Estudo de Caso de Motor Movido À Biodiesel - Detalhamento Dos Ensaios
Estudo de Caso de Motor Movido À Biodiesel - Detalhamento Dos Ensaios
Estudo de Caso de Motor Movido À Biodiesel - Detalhamento Dos Ensaios
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ICES 2003-609
Biodiesel is an alternative fuel derived from vegetable can be produced easily in rural areas, where there is an acute
oils by modifying their molecular structure through demand for energy. Ever since the advent of IC engines,
transesterification process. Linseed oil methyl ester (LOME) was vegetable oils have been tried as an alternative to diesel fuel.
prepared using methanol in the presence of potassium The inventor of the diesel engine, Rudolf Diesel, in 1885, used
hydroxide as catalyst. Use of linseed oil methyl ester in peanut oil as a diesel fuel for demonstration at the 1900 world
compression ignition engines was found to develop a very exhibition in Paris. Speaking to the Engineering Society of St.
compatible engine-fuel system with lower emission Louis, Missouri, in 1912, Diesel said, “The use of vegetable oils
characteristics. Two identical engines were subjected to long- for engine fuels may seem insignificant today, but such oils may
term endurance tests, fuelled by optimum biodiesel blend (20% become in course of time as important as petroleum and the
LOME) and diesel oil respectively. coal tar products of the present times”. The same petroleum-
Various tribological studies on lubricating oil samples based fuel used in Diesel’s days is still the fuel of choice in
drawn at regular intervals for both engines were conducted in modern motorised society [1]. The oil supply shocks in the 70’s
order to correlate the comparative performance of the two fuels triggered developments in the field of biodiesel. The strongest
and the effect of fuel chemistry on lubricating oil performance impulse was given by the crisis in the supply of mineral oil as
and life. A number of tests were conducted in order to evaluate the major source for energy in the 70’s, and again by the gulf
comparative performance of the two fuels such as density war in 1991. The production-demand gap of fossil oils is
measurement, viscosity measurements, flash point declining worldwide and countries like India, being highly
determination, moisture content determination, pentane and dependent on huge imports of fossil oil, are facing an increasing
benzene insolubles, thin layer chromatography, differential risk in the security of energy supply. Biodiesel development from
scanning calorimetry etc. All these tests were used for indirect renewable bio-origin crops was taken up for investigation in the
interpretation of comparative performance of these fuels. present study.
Biodiesel fuels performance is found to be superior to that of
diesel oil and the lubricating oil life is found to have increased, Environmental Benefits
while operating the engine on this fuel.
The recent research and development studies show
Introduction that biodiesel demonstration programmes have focused on the
markets that have the greatest chance of choosing biodiesel
Though the Kyoto Protocol has undoubtedly stressed despite its higher cost. These markets place a premium on
on a cleaner environment, it is needless to reiterate the fact that biodegradability, non-toxicity, lower emissions profile, and
sustainable development of our natural resources in this overall environmental benefits of biodiesel. Neat biodiesel is as
technologically galloping era goes hand-in-hand with the former. biodegradable as sugar, and less toxic than salt. A research
Sustainable development, synonymous with the directive study at the University of Idaho shows that neat biodiesel
‘proceed with caution’, in a broader sense, implies the utilization degraded up to four times faster than petroleum diesel, and a
of present resources in a proficient manner. Sustainable blend (50% petroleum diesel and 50% biodiesel) biodegraded in
development includes, in its ambit, innovations ranging from one-third the time required by petroleum-based diesel fuel [2]. In
recycled waste, biodegradable plastics, ozone-friendly addition, biodiesel offers lower exhaust emissions than diesel
technology, and fuel-efficient appliances to alternate fuels and fuel. With a level of emissions 10%–20% lower CO, particulate
renewable energy sources. Vegetable oils are an attractive and matter, and unburned hydrocarbons, biodiesel is a “clean” fuel.
promising alternative to diesel oil since they are renewable and Slight increased NOx emissions (2%–4%), coupled with
Copyright © by ASME
“Lubricating Oil Tribology of a Biodiesel-Fuelled Compression Ignition Engine” by: Avinash Kumar Agarwal, IIT Kanpur, India
2003 Fall Technical Conference, ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division and Rail Transportation Division, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA, September 7-10, 2003
decreased engine exhaust temperatures, have led researchers film that continue to trap fuel and constantly interfere with
to believe that methyl esters, acting as fuel cetane improvers, combustion.
result in a reduced ignition delay time, and thus an effective There are a number of serious reasons for using bio-
advance in injection timing. One method of dealing with fuels as alternative fuels, e.g., expected growth of prices of
biodiesel NOx emissions is to retard the injection timing of the fossil liquid fuels in the near future, gradual exhaust of crude oil
engine. However use of an oxidation catalyst, or catalytic sources in the next 80–100 years, etc. Marginal land excluded
converter, reduces emissions by oxidizing the soluble fraction of from food production may be used for growing biodiesel crops
the fuel. Emissions can be reduced by more than 40% for total [5].
