Equity Bank - Bond Market Research Survey Answers
Equity Bank - Bond Market Research Survey Answers
Equity Bank - Bond Market Research Survey Answers
4. Do you have an allocation limit to corporate To determine whether the Regulatory framework Yes
bonds? investor is limited by
regulators when investing in
corporate bonds
5. 1. Do you consider governance of the To inform the issuer on the Issuer preference 1. Yes
issuer when investing in the bond? preferred issue profile 2. Governance
2. What type of issuer profile would be of the
of interest to you? issuer is
looked at
6. What is your average participation size? To give the issuer an idea of Participation Between 2-3bn
the subscription rate
7. 1. Would you prefer a listed or unlisted To determine the preference Structure 1. Listed
instrument? in terms of cash flows. 2. Amortized
2. Would you prefer anaamortizing as It is less
bond or a bullet bond? What informs riskier
your preference?
8. What sectors do you prefer investing in? To highlight the sector Sector preference Almost all sectors
9. 1. Are you required to invest in a bond To assess the risk tolerance Risk Profile 1. Yes. BB
that has a credit rating? If yes, what of the investors 2. YES,
is your lowest acceptable rating? 3. YES
2. Is ranking a factor when investing a
3. Is a guaranteed structure preferable All these factors
to you in exchange of a lower can be changed by
return? the credit risk
10. In your investment consideration do you To inform the appetite of ESG Considerations ESG related
have more appetite to have ESG related investors when making investment can
securities (Green bonds,SLB bonds, etc) investment decisions aligned influence our
with ESG goals decisions
11. What types of spreads or premiums would Spreads and premiums Gvt bond+ a margin
you take into consideration for a corporate
bond vs a government bond