Sem VII - Labour and Industrial Law I - 2024-25
Sem VII - Labour and Industrial Law I - 2024-25
Sem VII - Labour and Industrial Law I - 2024-25
Program: B.A., LL.B. (Hons) 8101 & B.B.A., LL.B. (Hons) 8102 Semester: VII
Basic Reading:
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
Name of School - Kirit P. Mehta School of Law
4. Trade Unions 3 Hrs
History of Trade Union Movement in India
Comparative Analysis on The Trade Unions Act, 1926
Trade Union under Industrial Relations Code
Registrar of Trade Unions
Application for registration of a Trade Union
Recognition of negotiating union or negotiating council
Objects of General fund, composition of separate fund and
membership fee of Trade Union
Immunity from civil suit in certain cases
Criminal conspiracy in furtherance of objects of Trade Union
Disqualification of office bearers of Trade Unions.
Adjudication of disputes of Trade Unions
Enforceability of agreements
Basic Reading:
1. CLP’s Labour& Industrial Laws (With Latest Amendments) by S.N.
Misra 29th Edition 2019. Chapter 2 Part 3
2. Adhikary, Sudipta, and Kaushik Banerjee. "Role of Indian Trade Unions
in Transition of Changes: A Contemporary Study." International Journal
of Management and Human Science (IJMHS) 6.2 (2022): 22-29.
5. Strikes and Lock-Outs 2 Hrs
Prohibition of strikes and lock-outs
Illegal strikes and lock-outs
Prohibition of financial aid to illegal strikes and lock-outs
Comparative Analysis on Strikes and Lockouts under Industrial
Dispute Act
1. The Great Bombay textile strike
2. Buckingham & Carnatak Co. Ltd. v/s Workers of Buckingham&
Carnatak Co. Ltd. AIR 1953 SC 47
3. Indian Iron & Steel ltd. v/s Its Workmen (1967) I LLJ 381 (Pat).
4. B. R. Singh v/s Union of India (1989) II Lab LJ 591 (SC)
Basic Reading:
1. CLP’s Labour& Industrial Laws (With Latest Amendments) by S.N.
Misra 29th Edition 2019. Chapter VII
6. Voluntary Reference of Disputes to Arbitration and Mechanism for 3 Hrs
Resolution of Industrial Disputes
Conciliation officers
Industrial Tribunal
National Industrial Tribunal
Disqualifications for members of Tribunal and National Industrial
Procedure and powers of arbitrator, conciliation officer, Tribunal and
National Industrial Tribunal.
Transfer of pending cases.
Adjustment of services of presiding officers under repealed Act.
Conciliation and adjudication of dispute.
Reference to and functions of National Industrial Tribunal
Form of award, its communication and commencement.
Basic Reading:
Basic Reading:
1. Srivastava S.C., Industrial Relations and Labour Laws, Delhi, Vikas,
(2012). Pathak, Manishi. Labour and employment compliance in India.
Kluwer Law International BV, 2022.
2. CLP’s Labour& Industrial Laws (With Latest Amendments) by S.N.
Mishra 29th Edition 2019. Chapter I part 5 & 6
8. Offences and Penalties 2 Hrs
Offences by Companies
Cognizance of offences
1. R.S. Ruikar v. Emperor, AIR 1935 Nag. 149
2. Rohtas Industries v. Its Union, AIR 1976 S.C. 425
Basic Reading:
1. CLP’s Labour& Industrial Laws (With Latest Amendments) by S.N.
Misra 29th Edition 2019. Chapter XI - Chapter XII
9. The Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020 3 Hrs
Historical Aspect of The Occupational Safety, Health and Working
Conditions Code, 2020
Scope and Salient Features of The Occupational Safety, Health and
Working Conditions Code, 2020
Objective of The Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions
Code, 2020
Contract Labour
Hazardous Process
Principal Employer
Contract labour
Basic Readings:
1. CLP’s Labour& Industrial Laws (With Latest Amendments) by S.N.
Mishra 29th Edition 2019. Part 9 Chapter III – IV – V
2. Occupational Health & Safety ... vs Union of India &Ors on 31 January,
10. Duties of Employer and Employees, etc 3 Hrs
Duties of Employer
Duties and responsibilities of owner, agent and manager in relation to
Notice of certain accident
Notice of certain dangerous occurrences.
Notice of certain diseases.
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
Name of School - Kirit P. Mehta School of Law
Basic Readings:
1. CLP’s Labour& Industrial Laws (With Latest Amendments) by S.N.
Misra 29th Edition 2019. Part 17
15. Inter-State Migrant Workers and Audio-Visual Workers 2 Hrs
Facilities to inter-State migrant workers.
Journey allowance.
Benefits of public distribution system, etc.
Toll free helpline.
Past liabilities.
Prohibition of employment of audio-visual worker without agreement
Basic Reading:
1. CLP’s Labour & Industrial Laws (With Latest Amendments) by S.N.
Misra 29th Edition 2019. Chapter 20 part 4
Basic Reading:
Text Books:
1. Taxmen’s New Labour& Industrial Laws – With Comparative Study, Charts & Tables of New and
Old Labour Laws | October 2020 Edition Paperback – 1 November 2020.
2. Commercial’s New Labour& Industrial Code – Edition December 2020.
3. Taxmann’s New Labour& Industrial Laws – Edition October 2020.
4. Industrial Relations Code, 2020.
5. Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020.
6. Text Basic to Advance Readings:
7. S.N. Mishra, CLP’s Labour& Industrial Laws (With Latest Amendments), 29th Edition Central Law
Publication. 2019.
8. Srivastava S.C., Industrial Relations and Labour Laws, Delhi, Vikas, (2020).
Reference Books:
1. Kapoor ND, Labour Laws, Sultan Chand & Sons, Delhi, Reprint 2020.
2. H. L. Kumar, Practical Guide to Factories Act [Edition 20019 - 2020] Universal Law Publishing
Co, 1 January 2019.
3. H. L. Kumar, Practical Guide to Industrial Disputes Act and Rules with Model Forms,
Universal Law Publishing Co, 2019.
Any other information:
1. Latest Updated Statutes, Act, Rules and Regulations and Case Law to be taught after
discussion in Multi-Campus Program Coordination (MPC) Meeting.
Signature Signature
(Prepared by Dr. Nazima Munshi (Approved by Dr. Durgambini Patel Dean)
& Tushar Krishnamani)