ABSTRACT: Capillary barriers have been proposed as an alternative to low saturated hydraulic conductivity
covers to encapsulate wastes. Capillary barriers can be used to reduce water infiltration and/or gas migration,
depending on the climatic conditions. Different factors can affect the efficiency of a capillary barrier such as
material properties and layer thickness. Geometry is another parameter, frequently neglected in the past that
could affect the performance of a capillary barrier. In this study, a physical model called the inclined box has
been designed and constructed to evaluate slope effects on the hydraulic behavior of a capillary barrier. The
test results show that the slope influences water distribution in the layers. These results have been validated
by numerical modeling. The study also shows the ability of the physical set up to measure the diversion ca-
pacity of a capillary barrier. Hence, the authors demonstrate that geometry is one of the key issues to be con-
sidered in order to properly analyse the behaviour of a capillary barrier used for controlling the influx of water
and/or gas migration.
In most situations, the effects of both vertical and flux) was done prior the experiments.
horizontal unsaturated flow have to be considered. Figure 1: Description of the inclined box
The behavior of a capillary barrier in a real situation
can be considerably different from that of an ideal- The layers of soil placed in the box contained 15
ized 1D model (Aubertin and Bussière, 2001). TDR probes to measure volumetric water content.
To investigate the effect of slope on the perform- The TDR probes used were 20 cm «three wire buri-
ance of a capillary barrier used to limit water infil- able probes» from Soilmoisture. The Trase system,
tration and gas diffusion, a new physical apparatus also from Soilmoisture ("Soilmoisture Trase
has been designed and constructed: the inclined box. 6050X1"), was used to recover the data. The authors
The paper first presents a detailed description of the have used this system successfully during other
physical model. The main characteristics of the ma- laboratory experiments to evaluate the performance
terials used in the study are then presented. Exam- of multi-layered cover with capillary barrier effects
ples of test results obtained in the inclined box to (e.g. Aubertin et al., 1995, 1999). Because the
evaluate the impact of the geometry on the hydraulic probes are not completely buried in the box, calibra-
behavior of capillary barriers follow. A comparison tion of the probes for this particular case was done
between experimental and numerical results is also (Bussière, 1999).
presented and briefly discussed. Tensiometers (652x11-B1M3 from Soilmoisture
with an air entry value AEV of 1 bar) were used to
measure soil suction. The porous cups were placed
2 PHYSICAL MODEL DESCRIPTION beside the TDR probes. Each tensiometer was linked
to a pressure transducer (OMEGA PX243-15BG 5V
The apparatus constructed for this study is a rectan- with an integrated temperature adjustment), which
gular box of 2.5m x 1m with a thickness of 0.25 m, gives an output voltage between 1 and 6 volts when
with walls made of Plexiglasc (see Figure 1). Holes excited with a source of 8 volts. The output voltage
were drilled at the bottom every 20 cm to recover corresponds to a pressures ranging between –15 and
the water that percolates through the system and to +15 psi (or between -10.55 and +10.55 m of water).
evaluate the effective length of the capillary barrier The 15 tensiometers were connected to a data-logger
Lcb (or diversion capacity of the cover). These two system to register suction measurements 1 time per
parameters are used in the literature to quantify the minute. The location of all instruments is shown in
performance of capillary barriers to divert water in- Figure 1.
filtration (e.g. Ross, 1990; Steenhuis et al., 1991,
Stormont, 1995). A valve was installed at the lower
part of the slope to recover runoff. The slope angle α 3 MATERIALS AND TESTS PERFORMED
of the system can be adjusted to the desired inclina-
tion by the use of a jack (0°<α<30°). To observe the capillary barrier effects in a small-
A precipitation simulator is located on top. This scale laboratory apparatus such as this one, it was
simulator was made of sprinklers linked to a closed necessary to use materials sensitive enough to the
water reservoir. A constant air pressure can be ap- anticipated suction variations. A particular sand and
plied in the reservoir to regulate the flux (or the pre- gravel were selected, even if such combination
cipitation rate) at the top of the box. Calibration of would be unsuitable for use in the field in a CCBE.
sprinklers (relationship between air pressure and However, the trends observed in the layered system
hydraulic behavior should be similar to those of real
capillary barriers.
