Pen-Harga Pt. Petrotec

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Cq : Bapak Hery Herlambang No. 0147/DAMISU/rev2/I/2023
Date 6-Mar-23
Payment terms :


Supply & Install Air Compressor System
NO Description Spec Qty uom @price Total Price
1 2 3 4 5 6 7(4x6)

I Supply & Install Compressor Pipe Line in Production Room

- Pipe 3" ( Main Line Pipe ) Galvanis Class B 108 mtr 249,500 26,946,000
- Pipe 2" ( Drop Point ) Galvanis Class B 12 mtr 195,000 2,340,000
- Ball Valve 3" PN25 showy 3 pcs 2,000,000 6,000,000
- Ball Valve 2" showy 5 pcs 585,000 2,925,000
- Ball Valve 1" showy 8 pcs 375,000 3,000,000
- Air Regulator 1" SMC 4 pcs 3,250,000 13,000,000
- Coupling ( Union ) 8 pcs 460,000 3,680,000
- Auto Draine ½" 2 pcs 1,500,000 3,000,000
- Flexible Hose ¾" 25 mtr 65,000 1,625,000
- Support & Bracket 1 lot 10,000,000 10,000,000
- Fitting Accessories 1 lot 10,000,000 10,000,000
- Consummable 1 lot 3,500,000 3,500,000
- Painting 1 lot 2,000,000 2,000,000
- Labour Cost 1 lot 25,000,000 25,000,000
TOTAL I 113,016,000
II Supply & Install Compressor Pipe Line in Compressor Room
- Pipe 4" ( Header Pipe ) Galvanis Class B 12 mtr 370,000 4,440,000
- Pipe Compressor Out 2" Galvanis Class B 2 unit 1,170,000 2,340,000
- Pipe 2" IN - OUT Presure Tank Galvanis Class B 2 unit 1,170,000 2,340,000
- Pipe 2" IN - OUT Air Dryer Galvanis Class B 2 unit 1,170,000 2,340,000
- Pipe 2" IN - OUT Bypass Filter Air Galvanis Class B 4 unit 877,500 3,510,000
- Pipe ½" Out Air Draine Galvanis Class B 1 lot 1,000,000 1,000,000
- Auto Draine ½" Electric elelctric 2 pcs 2,000,000 4,000,000
- Valve Compresssor -
Ball Valve 2" showy 4 pcs 975,000 3,900,000
- Valve Presure Tank -
Ball Valve 2" showy 4 pcs 585,000 2,340,000
- Valve Air Dryer -
Ball Valve 2" showy 10 pcs 585,000 5,850,000
- Valve Bypass Filter -
Ball Valve 2" showy 8 pcs 585,000 4,680,000

- Fitting Accessories : Flange 2", Ellbow 2", Tee 2", Reduccer 2", Gasket, Bolt joint
M16, Union 1 lot 6,000,000 6,000,000

- Bracket & Support 1 lot 6,000,000 6,000,000

- Painting 1 lot 2,000,000 2,000,000
- Consummable 1 lot 3,500,000 3,500,000
- Labour Cost 1 lot 38,000,000 38,000,000
- Tes & Commsssioning 1 lot 3,000,000 3,000,000
TOTAL II 95,240,000
III Supply & Install Cable Main Panel DB Compressor in Compressor Room

- Replace MCCB Existing in MSB ( MCCB 200A ) Include Cable DC 70mm &
Accessories Sneichder 1 lot 5,160,000 5,160,000

- Panel DB 200A ( Include : Box Panel Metal 600 x 800 x 300mm, Digital meter, Pilot
Lamp, CT, MCCB 200A, MCCB 100A, MCB 20A, MCB 10A ) 1 lot 22,300,000 22,300,000

- Cable Main 1c x 4 x 95mm from MSB NYA 85 mtr 1,250,000 106,250,000

- Cable Grounding ( Earth ) 1c x 35mm from MSB NYA 85 mtr 92,500 7,862,500
- Trunking Metal 3" x 3" Metal 85 mtr 168,000 14,280,000

- Cable Main 1c x 4 x 35mm from DB Compressor to Compressor Unit (@2 unit ) NYA 30 mtr 380,000 11,400,000

- Cable
unit )
Grounding ( Earth ) 1c x 10mm from DB Compressor to Compressor Unit (@2 NYA 30 mtr 36,500 1,095,000

- Isolator 3p 100A KATKO 2 pcs 2,150,000 4,300,000

- Cable Main 1c x 4 x 4mm + E2,5mm from DB Compressor to Air Dryer ( @2 Unit )

inculde : Isolator NYA 2 lot 760,000 1,520,000

- Stopkontak 13A ( Cable 2,5mm + Pipe Conduite PVC 20mm ) NYA 2 titik 560,000 1,120,000

- Lighting
geng )
( Cable 1c x 2 x 1,5mm + E 1,5mm + Pipe Conduite PVC 20mm & Switch 2 NYA 2 titik 420,000 840,000

- Unit Lamp T8 T8 Visalux 2 pcs 120,000 240,000

- Labour Cost 1 lot 35,000,000 35,000,000
TOTAL III 211,367,500
IV Compressor Room 1 LOT 75,000,000
- Pasir Cor -
- Semen -
- Triplek 9mm -
- Batu bata Ringan -
- Besi Cor 12mm -
- Plafon Gypsum -
- Listplank & Rangka -
- Besi holo 2" x 2" -
- Consummable -
- Cat Tembok -
- Cat Minyak -
- Kusen & Pintu -
- Labour Cost -
TOTAL IV 75,000,000

TOTAL I, II, III & IV Rp 494,623,500

Terbilang : Empat ratus sembilan puluh empat juta enam ratus dua puluh tiga ribu lima ratus rupiah
Remarks : Sub Total 494,623,500
See the attachment document diskon
Contact Person : +62 81277038840 ( Zulham Efendy ) PPN ( % )
Biaya Lain lain
Total Rp 494,623,500

Term & Conditions :

Payment terms : 30 % DP, 70% Next Payment Work Progress

Validity qoutation : 2 Week

Zulham Efendy

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