Landforms Made by Running Water
Landforms Made by Running Water
Landforms Made by Running Water
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l l
vertical corrasion : valley widening l ’alluvium deposition W
(some deposition)
Fig. 40 Interlocking spurs
hard rocks
and this increases the river’s load. The work of
River Rejuvenation
The earth’s crust is far from stable and it is not
surprising that, in the course of a river‘s development,
parts may be uplifted or depressed. giving rise to
certain characteristic features associated with re-
juvenation. i.e. being young again. new flood plain
A negative movement occurs when there is an
uplift of [and or a fall in sea level. This will steepen Fig. 45 River terraces and knickpoint due to
the slope so that active down—cutting is renewed. rejuvenation
A fall in sea level leaves the flood-plain at an increased The reju
venated river cuts down into
altitude above the sea level. The river with its re- previously deposited sediments to form a new
newed vigour cuts into the former flood-plain, leaving
valley leaving terraces at either side. At the
head of rejuvenation the river falls to its new
behind terraces on both sides of the river. There is valley at a knickpoint
also a break in the graded profile of the river, often
marked by a series of rapids. This point where the period renewed down—cutting
old and rejuvenated profile meet is called the kniek to a fantastic depth-
In some parts of the Gran
point or rejuvenated head (Fig. 45). d Canyon, the depth 15
almost a mile. It is 10 miles
If rejuvenation occurs in the upper-course, the wide at the t0P and
:300 miles long. Other examples
river valleys are deepened and steep-sided gorges are the River MOSCHC
in Ge rmany, the River Wear
are formed. In the middle and lower course vertical at Durham, England
and the Wye Valley, Monm
corrasion replaces lateral corrasion and the existing outhshire.
bositive movement occurs when
meanders are vertically eroded by the rejuvenated there is -a
depression of land or a rise in
, stream. A distinct new inner trench is cut in the submerge the lands along sea level- This Ml
old valley, and the river develops a deep valley with the coast, ‘drown, the
valleys and weaken the ero
entrenched or incised meanders. The best developed sive power of the river.
The flow is checked and large
incised meanders are those of the River Colorado, quantities of Sediment
U.S.A., where the uplift of 7,000 feet in the Tertiary W1“ be dropped. The lower course
of the river may
be partly in the sea and fea
44 tures of dEIPOSitiOn are
shifted upwards to the middle course. The uppe
r downstream unchecked may cause widespread dis-
course is little affected when there is a rise in sea level. astrous floods in the lower course, e.g. in the
In many areas where the sea has risen this was
Indus and Ganges plains. In regions of insufficient
probably caused by the release of water locked up
rainfall such as Egypt and the Chao Phraya basin
in the ice masses during the Quaternary Ice Ages. in Thailand irrigation canals fed by the main stream
The Human Aspects of Rivers enable many crops to be successfully cultivated.
In many countries, rivers form the chief highway of The upper streams develop river captures and the
commerce and transport. The Yang-tze Kiang is resultant wind gaps may facilitate construction of
navigable up to a thousand miles from its mouth. upland roads and railways. The river valleys provide
The Amazon, the world’s greatest river is navigable a convenient means of land communication.
2,300 miles up-stream to the foot of the Andes, The flood plains of large rivers with their thick
though it is less extensively used. Even the Nile mantles of fine silt are some of the richest agricultural
with its cataracts is navigable for its first 960 miles areas of the world. They may support very dense
up to the First Cataract at Aswan. Other major populations and a chain of large cities may be strung
rivers such as the Mississippi, St. Lawrence, Rhine, along their banks. Many deltas are equally fertile,
Danube, Congo, Murray, Darling, Mekong and Irra- e.g. the Ganges delta accounts for almost all the
waddy all serve as important waterways for their jute grown for world consumption; the Nile delta
respective countries. Some of them are useful for produces superior quality cotton and several crops
transporting logs to the saw mills, others are used to of rice a year. The productive hinterlands are able
export bulky goods and import foodstuffs and raw
to support ports such as New Orleans for the Missis-
sippi basin, Rotterdam for the Rhineland and
But all rivers undertake three closely interrelated Calcutta for the Indo-Gangetic Plain.
Fresh-water ll‘4lllllg is important along many rivers
activities erosion, transportation and deposition. Their
and lakes. The organic matter brought down by
work has therefore both advantages and disadvant—
the river waters provides valuable food for fish and
ages from a human point of View. Rapids and water-
for spawning purposes. Rivers supply water for
falls, interrupt the navigability of a river. By deposit-
domestic consumption, sewerage and other industrial
ing large quantities of sediments in the lower course,
purposes. In Lancashire, the soft—water from the
the river silts up ports preventing large steamers
Millstone Grit is used for washing, dyeing and
V'from anchoring close to the shores. Deltas are thus
bleaching textiles. Rivers form the political boun-
less satisfactory sites than estuaries for the siting of
duties between many countries. The Mekong se—
large ports. Though this can be overcome by the
parates Laos from Thailand; and the Yalu forms a
construction of artificial harbours or by dredging:
well defined border between North Korea and the
this is expensive and, in some instances, impracti- eastern U.S.S.R.
cable. Some rivers change their courses from time
to time, others are made difficult for navigation by
their seasonal variations in the amount of water
discharged, and others may suffer from ill-drained
marshes and stagnant waters, leading to ill health QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES
and water-borne disease. Many rivers flood, bursting
levees and causing untold damage to crops. The 1. What are the characteristic features you
floods may add a layer of fertile silt to the flood plain, would expect to find in a river valley at the
but excessive flooding as in the Orinoco may dis- stage of youth, maturity and old age? Illustrate
courage people from cultivating crops at all. some of the more outstanding features with
On the other hand, the advantages of rivers diagrams and examples.
often outweigh the destruction that they cause.
In the upper course, rivers with steep gorges and 2. By reference to specific examples, describe
Waterfalls, provide natural sites for the generation the major constructive and destructive pro-
of hydro-electric power. leading to the establishment cesses at work along the course of a river from
0f metallurgical industries, engineering and aluminum its source to its mouth.
smelting, which can be profitably run on cheap,
abuadant power. Dams constructed across rivers 3. With the aid of annotated diagrams, explain
hold back flood-water which if allowed to flow the constrasting features of any three of the
upper course of airiv e
following pairs of features of a river: the rlver 1n the lower Conrs
(C) The work of l.
(a) dendritic and trellised drainage pattern is mainly depositiona than
(b) rapids and waterfalls Po rts are be tter sited on €Sluaries
(c) estuary and delta
on deltas.
features of rim
(e) Incised meanders are
(d) tributaries and distributarics
(e) river capture and river cliff
4. Explain any three of the following statements ant
briefly: 5 Either: Describe and explain with relev
(a) Mass movement of earth is mainly due
sketches the various types of
. _ '
to the lubricating action of rain-water deltas
and gravitional forces. 0r: Explain the ways 1n Wth river erosion
(b) Vertical corrasion is dominant in the