Eta 13 0310 04.03.2020 en
Eta 13 0310 04.03.2020 en
Eta 13 0310 04.03.2020 en
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General part
Technical Assessment Body issuing the ETA: ITeC
ITeC has been designated according to Article 29 of Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 and is member
of EOTA (European Organisation for Technical Assessment)
Product family to which the Subframe and fixing kit for fastening cladding elements and also
construction product belongs external wall elements in ventilated or non-ventilated façades
This European Technical 46 pages including 6 annexes which form an integral part of this
Assessment contains assessment.
General comments
Translations of this European Technical Assessment in other languages shall fully correspond to the
original issued document and should be identified as such.
Communication of this European Technical Assessment, including transmission by electronic means,
shall be in full. However, partial reproduction may be made, with the written consent of issuing
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1 From now on this term refers to both cladding elements and external wall elements.
2 If the skin elements are cladding elements, other EADs may apply (e.g. EAD 090062, EAD 090020, etc.).
The term “supporting structure” refers to both of followings descriptions:
- The wall, which in itself already meets the airtightness and mechanical strength requirements (resistance to static and dynamic
loads). The substrate walls are made of masonry (clay, concrete or stone), concrete (cast on site or as prefabricated panels),
timber or metal frame.
- The supporting structure of the building, which in itself does not meet the airtightness requirement but meets the mechanical
strength requirements (resistance to static and dynamic loads). Usually, the supporting structures of the building are made of
concrete (cast on site or prefabricated), timber or metal frame.
In this case, the airtightness requirements are met by the internal leaves of the façade.
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Table 1.1: Annexes of geometry characteristics and material properties of the kit components.
Component Geometry characteristics and material annexes
Skin fixing devices GR-HPL Annex 2
Vertical Profiles Annex 3
Brackets Annex 4
Drilling screws Annex 5
3 Performance of the product and reference to the methods used for its
The assessment of PF-ALU-HPL kit for the intended use was performed following the
EAD 090034-00-0404 Kit composed by subframe and fixings for fastening cladding and external wall
Table 3.1: Summary of the PF-ALU-HPL kit performances (see also detailed performances in relevant sections).
Mechanical fastening of skin elements (claddings or
Product: PF-ALU-HPL kit Intended use: external wall elements) in façades with air space,
ventilated or not.
Basic Works ETA
Essential characteristic Performance
Requirement section
3.1 Reaction to fire A1
Safety in case of fire
3000 Pa (suction)
3.2 Wind load resistance
3600 Pa (pressure)
--- Resistance to vertical load of the kit Not assessed
3.3 Resistance to vertical load of skin element fixing See tables 3.3
3.4 Resistance to horizontal load of skin element fixing See tables 3.4
Safety and accessibility
in use Resistance to pulsating load of skin element
--- Not assessed
Resistance of skin element fixings in case of
--- Not relevant
inaccuracies of installation
3.5 Pull-through resistance of fixings from profile 10,0 kN
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Table 3.1: Summary of the PF-ALU-HPL kit performances (see also detailed performances in relevant sections).
Mechanical fastening of skin elements (claddings or
Product: PF-ALU-HPL kit Intended use: external wall elements) in façades with air space,
ventilated or not.
Basic Works ETA
Essential characteristic Performance
Requirement section
3.6 Pull-out resistance of subframe fixings from profile 3,47 kN
3.7 Inertia and resistance of profiles See Annexes 2 & 3
3.8 Resistance of vertical load of brackets See table 3.7
3.9 Resistance of horizontal load of brackets See table 3.8
3.10 Mechanical characteristics of subframe fixings See table 3.6
3.11 Corrosion See section 3.11
Complementary information:
Requirements with respect to the mechanical resistance and stability of non-load bearing parts of the works are not included in
the Basic Works Requirement Mechanical resistance and stability (BWR 1) but are treated under the Basic Works Requirement
Safety and accessibility in use (BWR 4).
The fire resistance requirement is applicable to the wall (made of masonry, concrete, timber or metal frame) and not to the
PF-ALU-HPL kit itself.
