Investigation of Hollow Core Slab Floor Vibration
Investigation of Hollow Core Slab Floor Vibration
Investigation of Hollow Core Slab Floor Vibration
1 146
5 authors, including:
Mujiman Mujiman
Politeknik Negeri Bandung
All content following this page was uploaded by Sumargo Sumargo on 30 December 2021.
Modern architecture and construction design, leading floor system to have longer spans, lighter weight, and lower
damping. However, it can cause a floor system to have excessive vibration. Vibration on the floor system is the
second most frequent source of complaints from building occupants. Hollow Core Slab (HCS), are precast concrete
floor elements widely used nowadays in multiple construction buildings. HCS has the advantage of lightweight and
prestressed that makes the possibility to create long-span floors that are in line with modern construction design. In
this study, we research the HCS floor's vibration behavior and its compliance with the minimum standards for
serviceability criteria. The test is carried out by giving an impact loads using the impact test method. The
accelerometer sensor used to measure the vibration that occurs. The test is carried out on two treatments, first on
simply supported HCS, and the second is HCS supported to the beam with a shear connector. The test location is on a
two-story parking building with several variations in the floor dimension, and the HCS thickness is 150 mm. This
research shows that all of the floor's natural frequency meets the minimum frequency requirement, 3 Hz. Some floor's
natural frequency had gotten in the human body's sensitive frequency range 4-8 Hz. The majority of the slabs have
low-frequency floor categories. The natural frequency tends to be higher if the span of floors is smaller, and the
natural frequency tends to be higher on HCS supported to the beam using a shear connector.
Keywords: Hollow Core Slab, precast slab, vibration, floor serviceability, impact test.
classified as a low-frequency floor, and the floor's 1), so if the natural frequency of floor systems are in
serviceability is weak. Liu et al. [10] research the this range, resonance phenomenon can be occurred
vibration behavior of composite slab with precast and causing a higher vibration response to the floor
ribbed panels due to transient impact. The research system. [2-5]. Based on SCI P354 [7] and PCI MNL-
shows that CSPRP has lower peak accelerations, and 126-15E [13], floor and floor systems with natural
stiffer than RC slabs under transient impacts. Zhou et frequencies lower than 3 Hz are not recommended
al. [11] research the vibration serviceability of a because people may more readily synchronize their
prestressed concrete floor system under human actions at lower frequencies. Based on SCI P354 [7],
activity. The results show that the floor system found and the Concrete Center [8], both divide the floor
to have a low frequency and modal damping ratio. The systems into two types, which are low-frequency
floor system's peak acceleration response is lower than floors and high-frequency floors. The low-frequency
the acceleration threshold value given in The China's floors are floor systems that have a natural frequency
Code [12] and the AISC design guide [5]. The floor below 10 Hz. To check the serviceability criteria,
system exhibits good vibration perceptibility overall. steady-state and transient response analysis are
required. The High-frequency floors are floor systems
1.2. Our Contribution with a natural frequency above 10 Hz, and to check
the serviceability criteria, only transient analyses are
This paper presents an experimental study on a two- required.
story building to determine the vibration behavior of
prestressed precast HCS floors on two types of
treatment, which is on simply supported HCS to beam
and HCS supported to the beam using a shear
Advances in Engineering Research, volume 198
Figure 3 Test scheme layout of HCS supported to the beam using a shear connector.
2.3. Experimental Test This floor is categorized as General floors, open plan
The test is carried out using the impact test method to offices etc., from [7, 8], so the low to high-frequency
see the floor's natural frequency value. The impact test cut-off is 10 Hz.
is carried out three times at each test point. To read the The test results from each point on the floor are
frequency value, an accelerometer is used, which is recapitulated. The results of the simply supported
placed on the floor slab. The location of the impact HCS test are presented in Table 1, Table 2, and Table
test is the same as the location of the accelerometer. 3.
The accelerometer placement location is as shown in
Figure 4 (a) and (b).
(a) (b)
Figure 4 (a) Location of accelerometers of simply supported HCS, and (b) Location of accelerometers of HCS
supported to the beam using a shear connector.