hydrocarbons, 30% for particulates, and 20% for CO. NOx Vegetable oil in its raw form cannot be used in
emissions can also be brought down to diesel baseline or below engines. It has to be converted to a more engine-friendly fuel
[3]. Another option that is being investigated is the use of fuel called biodiesel. Biodiesel is a chemically modified alternative
additives to control NOx emissions. Additives to reduce NOx fuel for diesel engines, derived from vegetable oil fatty acids,
emissions are being studied by NCAUR. The NOx emissions of and animal fat. Biodiesel is a fuel made up of esters derived
biodiesel are not so much of a problem, as it is only marginally from oils and fats from renewable biological sources. It is well
higher than conventional diesel. A minor inconvenience should known that petroleum refiners are now facing new sulphur and
not detract from the numerous advantages that biodiesel offers aromatic compound specifications. It has been reported to emit
[1,4]. far less regulated pollutants than petroleum diesel fuel along
with lower sulphur and aromatic compound [6]. The carbon
Vegetable Oils cycle time for fixation of CO2 and its release after combustion of
biodiesel is quite small (few years) as compared to the cycle
Vegetable oils have approximately 90% of the heat time of petroleum oils (few million years).
content of diesel fuel and they have a favourable output/input Methanol and ethanol are two abundantly available
ratio of about 2 to 4: 1 for un-irrigated crop production. The alternative fuels, which possess the potential to be produced
current prices of vegetable oils in India are nearly competitive from biomass resources. These fuels, if combusted in engines
with petroleum fuel price. Some of these vegetable oils are directly emit harmful unregulated emissions containing
readily available and are in fact, in surplus and under-utilised. formaldehyde and ketones, which create environmental
The high viscosity of vegetable oils interferes with the injection nuisance. But these fuels can be successfully used as diesel
process and leads to poor fuel atomisation. The accompanying engine fuels by preparing biodiesel. Transesterification process
inefficient mixing with air due to low volatility contributes to utilizes methanol or ethanol and vegetable oils as the process
incomplete combustion. The high molecular weights of inputs. This route of utilizing alcohol as a diesel engine fuel is a
vegetable oils result in low volatility as compared to diesel fuel, definitely superior route as the regulated emissions as well as
which leads to the oil sticking to the injector or cylinder walls. Oil unregulated toxic emissions containing aldehydes are drastically
then undergoes oxidative and thermal polymerisation, causing a reduced. The problem of corrosion of various engine parts,
deposition on the injector, forming a film that continues to trap when utilizing alcohol as fuel, can also be tackled by way of
fuel and interfere with combustion leading to more deposit transesterification [7].
formation, carbonisation of injector tips, ring sticking, and
lubricating oil dilution and degradation. The combination of high Transesterification
viscosity and low volatility of vegetable oils cause poor cold
engine start-up, misfire, and ignition delay. Since viscosity is Transesterification is probably the most effective and
one of the key factors in making a fuel usable in diesel engines, widely used technique for formulating the biodiesel for use in
the question then becomes not only of decreasing the viscosity, Compression Ignition (CI) engines. Transesterification was
but also minimizing a lot of other undesirable properties from known as early as 1864, when Rochleder described glycerol
vegetable oils. This includes reducing the carbon chain length, preparation through ethanolysis of castor oil. Transesterification
increasing volatility and reducing the unsaturation of vegetable is a chemical reaction that aims at substituting the glycerol of
oil molecules [3]. The ideal diesel fuel molecule is saturated the glycerides with three molecules of mono-alcohols such as
non-branched hydrocarbon molecule with carbon number methanol, thus leading to three molecules of methyl ester of the
ranging between 12 to 18, whereas vegetable oil molecules are vegetable oil. The idea of chemically altering vegetable oils was
triglycerides generally with straight chains of different lengths noted even before World War II. Walton wrote in 1938 “to get
and different degrees of saturation. It may be seen that the utmost value from vegetable oils as fuels it is academically
vegetable oils contain a substantial amount of oxygen in their necessary to split the glycerides and to run on the residual fatty
molecular structure. Triglyceride molecules have molecular acid” because “the glycerides are likely to cause an excess of
weights between 800 and 900 and are thus nearly four times carbon in comparison” [8].
