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden Gen 3:8
• Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God Gen 5:24
• a just man and perfect ... and Noah walked with God Gen 6:9
• to Abram ... walk before me, and be thou perfect Gen 17:1
• me, the LORD, before whom I walk Gen 24:40
• walk among you ... be your God Lev 26:12
• shall walk in all the ways which the LORD Deut 5:33
• thy God, to walk in his ways and to fear him Deut 8:6
• but to fear the LORD ... to walk in all his ways Deut 10:12
• to walk in all his ways and to keep Josh 22:5

• blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel Ps 1:1
• though I walk through the valley of Ps 23:4
• I will walk in thy truth Ps 86:11
• walk before the LORD in the land of the living Ps 116:9
• know the way wherein I should walk Ps 143:8
• whoso walketh upright shall be saved Prov 28:18
• And we will walk in his paths: Isa 2:3
• come ye ... let us walk in the light of the LORD Isa 2:5
• the people that walk in darkness have seen a great light: Isa 9:2
• this is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn Isa 30:21
• they shall walk and not faint Isa 40:31
• walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded Jer 7:23
• I am the LORD your God; walk in my statutes Ezek 20:19
• and the just shall walk in them Hos 14:9
• they shall walk every one in his path: Joel 2:8
• can two walk together, except they be agreed? Amos 3:3
• we will walk in the name of the LORD Mic 4:5
• to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God? Mic 6:8
• the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus Matt 14:29
• arise and take up thy bed and walk Mark 2:9
• that the blind see, the lame walk Luke 7:22
• that follow me shall not walk in darkness John 8:12
• walk while ye have the light, lest John 12:35
• in the name of Jesus Christ ... rise up and walk Acts 3:6
• also should walk in newness of life Rom 6:4
• who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Rom 8:4
• are ye not carnal, and walk as men? 1 Cor 3:3
• for we walk by faith, not by sight 2 Cor 5:7
• walk in the Spirit and ye shall not Gal 5:16
• let us also walk in the Spirit Gal 5:25
• and as many as walk according to this rule, Gal 6:16
• ordained that we should walk in them Eph 2:10
• beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation Eph 4:1
• walk in love, as Christ also hath Eph 5:2
• Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him Col 2:6
• Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, Col 4:5
• that ye would walk worthy of God 1 Thes 2:12
• how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye 1 Thes 4:1
• devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking 1 Pet 5:8
• abideth in him ought ... so to walk, even as he walked 1 John 2:6
• if we walk in the light, as he is in the light 1 John 1:7
• that we walk after his commandments 2 John 1:6
• they shall walk with me in white Rev 3:4
• saved shall walk in the light of it Rev 21:24
wall / walls
Barrier, divider, fence, barricade, a structure that can hold up an upper floor or roof; something that can
keep things apart, a separation. DTP We need to make sure that all walls between ourselves and God
are broken down, ensuring that there is nothing to block our ability to hear His still small voice. We
also need to make sure that there is no dividing wall between us as believers within the church.
• waters were a wall unto them on the right Ex 14:22
• a wall being on this side and a wall on that Num 22:24
• a great shout, that the wall fell down flat Josh 6:20
• have I leaped over a wall 2 Sam 22:30 (Ps 18:29)
• his face to the wall and prayed 2 Kin 20:2 (Isa 38:2)

• went out ... and viewed the walls of Jerusalem Neh 2:13
• so built the wall; and all the wall was joined Neh 4:6
• salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks Isa 26:1
• call thy wall Salvation, and thy gates Praise Isa 60:18
• I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem Isa 62:6
• they shall climb the wall like men of war Joel 2:7
• the LORD stood upon a wall made by a plumbline Amos 7:7
• broken down the middle wall of partition Eph 2:14
• by faith the wall of Jericho fell down Heb 11:30
• wall of the city had twelve foundations Rev 21:14
want / wanted
To desire after something, a need that one has, to crave after or hunger after. DTP People may want
many things, but the truth is that often they do not need what they so desire. Man craves for many
fleshly desires that are not of the Lord. Disciples often pray for things they want, but God does not
give those things because He knows they may be distracted from serving Him.
• in nakedness and in want of all things Deut 28:48
• the LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want Ps 23:1
• for there is no want to them that fear him Ps 34:9
• seek the LORD shall not want any good thing Ps 34:10
• but fools die for want of wisdom Prov 10:21
• but the belly of the wicked shall want Prov 13:25
• weighed in the balances and art found wanting Dan 5:27
• not that I speak in respect of want Phil 4:11
• ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing James 1:4
war / wars / warring
Armed conflict, fight, combat, enmity, hostility, strife, battle between different people groups of one
country or between countries. DTP The disciple can have a war within himself, between the flesh and
the spirit; there can also be spiritual war between the believer and the armies of Satan.
• the LORD is a man of war Ex 15:3
• if ye go armed before the LORD to war Num 32:20
• a new wife, he shall not go out to war Deut 24:5
• all the people that were men of war Josh 5:6
• whole land ... and the land rested from war Josh 11:23
• might know, to teach them war Judg 3:2
• he teacheth my hands to war 2 Sam 22:35 (Ps 18:34)
• and they gathered together for war Ps 140:2
• teacheth my hand to war ... my fingers to fight Ps 144:1
• a time of war and a time of peace Eccl 3:8
• set in array as men for war against thee Jer 6:23
• war with the saints and prevailed Dan 7:21 (Rev 13:7)
• prepare war, wake up the mighty men Joel 3:9
• of war and rumors of war Matt 24:6 (Mark 13:7; Luke 21:9)
• another law ... war against the law of my Rom 7:23
• we do not war after the flesh 2 Cor 10:3
• thou by them mightest war a good warfare 1 Tim 1:18
• your lusts that war in your members James 4:1
• fleshly lusts, which war against the soul 1 Pet 2:11
• there was war in heaven: Michael and his Rev 12:7
• these shall make war with the Lamb Rev 17:14
Engagement in the activities involved in war or conflict. Battle against an enemy; fight, conflict or
combat. DTP As disciples, we are involved in spiritual warfare against Satan and all his demons. We
are in a spiritual warfare between good and evil. (See full armor of God; Eph 6:10-20).
• their armies together for warfare 1 Sam 28:1

• weapons of our warfare are not carnal 2 Cor 10:4
• by them mightest war a good warfare 1 Tim 1:18
warn / warned / warning
Admonish, enjoin, rebuke, reprove, to speak firmly and to help guide and direct those around you
(especially to keep from harm). DTP The disciple is given many warnings throughout the Bible. They
are there to help guide us in our journey here on earth; it is important that we take these exhortations
seriously. The Word is our teacher and schoolmaster; we must learn from it if we hope to grow and
live for Jesus Christ. Like signs on a road, Scriptural warnings can warn us about things to come.
• the man of God told him and warned 2 Kin 6:10
• nor speakest to warn the wicked from Ezek 3:18 (33:8)
• he blow the trumpet and warn the people Ezek 33:3
• being warned of God in a dream that they Matt 2:12
• was warned from God by a holy angel to send Acts 10:22
• I cease not to warn every one night and day Acts 20:31
• but as my beloved sons I warn you 1 Cor 4:14
• whom we preach, warn every man ... teaching Col 1:28
• warn them that are unruly, comfort the 1 Thes 5:14
• by faith Noah, being warned of God of things Heb 11:7
wash / washed / washing
To clean with soap and water, to remove a stain or dirt. DTP The disciple needs cleansing from the filth
of sin; only Christ can hear the prayer of confession and forgive. Our thoughts can make us unclean,
but Christ washes and cleans us with His blood and with the Word.
• daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself Ex 2:5
• saying, go and wash in Jordan seven times 2 King 5:10
• wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity Ps 51:2
• wash me and I will be whiter than snow Ps 51:7
• Pilate ... washed his hands before the multitude Matt 27:24
• began to wash his feet with tears, and did Luke 7:38
• but she has washed my feet with tears, Luke 7:44
• a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet John 13:5
• ye also ought to wash one another's feet John 13:14
• arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins Acts 22:16
• but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified 1 Cor 6:11
• cleanse it with the washing of water by the word Eph 5:26
• by the washing of regeneration and renewing of Tit 3:5
• sprinkled ... and our bodies washed with pure water Heb 10:22
• and washed us from our sins in his own blood Rev 1:5
• have washed their robes and made them white Rev 7:14
watch / watching / watcheth
Look at or observe attentively, typically over a period of time. To keep a lookout, to keep an eye on, to
take note of something, to observe something. DTP The disciple needs to be watchful with both
physical and spiritual eyes. We need to be aware what the enemy is doing but also must our eyes
open to watch and see what God is doing in our lives and in the world around us. The Bible is a window
through which we can see Jesus and watch for Him. We are also told that, as we pray, we need to
carefully watch what the Holy Spirit is showing to us to do or avoid doing.
• LORD watch between me and thee, when we Gen 31:49
• set a watch against them day and night Neh 4:9
• the wicked watch the righteous and seeketh Ps 37:32
• set a watch, O LORD. before my mouth Ps 141:3
• prepare the table, watch in the watchtower Isa 21:5
• I will stand upon my watch ... and will watch to see Hab 2:1
• watch therefore Matt 24:42 (25:13; Mark 13:35; Luke 21:36)
• tarry ye here and watch with me John 26:38 (Mark 14:34)
• could ye not watch with me one hour Matt 26:40

• watch and pray, that ye enter not Matt 26:41 (Mark 14:38)
• take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not Mark 13:33
• watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit 1 Cor 16:13
• and watch thereunto with all perseverance Eph 6:18
• continue in prayer and watch in the same Col 4:2
• watch thou in all things, endure afflictions 2 Tim 4:5
• they watch for your souls, as they that must Heb 13:17
• be ye therefore sober and watch unto prayer 1 Pet 4:7
• I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watch Rev 16:15
watchmen / watchmen
Men employed to keep watch in a town at night. Watch guards, sentries; cities had watchmen at the
watchtower of the city gates to sound a battle cry if an enemy was seen coming toward the city. DTP
The Church of Christ also needs to have spiritual watchmen to warn the body of believers when and
where the enemy is attacking. Like the people of Nehemiah's time, we need to always be ready for
war. (See full armor of God, Eph 6:10-20).
• the watchmen of Saul in Gibeah of I Sam 14:16
• and the watchman cried and told the king 2 Sam 18:25
• keep the city, the watchman walketh in vain Ps 127:1
• LORD said unto me, Go set a watchman Isa 21:6
• thy watchmen shall lift up the voice Isa 52:8
• I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Isa 62:6
• also I set watchmen over you, saying Jer 6:17
• son of man, I have made thee a watchman Ezek 3:17 (33:7)
• the day of thy watchmen has come Micah 7: 4
An elevated place, usually on the walls of the city, where a guard can watch over the city and also look
into the surrounding area for intruders; from the watchtower a warning would be sounded to get
people prepared for battle.
• prepare the table, watch in the watchtower Isa 21:5
• upon the watchtower in the daytime Isa 21:8
• dug a winepress in it and built a watchtower Matthew 21:33
water / waters / watered
Water is the liquid of life, keeping man physically alive. A transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid, a
compound of hydrogen and oxygen, H 2 O. DTP Water is also used as a picture of what God provides
for a thirsty soul; Christ is the living water who can quench the thirsty soul of man.
• Spirit of God moved upon the face of the water Gen 1:2
• went out of Eden to water the garden Gen 2:10
• the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy Gen 9:15
• a fountain of water in the wilderness Gen 16:7
• Moses ... because I drew him out of the water Ex 2:10
• smite the rock and there shall come water out Ex 17:6
• for a water of separation: it is a purification Num 19:9
• which poured water on the hands of Elijah 2 Kin 3:11
• my bed to swim; I water my couch with my tears Ps 6:6
• I am poured out like water and all my Ps 22:14
• pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters Ps 23:2
• the rock and the waters gushed out Ps 105:41
• the heart of man is like deep water Prov 20:5
• as cold waters to a thirsty soul, so Prov 25:25
• cast thy bread upon the water: for thou shalt Eccl 11:1
• shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation Isa 12:3
• garden and like a spring of water Isa 58:11
• living water shall go out from Jerusalem Zech 14:8
• I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance Matt 3:11 (Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16; John 1:26)

