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Influence of Tooth Sectioning on Postoperative Pain, Swelling and Trismus

Following Surgical Removal of Impacted Mandibular Third Molar

Article · August 2019


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2 authors, including:

Balamurugan Rajendran


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J Dent Res Prac 2019; 1(1): 15-19.

Influence of Tooth Sectioning on Postoperative Pain, Swelling and Trismus

Following Surgical Removal of Impacted Mandibular Third Molar
Kaleem, Balamurugan R *

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, RYA Cosmo foundation hospital, Chennai, India
*Correspondence should be addressed to Balamurugan R, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, RYA Cosmo foundation hospital, Chennai,

India; Tel: 9941259243; E-mail: [email protected]

Received: 15 July 2018 • Accepted: 08 August 2019

Aims and objectives: To evaluate and compare pain, swelling and trismus in patients undergoing surgical removal of
impacted mandibular third molar by complete odontectomy or tooth sectioning.
Materials and methods: The study population/subjects were 84 patients that present to the Department of Oral and
Maxillofacial surgery, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College and Hospital, India, Chennai for extraction of impacted mandibular
third molars under local anaesthesia. The study population/subjects were divided into two groups. Patients in group I
underwent surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molar without tooth sectioning. In group II patients underwent
surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molar with tooth sectioning. All the patients were assessed for pain using
visual analogue scale as well as swelling and trismus at postoperative intervals of 1, 3 and 7 days.
Statistical analysis used: ANOVA test using SPSS software.
Results: The results of our study have shown that sectioning of tooth had definite lessening effect on post-operative pain,
swelling and trismus in group II when compared with group I. Though the reduction of pain and trismus were minimal, a
notable reduction in the amount of swelling was observed with statistically significant results P<0.05, while pain and
trismus on 1st postoperative day showed no significant results in group II.
Conclusion: Our study concludes that sectioning of tooth is the most preferred method during surgical removal of
impacted third molar, thereby minimising post-operative complications.
Keywords: With odontectomy/without odontectomy, Impacted teeth.

Copyright ©2019 Balamurugan R et al. This is an open access paper distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.
Journal of Dental Research and Practice is published by Lexis Publisher

INTRODUCTION surgeons to surgeons and has been implicated in the incidence

of nerve damage, and the severity of pain and swelling post-
Surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molars is one operatively [5]. Our study aims at assessing the quality of life
of the most common procedures undertaken in oral and of patients undergoing surgical removal of impacted
maxillofacial surgery. Surgery is frequently associated with mandibular third molar by tooth sectioning or complete
postoperative complications of pain, swelling and restricted odontectomy. Thereby, every effort can be made to reduce the
mouth opening (trismus). The onset of pain usually peaks postoperative morbidity and improve the patient experience
within several hours after surgery and may last for several for this commonly performed surgical procedure.
days or more. Facial swelling typically peaks at around one
or two days before subsiding over the subsequent days [1,2].
Restricted mouth opening results from inflammation of the
muscles that move the jaw and may be described initially as
Patient selection
having a protective function by encouraging the patient to
rest the surgical site and permit healing. However, it may This study was carried out on 84 healthy adults with mean
persist for more than a few days and exceed this function age group of 29 years who reported to Department of Oral
causing concern and difficulty in eating for about two weeks and Maxillofacial Surgery for removal of impacted
or more [3,4]. mandibular third molars. All the patients were informed
about the purpose of study and consent was obtained. The
Various techniques have been evolved in an attempt to permit
protocol of this study was reviewed and approved by the
the successful removal of the third molar whilst reducing the
institutional review board of our institution.
complications. The choice of surgical technique differs from

J Dent Res Prac 2019; 1(1): 15-19.

