KMC Healh Talk
KMC Healh Talk
KMC Healh Talk
Submitted to Submitted by
Mrs. Pallavi Sharma Aaqib Mushtaq
SUBJECT: Child health nursing
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: At the end of the class mother will have knowledge about the procedure
“At the end of the class mothers will able to have in depth understanding of Kangaroo mother
care in detail
3 ms To enlist the BENEFITS OF KMC Explanation Discussion by showing flash What are the
benefits of cards benefits to child
KMC 2.1 Breastfeeding: Studies have and mother?
shown that KMC results in increased
breastfeeding rate as well as increased
duration of breastfeeding. Studies
conducted in developed countries,
where skin-to-skin contact was even
initiated late and for a limited amount
of period per day, had shown a
beneficial effect on breast feeding.
Experience from AIIMS has shown
that KMC results in better exclusive
breast feeding rate at 6 weeks of age.
2.2 Thermal control and
metabolism: Studies carried out in
low-income countries showed that
prolonged skin-to-skin contact
between the mother and her preterm/
LBW infant provides effective thermal
control and
are associated with a reduced risk of
hypothermia. Experience from AIIMS
has shown that KMC results in normal
temperature during the procedure
without any risk of hypothermia
during the KMC.
2.3 Growth: Infants cared for by
KMC have a slightly better daily
weight gain during hospital stay.
Studies conducted in different parts of
world as well as at AIIMS have shown
that babies have better weight gain
with KMC.
2.4 Other effects: KMC helps
both infants and parents. Mothers
report being significantly less stressed
during kangaroo care than when the
baby is receiving incubator care.
Mothers prefer skin-to-skin contact to
conventional care and report increased
confidence, self-esteem, and feeling of
fulfillment. They describe asense of
empowerment, confidence and a
satisfaction that they can do
something positive for their preterm
infants. Fathers felt more relaxed,
comfortable and better bonded while
providing kangaroo care.
3M To define 3. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Explanation Discussion What are the
NS eligibility FOR KMC eligibility
criteria for criteria
3.1 Baby
mother and
child to All babies are eligible for KMC. Some
initiate KMC guidelines for practicing KMC include
i. Birth weight ≥1800gm: If
stable, can be started on KMC soon
after birth.
ii. Birth weight 1200-1799gm: In
such case the delivery should take
place in a equipped facility, which can
provide neonatal care. Should delivery
occur elsewhere, the baby should be
transferred to such facility soon after
birth, preferably with the mother.
One of the best ways of transporting
small babies is keeping them in
continuous skin-to-skin contact with
the mother. It may take a couple of
days for a sick baby to become stable
before KMC can be initiated.
iii. Birth weight <1200gm: These
babies benefit most from transfer
before birth to a hospital with neonatal
intensive care facilities. It may take
days to weeks before baby’s condition
allows initiation of KMC.
3.2 Mother
All mothers can provide KMC,
irrespective of age, parity, education,
culture and religion. The following
aspects must be taken into
consideration when counseling for
i. Willingness: The mother must
be willing to provide KMC.
Healthcare professionals should
counsel her adequately regarding
different aspects of KMC. Once
mother knows about KMC, she will be
willing to provide KMC to her baby.
ii. General health: If the mother
has suffered from complications
during pregnancy or delivery or is
otherwise ill, she should recover
reasonably well before she can initiate
iii. Supportive family: She needs
support to deal with other
responsibilities at home. The other
family members e.g. father or
grandmother should also be
encouraged to provide kangaroo care
to the LBW baby.
iv. Supportive community: This
is particularly important when there
are social, economic or family
KMC can be provided using any
front open garment. You can
innovate / design a garment
whichwould help mother to provide
KMC to her baby.
3 To explain 4. INITIATION OF KMC Explanation When we should
how and Demonstration start KMC
4.1 Counselling: When baby is
whento ready for KMC, arrange a time with
initiate KMC the mother that is convenient for her
and herbaby. The first session is
important and requires time and
undivided attention. Ask her to wear
light, loose clothing. Provide a warm
place for her. Respect her requirement
of privacy while providing KMC.
Encourage her to bring her mother-in-
law, other relatives or her husband if
she wishes, as it helps to lend support
andreassurance. Talk to other key
family members especially mother-in-
law, sister-in-law and husband. Unless
they are convinced, it will not be
possible for the mother to do KMC at
4.2 Baby clothing: Baby should
be naked except cap, socks and nappy.
4.3 Kangaroo positioning: The
baby should be placed between the
mother’s breasts in an upright
position.The head should be turned to
one side and in slightly extended
position. This slightly extended head
position keeps the airway open and
allows eye-to-eye contact between the
mother and the baby. Avoid both
forward flexion and hyperextension of
the head.
The hips should be flexed and
abducted in a “frog” position; the
elbows should also be flexed. Baby’s
abdomen should be somewhere at the
level of the mother’s epigastrium.
This way baby has enough room for
abdominal breathing. Mother’s
breathing stimulates the baby, thus
reducing the occurrence of apnea.
Mother can provide KMC sitting or
reclining in a bed or a chair. She can
keep herself in slightly backward
reclining position and support baby’s
body and neck using her own hand.
Feeding: The mother should be
explained that she should breastfeed in
the kangaroo position and that KMC
actually makes breastfeeding easier.
Furthermore, holding the baby near
the breast stimulates milk production.
4.4 Psychological support: The
mother should be encouraged to ask
for help if she is worried. The health
personnel should be prepared to
respond to her questions and anxieties.
When mother is not available, other
family member such as
grandmother, father or other
relative can provide KMC.
KMC can be started as soon as the
baby is stable. Babies with severe
illness or requiring special treatment
should wait until they are reasonably
stable before KMC can be initiated.
During this period babies are treated
according to neonatal unit clinical
guidelines. Short KMC sessions can
be initiated during recovery with
ongoing medical treatment (IV fluids,
low concentration of oxygen). KMC
can be provided while the baby is
being fed via orogastric tube.
Once the baby begins to recover,
family members should be motivated
to practice KMC.
Kangaroo Mother Care Promotions aims to promote the spread and implementation of Kangaroo
Mother Care (KMC) as the standard method of care for all newborn babies, BOTH PREMATURE
AND FULL is verymuch benefited to mother and child. As a pediatric speciality nurse this
health education oriented me about kangaroo mother care and also helped the mother who have
preterm,term or low birth weight baby.