Fear of The Dark

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Light, Shadows and Reflections Class 6 Notes -

Chapter 11
Fear of the DarkIs Light a TravelerTransparent Opaque and Translucent ObjectsWhat are
ShadowsThe Pinhole CameraMirrors and ReflectionFrequently Asked Questions on CBSE Class 6
Science Notes Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflections

According to the CBSE Syllabus 2023-24, this chapter has been renumbered as Chapter 8.

Fear of the Dark

Light as a form of energy

 Light is the energy that enables us to see.
 Light is emitted from a source such as the Sun.
To know more about Light Energy, visit the link below;

Light Energy

Is Light a Traveler?

Rectilinear Propagation of Light

Light takes the quickest path between any two points. Therefore, light travels in a straight line.
This is known as a rectilinear propagation of light.
Transparent, Opaque and Translucent Objects

Luminous and Non-luminous Objects

 Objects that emit light and heat are known as luminous objects. For example, Sun and
other stars
 Objects that do not produce their own light but reflect the light emitted by luminous
objects are known as non-luminous objects. For example, the Earth and the trees

Transparent, Opaque and Translucent Objects

Objects can be classified based on their interaction with light.

 Transparent objects allow light to pass through them without getting scattered. For
example, glass
 Translucent objects allow light to pass through them partially. For example, Butter paper
 Opaque objects do not allow any light to pass through them. For example, a table, a book,
To know more about “Transparent, Opaque and Translucent Objects”, visit the link below;

Transparent, Translucent and Opaque

What are Shadows?

Shadow Formation
 A shadow is formed when an opaque object comes in the path of light.
 A shadow needs a screen where it is formed, for example, the ground, walls of a room or
even the surfaces of buildings.
 Shadows give us an idea about the shapes of different objects. Also, it can even mislead
us about the shape of different objects. E.g. the shadow of a cone appears to be a triangle
on the screen.

For more information on Shadow Formation, watch the below video

To know more about Shadow Formation, visit the link below;

Shadow Formation

The Pinhole Camera

Formation of Image by Pinhole Camera

 A pinhole camera is a simple camera that consists of a light-proof box, a thin film for a
screen and a small aperture or hole to allow the passage of light rays.
 The light from outside enters through the small hole and forms an image on the screen
that is inverted.
To know more about Pinhole Camera, visit the link below;

Pinhole Camera

Mirrors and Reflection

A mirror is a surface usually consisting of glass that reflects light incident on it to form clear
erect images.

When light is incident on a surface, it gets reflected or bounces back. Any surface that is really
well-polished or shiny acts like a mirror. The phenomenon of light bouncing off surfaces is
called reflection.

Characteristics of Images
 Images have colour, unlike shadows. They are formed due to the converging rays of light
that come after reflecting from objects.
 A real image is formed by the actual convergence of light rays. Real images always form
on a screen.
 A virtual image is the apparent convergence of diverging light rays. Virtual images
cannot be obtained on a screen.

Plane Mirrors and Images Formed by Them

A plane mirror changes the direction of light that falls on it.

This enables us to see images. Take the example of a comb placed in front of a mirror over a
dark-coloured paper. Let a beam of light pass through the comb on the mirror using a torch. Then
an image is observed similar to the one given :
We observe that the light gets reflected from this mirror, and it travels in straight lines.

To know more about Reflection on a Plan Mirror, visit the link below;

Reflection on a Plan Mirror

Learn more about the Light, Shadows, and Reflections from the topics given below:

Light Sources Nature of Light

Shadow Formation Reflection of Light

Frequently Asked Questions on CBSE Class 6 Science Notes

Chapter 11 Light Shadows and Reflections

What is the definition of light?

The energy derived from the sun, a lamp, etc., that allows you to see things is called light.

What is a range of visibility?

The horizontal distance (in kilometres or miles) at which a large dark object can just be seen
against the horizon sky in daylight.

What are the uses of spherical mirrors?

1. Used as a rear mirror 2. Security mirrors 3. Surveillance mirror

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