The grain size analysis of the sand shows that
about 75 % of particles are smaller than 1 mm and 5
% smaller than 0.1 mm. The gravel has a uniform
distribution with about 95 % of the particles between
1 and 10 mm. The saturated hydraulic conductivity
ksat of the two materials, evaluated in a rigid wall
permeameter, is 5.1x10-5 m/s and 4.7x10-3 m/s for
the sand and the gravel respectively. The materials
were placed in the box and densified to the desired
unit weight. The average porosity was 0.30 for the
sand and 0.42 for the gravel.
Simultaneous measurements of the volumetric
water content and suction in the box allowed us to
evaluate the water retention curves. Figure 3 shows
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the laboratory measurements and the fitted curves system. The main hydraulic properties of the materi-
estimated with the well-known van Genuchten als are given in Table 1.
(1980) model using the RETC code (van Genuchten Figure 3. Permeability functions of the materials studied
et al., 1991):
In this study, ten tests were performed with dif-
θ −θr 1 (2) ferent angles, precipitation rates and stratigraphy.
θe = = n Due to space constraints, the results of only two of
θ s − θ r 1 + (α vψ ) v
[ ]
ties, to induce the type of response typical of a
krel = θ eλ 1 − 1 − θ e1 mv ( )
(3) CCBE. Thus, the coarse grain layer has a thickness
greater than the ψa of the gravel as proposed by
where krel is the relative hydraulic conductivity Aachib (1997), and the sand layer has a thickness
(k(ψ)/ksat) and λ is a pore interaction index. The greater than his ψa to have a maximum saturated
permeability functions of the two materials are rep- thickness available to impede gas diffusion. The
resented in Figure 3. One can see that the hydraulic slope angle studied was between 0 and 18° (in this
conductivity of the gravel drops rapidly below that paper, only the extreme values of 0 and 18° are pre-
of the sand. This helps create the capillary barrier ef- sented; see Bussière, 1999 for details). 18° corre-
fects necessary for the appropriate response of the spond to the maximum value typically observed in
1.00E+00 the field for capillary barriers in a wet climate.
Hydraulic conductivity (cm/s)
1.00E-03 4 RESULTS
barriers. In both cases, a comparison between physi- the at the top and reached a maximum value of about
cal modeling and numerical modeling was done. 0.2 m of water after 5 hours of drainage. Again, the
The program used for the numerical calculations measured volumetric water content is consistent
is the finite element software SEEP/W developed by with the pressure profiles; θ is lower where the suc-
GEOSLOPE International (1996). This program is tion ψ is higher. It is also interesting to note in Fig-
able to simulate various situations in two dimensions ure 5 that the top part of the sand layer (elevation 0.7
including variably saturated flow, for both steady m) starts to drain but not the bottom (elevation 0.4
state and transient conditions. SEEP/W has been m). This is due to a local suction value that is higher
used successfully by the authors in previous studies (at the top of the layer) than the ψa of the sand (see
(e.g. Aubertin et al., 1995, 1996, 1999; Bussière, Figure 2). In the gravel layer, suction is less than
1999; Chapuis et al., 2001). The boundary condi- the static equilibrium line. This evolution of the
tions that were applied to the numerical model in- pressure profile observed during drainage is typical
cluded a unit flux on top during the saturation period of the one observed in 1D capillary barriers where
and Dirichlet conditions (pressure head equal to ele- the bottom coarse material layer allows a reduction
vation) at nodes located at the bottom valves. Be- of the pressure transmitted to the overlying fine
cause of the contrast between the material properties grained material when properly matched materials
and of the steep hydraulic functions, the constructed are used. The water distribution in the two layers is
model had many discrete elements consisting of also typical of the one observed in capillary barriers:
2600 elements and 8005 nodes. The hydraulic func- the coarse grained material tends to drain rapidly to
tions incorporated in the numerical model are the its residual water content (with a very low unsatu-
ones presented in Figures 2 and 3. The initial pres- rated hydraulic conductivity) while the fine grained