PF-ALU-HPL kit wind load resistance has been determined according to section 2.2.2 of
EAD 090034-00-0404 considering the wind suction and pressure resistance tests and the mechanical
resistance of the components (see sections 3.3 to 3.10). Test results and calculated values for the tested
specimen are given in table 3.2.
For other assembled systems, wind load resistance obtained by calculation on the basis of the mechanical
resistance of the kit components should not be higher than the maximum load obtained in the tests.
Table 3.2: Test results and calculated values for tested specimen.
Test results (1) Calculated values
Maximum load Q Deflection under Deflection after 1
Test Load (Pa) (4)
(Pa) maximum load (mm) min recovery (mm)
Suction 3000 (2) 14,46 (3) 3,28
Pressure 3600 (2) 9,65 (3) 3,03
(1) Tested specimen: marble skin element 1200x600x30 mm; three PF-ALU-60 vertical profiles, span 950 mm; four horizontal
profiles GR-HPL60 span 600 mm; brackets ES-ALU-A/V 67/100, span 1300 mm. Characteristics of components are
indicated in Annexes 2 and 3.
(2) This load has been obtained at the test equipment limit without PF-ALU-HPL kit failure.
(3) Deflection measured at the connection point between the central vertical profile and the central horizontal profile.
(4) Calculated load for tested specimen configuration considering a PF-AL-U-60 vertical profile deflection L/200. Calculated
values for tested specimen composition using simple beam formulas.
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Resistance to vertical load of GR-HPL fixing devices has been assessed according to section 2.2.4 of
EAD 090034-00-0404.
Calculations were carried out by Finite Element Method (FEM) Analysis. All fixing devices GR-HPL, GR-
HPL-PV and GR-HPL-PH were calculated. Besides, regarding the set screw of GR-HPL-PV, GR-HPL-PH
& GR-HPL-V ancillary fixing devices, the vertical load resistance has been tested.
Calculated values are given in table 3.3a and table 3.3b. Tested values are given in table 3.3c.
Table 3.3b: Vertical load calculation results of GR-HPL-PV and GR-HPL-PH fixing devices.
at elastic limit of profile material at tensile strength of profile material
Type of fixing
device Maximum Maximum
Load (kN) Load (kN)
displacement (mm) displacement (mm)
GR-HPL60-PV 1,35 0,4 4,85 1,7
GR-HPL60-PH 1,23 0,8 4,35 3,2
GR-HPL120-PV 1,05 2,4 1,25 2,7
GR-HPL120-PH 1,15 5,1 1,38 5,9
Table 3.3c: Vertical load test results of set screw of GR-HPL-PV and GR-HPL-V fixing devices.
Load at 1 mm irreversible
Failure load (N)
Type of fixing deformation (kN)
device Maximum
F1,m F1,c Fu,m Fu,c
displacement (mm)
GR-HPL60-PV 0,78 0,54 1,03 0,68 5,0
GR-HPL120-PV 2,77 2,25 3,34 2,56 10,0
GR-HPL-V-46-P (*)
2,10 1,90 2,19 2,09 5,6
Where: Fmcs is the mean value; Fmcsc is the characteristic value with a 75% confidence that 95% of results will be higher than this
(*) Component tested. Values are valid for all GR-HPL-V-46 components.
Resistance to horizontal load of GR-HPL fixing devices has been assessed according to section 2.2.5 of
EAD 090034-00-0404.
Calculations were carried out by Finite Element Method (FEM) Analysis. All fixing devices GR-HPL,
GR-HPL-PV and GR-HPL-PH were calculated. Besides, regarding the set screw of GR-HPL-PV,
GR-HPL-PH, GR-HPL-V and GR-HPL-CR ancillary fixing devices, the horizontal load resistance has been
Calculated values are given in table 3.4a and table 3.4b. Tested values are given in table 3.4c.
