Resume Sameh Kamel-2018 - 30jun2018

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656 Gervais Terrace, Milton, ON, L9T 7R7
Tel. (cell): +1 (416)-890-0542
E-mail: [email protected]

Twenty (20)+ years of experience working in all aspects of municipal infrastructure projects, from
design, through ground-breaking, to commissioning, including:
• Wastewater treatment plants (max $200M upgrade);
• Water treatment plants;
• WW and W pumping stations and reservoirs (max $40M upgrade);
• International projects founded by USAID and World Bank (WB) such as Secondary Cities
Water and Wastewater Projects and Second Integrated Sanitation and Sewerage
Infrastructure (ISSIP2) Project;
• Forcemains and gravity sewers;
• Airport upgrades and new commercial facilities.

Project skills include:

• Business case development; • Construction management;
• Developing and leading project teams; • Contract administration;
• On-site technical problem resolution; • Contractor/sub-consultant invoices;
• Project design review; • Construction schedule analyses;
• Constructability assessment reviews; • Claims preparation and review;
• Cost estimating; • Litigation support.
• Formal communications with Clients, Regulators, Sub-consultants, and Contractors;
• Development and enforcement of standards and specifications; and
• Preparing/reviewing tender documents, including scope and quality management.

2017-Present Black & Veatch Special Project (SPC), Senior Program Manager/Deputy
Team Leader
2011-17 Black & Veatch Program Management and Construction Management
(PMCM), Project Manager
2006-11 AECOM, Resident Engineer

1998-2004 Washington Group Int., Project Engineer


• Professional Engineers of Ontario (P. Eng.);
• Project Management Professional (PMP);
• International work experience-$200M USD ISSIP2 World Bank (WB) funded program;
• Experience and good relationship with HCWW (Client) and PIU’s.
• Experience in delivery of large scale, multi-phases projects from inception to completion;
• Significant experience in change management, claims negotiations, and claims resolutions;
• Extensive knowledge of, and compliance with, policies within the FIDIC works contracts,
CCDC-2, Construction Lien Act, Canadian and USA Ministry of Labour stipulations, and
Health and Safety regulations;
• Experience in establishing project’s QA/QC manuals and project management procedures;
• Computer literacy utilizing MS Office applications (MS Project, Excel, Word, PowerPoint,
ProjectWise); solid mathematical and strong spreadsheet skills;
• People-focused, cultivating engagement, engendering trust, accountability, collaboration, and
effective communication to advance vision and purpose;
• Capacity to manage and develop talent;
• Comfortable managing complex issues;
• Resilient, action and results-oriented.


Kansas City – USA/Egypt | Second Integrated Sanitation and Sewerage Infrastructure
(ISSIP2) Program ($USD 200M)
Senior Program Manager/Deputy Team Leader
Leading multidisciplinary team to undertake the $200M USD ISSIP2 World Bank funded program
and implemented by the Egyptian Holding Company for Water and Wastewater (HCWW). The
program development objective is to provide targeted populations with increased access to
improved sanitation and sewerage services through 18 linear sewer and wastewater treatment
plants projects, serving 28 districts. The program also is focusing on the social and community
engagement impact as well as capacity building and trainings program for the client staff.
Responsibilities include: the preparation of the program master activities service delivery plan;
overseeing all project contract documents including tender documents and tender processes;
providing management and consultation to the Construction Supervision Consultant (CSC),
monitoring and controlling program schedule and budget, reviewing and recommending payment
of contractors billings, change management; and preparation of monthly and quarterly reports to
stakeholders, including the program funder.

City of Toronto - Canada | Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant – Truck Loading Facility
Project Manager-Construction, Program Management and Construction Management
Led contract administration and construction team on the $CAD43M truck loading facility
upgrade. Project entails the upgrade to the Solids facility and expansion of the existing Biofilters.
Responsibilities included management and coordination of all on-site construction activities for
contract agreement compliance (scope, schedule, budget), and report on construction productivity
and schedule performance through monthly project progress reports.