larger than diesel fuel molecules. Because of their unsaturated Transesterification is a reversible reaction, which is
character, i.e., presence of double bonds, vegetable oils are either acid or alkali-catalysed, and involves stepwise
inherently more reactive than diesel fuels. Consequently, they conversions of triglycerides to diglycerides to monoglycerides to
are susceptible to oxidative and thermal polymerisation glycerol producing 3 molecules of ester in the process [9]. A
reactions, which cause deposits on the injector tip, forming a mixture of anhydrous alcohol and reagent (NaOH) in desired
proportions is combined with moisture-free vegetable oil. The
Copyright © by ASME
“Lubricating Oil Tribology of a Biodiesel-Fuelled Compression Ignition Engine” by: Avinash Kumar Agarwal, IIT Kanpur, India
2003 Fall Technical Conference, ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division and Rail Transportation Division, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA, September 7-10, 2003
materials are maintained at 65–70°C and then allowed to settle At the rated speed (1500 RPM), the engine develops
by gravity for 24 hours for separation of esters and glycerol. 4 kW power output. The engine is flexibly coupled with a single-
These esterified oils can be produced in a chemical laboratory phase, 220 volts AC generator of sufficient capacity to absorb
by the above method. The molar ratio of the reagents, the the maximum power produced. The inlet valve opens at 4.5°
presence of water, and free fatty acid determine the BTDC and closes at 35.5° ABDC. The exhaust valve opens at
effectiveness of catalyst. A higher molar ratio (6:1) favours the 35.5° BBDC and closes at 4.5° ATDC.
use of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) over sodium methoxide After developing biodiesel, it was tested on this engine
(NaOCH3), while a lower molar ratio (3:1) favours the use of for performance and emission characteristics. The concentration
NaOCH3. NaOH is cheaper than NaOCH3 but must be present of ester in biodiesel blend was optimised using performance and
in excessive amounts. The vegetable oils must not contain emission considerations for several concentrations of biodiesel
traces of water and must have a low free fatty acid content. blends. 20% biodiesel blend was found to be optimum. The
Alkaline catalysts have the advantage of being less corrosive to long-term endurance test specified by Indian Standards Code
industrial equipment than acid catalysts. The transesterification (IS: 10000, part VIII-1980, “Methods of tests for internal
process breaks the triglycerides in the vegetable oils into fatty combustion engines: Part VIII Performance tests”) was carried
acid esters and glycerol. Glycerol is a valuable by-product, out with this optimised blend. In the long-term endurance test,
which is used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, toothpaste, and the effect due to the fuel chemistry of biodiesel on various parts
many other commercial products. Biodiesel is often blended with of the engine vis-à-vis mineral diesel oil was studied. For this
petroleum diesel to offset its high production cost [3, 4, 10, 11, purpose, two similar engines were subjected to similar loading
12]. cycles and operating conditions. The engines were dismantled,
re-assembled, and mounted on a suitable test bed after
Engine Set-Up and Tests dimensioning of various engine parts. The engines were run for
32 cycles (each of 16 hours continuous running) at rated speed.
Direct injection (DI) diesel engines are widely used in The test cycle followed is specified in Table 2.
the agricultural sector; whether the machinery is mobile, as in
tractors, transport vehicles or stationary such as in irrigation Load (% of rated load) Running time (hrs)
pump sets, farm machinery, etc. In consideration of some typical 100 4 (incl. warm up for 0.5 hrs)
characteristics such as power developed, specific fuel 50 4
consumption, and durability of diesel engines (as compared to 110 1
spark ignition), they would still continue to dominate our No load (idling) 0.5
agriculture sector. 100 3
Keeping the specific features of diesel engine in mind, 50 3.5
a typical engine system, which is actually used widely in the
Indian agricultural sector, has been selected for the present Table 2: Test cycle for long-term endurance test
experimental investigations. These are two exactly similar
compact, single-cylinder, and water-cooled, portable diesel At the end of each 16-hour cycle, both engines were
engine gensets of 4 kW rating, each with an alternator. The serviced and minor adjustments were made. The lubricating oil
engines were provided with suitable arrangement, which permit samples were collected from each engine after every 128 hours
wide variation of controlling parameters. This engine is also for conducting various tribological studies.
widely used for many small and medium scale commercial
applications. Lubricating Oil
Manufacturer Perry Engines Ltd, India Efforts are being made to increase useful life of
Model Single-cylinder CI engine lubricating oils as it alone costs approximately 6% –7% of the
Bore 87.5 mm overall operating costs. Hence, it becomes imperative to
Stroke 110 mm examine critically the condition of the lubricating oil, and its
Displacement 661.7 cm3 compatibility with the fuel being used. The lubricating oil
Length 531 mm contains a solvent neutral base stock with a succinimide-type
Width 356 mm dispersant, a calcium-sulfonate-type detergent, olefin-
Height 546 mm copolymer-type viscosity index improvers, and a zinc-di-alkyl-di-
Weight 165 Kg thio-phosphate (ZDDP) type antiwear and oxidation inhibitor
Rated speed 1500 rpm [13]. The lubricating oil is consumed in the engine continuously,
Maximum speed 2000 rpm which needs to be replenished. The addition of fresh oil into the
Minimum speed 1200 rpm crankcase replenishes depleted additives and can temporarily
Minimum idling speed 750 rpm improve oil condition. Hence, in addition to the length of service
Nozzle pressure 200 bar since the last oil change, the overall oil condition and oil
Compression ratio 17: 1 degradation rate also depends on factors including engine
condition, driving environment, oil consumption and oil addition
Table 1: Technical specifications of the test engine rates [14].