• give to drink ... a cup of cold water Matt 10:42 (Mark 9:41)
• except a man be born of water and of the Spirit John 3:5
• he would have given thee living water John 4:10
• water springing up into everlasting life John 4:14
• of his belly shall flow rivers of living water John 7:38
• For John truly baptized with water; Acts 1:5
• They came unto a certain water, and the eunuch Acts 8:36
• I have planted, Apollos watered 1 Cor 3:6
• Cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, Eph 5:26
• and our bodies washed with pure water Heb 10:22
• can no fountain both yield salt water James 3:12
• not by water only, but by water 1 John 5:6
• shall lead them unto living fountains of water Rev 7:17
• of the fountain of the water of life freely Rev 21:6
• and he showed me a pure river of water of life Rev 22:1
• whosoever will, let him take the water of life Rev 22:17
water location (unspec. comp. form of well / wells )
A road, a street, being shown a specific direction. A manner, mode, fashion or characteristic. DTP Jesus
was also known as The Way (John 14:6); The Bible is like a road map that gives light to the way that
man should walk; the early disciples were known as people of the Way (Acts 9:2).
• to keep the way of the tree of life Gen 3:24
• all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth Gen 6:12
• shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice Gen 18:19
• I being in the way, the LORD led me Gen 24:27
• a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way Ex 13:21
• show them the way wherein they must walk Ex 18:20
• thy God, to walk in his way and fear him Deut 8:6
• I will teach you the good and the right way 1 Sam 12:23
• I ... kept the way of the LORD 2 Sam 22:22
• as for God, his way is perfect 2 Sam 22:31 (Ps 18:30)
• to seek of him a right way for us Ezra 8:21
• in the way wherein they should go Neh 9:12
• knoweth the way of the righteous Ps 1:6
• and the meek will he teach his way Ps 25:9
• teach me thy way, O LORD Ps 27:11 (86:11)
• commit thy way unto the LORD Ps 37:5
• teach me thy way, O LORD Ps 86:11
• and they have not known my way Ps 95:10 (Heb 3:10)
• cause me to know the way wherein I Ps 143:8
• reproofs of instruction are the way of life Prov 6:23
• the way of the LORD is strength to Prov 10:29
• train up a child in the way he should go Prov 22:6
• and he will teach us of his way Isa 2:3
• this is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn Isa 30:21
• prepare ye the way of the LORD Isa 40:3 (Matt 3:3; Mark 1:3; Luke 3:4; John 1:23)
• we have turned every one to his own way Isa 53:6
• not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways Isa 55:8
• and I will give them one heart and one way Jer 32:39
• God may show us the way wherein we may walk Jer 42:3
• the ways of the LORD are right and the just Hos 14:9
• turn every one from his evil way Jonah 3:8
• prepare the way Mal 3:1 (Matt 11:10; Mark 1:2; Luke 7:27)
• for wide is the gate and broad is the way Matt 7:13

• prepare ye the way of the Lord Mark 1:3
• Jesus said unto him, I am the way John 14:6
• if he found any who were of the Way Acts 9:2
• shew unto us the way of salvation Acts 16:17
• instructed in the way of the Lord Acts 18:25
• having more perfect knowledge of that way Acts 24:22
• and the way of peace have they not known: Rom 3:17
• who shall bring you into remembrance of my way which be in Christ, 1 Cor 4:17
• also make a way to escape, that ye 1 Cor 10:13
• I unto you a more excellent way 1 Cor 12:31
• by a new and living way, which he Heb 10:20
• double-minded man is unstable in all his ways James 1:8
• he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way, James 5:20
• which have forsaken the right way 2 Pet 2:15
weak / weaker / weakness
Lacking physical strength and energy; can also refer to mental energy. Lacking power, influence or ability.
DTP Disciples can become weak in their spirits. The result can be depression or hopelessness. We
must understand that our strength is not to come from our ability or who we are; it must come
through Christ's strength and ability.
• and I am this day weak, though anointed king 2 Sam 3:39
• and thou hast strengthened the weak hands Job 4:3
• have mercy upon me, O LORD; for I am weak Ps 6:2
• and all knees shall be weak as water Ezek 7:17
• how weak is thine heart, saith the LORD God Ezek 16:30
• willing, but the flesh is weak Matt 26:41 (Mark 14:38)
• and being not weak in faith, Rom 4:19
• law could not do ... it was weak through the flesh Rom 8:3
• strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak Rom 15:1
• and the weakness of God is stronger than men 1 Cor 1:25
• hath chosen the weak things of the world 1 Cor 1:27
• we are weak, but ye are strong; ye are honorable 1 Cor 4:10
• liberty ... a stumblingblock to them that are weak 1 Cor 8:9
• to the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak 1 Cor 9:22
• for this cause many are weak and sickly among 1 Cor 11:30
• it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power 1 Cor 15:43
• powerful; but his bodily presence is weak 2 Cor 10:10
• for my strength is made perfect in weakness 2 Cor 12:9
• which to you-ward is not weak, but is mighty 2 Cor 13:3
• are glad, when we are weak and ye are strong 2 Cor 13:9
• support the weak, be patient toward all 1 Thes 5:14
• out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant Heb 11:34
• honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel 1 Pet 3:7
weapon / weapons
An instrument designed or used for inflicting bodily harm ... maiming or killing. DTP The disciple has a
spiritual enemy; Paul tells the Ephesian church to put on the full armor of God. The sword was to
represent the Word of God.
• mighty fallen ... the weapon of war perished! 2 Sam 1:27
• work and with the other hand held a weapon Neh 4:17
• shall flee from the iron weapon and the bow Job 20:24
• wisdom is better than weapons of war Eccl 9:18
• no weapon ... formed against thee shall prosper Isa 54:17
• behold I will turn back the weapons of war Jer 21:4
• thou art My battle-axe and weapons of war Jer 51:20
• are gone down to hell with their weapons of war Ezek 32:27

• with weapons of righteousness 2 Corinthians 6:7
• the weapons of our warfare are not carnal 2 Cor 10:4
weary / wearied
To grow tired or to have little strength left. Lack of sleep or excessive exertion can lead to weariness.
DTP We are encouraged not to grow weary, but to put our trust in Christ Jesus. He is the one Who
can restore our souls and fill us with the power of His Holy Spirit. We are not alone; we must stand
strong in Him.
• Rebekah said to Isaac, I am weary of my life Gen 27:46
• my soul is weary of my life; I will leave my Job 10:1
• I am weary with groaning; all the night Ps 6:6
• neither be weary of his correction Prov 3:11
• as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land Isa 32:2
• the Creator... fainteth not, neither is weary? Isa 40:28
• they shall run, and not be weary Isa 40:31
• to speak a word in season to him that is weary Isa 50:4
• for I have satiated the weary soul and I have Jer 31:25
• people shall weary themselves for very vanity? Hab 2:13
• ye have wearied the LORD with your words Mal 2:17
• Jesus ... being weary with his journey, sat thus John 4:6
• not be weary in well doing Gal 6:9 (1 Thes 3:13)
• lest ye be weary and faint in your minds Heb 12:3
wedding / espousals
A special marriage ceremony where a man and woman make vows to each other in front of witnesses;
the officiant then declares them to be husband and wife; the process where two become one. DTP
The disciples of Christ (I.E. the church) is Christ's bride; one day there will be a great supper in heaven,
known as the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. (See parable of the wedding Matt 22:3-12. See the word
• their young women had no wedding songs Ps 78:63
• his mother crowned him on the day of his wedding Song of Songs 3:11
• them that were bidden to the wedding Matt 22:3, 8, 10-12
• thou art bidden of any man to a wedding Luke 14:8
• Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding John 2:2
• invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb Rev 19:9
weep / wept / weeping / weepeth
To shed tears as a result of deep emotional or physical pain, sadness, sorrow, distress, or a broken heart.
DTP The disciple will shed tears here on earth, both tears of joy and tears of deep sorrow. Jesus sees
our tears; indeed, He wept tears for mankind. Jesus has a heart that is deeply moved by what we go
through as we journey here on earth.
• she sat ... and lifted up her voice and wept Gen 21:16
• Esau ran to meet him... kissed him ... they wept Gen 33:4
• Joseph... entered into his chamber and wept Gen 43:30
• and Joseph wept when they spake unto him Gen 50:17
• and ye returned and wept before the LORD Deut 1:45
• the people lifted up their voice and wept Judg 2:4
• went up and wept before the LORD until even Judg 20:23
• and wept, until they had no more power to weep 1 Sam 30:4
• he was ashamed: and the man of God wept 2 Kin 8:11
• I heard these words, that I sat down and wept Neh 1:4
• I wept and chastened my soul with fasting Ps 69:10
• goeth forth and weeping, bearing precious seed Ps 126:6
• I sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Ps 137:1
• a time to weep and a time to laugh Eccl 3:4
• the ambassadors of peace shall weep bitterly Isa 33:7
• there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth Matt 8:12

• Peter ... wept Matt 26:75 (Mark 14:72; Luke 22:62)
• blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall Luke 6:21
• he beheld the city and wept over it Luke 19:41
• weep not for me, but weep for yourselves Luke 23:28
• Jesus wept John 11:35
• that do rejoice and weep with them that weep Rom 12:15
• one of the elders said to me, Do not weep Rev 5:5
well / wells
A hole dug into the earth to get water. Also refers to good health and well-being. Refers also to
something done in a good or satisfactory manner. DTP Christ is a well of living water for all who will
come and drink; He is a well that never runs dry.
• Wherefore the well was called Gen 16:14
• God opened her eyes, and she saw a well Gen 21:19
• again unto the well to draw water, Gen 24:20
• that is the well whereof the LORD Num 21:16
• Israel sang this song, Spring up, O well; Num 21:17
• and wells digged, which thou diggedst not, Deut 6:11
• the water of the well of Bethlehem, 1 Chr 11:17
• a righteous man is a well of life: Prov 10:11
• water out of the wells of salvation. Isa 12:3
• to draw with, and the well is deep: John 4:11
• a well of water springing up into everlasting John 4:14
• There are wells without water, clouds 2 Pet 2:17
personal well being:
• that it may be well with me for thy sake; Gen 12:13
• go well with thee, and with thy children Deut 4:40
• men will praise thee, when thou doest well Ps 49:18
• be, and it shall be well with thee. Ps 128:2
• When it goeth well with the Prov 11:10
• it shall be well with them that fear God, Eccl 8:12
• The LORD is well pleased for his Isa 42:21
• Well done, thou good and faithful Matt 25:21 (Luke 19:17)
• Ye did run well; Gal 5:7
• let us not be weary in well doing: Gal 6:9 (2 Thes 3:13)
• That it be well with thee, Eph 6:3
• elders that rule well be counted worthy 1 Tim 5:17
• such sacrifices God is well pleased. Heb 13:16
• be so, that ye suffer for well doing, 1 Pet 3:17
water location unspec. comp.
• form God opened her eyes and she saw a well Gen 21:19
• wherefore the well was called Gen 16:14
• again unto the well to draw water Gen 24:20
• that is the well whereof the LORD Num 21:16
• Israel sang this song, Spring up, O well Num 21:17
• and wells digged, which thou diggedst not Deut 6:11
• the waters of the well of Bethlehem 1 Chr 11:17
• running waters out of thine own well Prov 5:15
• a righteous man is a well of life Prov 10:11
• water out of the wells of salvation Isa 12:3
• to draw with and the well is deep John 4:11
• a well of water springing up into everlasting John 4:14
• there are wells without water, clouds 2 Pet 2:17

