Iso 7301-2011
Iso 7301-2011
Iso 7301-2011
Third edition
Rice — Specification
Riz — Spécifications
Reference number
ISO 7301:2011(E)
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ISO 7301:2011(E)
Contents Page
Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................iv
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................1
2 Normative references............................................................................................................................1
3 Terms and definitions ...........................................................................................................................1
4 Specifications ........................................................................................................................................4
4.1 General, sensory and health specifications .......................................................................................4
4.2 Physical and chemical specifications .................................................................................................5
4.3 Contract specifications.........................................................................................................................5
5 Test methods .........................................................................................................................................5
6 Packaging...............................................................................................................................................5
Annex A (normative) Methods of analysis for rice specifications.................................................................7
Annex B (normative) Determination of waxy rice in parboiled rice.............................................................17
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ISO 7301:2011(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 7301 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 34, Food products, Subcommittee SC 4, Cereals
and pulses.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 7301:2002), which has been technically
Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2011 – All rights reserved
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Rice — Specification
1 Scope
This International Standard gives the minimum specifications for rice (Oryza sativa L.) which is subject to
international trade. It is applicable to the following types: husked rice and milled rice, parboiled or not,
intended for direct human consumption. It is neither applicable to other products derived from rice, nor to waxy
rice (glutinous rice).
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 712, Cereals and cereal products — Determination of moisture content — Reference method
paddy rice
rough rice
rice retaining its husk after threshing
husked rice
brown rice
cargo rice
paddy from which the husk only has been removed
NOTE The processes of husking and handling may result in some loss of bran.
milled rice
white rice
husked rice from which almost all of the bran and embryo have been removed by milling
undermilled rice
milled rice obtained by milling husked rice, but not to the degree necessary to meet the requirements of
well-milled rice
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ISO 7301:2011(E)
well-milled rice
milled rice obtained by milling husked rice in such a way that most of the bran and part of the embryo have
been removed
extra-well-milled rice
milled rice obtained by milling husked rice in such a way that almost all of the bran and the embryo have been
parboiled rice
husked or milled rice processed from paddy or husked rice that has been soaked in water and subjected to a
heat treatment so that the starch is fully gelatinized, followed by a drying process
waxy rice
glutinous rice
varieties of rice whose kernels have a white and opaque appearance
NOTE The starch of waxy rice consists almost entirely of amylopectin. The kernels have a tendency to stick together
after cooking.
whole kernel
husked or milled kernel without any broken part, or part of kernel with a length greater than or equal to
nine-tenths of the average length (3.12) of the test sample kernels
head rice
whole kernel (3.6) or part of kernel with a length greater than or equal to three-quarters of the average
length (3.12) of the test sample kernels
large broken kernel
part of kernel with a length less than three-quarters but greater than one-half of the average length (3.12) of
the test sample kernels
medium broken kernel
part of kernel with a length less than or equal to one-half but greater than one-quarter of the average length
(3.12) of the test sample kernels
small broken kernel
part of kernel with a length less than or equal to one-quarter of the average length (3.12) of the test sample
kernels but which does not pass through test sieve with round apertures having diameter 1,4 mm
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ISO 7301:2011(E)
part of kernel which passes through a test sieve complying with ISO 5223[1], and with round apertures having
diameter 1,4 mm
1 whole kernel (3.6) 5 head rice (3.7)
2 large broken kernel (3.8) 6 broken kernel
3 medium broken kernel (3.9) 7 chips (3.11)
4 small broken kernel (3.10) L average length
a Not passing through a test sieve with round apertures having diameter 1,4 mm.