Copyright © by ASME
“Lubricating Oil Tribology of a Biodiesel-Fuelled Compression Ignition Engine” by: Avinash Kumar Agarwal, IIT Kanpur, India
2003 Fall Technical Conference, ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division and Rail Transportation Division, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA, September 7-10, 2003
A number of investigations have dealt with the have been conducted to assess the comparative effect of fuels
mechanism of antiwear activity. Some researchers have on the engine’s health.
proposed the formation of an extreme pressure (EP) film and A number of factors affect engine oil performance. Oil
others have proposed the formation of friction polymer. Furey thickening, loss of wear protection additives, and deposit
[15] detected chemically bonded phosphorus on a valve lifter controls are of concern primarily in high temperature, and high
surface of an engine by using ZDDP labelled with 32P. Feng et. loading conditions. Oil thinning, loss of corrosion protection, and
al. [16] proposed a polymer formation theory from the analytical low temperature sludge formation are of concern primarily in
results of thermally decomposed ZDDP. Since both short engine runs, which may also cause particular type of
mechanisms depend on thermally induced reactions, the engine oil degradation [18]. Analysis of used engine oil could
reactivity of ZDDP with temperature rise may be an indicator for yield worthwhile information such as the condition of the oil, the
the antiwear property [17]. engine condition and early detection of problems in the absence
of an inspection, and probable causes of problems or failure
Tribological Studies on Lubricating Oil observed when actual engine inspections are performed.
Several other analyses often used to characterize
Deterioration in the lubricating characteristics of oil is engine oils, primarily in quality control checks or special
applications include specific gravity, density, brookfield specific
due to oil degradation and ageing because of prolonged,
repeated mechanical, thermal, environmental stresses and gravity, density, brookfield viscosity, pour point, flash point,
contamination with foreign particles. Interestingly all these distillation characteristics, sulphated ash, chlorine, sulphur,
nitrogen, oil insolubles, TAN/TBN, moisture content,
factors are inter-related and work synergistically to worsen the
oil condition. Oil degradation, which refers to irreversible chromatography, calorimetry, and Ferrographic analysis etc
changes, happen to the oil itself. The reasons for oil degradation [18]. To date, several other bench tests are available to evaluate
may be any of the following. deposits, including penn-state micro-oxidation test, ASTM
Ø Oils are prone to oxidation: Inspite of various coking method, hot-tube test, ashing test, texaco hot panel test,
multifunctional additives, oil undergoes slow oxidation. panel coker test, and mobil spinning disc test etc. While most of
Oxidation products get polymerised into resins, aldehydes, these methods have been adopted in one form or another by
industry, the accuracy, repeatability, and correlation of the
and ketones, etc., and finally into corrosive acids.
Ø Depletion of additives: There are various types of additives, results of engine test results are often limited due to the
e.g., some are multifunctional such as ZDDP. These are shortcomings of the methods. In addition, some of them are
manpower intensive [19].
basically sacrificial in nature and protect oil by retarding the
rate of oxidation substantially. The moment they are depleted, The following tests were selected in the present
oil oxidation becomes uncontrollable. investigations to assess the condition of the engine oil drawn
Ø Contamination: It can be because of external and internal from diesel and biodiesel fuelled engines. Density, kinematic
particles as well. Some common contaminants are fuel viscosity, ash content, water content, flash point, pentane and
combustion products, e.g. soot particles, solid particles like benzene insolubles, IR spectroscopy, SPDSC/SCDSC, TLC,
dust, sand particles, and metallic wear debris from the various AAS, and DR ferrography for wear debris analysis. These
exhaustive tests provide valuable information on the effect of
moving parts and liquid contaminants like water, other grades
of lubricating oil, and fuel. fuel chemistry of biodiesel on the lubricating oil vis-à-vis diesel
Analysis of used lubricating oil is a very effective tool oil.
Viscosity test is a very basic test and is highly
for condition monitoring of an engine. Apart from this, oil
analysis is a very powerful technique for failure analysis, recommended for routine inspections. It confirms that the
diagnostics and preventive maintenance. In the present correct product for the equipment is in place, with respect to
investigation, oil analysis has been employed as a tool to viscosity. A corollary of this is the assurance that incorrect
examine engine performance for different fuels. Oil samples viscosity product is not being added, and can confirm severe
were drawn from the running engines (both the systems, i.e., cases of oxidation (thickening).
