Assignmentdyads6 - 71455 - 4039886 - Assignment 4 - Method and Results Qualitative Draft-1

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Research Studio - Assignment 4 draft

Names: Ruichen Zhong & Shangwen Jiang

Group number: 6

Research question
You can now work some more on your qualitative research question(s). Formulate your
research question(s) below. You do not have to include hypotheses.
Research question(s)
What benefits do users recognize in using an online portfolio concerning the advantages of
Self-Directed Learning (SDL)?


1. List the facts that you need to add to your (assignment 3) participants and design
section. What additional information do you need to give about the participants?
What do you need to add to or change about the design? List all facts in as many
bullet points and you need.
Participants and design
 The sample size of the participants is 8 employees.
 Mixed- methods (qualitative and quantitative), only focus on quantitative part is not
sufficient to provide a deep understanding of SDL and address our research
 Theoretical sampling (unit of analysis): the positive perception of utilizing online
 To explore the utilization of the online learning portfolio, individuals were divided
into two groups: participants who are given access to the online portfolio are
identified as "users," and others who are not included in the experimental group, are
characterized as "non-users."
 Case sampling: participants who either use the online portfolio frequently or who
barely use it. (critical case sampling)
 In this study, at first, employees who never use the portfolios are excluded from the
sampling process since they cannot provide insights into the portfolios. Then we
divide employees who often use the portfolios (>15 times, interviewee A-D) and
employees who barely use the portfolios ( < 2 times, interviewee E-H).
2. Describe the interview scheme as part of the ‘Materials/Instruments’ section of the
Method. Present your coding scheme in replicable detail as part of the ‘Data
analysis’ section of the Method. For each (instrument and coding), write a full
A structured interview has been selected as the qualitative research method for collecting
data. The interviews were carried out in person, employing the interview protocol outlined
in table 1. Each participant responds to four questions related to their perceptions of the
online portfolio. The initial two questions focus on the reasons behind utilizing the
portfolio, followed by inquiries delving into the impact of the portfolio on the advancement
of the learning process.

Table 1
Interview protocol

Question Goal
Motive of using the portfolio:
1. Could you explain what made you decide to use 1. Find out participants motivation on the utilization of
the portfolio? the portfolio
2. What did you hope to gain from using the 2. Find out participants’ expectations and the outcome
learning portfolio? And did the portfolio meet
these expectations?
Effect of the portfolio:
3. To what extent did you feel that the portfolio 3. Investigate how the portfolio contributes to shaping
helped you with the formulation of your learning the learning requirements of the participants
4. To what extent did you feel that the portfolio 4. Explore how the portfolio is utilized to develop
helped you with making choices to address your additional plans in response to learning needs
learning needs?

Coding scheme (part of your data analysis section)

The coding of the statements will be arranged through multiple phases. In the first step,
interviewees’ responses will be divided into utterances. Then, the utterances which are
contributing to the research question will be separated and the rest will be categorized as
irreverent. Here are the categories that identify the advantages of using a portfolio in regard
to SDL:
 Motivation
 Enhancing self-awareness
 Formulating learning goals
 Facilitating peer collaboration
 Self-reflection
The coding process will be independently conducted by two researchers, and the outcomes
will be checked for interrater reliability.
Table 2
Rubric for the classification of utterances from the interview transcripts

Type of advantage Description Example

Motivation for learning Whether the statement shows I would like to start learning.
taking initiative into learning
Enhancing self-awareness Whether the statement indicates The portfolio made me realize that I
an increased understanding of struggle with time management.
one's strengths, weaknesses, or
areas for improvement through
the use of the portfolio.
Formulating learning goals Whether the statement highlights I always feel more purposeful and I can
the process of setting specific always figure out what should I do.
learning objectives or goals by
utilizing the portfolio.
Facilitating peer Whether the statement describes I can strategically plan our group project,
collaboration how the portfolio serves as a tool allocating tasks based on individual
for planning and collaborating strengths.
with peers on learning activities.
Self-reflection Whether the statement It enables me to critically assess my
emphasizes skills related to problem-solving skills.
critical self-evaluation and
reflection on one's learning
experiences using the portfolio.
Irrelevant Remarks that were not related to I don’t like the way when I do my work.
the above categories
3. List the facts that you need to add to your (assignment 3) procedure section. What
additional information do you need to give about the steps taken?
 After questionnaire responses were received, participants were randomly
distributed across a “user” group and a “non-user” group.
 Employees had access to the online learning portfolio for several weeks. After that,
some employees were approached, with permission from their managers, to give
interviews about their use of the online learning portfolio.
 Interviews were conducted face-to-face with the use of an interview protocol.
 Each interview took approximately 45 minutes.
 One of the employees who were approached declined to participate in the


Give an outline of the elements that your results section regarding the qualitative analyses
will contain. You have not yet analysed your data, so this will only be a description of what
you plan to mention; you do not present the results yet.

Results outline
Interview transcripts will be reported and analyzed then the results will be indicated.
Responses of the participants about the advantages will be clarified and results will be
shown. In addition, the research question will be answered. The explanation will proceed
by outlining the connection between the qualitative findings and the quantitative results

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