personal well being unspec. comp.
• form that it may be well with me for thy sake Gen 12:13
• go well with thee and with thy children Deut 4:40
• men will praise thee, when thou doest well Ps 49:18
• be and it shall be well with the Ps 128:2
• when it goeth well with the Prov 11:10
• it shall be well with them that fear God Eccl 8:12
• the LORD is well pleased for his Isa 42:21
• well done, thou good and faithful Matt 25:21 (Luke 19:17)
• ye did run well Gal 5:7
• let us not grow weary in well doing Gal 6:9 (2 Thes 3:13)
• that it be well with thee Eph 6:3
• elders that rule well be counted worthy 1 Tim 5:17
• such sacrifices God is well pleased Heb 13:16
• be so, that ye suffer for well doing 1 Pet 3:17
An original and bountiful source of something. A fountain, source, spring; a place where water bubbles
from the ground. DTP For the disciple, truth comes as wisdom and understanding as we seek God; it
is abundant and flowing forth for those who seek Him.
• understanding is a wellspring of life unto Prov 16:22
• the wellspring of wisdom as a flowing Prov 18:4
• come forth from the wellspring s of Judah Isa 48:1
Depart, left, to have gone, having proceeded to another location. DTP We read in the gospel how Jesus
went from place to place ministering and teaching the people. Part of each disciple's calling is to go
out and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to others. The great commission commands us to go
(Matt 28:19-20). We are to give testimony throughout the day as we go about doing our various tasks.
As Christ went out to serve others, so should we.
• Cain went out from the presence of the LORD Gen 4:16
• went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees Gen 11:31
• Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there Gen 12:10
• and Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh Ex 7:10
• went into the midst of the sea upon dry Ex 14:22
• Moses went up unto God and the LORD called Ex 19:3
• ark of the covenant of the LORD went before Num 10:33
• armed men went before the priests that blew Josh 6:9
• that Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal 2 Kin 2:1
• and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven 2 Kin 2:11
• went with them to the house of God Ps 42:41
• Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in Matt 4:23
• Jesus went about all the cities and villages Matt 9:35
• how he went into the house of God Mark 2:26 (Luke 6:4)
• that time many of his disciples went back John 6:66
• went out one by one, beginning at the eldest John 8:9
• Peter went up upon the housetop to pray Acts 10:9
• went out from us, but they were not of us 1 John 2:19
Begun by John and Charles Wesley in the 1700s in Britain, a movement of Protestant Christians who
sought to follow the "methods" or theology of eighteenth-century evangelical reformers; later this
movement became known as the Methodist Church. He stressed the importance of a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ. The disciple was to have an individual experience with God. These
people believed that justification was the door to a life of sanctification.

A cereal plant which, when ground, produces flour which can be used to make bread, pastries, or pasta.
Also, the individual seed is referred to as wheat. DTP The disciple is to be a sower of seed that will
also produce a harvest for God's glory.
• days of wheat harvest, Gen 30:14
• of the firstfruits of wheat harvest Ex 34:22
• a land of wheat and barley and vines Deut 8:8
• threshed wheat by the winepress Judg 6:11
• of barley and of wheat harvest Ruth 2:23
• they have sown wheat, but shall reap thorns Jer 12:13
• what is the chaff to the wheat Jer 23:28
• came and sowed tares among the wheat Matt 13:25
• you, that he may sift you as wheat Luke 22:31
• except a corn of wheat fall into the ground John 12:24
A column of wind which moves quickly in a circular fashion. In Scripture, God has been known to speak
to individuals out of a whirlwind.
• Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven 2 Kin 2:11
• LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind Job 38:1
• and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind Prov 1:27
• away and the whirlwind shall scatter them Isa 41:16
• with fire and with his chariots like a whirlwind Isa 66:15
• a whirlwind of the LORD is gone forth in fury Jer 23:19
• the whirlwind of the LORD goeth forth Jer 30:23
• shall come against him like a whirlwind Dan 11:40
• wind and they shall reap the whirlwind Hos 8:7
• LORD hath his way in the whirlwind ... in the storm Nah 1:3
• but I scattered them with a whirlwind Zech 7:14
white / whiter
A colour due to the reflection of most wavelengths of visible light. Example of usage: white as snow.
Often a picture of cleanness or purity. DTP We are born with a sin nature that makes us unclean before
the Lord but when we confess our sins and receive Jesus Christ into our hearts as Lord and Saviour we
become white like snow. White shows that we have undergone the sanctifying work of the Spirit and
the Word.
• red with wine and teeth white with milk Gen 49:12
• Miriam became leprous, white as snow Num 12:10
• or is there any taste in the white of an egg? Job 6:6
• wash me and I will be whiter than snow Ps 51:7
• be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow Isa 1:18
• thou canst not make one hair white or black Matt 5:36
• raiment was white as the light Matt 17:2 (Mark 9:3; Luke 9:29)
• fields for they are white already to harvest John 4:35
• seeth two angels in white sitting, the one at John 20:12
• two men stood by them in white apparel Acts 1:10
• will give him a white stone and in the stone Rev 2:17
• overcometh ... shall be clothed in white raiment Rev 3:5
• lo, a great multitude ... clothed with white robes Rev 7:9
• I saw a great white throne and him that sat Rev 20:11
To be one, complete, just, perfect, entire, full, total, unabridged. DTP God desires our whole heart and
wants to fill us so that we can serve Him with His power and strength.
• will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart Ps 9:1
• let the whole earth be filled with his glory Ps 72:19
• I will praise the LORD with my whole heart Ps 111:1

• blessed ... that seek him with the whole heart Ps 119:2
• thy whole body shall be full of light Matt 6:22 (Luke 11:34)
• whole need not physician Matt 9:12 (Mark 2:17; Luke 5:31)
• faith hath made thee whole Matt 9:22 (Mark 5:34; Luke 8:48)
• the whole creation groaneth and travaileth Rom 8:22
• little leaven leaveneth ... whole lump 1 Cor 5:6 (Gal 5:9)
• circumcised ... is a debtor to do the whole law Gal 5:3
• whole spirit ... soul and body be preserved 1 Thes 5:23
• keep the whole law ... yet offend in one point James 2:10
• but also for the sins of the whole world 1 John 2:2
whore / whoredom / whoremonger
Adulterous, harlot, to be sexual perverted, unchaste.
• shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel Deut 23:17
• thou hast polluted the land with thy whoredom Jer 3:2
• played the whore also with the Assyrians Ezek 16:28
• now let them put away their whoredom Ezek 43:9
• Hosea, Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredom Hos 1:2
• let her... put away her whoredom out of her sight Hos 2:2
• whoredom and wine and new wine take away the heart Hos 4:11
• ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person Eph 5:5
• for whoremongers, for them that defile themselves 1 Tim 1:10
• but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge Heb 13:4
• show unto thee the judgment of the great whore Rev 17:1
• whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all Rev 21:8
• for without are dogs and sorcerers and whoremongers Rev 22:15
wicked / wickedness DTP?
Sinful, depraved, immoral, unrighteous, ungodly, abominable, corrupt. DTP The wicked of the world will
be judged in the last days; they shall be cast into the lake of fire. Our world is full of wickedness and
wicked people and we need to be aware that they are all around us doing things that can harm and
destroy. Paul's exhortation to put on the full armour of God is vital because there is every kind of
spiritual wickedness around us.
• but the men of Sodom were wicked Gen 13:13
• put not thine hand with the wicked to Ex 23:1
• it is a wicked thing Lev 20:17
• justify the righteous and condemn the wicked Deut 25:1
• wickedness proceedeth from the wicked 1 Sam 24:13
• turn from their wicked ways; then will I 2 Chr 7:14
• neither turned they from their wicked works Neh 9:35
• wicked is reserved to the day of destruction? Job 21:30
• God is angry with the wicked every day Ps 7:11
• the wicked shall be turned into hell Ps 9:17
• upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and Ps 11:6
• yet a little while and the wicked shall not be Ps 37:10
• the arms of the wicked shall be broken Ps 37:17
• but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off Ps 37:28
• salvation is far from the wicked: for they Ps 119:155
• see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead Ps 139:24
• keep me, O LORD, from the hands of the wicked Ps 140:4
• but the wicked shall be cut off from Prov 2:22
• enter not into the path of the wicked Prov 4:14
• but the wicked shall by his own wickedness Prov 11:5
• the wicked is driven away in his wickedness Prov 14:32
• the soul of the wicked desireth evil Prov 21:10
• when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn Prov 29:2

• woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him Isa 3:11
• no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked Isa 48:22
• to warn the wicked from his wicked way Ezek 3:18 (33:8)
• but if the wicked will turn from all his sins Ezek 18:21
• but if the wicked turn from his wickedness Ezek 33:19
• discern between the righteous and the wicked Mal 3:18
• it be also unto this wicked generation Matt 12:45
• a wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after Matt 16:4
• but Jesus perceived their wickedness Matt 22:18
• and by wicked hands have crucified and slain Acts 2:23
• with leaven of malice and wickedness 1 Cor 5:8
• put away from ... yourselves that wicked person 1 Cor 5:13
• spiritual wickedness in high places Eph 6:12
• all the fiery darts of the wicked Eph 6:16
• enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now Col 1:21
• the filthy conversation of the wicked 2 Pet 2:7
• ye have overcome the wicked one 1 John 2:13
A women whose husband has died. If a wife dies, her husband is called a widower. DTP The church and
it leadership has been commanded by God to look after the widows, to care for their needs. This was
a specific ministry given to the deacons of the early church. Unfortunately, today the widow is too
often forgotten person in our midst.
• ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless Ex 22:22
• the judgment of the fatherless and widow Deut 10:18
• father of the fatherless ... judge of the widow Ps 68:5
• they slay the widow and the stranger and murder Ps 94:6
• oppress not the widow, nor the fatherless Zech 7:10
• devour widow's houses Matt 23:14 (Mark 12:40; Luke 20:47)
• murmuring ... because their widows were neglected Acts 6:1
• honour widows that are widows indeed 1 Tim 5:3
• to visit the fatherless and widows in their James 1:27
wife / wives
Married woman, helpmate, spouse, mate, partner. DTP A husband must remember that a wife is a gift
from God; he needs to cherish his wife. The husband should also pray for his wife, teach her, and be
an example of Jesus Christ to her. Wives should see the radiance of Jesus Christ emanating from their
husbands, both for them and others in the world around them.
• and shall cleave unto his wife Gen 2:24 (Matt 19:5; Mark 10:7; Eph 5:31)
• hearkened unto the voice of thy wife Gen 3:17
• not covet thy neighbour's wife Ex 20:17 (Deut 5:21)
• thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine Ps 128:3
• rejoice with the wife of thy youth Pro 5:18
• whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing Prov 18:22
• a prudent wife is from the LORD Prov 19:14
• lawful for a man to put away his wife Matt 19:3 (Mark 10:2)
• and shall cleave to his wife Matt 19:5 (Mark 10:7)
• wife hath not power of her own body, but the 1 Cor 7:4
• not the husband put away his wife 1 Cor 7:11
• unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife 1 Cor 7:14
• wives, submit yourselves unto Eph 5:22 (Col 3:18)
• the husband is the head of the wife Eph 5:23
• husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loved the church Eph 5:25
• that loveth his wife loveth himself Eph 5:28
• and the wife see that she reverence her husband Eph 5:33
• deacons be the husband of one wife 1 Tim 3:2