fuelled by diesel and biodiesel under similar operating Fuel contamination in engine oil (fuel dilution) can be
determined by either of ASTM methods D322 or D3525. Since
conditions) after fixed interval of time (every 128 hours). It was
anticipated that biodiesel, being, a derivative of vegetable oil method D322 can erroneously indicate fuel contamination in
which has inherent lubricity properties, will affect the engine fresh oil samples, D3525 is generally preferred. Excessive
unburned fuel in the oil can reduce oil viscosity and reduce oil-
performance, and this will be reflected in the lubricating oil
analysis. film thickness thus increasing chances of metal-to-metal contact
Prior to adopting any alternative fuel for regular use in at piston ring-liner interface of the engine. Fuel in the engine oil
the conventional engines, it is essential that the tribological reduces oil viscosity and may lead to insufficient fluid films in
studies related to lubricating oil with biodiesel fuel must be bearings. If ambient temperatures are moderate to high and
studied. A review of literature shows that such studies have trips are sufficiently long, then the oil reaches equilibrium
hardly been carried out. An extensive analysis has been carried operating temperatures. Substantial amounts of fuel in the oil
(greater than about 3%) indicate a possible malfunction in the
out in the present work to technically justify the regular use of
biodiesel for engine application. Various tribological studies vehicle fuel supply system [18]. If there is an engine malfunction
that allows antifreeze (ethylene glycol, water, and additives) to
Copyright © by ASME
“Lubricating Oil Tribology of a Biodiesel-Fuelled Compression Ignition Engine” by: Avinash Kumar Agarwal, IIT Kanpur, India
2003 Fall Technical Conference, ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division and Rail Transportation Division, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA, September 7-10, 2003
leak into the oil, testing for glycol becomes important. The conductivity and the neutralization values of oils has been
presence of glycol can be detected by several methods such as established by Atsushi et al. [23]. In addition, some micro-
ASTM D 2982 or D 4291. Glycol contamination in engine oils sensor testers have been developed for in situ monitoring of the
can cause sludging and more rapid ageing of the oil. Some oil oil. DSC calorimetry and cyclic voltametry for evaluating residual
additives and oil contaminants such as aldehydes can produce useful life (RUL) of the oil have also been used. SPDSC (sealed
a positive test for glycol when, in fact, no glycol is present [18]. pan differential scanning calorimetry) technique however is the
Thin layer chromatography (TLC) was carried out to most recent, and has been applied for evaluation of RUL of oil
evaluate the residual concentration of ZDDP in the used oils. under induced thermo-oxidative stresses in the laboratory. Bijwe
The oil samples are diluted to one percent using hexane et al. applied this technique, in conjunction with some other
solution and this solution was spotted on a Merck pre-coated commonly used techniques for condition monitoring of the
silica gel plate. The plate was first developed with hexane, and engine oil of two commercial vehicles and also to identify safe
then with mixed solvent consisting of hexane: acetone:: di-ethyl- and unsafe zones for oil operation [24].
amine: ammonia water in the ratio 200: 100:: 205: 2. Palladium The oxidation and combustion of lubricating oils often
chloride diluted with 5N hydrochloric acid was sprayed as a result in the formation of insoluble deposits on the metal
colour-producing reagent. The intensities of the spots were surfaces in combustion engines. Accumulation of sludge and
evaluated by means of thin layer densitometer. On the basis of varnish deposits on engine parts cause poor lubrication and
the spot intensities of ZDDP in the fresh oils, the residual increased engine wear, therefore, the deposit-forming tendency
concentrations in the used oils were evaluated [17]. Lamotte et of oils is one of the major concerns in oil evaluation [20].
al. proposed several absorbent-solvent combinations for the However, some insolubles are deliberately introduced by the
chromatography of organo-phosphorous compounds in motor manufacturer to improve the performance of the lubricants [25].
oils. Precise experimental conditions are specified, which are
necessary in order to obtain good results. It is possible to
Results of oil Tribology Investigations
identify di-thio-phosphates and the degradation products, mono-
thio-phosphate and phosphate, in these used oils [20].
The lubricating oil samples were drawn after every
The determination of these metals in lubricating oils
128 hours from the two engine systems operating on diesel and
has always been a challenge in analytical chemistry. Metals
20% biodiesel blend fuels, respectively. The samples were
such as Ba, Ca, and Mg, etc. are added to the lubricating oil, as
drawn according to standard sampling procedure.
organo-metallic compounds, to improve the colour, pour point,
It has already been discussed that adequate
viscosity, antiwear, antifrictional, antifoaming, oxidation,
experimental data is still not available on the tribological
corrosion inhibition properties and oil performance under severe
investigations of using biodiesel in a CI engine. No single test is
conditions [21]. In addition, metals such as Fe, AI, Cu, Zn, Co,
self-sufficient and various tests are to be exploited to get a
and Ni get suspended in used oil due to friction and wear of the
complete picture of the health of lube oil. Experimental results of
lubricated area. Therefore, determination of the metal content in
several tests conducted have been discussed in the following
used oils is important to identify and repair any possible
defective functioning area of the oil lubricated equipment and to
schedule maintenance accordingly. Specific application of
analysis of used lubricating oils is to indicate potential failure in
IC engines. These used oils have potential for metal pollution, if
Density measurements are important since they
they are disposed directly into surface water or on land.
provide information on the addition of wear metals and fuel
Although wear metal particles are not uniformly distributed in
dilution in lubricating oils. The density of lubricating oil samples
oils, they are generally determined by using techniques
from biodiesel- and diesel-operated engines were measured,
traditionally applicable to the determination of metals in
and a graph was plotted for density vs. hours of lube oil usage.
homogeneous solutions. Modern instrumental techniques such
as inductively coupled plasma-optical (ICP) emission
spectrometry and atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) have
been widely used for this analysis [22].