average length
arithmetic mean of the length of the test sample kernels that are not immature or malformed and without any
broken parts
extraneous matter
inorganic and organic components other than whole or broken kernels of rice
inorganic extraneous matter
inorganic components, such as stone, sand and dust
organic extraneous matter
extraneous matter including edible and non-edible
edible organic extraneous matter
extraneous matter, such as bran, non-toxic foreign seeds, flour lumps, and other food
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ISO 7301:2011(E)
non-edible organic extraneous matter
extraneous matter, including husks, pieces of straw, and impurities of animal origin, such as dead insects and
their fragments
heat-damaged kernel
head rice or broken kernel that has changed its normal colour as a result of microbiological heating
NOTE This category includes kernel that is yellow to dark yellow in the case of non-parboiled rice and orange to dark
orange in the case of parboiled rice, due to a microbiological alteration.
damaged kernel
head rice or broken kernel showing evident deterioration due to moisture, pests, disease or other causes, but
excluding heat-damaged kernels (3.14)
immature kernel
malformed kernel
head rice or broken kernel which is unripe or badly developed
chalky kernel
head rice or broken kernel of non-parboiled rice, except waxy rice (3.5), whose whole surface has an opaque
and floury appearance
red kernel
head rice or broken kernel having a red bran covering more than one-quarter of its surface
red-streaked kernel
head rice or broken kernel with red bran streaks of length greater than or equal to one-half of the average
length (3.12), but where the surface covered by these red streaks is less than one-quarter of the total surface
partly gelatinized kernel
head rice or broken kernel of parboiled rice which is not fully gelatinized and shows a distinct white opaque
head rice or broken kernel of parboiled rice of which more than one-quarter of the surface is dark brown or
black in colour due to the parboiling process
4 Specifications
Kernels of rice, husked or milled, broken or not, shall be sound, clean and free from foreign odours or odour
which indicates deterioration. They shall also be free from toxic or any harmful matter.
The level of additives and pesticides and other contaminants shall not exceed the maximum limits permitted
by the national regulations of the country of destination or, in their absence, by CAC/MRL 1[8] and associated
database, CAC/MRL 2[9], and CAC/MRL 3[10] (developed by FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius).
Living insects which are visible to the naked eye shall not be present.
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ISO 7301:2011(E)
4.2.1 The mass fraction of moisture shall be not greater than 15,0 %.
NOTE Lower moisture contents can be required for certain destinations depending on the climate, duration of
transport and storage. For further details, see ISO 6322-1[2], ISO 6322-2[3], and ISO 6322-3[4].
4.2.2 The physical specifications shall be determined in accordance with the method specified in Annex A
and shall not exceed the limits given in Table 1.
a) total percentage of broken kernels permitted, classified according to the agreed categories, and the
relative proportion of each category;
b) total percentage permitted, not exceeding the maximum values for the specifications detailed in Table 1,
determined in accordance with the method described in Annex A.
If the contract deals with a specific kind of rice or a specific variety of rice, in order to evaluate the
homogeneity of the lot, the contract can specify both the average length and its related coefficient of variation,
determined according to A.4.3.2 and A.4.3.3, respectively.
5 Test methods
The moisture content shall be determined in accordance with ISO 712.
The other tests shall be carried out using the methods specified in Annexes A and B.
6 Packaging
The packaging material shall not transmit any smell or taste and shall not contain substances which may
damage the product or constitute a health risk. If bags are used, they shall be clean, sufficiently strong and
well stitched or sealed.
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ISO 7301:2011(E)
— Not applicable.
a After milling.
b Only full red husked (cargo) rice is considered here.
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ISO 7301:2011(E)
Annex A
A.1 Principle
Manual separation and weighing of the broken kernels and of the categories in Table 1.
A.2 Apparatus
A.2.1 Sample divider, conical sampler or multiple-slot sampler with a distribution system.
A.2.2 Test sieve, with round apertures of diameter 1,4 mm, ISO 5223[1].
A.2.6 Tray, or other means, coloured in contrast with the colour of the rice to be evaluated.
A.2.7 Micrometer, or other measuring device not deforming the kernels, capable of being read to the
nearest 0,01 mm.
A.3 Sampling
Sampling is not part of the method specified in this International Standard. A recommended sampling method
is given in ISO 24333[6].