Inclusion criteria number 701 (stainless steel) as required. After adequate

amount of bone removal the tooth was elevated and delivered
Patients under ASA I category undergoing surgical removal of
from the socket.
mesioangular impacted mandibular third molars. (Class I and
II, Position A-Pell & Gregory classification).
Group II (sectioning of tooth)
Exclusion criteria In this group a standard surgical procedure was done by
adequate bone removal on the buccal and the distal aspect of
1. Patients coming under ASA II, III and IV categories.
the impacted tooth, in addition to which odontectomy was
2. Patients having impacted mesioangular (class III), vertical, performed by placing the bur in the buccal groove, and the bur
horizontal and Distoangular mandibular third molars. was moved in a bucco-lingual direction along the long axis of
the tooth and the tooth was split into two halves. Then the
3. Patients with systemic conditions predisposing to local
tooth was elevated and delivered from the socket. Finally for
infections such as diabetes mellitus, Aids or concurrent cancer
both group I and group II the socket was irrigated with
povidone iodine and saline. Sharp bony edges were
4. Patients with local factors predisposing to infections such smoothened with bone files and the socket was irrigated to
as periapical pathology, cyst, neoplastic lesions (or) history of remove bone debris. Complete haemostasis was achieved
radiotherapy on mandible. before wound closure. The wound was closed with 3-0 silk
suture and the patient was given postoperative instructions.
Randomization All patients were under antibiotic coverage with Amoxicillin
500 mg (oral), 8th hourly and, metronidazole 400 mg (oral)
Patients were randomly assigned to one of the two groups.
and I mol for pain 8th hourly.
1.Group-I-Patients undergoing surgical removal of mandibular
third molar without sectioning of tooth. Assessment
2. Group-II-Patients undergoing surgical removal of The patients were evaluated by the same independent observer
mandibular third molar by tooth sectioning. postoperatively on 1st, 3rd and 7th days for parameters of
pain, swelling and trismus respectively.
Radiological evaluation
Subjective evaluation of pain
Intra oral periapical radiographs were assessed according to
Winter’s and Pell & Gregory classification and the impacted Pain was evaluated using a 10 cm visual analogue scale
tooth is categorized as mesioangular mandibular third molar (VAS), the scoring from 0-10 with 0 being no pain, 5 being
and their relationship with the ramus was classified as class I moderate pain, and 10 the worst possible pain.
and II. Only position A in relation to the depth was taken.
Evaluation of swelling
Type of impaction
Facial swelling was determined by the craniometric method
Mesioangular by measuring distance from the outer canthus of eye to the
angle of mandible (S1), distance from tragus of ear to the
Depth corner of mouth (S2), and distance from tragus of ear to soft
tissue pogonion (S3). These measurements were obtained with
Position A-High Occlusal level
a string and measured in mm on a standard graduated scale.
The average of S1+S2+S3 was recorded as the amount of
Ramus relationship
swelling (S) (Figures 1,2 and 3).
Class I-Sufficient Space
Class II-Reduced Space

Surgical procedure
The eligible patients are assigned randomly to either Group I
(Non-sectioning of tooth) or Group II (sectioning of tooth).
Intraoral preparation was done with povidone iodine solution.
Anaesthesia was secured with 2% lignocaine hydrochloride
with 1:200000 adrenaline by inducing inferior alveolar nerve
block, lingual nerve block and long buccal nerve block. A
Ward’s incision or Ward’s with distal extension was placed,
the mucoperiosteal flap reflected and the bone exposed.
Figure 1: Measurement of swelling (S1) in mm from lateral canthus
Group I (Non-sectioning of tooth) of eye to the angle of mandible.

Bone removal was carried out by guttering on the buccal and

the distal aspect of the tooth using a straight fissure bur

J Dent Res Prac 2019; 1(1): 15-19.

Figure 4: Measurement of trismus in mm from upper incisal edge to

lower incisal edge.

The clinical data was analysed statistically with ANOVA test
Figure 2: Measurement of swelling (S2) in mm from tragus of ear to using SPSS software. Statistical significant results were
corner of mouth. obtained for pain and trismus on 3rd and 7th postoperative
days and swelling on 1st, 3rd and 7th postoperative days with
P<0.05 respectively (Tables 1, 2, and 3).