The oil cannot be discarded or declared fit for further 0.94
differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) technique determines
the concentration of degradation products in the oil such as 0.91 Biodiesel
oxidation and nitro-oxidation products, additive depletion, and 0.9
contamination [13]. Electrical conductivity measurements were 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
conducted on various passenger car motor oils and natural gas Hours of lube oil usage
Ash content [wt. %]
1 110
0.8 100
0.6 Biodiesel
Diesel 80
0.4 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Hours of lube oil usage
Hours of lube oil usage
Figure 2: Ash content vs. hours of lube oil usage Figure 4: Kinematic viscosity at 40°C vs. hours of lube oil usage
Copyright © by ASME
“Lubricating Oil Tribology of a Biodiesel-Fuelled Compression Ignition Engine” by: Avinash Kumar Agarwal, IIT Kanpur, India
2003 Fall Technical Conference, ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division and Rail Transportation Division, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA, September 7-10, 2003
Biodiesel decrease, however, was approximately 5% lower for biodiesel-
fuelled system. As observed previously also, fuel dilution was
also found to be higher for diesel-fuelled system. The flash point
of mineral diesel oil (76°C) is lower than biodiesel blend
(128°C). Hence, dilution of lube oil with fuel of lower flash point
10 should reduce the flash point of the lubricating oil to a higher
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
extent. In the present investigation, since fuel dilution is more in
Hours of lube oil usage
case of diesel-fuelled system, hence the oil from this system
shows lower flash point.
Figure 5: Kinematic viscosity at 100°C vs. hours of lube oil
usage Moisture content
The subtle point in this viscosity behaviour, however, Moisture content was determined using ASTM D 1744
cannot be neglected. As already discussed, the rate of change procedure. Water in the lube oil samples was determined by
of viscosity is also controlled by another mechanism, viz., oil Karl Fischer titration method. Traces of moisture are intolerable
oxidation. In this case, it is also possible that the biodiesel fuel as water contamination in engine oil can cause increased
once entered in the lube oil could have accelerated the rate of corrosiveness inside engine. Water also causes “additive drop
oxidation of base stock leading to slightly higher viscosity. out”, i.e., precipitation of additives from the oil. Water in the lube
Hence, the decrease in viscosity due to fuel dilution could have oil may also indicate excessive fuel dilution, glycol leakage, and
been hampered. This fact was supported by FTIR studies, short trip driving. Mettler DL18 Karl Fischer titrator was used for
showing higher oxidation of base-stock in case of biodiesel- determination of moisture content in the present investigation.
fuelled engine oil as explained in subsequent research work [3]. The experimental results are shown in figure 7.
Flash point
The flash point temperature of all the lubricating oil
Moisture Content (%)
For converting oil into the vapour phase, energy has to be 0.21
supplied as heat. The oil fuel molecules experience van der 0.19
Waal’s forces on each other. Higher the extent of van der 0.17
Waal’s forces, higher will be the energy required for vaporizing 0.15
and higher will be the flash point. Fuel dilution in the lube oil is 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
undesirable because water and acids (which are responsible for Hours of lube oil usage
oil degradation) often accompany fuel. Indeed, this was
observed in the present study too. If lubricating oil is diluted with Figure 7: Moisture content vs. hours of lube oil usage
fuel in different proportions, the net effect on van der Waal’s
forces will also be different. If the dilutant is more, it will reduce
Approximately 15% lower moisture content is
the van der Waal’s forces to a higher extent, and hence the oil observed in the lubricating oil from biodiesel-fuelled system. It
can be evaporated easily. can also be seen that the initial rate of absorption of moisture
was quite high, which stabilized after 400 hours. Lower amount
Copyright © by ASME
“Lubricating Oil Tribology of a Biodiesel-Fuelled Compression Ignition Engine” by: Avinash Kumar Agarwal, IIT Kanpur, India
2003 Fall Technical Conference, ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division and Rail Transportation Division, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA, September 7-10, 2003
of absorption of moisture by the lubricant from biodiesel-fuelled 10 ml mark and samples were subjected to centrifugation for 10
system may also be an indirect consequence of additional minutes at 1500 rpm. The tubes were finally dried in the oven at
lubricating property exhibited by biodiesel. 150°C for 3 to 4 hours, and then weighed. The difference of
weight measures the amount of insolubles present in the oil
Pentane and Benzene Insolubles sample.
The analyte, however, does not contain deposits/ layers Hours of lube oil usage
Copyright © by ASME
“Lubricating Oil Tribology of a Biodiesel-Fuelled Compression Ignition Engine” by: Avinash Kumar Agarwal, IIT Kanpur, India
2003 Fall Technical Conference, ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division and Rail Transportation Division, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA, September 7-10, 2003
Rhodamine B: 50 mg of Rhodamine B powder was dissolved in
2 100 ml ethanol. It could be immediately used.