It is important the laboratory receive a truly representative sample which has not been damaged or changed
during transport or storage.
A.4 Procedure
A.4.1 General
Note if an odour, particular or foreign to rice, is detected, as well as the presence of all anomalies.
Verify the presence of living or dead insects by visual examination and report their number.
Weigh and carefully mix the laboratory sample to make it as homogeneous as possible. Then reduce it, if
necessary, using a sample divider (A.2.1) to obtain a test sample of about 800 g.
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Divide the obtained test sample into two equal test portions of about 400 g, using the sample divider (A.2.1).
A.4.3 Determination
A.4.3.1 General
When a kernel or a part of kernel can be classified in more than one category with reference to Table 1, it
shall be classified in the category where the maximum permissible value is the lowest. All parts of kernels
which get stuck in the apertures of a test sieve shall be considered as being retained by the test sieve.
a) separate two sets of 100 kernels without any broken part, by random sampling;
b) measure the length of the kernels using the micrometer (A.2.7) and calculate the arithmetic means of the
length for both sets of kernels ( L1 and L 2 );
c) calculate the average length L (3.12) of the two sets of kernels ( L1 + L2 ) / 2; if the value of
100 ( L1 − L2 ) / L is higher than 2, return all the kernels to the tray and repeat from step a);
From the measures of kernels in A.4.3.2 b), calculate the coefficient of variation as follows.
∑ Li
i =1
⎛ n ⎞
⎜ ∑
Li ⎟
⎝i = 1 ⎠
∑L2i −
i =1
n −1
CV = × 100 %
Usually, the coefficient of variation of an homogeneous lot of rice does not exceed a value of 5 %.
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ISO 7301:2011(E)
Weigh one of the test portions (A.4.2) to the nearest 0,1 g, record the mass as mw, and spread it on the tray
(A.2.6). Separate the inorganic extraneous matter (3.13.1), the organic extraneous matter (3.13.2;
and, the paddy (3.1), the milled rice non-parboiled (3.3), the husked rice parboiled (3.2 and 3.4) and
the milled rice parboiled (3.3 and 3.4), into small bowls (A.2.4), with the aid of tweezers, scalpel and
paintbrush (A.2.3). Weigh the six fractions obtained to the nearest 0,01 g, and record the masses as m1, m2,
m3, m4, m5, and m6.
Divide the second test portion with the divider (A.2.1) in order to obtain four different aliquot parts of about
100 g each.
Weigh the first aliquot part to the nearest 0,01 g and record the mass as mx. Spread it out and separate the
damaged kernels (3.15), the immature or malformed kernels (3.16) and the red kernels (3.18) into small bowls.
Weigh the three fractions obtained to the nearest 0,01 g, and record the masses as m7, m8, and m9.
Weigh the second aliquot part to the nearest 0,01 g and record the mass as my. Separate the chips (3.11) by
the test sieve (A.2.2), then spread out the remainder and separate the broken kernels, classifying them into
large broken kernels (3.8), medium broken kernels (3.9), and small broken kernels (3.10). Put the fractions
obtained into small bowls. Weigh the four fractions to the nearest 0,01 g and record the masses as m10, m11,
m12, and m13.
Proceed with the laboratory milling of the third aliquot part. Weigh the obtained milled rice to the nearest
0,01 g and record the mass as mz. Spread it out and separate the heat-damaged kernels (3.14), the chalky
kernels (3.17) and waxy rice (3.5) into small bowls. Weigh the three fractions obtained to the nearest 0,01 g
and record the masses as m14, m15, and m16.
Weigh one of the test portions (A.4.2) to the nearest 0,1 g, record the mass as mw, and spread it on the tray
(A.2.6). Separate the inorganic extraneous matter (3.13.1), the organic extraneous matter (3.13.2;
and, the paddy (3.1), the husked rice non-parboiled (3.2), the husked rice parboiled (3.2 and 3.4)
and the milled rice parboiled (3.3 and 3.4) into small bowls (A.2.4), with the aid of tweezers, scalpel and
paintbrush (A.2.3). Weigh the six fractions obtained to the nearest 0,01 g and record the masses as m1, m2,
m3, m4, m5, and m6.
