Technology Adoption by Agricultural
Technology Adoption by Agricultural
Technology Adoption by Agricultural
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Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes
Elias G. Carayannis
Evangelos Grigoroudis
Stelios Rozakis Editors
Agriscience to
Theories, Policies and Practices
in Technology Transfer and
Innovation, Technology, and Knowledge
Series editor:
Elias G. Carayannis
George Washington University
Washington, DC, USA
More information about this series at
Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes • Elias G. Carayannis
Evangelos Grigoroudis • Stelios Rozakis
From Agriscience to
Theories, Policies and Practices in
Technology Transfer and Commercialization
Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes Elias G. Carayannis
Department of Agricultural and Applied Department of Information Systems and
Economics Technology Management
University of Missouri GWU School of Business
Columbia, MO, USA Washington, DC, USA
The Springer book series Innovation, Technology, and Knowledge Management was
launched in March 2008 as a forum and intellectual, scholarly “podium” for global/
local, transdisciplinary, transsectoral, public–private, and leading/“bleeding”-edge
ideas, theories, and perspectives on these topics.
The book series is accompanied by the Springer Journal of the Knowledge
Economy, which was launched in 2009 with the same editorial leadership.
The series showcases provocative views that diverge from the current “conven-
tional wisdom,” that are properly grounded in theory and practice, and that consider
the concepts of robust competitiveness,1 sustainable entrepreneurship,2 and demo-
cratic capitalism3 central to its philosophy and objectives. More specifically, the
aim of this series is to highlight emerging research and practice at the dynamic
intersection of these fields, where individuals, organizations, industries, regions,
and nations are harnessing creativity and invention to achieve and sustain growth.
We define sustainable entrepreneurship as the creation of viable, profitable, and scalable firms.
Such firms engender the formation of self-replicating and mutually enhancing innovation networks
and knowledge clusters (innovation ecosystems), leading toward robust competitiveness
(E.G. Carayannis, International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development 1(3), 235–254,
We understand robust competitiveness to be a state of economic being and becoming that avails
systematic and defensible “unfair advantages” to the entities that are part of the economy. Such
competitiveness is built on mutually complementary and reinforcing low-, medium-, and hightech-
nology and public and private sector entities (government agencies, private firms, universities, and
nongovernmental organizations) (E.G. Carayannis, International Journal of Innovation and
Regional Development 1(3), 235–254. 2009).
The concepts of robust competitiveness and sustainable entrepreneurship are pillars of a regime
that we call democratic capitalism (as opposed to “popular or casino capitalism”), in which real
opportunities for education and economic prosperity are available to all, especially—but not
only—younger people. These are the direct derivative of a collection of top-down policies as well
as bottom-up initiatives (including strong research and development policies and funding, but
going beyond these to include the development of innovation networks and knowledge clusters
across regions and sectors) (E.G. Carayannis and A. Kaloudis, Japan Economic Currents, pp. 6–10,
January 2009).
vi Series Foreword
Books that are part of the series explore the impact of innovation at the “macro”
(economies, markets), “meso” (industries, firms), and “micro” levels (teams, indi-
viduals), drawing from such related disciplines as finance, organizational psychol-
ogy, research and development, science policy, information systems, and strategy,
with the underlying theme that for innovation to be useful, it must involve the shar-
ing and application of knowledge.
Some of the key anchoring concepts of the series are outlined in the figure below
and the definitions that follow (all definitions are from E.G. Carayannis and
D.F.J. Campbell, International Journal of Technology Management, 46, 3–4, 2009).