A total of 84 patients requiring surgical removal of impacted
mandibular third molars were included in the present study, of
whom 25 were men and 21 were women in group I and in
group II 20 were men and 18 were women respectively. The
results of pain, swelling and mouth opening scores for all two
groups over the 1st, 3rd, and 7th postoperative days are
presented in Figures 3,4 and 5. The data was analysed
statistically with an ANOVA test using SPSS software (Tables
1, 2, and 3).

Comparison of group I (non-sectioning) and group II (with

Figure 3: Measurement of swelling (S3) in mm from tragus of ear to sectioning)
soft tissue pogonion.
Pain: The severity of pain was significantly less on 3rd and
Evaluation of trismus 7th postoperative days in group II with mean difference of
3.92 (1.35 SD) and 1.92 (1.12 SD) which showed statistically
Maximum mouth opening was measured in mm between the significant results P<0.05. (Figure 5 and Table 1).
incisal edges of upper and lower central incisors (Figure 4).

Table 1: ANOVA test of significance for pain.

Postoperative days Mean Standard deviation p value

Day 1 group I 3.01 1.35 0.87

group II 3.05 1.54

Day 3 group I 4.35 1.45 0.04

group II 3.92 1.35

Day 7 group I 2.17 1.33 0.05

group II 1.92 1.12

J Dent Res Prac 2019; 1(1): 15-19.

Figure 5: Average pain for each of the groups.

Swelling: The mean difference of swelling on 1st, 3rd and 7th 112.2 (4.43 SD) which was statistically significant for group
post-operative days were 154.8 (9.87 SD), 125.4 (7.24 SD), II with P<0.05. (Figure 6 and Table 2).

Table 2: ANOVA test of significance for swelling.

Postoperative days Mean Standard deviation p value

Day 1 group I 159.1 11.74 0.04

group II 154.8 9.87

Day 3 group I 129 7.51 0.02

group II 125.4 7.24

Day 7 group I 113.6 5.69 0.02

group II 112.2 4.43

Figure 6: Average swelling in mm for each of the groups.

J Dent Res Prac 2019; 1(1): 15-19.

Mouth opening: The degree of mouth opening in group II was compared with group I with statistical significance of P<0.05.
increased on 3rd and 7th postoperative days with mean (Figure 7 and Table 3).
difference of 38.04 (7.25 SD) and 42.17 (7.22 SD) when

Table 3: ANOVA test of significance for mouth opening.

Postoperative days Mean Standard deviation p value

Day 1 group I 35.57 7.12 0.08

group II 36.71 7.89

Day 3 group I 37.97 6.99 0.02

group II 38.04 7.25

Day 7 group I 41.26 6.68 0.04

group II 42.17 7.22

Figure 7: Average mouth opening in mm for each of the groups.