Divide the second test portion with the divider (A.2.1) in order to obtain four different aliquot parts of about
100 g each.
Weigh the first aliquot part to the nearest 0,01 g and record the mass as mx. Spread it out and separate the
heat-damaged kernels (3.14), the damaged kernels (3.15), the immature or malformed kernels (3.16), the
chalky kernels (3.17), the red kernels (3.18), together with the red-streaked kernels (3.19) and the waxy rice
(3.5) into small bowls. Weigh the six fractions obtained to the nearest 0,01 g and record the masses as m7, m8,
m9, m10, m11, and m16.
Weigh the second aliquot part to the nearest 0,01 g and record the mass as my. Separate the chips (3.11) by
the test sieve (A.2.2), then spread out the remainder and separate the broken kernels, classifying them into
large broken kernels (3.8), medium broken kernels (3.9) and small broken kernels (3.10). Put the fractions
obtained into small bowls. Weigh the four fractions to the nearest 0,01 g and record the masses as m12, m13,
m14, and m15.
Weigh one of the test portions (A.4.2) to the nearest 0,1 g, record the mass as mw, and spread it on the tray
(A.2.6). Separate the inorganic extraneous matter (3.13.1), the organic extraneous matter (3.13.2;
and, the paddy (3.1), the husked rice non-parboiled (3.2), the milled rice non-parboiled (3.3) and the
milled rice parboiled (3.3 and 3.4) into small bowls (A.2.4) with the aid of tweezers, scalpel and paintbrush
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(A.2.3). Weigh the six fractions obtained to the nearest 0,01 g and record the masses as m1, m2, m3, m4, m5,
and m6.
Divide the second test portion with the divider (A.2.1) in order to obtain four different aliquot parts of about
100 g each.
Weigh the first aliquot part to the nearest 0,01 g and record the mass as mx. Spread it out and separate the
damaged kernels (3.15), the immature or malformed kernels (3.16) and the red kernels (3.18) into small bowls.
Weigh the three fractions obtained to the nearest 0,01 g and record the masses as m7, m8, and m9.
Weigh the second aliquot part to the nearest 0,01 g and record the mass as my. Separate the chips (3.11) by
the test sieve (A.2.2), then spread out the remainder and separate the broken kernels, classifying them into
large broken kernels (3.8), medium broken kernels (3.9) and small broken kernels (3.10). Put the four fractions
obtained into small bowls. Weigh the fractions to the nearest 0,01 g and record the masses as m10, m11, m12,
and m13.
Proceed with the laboratory milling of the third aliquot part. Weigh the milled rice to the nearest 0,01 g and
record the mass as mz. Spread it out and separate the heat-damaged kernels (3.14), the partly gelatinized
kernels (3.20) and the pecks (3.21) into small bowls. Weigh the three fractions obtained to the nearest 0,01 g
and record the masses as m14, m15, and m16.
Proceed with the milling of the fourth aliquot part and determine the percentage of waxy rice (3.5) according to
Annex B.
Weigh one of the test portions (A.4.2) so obtained to the nearest 0,1 g, record the mass as mw, and spread it
on the tray (A.2.6). Separate the inorganic extraneous matter (3.13.1), organic extraneous matter (3.13.2; and, the paddy (3.1), the husked rice non-parboiled (3.2), the milled rice non-parboiled (3.3)
and the husked rice parboiled (3.3 and 3.4) into small bowls (A.2.4), with the aid of tweezers, scalpel and
paintbrush (A.2.3). Weigh the six fractions obtained to the nearest 0,01 g and record the masses as m1, m2,
m3, m4, m5, and m6.
Divide the second test portion with the divider (A.2.1) in order to obtain four different aliquot parts of about
100 g each.