Systemic Mode 3 Quadruple Democracy Democratic
macro level helix of capitalism
Structural and
organizational Knowledge Innovation Entrepreneurial Academic
meso level clusters networks university firm Global/local
x Contents
Part III Technology Transfer from the Public to the Private Sector
ransfer and Licensing of University Research and Technology
in Canadian Agriculture.................................................................................. 239
Stuart J. Smyth
echnology Transfer in Agriculture: The Case of
Wageningen University.................................................................................... 257
Sebastian Hoenen, Christos Kolympiris, Emiel Wubben,
and Onno Omta
he Evaluation Process of Research Commercialization Proposals
and its Links to University Technology Transfer (TT) Strategy:
A Case Study.................................................................................................... 277
Odysseas Cartalos, Alexander N. Svoronos, and Elias G. Carayannis
The Technology Cycle and Technology Transfer Strategies......................... 317
Kenneth A. Zahringer, Christos Kolympiris,
and Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes
Technology plays a pivotal role as a vehicle for change in many disciplines. While
development economists advocate for technology transfer from developed to devel-
oping economies to achieve economic growth (Feder et al. 1985), agriculture and
food economists are interested in how emerging technologies could improve food
production and enhance food safety and authenticity. On the other hand, natural and
environmental economists are concerned with how new technologies could be
employed for efficient resource and environmental management (Tietenberg 2000),
while firms and industries advocate for technologies that will reduce production
costs and enhance overall efficiency, effectiveness, and individual and collective
In past decades, considerable progress has been made in technological innovation
globally. Development of a new technology occurs at a particular point in time, while
This work was undertaken as part of the research in two Genome Canada projects administered by
Genome Prairie: Application of Genomics to Innovation in the Lentil Economy (AGILE) and
Reverse Vaccinology Approach for the Prevention of Mycobacterial Disease in Cattle (MyVAMP).
A.I. Ugochukwu • P.W.B. Phillips (*)
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]
the awareness and use of the technology takes place over a long period of time. The
impact or intended purpose (e.g. productivity growth) of a new technology can only be
felt after adoption and use by the target end users (e.g. individuals, firms, industries).
However, the magnitude of the impact is determined by the rate of adoption, following
the diffusion and learning about the technology or innovation over time. Several stud-
ies using different models of technology diffusion and adoption in different fields,
including agriculture, information technology, and medicine, among others, have
investigated factors influencing the acceptance and/or rejection of new technologies.
Of these studies and models, Everett Rogers’ model of diffusion of innovations is the
most widely used to date. Rogers’ model became more popular and widely applied as
he used the concept of innovation, which he described not only as technology but any
idea, object, or practice that is absolutely new, thereby bringing commonality and
encompassing diverse fields. However, the newness of an innovation depends on the
time it gets to a particular place or population. For example, a new plant cultivar already
in use in North America may be new in Africa some years after its development.
Adoption of a new technology follows diffusion, which Rogers (1983, p.5)
described as the “process by which an innovation is communicated through certain
channels over time among the members of the social system”. This also involves
individual valuation of the undetermined benefits of the innovation relative to the
costs (Hall and Khan 2002). Rogers (2003, p.172) describes the adoption decision
process as “an information-seeking and information-processing activity, where an
individual is motivated to reduce uncertainty about the advantages and disadvan-
tages of an innovation”. Upon introduction of a new technology, it can either be
adopted if found to be beneficial and profitable relative to existing alternatives or
rejected if found unprofitable (Dinar and Yaron 1992).
A growing number of studies that cut across many disciplines have identified
several factors, including personal, cultural, social, and economic attributes, as well
as characteristics of the technology, which influence technology adoption (Pannell
et al. 2006). For example, while Sunding and Zilberman (2001) emphasize personal
characteristics such as human capital, age, or risk preferences of potential adopters,
Miller and Tolley (1989) found that market intervention by regulators, through a
price support programme for example, could enhance the adoption of new technolo-
gies. In the social science literature, several adoption studies focus on the influence
of social norms, values, and beliefs on technology adoption. In the area of agricul-
tural production, for example, scale of operation, education, specialization, social
networks, peer group influence, extension services, complexity, and the cost of
acquiring the technology, among others, have been found to affect technology adop-
tion (Batz et al. 1999; El-Osta and Morehart 2002; Garforth et al. 2003; Saurer and
Zilberman 2010; Millar 2010).