DISCUSSION Numbness of the lip following the removal of impacted

mandibular third molars is prevented. Numbness usually is the
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the postoperative result of heavy leverage which forces the roots of the tooth
course in relation to pain, swelling, mouth opening after against the mandibular nerve. In this technique roots can be
removal of impacted mandibular third molars by non- lifted away from the nerve with but slight pressure.
sectioning and sectioning techniques.
Pain measurement is difficult to establish, as the intensity and
The surgical technique for third molar removal may differ perception of pain by the patients is multifactorial. Pedersen
from patient to patient depending upon the type of impaction [5] emphasized pain being the most potential key factor for
[6]. The type of impaction is one of the anatomical factors that reduced mouth opening after removal of impacted mandibular
determines the point of purchase (point of application of an third molars. While on contrary, in our study the mouth
elevator) and the extraction movements necessary to deliver a opening reduced on immediate post-operative day and pain
tooth during surgery and which gives a prediction of the threshold increased on post-operative day 1 and 3. This is due
difficulty of extraction. to acute intense pain experienced by the patients during
Glenn, et al [7] presented a tooth division technique for the immediate post-operative course. Thereafter, the mouth
removal of impacted teeth, advantages being the field of opening gradually improved on POD 7 and returned to normal
operation may be kept small. Since little or no work is done baseline level. In more than 20 patients pain gradually
posteriorly to the tooth, the incisions are less extensive. This subsided from day 3 post operatively.
means less postoperative swelling. Bone removal is Maano et al.[6] stated that subjects in his study experienced
eliminated or considerably reduced. The operating time is severe pain on second post-operative day whereas in our
shortened. Trismus is significantly reduced. Trismus is study, it was on POD 3. Bosch et al. [9] and Gool et al. [10]
primarily due to injury to the ligaments of the found that pain developed faster than swelling, reaching a
temporomandibular articulation resulting from forceful maximum after 2-3 days. While pain and swelling developed
elevation of the tooth. There is no damage to adjacent teeth simultaneously eventually leading to trismus. The mouth
and bone. The risk of a jaw fracture is reduced. Most fractures opening steadily improved by the end of the 7th day.
of the mandible result from forced elevations, usually of Chiapasco et al. [2] emphasized that excessive amount of
vertical impactions which are in contact with second molars. bone guttering can contribute to increased postoperative pain.

J Dent Res Prac 2019; 1(1): 15-19.

In our study surgical removal of the class II mesioangular study, patients with class II mesioangular impacted teeth
impacted lower third molar tooth required more bone removal experienced highest reduction in mouth opening of about 6
as compared to class I. Out of 84 patients, 37 of them had mm on POD 7.
class II mesioangular impacted teeth. They had pain VAS
From our study, we state that pain, swelling and trismus are
score of 6 on POD 1 and 3. Shevel et al. [11] suggested
interlinked and multifactorial in nature. Severe Pain and
smaller incision results in reduced post-operative pain.
swelling are commonly associated with pre-operative
Srinivas et al.[12] stated that in third molar complications, the variables of impacted tooth like angulations, depth, space
surgical oedema is expected sequelae of removal of impacted available and position in relation to external oblique ridge.
teeth. Swelling usually reaches maximum level 2-3 days post- Pain, swelling, trismus can also be associated with
operatively and should subside by 4 days and gets completely intraoperative variables like amount of LA administered,
resolved by 7 days. But in our study the swelling had peaked number of needle prick, type of incision, mucoperioesteal flap
on POD 3 and subsided on POD 7. Daniel et al.[13], reported elevation, method of tooth removal [25-30].
in his study that the swelling had peaked on POD 2 in 46% of
patients. In our study, the swelling on POD 3 was present in CONCLUSION
82% patients. It may be due to increased tissue manipulation
or buccal retraction performed during surgical removal of One of the central questions faced every day by a surgeon
tooth. extracting an impacted third molar is whether or not to section
the tooth. The decision affects both the ease of extraction for
Raymond et al.,[14] conducted health related quality of the surgeon and the post-operative sequelae for the patient. As
Lifestyle (HRQL) study to assess the patient’s outcome and such it is important to understand the exact impact of
recovery following third molar removal. Analysis of such sectioning or non-sectioning of impacted third molar, as such
outcomes would probably help the clinician in future to adapt that the practitioner may make the best informed decision.
a systematic evaluation and modify the surgical technique
based on type of impaction and pre-operative condition of The results of our study have shown that sectioning a tooth
impacted third molar. Franseco et al.[15] stated that extension has definite lessening effect on post-operative pain, swelling
of the incision as well as tissue manipulation could affect the and trismus. Trismus a notable reduction in the amount of
entity of swelling and mouth opening. In our study, all swelling was observed when compared with the non-
patients underwent Ward ’ s incision or Ward ’ s with distal sectioning group. Our study concludes that sectioning the
extension for surgical removal of impacted lower third molar tooth is the preferred technique when surgically extracting an
but only 25 out of 84 patients had minimal restriction in impacted third molar.
mouth opening on POD 7. In general, when wards incision is
carried out the distal extension placed during the surgical CONFLICT OF INTEREST
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