ACCT 4250 - Accounting Information Systems ACCT 5010 - Accounting for Managers
3 Credits 3 Credits
Study of the theoretical and practical aspects of designing and utilizing This course covers various topics on financial accounting and
financial information systems. Particular attention is directed to internal management accounting. At completion of the course, students are
financial controls and auditing electronic data procesing systems. expected to have a thorough understanding of the information contained
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3110 with a grade of C or higher; (ITM 2000 or in a set of financial statements and how to interpret and use this
BTM 2000) information. Students are also expected to understand the fundamentals
Restrictions: of management accounting.
Enrollment is limited to students with a program in Accounting. Attributes: MBA Foundation
ACCT 5901 - Masters in Accounting Study Abroad
Attributes: Accounting Major Requirement, Accounting Minor Elective,
3 Credits
Consulting and Advisory Conc, Public Accounting Conc, BTM Major
The course covers selected current topics in accounting. The course is
Standard Elective, BTM Major AES Elective
taught as part of the Masters in Accounting Study Abroad program and
ACCT 4300 - Federal Income Tax I requires travel.
3 Credits Prerequisite(s): ACCT 4110
This course introduces the student to federal income taxation. It is
ACCT 5910 - Masters in Accounting Internship
designed to provide the student with a framework to understand the
1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
structure of the Federal Income Tax system, to integrate income tax
planning into business decisions, and to evaluate future changes to
Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Accounting degree.
the income tax system (such changes are ongoing and inevitable). This
course is also intended to provide a base for the student's future study of ACCT 5930 - Special Topics
advanced tax topics. 3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3110 with a grade of C or higher Prerequisite(s): ACCT 4400
Attributes: Accounting Major Requirement, Accounting Minor Elective,
Consulting and Advisory Conc, Public Accounting Conc ACCT 5980 - Graduate Independent Study in Accounting
1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
ACCT 4400 - Auditing
3 Credits ACCT 6030 - Contemporary Financial Reporting
Theory and application of standards and procedures used by independent 3 Credits
certified public accountants in verifying business data to render an This course is a study of advanced level topics on business analysis and
opinion and report on financial statements of the entity being examined. reporting, including fair value accounting, equity-based compensation,
The duties, responsibilities and ethics of the auditor (CPA) and auditing leases, post-retirement benefits, financial risk management and
standards are discussed. derivatives. The course also introduces students to new developments
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 4110 with a grade of C or higher and ACCT 4250
* in financial reporting. It is designed to help students develop a deeper
with a grade of C or higher understanding of the structure, features, and limitations of financial
reports and learn to use analytical and quantitative tools to process and
analyze accounting information.
Concurrent enrollment allowed. Prerequisite(s): ACCT 4110
Restrictions: ACCT 6110 - Financial Reporting III
Enrollment is limited to students with a program in Accounting. 3 Credits
A study of advanced accounting topics including: accounting for
Attributes: Accounting Major Requirement, Consulting and Advisory
business combinations (mergers and acquisitions), preparation of
Conc, Public Accounting Conc
consolidated financial statements and specific issues related to
ACCT 4910 - Accounting Internship intercompany investments; accounting for selected international events
1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit) (e.g., foreign currency transactions, translation of financial statements of
This course can be used as elective credit. Participants will have the foreign affiliates, and the use of forward exchange contracts); significant
opportunity to develop new skills through experiential learning under coverage of accounting for not-for-profit entities; and other selected
the direction of a skilled practitioner. The arrangements for the working topics of current interest. Discussion of ethical implications will be
relationship must be established prior to the assignment. included in many of these topics.
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 3110 with a grade of C or higher, BTM 2500 with a Prerequisite(s): ACCT 4110
grade of C or higher, and BIZ 3000 with a grade of C or higher; BIZ 3000
ACCT 6160 - International Accounting
3 Credits
Enrollment limited to students with a classification of Junior or Senior.
Multidimensional examination of worldwide accounting principles
Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Accounting. and practices. Comparative study of the profession in response to
various socioeconomic environments. Theories of national practices and
Attributes: UUC:Reflection-in-Action progress toward uniformity of accounting auditing, reporting standards.
ACCT 4930 - Special Topics Problems of multinational corporation, inventory methods, currency
3 Credits (Repeatable for credit) translations, consolidated statements, price adjustments, transfer prices,
taxes, and treaties.
ACCT 4980 - Advanced Independent Study in Accounting
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 5010
1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
Permission of the department chair.
Saint Louis University Academic Catalog 2024-2025 3