Saxion HRM Brochure

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International Human

Resource Management
Study route within the Human Resource Management degree

4-year Bachelor programme | Enschede

Short degree programme HRM | Enschede
Design innovative solutions to people-
and workrelated challenges The key to success in
any organization lies with its people. In International Human Resource Management

(IHRM) you not only learn how to turn that key, but you also develop the skills needed

to become a business-savvy and internationally oriented HRM professional.

International Human Resource Management (IHRM) • Human Resources and Business

In HR you need to be the bridge between people
is a unique programme. IHRM forms an excellent
and business. Therefore we offer courses in inter-
basis for a career in an international Human Resource national business, leadership, economics, strategy,
business environment in your home country or far organizational design and culture.
• HR and Technology
abroad. It furthermore equips you with knowledge New technologies are influencing the way we work.
and skills to continue your education with a Master’s In the programme we will show you how to use
programme at a Dutch or foreign university. social media and develop new and innovative tools
for job market communication.
• Practical component
You may develop a new training system, advice on

general how to handle differences in culture or how to

adapt the reward system.
• Study counseling
The programme The study counselor helps you to find your way in
Saxion University of Applied Sciences offers an Saxion and will also help you to make your study
internationally acknowledged four-year Bachelor into a success.
The first year: in-depth knowledge
The IHRM programme is structured around the During the first year of International Human Resource
following themes: Management you will get in-depth knowledge of the
• People Development relationship between human behavior, work and
If you want people to reach their full potential, organizations. You will study business economics,
you need to understand what makes them organizations and work design and human talent
tick. That is why we put an emphasis on under- development.
standing human psychology throughout many
of the courses. The second year
• Personal Development The emphasis during the second year of IHRM lies on
You need practical skills to navigate the com- understanding human resource management in relation
plexities of the business world. For that reason to business disciplines and principles. You will also
many of the courses are about enabling you to further develop your research and basic communication
become a great communicator and credible skills.
Why study IHRM in The Netherlands?
• You will meet students from other countries with different
cultural backgrounds.
• Unique programme: IHRM is the only fulltime International ‘When you have
Bachelor programme in HRM in the Netherlands.
• Close-knit community: you are part of a community, graduated you hold a
co-creating innovative solutions to problems in the field
of psychology and management. You will be working in
small groups on real life cases, with very involved and
Bachelor of Arts degree.’
approachable teachers to help you.
• The IHRM programme is well appreciated by employers.
Our current students do internships at internationally organizations face and develop innovative and practical
renowed organizations, such as Siemens, BMW, Daimler- solutions. In the second half of the third year you will do
Chrysler, KLM and Greenpeace. a compulsory minor in human resource development.
• After graduation you are ready for an international career
The fourth year: internship and thesis
as junior HR advisor or as a specialist in a HR Department
During the fourth and final year of your studies you will
of an international organization.
do your internship and write your bachelor thesis with-
• Your bachelor Degree also gives you the opportunity to in an international organization. Most students spend a
continue your education at a university of your choice and full year abroad.
obtain a Master’s Degree.
When you have graduated you hold a Bachelor of Arts
degree. With this degree you are well prepared for a
The third year position in an international organization. You offer the
Practice your skills business world a thorough understanding of business-
After gaining in-depth knowledge about IHRM during oriented HR and an adequate translation of the inter-
your first two years, you will apply what you have national strategy into relevant and modern HR policies.
learned and practice your skills in so called labs. With You will be a well-trained professional with in-depth
other students you will analyze real HR problems that knowledge of change processes and a broad set of
Curriculum bachelor International Human Resource Management

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Quarter 1 to 4

Human Behaviour Human Resource at Human Resource Organize Human Building towards
Theme work at work in Resource at work in knowledge in the
Organizations Organizations field of:

Introduction to Organizational Organization Organization Strategy and

Psychology Behaviour 1: Theory 1.1: Theory 1.2: Organization
Organizational Organizations and Job Evaluation and Development
Psychology Work Design Reward Systems

Learning at Saxion Introduction to International HRM 1: Introduction to Hu- International HRM

(Written People and Labour Introduction man Talent
Communication) Development

International Business Economics International and Operations Business

Year 1 Business & Ethics Comparative Labour Management 1: Orientation
Law 1 Project Management

Basic Basic Basic Research Skills 1 Professional Skills

Communication Communication Communication
Skills 1.1 Skills 1.2 Skills 1.3

Intercultural Professional Groupdynamics 1

Communication 1 Communication
Skills 1

ECTS 15 15 15 15 60

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Quarter 1 to 4

Understand the Build the Manage the Experience the Building towards
Theme (HRM)Business (HRM)Business (HRM)Business (HRM)Business knowledge in the
(Practical) field of:

Organization Organizational Organization Practical Quarter/ Strategy and

Theory 2.1: Behaviour 2: Theory 2.2: Recruitment Organization
Strategic Organizational Managerial Development
Management and Communication and Processes and
Organizational Culture Decision Making

International International International Practical Quarter/ International HRM

HRM 2.1: HRM 2.2: HRM 2.3: Training &
Year 2 Operational Performance Tactical Development:
Management Onboarding

Operations Operations International and Practical Quarter/ Business

Management 2.1: Management 2.2: Comparative Labour Business Game Orientation
Financial Business Plan Law 2

Intercultural Groupdynamics 2 Research Skills 2 Practical Quarter/ Professional Skills

Communication 2 Pre-Thesis (R)

ECTS 15 15 15 15 60
‘A coach will help you find
your way in the Netherlands
and in our school.’

intercultural communication skills. You demonstrate

a professional approach to working with diverse
groups of people in an international environment.

Soft skills
Simply attending class and acquiring knowledge is
not enough. When you become an international HR
specialist you are expected to know how to share
knowledge with others and use this knowledge in
the business world. In this international setting a
lot of attention is given to the personal develop-
ment of the students. Part of the programme
are intercultural team building and project based
working. Moreover, you will learn a variety of com-
munication skills such as professional conversation-, Practically oriented
presentation- and leadership skills. Saxion works with competence oriented and problem
guided teaching. This means that in your studies theory
Coaching and practical experience are merged together, whenever
During your studies, you don’t have to do it all by possible. Practical cases follow the theory. Therefore it is
yourself. A coach will help you find your way in the possible that you have to put yourself in the position of
Netherlands and in our school. He or she will also an HR assistant in the first year and several months later
supervise you in making sure you are successful in in the position of an HR advisor in a large international
your studies and will take a look at your future ca- company or an HR organizational specialist for a multi-
reer prospects with you. During project work and national. You may also explore the differences between
when writing your graduation thesis you are HR instruments in various countries and develop a new
coached on both the content and the process. training system.

‘To work in an International Business environment has always been my greatest ambition. Since
the first day I stepped into Saxion, the connected, enthusiastic, warm team at Saxion left me with
nothing but relief, motivation and determination to move through this study. IHRM is a study
in which you are surrounded by teachers and enthusiastic students whom inject exciting new
knowledge into you every day. What is so remarkable about studying IHRM, is the practical, direct
experience you get from working with people from different cultures. My advice: just apply and
begin this journey of becoming an International Human Resources Manager with Saxion!’

Darcie Hudson Alumnus IHRM

International character
The IHRM programme is taught in an intercultural
classroom with students from different countries and
nationalities. The courses and materials are specifically
developed for this programme. Internationally renowed
literature is used, as well as pratical case materials
concerning internationally oriented organizations.
Students are required to do their internship and thesis
project in the HRM department of an international

Entry requirements
The general Saxion entry requirements and the specific
entry requirement for this programme, can be found at Saxion partners

Short Degree Programme IHRM

The Short Degree Programme (SDP) IHRM is open to
students with a previous HRM education of a minimum
of 3 years. The SDP-programme offers the opportunity
to receive an internationally acknowledge Bachelor of
Arts Degree in two years.

Saxion and business professional field and how you can apply
Saxion has been working closely technology to perform your work even better,
together with companies, such as so no matter which programme you choose,
large multinationals, local medium- you will be prepared for a world that is getting
sized companies, governmental smarter.
institutions and NGO’s. No one can Studying at Saxion also means growing as a
better tell you what is expected from person. Who are you as a person? Where do your
you as a graduate, than your future talents lie and what do you want to excel at?
employer. Therefore, these businesses We will help you develop a moral compass, build
provide us with input for relevant and your self-confidence and broaden your horizon.
up-to-date education and modern and
realistic cases. Moreover, our teaching More information
staff consists of a lot of people with a Would you like to get more information about
broad practical experience. the International Human Resource Management
programme? Then go to or contact Apeldoorn

Get Ready for a Smart World Judith van Felius: [email protected] Deventer

Technological innovations have an
impact not only on your social life but Saxion Enschede
on your future professional life, too. P.O. Box 70.000
At Saxion University of Applied The Netherlands
Sciences, we teach you how these Telephone International office: +31 88-0193789
innovations impact your future [email protected]

Subject to alteration. No rights can be derived from this publication. © Saxion

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