• wives, be subject to your own husband 1 Pet 3:1
• giving honour unto the wife 1 Pet 3:7
• shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife Rev 21:9
Deserted place, wasteland, inhospitable region. Jesus was driven out into the wilderness for 40 days and
nights (MHT 11:7). DTP Sometimes a disciple of Christ can feel that he or she is going through a
wilderness time in their life, where it seems lonely and dry spiritually. *Sermon
• by a fountain of water in the wilderness Gen 16:7
• murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness Ex 16:2
• has brought us forth into the wilderness Ex 16:3
• thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness Deut 8:2
• and I have led you forty years in the wilderness Deut 29:5
• walked forty years in the wilderness Josh 5:6
• of Israel wandered in the wilderness Josh 14:10
• forsookest them not in the wilderness Neh 9:19
• wilderness yielded food for them ... for their children Job 24:5
• how oft did they provoke him in the wilderness Ps 78:40
• guided them in the wilderness like a flock Ps 78:52
• it is better to dwell in the wilderness Prov 21:19
• voice of him crieth in the wilderness. Prepare ye the way Isa 40:3 (Matt 3:3; Mark 1:3; Luke 3:4; John
• the wilderness to be tempted of the devil Matt 4:1 (Mark 1:12; Luke 4:1)
• withdrew himself into the wilderness and prayed Luke 5:16
• fathers did eat manna in the wilderness John 6:49
• Red sea and in the wilderness forty years Acts 7:36
• in the day of temptation in the wilderness Heb 3:8
will / willing / willingly
Resolve, motivation, force, desire, determination, self-willed, independence. The declaration of a
person's wishes regarding the disposal of his or her property after death. Also, expressing the future
tense. DTP For the disciple of Christ there is always a battle between self-will and God's will; we are
to pray that the Lord's will be done in our lives (MHT 6:10); because of free will, we must choose which
way we will walk; Adam and Eve chose to disobey God, but we can choose to surrender our will to
Christ. A disciple is to be a servant, an ambassador of His will.
• I will make him an help meet for him Gen 2:18
• I will stretch out my hand and smite the Ex 3:20
• I will not fail the, nor forsake thee Josh 1:5
• with a perfect heart and a willing mind 1 Chr 28:9
• and who then is willing to consecrate his service 1 Chr 29:5
• for whither thou goest, I will go Ruth 1:16
• and he said, I will redeem it Ruth 4:4
• every one that willingly offered a freewill offering Ezra 3:5
• how long will you love vanity and Ps 4:2
• shadow of death, I will fear no evil Ps 23:4
• I will dwell in the house of the LORD Ps 23:6
• delight to do thy will, O my God Ps 40:8 (Heb 10:7, 9)
• teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God Ps 143:10
• according to his will in the army of heaven Dan 4:35
• great dominion and do according to his will Dan 11:3
• thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven Matt 6:10 (Luke 11:2)
• enter ... but he that doeth the will of my Father Matt 7:21
• whosoever shall do the will of my Matt 12:50 (Mark 3:35)
• not as I will, but as Matt 26:39 (Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42)
• spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak Matt 26:41
• this cup ... except I drink it, thy will be done Matt 26:42

• if thou be willing, remove this cup from me Luke 22:42
• of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man John 1:13
• my meat is to do the will of him that sent me John 4:34
• even so the Son quickeneth whom he will John 5:21
• seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father John 5:30
• shall ask in my name, that will I do John 14:13
• ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you John 15:7
• found David ... which shall fulfil all my will Acts 13:22
• served his own generation by the will of God Acts 13:36
• chosen thee, that thou shouldest know his will Acts 22:14
• who will render to every man Rom 2:6
• maketh intercession ... according to the will of Rom 8:27
• I will have mercy on whom Rom 9:15
• good ... acceptable and perfect will of God Rom 12:2
• may come unto you with joy by the will of God Rom 15:32
• no necessity, but hath power over his own will 1 Cor 7:37
• against my will, a dispensation of the gospel 1 Cor 9:17
• to the Lord and unto us by the will of God 2 Cor 8:5
• if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted 2 Cor 8:12
• deliver us ... according to the will of God Gal 1:4
• unto us the ministry of his will Eph 1:9
• all things after the counsel of his will Eph 1:11
• but understanding what the will of the Lord is Eph 5:17
• doing the will of God from the heart Eph 6:6
• God which worketh in you both to will Phil 2:13
• perfect and complete in all the will of God Col 4:12
• the will of God, even your sanctification 1 Thes 4:3
• give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus 1 Thes 5:18
• who are taken captive by him at his will 2 Tim 2:26
• of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will? Heb 2:4
• after ye have done the will of God, ye might Heb 10:36
• I will not fear what man shall do Heb 13:6
• you perfect in ever good work to do his will Heb 13:21
• of his own will begat he us with the word James 1:18
• to God and he will draw nigh to you James 4:8
• ought to say, if the Lord will, we shall live James 4:15
• lusts of men, but to the will of God 1 Pet 4:2
• them that suffer according to the will of God 1 Pet 4:19
• not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy 1 Pet 5:2
• that doeth the will of God abideth for ever 1 John 2:17
• ask anything according to his will 1 John 5:14
• I will write upon him my new name Rev 3:12
• I will come in to him Rev 3:20
• to him that overcometh will I grant Rev 3:21
• hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will Rev 17:17
• and whoever will, let him take the Rev 22:17
Perceptible natural movement of air from higher atmospheric pressure to lower atmospheric pressure,
especially in the form of a current of air blowing from a particular direction. Breeze, blast of air, gust
of air. DTP In addition to the physical wind, there is also the wind of the Holy Spirit.
• God made a wind to pass over the Gen 8:1
• thou didst blow with thy wind Ex 15:10
• and there went forth a wind from the LORD Num 11:31
• he bringeth the wind out of his treasuries Ps 137:7

• he causeth his wind to blow and the Ps 147:18
• they have sown the wind, and they shall reap Hos 8:7
• the wind of the LORD shall come up Hos 13:15
• and the wind was in their wings Zec 5:9
• then he arose, and rebuked the winds Matt 8:26
• a reed shaken with the wind Matt 11:7
• the wind ceased and there was a Mark 4:39
• the wind bloweth where it listeth John 3:8
• heaven as of a rushing mighty wind Acts 2:2
• about with every wind of doctrine Eph 4:14
windows / windows
A small opening made of a transparent solid material such as glass in a wall, roof, or vehicle through
which one can see; also an opening through which something can pass. DTP God wants to open
heaven's windows so that disciples can receive his blessing.
• a window thou make to the ark Gen 6:16
• line of scarlet thread in the window Josh 2:18
• the LORD should make windows in heaven 2 Kin 7:19
• enter in at the windows like a thief Joel 2:9
• will not open you the windows of heaven Mal 3:10
An alcoholic drink made from fermented grape juice. Overindulgence can result in drunkenness. In a
positive sense it can be used to describe the blessing or presence of the Holy Spirit in one's life. See
Ephesians 5:18
• and he drank of the wine and was Gen 9:21
• do not drink wine nor strong drink Lev 10:9
• drink not wine nor strong drink and Judg 13:4
• and I took up the wine and gave it Neh 2:1
• wine that maketh glad the heart of Ps 104:15
• and drink the wine of violence Prov 4:17
• for thy love is better than wine Song 1:2
• new wine take away the heart Hos 4:11
• do men put new wine into old bottles Matt 9:17 (Mark 2:22; Luke 5:37)
• tasted the water that was made wine John 2:9
• be not drunk with wine but be filled with the Holy Spirit Ephesians 5:18
• not given to wine, no striker, not 1 Tim 3:3
• but use a little win e for thy 1 Tim 5:23
• lusts, excess of wine, reveling 1 Pet 4:3
Appendages which allow a bird or airplane to fly. The wings of an airplane allow us to soar high into the
sky. DTP When disciples walk with Christ, He give the ability to soar over the challenges and problems
of life.
• and how I bare you on eagles' wings Ex 19:4
• her young, spreadeth abroad her wings Deut 32:11
• was the one wing of the cherub 1 Kin 6:24
• hide me under the shadow of thy wings Ps 17:8
• trust under the shadow of thy wings Ps 36:7
• under his wings shalt thou trust Ps 91:4
• shall mount up with wings as eagles Isa 40:31
• arise with healing in his wings Mal 4:2
• were given two wings of a great eagle Rev 12:14
winnoweth / winnowing
Blowing a current (natural wind or artificially produced wind) of air through grain in order to remove the
chaff. Sift, separate, filter, strain, sort through. DTP God's Holy Spirit will be the wind separating
believers bound for heaven from those who will spend an eternity in hell.

• he winnoweth barley to night in the Ruth 3:2
• which hath been winnowed with the shovel Isa 30:34
wise / wisdom
Insight, intelligence, perception, good judgment, prudently applying knowledge. DTP As believers we are
to seek for and walk in the wisdom of God. We are exhorted by Jesus to be wise builders (Matt 7:24).
• and a tree to be desired to make one wise Gen 3:6
• have filled with the spirit of wisdom Ex 28:3
• this is your wisdom and your understanding Deut 4:6
• O that they were wise, that they understood Deut 32:29
• and Joshua ... was full of the spirit of wisdom Deut 34:9
• given thee a wise and an understanding heart 1 Kin 3:12
• and God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding 1 Kin 4:29
• give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may 2 Chr 1:10
• he is wise in heart and mighty in strength Job 9:4
• the testimony ... is sure, making wise the simple Ps 19:7
• thou shalt make me to know wisdom Ps 51:6
• fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom Ps 111:10
• to know wisdom and instruction Prov 1:2
• but fools despise wisdom and Prov 1:7
• be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD Prov 3:7
• wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom Prov 4:7
• for wisdom is better than rubies; and all the Prov 8:11
• instruction to a wise man and he will be yet wiser Prov 9:9
• hath understanding wisdom is found Prov 10:13
• a tree of life ... he that winneth souls is wise Prov 11:30
• he that walketh with wise men shall be wise Prov 13:20
• how much better is it to get wisdom than gold! Prov 16:16
• through wisdom is a house builded Ps 24:3
• a man's wisdom maketh his face to shine Eccl 8:1
• wisdom is better than weapons of war Eccl 9:18
• because the Preacher was wise, he still taught Eccl 12:9
• woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes Isa 5:21
• upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding Isa 11:2
• to destroy all the wise men of Babylon Dan 2:12
• he giveth wisdom unto the wise and knowledge to Dan 2:21
• there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem Matt 2:1
• wise man, which built his house upon a rock Matt 7:24
• be ye ... wise as serpents and harmless as doves Matt 10:16
• and five of them were wise and five Matt 25:2
• Jesus increased in wisdom and stature Luke 2:52
• seven men ... full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom Acts 6:3
• both to the wise and to the unwise Rom 1:14
• professing themselves to be wise Rom 1:22
• to God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ Rom 16:27
• preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words 1 Cor 1:17
• hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world 1 Cor 1:20
• Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God 1 Cor 1:24
• because the foolishness of God is wiser than men 1 Cor 1:25
• the foolish things ... to confound the wise 1 Cor 1:27
• we speak wisdom ... yet not the wisdom of this world 1 Cor 2:6
• but we seek the wisdom of God in a 1 Cor 2:7
• as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid 1 Cor 3:10
• the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God 1 Cor 3:19
• the Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise 1 Cor 3:20