Table 3.4a: Horizontal load calculation results.
at elastic limit of profile at tensile strength of
Distance Load at 1 mm material profile material
Type of
between of horizontal
horizontal Maximum Maximum
fixings displacement Load Load
profile5 displacement displacement
(mm) (kN/m) (2) (kN/m) (1) (kN/m) (1)
(mm) (2) (mm) (2)
400 0,400 1,15 5,4 1,35 6,1
500 0,300 0,90 5,5 1,10 6,9
400 0,250 0,40 3,3 0,50 3,4
500 0,190 0,35 3,5 0,43 4,4
400 0,350 1,00 4,4 1,20 5,4
500 0,250 0,80 4,7 0,95 5,5
600 0,400 1,50 5,7 1,80 6,8
800 0,250 1,10 6,7 1,35 (*) 8,3
600 0,425 1,50 5,5 1,85 6,9
800 0,275 1,10 6,0 1,35 7,5
600 0,300 1,50 7,6 1,85 9,6
800 0,200 1,10 8,2 1,35 10,2
600 0,400 1,50 6,1 1,85 7,7
800 0,250 1,10 6,6 1,35 8,2
600 0,175 1,00 7,4 1,20 8,9
800 0,125 0,93 10,8 1,13 13,2
800 0,450 2,00 8,6 2,40 10,4
1500 0,150 0,90 8,8 1,30 23,6
800 0,175 0,45 5,3 0,55 6,9
1500 0,060 0,20 6,2 0,24 7,4
Table 3.4b: Horizontal load calculation results of GR-HPL-PV and GR-HPL-PH fixing devices.
at elastic limit of profile material at tensile strength of profile material
Type of fixing device Maximum Maximum
Load (kN) displacement Load (kN) displacement
(mm) (mm)
GR-HPL60-PV 0,43 0,4 1,53 1,8
GR-HPL60-PH 1,15 1,0 4,10 4,1
GR-HPL120-PV 0,40 0,6 1,40 2,0
GR-HPL120-PH 1,15 0,4 2,05 1,7
Table 3.4c: Horizontal load test results of set screw of GR-HPL-PV/PH, GR-HPL-CR fixing devices & GR-HPL-V
ancillary fixing devices.
Load at 1 mm irreversible
Failure load (N)
deformation (kN)
Type of fixing device Maximum
F1,m F1,c Fu,m Fu,c displacement
GR-HPL60-PV (*) 0,93 0,67 1,55 1,33 5,3
GR-HPL120-PV 1,22 0,81 2,43 2,10 4,9
GR-HPL-CR-P (**) 4,79 3,75 12,76 11,74 15,8
GR-HPL-CR-T (**) 1,31 0,99 1,50 1,28 2,8
GR-HPL-V-46-P (***)
0,44 0,30 0,60 0,46 8,9
Where: Fm is the mean value; Fc is the characteristic value with a 75% confidence that 95% of results will be higher than this
(*) Component tested. Values are valid for GR-HPL-PH.
(**) Specimen length 150 mm.
(***) Component tested. Values are valid for all GR-HPL-V-46 components.
Pull-through resistance of fixings from profiles has been assessed according to section 2.2.8 of
EAD 090034-00-0404. Mean and characteristic values are given in table 3.5.
This characteristic is not relevant for subframe profiles detailed in Annex 3, yet some profiles have been
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Pull-out resistance of fixings from profiles has been assessed according to section 2.2.9 of
EAD 090034-00-0404. Mean and characteristic values are given in table 3.6.
Table 3.6: Pull-out resistance and shear strength of subframe screws.
Pull-out Shear strength
Profile type Drilling screw type
Rm (kN) Rc (kN) Rm (kN) Rc (kN)
PF-AL-U or
M6x25 PB (*) 3,96 3,47 8,96 7,96
PF AL-T-60/80
M6x25 PB (**) 2,10 1,90 NA NA
Where: Rm is the mean value.
Rc is the characteristic value given at 75% confidence that 95% of test results will be higher than this value.
NA = not assessed.
(*) The drilling screw used in the tests is the stainless steel quality A2-70 indicated in Annex 5.
(**) The drilling screw used in the tests is M4,2x13 of the same material as indicated in Annex 5. Results are valid for M6x25.
Resistance to horizontal load of brackets has been assessed according to section 2.2.12 of
EAD 090034-00-0404. Mean and characteristic values are given in table 3.8.
Table 3.8: Bracket resistance to horizontal load.