One important consideration in technology adoption, which previous studies
have not explored in modelling adoption decision processes, is the issue of transac-
tion costs. Standard economic theories are based on the assumption of perfect infor-
mation, which is essential for efficiency in resource allocation, making informed
choices, full employment of resources, and uniform commodity prices. Looking at
this presumption from the lens of technology adoption, perfect information may not
Technology Adoption by Agricultural Producers: A Review of the Literature 363
The economic decision literature suggests that the decision to adopt a new technol-
ogy or innovation is determined by four important factors: the recognition of com-
petitive stance among firms in an industry, awareness of the existence of an
alternative innovation following market conditions, motivation and/or incentive to
explore alternatives, and the resource availability to implement the decision (Chen
1996). Following Rogers (2003), the decision to adopt a new technology involves
five stages including: knowledge (awareness); persuasion, potentially by gaining
sufficient information on the characteristics, benefits, and costs of a new technol-
ogy; decision; implementation; and confirmation. To better understand the role a
new technology plays, there is a need for an understanding of the adoption decision
process and the important factors that could affect adoption of the technology. The
process is shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 1 describes the steps and/or process an individual, a farmer, a firm, or a
group passes through in making a technology adoption decision. The adoption
process starts with getting information (awareness) about the new technology,
whether through media advertisement, extension agents, or social networks. This is
followed by a careful review of the perceived attributes of the technology and the
potential benefits and costs of acquiring the technology. After examining the char-
acteristics and weighing the benefits, costs, and trade-offs associated with the new
technology, the decision to either adopt or reject the technology, the most critical
stage, is made.
Some factors including opposition,1 the time of introducing the technology, loca-
tion of introduction, or social networks, in which the opinions of technical leaders
drive adoption in most cases, could trigger rejection. There could be continued
rejection of a technology over time or a decision to adopt later. If at first the poten-
These are people who would reject a new technology based on experience of others, presumably
early adopters, or perceived risks associated with the output of the technology. A prime example is
consumer rejection of GM food products arising from biotechnology in some parts of the world,
particularly developing countries. In addition, the Consumer Association of Canada (CAC) vehe-
mently opposed the food irradiation technology proposed by Health Canada as a food safety mea-
sure against E. coli, Salmonella, listeria, and other pathogens following an E. coli outbreak in
Europe that killed more than 42 people and left about 4000 sick in 2011 (Powell 2011). CAC
argued that irradiation removes essential nutrients in food, alters the molecular structure, and is
associated with uncertain health risks.
Technology Adoption by Agricultural Producers: A Review of the Literature 365
Subjective Judgement [access to information on
Characteristics of the
new technology
Relative Persuasion
the new technology is associated with
Evaluation of ex-ante
benefits and costs Continued
Decision Rejection
Implementation Re-invention
adoption Adoption Discontinuance
Fig. 1 Model of technology adoption decision process (Source: Adapted from Rogers (2003)
Diffusion of Innovation, 3rd Edition (p. 165), with some additions)
tial adopter develops interest in the new technology, he or she will put it into prac-
tice, potentially with the help of experts to reduce uncertainty about the full effects
of the technology. At this stage, there could be continued evaluation of the technol-
ogy to ensure that it meets expectations. This could lead to reinvention, a modifica-
tion of the technology to suit individual needs.2 It should be noted that from the
knowledge stage through implementation, the potential adopter continuously seeks
more information about the technology and therefore incurs transaction costs.
Adoption decisions made prior to the implementation stage of the adoption decision
process could be driven by subjective judgement. After implementation and rein-
vention, the implementer seeks factual evidence, considering attributes of the tech-
nology (objective judgement), to support his/her adoption decision. If the
implementer is satisfied, he/she would objectively adopt the technology.3
Reinvention may involve exploring uses of the technology outside its main purpose.
Rejection can also occur at this stage if the implementer does not have robust evidence to con-
vince him that the new technology would meet expectations.
366 A.I. Ugochukwu and P.W.B. Phillips
Market share %
Innovators Early Early Late Laggards
2.5% Adopters Majority Majority 16%
13.5% 34% 34%
increasing function of the proportion of firms already using it, … but a decreasing
function of the size of the investment required” (p. 672–763). On the other hand,
Stoneman (1981) in his “Bayesian theory of learning” model of adoption interprets
the S-shape as an intrafirm diffusion path and hypothesized that a firm changes its
level or rate of adoption of a new technology as it learns more about it and accord-
ingly adjusts its expectations.
The size and distribution of the benefits from a new technology to the adopters
are determined by the timing of adoption (Rubas 2004). Potentially, early adopters
would have the greatest share of the benefits of a new technology relative to later
adopters. For some technologies, the incentive to adopt would be reduced as the
adoption rate increases and may go to zero shortly before everyone adopts. A prime
example is the adoption of diagnostic technologies, such as the DNA barcoding
technology used for fish species identification and authentication (see Ugochukwu
2015). For this technology, early adopters would enjoy the market benefit of a price
premium, while laggards may enjoy little or no profit.