• to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom 1 Cor 12:8
• not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace 2 Cor 1:12
• may give unto you the spirit of wisdom Eph 1:17
• known by the church the manifold wisdom of God Eph 3:10
• not as fools, but as wise Eph 5:15
• knowledge of his will in all wisdom Col 1:9
• teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may Col 1:28
• word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom Col 3:16
• immortal, invisible, the only wise God 1 Tim 1:17
• are able to make thee wise unto salvation 2 Tim 3:15
• if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God James 1:5
• but the wisdom that is from above is James 3:17
A woman who practices witchcraft, magic, incantations; the practice of working with and conjuring up
demonic spirits, and using potions and enchantments to enslave the minds and bodies of people. DTP
The disciple of Christ should not have anything to do with such people and the spirits that lead them.
They are demonic people full of lies and corruption. The activity of witches is meant to bind people in
evil and destroy them.
• Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live Ex 22:18
• There shall not be found among you ... or a enchanter, or a witch Deut 18:10
Sorcery, magic, incantations; the practice of working with and conjuring up demonic spirits, and using
potions and enchantments to enslave the minds and bodies of people. DTP The disciple of Christ
should have nothing to do with any of the evil associated with witchcraft. Such activity only harms
and destroys with the goal of drawing people into hell itself.
• for rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft 1 Sam 15:23
• mother Jezebel and her witchcraft are so many? 2 King 9:22
• and used enchantments, and used witchcraft 2 Chr 33:6
• and I will cut off witchcraft out of thine hand Mic 5:12
• the mistress of witchcraft, that selleth nations Nah 3:4
• idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, Gal 5:20
witness / witnessing / witnesseth
Someone who sees or experiences an event, and then can speak of it. Evidence, demonstration,
declaration. DTP Followers of Christ should always be ready to give witness of their faith. Bearing
witness of Christ is one of the greatest tools that a believer has to bring others into the Kingdom of
• that they may be a witness unto me Gen 21:30
• said, this heap is a witness between me and thee Gen 31:48
• with us; see, God is witness betwixt me and thee Gen 31:50
• thou shalt not bear false witness Ex 20:16 (Deut 5:20; Matt 19:18; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Rom 13:9)
• mouth of witnesses: but one witness shall not testify Num 35:30
• call heaven and earth to witness against you Deut 4:26
• two witnesses, or three Deut 17:6 (19:15; Matt 18:16; 2 Cor 13:1)
• this book of the law ... may be there for a witness Deut 31:26
• that it may be a witness between us and you Josh 22:27
• for it shall be a witness between us Josh 22:34
• behold, this stone shall be a witness unto us Josh 24:27
• the LORD be witness between us Judg 11:10
• ye are witnesses this day Ruth 4:10
• them, the LORD is witness against you I Sam 12:5
• my witness is in heaven ... my record is on high Job 16:19
• false witnesses did rise up Ps 35:11
• faithful witness will not lie; but a false witness Prov 14:5
• ye are my witnesses, said the LORD and my servant Isa 43:10

• I have given him for a witness to the people Isa 55:4
• Lord be a true and faithful witness between us Jer 42:5
• world for a witness unto all nations Matt 24:14
• same came for a witness, to bear witness of the light John 1:7
• if I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true John 5:31
• the Father himself ... hath borne witness of me John 5:37
• ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem Acts 1:8
• to be a witness with us of his resurrection Acts 1:22
• gave the apostles witness of the resurrection Acts 4:33
• save that the Holy Ghost witness in every city Acts 20:23
• to make thee a minister and a witness both of Acts 26:16
• for God is my witness, whom I serve Rom 1:9
• their conscience also bearing witness Rom 2:15
• the Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit Rom 8:16
• bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit Rom 9:1
• in the mouth of two or three witnesses 2 Cor 13:1
• it is the Spirit that beareth witness I John 5:6
Conjurer, enchanter, sorcerer, soothsayer, charmer, diviner, wonder-worker; an evil man who uses
magic and incantation to deceive and destroy people. Wizards often attempt to control people's
minds as well as their wills. DTP The disciple of Christ should not have anything to do with these kinds
of people and the spirits that lead them. They are demonic people full of lies and corruption. The
activity of wizards is meant to bind people in evil and destroy them.
• neither seek after wizards, to be defiled Lev 19:31
• a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard Lev 20:27
• with familiar spirits, or a wizard Deut 18:11
• had familiar spirits and the wizards 1 Sam 28:3
• unto wizards that peep and that mutter Isa 8:19
wolf / wolves
A wild carnivorous member of the dog family, traveling in packs and found in many countries of the
world; known for killing livestock and sometimes even humans; they have been known to kill and tear
apart their victim mercilessly. DTP Christ warns disciples to watch out for wolves dressed in sheep's
clothing; they come to scatter and kill the sheep.
• the wolf also shall dwell with the Isa 11:6
• the wolf and the lamb shall feed Isa 65:25
• are like wolves ravening the prey Ezk 22:27
• but inwardly they are ravening wolves Matt 7:15
• forth as sheep in the midst of wolves Matt 10:16
• I seed you forth as lambs among wolves Luke 10:3
• sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming John 10:12
• grievous wolves enter in among you Acts 20:29
woman / women
Adult human female, created by God from man; the final and glorious creative act of God, plural form
women; polite form is "lady". DTP The woman was created by God to be a helpmate to man, a person
who could enter into a marriage union with a man and become one with him. God meant for them to
serve uniquely together with a united heart, thus fulfilling God's will and plan. Only one man and one
woman can make a marriage, bearing children and being a blessing to the Creator.
• had taken from man, made he a woman Gen 2:22
• flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman Gen 2:23
• woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave Gen 3:12
• I will put enmity between thee and the woman Gen 3:15
• and five singing men and singing women Neh 7:67
• were among thy honourable women Ps 45:9
• and pain, as of a woman in travail Ps 48:6

• every wise woman buildeth her house Prov 14:1
• woman that feareth the LORD ... shall be praised Prov 31:30
• whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her Matt 5:28
• the woman was made whole from that Matt 9:22
• Jesus saith unto her, woman, believe John 4:21
• man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man 1 Cor 11:8
• for this cause ought the woman to 1 Cor 11:10
• sent forth his Son, made of a woman Gal 4:4
wonder / wonders / wondered
Amazement, astonishment, marvel, miracle, sign. DTP God through history has performed many
amazing things throughout the earth. He is able to do miracles and even speak things into being as He
chooses. We should never underestimate the power of God. He is a God of Wonders. We can never
limit Him or His actions.
• smite Egypt with all my wonders which I will do Ex 3:20
• in holiness, fearful in praise, doing wonders? Ex 15:11
• thou art the God that doest wonders Ps 77:14
• among the heathen, his wonders among all people Ps 96:3
• will proceed to do ... marvelous work and a wonder Isa 29:14
• I will show wonders in the heavens Joel 2:30 (Acts 2:19)
• they were filled with wonder and amazement Acts 3:10
• he showed wonders and signs in the land of Egypt Acts 7:36
• and wonders, beholding the miracles and signs Acts 8:13
To be extremely good, pleasant or remarkable, inspiring delight. To inspire admiration, amazement, or
awe. That which is deemed to be near perfect; unusually good. DTP One of Christ's names is
"Wonderful"; He is our wonderful Creator and Lord who does all things out of grace, mercy and love.
• hath made his wonderful works to be remembered Ps 111:4
• such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high Ps 139:6
• be three things which are too wonderful for me Prov 30:18
• and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor Isa 9:6
• is wonderful in counsel and excellent in working Isa 28:29
• and in thy name done many wonderful works? Matt 7:22
• and the scribes saw the wonderful things that he did Matt 21:15
• speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God Acts 2:11
Unusually good, admirable. DTP This is how God saw His creation, He saw us as extremely good, pleasant,
and remarkable. Then, because of disobedience, we acquired a sin nature, making us unclean and
detestable in God's sight. Because of what Christ did for us on the cross, we can become new
creations, wonderfully and completely amazing in Christ Jesus.
• for I am fearfully and wonderfully made Ps 139:14
word / Word
A single distinct meaningful element of thought expressed by speech or writing. DTP Jesus Himself
announced that He was the Word (John 1:1). See Psalm 119:1-172 ... this is a Psalm that gives to us
the big picture of the awesomeness of the Word. The Word (Scripture) is to be the disciple's standard
by which he lives. The Word is the way, truth and life in all areas of life; we are called to be obedient
to the Word and live out our lives according to it.
• the word of the LORD came unto him Gen 15:4
• it might be according to thy word Gen 30:34
• he that feared the word of the LORD Ex 9:20
• not add unto the word which I command you Deut 4:2
• bread only, but by every word Deut 8:3 (Matt 4:4; Luke 4:4)
• lay up these my words in your heart Deut 11:18
• a prophet ... and will put my word in his mouth Deut 18:18
• the word is very nigh unto thee Deut 30:14 (Rom 10:8)

• only the LORD establish his word 1 Sam 1:23
• words of the LORD are pure words; as silver tried Ps 12:6
• let the word of my mouth and the meditation Ps 19:14
• for the word of the LORD is right Ps 33:4
• sent his word and healed them and delivered Ps 107:20
• thy word have I hid in mine heart Ps 119:11
• thy salvation, according to thy word Ps 119:41
• thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light Ps 119:105
• a word spoken in due season, how good is it! Prov 15:23
• despised the word of the Holy One of Israel Isa 5:24
• but the word of our God shall stand Isa 40:8
• his word was in mine heart as a burning fire Jer 20:9
• the same is he that heareth the word Matt 13:20
• my word shall not pass Matt 24:35 (Mark 13:31; Luke 21:33)
• the sower soweth the word Mark 4:14
• and confirming the word with signs following Mark 16:20
• in the beginning was the Word John 1:1
• the Word was with God John 1:1
• the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us John 1:14
• he that heareth my word and believeth on him John 5:24
• ye have not his word abiding in you John 5:38
• continue in my word, then are ye my disciples John 8:31
• if ye abide in me and my word abide in you John 15:7
• thy word is truth John 17:17
• that gladly received his word were baptized Acts 2:41
• received the word with all readiness of mind Acts 17:11
• the word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, Rom 10:8
• and hearing by the word of God Rom 10:17
• kingdom of God is not in word, but in power 1 Cor 4:20
• unto us the word of reconciliation 2 Cor 5:19
• by the word of truth, by the power 2 Cor 6:7
• For all the law is fulfilled in one word Gal 5:14
• him that is taught in the word communicate Gal 6:6
• the Spirit, which is the word of God Eph 6:17
• holding forth the word of life; that I may Phil 2:16
• the word of the truth of the gospel Col 1:5
• let the word of Christ dwell in you Col 3:16
• our gospel came not unto you in word only 1 Thes 1:5
• rightly dividing the word of truth 2 Tim 2:15
• preach the word 2 Tim 4:2
• Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, Tit 1:9
• receive with meekness the engrafted word James 1:21
• but be ye doers of the word and not James 1:22
• babes, desire the sincere milk of the word 1 Pet 2:2
• have handled, of the Word of life 1 John 1:1
• but whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is 1 John 2:5
• bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and 1 John 5:7
• and if any man shall take away from the word Rev 22:19
Word of God
The Bible because God communicated himself and his will to humanity through the writers of its books.
DTP The Word (Scripture) is to be the disciple's standard by which he lives. The Word is the way, truth
and life in all areas of life; we are called to be obedient to the Word and live out our lives according
to it. Christ has sent the Holy Spirit to help us fulfill His high calling which He has given us through His