Resistance (kN) at 1 mm of
Ultimate resistance (kN)
Bracket type (mm) permanent deflection
Fm Fc Fm Fc
5,8 5,1 11,6 9,9
67/100 (*)
87/100 8,3 7,0 15,4 14,7
117/100 10,4 8,4 18,7 15,4
148/100 10,6 10,3 20,0 17,4
177/100 10,5 8,2 20,3 18,6
10,5 8,7 20,1 18,6
238/100 (*)
267/100 18,2 15,6 18,8 17,0
57/100 3,5 3,3 7,9 7,3
77/100 5,2 4,4 9,7 9,1
ES-ALU-L-A 97/100 4,4 3,9 9,2 8,6
119/100 5,0 4,1 9,8 9,0
137/100 5,4 4,7 11,7 11,1
238/100 (*)
267/100 (*)
ES-INOX-E 11,4 7,5 18,1 16,1
296/100 (*)
67/200 (*) 5,8 5,1 11,6 9,9
87/200 16,7 14,0 21,7 20,4
117/200 9,8 6,1 24,6 23,4
148/200 13,1 9,0 24,2 23,1
177/200 12,6 9,9 24,9 24,0
8,5 4,2 25,4 23,3
238/200 (*)
267/200 24,5 21,8 25,1 22,3
238/200 (*)
ES-INOX-E 16,9 13,2 23,6 18,0
296/200 (*)
Fm = mean values; Fc = characteristic values giving 75% confidence that 95% of results will be higher than this
(*) Bracket not tested. Minimum value is considered.
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3.11 Corrosion
GR-HPL fixing devices, vertical profiles and ES-ALU brackets are made of aluminium alloy AW 6005A
EP/O T6 or EN AW-6005A EP/H T6 according to EN 573, EN 1999 and EN 755. The durability is class B
and the minimum thickness is 2,0 mm. Therefore, these components may be used in the following external
atmospheric exposure: rural environment, moderate industrial/urban environment, but excluding industrial
marine environment. These components may be used in other external atmospheric conditions exposure
if the components are protected as indicated in EN 1999-1-1.
Subframe drilling screws are made of stainless steel, quality A2 or A4 according to EN ISO 3506. ES-
INOX brackets and the ancillary fixing devices GR-HPL-PV, GR-HPL-PH & GR-HPL-V are made of
stainless steel 1.4307, 1.4301 and 1.4305 according to EN 10088. Therefore these components may be
used in dry internal conditions or exposure in permanent damp internal conditions and also in external
atmospheric exposure with high category of corrosivity of the atmosphere (including industrial and marine
environment, C4 as defined in ISO 9223), if no particular aggressive conditions exist. Such particular
aggressive conditions are e.g. permanent or alternating immersion in seawater or the splash zone of
seawater, chloride atmosphere of indoor swimming pools or atmosphere with extreme chemical pollution
(e.g. in desulphurization plants or road tunnels where de-icing materials are used).
In addition, special attention should be considered in order to prevent the possible galvanic corrosion.
8 2003/640/EC – Commission Decision of date 4 September 2003, published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU)
L226/21 of 10/09/2003.
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The Control Plan is a confidential part of the ETA and is only handed over to the notified certification body involved in the
assessment and verification of constancy of performance.
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Figure A2.1.1: Horizontal profile Figure A2.1.2: Horizontal profile Figure A2.1.3: Horizontal profiles
Figure A2.1.4: Horizontal profiles Figure A2.1.5: Horizontal profiles Figure A2.1.6: Horizontal profiles
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Figure A2.1.7: Horizontal profiles GR-HPL60-TSP. Figure A2.1.8: Horizontal profiles GR-HPL60-Tubo.
Figure A2.1.9: Horizontal profiles GR-HPL120-TI. Figure A2.1.10: Horizontal profiles GR-HPL120-TS.
Figure A2.1.11: Horizontal profiles GR-HPL120-PS. Figure A2.1.12: Horizontal profiles GR-HPL120-TSP.
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Figure A2.1.13: Horizontal profiles GR-HPL120-Tubo. Figure A2.1.14: Ancillary profile EUP-AL-HPL40.
Figure A2.1.15: Ancillary profile EUP-AL-HPL60. Figure A2.1.16: Ancillary profile EUP-AL-HPL120.