sure head at each node, required for transient analy- material may remain nearly saturated (e.g. Ak-
ses, was obtained from steady state analysis of the indunni et al., 1991; Aubertin et al., 1995,1996,
same model when an infiltration flux of 5.9x10-3 1999; Bussière, 1999). The predicted hydraulic be-
cm/s was applied to the top. This would represent havior of the capillary barrier from the computer
the equilibrium conditions reached in the physical modeling is fairly similar to that measured in the in-
model after saturation of the materials and before the clined box (see Figure 4 and 5). This confirms the
drainage period occurs. validity of the physical set up to represent unsatu-
about 0.22 m of water compared to about 0.37 m of 4.2 Effective length of the capillary barrier
water for the inclined scenario. Such higher suctions As previously mentioned, capillary barriers can be
(or negative pressure) have a direct impact on the used in relatively dry climates to divert water and to
water distribution in the sand layer. The TDR probe reduce deep infiltration. The performance of this
placed at 10 cm of the interface near the highest part
of the slope gives values that are lower than the one 1.4
Elevation (m)
ones for static equilibrium. Suction is higher for the 0.8
inclined system near the top of the slope during the 0.6
drainage period, which leads to lower volumetric
water content. The profiles (θ and ψ) at the bottom 0.4 Measured values
of the slope (not shown in the paper) were similar to 0.2
that of the horizontal case. This means that the water
content and suction in an inclined capillary barrier is 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
also a function of the location on the slope; the up- Volumetric water content
per part contains less water than the lower part due Initial conditions
t=2 hrs
t=1 hr
t=3 hrs
to a higher suction. Again, the results from numeri- t=22 hrs
cal modeling are pretty consistent with the ones type of capillary barrier is increased when the con-
measured in the box with TDR probes and tensi- tact plane between the two materials is tilted. The
ometers (see Figures 6 and 7). moisture that builds up above the contact flows
0.9 along the interface. At a certain point downdip of the
Measured values
0.8 top of the slope, the fine-grained soil can become
wet enough to allow significant infiltration into the
coarse layer underneath; this point called the Down
Elevation (m)
Dip Limit or DDL point (e.g. Ross, 1990). The hori-
0.3 zontal projection of the distance between the top of
0.2 the slope and the DDL point is an important charac-
0.1 teristic of a capillary barrier and is referred in this
0.0 paper as the effective length of the capillary barrier
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Volumetric water content (Lcb). The new laboratory set up permits physical
t=1 hr t=2 hrs t=3 hrs t=4 hrs t=5 hrs t=24 hrs measurements of this length.
Figure 5. Evolution of the volumetric water content profiles
(linked symbols = predicted and unliked symbols = measured) Figure 7. Evolution of the volumetric water content profiles
for different drainage periods in the inclined box with layers (predicted and measured) near the top of the slope for different
placed horizontally drainage periods in the inclined box with layers inclined at
1.4 3H:1V
During the precipitation (P = 5.9x10-5 m/s for the
test S2), water was recovered through the holes at
1.0 the bottom of the box. The results presented in Fig-
Elevation (m)
# valve
proximately 0.8 m, which is close to the value Akindunni, F.F., Gillham, R.W. & Nicholson, R.V. 1991.
measured in the inclined box. Numerical simulations to investigate moisture-retention
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Laboratory testing with the inclined box confirmed barrières sèches construites à partir de résidus miniers,
that the slope has a definite influence on the hydrau- MEND Report 2.22.2a.
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nier, L. 1999. Projet sur les barrières sèches construites à
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In fact, if the slope effect is not taken into account Aubertin, M. & Bussière, B. 2001. Water flow through cover
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The new physical model has also helped us better Montréal.
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6 REFERENCES HYDROWAR Report 92.4, Hydrology Days Publications,
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