• a while, that I may show thee the word of God 1 Sam 9:27
• every word of God is pure: he is a shield Prov 30:5
• making the word of God of none effect through Mark 7:13
• the word of God came to John ... in the wilderness Luke 3:2
• people pressed upon him to hear the word of God Luke 5:1
• the parable is this: the seed is the word of God Luke 8:11
• blessed are they that hear the word of God Luke 11:28
• and they spake the word of God with boldness Acts 4:31
• and the word of God increased; and the number of Acts 6:7
• the whole city together to hear the word of God Acts 13:44
• cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God Rom 10:17
• sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God Eph 6:17
• is sanctified by the word of God and prayer 1 Tim 4:5
• unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound 2 Tim 2:9
• for the word of God is quick and powerful Heb 4:12
• have tasted the good word of God, and the powers Heb 6:5
• by the word of God, which liveth and abideth 1 Pet 1:23
• the word of God abideth in you and ye have 1 John 2:14
• and his name is called The Word of God Rev 19:13
Word of the Lord
An expression that shows to us that God does and will speak to His people. We call upon His name and
He will hear and in His timing speak a word to our hearts.
• word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision Gen 15:1
• word of the LORD was precious in those days 1 Sam 3:1
• word of the LORD is right; and all his works Ps 33:4
• hear the word of the LORD, ye rulers of Sodom Isa 1:10
• they have rejected the word of the LORD Jer 8:9
• run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD Amos 8:12
• then remembered I the word of the Lord Acts 11:16
• which dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Acts 19:10
• the word of the Lord may have free course 2 Thes 3:1
• but the word of the Lord endureth for ever 1 Pet 1:25
work / works / worketh
Labour, occupation, trade, building, profession, career, employment, job, vocation, toil, activity being
done to achieve a purpose or result. DTP We are saved by God's grace; because of that great gift of
love, we want to serve Him and His church. We work not because we have to do so, but because we
chose to do so out of love for our Saviour and Lord.
• God ended his work which he had made Gen 2:2
• in it thou shalt not do any work Ex 20:10
• Six days thou shalt do thy work, Ex 23:12 (34:21)
• six days shall work be done, Ex 35:2 (Lev 23:3)
• every work that he began in the service 2 Chr 31:21
• every work that he began in the service 2 Chr 31:21
• And the men did the work faithfully: 2 Chr 34:12
• for the people had a mind to work Neh 4:6
• the work of thy fingers, the moon and Ps 8:3
• is right; and all his works are done in truth Ps 33:4
• many, O LORD my God, are thy wonderful works Ps 40:5
• renderest to every man according to his work Ps 62:12
• heavens are the work of thy hands Ps 102:25
• All thy works shall praise thee, O LORD; Ps 145:10
• commit thy work unto the LORD Prov 16:3
• for God shall bring every work into judgment Eccl 12:14
• they worship the work of their own hands, Isa 2:8

• work of righteousness shall be peace; Isa 32:17
• reward is with him ... his work before Isa 40:10 (62:11)
• our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand Isa 64:8
• I know their works and their thoughts Isa 66:18
• for I will work a work in your days, Hab 1:5 (Acts 13:41)
• be strong, … and work: for I am with you, Hag 2:4
• before men, that they may see your good works, Matt 5:16
• shall reward every man according to his work Matt 16:27
• go work to day in my vineyard Matt 21:28
• there are six days in which men ought to work Luke 13:14
• shall we do, that we might work the works of God? John 6:28
• I must work the works of him that John 9:4
• Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. John 14:10
• work that I do shall he do also; and greater works John 14:12
• Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, Rom 2:15
• we know that all things work Rom 8:28
• let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, Rom 13:12
• every man's work shall be made manifest 1 Cor 3:13
• but it is the same God which worketh all in all. 1 Cor 12:6
• always abounding in the work of the Lord 1 Cor 15:58
• Now the works of the flesh are manifest, Gal 5:19
• but let every man prove his own work and then Gal 6:4
• not of works, least any man should boast Eph 2:9
• we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus Eph 2:10
• according to the power that worketh in us Eph 3:20
• for the work of the ministry, for Eph 4:12
• fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, Eph 5:11
• he which hath begun a good work in you will Phil 1:6
• work out your own salvation with fear and Phil 2:12
• it is God which worketh in you both to will and to Phil 2:13
• being fruitful in every good work Col 1:10
• to esteem them … in love for their work’s sake. 1 Thes 5:13
• and establish you in every good word and work 2 Thes 2:17
• an holy calling, not according to our works, 2 Tim 1:9
• a workman that needeth not to be ashamed 2 Tim 2:15
• they know God; but in work they deny him Tit 1:16
• laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, Heb 6:1
• purge your conscience from dead works to Heb 9:14
• let patience have her perfect work, that ye James 1:4
• a man say he hath faith and have not work? James 2:14
• even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead James 2:17
• according to every man's work 1 Pet 1:17
• that he might destroy the work of the devil 1 John 3:8
• I know thy work Rev 2:2 (2:9, 13, 19; 3:1, 8, 15)
• unto every one of you ... according to your work Rev 2:23
• man according as his work shall be Rev 22:12
Universe, cosmos, globe, sphere; can mean all creation, heaven and earth or just the planet on which all
living things exist. The world is the home God created for man's life and work. Can also mean the
fallen human condition and the corrupt spiritual, social and political forces with which we contend.
• judge the world in righteousness Ps 9:8
• their words to the end of the world Ps 19:4 (Rom 10:18)
• and I will punish the world for their evil Isa 13:11
• ye are the light of the world Matt 5:14

• go ye into all the world and preach the gospel Mark 16:16
• he was in the world and the world was made by him John 1:10
• Lamb of God ... taketh away the sin of the world! John 1:29
• God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son John 3:16
• is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world John 4:42
• I am the light of the world John 8:12 (9:5)
• he that hateth his life in this world shall John 12:25
• whom the world cannot receive John 14:17
• that the world may know that I love the Father John 14:31
• the world may believe that thou hast sent me John 17:21
• the world itself could not contain the books John 21:25
• God that made the world and all things therein Acts 17:24
• as by one man sin entered into the world Rom 5:12
• and be not conformed to this world: but be ye Rom 12:2
• us from this present evil world Gal 1:4
• rulers of the darkness of this world Eph 6:12
• whom ye shine as lights in the world Phil 2:15
• came into the world to save sinners 1 Tim 1:15
• charge them that are rich in this world, 1 Tim 6:17
• Christ Jesus before the world began 2 Tim 1:9
• word of God and the power of the world to come Heb 6:5
• that the worlds were framed by the word of God Heb 11:3
• and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:27
• of the world is the enemy of God James 4:4
• if any man love the world, the love 1 John 2:15
• is born of God overcometh the world 1 John 5:4
To be anxious, troubled, fearful; the condition of focusing on the cares and troubles of this world; agony
of the heart. DTP When the disciple puts his trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, he need not be worried.
We are told not to be anxious but to have faith and trust that God is in control of all things.
• do not worry about your life Matt 6:25 NKJB
• therefore do not worry about tomorrow Matt 6:34 NKJB
• do not worry about how or what you should answer, Luke 12:11 NKJB
worship or praise
Respect, esteem, devotion, reverence, ascribing worth, worship is the humble and dependent attitude
of the heart towards God demonstrated in our redemptive words and actions towards all. Can be
accompanied by lifting up of hands or bowing down before our Lord. DTP The disciple's life should be
one of praise to God. We not only worship Him with our voices, but also with our attitudes and actions.
• man bowed down his head and worshipped the LORD Gen 24:26
• for thou shalt worship no other god Ex 34:14
• worship before the LORD thy God Deut 26:10
• his face to the earth and did worship Josh 5:14
• ye shall worship before this altar 2 Kin 18:22 (Isa 36:7)
• O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel Ps 95:6
• our God and worship at his footstool Ps 99:5
• unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD Zech 14:17
• thou shalt worship the LORD thy God and Matt 4:10
• ye worship ye know not what John 4:22
• that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth John 4:24
• I fell down to worship before the feet Rev 22:8
• worship God Rev 22:9

wound / wounds / wounded
To bruise or to hurt, to cause pain. An injury to living tissue. DTP Jesus was wounded when they whipped
him and then took him and placed his torn back against the cruel wooden cross. He went through this
for us because He loves us and wants us to have healing in our lives and victory over Satan.
• I kill ... I make alive; I wound, and I heal Deut 32:39
• but God shall wound the head of his enemies Ps 68:21
• the broken in heart and bindeth up their wounds Ps 147:3
• but he was wounded for our transgressions Isa 53:5
• And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine Luke 10:34
Extreme anger, fury, rage, indignation, resentment. Scripture refers to God's deep anger towards the
sinfulness and wickedness of humanity; anger, rage, fury, indignation, resentment. DTP Many think
that God is only a God of love, overlooking the fact that people can do things which prompt His wrath.
Continuous sinning by individuals or nations can elicit His wrath. What individuals or nations sow, they
will also reap.
• that his wrath was kindled Gen 39:19
• thy God to wrath in the wilderness Deut 9:7
• shall swallow them up in his wrath Ps 21:9
• a soft answer turneth away wrath Prov 15:1
• anger and in fury and in great wrath Jer 21:5
• I will pour out my wrath upon them like water Hos 5:10
• the land and wrath upon this people Luke 21:23
• wrath against the day of wrath Rom 2:5
• emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, Gal 5:20
• let not the sun go down upon your wrath Eph 4:26
• let all bitterness and wrath and Eph 4:31
• provoke not your children to wrath Eph 6:4
• For which things’ sake the wrath of God cometh Col 3:6
• God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain 1 Thes 5:9
• lifting up holy hands, without wrath 1 Tim 2:8
• swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath James 1:19
• throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb Rev 6:16
wrestle / wrestled
To fight or to subdue, to grapple with someone or something, to do battle with until one has the upper
hand. DTP The disciple is not so much in a fleshly battle, but is always in a spiritual battle. Satan wants
to kill and destroy us and He wants us not to do the will of God.
• Jacob ... alone and there wrestled a man with him Gen 32:24
• for we wrestle not against flesh and blood Eph 6:12
write / wrote / written
Marks, letters, symbols, or words on a surface (typically paper). To make a record, to record information
for others to read. The Old Testament books were written so that they could be read and studied
because they contain history and teaching about God and His people. The New Testament reveals to
us who Jesus Christ is, and how He has established the church to be His living Body here on earth.
• Moses wrote all the words of the LORD Ex 24:4
• wrote with the finger of God Ex 31:18
• LORD said unto Moses, write thou these words Ex 34:27
• and he wrote them upon two tables of stone Deut 4:13
• write them upon the posts of thy house Deut 6:9 (11:20)
• write ye this song for you and teach it Deut 31:19
• shall be written for generations to come Ps 102:18
• wrote them upon the table of thine heart Prov 3:3 (7:3)
• law ... written it in their hearts Jer 31:33 (Heb 8:10; 10:16)
• rejoice, because ... names are written in heaven Luke 10:20
• these are written, that ye might believe that John 20:31

• written not with ink, but with the Spirit of 2 Cor 3:3
• these things have I written unto you that believe 1 John 5:13
• not written in the book of life of the Lamb Rev 13:8
• write; for these words are true and faithful Rev 21:5
wrong / wronged / wrongeth
False, lying, incorrect, mistaken untrue, not right, unjust, immoral, dishonest. DTP All humans are
capable of doing wrong things against God and people. We need to walk a life of truth, trying not to
wrong or offend. Prayer is the key that will help us and keep us from making mistakes or doing wrong
to others.
• suffer no man to do them wrong 1 Chr 16:21 (Ps 105:14)
• that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul Prov 8:36
• do no wrong, do no violence to the stranger Jer 22:3
• receive us; we have wronged no man 2 Cor 7:2
• he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong Col 3:25
Anger or ire. DTP As disciples, we should aim for peace and be longsuffering in our reactions. We need
to watch our attitudes and control our anger.
• Cain was very wroth and his countenance fell Gen 4:5
• the LORD heard ... your words and was wroth Deut 1:34
• therefore the LORD heard this and was wroth Ps 78:21
• thou hast been wroth with thine anointed Ps 89:38
Labour, toil, work, fashioned, formed, created, or to produce.
• when he had wrought wonderfully among them 1 Sam 6:6
• today the LORD hath wrought salvation in Israel 1 Sam 11:13
• who hath wrought this great salvation in Israel? 1 Sam 14:45
• the LORD wrought a great victory that day 2 Sam 23:10
• thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee Ps 31:19
• who hath wrought and done it ... I the LORD, the first Isa 41:4
• but I wrought for my name's sake Ezek 20:9 (20:14, 22, 44)
• she hath wrought a good work upon me Mat 26:10 (Mark 14:6)
• wonders God had wrought among the Gentiles Acts 15:12
• God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul Acts 19:11
• the signs of an apostle were wrought among you 2 Cor 12:12
• which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him Eph 1:20
• faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness Heb 11:33
• to have wrought the will of the Gentiles 1 Pet 4:3

