13-Material Source Declaration Justification (MSDJ)
13-Material Source Declaration Justification (MSDJ)
13-Material Source Declaration Justification (MSDJ)
Intended Usage: For Storm Water pump station Station :الغرض من االستخدام
Manufacturer/ Source: Verlinde lifting equipment, France :الجهة المصنعة
Supplier/Applicator: Universal lifting solutions, UAE :الجهة الموردة
Submitted Attachments Checklist: :المرفقات المطلوب تقديمها مع الطلب
P 1 - Material Source Declaration Form (MSDF) P 6 - Department of Economic Development (Registration).
P 2 - Copies of Relevant Parts of BoQ & Drawings P 7 - Manufacturer / Supplier's Guarantee (as per Contract)
P 3 - Technical Comparison Table P 8 - Previous Approvals
P 4 - Manufacturer's Technical Data / Original Catalogues P 9 - Applicator's Method Statement
5 - Recent Test Reports/Certificates 10 - Others (Supplier's Profile & Photos)
Contractor's Signature, Stamp and Submission Date: : توقيع وختم المقاول وتاريخ تقديم الطلب
Company Address: P.O. Box 20059 P.O. Box 121820 P.O Box 108292 :عنوان الشركة
France Sharjah,UAE Abu Dhabi, UAE
(City, Emirate, Country) ( البلد، االمارة،) المدينة
Telephone Number: 0033 02 37389595 06-5736494 02-5656461 :رقم الهاتف
To the best of our Knowledge, the subject material is not manufactured locally in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
b) Such material manufactured locally in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi do not fully comply with the requirements of the Contract
Documents (see note below)*
c) Local manufacturer of the subject material cannot supply the project on time and/or in the quantities required (see note
d) Such material manufactured locally in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi do not competitively priced.
(see note below)*
* Note: Contractors must provide all supporting documents.
Project Contact Numbers for QC Issues