Weigh the first aliquot part to the nearest 0,01 g and record the mass as mx. Spread it out and separate the
heat-damaged kernels (3.14), the damaged kernels (3.15), the immature or malformed kernels (3.16), the red
kernels (3.18), together with the red streaked kernels (3.19), the partly gelatinized kernels (3.20) and the
pecks (3.21) into small bowls. Weigh the six fractions obtained to the nearest 0,01 g and record the masses
as m7, m8, m9, m10, m11, and m12.
Weigh the second aliquot part to the nearest 0,01 g and record the mass as my. Separate the chips (3.11) by
the test sieve (A.2.2), then spread out the remainder and separate the broken kernels, classifying them into
large broken kernels (3.8), medium broken kernels (3.9) and small broken kernels (3.10). Put the fractions
obtained into small bowls. Weigh the four fractions to the nearest 0,01 g and record the masses as m13, m14,
m15, and m16.
Weigh the third aliquot part to the nearest 0,01 g and determine the percentage of waxy rice (3.5) according to
Annex B.
Report the result obtained for the categories given in Table A.1 as a mass fraction, expressed as a
percentage, of the product as received.
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ISO 7301:2011(E)
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ISO 7301:2011(E)
Report the result for each category to one decimal place by rounding it to the nearest integral multiple. If there
are two successive integral multiples equally near to the given number, the even integral multiple should be
selected as the rounded number. Carry out the rounding always in one step.
Although ISO 80000-1[7] specifies two different rules for rounding if there are two successive integral multiples
equally near to the given number, for the purposes of this International Standard the above-mentioned rule
(i.e. ISO 80000-1[7], rule A) should be used, as in this way the rounding errors are minimized.
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ISO 7301:2011(E)
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ISO 7301:2011(E)
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ISO 7301:2011(E)
Annex B
B.1 Principle
Waxy rice kernels have a reddish brown colour when stained in an iodine solution, while non-waxy rice
kernels show a blue colour.
B.2.1 Iodine stock solution, containing 0,2 g iodine and 2,0 g potassium iodide in 100 ml water.
B.2.2 Iodine working solution, dilute the stock solution (B.2.1) two times (by volume) with water.
Prepare daily.
B.3 Apparatus
B.3.1 Balance, capable of being read to the nearest 0,01 g.
B.4 Sampling
Sampling is not part of the method specified in this International Standard. A recommended sampling method
is given in ISO 24333[6].
It is important the laboratory receive a truly representative sample which has not been damaged or changed
during transport or storage.
B.5 Determination
B.5.1 Weigh a portion of about 100 g milled rice and put it into a glass beaker (B.3.2).
B.5.2 Add approximately 80 ml of iodine working solution (B.2.2) to soak the kernels and stir until all the
kernels are submerged under the solution. Let the kernels soak in the solution for 30 s.
B.5.3 Pour the rice and solution into a wire basket (B.3.4) and shake the basket slightly in order to drain out
the solution. Then place the basket on a piece of tissue paper (B.2.3) to absorb the excess liquid.
B.5.4 Pour the stained kernels into a bowl (B.3.3). Separate the reddish brown kernels of waxy rice from the
dark blue kernels of non-waxy rice.
B.5.5 Weigh the waxy rice portion, m17, and the non-waxy rice portion, m18, to the nearest 0,1 g.
B.5.6 Calculate the waxy rice content, w, expressed as a percentage mass fraction, from the equation:
w= × 100 %
m17 + m18
[2] ISO 6322-1, Storage of cereals and pulses — Part 1: General recommendations for the keeping of
[3] ISO 6322-2, Storage of cereals and pulses — Part 2: Practical recommendations
[4] ISO 6322-3, Storage of cereals and pulses — Part 3: Control of attack by pests
[5] ISO 6646, Rice — Determination of the potential milling yield from paddy and from husked rice
[8] CAC/MRL 1, Maximum residue limits (MRLs) for pesticides. A database is available (viewed 2010-09-29)
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