Figure A2.2.1.3: Upper HPL-100 rail protector. Figure A2.2.1.4: Lower HPL-100 rail protector.
Figure A2.2.1.5: Position of Upper HPL-100 and Lower HPL-100 rail protector.
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Geometry characteristics
Figure A2.2.2.5: Set screw 5 x 70 mm & 5 x 35 mm. Figure A2.2.2.6: Dowel protector HPL-CV.
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Geometry characteristics
dx dy L L1 L2 Tolerances
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
PF-AL-U-40 19,8 18,4 40 24,1 15,9 ± 0,15
PF-AL-U-60 29,4 16,7 60 32,6 24,4 ± 0,15
Figure A3.1
PF-AL-U-80 41,0 15,0 80 43,2 35,0 ± 0,15
PF-AL-U-100 51,3 14,5 100 54,1 45,9 ± 0,15
PF-AL-T-60 22,5 28,3 57 24,4 32,6 ± 0,15
Figure A3.2
PF-AL-T-80 22,6 39,4 78,2 35,0 43,2 ± 0,15
PF-AL-T Figure A3.3
PF-AL-L Figure A3.4
PF-AL-J Figure A3.5
EUP-ALU-40 Figure A3.6
EUP-ALU-60 Figure A3.7
EUP-ALU-80 Figure A3.8
EUP-ALU-100 Figure A3.9
Ancillary profiles between vertical profiles
Figure A3.10
EU-PF-ALT/L Figure A3.11
EU-PF-AL-J Figure A3.12
ES-AL-O-20 Figure A3.13
Ancillary profiles for verticality deviations
ES-AL-O-40 Figure A3.14
Inertia of profile section (cm4) Ixx (cm4) Iyy (cm4)
PF-AL-U-40 9,1 10,8
PF-AL-U-60 22,5 12,2
PF-AL-U-80 49,3 13,5
PF-AL-U-100 94,1 16,3
PF-AL-T-60 25,2 19,8
PF-AL-T-80 57,4 25,5
PF-AL-T 17,6 29,3
PF-AL-L 14,3 6,7
PF-AL-J 25,3 11,9
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Figure A3.3: Profile PF-AL-T. Figure A3.4: Profile PF-AL-L. Figure A3.5: Profile PF-AL-J.
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Figure A3.6: Ancillary profile EUP-ALU-40. Figure A3.7: Ancillary profile EUP-ALU-60.
Figure A3.8: Ancillary profile EUP-ALU-80. Figure A3.9: Ancillary profile EUP-ALU-100.
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Figure A3.11: Ancillary profile EU-PF-ALT/L. Figure A3.12: Ancillary profile EU-PF-AL-J.
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Figure A3.13: Ancillary profile ES-AL-O-20. Figure A3.14: Ancillary profile ES-AL-O-40.
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L L1 Tolerances
(mm) (mm) (mm)
45/100 --- --- ± 0,15 Figure A4.1
67/100 --- --- ± 0,15 Figure A4.2
87/100 --- --- ± 0,15 Figure A4.3
117/100 117 ± 0,15
ES-ALU-A 148/100 148 ± 0,15
31 Figure A4.4
177/100 177 ± 0,15
208/100 208 ± 0,15
238/100 --- --- ± 0,15 Figure A4.5
267/100 --- --- ± 0,15 Figure A4.6
45/100 --- --- ± 0,15 Figure A4.7
67/100 --- --- ± 0,15 Figure A4.8
87/100 --- --- ± 0,15 Figure A4.9
117/100 117 ± 0,15
ES-ALU-V 148/100 148 ± 0,15
31 Figure A4.10
177/100 177 ± 0,15
208/100 208 ± 0,15
Dimensions 238/100 --- --- ± 0,15 Figure A4.11
(mm) 267/100 --- --- ± 0,15 Figure A4.12
67/200 --- --- ± 0,15 Figure A4.13
87/200 --- --- ± 0,15 Figure A4.14
117/200 117 ± 0,15
148/200 148 ± 0,15
ES-ALU-E 31 Figure A4.15
177/200 177 ± 0,15
208/100 208 ± 0,15
238/100 --- --- ± 0,15 Figure A4.16
267/100 --- --- ± 0,15 Figure A4.17
57/100 57 Figure A4.18
77/100 77 Figure A4.19
ES-ALU-L-A 97/100 97 27,5 ± 0,15 Figure A4.20
119/100 119 Figure A4.21
137/100 137 Figure A4.22
Ancillary Termostop 100 --- --- -- Figure A4.25a
thermal bridge
break piece Termostop 200 --- --- -- Figure A4.25b
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Geometry characteristics
ES-INOX-A 296/100
Form 238/200
L L1 Tolerances
(mm) (mm) (mm)
238/100 238 128
267/100 267 157
ES-INOX-A ± 0,15 Figure A4.23
296100 296 186
Dimensions 325/100 325 215
(mm) 238/100 238 128
267/100 267 157
ES-INOX-E ± 0,15 Figure A4.24
296100 296 186
325/100 325 215
Geometry characteristics
ST6,3x25 PB
A6.1 Design
The design of the subframe and fixings for fastener external skin elements using PF-ALU-HPL kit should