Advances in Engineering Research, volume 198
Table 3 Natural frequency of simply supported HCS compared to SCI P35, PCI MNL126-15E, and AISC DG11
Minimum Floor
Floor Size Frequency (Hz) Note Sensitive Human Response [5] Note
Frequency [7,13]
(cm) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz)
P1 (235X120) 17,11 3 Ok 4-8 Ok
P1' (235X60) 14,8 3 Ok 4-8 Ok
P2 (585X120) 9,14 3 Ok 4-8 Ok
P2' (585X120') 9,15 3 Ok 4-8 Ok
P2'' (585X60) 9,16 3 Ok 4-8 Ok
P3 (595X120) 8,93 3 Ok 4-8 Ok
P3' (595X120') 7,76 3 Ok 4-8 Not Ok
P3'' (595X100) 8,14 3 Ok 4-8 Ok
Based on the test results on an HCS supported to the Table 4 Natural frequency of HCS supported to the
beam using a shear connector, the natural frequency beam using a shear connector and frequency
values were obtained from 7.76-17.11 Hz with various differences to similar floor width
floor slab size variations. Table 1 shows that the
floor's natural frequency tends to be lower if the span Span Ratio To
of the floor is longer. For example, on P2" which has Floor Size Frequency Similar Floor
2,43 times longer span to P1', the frequency has 38%
lower, from 14,8 Hz on P1' to 9,16 Hz on P2". (cm) (Hz) (%)
S1 (600X240) 14,85 1 -
Based on Table 3, all the natural frequencies meet the
minimum frequency requirement of floors higher than S2 (610X240) 14,9 1,01 (S1) 0,34%
3 Hz [7,13], but on P3', the floor has the same S3 (600X560) 9,19 1 -
frequency on the most sensitive human response of S4 (800X560) 7,95 1,3 (S3) -13%
vibration [5]. So, on P3' floor, if any vibration occurs
on the floor, the human body will have a higher S5 (830X600) 8,44 - -
response to the vibration and probably can cause
resonance if the vibration type is continuous vibration Table 5 HCS supported to the beam using a shear
[2-5]. connector on low-frequency floor to high-frequency
Based on Table 2, two of the floor slab have been floor cut-off
categorized as a high-frequency floor (P1 and P1'), Low-Frequency Floor
and the other slab is categorized as a low-frequency Floor Size Frequency to High-Frequency Note
floor. Floor Cut-Off
(cm) (Hz) (Hz)
The results of the simply supported HCS test are
presented in Table 4, Table 5, and Table 6. S1 (600X240) 14,85 10 HFF
S2 (610X240) 14,9 10 HFF
S3 (600X560) 9,19 10 LFF
S4 (800X560) 7,95 10 LFF
S5 (830X600) 8,44 10 LFF
Table 6 Natural frequency of HCS supported to the beam using a shear connector compared to SCI P35, PCI
MNL126-15E and AISC DG11
Minimum Floor
Floor Size Frequency (Hz) Note Sensitive Human Response [3] Note
Frequency [1-2]
(cm) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz)
S1 (600X240) 14,85 3 Ok 4-8 Ok
S2 (610X240) 14,9 3 Ok 4-8 Ok
S3 (600X560) 9,19 3 Ok 4-8 Ok
S4 (800X560) 7,95 3 Ok 4-8 Not Ok
S5 (830X600) 8,44 3 Ok 4-8 Ok
Advances in Engineering Research, volume 198
Based on the test results on an HCS supported to the - Compare the test results to other floor systems,
beam using a shear connector, the natural frequency like reinforced concrete floors, steel deck floors,
values were obtained from 7.95-14.85 Hz with various composite floors, etc.
floor slab size variations. Table 4 shows that the - Conduct vibration research on other types of
floor's natural frequency tends to be lower if the span building floor.
of the floor is longer. For example, on S4 with 2,43
times longer span to S3, the frequency has 13% lower, ACKNOWLEDGMENT
from 9,19 Hz on S3 to 7,95 Hz on S4.
This research was supported by DIPA Research and
Based on Table 5, all the natural frequencies meet the Community Service Unit (UPPM) Bandung State
minimum frequency requirement of floors higher than Polytechnic (POLBAN), and PT. Beton Elemenindo
3 Hz [7,13], but on S4, the floor has the same Perkasa.
frequency on the most sensitive human response of
vibration [5]. So, on the S4 floor, if any vibration
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