As mentioned earlier, a number of previous studies in different fields identified
factors affecting the adoption of new technologies. Rogers and Stanfield (1968)
reviewed several empirical adoption studies in 14 disciplines and summarized the
relationships between the factors and adoption. These are shown in Table 1.
Some previous studies (e.g. Wozniak 1987; Lleras-Muney and Lichtenberg
2002) have shown that education and experience play positive roles in technology
adoption. Highly educated people could enhance diffusion of innovations and
potentially would adopt new technologies earlier than the less educated as they have
more knowledge and can easily access information necessary to make an early
adoption decision. For example, the results of the farm financial survey carried out
by Statistics Canada (AAFC 2016, p.59) show that 91% of farmers adopt and imple-
ment new technological innovation following their “own experience”, while about
68% make adoption decision based on information obtained from colleagues in a
networking effect. Results of the same study show the influence of “timing of adop-
tion” and “age” on the speed of technology adoption. It indicates that 32% of the
farmers usually wait until a new technology is properly tested before they adopt,
while 43% (out of which 51% are young farmers) often wait for a few farmers to try
the technology before deciding whether to adopt or not. This result confirms the
limitation of the perfect rationality and complete information assumptions of eco-
nomic theory and underscores that the cognitive attitude of potential adopters influ-
ences their behavioural decisions to adopt a new technology.
fertilizer) versus package (e.g. fertilizer + improved seed variety + good manage-
ment practices) adoption; and divisible (e.g. new crop cultivar) versus indivisible
(e.g. harvester) adoption. Several studies in the literature (e.g. Feder et al. 1982;
Belsey and Case 1993; Adesina and Baidu-Forson 1995; Zeller et al. 1997; Fuglie
and Kascak 2001; Arellanes and Lee 2003; Moser and Barrett 2003; among others)
examined adoption of agricultural technologies and found common factors that
influence adoption. These include farm size, land tenure arrangements, access to
credit and extension services, land and labour availability, human capital (educa-
tion, gender, demographics), and farmer attitude towards risks and uncertainty.
Notwithstanding the availability of these factors, adoption of improved agricultural
technologies usually increases at a slow rate initially and rapidly thereafter to a
maximum level resulting in increased productivity (Griliches 1957). Results of
some empirical studies (e.g. Marra et al. 2002; Moshini et al. 2000) underscore the
potential of improved agricultural technologies in enhancing productivity, income,
and overall economic growth.
The potential benefits of a new technology can only be realized when it is adopted
and used; the adoption decision involves a critical comparison of perceived benefits
and costs associated with the technology (Uaiene 2011). A better understanding of
the diffusion, adoption, and impact of improved technologies will guide producer
groups, research institutions, and policy makers in making prudent and informed
decisions about allocating resources for technology development.
Some studies that examine agricultural technology adoption have been carried out,
particularly in developing countries. Abera (2008) used xtprobit and random effect
models to examine the influence of farmer learning and risk on the likelihood and
intensity of adopting improved tef and wheat technologies in northern and western
Shewa zones of Ethiopia. The study underscores the importance of learning and
experience as drivers of continued technology adoption. Results indicate that aware-
ness, timely availability, and profitability of new tef and wheat varieties enhanced
farmers’ learning and experience. This positively influenced adoption of the new
Dibba et al. (2012) employed an average treatment estimation (ATE) framework
to examine the adoption rate and determinants of adoption of new rice variety for
Africa (NERICA) in Gambia. Results of the study show that the adoption rate stood
at 40% against anticipated rate of 83% due to lack of information about and access
to NERICA, thereby suggesting the need for the supply and distribution of more
NERICA to farmers for easy access, experience, and adoption. In another study car-
ried out in Africa, Uaiene (2011) looked at the factors influencing agricultural tech-
nology adoption by rural households in Mozambique. The results of the study show
that rural farmers who have access to credit and extension advisory services,
370 A.I. Ugochukwu and P.W.B. Phillips
Zero tillage (ZT) refers to a new resource conserving method of cultivation that
enhances efficient water and fertilizer use and reduces the cost of cultivation and
weed infestation (Malik and Singh 1995; Hobbs et al. 1997). Several studies have
reported the yield and cost-saving benefits of zero-tillage technology. For example,
Igbal et al. (2002) and Erentein et al. (2007) carried out studies on the effect of zero-
tillage technology on farm profits of rice-wheat cropping system in Punjab. Results
of the studies show that ZT gave higher yield and reduced cost of production per
hectare, which resulted in widespread adoption of the technology.
