JeevanUmang - 9-7-2020 0.43.9

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Prepared By

This is proposed to Ramesh

Proposer Details
Name Ramesh
Age 30
Plan Name 945-Jeevan Umang
Sum Assured 3500000
Policy Term 70
Prem Paying Term 30
DAB Rider 0
AD and DB Rider 3500000
Term Rider 0
PWB Rider -

First Year Premium

Premium GST(4.5%) Payable Prem
YLY 106781 4805 111586
HLY 53952 2428 56380
QLY 27256 1227 28483
MLY 9085 409 9494
2nd year onwards
Premium GST(2.25%) Payable Prem
YLY 106781 2403 109184
HLY 53952 1214 55166
QLY 27256 613 27869
MLY 9085 204 9289

Save Rs.299 per day for 30 yrs, and get a

bulk amount of Rs.28175000 at Age:100
Year Age Premiu Natural Accidntal Returns CashValue Loan

2020 30 111586 3675000 7175000 0 0 0

2021 31 109184 3850000 7350000 0 58333 52499

2022 32 109184 4025000 7525000 0 87499 78749

2023 33 109184 4200000 7700000 0 174999 157499

2024 34 109184 4375000 7875000 0 291666 262499

2025 35 109184 4550000 8050000 0 437499 393749

2026 36 109184 4725000 8225000 0 510415 459373

2027 37 109184 4900000 8400000 0 583332 524998

2028 38 109184 5075000 8575000 0 656248 590623

2029 39 109184 5250000 8750000 0 874998 787498

2030 40 109184 5425000 8925000 0 962497 866247

2031 41 109184 5600000 9100000 0 1049997 944997

2032 42 109184 5775000 9275000 0 1327080 1194372

2033 43 109184 5950000 9450000 0 1429163 1286246

2034 44 109184 6125000 9625000 0 1531246 1378121

2035 45 109184 6370000 9870000 0 1657829 1492046

2036 46 109184 6562500 10062500 0 2018328 1816495

2037 47 109184 6755000 10255000 0 2141995 1927795

2038 48 109184 6947500 10447500 0 2265661 2039094

2039 49 109184 7175000 10675000 0 2403328 2162995

2040 50 109184 7420000 10920000 0 2866493 2579843

2041 51 109184 7700000 11200000 0 3044993 2740493

2042 52 109184 8050000 11550000 0 3254993 2929493

2043 53 109184 8575000 12075000 0 3937492 3543742

2044 54 109184 9100000 12600000 0 4258325 3832492

2045 55 109184 9625000 13125000 0 5037073 4533365

2046 56 109184 10150000 13650000 0 5389990 4850991

2047 57 109184 10745000 14245000 0 6306988 5676289

2048 58 109184 11340000 14840000 0 7295154 6565638

2049 59 109184 11935000 15435000 0 8354485 7519036

2050 60 0 12775000 16275000 280000 11079250 1400000

2051 61 0 13650000 17150000 280000 12740000 1400000

2052 62 0 14700000 18200000 280000 13772500 1400000

2053 63 0 15750000 19250000 280000 14805000 1400000

2054 64 0 16800000 20300000 280000 15837500 1400000

2055 65 0 17850000 21350000 280000 16870000 1400000

2056 66 0 18900000 22400000 280000 17902500 1400000

2057 67 0 19950000 23450000 280000 18935000 1400000

2058 68 0 21000000 24500000 280000 19967500 1400000

2059 69 0 22050000 25550000 280000 21000000 1400000

2060 70 0 23100000 26600000 280000 22032500 1400000

2061 71 0 23275000 23275000 280000 22190000 1400000

2062 72 0 23450000 23450000 280000 22347500 1400000

2063 73 0 23625000 23625000 280000 22505000 1400000

2064 74 0 23800000 23800000 280000 22662500 1400000

2065 75 0 23975000 23975000 280000 22820000 1400000

2066 76 0 24150000 24150000 280000 22977500 1400000

2067 77 0 24325000 24325000 280000 23135000 1400000

2068 78 0 24500000 24500000 280000 23292500 1400000

2069 79 0 24675000 24675000 280000 23450000 1400000

2070 80 0 24850000 24850000 280000 23607500 1400000

2071 81 0 25025000 25025000 280000 23765000 1400000

2072 82 0 25200000 25200000 280000 23922500 1400000

2073 83 0 25375000 25375000 280000 24080000 1400000

2074 84 0 25550000 25550000 280000 24237500 1400000

2075 85 0 25725000 25725000 280000 24395000 1400000

2076 86 0 25900000 25900000 280000 24552500 1400000

2077 87 0 26075000 26075000 280000 24710000 1400000

2078 88 0 26250000 26250000 280000 24867500 1400000

2079 89 0 26425000 26425000 280000 25025000 1400000

2080 90 0 26600000 26600000 280000 25182500 1400000

2081 91 0 26775000 26775000 280000 25340000 1400000

2082 92 0 26950000 26950000 280000 25497500 1400000

2083 93 0 27125000 27125000 280000 25655000 1400000

2084 94 0 27300000 27300000 280000 25812500 1400000

2085 95 0 27475000 27475000 280000 25970000 1400000

2086 96 0 27650000 27650000 280000 26127500 1400000

2087 97 0 27825000 27825000 280000 26285000 1400000

2088 98 0 28000000 28000000 280000 26442500 1400000

2089 99 0 28175000 28175000 280000 26600000 1400000

2090 100 0 0 0 28175000 0 0

0 0 3277922 0 0 39375000 0 0
You have to pay the premium for 30 yrs
(from Age:30 - Age:59)

If you take the payment mode as yly then you have to pay
Rs.111586 for the first year,from 2nd year onwards Rs.109184

Totally you will pay Rs.3277922

From Age:60-99 you will receive Rs.280000

Natural Risk Cover is as shown in the above table under Natural

column.....For example In case of Natural Death at Age-35,
Nominee will receive Rs.4550000

Accidental Risk cover is as shown in the above table under

Accidental column.....For example In case of Accidental Death at
Age-35, Nominee will receive Rs.8050000

At age 100 you will receive Rs.28175000

If you close the policy you will receive the amount as shown in the
above table under CashValue Column.....For example
if you close at Age-60, you will receive Rs.11079250
if you close at Age-70, you will receive Rs.22032500
if you close at Age-80, you will receive Rs.23607500

You can take the loan as shown in the above table under Loan
Column.....For example
at Age-59, you can take a loan of Rs.7519036
at Age-80, you can take a loan of Rs.1400000
Medical Report: FMR,ECG,SBT-13,RUA,Hb%

Disclaimer : The Benefits shown in this presentation are as per the 8%

Benefit illustration of LIC of India, Actual values may vary, depends on
the corporation profits and experience

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