Guns of Liberty
Guns of Liberty
Guns of Liberty
Base to hit = 4 The base number to inflict a casualty in Check if leader is hit when...
+/- Unit’s Fire Factor melee is 3 on a D20. 1. Attached to unit taking casualties
Range 2. Within 2” of unit taking hits
Base to hit = 3
+3 Point Blank 3. Failing to rally routed irregulars
+/- Unit’s Melee Factor
+1 Short
+? Attached leader’s LR
-2 Long For each hit the unit suffers, that is the
+1 Indians in woods
Canon Size number needed to roll on a d20 for a
+1 Defending frontally in close order
-1 3lb or 4lb gun leader casualty. Roll on the following
+1 Charging
0 6lb gun & Mortar table to see what the hit inflicts
+1 Charging in close formation
+1 8lb gun & Field Howitzer
+3 Cav. vs. non-Cav. not in good order
+2 12lb gun 1 - 5 = Leader KIA
+3 Charging unit in the flank
+5 Siege gun 6 - 10 = Leader WIA carried from field
+5 Charging unit in the rear
Firing Unit’s Status 11 - 20 = Leader WIA, but remains on
-1 No bayonets, except Indians
+1 Consecutive Fire at Stationary the field.
-2 Unit in March Column Formation
-2 Unit taking cover/ hiding
+1 First Fire If the leader was in a losing side of a
-3 Unit in skirmish formation
-1 Opportunity fire melee round roll again. On a 1 or 2 the
-1 Disorganized leader is captured.
-1 Disordered
-1 Firer moved, changed
-2 Shaken
formation/facing MAJOR GENERAL CHART
-5 Routed
Target’s Cover or Disposition LR CR CRB #S
Target’s Cover
+2 vs. Mounted unit +3 36” 8” 6
-1 Woods, low wall, uphill
+2 Closed Order/Flank of Column +2 32” 6” 5
-2 behind breastworks or in houses
+2 Enfilade fire on units in line +1 24” 4” 4
-3 behind fort walls
formation 0 12” 2” 3
+2 vs. Limbered Artillery -1 none N/A -
Winner is the side that inflicts the most
+2 Front/Rear of Column
casualties. Loser rolls on the FMT. If
-1 vs. unit in Woods LR - Leadership Rating (applied to
the melee is a tie then all stands fight
-1 vs. Wood buildings and fences initiative roll)
another round. If neither side can win
-2 vs. stone walls CR - Command Radius
then the attacker must fall back full in
-2 vs. skirmishers/unlimbered artillery CRB - Command Radius Bonus
disorder. If the winner can roll (1d20)
-2 vs. entrenchments #S - Number of subordinates that can
the difference between casualties then
-3 vs. stone buildings and receive this bonus.
they capture the enemy’s colors.
Irregular units don’t have colors.
Base to hit = 4 LR CR # of units
+/- Unit’s Fire Factor +3 16” 8
Range Short Normal Long +2 12” 6
+1 Short Range Musket 2 4 6 +1 8” 5
-3 Long Range Rifle 3 6 10 0 4” 4
Firing Unit’s Status Carbines 1 2 4 -1 2” 3
+1 Unit in closed order formation 3, 4lb Gun 4 8 12
+2 First Volley, Regulars only 6lb
5 10 15
-1 Unit moved Gun/Mtr SEQUENCE OF PLAY
-1 Unit disordered 8lb
6 12 18 • Charge Declaration and Charge
-1 Opportunity Fire Gun/How
-2 Mounted 12lb Gun 8 16 24 Move Phase
-2 Unit shaken Siege Gun 12 24 36 • Initiative Phase (d6)
-3 Skirmish Fire • Movement Phase (check CR)
Target’s Cover or Disposition Note: Point blank range for artillery is • Artillery Fire Phase
-1 woods, behind low stone walls 1/2 the distance of short range. (i.e. 2”
-2 houses, trenches, fort walls • Small Arms Fire Phase
for 3lb gun, 2.5” for 6lb gun, etc.)
-2 Skirmish or artillery crew • Melee Phase
+1 Limbered Artillery Visibility is restricted in woods. • Morale Phase
+2 vs. Mounted unit (section 5.04)
+2 Closed Order/Flank of Column
+2 Front/Rear of Column
+3 Firing on flank where unit is in line
NVMC checks: If target unit passes NVMC then it may LEADERS
• Irregulars take casualties perform one of these reactions: Mounted 18”, Foot 12”. Additional half
• Regulars hit by artillery • Fall back full down 1 morale grd. move in Morale Phase.