Drops of approximately 2–5 micro litres of oil were
Diesel placed on the activated silica-gel-coated TLC plates, at
0 approximately 1 cm away from the lower edge. The plate was
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
then placed vertical in the mobile phase in TLC jar in such a way
Hours of lube oil usage
that just 0.5 cm height was dipped in mobile phase. Care was
taken not to dip the portion of oil drops in mobile phase and
Figure 9: Benzene insoluble vs. hours of lube oil usage plate was taken out when mobile phase reached approximately
80% height of the plate. It was then air dried for 30 minutes.
In biodiesel system, benzene insolubles increased Indicating reagents were sprayed to give indication of ZDDP. In
with a slow and steady pace, while in the case of diesel-fuelled the case of palladium chloride, the presence of ZDDP was
system, it increased excessively beyond 300 hours. The obvious indicated through appearance of yellow brown spots on plate
reason for this behaviour is excessive increase in wear of vital buff background. In case of rhodamine B, the presence of ZDDP
components of diesel engine. Low wear of vital components of was indicated by appearance of mauve spots on a pink
biodiesel-fuelled engine again points towards inherent lubricity background.
properties of the biodiesel. These findings are supported by the In addition, calibration was also attempted with known
actual measurements of vital moving engine components for concentration of ZDDP using palladium chloride as the
wear and also by ash content measurements [28]. indicating reagent. For the calibration, various concentrations
(0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0%, 2.5%, and 3.0%) of
Thin Layer Chromatography ZDDP were mixed with oil base stock and chromatographs were
developed by the procedure described earlier.
TLC can rapidly provide information on the additives in The corresponding chromatograms are shown in
a drop of oil, which may be time consuming or very difficult to figures 10 and 11, respectively.
get by any other technique. The infrared spectrum of oil
containing several additives may be very complex to interpret
and sometimes because of very low concentrations, very small
peaks appear making analysis very difficult. Whereas TLC of the
same oil rapidly separate the additive components and with the
help of specific indicating reagent, information on the type and
approximate quantity can be ascertained.
Thin layer chromatography is an effective technique
for estimating the depletion of additives. In this study TLC has
been used for estimation of depletion of ZDDP with the usage of
lubricating oil and its comparative analysis for diesel- and
biodiesel-fuelled system. Zinc di-alkyl-di-thio-phosphate (ZDDP)
is well known as a multifunctional additive for motor oils. It
combines antiwear, anti-oxidation, detergent, and corrosion- Figure 10: TLC of lubricating oils having various concentrations
inhibiting properties. of ZDDP using PdCl2 as revealing agent
The procedure is explained in the following steps.
1. Activated silica-gel-coated TLC plates were used for
2. Tests were conducted with different types of revealing
reagents, i.e., palladium chloride and rhodamine B.
Different mobile phase systems are required for each type
of revealing agent as mentioned below.
Palladium chloride: Acetic acid + ethyl acetate + iso-
octane (15 + 25 + 60) vol.%
Rhodamine B: Toluene + methyl ethyl ketone + acetic acid
+ pyridine (60 + 20 + 10 + 10) vol.%
3. Preparation of two indicating reagents is given below.
Palladium chloride: 1.5 grams of palladium chloride powder
was dissolved in a mixture of water + acetone (50 ml + 50 ml). Figure 11: TLC of lubricating oils having various concentrations
of ZDDP using Rhodamine-B as revealing agent
Copyright © by ASME
“Lubricating Oil Tribology of a Biodiesel-Fuelled Compression Ignition Engine” by: Avinash Kumar Agarwal, IIT Kanpur, India
2003 Fall Technical Conference, ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division and Rail Transportation Division, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA, September 7-10, 2003
Figure 18: Ferrogram showing wear debris in lube oil from Figure 22: Ferrogram showing wear debris in lube oil from
diesel engine after 256 hours of usage diesel engine after 512 hours of usage
Copyright © by ASME
“Lubricating Oil Tribology of a Biodiesel-Fuelled Compression Ignition Engine” by: Avinash Kumar Agarwal, IIT Kanpur, India
2003 Fall Technical Conference, ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division and Rail Transportation Division, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA, September 7-10, 2003
Copyright © by ASME
“Lubricating Oil Tribology of a Biodiesel-Fuelled Compression Ignition Engine” by: Avinash Kumar Agarwal, IIT Kanpur, India
2003 Fall Technical Conference, ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division and Rail Transportation Division, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA, September 7-10, 2003
Diesel Oil
220 Biodiesel
0 128 256 384 512
Hours of lube oil usage
Figure 27: SPDSC thermogram of lube oil from diesel-fuelled Figure 31: Curve between initiation temperature and hours of
engine after 256 hours of usage lube oil usage
Copyright © by ASME
“Lubricating Oil Tribology of a Biodiesel-Fuelled Compression Ignition Engine” by: Avinash Kumar Agarwal, IIT Kanpur, India
2003 Fall Technical Conference, ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division and Rail Transportation Division, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA, September 7-10, 2003
It can be concluded from figure 31, that the oxidation Oil analysis studies proved to be a powerful tool to
stability of the lubricating oil from biodiesel-operated system is estimate the condition of the engines, and moving parts as well.