Yahweh or Jehovah
A form of the Hebrew name for God; the name came to be regarded as too sacred to be spoken; it
showed honour and respect for God. Often used in the Old Testament of the Bible.
• but by my name LORD (Yahweh or Jehovah) Ex 6:3
• whose name alone is the LORD (Yahweh or Jehovah) Ps 83:18
• for YAH, the LORD(Yahweh or Jehovah), is my strength and song Isa 12:2
year / years
The time taken by the earth to make one revolution around the sun; 365 and 1/4 days equals one year.
A year often has four seasons, depending on the latitude of the location.
• them be ... for seasons and for days and years Gen 1:14
• atonement... for all their sins a year Lev 16:34
• in the seventh year shall be a Sabbath of rest Lev 25:4
• shall wander in the wilderness forty years Num 14:33
• that the field bringeth forth year by year Deut 14:22
• the year of the right hand of the Most High Ps 77:10
• thousand years in thy sight are but yesterday Ps 90:4
• day of vengeance ... year of my redeemed is come Is 63:4
• observe days ... months and times and years Gal 4:10
• thousand years and a thousand years as one day 2 Pet 3:8
• lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years Rev 20:4
The Hebrew name for God. It has four consonants, but no vowels. The Jewish people believed they
should not speak out this name of God so they often used the name ADONAI which means "Lord";
later, Christians translated this name to "Jehovah", sometimes spelled as "Yahweh".
yield / yielded / yieldeth
To produce, to submit to, harvest, crop, produce, income, to receive a return. DTP The disciple is to be
like a fruitbearing tree yielding a harvest for the Lord. Our ministry is to plant the seed God has given
us, the purpose being a good "crop" for Jesus Christ.
• that it may yield unto you the increase Lev 19:25
• the land shall yield her increase and the trees Lev 26:4
• yield yourselves unto the LORD and enter 2 Chr 30:8
• then shall the earth yield her increase Ps 67:6
• but the root of righteousness yieldeth fruit Prov 12:12
• unto sin: but yield yourself unto God Rom 6:13
• to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey Rom 6:16
• yield your members servants to righteousness Rom 6:19
• yield the peaceable fruit of righteousness Heb 12:11
• tree of life... yielded her fruit every month Rev 22:2
yoke / yokes / yoked
A wooden crosspiece fastened over the necks of two animals (oxen, for example) and attached to a plow
or cart to do work for their owner; in Scripture, the word is also used as a spiritual symbol of
oppression or bondage of God's people to idols or nations. DTP The disciple of Christ is instructed to
enter into a "yoke" relationship with Christ Jesus. The two become one and pull together for God's
glory and service.
• break his yoke from off thy neck Gen 27:40
• I have broken the bands of your yoke Lev 26:13
• he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy Deut 28:48
• thy father made our yoke grievous 1 Kin 12:4 (2 Chr 10:4)
• hast broken the yoke of his burden Isa 9:4
• the yoke shall be destroyed because Isa 10:27
• go free and that ye break every yoke Isa 58:6
• I have broken the yoke of the king Jer 28:2

• yoke of wood; but thou shalt make... yoke of Iron Jer 28:13
• that I will break his yoke from off thy neck Jer 30:8
• yoke of my transgressions is bound by his Lam 1:14
• take my yoke upon you and learn of Matt 11:29
• for my yoke is easy and my burden is Matt 11:30
• put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples Acts 15:10
• be ye not unequally yoked together 2 Cor 6:14
• again with the yoke of bondage Gal 5:1
• let as many servants as are under the yoke 1 Tim 6:1
A close companion, mate. Yoked together with others in common service; Paul used this image to show
the kind of relationship that believers and disciples of Christ should have with each other, working
and serving together in the body of Christ.
• and I entreat thee also, true yokefellow Phil 4:3
Yom Kippur
This is the Hebrew Day of Atonement. This day is celebrated on the 10th day of the first month of the
year (Jewish calendar would line up somewhere around September to October). The people will spend
much time in prayer and fasting, of confession and repenting of sins. Historically, this would be the
one and only annual day that the High Priest would enter the Holy of Holies to offer an atoning
sacrifice on behalf of the people. (See Lev. chapter 16).
youth / young / younger / young men
The period between childhood and adult age. Formative years; a person who has reached puberty; the
age could be from 13 to 21; in the Bible it can mean being young at heart, full of energy and strength
or looking into the future with optimism.
• of man's heart is evil from his youth Gen 8:21
• for thou art but a youth and he a man 1 Sam 17:33
• I thy servant fear the LORD from my youth 1 Kin 18:12
• while he was yet young, he began to seek 2 Chr 34:3
• remember not the sins of my youth Ps 25:7
• I have been young and now am old, yet have Ps 37:25
• O God, thou hast taught me from my youth Ps 71:17
• so that thy youth is renewed like the Ps 103:5
• have they afflicted me from my youth Ps 129:1
• and rejoice with the wife of thy youth Prov 5:18
• remember ... thy Creator in the days of thy youth Eccl 12:1
• even the youth shall faint and be weary Isa 40:30
• thou art the guide of my youth Jer 3:4
• your young men shall see visions Joel 2:28 (Acts 2:17)
• these have I observed from my youth Matt 10:20
• greatest among you, let him be as the young Luke 22:26
• My manner of life from my youth Acts 26:4
• let no man despise thy youth 1 Tim 2:22
• let no man despise thy youth, but be thou 1 Tim 4:12
• ye young, submit yourselves unto the elder 1 Pet 5:5

zeal / zealous
Great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective. Passionate interest; deep devotion,
eager desire. DTP For the disciple, it means to have a deep focus on, and love for, our Lord and God;
we pour all we can into prayer, study and service; we do not hold back but give our all, without
• with me and see my zeal for the LORD 2 Kin 10:16
• the zeal of the LORD ... shall do this 2 Kin 19:31 (Isa 37:32)
• because he was zealous for his God Num 25:13
• for the zeal of thine house hath Ps 69:9
• my zeal hath consumed me, because Ps 119:139
• the zeal of the LORD of host will Isa 9:7
• the zeal of the LORD of host shall do this.
• thy glory: where is thy zeal and thy strength Isa 63:15
• was zealous toward God, as ye all are Acts 22:3
• record that they have a zeal of God Rom 10:2
• as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts 1 Cor 14:12
• your zeal hath provoked very many 2 Cor 9:2
• being more exceedingly zealous of the Gal 1:14
• concerning zeal, persecuting the Phil 3:6
• that he hath a great zeal for you Col 4:13
• peculiar people, zealous of good works Tit 2:14
A person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals.
Example: People who belonged to a nationalist Jewish party who believed in armed resistance against
• of Alphaeus, and Simon called Zealot Luke 6:15
• the son of Alphaeus and Simon Zealot Acts 1:13
ZECHARIAH, book of
This book was written around 520 BC; Zechariah was a contemporary of Haggai; his teaching and
prophecy was used to motivate the people to complete the temple building after the return from
captivity; the main theme of the book was, "return unto Me and I will return unto you".
ZEPHANIAH, book of
A book of prophecy that was written during the reign of Josiah around 621 BC; the purpose of the book
was to warn Israel of the coming disaster that lay ahead for the nation.
Zion / Si’on
Hill or mountain of Jerusalem, another name for the city of Jerusalem [Zium]. Can mean heaven as the
final abode of believers in Jesus. Some Jewish people regard Zion (Israel) as the national home of the
Jewish people.
• David took the strong hold of Zion 2 Sam 5:7
• my king upon my holy hill of Zion Ps 2:6
• praise the LORD, which dwelleth in Zion Ps 9:11
• salvation of Israel ... come out of Zion Ps 14:7 (53:6)
• joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion Ps 48:2
• God will save Zion and will build the cities Ps 69:35
• the LORD shall build up Zion, he shall appear Ps 102:16
• the LORD hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it Ps 132:13
• Zion shall be redeemed with judgment Isa 1:27
• for out of Zion shall go forth the Isa 2:3
• the LORD of hosts shall reign in mount Zion Isa 24:23
• behold, I lay in Zion Isa 28:16 (Rom 9:33; 1 Pet 2:6)
• O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee Isa 40:9
• and I will place salvation in Zion for Israel Isa 46:13

• awake, awake, put on thy strength, O Zion Isa 52:1
• and the Redeemer shall come to Zion Isa 59:20
• The city of the LORD, The Zion of the Holy One Isa 60:14
• arise ye ... let us go up to Zion unto the LORD Jer 31:6
• said, the LORD will roar from Zion Amos 1:2
• But upon Mount Zion shall be Obad 1:17
• therefore shall Zion for your sake Mic 3:12
• tell the daughter of Zion Matt 21:5
• fear not, daughter of Zion John 12:15
• behold, I lay in Zion a Stumbling stone and rock Rom 9:33
• there shall come out of Zion (Sion)the Deliverer Rom 11:26
• but you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, Heb 12:22
• behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious 1 Pet 2:6
• behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion Rev 14:1

1. Scripture Devotional Reading
The Cross of Christ
Definition: cross

A frame made of wood often used for the slaying of sacrificial animals; an upright pole with a transverse bar used by the Romans to
execute persons deemed to be criminals.

Scripture Reading:

Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For
whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” / Then Jesus looking at him, loved him,
and said to him, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven;
and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.” / And when they had come to the place called Calvary, there they crucified Him, and
the criminals, one on the right hand and the other on the left. Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they
do.” And they divided His garments and cast lots. And the people stood looking on. But even the rulers with them sneered, saying.
“He saved others: let Him save Himself if He is the Christ, the chosen of God.” / “You who destroy the temple and build it in three
days, save Yourself! If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross.” / As many as desire to make a good showing in the flesh,
these would compel you to be circumcised, only that they may not suffer persecution for the cross of Christ. / For it pleased the
Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or
things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross. / For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are
perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. / Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of
witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set
before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising
the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Matt 16:24-25; Mark 10:21; Luke 23:33-35; Matt 27:40; Gal 6:12; Col 1:19-20;
1 Cor 1:18; Heb 12:1-2

Discipleship Directive:

In the times of Christ, the Romans used a cross as a method of execution of persons who were tried and deemed to be criminals worthy of death.
Christ was hung on the cross to pay the penalty of our sins. One perfect human had to die so that, through Him others could have eternal life.

Dedication Prayer:

Lord Jesus, I pray today that as look at the work that you did for me on the cross, that it would become a bridge to a deeper relationship with you,
that I would seek your face and do your will and that I would lay all my sins and cares of this world at the foot of your cross.

2. Devotional Outline
Cross / Topical Sermon / Special Occasion

Title: The Cross of Calvary

Scripture: Luke 23:33‐38
Key words: Cross –an instrument of death during the Romans time, made of wood in the shape of a “t”, on which
convicted criminals were nailed, to die a lingering and painful death.
Crossroad – a junction were two roads cross over each other, a decision point where one has to
determine which way to go.

Approach / Introduction:

Palm Sunday marked Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem, leading Him to the cross just a few days later.
The cross would become the crossroads for all history and for all people. It also marked the fulfillment/completion of
the Old Testament and the creating of the New Testament way of life as a disciple of Christ.

Key Scripture for reading: Luke 23:33‐38

Big Idea: Today we will look at 6 truths concerning the importance of Christ's work that He accomplished on the
cross of Calvary for us as His disciples.

Body /Outline:
I The cross of Christ Luke 23:33‐38
II Take up the cross Matt 16:24
III Follow me with the cross Mark 10:21
IV Persecution for the cross Gal 6:12
V Peace through the cross Col 1:20
VI Power of the cross I Cor 1:18

Conclusion: The disciple needs to make a decision to take up the cross of Christ, denying himself, and following
Christ and His teachings.

The cross can never lose its power.