• Regulars lose 25% • Fall back half
• Regulars lose 50% and every hit • Fire at the enemy. Use Opportunity Heavy Light
there after Fire rules for firing distance.
Inf. * Minus D4+2 Minus D4
• Irregulars see rout (<=4”) • Refuse flank by wheeling up to 2” Cav. Minus 2D6 Minus 2D4
• Regulars see other Regulars rout • About face and fires 1/2 stands Art. Trails & Minus D4
within 4 inches with modifiers Roads only
• Leader is killed • Skirmishers/Cav evade full move
• Target of a charge • Cavalry may counter-charge * Irregulars subtract one from the die
roll and Indians subtract 2.
• Taking rear fire
VMC checks:
Good Dsrd Shkn Rtd Creek – minus 1” from movement
• Attempting to charge R R:1P R:2P R:3P Stream – minus D4 inches
• Moving through swamps 1 S:FBF R R:1P R:2P Fords in a stream are treated as a creek.
• Attempting to rally 2 S:FBF S:FBF R:1P R:2P River – cross at fords and bridges or in
• Moving while out of command D:FBF S:FBF R R:1P boats. Treat fords as if they were
• Stand if hidden or taken cover 4 D:FBH D:FBF R R:1P
Lakes, ponds – only crossed by boat.
To pass morale you must roll the units 6 D D:FBH S:FBF R
You must be in March Column to use
morale factor or less. Use the following Modifiers:
-1 to all rolls by Irregulars on the FMT
fords and bridges. Any unit that ends its
modifiers when checking morale. All movement in mid-stream is considered
modifiers cumulative. D = Disordered disordered unless they are using a ford.
? Leadership Rating (within 2”) S = Shaken
R = Routed, move unit at rout spead.
Unit Position #P = Figures that are taken prisoner. This only
+1 for each flank secured applies if this result occurs from melee. Low: -1” from move.
+1 for rear support FBF/FBH = Fall back 1 move/Fall Back 1/2 move High: inf only, costs a full move
based on current formation facing the enemy. If the
+1 behind barricade/stone walls
unit cannot fall back due to movement restrictions
+1 In woods/behind wood fences or obstacles then they automatically move to the
+3 Indians in woods next lower morale grade. Mild Grade = 1/4 movement lost
+3 for inside a fort Steep Grade = 1/2 movement lost
+2 Entrenched ** Subtract the difference in casualties from a
lost melee for rolls on the FMT.
Status Changing Formation
-1 Disordered Infantry:
-3 Shaken Movement Rates (in inches) Reg. into Line or Column = ½ move
-5 Routed Formation Irreg into Line or Column = 1 move
Cumulative Casualties Clsd Opn Col Skr Any into Skirmish = ¼ move
-4 Has suffered 25% casualties Infantry 6 8 10 10 Skirmish into Any = ½ Regs, Full Irregs
-8 Has suffered 50% casualties Cavalry N/A 12 18 N/A Cavalry:
-12 Has suffered 75% casualties Note: Infantry charge range is 3”, and Into Line or Column = ½ move
Casualties during the current Turn Cavalry is 12”. Inf. routes 12+D6”, Dismounting or mounting = ½ move
-2 Rec’d fire on flank (fire only) Cavalry 18+2D6”. Artillery(2 different actions a turn):
-4 Received fire on rear Limber/Unlimber = ½ move
Charging modifiers Artillery Formation
+1 Charging downhill P-long Lim Wheeling:
+2 Charging shaken units Lt Guns (3#, 4#, 6#) 3 10 1” per inch moved for Regulars
+2 Charging in closed order Med Guns (8#) 2 10 2” per inch moved for Irregulars
+3 Charging unit on the flank Hvy Guns (12#) 1 6 Full move(max 45 degrees) for artillery
+5 Charging routed units Siege Guns (>12#) 0 4
+6 Charging unit in the rear Note: If crew routes due to fire it takes Front to Flank: ¼ Regs, ½ Irregs
-2 Charging entrenched enemy the guns with them. If the crew loses Side Step: 1/2 move inf. only
-2 Being Charged on flank in melee it abandons the guns. Crew About Face:
-3 Irregs charged by Regs (15+) rout at the same speed as infantry Inf & Cav ¼ move
-4 Being charged on rear (12+D6) Art full move, no fire
Fleeing: Rout move
Road Movement: +50% bonus
Retrograde Movement: ½ move