lower that of diesel-operated system. The presence of oxygen These tests provide valuable and relevant information on the
molecule in the molecular structure of LOME present in effect of fuel structure on the lubricating oil system. Comparative
biodiesel blend may be responsible for lower oxidation studies on various samples of lubricating oil indicated that the
instability. density increased with the usage of the lube oil. It was found
SPDSC studies on remaining samples of biodiesel- that the amount of various possible contaminants such as wear
fuelled samples could not be conducted because of sudden debris, soot, resins, oxidation products of oil, presence of
breakdown of the machine and remote possibility of its repair in moisture was lower in case of biodiesel-fuelled system
near future. compared to diesel-fuelled system. Improved performance of
The results of various tribological studies were compared and biodiesel-fuelled system is due to the self-lubricity properties of
tabulated in table 3. It was found interesting and encouraging to the fuel (biodiesel) resulting in lower wear of vital moving parts.
be noted that biodiesel was performing better in almost all the Ash content, which mainly represents wear debris, is
aspects of performance. The degradation of lubricating oil from found to be lesser in case of biodiesel-fuelled system. Viscosity
diesel engine was compared to oil from biodiesel-operated of the lubricating oil lowered with usage, which is mainly
engine based on these tests. because of fuel dilution. The extent of fuel dilution was
significantly lower in the case of biodiesel-operated system.
Property Trend Trend with Comparison of Flash point studies also supported superior performance of
with usage biodiesel with biodiesel-operated system. Decrease in flash point is a result of
usage (Biodiesel) diesel
fuel dilution. Pentane and benzene insolubles reflected the
extent of wear of moving parts, oil oxidation, and additive
Density ↑ ↑ 20% lower
depletion. These were found to be lower for biodiesel-operated
Ash content ↑ ↑ 25% lower
system reiterating its superior performance.
Viscosity at 40°C ↓ ↓ 17% lower TLC technique suggested lower ZDDP depletion in the
Viscosity at 100°C ↓ ↓ 10% lower oil samples drawn from biodiesel-operated engine. Ferrographic
Flash point ↓ ↓ 15% lower studies revealed that the wear particle size and quantity was
Moisture content ↑ ↑ 30% lower also lower for biodiesel operated engine suggesting additional
Pentane insoluble 60% lower
lubricity properties of the fuel. Sealed pan differential scanning
calorimetry tests were carried out to highlight the oxidative
Benzene insoluble ↑ ↑ 50% lower
stability of the lubricating oil. It was observed that the oxidation
SPDSC(Oxidation ↓ ↓ Slightly higher stability of lubricating oils from biodiesel-fuelled system was
slightly lower than that of lube oil from the diesel-fuelled system.
Table 3: Tribological investigations summary All these tribological investigations except SPDSC decisively
proved that lubricating oil from biodiesel-fuelled system reflected
From this table, it can be conclusively stated that better condition of engine moving parts, indicating thereby the
biodiesel is a definitely superior fuel for use and it not only superiority of the new fuel. Based on the studies presented, it is
protects the engine parts from wearing out, but also lubricating concluded that the fuels of bio-origin are superior in
oil life is higher. However it is suggested that some changes in performance to conventional fuels, environment-friendly,
the composition of lubricating oil are required, and suitable biodegradable and do not add to global warming problems.
additives may be added in order to suppress some undesirable Biodiesel can be readily adopted as a substitute fuel to the
properties of the fuel for a dedicated biodiesel operated engine. existing diesel engines, which are widely used in the rural
agricultural sector of the country.
Based on the exhaustive engine tests and tribological
investigations on the lubricating oils, it can be concluded that The author deeply acknowledge sincere gratitude
biodiesel can be adopted as an alternative fuel for the existing towards Sh. Attar Singh of Engines and Fuels Laboratory,
conventional diesel engines without any major modifications in Centre for Energy Studies, IIT, Delhi, for his help and
the system hardware. The viscosity of vegetable oil gets association in conducting the torturous series of experiments.
drastically reduced after esterification. Esterification has been Authors also acknowledge the grant of Senior Research
found to be an effective technique to prevent long-term Fellowship by Council for Scientific and Industrial Research,
problems associated with utilisation of vegetable oils such as New Delhi, India for conducting research on the above topic.
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“Lubricating Oil Tribology of a Biodiesel-Fuelled Compression Ignition Engine” by: Avinash Kumar Agarwal, IIT Kanpur, India
2003 Fall Technical Conference, ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division and Rail Transportation Division, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA, September 7-10, 2003
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