Awada et al. (2015) studied adoption of ZT in the Canadian Prairies. The study
identified some economic factors that enhanced the adoption of ZT technology in
western Canada including reduction in the market price of glyphosate herbicide
relative to gasoline used in machines for tillage operations, increased yield of crops
under ZT technology system, reduction in interest rate from 13% in 1989 to 7% in
1999 and further to 5% in 2011 (Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture 1990–2012),
and information dissemination on the benefits of ZT through extension services
(Lafond et al. 1996). In a related study, factors including neighbourhood effect;
farmer characteristics such as level of education, farm ownership, and size; and high
risk of soil erosion were identified to have a positive influence on ZT technology
adoption (Awada 2012).
Technology Adoption by Agricultural Producers: A Review of the Literature 371
There have been an increasing number of technological innovations within the live-
stock industry globally. A number of studies have examined the factors that influ-
ence the adoption of technologies ranging from animal health, disease prevention,
and management practices to breeding, genetics, and genomics innovations due to
recent advances in computational biology and DNA sequencing. In the area of ani-
mal health, different types of vaccines have been produced to protect animals from
different diseases. Studies have examined the efficacy of these vaccines and levels
and determinants of adoption by livestock farmers. For instance, Ochieng and
Hobbs (2016) examined E. coli vaccine and the incentives for cattle producers to
adopt the vaccine in Canada. Results of the study show that there has been low level
of adoption of E. coli vaccines owing to absence of market premiums for E. coli-
vaccinated cattle to offset the additional cost associated with vaccination. Farmers
argue that the benefits are enjoyed by other supply chain actors, primarily consum-
ers and beef processors. Other reasons for low adoption identified by the study
include scepticism regarding the efficacy of the vaccine; absence of regulatory and
market pressure to adopt the vaccine, which is consistent with the findings of Ellis-
Iversen et al. (2010); absence of reputational and/or liability penalties if a farmer’s
herd is the source of spread; and uncertainty of adoption by downstream feedlots.
Adoption of animal breeding technologies such as artificial insemination, embryo
transplants, and sexed semen has been widely explored in the agricultural technol-
372 A.I. Ugochukwu and P.W.B. Phillips
ogy literature, given their economic benefits, in terms of productivity, to the live-
stock industry. Several factors have been identified to influence adoption of these
technologies. For example, Kaaya et al. (2005) showed that highly educated, young,
and specialized dairy farmers have a higher tendency to adopt animal breeding tech-
nologies in the United States. In addition, Khanal and Gillespie (2011) found that
herd size, farm-level costs, breed of animal, age of farmer, and quality of extension
services influence adoption of artificial insemination (AI) in the Ugandan dairy sec-
tor. The results of Howley et al. (2012) indicate that the type of farm system (i.e.
sheep, goat, cattle), experience with AI, and farm factors like gross margin and
stocking rate affect adoption of AI among dairy farmers in Ireland. The study fur-
ther shows that dairy farmers use AI more widely than sheep and goat farmers. This
is consistent with the findings of Vishwanath (2003), who opined that dairy herd
cows are usually confined, thereby making it possible to observe when they are in
oestrus for insemination.
For the purpose of this chapter, these costs are referred to as adoption costs, which should be a
component of R&D expenditures when calculating return on investment (ROI).
Technology Adoption by Agricultural Producers: A Review of the Literature 373
exceed that of post-R&D activities. In order to illuminate this issue, further studies
are needed to determine the magnitude of costs and duration of post-R&D activities
that involve extension services and adoption. Inclusion of adoption costs in the cal-
culation of return on investment (ROI) will give a robust estimate that will inform
policy decision and help determine the distributional effects of gains from research.
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