3. Disciples Gospel Creed:
1. I do believe and confess in the Living Word of God who, in the beginning was and is God, who created all things and
without Him nothing was created, and as the Word He became flesh and dwelt amongst us, the only begotten of the
Father who is full of grace and truth
2. I do believe and confess in the virgin birth of the second person of the Triune God Head, God's Son, Jesus Christ through
the woman Mary and that she was imbued from on high by the power of the Holy Spirit and conceived and gave birth to a
Son whose name is "Emanuel, God with us".
3. I do believe and confess in the life of Christ who lived and taught here on earth proclaiming the Father and the Kingdom
of God, exemplifying to all that He was the only way, truth and life, and that one should take up the cross and follow Him.
4. I do believe and confess in the physical death of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, where He bore my sins and opened to
people a way into the Holy of Holies where we could stand before the Father, clothed in Christ's grace and righteousness,
proclaiming that we have died to ourselves and now live our all, as disciples, for Jesus.
5. I do believe and confess in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ that after being dead for three days He rose victorious
from the grave, becoming the firstborn among many, putting to death the old man and making way for a new man,
clothed and filled with His power and truth.
6. I do believe and confess in the ascension of Jesus Christ, that from the time of the resurrection, to the day He was taken
up into the clouds, being seen by many, is now in paradise, preparing a place for the disciples, interceding before the
Father on our behalf.
7. I do believe and confess in the Holy Spirit who, as one of three Persons of the triune God, is sent by the Father to
regenerate, baptize into Christ’s Body (the Church) and fill believers (His disciples) with power, anointing them with the
fruit of the Spirit, gifting them with gifts so that they can serve the body of Christ Jesus throughout the world.
8. I do believe and confess in the one church of Jesus Christ, which He birthed on the Day of Pentecost through the Holy
Spirit, Jesus being the head, making her a living organism, with the purpose of proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ on
earth and giving to her His presence of love, making her a place of refuge, encouragement and nurturing, a place from
which the teaching of Christ would go out, a place for all who would receive Him as their Lord and Saviour to have
9. I do believe and confess in the second coming of Jesus Christ, that He will soon come again with His army as Lord and
King, defeating all enemies and binding Satan and putting to death the curse of sin and disobedience once and for all,
resulting in a new kingdom and new earth and heaven.
10. I do believe and confess in the literal place called heaven, where all will be judged, a place where the Lamb's Book of Life
is kept, a place where one day, as a disciple, I will go, a place of no more sickness or death, a place where I will become a
new creation with a new name, a place where we will come face to face with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ the Lamb
of God, Redeemer for all who have believe in Him, and that we will gather together with Him at the Marriage Supper of
the Lamb, worshipping and adoring our King Jesus for all eternity.

I now and forever confess my total allegiance to My LORD and King Jesus Christ both now and for all eternity. Amen.

Name: ________________________

Date: _________________________

Signature: _____________________

4. Road Map for Eternal Life

1. God is calling you! Romans 1:6-7

Among whom you also are the called of Jesus Christ; 7 to all who are beloved of God in Rome, called as saints: Grace to you and
peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. God has made a way for us. Romans 1:16

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to
the Greek.

3. No man is sinless. Romans 3:10


4. All Men and Women are sinners. Romans 3:23-24

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in
Christ Jesus;

5. Root problem to everything is sinfulness. Romans 5:12

Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all

6. God desires to give to us eternal life. Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

7. Eternal life comes only through Jesus Christ. Romans 5:8

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

8. Confess our sin, believe in our hearts and commit to Christ. Romans 10:9-10, 13
That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be
saved; 10for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. …
13 for “Whoever will call on the name of the LORD will be saved.”

9. Living a transformed life. Romans 12:1-2

Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is
your spiritual service of worship. 2And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so
that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

10. New life can start today. Romans 13:11-12

Do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we
believed. 12The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of

11. Living for God with all our hearts. Romans 14:8, 12
For if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s. … so then
each one of us give an account of himself to God.

12. God fills us through the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy

Time to take the first step: Eternity Prayer

Dear Jesus,
I confess that I am a sinner, having gone my own way and that I need you as my Lord and Saviour. I believe that you paid the price
for my sins when you died on the cross and shed your blood for me, so that I might have eternal life. I am ready and willing to turn
from my sin and return to you. I now invite you into my heart and surrender the control and direction of my entire life to you. Help
me to be a true disciple in you and to serve others. Thank you for taking my punishment and providing for me a way of escape from
eternal death to an everlasting life, and for coming into my heart so that I can now have a close personal relationship with you.

Welcome home to eternity with Christ Jesus.

5. Prayer of Commitment
Dear Jesus,
I confess that I am a sinner having gone my own way and that I need You as my Lord and Savior. I believe that You paid the price for
my sins when You died on the cross and shed Your blood for me, so that I might have eternal life. I am ready, willing to turn from my
sin and return to You. I now invite You into my heart and surrender the control and direction of my life entirely to You. Help me to be
a true disciple of yours and serve others. Thank you for taking my punishment and providing for me a way of escape from eternal
death to everlasting life. Thank you for coming into my heart so that I can now have a close, personal relationship with You.

Relationship Commitment Certificate

My Confession:
I have confessed my sinfulness to God, turned from my sin and believe that Christ has forgiven me.

My Acceptance:
I now receive the living Christ into my life as Lord and Savior.

My Commitment:
I surrender the right of my life to Jesus Christ. Jesus is my Lord.

Date of surrender to Christ: ______________________

Signature: ____________________

Witnessed by: ______________________

6. Discipleship Lifestyle

What follows are some helpful hints to strengthen the new relationship that you now have with Christ Jesus as His Disciples.

Scripture: Reading and studying the Word of God daily.

2 Timothy 3:14 – 17

Prayer: For Christ’s will and wisdom for others.

Philippians 4:6 – 7

Testify: Share your faith in Christ and tell others of God’s love. Water baptism is one of the first ways to do
this. 1 Peter 3:15 – 16

Fellowship: Go out and get involved with other believers – in worship, communion and giving – which will
strengthen your personal relationship with God.
Hebrews 10:24 – 25

Walk: Let the Holy Spirit direct and guide your life each day. Allow the Holy Spirit to fill you and empower you for service.
John 14:26, Acts 2:38

Fruit: Grow each day while walking on a journey of maturity so that you may bear fruit that will last.
John 15:11

Seed Planting: Fulfill the call of the great commission by going, planting and reaping for God’s glory. The seed is
the Good News of the Gospel of Christ. Go, tell and give to others what you have freely received.
Matthew 28:19 –20, Mark 16:15 – 18

A Grammar of the Kachin Language, Rev. Ola Hanson, American Baptist Mission Press, F. D. Phinney, Supt., Rangoon, 1896

Burmese Bible, Rev A. Judson DD, united Bible Societies, Yangon, Myanmar, 1993

Cambridge Advance Learner’s Dictionary, Four Edition, Colin McIntosh, Cambridge University Press, 2013

Compact Dictionary of Doctrinal words, Terry L. Miethe, Bethany House Publishers, 1988

Concordance of the Holy Bible, King James, American Bible Society, New York, 1960

English – Kachin – Myanmar Pocket Dictionary, compiled by Manam Hpang, 2000

English – Kachin – Myanmar Pocket Dictionary, compiled by Manam Hpang, 2012

Introducing Christian Doctrine, Millard J. Erickson, Baker Book House, 1992

Kachin Bible, Ola Hanson, Kachin Bible, United Bible Society, 1993

Kachin English Dictionary, Ola Hanson, Baptist Board of Publications, Rangoon, Myanmar, 1954

King James Bible, © A. J. Holman Company 1947, 1960, Printed in the USA.

Myanmar – English Dictionary, Department of the Myanmar Language Commission, Ministry of Education, Union of Myanmar,

New American Standard Bible, The Lockman Foundation, Zondervan, 2002

New King James Bible, Thomas Nelson Inc. Nelson Bibles, 1982

Oxford English Dictionary (Eleventh Edition), Catherine Soanes and Angu Stevenson, Oxford University Press, 2013

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, James Strong, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1990

The Complete Christian Dictionary for Home and School, Morris G. Watkins and Lois I. Watkins, International Bible Society, 1997

The Moody Handbook of Theology, Paul Enns, Moody Publishers, 2008

The New Combined Bible Dictionary and Concordance, Charles F. Pfeiffer, Christian Literature Crusade 1961

Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms, Donald K. McKim, Translated into Burmese by Salai Siangawr Vanhnin, Association
for Theological Education in Myanmar (ATEM) 601, Pyay Road, Kamaryut Township, Yangon, Myanmar

Zondervan Dictionary of the Bible and Theology Words, Matthew S. DeMoss and J. Edward Miller, Zondervan, 2002

Project L.A.M.B.S. International
Making disciples is the call and mandate of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus urged the disciples to follow
Him. He laid down before us the teaching and the walk that we need to follow with Jesus as our supreme
example. It is imperative for every believer and the church to know that disciples are not born but they are
made. For the church to be strong in the last days, we must be about the business of equipping the saints
(disciples) for the work of service.

Dr. James Humphries has been ministering for over 40 years, and has experience in a variety of
ministries including church planting, children’s ministry, street ministry, youth ministry, camp ministry,
pastoral work and directing and teaching in schools all over the world. In addition, he has taken part in
traveling and ministering in the USA, Mexico, Ukraine, Myanmar, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Thailand and across
most of Canada. He completed his B.R.E. and his M.A. from Briercrest, and his Doctorate of Ministry from
Providence Theological Seminary in the spring of 1999.

In January 1996, Dr. James Humphries resigned as pastor of a local church with a vision to reach
further abroad with the Word of God and to use it to train labourers for Christ (Matthew 9:36-38). He shared
this with Dr. David Smith and Dr. Chuck Nichols of Providence Theological Seminary and they greatly
encouraged Dr. James Humphries and his wife Irene to develop what God was laying on their hearts.

In March 1997, they traveled to Jamaica where they met several pastors who were very concerned
about the need for training and disciplining their young people as leaders in their churches. Dr. James
Humphries and Irene did not know this would be the starting point to an international ministry of discipleship
training around the world known as Project L.A.M.B.S. International.

To date, Project L.A.M.B.S. has ministered in Canada, Myanmar, Ukraine, Africa, Jamaica, Mexico,
Israel, Thailand, Japan, Dominican Republic, Naga Land and China. We offer over 30 different courses. Our
graduates number over 1000, and are serving worldwide. Out of this group of graduates, we have equipped
and trained directors, teachers and pastors who in turn are carrying out II Timothy 2:1-2 to an even larger
group of people.

In 2002 it was discovered that Irene had cancer again. God gave Irene another three years and
because of that she was still able to travel and teach in many different countries. Shortly after what was to
be her last trip, Irene was hospitalized in February, 2005. A few weeks later she went home to be with her
Lord and Saviour on March 9.

My second wife Hkaw Win was raised and trained mostly in the land of Myanmar. She has earned
B.th, University Degree and a Master of Divinity Degree in Myanmar. In April 2007 she finished a second
Master’s Degree at Providence Theological Seminary in Christian Education. After July 1st, 2007 she headed
back to Myanmar to head up the Christian Education Department for the Myitkyina Kachin Baptist Association
and oversaw various ministries to 62 churches. After her four-year term was completed, she has been
traveling and working as an interpreter and doing translations concerning various kinds of discipleship books
and materials.

Over the last ten years we have lived in the countries of Myanmar and Thailand preparing a variety
of resources in the Burmese (Myanmar) and Kachin Languages. To date we have published over 20 different
kinds of books. Our goal is to equip and establish people as Disciples of Christ. Please pray for God’s leading
and wisdom. Our walk with Christ has taken us down many challenging pathways but we have seen the
faithfulness of our Lord and Savior in every area. His grace has been sufficient.

Founder and Director,

Dr. James and Hkaw Win Humphries


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