• For fastening cladding elements (the subframe is fixed on structural floors and also on a subframe
wall), all the kit components defined in Annexes 2 to 5 may be used. However, for the fastening of
wall elements, if the subframe is fixed only between structural floors, the vertical profiles and bracket
types less than 80 should be avoided (e.g. profiles PF-AL-U-40, PF-AL-U-60, PF-AL-T-60, PF-AL-T,
PF-AL-L & PF-AL-J and brackets ES-ALU-45, ES-ALU-67 & ES-ALU-L).
• The vertical profiles must not be used with the brackets of lower dimensions (e.g. profile PF-AL-U-80
can be used with brackets ES-ALU-87 to ES-ALU-325 and ES-INOX-238 to ES-INOX-325 but cannot
be used with bracket ES-ALU-67).
• The PF-ALU-HPL kit can be used for skin elements with groove and thickness between 20 to 50 mm.
The maximum weight and area shall be determined according to the mechanical properties of the kit
components declared in this ETA (see sections 3.4 to 3.11). The maximum density that can be
considered is 3000 kg/m3. The groove (t = 2,0 mm for GR-HPL40 and t = 5,3 mm for GR-HPL60 and
GR-HPL120) shall be situated in the middle axis of the skin element thickness. When ancillary fixing
devices GR-HPL-PV or GR-HPL-PH are used, dowel holes 7,5 mm diameter are to be included in the
middle axis of the skin elements thickness.
• It is assumed that the substrate wall meets the necessary requirements regarding the mechanical
strength (resistance to static and dynamic loads) and airtightness, as well as the relevant resistance
regarding watertightness and water vapour.
• It is assumed that the skin element meets the necessary requirements regarding the mechanical
resistance and hygrothermal behaviour.
• The verification of the designed system by means of calculation, taking into account the mechanical
characteristic values of the kit components in order to resist the actions (dead loads, wind loads, etc.)
applying on the specific works. National safety factors and other national provisions must be followed.
• The selection and verification of the anchors between the brackets and the external walls (substrate),
taking into account the substrate material and the minimum resistance required (pull-out and shear
resistance) according to the envisaged actions obtained from the mechanical calculation of the
designed system.
• The accommodation of the designed system movements to the substrate or structural movements.
• The execution of singular parts of the façade.
• The corrosion protection of the designed system metallic components taking into account the category
of corrosivity of the atmosphere of works (e.g. acc. ISO 9223).
• The drainability of the ventilated air space between the skin elements and the insulation layer or the
external wall accordingly.
• An insulation layer is usually fixed on the external wall and should be defined in accordance with a
harmonized standard or a European technical assessment.
• When the skin element joints are not watertight, the first layer behind ventilated air space (e.g.
insulation layer) should be composed by materials with low water absorption.
A6.2 Installation
Installation of the subframe and fixings for fastener external skin elements using PF-ALU-HPL kit should
be carried out:
• According to the specifications of the manufacturer and using the components specified in this ETA.
• In accordance with the design and drawings prepared for the specific works. The manufacturer should
ensure that the information on these provisions is given to those concerned.
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• By appropriately qualified staff and under the supervision of the technical responsible of the specific