City of Toronto – Canada | Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant – Critical Repair Contract No.1
Project Manager-Construction, Program Management and Construction Management
Led contract administration team to undertake execution phase of $6.2M project. The objective of
the project was to maintain functional components of the plant Pumping stations until further
extensive upgrades are completed. The major responsibility of this project was to coordinate with
plant operations so as to execute construction while maintaining plant functionality.

Region of Peel - Canada | G.E. Booth WWTP –Mercury Reduction Media Remedy Project
Project Manager-Construction, Program Management and Construction Management
Led contract administration and construction team to undertake execution phase of $4.7M project.
The objective of the project is installation of caustic system that would be fed to the effluent water
tray scrubbers, so as to increase the scrubber water pH that will encourage the SO2 to remain in
solution. The major responsibilities in this project was acting as liaison and maintain a close and
effective working relationship between contractors, client, suppliers and inspectors with respect to
all site construction and design issues.

Region of Peel - Canada | G.E. Booth WWTP – Miscellaneous Improvements Project

Resident Engineer & Contract Administration, PMCM
Participated in all project phases including preparation of proposal, consulting engineering fees,
construction cost estimate, managing tender process, adaptation of the contractor’s pre-
qualification document, as well as leading the project team to execute a new waste oil handling
facility, relocate and upgrade an existing diesel generator, and construct a new Chemically-
enhanced primary treatment polymer facility.

Region of Peel - Canada | Bolton Chemical Corrosion Control System, and Bolton PS
Design and Contract Administration
Responsible for leading the project team for a $CAD1.5M design and construct project for a
temporary pilot plant, including chemical supply, and pilot plant operation, sampling, monitoring,
and testing to perform a 12-month full scale pilot testing program for corrosion control on the
Brampton East Sub-Trunk system. Upgrades to the Bolton PS facility were also included.

Region of Peel - Canada | G.E. Booth WWTP - Site Preparation and Demolition Project
Resident Engineer & Contract Administration
Design and contract administration of $CAD4.1M project consisting of significant demolition of
structures, process mechanical, and associated electrical and SCADA removals located in nine
buildings, along with upgrades to the existing odour control system for the facility while
maintaining full plant operations.

Region of Peel - Canada | G.E. Booth WWTP – WWTP Upgrades

Resident Engineer & Contract Administration
Responsible for construction and Contract Administration of $CAD250M project consisting of
three (3) new 100dtpd hot-windbox fluidized bed incinerators and ancillary systems as well as the
demolition of three (3) existing cold-windbox incinerators.

Luxor - Egypt | Secondary Cities Water and Wastewater Project

Project Engineer, Washington Group Int.
Founded by USAID and undertaken for the Government of Egypt (GOE) through the National
Organization of Potable Water and Sanitary drainage (NOPWASD) and the United States Agency
for International Development (USAID), $50M project for construction of new linear sewer
networks, including wastewater pump station upgrades, rehabilitation of the existing water
treatment plant, and expansion of the wastewater service system.

Aswan - Egypt | Secondary Cities Water and Wastewater Project

Project Engineer, Washington Group Int.
Founded by USAID and undertaken for the Government of Egypt (GOE) through the National
Organization of Potable Water and Sanitary drainage (NOPWASD) and the United States Agency
for International Development (USAID), $101M project to design and construction of wastewater
stabilization ponds, including the means for effluent disposal, rehabilitation and expansion of the
existing water treatment facilities, and expansion of the water transmission and distribution

Education: BSc. of Engineering – 1995

Language: Excellent spoken and written English and Arabic with little French
Additional Education and Trainings:
Building Effective Teams (part 1 &2); Project Search and Rescue; Creative Leadership for Project
Teams; Conflict Management and Difficult Conversations; Managing Personal and Team Change;
Standard First Aid; Confined Spaces Entry Regulation; Fall Protection Regulations; Working at
Heights; Asbestos Risk Management; 10 hours OSHA training; AutoCAD, MS Project.

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